It’s A Hard Life free porn video

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It’s a weird country I live in, and it’s a hard life. For years we couldn’t get a reading out of the rain gauge for the dust in the bottom of it, if it rained, I think that’s when this wet stuff falls from the sky, there was a little mud in it. But now, I almost didn’t get through from the station to Broken Hill because of the rain making many of the roads impassable, even for a four wheel drive.

Home for me was Balgo Downs, a cattle station somewhere to the east of Lake Frome in South Australia, and to get to Broken Hill it is a two hundred and fifty bone shaking kilometres on a gravel road, that was now mud in places where there had been dried water courses for as long as I can remember, before we hit the Barrier Highway at Olary. There I hang a left onto the bitumen that took us into Broken Hill where I was to meet my sister who was coming up from the big smoke. What I need to explain for those who don’t live in Australia is that the ‘big smoke’ refers to a major city, in this case Sydney, and it doesn’t matter whether the smoke is geographically North, South, East or West, you always come up from the big smoke and go down to the big smoke.

Anyway, my sister Natalie was coming up from the big smoke for a visit to get away from the problems she was having, like her bastard of a husband Robert who, after not wanting kids for years, duffs up (gets pregnant) his secretary and decides that he wants a family, with her. Needless to say Nat is somewhat less than impressed and isn’t taking it too well, so she’s coming to cry on my shoulder, although I don’t know what help I’ll be, given my track record with women and relationships.

I, at thirty years of age, am still a bachelor, but not a virgin, I hasten to add. I’ve had a couple of unsuccessful attempts at relationships, the most spectacular failures were at B&S (Bachelors and Spinsters) balls, these are just a ginormous excuse for a piss up and shag fest, I think I was the only person who expected any lasting benefit.

I even applied to go on a reality TV show called ‘The Farmer Wants a Wife’ but wasn’t accepted because they didn’t think that I was desperate enough. What would they know? The only drought longer than mine was the meteorological one we’ve just gone through. It’s not that I don’t have contact with women, it’s just that the women I am close to, station hands and cooks, were either too old or attached.

Nat’s coming in on the first flight in the morning so I’m booked into a hotel for the night and I find myself seated in the Dining Room looking at the menu with a waitress hovering impatiently beside me. For something different from either lamb or beef I decided on calamari, I remember trying it once when I went down to Adelaide for the Royal Show (agricultural show) and quite liked it. I took a bite of what was supposed to be calamari to find that it was minced squid formed into a ring and covered in bread crumbs. ‘What’s this supposed to be?’ I asked the waitress after I leg-roped her and dragged her back to my table. I didn’t really, but it did take some doing to grab her attention.

‘It’s crumbed calamari.’

‘No, it’s crumbed squid rings, it is not calamari.’

‘Yeah it’s squid, that’s calamari, and it’s been minced and shaped into a ring and crumbed, therefore it’s crumbed calamari.’ I pushed the plate away from me in disgust. ‘Do you want it or not?’

‘I wouldn’t feed this to my cat.’ I told her so she grabbed the plate and started to walk away. ‘Hang on, I want to order something else, something that I can eat.’

‘Suit yourself but you’re going to have to pay for this.’

‘You’re kidding, I pay for it and you take it back to the kitchen and eat it.’

‘What makes you think I’d eat it? What do you want?’

‘You’d better get me a steak and I want it rare and none of that packet pepper sauce either.’

‘Would you like to come out to the kitchen and cook it yourself? Shee, talk about fussy, anyone would think you’re in a fancy city restaurant the way you carry on.’ She shuffled off to get my steak.

She returned and shoved the plate in front of me with a slab of steak on it. ‘The chef told me to tell you that not five minutes ago this was running around the paddock.’ I cut into it and took a bite, it was good, just the way I like it and I told her so.

I went to bed early, a combination of a long drive and the need to get an early start made it necessary, but I couldn’t get to sleep straight away thinking about Nat and her problems and what I could do to help her. We had been close up until the time she left to go to university while I stayed to help out at home after Dad’s accident. We’d both been sent to boarding school in Sydney and, although we went to different schools we kept in touch on weekends. Her friends were my friends and vice versa and it was one of my friends that she ended up marrying. Robert wasn’t my best friend and I didn’t know him all that well, he was a day student from the Eastern Suburbs and had shit loads of money. That wasn’t the reason we were friends, he was more of a friend of a friend. Anyway, Nat and he got together and married and had a harbourside apartment where they entertained their friends. So I guess I blamed myself for her problems.

