Lady Painting At The Beach free porn video

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Grumpy Bastard as he was called by some, usually miffed opponents, at the golf club when he was more or less out of earshot while others knew him by his more regular name of Bob Hill, stepped on to the sands of Bob’s Beach (all other locals knew it as Sandy Cove) and he stopped in shock.


A woman wearing only a bikini bottom was seated on a stool twenty yards away at an easel painting. Judging by the almost lack of no breast droop, not that he was a connoisseur or professional bra fitter, Bob thought she’d be no older than thirty, perhaps a bit more.

He kept clear of her by a good 20 feet, eyes focused straight ahead. He’d usually said good morning to everyone, even dogs, but not to this trollop.

‘Good morning Mr Hill.’


‘There’s only you and me on the beach at this hour (5:20 am). How romantic.’

Grumpy Bastard was never short of a response, so beat his chest with both hands and grunted, ‘Me Tarzan. Good morning Jane.’

She giggled.

Yes she giggled. Bob was under the impression females stopped giggling at the age of seventeen.

‘Come and check on my progress.’

Bob swallowed and had the urge to run but Bob Hill had never ran from anything in his life. Bare-chested, he hitched up his black shorts, pulled in his belly and puffed out his chest and walked up to her who’d used his name.

She giggled (yes giggled) and said, ‘You don’t remember me do you?’

She bent back a little and her chest puffed out, a lot. Bob’s mind turned to putty.

‘I er don’t believe so.’

‘Nikki Wells. I grew up her and you taught me to swim and to row your dinghy.’

Christ she was Young Nikki, his favorite of all the kids who’d regularly frequented the beach in his younger days.

The Hill family had farmed the area for four generations. Bob’s late father had been a lazy bastard and found farming wasn’t making him rich enough and so with the city only ten miles away, applied for planning approval to subdivide half the farm off in housing sections. The council said no but would approve the scheme if it were extended to allow a public road being put through the remainder of the farm to provide public access to Sandy Cove and the ownership of the sands above high water mark be transferred to the council as a public reserve plus enough land being gifted for public toilets and dressing sheds.

Bob’s greedy father agreed providing the council paid all costs and the cost of developing the main road through the proposed subdivision and the council conceded. Bob’s parents were killed in a train crash in India a year ago, making their only child a very wealthy landowner because at that stage all but ten acres of the farm fronting the western end of the beach had been subdivided and sites were ready for sale.

‘Ah Nikki, you had stayed in the UK after graduating in fine arts.’

‘True but I’m here now, arriving three days ago. I married an art dealer, the biggest mistake of my life. He was lost most of his money gambling and operated his business from rented premises so I got fuck-all from the divorce apart of half of the proceeds of the sale of our modest apartment that had a hefty mortgage on it.’

Bob wasn’t sure a young lady should use the term fuck-all but said he was sorry and she said it was okay. She expressed regret he’d lost his wife (drove off the highway at speed when drunk) and he said that was okay and she said, ‘Kiss me.’

Carefully placing his hands behind his back, Bob leaned over and kissed her.

‘God are you nervous of me dressed like this?’

‘No,’ said Tarzan.

He diverted her by looking at the painting taking shape.

‘God this is beginning to look really good.’

‘I painting this beach many times in England off my photographs taken over the years and they always sold better than most other of my landscapes. Um I’m grown up now as you can see. Is it okay to call you Bob?’

‘Yes of course Nikki. Paint me one of the cove during a big storm and I’ll buy it.’

‘I’m not seeking charity.’

‘Then forget it.’

‘I’ll paint it and give it to you.’

‘Forget it.’

‘Bob don’t be so grumpy. You gave me countless hours of your time teaching me to swim, to row a boat, to ride your horse, to fish. God I should have married you.’

‘Ha, you were just a kid.’

‘Yeah but my parents were nervous about me spending so much time with you.’

‘Well all that associating with a dirty old groping man helped you turn out as a beautiful, charming lady.’

‘You never ever touched me, how can you suggest that?’

‘Your mother thought so and your father warned me off several times and I told him to let you run wild and he’d end up with a decent kid who was not like your two insipid brothers. Then one day I goaded him a little too much. We fought, going at it for about ten minutes before he ran out of puff. He took the first swing and I yelled body blows only and he agreed because as he didn’t want to be asked what had happened to his face.’

