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The Fog Of Battle

Eowyn walked slowly through dark swirling mists. A cold fire burned within her, though it was no longer the fire of battle. Her legs and arms were cold and leaden; they seemed empty of their strength. Somewhere, somehow she had lost her helm, her sword and her shield. Her heavy armor, designed for fighting on horseback, made every movement an effort.

Around her, unseen, the sounds of battle continued. Yet no matter which direction she walked the battle came no nearer. She encountered only the countless bodies of the slain. Stepping over the dead she searched in vain for a working weapon or unbroken shield.

Her memory was as foggy as the battlefield she traversed. She had killed the Nazgul, the foul beast had threatened her uncle, King Theoden. The next part she was less sure of - the fate of the Witch King himself- she had killed him too, hadn't she? Had he not collapsed before her in a pile of rags and broken armor? Certainly, she'd heard his horrific cry of defeat and death; she was sure of that - wasn't she?

Eowyn stopped and stood still for a moment. Or had she been the one killed? Was she wandering in some glory-less hell of the vanquished? Had she committed some great warrior sin in riding to battle unbidden? Even though she had fought to save and defend King and country? A cold blackness fell upon her and she felt so very alone.



Alone, lost, and empty; as empty and useless as a battered helm.

Empty in her life - empty in her heart - empty in the very core of her womanliness. For far too long she had known this emptiness, it was her constant companion. The emptiness had been filled briefly, upon meeting Lord Aragorn, a man worthy of her love and a man to be loved by in return. She had felt, truly for the first time in her life, a deep yearning to share herself with a man.

On the eve of battle, alone in her tent, Eowyn had let her fingers trail down between her legs. As her fingers explored the hot, wet folds of her need, she had let her mind explore the possibility of being Lord Aragorn's woman - even if just for this night. Her fingers teased her cunt into a swirling cauldron of passion. Slowly she had climbed toward her pleasure. Then at the peak, about to soar in release, she felt the emptiness within her. Her forearm muffled her scream of frustration and she knew her way - her need. She went in search of him.

She found him, by his horse, and the intensity of her desire overrode all thoughts of shyness and proper behavior. She told him that she wanted to be possessed by him, filled by him, loved by him - even if just for this one night. She took his hand and pulled it to her wet heat. She offered him everything that was hers.


Eowyn's mind reeled in anguish at the memory.

He said no. Aragorn had declined her, dismissed her, speaking of his promise to another far away. And then he turned from her. Eowyn saw that he was preparing to leave, to ride away on the eve of the battle. How could this be? How could he leave at this hour of greatest need?

Eowyn was left with nothing.

She had returned to her empty tent. Lain in her empty bed; all too cognizant of her empty cunt. She cried bitterly until empty of tears.

She looked at the darkness and the emptiness around her. She realized that it was a pale shadow of the darkness and emptiness within her. Into the shadowy nothingness she barked out a harsh laugh.

She accepted the dark fellness of death to come, gratefully embracing the nothingness that filled her, the nothingness that surrounded her. A great battle was coming, a battle that would be known for it's staggering loss of life, of future, of love. Eowyn felt her heart steel itself, her mind become adamant, she would ride to battle - she had nothing to lose.

Eowyn looked around and saw nothing to look forward to. She listened and heard no one calling out to her. There was no one and no thing for her. Eowyn was alone.

Eowyn Shield Maiden of Rowan wept a bitterness such as she could barely stand and collapsed to the ground.

The Houses Of Healing

The newness of peace, since the Great Victory, was encumbered by the many wounded and the some yet to die. It was not simply the physical wounds of battle and war; there were many who could heal those wounds. A greater healing, a deeper healing was needed for the many shattered minds and hearts.

Faramir, the young Captain of Gondor, moved lowly among the wounded, carefully administering the healing tonic in the manner that Gandalf the White, the great wizard, had instructed him. As a student of Gandalf's, Faramir had studied herbology and healing and many other things, both elfish and wizardly and the time was come for this knowledge to be applied.

