Lauryn’s Boyfriend free porn video

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Lauryn was never comfortable when Sean was around. In fact, the twenty year-old would have much preferred to never see him at all, but he was part of the bigger circle of her college friends, and there was no way around it. It just made every gathering more complicated.

Part of the problem lay with Lauryn herself. She was a flirt. She meant nothing by it, it was just the way she interacted with men. She was a very good flirt, and knew that she had gotten a lot of false hopes up, but she simply didn’t know another way to be. At five-four with a lean but curvy figure, the honey blonde received plenty of attention. She just flirted her way through that attention, keeping it light and fun.

Lauryn also had a boyfriend of three years, Barry. Barry was exquisitely handsome — tall, dark, and very masculine. He was not particularly warm, but Lauryn managed to love him, just the same. They were a cute couple, and they had some good times together. He also didn’t seem to mind her innocent flirting, which made the relationship a lot smoother than many of hers.

Sean also made himself unfomfortable to be around. He was as much of a flirt as she was — and as good of flirt, as well. A little skinny, he had blonde hair and was cute enough that he was worth looking at, but nothing like Barry. Even so, when he and Lauryn had flirted on and off, it had always felt terrifying differently. She could not put her finger on why, but it always made her uncomfortable. Probably, it was because she always suspected that he had a crush on her that went beyond a normal appreciation of her as a cute girl.

He was the one man she no longer flirted with. She couldn’t. It didn’t keep things light and fun. It made things tense and weird, as if there was a subtext she did not understand.

Subtext has a way of becoming apparent — and unavoidable.

It was close to midnight one late spring day, a big party at the house she and some friends rented near the campus. Lauryn and a few girls were talking around a coffee table in the expansive living room. There were lots of others around, but that didn’t seem to matter. They talked openly and freely. Until Sean walked into the room. Then Lauryn started to get uneasy.

‘So,’ said one of the girls, a strawberry blonde named Kim, who was feeling her cranberry and Grey Goose, ‘is it true that Barry’s cock is like this big.’

She held her hands in an approximation. Lauryn glanced at Sean, hoped he wasn’t paying attention to their conversation, and then adjusted Kim’s hand positions. Further apart.

The girls laughed hysterically with envy.

Another of the girls, a brunette named Rachel, who may or may not have lit up earlier in the evening, said, ‘That must be the best sex ever.’

‘Like fucking a bull god,’ Kim added with a giggle.

Lauryn checked Sean. He seemed to be ignoring them. ‘It’s okay,’ she answered.

‘Just okay?’ Rachel was surprised.

‘It’s good, I mean,’ Lauryn tried to correct herself. ‘Really.’

Kim cackled. ‘I think I would ride that fucker until I couldn’t walk!’

Lauryn forced a smile. Truth was, while she loved Barry and had no intention of leaving him or even of complaining about him, they just weren’t that sparky. She had been enamored of the idea of Barry, and he had turned out to be very kind, and had not lost a single ounce of his hotness, but she just wasn’t infatuated with him. They had good times, but she wasn’t googoo over him, big cock or no.

‘Are you guys having problems?’ Rachel asked seriously.

‘No,’ Lauryn scoffed. ‘Not even close!’ She glanced at Sean. He was still ignoring them. ‘It’s just… I don’t know, never mind.’

‘We mind!’ Kim insisted. ‘Tell us!’

‘It’s just that being gorgeous doesn’t mean Barry’s not a shitty boyfriend,’interjected the fourth girl finally interjected, an auburn-haired bombshell named Betty. She was the only one in the room who objectively would have been in Barry’s class, but she had never liked him, and he didn’t trust girls that were hotter than him, so it had never happened for them.

Lauryn winced on Barry’s behalf, but did not exactly object. ‘He’s fine.’

Betty looked at her appraisingly. ‘I’ll bet he just lays in bed and makes you do all the work.’

‘No!’ Lauryn objected. He wasn’t that bad. He was fine. She had said that. He was fine. They were fine. Their sex was fine. Fine! Frustrated, she stood up. She glanced at Sean. Thankfully he seemed to have missed everything. ‘I’m done with this conversation,’ she declared. ‘I’m going for a swim.’

