Reginald's FamilyChapter 17 free porn video

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Holly pointedly turned the subject back to work.

“We have to get our work done, girls, or Frances will not be happy; and when Frances is narked, Reg gets upset.”

Carol headed for the kitchen radio, and switched it on for music. By bad timing, she got the news headlines.

“ ... seven people are reported injured, and many other shocked by the blast. Police have called in the anti-terrorist squad, but why terrorists would try to blow open a bank vault is unclear. The Ministry of Defence have issued a new launch date for the second Queen Elizabeth Class aircraft carrier. It has been postponed for four weeks, due to technical difficulties.

The weather: Bright but showery across most of the UK, except for the Western Isles where a low is bringing heavy showers. Now, back to the music.”

Sidra asked, “What was that about an explosion at a bank? Would that have any connection with the explosion in the Chemistry building?”

Holly reassured her. “No chance, Sidra. The explosion at the university was caused by escaping gas; nothing like what must have happened at the bank. Put your mind at rest, girl.”

“Still, can we find out some more? Please?”

“If we go into Reg’s study, we can use the computer there, and look at the BBC News website. That will have fuller information,” said Carol.

Holly sighed, “I suppose so, but make it quick. I’ll start the ground floor dusting. Carol, you can tackle the next floor, and Sidra the top – as soon as possible please, ladies.”

Carol switched on the computer and the browser, and found the news website. The story was there, and it was clearly a robbery attempt. A senior policeman had told the media, “This was an attempt to gain entry to the bank’s vault, but they used too much explosive, or too powerful an explosive. Whichever it was, it scuppered their plans. The door has been sealed by the blast and the thieves ran for their car outside, and vanished with nothing to show for it. Several staff and customers had their hands and legs cable-tied, and were lying on the floor of the customer area. As the vault is much further away, these victims were mainly affected by the shock wave of the explosion, and are temporarily deaf. They have been taken to hospital for treatment.

Once they have recovered, we shall be able to get their statements about what actually occurred. That is all we know for now.”

An insistent newsman asked, “Why was the explosion so large, Chief Inspector?”

“That is being looked into as we speak, so I have nothing to tell you on that front. The least likely scenario is that the thieves used too much explosive due to miscalculation.”

The story gave no more information, so Carol closed the website and shut down the computer.

“Happy now, Sidra?”

She nodded. “Obviously nothing to do with gas. Probably too much gelignite.”

Carol told her, “There you go again, Sidra; talking about gelignite as if you knew all about it. Let’s get to the dusting, instead.”

Reg was surprised to get two text messages on his phone before they even got to the university. One was from the Student Service Manager, asking Reg to phone a specific number to speak with the policeman he had met previously. The other was a request for him to phone Sergeant Terence Phillips.

Reg chose the sergeant first.

“Sergeant Phillips please.”

“Hang on sir, while I transfer you.”

“Robertson?” the sergeant’s voice came from the phone.

“Yes, sir. You wanted me to call.”

“Indeed. Did you hear about this explosion at a bank?”

“No, sir. I didn’t check the news this morning.”

“Well, there was an attempted robbery at a bank. The thieves tied up the staff and customers, then put explosives against the vault door. The went well back and set off the explosives. The explosion was far greater than even they clearly expected, for it sealed the vault shut, and the perpetrators had to flee empty-handed.”

“I see. Why are you telling me this, sergeant?”

“Because forensics say that the cupboard in the Chemistry building contained explosives of some kind. What exactly, they are not sure, but similar to the explosive placed below the cupboard door. It looks like the one explosion was intended to destroy evidence of the stash of explosives inside. From the debris, our experts assess the planted explosive to be very powerful for its size. More powerful than gelignite is the suggestion; a residue suggesting a cubane explosive, whatever that is. That is the connection with today’s news. The potential robbers assumed it was similar to gelignite, just a little more power to it; but the result was much more destructive than they had assumed. I am inclined to accept that the thieves got their explosives via Mr Fitzgerald. That means he is selling explosives to the criminal fraternity; and not to terrorists, as Special Branch have been imagining.”

“Your reasoning seems impeccable Sergeant. How about your tracing abilities?”

