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AN: This is a work of fiction.


‘Entshuldigung, ist dieser Platz frei?’

My hands slipped from my book and it fell to the floor. I was reading a travel guide when I was interrupted by a warm, baritone voice. A young man in his early twenties was standing along the open door of the train compartment that I occupied. I didn’t catch what he said since it was in German, but I presumed that he was asking if he could sit with me. I nodded and pointed to the empty seats across me, then bent to pick up my guide.

Upon entering, he placed his large knapsack on the overhead luggage rack. He sat down on the chair across me, but not directly, to give enough leg room for both of us. Putting on an old baseball cap, he stretched his long legs before him, folded his arms above his stomach and went to sleep.

We were on the train to Salzburg, and it was going to be a long ride, three hours at the least. As the train travelled along the lush Austrian countryside, my eyes wandered to the guy across me. Dark blond hair was visible from below his cap, and I saw the hint of stubble on his chin. He was wearing a blue T-shirt, khaki shorts, socks and rubber shoes.

Typical backpacker outfit, I thought. As a backpacker, I was also casually dressed, I was wearing a red figure-hugging T-shirt, blue jeans, socks and sneakers. As I gazed at him sleeping peacefully on his side of the compartment, I looked back and remembered how I came to be on this particular train.

I was born in 1975, the year when the Americans pulled out of Vietnam and that country fell into the hands of the communists. My father was a Nam vet, he was drafted in ’67 and served for two years, until a leg injury earned him a ticket home. Until today, that wound bothers him from time to time, especially during winter.

Dad went back home to New York City and went on to study pharmacy. His time in Nam gave him an appreciation for sloe-eyed women, and as a young man, he fell in love with the daughter of an apothecary in Chinatown, a petite, delicately boned girl named Yi Shen, a.k.a. Cindy, who soon became my mother.

My straight black hair and dark brown eyes reflected my Chinese ancestry. My mother is a second generation Chinese woman who married a pharmacist of Polish extraction. Her surname was Lee, and in an attempt keep the family name going, gave that name as a first or second name to all her children. Thus I was named Lee Anna Kowalski, while my younger brothers were gifted with names of Mark Lee and Simon Lee. I am called Lee while they are called Mark and Simon.

Thanks to our father’s genes, we grew up to be significantly taller than our pure blooded Chinese cousins. I stood at 5’6′, while my female cousins averaged at 5 feet in height. During my early teens, I felt like a gawky giant in the company of petite beauties. Despite my height, I inherited my mother’s delicate bones, and constantly thanked her genes in contributing to my slender physique.

Mom came from a big family of Chinese Americans and the extended family often met for holidays, the most important of which was the lunar new year. During that time, we would eat rice cakes and crescent-shaped dumplings, and receive little red packets containing money or some trinket for good luck. Having been born in the year of the wooden rabbit, it never hurts to have more luck as we rabbits were said to be flighty.

My parents had a tumultuous courtship, my dad had to overcome the objections of my strict oriental grandparents. They were traditionalists and wanted to my mom to marry a man of similar origins.

This was in the seventies and my mom was a by-product of those times, she rebelled against her parents and married my dad against her parents’ will. After I was born, the hostilities were ended and my grandparents grudgingly accepted my dad. In time they had learned to respect him and now remain in very good terms with each other. Their love affair is a long tale worthy of its own telling, which I would rather not expound on.

Having grown up in the congested streets of New York, I adored the rolling hills and meadows of the European countryside. I had just finished my second year in NYU where I studied languages, with emphasis in French and Spanish. I was awarded a summer fellowship to study French at La Sorbonne in Paris. It was a delightfully enriching experience for me, I basked in the old world elegance of Paris and in the Gallic nature of the French people.

The summer of 1995 was nearly at an end, my academic requirements had been fulfilled and I was backpacking my way across Europe alone. As a foreign student I was short on cash, but I wanted to see more of Europe before I was scheduled to go home the following week. In my eight days of travel, I had spent my meager savings for tickets to Brussels, Cologne, Bremen, Berlin, Prague and lastly, Vienna.

