Reginald's FamilyChapter 17 free porn video

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Holly pointedly turned the subject back to work.

“We have to get our work done, girls, or Frances will not be happy; and when Frances is narked, Reg gets upset.”

Carol headed for the kitchen radio, and switched it on for music. By bad timing, she got the news headlines.

“ ... seven people are reported injured, and many other shocked by the blast. Police have called in the anti-terrorist squad, but why terrorists would try to blow open a bank vault is unclear. The Ministry of Defence have issued a new launch date for the second Queen Elizabeth Class aircraft carrier. It has been postponed for four weeks, due to technical difficulties.

The weather: Bright but showery across most of the UK, except for the Western Isles where a low is bringing heavy showers. Now, back to the music.”

Sidra asked, “What was that about an explosion at a bank? Would that have any connection with the explosion in the Chemistry building?”

Holly reassured her. “No chance, Sidra. The explosion at the university was caused by escaping gas; nothing like what must have happened at the bank. Put your mind at rest, girl.”

“Still, can we find out some more? Please?”

“If we go into Reg’s study, we can use the computer there, and look at the BBC News website. That will have fuller information,” said Carol.

Holly sighed, “I suppose so, but make it quick. I’ll start the ground floor dusting. Carol, you can tackle the next floor, and Sidra the top – as soon as possible please, ladies.”

Carol switched on the computer and the browser, and found the news website. The story was there, and it was clearly a robbery attempt. A senior policeman had told the media, “This was an attempt to gain entry to the bank’s vault, but they used too much explosive, or too powerful an explosive. Whichever it was, it scuppered their plans. The door has been sealed by the blast and the thieves ran for their car outside, and vanished with nothing to show for it. Several staff and customers had their hands and legs cable-tied, and were lying on the floor of the customer area. As the vault is much further away, these victims were mainly affected by the shock wave of the explosion, and are temporarily deaf. They have been taken to hospital for treatment.

Once they have recovered, we shall be able to get their statements about what actually occurred. That is all we know for now.”

An insistent newsman asked, “Why was the explosion so large, Chief Inspector?”

“That is being looked into as we speak, so I have nothing to tell you on that front. The least likely scenario is that the thieves used too much explosive due to miscalculation.”

The story gave no more information, so Carol closed the website and shut down the computer.

“Happy now, Sidra?”

She nodded. “Obviously nothing to do with gas. Probably too much gelignite.”

Carol told her, “There you go again, Sidra; talking about gelignite as if you knew all about it. Let’s get to the dusting, instead.”

Reg was surprised to get two text messages on his phone before they even got to the university. One was from the Student Service Manager, asking Reg to phone a specific number to speak with the policeman he had met previously. The other was a request for him to phone Sergeant Terence Phillips.

Reg chose the sergeant first.

“Sergeant Phillips please.”

“Hang on sir, while I transfer you.”

“Robertson?” the sergeant’s voice came from the phone.

“Yes, sir. You wanted me to call.”

“Indeed. Did you hear about this explosion at a bank?”

“No, sir. I didn’t check the news this morning.”

“Well, there was an attempted robbery at a bank. The thieves tied up the staff and customers, then put explosives against the vault door. The went well back and set off the explosives. The explosion was far greater than even they clearly expected, for it sealed the vault shut, and the perpetrators had to flee empty-handed.”

“I see. Why are you telling me this, sergeant?”

“Because forensics say that the cupboard in the Chemistry building contained explosives of some kind. What exactly, they are not sure, but similar to the explosive placed below the cupboard door. It looks like the one explosion was intended to destroy evidence of the stash of explosives inside. From the debris, our experts assess the planted explosive to be very powerful for its size. More powerful than gelignite is the suggestion; a residue suggesting a cubane explosive, whatever that is. That is the connection with today’s news. The potential robbers assumed it was similar to gelignite, just a little more power to it; but the result was much more destructive than they had assumed. I am inclined to accept that the thieves got their explosives via Mr Fitzgerald. That means he is selling explosives to the criminal fraternity; and not to terrorists, as Special Branch have been imagining.”

“Your reasoning seems impeccable Sergeant. How about your tracing abilities?”

“We went back to basics and re-asked the constabularies for their information; this time to come direct to me. We got one report of them being seen in Sussex a week ago. We think this was before they decamped to Dublin; possibly they were warned by their police contact. We have now asked for any new sightings, and any reports of unexplained explosions being heard. It is too early to expect results from that enquiry, so that is all I have for you. Any further suggestions?”

