Seena My Love Teacher
- 3 years ago
- 29
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Katpaddi railway station is in the state of Tamilnadu, India and is the nearest station of Christian Medical College, Vellore. My father in law was admitted at CMC, Vellore.
After getting a call from my brother in law, I had boarded Himsagar Express train in Punjab and disembarked the train at Katpaddi in an early morning of November a couple of years back. There were auto rickshaws on hire out side the station.
I informed an eager Auto rickshaw driver about my destination, a hotel near Christian Medical College. He immediately agreed to take me there and I started towards Christian Medical College.
After three days, my father in law was to be operated for a stomach ailment. My mother in law and my younger brother in law Kallol were attending him. They were staying in a hotel near the Medical College hospital.
When I reached the hotel, Kallol, my brother in law was waiting for me. He was ready to go to hospital to visit his father. He had booked a room for me at the same hotel. I checked in and went to my room to get freshened up.
I reached the hospital at 9 O’clock. I met Kallol there. He requested me to donate one bottle of blood for my father in law’s operation. When I reached hospital blood bank, the technicians took blood sample to check blood group. My blood sample was also checked for any infection etc. When the sample was found healthy, blood was drawn from my body by transfusion.
There was no requirement of blood group matching with that of the patient at CMC. If one’s patient required three bottles of blood, one had to deposit three bottles of blood through any donor and blood from the specific group of the patient would be allotted by the blood bank to the patient at the time of operation.
My father in law was suffering from occasional bleeding from the inner wall of his small intestine. Being a high blood pressure patient, the bleeding was frequent and blood would come out through excreta. The doctors had tried to find out the source of hemorrhage through ultrasonography followed by endoscopy, but could not locate any ulcer.
Now, they had decided to go ahead with the operation and check internally if they could visually find any source of bleeding. There was no guarantee that they would find the source but one had to take the chance and go ahead with the operation.
On the scheduled date, father in law was taken in a wheeled bed by the attendants for the operation at 12 noon. We finished our lunch quickly and came in the waiting room at around one thirty. We were then informed that our patient had been taken to the operating table.
There was a room near the operation theatre for the visitors who waited upon their patients undergoing operation. The ICU patients’ visitors and the operation theatre visitors sit in a common waiting room at CMC. A number of sofas, chairs are kept in the waiting room. The visitors can wait for their relatives comfortably there.
One can observe that there are typically three types of patients in the ICU of a big hospital. The first category patients are those, whose conditions are almost hopeless and any time any mishap can happen to them.
The second category patients are those, who are out of danger and in a couple of days or weeks they would be discharged.
In case of the third category of patients, there is no likelihood of any change in their status. They are in the same condition, as they were in, for a long period and there is practically no hope for any improvement. In near future, unless a miracle happens, they would remain in the same condition.
The people who wait in the visitor room, anyone can observe and conclude in which categories their patents fall. In case of waiting people, whose patients fall in the first or second category, they are always anxious and expecting some miracle could happen any time. They would follow the doctors or the nurses in the corridors and would not spare even the attendants or cleaners to enquire about the condition of the concerned patients. Typical questions were, ‘Is he likely to be released tomorrow?’
-‘Is he breathing without ventilator and on his own now?’
-‘Has he got back his sense?’
The relatives of the third category of patients are always very few in number. The doctors have already lost hopes on the patients, the relatives also gradually give up any hope and continue to perform their perfunctory duties with little emotion attached. During visit, they are never excited about any development and are not looking forward to any miracle. If there is any good news, the attendant or the doctor himself would take initiative and inform them.
Out of sheer social obligation or formality, once in a while they would come, visit the patient, enquire the doctors if any improvement was noticed, all these actions are perfunctory without any passion and when they leave, they leave with a sigh of relief and get busy with their own worldly issues.
Kallol appeared to be tense. I asked him, ‘Are you freightened?’
He did not give a straight reply but smiled. My mother in law during her stay in the hospital attending her husband had got acquainted with a lot of other patients and their relatives in the ward. She stayed back in the ward. She was tense and possibly could not handle the tension that would prevail in the visitors’ room, so she decided to stay back in the ward.
I started observing other visitors waiting in the common waiting room. I saw a beautiful young woman who was seated alone in a corner chair. She was very attractive and easily a crowd puller with her beauty. She would be around twenty three years of age, wearing a typical summer dress. Here I would like to point out that there is no real winter in the southern side of the Vindhya mountain range of Indian peninsula, so summer dress could be worn throughout the year. I was not the only person to be looking at her. I observed most of the people around were occasionally passing quick glances at her.