I also spent a few francs on film and captured images on my small instamatic camera. Travelling by train, I ate cheap food and slept in youth hostels. A few of the sights I had visited include the Gothic churches in Cologne, the Grand Place and the Manneken-Pis in Brussels, the remains of the Berlin wall, the charming city of Prague, and lastly, the majestic buildings in Vienna, the seat of the once powerful Austro-Hungarian empire.

From Vienna, I was on my way to Salzburg, the birthplace of Mozart, the child genius who later became one of the most famous composers of all time. I was particularly excited to visit Salzburg, not because of Mozart, but because it was the location for the Rogers and Hammerstein musical film, ‘The Sound of Music’.

I must have watched that movie more times than I could count, and I knew all of the songs by heart. When we were young, my brothers and I would get together with our neighbors and pretend to be the von Trapp children.

Being the oldest girl, I naturally played the role of Liesl, and I knew every step of the dance that I called the ‘Pavilion dance’. I knew by heart the lyrics of the song ‘I am 16 going on 17’, and during our impromptu productions, I would dance coyly and bat my eyelashes at ‘Rolfe’, who was played by Fred, a skinny, carrot-topped neighbor who couldn’t carry a tune but could dance heavenly and twirl me high up in the air.

Fred was working as an apprentice in a laboratory that summer of ’95, it was part of his training a pre-med student at SUNY-Buffalo in western New York. His dancing and (lack of ) musical skills remained and his hair has darkened to auburn.

The Schengen Agreement had recently been ratified, thus I was able to travel to Belgium and Germany without the inconvenience of having my passport checked. Austria had joined the European Union only a few months ago, and was still not included in the list of Schengen countries.

The time came for the inevitable inspection, and my backpacker neighbor was awakened by the conductor and was asked to show his ticket and passport. After inspecting our documents, the conductor moved on and I was left alone with BackpackerBoy.

He yawned and stretched on his chair, then settled his pierce blue gaze on me. I smiled tentatively, and seeing my smile, he asked, ‘Wohin sind Sie gehen?’

I replied, ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t understand.’

He smiled then immediately switched to English. ‘I said, where are you going?’

‘Salzburg,’ I replied. ‘You?’

‘The same.’

‘You’re backpacking as well,’ I commented, pointing to his large knapsack.

‘Yes. I’m travelling my way to Salzburg then Italy. And you?’

‘I’ve travelled to Belgium, Germany, the Czech Republic, and now Austria. I’ll be going on to Munich, then back to Paris.’

‘You’re American,’ he said, judging from my accent.

‘Yup, from New York city,’ I replied. ‘You?’


‘Oh really. Where in Austria?’ I asked.

‘From a small village near Eisenstadt, in Burgenland.’

‘Where’s that?’

‘Do you have a map of Austria? Or Europe? I can show you,’ he replied.

I searched in my purse, found a map of Europe and opened it. He transferred to the seat beside me and reached for the map. ‘May I?’ he asked.

I gave the map to him and he pointed the location of his hometown. Eisenstadt is the capital of Burgenland, one of the Bundesländer or federal states in Austria. It is at the eastern part of the country, near the Hungarian border. The village he came from was a small one, and for convenience’s sake, he always mentioned Eisenstadt since it was a place more easily recognized.

His name was Hans Schneider, and he was studying Economics at the University of Zurich. He had just finished a summer apprenticeship in one of the banks the city is famous for, and was backpacking for two weeks before he had to return to school.

He was on his last year of studies and was born to an Austrian father and Hungarian mother. After Salzburg, he would be travelling to various parts of Italy before spending some time with his family near Eisenstadt, then would be going back to Zurich to finish his last year in university.

His English was perfect, albeit with a lilting accent. When asked, he answered that he spoke German and Hungarian fluently, as well as a little French. Since I had spent the last few days in German-speaking countries, my trained ear noticed some differences between the German spoken in Germany and of that in Austria. In my opinion, the Austrian version of the German language was softer to the ears, and had a sing-song quality not present among other native German speakers.

As a student of languages, I was fascinated with these differences and mentioned them to Hans. He explained to me some minor differences between German spoken in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

He then asked me what I studied, and when I answered linguistics, asked what languages I spoke. I told him that I spoke English (the American variety, of course), Mandarin Chinese (my mother insisted on all of us learning it), French and Spanish, and had a fairly good grasp of Latin and Italian.

