Lunch Break Meeting
- 4 years ago
- 24
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I’m so excited as I make my way down the long winding corridor to your new office. All of your hard work has finally paid off and you have that “corner” office you have always wanted. My baby, a VP. I am so proud of you and your accomplishments. All of those long hours making sure that every item was checked and re-checked. Meeting after meeting. Late hours at the office. Coming home exhausted, but still managing to take care of my needs. Traveling for days at a time, but remembering to call me every night, just to say that you are thinking of me and that you miss me. E-mailing me special coded messages that put a smile on my face during the days and nights without you. Never forgetting who has supported you from the very beginning.
As I get closer to your corner office, I see your administrative assistant poised at her desk, her fingers busying themselves on her keyboard as she types. She glances up without missing a stroke to acknowledge my presence. I begin to speak, but she is already buzzing your office and letting you know that I have arrived. With a quick nod and a smile, she informs me to go right in. I thank her and step to your door. I pause for just a moment to take in the sight of your name and new title on the door. My heart is filled with joy and I am proud all over again. Climbing the corporate ladder was not easy for you…or for us. But you succeeded…as you put it, we have succeeded.
I took one last look at the name on the door and cleared my throat as I entered your new office. There you are sitting behind your massive desk, completing a phone call with one of your clients. You motion for me to move forward and have a seat. I am in awe of all that I see. I begin walking towards your desk without closing the door all of the way. The elaborate furnishings that now occupy your office stun me. You have come a long way indeed.
There you sit behind a redwood desk of enormous proportion. I wonder how the movers got it through the door. Two chairs sat quietly empty in front of your desk and a fine hand crafted burgundy leather couch sits up against the wall. A basket full of papers sat at the left corner of your desk, your computer to the right. As I continue to move towards you, the remainder of the contents on your desk are mentally noted, however my special attention was drawn to the exquisite pen and pencil set with your elegant gold nameplate, which was presented to you by the CEO of the firm upon your promotion.
On the opposite side of the room a small fully stocked bar, refrigerator, microwave and sink occupy a portion of the wall. A brass coat rack is located at the end of the bar which completes that side of the room. Two very tall stylish bar seats stand vacant at the countertop. A huge mirror is hung just behind the bar giving the room an even larger appearance. Etched in the mirror are three powerful panthers walking across an open field. Just beyond the bar and towards the middle of the back of the office is a large oval shaped conference table with eight hand crafted leather chairs. It was obvious that no expense was spared in out-fitting of your corner office as my feet sank silently into the plush carpet. You looked so at ease and at home…like you were born to be in this place at this time.
Beautiful pictures decorate your walls now. Gone were the rough drafts hanging everywhere in your cube. The ‘BIG’ calendar with circled dates in red for project deadlines, was no where to be found. I did not see any sign of a post-it note on your desk. Usually you would have several of them posted in various locations throughout your cube. You always amazed me by knowing exactly what each one meant. Although you were on the line talking to a client, the constant buzz of the phone no longer existed as it had for so many years. Now you can give your undivided attention to a customer without feeling pressured. But you would not have called it pressure, no you would have called it a challenge. You wanted to make each client feel as if they were the only client on earth. It worked. Look where you are now. Your own corner office with a spectacular view of the city and I’m standing before you beaming with delight.
Watching and waiting for you in your new surroundings aroused me a bit as I surveyed you entire office with a glance. What the future would hold for us inside this place of business and power. I was thinking how romantic it would be to make love to the newest Vice President on his expensive black leather couch that lay on the opposite side of the wall from the bar. A smile tweaked the corner of my mouth as a wicked image appeared in my imagination of your boss catching us in a compromising position…
I decide to take a seat on that very couch taking in the entire scene that was placed before me. You’re trying to explain to your caller for the third time since I entered the room, the final step for closure. You made it sound so simple and that may be why your caller is having such a hard time. You simplify information so well that he probably doesn’t believe all that you are telling him. I can see you rolling your eyes and you making a face at me as you listen to your caller. I slid back and let the couch engulf me, while I waited for you to finish your call. I closed my eyes just for a second – when I opened them you were hovering over me leaning down to plant a kiss on my lips.
