Speeding Ch. 12 free porn video

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‘I’m sorry I haven’t been home, sweetheart,’ Reid apologized to his daughter. Between the ongoing murder investigation and the recent kidnapping, he was logging more hours than he wanted, but in a department of eight, there was little he could do.

”S’okay, Dad. Me and Kendall have been keeping busy,’ she told him, a giggle in her voice.

Why was she laughing? ‘Should I be worried?’

‘Um… No.’ She laughed in earnest then, her soft girly chuckle making him want to see her face light up. ‘Just remember—it was all Kendall’s idea.’

He wondered what his beautiful fiancee had done to their house and shuddered. ‘Please tell me nothing is pink.’


Jason and Chris strode toward him then, both their faces grim. ‘Gotta go, sweetheart. I love you.’

He swore he could hear her smile against the phone. ‘Love you, too.’

He couldn’t believe how much he loved that little girl, no matter that he hadn’t known about her a few short months ago. The smile on his lips faded when Chris and Jason reached his desk. ‘Bad news?’

‘They’re going Ayles County vs McClaren. We’re just asked to provide testimony and hand our evidence to the prosecutor’s office.’ Jason’s words were clipped, his anger evident. ‘We did everything for this case. We were the ones on-scene, it was our collar.’

Reid knew with the jurisdictional issues, a county prosecution was the only way to go. ‘They’re not discontinuing our involvement. If anything, going county puts us and Tyler on equal footing.’

‘Theoretically,’ Chris spat.

Skipping over the shitstorm brewing in Jason’s eyes and the tense muscle in Chris’s jaw, Reid asked, ‘Easton trying her?’

‘Everett can’t.’

Right. He felt like slapping his hand against his forehead. Of course Cassidy Everett couldn’t prosecute this case. Eying the board behind Chris, Reid moved on, ‘If you’re done with the pity party, let’s get back to the murder investigation.’

‘Yes, let’s,’ Jason practically growled.

Reid didn’t know what was up with his usual partner, but he didn’t like it. ‘What the fuck is up your ass?’

Jason didn’t answer, ignoring Reid’s question altogether. ‘Beverly Shaw did it.’

Reid narrowed his eyes. If Jason didn’t want to tell him what was wrong, so be it. He had more important things to do. ‘Prove it.’

‘I will,’ Jason promised before walking away.

He might not have time to figure out what was eating Jason, but he sure as shit didn’t have time to deal with him acting like an ass. Turning to Chris, he asked, ‘What the fuck was that?’

‘Damned if I know,’ Chris answered with a shrug. ‘He was foul earlier today too. Just let him go.’

Reid needed Jason to solve this murder, he didn’t need him to run off and sulk about the McClaren case any more than he needed to ignore the Shaw case. The Commonwealth’s Attorney had spoken, and they had to accept that.


‘It’s perfect!’ Annie exclaimed.

Kendall appraised their handiwork and dusted her hands across her jean clad thighs. ‘What do you think your Dad will say?’

Deepening her voice to mimic Reid, she grumbled, ‘At least it’s not pink,’ barely managing to get the words out before dissolving into a fit of giggles.

Kendall couldn’t help but laugh along with with her. Reid’s guest room had been turned into a purple haven for Annie, the walls a pretty grape color, the fabrics black and white floral, and the new bright white desk housed a sleek laptop. She felt it was the least they could do, and since Reid refused to take money from Kendall for the bills, she had plenty to make Annie’s room truly hers. ‘He’ll love that you have a room that’s a reflection of you,’ she finally said.

‘I hope so. We used three coats of paint. This place will be purple forever!’

Kendall couldn’t help but grin. After all Annie had been through, she didn’t expect her to smile and giggle so easily. ‘He loves us. He wouldn’t care if we painted the whole house pink.’

Annie shook her head, the curly tail of her braided hair hitting her in the chin. ‘He’d hate pink.’

‘Maybe, but if it made us happy, he’d live with it. That’s just the way he is.’

Annie’s eyes widened with recognition. ‘I’ve never known anyone like that.’

‘Me either, sweetie.’ Kendall crossed to hug the girl close. ‘Me either.’


