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My name is Jason Gates. At 34, I’m the head of the R&D department at Biokines. You’ll probably never have heard of the company, because we’re very secretive and contract for the military. Let me tell you how I started.
I was 22 when I started my Master’s degree in Biochemistry. I had a Bachelor in Science, and had a research interest in hormones, especially adrenaline and serotonin. For those not interested in science, these are the hormones that regulate our levels of excitement and happiness. You may have heard the term ‘adrenaline junkie’ or watched the movie Crank with Jason Statham. Adrenaline pumps through your body when you go on a roller coaster. Serotonin is the hormone that many antidepressants target. The combination of having these two in your body makes you feel amazing and invincible. It’s a high that many people chase time and time again.
I’ve learned to control that high.
My Master’s work revolved around using proteins to deliver certain molecules to the body. The special part about my work is that I could use an external trigger to release the molecules. I essentially found a way to create a protein package that would open in response to a certain frequency. Without going too deep into the science, the vibration of the molecule at a certain frequency would give it a certain chance to release its molecule. More of these molecules would be released if there were more packages or if the duration of the signal was longer. These packages could be ingested, where they remained in the body for a short period of time, ready to release their contents.
A few years into my research, I figured out how to put morphine inside these packages. I had also developed a transmitted that gave off the exact frequency needed to release the morphine. This meant that at the touch of a button, morphine could be released into the body, providing pain relief. After doing some testing with animals, I quickly contacted the military to see if they would be interested in using my technology in the field. I demonstrated to them that soldiers could drink a liquid containing the packages before heading to the battlefield, and in the unfortunate instance that they were hurt in battle, they could quickly eliminate their pain with the transmitter they carried. Their response was overwhelming, and orders came flooding in. As the creator and the sole owner of the patent, I quickly became rich.
With the extra capital that I now had, I created Biokines. I’ve never been good at the business aspect of things, so I decided to be the head of Research and Development and leave the role of CEO to someone else. As the head of R&D, I’ve been able to tweak my design, but more importantly, keep it away from the prying eyes of everybody else.
I won’t bore you with the details of my next decade of research, so I’ll summarize the important steps that I’ve done. I quickly figured out how to put adrenaline into the packages. More military contracts came in for this one, since it meant that soldiers could basically have limitless energy. Now I really had the resources to play around and create whatever I wanted. The next step was to do the same thing with serotonin. With my background in Biochemistry, this was child’s play. It took a little more time to figure out how to package endorphins, which produce the high you get from running. I’m still currently working on how to package Insulin, which treats Diabetes. I figure that will give me enough money to retire.
I also figured out a way to predictably release certain amounts of the hormone. I developed an algorithm that would use the initial amount of protein, and the likelihood that the remaining protein molecules would release their contents, to calculate the strength and duration of the signal I transmitted. I also found how to get the protein to be absorbed in the body, so that the signal could be used at any time up to 1 week after consumption.
The cherry on top of my research was creating the perfect transmitter. The military were using these bulky boxes about the size of a deck of cards. It was useful since it could be found very quickly in an emergency situation, but it was also small enough to comfortably keep in a pocket. However, I was able to create a transmitter that was thin and flat, and it was only a minor step to turn it into a ring. Although battery life was an issue, I managed to fit a smaller version of what they have in those motion-powered watches, so that the ring would charge whenever I moved my hand.
I know I’m throwing a lot of different details at you, but this is the culmination of almost a decade’s worth of research. In summary, I have created a substance that, for one week after ingestion, can release molecules that make someone feel high and excited, and I can control this with my ring.
Let me stress that nobody else in the world knows about my research.
Now, I’m not writing this story to tell you about my research activities. That’s not what you’re interested in. No, you’re interested in how I used my work to obtain certain skills of persuasion. However, there’s just one small thing to add. Since my company has been doing so well, I’ve had quite a bit of free time. I’ve used some of that time to have a little fun, but I’ve also done some extensive reading regarding addiction and social psychology. I’ll explain this part as I go along.
For a long time, I hadn’t had a good opportunity to test my invention. This changed when we hired a new summer intern. She was a bright medical student who had heard about my work, specifically my attempts to package Insulin for delivery. As a future doctor, she wanted to treat people with Diabetes, and was excited to get some experience in the lab. The other lab staff were happy to have her brilliant mind around, but I was more interested in something else.
