Case 8 It s Barbie s Fault
- 2 years ago
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This is part two of the story It Wasn’t My Fault which appears in Loving Wives. Please read part one first. Please note: This is a work of fiction, I am aware that the courtroom scene would not happen as described!
Chapter 1 Ken gets shocked into action
When Ken arrived at his sister’s house, he felt about about as bad as he could. It had been a horrible journey.
His sister took one look at him and said: ‘Oh, hell, Ken! You look like shit! I’ll get you a Scotch. You weren’t too clear in your text message. Are you and Myfanwy having problems? You haven’t cheated on her, have you?’
He thanked his sister Dee for the Scotch and knocked it back in one, before he replied to her question. ‘No. I haven’t cheated on Myfanwy. Can we talk about this later, please? Right now I just want to sleep. I’m so tired.’
She showed him to the guest bedroom and, surprisingly, he slept.
At breakfast next morning Ken asked Dee if she knew anyone who required his particular skills and she was able to put him in touch with an old college friend of mine who was in business for themselves.
Fortuitously he needed an engineer and although the pay was somewhat lower than when he worked for Karen, well, a man’s gotta do, and so forth.
He’d been there for a little over a week and they were sat in Dee’s living room when she said: ‘Time you got it off your chest, Ken. I gather that if you didn’t cheat on Myfanwy, then Myfanwy must have cheated on you. So give me the details, please. Enquiring minds and nosy sisters, want to know!’
‘I found her in bed with my boss, Karen. They told me they were lovers. That they were in love.’
‘Oh!’ said Dee. What’d you do, then?’
‘They… Myfanwy said she didn’t love me any more and that she wanted a divorce.’
‘Well, what did you do?’ Dee sounded exasperated.
‘I packed a couple of bags and left them there, Myfanwy and Karen, together.’
His sister reached over to Ken and slapped his face. Hard.
He jumped to my feet ‘What the fuck?’ He shouted at her. ‘What was that for?’
She grinned at him. ‘That was from Mom and Dad! It’s a wake-up call. Just to get you back on track, brother of mine!’
He rubbed his face and suddenly he knew that he would have to do something about the two of them. Myfanwy and Karen. But at that point he wasn’t exactly sure what. But he would do something.
Dee’s slap, delivered on behalf of their late parents (a drunk driver had totalled their car several years back) was a genuine wake-up call for Ken.
When he told her what he’d said to the cheaters when he left, about being like a whipped cur, Dee shook her head. ‘Boy! That’s some crazy shit you are laying on me! Seriously? That’s what my rough, tough little bro said to his very own hoe?’
He laughed at that characterisation of his wife. ‘Dee, in fairness to Myfanwy, I don’t recognise her as being my hoe.’
She stopped smiling and looked at him, seriously. ‘But that’s your problem, Ken. When you looked at her, all you saw was Myfanwy, the Celtic Goddess of beauty and fidelity. The trouble was, she wasn’t any of that, she was just a cheating hoe!
‘And I think I know why you reacted like you did, Ken. From what you told me, you felt shocked. You were in shock. Some people suspect their spouse is playing away, others, like you, there’s the terrible shock of discovery. The anger comes much, much later, if it comes at all.
‘But, now comes the most important point of all, which is what are you going to do?’
He shrugged: ‘I have been looking on the Internet on a couple of forums and I want to sue Karen for alienation of affection. Can you handle that, Dee?’
Dee muttered something under her breath and said: ‘Oh, my God, Ken! How very 19th century of them! I expect they also advised you to give them both a good beating and then to fuck the asses off them, both? There were probably some of them who were berating you for not being turned on by your wife fucking another woman?’
He nodded in bewilderment. ‘Yeah, well… I… it was something like that. What did you mean about the alienation of affection thing?’
‘In the vast majority of States, the old Alienation of Affection laws were repealed decades ago. In the 1920s, in at least one instance. And as our state is a no fault state, adultery can’t be used as a factor in the divorce, either.
‘However, you are lucky that Ricky (her late husband) and I set up our own law practice and I am going to help you do what you can to get revenge on them. And the prenup she had you both sign will ensure she can’t get anything from you in the way of alimony. Ricky did a good job for you, on that one, God bless the dude!
‘You can’t sue for alienation of affection, or adultery, but you can sue Karen for taking your job off of you. And it will be a pleasure taking this to court for me, because nobody fucks over my little brother!’
