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I'm a Sissy? by Cassandra Morgan He arose early, while his wife Belinda still slept. He slid out of the bed and, after a brief restroom stop, he dressed quietly. HE headed to the kitchen and started the coffee. He put toast in the toaster. He sliced strawberries for her yogurt. He boiled her oatmeal. He folded the newspaper. He looked at the tray and sighed. It seemed there should be one more thing. Maybe some jam to go with the toast. Satisfied, he moved back into the bedroom. Belinda woke up and scooted to the head of the bed. He smiled at her and placed a napkin over her lap. No, he not a domestic, not a submissive. He is Cleon Reagan, a normal guy who loves his wife. Maybe he's a bit OCD about keeping the apartment straight, but there are worse habits. Besides, it makes life a little easier for his big-time lawyer wife, right? Besides, as a freelance writer, he can bend his time around more easily than Belinda can. "Again?" Belinda said. "You're going to spoil me, Cleon. Or make me fat." "You're perfect," he said. "Just enjoy it, okay?" She nibbled at her toast. He went to the closet and, pondering, pulled out a green dress for her to wear, put it on the foot of the bed. He went to her lingerie drawers and pulled out panties and a bra. It was a summer day, a little hot for pantyhose, but he took out a pair just in case. She grinned. "How did you know I wanted to wear green, Cleon?" she said. "You're so good to me." "Just trying to help," he said. "You always help," she said. "The ironing. The beds. The vacuuming. A girl couldn't be married to a more helpful guy than you. If you styled hair, you'd be perfect." "I could learn," he said. "I bet they offer a course at the community center." She looked at me strangely. "Well, why don't we check into it? That cooking class you took was good. You still make dishes from that, don't you?" "Yes," I said. "The lemon chicken I do was from there. And the recipe for the game hens, mainly. I add basil, though." "God, listen to us," she said. "We're like a couple of old women talking about recipes." "Why is talk about recipes always a woman thing?" Cleon asked. "A lot of the great chefs are men. Paul Prudhomme and Gordon Ramsey and Emeril and Anthony Bourdain and Guy Fieri." "And Chef Boy-ar-dee." "Oh, hush." "Sweetheart, I'm just joking around. You can cook for me anytime you want. Speaking of which, have you thought about tonight?" "Italian?" "Perfect. But filling. I better have a salad for lunch." "Belinda, you don't think I'm strange ... because I do so much of the housework, do you?" "God, no. If you didn't do it, it would never get done. I'm not exactly Betty Homemaker, you know. I'm the chick with the panties on the shower rod." He laughed. "Those are panties? I thought we were drying a parachute." She threw a pillow at me at laughed. "Make fun of the ass," she said, "and you don't get to play with the ass." "Did I mention that I loved your ass?" "More like it. Now wash the dishes, and I'll hit the shower." Yep. It was going to be a clean morning at the Reagan house. * * * Belinda Reagan and her best friend, Jill Abercrombie, said at the lunch table, picking at salads and enjoying the break. They worked hard at Hersh and Dawkins, so lunch was always welcome. "I like that dress," Jill said. "This one? Cleon picked it out this morning. He has nice taste." "God. You are married to the only straight fag I know." "Jill! That's rude. And it's a bad word." "Just kidding, kiddo. I'm just jealous. If I asked Logan to pick out my dress, I'd probably come to work wearing a nightgown and tassels. The man has no taste." "Cleon does. He's the best cook I know. And he does the laundry." "Damn. If he has a penis at all, you're the luckiest girl in America." "Well, I'm not that lucky," Belinda said, holding her thumb and forefinger a couple of inches apart and snickering. "I know what you mean. Logan is like he always just came out of the pool. The Incredible Shrinkage Man." "Ah, who cares. The size of a man's...thing is so overrated. I don't think it matters." "Oh, it matters," Jill said. "Jill? What are you telling me?" "Well, you know Paul? In accounting?" She put her hands almost a foot apart. "God. You slut!" Jill laughed. "You wouldn't put a knife in a sword scabbard," she said. Belinda liked Jill, who was crude and bawdy and liberated, all the things that she was not. Oh, she joked around. Belinda still didn't know for sure if she slept around on her husband. But she might. "Okay," Jill said. "So what does Mr. Tiny Dick do to make up for the fact he's as close to having a vagina as a real cock?" "Well... his tongue is pretty good." "God, you married a male lesbian." "Be fair, Jill," Belinda said. "He's very sweet." "Does he like bondage?" "Ha. I'd like that. I'd love to tie his sweet ass to the bed. But, no, we aren't into that." "Ageplay? Pet play? Bigs and littles? Clowns? Threesomes? Roleplay?" "No, not really." "What else is there? How about domination?" "You mean like whips?" "Yes ... Mistress." Belinda laughed. "I don't know anything about that." "You'd be good at it," Jill said. "You always think you're right." "Hah. Tell me more." "Well, if you were a Mistress, you could make him cook for you. And clean. And dust the furniture. He'd be your sissy. You could dress him like a girl. He'd lay out your clothes and draw your bath. He'd be the wife." Belinda thought for a minute. Then her face lit up. "He's already there, Jill. Except for the part about dressing like a girl, Cleon is already a sissy!" "What?" "Think about it. He cooks. He cleans. He shops for groceries. He picks out my clothes for work." "Cleon? God, that's funny. Put that man in a dress, and you've won the lottery." "Oh, we're being silly. I'm not going to give it another thought. But she did. * * * As luck would have it, he was on his knees when Belinda came home. He'd had a spill, and there was a big blob of spaghetti sauce on the floor. He was making sure he got all of it out of the corners when she walked in. "What are you doing on your knees, cutie," she said. "Did someone steal your boyfriend?" "Hah-hah," he said, standing. "I'm just cleaning up." "Jill and I had an interesting lunch conversation today," she said, putting her briefcase on the desk. "Oh? How is Jill?" "Horny. Like always." He laughed. "Well, she's a nice