With that, Lauryn went upstairs to change. Before she pulled on her suit, she looked at herself in the mirror. She was pretty happy with her body. She might have made her breasts either bigger so they’d be really impressive, or smaller so they’d be perkier. She probably would have liked fuller lips, and she would have definitely preferred less elven ears. But, basically, she thought she was a pretty enough girl. She had sweet eyes, she thought, and a cute butt.

Sighing, she remembered how she used to stand in front of this mirror to masturbate. She used to imagine the hands that she was watching move over her body were Barry’s.

God, she had always wanted him. And when she got him, she had been really into him. He was sweet enough, and he never neglected or abused her. But he had never seemed quite as excited to have landed her as she felt to have landed him. And soon that had taken its toll and her own excitement had gone down.

She ran her hands across her breasts and tried to imagine that they were Barry’s like she had done before, but she just couldn’t conjure the image up. He was a nice guy and a devout boyfriend, but, as Lauryn’s mother had insisted for so many years, love was about loyalty and dedication, not about romance and excitement. It was not unpleasant, just a different sort of pleasant. Lauryn smiled — weakly, but still smiled. It was real love, not Hollywood love.

She pulled on a two piece swimsuit with powder-blue and white horizontal stripes and then glanced out the window. It was crowded.

She felt more like being alone with her thoughts. She had become moody, as often happened when she spent too much time thinking about Barry. She would crash the neighbor’s pool, which was behind a privacy fence. They were gone for a week and wouldn’t care.

She walked downstairs and got plenty of looks as she did. She definitely had a body for a swimsuit. She appreciated the looks, but only after she’d glanced around to make sure Sean was nowhere to be seen. She would normally have walked slowly and flirted her way around the room, but since she wanted to be alone, that didn’t make any sense. She slipped out as quietly as she could and padded over to the neighbor’s backyard.

The water was cool and calm and it felt refreshing as she slipped into it. She swam lazily around a few times before settling in to just float.

She was drifting in her own private world, floating lazily on her back, arms stretched out, legs slightly spread, when suddenly she heard a voice say, ‘This is like every dream I have, except that it’s a pool instead of my bed.’

Startled, Lauryn yelped, and splashed into the water. Treading water and spluttering, she turned until she saw Sean standing at the edge of the pool wearing trunks. ‘What are you doing here?’

‘You’re lonely,’ he said, sitting on the edge of the pool, and dipping his feet in.

She felt his eyes on her, and she became acutely aware of one of the reasons she was uncomfortable with Sean. Men always looked at cute girls. Perverted men always leered at them. Lauryn was used to those kind of looks. But when Sean looked at her, it was almost as if she could feel his eyes physically caressing her face. She swam further away from him before finally objecting, ‘I’m not lonely.’

‘You are,’ he insisted, but his voice was gentle, not bullying. ‘I know your moods. I kno
w when you’re happy with your friends, when you’re excited to see Barry, when you’re uncomfortable with me around, and when you’re lonely after thinking too much about Barry.’

Lauryn felt herself blush, but she did not yet concede him anything. ‘How could you?’

‘Because I love you,’ he said very matter-of-factly.

‘You what? Are you high?’

He ignored that suggestion. ‘Ever since poli sci class,’ he explained. ‘You were the smartest person in the room, even smarter than Dr. Kennedy, but you were way too nice a person to upstage him or to gloat over the rest of us students. Brilliant and sweet. I was hooked.’

‘I forgot you were in that class,’ Lauryn said, fighting a sudden urge to look at him. She the the water around her to distract herself with the play of the waves. She heard him slip into the water, though, and couldn’t help but look. He only took a few strokes and then tread water, not really approaching her. And she realized one of the other reasons she was uncomfortable with Sean. He was no Barry, objectively, but he was still cute, and there was something about his looks that was endearing and even attractive. Lauryn paddled a little further away.

‘I heard you guys talking about Barry,’ Sean said.

Lauryn grimaced. She’d been trying to be so careful. ‘Oh.’

‘They were all wrong.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘He’s not a bad guy,’ Sean told her, gently moving himself closer to her through the water. It was very casual and non-threatening. She did not back away. He went on, ‘He’s a nice guy. I know him a little. There’s nothing wrong with Barry and his monster cock.’

At that Lauryn both burst out laughing and turned bright pink with embarrassment. She plunged under the water to collect herself before re-emerging. When she surfaced, hair slicked to her, water dripping from her face and upper body, she saw that Sean was closer. She didn’t move. ‘Thanks,’ she said weakly.

