The Electrician s HaremChapter 11
- 2 years ago
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Steve stepped out of the small American Eagle plane on onto the jetbridge, his nose instinctively turning up at the musty smell. Humid, he thought, but not as bad as home. He tried to ignore the flutter in his belly and the heat shooting down to his ankles, sucking on his teeth to remove any stray pieces, knowing full well there weren’t any. The mirror check, re-check, and the re-check of the re-check during the flight up confirmed he’d gotten everything after he ate.
He muttered a curse as his rollboard slipped out of his hands, its wheels catching a bump in the gray jetbridge carpet. As he picked the case up, it twisted in his hands, and a small backup of impatient travelers formed as Steve righted the wheels and went on his way. I really hate turning into one of those people I can’t stand being behind, he laughed to himself, still trying, with little success, to ignore the butterflies relentlessly tickling his gut.
After a quick pitstop, where he checked out his hair, and his teeth of course, Steve snaked his way through the hallways to his connecting gate. He noticed a wide blue arrow painted on the wall pointing in the direction of the LIRR platform. Hmmm, he thought, I wonder if that’s how she got here? I wonder if she IS here?
The gate for the London flight seemed a mile away as Steve searched for the correct gate number down the long expanse of the corridor. As he made his way, weaving in and out amongst the other travelers scurrying either to their connections or their rides home, he quickly realized the gate was at the very end. Figures, but hey, it’s worth the walk, he thought, sucking in his breath but unable to exhale.
He spotted her immediately despite the crowd of people waiting to board. More people than places to sit. Babies and small children sat on their parents’ laps, college students about embark on some exchange experience were sitting in a circle on the floor, laughing at an article in the latest Cosmo, and business travelers who were milling about trying to look important chatted through their Bluetooth earpieces. In the middle of it all she sat next to the only seat not occupied by a person, the seat where she’d piled her purse and her carryon bag.
Awww, saved me a seat, Steve thought, smiling to himself. Before making his way over, he took her in, realizing having only seen pictures that he would have never seen her move before. He noticed her blonde hair cascading about her shoulders and down her back. She brushed one side of it off her face while throwing the rest behind her with a long-perfected twirl of her head.
Steve tried to get a glimpse of her eyes, bright and Bahama ocean blue. She wore a black short-sleeved sweater made of light wool, not too tight but still showing off the curves of her slender body. A short skirt ended just above her legs, which Steve watched her uncross and cross again with a lick of his lips and a gulp of his throat. He swore he could sense the sweet fragrance of body lotion that had to have been hers.
This is it, he thought, inching his way toward her as she worried herself over a smudge on her fingernail.
As he started to wave, she looked up. Nervous. Her forehead burrowed, she frowned, cocking her head sideways as if to beg him off. Steve missed the cue, finding an opening among the crowd and beelining a path toward her.
‘This seat taken?’ he said with a broad smile. He extended his hand and started to introduce himself.
‘Uh, no. Hold on,’ she answered. She exhaled, slightly irritated and unsure where reposition her things. She dragged the bulky blue carryon to the floor and began pulling it in front of her, its weight resisting her efforts.
‘I can help you with that,’ Steve said.
‘It’s OK,’ she replied. She turned to Steve and nodded her head, affirming it was OK, but as she grabbed her pocketbook she quickly turned away, lowering her voice. ‘But just sit there and act like you don’t know me.’
‘Well, technically I don’t,’ he answered in an equally low voice.
‘Just, I don’t know, pull out your laptop or something and keep looking down.’
‘I could email you,’ he tried to joke.
She didn’t answer him, the nervous look returning to her face.
He went on, still somewhat clueless to what might be concerning her, which annoyed her. He struck her as a fairly sensitive person. ‘Thanks for saving me…’
She turned to glare at him and cut him off as an older gentleman walked toward her.
‘Lorelei, you didn’t save my seat,’ the man said to her.
‘Oh, I’m very sorry,’ Steve said, trying to hide his confusion and disappointment. ‘I can move.’
‘Don’t bother,’ the man said, smiling and waving him off. His eyes twinkled as he turned to Lorelei. ‘I’m on another flight, but it’s not every day I run into one of my favorite people here.’
‘I’m sure,’ Steve said, finally getting it as he opened up his computer to power it on.