“The only thing I can imagine, Sergeant is that as Squadron-Leader Aitchison was RAF Bomb Disposal, they may have used bomb disposal sites for testing – the unexplained explosions that you are seeking. If they use old and deep quarries, the noise might not be remarked upon. It would be, ‘just the bomb disposal people again’.

“Thank you again, Mr Robertson. I shall get a list of such disposal sites and see what has been heard and observed; then match it with the bomb disposal folk’s records.”

They finished the call, and Reg noted they had almost arrived at the university car park. He checked his timetable for today, and he had over half an hour before his first appointment: a discussion with his tutor about progress. Reg reckoned he could afford to be slightly late if the call lasted longer than expected.

He saw the ladies off towards their own appointments, and found a bench to sit on for his next call. He dialled the number, and was asked his name.

“Reginald Robertson.”

“Hold.” after enough time for a list to be consulted, he was told, “I’ll put you through.”

Now, a recognised voice said, “Robertson?”

“You did get told I was on the line, so why ask again?”

“Oh, yes. Always the smart-ass. Have you seen the news this morning?”

“No sir, I haven’t. Should I have? Have you discovered the man you were seeking?”

“No, but possibly evidence of his presence. There was an explosion at a bank; possibly an attempt to get terrorist funding.”

“Evidence for that assumption?”

“What do you mean, evidence? A bloody great explosion is evidence enough. The forensic examination of the Chemistry lab suggests Fitzgerald was developing his own powerful explosive; perfect for suicide bombs and such.”

“An interesting surmise. I presume the bank robbers acted like terrorists, killing everyone in sight?”

“Well, no, actually. They tied up everyone and kept them away from the explosion. It was a bloody big explosion too!”

“So, tender-hearted terrorists, stealing funds from a bank. How much did they get?”

“Nothing. Their explosion sealed the bank vault closed. It will be a bloody great nuisance getting it open again.”

“Were they wearing masks?”

“Of course they were, and they had guns.”

“Sir, If I may be so bold, your description sound more like normal bank robbers with explosives they didn’t know how to use, and no plan B other than escape. The masks suggest criminals; terrorist do not care if they are seen, as they are proud of what they imagine they are doing. I would also expect terrorists to kill as many people as possible; have a bomb expert to calculate the amount necessary to open the door; and come prepared for removing large sums of money. They would happily spray bullets around everywhere. I am afraid I must doubt your terrorist assumption: The facts do not agree with it, do they?”

There was a long silence as the Special Branch man took this in. Then he spoke again.

“The odds are that the explosive came from Fitzgerald, you must agree.”

“I would certainly agree with that assumption, sir. His target appears to be to make money selling explosives. He MIGHT get around to selling to terrorists, but today’s event suggests his primary sales target is organised crime.”

“Robertson, why is that whenever I speak to you, you come up with new and different angles from the same facts?”

“I am a university student, sir. My lecturers expect me to think logically, without any preconceived ideas about what is happening. That is all I am doing. Your professional position forces you to think in predetermined lines of thought. Your bosses want to discover terrorists, so that is your primary aim in any investigation. I have no specific aim, so I am not unduly influenced by senior colleagues.

If I can assist further, do let me know.”

The Special Branch man gave up with a sigh, and concluded the call with less bluster than before.

Reg went off to meet his tutor, pleased with his two calls.

The tutor had his own opinion of Reg.

“Robertson, during the first semester, you went ahead in leaps and bounds. I know we have only had a week or so of this semester, but the feedback I have been getting from your lecturers is less positive than before. You still posit odd-sounding questions, but otherwise appear to be drifting at the moment. Can you explain why?”

“Too many other things getting in the way, sir. This morning I have had two calls from policemen, asking for assistance. In addition, should you wish to speak to the Reverend Professor, she will tell you I have another matter on my mind; one that neither of us can tell you about. In addition to all that, I have the needs of my wives to consider, as they are all fellow students here. I do my best to tutor them to help them improve their results.”

The tutor blinked as he stared at Reg in amazement.

“I must admit, I have never heard such a tale before. Can you back this tale of adventure with facts?”

“Of course, sir, but some of the informants may not wish to divulge their connection to me. They may be able to say that I have been dealing with them, but without any details of what. My wives can be introduced to you at any time. They are all on the university’s books as ‘Mrs Robertson’. The Student Services Manager can confirm that fact.

