- 4 years ago
- 26
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We lay in each other’s arms, legs entwined for a couple of hours. Jolene’s tears continued, and at times she sobbed uncontrollably. Little was said. When I questioned her, she refused to talk. I was confused and more moved by Jolene’s tears than anything else. Do I love her? What the fuck is love? Why is she crying? Questions begging answers swirled around my head.
We still had Vaseline smeared on our body parts, so just when Jolene calmed down, I jumped up and pulled her off the bed onto her feet.
‘What are you doing, Richie?’
‘Come with me,’ I said and pulled her into my parent’s bathroom. ‘It’s shower time.’
I caught Jolene’s image in the mirror as I reached in and turned on the shower. I scrutinized her as I adjusted the water temperature. Damn, she’s beautiful! I spun around, swept her in my arms and kissed her.
‘Have I told you I love you?’ I said.
‘Stop. You’ll make me start crying again.’
‘But why the tears, Jolene?’
Jolene pushed me through the shower door and slipped in next to me under the cascade of warm water. She wrapped her arms around me, and the shower spray beat against my back. We turned and let the warm water run over her. I grabbed a bar of soap, lathered it up in my hands and began washing Jolene’s body. She instantly relaxed as my hands, more like caressing than washing, glided in a sudsy film over her skin. I ran my hand between the cheeks of her butt and washed away the Vaseline.
‘Talk to me,’ I begged. She shook her head side to side.
I reached behind her and turned off the water. We stood there in silence. After a few minutes, I nuzzled her ear.
‘Jolene,’ I whispered. ‘Please.’
‘I can’t,’ she whispered and started crying again. ‘I just can’t.’
‘Why?’ She pushed me away, opened the shower door and stepped out.
‘Because you’ll hate me that’s why! You won’t want to touch me ever again!!’ She put her face in her hands and began to weep. I stepped out, took a towel and started drying her back. I pulled one arm away, dried it off and then dried the other arm. I knelt behind her and rubbed the towel over her cute butt. I followed up with each leg.
‘Turn around, Jolene.’ She obeyed and I finished toweling off the front of her body. As I gently dried her breasts, I began to speak.
‘I have confession, Jolene.’ I leaned in and gave one kiss to each nipple. ‘Bobby told me something, and I think it only fair you should hear what he said.’ Jolene didn’t say a word, but she stopped crying. I wrapped the towel around my shoulders.
‘He said…he heard…your mama and his mama talking. Your mama said you…ah…had been…raped by an uncle.’ Jolene choked and her shoulders sagged. ‘I want you to know how sorry I am that happened to you.’ I kissed her forehead. ‘I really do love you, Jolene. If you want or need to talk about it…I’m here for you.’
‘Oh, God, Richie,’ she sobbed and sagged against me. ‘I can’t. It’s so awful.’
‘If you want, I’ll go find him and kill him.’ She lightly punched me and laughed in spite of her tears. She took the towel and started drying me off. It seemed to help her, and by the time I was dry, she stopped crying. We sat down on the bathroom floor.
‘Jolene, look at me.’ I took her face in my hands. ‘I may be a dumb high school kid, but I took intro to psych and I read a lot about it. I can’t imagine what you went through, and it must have been hell. Have you ever talked to anybody about it?’
‘Yes,’ she said and nodded her head. ‘I talked to a therapist. It doesn’t change anything, Richie. It’s still there. Talk, talk, talk. It’s still there.’ She started crying again.
‘Jolene, it doesn’t have to be.’
‘You don’t know what you’re saying. I can’t make it go away,’ she sobbed. ‘I see him in my dreams. I feel him over and over again. It won’t go away.’ I slid closer to her, and held her in my arms.
‘Jolene, look at me.’ She turned and looked up at me. Her tear streaked face broke my heart. In that moment, I realized what a mask her sensual, sexual side was. She hid a deep reservoir of pain underneath it. I also realized how fragile she really was, and how, so far, I’d taken advantage of those frailties. I felt like a real creep.
‘You can let it go. You must let it go, Jolene. It’s a poison inside you.’ I pulled up her head and looked her squarely in the face. ‘Jolene, you are smart and beautiful and your life can be anything you want it to be. We all have shitting things happen to us. Maybe this thing is worse than anything I could ever imagine, but if you don’t let it go, it will continue to make your life hell, and THAT is not acceptable to me.’