After some time Kallol realized that I was looking at that particular lady with interest. He smiled and told me, ‘I know the lady whom you are observing. There is a story that I have heard about her. Let us get a cup of tea at the canteen, I will tell you the story’. ‘Alright, it is too early to get any feedback, we better have a cup of tea now’, I replied and we proceeded to the hospital canteen.
The canteen was nearby. We sat there with tea. Kallol started telling her story.
‘I am here for more than three weeks. From the beginning, I have observed that the lady comes here in the morning at around seven and goes back to her lodge in the evening. She stays in a nearby lodge to our hotel. That is the reason I meet her every now and then.
Out of curiosity, one day I asked an attendant about her. He told me that her name was Sunanda Joseph. She was married and her husband was Mathew Joseph, a patient in the ICU. Mathew was a Keralite. Sunanda hailed from Orissa. Sunanda and Mathew were residents of Jamshedpur. It had been only three months of their marriage. Sunanda’s father was Ajit Patanayek, an industrialist based at Jamshedpur.
Mathew was a mechanical foreman in a local steel factory. Mathew was of six feet height and drove an Enfield Bullet motor cycle.
One day while Sunanda was going to college, Mathew happened to see her providentially and got immediately smitten by her charms. Sunanda was fair, tall and slim with a face of classical oriental beauty. He started observing her religiously for a few days and eventually Sunanda noticed it. He was a handsome attractive guy and within a few days he managed to speak to her during her walk to college. Although Sunanda was hesitant initially, but the ice broke without much effort from Mathew and then he realized that the attraction was actually mutual.
As it happens in most of the cases, Sunanda’s father came to know about his daughter’s romance with a Christian boy. Mathew being o
f a different faith, Sunanda’s father was dead against her marriage with Mathew. Mathew in the meantime had informed his parents about the alliance with Sunanda over telephone. Mathew’s parents, who were living at Kerala, were also not interested in the alliance. They wanted a girl from their own community as a daughter in law.
In spite of the differences, their love blossomed fully with time. As they were madly in love with each other, they decided to go ahead even against the wishes of their families and get married. And very soon they got married by registering their marriage. Ajit Patanayek tried all the tricks up his sleeves to break up the impending marriage, but once the couple had decided to marry, nothing could stop them.
Mathew, after their marriage, now decided to shift from Jamshedpur to avoid any altercation with his in laws, since his father in law was a powerful man with political links. As Mathew was a qualified skilled mechanic, he easily got another similar job at Rourkela, a nearby industrial city. They immediately shifted to Rourkela with all their belongings.’
Kallol stopped to take a break on his story telling. We ordered for another cup of tea.
I could visualize the couple in their new place of stay. The conjugal life, immediately after marriage, is the formative years of a long married life. The couples plan their future and try to know each other’s likes, dislikes, preferences, habits etc. Responsibilities are distributed, some of the dislikes get adjusted, some are compromised and a basic blue print for future is charted.
Physical intimacy plays an important catalyst too, it helps to reach each other at a level, not otherwise can be achieved in any other relationship, except marriage. This new found mutual infatuation gradually tapers off with time when with the arrival of a new born in the family, the baby gets all the attention of their small world.
Now, after a short break, Kallol resumed his story.
‘Sunanda and Mathew had a very healthy and satisfying conjugal life. In a nut shell they were living happily, but the almighty might have thought otherwise. There was a major mishap in the factory where Mathew worked and the Mathew was the sole victim. He got hit in the hips and inflicted a major pelvic fracture.
Rourkela Hospital authorities after immediate medication, advised Sunanda to shift Mathew to CMC as they were not quipped to attend him. Mathew’s friends immediately made arrangements for railway reservation and Sunanda brought Mathew to CMC, Vellore by train.
Sunanda’s father came to know that his son in law had met with a major accident. He felt sorry but his ego was hurt. He decided not to come forward to help his daughter and son in law in the time of their misfortune and distress. Friendless, penniless Sunanda was left behind Vellore with the sole hope of Mathew’s recovery.