Is there anything else we need to talk about, sir?”

“Just a minute. Wives? You are the student with had a Commitment Ceremony last semester? With four women?”

“That would be me, sir. A fifth one has come to join us, so we will be having a further Commitment Ceremony before long.”

“I give up. All I want from you, Robertson, is your own commitment to your studies in this university. Will you promise to work harder and achieve more?”

“I shall do that as much as I can, sir. I hope to get a good degree at the end of this, though I have already had a job offer from a company when I graduate.”

“Robertson, get out of here. You are wasting my valuable time, when I could be helping students who really need assistance!”

“Yes, sir.” Reg left the office, grinning to himself. If only my girls were as fortunate. Ours is a male-dominated society. There was always the assumption that girls will do worse than boys. The evidence for that assumption was ambivalent at the least. More probably it was general social attitudes that deterred clever girls from achieving more.

He was now looking forward to his physics lecturer telling him about the physics of transport. Reg proposed to ask what similarity there was between moving trains on railway tracks and snow crunching underfoot. It was something to do with traction and slip, he understood, but he was interested in how the lecturer approached it.

Surprisingly, the man was up to the challenge, when Reg asked this at the end of the lecture.

“Mr Robertson, the question boils down to two opposing forces: Friction and slip. In the case of trains, the friction between wheel and rail – two steel surfaces – is very small, so the force needing to be applied to make the wheels turn is relatively small. This why rail transport is so efficient.

Applying a much greater force causes the wheels to slip, and this is observable when a steam engine starts up too sharply. The wheels spin and then catch again, so the engine driver has to lower the motive force to allow traction to take place with this level of friction.

In a similar way, newly fallen snowflakes are structurally jagged, and so find it easy to interlock. When this stronger force of friction is overcome by a human foot stepping down, there is a sudden episode of slip, resulting in a sharp sound that you hear as the crunching of snow. Older snow has slightly melted, producing a rounded spine structure with a lower coefficient of friction, so slip occurs more readily, and with less noise.

A similar effect happens when railway lines are wet. The slip then happens more readily so the engine driver has to reduce his power level to counteract this. The infamous ‘leaves on the line’ excuse really happens. The leaves have to be damp and greasy, of course, and so you get more slip, making it difficult for the train to obtain the traction for going fast.”

Reg was quick with his praise. “Thank you, sir, for that clear explanation. I will never again complain if my train is slower on a wet day.”

“As long as the physics is understood by my students, I will be happy,” finished the lecturer. “You seem to already be conversant with most of this material, Robertson.”

“Sir, I believe in reading the prescribed texts BEFORE the course starts. That way, the lectures help to expand my understanding of what I have read.”

The man stared at Reg. “All of the prescribed texts?”

“Not quite, sir, but all the important ones. Some merely seem to enlarge on the basic theme of the others. Once one sees the overall pattern, the rest becomes easy.”

“That is true. I wish other students took the same approach to Physics.”

“We are all human, sir, so we each have our own attitudes towards learning. Learning, for me, has always been my prime target in life. Now, though, I have my female companions to divert my attention.”

“Ah, yes, girls. Always the girls, with you young men. But wait a minute, aren’t you the young man who has linked up with several plain girls?”

“That is correct, sir, but these so-called plain girls are clever with it, and it is my joy to act as tutor to them, so that they should be able to master a good degree.”

“You are quite taken by them?”

“Indeed so. I intend to spend the rest of my life with them. They feel the same way about me, so all is well.”

“Good luck, then, Robertson; chacun à son goût. Please remember to maintain your studies in physics. You need your own good degree, young man.”

“I know, sir, and I will. Pardon me, I have another appointment now.”

He didn’t, but he wanted to get away from this discussion. His next appointment was with the library, to do some research into explosions. Reg was wondering what exactly Fitzgerald had been up to in the lab, and was thinking of how unstable the guy’s new explosive might be. There might be a reason why Fitzgerald, a student, could come up with a more powerful explosive that was not already in the military or commercial inventory. Or, like Nobel, he has come up with an additive that makes the explosive more of a commercial product.