Her name was Jenna, and she was young and eager to get her name and work published. The first thing I noticed was her small waist and perky tits. When I first saw her, she was wearing one of those scrub tops with a deep V cut, and a hint of cleavage provided a very tantalizing view. I initially guessed she wore a 34C, and I was later proven right. When I finally looked up from her chest, I noticed pale green eyes that were framed by black glasses to make her look more like a bookworm. Her face was framed by wavy red hair that went down to her breasts.
Jenna was being given a tour by one of our other researchers, Lauren. As they walked past my office, I waved at them to come in and say hi. I introduced myself and shook Jenna’s hand, welcoming her to the lab. As they turned to continue their tour, I stared at Jenna’s ass as it swayed out of my office. I could hardly contain my excitement as I thought about carrying out a few slightly unethical experiments.
I hosted a lunch meeting to officially welcome Jenna to the lab, and I strolled around to take coffee orders. My lab is relatively small with seven staff in total, so this wasn’t too difficult. With Starbucks in hand, I stopped briefly by my office on the way to the lunch room, and added a small amount of my special packaged protein powder to Jenna’s coffee. Formal introductions were followed by a short mingling time, during which I found out that Jenna was 24 and had a boyfriend who was studying Law. After making sure that Jenna had a sufficient amount of coffee at the lunch, I went back to my office to hatch a plan.
In the next few days, I kept my distance from Jenna. I wanted her to integrate herself into our lab so that she would be less likely to leave in case I pushed her boundaries too far. However, I was aware of my one week limit on the protein powder, so I approached her at her work bench on the morning of her first Friday.
The moment we first made eye contact, I pushed the almost invisible button on my ring. I knew that as I did so, Jenna’s body would be flooded with enough adrenaline, serotonin, and endorphins to give her a small, but potent, high. Her pupils dilated, h
er skin flushed, and there was a soft gasp as she sharply inhaled. This was the first time I’d tested my invention on a human, and I was very pleased with the result. We both knew that she felt happy and excited, but while I knew it was due to the protein packages coursing through her veins, she would think that she felt this way because of me.
I asked her how her research was going and how she was settling into the lab. While she was quickly making friends with the others, she did admit to having some difficulty figuring out how to modify the Insulin to get it packaged into the protein. I asked her to describe her difficulty to me, and as she was talking, I briefly broke eye contact to gaze at her chest.
I pressed the button as I did so. There was another sharp intake of air, and her cheeks flushed. It was obvious to me that she was experiencing an adrenaline rush.
My plan to slowly break down her boundaries was going exactly as I’d hoped. I asked her to meet with me weekly to discuss her progress and to offer her advice. I suggested later that afternoon in my office, and she agreed. She wanted a Frappuccino this time.
While Jenna worked to find a solution to her Insulin problem, I was pondering developments of my own. I had proven to myself that I could reliably reproduce the chemical high in my target, and now I could take my research to the next step. I wanted to be able to have this effect on more than one person at a time. I needed protein packages that would respond to different frequencies so that I could control them independently.
I was still modelling a protein structure that would solve my problem when there was a knock at my door. Through the glass walls of my office, I could see that Jenna had come for her meeting. I motioned for her to come in, and as she stepped foot into my office, I used my ring again. There was a slight stumble to her step.
I won’t bore you with the technical details of our discussion, but I made sure to steal less than subtle glances down her shirt every few minutes. After pressing the button a few times as I did so, I noticed that she was leaning forward and giving me a better view of her bra-covered breasts. Perfect. I rewarded her with an extra button press. By the time our meeting was finished, she was breathing noticeably harder and seemed to have trouble concentrating on the topic at hand, her eyes wandering over to me frequently. When Jenna finished her Frap, I pushed the button on her last sip to make sure she would continue to finish it week after week.
The first week had been a success. It feels weird to say this, but I couldn’t wait for Monday.
Over the weekend, I spent many hours in front of my computer, trying to find a protein recipe that would enable me to control different frequencies. I realize now that I haven’t told you much about my home life, so I’ll take a few minutes to delve into that.
I’m married to Sara, a beautiful brunette that I met in undergrad. She works in sales at a small technology firm. We don’t have any children yet, but plan to sometime. While I’m an only child, Sara comes from a bigger family and has an older sister, a younger sister, and a younger brother. They live in the city, and although they are very close, we see them rather infrequently.