lady." "She says the same about you." He looked at her. "That I 'm a nice guy?" Belinda grinned. "Is that what I meant?" He handed her the glass of Merlot he always had waiting for her. She shook her head. "Can I get a martini instead?" she said. "Sure," he said, even though he didn't know when Belinda started to like martinis. She used to hate them. He mixed the drink. "I think I'm going to branch out with ... my tastes," Belinda said. "Whiskey sours and brandy and gin." "Well, how manly of you." "You don't know the half of it." He handed her her drink. She sipped it. "Damn, that's good," she said. "Welcome. But the wine may go better with dinner." "You always plan this shit out, don't you?" she said, looking at him. There was something in her eyes that made him uncomfortable. Something...assertive. "I have to. The salad has to be served at the right time, and them the bolonnaise, and the garlic bread. We're having dessert, too. I baked a pie." "Well, a woman's work is never done, is it?" And there it was again, a jab at his sexuality. He looked at Belinda, but her face betrayed nothing. He let it go. He went to wash the dishes. Italian is always messy. But now, something was bothering him, too. * * * The nicest way in the history of this planet to be awakened is always sexually. It was the middle of the night when he felt Belinda rubbing his back. There there was something slick and cool on his penis, something that felt half-liquid in its sensuality. He stretched, then opened his eyes. She lay on on her side, a grin on her face, a glint in her eyes. He felt stimulated. Erect. Ready. He glanced down, and Belinda was dangling a pair of her panties over his dick, touching the head with lace, lifting it off, lower it back downward, teasing it and playing cat-and-mouse. She seemed intent on her work, so much so that she didn't notice that he had awakened. "Baby?" "Shhh. Just relax. The Stuart Little enjoys it. See." "What are you doing?" "I'm getting your attention," she said. "Stuart seems to like panties. You ever wear any for Stuart." "Damn it, his name is not Stuart Little." "Well, it isn't Big Ben, either, is it? Let's don't discuss the size of your dicklette, sweetie. Let's talk about the panties." "Sue me. My dick likes the panties that women wear. They're erotic." "Oh, they are. You should wear them sometime." "I'm not like that," I said. "Maybe you are, though," she said. "I bet Bruce Jenner wasn't into panties at some point in life. Til he started to transition into Caitlyn. You don't come by this at birth. You ease into panties. Just like I do." He rolled over. This was silly. He was not going to have this conversation. "Oh, don't be that way, baby," she said, taking him by the shoulder and rolling him onto his back.She kissed his neck. She slid on top of him. She held his wrists down on either side of his pillow. "Stop, Belinda." "Now, pretend you can't move these wrists. Submit to me, sweetheart. Let me have my way with you. Be my wife." He wriggled. But her breasts felt wonderful against his chest, and her crotch was grinding into his. He looked up at her. "I'm not a wife,"he muttered. She slid his penis into her. "Feel it, baby. Feel my dick in your pussy. I mean it, imagine the vagina is yours. Imagine the dick is mine. Let it go." And he did. And it was wonderful. * * * It was Sunday, and the afternoon was easy. They sat in in outdoors' restaurant in the Garden District. She was drinkig a gin and tonic. He had a white wine. Belinda found that telling and said so. "You really are a hair-dresser, aren't you?" she said. "What do you mean?" "You know. A florist. An interior decorator. A ballet instructor. You know, a fruit roll-up." "Hah-han," he said. "Just because I had a glass of wine. I think wine is nice." She burst out laughing. "Nice? It's nice? My God, Cleon. Why don't just ask for a penis in your glass? "Well, I'm not as macho as you are," he said, trying give to her a hard time. "Fuck, Cleon. You aren't as macho as Johnny Weir. That figure skater." "Oh, give me a break." "Okay, let's play a game. Honest answers. In high school, did you play football or belong to the glee club." "No fair. You know I was in the glee club." "Okay. And did you play baseball or belong to the pep club." "The pep club," he said quietly. "And when you were little, did you play with dolls or G.I. Joes?" "Well. It was my sister's doll. Her Barbie. I never had a G.I. Joe." "Uh-huh. Care Bears or Smurfs?" "Uh, Care Bears." "Gilmour Girls or Buffy? "Gilmour Girls, he said quietly. "But Buffy was cool when Angel was on it." "Would you rather pick flowers or play in the mud?" "No fair. I like flowers." "Karate class or ballet?" "Okay, you're cheating. I took dance." "Would you rather bake or fix a car?" "I'm not good on cars." "Sew or hunt?" "I don't kill things!" "Jump rope or play tag? "I'm not playing this game anymore." "Hopscotch or basketball?" "Not playing." "A jewelry making machine or a jigsaw puzzle." "I can't hear you." "Damn. I should ask you if you prefer Tampax or Kotex." "You're slanting all of these questions to make me look bad." "Oh, come on. I am not. Your poor mom just raised one more girl than she counted on, princess. Think about it. I bet you watched Chick flicks and read romance novels and wore t-shirts with unicorns on them." She flopped her wrist at me and giggled. "Let me ask you this: When you went to the prom, what color was your gown?" She laughed. I blushed. Great. Even my cheeks were pink. *** The next night, dinner was ruined. Cleon had made a salmon, with clam chowder and a side of kale. Health stuff. But Belinda didn't come home. Oh she would stop and have a drink with Jill sometimes, but she always called to let him know she would be late. Not this time. The clock moved on, and he grew irritated, then concerned, then worried. Seven digits on the cell phone. Was that too much to ask? He turned on the TV to see if they said anything about a car wreck. He called her office phone to see if she was working late. She wasn't. Finally, at a quarter til 10, the door opened, and she staggered in. She had obviously been drinking. He started to ask where she had been, but she held up one hand, with her index finger extended. "I can't talk about it, Cleon,n,"she said. "I don't want to talk about it." She brushed past him. She went into the kitchen, and broke off a piece