In Bruges free porn video

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She first saw him in the dusky evening light on the far side of the deck. From a distance he looked like all the other scruffy truck drivers who had taken up residence on the windswept deck, the only place on the Cross Channel ferry where they could smoke their foul-smelling cigarettes, huddled in groups and muttering to each other in a strange language.

Annie regretted her decision to venture out onto the open deck. Childhood memories of midnight crossings had given her a sense of adventure which she yearned to relive. The ferry slipping into a foreign harbour at some ungodly hour, the smell of diesel fumes in the air, the coldness of the dawn and the harsh neon lights of the docks.

But somehow the reality, twenty years later, was rather different. She’d made her way outside to watch the huge, white ferry negotiate the harbour wall, but instead of romance and half-remembered dreams, she’d come across leering foreign truck drivers who’d sized her up like a piece of meat.

So the man who had repeatedly glanced in her direction as she stood motionless against the railings had been put in the same category. Annie guessed that he was in his mid forties, tall and broad-shouldered and with shoulder length, dark, wavy hair that looked in need of a wash. His shabby checked shirt and jeans, and clumsy clogs marked him out as just another truck driver taking the air before embarkation. But he wasn’t smoking, just gazing at the black water as the ferry chugged into the darkening port, the clanking of chains giving an indication that soon Annie would be asked to return to her car and start her journey.

She looked over again but the man had gone and just for a fleeting second she felt a bizarre sense of sadness, that somehow she’d missed out on something important, a chance to be seized upon and held. Shaking herself, she glanced at her watch and made her way back into the bar area. The ferry was almost empty, just a few drivers hanging around the bar and tossing back a whisky or two as they gathered up their bags. Over the tannoy, one of the crew informed the passengers that it was time to return to their vehicles and the ferry engines shuddered as they came alongside the dock.

Annie felt the excitement course through her veins as she joined the throng of people by the stairs. There were a few couples making their way below to the car decks, but she was the only lone female and she thought of the journey ahead of her, the miles that lay between her and the small farmhouse in Alsace that she’d rented for a week. She needed this break, needed to clear her head and find out what she really wanted from life. The recent months had been full of sadness, full of despair and pain and she wanted to spend some time in the sun.

People were returning to their cars and Annie looked around in the faint hope she would see him again. Maybe she’d been wrong and he wasn’t a truck driver, but the cars surrounding hers were smart and British, their shiny surfaces reflecting the bright lights of the deck. The passengers themselves were no doubt destined for southern France, couples in comfortable middle age who were heading for gites or small hotels, maps clutched in their hands as they settled themselves into their cars. Annie glanced again at her own map spread out on the passenger seat and took a deep breath. Although she’d driven abroad before, she’d never done so alone and she felt a small niggle of doubt that she was doing the right thing. The decision to flee had been the right choice at the time, but now she felt a little foolish, despite the excitement that still made her shiver.

Ahead of her the cars were moving, inching slowly down the steep ramp that led to the lower deck and terra firma. Her hands gripped the steering wheel as she followed the long line of vehicles, brake lights glowing in the growing darkness. She could see a convoy of lorries already making their way through the port and wondered if he was among them. He definitely looked foreign, maybe Dutch or Danish, and she smiled at how she’d always had a weakness for men from Northern Europe. Despite his scruffy appearance there’d been something sexy about him, a sense of danger, perhaps, that had attracted her. Normally she went for smart men who dressed well and who gave off an air of affluence, but this man definitely did not fit into that category.

Annie shivered again as her car hit the uneven surface of the ramp. All the sounds and sights brought the memories flooding back and she gripped the steering wheel tightly. Turning on her CD player the car was suddenly filled with sound, a track called ‘Angel’ by Massive Attack booming out of the speakers and its haunting, almost sinister music and lyrics suiting her surroundings well.

The French port of Dunkirk lay before her. It was an unattractive place at the best of times but now, as the darkness closed in upon her, the docks seemed desolate, empty except for the long line of vehicles making their way to the motorway. Annie slowly followed a short line of cars dwarfed by the lorries before and behind them. She was acutely aware of her movements, as if she was being watched, but chided herself for being silly. Why should this stranger affect her so much? Was she really that desperate for company that she could imagine a connection between her and some scruffy truck driver who she’d never see again?