Chapter 2 Court in a dilemma
The divorce papers had not surprised Myfanwy and Karen. But what had shocked them both was the paperwork for a legal action against Karen and her company, for Constructive Discharge and Wrongful Termination, claiming a total of $20M!
Unlike most workers who are employed on an at will basis, Ken was on an actual contract that dated back to when he first started at the company and worked for Karen’s late daddy, God rest his soul. And Karen had broken that contract.
Karen had spoken with her company lawyer and berated her for this turn of events. This stung the lawyer, Judy Stringer, Esq., into replying: ‘Look, Karen. All I did was to tell you that there was no way that in this state that Ken could have you charged with Alienation of Affection, and that was in answer to your specific question.
‘However, if you had asked me a broader, catch-all question, like: ‘What can he sue you for’, then I might have been able to forewarn you. Look, screwing the hired help or their spouses is never a good idea. And this is one of the reasons why!’
It would not be a jury trial, just a hearing before a judge in his or her courtroom.
As it happened, the judge was an older woman, attractive in a mature way, and very business-like in her demeanour. She reminded Ken of Judge Judy.
Ken felt himself fortunate to have his sister acting as his attorney.
As Dee stood up to start the legal case, Myfanwy spoke to Judy Stringer, the lawyer for Karen’s company.
Ms Stringer stood up and said: ‘Your honour, I object to the choice of lawyer of Mr Austin! I have just been reliably informed that Dee Hardisty is, in fact, Mr Austin’s sister!’
The judge looked at her over her half moon spectacles and said, coldly: ‘And you believe that’s the concern of this court for precisely what reason?’
Stringer spluttered and then caught herself, saying: ‘But, your honour, it’s highly unusual for someone to be represented by their own sibling!’
‘Unusual does not mean unethical or illegal. ms Stringer, I am a very busy woman. Extremely busy, in fact! I have a court to run. If I determine that you are thinking of trying to use delaying tactics in this case, my one word of advice is… don’t!’
ms Stringer gulped and sat down again. Clearly this case was not going to be as easy as she’d thought!
The case meandered on, the good guys presented their evidence, the bad guys presented their rebuttals and so it progressed, slowly, throughout the first day.
On the morning of the second day, ms Stringer called Karen to give evidence. ‘How long have you owned Carter Speciality Services, ms Carter?’
Karen favoured the court with an ingratiating smile, before speaking. ‘Since my father Bryce Carter passed away six years ago.’
‘How long have you known Ken Austin?’
‘Oh, about fifteen years. He was employed by my father as an engineer. In fact, I kept him on as a sort of favour to my late father
‘s memory. Ken, well… he wasn’t a particularly good engineer. In fact, the last six of the monthly performance reviews on Mr Austin were extremely poor, at best.’
Ken snorted and his sister snickered, much to the consternation of Karen and ms Stringer, although they made no comment.
The judge interjected: ‘We have them in the evidence?’
‘Yes,’ said ms Stringer.
‘Your honour,’ interjected Dee, ‘we also will be producing copies of the last six monthly performance reviews. It is to be hoped that both copies match, perfectly.’
‘What do you mean by that?’ interjected ms Stringer, angrily.
Dee shrugged and replied, calmly, ‘just as I say, ms Stringer. I hope that they match. Perfectly.’
Just for a second ms Stringer gave herself away, she cast a glance at Karen that looked pensive and questioning.
The performance reviews were damning, to be frank. Apparently Ken Austin had a poor time keeping record, failed to keep records as meticulously as he should and failed to complete reports in a timely and adequate manner and suffered from an attitude problem and so forth.
Karen had a shit eating grin on her face after she finished taking the court through the many and varied faults she alleged against her former employee.
Eventually ms Stringer wound down and it was Dee’s turn to question Karen.
‘Well, ms Carter, that makes my brother look to be less than the perfect employee, doesn’t it?’
At this juncture, Karen shook her head and grinned. She looked smug and very pleased with herself. ‘The bitch is enjoying this,’ thought Ken. He noticed that Myfanwy was looking tense, as if something was bothering her.
‘Under those circumstances,’ continued Dee, ‘why on earth would you employ someone with Mr Austin’s work record? You operate a multi-million Dollar business, not a charity, after all?’
Karen shrugged and spoke smugly. ‘Well, one does what one can. I inherited Ken, Mr Austin, when I took over from my father on his death. I also knew Mr Austin’s wife, Fanny, I mean, Myfanwy, and did not see why she should suffer because of her husband’s inadequacies.’