As we spoke for with each other during that long train ride, I noticed several things about him – how his eyes squinted when asked a particular question, how his hands gestured when he was trying to make a point, and the way his lips curved when he was amused. I adored his fresh, clean scent, and basked in the warmth of his smile.

One of the topics we talked about was music. I was more of a pop, soft rock, and R&B lover, while he liked heavy metal and classical music, a dichotomous combination. I told him that I grew up listening to Madonna, Cyndi Lauper and Michael Jackson, but at present, my favorites were Boys II Men and Mariah Carey. Call me cheesy, but I loved their collaborative song, ‘One Sweet Day’. I also envied Mariah’s figure as she was wearing miniscule shorts in the music video.

Hans was into Metallica, Pink Floyd, Nirvana and Guns n Roses, as well as the classical composers. However, we did have a common favorite, Sting, and we both liked Bon Jovi’s ‘Bed of Roses’. Our conversation moved on to movies, and I asked his opinion about the Rodgers and Hammerstein film.

‘Hey, what do you think about the movie The Sound of Music?’ I asked.

‘Which film is that?’

‘You don’t know?’ I asked incredulously. ‘It was filmed in Salzburg. It’s about a girl from the convent who became the governess of seven children from the von Trapp family.’

‘Ach so! The Trapp family. It has a different name in German. It’s called Meine Lieder, Meine Träume, or My Songs, My Dreams. I’ve never seen it.’

‘What? You’ve never seen it?’ I gasped in disbelief. ‘It’s famous all over the world!’

‘No, I’ve never seen it. It just didn’t interest me. And many Austrians have never seen it, either. It’s just… too Hollywood, too American,’ he explained jokingly and shrugged his shoulders.

However, I felt that there was a grain of truth in his explanation, so I didn’t pursue it. During my short stay in Europe, I noticed that some people were uncomfortable talking about World War II, so I left it alone.

My paternal grandfather is a WWII vet, he was one of the paratroopers who landed in Normandy during D-Day. He still doesn’t like to talk about his experiences. I knew that I had distant relatives in Poland and that many of them died or suffered during the war.

So instead I switched topics, and asked him about his studies and European economics in general. European economy and politics were at a very interesting stage at that time, three countries (Austria, Finland and Sweden) had just joined the European Union, and the socio-political environment was very dynamic.

Our conversation continued until we got off the train. We went to the Tourism office to ask for maps and youth hostels nearby. I specifically asked the lady in charge about the places from the film. She gave me helpful tips and pointed out the location of the different houses on the map.

In the movie, it was made to look like all the scenes were filmed in one house, however, this was not the case in actual. The grand staircase, the lakeside garden at the back of the house, and the façade of the mansion — those belonged to different houses or palaces.

Since Hans and I had more or less become friends, we decided to search for a hostel together. In the first hostel that we went to, the only available rooms were a room for four with bunk beds, and a room for two with single beds.

‘Do you mind sharing a room with me?’ he asked. ‘I assure you I’ll be the perfect gentleman. I won’t do anything that you wouldn’t like,’ he said with a suggestive smile.

Blushing at his expression, I replied, ‘Sure, no problem. It’s cheaper to share the room, and it’s only for a night, right?’

I had qualms in sharing the room with him, but then, I had shared rooms with other strangers during my backpacking tour, so I shrugged them off. Single rooms were more expensive, and on my limited budget I couldn’t be too choosy. I didn’t want to waste time searching for another hostel and lugging my backpack around when we could have been exploring the city.

Thus, we took the key and climbed the stairs to our assigned room. It was simple and spartan, with two single beds, a small table, and a small cabinet for clothes. Fortunately it had its own shower and toilet, so we wouldn’t have to go to a communal shower room, unlike in some hostels that I’ve occupied. I took my camera, passport and money, placed them inside my purse, and was set to go.

Hans had a belt bag around his waist and was ready to leave too. It would also be a new experience for him since it was his first time in the city. With maps in hand and smiles on our faces, we set out to explore the city of Salzburg.