As you kiss me, you place your hand in my hair. I can feel the tenderness of your touch as you run your fingers through it. Your kiss is so gentle and sweet on my lips that I feel a familiar sensation awaken from within. You begin to apologize about the call taking longer then necessary. Our eyes meet and you kiss me even deeper then before. Your tongue exploring the inner warmth of my
mouth. I can feel the want rising within me. Your hands slid down my neck on their way to fondling my breasts. Suddenly a knock at your office door abruptly interrupted our exploring the erotic possibilities of your new corner office. The door opened with ease from the knock, as it was left ajar upon my entrance. Your assistant entered the room and was visibly shaken by our intimate moment and the fact that she had interrupted. She apologized for the intrusion with cheeks a fire. She walked across the room to your desk where she laid some papers in the middle. She requested that you sign them and grabbed a stack of papers from your in-basket. She courageously asked if you needed anything as she made her way back across the room towards the door. You replied that you had all you needed and placed a warm hand on my cheek. Now it was my turn to blush…
Closing the door behind her, your assistant was off to lunch. You and I both looked like two children who had just got their hands caught in the cookie jar. We looked at each other and began to laugh. We both understand our desires for each other. It seems that we can start with just a simple kiss, but something about your touch, your lips, your taste thrills me to wanting much more then an “innocent” kiss. You always make me crave more no matter where we were or what we are doing.
You look down at me as I place my hand on my stomach and have a glint in my eye. I am famished, but not necessarily for food. This new environment and your kisses of passion are turning me on. I noticed that you even carried yourself differently…more confident and with more power…or was it my imagination. You reach for my hands and assist me to my feet. Rising fully, I stand before you as you embrace me and slip my lips a quick peck. Releasing me, you walk over to your desk and press a button on your phone to speak with your assistant prior to her leaving for lunch. You ask her to forward all of your calls and inform her that you will be in a late ‘lunch meeting’ when she returns, you do not wish to be disturbed.
I was disappointed to hear that you had another meeting schedule because that would mean that our time would be shortened. I ‘m sure that you will need time t
o prepare… We had already lost valuable time during your extended phone call with a client. I walked over to your desk feeling a little dejected due to the new development with your afternoon. I leaned forward just a bit resting my hands on the desktop. My lips are pouted to show my disappointment as I stare at your beautiful brown eyes. You place a single finger to your lips signaling me not to speak as you complete your instructions. Stepping from behind your desk, I can see that your total and undivided attention has been placed on me. A smile spreads across my lips as you wrap your arms around my waist and bow your head to place your full lips just under the front of my chin on my neck. The sensation is exhilarating as I feel your warm breath caress my neck. Moving up my neck you make your way towards my lips placing sweet sensuous kisses all along the way. Your generous lips elevating the disappointment of a few seconds ago. I felt so satisfied at that moment to be in your arms sharing this moment with you. There would be plenty of time in the future to break in that expensive couch properly I think as you continue to embrace me.
You look at me so lovingly and brush away a stray strand of hair that has managed to fine its way to my face. Teasing me with your mouth and the closeness of our bodies, you ask me to close my eyes. I begin to ask the question of why, but think better of it. I close my eyes without reservation and you deposit another warm inviting kiss on my lips as a reward. You instruct me to keep them closed until you tell me otherwise. I nodded in compliance and promised not to open them until instructed.
I could here you moving through the room. The sounds were foreign to me, as I couldn’t make out every sound that I was hearing. I thought that possibly you were moving things around and I tried to follow the sounds I was hearing by moving my ears in the direction from which the sound would come. What in the world could you be up to? I knew that we could not stay much longer if you were going to have to get ready for a meeting soon, but I stood patiently and played along. All the time my excitement from within was growing…my curiosity was growing with each passing sound. I wanted to know what you were doing…
I heard the sounds of cabinets opening and closing. I believe that you were moving things and/or gathering items. I could hear items being placed on a tabletop. The clanking of glasses was a dead give a way that you were up to something. You began to talk to me over the noise and ask me questions that signify idle chat. You are definitely up to something… Despite my best effort to listen to your every movement, you succeed in diverting my attention. I had no idea where you were in the room until you asked me another question. Your voice came from all around the room. I asked you to allow me to open my eyes so that I may assist you with whatever you were doing. You insisted I keep my eyes shut and that my help was not warranted at the present time.