‘But my father is bigger than you.’

‘Yeah but in the fight Gerald was slower, not as fit and had a beer belly. He still doesn’t talk to me.’

Nikki sighed and said her father could be stubborn like that and he never said he was sorry even if proved wrong.

‘Why are you painting almost in the nude, oh and great tits by the way?’

She laughed and said she was glad he appeared to be thawing.

‘I’m painting like this to feel free. It’s warm here. You have no idea knowing what it’s like living in a city like Liverpool.’

‘No and that’s an experience I’d prefer to miss but I’d like to walk through Scotland one day.’

Bob sighed. ‘People will soon be arriving here with their dogs so best you put your top on. If you want to walk about free completely nude and without a finger being placed on you, come and live with me.’

Nikki stared at him.

‘Do you really mean that?’

‘I guess so. No I do mean it, even if you decide to come for only a few hours a day.’

‘Mum is already complaining that I’m too messy about the house and dad complains I have my music up too loud.’

‘Then pack your bags and phone and I’ll collect you. Tell them where you’re going and have the row rather than have it later when they find out where you’re living. You’ll be in control by doing that, having them on the back foot.’

Nikki challenged, ‘Aren’t you going to suggest wait two days till I’ve had time to think this through and then trial it for a week?’


‘Do you want me that badly?’

‘I’d appreciate your company. I rattle around in the house alone.’

Nikki thought about the 60-year-old farmhouse with pokey windows and thought it was dark and dreary inside and that was incentive to get outside and look for something to do. That would be the reason why he was out walking so early.

He checked the sky and said, ‘Well I’m off as I have a meeting in the city. Oh, don’t tell your dad this but he and his two partners are tenants in one of my buildings. He doesn’t know as far as I’m aware because I purchased it several months ago via a nominee company so please don’t tell him otherwise he might blow a boiler and try to get out of the lease.’

‘But mum and I visited him in the Bach Building yesterday. It’s probably the most glamorous building in the city and he’s ever so proud of having the top floor.’

‘Yeah well they pay through the nose for that privilege. I felt the need to tell you so that you enjoy the irony of it.’

‘Oh I do. Did you buy the building knowing they occupied the premium floor?’

‘Yes and every time I pass that building I smile at the thought. Your father loathes me.’

‘Have you ever screwed my mother?’

Bob kept his smile but waved goodbye and said, ‘There are some questions you ought never ask darling.’

Omigod, Nikki t
hought. Bob Hill had screwed her mum to get back at her father for carrying a grudge. He was either horribly nasty or weirdly interesting and without thinking about it, she thought it was probably the latter.

‘Hi mum,’ Nikki said, stopping at the TV room.

Her mum was watching The Breakfast Show and waved a hand feebly without taking her eyes off the screen. Her dad would be in their bathroom shaving, listening to the blaring TV in the bedroom.

She went to her room and closing the door turned up the speakers and let the music rip.

A few minutes later her dad banged on the door and yelled, ‘Breakfast and turn off that fucking din.’

Nikki went to breakfast after turning off the music and sat at the table and said brightly, ‘Good morning family.’

Her father grunted and her mother said Shhhh.’

Nikki got up and brought back coffee and leaning against the bench switched off the TV.

‘Hey we are watching that?’

‘Poof dad, it’s only noisy ads. I have an announcement to make.’

She watched the color of her father’s face darken as she said, ‘I met Bob Hill on his beach this morning…’

‘It’s everyone’s beach, a public beach,’ snarled his father and a bunch of us are thinking about getting the name of this subdivision changed from being called Hills Farm.’

Ignoring that, Nikki continued. ‘As I said we got talking and he appeared to be so lively and interesting that I asked could I move in with him. Some discussion followed and he finally said yes.’

Her mother began crying and her father glowered and said, ‘I always knew Bob Hill couldn’t keep his hands off you.’

‘I think you misunderstand dad. I mean I’m going to reside in his home, an alternative to residing here where I’m obviously not appreciated. You and mum don’t put your hands on me just because I reside with you.’

‘That’s baloney and you know it. That guy has reputedly seduced some of the most desirable women in the city.’