I got up early and had your typical hotel breakfast, cereal, bacon and eggs with toast and a choice of either tea bag tea or instant coffee, such culinary joy! At nine I rescued the Disco (Land Rover Discovery) from the hotel car park and headed for the airport to meet the first flight in. I was just in time to see it descending out of the sun and sliding onto the tarmac. I was surprised to see Nat get off with another woman who looked vaguely familiar. As they got closer I recognised her as Karen, one of Nat’s friends from school. Wow! She’s grown up and looks great. What’s she doing here?

Nat hurried into the terminal building and rushed up to me, giving me the hugest hug. ‘Hi Pete, thanks for meeting us and letting us stay. You do remember Karen don’t you?’

‘Of course I do, Hi.’ I held out my hand which she ignored, instead giving me a hug that was every bit as good as Nat’s.

Her lips were next to my ear and a barely audible whisper brought everything into focus. ‘You realise that I had a monster crush on you at school. I still do.’

They stood either side of me as we waited for the bags to come off the plane. Nat leaned in close. ‘She told you didn’t she?’ I nodded and caught the look that passed between them. They’re up to something.

It was a slow and dirty trip back. The first part on the bitumen to Olary was easy and the Disco trundled along at 100Klicks, you can’t expect too much more from the small diesel motor, but as soon as we hit the gravel, scratch that, mud, it was a hard slog. Three times I had to wade a fast moving creek with the winch cable and heavy hammer and stake. I sat on the bonnet (hood) and operated the winch while Nat took the wheel and kept the motor running in low range to keep it going and help the winch.

It took us over six hours to complete the two hundred and fifty kilometres to the station and when we got there it was difficult to tell what colour the Disco was when we had set out. There was mud caked in the wheel arches that almost reached the tyres. It was going to take a bit of water to get rid of all that, but then water we have plenty of at the moment.

I helped carry the bags inside and dumped them in the living room while Nat went to find Mum. Karen stood looking around her. ‘This looks every bit as good as Nat told me it would, I have a feeling that I’m going to enjoy this.’ She walked over to me and kissed me on the lips. ‘You will do everything in your power to see that I enjoy myself, won’t you?’

My hands were on her hips and my face was close to hers so I kissed her back. ‘I see that I don’t have an option, being the good host that I am.’ We kissed again just before Mum and Nat came into the room.

‘I hope you two have been
behaving yourselves.’ Nat said with a smirk on her face.

‘He’s been the perfect gentleman. He’s promised to show me around tomorrow.’

‘He has, has he? How long will we have to wait before we send out the search party?’ The two of them are as thick as thieves, I’d better watch myself. Fortunately for me the normal routine set in and I busied myself preparing for the next day. While I might be showing Karen the ropes there was still work to be done. I had to check the bores on the property and replace any parts that weren’t working properly and then there kilometres of boundary fences to patrol looking for damage that would allow stock to wander. While kangaroos might look cute to some people and are a source of concern among environmentalists, they can cause damage to fences by blundering in to them at speed which can snap even the strongest wire and uproot fence posts.

I came in for dinner and then had a shower and telling all and sundry that I had to get up early, I went to bed. I was almost asleep when Karen tapped on my door and let herself in without waiting for my response. ‘What time will I have to get up in the morning?’ She sat on the edge of my bed, close enough to be able to reach over and brush a few wayward strands of hair from my eyes.

‘I don’t know about you but I’m getting out at six.’

‘Shove over.’ She lifted the bedclothes and climbed in, pausing for a few seconds to take in the fact that I slept naked. ‘I’m afraid that I can’t trust alarm clocks to wake me that early so I’m going to have to sleep with you so that you can wake me.’ She was wriggling around under the bed clothes but it wasn’t until her hand emerged with clothes that I realised that she too was now naked.’

‘I hate to be the one to tell you this but I fully intend to sleep, not play footsies with some oversexed, albeit very attractive woman.’ I rolled over so that I faced away from her, so she snuggled up to my back and her arm wrapped itself around my body, thankfully around my waist and not lower down.

‘You don’t have to worry about me, I’m not about to rape you and I know that you’re going to be busy and that you don’t really want me tagging along so if you would rather I stayed behind I will.’