Faramir's father Denother, the late Steward of Gondor, had thought less of him for that study. That a warrior and a leader of men indulge in the healing arts seemed unmanly to Denother. But his father was dead, and the responsibilities of being a leader to his people buoyed Faramir's work. It was exacting work; it wasn't just a matter of sprinkling a few herbaceous materials in some hot water. Proportions had to be precise; timing was often literally 'of the essence.' And above all, the healer's heart and mind had to be in harmony with the intended effect.

A side-effect of this particular healing tonic was a deep binding between the healer and the healed. Those of other lands and races were kept separate and ministered to by their own kind and races - men to mankind, elf to elfkind, Gondorian to Gondorian and so on. That bond of deep brotherhood between those healed and the healers would be needed in the long days of rebuilding ahead.

Faramir was enjoying a brief moments rest when a great light and warmth filled the room. Turning slowly as he stood, he bowed deeply to the elf-princess Arwen. Her unspoken voice asked him to follow her and he did.

Arwen daughter of Elrond was to be wed to Aragorn, the newly crowned King of Gondor. Faramir knew the story of Arwen. Her love for Aragorn had led her to forsake the immortal life of her kind to fully experience mortal love. Faramir found that whenever he looked upon her, his own heart seemed to fill with a yearning to be loved by someone as deeply as Arwen loved Aragorn.

Arwen led him up into the tallest tower of the Houses of Healing. At the highest level, they stepped into an airy chamber where two familiar figures greeted him. Faramir knelt on one knee and bowed low to Gandalf and Lord Aragorn, his King. Aragorn advanced and lifted Faramir into his embrace.

"Faramir, there is no need for that with me when we are in private. I would call you my brother, if you would do the same with me. It is not my intention to overthrow those that served the office of the Steward of Gondor when I take my place as King. Stand and embrace me as one embraces a dear family member returned from a long absence."

Faramir stood and threw his arms around Aragorn. "Brother." His embrace was returned in kind and a great peace filled them both. Even as Aragorn's arms released him, the warmth and peace continued to fill him. "Is that why I was called here? How may I assist you, brother?" Aragorn nodded towards Gandalf and the old wizard stepped forward.

"It is I who need your help Faramir. You have shown great facility in the healing houses. Many are saved who would have been lost. I need you to... save another."

"I will not deny a single citizen of Gondor, be he a great Captain or the lowest sewer cleaner. But why ask for my help when any of you is a greater healer then I?" Faramir stopped as he noted the grave expression that all three held. "Is there a problem? Is there a reason that none of you has healed this fallen hero?"

Arwen stepped forward. "There is Faramir. This warrior killed Angmar, the Witch King, but was struck down by his dying exhalation, the Black Breath of Death. Unfortunately, she went into battle seeking nothing but death. She saw her King fall. Her mind and heart are overthrown. Bringing her back will be - difficult and dangerous."

"She? A woman killed the Witch King? I thought it was an elf, or Gandalf, or... who is she?"

Aragorn spoke quietly. "She is Eowyn, niece of Theoden the fallen King of Rohan, brother of Eomer, the Rightful King. Neither Gandalf nor Arwen are of her kind."

"But brother, you are a man; you have knowledge of healing that greatly surpasses mine own. How is it possible that I might heal her and you cannot?"

Gandalf nodded at Arwen and Aragorn and the pair left the room. He motioned Faramir to the window and bade him sit. Gandalf explained that Eowyn had fallen in love with Aragorn. She had realized the futility on her love and had thought Aragorn lost to her. If Aragorn administered the healing, Eowyn would be heart bound to him for the rest of her life. She would live in the constant pain of yearning unmet, of desire unfulfilled, of love unattainable.

