- 3 years ago
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Aging fishermen tell stories about ‘the one that got away.’ The one that got away from me was a girl named Loni.
It was the summer of ’69. I was fresh out of college with a completely useless diploma in a major that had zero job prospects without a Master’s degree. The amount of partying I did in college ensured that I wouldn’t get into any kind of grad school, not that I had the self-discipline to do the work anyway.
Knee injuries from drunken college foolishness kept me out of the military. I moved back into my parents’ basement, hacked off some of my hair, and found a proofreading job at a printing company. Second-shift was fine. I’m not a morning person.
Neither was Loni. She started working there soon after I did. She was a typist, transcribing manuscript into primitive computer files on cassette tapes. When a typist finished a document, she would print it out, put it in a folder with the original manuscript, and bring to the proofreaders.
Loni was gorgeous. Fred, an older guy I worked with, caught me watching her one evening.
‘Go for it,’ he said. ‘You’re close enough to her age. She’s been legal for a year.’
‘Who is she?’
‘You’re joking. That’s Loni Svensen. You know? LONI SVENSON?’
‘Who’s Loni Svensen?’
‘What planet did you say you’re from?’
‘Man, you know damn well I live fifteen minutes from where we are right now. Who the hell is Loni Svensen?’
‘I can’t believe you don’t know. She was high school Homecoming Queen in her senior year, won the county beauty pageant easily, and placed second at the state pageant. She’s working here, saving money to go to a fashion design college in Boston.’
‘She’s cute,’ I said.
‘Cute? That girl was one unfortunate song choice away from competing for Miss America! Beautiful and sexy as hell are the words you’re looking for. She’s not dating anyone. There was a boyfriend in high school. The dumb shit dumped her for some other girl. She lives with her mom. I went to high school with that women. Tried to get in her pants more than once. Loni’s sexier than her mother ever was, and that’s saying something.’
‘Way out of my league, man.’ I turned back to my work.
Fred spun my chair to face him. ‘Nobody gets laid with that attitude. Don’t tell me you’re a virgin.’
‘Hardly. I had fun in high school and college.’
‘What? Twice? Once each place?’ he chuckled.
‘If you must know, I had a serious girlfriend in high school. We learned a lot from each other. I had chicks in college, too.’
‘Ones you had sex with? And when you say ‘chicks’, you mean, what? Two? Three?’
‘Three in one day once, and there were two girls who slept over pretty regularly. My roommate dropped out. Two dorm beds pushed together made plenty of room for all kinds of fun. A chick lived in my room with me for a few months, and ….’
‘All right, all right. Fine. You’ve been with girls. Were they sweat-hogs?’
‘No! But they didn’t wear tiaras!’
Fred laughed. ‘Loni’s my daughter’s best friend. She’s at our pool all summer. Pictures tomorrow.’
‘Why would you torture me? I’ll never get to see her in a bathing suit in real life.’
‘Mark, I don’t know what types of brain damage you subjected yourself to in college, but if your ears work, listen! You can get that girl!’
‘That’s insane. You’re wrong.’
‘I’m not wrong. At least I won’t be if you’ll just fucking listen to me.’
‘Right.’ I moved back to my desk.
Fred grumbled, ‘We’ll talk tomorrow, after ‘show-and-tell’.’
I dreamed about her that night. We were work buddies, talking at breaks sometimes, but nothing more. I thought the dream might be a glimpse into my future with her. All right. I’d be thrilled with that. It would be more fun drinking coffee with her than with Fred.
He displayed an envelope when he came in that afternoon. ‘I’ll show you these on one condition.’
‘What’s that?’
‘You forget where you saw them. My wife and daughter would kill me.’
‘What the hell is in that envelope?’
‘Wait until break-time.’
Loni wore a casual dress that day. Fred said she designed and made it herself. When she leaned over my desk to bring me her work, I tried not to stare at her cleavage. Her aroma was natural, healthy, a hint of sweetness, very feminine, but only mildly sexual — maybe the way a goddess would smell.
When she left the room, Fred tossed me some coins. ‘You know how I like my coffee. I’ll find a table outside. God, she smells good enough to eat.’ He rolled back to his desk.
The break buzzer sounded. I made it to the vending machines in record time, but why? If he had nude pictures, it would only make things worse.
He opened the envelope when I sat down. ‘This is her mom, Camilla, the summer after we got out of high school, about the same age Loni is now.’
