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“I'm sorry ma'am, there’s truly nothing more we can do for him. It's all in God's hands now. In my professional experience I don't see him lasting more than a few more days. I know it’s hard, but we've done the best we can.”

The doctor drones on, but I've heard it all before. It seems like a hundred doctors have come through this little room that smells of disinfectant, filling with the hissing sounds of life-support machines, only to tell me the same bad news over and over. I just can't accept that my husband of ten years is in a coma and waiting to die.


It was a normal day. I made my husband's lunch, kissed him goodbye, and went to work. My morning was busy, as they often are. It wasn't until after lunch that I got the call. I'm a teacher and was in the middle of giving the children a quiz on spelling when there was a knock at the door. Principal Warner looked pale as he waved me over. He looked shaken and told me I had an emergency call. The fact that he was interrupting my class meant it was serious. A sense of dread settled over me and I felt nauseous as I rushed down to the main office.

Picking up the phone, I cradled it between my ear and shoulder. “Hello, this is Mrs. Reed. How can I help?” I answered as evenly as I could, trying not to let my fear creep into my voice. Not many people had my work number and I knew any emergency that justified my being called here had to be very serious.

“Olivia, it's me, John, Rob's boss. I'm afraid there's been an accident. It's bad, really bad. I'm so sorry. They've rushed Rob off to St. Mary's. I think you should be with him.” I was in shock and it took a moment for it to sink in. “Are you still there?” he asked after a few breaths.

I hung up the phone without so much as a goodbye. All I could think of was getting to Rob as fast as I could, and find out the details of what happened when I got there. I was already painfully aware of the risks of my husband's job.

I let the secretary at the front desk know I was leaving, all the while, trying to keep myself composed. Rob had been hurt at work before. Injuries came with the job. He worked in construction and we both knew the dangers that entailed. It took all I had to keep my mind from racing with dreadful possibilities.

Once I was in the car, nothing could stop me from getting to the hospital. I rushed through lanes, zigzagged between cars and even sped through a stop sign. I knew I was being reckless, but I just didn’t care at that moment.

The next thing I knew, I was speaking to the nurse in the emergency room. “Yes, hi. My husband was rushed here not long ago. His name is Rob, Rob Reed. Can you tell me what room he’s in, please?”

She went about her business calmly, scrolling the mouse while her eyes remained focused on the computer monitor in front of her, as if I were just one more detail added to her list. All I could focus on were her perfectly manicured nails tapping away on the keyboard. I wanted to scream as I fidgeted in front of the desk, impatiently waiting for her to answer my question.

Finally, she looked up at me. “He's in the OR right now, ma'am. If you'd like to take a seat, someone will be with you shortly.”

“Take a seat? Take a seat? Are you kidding me? I don't want to wait for the doctor. I want to know what’s going on with my husband!”

I knew it wasn't her fault. More than likely she was simply following protocol. I just didn't care. I wanted to know how my husband was doing. I wanted to see him. I needed to know he was okay.

“I'm sorry, ma'am. The doctor will be with you soon,” she responded, effectively shutting out my complaints.

By the time I moved to the waiting room, tears were flowing down my cheeks. My emotions ran from hope to dismay and I had no idea what to expect. I didn't know if his being in the O.R. was a good thing or not. Maybe it was and they were fixing him up, or maybe he was so badly hurt they could only buy time. I had no idea, and the unknown was what scared me the most.

Hours passed and no one came to see me except the nurse who brought me coffee and would say nothing more than I had to wait. I had no one else to talk to or to share my worries with. Rob had no family to speak of, his parents having passed away when he was young. I could have called my own, but they were over five hours away. Rob and I had put off having kids, wanting to be financially ready for them. We knew we'd be starting soon, finally.

“Excuse me, Mrs. Reed?” Hearing my name rattled me out of a light sleep. Looking up, I saw a doctor standing over me. He looked to be in his fifties with a soft smile and greying hair.

“Yes, that's me. How is Rob? Is he okay? Can I see him?”

“I'm Dr. Evans. I'm sorry, ma’am. We've done everything we can right now. He fell off some rafters at work and hit his head. The swelling is bad and it's causing him to be in a coma. Right now it's a waiting game. His lungs and spine are also damaged. It doesn't look good.”


That’s what the doctor told me the first day. Now it’s a month later and Rob is slowly getting worse. My parents have driven up and are staying with me. They've talked to me about pulling the plug, but I can't do that. Rob and I never talked about those things. We never made plans for this kind of emergency, and now I’m angry with myself for not doing so. How childish. These things are important to know.

I fear that if I do, I'd be taking his life. What if he does wake up? His insurance company is breathing down my neck and threatening to stop coverage. The doctor is no help. He says that as of right now, the machines are all that’s keeping him alive. He says Rob is no longer there, but I just don't believe it. School ended two weeks ago and now I spend every waking moment with my husband.

I've heard talking to people in comas helps keep them stay connected to the real world. So I do. I read the sports page to him every day and fill him in on whether his favorite teams have won or lost. I bathe him and even watch the weekly episode of Game of Thrones with him. I know he would never want to miss that show.