Nikki glanced at her mother who was sitting with her mouth hanging open and presumably thinking she was in the city’s desirable screwing set.

‘Close your mouth Dianne or else you’ll catch a fly,’ said her husband. ‘Say something to your wayward daughter.’

‘Nikki I really don’t think…’

‘Can it mum. I’m going and that’s decided. Please think kindly of me and call me at times for a chat. As for you dad, I’ll resume talking to you when you resume to having a normal relationship with Bob.’

‘What the hell do you mean girl?’

‘I’m not a girl. I’m thirty-one years old. I swore to you all those years ago that Bob Hill never, never laid a finger on me or even looked as if he would and I repeat that oath: Bob Hill has never touched me sexually or said dirty things to me.’

‘Well he’s bound to try you on now.’

‘Well if he does go after me now, so what dad? We are consenting adults. May I ask who else besides mum have you been screwed?’

Gerald lost it.

‘Shut your mouth you vindictive girl. Just because you’ve lost your husband you have no need to slur other people including your own father. Tell her Dianne.’

Dianne, looking at her husband oddly, said, ‘I’ll talk to you later about that so-called slur and this clearly is not the time to talk to you about becoming friendly with Bob Hill again. And Nikki surely I don’t need to tell you how unhappy I am about you going to live in that mansion. The whole city will be talking about you.’

Mansion? Was her mum also losing it? And who would care if people talking about them hoping there was a scandal involved? She could effectively shut her mum up and turn the heat off her but uttering just a few words, ‘I’ve heard something about Bob Hill and you mum.’

‘Well I’ve had enough of this baloney, I’m off to the office,’ snarled her father.

Nikki knew she could practically give her father heart seizure by saying, ‘Oh daddy darling are you aware the nominee company owning that building you occupy is a front for the owner who is your dear friend Bob Hill?’ Jesus no she couldn’t do that because it might stop his heart.

Her father slammed the door into the garage and the motor of the Mercedes roared and her mum wept and said, ‘Nikki I don’t want you to go.’

‘I know mum. Oh have you ever thought about you and Bob doing it? I know he’s a bit younger than you.’

‘I have no idea what you are talking about darling,’ lied her mother ever so perfectly. ‘I’ll help you pack. We can still go out for coffee can’t we?’

‘Of course and still do other mother-daughter things. The only change that is happening is I’ll be sleeping elsewhere.’

‘Will you sleep with him?’

‘That has yet to be decided. He might be told old for sex.’

‘He’s not, he’s…’

Nikki pounced and asked, ‘Yes mum?’

‘I was just thinking he has years and years of sex life ahead of him.’

‘Mum, it he does ask me to sleep with him what should I say?’

‘Just be yourself Nikki and think carefully and remember there’s a nine-year age gap between you two.’

‘Oh is that all?’

Dianne smiled and Nikki was pleased her mother had been open about this and wasn’t displaying any sign of jealously.

‘I’ll begin thinking about the consequences of any such action mum, I promise.’

Nikki kissed her mother who patted her on the back and said, ‘You always were a good girl Nikki and I now accept he never mistreated you because if he had, a pattern would have been set and you two would be over there screwing right now.’

Dianne remained out of sight when Bob rolled up in his red 2003 standard 6-speed Corvette he’d had since new and had no intention of updating.

He eyed all the luggage and rolled down the window and said, ‘Give me ten minutes and I’ll return in a freight vehicle.’

‘Don’t I rate a kiss?’

Bob drove off reasonably sedately and returned within 10 minutes in a black Range Rover. It swallowed the luggage.

There was a road where the track to the house had been with houses already occupied or partly built.

They drove on and Dianne looked back.

‘The old house is now located on a farm in the country,’ Bob drawled. ‘Dad kept 110-acres on the western end of the beachfront and had a house built to mum’s specs. It’s a magnificent site and gets sun all day on sunny days and is sheltered by Jim’s Hill from the cold southerlies coming up from the Southern Ocean.. And this time of year of course we get warm winds coming down from the tropics. You will be used to things being the opposite, coming from the northern hemisphere.’

‘Yes well it’s not been difficult to adjust. I noticed the Corvette had been converted to right-hand drive.’

