It’s Just A Business Transaction Ch. 05 free porn video

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They had taken the private helicopter back to Jefferson Estates after their solemnization but not before Alex made a short statement to the press that were waiting excitedly outside the courthouse about his sudden marriage. What was even more surprising to the world was his marriage partner was none other than the small time stage actress that was supposedly charge with possession of cocaine!

‘Mr. Jefferson, would there be any wedding reception? Could we get an invitation?’ one of the reporters asked him hopefully.

‘I am afraid there won’t be any. I have promise my beautiful bride to a quiet wedding but seems you boys has found me out!’ he grinned devilishly for the many cameras. Aida was hiding behind, his back shielding her from the press. Inwardly Aida was grateful for his consideration towards her.

‘Could you tell us, how did you two met? We understand just past week of her involve…’ another reporter was determined to get to the bottom of the whole affair and had bravely asked a very sensitive question but before he could finish, Alex has interjected.

‘My wife has been cleared off all charges. The police department has made a mistake and that is all I can tell you. If you will excuse us, we got a flight to catch so to speak,’ he gave them his most dashing debonair smile but indicated nonetheless the interview was over.

There will be no more answers to any more questions. Obviously the crowds were not appeased with such feeble answers. They wanted more. But Alex’s bodyguards would make sure no one could get any closer than necessary besides no one would want their cameras smashed. Alex’s bodyguards looked like Amazonians. Big, burly and black.

The moment they touched down at Jefferson Estates, servants were running out and line up neatly in a row to greet them. Alex formally introduced Aida to the staffs and the staffs were to acknowledge her as Mrs. Jefferson at all times. Greg and Wendy have followed them to their house too. It was huge and magnificent. The house looks more like a castle. The house was build upon acres and acres of land as far as the eyes could reach. You could see sprinklers lazily rotating watering the lawn making them moist under the hot weather. Aida was indifferent to her new surrounding. Wendy was awestruck with the massive sight of the place even Greg could not help but kept looking around obviously admiring the view.

While they were still up in the air, Alex had introduced Ian and his wife, Nicole to Aida. The ladies exchanged a few pleasant but awkward words and nods. Alex noticed Marie and her no good son, Roderick wasn’t at the reception to greet them, not that he missed them or anything like that. In fact he would prefer it this way it’s not their business what he does with his own life anyway.

Alex led them all to a wide patio where a long table was covered with white expensive table cloth that was laden with all sorts of food, a big crystal punch bowl with pink looking content swirling inside and even a four tiered wedding cake! A small four men band dressed in Mexican was playing Mexican folk songs! Aida didn’t like the look of it one bit.

‘Alex, I thought we agreed not to have any reception?’ Aida asked non-too happily.

Alex smiled down at this troubled-looking unwilling bride, ‘Relax, you can hardly call this a reception, can you? Even if you are not hungry, which I sincerely doubt so, your friends and mine would be already. Besides, I AM hungry myself,’ he softly told her.

‘But still, I shouldn’t think it’s proper to have a wed…wedding cake? Don’t you think it’s a little out of context to our a…agreement?’

‘Hmm…let me try and recall what was in the contract.’ He theatrically drummed his finger on his chin as though concentrating, much to Aida’s annoyance. ‘ It seems to say that there will not be any reception WHICH we are not having one now as there are no other guests! But it never says I can’t feed my friends or yours. AND I don’t recall that wedding cakes were not allowed!’ he smiled at her wickedly.

Oooh, how could he act so cool about the whole thing and so…so cheeky when she was fuming mad. AND she didn’t like the way he looked at her. He was making her extremely feeling uncomfortable with his stare. It was full of knowing looks. How come she had the feeling that she might just turned out to be his ‘food’ by the end of the evening? She looked away from him. She just prayed that he would honoured his words on the contract and that she was not expected to ‘perform’ on him. Alex then took her arm and linked it to his once again and turned to the little party as if to make an announcement.

‘Friends!’ he began. ‘I want to thank you all for coming to the courthouse to witness the solemnization and also for helping out to make this a memorable day. My wife and I would like to propose a toast as a gesture of gratitude to you all.’ He ended the short speech with a smile and gulped down his drink. Aida could only glared at him. How dare he!