My mother tells me I need to let go, that it isn't healthy for me to go on like this. But I just can't. How can I let go of a man I'm in love with? He is mine, my protector, my hero, my lover, my husband, my everything. I can't lose him. When I think too much on it, I cry so hard I feel as though I could never cry again, but somehow I find a way to do just that.


“Any news today?” my father asks me, as he embraces me tightly.

His strength keeps me from feeling like I'm going to shatter into a million pieces. My parents have basically put their lives on hold to be with me now. I'm grateful for that. Sometimes I feel like I'm suffocating, but I know I'd be a lot worse off if I had to do this alone.

Of course, friends on both my side and Rob's have been a big help. As much as they can be, at least. A lot of them bring food and ask what else they can do, but there isn't anything they can do for Rob. Thankfully they don't linger for very long.

“Daddy, they say there is no hope left. They say I need to come to terms with losing him. They're pushing me to pull the plug. Oh, they aren't being cruel about it. They've been great and so understanding. But how can I just let him go?”

“It's hard, Olivia, but if there’s no hope, what more can be done?" He has always been the more sensitive of my parents. Even now, as he speaks, he’s holding back tears. It makes me want to comfort him instead of him doing so for me.

“But no one knows for sure. He could wake up. He could wake up tomorrow, or in a week,” I insist on the same answer I've been giving the doctor.

“Yes, but when does it become time? Tomorrow, a week, a month, a year? Your insurance won't cover it, nor can you afford it. The doctors aren't hopeful, Livy. I can't imagine what you're going through. I won't pretend to, but you're going to need to come to terms with this sooner or later.”

As much as I know, or at least think everyone around me is right, I still can't seem to manage the idea. It leaves me in shambles. I feel so useless. I tell my father good night, taking only a sandwich to my room. I run a bath, soaking in Rob's favorite lavender scented oils, with just a few candles lit.

He's all that’s on my mind. I think about how we met. I was taking the kids from my class on a field trip to the public library. Across the street, there was construction going on and two of the little boys got excited. They were jumping up and down and begging to go see the men work. I brought them to the fence, allowing them to watch. All the kids got a kick out of it.

More so when two of the men came over and asked what we were all doing. One of them was Rob. They answered all of the kids’ questions and even let them try on some hard hats. It was a great field trip. The next day I sent a thank you note to the men and at the end of the following school day, Rob showed up.

He said he couldn't get me off his mind and simply had to ask me out. I said yes right off and we went out the following weekend. We fell fast and hard for one another, quickly moving in, getting engaged and then married. Everyone who knew us thought we were nuts, but we didn't care. We knew what we wanted.

More recently, we had been talking about our future and how we wanted to one day move to a state where it's warmer year round. We spoke about having the kids we always wanted and even picked out the names we wanted to give them. All of it is so hard to think about now, but it makes me love him even more. It only makes it harder to let him go. I know it’s for the best, but how can I do such a thing?

After getting out of the bath, I nibble on my sandwich, not that I'm all that hungry. I feel rather sick, but know I need to eat. Once I put down as much as I can bear, I crawl into bed, falling asleep within moments of my head hitting the pillow.


“Olivia? Olivia, where are you? Can you hear me?”

I open my eyes and realize I'm surrounded by darkness. It's suffocating and impenetrable, as if I hadn't opened my eyes at all. I think I heard something, but now I'm not certain.

“Olivia, where are you?” the voice persists. “Please, call out to me, Livy.”

It's only when he calls me Livy that I realize who it is. “Rob?!” I call out, louder than I intend. “Is that you, where are you? Oh God, is this real?”

I begin to move around in the dark, my arms in front of me, searching for him.

“It's me baby, where are you? Don't stop calling out to me,” Slowly, his voice becomes clearer. I can tell he is near.

“I'm here. Oh, Rob, what’s going on? I'm right here, my love.”

I don't stop repeating myself, nor does he. We reach out to one another in search of our embrace. It's he who reaches out first, his hands skimming my face for a brief moment until they slide down and around me, pulling me close. I hear a sigh of relief from him as he holds me tightly. It's how he often hugs me, my smaller frame fitting perfectly into his.

He strokes my hair, a sob escaping his lips. “I found you. I finally found you. Oh my dearest love, I knew I would. I've been searching endlessly for you. I needed to see you one last time.”

Before I have a chance to ask or say anything, his mouth is on mine. He kisses me deeply, passion coursing through us both. I hold on to him, afraid this still isn't real. I'm scared that if I let go he'll vanish from me once more. He feels the same. His taste is just how I remember it. His body scent sparks every memory of our lives together.

I feel as though I'm drunk, so heady, but it’s the best possible feeling I've ever had. Rob's touch engulfs me. His lips that were seconds ago on mine now nibble across my jawline to my ear. His breathe tickling my skin, tattooing itself against my flesh, I feel the raised bumps of desire race through my body. My nipples harden, my core aching, my lips parting with a light moan dancing on them.

Where there was darkness is now a light glow, and the emptiness of wherever we were now has a bed. We ease down upon it, with him over me, dropping kisses along my flesh. We're both naked, but I don't question how. Only moments ago we were dressed. I must be losing my mind, but if it means I can be with the man I love, so be it. I'll run with it. Everyone needs a little bit of crazy in their lives.