‘The problem is that he doesn’t love you enough.’

‘What do you mean?’ Lauryn asked, not sure she wanted to hear an answer.

Sean paused for a moment and looked at her very carefully. She could feel his eyes slowly moving over every inch of her. She bit the inside of her cheek.

Finally, Sean said, ‘Are you the most beautiful girl in the world?’

‘No,’ Lauryn laughed, not sure why he would ask that or what it had to do with what they’d been talking about. Then she noticed his eyes. They were so deep and sincere that it almost hurt her to look into them. His face was full of something that was like desire, but unlike desire as she normally experienced it. There was hunger, but there was also concern. Fire flickered in his eyes, but there was almost a hint of tears dampening their edges.

It was too much for Lauryn. She swam to the edge of the pool and turned away. She could not look at him any longer. She grabbed the edge. She wanted to climb out and run away, but she didn’t understand what it was she would be fleeing, so she stayed. Silent and still. She heard him swimming slowly closer to her. She tensed. She wasn’t sure it was anticipation or fear.

‘That’s the problem with Barry,’ Sean said, his voice rich with earnestness.

He was almost directly behind her. She thought about diving. She thought about jumping. She felt like she should escape somehow, but as frightened as she was, she desperately wanted to stay, to hear more. This… this whatever this was… this moment… It felt unlike anything she’d ever felt before, and she wanted to keep feeling like this, but it was so new she didn’t know what to make of it. All she knew is that she had never felt like this when Barry was talking to her.

Sean continued, right behind her. ‘If he loved your body as much as I do, he would know you were the most beautiful girl in the world.’

He slipped his arms around her waist from behind. Lauryn began trembling. She didn’t know why. She certainly had no idea what to do about it. But she was trembling deep inside.

Sean bent close to her neck and said, ‘And if he loved your heart as much as I do, he would not be able to sleep at night unless he was sure you, too, knew you were the most beautiful girl in the world.’

She felt his lips against the back of her neck, her shoulder blades, the side of her throat. She closed her eyes and rolled her head back. His hands caressed her stomach. He pulled her against him. The soft, sweet touches of his lips became true kisses, as he tasted her flesh and adored her beauty. Lauryn breathed hard. She knew she shouldn’t let him do this, but she couldn’t bring herself to stop him. She knew she should feel ashamed, but she felt nothing of the sort. She felt for this instant in time, she was the most important woman in the world, and that was an incredible feeling.

Sean kissed under her ear and ran his tongue all around the delicate shape of her lobe. He kissed the base of her throat, moaning low as he did. This sent shivers through Lauryn’s body and she pressed herself back against him. His hands slid up her front to cup her breasts through her swimsuit. As he massaged them lovingly, the fires of his passion tampered instinctively by his gentle adoration of her, Lauryn’s mind flash back to when she masturbated in front of the mirror. To the hands on her breasts. Her own hands. Imagined to be Barry’s. But Barry’s real hands had always fallen short. She lifted the cups of her swimsuit top, giving Sean access to the bare flesh of her breasts. And he he touched them, groping and caressing, squeezing their flesh and toying with their nipples, she let out a satisfied groan. His hands were better than the ones in the mirror.

Lauryn turned her head as far back as she could, suddenly desperate to taste Sean’s mouth. Their lips met in an awkward, incomplete and oddly angled kiss, but their lips and tongues didn’t care. They fought for every bit of soft, wet contact they could get.

She could feel Sean getting hard against her backside, and, speaking from a place of pure emotion deep inside her, a place she didn’t even recognize existed until after she’d spoken, Lauryn panted, ‘Make me understand, Sean. Please, make me understand.’

She hoped he understood what she meant. It was crude and obscene. Nothing like she would ever have imagined doing, but she was overwhelmed by his desire and she wanted to let it wash over her completely. She pulled herself partly up over the the edge of the pool. The top half of her was mostly out of the water, her exposed breasts hanging pornographically free. She arched her back, presenting her lower half to him in water.

Sean did understand. He wriggled out of his trunks, letting them float in the neighbor’s pool. He pulled her swimsuit bottom aside, clutched at her hips, and pressed himself slowly into her, as if savoring every little bit of her as he went. His hands on her hips were firm as they held her in place so that he could do her from behind in the water.

‘Yes!’ she cried out as he stroked her. His cock was not as big as Barry’s. He was not as strong as Barry. But there was something about this that already far surpassed even the best sex she’d had with her boyfriend.