Camilla looked like Loni, with the same nearly black wavy hair, but she was shorter, a little more Italian looking. It was a posed shot at the beach. Her suit must have been pretty daring back in those days, and she looked damn good. ‘Damn, Fred, she’s as beautiful as her daughter!’
‘Yup, but Loni’s taller. Her height and those blue eyes come from Dad. Peter Svensen. Big blond guy, starting tackle all through school. We called him Thor. He died in a car accident, going for milk for the girls. Loni was three.’
He pulled out another picture. ‘Camilla has a full-time job, and works Fridays and Saturdays overnight someplace else. My wife and I are friends with her from school. We used to babysit her girls. Camilla and the kids love the pool. They’re at our place most Sunday afternoons.’
This snapshot showed a woman Fred’s age, doing justice to a bathing suit most teens couldn’t wear. It was obviously the same woman, the same beautiful hair, and the same slightly olive skin. This suit showed more of it — lots of cleavage, firm bare midriff, shapely legs and ass. Hot mama!
‘That was taken last summer. The girls mean everything to her, so she’s always spent all her time providing for them and making the best home and family life she can. I admire her, and I’d fuck the hell out of her. The next one is Loni’s graduation picture.’ He handed me a standard yearbook pose. Her hair was styled simply, but it was still beautiful, and her smile was dazzling.
The next shot showed her perched gracefully on the back of a convertible. She had a tiara pinned to her elegantly styled hair, and she wore a formal gown in blue, to match her eyes. The photographer was at the perfect angle. Loni smiled straight at me. ‘Homecoming,’ Fred said. ‘She made that gown from scratch. Drew the patterns herself.’
The next picture showed her dressed as a cowgirl, dark hair in braids, belting out a song. ‘What’s this?’
‘That’s from the talent competition at the state pageant. Wrong year to do a song from ‘Oklahoma’.
‘I’m not into redneck girls, but she looks great!’
‘Swimsuit competition.’ Fred handed me a picture of Loni in a conservative but form-fitting one-piece suit. Her figure was more beautiful than I dared imagine.
‘Sunbathing last summer.’ In this one, she was lying on her belly in a bikini. She had gathered the bottoms up into little more than a g-string, and the top was unclasped. She squinted into the sun, shielding her eyes with her hand. Side-boob competed with ass for my attention.
‘My God, Fred! Why are you showing me this?’
‘You’re looking, kid. My daughter works second-shift too, so I see that every day.’ He pulled the final photograph from the envelope. ‘No one knows I have this.’
She was climbing out of Fred’s pool, wearing a white t-shirt and knit shorts, sunglasses in hand, hair dripping. Camilla was in the background, laughing. Loni’s clothes were nearly transparent, and she wasn’t wearing underwear. Her face looked angry. Her body looked like a cente
‘Holy shit,’ I muttered.
Fred put his treasures away. ‘You can get that.’
‘Man, you’re nuts,’ I snorted.
‘Listen! Be friendly, but not too friendly. Smile when you see her. Don’t drool. Let her think you don’t really care about her beauty. Talk to her. Listen to her. Let her make the first move.’
‘Her first move will be in the opposite direction. I don’t have a chance with her.’
‘Suit yourself. Someone should be tapping that. It could be you.’ He finished his coffee and took the envelope inside.
As the days passed, I noticed her more and more. Shorts weren’t allowed in our part of the building. Women wore pants or casual skirts. Loni pushed the dress code with some hemlines. She apparently designed and made almost everything she wore, and she always looked fabulous.
I felt like an awkward kid. I hadn’t been bragging to Fred about college. It was ‘the dawning of the age of Aquarius’. If you had grass or booze, you got laid. Things changed. I was a working man. Granted, living in my parents’ basement, but I had hopes, dreams, even some vague plans. None of them included this girl. That was too crazy.
One evening, the workload was light for both proofreaders and typists. Our manager asked for volunteers to work in the factory area of the building, shrink-wrapping magazines and loading cartons of them on skids. Loni and I, the youngest of the bunch, agreed to do it.
The machinery generated a lot of heat, so the dress code was much more relaxed. People wore shorts with tees or tank tops. At break time, I took off my outer shirt. I had a t-shirt underneath, expecting to work in our air-conditioned office.
‘Good idea,’ Loni said, dashing out to the parking lot. She returned with a bag and went into the ladies’ room. When I came back from getting us sodas, she was on her way in from her car.