‘I said that I’d show around and I will.’

‘Good and if it’s any consolation, I’m pretty handy with tools, my father was a plumber and I have been known to help him on occasions, so goodnight you hunk.’ She kissed my back and tightened her grip on me.

Karen woke first and when I surfaced she was well on the way to seducing me. I’m not complaining, in fact I had been looking forward to it for some time. Her hand had been on my cock and it was awake before the rest of me. ‘Wake up sleepy head, he’s been ready for action for ages. You must have been dreaming because when I woke he was already awake, I just kept him on the boil until you woke up.’ Her head disappeared under the sheet and her hot, moist, sensuous mouth made sure that he wasn’t about to go back to sleep any time soon.

‘Wipe that smirk off your face, I know what you two have been up to.’ Mum glanced up from the pan that sizzled with bacon and eggs.

‘Whatever do you mean?’

‘I noticed that Karen hadn’t slept in her bed and then I heard the distinctive sounds of fornication coming from your room when I walked past. All I can say is it’s about time you got laid son, I’ve had to put up with you wandering around with that hang dog expression of yours for years.’

‘I detect a conspiracy here, are you all ganging up to get me hitched?’

‘Someone had to do it, anyone would think that the only thing you’re interested in is this farm.’

‘I did promise Dad that I’d look after it, and you.’

‘Yes, and I promised him that I’d see that you had a future in this place and when I’m gone there’s nothing left but you and the animals and I won’t be responsible for what would happen if you were left alone with a couple of hundred ewes.’

‘Mum!’ I was shocked that she’d say such a thing, let alone think it.

‘Don’t worry Mrs Nelson, there’s no chance of that happening, not now that he’s got a taste of the future.’

‘What is it with you women, do you think that you can run my life for me?’

‘You’d better believe it.’ Mum was quick to reply.

‘Believe what?’ A bleary eyed Nat came into the kitchen.

‘These women are telling me how the rest of my life is going to be.’

‘And why shouldn’t they, you had no idea what’s going to happen, you needed a cattle prodding from an organised person,’ she looked at Karen with that conspiratorial look that I was getting used to seeing, ‘Karen is one of the most organised people I know, you won’t find better, and she’s also very good in bed, or so I hear, but then you’ve already found that out.’

‘Bloody hell! I might as well leave you to your plotting, I’m going to feed the dog before we head out.’ I left them to it and went outside. I whistled and Ralph came racing out from his bed in the tractor shed, tail going at a hundred miles an hour. He skidded to a stop in front of me and sat waiting for me to put his food down, but even when the bowl was placed in front of him he didn’t start to eat until I’d given him the ‘okay’.

‘Very impressive.’ Karen had come out of the house and was standing next to me. Ralph had finished his food and walked over to Karen demanding a pat. I give up. ‘Breakfast is ready.’ She grabbed my hand and led me back into the kitchen. Breakfast wasn’t the normal subdued occasion, it was as if the presence of Nat and Karen had given Mum a new interest in life, they laughed about everything, even Nat’s disastrous marriage. I was only half listening but I did pick up that Karen had a few disasters of her own with men who promised much but delivered little.

Breakfast over I stood. ‘If you’re coming Karen you’d better get a wriggle on, we don’t have all day.’

‘Yes boss, I just need to slip into something a little more appropriate for the occasion, I’ll only be a minute.’ So I waited, fully expecting her to be at least ten minutes. You can imagine my shock when little more than a minute later she emerged. How anyone could wear utilitarian clothes and still look sexy was beyond me, but she did. She did a quick pirouette for my benefit then followed me out back. A quick whistle and Ralph jumped into the tray of the ancient Land Cruiser tray top ute and we were off.

The track was dead straight for a kilometre before we crossed the cattle grid into the wide open spaces. It was a further ten kilometres to the first of the artesian bores that I had to service. Now was the right time because with the abundance of surface water it didn’t matter if the bore was out of action for half the day.

As we drove Karen commented, ‘Look at all the rabbits, there must be hundreds and hundreds of them. Most of them have this unusual, almost apricot colour, why is that?’