We were walking along Residenz square, the place where Maria sang ‘I Have Confidence in Me’. Hans was giving me a treatise about famous Austrian composers, when I gave a cheeky remark.

‘Is there any famous Austrian artist? You have great classical composers, like Mozart, Haydn, Schubert and Strauss. But are there any modern ones, you know, those seen on MTV?’ I asked, kidding him.

‘Sure, we have Falco,’ he answered proudly.

‘Falco, who’s that?’

‘He sang Rock Me Amadeus and Vienna Calling.’ He proceeded to sing a few lines of the Amadeus song, bobbing his head with every mention of the word Amadeus and making me laugh at his antics.

‘Ooooh, that’s a good one,’ I said, as I recovered from my bout of laughter. ‘Do it again!’

‘I think not, impertinent miss!’ He proceeded to tickle me and I ran away from him, giggling.

We reached the Residenz fountain, which was also featured in the movie. ‘Stop!’ I gasped. ‘I surrender!’ I said, as I struggled to control my laughter.

‘You won’t get away from me that easily, little miss!’ still threatening to tickle me, his eyebrows
wiggling suggestively.

‘No, no, I’m serious. I must take a picture of this fountain. It was in the movie!’ I said, bending and resting my hands on my knees as I caught my breath from our short run.

‘Oh, all right. You and your movie. Give me your camera, I’ll take your photo.’

I gave him my best Maria-like pose, and he took the shot. We continued seeing the sights of the city, taking note of the places which were used in the film. We went to the Mirabell Gardens and Mirabell Palace, where Maria and the children sang ‘Do-Re-Mi’, the Felsenreitschule where the Trapp family performed its farewell song and Captain von Trapp sang ‘Edelweiss’ together with the crowd, and the Benedictine Convent on Nonnberg where the nuns sang ‘Maria’.

Some of the other places from the film were too far from the city center, so we just explored the city itself. Lunch was eaten on the street, we bought food from an Imbiss, or a hotdog stand. We visited the Rathaus or city hall, the St. Peter’s church and Hellbrunn Palace, which is famous for its fountains. The pavilion where the song ‘I am 16 going on 17’ was performed is now located in its grounds. During the time when the movie was filmed, that pavilion was located in Leopoldskron Palace, which served as the residence of the Trapp family, with its façade facing the lake. However, Leopoldskron Palace was not within the inner city limits, so we did not venture there.

For dinner Hans found a small, out of the way family-ran restaurant. I protested, since I was on a meager budget and couldn’t afford restaurant meals. He brushed my protests aside and said, ‘It’s my treat.’ The interior was quaint and homey, with wooden chairs and tables covered with checked cloth. Paintings of country scenes abounded on the walls.

We were served by a plump, middle-aged woman wearing the traditional costume or dirndl. The menu was in German, and since I didn’t know what a typical meal was, I asked Hans to order for me. We ate pork schnitzel (breaded porkchop), potato salad, and sauerkraut. For dessert I had a serving of apple strudel served with vanilla sauce, while he ordered a Marillenknödel, or a dumpling with peach inside.

It was the first real meal I’ve had in days, and I was filled to the gills. I was also a bit tipsy since Hans ordered a bottle of Riesling which was made in Styria, a state in the southeastern part of Austria. I suggested a walk to burn out some calories and to minimize the effect of the wine, and Hans readily agreed.

From a distance, we could see the snow-capped mountains of the Alpine region. It was twilight, the days were still long and a bright moon was beginning to rise, illuminating the city. Hans took my hand, and as I didn’t object, we sauntered around the city with clasped hands and enjoyed the night time sights and sounds.

At one point in our meanderings, we ventured into a small park. We rested on the bench and just sat beside each other, enjoying the cool breeze. From a distance, we heard a dog bark and the soft murmur of conversation from a nearby couple.

Hans lifted one arm and placed it upon my shoulders. I laid my head on his shoulder, and this caused him to hold me tighter against him. He turned his head and his eyes sought mine. He must have liked what he saw in there, as he leaned to kiss me.

It was a soft, exploratory kiss, a gentle touching of his lips against mine. He drew back to see my reaction, and I gave a hesitant half-smile. He kissed me again, light, subtle kisses on my lips, until he took my lower lip between his teeth and gave it a soft nibble. His tongue slid into my mouth, explored it and sought my own tongue.