She looked at me with wide eyes as if she was seeing me for the first time.
‘It wasn’t your fault.’ As soon as I said that, she fell against me and started sobbing again. Crap!
‘What if it was my fault,’ she blubbered. ‘He said it was.’
‘Okay, hold on a minute, Jolene. Just stop and look at me.’ I held her gaze for a few moments until she stopped crying.
‘Tell me exactly what happened. Nothing you can say will make me stop loving you.’ We sat in silence for several minutes just staring at each other. Eventually she started shaking her head side to side.
‘I’ve never told anyone everything,’ she said and lowered her eyes. She leaned her head back against the bathroom cabinet. ‘I’m so ashamed.’
I kissed the back of her hands and smiled at her.
‘Don’t be. Get it all out. Tell me everything. Set yourself free.’ I continued to shock myself with the things I said. I sounded wiser and more mature than ever before. Maybe she did make me a man.
‘Jolene,’ I said with my most serious look. ‘You have done nothing in your life that will make me feel different about you. Come with me.’ I stood up and pulled her to her feet. I lead her into the bedroom, pulled the blanket off the bed and wrapped it around her shoulders, covering her so that she wasn’t so exposed.
‘Sit down and let this poison out of you.’
She smiled and tenderly laid her hand against my face.
‘You are so sweet,’ she said. ‘Thank you, Richie.’ She squirmed a little and opened her mouth. ‘I…’ She struggled to speak and pulled the blanket tighter around her. ‘I…spent a lot of time around my uncle. He was Aunt Pearl’s second husband, but I knew him most of my life. He had a bad leg and didn’t work. Aunt Pearl was the bread winner.’ She stopped and looked at me.
‘You look funny sitting there buck naked. Here, cover up under the blanket.’ She held it open for me and we snuggled together, wrapped in a cocoon. It was a hot summer night, but it didn’t matter.
‘They lived in town, and since the school bus didn’t travel all the way out to our farm, I’d get off and stay at my aunt and uncles’ house until mama or daddy picked me up. It was fun during my early years. He taught me how to play cards.
‘But when I got older and started…you know…filling out. He started acting different. He’d say stuff like, ‘My your boobies are getting so lady like.’ and ‘You’re looking so sexy young woman.’
‘Then one summer my boobs really took off. My butt got fat, and I had my first period. He picked right up on it. He came up behind me one day and…’ She paused and stared into space reliving the scene in her mind’s eye.
‘And…he put his arms around me and put his hands over…my titties and hugged me real tight. ‘You’ve become a fine woman, Jolene,’ he said squeezing my boobs. Telling me how pretty I was and how good I smelled. I was so scared. I wanted to break away, but he held me so tight.’ She stopped and took several deep breaths. She never looked at me the whole time she had started talking, but now she turned her eyes on me. I smiled.
‘You’re doing good, Jolene.’ I leaned in and kissed her forehead. She tried to return my smile but then quickly looked away. Her eyes gazed back into that far away place as she started
in again.
”Feel what you do to me, Jolene,’ he said. ‘When you shake these big titties and sashay that fine ass around here, you make me feel like a real man.’ He made sure I could feel his boner pressing against my fine ass.
”You want me to show you what a real man does with a hot, little woman to make her feel real good?’ His hands started roving all over me.’ She let out a little sob and buried her face.
‘No, no, no, Jolene. It’s okay.’
‘How?!’ She shouted at me. ‘In what fucked up world is that okay? Richie,’ she grit her teeth and came close enough for our noses to touch. ‘I liked it. There, now you know what no one else knows. I liked it!’ Jolene started to weep uncontrollably. She spoke between sobs occasionally blowing a snot bubble and wiping it across her face.
‘I wanted to feel good…it felt good…I didn’t know what he was going to do. He was just touching me in ways that felt wonderful. And then…and then…and then he made me get on my knees and…he…he fucked me. It was awful…it hurt so bad. There was blood all over.’ She looked at me with tears streaming down her cheeks.
‘I didn’t do anything to stop him. Everything before he fucked me felt so good. I didn’t know…I didn’t know.’ She buried her face in the blanket and sobbed. After she had cried herself out, she looked over at me, smiled and wiggled her arms through the blanket until she had them around me. I hugged her back and kissed the side of her damp face.
‘So there I was, on my hands and knees with blood running down my legs and tears running down my face. Uncle Ned knelt behind me, his pecker in his hand jacking off staring at my fine ass, and daddy walks through the door.’