For setting the pelvic fracture, Mathew was taken to operation theatre and was administered anesthesia. But after the operation Mathew did not regain his sense. Doctors were initially perplexed but understood later that it was a case of stroke and informed Sunanda that Mathew had a major stroke during the operation and fell into coma. They were not assuring anything. He could recover in an hour or he could remain in a comatose state forever!
While his newly married wife was waiting outside the operation theatre with patience and hope, Mathew was laid in bed in a state that was a nightmare for anyone whoever happened to be in that condition. There was only one consolation that Mathew being a Catholic Christian, all his medical expenses would be borne by a special trustee fund of the hospital.
Days passed but there was no change in the status of Mathew. Although there was no expense on account of medical treatment or his diet, but what about Sunanda’s expenses on account of her lodging and boarding? For the last two months that Mathew continued to be lying in the ICU in a comatose state, whatever savings they had in cash or jewelry, all by this time had got exhausted.
There was nobody to stand by the penniless Sunanda at this time of distress and most of the relatives refused to receive her frantic telephone calls. Her father had ignored her plight, there was no connection or communication with the in laws. Friends initially did extend help, but once they realized that the ship was sinking, who would be there on their side?
Now, Sunanda’s situation was hopeless and there was no way out. She met hospital administration for any job that was available with them, but she was told that there was no vacancy. Under duress, she started to explain her plights to the fellow ladies and requested for financial assistance.
A few were sympathetic to her, but not many were eager to help a distressed young woman. But they started gossiping about her misfortune to the others and thus her story spread in the surroundings. Some of the ladies started avoiding her and only under unavoidable circumstances, would reluctantly respond to her wishes. Everybody had their own issues to address and nobody had time for others.
Those ladies went back to their hotel rooms and discussed with their spouses about Sunanda. Now the men folks were also aware of Sunanda’s precarious condition. All felt sympathy for her but nobody felt any compulsion to do anything for her.
Now some of the men folks discreetly started to pry upon her. They were those, who were staying alone with their patients in the hospital and aspired for some variety of fun to satiate their carnal desires without compromising their reputation. Being in an alien place they were eager to have some extra fun on the side, where they were temporarily staying and nobody knew them.
As Sunanda’s financial condition deteriorated with time, there was a gradual change in her attitude. She decided to tackle her orblem on her own. She now gradually started entertaining those adult and middle aged people and started to discuss her condition with them. Once in a while she also started to accompany them to the canteen and would accept some snacks, a cup of tea or even lunch. Her transformation was complete on that day, when she accompanied a visitor to his hotel in the evening and stayed for the night there.
After spending the whole night in the hotel, when she came back to the hospital, she looked fresh and lively. That was the beginning of a new chapter in Sunanda’s life. Since that day if any prospective adult male who was liked by Sunanda, she would easily fall for his charms and in exchange, she would take gifts or even money. The money thus earned possibly was spent on lodge rent, food bill and other day to day necessities. And thus Sunanda’s never ending wait for comatose Mathew’s recovery continued’.
Kallol now took a break. In the mean time we had already taken two cups of tea and we did not realize that it had become dark. When we came back to the waiting room, we found that Sunanda was in deep discussion with a middle aged gentleman. After some time both of them left the waiting room separately. When they moved out, Kallol gave me a knowing smile that possibly meant that I must now have understood what they were going to do. I made no comment.
At 9 PM we were informed by an attendant that our patient had now been taken to his bed from post-operative care. Immediately we got busy with him. Father in law had got back his sense post operation and was responding to our queries by shaking his head.
In a span of two days he made remarkable recovery. During that time I used to frequent the visitor room. Sometime I would see Sunanda sitting in the visitor room talking to some unknown visitor, sometimes she would sit alone with a melancholic mood. I did never bother her.
My professional commitment compelled me to leave behind my in laws and I came back to my work place. In the mean time in fifteen days Kallol also returned with his parents after being discharged from CMC. Nothing could be gathered about Sun
After about six months, suddenly father in law fell sick and died. My grieving wife with the kids immediately rushed to attend her father’s last rites. Later, I reached on the eve of ‘Sradhdha’, a post death religious function performed by the Hindus.