‘Yes!’ she cried out again as his hard love explored her insides, every thrust seeming to find a new spot, a new angle, a new place to touch her and learn her. It wasn’t great because it was kinky. She wasn’t a kinky girl. She wasn’t even thinking really about how naughty and dirty they were being.

‘Yes!’ she cried out a third time as his strokes got harder and faster. He always seemed to be trying to go deeper. Even though she knew it was his cock, she felt like it was all of him. All of him, trying to crawl up inside her. Trying to get to know the inside of the girl he said was the most beautiful in the world.

Sean grunted, ‘I love you so much, Lauryn. I’m sorry our first time is like this. It should have been so much more beautiful. So much sweeter.’

Lauryn gave out a sharp, p
inched cry and felt her inner walls spasm around Sean. It was a strangely intimate orgasm, as if the spasms were her way of letting him feel the beating of her heart. She gave out a startled sound, though, when she felt him pull off the bottom of her swimsuit and lift her by the hips up in the air. He then lowered her down onto his face, eating her with an abandon she had never known. It was messy and noisy, like a child plunging into a desert face first. She could not imagine Barry ever giving himself over so fully.

Her boyfriend was plenty good with his mouth, but this was something else entirely. This wasn’t about technique or excellence. This was about his sheer delight in her body, and the emotional feedback cycle created when he fed off her pleasure, driving him to pleasure her more, and giving her even higher senses of joy.

It was not long before she reached another climax, this one marked by a series of quicker, sharper explosions. She could feel her fluids pouring out over his face.

As soon as she was able, Lauryn crawled off and rolled to her back. She looked at him, his face red from exertion, glistening with her juices, dripping with her love. She tugged on his arms, pulling him out of the water. Laying flat on her back, she took him in her mouth. It was not her best blow job, but it was the most desperate she could remember. Tongue and lips lashed wetly about his hot head and shaft. She sucked hard and then slurped nosily. She even whimpered a little as she did so.

She could feel him bulging as he got close, and she pulled him out of her mouth. ‘Your face is so beautiful,’ she said breathlessly, stroking him slowly but evenly. ‘Covered in me.’ She stroked a little faster. ‘I want the same thing.’ She’d never even considered taking a facial before, but she wanted to bathe in his love as he had bathed in hers, and just a few more strokes later she got her wish.

Eyes wide open and locked on his, mouth wide open with tongue only partly out, she allowed her face to be lashed by seven or eight hard shots. Then, as if that wasn’t enough, she rubbed his slick cock all over her face and neck, wiping it clean on her skin.

‘I love you so much, Lauryn,’ Sean gushed, falling on top of her and kissing her mouth directly and fully for the first time. It was deep, probing kiss. He had already shot his load. She had experienced several orgasms. But there was a deeper hunger in them now than the drive toward climax. They could taste their own juices on the other’s mouth, as their smeared faces melded into one, but they were not discouraged in the least.

It was Sean who finally broke the kiss, so they could catch their breath and look into each other’s eyes. ‘I’m so sorry,’ he apologized. ‘I didn’t mean for this to happen. I mean, I wanted it. And I know I started it. But I didn’t mean to make you . . . ‘

Lauryn rolled them over, so that she was on top, straddling his waist. She removed the top of her swimsuit and flung it into the neighbor’s yard. But the expression on her face was serious, even a little angry. It was not in the least seductive. ‘Don’t you ever fucking apologize for this again,’ she demanded. ‘This is the most beautiful moment of my life you son of a bitch. Don’t cheapen it.’

Sean’s answer was to pull her down into a kiss, that continued for several minutes, during wich his heands cupped her breasts. Just after giving her tongue a particularly noisely slurp, he said, ‘I’ve loved you for three years.’

‘I don’t understand how, but I think I’m falling in love with you, Sean,’ Lauryn admitted.

‘You fell in love with me a a year and a half ago,’ Sean suggested, rolling them so they were on their sides. His hand caressed her legs, just occasionally brushing her vulva.

‘Oh really?’ Lauryn doubted with a laugh, using her own hands to return his manhood to arousal.

‘Really,’ Sean said, allowing his fingers to linger longer on her. ‘The night you were going to break up with Barry.’

‘My birthday,’ Lauryn remembered, her index finger now probing directly at Sean’s prostate while the palm of the same hand rubbed warmly against his testicles.