Mrs. Josef was dabbing her eyes with a handkerchief, ‘I just so love a wedding,’ saying to no one in particular. While the small group shakes Alex and Aida’s hand, Greg and Wendy stood aside not wanting to.

Alex left Aida’s side and walked towards the brother and sister and said to them, all seriousness in his voice now. ‘I just want you to know, my wife and I are glad that you could make it to the solemn…’

‘She is not your wife!’ Greg interrupted him angrily speaking in a low tone.

‘Oh? We have the contract and we have the marriage license to prove contractually and legally that we are married. If she is not my wife then is she yours?’ Alex asked Greg coolly.

‘I don’t know what you are trying to get at, but I intend to find out. And believe me I will expose your scam!’ Greg told him hotly.

‘Let me ask you something, Greg…did you happen to carry a torch for her all this while? but too chicken to make a move? If that is the case, I feel so sorry for you. I, on the other hand always has a keen eye for good deals. If I think it’s a good investment, I will go right ahead and get it. No holding back. Decision has to be made fast and sharp. And in this case, I see something in Aida that suits me perfectly well and I go for it. I don’t see anything wrong with it. If there is demand there will always be supply.’ Alex lectures Greg. Wendy could only looked at the two men. She wonders when they are going to exchange blows soon.

‘She is NOT a commodity or an object to be bought or sold’ Greg retaliates.

‘I don’t remember forcing her doing anything against her will. It was her own decision, her choice. She agrees to it. She perfectly well knows what is in for her. I, just merely guide her along,’ said Alex, dangerously.

‘BUT YOU DON’T LOVE HER!’ said Greg forcefully but not loud enough for the rest to hear it.

Alex looked at Greg and then gave him a sardonic laugh. ‘You are still wet behind the ears, Greg. You have a long way to go. What has love got to do with business transactions? Do you feel love when you go to a supermarket to buy a packet of pasta? Or do you feel love for the taxman when he comes knocking on your door for your unpaid taxes? Or do you need to feel love to get your washing done? So tell me, what has love gotta do with life or business.

‘You know something Jefferson. You are one cold-blooded bastard!’ said Greg scathingly.

‘OH, so NOW I am a cold-blooded bastard. Listen! When I do a take-over. I make sure that some people would still have a job and feed their families! If I don’t buy over their company and revamped it, can you imagine how many people will be out of job because the company was closing down?! When I build a business, I create jobs. I, the cold-blooded bastard, happen to contribute vastly to our country GDP! Thousands of people working under me, depending on me for their livelihoods and I don’t let them down because you know why? I deliver what they want! JOBS! AND un
like some morons like you who THINK, love conquers all!’

Alex is now clearly livid. Oh, no…he is not going to let Greg get away so easily without teaching him a thing or two. No, no, he won’t let this happen. He won’t let a small time actor teach him about life.

He relentlessly pressed on, ‘Let me tell you something Mr. Johnson, the shirt you are wearing now, happens to be manufactured in Africa by one of my subsidiaries factory by a poor little girl! WHO, was constantly worrying when was her next meal. SHE, works for me and I pay her US$00.20 for each shirt she sewed. WITHOUT that twenty cents, she would not be able to buy food to fill her empty stomach! WITHOUT that twenty cents she would probably be dead from starvation and no one, NO ONE could be bothered about her filthy corpse lying by the roadside! Or worst, becomes a child prostitutes and got infected with all sorts of diseases! You want that to happen to her?! So tell me again in my face that I am cold-blooded and I will tell you to take a hike! Grow up, Greg. Your world is too small. Love can’t filled an empty stomach, business do and ALWAYS WILL!’

He ended that statement and stalked off. Greg’s face has turned slightly pale upon hearing his speech. Perhaps he might really have misjudged his intention after all. Wendy could only gulped and look in awed at Alex’s back. ‘Boy, he sure is something, big brother. Ding! Jefferson versus Johnson. One up for Jeffer…umm…sorry Greg, I umm…going to get something to eat,’ Wendy saw the murderous look on her brother’s face and decided to shut up and walk over to Aida, whom by now seems to have relax and was chatting to Nicole easily.