After the function, one evening I sat with Kallol over a couple of drinks and I asked him if he had any further updates on Sunanda. Kallol had made some friends during his stay at Vellore. The gist of information that he gave was this:
Sunanda was spending her time in the same manner as we had seen there. Then a gentleman called Mr.Das brought his wife with about ninety percent burn occurred in a freak kitchen fire accident. They had a boy of two years. During that period, Sunanda took care of the young kid. The woman however did not make recovery and died after a week in the hospital bed. After the demise of his wife, the widower took his kid and Sunanda to the hotel where he was lodging. They stayed there while Mr. Das performed the last rites of his wife. Sunanda continued to stay in the hotel with the kid. When Mr.Das left Vellore, Sunanda was seen to be accompanying him holding the kid in her arms. Since that day Sunanda was no more seen at the CMC waiting room.
Sometime back I uploaded Sunanda’s story in an Indian portal covering mainly stories. Fast forwarding time to 2012, one day I received a private message in the portal where I had published this story. It simply asked, ‘Do you want to know what happened to Sunanda?’
I immediately replied and sent my cell phone number requesting to contact me. And promptly I got a call from none other than Sunanda. She told me she had just read the story and that she could remember me. She told me that I was slim, fair, bald and middle aged with a bent left hand. She knew me indeed!
I was surprised and asked her how she could remember me among all those visitors. She told, ‘You are one of the very few persons who never tried to be intimate with me when you were here. While I was struggling with Mathew at the CMC everybody tried to take advantage of me it appeared! And further, from your description in the story, I could recollect your brother in law too. I saw him many a times in the hospital with his mother.’
I asked him,’OK, now tell me what happened to you, I am very eager to know, how your life took turns’.
– You see, nobody knew that I was actually offered a position of governess for the kid by Mr.Das. I left Vellore with him as I was not able to sustain myself honorably any more. Out of sheer compulsion I had to give in but my heart was not there. So when I got the opportunity to save myself from all these wild wolves, I decided to preserve myself with a faint hope of Mathew’s recovery. I handed over a note with the head nurse for Mathew, giving all the details and my helpless situation. She was aware of and sympathetic to my plights. I hoped in case he recovered, he would be able to know about my where about and condition. I was hopeful that he would be kind and gracious enough to call me back in his life.
Mr. Das had already a girlfriend, whom he intended to marry immediately. As they did not need a governess in the long term to look after the kid, I was again back to square one after their marriage. And at that time the miracle happened.
-What was that miracle?
– By God’s grace, Mathew came out of his coma after about three months on his own! Being a well built youth with lot of physical strength and stamina, he had recovered internally in a splendid manner. When he came out of coma, extensive physiotherapy was administered and in a short time he was able to walk with a stick. Hospital administration was kind to him and considering his partial disability, he was offered a job of attendant by them.
He knew, with his disability he would no longer be able to work as a Mechanic any more and decided to stay back. He was eager to meet Sunanda and then he got the note from the head nurse. Reading the note, he was overwhelmed. As was expected of him, he fully understood the precarious condition I had to pass through, he was kind enough to condone my forced unfaithfulness. He immediately contacted me and the rest is history.
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Hi guys. Mera naam Raj hai aur meri age 23 saal hai. Main Delhi ka rehne waala hu aur paas hi ke ek college mein padhta hu. Mujhe shuru se hi badi umar ki bhabhiya aur aunty bohut pasand thi. Par maine kabhi kisi bhi bhabhi ya aunty ko naked nahi dekha tha. Mere college mein ek friend tha mera jiska naam Suchit tha. Woh apni mom ke saath rehta tha. Uski mom ki age lagbhag 43 hogi. Woh dikhne mein bohut sundar thi aur woh meri teacher bhi reh chuki thi. Woh actually mein bohut hot thi unki...
Hi guys, I am writing my indian sex -perience with my bosom busty maid which is true with all incidents only name of the character has been changed, myself is roger aged 28 years working in mumbai for the last 5 years I am 5ft 11inch in height and boast a healthy gym figure, I am working in an mnc and earns handsome, since my parents live in delhi, so I am all alone here at the moment, I have purchased a 2 bhk flat in vashi and staying here for last one and a half year, my sex life is pretty...
By: Lundluck Hello dosto me apka dost sajid vapis ek nai kahani leke ye bhi meri pehli kahani ki tarah sachhi hai meri pehli kahani Bhabhi ko choda ke liye kuch mail aye the or kuch acche suggestion bhi mile ye kahani 15 din pehle ki hai, jab me belgaum se Banglore ka safar kar raha tha ab jyada waqt barbad na karte hue me kahani pe aata hu ye 15 din pehle ki bat hai jab me banglore ja raha tha kuch kam ke silsle me tab muje ek ladki se mulakat hui bus me uska nam seema hai vo shadi Shuda thi...