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It was the first time I dined at her Y. Actually, it was the first time I’d seen any of her female parts. I’d had lunch with Marnie a few times but this was the first on a Saturday. After we finished our repast, she casually said, “I’m horny. Let’s go to my place.” Who would refuse an invitation from a pixie cute, short haired blonde with nice tits? She lived a couple blocks away and we were soon naked in her messy bed. I did notice quite a few cum stains on her sheet that didn’t look very...

4 years ago
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I my sister and my boyfriend

I once again met a guy named Pape, a peddler senegale's,  whom I met on the beach a few days  At the first meeting I made ​​a blowjob to guy. Everything seemed to end well. It seemed a pleasant encounter that promised future ?     I never imagined that after the blowjob did to the boy are become his whore. So Pape believed A whore of his property. When I met for the second time Pape, a meeting that I really wanted and tried, I also suffered the devastating consequences of his...

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Horny boyfriend

My boyfriend has been really horny for the last three weeks. We've had morning sex, he's gone from work to fucking some of his girls, and come home late because he's stopped by someone on the way home. just over a week ago he met his ex girlfriend from high school, with whom he has a daughter. They start having sex again this past week.She has stayed with us this Friday to Sunday. first on friday you didn't know any feelings until i went to bed at night. They were sitting in the living room for...

2 years ago
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Fooling around with her sisters boyfriend

I guess I was a bit of a late bloomer; I didn't have my first orgasm until I was eighteen years old. I had never been particularly interested in boys and sex and all that. My family wasn't well off, and if I was going to get into a decent university (unlike my sister Valerie who was still living at home and going to community college), I would have to get really good grades. I had tried masturbating before. Everyone said there was nothing wrong with it, that it's totally natural, etc etc. It...

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Getting a Boyfriend

Getting a Boyfriend Transexual fiction by [email protected]. The following story contains descriptions of sex between young men and transgendered men. If you are offended by such things, or live in an area where such things are illegal to read about, or you're too young to be reading adult fiction, please stop now. I was born in San Jose, California. My name is Sam. I have two older (by 3 years) sisters, twins, named Melissa and Miranda. My parents are both engineers....

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Hermaphrodite Hotel 12 Charlis Gets a Boyfriend

HH12: Charli's boyfriend TG adult fiction by talltglover. If you are offended by men or women having sex with transgenders or hermaphrodites, or live in an area where such activity is illegal, or are too young to be reading adult erotica, please do not continue. This story is unlike most of my other fiction, which concerns men turning into women (conceptually) or hermaphrodites and having sex with other men. This story was written as a special request, and is about women becoming...

4 years ago
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My Black Boyfriend

"My Black Boyfriend ""He snaps his fingers and I hungrily crawlacross the floor "My Black Boyfriend "??? "??? ??????????????????????????He snaps his fingers and I hungrily crawlacross the floor toward him. He sits casually naked in his chair, hischocolate brown muscular body relaxed, and his strong legs spread wide sothat I can see the object of my love, my life. Some of you will think I amperverted, and others of you may even suspect I am mentally ill, but I tell? you I am not. I have...

1 year ago
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Moms New Boyfriend

Mom?s New Boyfriend ? Chapter 01 By Tappy McWidestanceMy name is Brittney. I am 19 and your average California teenager. I was raised on the beaches near LA, was into sports (and boys) and ended up going to UCLA on a swimming scholarship. That made my mom, Cathy (43 years old), very happy. She is a casting agent and divorced my father six years ago. While she is involved in the film industry and makes enough for us to live comfortably, we are by no means rich and not having to pay for college was ...

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I like to expose myself for my Boyfriend

by Vanessa Evans All characters involved in any sexual activities in this story were over the legal age of consent when the events took place. How I discovered that my boyfriend loves it when I expose my body to others; and so do I. Part 01 ===== It all started one night when we were at university party where the booze was flowing freely and one of the spaghetti straps on my strappy V-neck tank got ripped off in a silly drinking game. For the rest of that night I struggled to keep my...

1 year ago
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A sexy woman plans a birthday party for her boyfriend

“Miranda, please don’t spend any money on me. I don’t need a gift.” Tom argued with me. “But Tom, I want to make your birthday extra special. This is the first time you’ve had a birthday since we started dating.” “Miranda, I’m serious. Don’t waste any money on me. My dream birthday is just having over three or four friends, watching the Heat play basketball, playing poker, and drinking beer.” “That’s it?” I...