Annie listened to the simple yet tremendously powerful lyrics of the song. She needed an angel now, she realised, someone to bring her love and take care of her for a change. She swallowed back the tears that were threatening to spill over onto her cheeks.

The last few months had been painful and unhappy but she was determined to get over the man she had once thought was her soul-mate. Get a grip, she told herself, don’t be ridiculous. There was such a long way to go and the last thing she wanted was to give into the sadness that had propelled her on this journey in the first place.

Ahead of her the cars braked as they approached a roundabout and Annie slowed, but instead of the reliable lessening of speed, she heard a loud grating noise and nothing happened. Pressing her foot hard on the brake once more in disbelief, she felt the same juddering sensation but still no response.

Oh no, please…Annie looked around wildly for somewhere to stop, the only place a grass verge a few feet away from the roundabout. Turning the wheel sharply to the right, she felt the tyres sink into the soft grass and mercifully the car came to an abrupt halt.

In panic, Annie repeatedly pressed the brake pedal but it was unresponsive. She sat there for a few moments, unable to believe that her journey was over before it had even begun. Switching off the engine she forced herself to calm down. It was probably a hiccup and when she turned the key in the ignition again, all would be working. Only it didn’t.

Frantically trying to stop herself collapsing into a pool of tears, Annie released the bonnet catch and opened the car door. Maybe she could look at the engine and work out what was wrong…

But she hadn’t reckoned on the darkness or the lorries that thundered by, only inches from her car. Over and over again she heard the noise of their horns as they hurtled past, the few cars on the road ignoring her plight. Soon, she knew, she would be completely alone on a dark empty road. As she returned to the car to find her breakdown policy she saw a pair of headlights approaching. She was dazzled by the glare but instead of feeling relief at the prospect of help, she immediately felt a sense of trepidation.

Getting into her car she slammed the door shut and locked it, her fingers trembling as she reached for mobile and held it to her ear. Rummaging through her bag, the loud tap on the window made her jump in alarm.

‘Are you OK?’

Annie looked straight into the eyes of her truck driver, his face concerned as he gazed through the closed window. Her heart rate increased rapidly as she
stared back at him, thumping loudly in the silence of the car. She hadn’t noticed his neat goatee beard before and she realised she was looking at him like a rabbit caught in the headlights of an oncoming car. Everything seemed to slow down and she pointed to the phone and nodded, but he gestured to the open bonnet and Annie, feeling a huge surge of excitement rush through her veins like a drug, opened the door and tentatively followed him to the front of her car.

‘What is the problem?’

He had a slight accent, but his English was perfect. He didn’t wait for her reply but peered into the engine as if by looking, he could find the fault.

‘It’s the brakes. They just stopped working.’

He grunted and made his way back to the driver’s door, sitting down heavily in her seat, his large frame filling the space. ‘Nothing happens when you press the brake?’

‘No, just a grinding noise.’

‘You have insurance for this?’

Annie nodded. ‘I was just about to ring them.’

‘You can’t stay here alone. It’s not safe.’ He got out of the car and looked around at the port which was quiet now, the last of the ferry traffic making its way past them.

Annie couldn’t help but agree. The next ferry wasn’t due for a couple of hours and the thought of being stranded all alone filled her with fear.

‘I saw you…on the ferry?’

Annie looked at him as he towered over her. His hair, she noticed was clean, not dirty as she thought and he smelled of fresh soap. Behind him, an old BMW with Dutch number plates clattered gently, its exhaust fumes vaporising in the chilly night air.

‘Do you want to come with me? I know a good hotel where you could stay.’

Annie caught her breath. The question hung between them, the tension unbearable. The attraction she felt for this stranger was obviously reciprocated, but a fear of the unknown held her back. ‘No…I can’t do that. I need to get the car fixed.’

He shrugged his shoulders and watched her. ‘You can’t stay here. It’s dangerous.’