He grinned and asked was she thinking of driving it and she just grinned.

They drove through a stone gateway with the sign ‘Hill Farm’ on one side and ‘Private Property’ on the other and rumbled over a cattle stop.

‘Do you have much of a problem with trespassers?’

‘No I’m running ninety big steers and city folk think they are bulls. That does the trick and I also have a guard dog roaming the grounds of the house at night.’

They breasted the hill and she viewed the magnificence of the bay from that elevation and gasped, having forgotten how dramatic the view was after the passing of years.

Then she looked at the two-level mansion below with a large garden and glasshouse and she gasped, ‘Nice pad.’

He grinned.

They went inside and the sheer luxury of furniture and furnishing almost took her breath away. They climbed the stairs and he said he was putting her in the guest wing.


He didn’t appear disappointed there was no protest.

‘So you are almost forty and haven’t remarried?’

‘There was no pressure and there are woman around prepared to lend a hand.’

‘You mean married women?’

He replied calmly yes because they were gener
ally calmer and sought only a fling whereas generally younger babes focused on marrying into money.

‘Which do you really prefer?’

‘Married women who’ve worked out what they like when having sex and know they are not expected to yap all the time.’

‘But it’s adultery?’

‘Oh yeah, so it is.’

He waited for the next question but none came.

The bedroom suite was lovely and she said so.

She held his arm and faced him. ‘Bob if you wish I’ll sleep with you.’

‘That’s lovely of you but how about this: You come to me looking for sex when you have the desire to have sex with me. That will happen unless you run off to have sex with some other guy.’

‘Do you wish to see me fully nude now?’

‘What for?’

She felt a little silly and was pleased when he held her arm and said she was a lovely woman and there was no need to rush anything. He said to give herself time to learn if she liked him or not and then to go from there.

‘Come and go as you wish, just leave me a note. I like the idea of you returning each morning early to paint at the beach. Oh and another thing. We should start soon to plan my fortieth birthday and to decide the guest list.’

‘Consisting of your lady friends?’ she said without malice but wished she hadn’t said that.

He said casually, ‘Of course, at least some of them and their partners, most of whom I know well and your parents of course.’

‘I suggest you don’t even bother inviting my parents.’

‘Don’t you believe that, things will have changed by then.’

‘Oh yeah?’

He just smiled knowingly as if he’d already had possible knowledge of a outcome.

‘Will you have the party here?’

He said no, he wanted a full sit-down dinner for fifty to sixty people. You’ll be my partner and so this will be regarded as your coming out, perhaps silencing some tongues.’

She didn’t know what to say.


Oh god, come on think. ‘That appears well thought out Bob.’

He smiled, looking pleased.

Omigod, obviously he was a millionaire and obviously he appeared ready to court her. But why, did he like younger flesh to plunder?

To Nikki’s astonishment he explained it.

‘My family were the landowners in the years you were four to eighteen living nearby and my parents used to welcome on to their beach the parents and children of local people and friends their visitors. I played with kids my age and helped parents with younger children to supervise them to gain water confidence and to play in my dinghy, you know the sort of thing.’

‘I can remember that.’

‘Well you were the one youngster that stood out among them all. You had fire, just the right amount of risk-taking and you were pleasant and athletic and very appreciative of me in helping you to achieve skills. I liked that and began thinking of you as the young sister I never had. And then you went away to college and rarely returned to the beach because you had other people in your life and then I went 280 miles to the south-east to manage dad’s big cattle and sheep station on the Central Plateau and only returned here to manage the subdivision development for dad when he and mum went on their world trip that ended in tragedy for them in India.’

‘Oh yes, that was such a shame as they had so much of good life ahead of them. I of course was living in England when that happened, living unhappily married.’

‘Well enough of nostalgia, I’m going down to swim. You can join me if you wish.’

‘You mean down at the beach?’

‘No we have a covered lap pool running down the western side of the house.’

‘Then I won’t need a swimsuit?’

‘I suggest you do but it’s your choice. I swim for fitness and also cycle. I must get you a cycle and women’s sports clothing.’

‘I can pay for that and pay to live here.’

‘Only if you wish. I have plenty of money.’