‘Holy crap!’ I said and stifled a giggle.
‘Uncle Ned tried to blame me for wearing seductive clothes and shaking my ass at him, but he had the devil of a time making his case as daddy beat the shit out of him. We didn’t call the police. He left town right after he got out of the hospital.’
She stopped talking as if to say, that’s the end of the story. We sat there in silence. I guess I was waiting for something inspired to say. Finally I looked at her.
‘You know,’ I said. ‘I kind of feel sorry for old Uncle Ned.’ Jolene had a peculiar look on her face. ‘He’s such a sick bastard who deep inside must feel like hell all the time. He’ll go through his whole life, and never feel what I’m feeling right now.’ I brought my hand up out of the blanket and brushed her hair back.
‘I feel like the luckiest man on the face of the planet. In my arms is a woman I adore. She’s bared her soul to me, and I offer her my heart.’ I kissed the side of her face.
‘I feel sorry for any man who doesn’t get to feel how you make me feel.’ I brushed my lips over hers.
‘Uncle Ned is gone. It’s over and done with. No more nightmares. No need for it.’ I kissed one of her eyes. ‘And good old Uncle Ned taught you a lesson and a pretty good one too.’ She shot me that peculiar look again.
‘Know when to say no and say it.’ I smiled and started to chuckle. Jolene nodded her head. ‘All the rest, the guilt crap, that’s bull shit! You really didn’t know where it was going. It wasn’t your fault. Shit happens. So what? Let it go.’ I suddenly remembered something my older sister had done to rid herself of ‘negative energy’. Sis was a died-in-the-wool hippie.
‘I got it!’ I jumped out of the blanket. ‘Don’t go any where.’ Jolene giggled.
I ran down to the kitchen and brought a ceramic bowl, a piece of paper, a pencil and some matches up to the bedroom. I put the bowl down on the floor. Jolene watched in wide eyed wondered. I started writing on the piece of paper glancing over at Jolene between each word.
‘This paper…represents…all of the crap…including the guilt…shame…anger…and fear…associated…with the molestation…experience…that Uncle Ned…put Jolene through. Come down here, Jolene.’ I patted the carpet next to me. Jolene let the blanket fall, and she curled up next to me. God she’s so beautiful.
I handed her the paper with the written words that I had spoken. She read over them and looked up at me.
‘Light a match,’ I said and held them out to her. I took the paper from her hands and folded it into quarters. She struck the match. I held the paper over the bowl, and Jolene touched off one corner. It slowly began to burn, and as soon as it burst into flames, I dropped it in the bowl. We watched it turn to ashes. The smoke spiraled up and disappeared.
I followed with my finger one funnel of smoke. ‘Send it all up and out just like this smoke. Bye, bye. Uncle Ned? Bye, bye. Guilt? Bye, bye.’ Jolene snuggled up to me and leaned her head on my shoulder.
‘You are just the sweetest thing,’ she whispered in her sexy voice. ‘Can I hold on to you for ever?’
‘Only if you let go of all this crap.’ I hugged her tightly and kissed the side of her face. ‘I love you, Jolene.’
‘Oh, Richie. I love you too.’ She turned her face and our lips melted into each other. It was a long, sweet kiss, not wet and sexy, but soft and tender.
‘We better get dressed,’ I said, seeing the clock over her shoulder. ‘Our movie is just about over.’ She made a noise of protest and clutched me tighter. I inhaled the smell of Jolene, reveled in the feel of her soft skin against my body and ignored, probably for the first time in my life, the hard on that was developed between my legs.
‘Come on, angel, we need to go,’ I said as I stood. My boner bounced in front of her and she feigned a surprise reaction. Still sitting, Jolene wrapped a hand around it. She leaned in and planted a kiss on the swollen head.
‘Ahhh, Jolene? We really need…’ It disappeared into her mouth, and she went to work on it drawing her lips and tongue up and down the hardening shaft. It felt wonderful in spite of all the sex we had during the night, but I pulled away and dragged her to her feet.
‘We have to go, love.’
‘We have time,’ she said and groped for my cock.
‘Stop, Jolene,’ I scolded her and pushed her hand away. She had a disappointed look on her face.
‘I knew you weren’t going to like me any more,’ she said sounding genuinely hurt.