‘But I don’t know you…you could be anyone!’

A smile spread across his face. ‘I agree, but what else can you do? I can take you to a hotel.’

‘Can you wait a moment?’

He nodded and Annie slipped into the driving seat of her car, her fingers fumbling once more with her bag where she knew her insurance documents were. Calling the number she fought down the panic she started to feel. Seeing a man she thought attractive was one thing, but going with him into the night was definitely another. This was not the sort of thing that she would do. Fantasies were just that. Living out her fantasy was way off her agenda.

After an age, her call was finally answered and going through the process of being connected to someone who spoke English, Annie watched her companion as he paced up and down on the grass verge. He ran his fingers through his thick hair and Annie wondered where he was going and why. She’d decided to travel at night as she thought it would be quieter and would arrive at her destination in time for breakfast, but now her plan didn’t seem quite so appealing.

Annie waited again as she was put through to the breakdown network and was informed that no-one could be with her until the morning. Leaving her location she flung the phone onto the seat beside her and stared out of the window. She would have to chance it and wait with the car, perhaps lying down on the back seat and locking all the doors.

‘Did you phone them?’

Annie nodded. ‘They can’t come out until the morning. I’m going to have to wait with the car.’

The man stared at her in disbelief. ‘You can’t!’

‘I’ll have to. Maybe I’ll walk back to the port and see if there’s a place I can sit until they come.’

The man put his hands on his hips and stared at her in obvious annoyance. ‘You’re mad! What do you think you’re going to do all night? You’re welcome to come with me.’

‘It’s very good of you, but I can’t.’

He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. ‘But it’s OK. I know a good hotel. I can take you there and you’ll be safe until the morning.’

Annie looked back at the distant port, the darkness of the empty road and knew that she had no choice. Perhaps this was what she needed. All decisions taken out of her hands, someone to make a choice for her.

‘OK, you win.’ She slammed the car door shut and opened the boot to retrieve her bag. She realised she was shaking with nerves and gripped her mobile. It gave her a false sense of security and she knew it would be useless if her companion decided he wanted a little more out of their new relationship…

‘I’m Jan,’ he said as Annie sank onto the leather seat of the BMW. ‘I’m quite safe.’

‘Annie,’ she replied and stared out of the window as they moved back onto the road, her little car looking forlorn on the grass verge. ‘I don’t believe this has happened to me. I’m supposed to be well on my way now.’

Jan shrugged. ‘These things happen. I’ll take you to a hotel I know. Is that OK?’

‘It’ll have to be. Where?’

‘Oh…Bruges…is that a problem?’

‘Bruges! Are you joking? That’s miles away!’

He laughed. ‘No, not really. About an hour and I think you would really love it there.’

‘But I can’t go to Bruges! I thought you meant a hotel in Dunkirk!’

‘I don’t know of any hotels in Dunkirk.’

Annie stared at him in amazement. His accent was gorgeous, soft and deep and his English was perfect. ‘Where are you going to? What about your journey?’

‘I live in Holland. I was on my way home, but you needed help…’

‘Look, this is very kind of you, but if you just drop me off in Dunkirk, I’ll find a hotel and get a taxi back to the port in the morning. I can’t possibly go to Bruges.’

‘Why not? It’s a beautiful city.’

‘Because…’ Annie paused. She stared out of the window at the passing scenery. They were on the motorway, their only companions huge lorries carrying containers bound for the other Channel ports. She saw the signs for the town of Dunkirk flash by and suddenly gave in. She was tired now, the lateness of the hour and the stress giving her a feeling of calm, of acceptance of her fate.

‘Ok,’ she replied wearily. ‘You win.’

In the darkness she saw him smile, his shoulders relaxed and she felt a surge of speed as he pressed his foot down hard on the accelerator.


An hour later and they were entering the city. They’d talked easily on the journey and Annie had relaxed, safe in the knowledge that he was as good as his word. He drove well and she felt a growing attraction to Jan as he told her a little of his life, how he ran his own transport company and, as Annie had guessed, normally crossed the Channel with his truck. He also said that he was divorced and had no children.