of fish from the pan. She chewed on it. "Kinda dry," she said. "It was moist when you were supposed to be home," he said. "Ah, shit," she said. "The little woman is pissed. I knew she would be." "I'm not a woman," he seethed. "Well, don't fucking act like one then. I had a few drinks. Big fuddy- duddy." "You could have called," he said. "I should have," she said. "But the reception is awful at the Kit-Kat Club." What? She went to see strippers? That wasn't right. "Well, let the strippers make your dinner," he said. "Aw, baby, don't be like that. I just looked into another grocery store. But I get my dinner right here." She put her arms around him. Maybe it was that she was safe, and she was home. He tried to let it go. He put his arms over hers. "Something I wanted to say, kitten," she said to him. "But can I have a cup of coffee first." So he made her coffee, and she sat at the kitchen table. She took a spoonful of the cold chowder and tasted it. "Hey, that's good," she said. "Want me to heat you up a bowl?" "Please, Cleon. I'm sorry. I fucked up. Still love me?" "You know I love you," he said. She kissed him. He got her coffee from the coffee-maker and her chowder from the microwave. He put both in front of her. He heated a small hunk of the fish and put that there, too. Belinda ate, and she sobered a bit. She smiled at him. He smiled back. Life was too short to be angry. "Baby?" she said. "Did you know that male strippers shave their bodies?" "Not really," he said. "I don't look at male strippers." "Well, they do. Like swimmers. Bikers. Runners. Body builders. It makes you look smooth and sexy." "Uh-huh?" "I'd like you to do that." "Shave my body?" "Well, I have a cream you can use. You may have to touch up a bit under the arms, but I think you would you look fine." "I don't know, Belinda..." "What's the big deal. It's not like you braid your chest hair or make pig-tails under your arms. Your wife has just asked you to do something she thinks is sexy, and that's too hard for you? Just be a man and remove the hair. It's only a hairy t-shirt, for God's sake." That didn't sound right. What did removing hair have to do with being a man. But what was he going to say? He nodded. "When?" he said. "Well, tonight would be good. I'd love to feel that body when it's smooth." And so he lost his body hair. For the first time since he was 12, he was smooth. Smooth as panties, you might say. * * * "You did what?" Jill's mouth hung open. "I made him shave... all over," Belinda said. "The plan is working. I am conquering the world." "What plan?" Jill said. "I'm going to feminize him," Belinda said."I'm thinking our dear Cleon has ben a simpering sissy all along. I'm going to make him realize it." "Do you want that? Do you want a husband who wears your dresses? You want to fight him for the clean panties?" Belinda laughed. "I don't really care if he's in women's clothes per se," she said. "But I want him to submit to me. If I want him to dress as Barney, then that's how he's going to dress. Cleon likes all this girl shit. Cooking, cleaning, ironing. Well, I'll make him dress the part. If he wants to work like a maid, I'll fucking make him a maid." "But it's so ... queer." "And what's wrong with that? I would like a husband who has pretty nails and sweet lips. I don't care if he's in a dress. Just think about how you can control a sissy in a dress. You can humiliate him, expose him, blackmail him. So delicious." "God, you're a conniving bitch. It's what I love about you." "I'm not trying to be a bitch. I love Cleon. I just think this is in him, and we have to get it out. If he was a masochist, I'd buy him handcuffs. If he was an adult baby, I'd get him diapers. Sex is just an ice cream parlor filled with flavors, hon. If his flavor is pink, that's okay." "But he'd be a sissy!" "Isn't he one now with all the cooking and cleaning? The only difference is a skirt. " "You gonna cage him?" "Cage? What's that?" "A cock cage. Don't you know anything? It keeps him from getting an erection. It puts it in your control. I think sissies like cock cages." "Then we'll get him a cage. What he ... she desires." How about spankings? "Well, what would be the fun of being a mistress if I couldn't spank. Like the other night, when she gave me shit for being late. I'd wear her ass out." "Boyfriends?" "Oh, that would be hot, wouldn't it. Imagine Cleon blowing a guy and the sperm shooting all over her face. God, I'm wet just thinking about it." "Hah. You got a name for it yet?" "Her. For her. I don't now. Cleonpatra? No, snakes might bite her. How about Chloe? Only a few letters off." "Belinda, I hope you know what you're doing. I wouldn't want to turn my husband into a faggot." "I think Cleon...Chloe would be into it. The unimaginative mind wouldn't be. But he's open enough. If I could talk her into tasting cock, I bet she'd be a natural. And that's the thing. To me, dresses aren't a big thing. To me, she's already there. This will just make her happier." "You know, a lot of guys do seem to like being girls better." "Well, why not? We're God's perfect creatures." "Yeah. Except for a few days a month." "When we are hell's baddest bitches." They laughed. They clinked glasses. This was going to work. * * * That night, Belinda lay in bed and rubbed Cleon. On his chest. Under his arms. Even on his bare pubic area. "Doesn't that feel nice?" she asked. "Kind of," he said. "Weird, but nice." "Hold on," she said. And once again, she had a pair of panties in her hands. The same ones as earlier. She had evidently been keeping them under her pillow. She rubbed it across his body, and he felt as if he were being electrocuted. It was erotic to the point of being painful. "See?" she said. "See what a smooth body feels like?" "Damn. That's pretty erotic." "Cleon... can you put them on?" "What? Hell, no. I don't want to be gay." "Look. This pair is made out of satin. Would sliding a bit of satin over your ass make you gay? Would satin on your nuts make you want to to suck a guy off? Don't be stupid." He put his right leg through a leg hole, then his left leg. He lifted his ass and tugged the panties upward. "Happy?" "Yes. How about you?" "They ... feel okay. Pretty good, even." "Better than those smelly old boxers?" He thought about it for a second. He slowly nodded. "Then we have a winner. I'll buy you some tomorrow." "Buy me some?" "Of