Our tongues entwined, and soon we were moaning with desire. My hands were on his head, ruffling his hair, while his slid inside my red T-shirt, caressing the smooth skin of my back. He lifted his lips, then his blue eyes captured my chocolate gaze.

‘Let’s go back to the hostel,’ he said.

‘Yes,’ I replied. ‘It’s getting late.’

With short breaths, we walked to the nearest tram station to get to our hostel. We avoided bodily contact, our bodies were heated up and just a touch could light a spark between us. It was better to wait until we reached the privacy of our room.

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Giving into Darkness Pt 4

Part Four For a minute she thought she had dreamed the whole thing, however his body next to hers as her legs lie draped over his frame told her it had been real. He was sleeping, his breathing even with an arm over his eyes, she was playing with fire and she knew it. She would softly trace the contour of his jaw where a stubble was beginning to form, he sure was something to look at. A fine specimen of a male and a worthy first partner. It made her proud for some reason to know this...

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Late For DinnerChapter 12 Ready Aim Fire

"You were kidding about using me for target practice, weren't you, Office Ray?" Kathy asked tentatively as they descended the stairs towards the basement. "Heck no, we've got two teams of marksmen all ready to open up on you. They're warming up right now," the cheerful officer replied. "But, Mommy's not going to be happy if I come home full of bullet holes," the girl whined. "Oh," the officer stopped, "I'm sorry, we're not going to use guns, Kathy. I coach the home's men's...

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The Blonde in her Porsche

The Blonde in her Porsche.I’m James 35, fit, well educated, and work in chemical research. Being single I have no other responsibilities. When I want sex it will be readily supplied by my secretary or two lovely research assistants studying for their PhD’s at the local University.My hobbies are numerous. I formed a list while I was at University and I’m ticking my way through as many ‘dangerous sports’ as possible. Yes I thrive of risk!Today I’m driving my old pre 1950 Morgan 4/4 heading to my...

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My New Doctor And Nurse

Well, I just had my health insurance renewed and went through my yearly physical while meeting my new doctor at the same time. I would never have guessed that my physical would get so...well, let's just say so physical. In fact it was positively orgasmic!After I had gotten stripped down to my tighty-whities and into that very thin, light hospital gown that is open in the back, I sat on the hospital bed in anticipation of meeting my new doctor. "Good afternoon, I'm Dr. Smith," said a tall, White...

2 years ago
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Losing It 2

Losing It II By Kelly Brown So... what has happened since August 17th? (For anyone who hasn't read "Losing It", it detailed, my first proper outing to the firm's fancy dress do, which I attended as Britney Spears... and ended up giving a guy a blow job.) The first few days after the party, I was both elated AND terrified. I was convinced that everyone at work was looking at me strangely. That they all KNEW! I was also sure as hell, that Robert would mention something to...

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Torment in the forest 1

He studied them through his telescope sights. Which to take out first? The one on the right maybe? Silently he went back into the undergrowth to get closer. The two girls knew they were terribly lost in the forest. They were tired and tearful. "Liz, we should have stopped as soon as we knew we were lost," wept the blond. "I know, Wendy, we've been going for hours. I have no idea where we are." The three day forest hike to Jamestown was an easy walk. But early on the second day, they...

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Blue screen fuck session

Blue screen fuck sessionWhen Anita and I lived in New York our marital life was not so easy. I spent most of the time travelling to near cities due to my position as sales executive and she had a secretary job in a local company at Manhattan. The best we could have was a nice fuck session every time we met at home and of course, we had a full continuous communication by means of chatting through our lap computers.One weekend I had to fly to Baltimore and after a hard day visiting customers, I...

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Do me Daddy

The phone vibrated next to Lauren. It was in silent mode as she was studying for her chemistry midterm in the student library. She glanced down at it and was surprised to see that it was Vicky calling.Lauren had known Vicky for almost four years or since the two had started as freshmen at Florida State.Vicky wasn't really what Lauren would call a close friend and she only heard from her occasionally. She seldom saw her around campus and wondered if she was even still going to class.What she did...