The sun was now setting over the horizon of the vast land of the Jefferson. It creates a surreal feel to the scene before them. Alex announced, ‘Ladies and gentlemen, I am afraid my wife and I will have to take our leave. There are guests rooms prepared should you have the need for them. Or if you decide to leave our humble abode my chauffer will see you safely home.’

Aida looked at him and frowned slightly. Where is he taking me to now? Aida decided to find out.

‘Are we going somewhere, I really want to be with my friends a little longer,’ she explained.

‘I am afraid we have to go Aida. You can talk to your friends any time you want but right now I want you to meet my grandfather. We are going to the hospital. I want you to get acquainted with him. I am taking him home in the next couple of days,’ he said.

Aida could only nod. All of them decided to go back to their own place instead of staying overnight at Alex’s place. Alex then made arrangement for their transportation. Before Greg and Wendy bid goodbye to Aida, they hugged each other. ‘I think you will be ok here, Aida. I have confidence you will like your new job and I think he will make a good boss,’ said Greg and indicating his head in Alex’s direction.

‘I will see you two soon,’ said Aida with a slight tremble in her voice, her eyes misted over. The pair of brother and sister reluctantly let Aida go and board the car that was waiting for them to take them back to their tiny apartment.

There were still some reporters milling outside the Jefferson Estates but that was as far as they could get. The high security made sure the Jeffersons were safe from the prying eyes of the press. The guests left the estate by the main entrance but Alex decided to go by another route to the hospital to avoid the hounding press. Aida sat next to him in an Aston Martin Vanquish, one of the many luxury cars he owned. The car engine was so quiet and smooth that it almost lull Aida to sleep. It has been the most harried and longest day of her life. She was half asleep when Alex leant over and unbuckled her seat belt for her. She jerked wide-awake. Alex was very close to her, too close for comfort. She can feel his body heat emanate out of him and she feels uncomfortable with their close contact. Alex was watching her with a slight smile on his lips. To break the ice, she asked, ‘Are we here yet?’ averting his eyes.

Instead of answering her question, he said instead, ‘You look so beautiful and innocent when you were asleep.’

Aida didn’t know what to say. She felt embarrassed with his compliment? Why does she feel like an amateur who was attending her first audition with butterflies in her stomach? She may not be a lead actress but she WAS and IS an actress! So why does she feel so skittish. He knows he is making her uncomfortable. He liked making her feel uncomfortable, he decided and she does look beautiful. ‘Come on let’s go,’ he said.

Aida was glad to get out of the car away from him. They took a private lift up to where his grandfather was. His two bodyguards as usual were standing outside the door and immediately greet them when they walked in. His grandfather was still awake and seems to be having some sort of a disagreement with a motherly looking nurse.

‘Mr. Jefferson, please take the medicine. I am under strict order that you are to take your medicine on time and regularly,’ coaxed the nurse a strain look on her motherly face.

‘Nope, the medicine taste awful. Now why don’t you flush it down the toilet, better yet why don’t you take it yourself? I have enough of medicine. It’s medicine in the morning, in the afternoon, evening and even when I was asleep! Oh no, I am not taking one more pill!’ cried old man William Sr. adamantly. He closed his eyes and mouth tight. The nurse however noticed Alex was standing by the doorway looking amused.

‘Mr. Jefferson!’ she exclaimed happily with relief. ‘Oh…I am so glad you are here. Your grandfather simply refuses to take his…’

Alex smiled at her and held up his hand to indicate to her not to say anymore.

‘Bullying Miss. Kathy again, grandpa?’ said Alex teasingly.

‘You are here! Thought you forgotten all about me and left me at the mercy of this witch!’ retorts old man William Sr. He folded his arms on his chest with his head held high a signal to Alex that he was not to be bullied into doing anything he doesn’t want to.

Alex could only smile and shake his head. He then sat down by his grandfather’s side and took his hand in his, which the old man made a ‘Harrumph’ sound, signaling him he was not going to make it easy for Alex.

‘Grandpa, I want you to meet someone.’ Alex then looked over to the doorway where Aida has been standing nervously watching the scenario before her. Alex nod to her and Aida came forward standing on the other side of the bed instead.

‘Grandpa, I want you to meet Aida. Now she is a very nice girl and I don’t want you to frighten her off,’ said Alex sounding playful yet sincere.