My arms reach around, holding him close to me. My heart races like a galloping horse. My body trembles with yearning need. My hips lift to gyrate up against his movement. I can feel the steady hardness of his cock growing against my belly. One of his hands skims up into my long locks, gripping tightly. The other groping gently against my breast.

Pulling myself closer to him, I bite into his shoulder. He growls lowly, loving the mixture of how the bite hurts and turns quickly into the immense satisfaction that follows.

“Oh, my love, I've missed you so,” he breathes into my ear. His mouth trails down, tongue flicking against my nipple. The warm wetness is a sweet tease. Delicately, he does it again with my other nipple before returning to the first. Suckling it into his mouth, his teeth grip with just enough pressure before he begins to suck on it.

I push against his hot chest, rolling so I'm now on top of him. I lean down so he can continue sucking on my nipples. My hips move with ease against his shaft, which slides along my slit, without entering me. Panting and moaning, we glide together on a ride we're both so familiar with. Gasping out each time the head of his cock hits my clit perfectly, making me want to drive him into me. But I don't want to rush this. This is about love and need, not about lust and hunger.

My nipples become raw, aching just the way I like them and tender to the touch. Once more, I'm lying on my back. Rob swiftly moved me there, parting my legs, he trails his tongue along my inner thigh. The scintillation in his eyes each time he looks up at me teases my hunger for him. A gentle kiss along my mound, working further downwards as he parts my full lips with his thumbs. Small strokes of his tongue, like a kitten drinking milk from a bowl, he caresses my clit.

With just his tongue, he keeps lapping, holding me open with his fingers. No other touch at this moment, driving me closer to my edge of madness. My whole world spinning faster and faster until I see stars. I'm being driven higher, and only when he knows I'm at this point does he push his face into me more, grinding his mouth against my sex, sucking with more vigor on my clit.

The crash of my orgasm is outstanding, slamming through me like a thunderous tornado. His hands moving under me, holding me still as he feasts on my flesh. I’m climbing the walls of bliss and fear I might fall. I could if he weren’t holding me so tightly.

“Oh, Rob! Oh please,” I beg. “Don't...” I can't manage the last word. I don't want him to stop and I know he knows this. It's been so long that the orgasm feels like it lasts like a lifetime. One that I'll remember forever.

When it passes, he comes to lie beside me, having me face away from him. His face snuggles into my neck, whispering his love to me. “I do love you so very much, Livy. I want you to remember that forever,” he says, one hand under me, the other wrapped around my stomach as he caresses me. “Do you love me, my darling?”

“More than anything. You know this, my love,” I choke out, the tears burning at the edges of my eyes, threatening to spill over. “I can't live without you, you're all I've ever wanted.” My confession is nothing I've not said before. We've always been overly lovey with each other. Some of our friends have picked on us because we've never left the puppy-dog stage of our love.

Rob would often come home with roses, or send me a text asking me to change into his favorite dress and take me to dinner at the finest restaurants. In the summer, we'd go on picnics in the park. We sat near the lake and watched the children play. This is how we enjoyed our days together. I always packed his lunch for work and he also always came home to a home cooked meal. Of course, he insisted on cooking on the weekends.

“You'll never have to live without me, my beautiful girl,” Rob tells me as he brings my top leg up and over his. His hardness presses against my soaking sex.

With a slight adjustment, he pushes himself inside me, rocking into me with ease. His hand remains on my stomach, the other cups my breast, squeezing my nipple between his forefingers. Our bodies move with each other, a gentle pace of love and care. I'm able to turn so I can kiss him. Passionate and deeper than before, he nibbles my bottom lip, tugging on it playfully.

I feel so full with him inside me, as if I'm a whole person again. He thrusts into me as I grind back into him, our bodies moving with perfect harmony. The heat growing higher, the thickness of the air makes it harder to breathe, but I don't want anything to change. I can feel my pressure building, growing closer to my edge again. I gasp, trying and getting nearer to it. Rob knows. His lips leave mine, slipping towards my ear.

“Come for me, my love. I want to feel you explode around me.” The tingling of his words glides through my ear, down my body, and my sex responds.

“Oh Rob, my love,” I breathlessly say, tightening around his shaft. With each thrust, we steadily move together, both letting out a groan.

The grip of my walls is tighter around him, my orgasm spilling over. I come hard for him, giving him exactly what he wants. He grips me a little tighter, releasing himself inside me and joining me in my orgasm. Filling me with his seed, pumping into me, not as quickly, but still with need.

Our bodies are slick with a light sweat. We are hot and trembling with the effect of our love making. Rob holds me close to him, resting his face in my neck. He caresses my stomach still, with a slow, sleepy motion, whispering his love again and again. We stay like this until I drift off to sleep in his arms, which I've longed to do for so long.


“You're my angel, now let me be yours.” The sound of Rob's voice drifts into my dreams, but quickly followed by a rapping at my bedroom door.

“Olivia, wake up, dear. Olivia,” my mum's voice comes from the other side of the door, knocking still. “There’s a phone call for you. It's the doctor.”