The judge said nothing, but rustled her papers. You could see from the expression in Karen’s eyes that she got the message.
‘Now that’s interesting you should mention Mrs Austin,’ said Dee. ‘Can you please tell us the nature of your relationship with Mrs Austin?’
Ms Stringer leapt to her feet. ‘Objection, your honour! I fail to see the relevance of this line of questioning!’
The judge glared at her over her half-moon glasses. ‘Really, ms Stringer? The nature of the relationship between Karen Carter and Mrs Austin, who is still the legal wife of one of Karen Carter’s former employees, is at the very heart of this case, or so it seems to me. So I will rule your objection as denied.’
Karen looked angry, but she replied: ‘Myfanwy and I are lovers.’
Dee affected to be surprised by this news. ‘Really, ms Carter? You do surprise me! Lovers, eh? And how long for?’
‘A little over a year and a half, now.’
‘Didn’t you have a female live in lover?’
Karen’s face flushed. ‘Yes, but we… parted company.’
Dee continued: ‘And how was your last tryst when Mrs Austin was still living as the wife of Mr Austin brought to light?’
Karen’s face darkened, just a little, before she spoke. ‘He finished some business meetings and he found us asleep in bed together. Naked.’
‘Oh!’ gasped Dee. ‘That must have been a horrible discovery for him to make! To find his wife and her lesbian lover together, in their marital bed, too? My God! What did he do?’
‘Nothing. He ran away!’ the venom in Karen’s interjection seemed to take even Karen unawares, as the harsh words left her lips.
The judge intervened. ‘ms Carter, that remark of yours was unkind and completely uncalled for! It seems to me that what Mr Carter did was both sensible and prudent. Or would you rather he did something utterly reprehensible, like assaulting you and his cheating wife?’
At this point ms Stringer jumped to her feet. ‘I object! She screamed out. ‘I consider your remark as homophobic and I shall report you to the State’s Bar Association.’
‘Oh, put a damn sock in it, Stringer!’ said the judge, irritably. ‘Homophobic, am I? You know, I very rarely tell my partner about the cases I try. But this one? This one I’ll make an exception for. Me being accused of being homophobic? I’ll have to mention that to my partner. I wonder what she’ll make of that?’
The expression on ms Stringer’s face was that of a deer after it had been struck by the car. ‘I… I’m sorry your honour. I withdraw my remark.’
The judge nodded and gave a bleak smile. She returned her attention to Karen. ‘As for you, ms Carter, may I suggest you keep your rather intemperate remarks to yourself?’
She turned to Dee. ‘I am sorry about that, Mrs Hardidsty. Generally, I try to keep a tighter ship, than that.’
‘Thank you, your honour,’ replied Dee.
Dee returned her attention to Karen. ‘Well now, ms Carter. So Ken returns home from work, having attended some business meetings and finds you and his wife in bed together, in flagrante delicto, as the Latin term puts it. What business meetings had he been to?’
It was clear that Karen had expected to face questioning about the affair, so to be questioned about Ken’s business meetings had thrown her, as Dee had hoped it would.
Karen cast her mind back. ‘They were a series of meetings with a new client who had just come on board with us. It’s was Ken’s job to identify their specific needs and to ensure that we would have the necessary resources at their disposal.’
‘So,’ said Dee, brightly, ‘quite a important job for him, then, yes?’
‘I guess,’ replied Karen, a little warily.
‘You guess. And I’ll ask you for another guess. Approximately what is that contract worth to your company?’
‘About $1M a year.’
‘Really?’ said Dee, feigning surprise. ‘And yet according to the last six monthly performance reviews, Mr Austin was a sub-standard employee and was only kept on as a sort of charity case, in the memory of your late father. It’s funny, but I don’t know of anyone in the business community, anyone, who would risk a $1M contract on a loser and ne’er-do-well like your description of Ken Austin. Care to explain that?’
Karen looked sick. She shook her head.
‘For the record,’ said Dee, ‘Mrs Carter shook he head in a negative manner, in response to my question.’
‘Is it possible, do you think, that the reason why you would allow Mr Austin to attend those meetings was because you were having sex with his wife, while you sent him to take your place at the business meetings? Never mind! You don’t have to answer that question!