‘I suppose I had better be off anyway, Lorelei,’ the man said. ‘You have a fantastic trip, sounds great. I’ll give those guys a call on Monday like you suggested and I’ll see you when you’re back.’
‘OK,’ Lorelei said, turning her head to the side as the man leaned down to peck her on the cheek. She raised her eyebrows at Steve as he did and then briefly clutched the man’s hand before he walked off, his eyes already searching for his gate.
‘Big donor to the school,’ Lorelei said. ‘He just loves me, too,’ she said with a laugh.
‘What’s not to love? Sorry ’bout that. I see now why you motioning to me with your head.’
‘Oh, I thought maybe you just didn’t see me. It’s OK. No harm done.’
‘So what did you tell him about your trip?’
‘Just let me worry about that.’
‘And what did you…’
‘Just let me worry about that, too. We’re the only two people in the world, remember?’ Lorelei looked at Steve and smiled a pensive smile.
‘It’s nice to finally meet you,’ Steve said. The butterflies started to churn again, this time more excited than nervous. Not sure what to say he blurted out, ‘Well, sorry I’m not better looking.’
She shook her head and rolled her eyes. ‘You’ll do.’ She reached over and touched his arm lightly, sending a jolt right up Steve’s shoulder. He thought he’d jumped an inch in his seat.
‘I guess the coast is proverbially clear then?’ he asked.
‘I think so,’ Lorelei said. ‘But let’s at least try to be somewhat cool.’
‘Easier said than done.’
‘You got that right.’
‘You look plenty cool to me.’
Lorelei let out a long breath and looked back at Steve, looking for some understanding. ‘I don’t think so,’ she said. ‘I’ve never done anything remotely like this. Ever.’
Steve nodded his head slowly. He left over and squeezed her arm gently. No electricity, only the warmth and softness of her skin. He bit his lower lip and whispered, ‘I’m glad you’re here. And I’m so glad to finally be with you in person after all this time.’
‘I’ll be fine once we’re on that plane,’ Lorelei said. Leaning over, she whispered into his ear, sending a chill down Steve’s spine. ‘So am I, baby. I’m really glad I am, too.’
‘You want the window?’
‘Doesn’t matter. Nothing to see. Gonna be dark the whole flight anyway.’
‘That’s right.’ Lorelei looked back at Steve, who just shook his head. ‘What?’
‘What is?’
‘It is what it is. And here we are.’
‘Yes, that we are.’ They both settled in their seats. As Steve went to strap himself in, he realized Lorelei was sitting on his buckle. She realized it before he had to ask for it. Or fetch it himself.
‘I think this is yours,’ she said.
‘Uhhh, yeah, thanks.’ Steve looked at her and smirked. ‘You know…’
‘What?’ Lorelei asked, half expecting what was next.
‘You’re even more beautiful in person.’ Lorelei had guessed right.
She gave him a big smile, brushing her hair behind her ear just as she had at the gate.
‘Thanks.’ She was about to say something when the flight attendant stuck a tray under their noses.
‘Juice, water, or champagne?’
‘Water’s fine with me, thanks,’ Steve said.
‘Me, too,’ said Lorelei.
‘You were going to say something?’ Steve asked her.
‘Never mind.’ Steve smiled and shook his head again. ‘What now?’
‘Nothing. I feel as though I have so much to say to you but we’re kinda stuck here in small talk.’
‘Beats that uncomfortable silence, ha ha!’
‘Thank you, Mia Wallace and no, I’m not going to ask you why Tony Rocky Horror got thrown out of that window.’
Lorelei eyed him, whacking her foot against the side of Steve’s leg. ‘It was the foot massage.’
‘I’m pretty good at those by the way.’ Affecting a very bad Sam Jackson accent he went on, ‘And I don’t tickle or nothin’.’
‘We’ll have to see about that. Looks like we’re about to take off.’ Lorelei put her head back in her chair, staring straight forward, slowly beginning to relax. Without looking back at Steve she asked, ‘You taking that Ambien you’re always talking about?’
‘No.’ Steve said. ‘Not this time.’
‘But you said you’re going straight into a meeting in the morning. Won’t it be morning when we get there?’
‘I’ll be fine.’