Hearing that, I throw my blankets off, swinging my legs over my bed, and sliding into my robe in the blink of an eye. I whip open my bedroom door, brushing past my mother without a word, I hurry down the stairs and into the kitchen where I know I've left my phone.

“Hello, yes? This is Olivia.”

“Hello Mrs. Reed, could you please come down to the hospital so we can speak in person?” I can tell by Doctor Evans's tone that something terrible has happened.

“But why? Why can't you tell me now? What's wrong?” I ask, trembling, my nerves on edge.

“Please, Mrs. Reed, just come down to the hospital.”

I agree, knowing he is pressing pretty hard. I rush upstairs and throw on a pair of sweats and a sweatshirt, I don't care about what I look like. I just want to know what is going on with my husband.

It only takes me twenty minutes to dress, drive and get to the entrance of the hospital. I park in the emergency parking lot, as it is closer to Rob's room. Making my way up to his floor in no time.

“Hi, I'm looking for Dr. Evans,” I breathe out, trying to catch my breath from taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

The nurse at the desk is one I've seen many times in the past month, but today she doesn't give me an encouraging smile. She looks mournful. My heart drops, but before I can say anything I see Dr. Evans.

“Mrs. Reed,” he says, walking toward me, looking dreadful.

“No. No, no, no. Don't say it. Don't you dare say it!” My voice rises too high for the unit I'm in. We're not allowed to speak above a whisper, not to disturb the patients.

“Please, Mrs. Reed, I'm sorry. I'm so terribly sorry.”

“It can't be. He can't, it's not possible. He's going to wake up. We had hopes, I can't. Just please.”

My head is spinning, I can't take everything in. I know I haven't let him explain. I'm not sure I can. I haven't allowed myself to face this kind of truth. I've known deep down, but I've managed to suppress it. I can't allow it to be something that can happen. Not to me, not to my Rob. My husband, the man I'm in love with.

The outer edges of my eyes begin to go dark, closing in on me until I see nothing. It feels almost like it did last night, but I don't hear Rob call out to me. Not this time. I seek him out, calling his name. I hear nothing but the echo of my own voice.


“Honey, can you hear me? Wake up now sweetie.” My dad's voice is gentle. I can tell he’s holding my hand. His hands are always warmer than most people's. “You had us worried. You need to come back to us.”

My eyes flutter open. Slowly, forms take shape and I realize I'm lying on a hospital bed. The light over my bed is dim, so I'm not blinded by it. My father to my right, my mother to my left, and at the end of my bed a nurse is checking what I'm guessing is my chart. I let out a groan, rubbing the back of my head with my free hand.

“Careful, Livy, you passed out. You have a small bump on the back of your head,” dad tells me, a look of concern in his eye.

My mother rubs my arm. She lets my dad do the comforting, but I can tell she’s holding back tears. It's then I remember why I'm here in the first place and the tears come rushing forward. I begin to sob uncontrollably, hiccupping, because I can't stop gasping for air. The nurse excuses herself after telling my mother that the doctor will be in shortly.

He arrives ten minutes later. I'm still crying, my father doing his best to sooth me. I don't think anything can at this point. I need to face the fact my husband is gone and I'll never see him again.

“Mrs. Reed, I'm so very sorry for your loss. You know how much hope I had, but sometimes it just doesn't go our way. This is a time for loss, but you must take care of yourself. Let your parents be there for you and help you along the next part of your journey in life.”

I'm confused by what the doctor is saying, it isn't something you'd hear from a doctor after the loss of a loved one. I shake my head slightly, trying to clear the haze.

“Dr. Evans, whatever are you talking about?”

“Do you not know? Mrs. Reed, you're pregnant,” he says, slightly shocked I had no idea.

“Pregnant? What, no. We weren't even trying.”


Seven months later…

Today is the first time I've taken the twins to their father's gravesite. It's the first day of the year it's been nice enough to do so. I've laid out a blanket where we're resting, with a picnic basket. Rob's headstone is a beautiful one. We spent more than we should have on something like a stone, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I visit him often, so I figured I should.

After finding out that I was pregnant, they ran tests to confirm it. I was certain I wasn’t. But then I found out I was four months along and carrying twins. The doctor couldn’t explain why I hadn't been showing. Of course from then on, my parents and I made sure I got on a healthy diet, taking pregnancy vitamins and all of the things you're supposed to do. I started seeing a therapist in hopes it would help me grieve. I knew I couldn't allow myself to fall apart. I had two huge reasons to live.

“My sweetest darling, I can't believe it has been a little over seven months since you've been gone. You've left behind two beautiful gifts. I want you to meet your babies, Olly and Rayna. I know you're sitting up there with a smile on your face so big it’s hurting your cheeks. You're our angel, watching down, protecting us.

“I know now why you said you had to come see me and say goodbye, my love. You knew you were going to die. You were ready, weren't you?” Tears fight to escape my eyes, as I talk to him. “I wish you’d told me the night you came to me. I still don't know if it was real or a dream. I just know I'm so grateful. Oh darling, I love you so much.”

I may never know what actually happened that night, but I do know that the love my husband and I share caused it to come to life. I'm open to loving another man one day, when I'm ready, but I know I'll never love a man like I loved Rob. He was my one true love, but I know he'd not want me to be alone forever.