Her hair was held back by a kerchief tied as a sweatband. She had a Led Zeppelin t-shit, slashed from the collar to an interesting level, and cropped to show sun-bronzed belly skin. She completed her new outfit with a pair of tight, threadbare jeans, cut off so short the pockets showed in front.
Loni took dance lessons for years and competed in gymnastics in high school. She was strong, agile, and light on her feet. If it’s possible to look graceful while loading bundles of magazines into a hot shrink-wrap machine, she did it. The manufacturer of that machine would have paid good money for pictures of her operating the thing.
We finally caught up with the rest of the production line. I sat on on a stack of skids, mopping my brow with the tail of my t-shirt. ‘How fast are you running that machine, girl?’
‘As fast as I need to if we’re going to get done. Too much for you, old man?’ She sat next to me and flashed me a smile of beautiful white teeth and laughing eyes. ‘How long until lunch?’
‘About an hour.’ Damn, even sweaty, she smelled wonderful.
A tow-motor arrived with another pallet of magazines still stinking of ink. We got to work again.
Fred joined us for lunch outside. He kept giving me meaningful looks. I was afraid she would see him. She’d never talk to me again if she knew how hard I struggled to keep her from becoming become the girl of my dreams. I was too much of a realist to see her romantically, or sexually, or in any other way but as a work buddy. Fantasy about her was stupid.
At the end of our shift, we were told to dress for work in the plant the next night. We talked in the parking lot for a few minutes before driving home.
The next afternoon, she appeared at the time-clock in a dressy blouse and a skirt. I wore cut-offs and a t-shirt, a bandanna in my pocket to make into sweatband.
‘I thought we were dressing for the plant tonight, Loni. You’ll roast.’
‘No I won’t. I have a top and shorts underneath. I wanted to go shopping before work, and I wasn’t sure I’d have time to go home and change.’
We punched in and learned that we were doing exactly the same thing as the night before. When we got to our work station, Loni produced a hair tie and gathered her dark waves into a high ponytail. She removed her blouse to reveal a short top, displaying her taut, flat abdomen. Then she undid some fasteners on her skirt and stripped to a pair of athletic-style shorts, slit halfway up her hips. ‘I’m ready to sweat tonight,’ she said.
The large printing press near us that made so much noise the previous night was idle for scheduled maintenance. We were able to talk more easily than we did before, and we learned a lot about each other. Being with her made the work go fast. Still, I couldn’t picture myself asking her out.
At the end of the night, we were told there might be some work in our regular departments the following day. If things were slow, we would spend our time in the back-issue warehouse, picking orders for individual magazines a collector or library needed. That area was air-conditioned, but we were told to dress for comfort, since we would be on our feet doing light physical labor.
Loni appeared the next day in a yellow sundress with matching yellow casual shoes. I was in thin khakis and a lightweight polo shirt.
We were given order lists, mailing envelopes, and a cart stacked with empty bins. We found a rhythm. The break-time buzzer surprised us.
Relaxing with me at a picnic table outside, she said, ‘We got a lot done. This is easy.’
‘I wouldn’t call it easy.’
‘Do you want to trade jobs? I can load the bins,’ she offered.
‘No, I’m fine. I’m just bitching about being out here doing this work instead of sitting on my ass finding your mistakes.’
‘There aren’t many,’ she huffed, sticking out her pretty lower lip in an exaggerated pout.
‘No, there aren’t.’
‘That’s better,’ she whined, before she started giggling.
Back at work, we were alone. We didn’t hear anyone else for at least an hour. She went into another aisle to start picking a new order while I finished packing the old one.
‘Mark, can you come here?’
She was leaning against the wall at the end of the aisle. ‘I’m curious about something.’
‘What’s that?’ I asked.
‘Why don’t you like me?’
‘I do like you.’
‘It’s hard to tell.’
Should I admit that I was getting obsessed with her? That I saw her face every time I closed my eyes? That I was scared of seeing her as more than a friend? She was so far out of range for me that I was trying to convince myself she wasn’t desirable.
‘Does the girl have to make the first move? Well, all right.’ She gave me a firm kiss and held it for a few seconds. Then she said, ‘I liked that.’
‘So did I.’
‘Maybe we should do it again.’
I put my hands on the wall on either side of her head. The flecks of gold in her smiling blue eyes sparkled in the dim light. I leaned in to her, and she pulled me close. This time, our tongues played, and I could feel her proud breasts against me. I’m sure she could feel my growing hardness. My hands were sliding down her back toward her ass when we heard someone. We separated and made ourselves busy.