‘I love you. That’s precisely why I’m stopping you. Look, Jolene,’ I said and pulled her down to a sitting position on the bed. ‘I want to prove to you, that I don’t love you for the great sex, and it is great. I love you because you are the most wonderful woman I’ve ever known. I love you because you are you, not because you are a great fuck, which you are, or that you give great head, which you do, or that your pussy is like custard pudding, which it is. Jolene…’ I brushed her hair back and held her head in my hands.
‘I love you because you have this cute little nose.’ I tweaked her cute little nose. ‘I love your sense of humor and the sound of your laughter.’ I kissed her nose. ‘I love your eyes.’ I kissed them both. ‘I love lying on a bathroom floor sharing your deepest feelings.
‘The sex is the best I’ve ever had. I know, I know, it’s the only sex I’ve had, but I’m quite certain there will never be any better than what I’ve experienced in your beautiful arms. Oh, ya. And I love your arms.’ I pushed her down on the bed and started kissing her shoulders. Jolene laughed and shivered slightly as my kisses trailed down her arms. As I passed over her breasts moving from arm to arm, I couldn’t resist her nipples. I kissed one, and it instantly became erect and hard.
‘Damn it, Jolene,’ I said moving on top of her. ‘You and my penis are conspiring against me. I just wanted to prove to you…’ I couldn’t finish. As I settled between her open legs, she hooked her feet around me and gently pulled me down arching her hips up. My cock slid inside her like a good soldier doing his duty. We both gasped.
‘Richie, Richie, Richie,’ she whispered into my ear. ‘I love you, baby. I want you inside me, like I’ve never wanted anyone inside me
.’ She rocked her hips up and down establishing the rhythm. The feeling of my cock sliding in and out of her was so sublime.
‘Oh, god, Jolene. I’ll never stop loving you.’ I leaned away, pulled her legs up and rested her heals on my shoulders. I looked down and watched my cock emerge, disappear and reemerge from her beautiful, hairless pussy.
‘Fuck, mama, baby,’ she said. I started driving my hips against her. She met me with a new found intensity. A slurping sound came from our genitals and the wetness flooding her vagina. My balls made the slapping sound as they beat against her butt. We both groaned and grunted. Jolene came first.
‘Oooooo, Richie. Oh my god! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,’ she screamed as her whole body arched and spasmed in a long, quaking orgasm. The muscles of her cunt clamped down on my cock. It sent me right over the edge, and I started pumping spurt after spurt of semen into her. It felt like it was coming from every cell in my body.
When we both finally relaxed, I collapsed on top of her. We were drenched in sweat. I looked into her eyes.
‘I don’t want to know if this is the best sex ever, Jolene,’ I said and kissed her. ‘I only want you.’ I kissed her again and again. Tears flooded her eyes.
‘Look what you’ve done,’ she said. ‘You’ve made me cry again.’
‘I’m sorry,’ I said wiping her cheeks with my fingers.
‘No. Don’t be sorry. I’m so happy, Richie. You make me so happy. Tell me you love me again.’ I rolled off her and sat up. The clock read, 3:15. We needed to walk out of the theatre at four.
‘Jolene, do you want to know how much I love you?’ She nodded her head.
‘I want to spend the rest of my life with you.’ I looked at her. I believed she was truly the most gorgeous woman I’d ever see naked.
‘Will you spend the rest of your life with me?’
‘Richie…’ She had such an angelic look on her face.
‘Shhh,’ I whispered and put my fingers over her lips. ‘Don’t answer that, not yet, any way. Jolene…let me show you how I feel about you. If you aren’t absolutely sure by the end of your vacation here, that I’m not crazy, hopelessly in love with you, then you can answer that question. Right now, we got to get crackin’.’
I jumped up, took her hand and pulled her to her feet.
‘Well I have something to say,’ she said. ‘I’ve never known anyone like you, Richie. I want to love you. I want to be your one and…’ I stopped her by planting my lips against hers.
‘Do you love me?’ I asked, holding her tight against my chest. I ran my hands up and down her bare back and over her silky soft butt cheeks.
‘I love you so much, Richie,’ She said returning my hug.
‘Then we don’t need to say anything more on that subject, for tonight anyway.’ One more deeper kiss and I led her to the bathroom. ‘A quick shower to wash away the odor of rampant sex and we have to scoot.’ Jolene laughed.