“We went back to basics and re-asked the constabularies for their information; this time to come direct to me. We got one report of them being seen in Sussex a week ago. We think this was before they decamped to Dublin; possibly they were warned by their police contact. We have now asked for any new sightings, and any reports of unexplained explosions being heard. It is too early to expect results from that enquiry, so that is all I have for you. Any further suggestions?”

“The only thing I can imagine, Sergeant is that as Squadron-Leader Aitchison was RAF Bomb Disposal, they may have used bomb disposal sites for testing – the unexplained explosions that you are seeking. If they use old and deep quarries, the noise might not be remarked upon. It would be, ‘just the bomb disposal people again’.

“Thank you again, Mr Robertson. I shall get a list of such disposal sites and see what has been heard and observed; then match it with the bomb disposal folk’s records.”

They finished the call, and Reg noted they had almost arrived at the university car park. He checked his timetable for today, and he had over half an hour before his first appointment: a discussion with his tutor about progress. Reg reckoned he could afford to be slightly late if the call lasted longer than expected.

He saw the ladies off towards their own appointments, and found a bench to sit on for his next call. He dialled the number, and was asked his name.

“Reginald Robertson.”

“Hold.” after enough time for a list to be consulted, he was told, “I’ll put you through.”

Now, a recognised voice said, “Robertson?”

“You did get told I was on the line, so why ask again?”

“Oh, yes. Always the smart-ass. Have you seen the news this morning?”

“No sir, I haven’t. Should I have? Have you discovered the man you were seeking?”

“No, but possibly evidence of his presence. There was an explosion at a bank; possibly an attempt to get terrorist funding.”

“Evidence for that assumption?”

“What do you mean, evidence? A bloody great explosion is evidence enough. The forensic examination of the Chemistry lab suggests Fitzgerald was developing his own powerful explosive; perfect for suicide bombs and such.”

“An interesting surmise. I presume the bank robbers acted like terrorists, killing everyone in sight?”

“Well, no, actually. They tied up everyone and kept them away from the explosion. It was a bloody big explosion too!”

“So, tender-hearted terrorists, stealing funds from a bank. How much did they get?”

“Nothing. Their explosion sealed the bank vault closed. It will be a bloody great nuisance getting it open again.”

“Were they wearing masks?”

“Of course they were, and they had guns.”

“Sir, If I may be so bold, your description sound more like normal bank robbers with explosives they didn’t know how to use, and no plan B other than escape. The masks suggest criminals; terrorist do not care if they are seen, as they are proud of what they imagine they are doing. I would also expect terrorists to kill as many people as possible; have a bomb expert to calculate the amount necessary to open the door; and come prepared for removing large sums of money. They would happily spray bullets around everywhere. I am afraid I must doubt your terrorist assumption: The facts do not agree with it, do they?”

There was a long silence as the Special Branch man took this in. Then he spoke again.

“The odds are that the explosive came from Fitzgerald, you must agree.”

“I would certainly agree with that assumption, sir. His target appears to be to make money selling explosives. He MIGHT get around to selling to terrorists, but today’s event suggests his primary sales target is organised crime.”

“Robertson, why is that whenever I speak to you, you come up with new and different angles from the same facts?”

“I am a university student, sir. My lecturers expect me to think logically, without any preconceived ideas about what is happening. That is all I am doing. Your professional position forces you to think in predetermined lines of thought. Your bosses want to discover terrorists, so that is your primary aim in any investigation. I have no specific aim, so I am not unduly influenced by senior colleagues.

If I can assist further, do let me know.”

The Special Branch man gave up with a sigh, and concluded the call with less bluster than before.

Reg went off to meet his tutor, pleased with his two calls.

The tutor had his own opinion of Reg.

“Robertson, during the first semester, you went ahead in leaps and bounds. I know we have only had a week or so of this semester, but the feedback I have been getting from your lecturers is less positive than before. You still posit odd-sounding questions, but otherwise appear to be drifting at the moment. Can you explain why?”

“Too many other things getting in the way, sir. This morning I have had two calls from policemen, asking for assistance. In addition, should you wish to speak to the Reverend Professor, she will tell you I have another matter on my mind; one that neither of us can tell you about. In addition to all that, I have the needs of my wives to consider, as they are all fellow students here. I do my best to tutor them to help them improve their results.”