Jason slammed his fist on his desk. Beverly Shaw had killed her daughter, proof or not. Given her explosion at the Caufield’s house a few days before, and what Reid had reported she’d said, he was sure the key was the Reverend. Beverly was hellbent on putting things back in order, upset that things and people were out of place. He wondered what kind of punishment the good reverend dished out when things weren’t correct in his house. If Amy had planned on coming back to Aylesford, if she was trying to straighten herself out and reclaim Annie, then Beverly’s world was about to become disordered. Determined to keep things as they were, she killed Amy, and for some reason disposed of the body in Aylesford instead of using the anonymity of Sheridan to her advantage. Sentiment, perhaps? He knew he was right, but how to prove it? He looked at the notes he’d scribbled on his pad. Was the Reverend involved? Did he know what happened between his wife and his estranged daughter?

Chris and Reid may have accepted the loss of the McClaren case, and he knew he had to as well, but taking a backseat to Tyler, to the asshole Brandon Davis made him sick. Beverly might not be a seasoned criminal, but she hadn’t left much of a trail to follow, and what they did have was circumstantial and shaky at best. The only way to make something stick would be to make the woman confess—not an easy feat.

He found himself staring into Adrienne’s office, his feet having taken him there without his conscious knowledge. She was autopsying Gerald Potter and oblivious to his presence in the hallway, so he watched her work. He grimaced at himself. Only he would think a woman cutting apart a dead old man would be interesting.

‘I know you’re there, Monroe,’ Adrienne said while making note of organ weight. ‘Since I know you’re not here for this guy, I have to assume it’s about Miss Shaw.’

‘How did you?’ he asked, sure she hadn’t seen him.

‘Mirror,’ she answered. ‘Now, why are you here?’

Caught, he answered truthfully, ‘I’m not really sure.’

‘You just had to see me?’ she asked as she finished the routine procedure. Gerald Potter was seventy four and although she was fairly certain he had died of a natural heart attack, she had to check—there was a considerable amount of money left to his children and grandchildren, and it was her job to insure he wasn’t helped along to the great hereafter by one of his beneficiaries. Jason showing up threw her off her game, she was used to working alone and was not ready for a gorgeous, brooding man to appear. Focusing instead on the real reason he’d come to her and not the reasons she hoped he had, she asked, ‘Caufield know you’re here?’

‘He wouldn’t care anyway.’

She was sure he was wrong about that. Reid Caufield was fully engaged in the case, and if Jason had something for her, she knew he would be involved. ‘Yes he would, and you know it. So, really, why are you here?’

He strode across the room, ending up a few inches from her on the other side of the old, dead man. ‘Look, I don’t know why I came here, but now I’m leaving.’

Maybe she wasn’t crazy. Or, he would hate her for what she was about to do. Grabbing his jacket, she pulled him to her. ‘You came for this,’ she whispered before capturing his lips with her own.

Maybe this was why he’d ended up with and not anywhere else. He leaned forward to take the kiss deeper, and smashed thigh into Mr. Potter’s head. Reluctantly breaking the kiss, he asked, ‘Maybe we could take this somewhere more private?’

Eyes glassy with lust, she
just stared for a second, finally blinking twice and making a startled sound. She’d gone all-in kissing him, and he hadn’t just kissed her back, he had devoured her. Still, she had to be sure. ‘You mean?’

What the hell else could she have meant when she’d kissed him like that? ‘I do.’

His pale blue eyes had gone hot, and all she could do was turn around and bite back the squeal that wanted to break free. Smiling, she turned to face him. ‘Help me finish up here and I’ll go with you anywhere.’

‘Anywhere, huh?’

She shook her head. True as that might be, admitting it wasn’t the smartest thing she’d said today. ‘Just help me.’

‘I’m yours to direct,’ he offered. ‘Do with me what you will.’


‘Just sit there and think about what you’ve done.’ He stood four feet from his wife, her soft sobs the only acknowledgment she’d heard him. ‘You told me you could fix this, you promised you would put everything in its place.’

‘I didn’t mean to lose her.’

He crossed to her, stopped a foot from her seat on a hard kitchen chair. ‘You didn’t mean to do a lot of things, Beverly.’ He stared down at her, his eyes hard and his lips pursed. ‘How can we teach others if we cannot keep our own house in order? How can we be closer to God if our life is in disarray?’

She flinched. She knew chaos and disorder were of the devil while order and perfection were of God. Amy had not accepted that, and now Annie had turned her back on order as well. Reid Caufield had turned them both against her, against the Reverend, against God. ‘We need to kill him,’ she stated. ‘He is the reason Amy went down the wrong path, he is the reason Annie is no longer where she belongs.’

He stared down at his wife for a long moment. She had promised to submit and obey nearly forty years ago, and had always done just that, her latest outburst resulting in fines from the Tyler police notwithstanding. ‘How do you suggest we do that?’