‘It helps them to blend in with the colour of the sand hills. They burrow under them, it’s easier for them to dig in rather than down. Whenever we get a lot of rain they breed like . . . rabbits, and if it wasn’t for the snakes, wedge-tailed eagles and dingos we’d be permanently overrun by them. We almost got rid of them when the calesi virus was ‘accidently’ released a few years ago. Did you hear the story about mother rabbit and father rabbit returning to their burrow after an afternoon of munching on the greenery and finding that Joe Blake (snake) had helped himself to the kids. Father rabbit says to mother rabbit, ‘we’ll just have to make some more kids’. So they did and some time later, with a new batch of kids safely tucked away in the burrow they went out to munch on the greenery again. When they got back they found that a snake had got the kids again, so father rabbit again suggested they make some more kids. ‘Fuck off.’ She says to him, ‘I’m not going to let you fuck me just to feed the snakes.’.’ Karen had the greatest laugh.

The bore fed a trough fo
r the sheep and cattle and anything else that wanted a drink, the odd hundred kangaroos and emus, birds by the thousands, none of which were in sight. I pulled up next to the bore head. ‘What do you have to do?’ Karen asked.

‘I have to strip the pipe that runs from here to the trough and try to get the mineral deposits out of it and the fittings. This water is very high in mineral salts and they solidify in the pipes, especially the fittings, and if it isn’t cleaned on a regular basis it will eventually get blocked.’

‘What about the ball valve in the trough, I know a thing or two about them, if you’d like I’ll strip it down and clean it up and probably replace the washers.’

‘Good, all the tools are on the back of the ute and there’s a box with different sized washers, some Teflon tape for the joints, so you should have everything that you need.’

I had the bore valve closed and was stripping the fittings from it and cleaning them when I heard her scream. ‘Pete! Help, come quick!’ I ran to her side. ‘There was a snake, it bit me!’

‘Calm down, is it still around here?’ She pointed and I caught sight of it as it slithered into the Spinifex scrub. ‘Don’t worry, it’s not the most venomous snake around here, that honour goes to the inland taipan, it has arguably the most toxic venom of any land based snake in the world. Yours was a brown snake, we call them sand hill brown snakes because they are of a lighter colour than normal, not as toxic but they’re aggressive bastards, you’ve only got to step near them and they’ll attack. More people are bitten by them than the taipans’ While I was talking I had grabbed the first aid kit from the ute and took out two rolls of seventy-five millimetre wide elastic bandage. I began at the bite site and wound it around her leg up to her the top of her thigh and back down again twice. ‘Now I want you to climb into the ute and stay as calm as possible.’

She followed my instructions and we were soon heading back to the homestead. I grabbed the two way radio and called ahead, Mum answered. ‘Mum, Karen has been bitten by a brown snake, I’m heading home, could you grab a phial of antivenin from the fridge and meet us on the way, and can you get Nat to get on the radio to the Flying Doctors and let them know that we have a snake bight patient, get her to tell them that I’ve placed a constricting bandage on the limb and that we’re administering antivenin and will advise of her condition when we get back. Warn them that they may be required.’

I could see Mum approaching at speed and pulled over as she approached. She jumped out and ran over to me. I grabbed the phial and jabbed the syringe into it and drew out the life-saving antivenin and injected it into Karen. ‘How do you feel?’

‘Not good, it hurts like fuck, sorry, but I’m scared, please, I don’t want to lose you.’

‘Don’t worry, I won’t let you die.’ I hoped that I sounded confident enough. I was heading back to the homestead with Mum not far behind, I never knew she could drive that fast. As I ran inside Nat was still on radio to the Flying Doctor. ‘He’s here now.’ She handed me the radio.

‘I’ve administered the antivenin but she’s showing early affects of the bite.’

‘I think we should attend, a plane will dispatched from Broken Hill and should be with you in about half an hour.’

‘We do have a minor problem, our airstrip has been under water for several days and we can’t guarantee its safety, there is a stretch of road close to the homestead that should be okay, I’ll check and advise, if its serviceable I’ll set up a smoke flair at one end to give you an idea of wind direction and speed.’

I called them fifteen minutes later to advise them that the road was serviceable and I prepared for their arrival. The ute with Karen stretched out in the tray was standing beside the road as the plane touched down. The Doctor and Nurse were quickly out and checking her over. ‘She is showing some signs of a reaction to the bite, we’ll need to get her to the hospital so we can keep an eye on her for a few days until she’s over it.’