The tutor blinked as he stared at Reg in amazement.

“I must admit, I have never heard such a tale before. Can you back this tale of adventure with facts?”

“Of course, sir, but some of the informants may not wish to divulge their connection to me. They may be able to say that I have been dealing with them, but without any details of what. My wives can be introduced to you at any time. They are all on the university’s books as ‘Mrs Robertson’. The Student Services Manager can confirm that fact.

Is there anything else we need to talk about, sir?”

“Just a minute. Wives? You are the student with had a Commitment Ceremony last semester? With four women?”

“That would be me, sir. A fifth one has come to join us, so we will be having a further Commitment Ceremony before long.”

“I give up. All I want from you, Robertson, is your own commitment to your studies in this university. Will you promise to work harder and achieve more?”

“I shall do that as much as I can, sir. I hope to get a good degree at the end of this, though I have already had a job offer from a company when I graduate.”

“Robertson, get out of here. You are wasting my valuable time, when I could be helping students who really need assistance!”

“Yes, sir.” Reg left the office, grinning to himself. If only my girls were as fortunate. Ours is a male-dominated society. There was always the assumption that girls will do worse than boys. The evidence for that assumption was ambivalent at the least. More probably it was general social attitudes that deterred clever girls from achieving more.

He was now looking forward to his physics lecturer telling him about the physics of transport. Reg proposed to ask what similarity there was between moving trains on railway tracks and snow crunching underfoot. It was something to do with traction and slip, he understood, but he was interested in how the lecturer approached it.

Surprisingly, the man was up to the challenge, when Reg asked this at the end of the lecture.

“Mr Robertson, the question boils down to two opposing forces: Friction and slip. In the case of trains, the friction between wheel and rail – two steel surfaces – is very small, so the force needing to be applied to make the wheels turn is relatively small. This why rail transport is so efficient.

Applying a much greater force causes the wheels to slip, and this is observable when a steam engine starts up too sharply. The wheels spin and then catch again, so the engine driver has to lower the motive force to allow traction to take place with this level of friction.

In a similar way, newly fallen snowflakes are structurally jagged, and so find it easy to interlock. When this stronger force of friction is overcome by a human foot stepping down, there is a sudden episode of slip, resulting in a sharp sound that you hear as the crunching of snow. Older snow has slightly melted, producing a rounded spine structure with a lower coefficient of friction, so slip occurs more readily, and with less noise.

A similar effect happens when railway lines are wet. The slip then happens more readily so the engine driver has to reduce his power level to counteract this. The infamous ‘leaves on the line’ excuse really happens. The leaves have to be damp and greasy, of course, and so you get more slip, making it difficult for the train to obtain the traction for going fast.”

Reg was quick with his praise. “Thank you, sir, for that clear explanation. I will never again complain if my train is slower on a wet day.”

“As long as the physics is understood by my students, I will be happy,” finished the lecturer. “You seem to already be conversant with most of this material, Robertson.”

“Sir, I believe in reading the prescribed texts BEFORE the course starts. That way, the lectures help to expand my understanding of what I have read.”

The man stared at Reg. “All of the prescribed texts?”

“Not quite, sir, but all the important ones. Some merely seem to enlarge on the basic theme of the others. Once one sees the overall pattern, the rest becomes easy.”

“That is true. I wish other students took the same approach to Physics.”

“We are all human, sir, so we each have our own attitudes towards learning. Learning, for me, has always been my prime target in life. Now, though, I have my female companions to divert my attention.”

“Ah, yes, girls. Always the girls, with you young men. But wait a minute, aren’t you the young man who has linked up with several plain girls?”

“That is correct, sir, but these so-called plain girls are clever with it, and it is my joy to act as tutor to them, so that they should be able to master a good degree.”

“You are quite taken by them?”

“Indeed so. I intend to spend the rest of my life with them. They feel the same way about me, so all is well.”

“Good luck, then, Robertson; chacun à son goût. Please remember to maintain your studies in physics. You need your own good degree, young man.”

“I know, sir, and I will. Pardon me, I have another appointment now.”