Gandalf rose and slowly opened the door to the inner chamber. Faramir walked forward and entered the room. In the center, a large bed stood, surrounded by light. On the bed lay a woman of great beauty, cloaked in the still coldness of death. Her hair, the color of ripening wheat, framed her pale features like the setting of the sun. Beside the bed, sat a man that Faramir recognized as Eomer. Eomer turned and looked up. He rose slowly and advanced to Faramir and Gandalf. The intensity in Eomer's eyes was breath-taking to behold. The eyes soften as Eomer spoke of his sister, of her honor, her duty, her bravery and of his deep love for her. A brief silence passed between them and then Eomer quietly left the room.

Gandalf walked to the bed and slowly removed the covering blanket. There was a soft white light, like morning fog around her body. Through the luminous mist Faramir saw broad shoulders sweeping down to full breasts with pink-capped nipples. Her stomach was flat and muscled. The flair of her hips was becoming and a pale triangle marked her womanliness. Long legs marked her as a woman of uncommon height.

Gandalf passed his hand through the mist and held it over her heart. He sighed deeply. "Eowyn, shield-maiden of Rohan. We have kept her in this state hoping for some sign of recovery from her, none has come. We cannot keep her like this any longer. She must be healed now or she is lost."

Faramir looked at the beauty before him. "I will do this thing, Gandalf. For I would see her returned to life. I would see her cheeks rosy like the dawn, her lips wet, breasts rising and falling with her breath." His eyes swept up and down her form and he smiled.

Gandalf gripped Faramir's arm. "Understand this Faramir; this will not be like the others. She was felled by the last dying breath of Angmar, the Witch King of the Black Riders. That alone would have killed most men. When the healing draught is given she will begin to awaken - slowly. It will take the entire passing of the night, from sunset to sunrise. As life returns to her body, so too will memories return to her mind and heart. In this dreadful fever she will feel the darkness that cloaked her as she rode to battle. She will feel the anguish of the loss of her uncle, King Theoden. She will experience the awful rage of hate for him that slew her uncle. And she will expend all of her effort to kill him again."

"Then I will stay and protect her from harming herself. I would count myself fortunate to help her in this way." Faramir gazed down at the still form.

"Do count your fortune too quickly Faramir. The awakening rage will also restore her sight, only in the lingering darkness of the Black Breath she will she the Witch King before her as clearly as you see me. She will see you as that foul villain and try to kill you Faramir. And it is at that precise moment that you must do it."

"Do what Gandalf? What must I do? I am much larger and stronger then she. She is weaponless, I think I will be able to survive her assault while the cure takes hold." Faramir tried not to smile too much. He found the thought of this beautiful woman struggling against him and assailing him, strangely arousing. "Tell me what I must do Gandalf. Surely it cannot be too hard?"

Gandalf looked at Faramir. "You had better hope it is hard. Hard and ready. As hard and straight as my staff you must be. Only then can the cure be completed."

"You're speaking like a wizard."

"When Eowyn awakens and attacks you. You must take her. As a man takes a woman for his pleasure, and his pleasure only. You must conquer her until she submits willingly to pleasuring you."

Faramir gasped and staggered backward in horror. "Take her? Am I hearing you correctly? You said that she would be trying to kill me. You said that she would see me as the Witch King. She'll think I'm dishonoring her. Her hatred will be magnified beyond..."

Gandalf drew close to Faramir and in a fierce whisper, "It is the only way - or she is lost. Yes, she will believe that the Witch King is claiming her as his prize, his whore. You must take her as many times as necessary until she submits completely. Her anguished cry of pleasure in surrender will complete the cure. Only then will she fully awaken from the Black Sleep she dwells in."

Faramir staggered back out of Gandalf's grasp. "And what of me Gandalf? How will she see me - afterwards?" Faramir sat in the chair beside the bed and gazed at the warrior beauty before him. Just a few moments earlier he had entertained thoughts of a future with this woman. But now...

"That will depend upon you Faramir. After you have truly conquered her, she will sleep briefly. In the light of the new day if she awakens alone, she will be as she was before battle - alive, but alone in the world. Her heart will be closed to all men. She will live the rest of her life as a solitary woman."