We live in a large house with a pool in the backyard. We’ll sometimes invite our neighbours over for a barbecue, or go to their houses to visit them. Sara’s sexual appetite means that we fuck more days than not. I’ll get to that later.
I arrived to work a little past nine, and Jenna was already hard at work at her bench. As I approached, I noticed that her usual scrub top had been exchanged for a button up shirt and lab coat. The top few buttons were undone, providing me more than a glimpse of her tits as I greeted her. As soon as she turned to look at me, I pressed the button on my ring. Her breathing quickened and I decided to go to the next stage of my plan.
As I spoke to her about her weekend, I briefly touched her shoulder, but I didn’t press the button. My plan wasn’t to get her excited when I touched her. My plan was to get her excited when she touched me. However, I had to let her know innocent touches were okay. So after touching her hand or elbow a few more times, I cracked a little joke. As she laughed, her hand briefly brushed my arm, and I pressed the button. She had the same reaction as before.
I guess now is as good a time as any to talk about the addictions research I mentioned earlier. I came across one study using mice that particularly interested me. They implanted electrodes in the brain of mice that would give them a pleasurable feeling whenever the mouse pressed a bar. As predicted, if the mouse received this feeling every time they pressed the bar, they would press the bar regularly. What was interesting is that if the pleasurable feeling came at random presses of the bar, the mouse would continuously press the bar without stopping. The uncertainty of when the next successful bar press occurred meant that the mouse had to keep trying without stopping. This is partially the reason behind why gambling is so addictive, especially with slot machines that only involve pushing a button or pulling a lever.
Although this piece of information may seem random, I was able to use it to manipulate Jenna even more. For the next week until our weekly Friday meeting, I rewarded her with random presses of the button when she did something I liked. I also stopped pressing the button as soon as she looked at me in the morning, as I didn’t want there to be the chance that she would see me before I saw her, and not get a shot of pleasure. I also wanted her to have to work a little to get her high. I rewarded her with a double push of the button the first time she brushed my arm with her breast, the third time, and the tenth time. I couldn’t believe how well my plan was working.
On Wednesday, I told her she looked nice while I stared at her tits, her unbuttoned shirt doing nothing to hide her cleavage. I pushed the button. On Thursday, the bright lab bench lights made her shirt slightly sheer, and I complimented her on her bra. I pushed the button again. On Friday, she had the same number of buttons undone as Wednesday, so I didn’t push the button. She would have to earn it.
When the afternoon rolled around and it was time for our weekly meeting, I noticed that she had the same number of buttons, but I didn’t see a bra. My attention went instead to her nipples, pressed hard against the fabric of her shirt. Her Frappuccino was waiting for her.
She leaned forward to place her laptop in front of me on my desk, taking the opportunity to let me gaze at her tits. I could see her darkened areolae and pointy nipples swinging freely. As I already knew, she was no longer wearing a bra. She continued to lean forward as she logged into her laptop. In my short observations of her, I knew she was organized enough to have the notes already on her screen when she put the laptop in front of me. I knew that she waited until now to log in so that she could have an excuse to expose herself to me longer. I rewarded her. She shuddered.
I was actually impressed by her work. Insulin would have been unstable in the protein pocket by itself due to some exposed binding sites on my protein package. Instead of redesigning the package, she had designed a protein that was small enough to fit inside the pocket with Insulin, but that would cover the binding sites. I do apologize for the technical jargon but I found her discovery very interesting. I noticed that while I was reading, she devoured her Frap as if Starbucks was going out of business. I rewarded her with a button push when she was done.
As I read through her notes, she positioned herself behind my chair to the left so that she could look at the screen at the same time. She leaned forward to put her left hand on my desk, and put her right hand on my far shoulder which resulted in her right tit resting on my head. I pushed th
e button, and felt her firm nipple slowly rubbing back and forth on my head. I pushed the button again.
She traced the fingers of her right hand down my right shoulder and across my back, before moving her hand over my left shoulder and onto my chest. I pushed the button again.
She was breathing noticeably hard, and put more weight behind the nipple that screamed that she was turned on. As her hand continued to trace down my chest, I pretended to focus on her notes. My thoughts, however, revolved around picking Jenna up, throwing her on my desk, and fucking the living shit out of her. However, I didn’t want to push her too far too fast, so I didn’t. Besides, it was more fun getting her to seduce me.