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The Doctor walked over to a cart filled with several pieces of equipment, picking up a large enema syringe that looked like a giant hypodermic needle, filled with a whitish material; he walked around, showed it to Tonya, and continued on to the back of the test bench. He nodded to Nancy, who took a dollop of lubricating jelly on her finger and placed it on the helpless girl's exposed anus. Nancy's finger slowly circled around Tonya's tightly clenched orifice as the Doctor spoke. "What...

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Richards Tales More Fun With the Coach

She entered the shower, feeling a little bit of Richard's cum still seeping out of her. She quickly showered up, making sure to get her freshly fucked pussy clean of the cum. After she finished in the shower, she toweled off and walked back into the office. Richard was awake, still naked and sitting on the edge of the desk, when she entered and he grinned at her, "that was the most incredible sex I have ever had." She laughed lightly, "glad I could be of assistance," speaking almost...

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Orchard Ch 2

Tricia didn’t even look to the left as so passed the orchard, driving exactly at the speed limit but gripping the car’s steering wheel is if it were the life preserver being tossed to a possible drowning victim. Again, the day was hot, as it was just last week when she first passed this way and had stopped. And again, she left her job with the same frustration and anger she experienced seven days earlier simmering just beneath the carefully crafted veneer of her facial expression. She’d be...

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(Fictional story told from Female point of view) My husband Ron and I like to play sexual games. One game that we sometimes play is Forfeits, this is where I am given some task to fulfil and if I fail I have to take a note from the Lucky Dip jar and act out whatever is written on it. These have ranged from relatively mild things, such as leaving off my panties and flashing my nakedness in a pub, to very severe things like inviting a strange Master from a sex contact mag, to come and beat me....

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Principal Hardy

J. D. Hardy was sitting behind his desk doing the dreaded paperwork that came with the job of principal of Hall High School. He had held that position for three years now and enjoyed the work. He also liked the power that came with the title. No one called him J. D., at least not to his face. It was Principal Hardy to everyone, students and teachers alike. Even his wife Sally addressed him as Principal once or twice a month when they played their little game. He was Principal Hardy and Sally...

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The Orchard of Infinite Delight

I was introduced to Evelyn when I joined the Philharmonic Chorus for the first time. The nervous wait to learn that I had successfully passed a series of auditions was over, but I had much to learn. Evelyn, a mezzo like myself, was asked to guide me through the early stages. In time she would lead me through other experiences that had nothing to do with singing. At first I was totally involved in the new world I had joined. We sang with all the country’s leading orchestras and under conductors...

4 years ago
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The Orchard of Infinite Delight

I was introduced to Evelyn when I joined the Philharmonic Chorus for the first time. The nervous wait to learn that I had successfully passed a series of auditions was over, but I had much to learn. Evelyn, a mezzo like myself, was asked to guide me through the early stages. In time she would lead me through other experiences that had nothing to do with singing. At first I was totally involved in the new world I had joined. We sang with all the country’s leading orchestras and under conductors...

3 years ago
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Fucking a True Athlete Getting It on with Tonya Harding

Chapter 1 I knew who Tonya was before all the "Nancy Kerrigan" and Jeff Gillooly hoo-rah! I love watching competitive ice skating for the athleticism artistry that the skaters' men and women' demonstrate. But' like many of you I'm sure' the sudden public notoriety that Tonya was thrust into by the stupid attack on Nancy put her centermost in my thoughts. I'll admit right now that I have always found Tonya very attractive' sexy and desirable. She may not be every man's "ideal...

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Tonya Harding Spanked While In Woburn Mass

In late 2008, former figure skater Tonya Harding was traveling around the USA making public appearances in hopes of regaining the support of her fans by putting on public skating shows. As Tonya was driving though little did she realize that the gas tank on her mini van was getting low. About an hour later she runs out of gas in the small town of Stoneham, Massachusettes. The birth place and home town of her once rival Nancy Kerrigan. Tonya being totally oblivious to this fact steps out of...

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Tonya Harding SlaveGirlChapter 16

After Tonya calmed down, Nancy pulled her boot back on, then put her arm around the still-shaking ex-skater, guiding her out into the hall. They walked, Tonya's legs wobbly from her ordeal, to a room with a bed in it. Nancy motioned to it. "Sit." Tonya sat; the bed was nice and soft, and she waited quietly for Nancy to explain what would happen next... "I told you I'd stop the pain if you gave me pleasure, Tonya; now, you get to do it. Undress me, so that you can worship my...