Impossible. I must have day-dreamed the whole thing. This girl could not possibly be attracted to me.
Just before lunch, our manager’s voice crackled over the intercom. ‘Mark or Loni, call 312.’ I picked up the phone and dialed. ‘Boss, it’s Mark.’
‘How are you two doing out there? We have work for Loni.’
‘It’s almost lunch-time. Do you want her back after that?’ I asked.
‘Yeah. Can you get to a good stopping point soon, too? We’ll need you to check her work as fast as she can pound it out.’
After lunch, she went back to her keyboard. I finished the order we had started and returned to my desk to start proofing her work.
My head wasn’t in the game. I had to re-read some of her stuff several times, because I kept finding errors. Obviously, Loni h
ad trouble concentrating too. She made an unusually large number of mistakes. Just before quitting time, I took the final corrections to her desk.
She opened the folder and shook her head. ‘Sorry. I’m usually much better than this.’
‘Don’t worry. It’s the end of a long work week.’
‘We need to talk,’ she said. ‘Follow me to my house after work. It’s not far.’
I had no idea what was going to happen as I drove behind her and parked on the street in front of her darkened house. She unlocked the door, turned on a single light, and invited me into the living room where we sat on the sofa.
‘I’m not sure what you think of me,’ she began.
‘What do you mean?’
‘That business in the warehouse. Let me explain. I never had much growing up. When Daddy died, Mom had to support me and my sister. That’s where Mom is now, working. She’s a good mother, and she’s taught me that when I want something, I need to work for it.’
‘That’s why you entered those pageants, and why you’re working to save for school,’ I said.
‘Right. I got scholarships from the pageants, but not enough. So I follow Mom’s example and work hard. Sometimes, I take a risk. Do you understand?’
‘I think so.’
‘Men,’ she grumbled. ‘Do you want to come to my room?’
I’m sure I gaped at her. In college, I got my share of pussy. Some of the girls were very cute. I never knew how I landed them, since I was an average college party boy, but I did. None held a candle to Loni.
She stood up. ‘I’m going upstairs. You can come with me, or you can lock the door on your way out. I won’t think any differently about you at work, either way.’
I locked the front door and followed her, thinking about her in ways that weren’t about being work buddies. Nowhere close.
She turned on the light on her nightstand. Kicking off her shoes, she sat on the side of her bed. ‘Join me?’
I couldn’t think of anything to say that wasn’t completely stupid, so I took off my shoes and sat down next to her.
‘Is something wrong with me?’ she asked.
‘Are you a virgin, Mark?’
‘Neither am I. I had sex a few times with my ex-boyfriend. My only boyfriend.’
‘What happened? Why aren’t you still with him?’ Inside I was smacking myself. I couldn’t get it through my thick skull that I was sitting on this goddess’ bed, talking about sex.
‘He got too serious. He wanted to make me into a housewife and mother. I’m not ready for that. I’m going to design school. I want to learn, use my creativity, make a statement, follow my dreams. He didn’t get it, so he found someone else.’
‘It’s a shame he didn’t appreciate your dreams and your determination. You’ll be a big success.’ Could I sound like more of a square?
‘That’s what I like about you. You treat me like a whole person, one that has something going on inside. Good grief! You’re sitting on my bed with me, nice guy Mark, saying the sweetest things.’
‘I don’t know what to say to you. I feel like it’s my first time talking to a girl.’
‘Then don’t say anything.’ She pulled me to her on the pillows. Just before our lips met, she smiled.
I kissed plenty of girls before. Usually, lying down, it felt really nice. This, with Loni, was absolutely mind-blowing. In the warehouse, she showed me she could kiss, and I got an almost instant boner. Now I was aching hard again from one long, sensual kiss. I pulled her tight against me and rolled on my back so she was on top.
‘Mark, I feel that.’
She ground herself on me. ‘That.’
‘You’re surprised?’
‘Not after what I felt in the warehouse.’ She straddled me and pulled her sundress off over her head. ‘I was in pageants. I’m used to guys leering at me. Most are complete pigs. You never act that way. You act like a friend.’