Her wandering fingers had travelled down past my belt with the aid of a few pushes of the button, and she started tracing the outline of my hard cock. I couldn’t stay silent any longer and let out a groan. Unfortunately, this seemed to have brought her back to reality a bit and she quickly muttered something about her boyfriend before running out of my room. She left her laptop, so I knew she would be back before the day was over.
A few minutes before five, there was a timid knock at my door. I motioned for her to come in, and she quickly apologized about running out on our earlier meeting. She made some excuse about not feeling well, but I wasn’t really listening. I was staring at her nipples, pointing the way forward, as obvious as a traffic sign. Interestingly, it seems that even though I hadn’t yet pushed the button, she was still turned on at the thought of seeing me or being close to me.
I told her it was no problem, and asked her why she was here. I initially pretended to have forgotten about her laptop, but made a big show of remembering that I’d placed it in my bottom desk drawer for safekeeping, as it could be locked. As I pulled the drawer out, I pretended like I was having difficulty picking up her laptop, and she quickly came to my aid. She leaned down, again flashing me her marvelous breasts. I didn’t push the button.
I watched as Jenna seemed to lose her balance while leaning forward and stumbled forward. She lost her balance and ended up resting a hand on my thigh for support, with one knee on the floor. She pretended that she was feeling a bit faint, but I knew it was a ploy to get more physical contact with me and hopefully to get her high. Frankly I was impressed with her bravery and rewarded her with a push of the button. I wanted to see how far she would take this.
As I expressed concern on her apparent dizziness, she reassured me that she was okay and rubbed her hand up and down my thigh, thanking me for my concern. My cock, having already started to lengthen down my pants, was now hard and the outline became visible. As soon as her fingers brushed it, I pushed the button. She kept her hand there.
As her breathing changed, her face betrayed the turmoil inside her head. Although my protein powder doesn’t give me the power to read minds, I knew that she was conflicted about her boyfriend at home and the pleasure that touching me was giving her. I flexed my cock under her fingers and that seemed to shake her out of her spell. Her fingers started tracing the length of my cock, and I pushed the button when she gave a quick squeeze.
She looked at me with worry written across her face and apologized profusely, saying there was something she really needed to do. She asked me not to tell anybody as her fingers worked at my belt, and I reassured her that nobody would know of her actions. She thanked me as her talented hand undid my pants and reached in to pull my hard cock out. She broke eye contact as her gaze turned to more throbbing matters, and she began to slowly stroke her hand up and down.
It took a lot of concentration and effort on my part, but I was able to resist pushing the button. I wanted to see how long she would stroke me before realizing that it wasn’t enough. I had always suspected that she was a quick learner, and she did not disappoint. After less than a minute of stroking me, she leaned her head forward. Precum was forming at the tip, and she planted a soft kiss on the head of my cock. Her luscious lips had now touched me somewhere that only my wife had seen since we started dating. I was about to reward her with a push of the button when her lips parted and her tongue darted out. She gave a tentative lick, stopping to savour the taste of my precum. I pushed the button.
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Marilyn Grant felt that rush in ‘75 was even more artificial from the active’s end than the previous year’s had seemed when they were rushing her. You spoke to a rushee, got her name, found something about her, and passed her on to one of the sisters who had something in common. Sometimes, she was the one who had something in common. “Marie was wondering what our response would be about the boyfriend she’s kept from high school,” said Selena. “This is Marilyn.” “Well, having a boyfriend is...
Hello all iss readers. This is a real story which contains sexual features in it and therefore I kindly request that I will not be responsible for any miss happening. If u likes the story u can mail me on or Late at night when I wasn’t doing anything, I would fantasize about them. Sometimes it would get so bad, I’d get incredibly wet. I needed to be relieved, some how… Oh yeah, I know you’ll say go get some guy, but being a geek, they’re still hard for me to come by. I tried to get a...
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6.30pm. Peak hour rush.It was the end of a long working day.Getting into the train, all she wanted was to reach home quickly.As there was no seat on the train, she resigned herself to having stand throughout her journey.Pushing her way through, she went into the middle of the train carriage to stand.“Excuse me sorry.” She muttered as she forced her way in, her 34c chest brushing against people.He was one of those she brushed against.He was standing there, minding his own business when he felt...