Walking over to me, you placed both your hands on my shoulders and guided me across the room. As we reached our final destination, my curiosity was getting the better of me and I wanted to open my eyes right then and there. I could feel your heart racing and your breath in my hair as you instructed me to open my eyes. What was revealed to me was a romantic lunch with all the trimmings. Candles in crystal candleholders, wine chilling on ice, a dozen black roses – my favorites, set in the middle of the table, wine glasses, an assortment of cheeses, crackers, fruit and a black velvet box sat on the edge of the table nearest to me. The box had a silk bow wrapped around its contents. The candles were lit, their warm glow illuminating the room as you had closed the blinds and
turned off the lights. Your office now had a very romantic feel to it, as I noticed that candles burned in several different locations throughout your office.
I was speechless as you presented me with the box that sat on the edge of the table. You turned and walked away making your way towards the bar, as I held the velvet box in my hands. Flipping a switch located on the wall, soft music began to play from speakers. I could not believe all that you had done for me. What a wonderful surprise I thought as you came back across the room to me and touched the box I held in my hand. You looked into my eyes and said for me to open the box. I found my hands to be trembling from the surprise and the excitement that I felt at the same time. I needed to take a deep breath before I opened the box. My breast noticeably moved up and down with the intake of air. Your focus was automatic…
I had never felt more loved by you then at this moment. I looked down at the box and began to undo the silk bow that enclosed the contents. I felt like a little girl at Christmas as the bow unraveled and fell helplessly to the floor. I opened the box with you standing right in front of me. You could see all of my expressions as my eyes widened and the precious gift that was inside was revealed to me.
Inside the box lay a gold dildo encased in burgundy velvet. I looked up at you as a devilish smile consumed your face. You instructed me to read aloud the engraving. You reached for a candle and held it close to me in order for the light to allow me to do just that. I read the words “Lunch Meeting” on the smooth cool surface of the pleasure stick. I looked at you puzzled by the gift that I had just received, but willing to wait for an explanation. You could tell that I had no clue of what the engraving meant as you reached behind you to grab a small gift bag. The same devilish grin occupied your lips as I reached with my free hand to receive the bag that you held out in front of me. You directed me to go into the small washroom and put on what was in the bag…only what was in the bag and nothing else. Before I could even ask a question to the contents of the bag, you were turning me towards the washroom while removing ‘Lunch Meeting’ from my hand. With a quick smack on my firm ass, you sent me on my way. I walked back towards the back of your office where a small washroom was located wondering with every step what could be inside the bag. I would find out soon enough…
Moments later I emerged. I wore only the pair of black lace crotch less underwear that had been placed in the bag…nothing else as instructed. As I came towards you I began to understand that I was my VP’s lunch meeting! I moved towards you with your dark brown eyes assessing my body with every step. The closer I got to you, the more excited I became. You rolled ‘Lunch Meeting’ between your strong hands as you leaned up against your desk. You had removed your shirt and only wore your pants with your black suspenders contrasting against your skin. You looked in control of all you surveyed – including me. The closer I came to standing directly before you the more aroused I became. My nipples had shown their anticipation of being fondled by becoming erect and my clit began to twitch with each step.
Soft music was playing in the background as you shifted from your leaning position against your massive desk. You asked me to close my eyes once again . You moved towards me as I stood just yards away from you with my eyes closed visibly elated by your impressive display of your love for me. Every inch of my body tingled with excitement of what was to come. I felt as though a single touch would send my body into a frenzy of passion.
With ‘Lunch Meeting’ in your hand, you began to touch the cool smooth surface to my flesh. I could feel your gaze as you carefully and deliberately maneuvered ‘Lunch Meeting’ to my breasts. My nipples were so very ready and wanting to feel the chilly surface of our play toy. You encircled each nipple, taking your time and making sure that you had brought each one to their most erect point. You then instructed me to raise my arms and place my hands behind my head. Locking my fingers behind my head, I could feel y
our eyes burning with desire as your free hand embarked on pleasuring each of my breasts. Touching them…teasing them…pinching my nipples.