‘If you say so,’ Lorelei said, smiling to herself.
The lights in the 777 dimmed in the cabin once the last sounds of the flight attendants clearing the dinner trays ended. Steve stuffed the bottled water he’d just been handed into the magazine slot in front of him as the passengers around him and Lorelei all leaned back, some with blinders and blankets, settling in for the next five hours.
Steve turned his head, surveying the cabin. ‘What are you looking for?’ Lorelei asked.
‘Nothing, just looking around.’
Steve felt a slight heat in his cheeks. ‘I don’t know. Just seeing if anyone was awake.’
‘Why do you care? Look.’ Lorelei pointed across the aisle. ‘That guy’s awake.’ They both looked over at a young business type flipping channels on his video screen. Steve grabbed Lorelei’s finger between two of his, not sure why. ‘Why are you grabbing my finger?’ Lorelei asked him.
‘I dunno. Just kinda felt like it.’
‘You just wanted to touch me.’
‘Well, that’s nothing new,’ Steve said, setting her finger free. Lorelei put her hand on her lap and looked back at Steve.
‘It’s cool.’
‘What is?’
‘That you’re dying to kiss me right now.’
‘Excuse me? What makes you think I want to kiss you?’
‘Oh, brother. We both know you do. And it’s OK.’
‘So if I lean over and kiss you right now, that would be fine?’
‘No, I didn’t say that. I said it was OK that you wanted to.’
‘So nice to see you can torture me in person as well as you do otherwise.’
‘I’m thinking about watching a movie, wanna watch one with me?’
‘Sure, what’s on?’
‘Maybe Kill Bill is on. You’d like that.’
‘Yeah, but they’d cut out all the bad words and the gory scenes. Any chick flicks?’
‘I don’t know. Maybe. That’ll just make you keep wanting to kiss me, though.’
‘And that’s a bad thing?’
‘Oh my god, they got Definitely, Maybe. I was going to see that last week but never got around to it. Wanna watch?’
‘Sure, will it make me want to kiss you?’
‘I was just kidding about that.’
‘You were?’
‘Yeah, because even Kill Bill would make you want to kiss me.’
‘You know, we’re not really watching it together, I mean, you got your screen and I have mine.’
‘We will if we’re under the blanket here.’ Lorelei handed Steve her blanket, still wrapped up in plastic. ‘I think you’ve got one, too.’
Steve quickly opened up both blankets, draping both of them across their legs. Both of them had kicked their shoes off early in the flight, and they cozied themselves as the movie started.
Steve quickly found himself completely unable to concentrate on the movie. He kept glancing at Lorelei, deciding she looked completely adorable with Bose headsets on. He smiled when she laughed, liking how her face brightened when she did. Steve decided that her eyes twinkling was not just his infatuation talking. She is gorgeous regardless of how I feel about her and that’s that.
As he forced himself back to his video screen, he felt that finger once again, this time flicking against his leg. Without looking over he took the finger again between his two, giving it a squeeze. A chill ran up his back when he felt her hand clasp around his fingers, his stomach fluttering as he glanced back towards Lorelei, who gave him a nod and a quick smile.
With his left hand Steve removed the speakers from his head. Lorelei lifted her headset off one ear and asked, ‘What’s the matter?’
‘I’m not really paying attention to this movie.’
‘You know what?’ Lorelei said, ‘Neither am I. But just put the headset back on.’
‘Just because. Close your eyes if you’re bored.’
Without answering, Steve did as she said, leaning his head back and feeling his eyelids getting little heavy. Just as he was about to nod off, he thought he heard a zip sound. He shook his head awake, feeling his cock getting hard and a hand on his thigh.
He looked back over at Lorelei, who tilted her head slightly, motioning him to keep his eyes on the video screen. He took a deep breath as he felt her fingers slither into his pants through the opening and caress the bulge starting to rise. Instinctively, he felt for Lorelei’s thigh, surprised to find bare skin where her skirt was supposed to be. As he moved his hand up her leg, he felt only the silkiness of the inside of her leg.
Still looking forward, Steve caressed the inside of her thigh, feeling his breathing speed up as her fingers wrapped around his erection. Slowly, careful not to ruffle the blanket, Lorelei slid her fingers up and down the shaft making Steve’s dick fully hard. Without ever looking at him, yet sensing the smile smearing across his face, she trailed her fingernails along the rigid shaft, causing the dick to twitch slightly.