She swallowed as she thought. ‘He’s a policeman. Surely that’s a dangerous job.’



‘Baby, I’m home,’ Reid announced as he walked through the front door. Nothing looked different just yet, the living room and kitchen spotlessly clean, but decorated as they had been. The sound of giggling pulled him down the hallway.

‘Dad!’ Annie exclaimed as she took a flying leap into his arms.

He caught her easily and dropped a kiss on top of her curly blonde head. ‘Hey kiddo. So, what was it I shouldn’t be worried about but was all Kendall’s idea?’

She giggled again and dragged him into what used to be the guest room. Now it was purple, with black and white curtains and bedding, new glossy white furniture and a laptop. ‘You love it?’ he asked his daughter.

‘Love it? It’s perfect!’ She sat on the bed, bouncing slightly and knocking a stuffed panda over. ‘Kendall let me pick everything, and she didn’t care if it wasn’t what she thought was right, or if things didn’t match. She said I could make my room however I wanted as long as I promised not to let it become a pigsty.’

He took in the huge grin across his daughter’s face and the matching smile on Kendall’s. They had enjoyed the weekend decorating this room, and while he hated that he hadn’t been able to help, he loved that the two of them were becoming a unit. ‘Kendall won’t abide anyone letting the house become a pigsty. You should’ve seen it when it was just me here.’

Kendall pinched her nose. ‘He was a bachelor. They are not known for being clean.’

‘Pizza all the time?’ Annie asked.

‘Not all the time,’ Reid answered with a chuckle. ‘Sometimes I had drive-thru.’

‘And then you met me,’ Kendall put in.

He wrapped his fiancee in his arms. ‘I wouldn’t change a thing.’

‘No?’ Annie asked. She knew Kendall and her Dad wanted her, they told her all the time, but she still wondered if they really wanted a kid invading their house, taking their time. Her grandparents resented her, saw her as a problem and not a child. ‘Not a thing,’ he promised, and Annie let out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding.

‘We went clothes shopping, too,’ Kendall said. ‘We found the perfect dresses for Reece and Cass’s wedding, and some other stuff, too.’

‘We leave for the wedding on Friday after school,’ Reid said with a smile. We’ll fly in, drive down and stay at Cass’s house.’

‘I was wondering what the plan was—I’m kind of surprised you had time to set that up working both cases.’

Reid dropped a kiss on Kendall’s head. ‘I know, and I’m sorry I haven’t been home.’ He winced. ‘Madelyn set everything up.’

‘So, everyone is staying there, huh?’ Kendall asked, her voice a little squeaky.

He squeezed her, pulling Annie into his embrace as well. ‘They are, and it will be great. We’ll only be there for the weekend.’

‘It’s not that I don’t want to be with your family,’ Kendall started, stopping with a sigh.

He kissed her quickly. ‘I know, and Mad really isn’t as bad as you think. Besides, we’ll be married soon.’

‘So, I’ll have to get used to her?’

Annie laughed. ‘Sounds like.’ She paused, biting her lip as she thought. ‘She’s married to uncle Ryder, right?’

Reid nodded. ‘Your aunt Madelyn and uncle Ryder will be there, along with your grandparents. It’s a small wedding, so you won’t have to worry about meeting all your cousins at once, though.’

Annie’s shoulders relaxed. ‘I still don’t know what to say.’ She played with her ponytail. ‘I mean, ‘Hi, you don’t know me, but I’m Reid’s daughter he never knew about,’ isn’t a great opening.’

Kendall pulled from Reid’s arm to wrap Annie in her own. ‘All the important people know the story, and the ones that don’t aren’t important.’

‘Still. It’s weird.’

‘If anyone gives you a hard time, come get me,’ Reid asked her. He didn’t anticipate there being a problem—his family knew, and were supportive. Anyone else didn’t matter.

‘We love you, sweetheart, and so do the rest of the Caufields. That’s all that matters,’ Kendall assured.

Somehow, Annie didn’t think it would be that easy, but kept it to herself. Her Dad had enough on his mind without worrying about how his brother’s friends would react to her. So, she just said the most important thing she could. ‘I love you, too.’