SEEMA MY AC VENDOR Summers in Mumbai is very humid and one needs to either have an ac or an air cooler as having just a fan might not be very helpful. So on insistence from my parents i called a known ac company. My parents had given me a budget and accordingly I had prepared speaking to the sales person across the phone. As I called the company I was greeted by a female voice which got me very excited. We started with basic pleasantries. 2 mins on the conversation and I already knew her...
Meri story. Mera pehla experience apne bhai ke saah raha. Mera naam seema hai. Is time meri umar 22 saal hai. Meri figure 36d_27_32 hai. Main ba final mein college main padti hoo. Is time main ludhiana (punjab) mein rehti hoo aur wahan hi padai karti hoo. Abhi kuch dino pehle hi mere bro (ravi) ne ghar par net lagwaha hai. Jis par mujhe iss ka pata chala. Maine bahut sari kahaniya read ki hai. Isliye main apni kahani de rahi hoo. I am very sexy girl. I start my story: Ye last year ki baat hai....
It goes without saying that NSFW YouTube is my favorite YouTube. After all, I am a professional masturbator, a world-renown internet pornography expert, and a self-described pervert. I mean, sure, sometimes I’ve got to watch the same SFW tutorial videos as you when I’m figuring out how to upgrade the RAM on my laptop, but it’s only so I can watch higher-tech porn. (Those VR gadgets can be a real motherfucker, can’t they?) ThePornDude ain’t just a clever internet nickname, you...
Porn for Women SitesHi guys I am Raj and I am back with part 2 of my story ‘Seema Aunty Ki Chudai’. Guys those who don’t know, ye story mere aur mere friend Suchit ki mom Seema aunty ki hai. Woh meri teacher bhi reh chuki hain aur woh dikhne mein bohut sundar aur hot lady hai. Unki age 43 years hai. Pehle part mein jaise ki aap sabko pata hai maine aunty ko unke affair ka blackmail karke fasaya tha. Ek week tak sab kuch sahi chal raha tha. Main aksar Suchit ke ghar jaata jab uske dad aur woh nahi hote. Fir aunty...
Hi indian sex stories dot net readers, mera naam Arshad hai aur mai mumbai ka rehne waala hu Height 5.7 aur lund 8 inch lamba. mai zaada time na lete hue sidha story pe aata hu ki kaise maine mere baju wali aunty seema ko choda. Seema ki age 38 , figure 36-32-38, gora badan hai aur bade bade boobs aur gaand hai. Yeh baat tab ki hai jab mai college jaata tha, maine ISS story padhna shuru kiya aur dhire dhire mera bhi man karne laga ki mai bhi mere baju wali aunty seema ko chodu, usse mai jab bhi...
Consequences I: No More I Love You's By Myria Looking back it seems like it was all simple fate. If I hadn't had so much paperwork to do that I stayed well past my shift, if I hadn't decided to take the bridge across instead of my usual route home, if the moon hadn't been shining so brightly, if... If so many things hadn't conspired to come together I never would have even seen her. There's something about winter nights that can be almost exhilarating. The way the cold air...
“If you’re a man in America, and you have a great divorce lawyer, you get the kids every other week. If you have a decent divorce lawyer, you get them on the weekends. If you have a bad divorce lawyer, you get them a week of every month. If you have my divorce lawyer, you get them for one month every year before school starts, and no contact until then. You know, I sympathize with women activists in this country, I really do. It makes no sense that half the population had to claw through...
Charles Tate and I had been childhood sweethearts. Everyone within the bayou of Houma, Louisiana thought we were the perfect couple. But we discovered a terrible secret that tore through our love and hearts. We were half brother and sister. How could this be? How could this possibly happen? When we were eighteen years old we demanded to know the truth from our parents. My Mama told me that Charles’s father, Emmet Tate, had been a few years older than she and seduced by his charm and good...
IncestWe’re on the weird part of the internet with this one, boys. I miss the days when I used to review anal videos, which was like, the weirdest part of my job. These days, it feels like the zoomers are taking shit too far. Today, we’re talking about NSFW ASMR videos. I’m not going to break down what that acronym stands for. It’s a complicated term for that simple little effect in your brain when you get a tingly sensation down your back and you feel sleepy. It sounds a lot like an orgasm, but it’s...