‘How do you do Mr. Jefferson?’ said Aida in a clear voice.

Old man William Sr. turned his head and looked Aida up and down for what seems like minutes, ‘So you are the girl my grandson spoke about?’ Aida didn’t know what to reply and decided to just nod her head.

‘I say, my grandson does have a fine eye for beauty. A natural beauty.’ Aida felt her cheeks reddened slightly at his remarks. But the next comment he said, made Aida absolutely blushed crimson red.

‘And she got that child bearing hips, she will do Alex,’ he quipped.

Aida quickly tries to explain the situation, ‘Mr. Jefferson, I believe there are some misunderstanding here. I am merely just an employee to Alex here…’ before she could continue, the old man interrupt her.

‘Employee my ass! I’ll wager you within three months and he will get you into his bed, you mark my word!’ he said triumphantly seeing the stun look on Aida’s expressive face. Aida was absolutely aghast at his blatant suggestions. She looked at him in horror! She can see where Alex got his character from. Alex on the other hand was clutching his side laughing hilariously. She glared at him.

‘Really, grandpa. You are too much! You will frighten Aida off. If she runs off, I will personally hold you responsible for that. Then I will send Miss.
Kathy back to you. Now you don’t want that, do you?’ warned Alex.

‘Don’t you dare threatened me young man. I will do what I like and say what I like! If I don’t meddle into your affairs, you don’t meddle into mine,’ said the old man.

Anyone who happened to come across this pair of grandfather and grandson would think, they were having a serious argument but those who really knew them would know they were just bantering with each other.

‘Mr. Jefferson! I’ll have you know I take my job seriously! Whatever tasks or…or assignments I am being thrown at! And that including force feeding medicine down your throat if I have to!’ said Aida a little hotly. ‘Now if you will excuse me, I will go get your medicine and when I return you will take it! No argument! No compromise!’

That said Aida turns on her heel to look for Miss. Kathy the nurse.

‘She will be the hell of me. What have you got me into?’ said the old man, amusement in his voice.

‘I told you so grandpa, she is tough! Anyway it’s your fault for picking on her,’ said Alex laughingly. Alex continued to chat with his grandfather when Aida returned with the medicines and a glass of water in her hand.

Aida held out a thimble of medicines and water to old man William Sr. and said in a crisp voice. ‘Take!’ It’s not a request, it’s more of a command.

The old man looked at her for a while then took the medicines and water from her. He popped the pills into his mouth then drank some water.

‘Swallow!’ Aida commanded. He glared at Aida then swallowed the pills.

‘Open your mouth wide!’ Aida commanded again. He glared at her again but there was admiration in his crinkled eyes too. Never in his ninety years has anyone ever dared to go against him so boldly and now this little chili pepper was commanding him! He heaved a sigh and opened his mouth for Aida to inspect if he had really swallowed the medicines.

‘Thank you!’ said Aida. She took the glass and thimble from him and walked out the door smartly. I will show you two. I won’t get bullied so easily. She thought hotly. After returning the glass, she stood outside the doorway to watch the pair. There was a striking resemblance between the two, apart from the age difference. She could see they shared a close relationship. Both are just equally strong-willed and shrewd. The old man may have mellowed through the years but it’s still there. She wondered what kind of person was William Richard Jefferson when he was in his heyday. She was brought out of her deep thoughts when suddenly Alex appeared in front of her.

‘Thinking about me?’ Alex asked laughingly.

‘NO! Of course not! I was just thinking your grandfather must have terrorized the nurses here with his attitude. I can see he is very bossy too but I won’t let him boss me around,’ said Aida firmly.

‘Would you let me boss you around then?’ he asked of her. She looked at him for a minute before answering.

‘Alex, you are my boss. I will do what is required of me. If I can do it, I will. If I can’t I will let you know too. And if I am given a task to do, I will do my utmost to get it done. I can assured you of my dedication,’ she replied truthfully.

Alex thought for a moment. ‘Ok, that is fair enough. Let’s go home. I am rather tired. Shall we?’

He walked ahead of her and she followed him right behind. They did not talk the rest of the way home. When they reached back at Jefferson Estate, it was already past midnight. Most of the households were already fast asleep other than the appointed securities by the electronic gates inside the guardhouse. There were no more pesky reporters in sight too.