2 years ago
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Shard of DestinyChapter 4

Deland, Massachusetts June 9, 2003 Peter I’ve been dead for too long, Peter thought as he watched Ben making goofy faces in the bathroom mirror while he willed his hair to change color over and over. Red, green, purple, black, pink and on he we went while trying not to laugh too loudly. Peter felt a momentary pang of jealousy at the boy’s carefree explorations of his new power. It had not been like that for him in the beginning. Even after all these years and the death of his own body,...

4 years ago
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Harding HouseChapter 4 Return to the House

Billy's story I quickly ate my dinner, I was in a hurry to get back the Harding House, not only to see Cassandra, although I did wonder what she had planned, I'd enjoyed the attention she was giving me, as well as the pleasure. The thought that she was dead didn't really bother me at this time. As I approached the house I could see Kate's bike was already lying by the front door, I knew she would be heading for the broken window so I quickly dismounted and ran to the side of the...

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Richards Tales Scoring the Coach

He was starting to get the itch to fuck a girl again, but he didn't want it to be the same one again, he wanted a girl with a tighter pussy this time. As the school day ended he went to the gym to watch the girls practice basketball. As he was watching his dick began to rise as he watched their young firm tits jiggle as they ran. When he saw the first girl he had fucked running, he cringed in disgust. He paid particular attention to the coach though. He had never realized how...

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Tricia was not having one of her best days. Neighbors had made enough noise to wake the dead last night and it had been difficult to fall asleep. And, once asleep, the old dream came back. It had been years since ‘the incident’ but the old nightmares rear their ugly heads from time to time and this one had been a monster: trying to stay awake so that you’ll hear if he comes down the hall only works for so long and then you fall asleep. In the sleep of dreams, you hear all the things that should...

2 years ago
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Wife Fucked in Orchard

Now we get to the main point, behind our large house, on our land there was a small apple orchard, we organised to go up there and make a video of her being fucked up against the apple tree, she was fully dressed in a cotton Indian style skirt and black sheer blouse, black stockings and black boots, I set up two cameras, easy outdoors with bright light, one on tripod, she stood leaning back against the tree and he soon had her skirt up at the back with his hand down the back of her panties, I...

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The day started off like any other, except I was headed over to Mr. Brown's orchard. Mr. Brown has the best apples this side of the county. In fact, I'd say Mr. Brown grew the best apples I've ever had the pleasure of tasting.He never minded me coming over and picking a few unlike the rest of his customers. I guess it was because I insisted on wearing this cute little miniskirt with no panties and shirt that showed off, well just about everything I had to offer, but still leaving enough to the...

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Orchard Flower Version BravoChapter 11

"What's going on?" asked Jill, a little breathlessly, after her mother and Zack were gone. "I have no clue," I said. "Oh Bob, I screwed things up so much," she moaned. "Your heart was in the right place," I said. "But he really IS a great guy, and I just KNOW she'd love being around him if she got to know him." "Maybe that's what she's doing," I said. "Getting to know him, I mean." "Do you think so?" she asked hopefully. "Let's just say for the sake of having...

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Skinsuits Store

Somewhere between the universes there is Aaron's Share Store where you can buy a skisuit that will turn you into whatever character it represents. You will get to the store through some other store, or strange gates placed in a place where they should not be. Story making rules: Your character is of legal age. You must briefly describe from what world or universe it comes from. In the case of something commonly known, a description like: from the eighteenth century Earth, or from the Mass...

4 years ago
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My Time With A Beautiful Lifeguard

This sex story involves my favorite and the greatest and most beautiful pornstar in the entire world, Madison Ivy. Okay. Now, in this sex story. Madison Ivy looks and sounds exactly the same. The only difference is that she has a huge, long, veiny, and hairless cock. I am in this sex story, as usual. In this sex story, I am medium built muscular. I have a pretty great size for a cock, and the most sexiest, hairless, cutest ass that nobody can resist. And, as usual. I love and crave getting...

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The Radio the Rocker and Miss Richards

Sometime the most memorable celebrity encounters are the ones from when we were young. Dell Springer took a snapshot of her five year old son David as he sat in the little rocker. He was intently listening to the big brown combination record player and radio in their living room. His favorite afternoon show was on, Miss Richards' "Radio Playtime for Children". Second only to "The Lone Ranger", which was on later in the evening, Miss Richard's program was an important part of David's...