Nikki said she’d swim with him some other time, that that’d settle into her room. He walked off saying he’d see her later.

Sitting on the bed, Nikki sighed and wondered if she were pleased about what she’d done. She’d only been mildly displeased with the way her parents had been offhand with her and nagged about her noise and untidiness. Well it was their home. By moving in with Bob, she would have pushed that gap between herself and parents much wider, perhaps irreparably so with her father.

Oh hec, what a mess. She began unpacking and in despair began thinking of herself as Bob Hill’s live-in tart.

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It was another boring day at college. Drawing the objects kept on the table seemed FINE ART to the faculties here. Why don’t they understand I have taken FINE ARTS to make FINE PAINTINGS not to waste my time on basics which I have learned in the past. Let me introduce myself to you. I am Ravi, a fine arts student in a reputed art college in my region. I always had a passion for art and paintings. I lived far away from my home in the college hostel. I went against my family’s wishes and chose...

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Best Friend Milli Becomes NUDE Model For Painting Course

It was another boring day at college. Drawing the objects kept on the table seemed FINE ART to the faculties here. Why don’t they understand I have taken FINE ARTS to make FINE PAINTINGS not to waste my time on basics which I have learned in the past. Let me introduce myself to you. I am Ravi, a fine arts student in a reputed art college in my region. I always had a passion for art and paintings. I lived far away from my home in the college hostel. I went against my family’s wishes and chose...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Jones Beach

Jones Beach by Pamela ([email protected]) Chapter 1 Cathy Margolies, blonde and pretty with a sunny disposition locks the front door of her modest home in Seal Beach, California, and walks behind her fianc?, Brad Featherson, as he carries her luggage to his Jaguar XKE convertible parked at the curb. Brad, sandy-haired, tall, well-built and well-dressed is driving her to John Wayne A...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 11 Althea the School Girl

Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...

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The Devils Pact Sidestory Miss Blythe Is Hot for Her Students

edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...

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A Rough Day at the Beach

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, and all names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. No characters are under the age of 18. As always comments, kudos and criticisms welcome. Beach Taking a break from the nasty porn, the twisted chat rooms, and the obsessive masturbating, I decided to do something...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Vacation On The Beach

My wife Carol and I had bought a four bedroom three bath home in a small community near the city of Birmingham Alabama. We were married just a little over two years and lived in the house we had purchased not much over a year when the vacation I am going to tell you about happened. I worked for an Architect - Engineering company. Carol worked near by for an insurance company. We were both just twenty four years old and although we wanted to have kids we were going to wait until we were more...

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Rachel and the Nude Beach

One of the young ladies I dated for a couple of years was named Rachel. She was 5’7”, 118 pounds, 34C-20-32. She had very long brown hair that reached the crack of her ass. Her eyes were brown and her face was quite pretty. Rachel looked like a fashion model and I enjoyed the way all of the guys watched her when she walked by. In fact, a number of ladies also watched her. All of this attention made Rachel very self-conscious as she did not like to be the center of attention. She preferred to be...

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Mother in law gang banged at beach

When I got home I found Wendy sitting there dress torn covered in cum, I asked her what had happened and she told me Sam our son in law had d**gged her then used her. Of course I already new this as Sam and I had previously arranged it, I asked Wendy what she wanted to do explaining that our daughter would be hurt if she found out, Wendy agreed we would say nothing to our daughter and it probably won’t happen again, I told her don’t be so sure Sam has taken the spare key so he could come back...

1 year ago
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Mother in law gang banged at beach

When I got home I found Wendy sitting there dress torn covered in cum, I asked her what had happened and she told me Sam our son in law had d**gged her then used her. Of course I already new this as Sam and I had previously arranged it, I asked Wendy what she wanted to do explaining that our daughter would be hurt if she found out, Wendy agreed we would say nothing to our daughter and it probably won't happen again, I told her don't be so sure Sam has taken the spare key so he could come back...

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a day at the beach

Rinoa, Squall, Selphie, Zell, Irvine and the pigtail girl whose name was Mima were still sitting around a table in the cafeteria talking, after they had eaten dinner. Rinoa proposed, “We’re laying over at Centra tomorrow for some reason, so let’s all go to the beach together.”Squall diplomatically excused himself from the table claiming prior duties, but actually he didn’t want to admit to anyone he couldn’t swim.Selphie excitedly answered, “That sounds like fun. I’ll go.”“Me too!” chimed in...