The shower was quick. We both wanted to play, but I hurried us along. We toweled off, dressed quickly and Jolene fussed with her hair until she finally got it right. We left the house in a mess, from the kitchen with its booze to the bedroom and bathroom disheveled.
Outside, dawn was still a couple of hours away, and we shuffled down the street holding hands toward the old Fox theatre down town. We took a short cut down the ally that runs behind the movie house, cut down a dark driveway on the side and stopped suddenly. Across the street, leaning against the wall of the drug store, was Jolene’s father. He stared intently at the front of the theatre. He hadn’t seen us. I pushed Jolene deeper into the shadows next to the building.
‘Holy crap!’ I whispered. ‘It’s your dad!’
‘Oh my god,’ Jolene gasped. ‘We can’t let him see us. What should we do?’
I looked around. An idea came to me.
‘There’s a back door. Some people park their cars behind the theatre. Come on.’ We stayed close to the theatre’s wall, carefully making our way to rear of the building. There was a dozen cars parked.
‘When the door opens, we’ll slide in.’
‘What if they stop us?’
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DISCLAIMED - READThis is a work of fiction. None of the events depicted in this story should ever be attempted or recreated in real life, in any degree, for any reason. The legal council stated in this document may not be accurate, and should not be taken for fact. Replication of any of these events may result in fines and/or imprisonment. This work is copywrited by the author, Samsara. Any similarities to any person, place, organization and/or event are purely...
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The culmination of Alyssa’s journey. Part Six: The Price of Passion Gary was dead, and I had met the man who had killed him. Trying to return to a normal life after that, I felt, was nearly impossible. I withdrew from the semester, and even though it was too late to get any tuition back, I didn’t care. I could easily pay my father back, although he would wonder where the money came from. I went back home for a while, staying with my folks through the holidays. My brother Roger made a...
Soldier Girl Margaret was mounted on a piebald mare with a solid back and easy-going ways. She liked that horse because it was used to gunfire and would stand like a petrified log in the midst of chaos. The half breed Indian scout was pissing behind the cottonwood tree near the shoreline, and she caught sight of his impressive tool that seemed out of place on an Indian not usually known for the size of their dicks. She knew his real name was something like Grey Eagle or Grey Owl, but she...
I’d like to say thanks real quick to all the readers who have waited awhile for this chapter. I apologize not getting it up more quickly – I’ve been dealing with some issues in my personal life, and when personal things go awry for me it gives me a serious case of writers’ block. Hopefully this chapter is still up to par with what y’all expect from me – thank you for your patience! I will try not to have so long a delay between this and Ch. 14, but no guarantees =( ————————- Chapter 13 –...
Andy from the adult sex shop invited Cindy to attend the BDSM ball for the following Saturday night, She would have to decide at the door whether to be her normal submissive self or break new ground trying to be Dominant. She was advised that she could on this occasion merely observe or take part as she wished; but she was made aware of the one stringent rule. If she decided to take part as a submissive, the general safe word was 'PERFUMED PARSLEY' but if she used it she would immediately...
Thursday, August 10 to Thursday, August 31, 2006 Vanessa called our lawyer back, to tell him we'd signed. He said, "Congratulations. I'll get the ball rolling here and I'll fly to Corvallis with the rest of the originals on the next available flight." "It'd be more convenient if you could fly direct on one of our new jets." "It's too early for that. Commercial flights will be fine. I'll see you tomorrow. I'll let you know my arrival time when I've got the bookings." Now...
Elisabeth Grey - Part 5: Autumn in New York. By Carmenica Diaz True to her word, Angela rang her music teacher and then gave me her address written on the back of an old envelope. 'Her name is Mrs Robinson and she's not far from here, you can walk if you like. I think it'll be a nice day.' 'Sounds lovely.' 'I'm off to get all the information from Sherry and I'm sure I'll come back with loads of gossip. Bye.' Time for a long bath, I told myself, humming as...
After school, I walked down to the park. It was nice to be on my own at last knowing that the whole weekend lay ahead. I sat on a quiet bench under the trees watching the birds and squirrels for a while. I thought about my girlfriend; I really missed her. She’d moved away a few months ago when her dad got a new job. When I thought about the times we’d been together, especially out in the woods or even here in the park my penis reacted. I started rubbing it through my school trousers.I guess I...