3 years ago
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Dear Boyfriend

(Of course, everyone here is over 18. He was 22. I was 21. So, it’s okay to talk about sex. He agreed to share these letters we saved with you.) * Dear Boyfriend, Don’t think because I don’t use your name that I’m recycling this letter. I have only one boyfriend, you, and I know your name. I said it in your ear last night, just before I bit your earlobe when you made me come. Thank you, BTW. Also, I think it was a good idea that we adopted the rule that we thank each other when we give...

1 year ago
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Cheating Rajasthan Housewife 8211 Part 1 Purane Boyfriend

Hi dosto, mera naam Rizwana hai. Main 41 years ki housewife hu. Main Udaipur, Rajasthan ki rehne wali hu. Mere husband ka exports ka ek bada business hai, jiske silsile mein unko maheene main 15-20 din out of India rehna padta hai. Zyada baat na karte hue us waqt pe aati hu, jab main sirf housewife thi. Waise shaadi se pehle mera boyfriend tha, aur usse main kayi baar chud chuki thi. But shaadi ke baad maine apne boyfriend se koi rishta nahi rakha tha. Suhagraat ko hi mujhe pata chal gaya ki...

2 years ago
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Surprise Cuck Boyfriend

I tucked my boyfriend into a bed in the back room at the house that we were at. His friends had carried him back for me, so that he could sleep off the booze. He had been hard at it with some of his friends since noon, and was so drunk I knew I wouldn’t see him again until late the next day. I put a glass of water next to his bed and shut the door and went back out to the party. The party had gone from around 75 to about 30 as all the drunks left. The only ones left were my boyfriends friends...

2 years ago
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Jennifers New Boyfriend

(MMF, MM, forced, inc)Jennifer was any man's dream. At 20 she was the perfect specimen of a female, a petite woman whose blonde hair and blue eyes reminded one of her Viking heritage and lustful play in bed. And David was no exception when it came to appreciating her charms. Their relationship had been a little lopsided from the beginning. Since he'd met Jennifer about four weeks earlier, she'd pretty much run his life for him. Telling him what to wear, and were they were going to eat, and what...

3 years ago
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Tinas Boyfriend

My best friend growing up was Tina, anyone who has read my stories already knows that but if you haven’t, now you know. Her first love was Mark. Mark was also the first guy I was interested in, mainly because Tina was. It wasn’t like I wanted to do what you are about to read, but I wanted what Tina wanted. Here is that story. I woke up Saturday morning and trudged my way into the kitchen to get some juice. Not expecting anyone to be home since my Mom was over at some guys house the night...

4 years ago
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Crossdressing with my Girlfriend and Boyfriend

Cross-dressing Days with my Girlfriend and Boyfriend By Cindybelle "Come into my room Timmy, it's time to start getting you dressed," said Cathy my eighteen year older sister. It was the day of Janette's wedding -- she is my eldest sister, twenty two years old and she is marrying her college boyfriend Mike at 2 o'clock this afternoon. I'd better explain that I'm Timothy, eleven and a half years old and I'm going to be the ring bearer at the wedding. It...

3 years ago
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My Wife Manisha Her Boyfriend

HI I am Sumeet 31 yr old married to 28 yr old girl. My wife’s name is Manisha. We are very much settled down in Mumbai. We both are working class people. We got married 2 years back. We are very good couple as having much better understanding in between us now rather than the initial stages. The time we got married my wife was very conservative and shy about the things to be expressed. Whereas I m very open minded person in that sense in every way of my life. I take life positively and love to...

2 years ago
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Tinas Boyfriend

My best friend growing up was Tina, anyone who has read my stories already knows that but if you haven’t, now you know. Her first love was Mark. Mark was also the first guy I was interested in, mainly because Tina was. It wasn’t like I wanted to do what you are about to read, but I wanted what Tina wanted. Here is that story.I woke up Saturday morning and trudged my way into the kitchen to get some juice. Not expecting anyone to be home since my Mom was over at some guys house the night before,...