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SurvivingChapter 10 Women trouble

The crossing to Knapdale the next morning was short; barely an hour and we landed at the same Klberry where Duncan had been so recently slain. Some one hundred and fifty men from the lordship met us there and Lachlan introduced me to the local captains. Commandeering twenty horses we decided to ride on to Aird Driseig, the main settlement of the lordship. I ordered the remaining men, now over two hundred, to come on behind us, picking up some other contingents, Lachlan added, at Ormsary and...

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From This DayChapter 2

The young servant girl blushed. Her own fantasies, though she’d had them for as long as she could remember, continued to embarrass her. She knew that it wasn’t proper of her role, to fantasize about her mistress like this. Her life was one of service, not of pleasure. It was not her place to imagine Sansa naked, or to ever think that she was worthy of being touched by the young Stark girl. Worse, she normally contained these thoughts for when she was alone, touching herself. She’d imagine...

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Hardon Family 06 All in the Family

John surveyed the bedroom full of naked, horny men and boys. There wasn't a limp dick in sight! John sighed with pleasure and anticipation. This was going to be a great fucking night. On the king-sized bed, his three sons were closely entwined. Donny, the fourteen-year-old, was on his back while one of his seventeen-year-old twin brothers—John couldn't tell who—was lustily fucking his ass, and the other brother was fucking Donny's face. There was a similar tableau across the room. Mark,...

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Traffic Jam

The holiday season has come and gone. Resolutions have been made with all the sincerity of a paid witness. Yet… its still my most joyous time of year. Let me begin by telling you that I don't consider myself to be a very sensual woman. I don't date all that often because of the demand on my time at work, and occasional sex is far less frequent. Good sex is rarer still. I'd pretty much settled into a routine of romance novels and masturbation as a means of sexual gratification. With a vivid...

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The Golden Bow

(True story) Jennifer sat up in bed and greeted the morning with a smile. She glanced at the calendar, filled with pink X’s, on the wall next to the bed. She felt a special glow inside that made her tingle from head to toe, and today nothing would extinguish it. She then enthusiastically said, ‘I don’t believe it, my wedding day is finally here! ‘ Wiping a tear from the corner of her eye, she hummed the tune, ‘Here comes the bride.’ Then got up, slid into her blue jeans, shirt, and donned pair...

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Reginalds PeopleChapter 6

“How do you mean, dear?” Frances was unclear. “If I stood behind you, I could fondle your breasts, then if you bent over the bed and opened your legs, I could enter you from behind while still standing upright. I might be able to fuck without stretching the wound; but it is up to each of you. You will now have two options to choose from; it is the best I can offer at present.” Frances bent to kiss him. “How considerate of you, my love. I will tell the girls of the options; they can choose...

4 years ago
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Jack and JillChapter 98 What Every Young Girl Should Know

Mom came into the kitchen with Mary. My sister's face was still swollen and she looked a little pale. She sat down across the table from me. "How are you doing, Sis?" "I hurt." "God, I wish there was something I could do for you." "I'll be all right. The dentist said it would hurt for a day or so and then it would be over." "Are you going to be OK for the dance on Friday?" "He said I should be fine. I have to go in Friday afternoon for a follow up visit. He said he wants to...

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Moving In 8211 The Start Of My Sexual Life

Hello friends, this is Samson 24 (All names changed for privacy). Simple guy with an average body and 6 ½ inch tool. This is a true story of how I moved in with a distant relative and got intimate with her. This happened 3 years ago. Her name is Tess, aged 34 and has 15 year old daughter, she is a divorcee and just lives with her daughter. She is 28-24-26, yes she maintained herself very well. She is a looker anyone would want to have a go at her. So to the story now. I was studying in...

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“Find out who viewed your profile,” the email said. This was for my LinkedIn profile, which had to mean that someone was really bored. They’d have to be bored if they looked up Andy Curtis. I’m a retired property manager and have very few professional contacts these days. I keep thinking I should delete my account, but I never get around to it. I get maybe one view every few months and it’s usually someone like a financial planner trolling for potential clients. I figured what the heck and...