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Kinky night with my dom Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

That night was burned into my brain. I had broken up with my boyfriend, my dom, but I couldn’t get him out of my mind. His pleasuring skills still tormenting me day and night. It had been only a week and here I was rethinking going back to him. One of these days I was remembering one kinky night we had where we did it and it was so memorable. I had orgasmed so hard and he had seemed so proud to give that to me. That night I had gone to his apartment hoping to get pleasured by him. He tied me up...

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I grew up very shy and did not experiment a lot. I kissed my cousin a few times and we played with each other’s bodies but that was about it. Marriage opened me to many great adventures with hubby but I was still a very shy girl. I did think that everything I ever needed sexually was right there beside me but that wasn’t the case, as I recently found out. About a year ago, hubby started travelling for business. In mid 2010 he went traveling around Canada for work and set me up with my...

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Rachels Rapture Ch 01

Rachel sat on the cold uncarpeted church floor for quite some time. Eli’s head was still cradled in her lap, his blood soaking into her dress. Later on, she would have no idea how long she had sat there crying, her brain had temporarily shut down when Eli’s had stopped permanently…and then there was the prayer that she had shared with the dying Brother Eli, she couldn’t explain that either. She understood that women were not worthy of leading prayer inside of a church, they were to remain...

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Watching my mommy Sobha getting fucked 2

Ever since my Mom started sleeping with Rajeev, I started listening to all her calls to find out if she had any more interesting liaisons. I was disappointed to find none when I once happened to listen to another conversation between my Mom and Rajeev on the phone.‘Hi Sobha darling.’‘Hi’‘I talked to the producers of my serial about hiring you as an actress.’‘Really?!! What did they say?’‘They said that you had to take a screen test for them. You also have to perform some……er………favours for them....

3 years ago
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A BiAmerican in Paris Ch 02

MEETING AMELIE On Sunday I slept in and woke up about 10AM. I still could not get over that I had fucked a transsexual the day before. It was eerie because Simone looked like a beautiful woman and the sex was great. I had made up my mind that I needed to be with Lina so I showered, dressed and called her on the phone. There was no answer at her apartment. I stopped at the bakery and got a pastry and café to eat on the way and then walked to the Metro station. I arrived at the apartment and...

4 years ago
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My Husband My Daughter

My Husband, My Daughter. By Betty Noone "Paul, I wish you could be a little happier," JoAnn his wife of two years said to him. "I have been out of work for over three months now, and it seems that no- one wants to hire me." Paul replied. JoAnn Crawford was thirty years old. Six years older than her husband. He was in real estate sales, but the recession caused lay-offs, and it seems no-one is hiring. He tried to get a job in other fields but in a tight job market, the employers...

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Sarahs step mom shows us the ropes part 3

It was Saturday morning, we all had breakfast together and there was some interesting comments being made by Sarah’s mom and stepmom. I was talking to Sarah about how Lori had asked me to go to this party. Sarah said, “she never mentioned any party to me…I know she sometimes does parties for her work, but my mom said I wasn’t allowed to go to those”. I asked Lori about the party. “yeah, it’s a work thing, if you come along you will need to do some work though, its not all play” “What kind of...

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Part Four Sharing My Japanese Wife Mos Burger

While Keiko was sucking and fucking her English lover, Mark, I was fucking Yoshie.The second time I saw Yoshie was one Saturday night while I helped out at a friend’s Japanese pub and Yoshie walked in with a woman I knew, and secretly disliked, named Yumi.  I had never forgotten Yoshie with her willowy body and long wavy hair; I had met her at a party a few years before and she would cross my mind from time to time. The night wasn’t busy so I sat down at their table and we had a few...

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The Rise of Commander Cassidy Chapter TwoTHE PROFESSOR AND THE COHORT

The coffee shop 'Javaverse' is a popular location for college-age students to study, socialize, and listen to local bands preform their music live on the weekends. 'Remember, find a way to get him alone and then use the nanobots I gave you' Felix reminded Jessie over a Bluetooth headset she was wearing. 'Yes, Master Felix," she replied softly, removing the headset and tucking it into the white blouse she was wearing. As soon as she stepped inside the smell of fresh coffee grounds struck...

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Mafia Sex SlaveChapter 2

Janice and I are trying to keep their their marriage together inspite of Janice’s new dilemma duties. One day Janice’s owner called and told her that she start dressing more trashy. Janice said “what do you mean by trashy?” Jessie replied “do you own a garter belt and very sheer stocking? Do you have 4 or 5 inch stilettos? How about a skirt that would just barely cover your stocking tops or maybe a high side slit?” Janice was stunned and said “No!” “Well I suggest you buy some for this...