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An Unbelievably Hot Time at the Beach

Kristen and I arrived in St. Martin, we traveled from the airport to our resort on the French side of the island. We checked into the resort and made our way to our room, where a chilled bottle of champagne was waiting for us. We popped the bubbly to celebrate the beginning of a wonderful week in paradise. Kristen always gets into her vacation mode. That means she wears very sexy and revealing clothing that she wouldn’t normally be wearing around town, at home. She also becomes much more...

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Island DelightChapter 5 Hitting the Beach

Brenda Oliver sat down with her husband Steve at the table they were led to on the veranda outside the dining room. “Your waitress will be with you in a moment,” the hostess told them. “Breakfast is served buffet-style.” “Thank you,” replied Steve. His eyes lingered on the trim form of the hostess as she walked away; she and the waitresses wore short wrap dresses in an island print, and low sandals. He turned back to see his wife watching him with amusement, and blushed. “I’m pretty sure I...

4 years ago
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Skylar at the Beach

When I happened to go over to the beach, I decided to take my yellow lab with me, and was I ever glad I did. Any way, as I walked through the dune access, there happened to a family set up just off the beach entrance, and as I walked past the family, an older lady stepped out of the “Easy up” sun shade and remarked, “She looks like a good dog.” I simply acknowledged her by smiling and saying thanks as I moved down past where they were to set up. After quickly setting up my umbrella, a beach...

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Athena Corp Chronicles A Mothers Love

As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...

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My Sexual Autobiography 8211 Part XXV 8211 On The Beach

Dear Friends / Readers Here I am back with new, fresh and another special sex game played at the open beach but away from stranger’s eyes. But before anything else, I would like to thanks Rishma for her support and co-operation in posting of MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY. I am really thankful to my group “indiansexstories” for making me so popular among the readers. Secondly, I am also thankful to all of my readers and fans for their thousands of mail of appreciation. I tried my best to reply...

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Fun at the nude beach

"Do we go to the hotel and check in or straight to the beach?" Stephen asked the beautiful passenger sitting beside him. "The beach," Sarah replied. "We have plenty of time to check in and this beautiful sunshine shouldn't be wasted." "The beach it is," he said as he put on the indicator and turned down the road to the beach. Stephen smiled as he thought about what was happening. He had been chatting with Sarah online for the past couple of months now and finding out that they had heaps in...

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Sex Therapy 2 The Thert

PREFACE:There are no sex acts in the story but the patient does have an orgasm as a result of the Ther****t’s physical examination. Part 1 is the Sex Therapy appointment from the patient’s point of view and part 2 is the same examination seen through the eyes of the Ther****t. I don’t think it matters which one you read first.I hope you enjoy it and will let me know what you think in any...

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Intro to the Nude Beach

God, it had been ages since I'd been to the beach. I'd driven along the coast a couple times a year over the last decade but had always been too busy to spend a day at the beach. Now I had all the time in the world and I intended to spend much more time out here. In my early twenties this was my usual weekend haunt. That's a story in itself and one worth telling. I guess I should tell that one first so I'll come back to the beach after I tell you how I got to the beach. Never mind, just keep...

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The Beach

They drove down the open two-lane freeway in the most beautiful place on Earth. The rental car they were in didn't move fast, and that was okay because the couple was on Hawaii Time. That meant no watches and no making plans, just going with the flow. It was their first vacation in ages. They had looked forward to getting away from the daily grind and decided the best way to do this was to travel to a tropical location where technology couldn't distract them. Their choice was the island of Maui...

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My Favorite MILFs Day At The Beach

My Favorite MILFs Day At The Beach I live in Orange County, California near one of the very large shopping malls located in this area. In fact, my apartment is only two blocks from this particular mall, which houses several of the large, high end, department stores. The type stores that have departments selling expensive women's shoes and apparel. It will soon become clear, why I mention these stores.This past Friday, my favorite MILF, girlfriend Sarah, and her on / off friend...