I felt the warmth from your free hand as you caressed my left breast still keeping the dildo on my right nipple. The sensations started a title wave of emotion in my pussy. My breathing came quicker. I bit my bottom lip to hold in the whimpers of pleasure that wanted to emerge from them. You bent ever so near my ear and told me to let out my moans of passion. Your tongue tantalized my ear as the sounds from my mouth began to fill the air. Your relentless onslaught of my breasts was making me squirm standing up. You directed me to stand with my legs open. I did as you asked. My arousal was heightening with each touch of your hand, each placement of your wet kisses on my neck, each touch of ‘Lunch Meeting’.
Your lips were warm and inviting as each kiss seared our love, our desire and our passion. I could feel your free hand release my breast as it slid down the front of me making its way to my thigh. Lightly touching and electrifying my body as it made the journey to the thin material of the panties you gave me. With my legs open for your pleasure it was effortless for you to find the spot that you were seeking. Your skilled fingers went straight to my engorged clit and began to rub it ever so gently. Your tongue was plunging
into the cavern of my mouth. Tasting the sweetness that only you can bring out of me. With much effort I had kept my hands behind my head as you had your way with me…delighting me into submission. I could here myself moan over the soft music as you continued to stimulate my clit with your fingers. You did this so well. Applying just the right amount of pressure to make my juice flow and my breath short. I did not know how much longer I could stand without my knees giving way. Every inch of me was tingling from your touch and I did not want the feeling to end.
I could hear your breathing becoming louder and your kisses deeper as you prepared me for passion. I could feel you removing your fingers from my clit just long enough for me to catch my breath and for you to turn on ‘Lunch Meeting’. Would this onslaught of ecstasy ever end…I had hoped not.
I could feel your fingers return to my clit as the low hum of ‘Lunch Meeting’ began to fill my ears. My pussy was steaming from your touch and the juices from deep within were flowing uncontrollably. Our eyes met as you continued to manipulate my womanhood. Standing before you like this gave me such a thrill. We could both sense your newfound power and passion as you reveled in your total dominance over me.
Your lips locate passion points on my body and my eyes close as my head falls back to enjoy all that you are giving to me. I can now feel the vibrating ‘Lunch Meeting’ touching my skin and sending even stronger sensations to my clit. My cries of passion are loud as you continue to pleasure me with reckless abandon. Your persistent attack of my sexual being is making me cum standing up. You watch as the waves of passion ripple through my body. You listen intently as I call your name. You demand for me to tell you that I love all that you are doing to me and I reply, yes. You told me how beautiful I am to you. How much you love me for standing by you through the good, the bad and the ugly. You tell me that we will have many more ‘Lunch Meetings’ in your office. Your words are filled with adore for me as the spasms of my inner walls erupt within my hot wet pussy.
My arms release and I wrap them around your neck…holding on tightly to my love. Before the last flutter of desire can escape my cunt, you whisper in my ear for me to move over to the conference table. I release my hold, weak from satisfaction and allow you to lead me to our next destination. My pussy is wet and throbbing as we make our way to the conference table. You leading…and…me following…
Lunch With A Dominatrix Copyright 2012 Christopher D.B.Previous stories in this series: Off-Road Goddess, Paddled in the BoondocksI slipped out of work a little early in order to drive across town to meet Miss Julia for lunch. She had called me earlier in the week to see if I was available. Considering that the last time we spent together was at a trailer located in the middle of nowhere and she had repeatedly spanked my bare ass with a wooden paddle, the opportunity to have a normal lunch...
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Introduction: At this time in the story we find ourselves at Furinkan highschool and get to see what became of the five unlucky girls Stamped As Meat. Lunch Time at Furinkan High Story: Ani-Can 3 Copyright 2006 Written: September 21 2006 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ************************************ Once Ranma and Akane were close to the school they heard the bells begin to ring, Oh no Ranma were gonna be late...
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The husband finds himself running late for his half hour lunch period. He's in a hurry to get up to his wife's office. They work in the same building, she usually brings his lunch. On this day, he was feeling really horny and wanted so badly to fuck her in her office. They had never done this before but he was in the mood for a quickie, a hard fuck without getting caught in the busy school they worked in would be exciting. She wore a skirt to work on this day and nothing else underneath. She...
My thirty-ninth birthday was approaching, I was taking stock of my sexual situation and I wasn't impressed. A cv including two ex-husbands and several former lovers was nothing to boast about. Nor was my current solitary state. No doubt I was responsible for some of the difficulties but that didn't make me feel any better when I looked back. Although not all the problems and shortcomings were sexual, and anyway sex isn't the be-all and end-all of my life but it is certainly one of the most...