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In front of my sleeping boyfriend

- " im in your neighborhood, ill be parked outside your house in 15 mins.. Dont leave me waiting, and dont wear any panties. You know what i want" I hadn't spoken to shane in nearly 4 months. We were never a couple, but the sex was always amazing. There's something about him that i just cant seem to resist. I turned over to make sure my boyfriend Daniel was still asleep. This was so wrong. I had been faithful Daniel for our entire relationship although we've only been together for 2...

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Abby Fucks Mommys Boyfriend

After her visit to the dirty old man's house, Abby was satisfied, but a little embarrassed that she had let the old man Ray fuck her and cum inside her. She also worried a little about becoming pregnant, so when they were finished with the sex, she had gone to Ray's bathroom and tried to clean up and had done her best to squirt a bit of water inside her pussy, to flush out as much cum as she could.But as she got dressed, she was still a little sweaty, and her red hair was limp and stringy...

4 years ago
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Date With Boyfriend

I am Pooja Chaudhary. I am 21 years old. I am 5’5” tall with big breasts and big swaying ass. Fair color. I have firm breasts and I am very proud of those globes. They make every male look at me twice. I have good figure 36-26-36. I Have light brown color pointed nipples with big areola. Sameer, my boyfriend, had bought the car only a couple of weeks back and he had invited me for a ride. One day, late in the after noon, we took off on the Merc. After the car left the city limits far behind,...

2 years ago
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BadGirl I Fucked her BoyFriend

"Oh my God!" she yelled at the top of her lungs "we should not be doing this" as her best friend's boyfriend pounded his eight inch dick into her tight 23 year old pussy. Jane buried her face into the pillow as she accepted a serious pounding as he continued to crash into her from behind, pounding her relentlessly despite her weak protests for him to stop. He couldn't help but admire her young tight body. She was quite the site to see bent over - even better than he had imagined.Jane had just...

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Amber fucked in front of boyfriend

“Nooo don't stop! You can't leave me like this!” Amber stayed laid flat in her back with her legs spread as her boyfriend Nathan climbed out from between them. “We have to get going. We are already late.”Tonight Nathan was taking Amber to a party thrown for his bosses birthday at a local pub. Nathan had recently been promoted and was desperate to make a good impression. “But my pussy is soaking wet! You can't start eating me out and then just stop. You've been teasing me all day. I'm going to...

3 years ago
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Bong Girl Losing Virginity To Her Boyfriend

Hello, readers. I am Ajit from Kolkata, age 18, a chubby boy but with a healthy and firm body, intelligent and witty boy from an educated business family. I have a thick tool with a size of 6 inches. This is my second story after the 3 part sequel I had published here. Please click on my account to see the previous stories. Big thanks to the readers who had dropped review mails at my mail address. You can contact me at Big thanks to Indian Sex Stories for publishing my story. This story is...

4 years ago
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My Black Boyfriend

He snaps his fingers and I hungrily crawlacross the floor toward him. He sits casually naked in his chair, hischocolate brown muscular body relaxed, and his strong legs spread wide sothat I can see the object of my love, my life. Some of you will think I amperverted, and others of you may even suspect I am mentally ill, but I tellyou I am not. I have just found the answer to all my longing...a reasonto live. My Black Boyfriend's huge hunk of fuck-meat! Before you call me aworthless slut, please...

4 years ago
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My Double Honeymoon With My Husband And My Boyfriend

Loving two men is surely a challenge, especially for married Indian women, but I love this challenge. What makes my life so excited is that I passionately love two men. Both of them are special for me and I love them immensely. The situation becomes a bit easier for me because my boyfriend lives abroad and he visits India twice a year. When he is back, he wants me badly. I am managing both the relations successfully for more than two decades now. Things became a bit difficult when my boyfriend...

2 years ago
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Me and my boyfriend

I am Vrinda Nair. I am 21 years old. I am 5’5″ tall with big breasts and big swaying ass. Fair color. I have firm breasts and I am very proud of those globes. They make every male look at me twice. I have good figure 36-26-36. I Have light brown color pointed nipples with big areola. And, my boyfriend, had bought the car only a couple of weeks back and he had invited me for a ride. One day, late in the after noon, we took off on the Merc. After the car left the city limits far behind, his left...

3 years ago
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Punished My Cheating Boyfriend

Hi, I am Simraan and this story happened back when I working as a gym instructor and had several loyal clients in Noida. I had maintained a great physique from years of training. My boyfriend was in my college. Even after having so many opportunities with high profile clients, I had been a faithful girlfriend. But, when I found out that even after having such a smoking hot GF, my boyfriend Naveen flirted with my colleague and slept with her, I just wanted to take revenge and punish him. Naveen...