Until then, I have Olly and Rayna to raise, and I talk often to them about their father. They may not have ever gotten the chance to meet him, but I want them to know that he was a great man. With the help of my parents, I know they'll know nothing else.

With that, I can take peace.

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wife with my brother

We are a typical Punjabi joint family. My wife is 27 years, 5.2 height with 34C 28 36 figure. We have been married for more than 8 years now. I am 34 yrs of age and little over busy in business. Our sex life was normal with once a week sex. My wife is a kind of shy and introvert person but when it comes to sex she is very much oversexed. Though such is the case but she is silent person and would not start a relationship rather wait and watch and then attack. She is a kind of just lie back and...

2 years ago
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Reluctant Porn StarChapter 8 Carly Wilson

A week had elapsed since I had effectively raped Ling in her office before I had participated in my latest fuck movie with a young pregnant Indian woman. She had annoyed me greatly and I had taken out my anger on her. I was expecting retribution. I was contacted by her assistant to organise my next movie appearance. That was in itself strange because Ling usually did the organising herself. I was told that the movie plot involved a young woman who had come for a massage. I was to provide the...

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Mom and Sons Interesting Jog

Note : This story is completely fictional! So as all of our Sundays usually start, this one was no different. It starts with making breakfast for me and my sister. dad usually works on Sundays tryin to make a little extra cash for the boat he wants. So as we are sitting there eating breakfast mom starts talking about her run yesterday as her and I are both into exercising. So she was telling us about how she took another route this time so I was kinda interested because I was getting bored with...

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Saras Surrender Part 2

We were on the Cave and Basin trail in Banff National Park, Canada, on a beautiful Summer’s afternoon. I had just asked – ordered – Sara to take off her shorts, panties, boots and socks, so that all she was left wearing was one of my old t-shirts. It was much too big for her in some dimensions, yet its length barely covered her ass.She had been looking more and more uncomfortable with being almost naked in public, and I knew she was struggling to reach a decision. I just hoped she reached the...

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Goldilocks and the Three Bears

There was once a family of three men, who were known locally as “The Three Bears” who lived in a cozy cottage in the woods where they worked as lumberjacks. There was great big, more than seven foot tall “Daddy Bear”, medium size six foot four “Uncle Bear”, and a shorter, eighteen year old “Junior Bear”. They got their name from the huge quantity of thick black body hair that covered them, complemented by bushy beards, their stocky stature (not to mention rather round bellies in the older two)...

Group Sex
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Mommy Where Are You

“Maaaaameeeee, where are you?” I’d looked for her in Papa’s bed and Uncle Jose’s bed. I heard her call from the living room, “I’m out here.” Sure enough, she was on top of an Asian man I’d seen before. They were on the big thick love rug where Mommy often took men. I think she called this man Mr. Chang. His yellow dick was going in and out of Mommy’s cunt as her black ass moved around. I went around in front of her so she could see my stiffie. Mr. Chang was really playing with her big hanging...

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Author of THE SATYRICON - Gaius Petronius Arbiter (c. 27 - 66 AD) was a Roman courtier during the reign of Nero. He is generally believed to be the author of the Satyricon, a satirical novel believed to have been written during the Neronian era (54-68 AD). Tacitus, Plutarch and Pliny the Elder describe Petronius as the elegantiae arbiter (also phrased arbiter elegantiarum), "judge of elegance" in the court of the emperor Nero. He served as suffect consul in 62. Later, he became a member of...

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Let me describe Jane. She is about my height and is slim built with firm B-cup perky breasts and a neat waistline above the tightest pair of firm round buttocks and incredibly long legs. But despite that description of any man’s dream it is her facial features that most attract me. She has an elfin look with high cheekbones, a firm jaw and large expressive lips. Her hair, brunette, is sometimes worn long, but I prefer when she wears it short, brushed in on each side of her face, very...

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Principles of Lust alittle buffy faith wil

"Tell me again why I'm doing this?" Faith asked, arms folded across her chest. "Because you love me," Buffy replied, grinning. "And because Willow has been feeling kinda left out lately. You and I have been doing the Slayer thing and the relationship thing... I just don't want to be absentee friend again." Buffy set down her grocery bags on the kitchen counter, and started unloading. "Besides, with my mom out of town and the house to ourselves, it's the perfect chance for a girl's night." Faith...

4 years ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 1Chapter 10

Ally didn't even realize that Jane had left until she returned to continue playing with her again. They pulled the girl off the bed and had her kneel on the floor. Jane squatted in front of her while Ken grabbed some rope from one of the bags. He also pulled out a set of clamps. They were vicious little things. Each was 'U' shaped with a lever on one side that clamped the ends together. They were very strong, but Ken knew the girl would like them. He had Ally put her hands behind her...

3 years ago
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A story of dominance and submission and forced ejaculation

It was a nice walk, I thought as we strolled back up the hill to our hotel, which was in fact an old historic Victorian with a sweeping view of the Puget Sound. We could still hear the slightly drunken chatter of the wedding we’d just left and while it was fun and your old college friends seemed nice enough, I was filled with darker aspirations. The key turned in the door to the entry room at the top of the stairs and we were greeted with the stale must only antiques and really old...