My brain was processing the sensation of her grinding on me in damp, white bikini panties, and the sight of her tan-lined body, with breasts better than I dared hope them to be — full, round, carried high like only a young woman can, and topped with succulent nipples on beautifully round areolas, centered in triangles of pure pale skin. Finally, I comprehended her words. ‘I want us to be friends, Loni.’
‘So do I. That’s why this might work.’ She pulled my shirt off and leaned down so I could fondle her. ‘I’ll still try to see you as good old nice guy Mark, but I want you, at least once.’
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Time seems to stand still for a minute as we all just stand there awkwardly. My heartbeat is so fast, I can feel it ramming itself against my chest. I know I should be the first to speak but I feel paralyzed between Jackie’s glare and the woman standing behind me.The sight of Jackie’s face moving from angry to crushed causes a wave of guilt to crash into me all at once. This is not how I wanted her to find out and I know I should have just told her when I had the chance in the bar last...
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Free Porn Tube SitesLisa woke with a start. Her head ached, and her mind was disoriented. Opening her eyes in the dimly lit room made her know instantly that she was not in her own bedroom and she experienced momentary confusion. But then as she turned her head and saw Marc's naked and beautifully muscled black body lying on his back next to her, the reality of her situation came crashing down around her. A huge wave of guilt washed over her as she realized where she was and what she had done. She felt the guilt...
Nina was at least glad that the time to go home had come but knew she had one last difficult task to do. Having tidied up her desk, she stood up, making sure as she had always done since being spanked earlier that her dress did not ride up so far that her red legs would be easily seen by those behind her. She managed it, and then looked across at Miss Millie, took a deep breath, and, as her bottom was still stinging from the spanking, she walked over to her boss. Millie looked up as Nina stood...
SpankingLook at weak, worthless, white-boi foot piggy, groveling at Goddess Richelle Ryan’s feet! He pays big money to worship his Goddess, and he loves sniffing and licking and kissing Richelle’s lovely feet. There’s just one problem. In the middle of his foot session, a couple of Richelle’s friends show up unexpectedly! They’re big and they’re black and they’ve got one thing on their mind: banging Richelle Ryan! Since Richelle is a “B.C.S.” (black...
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Hello everyone. My name is Shahnaz. I am a housewife. I was 21 when I was married to a 39 year old man. My parents forced me to marry this man because we where 6 sisters and we belonged to middle class family. My height is 5 2″ and my figure is 35 28 34. My husband name is Yasir. He is a rich man with cars and a big bungalow, servants. Since my wedding night I understood that he will never be able to satisfy me as it took him only 15 minutes for the whole session. But our life moved on. I tried...
Late Wednesday afternoon Robert made a phone call to Dr. Maier from his home in Thunder Bay. Although he was sure that Annie was completely past her emotional problems, he decided to seek confirmation from her doctor. ‘This is Dr. Maier.’ ‘Hello, this is Robert Porter calling. I know that Annie had an appointment earlier this afternoon, and I’m wondering if I could speak to you about her.’ He could hear a sharp intake of breath, even over the phone. ‘What is this about? Has this to do with...
Tim was 15 years old, a sophomore at William Blake High School. Since the start of the school year, he’d sucked 79 schoolmates. No sophomores, freshman boys only. Tonight would be schoolboy #80. Twenty to go. “Jesus,” he muttered. “I’m so sick of sucking cock.” Technically not true: what he hated was the effort involved in getting cock in his mouth. Sucking cock, he liked. He’d never sucked a boy before September 4th. Not that he didn’t want to. But discovering this strange ability over the...
You go door to door to every house in the nieghborhood asking if you could do yard work for a profit. Many people accept and get to know you around the nieghborhood. As you are carrying huge amounts of stones and your muscels are showing, a Cougarish woman walks by. She asks you your name and takes out a pen and a paper and starts writing. The mature yet gorgous woman slips the paper in you pants brushing your hard cock. She then says "I am totally seeing you later cutie pie!" The woman walks...
MatureMary and her mother stood trembling as Serena made her way over to them. Neither could believe what they had just seen and on top of all of that no one in the cafeteria seemed to have noticed Bruce's transformation. The students and teachers all continued on with their daily activities seemingly unaware that a man had just been transformed before them. Not even the group of student's at Mary's table seemed aware of what was going on. "My Bruce..." Mary's mother, Cindy, softy...