Adrienne couldn’t believe Jason was following her home. He had helped her with the remainder of the autopsy, worked beside her to clean up and put away her tools, and now he was coming to her apartment. She’d been lusting after him ever since her first day on the job, and despite that had built a friendship with him. To know he wanted her too was incredible. She wished she’d worn something sexy beneath her gray slacks and white blouse, but she wasn’t a fancy woman. Come to think of it, she wasn’t really a sexy woman, either. Sure, she was pretty enough when she put effort into it, but usually she was dressed for work and dealing with dead people.

Jason Monroe, however, was sex personified. With his dark hair and ice blue eyes, he was movie star gorgeous, and she knew he was a boxer and a regular at the gym. Her hands itched to touch what she knew would be sculpted muscles, her mouth watered to taste what she was sure would be an impressive cock. She shook her head at herself. Jason was coming home with her, but he’d only kissed her once. Maybe he was just being polite, maybe he didn’t want to sleep with her. She made the decision to let him take the lead, and hoped she wanted to go down whatever path he sent her.

Jason followed Adrienne’s silver Pathfinder to her apartment complex, the things he wanted to do to her, needed to do with her flooding his mind. She was the smartest woman he knew, but she’d been completely unaware of his near obsession with her. She was the woman he thought of when he jacked off in the morning, sometimes making him thankful for the frigid temperature of the morgue when he had to go see her
during the day. She was tall and curvy, and he wanted his hands on all those luscious curves.

Adrienne parked in her assigned spot, Jason pulling in to the visitor’s parking to her right. The moment of truth. She turned to walk over to him and found herself pressed against her car door, his mouth fused to hers in a mind-bending kiss. One of his hands was on her ass, the other finding its way beneath her blouse to tease her right nipple. They had to stop. She broke from the kiss to say, ‘We need to get inside or we’ll pull a Reid and Kendall.’

He pulled away slightly to look at her. They were outside and he’d shoved her against a truck door. He was acting like Reid, and although that had had gotten his friend his perfect woman, it had also resulted in her stalker. ‘Race you to the door,’ he said and quickly walked away. Running was out of the question in his current state.

Adrienne watched him speed walk toward the door, his hands covering the significant bulge covered by his button fly jeans. She couldn’t wait to reveal the thick shaft behind that fly, couldn’t wait to feel it in her mouth, her hands, her pussy. She pushed off the door and followed him.

She unlocked the door and ran inside to the bathroom at top speed. She might know beyond a shadow Jason wanted her, but she still didn’t want him to see her serviceable beige bra and white cotton panties. She stripped quickly, tossing her clothes in the hamper, and gave herself a cursory look in the mirror, making note of her flushed cheeks, bright eyes, and swollen lips. Her eye traveled lower, taking in her slightly larger than she’d like breasts and freshly shaven mound. She was ready for him, and didn’t want to waste any more time alone in her tiny bathroom.

She had run down the hall as soon as they’d gotten in the door, so he made himself comfortable on her overstuffed couch. He hoped she wasn’t having second thoughts. He was having second, third, and fourth thoughts about ravaging her, and prayed he would be allowed to bring his fantasies into reality. After being pulled from the McClaren case and getting nowhere on the Shaw case, he was more than ready to have something he wanted come to pass. Or just come. Hard. Many, many times.

He looked up to see her walk down the hallway fully nude and he wanted to jump up and pin her to the floor, but forced himself stay where he was. She had a plan and he was going to let her follow it through.

She sat on the floor between his spread knees, and laid her head on his left thigh. ‘Take off your shirt, Jason,’ she breathed before working the buttons free on his fly. She grinned when she was greeted with a long, thick cock just beneath the denim. ‘You mean to tell me you’ve been commando this whole time? If I had known…’ she trailed off, choosing instead to engulf his length in her mouth. She loved the feel of him on her tongue, the taste of him in her mouth and couldn’t help herself but to swallow as much of him as she could. Her gag reflex kicked in before she could take him all, but that didn’t stop her from making her way up and down the wide shaft, running her tongue around the tip like an popsicle and taking him as deep as she could again and again.

He couldn’t let her finish him. He wrapped his fingers in her thick caramel hair and pulled her face up despite her sounds of protest. ‘I need my mouth on you, Adrienne,’ he rasped.

Although she wanted to pout, she couldn’t pass up Jason’s mouth on her. She switched places with him and nearly screamed when he buried his face in her folds.

She tasted better than he’d dreamed, and he dove into her, moving his tongue in tight circles, finally suckling her clit into his mouth when he slid two fingers into her, reveling in her mindless scream when she came all over his face.

‘Need you, Jason, I need you now,’ she panted.

‘I don’t have a—’ he started.