course, silly. You admit they feel better, and they're prettier, and they're softer. So why wouldn't you wear them?" He couldn't think of a reason. It wasn't like she was asking him to wear something impractical like a bra. Those are for boobs, and I didn't have any. No one could tell if he was wearing panties or not. Besides, guys' underwear came in colors these days. It wasn't like she was going to buy lacy panties, was it? Which, of course, she did. She came home the next day with five pair of panties and - you guessed it - five bras. They sold them as sets, she said. She said she knew that the bras would feel silly with empty cups, so she bought a pair of breast forms, too. They're so much better than the lumpiness you get when you try to use tissues. This was all so odd to him. A couple of days earlier he was still all man. He just liked working in the kitchen. But now she had him in women's underwear. She bought him an apron, a Wilma Flintstone apron, but it didn't quite do the trick. "I'll get you some outfits," she said. And she did. Maid's outfits. * * * "Damn it, Belinda. I'm not wearing those." "Sweetie, they'll look great on you. You've always been the maid in this marriage. You should have been wearing them all along." "Crap, Belinda. Is this how you see me? As a transvestite? As a domestic?" "Calm down, Cleon. I see you as a gentle soul who is open-minded enough for this. Think about it, baby. Which one of us is the more feminine? Me? Hell, I don't know which end of a broom to hold. Or you? You're the wife here, sweetheart. Lose all those negative connotations from when you were a kid. Girls aren't less than guys. Neither are sissies." "Sissies? I'm a sissy? A fuckig sissy?" "Well, a little bit. But it's okay. The best qualities you have are because of your sissy nature." "Damn it. I am not a sissy." "Cleon, do me a favor. Every time you think of the word "sissy," think of "submissive" instead. That's all we're talking about. You still get to cook and clean and do laundry. The shit you love. You'll just do it... in a dress." "I don't love it. I do it because we need it." "Cleon?" "Okay, I like it. But I'm still not a sissy." "Cleonm, we can call names all day. But you and I both know that you want to put this dress on. You want to see how it feels. You want to pose in front of the mirror." "No," he whispered. "Cleon?" "No," he said, the sound weaker. "Chloe?" "Yes," he whispered. And so he pulled a maid's black dress up his body, past his hose, past his panties, past his bra. He looked at his wife, who was looking on approvingly. She tugged at his hair. "It needs to grow some," she said. "But we won't need a wig, I don't think. Not if our lipstick is good and our mascara is right and we wear the right earrings." She would mention one accessory or another, and he would flinch every time she did. But it was all part of the same package, wasn't it? He was going to be her domestic. He looked at her. Softly, he asked the question he should have asked long ago. "Am I a sissy?" "You always have been, Chloe," she said. He looked in the mirror. His legs stuck out the hem of his dress. His lips pouted. His breasts protruded. It was the perfect sissy photo. And he was so hard he could not move. * * * The next few days were learning ones for Chloe. Oh, she had the chores down pat. The only difference was that she had to be dressed as a woman while she was doing them, and that took a girl some time. The makeup especially. But it was different in the bedroom. For one thing, Belinda loved to run her fingertips over his nipples, as if that would make them grow. Well, combined with those pills she was taking, maybe. Belinda had also taken to playing with his ass, rubbing it and prodding it. One night, she came out of the bathroom wearing a penis panty, a panty with a large, built in dildo. That night, Chloe found out what pegging meant. Belinda penetrated her hard and with malice.And when she was done, she put a small butt-plug there to remind her wife that she had been there. And keep it open for next time. Chloe hated anal sex... for about two minutes. And then she was in heaven. If you take the taboo off it, it really is all nerve endings and juices. Guys aren't wired to receive, but when he relaxed, when he could go with the flow, he was surprised how much erotisim can start in the ass. They had couples over, and Chloe was instructed to serve. No choice, she was told. And, so, while she was embarrassed, she brought drinks on a tray while Belinda showed her off. There was Ted Anderson and Martha. Joe Hedwig and Nancy. Amos Jefferson and Keisha. It was always the same. The men laughed and the women cooed. But later, the women talked and the men started to flirt. Belinda? She saw it all. She knew that the women wanted him to make their beds, and the men wanted him to mess them up. That was okay. Chloe was becoming aware of her sexuality, and open to the fact that a man or a woman could lead her there. It was liberating. Finally, it was a Sunday night when Logan and Jill came over. Logan stammered his hello, as if he had been instructed what to say. Jill looked at Chloe and shook her head. "Remember when I said I didn't want to make my husband into a faggot?" Jill said to Belinda. "Yes," Belinda laughed. "Well, guess who became one all by himself." They all looked at Logan. He shrugged. "And just think, Chloe, she's called you a faggot cocksucker. And Logan gets there first." Chloe giggled. "Time to prove her right?" And he fell to his knees. Logan approached him and unfastened his trousers. He seemed proud of his cock as he stood in the middle of the room. Chloe folded to her knees. It wasn't quite as small as Jill had indicated earlier. He took Logan's cock into his lips and just held it there, testing him. After a while, Logan started to rock, then gyrate, then he was fucking Chloe's head. Chloe swabbed what she could, kissed what she could, tongued what she could. And when Logan came, sweet and sticky and wonderful, she caught as much as she could catch. Want to call him a faggot? Want to be embassed for him? Fine. He could deal with it. He spread his arms before Belinda, as if embracing his mistress, his mentor, his guide. She controlled him. She thought for him. She owned his heart. He was a sissy. And the last person to realize it had been him. (c) 2015 by Cassandra Morgan