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I love my boyfriends. I love to fuck. I love to fuck my boyfriends. Some days I fuck one boyfriend. Other days I fuck two, three or sometimes all four of them. They are not jealous because they sometimes know each other and they know I like all of them the same. And they know that if they get jealous they cannot be my boyfriend any more. I am 21 now and have been fucking since I was 18. I agreed with my mom and our doctor that I should not have babies so they fixed me so I won’t get pregnant....

1 year ago
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Energetic Preeti Who Made Me Local Boyfriend

Hi guys and girls, I am Vivek from Nashik city. I am 5″10 long, average fairness and body. My story is real and starts with a Bus journey. I was once travelling to Mumbai by Bus as my Car was pending oil change and so I boarded the bus at early morning 6 AM which was almost completely reserved with only the long back seat empty. I saw 2 girls got the seat and 8 were empty. I somehow managed to get a seat there and this resulted in me in between these 2 girls. One was in corner of the bus, then...

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My First Boyfriend

My First Boyfriend My father died when I was too young to remember and I grew up quite happily with my mother and sister; my sister Jenny being three years older than me. I loved dressing up in my sister's cast-off clothes when I was little and my mum thought it was a cute quirk. It was only after I started school that she began to feel protective about my hobby and told me never to let anyone know because they might not understand. When I got to about nine she became even more...

3 years ago
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The New Boyfriend

"Such a slow coach i'm afraid " Mrs Fuller spoke apologetically as finally the shy teenager appeared at the top of the stairs. She was wearing a very thin wispy clourful summer dress which she seemed slightly nervous to be seen in. It clung deliciously to her big shapely boobs and ample bottom, covering very little of her bare legs. Her shoes were white high heels, so she had to step slowly and carefully down the stairs. With a shy smile she greeted Brad, her new older boyfriend , her...

2 years ago
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Being shared with sister and ex boyfriend

“It’s so nice to see you again K, it’s been a while with me trying to finish high school and you for away from home for college.” Sha said. “I know, I know; hey come in, take a seat and make your self at home.” “So, what do you got planned for today K?” “I was thinking that we could go shopping and then catch a couple of movies.” “Sounds nice…hey before we go can I run up and take a shower?” “Sure go ahead; just don’t use all the hot water so I can take one next.” “Ok.” said...

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Indian Student Cheating on Boyfriend

Hi Again! Wow! What an amazing reaction to my last bit of writing. Thanks for all your lovely comments and words of encouragement. I really wasn’t expecting quite so much interest in my sexual encounters but it seems like you naughty boys and girls want to hear some more! So let’s fast forward from my first experience of cock which you can read in the other post. This happened a few years after the last story. I’d finished my A levels and got into Uni. I was away from home but still in the...

1 year ago
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Rented Boyfriend By Blueheatt &hellip,..I sat in the her driveway in my new car. I couldnt stop smiling with contentment. My cock was sore and it felt good&hellip,.I thought back on how I got here&hellip,..I said to myself&hellip,.. &hellip,Jack…life is good. ————- &hellip,..I called her Candy. Her name was Candice. We stood there hugging and feeling our bodys. She was shaking and breathing hard. She had never had a man get her sexually excited before. I was feeling her body, and she was...

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Girlfriend Fucked In Front Of Her Drunk Boyfriend

Hi guys, . Finally, I have an erotic experience to share with all of you. About me, I’m 6 feet tall.Coming to the story. This story happened during 2015. I had a plan of going to the Sunburn festival in Goa since many days. I booked the tickets to goa and back to Hyderabad as I live in Hyderabad. I went to the venue at Vagator.I got to know that the show starts at 6 in the evening.So I decided to go to the beach there. I saw a couple playing at the beach. I just went closer and saw the girl....

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Cuckolding My Small Dick Boyfriend

Fucking my small dick boyfriend Jack was fun, but it was getting old and I was in need of some bigger cock. Now don’t get me wrong, my boyfriend is a great guy, but in the arena of hot sex, he was just not big enough to satisfy me. This is where my friend Terrance comes into the picture. It was a rainy and cold Saturday night and we were sitting around the house watching a movie not doing much of anything. I told him that I had a friend coming over to hang out with us, but I don’t think he...

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