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Free Use Afterlife

You feel your body jolt forward and suddenly stop. You stumble around for a few steps as your head shakes and nausea sinks in. You bend over with your hands on your knees as you try to stabilize yourself while also not throwing up. After taking a few deep breaths your head starts to feel fine and the nausea goes away until you can finally stand upright again. As you do you look around and notice you’re surrounded by nothingness except whiteness. “Where the hell am I?” you openly ask even though...

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Bimbofied in the Afterlife

You wake up, or at least the closest thing to waking up. All around you is a bright, searing light. It has no source yet it burns with a raging heat, as if sentient, that you want desperately to avoid but you cannot close your eyes. You reach to cover your face but you find you have no arms, nor even a face. You can feel your body, every nerve ending shattering like glass and limbs flailing, but it is not visible or present. The broken remains of your consciousness tumble through the emptiness...

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The Orchard of Infinite Delight Conclusion

From THE ORCHARD OF INFINITE DELIGHT – PART ONE The orgasm was huge, overpowering. I collapsed on to my stomach, my hand clasping my groin to prolong the sensation. After a while I was aware of Evelyn’s voice, softly beside my ear. “Thank you for being so trusting. I wanted it to be special for you.” “Special doesn’t do it justice,” I said. “But what about you? Do you want me to … do that. With my tongue.” “Yes, but not this time. You have come a long way. I am already on such a high I...

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The Orchard of Infinite Delight Conclusion

From THE ORCHARD OF INFINITE DELIGHT - PART ONE The orgasm was huge, overpowering. I collapsed on to my stomach, my hand clasping my groin to prolong the sensation. After a while I was aware of Evelyn’s voice, softly beside my ear. “Thank you for being so trusting. I wanted it to be special for you.” “Special doesn’t do it justice,” I said. “But what about you? Do you want me to ... do that. With my tongue.” “Yes, but not this time. You have come a long way. I am already on such a high...

Group Sex
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Orchard Flower Version AlphaChapter 3

I admit that the first time I shot at a coyote I got off my horse to do it. Jill had made me practice shooting on horseback, and on the tractor too. I had carried the rifle on my back so often that it no longer seemed odd to do it. But when I saw the brown flash of movement off in the distance, I just wasn't willing to explore it from up on the horse. After I got down and spent five fruitless minutes trying to spot the critter again, I almost gave up. Then he trotted out from behind a bush...

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Orchard Flower Version BravoChapter 3

There is something just plain incongruous about a woman who buys a rifle and ammunition to shoot furry dog-like things and then, on the way home, flashes bare legs at the old man driving the truck as, with a foot pressed to the dashboard, she paints her toenails bright, playful red. Not for the first time did I realize there was a woman hiding in that teenaged body, and that Jill Simmons was a complicated female of the species. She hummed with the radio as she painted, making me wish I were...

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Forfeits By Peg Thebois I was anxious as I arrived at Gwen's house, she had asked me to come by early to help her set up, I guess that was part of my forfeit from losing a wrestling match to her at our party last month. Gwen was one heck of a sexy lady, I had enjoyed grappling with her, grinding our bodies together, it was when I pushed her down into the mount position and I sat on top of her trying to pin her arms down that I got distracted. It would be very easy to have sex in...

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It began back when I was in Central Grammar School. I had dressed as a maid in a black skirted leotard, fishnet tights, and ballet flats and a white apron and cap. I found that I liked the feel of hosiery on my legs and the swish of a skirt. In that costume, I could not avoid showing my bottom that got pinched by way too many boys and adult men that those who did it were suspended if a student, made to do Community Service if an adult. That introduced me to the dark side of being a girl,...

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Hardware Aunty ki Hard Chudai Part 2

Hi friends it’s sameer back with one more story of my sexual encounter. This is the continuation of my last story “hardware aunty ki hard chudai “.Thank you very much for your great response, I was really surprised that you guys liked it so much! So after I helped that aunty to get inside the shop, I was just standing right across the shop and the rain wasn’t getting any lighter. But after what I had seen, those sexy cleavage, wet waist , my mind was all in her boobs and my dick was getting so...