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Mom8217s Affair With My Teacher 8211 The Beginning Part 1

Hi, this is Vasu and I am going to narrate about an adult affair of my widow mom with my school teacher. My mother Shanti got married at a very young age and had me at the age of 18. When I was 5, my father died in a road accident leaving me and my mom alone in poverty. My mom was 35 years old, had a body figure of 34-28-36, 5’0″ tall, and had a fair skin tone. She works in a hospital as a nurse on a contract basis and raised me alone. The story I am about to narrate happened when I was in...

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Debbie Does DaddyChapter 2

The Party Sunday I dressed in a long-sleeve green Henley and brown pants, ready to go to Kara’s father’s party. Debbie took one look at me and said, “No, Daddy, that won’t do. Go change into your blue golf-shirt.” Kara chipped in with, “She’s right, Brett. That green thing is totally wrong.” Sponsor or no, I know when I’m outnumbered, so I retreated back to my room to change. The journey took less than two hours. I drove, with Kara directing. She was guiding us through an up-market suburb...

2 years ago
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Saving the Starlight Ch 02

The day arrived for the late morning Wainui District Council planning and building control sub-committee hearing for consideration of the objection to the demolition permit for the old cinema. Liberty swept into the hearing room leading the executive of the Save the Starlight Cinema Campaign. Expressionless, hiding her shock, Liberty saw sitting beside The Enemy was daddy. They were chatting and hadn’t bothered to look up at the new arrivals. She fumed, thinking that disinterest must be...

4 years ago
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The Camp Out PT 9

The Camp Out PT 9Mrs. Abernathy departed, saying she would see us all Sunday.We return to just milling about the camp, most miserable now because of the rain. A few had someone come and pick them up, so we were now down to about 12. Just chit-chatting, someone said something, and suddenly Johnny perks up. “Wait—WHAT ?? YOU FUCKED MY MOM” ?With a slight chuckle, I respond “well, ya dude—I fucked you too, remember”? Johnny bolts from the table, throwing his coffee cup to the ground, and heads for...

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Keeping the Womenfolk in Line Karens TaleChapter 15

“Was Piggy well behaved?” Karen asked when she returned to the tattoo parlor. She was surprised to see her sister dressed and ready to leave. Wizard seemed very satisfied. He said that she was very generous and asked if it was okay that Mikey also had a little piece of her ass. “I am sorry I wasn’t more clear with you about how to use my sister. Piggy would have fucked anyone in the store if that is what you wanted,” Karen explained casually. There were new customers in the tattoo parlor,...

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A Daughter Has Her Way Part 4

A Daughter Has Her Way - Part 4 by: crossvestite Players: Amy-18 Steve-(Amy's daddy) 36 Andy-(Amy's twin brother) 18 Lucas-(Amy's boyfriend) 18 Cheryl-(Lucas's Sister) 15 Story synopsis: A young girl discovers that her daddy is a closet crossdresser. And along the way she discovers a lot about herself. She has plans for her daddy as well as her brother and boyfriend. Many adventures in store for everyone. This is Part 4 of the...

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Incest FamilyChapter 3

"Don't you think that Margaret should know?" Alice asked. The third beer had made her a little woozy. She wasn't used to drinking. Not in a bar. Mitch was sipping some kind of drink he'd ordered. The place was full of people and was pretty noisy. She'd thought that Betty and Lee would meet them there too but so far there'd been no sign of them. Mitch had taken off his glasses and was leaning close to her. She couldn't hear what he was saying for the noise. The band had started up...

4 years ago
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Daddy Doesnt Spare The Rod

This is the first sex story I ever wrote and I posted it a little over a year ago in the forum. I was reading over it again and decided to try it on a wider audience. ___________________________________________________________________________________ When she was very little, she liked to strip off all of her clothes and run naked outside. She loved to feel the air tickle her tiny body. She loved the feel of the soft grass against her skin. Mommy saw her and told her that only naughty little...

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boytoysub0069 caught

Boytoysub0069 Caught I have been into cross dressing and tight inescapable bondage for as long as I can remember, and my need to push the envelope got stronger all the time. The times of dressing up and binding myself at home were long gone as far as the ultimate excitement. Now I found myself going out into the outside world, where the risk of been seen were much greater. Thanks to the internet and such places as the sub shop, and of course E bay, I had gathered an extensive...

3 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 17

Liz was sitting on the couch, ear buds engaged, with her papers spread out over the coffee table again. She was hunched up and scribbling with her head bobbing in time to the music. She looked up when the light in the room changed and she hurriedly shuffled the papers until a blank piece rested on the top. She shut off her phone and pulled the buds out of her ears when I walked in. “No need to stop on my account,” I told her. “I know you have to work.” “Just jotting some notes for myself,”...

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At first it seemed an utter disaster. I heard the door slam and something glass smash in the hallway, and before I could call out asking what it was there stood Helen in the doorway of my study, an avenging angel, livid, her body one huge clenched fist, eyes glaring out of her head. "Is something wrong?" I asked. I already knew the answer. She had finally found out. Nearly a year ago. I'd never altogether forgotten it, though I'd tried to bury it in my mind with all those other lapses and...