Gandalf looked past Faramir to Eowyn, and sighed deeply. "If she awakens in your arms, you will become the fulfillment of her heart's yearning. She will be yours to the end of her days. Her brother is aware of what must take place here. He has accepted it as the only way to save his sister. He trusts you, but the choice is yours alone Faramir."

Faramir gazed down at the pale beauty before him. "I will do this Gandalf."

"Good. Good. Go now - eat and then rest. I will need time to prepare the potion. Return to this room at sunset tomorrow and I will give you final instructions."

The Rape Of Eowyn

Eowyn walked dully forward. Having shed her horseman's armor, a simple cotton shift was all that clothed her. The mists seemed to be lifting and she realized that she no longer trod the field of battle; she was crossing a grassy meadow. Her spirits began to lift and she cried out in joy as she came upon a quiet stream. She glanced quickly around and pulled her shift over her head. She stepped into the refreshing waters and bathed thoroughly and contentedly.

Returning to the stream bank she spread her shift on the bank and lay back, letting the warm sun dry her. The warmth of the sun moved within her and she smiled as her hand trailed across her hip into her soft hair. A glowing ember of delight seemed to pull her finger inside her. She parted her legs to give her fingers freer reign.

But it was simply not enough. Often she'd heard the women talk of that pleasure that only a man can provide. Women's tales of solid flesh filling them again and again until waves of indescribable ecstasy swept them away. Eowyn wanted such a man; she needed a man inside her. She rode her need until it crested and she felt her body open and her heart sigh. She drifted into a warm sleep.

Something was wrong. Eowyn struggled to wakefulness. A dark shadow swept over her and she rolled quickly aside. Springing to her feet in a fighting stance, she gasped in horror as the tall blackness of the Witch King stood before her. His long broad sword pointed directly at her.

"I killed you! But if I must, I will kill you again." Eowyn was aware that she was naked and weaponless. She also knew the weakness that dwelled in all men, and this foul apparition before her, had at one time been just a man. She straightened up out of her fighting crouch and stood tall in her glorious nakedness. She felt his hot gaze upon her. She cupped her breasts and teased her nipples to hardness. One hand slid down to slip between her legs. She heard a gasp and saw the long sword waver and drop.

With a ferocious cry, Eowyn kicked with all her might at the hand holding the sword. A cry of pain was heard and the black form bent over. Eowyn leapt upon her hulking nemesis. She wrapped her arm around his neck and squeezed with all her strength. They rolled back and forth across the meadow, locked in mortal combat.

Eowyn was surprised as her arms were slowly pried from his neck. With a flick of his shoulder, she was thrown to the ground. She spun around and returned to her fighter's crouch. He was ready for her and the combatants circled slowly, looking for an opening, looking of a sign of weakness.

Eowyn felt a surge of hate well up inside her as she recalled the death of her uncle. This black foulness before her had been the agent of his death. Eowyn rode that wave of hate and let it carry her into battle again. Weaponless, naked, she clawed and kicked with unparalleled savagery.

Eowyn fought, with valor, with bravery, with tenacity and with faith. But all together and much too soon, she began to tire and her offensive attack slowly became defensive resistance. She was weakening.

She broke away from her nemesis. Her breath was harsh and labored. She gathered her strength and lunged again only to be thrown onto her back; her forearms pined above her head. She was suddenly conscious of the feeling of hot skin pressing down upon her. The unwanted stimulation caused her to kick with all her might in an attempt to throw his black bulk off of her.

Her attempt failed left her legs spread wide. She felt the crushing weight of the Witch King settle between her thighs. But it wasn't just his hips between her thighs. There was something else. Something hard and hot was pressing itself against the wet crease of her cunt. A terror undreamt of welled up within her - no, not that, not him, not this way. "Kill me and be done with it!"

