Demon cheerleaders
- 2 years ago
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‘OK. I like that idea. And it gives us a chance to get to know each other better. I know I liked being cuddled by you.’
Her honesty and straightforward talk was disconcerting, but you certainly knew where you stood. He tried to match it.
‘You have no idea what a privilege it was to cuddle you last night. And to wake up next to you this morning was unbelievable. I don’t want that to end.’
The significance of his statement was not lost on Angel, and it gave her both a warm feeling and a dread that she couldn’t do it.
‘Listen, you stay there. Relax and recover a bit, because you’ve had a terrible shock. I’ll make us some tea.’
He got up and went out to find the tea things in the kitchen. Angel lay there. She felt relaxed and dopey in the warm bed, thoughts drifting slowly through her mind in random order. Slightly bereft that he had left, much to her surprise. Glad of the warm indent next to her where he had been. Jumpy about the unknown midnight move. Confused about her feelings. Glad he couldn’t do maths. Aware that she was still fully dressed and in her fat suit. Loved. Hey that was surprising, loved.
Suddenly he was back with steaming mugs of tea and bacon rolls. The delightful smell of the bacon roused her and made her mouth water. It was deliciously well cooked. She sat up and plumped the pillows behind her, feeling the mattress tilt slightly as he came to sit beside her. Their legs touched, and she realised she liked the feeling. He handed her a roll, and she picked up her mug of tea which he had put down on the table beside her. A gulp of tea cleaned, and her mouth watered as she bit into the luscious bacon in the soft roll.
‘Mmmm. Thanks. This is wonderful. How did you know?’
‘I saw the bacon in the fridge when I was finding the milk, and couldn’t resist. How are you feeling?’
She looked up at him and grinned. ‘Pampered. It’s lovely.’
He whispered, ‘It’s you that is lovely. Inside and out.’
A tear tracked its way down her cheek, and he reached over to wipe it away, kissing the top of her head. ‘I’m sorry. Too far too fast.’
‘I’m just not used to it. It’s the fact that you care.’
‘Well, you have to be open to it, or you wouldn’t have an emotional reaction. Thank you.’ He said gently.
They finished their bacon rolls and tea in companionable silence, then she rested her head against him. He dropped a kiss on top of her hair and settled back against the pillows.
After a few minutes in which they both visibly relaxed, Angel roused herself and looked up. ‘I’m going for a shower, but don’t get any ideas.’
‘My brain’s not getting any ideas, but other bits of me are.’ He laughed.
Angel blushed slightly and scooted out of the room. Jock absentmindedly took the mugs and plates to the kitchen and cleared up. Then he had a quick lick and a promise at the kitchen sink, straightened his clothes as best he could, and sat down to wait.
It wasn’t long before he heard Angel coming into the room behind him. When he turned, he gasped. She wasn’t wearing the fat suit and looked so stunning in jeans and a spaghetti top that he was breathless.
Angel was well aware of the impression she had made on him, and his awed ‘wow’ made her smile. With some amazement, she realised she was happy being herself in front of this man. Again to her surprise she walked over and kissed him. His hands came up to cradle her face, and his kiss back was so reverent and gentle she felt goose bumps on her skin.
When they finally came up for air, they were both panting a little and slightly dazed. He looked up regretfully into her eyes.
‘I’m really sorry, but I have to go. I need a shower, and I’ve got a practice I need to get to. Can I come back after the practice, or would you prefer that I came late evening?’
‘Can I go with you to your practice?’
Jock’s face lit up in obvious pleasure, and Angel was gratified to get that reaction. Then she panicked. She’d have to put her fat suit on, but she didn’t want to. That was a first.
He saw the panic in her eyes. ‘It’s OK. You don’t have to come. It was lovely that you asked, though.’
His reaction warmed her again. ‘I’ll be OK. But I still need my protection from others.’
His hands caressed her cheeks and his lips touched hers. Suddenly he was being pulled into a hard embrace — touching from thigh to breast — and her lips were urgent on him. The feel of her slim body crushed against his was electric. His hands moved to run through her glorious curls and down her back to rest gently on her other cheeks. Their lips separated, panting for breath again, and the pleasure of her kisses on his neck made him twitch.
She was giddy with his touch. Lost in his kisses. Revelling in the feel of his hands in her hair and on her ass. She could feel him hard against her and was elated as her kisses made him twitch. Reluctantly she broke her hold and stepped back. Giving him a quick kiss on the mouth, she whispered, ‘I need to get ready or I’ll make you late.’
And she was gone. Leaving him breathless and dazed. He sat down to recover, resting his head against the back of the chair.
Angel was back after what seemed like seconds. Her impish grin was a delight to see as she gave a twirl to show him the effect. She still had amazing dress sense, and looked good, even fat. Her hair shone in the light, and he grabbed a passing hand to pull her down into his lap and kiss her thoroughly.