‘I’ve seen the reports, I know you’re clean. Just put that beautiful cock in me before I die.’

He scooped her into his arms and walked them down the narrow hallway to the single bedroom at the end. ‘The couch is not the place for what I have in mind,’ he whispered before taking her lips in a long, hungry kiss.

He laid her on the bed, following her down to brace himself on his forearms. ‘You don’t know how many times I’ve thought about this,’ he said as he slid into her in one stroke.

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After little struggle Priya given up resistance, Karthik slowly managed to bring her hands down from her chest and his hands quickly took over that area. His hands slowly started to play with Priya’s firm round breasts, Priya looked so vulnerable and stood motionlessly. After squeezing and playing with her breasts for few minutes, he turned her around and for the first time looked at her firm breasts. He then said “thanks Priya… you have such a beautiful body”, he couldn’t waste any more time,...

4 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 238

It seemed like we had been traveling for days when we finally landed in Italy. We were met at the Rome Airport by a representative of the company which owned the freighter. They wanted to made sure that we were on time for the sailing of the ship. To that end the driver drove like a mad man. I allowed Andrew to ride in the front seat without argument. The Brit was sandwiched between me and the Russian chic. Our bags were tied everywhere on the SUV. None the less we made it in time for the...

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First Cock I Sucked

After my wife left me for another man I have to admit I went a bit loony. My sex life mostly consisted of reading a lot of porn and masturbating. Sometime during this period I went from being very straight to having thoughts about cock.There used to be little porn theaters in the Hollywood area. One night while I was sitting in the back row watching a couple going at it on the screen a guy came in a sat right next to me. Before I could react he pulled his cock out, it was already hard, and...

4 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 2 Now for the present

My depression had the effect of making me lose my appetite for anything. I had lost huge amounts of weight and although it meant that shopping was cheaper, it also meant that nothing I owned really fitted anymore. I had dropped from a thirty-eight waist, to a thirty-two and trousers were a definite problem. All of them hung on me like I was a wire coat hanger and without a belt to hold them up there was no way they would stay where they were supposed to. For the moment though, I didn't need...

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Dorm Room Fun

This story happened to me awhile ago when I was 20 and going to school at an SEC school. It was pretty much your typical Friday afternoon. Everyone was getting done with classes and starting to drink and party for the night. The difference was, that tomorrow was the first football game of the year and our school was supposed to have a pretty good team this year. This being the case, there were a lot of people that had come into town to watch the game. This always made things more fun around...

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Without a Compass

I thought of it as 'either or', not 'something and'. Sex I mean, specifically sexual relationships. You navigated through sex because certain things were a given. One of those was that my wife Jilly was not a lesbian. I mean, she had never shown the slightest sexual interest in women. Lesbian themes on TV or film appeared to be distasteful to her. But then she met Adele and my life became unhinged. Unhinged because I didn't believe that I knew Jilly anymore. Unhinged because I didn't understand...

2 years ago
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The New World

Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2008 07:01:36 -0700 (PDT) From: Sharon Pinder Subject: THE NEW WORLDWarning: This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts between women.  If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it.Author's Note:This story is the property of the author. It can be downloaded for personal reading pleasure or sending to a friend, but if you wish to re-post them at your own site, please contact the author for...

3 years ago
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fist cottage experience

when i was a teen i discovered holes in toilet walls ,i had been turfed out by my mums latest boyfriend and i was put in care .i hated it mile away from friends living with a mean old welsh woman and her husband,hence i started hanging around the local park to keep out of the way stella didnt like us hanging around the house.i had been in the town witch i had discovered there was a second hand book shop where you buy porn mags for pence if you didnt mind the odd page stuck together.the old guy...

3 years ago
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Window of Opportunity

Frank was all alone and had exhausted all available ways of entertainment. Forty, divorced five years back, and with a few friends, he was pondering what to do that evening. That was when he looked out of the bedroom window and saw the apartment next to his. A man wearing only jeans was doing exercises. Frank wondered whether he was so desperate to look at half-naked men. Frank sat in front of his laptop and checked his mail. Apart from the usual stuff, there was a message from Amanda who...

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The last incubus king

I let out a sigh as i walk into my house. "Empty as always." I muttered to myself, as i walk towards my kitchen. I wasn't really in the mood to cook anything big and fancy, so i just made some noodles. I went to the living room, and sat down on my couch. I turned on some TV, it was some stupid run of the mill sitcom but whatever. It will do for now. As i ate that creeping feeling of........ I wanna call it despair? I mean it'a not that bad, but i can't really think of anything else to call it...