All too late Eowyn realized that he had no intention of killing her - at least not yet. The Witch King meant to dishonor her; to take from her that which she had given to no man. He was claiming her as his prize, his to use and toss away when finished. Eowyn felt him straining to enter her. She called upon all of her strength to resist him. The labored breath of the Witch King roared in her ear as he strove to enter her very core. She tucked her chin and bringing her mouth to his chest and bit down as hard as she could.

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Saving Elite Magazine

-1- I can’t get enough. I never want it to end – sex with a black man. But it does, in time. Fatigue sets in and our bodies give out. There’s always a nice nap, or a good night’s sleep, or simply a walk on the beach to take a break before getting naked and going at it again. My life’s work, my destiny, has been pleasing black men. I give my body, all of it, for them to take, to use, to gather pleasure from. It’s one reason I was so sad to learn my old place of employment – Elite...

2 years ago
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Saving Leslie

Author’s note: I’m branching out as it were and writing this as an experiment with all OCs. Yes, it is a dark tale, and reader feedback is of course appreciated. No sex in this chapter, but that’ll come later. Note: Leslie is a former child star that hit a rough patch, based on every former child star. ***** ‘One long cut. That’s all it’ll take.’ Leslie thought to herself as she stared down at the straight razor held in her hand. She blinked back tears and moved her shaking hand down to her...

2 years ago
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Saving Annie Part 2

"Ready Mrs. Bauer?" he asked. She was about to tell him that wasn't her name but decided not to. If she didn't get into the habit of being addressed to as Annie Ming Bauer she wasn't going to pull off this ruse and save Annie's life. "Yes, I'm ready." "This way to your car," he continued, "please follow me." She followed him as she turned and walked down the hall. They went through some turns and short corridors then up the elevator to the basement level before arriving at a...

4 years ago
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Saving AmandaChapter 4

It’s a full, two day trip down the steep, winding mountain trail to the first paved county road, and I wanted us to arrive at, or just after dark. I was hoping we’d not meet any search parties along the way. I was trying to cover all the bases in my mind. I was sure that if we were spotted from the air during the day, we’d surely be considered members of a search party. We started at daylight the next morning. I saddled both my horses as Amanda put the bridles on them. She told me that she’s...

3 years ago
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Saving Maria

I didn’t plan on leaving the country on the run. I mean, it’s not the kind of thing that most people have as a life’s ambition. But sometimes, you just don’t have a choice in the matter. Not if you are going to be able to look at yourself in the mirror each morning. I had just gotten off work and was heading home to my place just west of Cheyenne. It was almost 90 degrees outside. Not unusual for an early fall day in this part of the state. I had my windows rolled down to let a breeze flow...

4 years ago
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Saving My Marriage part 8

******************************** I slowly slipped into consciousness. Bright sunlight shone in my face and I raised my hand to block it out until my eyes adjusted. Looking around me, I realized that I was back in my own hotel room. Cuddled up in front of me being the little spoon, Steph slept soundly. She was wearing a pair of pink silk pajama bottoms and a light purple sports bra. An arm draped over my waist, I turned my head to see Amy snuggled behind me as the biggest spoon. She...

4 years ago
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Saving the Best for Last

Introduction: My fantasy about to members meeting Recently, two members from this site met in person for the first time. This is my fantasy of that meeting, however the final result was the real-life ending. Their names and locations have been change to keep their identities safe. In the Sex Stories Forum, there is a Calling All Writers challenge. This is my entry. Please take the time to go there, read all of the wonderful stories and vote for your favorite. For reasons of my own, I can no...

5 years ago
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Saving Rebecca Black FemdomInterracial Lesbian

Julie was a white woman, she had short blonde hair and was 5’5. Her ravishing blue eyes was making everybody blush when speaking to her. She had medium firm tits and medium bubble firm bubble butt. She trained all the time at home or outside. Julie hasn’t seen Rebecca for almost two years. Rebecca had a private instagram with not many followers but Julie was one of them. The reason of Rebecca absence in Julie life was her new girlfriend. At first, Rebecca and Julie never were lesbian. Rebecca...