Steve shifted in his seat as his hard-on made a bump in the quilted blanket. Lorelei grabbed it harder as she felt fingers slide underneath her panties. Steve’s fingers probed the moistness and warmth of her crotch, searching for her lips, eager to work them apart.
‘Like the movie?’ he asked, putting his headset around his neck.
‘What?’ Lorelei removed her headset, then realized she had actually heard what Steve asked her. ‘Love it. Real tearjerker.’
‘Can I get you anything?’ the overly helpful flight attendant asked.
‘I’m OK,’ Steve said. Lorelei simply nodded as the flight attendant whirled away with a grin, having realized she had interrupted something. Get at least one of these every month, she thought.
‘Think she saw anything?’ Steve asked, still looking at the screen.
‘I don’t think she had to. I’m sure she doesn’t think we’re lip readers. Mmmm, that feels very nice.’
Steve leaned over to give Lorelei a small kiss on the cheek. Lorelei turned, her lips brushing against his ever so slightly, pulling away slowly before they could make a sound. The moment seemed frozen as each held the other’s gaze.
‘Not exactly a monumental first kiss,’ Steve said, his eyes still locked on Lorelei.
‘Seems we got it a little out of order,’ Lorelei said, glancing down to the blanket.
‘It was erotic as hell anyway,’ Steve managed, his fingers spreading her pussy apart.
‘We really should turn back to the movie,’ Lorelei said. ‘But keep looking at me for another moment. I like the way you look at me.’
‘The pleasure’s all mine, gorgeous girl,’ Steve said, his cock twitching harder to Lorelei
‘s touch.
‘You make me feel beautiful.’
‘You’re being beautiful has nothing to do with me.’
‘I love your words.’
‘And I love what inspires them.’
Lorelei squirmed in her seat, allowing Steve’s fingers to massage her clit, her pumps of Steve’s cock getting faster. Lorelei glanced over Steve’s shoulder to doublecheck the passengers across the aisle were sound asleep. ‘We better look forward again,’ she said, losing her breath.
‘I want to kiss you again.’
‘Toldja!’ Lorelei managed. ‘Plenty of time for that. Keep rubbing my clit, your touch is amazing,’ she said in a barely audible, husky whisper. She tried to focus on her movie, but instead closed her eyes, letting out a soft moan. She grabbed Steve’s cock hard, imagining it deep inside her as she spread her legs apart, grinding herself slowly against his fingers.
His fingers is place, Steve felt the palm of Lorelei’s hand sliding up and down his shaft. She grabbed the base as his cock stiffened in her hand. ‘Not yet,’ she teased, ‘but I know you can’t stand not being inside me.’
Steve swallowed hard, feeling the heat of her pussy on his hand. He longed for her, the taste of her, and closeness to her. He felt his dick contract, glancing at Lorelei, her eyes closed and cheeks flush. He pressed his fingers against her clit, her hand on top of his, keeping his in place. With a small moan and a shudder, Lorelei let a wave overtake her, the heat shooting up from her toes.
He let out a small moan of his own as he watched her come. The satisfied smile on her face quickly became evil as she stroked his shaft quickly. ‘Think of that pussy,’ she said, his fingers still all over her. ‘You’ve never wanted anyone like you want me and you know it,’ she said, a confident smirk on her face, her toes still curling from her climax.
With a final gulp Steve emptied his load on Lorelei’s hand, his eyes transfixed on hers. His cock felt so sensitive to her touch as she held it tightly. With a small smile he leaned in toward her and parted his lips. She met them with hers, their tongues dancing ever so quickly. They pulled away just as quickly, again not making a sound. ‘Quite the preview,’ Steve said.
‘Just wait until we land. Too bad you’ve got a meeting.’
‘What meeting?’ Steve said with a laugh.
Lorelei and Steve entered the wide lobby of the hotel, their cab ride from the airport uneventful. He was still dying to kiss her again, but was content to hold her hands as she’d kept his in her lap the entire way. After the perfunctory check-in and cheery ‘Welcome to the Renaissance’ from the sanguine hotel clerk with the peachy complexion, they walked across the shiny granite floor toward the elevator, baggage rolling in tow behind them.