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Supernatural"Gun Seth, let's leave Chronos to her work, I want to make sure this floor is secure." Gunga din takes command of the brats. I can hear Camulus snort and follow them down the hall. Gunga Din nods at me and stations himself outside the door. I tisk at the destruction of equipment around me. Some bullets made it though the bodies after all. I move the two men bodies away from the computer terminal. Pausing for a moment in order to decide if they deserving to be guided. I didn't technically...
“You let David fuck you again, didn’t you?” Marla was glaring at Kacie the most she walked in the door. At 5’6”, Marla wasn’t the most statuesque woman, but she had thick dark hair, a gorgeous face, and a very firm expression. Not to mention very nice muscles, thanks to thrice-weekly trips to the gym. Kacie, by comparison, was small at 5 foot even, slim and quite unmuscled, and blond, Marla’s basic opposite. She was eighteen and had just moved to New York – into Marla’s apartment. Marla was 25...
LesbianThere was no avoiding seeing them and he knew I couldn't avoid seeing them. They were right there on the table when I walked in the front door after work. Each was four inches wide and 9 inches long and the hundreds of tiny tips sparkled in the lamplight. They glinted because he'd used the grinder on them while he waited for me. I almost went weak at the knees when I saw the big, blocky wire brushes. There was a hand lettered card next to them. It said : We've been waiting for the...
Upon entering the home, on the kitchen table a single burning candle in an old-fashioned brass holder greeted her with a note saying, ‘Walk with me.’ The home was completely dark and the air was warm and still. She heard the faint sounds of a jazz piano drifting down the hall from the direction of the bedroom. She lay her purse and keys down on the table and began her journey down the hall, candle in hand. She reached the bedroom door, which was just ajar. She held the candle in her left hand...
The fifty-two-metre fishing trawler loomed high above us, its rust-ravaged hull already succumbing to the relentless invasion of barnacles and other parasitic sea life. Listing forty-odd degrees on its port side, it exposed its belly like a lazy dog hoping for a pat. It was a monolith. I felt tiny in its presence.I chased the slowly ascending trail of bubbles around the leaning prow of the trawler. They were long, diagonal dashes of air, luminescent silver against the azure of the ocean from...
Oral SexMale Slave’s Cruel CastrationTesticle Mutilation & CastrationMistress Sadome walked adjusted her black leather bustier as her enormous breasts nearly popped out. She adjusted her firm, smooth bosom and then picked up the riding crop and proceeded into the dungeon.She first saw a male bound and gagged to a large wooden cross. He was only dressed in black briefs. She said to him “I don’t want to know your name because it doesn’t matter to me” then she reeled back and slapped him across the...
Aidan needed a hobby, so he bought a metal detector. It was supposed to help him deal with the stress of caring for his parish in the north of England, but straightaway he developed an obsession with Vikings. "They were all through here, you know," he told his wife Edie. "Absolute hordes of them. And they buried their gold and silver, all sorts of valuable things. People have discovered caches all over the countryside with metal detectors." He was convinced there was Viking gold buried in...
Glancing at her watch, the woman sighed. Like the last time, she was five minutes late. In midflight from the elevator to the lobby of the Apex Building, where she temped for the law firm of Greed, Avarice & Corruption LLP, modesty was briefly hijacked by vanity in one act: pressing the buttons to all of the floors in order to increase the time to apply fresh coats of velvet-black mascara and midnight-blue eyeliner. By the time the rickety car squeaked to a jolt and the ‘L’ lighted in green on...
Crush By Cassandra Morgan Charlie was coming over. Good old Charlie. He was the long-lost brother that we never knew we had. One weekend, he had started hanging around, and he seemed to always be there. Charlie had a loopy grin, and a great sense of humor, and he was smart. He told a good joke, and he would help with whatever project that we had going on. He came to dinner. He went to movies with us. Hell, he spent holidays with us. And why wouldn't he? He was Charlie. Good old...
NOTE: This story is much longer than most of my stories, about 27 pages in Word. A Young Girl’s Crush “You do know that little Natalie has a crush on you. Don’t you?” Asked my wife. “But she is only…what…fifteen years old?” I replied. “Age doesn’t have anything to do with having a crush on someone. The little darling would let you fuck her if you wanted too.” My wife said with a smirk on her pretty face. “Did you ever have a crush on anyone? What do you mean I could fuck...