‘And further, I have to point out to you ms Carter, that we have Mr Austin’s copies of his monthly performance reviews going back throughout his employment with Carter Speciality Services, including those of the last six months of his employment.
‘But I have a problem with your evidence.’ Dee paused for dramatic effect.
‘The problem I have is that his copies do not match the copies you presented to the court. Why might that be, do you think?’
Karen’s face had become pale.
‘I had your copies examined by an expert in the forensic analysis of documents. He’ll be willing to testify as a rebuttal witness that your so-called copies of Ken’s monthly performance reviews are based on the original documents, but that these had been copied using a laser copier device and that shadows shown on the fields for written comments were caused by correction fluid having been used to cover up the original comments, which were then replaced with lies about Ken’s work performance.
‘I can have his evidence put to the court, but I must tell you that I have also informed the police and the FBI. They have a big drive against white c
ollar crime at the moment. After all, it appears that you faked those monthly performance reviews in order to make it look like Ken was a poorly performing, sub-standard employee, for the purposes of this trial. But that’s just conjecture on my part. You might have had other reasons for faking those records. Who knows? Let the FBI and the police figure that out.’
The judge said: ‘Let me match up those two sets of papers, OK?’
The court bailiff collected them up and the judge examined them, carefully, for ten minutes. The atmosphere in the court room was electric.
Eventually the judge looked up, angrily, and said: ‘This is an utter disgrace! The documents presented by the defence are clearly forgeries, created, one must suppose, with the sole purposes of bamboozling this court into rendering a false judgement! When Mrs Hardisty filed for $20M. I had thought she was flying a kite. However, with the evidence that was building up, and with this latest development, the forged records, I can see that ms Hardisty’s figure was not an exercise in futility or in kite flying but a fairly realistic ball park figure, if a little on the high side.’
She picked up the monthly performance reviews that Karen had relied on to win the case and the judge said: ‘These are fakes! And pretty crude fakes, at that. The evidence shows that Karen Carter as the owner of Carter Speciality Services deliberately broke the contract of employment of Ken Austin. And then tried to cover this up by lying in court on oath.
‘I am, therefore, dismissing these as evidence and accepting as valid evidence the monthly performance reviews that Mrs Hardisty has presented on behalf of her client, Ken Austin.
‘I feel that I have enough evidence to reach my judgement, now. I find that Carter Speciality Services and its chief operating officer and owner, Karen Carter, deliberately broke the employment contract of Ken Austin. And that the contract being broken came about as a result of Ken Austin finding out about the lesbian affair between his wife and Karen Carter.
‘Whilst I am not going to moralise about the affair, I feel that it is a pity when an employee cannot trust that their boss will not bed that employee’s spouse or significant other and, in effect, take them away from them.
‘It was also wrong from a legal point of view for Karen Carter to decide to terminate Ken Austin’s contract of employment in the way she did. And, as a result, I am going to award Ken Austin damages of $7M for the breach of contract and any estimated losses that his continued employment would have accrued and I’ll sign the necessary paperwork this afternoon. And do be aware that criminal proceedings might be started based on the discovery of the forged documents.’
‘No!’ Screamed Karen loudly, surprising everyone in the courtroom. ‘No! I am not paying one penny to that damned man! That no-good cuckold? He can kiss my ass! And as for paying him anything? I’d rather close my company down. In fact, I will close it down, just as soon as I clear out of this court!’
‘No! You! Won’t!’ Rapped out the judge. ‘If you think I am going to let you get away with that, you’ve got another thing coming! Bailiff! Stop her! Right, where was I? Oh, yes. You will not do that, because I am making your company over to Mr Austin, now, in its entirety, as compensation for your actions, valuing it at $7M. The paperwork will follow, today. And for your outrageous remarks, I will cite you for contempt of court. Bailiff! Deliver that woman, Karen Carter, to someone from the Sheriff’s office. I am jailing her for contempt!’
Karen realised that, by her ill-placed imperious attitude she had totally screwed everything up and hat lost her father’s company.
As the sheriff’s deputy handcuffed her as she struggled, she shouted out: ‘Judy! Launch an appeal against the judgement and my jailing for contempt! At once!’
From somewhere, somehow, Judy Stringer esq developed a backbone. ‘I am sorry ms Carter. I am the attorney for Carter Speciality Services, and not your personal legal counsel. You are no longer the legal owner of the company. If you need legal representation you will need to contact your own personal legal counsel.’