Steve tread lightly, hoping against hope he wouldn’t slip and break his ass like he did on his last visit, shuffling his feet instead. Good he was slowed down anyway, as his long strides would have been much longer than hers.
As the elevator door closed, Steve punched the button for the 15th floor. He turned to say something to Lorelei when he found her arms wrapped around him. On tiptoes, she tilted her head and kissed his lips firmly, squeezing and pressing herself fully against him. Steve was startled, but only briefly as he felt the softness of her breasts against his chest and the warmth of her lips against his.
‘I’m tired of being cool, now,’ she quickly said between kisses.
‘I KNEW you were dying to kiss me,’ Steve said, scarcely getting the words out and scarcely wanting to, matching her wet kisses with a few of his own. ‘Is this our room?’
‘If we don’t get there soon it will be,’ Lorelei said, grabbing the back of Steve’s head and drawing his mouth back to hers. ‘I could just eat you right here and now.’ Lorelei pursed her lips around Steve’s tongue and sucked it hard. ‘Too bad about your meeting.’
‘No, you’re not.’
‘You’re right.’ Lorelei pressed her thigh between Steve’s legs, rubbing his crotch and pressing the hardness she felt against it. Steve placed his hands on her ass just as the elevator dinged, announcing their safe arrival to the 15th floor.
Steve fumbled for their room key, swiping it through the slot several times before turning the light green. ‘Kinda hard to get the key right when SOMEONE’S got their hand on your ass,’ he said, just a little too loud.
Note : This story is completely fictional! I am 19 years old and I have know my mate for 18 years. There is'nt one thing i would do for him, an there is not one thing he would do for me. Ever since i turned about 18 i started to notice that my friends mum was actually quite nice looking. I'd say bout 5ft 5, slim, strawberry hair and one great ass. As i got older these feelings became stronger and i use dream about all the things i would love to do to her. But as i said all these were dreams...
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Sally was a cute kid with long blond hair and sparkling blue eyes. It tickled John to see her push out her almost flat chest to show that she was wearing a training bra. His own girls had started their menses last year and gone through the same stage. Sally had the same outgoing personality as David. As soon as the trip was under way she grinned at him and told him that she was glad he was marrying her mother. Her mother was lonely and he was the nicest man she'd ever dated. Then she'd...
I remember the first time I stumbled across gay porn in my 20's (old satellite tv) I turned on a xxx channel at lunch to discover a gay video playing. Not expecting this I was Initially shocked but I watched, then got an erection, a real hard one, I pulled out my cock and started rubbing it (much like I'm doing now) oh boy this felt real good, I dropped my pants stood in front of the TV and masturbated to the video and shot my load. I went back to work and the thoughts started in my head. What...
The pool was packed with all sorts of kids from their school. Everywhere they looked there were boys and girls in swimsuits playing in the water, messing around and flirting with each other. Jenny scanned the crowd "There are a few more boys then girls here I'd say a 3:1 ratio." Lily rolled her eyes and smiled Jenny sucked in school but add boys to the picture and she is suddenly a genuis. Lily turned to Jenny "Do you see Ben anywhere?" Jenny nodded "Over at the deep end of the pool...
I had been away from town going to university for a full year now. I was coming back for some time to visit family and friends. My older brother had told me to visit my favorite teachers as they will fuck me now that I am over eighteen and graduated from public school. One teacher that I wanted to fuck, the one in my spank back was Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Wilson was the teacher all of guys always talked about, we all wanted to fuck her, she was hot. I stopped by the school and went to her classroom....
I passed the time over the weekend Dara was at the resort by working and doing chores around the house. Monday morning, I awoke about 5:30 with a raging erection which didn't seem to repond to my wish that it would subside. I laid in bed listening to the sound of the shower in the main bathroom, and knew Dara had come home sometime in the night, and was up early. The thought of her naked body in the shower only made my erection harder. Finally, I decided to go get a cup of coffee, and threw on...