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This is a BDSM story - male on male, later male on sissy - with some forced feminisation. Sorry it takes so long to get to the fem part! Part two will represent the pay off.SissyslaveBy NancyBerlinMartin is, or rather, used to be, a totally straight looking guy, not so tall - 173cm - with asomewhat stocky build, but lean and lightly muscled from his years ofswimming. You could say he had something of a rugby player'sbuild. He was not so young - 47 - but he kept himself in good shape andalthough...

3 years ago
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Not so long ago I was a your standard guy into women etc so how did I become so sissified, well i blame my ex partner lol.We always had a great sex life and were occasional swingers which she started. Now we always liked to swap our love juices but this one time she went a stage further when she sucked off our swinging friend, until he blew in her mouth, she then walked over to me and while our friends wife rode my cock my ex proceeded to kiss me hard letting his cum into my mouth. Now I always...

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Sissyslavenancy By Butchcd I am a totally straight looking guy, not so tall - 173cm - with a somewhat stocky build, but lean and lightly muscled from my years of swimming. I guess you could say I have something of a rugby player's build. I am not so young - 47 - but I keep myself in good shape and although gay there is nothing effeminate about me. I state all this to show that I am in no way what could be considered a suitable candidate for being feminised. And I must say nor did I...

1 year ago
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Hypnosissy By Margaret Jeanette Paul Peters was awake at midnight again. He had gone to bed at his usual time which was 10 P.M. For about the last two weeks he was sleeping every other night. The other nights he would lie awake in bed wondering why he coulldn't fall asleep. He tried sleep aids from the drug store and they seemed to work in reverse keeping him awake all night. At work he discussed his problem with Sid Werner. Sid told him he had once had a strong aversion to...

1 year ago
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SISSYTOWN by Throne "This place is SO dull," Jerry complained histrionically, shaking his head and clenching his fists, as if the banality of Blandings Landing had driven him to the edge of rage. "Tell me about it," his buddy Hank said in angry agreement. "I would go along with ANYTHING if we could just have a little excitement." The two teens were sitting on a bench in the idyllic town square, where the grass was the perfect length and neatly planted flower beds had bloomed into...

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The call from Mistress Andrea made my day. I hadn't seen her for over a week and was looking forward to playing with her & having my chastity finally removed. You should know that Mistress and I have known each other for many years and have I always enjoyed being her sissy sub. Lately she has been training me to be more feminine in appearance. I have been required to buy woman's stretch pants and blouses for daily wear to work, and always have fresh manis and pedis and mascara on at...

2 years ago
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Mommy Penny pretended to be very angry and you were humiliated when she invited me over and discussed your problem with me rig SissyTecBy Missy Crystal The whole problem of turning a useless man or nasty little boy into a simpering sissy was how much time the mommy had to spend on training and management.  SissyTec makes it easy for her.  All she has to do is use one of our automated products and go about her business.  With the aid of SissyTec conditioning, macho Steve is reduced to...

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BEEP BEEP BEEP Your alarm goes off, you quickly reach and hit dismiss on your phone. You look at your phone, its 8:00, and then you grin as you realize it's your birthday. You jump out of bed, naked as can be, and walk to your bathroom for a shower. You stop on the way to look at yourself in the full length tri-mirror that's just outside of the bathroom.

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There is a light tap at the door, "wait" I call out... I shall call when I consider i need you just remain outside until then.I glance in the mirror approving of what I see, the new nightdress is everything I thought it would be, I loved the way it hung down from my magnificent bosoms to hang nicely just at mid thigh level, it left my stockings (seamed of course), just in the realm of the viewers imagination, stockings/tights mmmmm not east to tell.The two black wristbands was a nice touch I...

1 year ago
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Reddit Sissies, aka r/Sissies! Alright, I’ve gotta be honest with you guys. The /r/Sissies subreddit seems more down Porn Geek’s alley. But, as you all know, I always put the needs of all my fans first. That’s why I’m going to be checking out this sub and telling you what I think about it. As it just so happens, I was actually tricked the first time I ever heard about the term sissies. I went into the porn looking for a good jerk off session, but what I ended up feeling was just a little bit...

Reddit NSFW List
3 years ago
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My fuck sensation with land owners 2

Couple of days later one evening I was strolling in an amusement park on the wharf when someone closed my eyes from behind and said in a deep throaty voice ” Pabby, guess who?” I laughed and said “One of the beautiful twins. I find it difficult to tell you apart with my eyes open and now you expect me identify you with my eyes closed.” She released me and laughed. “First tell me which twin are you?” I said showing my ignorance about her identity. She laughed again and showed me her finger and...

2 years ago
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Hidden Fun

For as long as I can remember, I've justloved the feeling of being wet and aroused in front of people without them knowing it. Something about the naughtiness of being in that heightened state, imagining a tongue between my legs, sneaking my hand under my skirt, while in plain view of a couple dozen people walking by makes the inevitable orgasm so much more intense. I'm 26, very fit, and run a sportswear store at the mall - first floor, over by the Starbucks and the bookstore. It's one of...

1 year ago
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Meri Kahani Meri Zubani 8211 Part 6

Hi dosto kaise ho. Aap sabhi ko mera namaste. Woh bhi jhuk ke aur gaand aap ki taraf karke. Taaki aapka lund meri sexy gaand dekh kar khush ho. Mera naam Sheela Yadav hai. Main Gorakhpur (U.P) ki rahne wali hun. Bohut dino baad main haajir hun nayi experience ke saath. Meri pahli ki kahan padhne ke baad bohut logo ne mujhe mail kiya. Kai ladko ne mujhse chat ki. Par jadatar se bohut dino tak baat nahi ho paayi. Pahle to chat hui to sab photo mangne lage. Bohut kahne pe maine photo bheji to...