Angel grinned shyly up at him. ‘You like me fat as well as thin.’ It was a statement, not a question, and said in a wondering tone.
‘It would be more accurate to say that I love you fat as well as thin.’ He laughed.
Angel’s cheeks went pink. She ducked her head and whispered, ‘Thank you.’
The practice was amazing. She just sat there in a corner, gobsmacked. It wasn’t really her type of music, but boy was it good. His mates were lovely too. Their admiration of her was obvious , but there was no innuendo, just plain straightforward conversation. He was discussing a difficult part with two of them. From the look of them, they must be twins, she thought. The third, John, came over to her.
‘I’m dying of curiosity! How ever did you get him to go out with you.’
Angel laughed. ‘I didn’t. I did everything I could to turn him off. We just grew on each other.’
‘So where did you meet him?’
‘He’s in my maths class.’
‘Maths! My God, he’s always moaning about the maths. Makes him surly as a bear. He must have been as off putting to you as you were to him.’
Angel grinned. ‘Something like that.’
John started shifting and looking down. He was obviously unsure about something, embarrassed even.
‘Umm. I don’t quite know how to say this.’
Angel looked at him in confusion.
‘You see … Umm … What I mean is … He … well he had a bad experience …’
Angel surprised herself by reaching out to touch John’s arm. ‘He told me about it.’
John’s look of surprise was comic. ‘He what?’ He almost shouted, and was immediately bright red to the roots of his hair. The others looked over. In a much quieter voice, he went on, ‘I’m sorry. That was an appalling reaction. It’s just I don’t think he’s looked at a girl since, and telling anyone apart from his closest friends is about as likely as snow in the Sahara.’
Angel was immeasurably cheered to know. She had guessed that to be the case, but it was a boost to her own sadly damaged morale to hear it confirmed.
‘You could say we are two of a kind.’ Had she really even hinted at her experience? Wow, what an effect Jock had had on her already.
John was immediately sympathetic. ‘Please forgive me. I was going to warn you not to let him down. But you already understand. Did you enjoy the music?’
She was grateful for the change of subject. ‘It was amazing. I’ve never really appreciated that kind of mu
sic. You seemed to do two very different types?’
‘Yes. The second set we practiced was much older music that the first. We like the more recent stuff, but the older music is stunning, both to play and to listen to.’ John grinned at her. ‘Do you play anything.’
‘The fool.’ She came back so fast that a crack of laughter escaped him.
‘Hey, what’s so funny?’ Jock asked as he joined them.
‘Your girlfriend is lightening quick.’
‘Bright as a button.’
Angel was pleased with the compliments, and struck by the fact that Jock’s friends treated her like a real person. She also liked it that they were protective of him, and wished she had friends like that. For a brief moment her spirits dropped like a stone, remembering the two real friends she had had to leave behind.
Jock squeezed her hand, ever sensitive to her mood. ‘Let’s go get some food. We usually go to John’s for grub after the practice. Will you come with us?’
Angel smiled her thanks and nodded. The five of them went off together, laughing and chatting.
Anthea giggled as Angel told her about the light in her bedroom. ‘I’m useless with practical things.’ She revealed. ‘I can’t believe you were able to make it work.’ She poked Angel gently in the ribs. ‘I’m so glad it went wrong.’
Angel coloured, but grinned back. ‘He’s a real sweetie.’ She realised she’d found a friend in John’s wife Anthea. They were also perfect foils for each other. Angel tall, normally slight, with chestnut hair. Anthea petite, curvy and blonde. She was such fun.
Anthea got up. ‘I need to go and dish up. Come through in a couple of minutes and help me carry.’
Angel got up too, and spent a few moments roaming round the room looking at the incredible paintings, drawings, sculptures, and admiring the wonderful way the room was furnished. She suddenly realised how clever Anthea had been. The chair she had been sitting in was old, threadbare and comfortable, but a strategic splash of colour in a throw, and contrasting cushions, made it look like it was from an expensive interior design shop.
Angel felt a hand on her shoulder, and jumped, giving a squeak of alarm. The person stepped back to give her room, a courtesy she much appreciated. It was one of the twins.
‘I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. My name’s Jo.’
Her hand experienced a firm, dry handshake from a slim hand with long fingers, and she was aware of the long dark hair, elfin features, beautiful long neck and slim body.
‘Angel.’ Now why on earth had she introduced herself as that? She supposed it must be because Jo was Jock’s friend. She decided it was a rather nice feeling to be known by a different name. It somehow mattered that it distanced the connection to her other self and the whole experience.
‘How did you get into playing like that?’
Jo laughed. ‘A long story, starting with being made to play the piano, but getting better!’