‘I would have liked them, of course, but it is better that we didn’t have any. With the divorce…’ He had looked sad for a moment and Annie had felt her heart lurch. She in turn had told him what she wanted, leaving out the painful love affair that had prompted her to make the journey to France.

Jan slowed down at a set of traffic lights and then turned the car to drive beneath a dark tower. The city was silent, hardly any cars were on the narrow streets and after a short distance they crossed a bridge and turned into a road next to a canal. Jan opened the car door and retrieved her bag from the boot.

‘Well. We are here.’

Annie got out of the car feeling stiff and tired. How she longed for a bath and a warm, soft bed. Following Jan along the cobbled street she looked around her. The canal glinted black under a solitary street lamp and ahead of her were a row of old buildings. The hotel was in darkness but Jan went over to a side door and knocked quietly, his head bent close to the door.

‘They know me well,’ he told Annie as they waited and she yawned. ‘They always stay up late, don’t worry.

So far everything was as he had said, and the hotel looked respectable enough but what about sleeping arrangements? Annie didn’t like to ask, having never been in this position before, but a strange tingle of excitement ran through her as she imagined them sharing a room.

The sound of footsteps brought a middle-aged man to the door, his face beaming in delight and surprise as he welcomed Jan into the building. They exchanged a stream of pleasantries in a strange language and then Annie felt herself propelled upwards to a room, the old wooden floorboards creaking under her feet.

‘My friend, Paul, is sorry but there is only the one room left. Such short notice…’

Annie experienced another surge of excitement rush through her veins and felt immediately wide awake. ‘Really? How convenient.’

Jan smiled. ‘Oh, it’s the truth. Bruges is a very popular city.’

Their room was at the top of the hotel and Annie was relieved to see a large sofa standing by the window. Dumping her bag on the floor she crossed the room and gazed out at the view of the canal. ‘It’s beautiful,’ she breathed. Behind her she could sense Jan standing close, his clean scent filling her nostrils and making her suddenly realise that she wanted him badly, yearned to feel his arms around her body and holding her close.

‘This hotel is a very good place to stay,’ he said and moved closer, his chest brushing her back. ‘I have good friends here.’

All she wanted to do was press into him and feel the width of his chest against her. The feeling was giving her all sorts of sensations below and she could feel her breathing quicken. Warmth emanated from his body and she fought against the desire to turn around and bury her head in his shoulders. She felt completely safe with him, wanted to show him that she trusted him and was glad that they were alone like this. But as if sensing her submission, he broke the spell between them.

‘Give me your car keys. Paul has said he will send someone out to the port to see to your car.’

‘But…you don’t have to do that! I’ll get a taxi back tomorrow morning and sort it out then.’

‘It’s done,’ he said simply and moved away from her into the middle of the room. ‘They owe me a favour here, don’t worry.’

Annie found her car keys and handed them over. ‘I’ll just go and get changed and then maybe I’ll try and get some sleep. I still have a long day tomorrow.’

He nodded and took the keys without a word. ‘I’ll go and see Paul and have a drink with him. OK?’

In the luxurious bathroom, Annie eyed the deep bath, but decided on a shower instead. She felt grubby and cold and wanted to let the hot water run over her body. Leaving her clothes on the floor she stepped into the shower and let the water cascade over her long hair, feeling it flow over her body, her nipples hardening as she caressed herself with the soap. Annie knew she was aroused and closed her eyes, imagining Jan’s hands stroking her skin, his beard brushing the inside of her thigh, his mouth moving higher…

Moaning softly she caressed her pussy lips, a finger delving into the slippery wetness and imagined his cock entering her, the hardness of him, his dark eyes fixed on hers as he took possession of her innermost depths.

Oh, how she wanted him! Wanted to feel his hard body pressed close to hers, his legs forcing her thighs apart as he pressed her into the bed. Suppose he came back now? Would she yield to him or would he stay true to his word and keep his distance?