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MasturbationThe referral that I got from the student employment service said I was to help out with a ladies luncheon. I would receive one hundred bucks for five to six hours work. I was to get there about 10:00 a.m. to set up tables and chairs, help a little in the kitchen, serve drinks and food, and clean up. I grabbed my helmet and jumped on my big two wheeler and headed out to the address they gave me.Beth, the hostess, introduced her self when I arrived at the front door “You must be Bill.” She...
Lunch for my slaveI had ordered my slave to meet me for lunch at a fast food restaurant. Now I personally don’t eat that muck, but it’s certainly most suitable for my slave. It was quite a cold day so I was well wrapped up in my long fur coat, leather gloves and high, stiletto shoes. I had instructed my slave to wear only shorts and a tee shirt, and to sit at a table outside to await my arrival. Naturally, I kept the slave waiting for some time; waiting for its owner increases the slave’s...
Hello ISS readers,Here I am with another story, this story is all fiction none of the characters are real in this story, sorry if there are any mistakes. I am Raj Sharma 37 years married working as a chief analyst in a reputed financial company, I live with my wife Shweta 35 years a amazing personality very social like all modern women are but too has very little time for me, anyway this story is not about Shweta it’s about Sonia my personal secretary, she is working as my asst. from past 2...
Ms Mason placed down her phone and looked out from her office across Sydney Harbour. It was a gleaming new morning and she felt elated having received news that she’d been selected as an Account Executive for the new Samsung Australia Account! It was a massive step up for her career with Stride & Stride. As she looked out across the sparkling harbour she felt a gratifying pride in what she’d achieved since graduating from university. She’d been the first female to manage important...
Part 1 It wasn’t that the firm was sexist or a bunch of misogynist dinosaurs (of a porcine persuasion): she just rubbed them up the wrong way. Lynda was tall, blond and frighteningly efficient. Perhaps the men felt threatened: perhaps she just rubbed them up the wrong way. She always dressed well, neatly pressed clothes and tidy hair, though invariably in trousers. Perhaps it was this that annoyed the men in their rather crumpled suits, the result of hurried dressing after a shower and...
CHAPTER 8: THE STAFF MEETING “Good morning, Abby.” I was bent over small piles of sorted documents for Mr. C’s staff meeting at 10:00. I glanced over my shoulder while remaining in position. I gave him a big smile. I had hoped this would time out like this. “Good morning, sir.” He came around the side of my desk as I sorted the last of the documents in the piles. He pressed on the jeweled end of the butt-plug I decided to add today. “Love your outfit, as always.” I stood and turned,...
CHAPTER EIGHT: CLIENT MEETING I got another very familiar request to see Mr. Woodburn in his office. The request is always cryptic and vague. I, of course, know what will probably transpire. The meeting with him may be about some business issue regarding a client, present or potential, or a current account issue. Or, the meeting might only be that he wants to see me because that is what will always be a significant part of any meeting in his office … seeing me. And very often … a lot...
Board Meeting. Her Mistress ran her fingers along Jennifer's cheek and then lightly flitted them over Jennifer's nicely puffed and well glossed lips. She smiled at the gurl. It was a wicked and leering smile as well as a proud and reassuring one. Jennifer was already in such an enveloping haze of lust and arousal that she barely registered her Mistress's touch. She did however, register the tug on the leash clipped to the collar around her throat as her Mistress, Carol, led her...
Me: a good looking blonde hair blue eyed female, long waist-length hair, and with the ability (at my choice) to grow my clit into a cock. I usually am a normal girl, or can be a girl with cock and pussy. The next three are females (good looking, but not specified for hair/eye color) wearing shortish skirts (above the knee) and white v-neck blouses, v-neck to the bottom of their breasts. These 3 all work for me (and so know me and will not be surprised at what happens) and sit on one side...
‘Can you do lunch?’ His sexy voice asked. ‘Of course. The usual?’ ‘Half hour?’ ‘Sounds great!’ I happily replied. ‘Darling…’ ‘Yes?’ I asked. ‘I’m famished.’ I all but giggled in response, ‘bye Anthony.’ ‘See you soon.’ ‘Can’t wait.’ I ended the call. Goodness I can’t believe that phone calls with him still make me breathless. I took a sip of my warm chi tea and smiled at the thought of him. He was married to his work and other things but he always made time for me. We would always set up dates...