Angel grinned, then remembered that Anthea had asked her to help. ‘Sorry — I need to go and help Anthea carry the food — I promised a few minutes ago.’
‘S’OK, I’ll come and help too.’
They both walked through to the kitchen.
‘Hi, Jo, Angel. Here, take anything from the side there through, would you?’
They both grabbed what they could carry and took it through to the table.
‘What’s your work?’ Angel enquired diffidently.
‘I’m doing graphic design. I met him through Anthea when she married John, a friend of his. In case you hadn’t realised, she’s arty too.’
Jo had answered her unspoken question.
‘We realised we all had music in common, and we started mucking about together. Then we did a charity gig in aid of the local homeless centre. Then we graduated to local halls, like our next one. It’s fun.’
As they wandered back to the kitchen for more, Angel said over her shoulder, ‘It looked fun and sounded wonderful. Oh, Anthea, whatever that is it smells wonderful.’
Anthea gave her the oven gloves. ‘Jo, could you cut up that bread and take it in. Angel, can you call the others when that’s on the table.’
When they were all seated, Jo’s twin, whom she hadn’t really met, said ‘Let’s all hold hands.’
It felt a bit strange, but very friendly.
‘Thank you for good friends, companionship, interests in common, Angel, and this mouth watering food.’
They all chorused, ‘Thank you.’ Angel was blushing bright red, and Jo’s twin gave her a wicked look.
‘This is my irrepressible twin, Steph. Steph, this is Angel. Out with it — why did you do that to her?’
Steph had the grace to look slightly sheepish, but stayed quiet. The others joined in pestering her. Finally she gave in and turned to Angel.
‘I’m sorry. That was mean of me. I was pleased for Jock, and I did want to welcome you, and … um … well you see … I was jealous. I want someone to talk about me the way Jock was talking about you.’ She smiled at Angel. ‘Not very adult I’m afraid.’
Angel couldn’t help smiling in return. She whispered back, ‘You don’t know how lucky I am.’
Steph gave her a quizzical look, and tucked the response away to ask about privately later.
The meal was fun, Angel reflected. The conversation was lively, ranging over so many subjects. She realised that whenever it was scientific, they all instinctively deferred to her after Jock had asked her to arbitrate in a discussion about moon landings. She felt Jock’s gaze on her frequently, and was immeasurably comforted by it and Steph’s words about him played at the back of her mind.
‘I had such fun.’ She told Jock as they walked back. ‘It felt so good sharing such good friends.’ A shadow of sadness crossed her face.
‘Why does fun and friends make you slightly sad?’
‘I couldn’t help thinking of my best friends. They are twins too, and very similar to Jo and Steph.’ She twinkled mischievously up at him. ‘In fact I think I’m going to invite them over to stay. Oh.’ Angel stopped dead, a stunned look on her face.
Jock put his arm around her. ‘What’s up?’
Angel looked up at him in amazement. ‘I’ve never felt able to contact any of my old friends. I just cut them off because I couldn’t face anything, let alone them.’ She said in a wondering tone.
Suddenly she reached up, flung her arms round him and kissed him so thoroughly he thought he might die of happiness and lack of oxygen. She drew back for a moment and laughed up into his face. She was stunning, and this happy she was heartstoppingly lovely.
‘Yes.’ It was a strong word, said with great conviction.
‘What do you mean, Yes?’
She giggled and looked up at him under her lashes. ‘Yes please.’
‘Angel, what do you mean …’ He gasped as the import of what she was saying burst on him. He picked her up and twirled her round and round. ‘Oh God. Oh God. I’m so happy.’
They were both giddy when Jock put her down, and they clung together kissing and laughing. Eventually making their way to Angel’s place. As Angel let them in, Jock was saying excitedly,
‘We’ll go out early tomorrow — well, not too early,’ he grinned, ‘and buy a ring together.’
Angel smiled up at him, ‘I’d love to choose it with you. That will be a fun outing to look forward to.’
Later that night they went to bed together, Jock holding her in his arms until she was asleep. What could he do to prove the memory was there? Ah — that would do it and be a great pleasure for him too. He grinned wickedly to himself and reached out to caress Angel’s breast through her night clothes. As he had hoped, she woke up fairly quickly.
‘What are you doing?’
‘You tell me.’
‘You were feeling me up.’ Angel said indignantly.
‘Ah, so you remember.’
Angel looked confused, then her face cleared. She pulled him into her arms and gave him a big kiss. ‘So you’ve proved your point. Thank you.’ She grinned wickedly at him. ‘You’ll have t
o do it again to prove that my memory and my waking always works!’
Jock could feel himself hardening at her words. He wondered if he could get away with skin contact. As they dropped off again, his mind was pleasurably engaged. When she was fully asleep, he moved his hand gently under her top and caressed her tight stomach. Once again, she woke fairly quickly.