The Day Started Right by Lewis Chappelle(a very short love story to Master from his slave girl) I feel you come alive and wake up as this slave girl begins to suck your cock. On her knees, between your legs, on your bed, your cock grows to fill her mouth. This slave girl can still feel her ass tingle and the welts from the whipping you gave this slave girl last night. You feel this slave’s tongue slide up and down your cock, licking the drops of precum before this slave’s lips close around...
Why do gingers get a bad rap? I have no fucking clue, but today’s ginger exploit is 19 yr old, ready for sex, Rose. It’s also ANAL DAY and Rose was ready for sex the moment she got in the car and was down for anything Jay wanted to do to her. “Do you usually cum from anal sex?”, asked Jay. “I don’t have anal sex very much, but when I do, the orgasm’s are the best”, Rose confesses with a giggle. So Jay gets the rest of the interview out of the way...
xmoviesforyou"Thanks Tammy," I thought to myself. "I really didn't need that reminder I'm dead.' "Just thought I'd keep it real," she replied. Well, she sort of replied. She was reading my thoughts and me hers. It was just like talking though. I was comfortable looking at it that way. "It won't be long till they start putting your skin onto me," she commented. "I hope it works to perfection," I told her. She sounded nice and I can tell you that even though her face was covered with tape...
Hello dosto,,Mera nam NISHA hai,aur mein poona mein rehti hoo,mein ek 32 saal ki bahut hi sundar aur chodu aurat hoon, mera figure 36 32 34 hai mein jyada moti nahi hoo lekin meri body bahut hii sexy haii.mujhe sex karna bahut pasand hai ,Mere pati bhi mujhe bahut chodte hai lekin mera dill aur sharir ek admi se santusht nahi hota,, ye meri pehli kahani hai jo mein likh rahi ho.isiliye samaj mein nahi aa raha kaha se start karoo, isliye maine scocha ki aaj mein aap ko sirf sanchipt mein meri...
It was a warm summers night. My long backless ball gown clung to my body, the split exposing my right leg almost to my hip, the curve of my breasts and my stiff nipples clearly visible through the gown in the absence of any bra or any underwear at all for that matter.I was at a charity ball with my partner at a nice hotel just on the outskirts of town. The drink was flowing, we were dancing and I was having a great night. The fact that my outfit was getting a good bit of attention was turning...
AnalHe opens his eyes and yawns, a hand moving down to confirm what he already knows. Shit, a hard-on again! They’d been making love all night. He can still taste her skin and sweet juices. He can still feel her silky skin beneath his fingers as they skim her every curve. Her throbbing body enticed him to want her repeatedly and he did possess her a few times before they finally collapsed on the bed and fell fast asleep. Now awake, he hungered for more of her gentle caresses. He longed to have her...
He said it was a family own cabin in the wood near a lake and convinced me to come with him to go fishing and hikingI was waiting for him after school at homeMommy helping me prepare my backpack when Mike rang my phoneshe kissed me good bye and i got out to Mike carHis ford SUV was nice he opened the door and help me get my backpack in the trunk''ready to go ?''''yes ''and we left, Mike driving toward the highway smilling only him knowing exactly the real weekend planningHe light up a spliff...
All day, I kept looking out the windows of the school at the little white house with the brick porch and wishing the day would hurry up! The day before, Mrs. Brown, the woman that lived there, and who was married to the Methodist preacher in town had let me touch her pussy! And for a young man in the 6th grade… I figured I was in the top 1% of the class as to guys who had ever touched a girl there, let alone a woman! I had even made her cum all over my hand!!I went out with Tod and I let him go...
When you’ve had too little sleep, the world around you seems to be moving at a different speed from you, and everything seems distant and hidden behind a vibrant haze. It is worse when you have spent hour after endless hour at the edge of the most intense climax only to be denied. Reality barely gets through that haze to you and focusing becomes almost inhumanly difficult. Strangely, though, other things suddenly appear with a clarity that you could never have reached otherwise. This Tuesday...
FetishIt’s just past one in the afternoon as you sit by yourself in a small corner booth in one of New York’s newest restaurants, ‘Amuse,’ here in the Upper East Side. You’ve worked in quite a few high-end restaurants, but none quite like this - it’s almost intimidating. The soaring coffered ceiling and the refined neoclassical architecture is an elegant refuge from the pace of city life. Custom chandeliers and greenery are spread throughout the dining room along with some impressive pieces of...