2 years ago
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A Different Kind Of FamilyChapter 5

Over the next year, Katie made a full and complete recovery. And as her health improved, so did our three-way relationship. We even had our own little marriage ceremony with a trusted friend where Katie, Rachel, and I all committed to each other. It wasn't government official, but it was binding in our hearts. Lin was our witness. By the time Lin graduated from college, Katie was completely cured. She'd lost quite a bit of weight, but none of her curves. And with every passing day, she was...

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My Grandmother Teaches Me About Life Ch 02

Granny took orders easily and her left hand dove into her sliver haired cunt and started its own in and out movement. Within seconds I could tell that she was going to cum. As she did she tried to expel my cock from her mouth but I held her head firmly with her lips still wrapped around my cock. I knew it was time to push my organ as deep into her mouth as possible. I hoped that she was as capable asNancy and Carol (gals from my class in college who we will next in later chapters), because they...

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The Great Rape

Yes, that was the sound that was coming from my computer in the middle of the night. Screams of ecstasy, hot, sexy sex just in the computer. Yeah... you probably thought right... internet porn. My name is Cassie and I'm 13 years old. I found out about porn when I was just about 10 when there was a virus on my computer. Since then, I've been addicted to watching porn. Kind of like a druggie that can't stay away from drugs. It kind of gets my hormones racing. My pussy gets so wet and I just...

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NubileFilms Arteya Aria Logan Teasing The Clit

Arteya and Aria Logan walk home hand in hand, but Arteya can’t wait until they’ve reached the privacy of their place before she gets her clit fondled. Lifting her dress outdoors, Arteya presents herself so that Aria can play with her clit with a vibrator. Then she walks around behind Aria and slides her hand down her girlfriend’s pants to find her nice and wet. Thought the girls have enjoyed a touch of exhibitionism, they go inside for the real deal. Atreya is quick to get...

4 years ago
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Escort Tales Ch 01

Chapter 1: Antonella’s Dinner Date As Antonella stepped out of the bathtub and prepared for her night, she thought to herself. ‘My how fast a year goes by.’ Just a year ago, she was a high level executive at a large corporation. Then came that night when she did the unthinkable, she slept with a co-worker. ‘My how good it felt,’ she remembered. It was as if she were finally set free. After that, she realized all the things she could get with her sexy looks and her sweet spot between...

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Farm Boy Abraham

Introduction: Please dont read this unless you like the genres Ever since I was five years old, Ive always loved and thought of dogs as fellow friends, family, and even a person you can talk to. Growing up lonley in the lone country side of Iowa can make a you feel and think that way quite easily. Hell, I even thought dogs were better then my own species. Growing up, my family purchased dozens of animals. My father being a farmer I guess they need to do that. We had animals like horses, pigs,...

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Humiliation by My Boss

PART 1 I met M at the work place, he was the CEO of a major corporation that I was working for. I was in my mid 20s then, and was at middle level management in the company. I enjoyed working for M and was learning lots from him about organizations and business under his tutelage. Little did I know then, that I would also be learning many other things from him. M was a boss with outstanding leadership skills and almost everyone in the organization both men and women held him in very high...

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Gallaghers IslandChapter 6

Doris Candleford was at her wit's end. While it was true she had more orgasms and little adventures right here on the deserted island at the end of the world, she could do little to re-energize her husband's interest in her ultra-submissive pussy beyond out begging him to make her "do it". Of the three other males, the Professor, the Skipper, and even silly but well-hung Gallagher; she preferred Gallagher's equipment the best of all. It was not because he was romantic, he certainly...

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Sharing Cousin Nancys TentChapter 6

That weekend in the woods with my two teenaged nieces Abby and Serena was a real eye-opener for me about making assumptions without knowing the true facts. The two girls were almost identical in appearance. It was also true that the exterior features were not at all indicative of their inner strengths and weaknesses. Abby had surprised me with her ability to adapt to almost any situation. Serena surprised me because she was more romantic than kinky and I had thought just the opposite to be...

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The Daddy Room

The Daddy room:Would you like to be Daddy in the Daddy room?  It’s a real fantasy of mine.  It has helped me come for years along with some other fantasies of mine.  Some would say it's some pretty sick stuff.  I used to think so but not anymore.  Now I find my fantasies getting darker...The Daddy RoomThat day had been a long one. I had started out in the mask room. Where you have a mask over most of your face and men fuck your holes, not knowing or caring what you look like, or who you are,...

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Youth Group Outing

When I was a sophomore in high school, my church youth group went to a Lutheran conference in a major city three hours away from our small town. To save money, we were packed four to a room with two king-sized beds and one floor monitor for each sex. I was in the same room with Jim, Arthur and Paul. We had grown up together and went to the same school as well as the same church, so we knew each other pretty well. What Paul and Arthur didn’t know was that Jim and I had been sucking and...

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Forcing Vinessa Shaw To Breastfeed You

Vinessa Shaw is an actress in the hills have eyes and she has very large breasts. She is even seen breastfeeding a baby many times. Throughout the film, Vinessa is wearing a tight dress.It's a dress both her and her big boobs fit in very nice. Below are a few more shots of her in that same dress.Below is a pic of her opening her shirt as she is getting ready to breastfeed.This is where things get interesting. A man breaks into her camping trailer in the movie and forces her to breastfeed him....