‘You see, you wake up as soon as I start. And here was I hoping to get much further!’
To his surprise, Angel laughed. ‘Shame. Now let’s get some sleep.’
Later the next morning they went out an chose an engagement ring. It was fun going round the shops together, and he was proud to have her on his arm.
He had another practice that afternoon. Angel quite wanted to watch and listen, but decided she wasn’t ready yet to face them without her fat suit. Anyway she had an assignment she needed to get on with.
When she opened the door to him her genuine smile of welcome rocked him to the core. She looked adorable with her hair messed and an ink smudge on her cheek. He reached out and smoothed his thumb over it. She stood on tiptoe and kissed him. Without them realising her arms snaked up around his neck and his closed round her back, and what started as a gentle brush became passionate as they clung to each other. When their lips separated, they were both breathing quickly and slightly flushed.
‘Wow.’ Jock whispered.
‘More than wow.’ Angel whispered back.
They rested their foreheads together and smiled. He felt her fingers playing in the hair at the nape of his neck. His hands were gentle, making whorls on her back. They were both so relaxed in each other’s company that it was quite shocking. Suddenly he realised something.
‘You’re not wearing your fat suit.’
She grinned up at him with a slight lift of her eyebrows. ‘As you know, I don’t wear it around the house. Apart from anything else, it’s hot and slightly uncomfortable to wear. If I get caught out…’ There was a wicked look in her eye, ‘…I just pretend to be a twin. But I knew it was you.’
He grinned back, and said seriously, ‘You know I like you in both guises.’
She looked wonderingly up at him, and said slowly. ‘Yes, I know. I can’t quite believe it, but I know it’s true.’
‘But you’re not wearing the fat suit to our wedding. I want our kids to know how beautiful their mother is.’
Once again tears streamed down her face.
‘Angel, I’m sorry. My big mouth.’
She was shaking her head, obviously wanting to speak but not quite able to through the tears. ‘I …. I … don’t know if I can have kids after … what … happened.’
Jock pulled her to him and cradled her in his arms. ‘Shhh. Sweetheart, it’s you I love, and kids are a bonus, not a requirement. Listen, the guys are eating at John and Anthea’s again, and asked us to join them. Do you want to? Or shall I ring and tell them we’re not coming?’
‘You know what? I’d love to show them all my ring. Have you told them?’
‘Yes. They pried it out of me because I was so happy. Sorry.’
‘Actually, I think that’s easier for me.’ Angel said thoughtfully. ‘I’ll go and tidy up.’
A few minutes later they left for John and Anthea’s. On the walk, Angel asked how the practice had gone, and told him she’d finished her assignment.
Anthea answered the door, and was so excited to see the ring. Suddenly she stopped dead.
‘Hang on a sec. You can’t have discovered a diet that works that quickly! Explain what’s going on.’
Angel looked embarrassed, but Jock took her hand and explained to Anthea that she’d been raped badly, and had been wearing a fat suit to protect herself and ward off unwanted attention.
‘Brilliant idea. But surely you wear it all the time?’
‘Well, I did until I met Jock.’ Angel blushed. ‘He’s given me the confidence to take it off, and you are the first people I’ve trusted with the real me.’
She took Angel by the hand and practically dragged her in to see the others.
‘Guys, you have no idea. Angel is SO brave and we are the first to see her without her protection, and the first to see the ring.’
They all crowded round and exclaimed. There were kisses and hugs all round. John appeared with a tray of glasses and when everyone had one in their hand, he spoke,
‘I’ve been friends with Jock,’ He twinkled at them both, ‘for too many years. In turn, he has become friends with Anthea and these two reprobates.’ He indicated the twins. ‘We have comforted him in his misfortune and frequently, though not to him, bemoaned the fact that he was anti-female. So we were all delighted to meet Angel. Now Angel it seems also suffered misfortune and adopted a most ingenious protection in her industrial strength underwear…’
I was 15 when all this happend. It was a normal day of school. But something happend in the afternoon. I was walking down the hallway until six of these dumb jocks I hate came up to me and started picking on me. There names were Casey (he was kinda fat), Jake, Aey Jay, Taylor, and Josh. They called me gay, fag, queer and a other names. I said why do you guys pick on me so much? I have done nothing to you! They just said get the fuck outta here you fucking queer! I was so mad when...
Heather must have looked at her watch a hundred times that day. She couldn't keep her mind on her work. She hadn't been this distracted since... well, she was too distracted to think about it. She looked at her watch for the hundred and first time. What was her son, Chris, doing right now? Let's see, he would be leaving his last class and going to basketball practice. He'd be putting on those shorts that showed his long, thickly muscled legs. He'd be wearing a tank top that revealed the...