ASMR Porn SitesMera nam seema hai me ek chhote sahar se mumbai engineering ki padhai karne ai thi mgr mere kismat me kuchh aur hi likha tha isliye me engineer bnne ke jgah apne bf ki chudai ka smn bn gai. Ye sab mere jnm din se suru hua . Wo mujhe mere birthday ke din ek mall le gaya kuchh kapde ki kahridari karne.Me phle simple si dress phna karti mtlb ki mujhe reveling dress phne ki adat nahi thi.Aur me soch bhi rahi wo mujhe simple dress hi leke gift karega mgr uske dimage me kuchh aur chal raha tha...
Hi me apki apni vidya aaj me aap logo ke samne pesh kar rahi hu apni ek friend ki dastan jo usne mujhe batie thi aur ye bhi me ushi ki anumati se yaha aap logo ke liye pesh kar rahi hu jiska name seema hai age ki kahani Seema ki jubani. Namestey dosto me seeema meri umra 32 hai mera rang fair hai mera figure 36 30 36 hai ye kahani mere aur mere bhai ke dost jo ki hamare ghar me salo se ata jata tha uske aur mere Bich huea sex ki hai wo bhi dikne mai fair tha achkhasa lamba aur majubut jisam ka...
hello to all hungry pussies i m nitin 26 yr old punjabi male frm rajasthan, ab desi me aata hoon- ye baat un dino ki hai jab main 11th class me tha.mere pados me ek family rahti thi, jisme husband,wife and unka ek beta tha.unki family or humari family me kafi ache relations the, december 2000 me unke ladke ki shaadi hui, jise maine bhi attend kiya, meri hone wali bhabhi jinka naam seema tha ek gaon se thi jo city se thoda hi dur tha. shaadi hui dulha dulhen ghar aaye. fir main meri classes me...
by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Twenty: Tryouts Visit my blog at When Mark slipped out of bed, he jostled me from my dream. It was a reoccurring dream, where my whore of a mother never left us and we were all living together again, happy. There was always that moment of disappointment when I awoke and realized it had been a dream, my mother had run off to whore around with that musician. Anger was starting to roil in my stomach, so I forced the thoughts...
This all started about a year ago when I was 23 and I was home from work. It was about 3:30 when my sister walked in from school. She had just finished cheer tryouts and was crying. I asked her what was wrong and she told me that they did not think she was good enough“Well what did you do for them?” I asked. “Show me and ill be the judge of that,” I told her.“I don’t know, I don’t even think it was that good,” she replied.“Come on sis, you have been talking about this for so long. Just let me...
IncestWhen I went to school this morning I had an extra bounce in my step. I had a girl whom I loved, my movie obligations were done, for now, and best of all was baseball tryouts started today. I was excited about this season. We were finally going to get to play varsity ball. The other thing I noticed was they had broken ground on the new Field House. They planned on having it done by the start of the coming school year, next August. I could hardly wait to be able to use it. Dad was also...
Onzengvas ... its lands, before the Age of Catastrophe shifted continents, before it reshaped the planet and before Luminous Church unified it in the name of The Almighty, were known as Africa and South and East Asia. At the center of the south eastern lands of Onzengvas an enormous and marvelous, mountain like capital city was erected, named after the land itself, “Onzengvas city”, and powered by a formation of twelve floating pagodas crafted from twelve third realm Pure Cores. It knew no...
Chapter 02 – Epicurean We finished eating at a local Spanish restaurant, finishing a bottle of Rioja and then a carafe of Sangria. I try to drink cheap wine infrequently, but it just felt like the right thing to do. Naturally we both got very drunk. Over some espressos the conversation turned to the general area of sex, but since I don’t recall all the details it probably was very general. Suffice it to say we laughed a lot and I kept trying to figure out how to get her to go home with me. ...
After a year of pornographic movie-making at her father’s upstate New York studio, Vixen had a fat bank account, a used convertible, bruised thighs, stretched nipples and a sore anus and flabby vagina. She was disappointed. She had thought making porn movies would be exciting,. It was not. She had dreamed that some Hollywood agent would see her work and offer her a test. None did. She had met some interesting women and a lot of sad dolts, mostly male. The work had become a bore. She decided...