She looked down at her breasts, the nipples hard with all her fantasies. How she would love to watch as he sucked and kissed them. To see his dark head bent over her creamy skin, feasting on all she could give him…

It had been so long since she’d had sex. The sadness and despair that had tormented her over the last few months had made her immune to the advances of other men who saw a pretty, dark haired woman in the prime of her life. With her curvaceous figure, warm friendly eyes and long hair, she attracted more than her fair share of attention, but she just wasn’t interested. Memories of Andy and his betrayal had made her wary of relationships. But now this stranger, with his unconventional looks and allure of danger had melted her heart.

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Rozia Part 1

I had a Colombian girl - Rozia. She was slim with smooth tanned skin. She had a sweet smile, warm mouth, boobs to die for, and hips made to lure men to her inner thighs. When her thighs were parted and naked they revealed her shaven seventh heaven with a clit that, when aroused, stood taut and ready to trade orgasms with a thrusting cock. In short, she was woman! Rozia lived with a Colombian family in a tenement block where I used to take her home every night after we first met. We'd kiss and...

2 years ago
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Surprise Party

While in college, studying for my MBA, I got an idea for a new business, well, new to me. My younger sister, still in high school, worked part time for one of the many senior care facilities in Florida. One night while I studied I overheard Becky telling our mom about the lack of basic items for the patients. She said that the facility seemed to be short of walkers, wheelchairs, and canes, as well as disposal items. "Why don't they have the things they need?" I asked Becky as I walked into...

4 years ago
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Betrayal Book 04

Chapter 1 – The Western Mediterranean Book four picks up our new life style and the surprising changes that occur Matt was there to meet us with the usual crew of cameramen and support vehicles. He conducted interviews with each of us in turn. I was not present at the other interviews, but he asked me about my reflections on the last twelve months. That took some thought and told him that the book said it all. I also told him once the cameras had stopped rolling and in confidence, that it...

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On the Road Again Flint MurdockChapter 3 Naughty Nice

As we dressed for the Christmas Eve event, Rebecca was trying to tamp down a big grin. She said, “Miss Melanie.” “Okay.” “We all agreed that the Gilmore Girls will spend time with her first. Since they don’t have sleeping companions.” She burst into laughter, “Like me and Rosie.” “Okay.” Rebecca was a little giddy. Partly the idea of another romp or two with Miss Melanie. But also tonight’s gala at the Ming Opera House. And tomorrow was Christmas with presents and the tall, fat tree in...

3 years ago
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Caleb JacksonChapter 14

Caleb's life settled into a comfortable routine with Susan. She was now bulging in the belly to the point that she could hardly walk, and her mother was spending most of her time at the Circle J supervising the usual household chores. Caleb had the good sense to stay out of the way of the two women and let them run the house the way they wanted to. On the other hand, Hank Smith was doing such a good job as foreman that Caleb figured that, most of the time, he was excess baggage. This left...

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The 8 Hour Tow

We were driving to our next destination on our vacation during the fall months. We had enjoyed some of the local distractions and were really enjoying our trip as we drove down that dusty old road in the country. What we had failed to notice though was that we should have filled up at the last gas station and eventually the engine stopped turning and we were forced to pull off to the side of the road. But not to worry though. Fortunately, I had AAA insurance which provided for us to get a tow...

1 year ago
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on my jack

on my jack jones againSome women are good at being alone. I would definitely be mistaken for one of them. I have lived the kind of laundry list of harrowing everyday pain women go through. I have endured the loneliness of a flooded flat, smear abnormalities, a broken heart and an empty bank account with all the grace of a feminist who knows that when it comes down to it, I cope without help. I am happy to pad around my flat in the red stockings and bra I purchased from Altrincham market for no...

3 years ago
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Sorcerer Deleted ScenesScene 7D

BOB (Saturday 4/8) ... With a final scream, [Elisa] collapsed atop me. We stroked her, kissed her and I told her, "You're a wonderful woman, Elisa. Your very presence inspires people to become the best they can be. Your sweet body, sweet breath and wonderful kisses transport me to pleasures I've rarely known." She pushed back up again and slowly moved her hips around. I gently milked her mother's breasts and asked, "Milk?" Fuck! She convulsed hard and flooded my groin again! Seemed...