Aida was getting tired too after all the hustle and bustle of the day. When they reached back to his place, he had showed her to her room. Earlier someone must have been to her old apartment to retrieve her stuffs as there were some boxes remained unpack which she had marked ‘PRIVATE’. Alex did not talk much, neither did he wish her good night and walked off further down the corridor to his room. For a fleeting second, she wondered why the sudden change in his mood.

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For Justin it had all started with a purple pair of knickers, Nanny’s large purple French knickers to be precise.   Justin, eighteen, had been caught spying on Nanny as she got dressed in her lingerie and stockings. Nanny reached under her white half-slip and pulled down her purple French knickers and made Justin put them on.  She then made him rub his stiff cock, through the French knickers, all over her slip and stockings.  It was inevitable that he came all over the silky nylon panties and...

3 years ago
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Dominatrix Justine

Good morning, this is your 9 o'clock morning call. I sit at a desk in front of a large mess of papers. I dial. Typical, I wonder what the change is this time? At last I connect on the phone, -the appointment is 10.45am, not what I thought I had agreed - indeed I would take money on it that 9.45am was what we had discussed. No doubt, once again, my fears, my timidity at the effrontery of even making a call had contributed to my own lack of concentration on such an elementary matter. Oh...

1 year ago
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[Don't forget to start the game! xoxo ~ Cindy ^.^] A friend of yours sent you the link. You thought it was another joke, a fake craigslist add, a mockery of the absurdity of the internet. But your friend insisted, and you emailed. And I replied. Almost immediately. I mostly spend my days alone in study, and this ad has been... well, you're not the only one who didn't take it seriously. So I've learned to always respond quickly. You text me, I text back. "I'm Cindy" I replied. "I'm Josh" You...

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Sweet Justine

It was hard work, out at night in the stupid little French van with radio equipment listening for their little radios, listening for their incredibly noisy and ugly aircraft landing and dropping “Agents” who you could spot a kilometer away. Just occasionally life had compensations. Justine was just such a compensation. She was a pretty young thing, dark hair, slim. About eighteen, eighteen years three months and two days to be precise. She was not very good at being a resistance...

3 years ago
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Justine Verfolgte Unschuld

Als Justine halb ohnmächtig in den Knien einknickt, nimmt der finstere Piratenkapitän sie auf die Arme und trägt seine Beute unter dem Johlen der versammelten Mannschaft in seine Kabine. Dort legt er sie auf sein Bett. Wahnsinnig vor Verlangen sieht Justine zu, wie er sich auszieht. Dann beugt er sich über sie. Sein Schwanz ist dunkel, wie von der ewigen Sonne gebeizt. Unnatürlich dick und lang schiebt sich das mächtige, steife Ding gegen ihren Mund, zwängt ihr die Lippen auseinander. Willig...

2 years ago
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Episode 117 Justine and Molly meet Sophie

IntroductionThis story follows on from episode 112; it's now nearing the end of the long school holidays.Charlie woke up with a hot sticky raging erection - not that unusual for a young boy.But this morning his cock was actually in a girls mouth: "Molly?" he cried in delight, struggling to pull down the quilt covering her head between his legs Instead a pale blue face smiled up at him, taking his cock to the back of her synthetic throat:"good morning young man, it's Sophie - remember now - you...

3 years ago
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CapturedChapter 6 House Call Justine

Paxlyn Domain had laws against murder. I faced trial for killing a man. "Don't worry about it," Mother Regina told me. "The Vix want to give you a medal. You were under severe restraint at the time, and there are other extenuating circumstances." "Mother Regina," Fawn reminded, "today is Justine's house call appointment. Council did approve Nolan accompanying Justine's doctors today. I'll be there with today's lessons." Fawn was more than my big sister—and my tutor. The former...

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(Fictional story told from Female point of view) My husband Ron and I like to play sexual games. One game that we sometimes play is Forfeits, this is where I am given some task to fulfil and if I fail I have to take a note from the Lucky Dip jar and act out whatever is written on it. These have ranged from relatively mild things, such as leaving off my panties and flashing my nakedness in a pub, to very severe things like inviting a strange Master from a sex contact mag, to come and beat me....