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First TimePrincess by Default By Noel Lexicon Copyright Sept. 2000 No portion of this copyrighted material may be archived or stored on any other internet site or used in any manner without prior written permission of the author first. **************** Chapter 1: The House of Darna "Close the I/O's, Max." "Aren't you going to finish?" asked Max in an off key voice. It was his way of expressing surprise and other less pleasant emotions. "Tomorrow. I need to get ready for my a date...
Raven in a Harem? (Princess by Default Part-III) By Noel Lexicon Chapter 9: Prisoner in Eden * * * I woke with a splitting headache. It took lots of effort before I could get any of my limbs to move. Had they done something to me? Finally one of my hands responded and I was slowly able to massage my temple. `Max?' `Here, Kid. Don't know anything about this you don't.' I grunted and continued massaging my head. My headache and other aches slowly receded. I became aware of...
“Amy, I need a pretty big favor, and it might help me get a promotion at work.” “Oh, yeah?” she said. “What’s that?” With a sheepish grin Scott said, “My boss needs a place to stay while his house is being renovated and I offered our place for the next few weeks. He was going to stay at a hotel, but I think having him stay here might tilt the scale in my favor when he promotes someone to the vacant regional sales manager position.” Amy looked up and said, “What?? A few weeks! That’s a long...
"Uncle Paul. You can't do that. Booboo just killed three men. If we don't trust the police, we can't take him to the hospital. We need to get him someplace safe." Bob was halfway around the building when he shouted, "Let's take him to the hospital where Jamie is. Ron's there. We'll worry about the rest later. We need for him to tell us what happened before we can do any more here." Paul shook his head. "No! Sally's right. They have to report gun shot wounds. We go to the casino,...
(Introduction: if you have read parts 1-4, you will know the people involved: a husband back working in the country he loves and where his grown-up 17y.o. step-daughter from a previous marriage has arranged for her ‘daddy’ to be taken care of by others during her school semesters back in her adopted Australia, where she lives with her mother, the ex-wife. I am flying back to my home in the south, to my H.O., after days away and more sex and love-making, courtesy of Liem’s younger sister, also a...
"Ann, this is Betty, She had the same thing happen to her that happened to you," Ed said, "I'm going to show you the pictures that Bynum took. I used some software to black out her face. The pictures that I'm going to show you are the doctored pictures. I destroyed the disk that showed her face." Ed started the computer and brought up the pictures. He went through them slowly, giving her a chance to review each one before going on to the next picture. When he got to the last picture...
A Party to Remember We decided to have a 3-some with another guy after spending a few nights partying with him, all nighters. And as we partied we spent a lot of time talking about sex, watching porn videos, and looking at swinger’s magazines. So it was almost sure to happen, it was just a matter of time before we had a night of awesome, raw sex for 3. And it was awesome! When my wife’s tits were out, we began squeezing, licking, & sucking them. She got into it real fast, having us pinch...
Group SexI finally made it to the front door of the hospital.I Had passed many people on the way to the door and really, most seemed more interested in their business than to stare at me.My composure was starting to come back to me.I thought to myself what my wife had said to me when I was in my hospital room ,my haven from the world.She had said that people will NEVER know that I was once a man.This obviously scared me to death,considering the fact that it sounded as if I had died.In reality I...
One day the dream came true. This is the story of this event. I was travelling in a crowded local train compartment. This is in mumbai, my native city. I purposely got into the crowded train sometime in the night around 7 o’clock into the mens compartment. I had done that a few times earlier and got pinched here and there, but was not satisifed. This time i was wearing provocative clothes, a knee-length miniskirt, a sleeveless tight top with a zipper in the front and also behind, which was also...
Pornacopia dressed quickly and stopped to look around the room he no longer slept in. The only signs that the room had ever been occupied were the damp towel on the floor where he'd dropped it while he was getting dressed in his red t-shirt and brown slacks, and the open door to his closet as well as the drawers pulled out in his dresser. Pornacopia picked up the towel from the floor and dropped it on the unused bed before he sat down next to it to pull on his socks and shoes. He still...
"Good evening Ms Wen." "I trust you had no issues finding me?" "It's nice to finally meet you Mr... X." "No, the directions you gave in your email were perfect. It's strange, since I've never noticed this building before, and I've driven through this area hundreds of times... but I suppose there will be a lot of strange things happening today." "Yes indeed Ms Wen, I make it a point to not be found unless I intend to be. Sorry to be abrupt, but did you bring the full payment?...