I remember shopping for school clothing, we were so excited. We thought that we would be in different classes, but Mom arranged it so we would have the same kindergarten teacher. I don’t remember much of the accident. I remember screaming and pain and blood, blood everywhere, on everything, on me. But none of it was mine. It was all Cheryl’s. They say that she died instantly and didn’t feel anything. At least, that’s what everyone told me. But I remember. I saw her. She turned and looked at me....
Our relationship has always been good. We love each other, and the life we have built. But lately our sex life and our life in general has become some what stagnant. We get up go to work, come home have dinner, then go to bed. It's the same thing you've heard from couples who have been married for ten years. The excitement level no longer exceeds sexual intercourse more then once a week. It becomes frustrating at times because I've always been the type who wants to try new...
We arrived at Gary and Nora Marlow’s bungalow about eleven a.m. on Saturday morning. Mindy had telephoned ahead to tell them she wanted to pay a visit and to be sure they’d be home. There were two cars in the driveway. Mindy led the way to the front door and rang the bell. Her mother answered the door and let us in. I was a novelty, and Mindy introduced me as we came into the house. Gary Marlow appeared a second later, and gave his daughter a perfunctory hug. Nora offered us coffee and we...
written by : 2night_only It all started last week when I was driving my daughter home from cheerleading practice. It had already gotten dark by the time practice had finished and after waiting outside the school, my little girl hopped in the passenger side of the truck and kissed my cheek."Hey Daddy, how's it going?" I told her about my day at the office and then asked her how practice went. "Ugghhh, stupid, but only one more month then I'm finished." Hard to believe, but she would be finishing...
It was a look that said: you're not going anywhere in a hurry - and she was right of course. Steadying myself, hand on her head, stroking the golden mane, I began to buck against her mouth, thrusting into the pursed lips in much the same way I'd attack a pretty little pussy. Honk honk, the reminder rang out from the road as I upped the tempo, taking the pigtail in hand and slamming forcefully into my fianc?s throat. She took the oral pounding willingly, saliva pooling at each corner of her...
Hi, my cutie pies. How’s the day? This is a continuation of my story. In the third part, I let you know what happened when I visited her house and how my secret got revealed. Before I start, I have questions for all of my friends. Why do we close our eyes when we sleep, when we cry, when we imagine, when we kiss, when we pray? Because most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen with your eyes, it must be felt in your heart. My eyes were closed, remembering last night’s incident, lying on...
Lyle sat on the wooden chair outside the bedroom door, only a simple white shirt allowed him for comfort in the cool of the evening, his toes furrowing restlessly in the carpet of the hallway. But he did not notice a chill to the air, for his brow glistened with the sweat of passion and tension seethed inside him. His toes flexed and churned, torn between flight and fight. He listened to the muffled sounds just beyond the thin hollow paneled door of their modest home, his mind racing as it...
She leaned against him the case of the cock of unrequited love needed to bring it back to life those Babes knew their craft.He was now tangled in her sheets How he sucked her nipple she had those lush curves how it blended to his cock Universe London England was juicy so hungry they were sex hunter’s those pornographic shops those French postcards lip sucker How you guided me and took me inside your click…click …cock …cock doesn’t stop the erotic clock sex extreme pleasure.She gripped his...
It was after lunch when Sally saw Siobhan with Caoilinn's Clan and walked over. "You guys handled the group acquiring people from BEN Cruises very well," she said. "Thank you," replied Caoilinn's Clan together. "We couldn't have done it without the support of Siobhan's Clan. Their support really kept us from over-reacting to the situation when we entered their leader's headquarters. It would have been so easy to just take them out." "I can see that. We were very pleased to see...
Our growing circle seemed to be tilting strongly in favor of more women than men, a point that I worried about occasionally when I was feeling inadequate about seeing everyone satisfied. Yes, the women were happy with bisexual or sapphic lovemaking, but every one of them preferred male company. No one else voiced concern. We also had a wide range of ages in our circle too. At the older end, we had Rosalin – when she visited, my mother Beth – who now made visits every couple of months, and...
There was screaming coming from the house. I had dropped to the ground and made myself as flat as possible. Then I felt thuds hitting the side of the Ford. They say that time slows down when you're in a personal situation; it didn't for me. I scrambled under the Ford and got behind the back wheel. I was out of sight of whoever was shooting but the tires would not stop a bullet. Curiosity made me want to look at who is shooting when I heard Lana's voice. "Get away from the car. You're...