1 year ago
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Earths Pain Book I Justins StoryChapter 4 Justin settles in

We sat on the porch and talked for the next 2 hours, about horses and hiking and the mountains. We decided I needed an indoor pool, but one that looked natural like a lake, and with a glass enclosure attached to the house. I wish I would have thought about that earlier, now it will cost me money. "Ok Jenny; if we hire your mom that's your first two jobs, to find information on and buy a horse and barn, then to find a pool manufacturer that can build us a custom pool." She asked if she...

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Lon Operates A Justine Story

I haven’t always been the world’s greatest covert operative, famous glamour model, or even small-part actress with a bigger following than most superstars. Back in 1969 I was just a girl of 19, but I was already commanding men’s attention like I simply owned it from the start. Most were drawn to my ludicrous MM cup breasts (They weren’t quite done growing even then) while others liked my long legs, sculpted butt, fit physique, and then there were the older guys who just loved blonde hair and...

Quickie Sex
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Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 8 Transactions

Kelly and Nancy guided Amanda to the edge of the stage in Silver Orb's Great Hall. Amanda's face looked blank as a last-minute make-up touch-up was done for the lights and cameras. "Amanda," Ned pushed his way through the crowd. Ned stood out because he was one of the few clothed people in the Great Hall. "Amanda, it's almost time." "Amanda, one more thing before you go on stage," Kelly extended a velvet-covered jewelry box, a rectangle that was 40 centimeters long and narrow....

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My Life Part 35 Justine

I had texted Justine, the athletic blonde that I had met outside Taylor's appointment , hoping to catch up with her again. "I'm sorry. I am up in Beverly Hills this week for work, but my morning is free. Do you think we could meet for breakfast? I would LOVE to see you again!" she had texted back. So here I was, driving nearly two hours north just to have breakfast with her. I made my way to the address she had sent me. It turned out to be the swanky Beverly Wilshire hotel. I...

2 years ago
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The Life and Loves of Justin Silkwood

Justin Silkwood's life was quiet and uneventful until he got mixed up with the Kingsleys. Each member of the family would affect him in a different way, gradually dragging him downward into sexual depravity until finally he could take no more. This story contains scenes of a strong sexual nature. Please do not read if you are less than eighteen years old. The Life and Loves of Justin Silkwood By ...

3 years ago
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Skinsuits Store

Somewhere between the universes there is Aaron's Share Store where you can buy a skisuit that will turn you into whatever character it represents. You will get to the store through some other store, or strange gates placed in a place where they should not be. Story making rules: Your character is of legal age. You must briefly describe from what world or universe it comes from. In the case of something commonly known, a description like: from the eighteenth century Earth, or from the Mass...

3 years ago
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An Afternoon on a Boat Justin and Blair part 2

The envy of the whole school. Blair and Justin felt it prominently just a few days after returning from the leadership conference weekend in Atlanta, hand in hand, their new relationship on full display for everyone. Although all of Blair's female friends saw it coming a mile away, many of them were jealous that she got to date who they considered to be the hottest guy in the school. And Justin's teammates never ceased to high-five him, wishing they could have Blair for themselves. Any guy who...

2 years ago
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The story is in the Dutch language. Several times is asked the stories to translate in English. But I am sorry, not alone no time, but also is my English not good enough for translating. But perhaps is there anywhere a dutch speaking person with a good translating feeling who will translated my stories. It is possible under the name of Louis, but can also under your own name. Zoals al mijn verhalen is ook dit verhaal weer van A tot Z verzonnen. De personen die worden genoemd bestaan...

1 year ago
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The Kidnapping of Justin Timberlake

Chapter 1 This is one wild crazy story I've got for you. You see it all started when my two best friends, Christina and Priscilla, and me began to develop a silly little crush on Justin Timberlake the ex member of NSYNC. We'd always sit around talking about how much we'd love to fuck him and how much we'd love to just do anything we could with him. We'd sit around at night just having this wild crazy fantasy about kidnapping him and gang banging him. Of course this was all fantasy...