Bob and Mandy did just what Stan told them to do when they arrived at the the bank. After opening the the dual signature Guardianship account with the $20,000 trust fund check, they wrote a check from it for $5,000 to open the one for Custodial Expenses. From there they setup the personal account for Bob the with the $1,500 monthly stipend check. Lastly they opened the personal account for Bob with the stipend check and adding to it the $20,000 incentive check Stan had given him for being...
Hi guys, I’m Amaan from Hyderabad and I’m gonna narrate you my first and greatest experience of my life. I’m 22 years old and completed my B.Tech. I worked in a BPO, call center during my inter holidays as I had a lot of time to start my engineering. I was quickly selected there for night shift. It was a great office and people too. The manager name was Aparna; she was very sexy yaar. Everything was perfect but the story is not about her. There were 6 men and 4 girls working with me. 2 girls...
I think about meeting a dark, wild woman at a bar or a club. There is an immediate visceral attraction between us. We don't immediately succumb to it, however. We're both smart willful people and the control we have to exert makes the anticipation of what we both know is inevitable that much sweeter. We engage in that kind of masked erotic fencing people do in that kind of situation; looking at each other over the rims of our glasses, both getting somewhat buzzed, slowly losing the few...
THE UNEXPECTED HAPPENSSusan Watson's cell phone rang as her car moved another ten paces and stopped in the morning commute."Hello?""Sue, Jill. Hey, Z88 just said your name as the winner of the Caribbean Getaway contest! You have ten minutes to call before they draw another name!""Oh my god, oh my god!! Okay, okay…uhm…""Bye!""Oh…yeah, okay, bye…thanks Jill!" Susan said as the other end of the phone went dead. Her heart pounded as she sought the radio station's number in her cell phone's memory....
Hari sat on the PC and went through the job websites , he applied for some jobs. He checked his mailbox and did not find any mails from Consultants. Hari had been laid off and was sitting at home for over a month. He was slowly getting frustrated sitting at home doing nothing. He missed the office routine , the hot babes and hot sex. He made some calls looking for a job and drew a blank. He visited some porn sites and started stroking his cock. He was slowly becoming hard and getting aroused....
My name is Mike Cosby. I'm about 5'9" 170lbs relatively fit and trim and my sandy blond hair and green eyes kind of stand out. When I was in college and in high school, I was never the biggest guy around so I went into some of the peripheral sports. Instead of basketball or football I ran track and cross country. Running cross got me respect in school if not star status. Even for cross country and track, I was never the star on the team, but also never the dog. I was a solid middle of the...
TRANSVAMPORIA THREE: Medusa's Elixir by Bloodspell Moone Introduction: Hi, and welcome to the third installment of the Transvamporia saga, well it will be a saga by the time I am done with it. I will reiterate once again that to appreciate this story, even to fully understand it, I strongly urge you, the reader, to read parts one and two first. Well, without any further ado, lets get into our story and see just what is developing in the world of the vampire Cheyenne. Part One:...
I saw her as soon as I walked in. She was perfect, a mass of straight, dark hair framing her pretty face, tight-fitting yet business-like black silk shirt, slim waist and softly flared hips, gorgeous tight ass and slim, shapely legs accentuated perfectly by a tight black pencil skirt. She looked like a business woman or an executive assistant. She was standing with her back to the bar with a nearly empty white wine glass in her elegantly manicured fingers, her eyes subtly scanning the room....
12:16 PM Christine spreads her legs wide, and Aaron lowers himself on top of her; sliding his rigid tool into her, he starts to thrust. As Aaron quickly finds his carnal rhythm and Christine starts to moan, J.J. inserts his stiffened pecker into Tracey and starts hammering away at her pussy. Soon, both studs are working up a sweat as they once again synchronize their thrusts, slamming into their partners, pelvis to pelvis, with machine like precision, showing the same skill and proficiency...
After three years of war peace had come to the Kingdom of Valark. Tonight, was Lady Seranna’s wedding night. She was supposed to have married Prince Thelrian, but he had fallen in battle. So, she had married his younger brother Prince Nelralan instead. Seranna was an elf as was her husband. She had lived 21 years while he had lived 15. In the time they had known one another, they had gotten along splendidly. Although Nelralan felt that Seranna saw him as nice little brother instead of as a...