RomanceThe Hotel security staff had stood down – intentionally - and waited for the Nassau Police to deal with the shooters. That explained the long delay in help arriving, and why Catherine was dead. The same hotel that announced to the whole world that I was in their casino, stepped aside when the killers came for me. Eventually the Commissioner of Police, Mr. Ellison Greenslade, arrived to personally oversee the investigation. Atlantis Resort was one of the biggest engines in their economy, so...
I could hear the raised voices next door. I stopped pushing the mower and leaned on the handlebars grinning, waiting for the tornado to exit. The door blew open and Sanna, the girl next door, spilled out, turning around and around as she spun down the steps and down the garden path. The shouting from inside was muffled again as the door banged closed behind her. She swung open the little front gate and, still spinning, jumped on her moped. Sticking her finger up at her house she kicked her...
I am qamaar again. Enjoy the last part of my story…..when I woke up, I saw that she was asleep by me, with her head and left hand on my chest and her left leg on my legs. I looked at this beauty queen sleeping by. She had hair of hazelnut color like that of my sister. complexion was more like a bright white color of Semitic people. thin eye-brows, pointed but not too big nose, ears of right size, lips little wider than nose and somewhat thin lips…she had every physical quality of beauty. I...
Heaving the last two lengths of timber onto my bare shoulder came as a relief. The empty pickup bed was something I'd dreamt of for hours. My feet set off down the narrow stone-paved walkway on auto-pilot, retracing my footsteps for what felt like the four-hundredth time.The path opened into the expansive, beautiful garden that backed onto the house, meandering between luscious lawns and flawless flower beds. I felt guilty walking the path in my filthy boots.The stack of timber, beneath the...
Straight SexHi once again after several months, I got a chance to pen down my true experience with my sister’s friend named bindhu, let me describe myself first I’m Vicky of 5’11 feet tall, with little extra pounds, n she is bindhu who is our family friend that too because of my sister’s friendship, bindhu is of 5’5 feet, body type with extra pounds, she is 27 years old, I’m 22 years old this happened jus’ a month back, She is beautiful with voluptuous breasts and ass I like her very much but I don’t...
“I'm sorry ma'am, there’s truly nothing more we can do for him. It's all in God's hands now. In my professional experience I don't see him lasting more than a few more days. I know it’s hard, but we've done the best we can.”The doctor drones on, but I've heard it all before. It seems like a hundred doctors have come through this little room that smells of disinfectant, filling with the hissing sounds of life-support machines, only to tell me the same bad news over and over. I just can't accept...
SeductionPrologue?This tribunal find the defendant Alice the Goddess of true love guilty of having emotional attachments to the human being Duncan from the village of Nashim and sentence her to be the property of Devlin god of carnal love. Her terms of service are to be determined by her new owner.?The words rang through Alice’s head as she shook her head in disbelief. This could not be happening! She looked at Devlin. He held a smug expression on his face as he smiled at her, his eyes slowly moving up...
Jack was rather confused when he woke up the next morning. He could feel that he was naked, which was pretty normal, except that he could feel a warm, wet sensation on his hard cock, sliding up and down on it. Jack opened his eyes, and saw Megan, who was laid on her front, giving him a blowjob. "Morning..." Jack said sleepily as he got a wake-up blowjob. "Morning," Megan said, sending pleasurable vibrations through Jack's cock. Jack watched Megan's head move, sucking him expertly....
You know you have progressed when you realize you are no longer working alone. An discover that you have a well-working team and family supporting you. This understanding was brought clear to me soon after I had recovered enough to go home. On the short trip there, I saw unmistakable signs of sizeable new construction underway. When I asked about it, I was answered with, “Yes, we had finally reached bedrock, and the foundation laid. We will be able to start construction of base structures...
The next morning,I was awoken to gentle kisses on my neck and George fingering my butt. His hand was in my panties and his middle finger was wiggling its way up my hole. I didn't realize but I had started moaning, gently at first, but now I breathing heavy and moaning louder. I reached back and felt his hard cock growing in his tighty whities. "Mmmm." I moaned. "Pull down your panties." He whispered. I put my arms behind me cupping my butt and looking over my shoulder,in a " come...