He didn’t, but he wanted to get away from this discussion. His next appointment was with the library, to do some research into explosions. Reg was wondering what exactly Fitzgerald had been up to in the lab, and was thinking of how unstable the guy’s new explosive might be. There might be a reason why Fitzgerald, a student, could come up with a more powerful explosive that was not already in the military or commercial inventory. Or, like Nobel, he has come up with an additive that makes the explosive more of a commercial product.

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"So you want to know about different kinds of panties, do ya?" Ashley asked her inquisitive friend. "Yes, you might think it's kind of weird, but I seem to have forgotten. I know I wear panties everyday, but I guess I never paid attention," Jessie replied. He felt a little odd not knowing about something he felt he should have. "Okay, let's see...these are called boy short panties. They are just like the boring old underwear boys wear, but they are frilly'd and lacy'd up a bit,"...

2 years ago
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Three Days in the MoonChapter 2

Tuesday 10 August, Morning John awoke to the sound of a voice in the next room. Liz's breast under his hand and her rear pressing on his morning erection were familiar but the room and the voice weren't. Oh yes, they had been extracted, which explained the room. He got up to investigate the voice. The TV had come on to a morning news program and it was 07:32. It looked like they were being woken for breakfast. He switched off the TV and went to rouse Liz. Overnight someone had set up...

4 years ago
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Threesome with my closet brothers scally fuck budd

My older brother Mark had asked me too stay in his apartment for the weekend & look after his dog while he was away on a stag do, It was Saturday night and had been out for a couple drinks, as I approached his apartment I seen a couple of young lads hanging about outside, I had a cheeky perv at them as I entered the block & thought no more of it, a few mins later his intercom rings & when I answered this deep scouse lad says 'Now then fat lash, been down here for ages, seen as your...

4 years ago
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Passing the Baton 2 Lilas StoryChapter 19

Lila hung, senseless, from the cross. That last scream took her beyond the realm of consciousness, into the blackness of oblivion. Aisha let her hang, mercifully unconscious, while she awaited instructions from Manu. It took a long time for him to stand and approach the inert hanging body. "Help me," he asked Aisha. Together they released the Lila's tortured body and laid her, face down, on the floor. She did not regain consciousness during this process, and only faint moans revealed...

2 years ago
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No More Roman

The world at large thought Samuel Caseson a very lucky man, at 64 he was one of the richest men in the world as well as strikingly handsome and still vital and healthy. Add to that he had just married Donna Pool a rare beauty 42 years his junior. That however was not how Samuel thought of himself, he thought of himself as he had for the last 2300 plus years. He thought of himself as he had in his original body, citizen of Rome Dovus Baxemus. As a Centurion of in the Roman army...

2 years ago
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Lesbian Diaper Story

OFF MY OFFICIAL BLOG: I had been an disciplinary top for many years, I had never considered using diapers as part of play until I met Jessie. Jessie brought out parts of me that I didn't know existed. She took our lovemaking to a higher level of pleasure than I had thought was possible.But let me start back at the beginning. I knew without looking at the calendar that there was a full moon that night. I felt it, just as sure...

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master Alicia stood by her bedroom window and watched as another couple of cars pulled up and parked along the street near her house. The heavy bass from the rap music playing made the window vibrate slightly. It was a common sound around this inner city neighborhood. The guys stepping out of the cars and coming up to the front door were friends of her brother Marco. They were well dressed up with their dark sunglasses, gaudy jewelry, baggy pants and baseball caps. They...

1 year ago
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Reddit SeeThru, aka r/SeeThru! The online world is filled with all kinds of porn, be it fucked up or not… you have it all. Reddit is known to be one of those sites that just has a little bit of everything, and while I enjoy watching porn videos, I sometimes love to dabble in the naughty shit as well. For example, the subreddits that are designed to tease you and let you appreciate the beautiful physique that women have.One of my favorite subreddits that perfectly fits that category is called...

Reddit NSFW List
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The Tank Room

The following day was when the papers were due. I was already sitting there when Nora came bopping in. Later that year, I would see Young Frankenstein, and how she had moved reminded me of Madeline Kahn’s entrance into a bedroom. That was the scene late in the film where Peter Boyle is trying to read The Wall Street Journal.I thought, Nora, try to be a little more subtle.She plopped into the seat right next to me – she had never done that before – and she started a faked coy simpering.“Hi Paul,...