Sorry that its been so long since my last story, but my motivation and my inspiration have been gone for a very long time. I plan on finishing this series and then heading off to a tropical island to find some more inspiration. Now, let’s get back to the story. John carried me over to the bed and I smiled hugely as I knew what was to come. He dropped me roughly onto the bed and removed both of our robes before pouncing on top of me. His hard calloused skin caressed mine as he moved, and even...
Later in the spring, I got a call from Mary Beth McBride, Fred Hodges’s executive secretary at Executive Aviation. It seemed like it was time for the company’s annual spring bash, and we were all invited to attend. While I had her on the phone, I asked about the laser treatment on her eyes and about the Female Fitness machine. “The eye thing worked perfectly,” she said. Then her voice dropped to a confidential tone as she added, “I see what you meant when you asked about my virtue. That...
Brad woke up to a beautiful sunny and unseasonably warm Sunday with a stiff morning wood. He wasn’t surprised, he had been thinking about the young sixteen year-old Asian student that he spanked last Friday. He absentmindedly stroked his cock as he thought about her firm round ass, her smooth white skin and her wet black pubic hair surrounding her glistening pussy. Then he noticed Cassie’s used white panties on top of his dresser and moaned. He rubbed his cock faster thinking about sliding his...
Masturbation100% fiction! It was about One o'clock when Reese arrived home. Autumn sat at the table staring at him quietly. Reese: Something wrong? Reese slowly made his way over to his new girlfriend. Autumn: Im just going to come out and say it. Why the hell do you keep saying no to sex? Autumn was absolutely pissed right now. Maybe she was over reacting but still, she wanted an answer. Reese: Ummm... Well its just I - Autumn: Wait is it because you have a small ass dick and dont want me to laugh at you?...
IncestHe came rushing through the kitchen “I’m late.” he said flatly, slamming his briefcase down onto the table. "Would it be too much trouble for you to be something resembling a wife? You know? The good kind, you wake me up with a smile, make sure my clothes are neatly pressed, have dinner on the table for me, as well as breakfast." He glanced around as she sat calmly with her coffee. When she said nothing he glared at her. "Nice. You know something? You suck." With that he grabbed his briefcase...
EroticMorgan was looking forward to a quiet night at home with his girlfriend Rhiannon when he entered the house they shared. Instead he was greeted by the sight of Rhiannon in a corset and thigh highs, holding a leash. From behind her stepped a petite red head, a collar around her neck that the leash was hooked to. She was also in a corset and thigh highs, but the red head was wearing a short leather skirt. Rhiannon walked to Morgan and knelt at his feet, the red head following her lead. Rhiannon...
Summer in England can be extremely frustrating, two or three days of sunshine, followed by a humid hell and then thunderstorms. If you’re lucky, the sun will return a few days later and you can feel the heat on your body once more. There are summers when the sunny days are few and far between but there are those when it’s day after day of gorgeous weather and there’s no place better to be. This story took place a few years ago, when England was experiencing one of its better summers,...
ExhibitionismI feel out of character as I leave the house to meet you. I’m looking around me to see whether any of the neighbours curtains are twitching, as the skirt I’m wearing well it’s short and if the wind blows they’ll get an eye full and I will laugh silently in my head. I waited until dark like you asked, I guess you knew I’d be self conscious, normally I’m a jeans kind of girl, and that just makes this whole scenario much naughtier. Okay so I’m wearing the black knee-highs, the white blouse and the...
1964 was a far different world than the one we all live in today. Ronnie couldn’t know that of course, he was fresh out of high school and like most young men at the time, there was not a single clue in his mind of what he would do with his life. His world had been school, and work, it was the only world he knew. As far as anything like a social life, there just was not any time and even going to something sports practice was impossible. Growing up on the farm didn’t help one bit, the family...
I have a Taco shop I like to frequent near my work place... Good food and the price is good. Being a regular I get smile from the Girls at the counter. This one day I am eating a late lunch and place is empty. Just me and the workers. I am Chatting with the girl at the counter waiting for my food. She says something about my order and I look to see who is cooking.. I am in luck this guy always makes my food just the way I like it and I make this comment to the girl.. She give me a very strange...
Author's note: Please feel free to post this story to any free site, as long as the following conditions are met. It shall not be posted to any site charging a fee for reading it, either direct or indirect (avs), the story remains fully intact, and the original author shall be credited in entirety. This story contains harsh language and scenes of a frank sexual nature and is not suitable for younger readers. Also if you are offended by Transgendered, Gay, and Lesbian themes,...