2 years ago
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Saving our friends marriage

Hi guys and galsJust wanted to take a few minutes to share an experience from a few months back. We hope you'll enjoy.....We were traveling to New Jersey to see some old friends that we hadn't seen in over a decade.Their names are Rex and Rayna.Rex is a fireman, and Rayna is a chef, both still looked great. Rex and I were having a beer, and discussing plans for our stay. When he mentioned that he wanted to take us to the drive-in for a movie I thought he was joking, a drive-in in this day and...

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Saving our friends marriage

Hi guys and galsJust wanted to take a few minutes to share an experience from a few months back. We hope you'll enjoy.....We were traveling to New Jersey to see some old friends that we hadn't seen in over a decade.Their names are Rex and Rayna.Rex is a fireman, and Rayna is a chef, both still looked great. Rex and I were having a beer, and discussing plans for our stay. When he mentioned that he wanted to take us to the drive-in for a movie I thought he was joking, a drive-in in this day and...

4 years ago
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Saving the Best for Last

Introduction:My fantasy about to members meetingRecently, two members from this site met in person for the first time. This is my fantasy of that meeting, however the final result was the real-life ending. Their names and locations have been change to keep their identities safe. In the Sex Stories Forum, there is a Calling All Writers challenge. This is my entry. Please take the time to go there, read all of the wonderful stories and vote for your favorite.For reasons of my own, I can no longer...

4 years ago
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Saving Arvil Lavigne

Saturday. The one day of the week when I had any real free time to spend on myself. Monday through Friday I spent working and on Sunday I usually spent the day helping my elderly aunt and uncle around their house with grocery shopping, yard work, whatever that needed to be done that week.This particular Saturday I found myself sitting in Jim's a local mom and pop diner that had been around for some twenty or thirty years. I had big plate of fries and one of the greasiest hamburgers I've ever...

3 years ago
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Saving Rebecca

Julie was a white woman, she had short blonde hair and was 5'5. Her ravishing blue eyes was making everybody blush when speaking to her. She had medium firm tits and medium bubble firm bubble butt. She trained all the time at home or outside. Julie hasn't seen Rebecca for almost two years. Rebecca had a private instagram with not many followers but Julie was one of them. The reason of Rebecca absence in Julie life was her new girlfriend. At first, Rebecca and Julie never were lesbian. Rebecca...

2 years ago
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Saving Maria

I didn't plan on leaving the country on the run. I mean, it's not the kind of thing that most people have as a life's ambition. But sometimes, you just don't have a choice in the matter. Not if you are going to be able to look at yourself in the mirror each morning. I had just gotten off work and was heading home to my place just west of Cheyenne. It was almost 90 degrees outside. Not unusual for an early fall day in this part of the state. I had my windows rolled down to let a breeze...

4 years ago
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Saving My Job

When I was younger, fifteen or so, I was present when my mom and dad had one hell of an argument which ended with my mom throwing an ashtray at dad and then stomping out of the room. That wasn't the first time that mom had gotten violent with dad and when she was out of the room I asked him why he put up with it. He thought for a minute and then he said: "Life is full of ups and downs Rob. You have to learn to take the bad with the good and then hope that in the end the good outweighs the...

4 years ago
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Saving SisterChapter 5

Bud was sitting on a secluded bench on campus, talking with Kevin Chapman. "I'm sorry, Bud," Kevin said sadly. "You know how I loved Kim, but she's ... she's hardly Kim any more." "I know, Kev," Bud agreed sadly. "I can't say I blame you, but I'm asking you to hold off giving up on her while I try something desperate." "Hold off for how long?" "I would say three months at the most," Bud told his friend and erstwhile future brother-in-law. Bud shared Kevin's anguish....