College Sex
3 years ago
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Tution Tutor To Sex Slave

Hi aunties and sex girls, I am back with a new story and I got good comments from my previous story facebook friend to bed friend. Please contact me on .Going to the story to be brief I am a now working as software engg in an mnc hyderabad. This happened a year an ago when I was not idle.   As I don’t have a job, it difficult for me to ask from home, so I planned to tell home tuitions and finally I got any opportunity to tell classes to a 2 and class girl in nizampet area.   To describe the...

2 years ago
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20 Minutes with Cathy

I rang the door bell of my best friend's house and stood there a little nervous. Jack wouldn't be in. In fact he was due to meet me the other side of town in twenty minutes time. He was a big man who didn't fuck around and I had thought long and hard before deciding to make this visit. The door opened the beautiful brunette vixen in front of me was a little surprised. The woman was Cathy, Jacks wife. She was medium height with olive tanned skin. Her dark massacred eyes matched her long...

1 year ago
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SophomoreChapter 2 Marcys Visit

The windows were open but the apartment was already warm on that Sunday morning in August. I watched as Shirley climbed into bed with me, anxious to see what she had in mind. We were on our sides, facing each other. It wasn't like her to be sexually aggressive but I wasn't complaining. Being in the shower with her the day before had opened my eyes; she had been transformed into an untamed savage, taking what she wanted. Shirley held up her hand and I acknowledged that she was wearing the...

4 years ago
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Jane Naked in SchoolFriday part 2

F .4 Trina was sleeping when they came in, so it wasn't for almost fifteen minutes that they got to talk to her. Even then, she seemed surprised to see them. "Arie. Derek. What are you doing here? Isn't school still going?" "Yes, it is," Derek said. "But we got special permission from Dr. Zelvetti, since she couldn't be here herself. Did you know she was here last night?" "No," said Trina quietly. "Derek," Arie said. "Hush. We're not here to interrogate her." Derek...

1 year ago
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Private Jessika Night Horny Student Fuck On Campus

Today for her first time at is naughty schoolgirl Jessika Night and things kick off right away for Jessika’s debut as she wakes up to a cock in her face and immediately goes in for a taste. And after showing off her blowjob skills Jessika offers up her juicy pussy to classmate Vince Carter before tearing off her uniform and enjoying a hard pounding right there on the bed. Watch Jessika in a debut she’ll never forget as she moans, screams, and fucks all the way until her pussy is...

4 years ago
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Tutoring Jahzara

The memo on the information board in the foyer was a request for volunteer tutors. As I had a light schedule in this semester of college, I decided to attend the information session and see what's involved. There were a dozen others in the room as they discussed the need for tutors to assist immigrant students with their English language skills and studies. I signed up and was told to report back the next day to meet my student.I was both pleased and surprised to meet Jahzara. She was a young...

3 years ago
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The FreshmanChapter 4 The First Touch

Cecilia was restricted to Huntington Hall the following Sunday. She was the duty RA from midnight Sunday morning until midnight Monday morning. She had to keep the dorm security radio with her at all times and be the first member of the dorm staff to respond to any crisis. The RA would have been perfectly content with the arrangement, given that she needed to finish fixing her project for Burnside anyway, had that damn radio not been going off non-stop. No sooner had she changed out of her...

3 years ago
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Slutty Hotwife Annabel Friday Night PickUp

Slutty Hotwife Annabel: Friday Night Pick-UpChapter 1Friday evenings were 'pick-up' nights for Annabel. We would go into a downtown bar or club separately withthe intention of Annabel getting picked up by another guy, while I watched from nearby. The formula hasn'tchanged much since before the time we got married, almost 4 years ago. But her outfits have got ever moreslutty and outrageous; her flirting, cockteasing and flashing ever more brazen!I waited in the living room for Annabel to emerge,...