2 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 04Chapter 5

[Preservation – Janice] "Honey, should I break one first so he knows we're serious?" "No, we'll start easy. If he hesitates or lies, we can always start then. Now, James, how many in your community?" He locked his jaw planning not to say a word. Bennie went over to Marv and Bubba and tied them up and gagged them. He went over to James and put his foot hard on his right wrist. He reached down and grabbed the little finger and pulled back until it went, "crack," and broke. James...

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The Badendorf Family History

By Emerald Green Warning: The following history contains adult material. If you are not an adult or if adult themes offed you, you should read no further. One: • The Day Home Otto walked the road toward home at Baden on a cold winter day in 1758. He had walked the same road two years earlier with his father to be apprenticed not because he did not know the trade of his father but because it was believed that a father was not capable of teaching discipline to their own son. Otto...

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GloryHole Syren De Mer 03252019

Vice Detective Syren de Mer specializes in busting adult bookstores, massage parlors, and anywhere else dirty, filthy behaviors go down. What Detective de Mer doesn’t really talk about is her love of dressing up like a hooker when she goes undercover. Syren loves putting on a short skirt without panties and a slinky top with no bra…her pussy drips and her nips stand at attention the whole time she’s at work. And today’s job is shaking down a local adult bookshop where...

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Fucked by my Husbands younger brother

Yes it's true, happened a few year back, I never told my Husband obviously. Just a few weeks back my Husband and I had gone out for the evening, having had quite a few drinks and a very enjoyable night, my Husband mentioned a Photo of me which he said was his favourite, then mentioned he had shown it to a few of his friends and a number of them had commented that I was a sexy looking lady and wouldn't mind fucking me, we both laughed it off, (OK secretly I was flattered) Finally arriving...

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Motherrsquos my pimp ndash 2

Hi I’m daisy, I’m 34 prostitute and in first story I told how my mom made me a slut and was my pimp at the age of 17. As time moved on we had a lot of regulars who loved the idea of mother-daughter fun. When I was 19 I had my first couple experience. This guy contacted my mom looking for someone to join him and his wife. My mom worked out a price for them. The guy wanted sex bareback, after my mom agreed but only cum over her body or in her ass. It was arranged for me to their house ( I’ve only...

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Limo Ride

"Wow. it is finally over." "Yeah." You just got married. The ceremony was in a huge church, covered with flowers. Everybody you knew was there. Afterwards, you went to the reception, and danced and drank. "What time is the flight?" "Ten tomorrow, I think." You are in a limo. The flight to Mexico leaves tomorrow, so the limo is taking you to a hotel near the airport. Your parents booked the honeymoon suite for you. You are in your wedding dress. It is white and strapless. You spent...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 553

ANDY ROONEY ON SEX! When I was born, I was given a choice - a big pecker or a good memory ... I don’t remember what I chose. Your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory. A wife is a sex object. Every time you ask for sex, she objects. Impotence: nature’s way of saying, “No hard feelings...” There are only two four letter words that are offensive to men - ‘don’t’ and ‘stop’, unless they are used together. Panties: Not the best thing on earth, but next to the...

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My drunken first time

So this is the story of my first sexual experience&hellip, I was 16 and in year 11 at high school, a friends parents had gone away and they were throwing a party. The party had been going for hours before my friend and I had even seen the host and his best friend. My friend had a crush on the host and when I first met him I did to, my friend and I got in a competition about who he would go out with, but then I met his friend who, to me anyway was nicer and smarter funnier and better looking,...

2 years ago
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1 Stormy MondayChapter 37

Given the new urgency, instead of walking Collette cranked up the Beemer instead, and they arrived at the field in what seemed like moments. As they approached the still empty parking lot closest to field, they could see an elderly campus policeman waggling his finger at them, and then waiving his arms to flag them down. As they approached him, Collette turned to Bobby and said, "Let me do the talking." She then reached to her blouse and unfastened the top three buttons. Bobby's...