5 years ago
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Saving SisterChapter 11

Sunday had been set for Meghan's day to move in. Friday night brought one more completely unforeseen event for Bud. Mark was back in town, and it was time for the women's massages. Mark would do his wife. Chet would do Julie for the first time, and Ed would do Kim. Shaking his head at the scene, Bud retreated to his bedroom, but he was barely in the door before Carol joined him and started to undress. "Grandma! What would Grandpa think?" "He told me to do this. Now, give me a good...

4 years ago
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Saving the Coven Royals Book 4Chapter 10 Family in Danger

“Don ‘t wait for the perfect moment to strike, strike in the current moment and make it perfect. Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking. “ – William Butler Yeats Jason returned home to find Julia and Razza waiting for him, but chatting to Gamma, Sheila and Jonathan. “Hi, you guys what’s going on?” Jason asked. “Julia has arrived here with a number of concerns about tomorrow. She worries that if we rely on one computer that we leave behind, we are putting...

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Saving the Coven Royals Book 4Chapter 19 The Royal Rescue Attempt

“Where there is no peril in the fight, there is no glory in the triumph.” --Pierre Corneille Linda watched as the groups boarded shuttles and and left the ship accompanied by the assault frigates, gunships, assault shuttles, and Mech Warriors. She hoped fervently they would come back safely and Razza’s parents would be saved. She transported to Command Central. As Linda walked into the room, Andrea spoke. “Linda the Coven are attacking our ‘bait fleet’ near the planet. The new Porquenta...

2 years ago
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Saving Atlanta The Source Chapter 9

 Picking up where we left off...The state had opened up despite the outbreak of the virus and while things were not back to normal, if they ever would be, they were close to it. A woman had driven Nyla to the very apartment that Leah was rumored to live in. It was pretty decent given her salary as a nurse. Due to the summer hitting and weather getting warmer, the rooftop pool became busier than usual. In typical Leah fashion, given that both Kash and Trent had busy days, she went to the pool...

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Saving Atlanta A studs foundation Chapter 7

Going back about three years ago, we see Kash laying in bed nude with a woman, a couple years older than him, named Marie. Marie matched with Kash on a dating app and had dark hair, was tanned and had green eyes. When it came to her overall appearance, Marie looked exactly like Irina Shayk back in the days when the model was dating Cristiano Ronaldo.Kash started to stretch while being tangled up with his lover, locking lips with her. The breaths became deeper, bodies dripped in sweat, and both...

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Saving Atlanta The Invisible Hand Chapter 5

“Ho, Kash, ho, Kash, ho! Whew!” said Alex, letting out deep long breaths while maintaining sharp eye contact with Kash. The tanned Emily Ratajkowski lookalike was experiencing such emotions and sensations that she was unfamiliar with, inciting a mad raging arousal.Kash had wrestled his good friend Alex down to the bed and had made out with her so aggressively that she rushed to take off a piece of clothing at every turn. Slowly but surely, Alex was nude, aroused, and very happy of it. The sexy...

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Saving Atlanta Upside Down Chapter 3

“So talk to me, what happened?” asked Leah.“I mean, it was overwhelming, I couldn’t do shit and I wasn’t used to it,” replied Aline.“So what about it struck out to you? What happened? Did it help?” asked Leah.“I mean most of 'em give up after a couple minutes but he kept going and going and going, I felt worn out as fuck after a while. He even mocked me but I couldn’t do jack shit. In a weird way though, it feel good to be humbled,” said Aline, in her southern accent.“Let’s see what Hannah...

3 years ago
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Saving Atlanta Winning Respect Chapter 2

On a usual Wednesday morning, Kash sat at home nude and ready for his visitor, sitting naked on the couch and stroking his cock. Truth be told, Kash had finished an intense workout consisting of squats, bench press, cardio, and deadlifts. Instead of going for a shower, he decided to lay on the couch, his aroused body ready for the visitor to come.Leah sent Kash the text letting him know about the visitor he will be having and this one was quite different. Having heard enough from Kash and Trent...