** This story is completely fictional. Please Enjoy! Rebecca could see up her skirt as she held Amy high above her head. “Nice ass, Amy.” That got a few chuckles from her fellow cheerleaders and a blushing face from her best friend. Rebecca and the other cheerleader holding Amy up released her feet and caught her as she twirled into their arms. Amy gave a death stare to Rebecca once she got back onto her feet. Rebecca just smiled back and laughed. She always enjoyed teasing Amy since she knew...
** This story is completely fictional. Please Enjoy! Rebecca could see up her skirt as she held Amy high above her head. “Nice ass, Amy.” That got a few chuckles from her fellow cheerleaders and a blushing face from her best friend. Rebecca and the other cheerleader holding Amy up released her feet and caught her as she twirled into their arms. Amy gave a death stare to Rebecca once she got back onto her feet. Rebecca just smiled back and laughed. She always enjoyed teasing Amy since she knew...
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Hey every one rah here….naam tho suna hi hoga.nyways there r goin 2 be a lot of storie s 4m my part so in case u wanna know any story in advance or any next episode of the existing stories dont hesitate 2 mail me on (preferrably gals) Jamie was exhausted as the cheerleading coach dismissed them from practice for the day. Since transferring to city high a month ago, her life had certainly changed. She had found herself making friends easily and had won a position on the cheerleading squad after...
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You should have seen the way they reacted when I walked onto the field the day of tryouts. I guess they really weren’t expecting me. Like most Cheerleading squads in the United States of America, the ladies of the Easton University Cheerleading Squad were all skinny blondes. Well, I guess that’s why I decided to give Cheerleading a try. My name is Emilie Jeanne Etienne. And I wrote this song, as they say. I’ve always been considered unusual pretty much everywhere I went. When I lived in my...
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VoyeurHe was late. He hated being late. It was maths, and he hated maths. The engineering subjects he loved, particularly the practicals. He’d been good at maths at school, but this esoteric stuff on fluid flows he just couldn’t get the hang of at all. He hurried down the corridor, knocked on the door and slipped in muttering an apology. He looked blindly around and at first couldn’t see a seat. Then he spotted one near the back, and his breath caught in his throat. He was sure the person occupying...
Two girls who were twin sisters, Connie and Ronnie, wanted to be Cheerleaders. They were Juniors in High School. However, since they claimed they had fucked every member of the football team the school didn't think they should represent the School. Most of the kids thought they were just bragging with no truth to the story. After all, how would anyone get away with fucking 25 boys on the football team? Of course, they would never tell when or where they did it. The truth is always better than...
I entered the kitchen and asked dad if he needed any help. He got me to set the table, as I did so I heard mum come home. "Hi honey" she said as she came into the kitchen wearing a suit and tie. She kissed my dad on the cheek and then ruffled my hair, I hate it when she does that "hey sport" she said to me. I greeted her and then dad told her that dinner would be ready shortly so she headed upstairs to get changed. Not long after mum came back down wearing a purple polo shirt and jeans....
He got the job as cheerleader coach. He loved being around the sexy girls. They were college girls and horny and sexy. He designed sexy uniforms for them. Tight braless sweaters and short skirts. All pussies have to be shaved. The smallest tits were C cup and there were many of them. He had a squad of twelve. He held practice at his house and the girls were to wear tank tops and very short shorts. No one wore a bra. He was thrity and had a deep thirst for sex. He was a handsome man and kept his...
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Richard phoned and asked if we could work at his house on Wednesday. There was no issue on my part so we agreed. I got there just after 9 am. We got down to work and Richard explained that this afternoon a couple were coming to see his house, the idea being they would live there while he and I were in California. We did get a lot of work done until the people arrived. A very...
Sorry for the major delay in this chapter! It was a difficult one to write and it ended up being much longer than I originally intended. Thank you to everyone for their patience and I hope you enjoy reading it! *** Easter Sunday Nick’s week in California had been hell. He had to stay in his brother’s apartment (which was old and gross), he’d gone without cell reception the entire time, the heat had been excruciating, but worst of all, there were no hot guys for Nick to pounce on. More...
Christy was almost bouncing up and down she was so excited. As soon as she arrived home she vanished into her room, eager to get changed before Paul arrived. Quickly she donned her brand new cheer-leader uniform and stood, admiring herself in the mirror.Christy was blonde and eighteen and now a cheer-leader. All was right with her world. She danced down to the kitchen for her mother's approval."Oh, well done, Christy," carolled her mother, Helen. "You look fantastic. Much the same as I did at...
Over the next months my life settled into a sort of routine of humiliation. Every Saturday, instead of enjoying a long restful lay in as I had always done in the past, I had to crawl out of bed as the alarm shrilly woke me half and hour earlier than my usual weekday time. Then it was straight into the shower (Mistress couldn't abide uncleanliness or the slightest hint of body odour), a quick towelling off, a shave with a brand new blade (while being careful not to cut myself, dried blood or...