BisexualBlushing Bride - Part Three by Richard-to-Rachel "Those pretty white panties are appropriate given that it's going to be your first time," David, my friend and former flatmate said, lifting up the white skirt of the wedding dress I was wearing and running his hand over the white lacy french knickers that I wore beneath, the feel of his hand on my arse causing my cock to twitch in excitement. It was my stag night, I was supposed to be enjoying my last night of masculine freedom,...
This all started a couple years ago. Lauren was someone I've known and love photographing for. Sometimes I ask her to pose for me, other times she has asked me to photograph her. We have had this relationship since she was 16. Lauren is now almost 20 and so full of life. She's a joy to be around. She's the type of person who lights up a room and puts a smile to your face without having to say a word. During one such photographing session I mentioned I was leaving on another one of my trips. She...
But since I wasn’t the favorite thing to girls, I masturbated a lot. I watched all sorts of porn and even viewed a gay porn video every now and then to switch it up. I wasn’t sure if I was bisexual or not. I loved pussies and tits, but there was something about dicks that I somewhat enjoyed. I never got caught and always covered my tracks by deleting history and spraying febreez everywhere I jacked off. My family was pretty normal. Like I said there was my dad, Jason, my mom, Cindy, and my...
“Stop struggling, you can’t get away.” It’s an understatement. I weigh less than half of what you weigh. You’re straddling my chest with my arms crossed over my head and my legs are fastened to the bedposts. For some reason for the first time I feel really exposed. It isn’t the fact I was wearing next to nothing when I started this game or the little show in the kitchen. It wasn’t bending over and shaking my bottom with my womanhood exposed or even having my legs tied to the bed like this and...
BDSMThe damage to the camp had all but been repaired when we arrived via the portal and we all scattered with Arch’s approval to shower, feed and rest up whilst he waited for Morgana to return and begin planning our next operation. I did ensure Róisín made it to the healers section and they gave her an all clear after a deep scan. After that we wandered with Abi towards where Adok was remonstrating with some of the wolves over where they’d gone wrong. “He’s coming on a bit strong,” I said in an...
Hi, Guys this is puja tiwari from Chinakuri Asansol Kolkata.I’m very hot girl and love to read sex story. Jyada baat ko nhi ghumaati hu Aur sidha story pe aati hu. Mere Ghr me 5log h me hu 2bhai h nd dad h jiski umar 45k karib hogi and meri mummy jo meri real story ki mukhya patra h unka age 38 hai.lekin age k hisaab se wo lgti nhi h ki unki umr 38h aaj v wo 23-24saal ki naazuk si bhabhi lgti h unka figure 34d 28 38 h. Wo gori hai nd itna Achcha figure h Aur Jb hmlog sath me Kahi jaatew h to...
I was standing outside the revolving door after leaving my security, my job. My thoughts were interrupted by, "You too? I thought they might take you up on your two weeks notice. The four argued about it until Stan finally said they needed to abide by company policy. He had me send personnel a note requesting your check and mine. Really a class act." Sonja asked, "How about taking me home so I can pack? You do that and we can be on our way in the morning." Holy shit, it was happening....
I call her, “My Sticky Vicky.” I remember the first time we got together sexually. I got her partially undressed, and had all my clothes off. She was standing in the kitchen, wearing only a white shirt completely unbuttoned. Her eyes were wide and bright, and her small but firm breasts were beauti- fully framed by the open shirt. Vicky’s medium length “dishwater blonde” hair was just long enough so that the ends rested on her shoulders. She had just put...
“Fuck-“ I was cut off by the wall hitting my back behind me. His hands had me by the tits, shoving me against the wall. My fingers locked on his shoulders to keep from slipping off the dresser; funny clinging to source, I thought. His breath was hot against my skin hovering above my cunt. My head leaned back as he kissed my panties, how the hell did this happen? And I remembered, Friday 5:00 PM “I still can’t believe you convinced me to go to what’s-his-face’s party, I should have...
A little about me. My name is Justin, I'm pretty tall for my age, but slender (though not too skinny). I have long, brown slightly curled hair, and blue eyes. I eventually grew a 7 inch cock, and had pubic hair from 13 on. I liked to think I was big for my age, but I soon realized I was pretty average. I was definitely a virgin, and I hadn't even had a girlfriend (and of course no boyfriend since I kept that part of me secret). Heck, I hadn't even kissed anyone yet. I was pretty...