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TrailsChapter 4

VICKIE After Vickies' divorce she called the wife. "Hi, Jo," she said, conversationally. "Is the Cheese home?" "Look, Victoria Jean," Jo bit off the words angrily. "I know what you want and I'm not giving him up." "Jo, I want him. You don't stand a chance," bragged Vickie, "And don't call me Victoria Jean! You sound like my mother!" Poor Victoria Jean ... I was working in Texas and didn't have a clue she wanted me. I will have to admit the night she came to the "slumber...

1 year ago
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Your will part 1

Vague sounds, blurred movements, faint smells knowing I should be something else, somewhere else, unease and there’s more than a little fear. Darkness is total once more. When I wake up I’m in a room I can’t see. It’s cold and smells strange. I know I’m nowhere I’ve been before. I can't see and my panic starts to rise. It takes a few seconds for me to realise that although I’ve opened my eyes I must be blindfolded. I push the panic back down. Yes, there it is, I can feel the weight of the...

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….When a girl first finds out she can cause a guy to get a hardon, many exciting things can happen. It’s a direct indicator that he is sexually aroused by her. Guys like it. Girls like it. Here’s what happened to me, Carol, with my new found power….….It all started when I was younger and I was playing with my dad. We were in the kitchen and I hugged him from the front one morning. He like usual, hugged me back. I felt a lump begin in his robe. It wasn’t there a minute ago until I continued to...

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Blue BoxChapter 4

The skirt was was a great idea. Even if Kevin COULD have seen anything other than "Sue's" private parts at this instant, which he couldn't, the skirt would keep him from seeing the other things that were happening. He would never be allowed to actually see Cheryl's naked body. She didn't want that to happen, ever. Cheryl straddled him. In a well-rehearsed move, she quickly took his cock between her legs. Kevin made some noise, which was muffled by Jeffrey's cunt. Jeffrey closed his...

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Into the Woods part 6

Rose and Mark started their own pack, still nearby to Rose's original family. Their daughter, Violet, is in her young adult stage now. She has her father's midnight black eyes, and slate grey fur. Combined with her mother's figure and silver undertones, this shewolf is beautiful. Her human form is equally pleasing to look at. Naturally red lips and very light skin from her mother, black hair and eyes from her father. She has a thinner, more petite figure than her mother; however, she is also...

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Shamus JournalsChapter 64

I was smiling to myself as I grabbed my cell. I called Charley and was told he was out. I left word for him to call me when he had a chance. I then called the motor pool and Doris answered the phone. I explained to her some of what was going on and asked her to have a talk with Jimmy. She should tell him I wanted him to stay away from the cabin until I let him know it was safe to come back around. She said she understood and would pass the word onto him. "Harry, are you going to take over...

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My Cousin Abegail The Begining of My FetishChapter 2

Abbey of course was disgusted when I came in her hands and she wiped her hand on my body, covering me with my own semen. "Now fuck off out of here pantyboy," she said, "and never touch my underwear ever again". I heard her mocking laughter as I ran down the hall the bedroom in which I was staying. To say I was terrified was an understatement; I was so scared she would tell everyone about my perversion. Days, then weeks passed and nothing happened. Whenever I met Abbey she would snigger...

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Rob Deb and Sue ndash Playtime

You may want to read our previous post on the preparations for our summer cruise and our first swinging encounter for this all to make sense. To summarise we met Rob and Deb whilst out shopping and ended up having a great evening of sex with them.We kept in contact with Rob and Deb after our encounter and respective cruise holidays, we spoke about meeting up around Christmas for a weekend in the country however that didn’t happen. Sue and I were both back at work full time and weekends seemed...

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Tub Time

Cindy relaxed on her soft couch, waiting for her co-worker to arrive. Amanda was a feisty redhead who had been working at the firm for about a year now. She was also the person who had been assigned to show her the ropes during the first week of work. They had hit it off right away and found they both had a love of lasagna, which Cindy was an expert at cooking. The doorbell rang and Cindy opened the door. Amanda was dressed in tight jeans and a similarly tight sweater, which showed off her...

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The UK will block online porn from April Proof of

The UK will block online porn from April. Here's what we knowAge verification of all pornographic content will be mandatory from April 2018. But there are still a lot of grey areasOnline pornography in the UK is set to undergo its biggest ever change this year. The government will introduce an age-verification requirement for all pornographic websites and people wanting to use them will have to prove they are over 18.The plans were initially announced in July 2017 with Matt Hancock, the then...