4 years ago
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Megan Justin

Megan looked at her brother longingly, then turned her head away.Why was she having the thoughts she was about her brother?Megan had recently graduated high school and was taking a year off before heading to UCLA, the same school her big brother Justin went to. Justin had come home for the summer to spend a little time with his younger sister, but somewhere along the line, things changed. It was a little sister/big brother thing. Something happened...The shower. It had to be the shower...A week...

3 years ago
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Alex and Justin discover their love for each other

Introduction: Story is by no means true, but Justin is based on me and Alex is based on a friend I know It all started about two years ago when Justin was a sophomore in high school. He just got his license and was stuck driving his younger sister, Carla, around. She was in the 8th grade and was just like any regular 8th grade girl, bubbly, full of life, and always hanging out with her friends. Part of the agreement Justin had with his parents was that if they bought him a car, he would have to...

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Swallowing Justin 5

Justin’s moving away to go to college had left me without any outlet for all of the sexual desires and needs he had first created, then later satisfied over the past year when we we became forbidden lovers. The tension we had within us during our first month apart was beginning to mount. Justin’s attempt to solve the dilemma pitted me as his fuck buddy from high school to all of his fraternity brothers instead of as his little sister. That new identity not only allowed me to have the kind...

2 years ago
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Alex and Justin discover their love for each other

Once Carla and Alex were ready, he drove them to the movies and then went home because his dad agreed to pick them up when they were done so Justin could get to work on time. A couple weeks later, he had to take Carla over to Alex’s again, but this time Alex was waiting in the driveway to greet both of them. Carla jumped out of the car and ran inside to use the bathroom and that gave Justin and Alex their first bit of alone time. They were both very nervous and each of them was hesitant to...

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Justin and Phyllis

Justin and Phyllis Shemale, Trans, Hardcore sex, Oral, Double Anal, Flashing, Cum, Cream pie eating. Phyllis sat thinking of Justin. He had moved into a 1 bedroom apartment a few doors away while working and attending trade school. A nice young who schooled by day, worked at night and mostly slept in between. They were neighbor friends who slowly grew closer. That closeness brought them together on holidays and personal celebrations. Justin being only 21 had been kept at a distance as Phyllis...

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Swallowing Justin Part III

I woke up beside Justin in his bed with my hand still loosely wrapped in his. He was sound asleep and my mind began to wander again. It was almost lunchtime and for the first time since I got up that morning I felt hungry for actual food instead of just for Justin. My stomach growled a little and I tried not to stir so Justin could stay asleep. I had always been a sexual person, or at least I knew I would be when I finally actually had sex. Sex was always on my mind but I had never...

4 years ago
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Dreaming of Justin

All through the day Caroline had been thinking about the Justin Bieber concert she would be attending that evening.The day seemed to be dragging by.She had no idea what the Nun had said to her and thus found herself before the Abbot answering to a charge of being insolent.The Abbot had taken Caroline over his knee and spanked her, she was use to being spanked by the Nun's and Monk's at the Monastery,this briefly brought her back to Earth for a short time,but once she left the Abbot's study she...

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justin cant pay the rent

'andy i'm really sorry but i can't afford to pay my rent this week since i lost my job and i'm finding it hard to get another i'm sorry mate' justin says'well justin when i agreed to let you stay i told you that you have to pay rent at the start of every month or you have to leave i'm sorry but you did agree to it''yeh but look mate i am good for it just give me a chance to find another job i don't have anywhere else to stay please''no i won't back down on this you agreed to pay at the start of...

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Justin Bieber Gets Raped

Introduction: While leaving a concert in LA Justin Bieber gets kindnapped and raped pleases rate and subcribe Thanks !!! The story starts off in a parking lot where justin bieber walks. He is leaving his concert and is now getting ready to go home. Justin yawns wow what a concert. Suddenly there bes a noise. Hello? says Justin. Justin continues to walk to his car and all of a sudden he gets hit in the head.Justin passes out cold. When he comes to he relizes he is tied up on a chair naked. Where...

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Justin Bieber Gets Raped Hard

Introduction: While leaving a concert in LA Justin Bieber gets tackled and raped The story starts off in a parking lot where justin bieber walks. He is leaving his concert and is now getting ready to go home. Justin yawns wow what a concert. Suddenly there bes a noise. Hello? says Justin. Justin continues to walk to his car and all of a sudden he gets hit in the head.Justin passes out cold. When he comes to he relizes he is tied up on a chair naked. Where am i? he says. All of a sudden a sting...