I was still working on a handle, a nickname or title for myself perhaps because I was thinking about trying to reinvent my image a little. Yet I was required to remain in uniform to represent my station in life, livestock, god of Nature, lover of goddesses, that sort of thing. But I was definitely remaining not in uniform but rather un-clad-iform. Nobody else was required to be naked all the time. In fact it was against some laws to be naked in public and I gave thought to trying to legislate...
I woke up to the feeling of someone pressing their lips against mine. I struggled and pressed futilely against the gentle arms of the person holding me. I felt almost as if I was drowning in the kiss. the more I struggled the harder to struggle it became. My eyes snapped open and I sat up in bed looking around. I was sweating and shaking. I looked around my room glaring into the shadows as if I expected to see my kisser there. I sighed and told myself for what must have been the millionth time...
LesbianSir Harry Dumare was reputed to be most supportive of the training and grooming of young destitute females for gainful employment. Many of the less fortunate souls inhabiting his well-groomed manor extolled his gentlemanly virtues to both their friends and their extended relatives in less fortunate locales. At Sunday Services, Sir Harry sat in the most prestigious pew. His three comely and perfectly attired, fully grown Daughters were always at his side. His wife of many years had passed two...
Filmmakers Proxy Paige and Cherry Kiss gather hot, young vixens Misha Maver, Alexis Crystal and Vyvan Hill in Serbia to celebrate the Summer Solstice. They experience Pagan traditions, awaiting sunrise in white dresses and floral wreaths, and then running naked through a river. And they share lots of sex, starting with a lesbian anal orgy! The five babes playfully tease, kiss and caress. Cherry and Proxy pry open their hungry holes with toys. Cherry rims Proxy’s bunghole. Several toys and...
xmoviesforyouWell this was an unusual one for me, i was quite randomly contacted contacted by a woman called bella, who had got hold of my profile info from one of my friends on the site, she wrote saying she was very fascinated by my profile and that she’d never seen or heard of a disabled submissive who dressed up and wanted to ask me a big favour.After the reading of her very sincere email i was actually intrigued by her whole idea, she wanted to have me for the day at her studio to do a full shoot of...
I had ALWAYS heard rumors about Britney Spears fucking her fan club member, but I NEVER imagined it could happen to me. I was standing last in line as everyone got a chance to meet the pop star on her bus. FINALLY, it was my turn. "Hi, she extended a hand out to me, "What's your name?" This certainly not the Britney that I heard about. "Bob," I said. She grabbed my hand and shook it. Looking around the bus, she whispered, "Well, Bob, looks like no one's here. How about I give you something...
I have always been a very horny guy. My wife on the other hand is fairly reserved, although she loves getting her pussy licked and really gets into it once she is hot. I have always been a little kinky and kept pushing my wife to be more ad.Last month I finally talked her into going to an adult bookstore with me in Louisville. She had never been to one and was embarrassed but i finally convinced her to try it.We arrived at the bookstore and began to look at the video's and toys. There were a...
Swallowing the donkey's cum-load had made Valerie so horny that her cunt felt as if it was going to burst into flames. The beast had creamed her very nicely with his tongue and muzzle, but her satisfaction had not lasted. And now, having gorged on his cockmeat, the oversexed woman felt that she simply had to get fucked by that massive prick. She stared at his cock and balls and shuddered. His fucker was so huge that it was intimidating. Still, the cock-knob had fit in her mouth and she knew...
"Enough with the bullshit excuses!" You flinch as the muscular, tackily dressed thug in your living room raises his voice. His friend, the even more hulking black guy with a touch more style still says nothing. He rocks a vase of flowers back and forth on a shelf as if threatening to knock it over. Cheesy but effective: you're scared out of your wits. "You've had more than enough time, and more than enough extensions. We added interest, now we're cutting you off. Five grand by Friday or we come...
BDSMThis is where we leftoff. Darla opened her eyes slowly and as the adjusted to the lights outside she saw a familiar wide-eyed figure staring up at her and her lover in astonishment. Her friend Fiona who had been at the club with her the night she had fallen for her new lover was staring up at their naked bodies as they hung brazenly out of the window. ‘”So this is where you’ve been you naughty slut.’’ She teased. “This clearly isn’t a private party so I’m letting myself in ok.’’ Darla saw...