The walk of several miles through the darkened streets away from the better part of town and towards the Red Lion public house was uneventful and, in the dim yellow light cast by the street lights, my appearance apparently went unnoticed by the few people we passed. As the trip continued, I grew in confidence and my ability to walk with a female-like gait in the high heels increased. The Red Lion was not exactly known for its sophisticated clientele and wide selection of fine wines; it was,...
For the next few Saturdays, everything returned to normal with my Mistress back at home and no sign of Mistress Angel; I breathed a sigh of relief and got right on with the housework. But when I arrived on the fourth weekend following Mistress Angel's previous visit and entered the small garden hut that doubled as my changing room, the several pairs of cotton knickers that I wore in rotation had been removed and a single pair of black, rubber briefs had been left in their place. This break...
The next two Saturdays following my latest 'meetings' with Mistress Angel reverted back to the normal routine that I was now used to. Regrettable, things went a little wrong the next weekend... and, no, it wasn't because Mistress Angel had returned. No, this was just because the Mistress was in a foul mood. Bill had clearly upset her the previous evening for, when I arrived, he was already locked in his coffin, probably having spent his entire night there. I took breakfast up my Mistress...
The sense of foreboding that I was feeling the next weekend as I approached the Mistress' house proved to be well founded for, as I'd more than half expected, She wasn't at home... but Mistress Angel was and, as I delivered breakfast to her, she smiled a smile at me that hinted at hidden surprises to come... The morning up to and including lunchtime was uneventful, however, and I got on with my work around the house, eventually serving a simple meal of sandwiches and coffee to Mistress...
After spending what was left of Sunday evening worrying about the next morning and cuddling into a bottle of Auchentoshen fourteen year old malt, I tried to get some sleep... but Morpheus, despite my not having slept the previous night, refused to visit me. I recall hearing the local church bells striking four... and then I awoke with a start and the sun streaming in through a crack in the curtains. I glanced at my bedside alarm and discovered that I must have either slept through the damned...
Jock By Pamela ([email protected]) Let's face it, Jocelyne's parents are idiots. They meant to give him the unisex name "Jocelyn," but ended up giving him the girls name "Jocelyne" because they were too dumb to realize what they were doing. So his whole life people have teased him about it, but it hasn't been too bad because his friends have always just called him Jock for short. As ridiculous as his parents were by giving their son a girl's name, they did an even dumber...
Ford, sweaty from his weight session, entered the deserted locker room. One of the top members of the varsity wrestling team, he often made arrangements to come use the school's weight room on the weekends, since his family couldn't afford a gym membership. About 5'11, 190 lbs, he had the narrow waist and broad shoulders appropriate to his athletic prowess, although the look was more natural, not as exaggerated as some of the other guys on the team. At 18, he was one of the older boys on the...
A man neatly dressed in dinner jacket, white open neck shirt and a neat black kilt walked in. “Wee Jock McLeish as I live and breathe,” Andy Cameron suddenly announced as he looked up from his whiskey, “Whit ye daein here in Glasgie, and in a kult?” Jock swiftly replied “Ah Andy man, uts nae a kult uts a skirt, uts nae tartan see.” “Eh?” Andy queried, he turned to the girl he was drinking with. “Eh Morag, Wee Jock here is wearin a skirt.” “Its a Kilt you twat,” Morag explained. “No...
A man neatly dressed in dinner jacket, white open neck shirt and a neat black kilt walked in. “Wee Jock McLeish as I live and breathe,” Andy Cameron suddenly announced as he looked up from his whiskey, “Whit ye daein here in Glasgie, and in a kult?” Jock swiftly replied “Ah Andy man, uts nae a kult uts a skirt, uts nae tartan see.” “Eh?” Andy queried, he turned to the girl he was drinking with. “Eh Morag, Wee Jock here is wearin a skirt.” “Its a Kilt you twat,” Morag explained. “No...
“The weather looks great for sailing. What should I wear?”, Gene asked me as we sat naked at the kitchen table finishing breakfast. “I wish that you could go as you are. All Sue ever wears is a bikini. Rob and I just wear shorts. We are barefoot on the boat.” “Do you want to help me bring some of my stuff in from my car?” “Of course. You can put it in the empty wardrobe space that used to be my wife's.” I put on my shorts, Gene slipped into her sun dress without any undies and...
Much earlier in the day her Mom and Dad had left for work, but her Mom would be coming back home soon, she’s only working a half day, and that’s the reason why Janet had to get out of bed. She didn’t want her mother coming home and finding her still in bed at noon. Just as Janet turned sideways to look at her butt in the mirror, out the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of a reflection of her brother going past her half open bedroom door. She knew that her brother was the only other...