"Good morning, Cody," his mother, Carey said, when she noticed he was up. "Morning, mom," Cody replied, "what's for breakfast?" "I'm making you guys some pancakes," she answered, "They should be done in a few minutes." Cody liked pancakes and without complaining sat on the couch, which doubled as his mother's bed, and turned on the t.v. Once he found his favorite show, he let his thoughts drift off to what happened the night before. He had woken up with Zack's hand on...
I was quietly wandering around my neighbour’s room again. Justine’s parents were away from Christmas until well into the New Year. They were rich enough to be able to do things like that. Justine wasn’t away – but she was at work, which gave me time enough to do the things that I loved to do; the things that I needed to do. I had a new sexual habit which meant I needed everybody out of that house. I wanted to indulge myself. I needed to indulge myself. It was Christmas after all. Justine...
Oral SexThis one is compliments of the 'Shy One' I really doubt any of these stories are true but it is funny reading ... The world is full of sadness. A little of humor is always welcome to me... Think you are having a bad day? Fire authorities in California found a corpse in a burned-out section of forest while assessing the damage done by a forest fire. The deceased male was dressed in a full wet suit, complete with scuba tanks on his back, flippers, and face mask. A post-mortem test...
John messaged me and told me he wanted to meet the upcoming Friday. I said ok and asked where. He told me that he had a surprise for me and he had plans for me, but that it had to be done at his house. This would be the first time we met up at a non-neutral location. I wasn't worried though. If he wanted to keep me or seriously harm me he had plenty of chances to do so already. He told me to dress like a slut, not just slutty but like an actual prostitute. A cheap one. He said no underwear,...
i work in a new restaurant, two YOUNG girls came in and ordered eggs, and the other ordered a lox and bagel. i stared at them and pulled my cock out. started to beat it, felt my load cumming on so i grabbed her eggs cummed in them, then cooked them up. its a small restaurant so i took the food out to them my self they thanked me and i smiled. i stood back and watched them eat! they both went to the bathroom at the same time so i followed them, the smaller one had a bald little pussy. and the...
My college was closed for summer holidays, my father asked me to went to his native place which is far away from mysore town to see his sister i.e my aunt. My aunt is a young widow residing in the villege looking the affairs of her agricultural lands and also my father. I reached to the village to see my aunt. Her name is Rani. she is very beautyful women. she is aged about 28 years with nice body. she is having good breast always trying to come out from her blouse and her blouse is not control...
EroticThe Friday night high school football game was well underway and Riley Bills was struggling to lead his team to victory. Every time he attempted to complete a pass or instigate a running play, his mind seemed to disconnect and he made all sorts of mistakes that he didn't usually make. His father wasn't riding him the way he often did when his game was off like this, instead his father sat on the sidelines in virtual silence. He and his father had barely said two words to each other since...
Hello everyone my name is Rahul(changed) , am 5 8″ and 165 pounds with 6″ cock. Here comes my first story. Actually am a busy guy but have been feeling like sharing one of my stories onthis site since this site has given me a lot. I am from chitradurga and my parents put me in Bangalore for my Engineering and they made me stay at my relatives place and the incident which am gonna narrate you people happened between me and an aunt called latha(changed) who used to live right across the street to...
Fictitious name and characters picked at random. This poem contains the spanking of an adult female at a Halloween Haunted House. Charlotta sat on the steps of the haunted house in her red plaid skirt. The view between her legs signaled she was a flirt. She showed a great deal of black panty hosed thighs. The blonde wore her short plaid skirt on Halloween had not been wise. Although Charlotta’s panties were rather scanty, The old fart had seen her white cotton panties. The interested man...
Introduction: A young woman is rescued by a mysterious man… but whos going to rescue her from him? I wrote this story mostly for myself because its one of my fantasies, but I thought Id post it here anyway. Who knows, you might enjoy it as much as I do. ___________________________________________________________________________________ The minute he saw her, he knew he had to have her. He had already seen her quite a few times, and enjoyed watching her. Every day she would come downtown on...
Katya had been watching him through the two-way mirror for many minutes before she called for the cell to be opened. His wild hair and beard, broad forehead and deep-set eyes were familiar from the many news stories about Waldenstein’s most prolific serial killer and cannibal, but few women would ever dare come so close to him. The popular press ghoulishly reported that he had some kind of hypnotic power or evil eye. Other commentators were frankly mystified at his evident ability to seduce...