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Morning Harding Didi Kay Saath 8211 Part II

Dosto morning harding part 2 hai plz read first part 1 phir aap ko samj aye ge .ita soft story agar jalde hai muth marany ki to koi or read kar lay ,qukay mare stories ayse he hoti slow slow. Sorry friend didi nay lund pay kiss or thora sa mu main laynay kay bad didi to chali gaye bedroom say but mara to bura haal kar gaye mujay itna sakoon or itna maza a raha tha jab unho nay apni piyaray red color kay lips main mara lund liya tha or un kay mu he heat maray lund ko or be pagal kar gaye thi...

3 years ago
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Hardware Aunty Ki Hard Chudai

Hi, my name is sameer and I am 24 years old. I am average built neither fat nor slim and Caucasian colour, I am currently living in a small family where my elder brother is working and my parents are retired government service. I am in my final year of engineering. So that is a brief summary of myself, now let’s go to the story. In this story, I am going to narrate how I met a hot aunty in a hardware shop and how my lust compelled me to have sex with her in a totally awkward situation. It was...

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Glimpses of the Afterlife

Glimpses of the Afterlife By Ellie Dauber © 2006 Saddam Hussein closed his eyes for a moment as the noose was lowered down over his head. He felt the rope, coarse fiber against his throat under his beard. "Go to hell," someone yelled. "You first," he answered back. He saw the executioner reach for the lever that would drop the floor beneath him, and he began to recite the Koranic verse of acceptance. "There is no G-d but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet. The floor fell...

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Felica Hardy humilates Mary Jane

Mary Jane and May Jane get owned again (humiliation ending)By [email protected] and Felicity have a sleepover with their teens and their victimsAuthor NoteIt been a while since Felicia Hardy ended her rivalry with Mary Jane Watson by completely humiliated her and making her a slave. Her daughter Felicity Hardy got in on the act by dominated Mary Jane daughter May Day Parker. Both of the Watson’s were beautiful red heads with super models looks. Mary was hot enough to be Felicia rival for...

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Harding HouseChapter 2 Formal Introductions

Kate's version. After speaking to Billy on the phone I had to go to bed, I was so worried, where was Bradley? His parents had tried to get the police to look, but they said that they couldn't do anything for 24 hours, but I knew they'd never find him anyway, at least not yet. I knew that, HE, had Bradley, whoever HE was. I could still feel the touch of his hands on me, I couldn't help it, I was lying in bed and I slipped my hand under my nightdress and panties, touching that place, I...

1 year ago
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Harding HouseChapter 5 Return to the Dream

I heard Kate calling to me as I/Cassandra was about to enter her body, I could hear the anguish in her voice, see Darcy standing beside us, Cassandra saying to me 'Go on Billy, do it, she'll love it eventually!' I didn't like the eventually part of her words, and so I pushed her out of my mind and rolled away from Kate before I could touch her. I tried to concentrate on my feeling and so I didn't notice what was happening at first Cassandra was speaking. "... did to you, I thought it...

2 years ago
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Journal of an AgentChapter 14 Denise Richards

Looking at the clock on the dashboard of my BMW X5, I watched it change from 12:00 to 12:01, thereby officially making me late for my meeting with Denise Richards. Punching in the numbers on my cell phone, I had Julie, my assistant, give me Denise's cell phone number. I nearly hit the car in front of me as I reached down to write it down on my notepad. Hanging up with Julie, I dialed. To my surprise, the driver of the car in front of me (a compact fire red Mazda Miata) picked up a phone and...

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Tonya Harding SlaveGirlChapter 26

Tonya's face went ashen white as she realized that underneath Nancy's face, was HER OWN!! She started shaking, not sure what to do, but wanting to escape! She looked at the face in her hand, her grip disappearing as her hands went limp with fear, dropping it! Still shaking, she slowly rose, wanting to run as fast as she could, but she remained in place, transfixed by her fear! She gently nudged Nancy's body with her foot, to see if she was conscious... "BOO!!!" The response sent Tonya...

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Tonya Harding SlaveGirlChapter 29

A few hours later, Tonya was still asleep when the Doctor and Nancy came back, wheeling a large metal frame into the room. The Doctor maneuvered the frame underneath the chair, then tilted it so that it was roughly parallel with her body. He went over to Tonya's right hand, and gently undid the strap from around it, pulling her hand up toward the frame's corner, and binding it in a wrist cuff. The same procedure was followed for her left hand, and then for both of her feet, until she was...

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