2 years ago
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The HunChapter 4 Hot and Wet

When I got back to Aunt Amy's house she had gone out. I looked around I didn't see the girls either. As I walked up the stairs the sound of running water started to come into earshot. At the top of the stairs I stood outside the door wondering which of the girls I was sharing the house with might be in there, and if the door was latched. Then I wondered what my excuse would be for barging in. Then I remembered how loud my bed was and thought there may never be a better time to go rub one...

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Office desires extended version

Mark sat in his office and stared at Jonas who stood stiff—it was obvious he was scared. Mark liked that. He liked how people could be scared of him, of the power he had; he could see the desire in their eyes, whether it was to be in his place or to worship him. He was now in his late forties and knew people who worked for him in and out—and Jonas here, he knew quite well and could see how he was burning with desire for Mark. It was flattering, up to a point. Mark had salt and pepper hair and...

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William Redman CarterChapter 19

Cupping a match in his curled fingers to protect it from a light wind, William lit a cigarette. He shook his hand putting out the match and dropped the extinguished stick into a bucket. Holding up a hand, he said, "The screen door will slam in a minute." Despite the warning, Dale jumped when the screen door slammed shut making a noise like a rifle shot. He said, "I'm glad you warned me." "The cook takes out the trash every night about this time. It used to startle me every time I...

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MomIsHorny Jennifer White Camila Cortez Unexpected Threesome

Johnny Love arrives home with his girlfriend, Camila Cortez. As they walk in the house, they bump into Johnny’s step mom, Jenifer White, and this is where everything changes. Camila is instantly attracted to his step mom, so much so that when she goes in for a hug, she decides to squeeze Jennifer’s ass. Jennifer is faltered by this, so later that day she goes over to Johnny’s bedroom and slowly opens the door. Inside Johnny and Camila are making out. Without him noticing, Jennifer flashes...

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Luck of the Draw

Luck of the Draw by Janet L. Stickney As summer drew closer and my friends and I looked forward to a leisurely summer of fun and sun. Then Erin decided to throw one of her parties. This one is a costume party, with a twist. She had everyone that had been invited draw a paper out of a basket. Whatever was written on the paper is what you have to come to the party dressed as. People drew their slip of paper, some smiling, some frowning. When it was my turn, I grabbed a paper, opened...

2 years ago
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My daughters dildo part 2

“My God, girl,” I chuckled. “Are you ever not horny?” “I’m only like this when I’m around you.” She rolled toward me and gave me kiss. “Morning, Daddy.” She pressed the tip of her vibrating cock against her clit and moaned. “I missed the school bus.” “I got up and rescheduled my meeting earlier while you were still asl**p.” This brought a big smile to her lips. “So we’re having a naked day together?” “Looks like it.” “Have I told you that you’re the best daddy ever?” “Yes,...

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GangbangCreampie Alana C G138

It’s Fuck ’em Fill ’em Feed ’em FRIDAY!! Today you get to see sexy milf Alana C get GangBanged and Creampied by the Cocksmen! You’ve waited long enough, so let’s hop right into the action! She’s on the bench, those natural knockers hanging out, nothing under that sexy blue skirt. She’s got a great big smile on her face, because she knows what’s coming next. The cocks, the cream, it’s gonna be a blast. She get’s undressed...

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The Enemys DaughterChapter 3 Raped By Her Father

As they entered the building, Courtney got her last view of the outside world. She knew that she was not going to be released. They would humiliate, abuse and rape her and when they got tired of her, they will kill her. Just like her Father had said. Her Father, her mind went back to when she left him only a short while ago. It seemed like years, so much had already happened to her. As she was led down a long hallway, she could see Michael talking to someone on his cell phone. He was nodding...

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Wishbone After School

(The following is a direct sequel to the MCSA classic Wishbone: Student Teaching. The story picks up a short time after that one ends.) Janet Gardner walked to the door as her doorbell rang. It was almost 7 PM now; far later than any company that the 54 year old spinster generally expected to receive. "Who could possibly need anything this late?" She grumbled to herself. As she opened the door and saw who waited on the other side, her irritation grew. An average looking teenage boy stood on...

Mind Control
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Help from my Friends A New Years Eve Parody

What would you do if I danced in the nude,would you cum when we all make love?Hold me tightly in your arms,our bodies will fit like a glove. Gonna cum with a little help from my friendsGet some with a little help from my friends What would you do when I quiver and shake,would you turn out the light and sleep?Put your tongue here and kiss me, my dear,free your mind, you have nothing to fear. Gonna cum with a little help from my friends.Get some with a little help from my friends. Can you feel my...

Group Sex
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NuruMassage Jasmine Jae Doing This For My Daughter

Ryan Driller walks into the massage parlor and looks around the establishment with purpose. Jasmine Jae rounds the corner to greet him, then seeing that he’s a police officer she has a surprised look on her face. She approaches Ryan and asks him what he’s doing here. ‘Excuse me… can I help you with something, officer? You don’t seem like you’re here for a massage, are you?’ she asks. Ryan looks at Jasmine and says ‘No ma’am… are you...

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Ninas First BlowjobChapter 2

Nina: I was rereading the first chapter and it dawned on me that I had a boy’s penis in my mouth several times before I had a boy’s hand up my shirt. I grew up a tomboy and played sports with my brothers and their friends. There were no special allowances made for me being a girl. This meant there was a lot of contact, touching and grabbing going on. I came of age being use to being touched by guys. Most times incidentally during the game and a few times not so innocently, but my brothers...