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My Medieval Submission and the Sex Slave

I was trying to build up the nerve to blow off Glade, my lover, but you ruined it for me! Okay, that’s only half true. I was bolstering my resolve to distance myself from my very beneficial friend and I ruined it for myself by blabbering on and on to my friends here about him. I’d take any flimsy or poor excuse to gush over him; all under the guise of hating it. The truth of the matter is that he’s been the only thing on my mind since I tried my first anal plug last week. Yes, that was him that...

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On Your Knees

I recently ran an ad in a Swingers Magazine advertising myself as a cocksucker looking for preferably straight or bi guys looking for a no reciprocation blowjob. You’re allowed to post phone numbers in the ad so I posted my cell phone to see what kind of response I might get.Monday afternoon my cell phone rang at work. I got a call from a guy named Paul that said that he and a buddy both wanted a blowjob. It sounded good to me so I asked, “When do you want it to happen?” He said, “Come over to...

Gay Male
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The Setup Chapter 3

"... Melissa... Melissa..." The water was warm and revitalizing on her tired... "...babe, I think you drifted off..." Whose voice was that? Melissa opened her eyes and found herself sitting across from Luke in his spacious and luxurious hot tub. The water lapped at her delicate pert breasts and pale puffy nipples resting at water level. Melissa caught Luke staring at them before a loving smile graced his face. She could've simply melted into the water with that look. "How're you...

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Cindys First Bukkake Gang Bang Party Part 3

Men made room as Jack joined me on the couch. He lifted up my top, pulled it off and tossed it away. I was left nude except for my tiny shorts. Murmurs of appreciation came from the crowd as they took in my fine 36C boobs with their perky nipples, my flat stomach, and other attributes. "Stand up, show everyone ..." Jack suggested. I did as he asked, twirling around with the music, arms up in the air, moving like a stripper, shaking my boobs and ass as the appreciative crowd went ballistic. At...

Group Sex
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The Trinket Ch 02

Chapter Two: The Indian Reservation Station A car sliced through the heavy hot air, roaring across the desert highway. Blasting past a rickety and wind worn sign, that read, Indian Reservation Station, one mile ahead. The wind slapped at the sign, vibrating it at a loose screw. It then settled into stillness, after the vehicles passing wake, subsided. In the Desert, on a hot sweltering afternoon, the sun literally bakes the Earth’s crust. An unclear horizon lay in ripples of distorted...

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Jennifers Husbands Fantasy

My wife Jennifer and I have been married for nearly 15 years. We have what I consider a perfect marriage. That's not to say we never have disagreements or get crabby with each other. We do, but it's generally short-lived and due to fatigue on one of our parts. Although we don't have all the same interests, we have the same core values, and I firmly believe that's what determines a couple's compatibility. I would describe our sex life as very good and I hope Jennifer would do the same. Although...

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Not so disappointing

My name is Seth and while my sex life has never really been boring, I never expected things to turn out like this. I'm only about 5'6 with short black hair and dark brown eyes and medium build. Normally I have no trouble with women but this time I was just plain lucky. I'd gotten off work a couple of hours early and wasn't looking forward to doing anything when I got a text message from Clara. "Hey call me when you get a minute. I need your help." I let a few moments pass before I called so as...

4 years ago
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07 Home 2Chapter 35

Present – Maria – In the equipment room I've got the blood flowing into Jens, pressure applied to the wound using a wood clamp (which of course my Princess Boss complained about), the chest tube is in place working great and the color has returned to her face. Bernie and Liz come back and Liz asks, "Will these drugs help?" I check them - they are Keflex and morphine so I reply, "They are perfect, thanks for your help." I add the Keflex to her normal saline IV bag, check her...

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Tammys teenaged cum lust

Rob and Larry couldn't take their eyes off their teenage neighbor Tammywhen she walked into the den wearing those silky, black jogging shorts,slit up the sides, and a loose-fitting cropped top that barely coveredthose perky titties of hers. The boys could see the rounded, softunder-sides of her firm tits peeking out of the bottom of her shirt. Theircocks jumped and started growing in their swimsuits. "Hi Rob, hi Larry," she chirped as she lazily walked over to the smallcouch they were...

2 years ago
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Good Times At Cheddar High Part Two

Exploration and Discovery: Richard and Becky take some naughty selfies. Now that you've read something about Richard's background and earliest encounter with his first girlfriend (and I hope you have had time to read Part One), Richard is now moving forward to new experiences. By our junior year, most of the guys had seen their girlfriend's tits and maybe felt a little pussy. More stories surfaced at the high school about the guys who were getting laid and the girls that put out. It...

Straight Sex
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The Learning Curve Ch 03

Even without a blanket there was a nice grassy spot that we could lay down on. At first we just looked up at the moon and stars, but then I rolled over and kissed her again. This went on for a while and we were both heating up and getting aroused. When I broke off each kiss Sophia would take a deep breath and sigh. When we started kissing again it was a natural progression to start feeling her beautiful tits through her clothes. Even with this restriction, I could feel how soft and full they...

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