Synopsis: Eight years ago Barry visited his first anonymous gender- bender meeting. Thanks to it, it was seven years ago that he last succumbed to his urges. For the past two years, he had taken over as the host. Now he prepares for another meeting and this time one of the newcomers might just endanger Barry's carefully guarded track record. ********** Barry let his fingers glide over the chip. Tracing once again the number seven stenciled on it. He was proud of it. Seven years...
Hi ISS readers. My name is Akash and I am back with another of my sexcapades. Those who don’t know me can go to my author page and check my other stories. This time, I am sharing the incident which happened during my first job. After being selected for job, I shifted to Bangalore which was totally a new experience for me. I came out of my home for the first time and everything was new. New city, new people and new independence filled in a lot of excitement in me. Though I have had fun times...
HOW WE MET A prequel to The Autumn Weekend Part I - Strange meeting You do not make an immediate strong impression on me when we first meet. You are wearing a finely knitted grey woollen dress which conceals rather than enhances your curves. It has a hemline a couple of inches above the knee, long sleeves, and a round neckline. Flat heeled ballet pumps. Make-up which is understated in comparison with the appearance I become used to later. Your unruly, dark hair is tied back and...
Coming home from a long hard day at work, I reach casually for yesterday’s mail, tossing most of it aside without much thought. Until I came across an envelope addressed to me in familiar handwriting. Smiling in anticipation at who it might be from, I excitedly ripped open the envelope and start reading. I soon realized it was from my dear friend Susan. Settling down on my sofa with my stockinged feet tucked under me and my glass of red wine close by I began to read.April 15, 2019My Dearest...
LesbianI initially met Richard through a TG Community site and we seemed to hit it off from the very start. He was very open about his likes and dislikes, about him being a TG admirer, about having had a fair number of encounters and dates, but he never pressured to know anything about me. Drawn by his gentleness and gentleman ways though I found myself sharing my deepest dreams and wildest fantasies with him through regular emails over the following several months. Richard had this way of...
I initially met Richard through a TG Community site and we seemed to hit it off from the very start. He was very open about his likes and dislikes, about him being a TG admirer, about having had a fair number of encounters and dates, but he never pressured to know anything about me. Drawn by his gentleness and gentleman ways though I found myself sharing my deepest dreams and wildest fantasies with him through regular emails over the following several months. Richard had this way of...
Crossdressing“Ah, my favorite Accounts team.” My team consisting solely of me and the two Account Specialists I recruited from the 2nd floor were seated around the small conference table in my new office. It had been a little more than two weeks since I had moved into my new office and condo; the same two weeks since spending the memorable weekend at the Woodburn’s. Mr. Woodburn stood in the open door. It was not a common occurrence to find him venturing out of the sanctuary of the 11th floor. ...
Jane and I are sitting down outside on the patio for lunch waiting to be acknowledged by the wait staff. Jane is wearing a beautiful short set, she has her hair revealing her beautiful long neck. I loosen my tie. Jane is a tall stunning woman with long shapely legs and curvy body. Sitting across from her all I could think about was her in her shorts. How nice it would be to rip her clothes off. I make a decision to make a move. I decide to make an obvious exit to see if she would join...
Well I haven’t posted a new story in awhile because to tell the truth nothing interesting has happened . It has really been a drought in the bedroom. As far as my MMA bud goes I don’t know what has happened to her and my MIL and I just have lunch together once a month. Last week however that changed . She called and asked if I would meet her at a restaurant not far from where she works. I agreed and she told me what time to meet her. it was just a mom and pop type place nothing...
Lunch time and I made up my mind to visit one of my favorite arcades. A small handful of cars were in the lot, so I figured that I might get some action. Paying my five dollar entry fee, I walked into the booth area first stopping to take a piss. A quick inspection of the booths didn’t come up with anyone standing around with an open door and porn on. Perhaps one or two of the closed doors held some of the missing customers. I went into my favorite booth, back at the far end of one of the...