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Lady in Red Book 2 The Rise of the WarriorChapter 21

For all of her strong words, Senator Chatham was extremely worried. Her daughter, along with twenty-two other girls, including the granddaughter of Vice President Pearson and the daughter of Representative Daniels, were missing. Their bus had simply disappeared. There was no plausible, acceptable explanation. All of the girls had cell phones, as would the bus driver, the security people, and the four chaperones. The fact that not one of them had placed a call since shortly after they left...

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Meri Pyari Hot Aunty

Hi… friends mera naam sandip hai. or me rajkot gujarat se hu. Meri age 26 yrs hai. me ek company me manager hu. or aur mere Lund ka size kisi bhi aurat ko satisfy karne ke liye kaafi hai. Main iss ka regular reader hoon, kafi saare stories padhi hain yaha joh real bhi lagi aur fake bhi isliye maine bhi socha apna experience share karu aapke sath. Yeh meri 1st kahani hai Indian sex stories par koi galti ho toh maaf kar Dena. Rajkot me ya rajkot se 100 – 200 km dur Koi bhi bhabhi, ladki ya aunty...

3 years ago
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Connie McCowen1

She climbed out of bed and slipped on her shorts under the t-shirt that she normally slept in, and flip flops. Sure enough, the old man was passed out in her chair when Connie got into the living room. She looked with hatred at the half full beer can perched on his bloated belly, ready to fall at any moment. "Can't we just call the cops", she asked of her mother, already well aware of her answer. Emmett was dad's friend and there was no way that she'd make that call. "Just go and turn...

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The Twins Meet Phil

Kimberly and Madison Tucker lay sprawled and heaving together in Kim's bed, the huge dildo their grandfather had bought for them joining their luscious, 14-year-old bodies and deep in the their eager pussies. They moved to and fro gently together in the rays on morning sunshine, softly moaning, eyes closed, is orgasmic bliss, legs entangled, hands stroking, bare breasts rubbing together, nipples fully erect, clits jumping. "Phil," said Kimberly, blinking open her lovely eyes. "Why didn't...

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First Time Sex With Stranger

Hi. My name is Varun. I am 24, am working in Delhi. I am good looking with muscular physique. I have been following ISS for almost 4 years and now I am gonna tell you about my first sex experience. Three years back, when I was in college, I met a girl through internet chat. She was 20. We didn’t exchange photos but we used to chat every night in whatsapp. One day our topic changed into sex. She told me that she liked sex but didn’t want to lose her virginity. It was then we decided to have oral...

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Megs Match

Titterington, Spring 1781Meg scrutinised herself carefully in the looking glass on her bedroom chest of drawers. On second glance, she decided, there was nothing terribly wrong with her reflection, or any sign of blotches, spots or, God forbid, crows feet, on her unblemished complexion. She let out an unladylike sigh. She was tired of these silly moods and megrims. After all, life was good and she had no reason to complain. Spring had almost sprung and life in the countryside was tolerable as a...

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How I Seduced My Little BrotherPart 2

How I seduced my little brother-Part 2 “Jesus!” Sohail breathed hoarsely. “Do you like my tits, my sweet little brother?”, I asked, smiling seductively as I cupped my firm boobs and offered them up to his hot gaze. “You bet, Sis! I’ve never seen such a perfect pair of boobs before.” “Thanks for the compliment, little brother,” I chuckled, moving closer so he could get a better look. “Here, feel how firm they are. I don’t usually need to wear a bra.” I grabbed Sohail’s hands hot, sweaty hands...

2 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess8e9 Meredith Caig 48 from Newport

An establishing shot of a modern looking school – all identifying signage is digitally masked for privacy reasons, but anyone familiar with the area would immediately recognize the stylized architecture of the building. And then our host steps into frame infront of the sign ... Sexy dimples, and big fake tits pushing out of the top of her sexy black PVC mini-skirted business suit, dominate the first impression. We can’t help but stare at those perfect orbs of flesh as they seem to attempt an...

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A Rainy Night in ParisChapter 9

It was the light pitter-pat of rain on the window that woke Alex from his dream. Never one to use an alarm unless he had to, he glanced first at his sleeping companion, then glanced at the bedside clock. Chuckling lightly to himself, he slipped out of bed, disarmed the alarm and walked into the bathroom. He pondered the previous couple of days while relieving himself. Samantha was a wonderful woman and it was a remarkable stroke of luck that she and Monique got on as well with each other as...

1 year ago
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Marcy sucked her boyfriend's prick and swallowed his cum because she thought he would marry her. "You're getting better at it" said Terry."Practice makes perfect" she giggled.Terry stuffed his prick back in his pants and started the car. "I better take you home"Lois was waiting for her . She didn't like Terry. He was too old to be dating an eighteen year old."I told you not to go out with him" she scolded."I love him mom" she replied."My god honey, he is thirty years old and divorced" "I don't...

3 years ago
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Chance Meeting

The other week I was out having a meal in a local Pub near where I live, the food was good and as I enjoyed my meal with a pint, I noticed this Woman opposite to me crossing and uncrossing her legs. I could not help from looking as I'm a Leg man and she had a very sexy pair of legs as she looked over at me, then I was sure I caught a glimps of her stocking tops, the bare flesh visible as I watched her crossing them again. She was sat with this man who had his back to me they where also having a...

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Bhabhi fucked my wife with her husband

Hello friends, I am writing my own sex story. This story is about Guriya and my aunt's son and his wife.I went to visit my aunt's house last season . Since I do not go anywhere, my mother said that you should roam your aunt's house. I said - okay. Mother called her aunt and after two days my aunt's son came to pick me up.I started seeing her and started talking to her. It had been two years since their marriage, but now it has changed a lot. Mummy had gone to her wedding, I had not gone.He said...