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Detective Hayate

Main Character: Name: Hayate Gender: Male Age: 27 Appearance: 5'9", Medium built with toned muscle. Occupation: Private Detective (former Martial-artist) More info: Hayate is a private detective who used to be a martial artist master at a dojo inherited from his dad. He has a younger sister, Hitomi (18), who ran the dojo together. They both are experts in martial arts. Due to the bad business and no new people signing up for training, they had to eventually close down the dojo and Hayate opened...

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Swimsuit SinnersChapter 2

Phil had been wounded in the World War, so he knew danger; he even knew the stress of facing immediate death. But this afternoon he'd had a long swim and then delicious but exhausting sex, so he felt weak when Singleton's two thugs dragged him out on deck. He needed a few moments to recover. No man who ever had sex with Vic Singleton's ripe daughter was going to be able to climb into the prize ring right after! George Panther chatted nervously as he tried to cool the bootlegger down....

4 years ago
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A Fishing Day

True Story... This happened to me on April 19th. 2016. I went fishing in a fairly remote place on a lake near me. I had been fishing for about half an hour when I heard someone coming through the brush in my direction. I looked up an saw a young man with his tackle box and pole. He said hi and came down next to the shore line with me. He told me this was a good place to fish and that he had caught a lot of fish here. I found out his name was Rob and...

2 years ago
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Hot Sex With My Friend

Hi call me Martin from Kochi Kerala. I am 21 years old and one of my goal was to lose my virginity before I turn 22 Well guess what guys I lost my virginity to one of my hot friend I am martin 21 years old, I am fair guy from Kerala . I have a 7inch dick which most of the people thinks its fake but tell u what I can prove I am right. Any hot ladies wanna have fun buzz me at Sooo lets start naa all hot gals hold on tight & guys it’s time to load your gun….! I went to Bangalore for checking...

4 years ago
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Survivor Thicker Than WaterDay 3

I had gone out in the middle of the night to see what was happening. All the girls looked asleep and there were only a few men around. I decided this was a good time to get some more information and see what the guests think so far. I walked up to one of them and asked his thoughts. I had seen him in other years, but as I am not the most social person, I hadn’t talked to him. I would guess he is in his mid forties and looked in decent shape and had a small accent. He told me he was really...

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Lisa Kakima4

Hello ISS member Ami abar esechi apnader kache Lisa kakima – 4 niye. Amar age lisa kakima 1, 2 & 3 apnader khub bhalo legeche jene khub anando pelam, oneke mail pathiyeche tader comments janiye, aro comments pele khushi hobo. Agei bolechi Lisa kakima ke niye majhe mohei sorrier milon hoi eban lisa kakimao tar sorier jala metate parar lok peye guder khide aro bere geche tai majhe modhei choda chudi hoi. Tate holo ki onno bandhuder sange onek din dekha hoini. Onek din por bandhu der sathe dekha...

3 years ago
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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 29 Saving a life Slavers

Ken caught the young mother before she could fall to the floor. He looked over at Molly. "Get in there and do what you can to help her." Molly looked in the window and her heart started to break at the sight of the little girl. Tubes running in and out of her, an oxygen mask over her face to help her breath. "Yes, Sir!" Molly went into the room and set her bag down on the bed. Nurse Gretchen Hilliard looked down at the little girl suffering from the cancer. Turning to get her pen,...

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Tumbling off the Cliff Ch 01

Some people are walking disaster areas, so what would happen if a very together and successful man falls for a ditzy but sexy woman? Sparks fly between Mitch and Lisa in this romantic story. It is a slow build to hot sex in later chapters, with lots of clashes of personality and misunderstanding in-between. * Lisa sat in front of the wide bank of dials and buttons on the transmission desk, totally unaware of what to do. There were stacks of places to put the tapes in, and they had to be in...

5 years ago
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The Drone

The Drone Chapter 1 - Discovery David and Celeste sat in the comfortable settee while Amanda sat on the edge of the large and comfortable wing chair near a glass coffee table. Paul lifted the dark carbon fibre oddly shaped carrier case onto the coffee table and set it down on its flat side. Paul's surprises were always fun, so they all waited expectantly while he fiddled with the case. "What have you got there Paul?" David asked taking a sip from his whisky and ice. "Now...