1 year ago
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Timmys First Dinner Out

"Timmy's first dinner out." With the night out at the opera and a luxury dinner finished, Timmy, his male escort Ned, his mother-in-law Gladys, his wife Cindy and her date Ted entered the long black limo as it pulled up in front of the exclusive restaurant. The valet held the back door of the limo open. Timmy was second to last to enter the large back seat of the limo followed by his large male escort. He plopped down on the large black leather seat holding his royal blue clutch...

2 years ago
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My Little VentrueChapter 71

~~Natasha~~ It wasn’t the first time Tash had been close to an explosion. Working for the Invictus, they had all sorts of toys for dealing with the Carthians. They weren’t allowed to kill other vampires, lest they trigger a war, but sometimes blowing up a car, or a cellar, or even a whole building, was required to send a message. She was familiar with the kinetic punch, the wave of force that hits the body, and then the following wave. It was nothing like in the movies, where you could just...

1 year ago
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Letters from a Friend in Paris letters 18

I got back to my room without being observed, chuckling over the fact that I was now completely initiated in all the mysteries of the family, and was an accepted participator in all the exquisite excesses of their incestuous intercourse; yet still there wanted the complete enlightenment of both Papa and Mamma as to my relations with both Fred and Sophie. Mamma, who was as capricious as a young beauty of twenty, had taken a fancy to have Fred the following night, and Papa had been so...

1 year ago
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My first time when I pleased a Dominant man and go

To share with you all my first time. :)Already since I was a k** I had a fascination for penises. Watching my classmates in gym class or playing games. Real honest curiosity. Later came a certain shame, I come from quite a religious family and there was not a lot of room for free sexuality. Sexuality was something for that certain person you are going to marry. This got me always really afraid. I also turned more inward in puberty and became quite shy, having lots of hidden fantasies. I would...

2 years ago
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Channel SurfingChapter 3

She went on for over another hour pleasuring herself. I did some stroking myself which felt pretty good but couldn't manage another cum. I'd never seen a woman have as many orgasms as Amy had that night, there were nine in all and they were all powerful. Finally, she just collapsed back and let out a long sigh. "Oh, Lew, I am just wiped-out. Whew. This has been incredible, unbelievable. I hope it's been just as good for you." "I only got off once but it was one of the best I've...

3 years ago
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No Second Chance

Intro Song: "Vanity and Rot"-Lacey Sturm She tested the ropes again that had her hands bound behind her back. They wouldn't loosen. They had restrained her good to this small chair. "Fuck." She gaze shot up. As her cell door buzzed. The green light showed on her cell door and DeFalco entered the room. White hair. 50-ish year old man that had kidnapped her from Colossus. "What do you want from me now? Because of Menendez truth serum I already helped you guys with your plan." The old man said...

3 years ago
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Appa Ennai Padukaiyil Oothar

Vanakam enathu peyar Sherin, vayathu 22 aagugirathu, enaku ippozhuthu thirumana vayathu aagugirathu athu matum ilamal enaku vetil varan paarthu varugiraargal. Enathu appa siru vayathil thirumanam seithu kondathaal avar ilamaiyaagave irupaar vayathu 38 thaan aagum. Naan veetirku oru pen matum thaan, athanaal ennai eppozhuthum chelamaaga valarpaargal. En appa niraiya murai amma udan kaamam seivathai naan paarthu irukiren, appa eppozhuthum samayal araiyil amma pudavai matrum paavadaiyai thuki...

1 year ago
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A Balmy SpringChapter 5

"So what are your post-high school plans?" I asked the trio of girls who seemed to be my constant companions from seven-thirty to three, five days a week, while we were walking to first period. "Sunbathing and shopping," Kristin sang out. The rest of us laughed. "I meant long-term, after summer." "I'll probably go to work for my dad," Shawna answered. "No college?" She shrugged. "I don't think college is for me. Besides, Dad is already holding a spot for me. He eventually...

2 years ago
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Night at the theater

One very cold evening i decided to go the the movies with a friend of mine. He was an older black man who i called rick, and he had already got the ticketes for the movie. He arrives at my house and demands me to wear a black shirt, a pair of black panties and black leggings and to bring a black skirt with me. I got dressed and met him in his car. I asked him what movie and we were going to see and he responded in a deep low voice “it is a surprise.” He then said “the movie is at 11pm so we...

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