3 years ago
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Wild Willie chapter 3

It was Monday afternoon and school was out. William had a new Cadillac waiting for Yoshimi as she waked up her driveway. She told her mother that the car was there to transport her to the church, and she would have to go. Her mother gave her a kiss on the cheek and said, “Be a good little princesses.” As the religion was new and mostly made up by Brother William, he could change the rules as they went along. The church had no building yet; that would have to come later, so they rented a...

2 years ago
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Fantasy for the Teacher Chapter 1

So when I was 17, I met this guy when I was in high school. He was 25. I’m 5’7” and he was about my height or a little bit taller than me. He had brown hair and green eyes that tear me to shreds. Although, he wasn’t a teacher, it seemed, because I never saw him teaching any classes. So I just figured that he was a parapro.Every day, he would walk down the hallway and always say"hi"; "hello"; or something else that would stop me from breathing momentarily. And the way he smelled was pure...

First Time
1 year ago
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A blow job with a difference

Katie had been struggling to make ends meet. She had signed up to be a fireman but as a cadet, she was only on a pittance. Now, she was looking for all the part-time work that she could find. It was while she was having breakfast one morning, still in her robe and her hair in a towel, when she saw the ad in her local paper. It read: ‘Wanted: female model for art class. Top rates paid.’ ‘That looks interesting,’ she thought, as she nibbled her toast. There was a number at the bottom; it was a...

Oral Sex
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15 Things That Can Impress Every Girl

This is what all girls had to say when we asked them to mention a few traits that they like or dislike about men. So if you haven’t been out with women, or haven’t been able to hold on to a steady girlfriend, take a look. With this, tomorrow could be your lucky day! we compiled a few turn on’s and a few turn off’s that the men can definitely use.Things that Impress Women1. Confidence2. Sense of Humor3. Intelligence4. Support5. Sensitivity6. Self-Worth7. Focused Goals8. Great Imagination9....

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Girlish DelightsChapter 29 Reunion

The following morning Kate was given her breakfast in a bowl and made a poor job of eating it without the use of her hands. At least it had all been cut up small and she reflected that if the Princess wanted, she could be starved to death in the midst of plenty just by giving her large lumps of food. After the food had been cleared away and the floor washed, one of the eunuchs took her out into a sort of sand-pit area of the conservatory, and indicated that she was to relieve herself. This...

1 year ago
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The Princess Amalia Chapter 1

Dragons soaring the sky, wizards playing with magic, and of course, Princesses. Amalia was such a girl of 22, her abrasive personality was known far and wide. She was short with people, mean to her servants, and overall unfit the title of royalty in the Kingdom of Hazelmire. She would boss and bully and got away with it, not just because of her title; but also, her remarkable beauty. Women wanted to dress and look like her. Her golden hair always done, smelling like flowers. Clothing...

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Dark Manor

“Ruin has come to our family. You remember our ancestral manor, opulent and imperial. Gazing proudly from its stoic perch above the forest. It has become a festering abomination of its once proud ancestry. I beg you Croft, return home, claim your birthright, and deliver our family from the ravenous clutching shadows, of our dark manor.” Croft read the letter a second time, and watched the scrawling words. Their father's words called to them, beckoning them home. It had been a decade since they...

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Duncan West has been waiting for this day his entire life. His 21st birthday. Today he'll got through the blood rite as his father did before him. He'll become the earthly vessel for the enigmatic being from the beyond. One that calls itself Eternity. He enters the sacred chamer clothed in only his ceremonial robe his father stands behind an altar. His mother stands beside his father. To the left of the alter stand his sisters, an elder and a younger. To the right stands his best friend and her...

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The Challenge 3 Renewed Agreement

Note: If you have not read it before I would like to inform you that this story is continuation of The Challenge series. So if you wish to get the clear picture of the story then I recommend you to read the previous stories after reading this one. Also these stories of Challenge series are very dear to me so please understand that the story is less fun and more like a real one. RAJ – It was a chilly evening, close to the sunset. My entire body was shivering with cold but there was a unique...

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Wilma and Betty A Flintstones Story

A Flintstones Story “Fred Flintstone, one of these days I’m going to kill you...” The red haired woman said to herself as she beat the tigerskin rug hanging on the clothesline. “Problem Wilma?” asked a voice from the other side of the stone fence. “Oh hi, Betty...” Wilma said as she turned and saw the dark haired woman who had spoken. “Just the usual problem, the one that put Fred’s buddies before his wife.” “What did he do now?” Betty asked as she leaned on the top row of rocks. “Well ......

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A Time of Choices

You wake up, to find yourself in a Dark room, with a dungeon-y theme. Another thing you notice is that you are wearing a cheerleading dress, and feel that your hands are tied with cuffs behind your back. As you start to stir, you try to remember what happened and why you are here.

3 years ago
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Master PC Mind MagiChapter 30 Recharge

I'd like to say that all of us went straight to a hotel and took care of business. It would have been a great break, but knowing that Michael could find us and the Dragons would then knock down our door to get at me, I couldn't just let my needs completely dictate what we did. There was also Sever to consider. Not that I was worried about what she thought of me but more about what she might do when she woke up. Even without access to her special abilities, she was a skilled fighter and her...

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SamChapter 6A

I woke to the sound of the clock radio as a man described the warm weather that would be moving inland from the Gulf. I turned it off and ran to the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth. In a rush, I did my hair, checked my makeup and applied some perfume. When I was ready, I went across the hall to Bud's room to give him his wake-up call. When I eased open his bedroom door I could hear snoring. I tiptoed across the room and slipped into the bed with Bud. I had been planning this ever...

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