4 years ago
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Tammys Transition

Tammy's Transition My name is Tom and I have been a cross-dresser for years. Like many of us it began in my early childhood. I tried to suppress my urges by dating girls, participating in athletics and just trying to be your general macho man. I would go for weeks even months without trying on female attire only to find the draw back would become overwhelming at times. I would get that sexual buildup, dress in something pretty and then after pleasuring myself would feel guilty. This...

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TandraChapter 13

I just smiled, knowing she would do what was right, and I kissed them all before leading the girls into the bathroom. Since we were all naked, I picked up the seat and pissed into the john. The girls' eyes got large, and Sandy's hand came out to touch me. As the flow ended my cock grew to about half mast, bringing more stares from the girls. After flushing and washing my hands, I sat Amy on the lowered seat to do her business. She pulled up her feet as if squatting like the Orientals do....

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Training Marisa

Training Marisa By Rosemary Flowers Chapter 1: Her Arrival I have finally found a wife who is truly submissive. She wasn't always so. Feminising a man to the point where he is more feminine than a woman, to the point where he forgets he ever claimed a life as a man, to the point where she lives the life of a truly submissive wife and servant, is a long and painful process. Especially for her. But I digress....

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DarkbitchChapter 4

"Justice with change of interest learns to bow, And what was merit once is murder now: Actions receive their tincture from the times, And as they change, are virtues made or crimes." -Daniel Defoe, A Hymn to the Pillory Each section of the patchwork school building that constituted Darkbitch Academy started classes at a different time. The area where Miss Rhea was rather roughly dragging her student Amy to the nurses' office would soon be filled with a bustle of happy, shapely,...

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Making of My Sissy part one

I just wanted to share my sissy's and I adventure in turning my, once viral and strong husband, into a more comfortable life choice that he admits he was interested in at an early age and that is being a sissy.It started 11 yrs. ago, today, when I came home from food shopping, to find my husband in the garage with our neighbor, on his knees, wearing only a panty, and sucking a pretty good size black cock. Our neighbor is a younger Blackman, about 6' 1" and over 200 lbs. I have to admit seeing...

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Finally Got My Crush In The Bed

Hi, Indian Sex Stories dot net and it’s readers, this sex story is my first one and sorry if I have done any mistakes in making it. So, this story is about fantasy which came true after a long period of time of 3 months. If you want to jerk off real fast then it’s not for you. It’s fantasy which came true after a long period of time. So, coming straight to the story, it started first when I was in my college and one of my friends first introduced me to her(Sonali name changed), and after seeing...

2 years ago
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Loving Life 2

Hi again. Yep I'm back. Sorry about that but I had to clean up down there, sometimes I just can't control myself and thinking of my first time really made me feel so very naughty. God I couldn't believe how I went down on Chip like that, it was like some one else was controlling me. Don't get me wrong I really loved the way he felt in me. It was just perfect the way he held my head as I took him in. Oh sorry I all ready told you about that earlier didn't I? God I do go on and on don't...

1 year ago
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And There She Was

School has been getting harder, exams have come and gone, it's the end of year nine, and I'm looking forward to being able to pass for a somewhat half decent adult. I may be only fifteen, but I have the mental maturity, vocabulary and intellect of someone double my age. And that makes it all the more hard to be stuck around douchy, jockey and mentally retarded kids all the time. Being a fifteen year old boy, of course, comes with hormones going out of control. The search for a...

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HandsOnHardcore Angel Smalls Holes Double Penetrated Petite Babe8217s Anal And Pussy Crammed

Angel Smalls gets her fuckholes double penetrated in today’s extravagant Hands on Hardcore episode by DDF Network. The petite babe’s anus and pussy will be stuffed with the two massive rods of Mick Blue and Markus Dupree! The 4’11 American bombshell knows what she wants and guides the two horny dudes through her kinky adventure of intense ass fucking and deep pussy banging. Both guys insert their dongs all the way into her tight holes and fill her mouth with their dicks. Multidick sucking is...