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Summer in barcelona

July 2008. Oxana and I got to meet through Internet a couple of years ago. For the records we live in a beautiful city in Ukraine. She is 23 years old. I am 34. As we started chatting, it seemed to me that a woman with hot fantasies could only be a gift for any man. My shock started when we manage to see each other. Even though she does not consider it, in the west, Oxana is a real beauty by all standards. She has nice legs, very shapely. She is average tall, has dark hair, dark brown eyes and...

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An Ordinary Mans Life Ch 26

Edited by tangentjoker. Great job. Thank you. —– On his way home, Todd was in an emotional turmoil. He was torn between the fact his exciting sex life and the closeness with his lovers were temporarily over and the alluring prospect of what may happen in Berkeley with him and the female species. He felt some sadness but also had to smile as he thought about the humorous fact his exciting sex life was just a little more than three months old. From the day Andromeda took his virginity until...

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True SubmissionChapter 2

I met her again. I can’t believe it, I there were a zillion things against it, but somehow I saw her again two nights ago, on Saturday. Her name’s Isabel. I met her for the first time a week ago when I saw her dancing at the Abbey with some other girl. That first meeting with Isabel didn’t go well, and I am not entirely sure why not. I am a good looking guy, fit, educated, and with no small skill when it comes to dealing with women. I won’t say that I could have any woman I wanted, but I do...

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My Wet Dream 2 the Stable

This is a recollection of one of my recurring wet dreams I’ve had throughout my life. As per the advice of my Storyteller friend – Amigo – I’m spicing it up a bit. Maybe I’ll even elaborate a little, making my story more sexual and interesting. Please enjoy at your leisure, and let me know what you think. It was late and everyone in the main house has gone to bed. I had just finished cleaning the kitchen and washing the dishes. My heart started beating faster, thinking about what’s about to...

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Forever in My HeartChapter 3

Madeline, Jenny, and Dorothy were all seated at a table near the back of a small restaurant down the street from where they worked. Madeline and Jenny were still close, but both had noticed Dorothy had been slowly distancing herself. Madeline had her suspicions; while she was the front runner for the upcoming partnership, she knew Dorothy was crafty and had been working overtime with all three partners on the tech. contract. It was becoming a big deal; they’d even pulled Kamenitz into the...

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All the Kings HorsesChapter 3

Sector 98-A, Neutral Space The Milky Way Galaxy 2398 Tiffany Winters frowned as she wriggled her fingers – watching the articulation of the Paladin Battledress’ combat gloves whir and click. There was an eerie fluidity to them that reminded her of those creepy cartoons she remembered watching in the early, blurry Saturday mornings, when the 1990s had been young, she hadn’t known that there was anything that went bump in the night, and the only worry in her head was how to get a new barbie....

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Back form my dayliy walk

i just got back fome my dayliy walk and there he was standing next to my in tabel he hade his playboy bunny boxers on he took me and made me get on my hands an knees pulling my hair makeing me curl to my room … i go to take his boxers off with my teeath (him) no no no bad girl … (him)stand up …so i do . B/c i want to plz my master . he bends me over my desk…puts two cups filled with blue faygo on both of my hands ..says if you spill any of it u will be punished ..(me) ok master (him)good girl...

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Ambassadors DelightsChapter 4 Appointment

As they prepared for their evening the two women discussed what they should wear and how they should look. "I think one of us should shave her cunt," said Sharon, "He might want a womanly thatch or a little child's hairlessness. We can offer both." Maria looked doubtful. Previously she had only kept her bush trimmed, but Sharon insisted that it was Maria who should shave. "You are the one who mentioned being spanked as a child and I saw his face when you said it," she...

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When I went to university back in 1980 it was my first time away from home, and I was just a bit over 18 years of age. Unfortunately for me when I arrived at college I was told that due to an admin error my application for accommodation in the halls of residence on the university site hadn’t been processed and so I wouldn’t be moving into the college accommodation. I was told not to worry, the college had sorted out some temporary accommodation for me in the shape of lodgings in a family house...

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