Jock Tales---State Champions Well, as you prolly surmised from the title, we won the state championship for Freshman football. First time ever had the Mustangs from Tyler even made it to the playoffs---let alone win. We beat the Tigers, for the third time 21-19. As usual. Me and Cole Parker meet up after the game for his now traditional fuck down—cause he lost. I think he was starting to actually get into my big, now 9” jock cock owning his ass. There seemed to be developing some 'feelings' as...
Jock Tales—Homecoming PT 1It was Wednesday before home coming. We had had successful wins the past two weeks on the road, scoring a total of 57 points. That definitely put us in the running for playoffs, but still five games to go. The school was once again a-buzz with excitement. And homecoming was gonna be rough—cause we had to play the tigers once again. After a win over them on opening day, and busting up their three year winning streak, they would be out for b l o o d. Mindy Atkins caught...
Jock Tales---School's Out !Schooooooooools out----for----summer !! da da da dat-dadadadat.Yaaaawweee. Finally ! In spite of my model student athlete status, other than football and cheerleaders, I pretty much hated school. It just wasn't me, and therefore no plans for college. I bolted out the gym doors, and headed straight for my jeep. I was so proud of it, and had gotten tons of compliments. Canary yellow---Muncie 4-speed. 33” Micky Thompson tires. One bad ass fuckin sound system. Edlebrock...
Jock Tales---Homecoming PT 2“May I have your attention please---all members of the freshman football team are to report to cosmetology following the final bell”.Four hours to kick off. As the team gathered in the 'hair club' I explained to them the orders we had been given to get hair cuts. “I know it sucks guys, but we don't want the rep from other students accusing us of being privileged cause we're jocks, either. The handbook says 'off the collar, and above the ears'. So---that's exactly...
Jock Tales---The Beginning “Aight---aight----everybody gather round. Come on---move in tite. You cant play football and be afraid to touch somebody. Gentlemen, welcome to Freshman football. Look around---you have 47 new brothers, and today, is the first day----of the rest of your life”. Jr High is over, and you are no longer little k I d s. You are now official representatives of East Tyler High School. You will conduct yourself accordingly at all times, in and out of uniform, in or out of...
Jock Tales—Gettin DirtySummer was going slowly—which I guess was a good thing. Usually seemed like it was over all too soon. That's why I so hated school. I mean I did good and shit, playing the model student athlete and shit, but mostly I was just there for football. If it weren't for that—I prolly woulda been a drop out after 9th grade. I just didn't deal very well with regimen, and rules, and people that acted like they were your daddy. It would prolly have blown the heads off about 99% of...
Jock Tales---The Beginning, Pt 2It was now Thursday of week one of pre-season training. Coach asked me how it was going, to which I told him I think it's good. It's a slow process at first, but by the third week, it will pick up really fast. “They just think Im wearin them out now coach---just wait till week three” I said to him with a big grin. “Just be sure your working yourself, Matthew, as well as your teammates. No good to have a winning team if the quarter-back turns out the weakest...
Jock Tales---The Tournament “Maaaathuuuu” crash---boom---crakle crakle “Maaathuuu----agggg” Jesue fuckin christ—what was happening. I jumped from my bed, and rocketed up the stairs to Dustin's room---buck ass naked, lol. There was Dustin, standing in the middle of his room, with his arms over his head—screaming like a banshee. POW pop boom, sizzle, sizzle. “Aggggg Mathew “ ! “Jesus Dustin---what is it “? “Im scared Matthew” “Oh fuck dude, you mean the storm “? BAMM rumble rumble “Ahhhh yes,...
I was lying alone, naked on a beach crowded with naked bodies. There was hardly a free spot anywhere except for a patch beside me that had just been vacated by a young man and his girl friend. A shadow passed over me as a young woman claimed the vacant spot. She was barefoot, carrying her rubber thongs (=flip flops). She wore a sun dress which covered her tits and her bum, but very little else. She spread her towel and pulled her dress over her head, revealing a beautiful, tanned body with...
Jock Tales—Senior Year—Week One—Pt 3“May I have your attention please—all members of the football teams please report to the filed house immediately after the last bell. This includes varsity and freshman. Also, any football player that wishes to get a mohawk before Friday's game, report to cosmetology during any period today or tomorrow”.The mohawk had become quite popular among football players since my run in with the school board back in my freshman year. They had decided to not change the...
Jock Tales---The AftermathI head back to the showers after Parker leaves, and suds up pretty quick. I was hungry—and not just for food. I announce that the official party will be down at the diner, and mom said they would have extra help for the expected crowd. By the time I finish up, most of the b o y 's had left, and I went wandering back to the field to get my lil bro. He and his three mgr buddies, along with some other volunteers were busy in the stands picking up the trash left behind. I...