They say there is a very fine line between stupidity and bravery. As I sit here staring at all the explosions in the distance, in the middle of a forest, I realise I may have already crossed the point of no return. My name is Barry Barnes. I am 28yrs old and I can easily be described as your everyday person. I have no particular skills and no academic knowledge. The one thing that defines me is my bigger than average dick and complete obessesion in women and mages (sometimes both). Since I was...
FantasyAfter a year of pornographic movie-making at her father’s upstate New York studio, Vixen had a fat bank account, a used convertible, bruised thighs, stretched nipples and a sore anus and flabby vagina. She was disappointed. She had thought making porn movies would be exciting,. It was not. She had dreamed that some Hollywood agent would see her work and offer her a test. None did. She had met some interesting women and a lot of sad dolts, mostly male. The work had become a bore. She decided to...
Straight SexA few days had passed since the incident on the first few days of school when my new friend James was harassed by Dan, and Dan ended up getting was was coming to him.James was lucky enough to have a pool in his backyard and he invited me over for some extra after school practice, and just some genuine fun, non-competitive swimming. I pulled up to his house and his dad answered the door. His dad was wearing a tank top and a bathing suit. I guess he was going swimming as well. Over the course of...
The Exhibitionist and the Epicurean In the BCM club the dancer gyrated listlessly to the rhythm of the baseline. Ignored and despised by some and simply leered at by others she moved he body for the few Euros it earned. She felt ignored and was unhappy at being ignored. She craved attention, she always had done, she had to be the centre of attention but here while she should be, she was not. Her body was sexy; she knew it and wanted to show it off.Then one evening while the pissed teenagers...
Two women, no, actually three women have been the focus of my life. First, last, and always has been my mother, Cathleen or just Cathy as she likes to be called. Then there was my sister, Irene. She was just a little younger than I. And the vers special woman in my life, cousin Stephanie. Later, I would have to add a fourth, my mother's sister, Lois, mother of cousin Stephanie. The third woman, as I just mentioned, was said cousin Stephanie or Steph. I turned eighteen in February and Steph...
After a year of pornographic movie-making at her father's upstate New York studio, Vixen had a fat bank account, a used convertible, bruised thighs, stretched nipples and a sore anus. She was disappointed. She had thought making porn movies would be exciting. It was not. She had dreamed that some Hollywood agent would see her work and offer her a test. None did. She had met some interesting women and a lot of sad dolts, mostly male. The work had become a bore. She decided to go to college...
It was not too much to ask, a simple chore, really. Her neighbor, Prof. Masterson, a kind elderly woman who had always been a good friend, asked Emily to tend to her house while she was away at a botanical exposition. The professor had fallen all over Emily with praise but there really was no reason. Emily was happy to do it and the chores involved were quite trivial. She was engaged to collect the mail and water the plants inside the house and the adjoining arboretum. It could hardly take more...
Thursday Later Cutie had told her folks that the practice would last at least until 10:00 that night. It was actually a few minutes before nine when the Coaches told them to get out of the pools and take off. Those pairs who had been in a relationship before the training -- as friends, boy/girl friends, sex partners, or lovers -- mostly went someplace quiet to discuss the changes this new knowledge would make in their relationships. A few new pairs also formed, as shy teens found the courage...
Phillip was smiling broadly as he entered Professor Xavier's office. He had just finished lunch with his new class mates; the Year Three's and came away with the conclusion that he was going to like being the only male with five female students in his class. While only Sally had capacious breasts and she hid those, they were all very good looking and so far had been exceedingly nice to Phillip. None of them could answer any of his questions about flying or what flight classes were...
Comic Univers! I like this domain name. It doesn't tell you exactly if you will see mainstream comics or porn, but it is clean and easy to be remembered. Obviously, since you know it is here on Porn Dude that should give you an idea of what you can find. This is where there is a big repository of hot cartoon porn magazines. They are all online and it is really easy to access. It’s a simple design that might remind you of some fresh social networking sites. There are only a few categories which...
Porn Comics SitesComic Universe! You nerds love jerking your micro-cock to comics. I’m sure you have hoards of pristine, sleeved comics that you would defend with your lives. But I doubt that those ones are full of busty bitches getting fucked by tentacle monsters or of your favorite waifus getting pounded. It’s all shit about buff dudes with superpowers fighting each other. I guess I get why you betas read them. You need to look up to alphas like me without it being too obvious. Don’t worry; your secret is...
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