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Six Days on the RoadChapter 50

My early to bed the night before had me all set for early rising and I did. I even got a jump on Rose, but when she felt me moving she put on a burst and beat me to the bathroom. It didn't matter since I had my urinal to use now and I washed my face in the giant double sink I'd brought along from the get go. No matter the state of our pseudo race I let Rose beat me to the coffee pot to get it going. I knew damned well she made coffee better than I could and besides, it's never wise to get...

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NuruMassage Whitney Wright Spencer Bradley Four Hands Are Better Than Two

Whitney Wright, a masseuse, is back at work on her first day after a long leave of absence. It was a wonderful vacation but she loves her work and can’t wait to dive back in! As she settles in, she’s greeted by a fellow masseuse, Spencer Bradley, who took care of Whitney’s usual clients while she was gone… including Codey Steele. In fact, he’s due to be in on that day and Whitney naturally plans to be his masseuse once again. But the more she thinks about it, the...

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Krystenahs Surprise Date with Daddy

I rolled over and opened my eyes, expecting to see Daddy’s handsome, restful face, but I snapped awake when I saw that resting on his pillow instead was the thick, wooden frat paddle. I blinked awake and ran my hand over its smooth surface. Daddy rarely used it on me and I did a quick memory scan to try to find some infraction that would warrant punishment with it. I felt I had been good lately. I had done my chores and my exercise. A shiver went through me as I realized that soon the smooth...

4 years ago
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The Dance Chapter One

Tonight Rico Lopez's ass was mine. He was just my type; six foot five, two hundred and fifty pounds of pure muscle. He was a damn giant but I loved how he towered over my small five foot six frame. Hey, one thing I need to bring to your attention, ladies, is forget what you heard about a man who was muscled up. From what I've been working with these past few months he ain't exactly got no small package; Rico was hung like a horse. I swear to God I thought he was going to rip my shit apart the...

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FROM SHAME TO GAMEPart 02By: V.I.ProfferiSaturday morning arrived and Alice came in to wake us up for breakfast. She looked exhausted, with rings under her eyes. She had put Corky’s sleeveless work shirt on and nothing else. We could both see portions of bare breasts coming out the sides and when she stumbled at the end of the bed, her entire left breast with its large and still erect pink nipple showed itself clearly. While still lolling on the bed atop our legs, Alice asked with a drunken...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 71 Once Again to Kyoto

Misao: The reverse blade... it's broken... Saitou: And Shishio got away. Misao (scowling at him): Hey!! Kenshin: What? We can make a new sword, and we can follow Shishio again. (he smiles) For now, Shishio has pulled out of Shingetsu, and I'm glad about that. (While they're talking, Eiji moves over beside the fallen Senkaku.) Eiji (thinking): He's breathing. He's not dead. (He grits his teeth and raises the sword.) Misao: Eiji!! Eiji: Die, Senkaku!! Misao: Wait, it's already...

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"Can I wear this one?" The soft voice below me came from my younger brother, Cameron. He was standing beside me holding one of my stockings in his little hand. Mom and I had just finished dressing and he had watched, as he always did, as we slid our hose up our legs and attached them to the garters. I had stood up to touch up my mascara one more time, before I put on my dress over my slip. It wasn't unusually for Cam to hang around us, as we were a tight knit family and it was just the...

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The Life of an Army WifeChapter 1

My name is Karen. I am a reasonably attractive young woman. I am five foot, four inches tall and weigh one hundred and twenty-two pounds. I work out. To be honest though, I pay for a lot more months at the gym than I actually use. But I have a good figure. My breasts are smaller than I would like. But I have come to realize that the number of women who feel that way is legion. My husband seems to like them the way they are. I have light brown hair, when I am not a blonde. My hair varies from...

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A Wilderness OrdealChapter 4

(Day 3- morning, the cabin on Neil Lake on the Deshka River) Grif was awake before daylight, and packed his gear back into the Cessna. After the pre-flight inspection, he and the dog took off and headed to Talkeetna to refuel. It was a quick stop, grabbing some coffee while the plane was being serviced and the dog visited the local shrubbery. Shortly they were back up and climbing past Mount McKinley. They were cruising north at 8500 feet, the better to avoid any migrating waterfowl. Barney...

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