March 8th, 10:46 AM I had my head buried in briefs all morning and totally spaced on the time, so it wasn't much of a surprise to look up and see Lisa standing outside my office. I mouthed 'Sorry...' to which she just gave me a look like, 'Girl, get your ass out here!' I smiled and so did she, opening the door and complaining, "We're late... Gonna miss me some Bryant downstairs! Sheesh!" I shook my head, "Not like you're ever going to ask him out..." I instantly regretted saying...
I was going out with my girlfriends as we always do once a month. The other girls could not meet early for dinner, so my hubby offered to take me out and then we could go different ways.We had decided to go Salsa dancing as this months thing to do together. So my hubby and I had dinner at a little Mexican place a block away from the Salsa place. My hubby complimented me on my looks and said that I looked ever more sexy than normal. He jokingly asked if I had plans to get laid tonight? I said...
It’s not as if some of Miss Danica’s fans didn’t meet Her. Those who were able to travel to wherever Her amateur photos-sessions were held – Aunty Jayne’s ‘photo seminars’ – would have seen Her pose, taken photos for their own ‘personal use’ - and, oh yes, she knew what that was alright – talked to Her etc. I’d gaze longingly at the photos of those sessions but I could only press my nose up against the window, so to speak. Attending for me wasn’t an option, much though it would have been a...
Hi, I am Mohan Reddy 52-year-old. I am writing this with the request of one of my friends who I made through ISS writing this story for her. After reading my stories she got in touch with me and we have been sharing pics and our intimate feelings. Due to location difference, we have not been able to meet but she shares a lot with me even about her friends. A bit about her background. She is a 5’4” lady with a 34/26/32 body Manisha. Her friends are Mona 36/34/36, Rita 32/28/30 and Isha 42/36/38....
“So, you’re Veep now. Congratulations, you one-balled prick!” former President Selina Meyer mocked the new Vice-President of the United States, Jonah Ryan. “Talk about your meteoric ascent, right?” Andrew Meyer snorted, being more than a little sycophantic toward his ex-wife as he hoped to win her back. “Oh, go fuck off, okay? Don’t remind me of how long it took it to climb to the White House, Andrew, no fucking thanks to you! On second thought, let’s fuck it out! Here and now! Screw me,...
I am sitting at my computer working and wishing I was outside. Since I've almost finished my by-the-book daytime existance, I think I'll have some fun tonight. I have trouble concentrating on the road, all I can think about is the wonderful plan that I have been formulating all day. First stage, I need to change into my new clothes. Since I'm tall, I bought a leather mini and a tight halter top to match. Shoes, the higher the better; underwear, not necessary. I got my hair chopped in a last...
Pam and I sat and talked about our fantasies as well as our sexual fears. I intently listened as Pam spilled her deepest thoughts. My arousal growing with each new thing she talked about. I tried desperately to hide my desire. I wanted to touch her, feel her, please her. I needed to be felt, and pleased. I sighed loudly. What is wrong Sis? Pam asked Oh... Ummmm... Nothing. I stammered. I could tell by the expression on her face that she was not convinced. She slowly stood, holding her hands...
Leaving Tammy at the camp by herself, Pat and Samantha headed off with Katie and Suzzie out towards the pathway at the top end of the beach, that led to the headland, planning to return back through the inland forest nature pathway.Tammy told her friends to enjoy the scenery, especially up at the lookout point and at her favorite place along the forest nature track. They must be sure to get Pat and Samantha to show them these spots. Tammy said she would be keen to hear about their day trekking...
ExhibitionismHi, guys, my name is Nikhil and I am writing my first and real incest story about how I got lucky and fucked my mom in Delhi. This is my first story so please forgive me for any writing mistakes and please mail me your feedback at and if any girl or aunties want to have sex with me in Delhi she can also mail me their respective number and address. So coming to the story first I want to tell you guys about my family .My family includes 4 members, my father who is a businessman and 51 years old,...
a couple of years ago now, i started asking my wife to have sex with a another man, at first she would just say no,but after weeks and weeks of asking, and every time we had sex, i would tell my wife how i wanted this and how i was turned on by thinking of having sex with a man as i watched my wife said yes, but only with a guy who she liked and also that she got to know before they had sex,for weeks i look at swingers web sites, and one day i came across a guy who was in his 30's good looking...
After I left robin I went back next door and found beth anxiously waiting in the kitchen eager to know how it had gone.My broad smile told her everything, she came to me and threw her arms around me, pressing herself tightly against me."Oh thank you, this is going to be the best thing ever!" She was like a giddy school girl so excited and wouldn't stop asking questions about robin and our recent conversation, it was all fine and he would be here at 8.The next hour actually went quite fast! Beth...