1 year ago
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Breaking Article 134 Ch 08

The jangling ring of the phone woke me up a few hours later. ‘Hello?’ I rubbed my face and tried not to yawn. ‘Are you okay?’ I frowned and rubbed my face again. ‘Sir?’ ‘Yes. Are you okay?’ I could hear the sounds of people behind him. He was in a store or something. ‘I fractured my foot, sir.’ He muttered something. ‘What’d they do?’ ‘Put it in a cast. How’d you get this number, sir?’ ‘Are you on Quarters?’ ‘No, sir. Don’t call me again.’ ‘Remember the arrangement we made?’ ...

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The Night Out Part 2

Opting against going to a club i end up in a bar shooting some pool and amusing myself why you go dancing. Dancing with your friends you lay eyes on a brunette in the corner who is staring at you, almost to the point shes waving at you and making it clear shes checking you out. Continuing to give her a good show you dance away and ignore her as you enjoy the evening, but still liking the extra attention your recieving. The night wears on and whilst your at the club i have been making a name for...

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Indecent Exposure

I first noticed how much Casey, the girl next door had changed. Her freshman year at Harvard had ended and she was home for the summer. One morning as I walked to my car, I heard, “Good morning, Officer Hunter.”I looked over, saw her standing there holding the morning paper in her hand. She was wearing a pair of very short shorts and a bikini top that revealed just enough to stir one’s fertile imagination. “Good morning, Casey,” I replied as I opened the car door.This was the routine for a...

1 year ago
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GirlsOnlyPorn Lena Anderson Whitney Wright Taking What You Want

Whitney Wright has always had a bit of a thing for her friend Lena Anderson. She doesn’t know that the feeling is mutual. The girls are having a fun afternoon flipping through wedding magazines, and eventually the romantic setting gets to Whitney. She decides to throw caution to the wind and make her move on her BFF. Imagine Whitney’s delight when Lena is super into their kiss. They kick off a makeout session that grows in passion the longer it goes on. Their hands are everywhere,...

4 years ago
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Angry sex with my best friends wife

This story is fiction and all the characters are fictitious in the story. Hope you will love the story.I told my buddy Tom on several occasions to leave the stupid bitch he married. Tom is my best friend and I hate to say this but he is a wimp and calling him hen pecked does not even come close to describing his relationship with that slut. For whatever reason he is happy with her, he seems to actually thrive on being used by that women. She is very hot and way out of his league, I am not sure...

1 year ago
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Watching Porn Leads To Banging Mom For A Son And His Friend

“I have got one with group sex in it”, said Abdul excitedly. “Can I come over now?” “Yes, come quickly.” I replied, “Mom has gone to grandma’s place”. My Friend Abdul and I used to watch a lot of porn together. He used to buy them from vendors selling pirated DVD copies near railway stations. Both of us were horny 18 years old and this incident happened in the summer of the year 2008. It was summer break and we had a lot of free time. I live with my parents in Pune city. My name is Sumeet. My...

1 year ago
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Class Reunion The Bet

Class Reunion: the Bet Copyright© 2008/2012 by Stultus Description: I was willing to bet my life savings and future domestic happiness that my best friend, a romantically irresistible force and Sex God, couldn’t seduce my fiancée. The odds seemed impossible – no other woman had ever resisted his overpowering sex appeal before, forewarned or not. Could my Ice Princess remain an immovable object and resist the overwhelming urge to cheat? Genre: Romantic Codes: MF, Romance, Mind Control, Slow...

2 years ago
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Chapter 2 continued

Leaving her house for the store it is just another Hot an muggy day , the normal Noon traffic has her waiting in the stop an go traffic that can even piss off the nicest of sunday preachers . evey so often a car with guy's pull along side and she has to deal with them gawking at her . some can tell an some can't . either way it is stll one hella thing to have to deal with . she would feel better about this crap if she could just get into the ac of the local mall . trying to catch the tail end...

1 year ago
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Sissy Awakening Pt 1

This is my first story and charts how I began to question my sexuality, my desires, my needs. I had just turned 19, still living at home, a typical young horny single guy lusting after girls, too shy to ever actually talk to them however. Occasionally I found myself staring at guys, twinks like me, cute, slim, styled hair, tight t-shirts...only to catch myself staring and looking away red faced and confused. Sexually frustrated my routine would be to come home from work, lock myself in my room...