During the icy drive to the park my one coherent thought was ‘Ferra is going to die over this’. She hadsomehow found my MSN password and arranged a trick with someone who saw one of my videos. On one hand, it involved one of my biggest fantasies. On the other, this could be bad, and not least of all because Ferra just didn’t think about danger the way most people do. And of course, why didn’t I just tell her ‘no’? Why indeed. Instead I drove to the city park which was totally dead,except for...
We were in the back seat of the car. The windows were fogging up, and the smell of her perfume was very strong. It drove me wild. We were parked off in a secluded area so no one would know what we were up to. I started to remove her shirt. She slapped my hand away. I asked her what was wrong. ‘I’m scared’ she said. ‘It’s ok, baby. Trust me’ She crawled on to my lap. She took off her shirt to reveal that her DD breasts were not contained by a bra. Her big pink, erect, nipples were very...
It is a Friday night and you’ve come home from work and jump in the shower, thinking about the night ahead. You’re going to have a couple of drinks and pick up some hot girls, or fish as you like to call them, and take them home for a good night of wild passionate sex till the sun comes up. As your thinking about what you’re going to do tonight your body begins to get excited, but you want to keep it down for later. You step out of the shower and choose your clothes carefully. You shave and...
The streets of Tricotore were dark and cold as the wind swept the dust along the rock pavement devoid of any human presence. Nobody looked at the streets through their windows. Nobody paid any attention to the empty streets. Nobody except a lonely woman. She stood high up and away from the streets and they held a sense of intrigue in her mind. Neko was the classic princess locked in the tower, the only exception being that she wasn't a princess but a Duchess. The Duchess of this poor city,...
First of all this is not a true story, but it is part of a dream I had. Just a little background, I have been imagining taking cock for quite some time now, but usually after I jerkoff those feelings subside. That hasn't been the case as of late and that's where I think this dream comes from. Anyways enjoy! I grew increasingly horny for real cock. Everytime I jerked off I felt the need for cock more and more. I just had to have it. I had to experience real cock. The urge grew with each...
We were in the back seat of the car. The windows were fogging up, and the smell of her perfume was very strong. It drove me wild. We were parked off in a secluded area so no one would know what we were up to. I started to remove her shirt. She slapped my hand away. I asked her what was wrong. "I'm scared" she said. "It's ok, baby. Trust me" She crawled on to my lap. She took off her shirt to reveal that her DD breasts were not contained by a bra. Her big pink, erect, nipples were very nice. I...
First TimeBack and forth, back and forth... Each stroke edged me closer to Rick. Sweat trickled between my breasts, dampening my shirt. The temperature in the station house felt warm and almost uncomfortable, whetting my desire for a spray of water from a hose. Maybe Rick could relieve me. His broad, broad back was to me. I leered at each flex of muscle, each ripple beneath his taut skin and tight shirt. I needed to stroke each swell of flesh on this man. I continued to study him unnoticed as he...
He had told himself over and over it was only a crush. He had thought he’d managed to forget her after not seeing her for months, but then the one year reunion came. The airline was paying for their travel from wherever they were to get together and talk with counselors and each other. What would he say in front of the group? What would he say to her? Was he the only one still dreaming about the flames? Was he the only one needing to talk about what happened but wanting to run away at the...
Emma didn't have the normal college girl crush as the sixteen-year-old didn't have a crush on her college teacher or the gym mistress or the headmistress, but, instead she had a crush on the Head-girl, eighteen-year-old Melissa.Emma was slim with long dark brown hair she wore in a ponytail at college and looked pretty in her college uniform which was a gingham green and white checked short sleeved dress and with white ankle socks. Once sixteen-years-old and therefore a senior, she didn’t have...
SpankingEmma didn't have the normal college girl crush as the sixteen-year-old didn't have a crush on her college teacher or the gym mistress or the headmistress, but, instead she had a crush on the Head-girl, eighteen-year-old Melissa.Emma was slim with long dark brown hair she wore in a ponytail at college and looked pretty in her college uniform which was a gingham green and white checked short sleeved dress and with white ankle socks. Once sixteen-years-old and therefore a senior, she didn’t have...
SpankingNutaku's Crush Crush! Yet another absolutely amazing adult game that I'm going to talk about in this review. You are already used to play awesome games provided by me, don't you? Well, if you got bored of all the others, go ahead and read the following. Crush Crush - Moist and Uncensored has a good gameplay, walkthrough sections, an epic storyline and so many other goodies that are waiting for you. But, what's going on ingame, brother? Let me tell you ...After some instructions, the game will...