After I got off I-35 in Des Moines, I stopped at a gas station with a pay phone and called Mattie. (There were no cell phones then) I told her I was bringing home a new member of our pack. I asked her if she wanted me to bring home dinner. I guess we eat burger joint food too much, but it’s cheap and fast, which helps out students like us. Mattie seemed in a good mood though, and she told me to go to Millie’s Drive-in and get pork tenderloins for us for supper. That was a real splurge for us....
"March of the Southern Belles--Chapter One" by Heidi-Jo McGillicuddy If even ONE of the girls is missing from the Southern Belle formation at the annual Heritage Day parade, the entire town will know it?every one of their colorful gowns is over five feet wide! Luckily, Lisa's boyfriend may be able to fill an empty hoopskirt for them... "You!" I heard a woman behind me exclaim. I jumped. "Me?" I asked. I turned around. I knew this woman,...
I was an escort of sorts, for women. A few of them just wanted me as a trophy, whilst the majority wanted me as their lover. Many of the times a client would present an offer and I can’t deny that I wasn’t tempted. Some of the women I would attend events with were actually beautiful, but most were just as sleazy as some of the men you meet. The reason why I never accepted an offer, or succumbed to the advances of one of the women I entertained was because I was straight, completely and utterly...
LesbianТемно. Где я? Начинаю шевелить мозгом и вспоминать. Хочется пить. Горький привкус во рту и перегар дали толчок к воспроизведению событий. Сознание постепенно возвращается, и первое, что хочется узнать, это - где я сейчас нахожусь? Еле приподнимаюсь. Голова идет кругом. Вижу знакомое окно. Я дома, у себя в спальне. Ложусь. Успокоился. В памяти всплывает хронология... Пятница. После работы, я и двое моих товарищей по работе Андрей и Макс, решили расслабиться и грохнуть по пивку. После пары...
Hi well come to the best sex stories site here I came to know many of the hidden desire of all human having desire to have sexual relation with their own blood relations . Here I am going to narrate the true incidence of mine to relief my mental pressure because I can’t reveal this to anyone his is the site to share my incidence without revealing my identity. Let me I introduce myself without revealing my and family true Identity I have come from a orthodox joint family to my grandparent they...
IncestI had known Teanna casually for about 2 years. I always thought she was cute. Around 5’ 4” with dishwater brown hair and athletic toned body. You should know, I get very horny very fast sometimes. Anyway,last week Teanna was walking home and I saw her. "You need a ride?" I asked her. "Yes please!" She replied. She opened the door and hoped in the Beamer. "Where do you live?" "Off fremont ." That was kinda were I lived. I started to drive off chatting with Teanna... We got to her house about 25...
Joseph continued his conversation with Liala and Octavia on lighter subjects than religion and justice. He tried in vain to keep from shifting his eyes from the bulges in Octavia’s dress to the ones in Liala’s tight tunic. He was gratified when Morane came into the room. “I apologize, Sire,” the newly ordained bishop said, “but I require your time if you are available.” Joseph made his excuses – and took another look at the female’s anatomy – before departing with Morane. They walked in...
The sky over Manhattan that Monday morning were grey and overcast with a fog that lingered in the long cold stripes called Avenues all the way from the East River to the mighty Hudson rushing brown and swollen out to the Atlantic Ocean. I figured it was not a good time for the news helicopters to be navigating the high-rises and it brought back my fear of the noisy, smelly things that spelled finis to a number of my compadres in the Marine Corps quick response team of which I was one of the...
You lived in an isolated and village in a small kingdom that's hasn’t seen war for several centuries. Ever since The Overlord was defeated. The Overlord was a cruel creature who took over the kingdom, though the detail has faded and changed over time. They were defeated by all the races coming together. You are baker that lives and works alone in your tiny village. You grew up with the story but you saw it as more legend than real history. A scary story to tell children to behave. You’re...
BDSMOn the whole she liked her room in the century old building in central Stockholm. Especially she like the large window where you could sit on the window board and look out over the large lake Mälaren and the southern part of Stockholm on the other side of the water. Today Ronja had no time for sitting on the window board. She opened the wardrobe and started to sort through the clothes. The dinner had taken more time than she expected since her father had done some experimentation with a new...