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Justin Nanny

 Nanny had deliberately chosen this set of pretty lingerie, an old pair of purple French knickers with her new lacy white bra and her black stockings hoping that naughty Justin would catch a glimpse of her in her delectable silky lingerie. Justin at 18, was too old to have a Nanny, but he did have a much younger sibling, George.  His Mum had remarried after Justin’s father had passed away and after having a baby went back to her job in advertising in Soho.  Mum was hardly ever at home; she was...

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Justin Bieber and bbc

Justin Bieber was appearing on the show David Hayes vs... a special wherethe former world heavy weight champion meets with celebrities teaching themsome boxing techniques whilst chatting about their lives and careers.Justin arrogantly strode into the gym to meet the huge man that was goingto teach him some stuff. He looked tiny in comparison to the statuesquebuilt boxer, but that didn't stop Justin's large amount of self confidencedisplaying itself. He was bouncing around throwing punches...

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Justin and Twila Testing New Lube

Justin awoke to the smell of a warm breakfast in his bedroom. Scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, and hot coffee. He sat up, and looked towards the area of the bedroom where the coffee table and chairs were. There he saw Twila casually eating her breakfast and drinking her coffee, completely naked. He looked to the side of the bed where Twila slept. Her nightgown was in a wad on the bed. “Justin, come have some of the breakfast I made for you,” Twila beamed, grinning adorably. Justin threw the covers...

Love Stories
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Cherish and Justin

100% fiction! Cherish woke up happy today was her 18th birthday and after the party she would be going camping with her twin brother Justin. She had to convince Justin to go camping, cause she had in mind to finally lose her virginity. She wanted her first time to be very special, and she wanted to lose her virginity to someone she loved. She realized this two months earlier when she walked into the bathroom when Justin her twin was taking a shower. She caught him jerking off and she heard him...

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Justin Darks Terrible DestinyChapter 1

"You must be terribly proud of yourself," Miss van Cleef said. "Being so pretty." Justin didn't answer. If you didn't answer a teacher's question at St. James's School for Young Men, you could get in trouble. Answering a statement that sounded like a question could get you in trouble too, though. He sat looking straight ahead. There wasn't anything for him to say, either. He'd been called both proud and pretty before. Both were frequently epithets. He could deny neither. When he...

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Fucking Selena Gomez AND Justin Beiber

I really didn't want to go to this stupid concert. All that was going to be there were a bunch of teeny boppers seeing their idols Selena Gomez and Justin Beiber. For me it sounded so boring. Being a 28 year old male metal head , I was only going cuz a friend won tickets and wanted me to go with her. I agreed and we trucked off to the concert. The concert was surprisingly good as both of them put on a great show to their screaming masses. I found myself surprisingly very turned on by the sight...

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Justin Fergus Dakota

Story Title: Justin. Fergus. Dakota WARNING: You must be 18+ to read this. If you are not allowed to read these where you are from or don't like reading stories about boys under 18, please leave now. Please Note: This is a fabricated story about Justin Bieber, Fergus Riordan (I Want To Be A Soldier; GhostRider2) and Dakota Goyo (Real Steel). The story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about...

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Hypnotising Justin

This story was produced by acute insomnia, twisted imagination and a hyperactive libido and as such is best enjoyed under similar circumstances. The Earl recommends that no reader should progress beyond this point unless under the influence of sleep deprivation, hallucinogens and a porn star named Davina. Great thanks to Master Hypnotist, whose How-To on erotic hypnosis provided both the idea and a lot of the facts for this story. It can be found here and is well worth reading. Thanks also to...

4 years ago
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Nicks Family Business0

“Now, let's go back to the basics. Start with step one, if you will Sam. Nick continued to lay there, bracing for Sam’s clumsy technique to hurt him. Sam began to roll his wrist’s down the center of Nick’s back and for a moment Nick thought that Sam had actually found one method that would not give him bruises when he woke up in the next day. But unfortunately, Nick’s hope quickly faded as Sam pushed to hard and made Nick yelp out a little cry of pain. “Too hard man” Nick said to Sam,...

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