Braxton clamped is whole throat around my thick pulsating cock—NOT this bois first dick, for sure. I threw my head back into my pillow, and clasping my hands back behind my head, let out a low throaty groan. Oh fuck me ! Damm this boi could suck a dick. Kelso and Patroni each, in sync, let out their own respective 'woooaahh', and jumped up at the foot of the bed, flanking me and Braxton, and immediately took their own cocks into their fists. Braxton went to town, up and down, along my entire...
Jock Tales—Jr Year—Final Game Pt 1“So Matthew—who's gonna be the lucky girl”? “HUH”?“So who's going to get to wear your ring”?“You mean my class ring”? Holding up the back of my hand.“Ya—tell us”“Well, girls, IF I was going to give my ring away, I wouldn't announce it to the public before I gave it to her. But to answer you—nobody. This is my ring—ain't giving it away to some girl to go prancin around school showin it off. Putting tha thought in peoples head that she 'bagged' Matthew Dillon....
Jock Tales—The Beginning PT 4 CountdownThe forth week of pre-season training had now begun. All the coaches and staff were now present, and this week we would began learning and running plays, and more section training. Of course there was an important item to take care of right off the bat. I called a meeting just before practice on Monday.“Maurice ---your cut---I think you know why”. “Yes sir” was all he said. OH—in other news, If you want war paint for Friday night, then be at the locker...
Jock Tales-----Pony LeagueI guess I was just a born jock—I considered myself lucky. You could say, I guess, that I was overly developed for my age. Not real big, mind you, only about 5'8” at 14. But, I already had hair on my legs, and up in the crack of my ass. Had a pretty nice 'bush' in my pits, and was hanging 7 1/2” of dick. To most of the other bois on the baseball team, I guess I was intimidating. Living in East Texas made it pretty easy to maintain a tan, and when it enveloped blonde...
Jock Tales—Devastation PT 2I arrived at 'the spot' about 11:30 PM. It was about 12 miles North of town on old RT 4. Small dusty road in the middle of nowhere. Some of the older folks in town referred to it as 'that place where the homosexuals go'. I laughed my ass off the first time I heard that—how the fuck do they know that if they ain't been there themselves ?Mostly out of town truckers, bikers, and construction types. Pretty rough dudes mostly, lots of muscles and ink, or maybe some married...
Jock Tales---PONY PARTY“Jesus Fuckin Christ Dillon---where you learn to fight like that ?”“LOL, my dad. He started teachin me shit when I was 12. I used to get bullied a lot, but dad said naa—we ain't havin that shit. Then I started boxing last year---won my first match, got my silver gloves” As I pointed above my bed at my prized possession, I went over to the mini fridge to fish out some beers. Four of the guys plus Ricky, the bat b o y had showed up from the invite earlier that day. Couple...
Teenage Girls Punish Conceited College Hunk Jonathan was the meanest jock you could ever meet. Only eighteen years old and a real stud, the boy was just nasty when it came to interacting with girls his own age and younger. Frankly, he was an insecure little virgin who took pleasure in using his good looks and cleverness to pull nasty pranks on girls who otherwise would be a threat to his ego and self-esteem. On the other hand, the handsome young jock catered to older girls...
Introduction: Not my story, just reposting it YOUNG CHERRY CHEERLEADER CHAPTER 1 Jennifer Wilson walked home from school that day. The young freshman enjoyed the crisp September afternoon as she strolled down the sidewalk on the half-mile trip home. It was Friday, and her friend, Heather Bradley, had invited her on Thursday to come home with her on Friday. The two girls were planning to change into their J.V. cheerleading uniforms at Heathers home, have dinner at a local burger joint and then...
CHAPTER 1 Jennifer Wilson walked home from school that day. The young freshman enjoyed the crisp September afternoon as she strolled down the sidewalk on the half-mile trip home. It was Friday, and her friend, Heather Bradley, had invited her on Thursday to come home with her on Friday. The two girls were planning to change into their J.V. cheerleading uniforms at Heather's home, have dinner at a local burger joint and then go to watch the first varsity football game...
Introduction: Again, not my story, just reposting… RETURN OF THE YOUNG CHERRY CHEERLEADER CHAPTER 1 Jennifer Wilson was just starting her sophomore year of high school. Her freshman year had been an unforgettable one. She had been introduced to the wonderful world of sex, highlighted by an orgy with her sister and a room full of men. Little Jennys sister had graduated and headed off to college just a week before, and she missed Susie terribly. She often looked at a framed photo of the...
CHAPTER 1 Jennifer Wilson was just starting her sophomore year of high school. Her freshman year had been an unforgettable one. She had been introduced to the wonderful world of sex, highlighted by an orgy with her sister and a room full of men. Little Jenny's sister had graduated and headed off to college just a week before, and she missed Susie terribly. She often looked at a framed photo of the two girls in their cheerleading...