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Pati ke dost se chudwaya

Mera naam leena hai. Meri umar 32 yrs hai. I am a happily married woman. Mere mumme ka size 38 kamar 34 aur gaand 38 hai. Dekhne main main bahut sexy lagti hu. Jab main chalti hu to mere mamme jab hilte hai to logon ki nazar us par tiki rehti hai. Mere pati bahut acche hai (main unka naam nahin bataungi). Mujhe jee bhar kar chodte hai. Main bhi khub jharti hun. Who bhi apne lund ka pani meri pyasi chut main chodte hai lekin who hamesha ek hi pose main chodte hai. Unhe oral love bhi achha nahin...

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Skin Deep The Dance Chapter 5

Chapter 5 A Special Dedication Erin and Shelly dressed and left for Hershey, PA. Shelly wanted to say good-bye to William since she hadn't gotten to say good-night to him the night before. Michelle explained that William was leaving for Europe very soon and couldn't stop packing or he might miss his shuttle. That held little water with the little girl. She was clever in an innocent way and had resolved it in her mind that William didn't have to stop packing, she could just...

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Attracted To My Cousin

Hey guys and I hope you missed me and I am back with another story and I hope you like it. It was late afternoon summer when Ajay was fixing his car in his garage. He was wearing shorts and no shirt above his muscular body was shining with the sweat. He was not the hefty one and he had a swimmer’s body. Thanks to his late evening swimming sessions which helped him with his body but he was fair complexion. He took the bottle of water and drank half and then poured on his head it was very heating...

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The Great Out doors Day 1 and Morning of 2

“Hey man wana come camping with me on the coast,” I asked as I called my best friend Milo. “Yeah sure but give me like 30 minutes to get ready and I’ll meet you at the lake” Milo said. Milo had always been the smart one of us. Sure he had his dumb points like when we boiled 2 gallons of used oil and threw in a huge piece of snow. “Ok I’ll get the rest of us” I said. It was a big task getting all of us together without problems. There were 7 of us in all (me, Milo, Ron, Tim, Jacob, Peter, and...

5 years ago
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Sow and ReapInterlude 4 Joeys View

In sixth grade, I ran with a rough crowd. New York has a large population of Asians living in Chinatown – not just Chinese – and a few of the gangs were hardcore. Hirutani's crew was like that. Diesel Kane Hirutani; father was Japanese, mother was American. We all had split backgrounds. We all spoke Japanese. We all wanted to get back at the culture that didn't want us and the culture that didn't understand us. We were all too young for teenage rebellion – around ten. That didn't stop us...

2 years ago
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Hartstein Ch 05

Sexual Reminisces With everyone trying to recover from the avalanche of sex that the four had launched, Jim went to the kitchen and without asking, made everyone a much stronger drink, double shots of tequila for the girls and double scotches for the guys. Celia, nude except for a Tee top she’d thrown on after her watching Paul fuck her friend, and occasional lover, Joanna. Both men remained nude, while Joanna had a towel draped across her lower extremities. It wasn’t long before a second...

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Birookie No More

Clank clank was the sound of my spoon as it tapped the inside of the coffee cup I'd been nursing for the last twenty minutes.  There always seems to be more pressure on the last to arrive, especially when meeting someone you've never seen before, so I made sure I was early.  A few photos had been exchanged, but could one be confident they were true to life in this situation. They probably had some of the same thoughts or doubts about me.I'm William, Bill to my friends.  I'm in my late-forties,...

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The Meeting part 1

An erotic fiction. Part 1 has been slightly edited and was originally published under another account. Part 2 is completely new and describes the encounter from the other person’s viewpoint.Part 1I pressed the bell push and heard soft footsteps approaching the door, it opened and I walked into a room I had seen many times on XH. I turned as she closed the door and came towards me. I looked at her long black hair, plain white blouse, short denim skirt and black hosiery with black mid heeled...

3 years ago
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Tired of Being the Nice GuyChapter 2

Sunday - Day 2 I woke up to the smell of waffles and a warm, wet, sucking feeling on my cock. I luxuriated in it for a few moments, and then looked down at Becky. She pulled off my cock, smiled up at me, and said, "This morning I thought I'd be both your wake- up slut and your serving wench." She nodded to the bedside where there was a plate of waffles and a glass of orange juice (I'm one of those heathens who doesn't drink coffee). "Would you like for me to continue, would you like...

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