4 years ago
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One More Time

If I don't keep my hands busy I'm gonna be gone faster then I can think about it. Hopefully this will calm my nerves. This is something that has been on my mind for a long time. Depression is...well it hurts more then I have let on. I am being kept here by the selfish need to keep people happy and the fact that death hurts in more then one way. [I]~Jesus Christ. When will this be over? Am I going to have to sit here and hurt for the rest of my life? Failure, after failure, moving from person...

3 years ago
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Seasons of The Heart Fall Ch 04

The next few days went off without many problems. Occasionally Claire would find him looking at her, his gaze intent on her, but other than looking, he made no moves for her. Part of her was disappointed, but on the other hand, she reminded herself, that that was what she had wanted. Finally the day of the art museum trip came and she and her classmates prepared for the trip. They would be walking, as the museum wasn’t far from the campus. As the students, bundled up in scarves and hats,...

3 years ago
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My Stepson Stud Amit

I married Om for her money. In fact, I am a whore, a fucking whore who cant live without enough money and enough cock. Om Parkash is a 65 years old widower who has more money than he needs. Marrying him brought me money. But where should I get cock from? He could not raise his limp cock even on teh first nght of our marriage. I crsed myself for missing my real fucklife. But on the very third day, a young man of 30 came to our house. He broght light in my otherwise dull fuck-life. He was Amit,...

4 years ago
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Holy Fuck Ch 01

Author’s note: This is another Melanie piece, an enchanted few days on a Scottish island. My thanks to my muse for her inspiration, and help with editing. Profound thanks also to raconteuse, who painstakingly edited, and smoothed away the jaggy edges. I’m deeply indebted to both of them. Thanks also to my loyal readers, who have stayed with me through my sometimes erratic posting history. The second and last part of this story has been written, edited, and will be posted in the next few...

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Young Hypnotist Jesse Day 1

They both got home after school and went their separate ways once they got inside and spent the next two hours separate until their parents got home from work to start dinner. The peace didn’t last for long as there was a loud thud when Anna threw his door open. “Hey, you wanna see what I learned”. “Ugh, can’t you see I’m busy” Jesse responded “Yes I can, but your definitely going to like this one.” She said back and plopped down onto his bed while she waited for him to log out. “Ok, what’s...

1 year ago
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Becoming Brandee Chapter Twelve

Disclaimer: Like all chapters of the Brandee series, this one is inteded for adult readers only. Becoming Brandee, Chapter Twelve I am now in my fourth month of my tour of gentleman's clubs and adult bookstores and I am really enjoying myself. Julie came out a few weekends ago and had such a fun time watching me in my glory. She says she is going to finish up her Doctorial work sooner than expected and that we might get some more time together. I would really enjoy that as I...

2 years ago
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The Ravens Fly At Night RevisedChapter 5 New Moon Different Day

After leaving my resignation letter, I went home only long enough to dump six months of ill-laundered clothes that would probably never become clean again, and grabbed the remaining part of my casual wardrobe that I hadn't taken on tour, and threw it all into a different overnight bag. After checking over six months of accumulated mail (my rent was automatically debited from my checking account and I had no other recurring monthly bills that I hadn't paid while on the road), I skipped town...

3 years ago
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Camping Trip Chapter 4

*Wednesday Evening*  After dinner we went back to the hotel. Taking the elevator up to our floor, Beth pressed me against the wall as she kissed me. Kissing her back, my hands grabbed her firm arse cheeks. I pulled her to me as our kiss became more passionate. When the doors opened, an elderly couple where waiting to enter. We broke our kiss, and they smiled as we exited holding hands. Entering the room, I walked over to the jacuzzi tub to turn on the taps. Beth walked over and poured in some...

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Just the Thought of You Ch 02

© 2014 Brunne * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Okay, lovely readers — some more of Stephanie and Jarod’s story (chapter 2 of 3). For those reading for the first time, you will want to go back and read: * PART ONE – ‘Under My Skin’ * PART TWO – ‘Deep in the Heart of Me’ …otherwise not much of these chapters will make much sense! For those of you who have waited all this time to read more and have kept me going with your encouragement – thank you. You are awesome. x Brunne *...

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for ms milf

I saw her first when I went to get admission into her class. She was reputed as the best English teacher at the time. I was there all by myself and stood there, watching her. She was sitting in a chair, jotting down names, addresses and marks of the applicants and the fees received in a register. Most others had one or both of their parents with them. I was the only loner. She glanced at me briefly as she kept talking to the other students and their parents. Finally she turned to me and asked,...