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At the Beach

This is the sequel to my earlier story, 'Carried Away'. It is a bit more fanciful. But I hope that you enjoy it.At the BeachCheryl called Sharon about mid-week and told her that they were planning on coming back for the upcoming weekend and asked if we wanted to get together with them again. Sharon immediately said yes. Cheryl suggested that they pick us up and we all drive out to the end of the peninsula to visit a special beach there. Upon hearing this, my wife agreed without hesitation...

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Taught to Suck Cock at the Beach

tThe weather and life-style in South Florida is envied by many people, especially those living in the colder climates. I was fortunate to be born and raised in the greater Miami area, and then even more blessed when I was able to find gainful employment back here after going away to college. My wife Laura is from the Orlando area, and we met in college in our senior year. Now we live in a suburb of Miami that is close to the beaches where I spent time as a teenager.My name is Jimmy, and we are...

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Painting Mom

Hi, I'm Ben. This is the story about my mother and me. It begins with the familiar return from college and a difficult re-insertion into the home life that I had left four years earlier and had not been part of except for Christmas holidays and the summer after my first year. Each summer after that I had worked a dream job as part of the crew for a company chartering sailboats in the Caribbean. I did that for the first two months after graduation but, due to the sagging economy, the company was...

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Hi, I'm Ben. This is the story about my mother and me. It begins with the familiar return from college and a difficult re-insertion into the home life that I had left four years earlier and had not been part of except for Christmas holidays and the summer after my first year. Each summer after that I had worked a dream job as part of the crew for a company chartering sailboats in the Caribbean. I did that for the first two months after graduation but, due to the sagging economy, the company was...

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The Beach

They drove down the open two-lane freeway in the most beautiful place on Earth. The rental car they were in didn’t move fast, and that was okay because the couple was on Hawaii Time. That meant no watches and no making plans, just going with the flow. It was their first vacation in ages. They had looked forward to getting away from the daily grind and decided the best way to do this was to travel to a tropical location where technology couldn’t distract them. Their choice was the island of Maui...

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Emma at the Beach

Finally, junior year was over and summer had arrived. I was officially a senior now! I had so many plans for the summer. My friends and I already had tickets to a bunch of summer concerts. We planned on spending our days at the local amusement parks and beaches, and our nights partying at one house or another. It was going to be epic! Of course, none of this could start until after my family vacation. This year, two weeks in North Carolina on the Outer Banks. Basically, one long island...

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Painting MomChapter 2

“You’re not serious?” Mom was aghast. “You don’t really think I’m going to let you smear that mess all over me, do you?” “But you’re the model. You look at yourself in the mirror as you work. It has to be on you.” “Why can’t you just paint the statues?” “Two reasons,” I explained. “First, nobody wants a painted statue.” “I guess,” Mom concurred. “And second?” “And second,” I continued, “it’s what you see that counts. You’ll see a different array of light and shadow and that will change...

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Lifes a Beach

"Why don't we go away this weekend?" I asked Trish as I muted the advertisement on the television. "You could take Friday off, maybe Monday, we could drive up the coast or something!" My wife looked up from her laptop and grimaced. "It's a bit short notice. It's going to be hot this weekend isn't it? You know I don't like the heat.""Well yeah, that's the idea of going to the beach." I encouraged. "Come on, we haven't gone anywhere in ages. You could do with a break."Again she looked not overly...

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Walking the Beach

The beach was deserted and lonely, the sand cold and damp. Even the waves looked frigid as they broke across the dark, hard packed sand. The skies were slate grey with low clouds scudding across the horizon and my footprints were the only ones in the sand; solitary dents trailing behind me as I trudged along. The winter wind was brisk, tearing at my clothing, seeking for any gaps between my coat and my body so it could whisk away what little warmth was trapped inside. I leaned forward a bit,...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 40 Just An Afternoon At The Beach

"You're sure that that's what will happen Mr. Barnet?" "Please, call me Frank. And yes, if I know Vikki, and I think I do, that's exactly what I think she'll do." "And you're sure I can't talk you into telling me what song she'll be doing Frank?" "Sorry Justin, that's one part of her surprise it would be more than my life's worth to divulge. And unfortunately we don't have a copy of the song you mentioned, we are however big on Cliff Richard so we will have the song of his...

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Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine

Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...

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