Best Porn GamesCrushbyhammertime©Carol watched from the side as her husband Gene, and his eighteen year old brother, Ray, horsed around in the pool. She was glad to see that Ray seemed to be enjoying himself. It was the first time she had really seen him laugh since he had moved in with them back in the spring. His and Gene's parents were killed in and automobile accident and he had come to live with them as Gene was his only living relative. Back in his old school he was an outstanding athletic with a...
The John Labatt Center, London, Ontario 10:53pm, Friday, January 4, 1980 ... With our mics ‘not-hot’ according to Devin’s earlier message, Eda said, “As we were playing that song, I was thinking it sure would be nice if Cathy and Paul joined us on Danger Zone. They helped us write it, so...” “That’s an awesome idea E. Devin, can we do that?” Sammy said and immediately sought out permission from our concert producer. “Ha! Didn’t you young’uns just kinda brow-beat me into letting you do...
Cho's Secret Crush By: Lyrissa "Cho! Cho wait up!" Cho Chang stopped and turned around as the female voice called for her. Her cute Asian features were perfectly complimented by her spotless Ravenclaw uniform, which proudly displayed the emblem of her House on the front of her sweater. She carried a couple of heavy books with surprisingly little effort and her long raven-black hair was like a long stretch of midnight down her back. "Hi Lilly," Cho said with a smile. "What's...
When I heard people talking about her, I thought she’s just another girl from India that our desperate college boys were after. During every intake, all 4 batches of MBA boys would go after the new girls. I saw her in the orientation dinner – a shy girl with center-parted hair tied in a bun. Wearing a white shirt and grey trousers. The only thing I noticed about her was that she was the tallest girl in the fresh batch. Her girl-next-door personality was so attractive that I had an instant crush...
The first thing that I did after locking our apartment room door behind us was to nail my hot girl against the wall. I brushed her long hair a little with one hand and kissed her passionately while my other hand reached for the zip of her dress and unzipped her. Freed from the bonds of her clothes, she wrapped her legs around me. “You know we are very dirty after a long flight. We should get cleansed. What do you say?” I asked her in a dirty way. “Yes… I think we should,” she purred. “But...
Hey my name is Yeshwanth and I am from Vijayawada Any couple or women who live in AP and Telangana can mail me if you want to have some secrate fun, trust me you will have fun we can have lot of fun we can even go to movies and long drives and do alot;).this is my first story in ISSi am big fan of this website Coming yo the story this happen when I am 18 and this is my first time experience touching a girl and that feeling was really awesome So coming to the girl her name is Swarna (name...
It was senior year of college and Gaurav was upset about the difficulties he had to face due to his girlfriend’s stupid mistake. His girlfriend Jenny escaped from her home and came to his place so she can run away with him. Jenny was found and taken away by her family from Gaurav’s place. They both were separated and now Jenny was forced to stay the rest of her life in another city. Gaurav felt devastated about the incident as she was a light in his life. He was completely shaken. Being a...
Hi everyone! first of all I am new to this site but I had an experience so I used this site to share it. Now I start my story I’m Kalanjiam from Mumbai and I’m gonna share my experience with my girlfriend I hope you enjoy!!! My girlfriend name Lakshmi Sinha Marathi girl, very fair,tall like me,and good physique like a porn actress, her shapes are good and her fat are correctly present wherever it should be Now coming to the story I know her from my college we are best friends and I had crush...
Sue and I have been friends for many years and is my nextdoor neighbor. We always had a lot of sexual tension and flirting over the years, but have never done anything too naughty other than a little making out one New Year's Eve when we drank too much. She does know I’ve always had a crush on her but have been too nervous to really try anything more. We’ve gone out a little more often recently and I’m not sure if we’re dating or not, but don’t want to say anything to mess it. We’re scheduled...
TabooPsst? I have a secret? Wanna know what it is? I've had a crush on my Uncle Robert for over 20 years. It all started when I turned 18 -- he was 34. Let me tell you a little bit about myself. When I was 18, I was five foot four, blonde, and built pretty well. My measurements were 36c-28-35, a little hippy, but isn't that what boys needed to grab hold of when they're fucking you? I was the youngest of three kids, with older twin brothers named Ethan and Evan. My Mom and Dad are Elizabeth...