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Forever of the Wood

Daniel rose from his chair with a groan, wondering how many more times he might be able to accomplish it without help. As he picked up his cane from the table in his wrinkled left hand, he could almost hear old man Johanson's words echoing back to him from across the many long years. My time is almost up, Daniel. I can feel it in my bones. Don't you bother telling me it ain't, 'cause I know better. He understood now — standing in almost the exact same spot as the man who had been as a...

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Sujatar bhalobasabengali

Ranna ghor theke berieiii sujatar mone porlo ek boddo bhul hoe gechhe..chintur tiffin-box tai school bag e deoa hoyni.bechara aj school e ki khabe ei bhebe sujata nijer uporei rag korlo.chintu,sujatar ekmatro chhele,kolkatar ek convent school e class-7 e pore.Sujata ranna ghor theke berie sofay ese boslo.ajkaal kemon jeno hoe jachhe se.sob kichutei bhulo mon r mejaj tao khitkhite hoe jache.chokh bondho kore nijer songei nije kotha bolte thake se.sujatar age 35.joubon jeno tar puro posra sajie...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Maya Woulfe Theodora Day My Selfish Stepsister Needs Dick

Maya Woulfe and Theodora Day are gossiping about girls at school when Theodora’s stepbrother, Jay Romero, walks in on them. Theodora tries to involve Jay in the hot gos, but Jay just tells her that she makes everything about herself and stalks away. The next day, the girls are once again gossiping when Jay sees them. This time, he watches Maya compliment Theodora’s tits while lifting Theodora’s shirt for a better look. Running into the room, Jay tugs Theodora’s shirt...

2 years ago
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Making our Baby

Making Our Baby There comes a time in a young woman’s life when the love for her man becomes so true she cannot imagine it ever changing. For some, it proves to be an ethereal and elusive moment that is eventually lost in time, never to be rediscovered. For a lucky few, it is what it seems, a harbinger to a lifetime of wedded bliss…  Julie felt the steamy air rise up through the bubbles covering the surface of the bath. The pleasantly warm vapor enveloped her in its embrace like a soft...

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Face Sitting

I love to eat a woman with her straddling my face. Nothing turns me on more than that moment when her climax is all consuming and her need for release removes all rational and petty thoughts from her mind. Stabilizing herself on my forehead and thrusting her pelvis up and down into my face for her own selfish pleasure and needs, it is pure delight. The following is one of my favorite stories on that same subject that I like to relive in my thoughts whenever I need a little erotic escape. I had...

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Fucking my girlfriends mother Sanjana

Hi.. i am from bangalore. this is a story a year ago. my friend who is also my neighbuor lives with his mom and his father who is a railway engineer. my friend sachin is fond of movies. and his father is always busy on his work..sachin’s mother name is sanjana.she is almost 37.. i am 18.my mom who used to go to work and comes back only at 6.i used to go to sachin’s house everyday.when sachin had gone out. i used to sit and chat with sanjana for sometime. she was a good friend of my mother.Our...

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Gay Time Play Time My First Master2

I’m standing out the front of my friend’s house on a Thursday night, I know he’s camping with his parents which is why I’ve come over. At 18 I stand 5 ft 8” tall, I’m of slender build with a bubble butt fit for a girl! I try to stay active and look in alright shape but I was never born to look like a body builder, there’s just no fat on me … or muscle for that matter. I have blonde scruffy hair that I have been told is ‘cute’ and my hazelnut eyes shine in the moonlight. It’s a warm night so...

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victim of the bad girls club part two

Introduction: Scarletts tempted by enough man, but sonnys cock has a lot to offer. Sonny though back on the night they had spent together it was over two weeks ago now and he was convicted she was the one, although she hadnt spent much time with him since that night. he couldnt let someone so demanding out of his head. Little did he know he had just become enough victim of the bad girls club. He didnt know why he couldnt get her out of his head, she was just a stunning girl but he knew little...

2 years ago
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Cheaters Never Win Part 1

She clawed at my back as I pushed deeper. The harder my strokes the more she moaned and the more she moaned the harder my strokes became. I continued to pound her smaller body underneath me as I heard her cry for more. I trusted harder as I did this I also sucked her tits knowing soon we would both climax and as I sucked her succulent breasts and groped her peachy ass she orgasmed sending her body even more tender to my touch. A couple more sucks and strokes and I came right there right...

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