"Slow down Ann; tell me again what he wanted.""He said he wanted to take my back door.""Do you mean...""Yes, sister dear, he wanted to fuck me in my ass. You wanna know what I did, I'll tell you what I did. I demanded he take me home that very instant. Once I was home I told him I never wanted to see him again."Although rather surprised, none of this information from her sister shocked Jean. In fact, she found it intriguing and once hanging up she couldn't get the thought out of her mind. When...
In the 1990s, I lived in Atlanta. At that time, Atlanta had a very active and fun gloryhole scene. Most of the adult novelty shops had arcades and these arcades were frequented by all types of men. Especially in the northern suburbs, white collar and blue collar men would stop on the way home for a little end of day wind down. My wife and k**s had left town to visit relatives, so I knew I was going to have a golden opportunity for some good “booth” time. Thursdays were especially hot...
Afternoon Lunch with KayI was at home doing some chores when the phone rang. I looked at the number and it was my girlfriend Kay. She asked if I was busy and I told her not really. She asked if I wanted to have lunch. I said “sure.” She said she would come over and pick me up. I told her to give me 15 minutes. She said “No problem” and hung up.No sooner than putting my makeup on, I heard her pull in the driveway. I grabbed my bag and out the door I went. I got into the car and leaned over and...
We agree to meet for lunch in a bar in town.The day is fresh, but bright and the sun feels good after a period of gloomy weather.I arrive first and find a bench style table in one of the bay windows of the bar.You arrive slowly after looking fantastic in your office outfit of black above the knee dress, jacket, tan hosiery and black calve length boots. Very nice indeed!!I get up to great you and we smile as our eyes meet. I buy you a drink and we return to our table making small talk.I cannot...
There's nothing like a rainy weekday afternoon for a good porn movie, and Gus had plenty of time on his hands, so he found a sleazy movie house, not too close to home.The rain was incessant as he dashed inside, baseball cap pulled low and collar up. He paid his way in and let his eyes adjust before trying to sit. He didn't want to trip on anyone.He was able to see in a minute, standing at the divider between the loge and balcony, and made his way up the stairs, looking for privacy, which was...
part 2 continuation of "Wake Up!"After this morning's "wake up" I couldn't focus on work all morningmy thoughts are of nothing but youyour flawless creamy white skin, ample breasts and firm round assthe scent of your perfumeyour light brown hair that frames your angelic facethe pout of your full luscious lipsand your eyes, I lose myself in their dreamy caramel lusterI arrive at our meeting spot, the drinking fountain by the supply closetyou're not there, you're latewe only have 30 minutes for...
Hey, folks!!! This is Remo here, a regular ISS reader also had a hope and waited eagerly to happen something in my life so that I can also contribute my true story rather than just bluffing a story just for the sake of fantasy. Since it’s my first sex story requests you to bear with me for any dragging or spelling mistakes or grammatical errors.This hot incident happened a day before. I am working with a private bank as a manager in Chennai and the queen of the story is vidya who is my junior...
I was in the middle of taking a hot steamy shower with my toys. I'm all soaped up and the hot water slows doen to a cold shower. I hurry and rinse off and get out to wrap in a towel. I run to the hot water heater and feel the top, and it's cold. I checked the pilot light and nothing.I get the phone book out and find a local plumber. i told him what happened and the guy on the phone said he would send someone over right away. I'm sitting at the kitchen table in my robe, and having some...
If you had asked me before lunch what my deepest, darkest fantasy was, I would have told you it was to have my big-titted wife and her younger pretty little sister in the sack in a threesome... that was an hour ago, that was a lifetime ago.Now, I was in a stranger's house, a black man, with a HUGE BLACK COCK, 10 or 12 inches up in my no longer virgin ass. It didn't hurt anymore, his spit and precum were enough, plus I was pushing back on him, and it helped me relax. I am a sergeant in the...
Lesley and Sandra had enjoyed a lovely lunch catching up on the last six months. They had also enjoyed a lovely bottle of wine, and as they walked arm in arm back to Lesley’s house for a coffee they were a little giggly. Once they got there Lesley let them in and went to put on the coffee machine. “Fancy a little something in that?” asked Lesley “Oh, go on then. You’ve twisted my arm” laughed Sandra. Lesley added two very large measures of brandy to the coffee and they went through to the...