4 years ago
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Saving the Starlight Ch 05

Fenton composed an email next morning, feeling like a man reborn after a highly physical night with Lisa who had grunted and groaned with him into their final climax around dawn before he staggered off home and went to sleep for another three hours. He emailed a message to all trust members but excluding their patron the Mayor. He was livid that their first meeting had been a no go wrote with restraint. The note read: Hi guys. Our first meeting of the extended trust board last evening was...

3 years ago
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Saving My Marriage part 14

***************************************************** I sat in the rattan chair, sipping on my beer, I relaxed to the sound of the waves against the beach. The full moon lit up the night and sparkled on the crests of the waves. I was a little surprised to see a couple walking along the beach at this time of night… but I guess it would be pretty romantic. I will have to remember that if we stayed another night on the small island. I broke off from people watching when I heard the...

2 years ago
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Saving Leslie Pt 04

Look at me, I have two updates within a month. This chapter came out rather quickly, and I hope to have more soon. The recovery process is not always 12 step. I think we’ve established that 12 step doesn’t work for her. The story showcases her struggles with all forms of addiction. Will she find love along the way? That remains to be seen. Everyone is over 18 etc. Comments and feedback are always welcome. Enjoy! ***** Peas, carrots, and something vaguely meat all swam before Leslie’s eyes....

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Saving Emily

Colin watched Emily sleep. The petite dark haired girl lay on her side facing away from him. She had come to him late in the night looking for refuge and as usual he gave it her. She trusted him and in his heart he couldn’t betray her even though he had wanted her more than life itself. Yet, he remained her friend, not because he wanted to, but because what she needed was his protection more than anything else. Life hadn’t been easy for her. Barely eighteen she had lost both parents and...

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Saving Lindy Ashley

CHAPTER 1 Bo Short (Bo being short for Bob which was short for Robert) went into the bar. He’d been told to meet Charlie and Eddie Hooker there because a well-paying job was on offer. The brother’s Sergeant at Arms, a beefy guy called Herb, frisked Bo and the guy said through broken teeth, ‘Go to them. They’re behind me.’ The bar was half-full of guys who looked like crims and all the women looked like sluts, as women tend to do when they slouch in bars or show their panties sitting on...

2 years ago
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Saving Leslie Pt 05

It seems that I’m speeding up with my writing. It’s because of readers like you that have caused me to speed up and continue this tale. Thanks! All characters are over 18, etc. Comments and feedback are welcome. *** ‘What do you mean!’ Leslie shouted, mouth frothing with toothpaste. She looked like a mad dog, and her mood matched. ‘Leslie, we heard you last night. I think the entire building did.’ Gen looked over at her before handing her a paper towel. ‘The night nurse heard you and...

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Saving my girlfriend in another world

My name is Amane Akira. I'm a simple guy who loved computing, and that's what I had dedicated my whole life to. I tried my whole life to make my dreams come true; I studied a career and managed to graduate. I got a job in a prestigious company and the truth is that I was aiming high in the position I was in. My life was successful. Because, I not only have the job of my dreams and I was doing very well, but I have the woman I most adore in this life. My girlfriend. His name was Yumezawa Kanako....

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Saving Daddy

My name is Candice but everyone calls me Candy and this is a story about how I saved my Daddy from making a terrible mistake.You see my mom had died a few months back. I was extremely sad that she had died so suddenly. My Dad was devastated but as time went by he seemed to settle into a new life which focused on his work. I would check in on him once a week or so but other than that I went on about my life.Then it happened one Saturday I stopped by and my Dad had company. It was a woman just a...

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Saving My Parents Marriage

Copyright© 2004 There was a young lady named Ciss Who said, "I think skating's a bliss " But she'll never restate, For a wheel off her skate .siht ekil gnihtemos pu hsinif reh edaM I knocked on the door a third time - dreading that mother would be home, yet there was something I needed to know, to understand, and only my mom could answer it. It swung open and she stood there, surprised to see her oldest child on her doorstep in the middle of the day. I stepped in without...

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