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When I was younger, fifteen or so, I was present when my mom and dad had one hell of an argument which ended with my mom throwing an ashtray at dad and then stomping out of the room. That wasn't the first time that mom had gotten violent with dad and when she was out of the room I asked him why he put up with it. He thought for a minute and then he said:

"Life is full of ups and downs Rob. You have to learn to take the bad with the good and then hope that in the end the good outweighs the bad. Your momma can be a trial at times, but her good qualities outweigh her bad ones and that's the best I can hope for."

My life was indeed full of ups and downs, but I was forty-four before I got to where the good outweighed the bad.

I had gone to work for the XYZ Corporation right out of college and in fourteen years I had worked my way up the corporate ladder to become the Vice President of Production. Two months after starting at XYZ I met Lois at the company picnic. She was a secretary in the sales department and I took a shine to her and started pestering her for a date. She finally gave in, we clicked and six months later we were married.

The marriage was followed by two children, a boy and a girl, a three-bedroom house and two cars. In short, a typical middle class life. I had only been married to Lois a year before the truism that men tend to marry their mothers became apparent. Lois was insanely jealous and had a violent temper. If we were at the mall or in some store and some babe walked by and I even looked in her direction Lois would have a fit.

At company Christmas parties, where it was expected that you would do a courtesy dance with the other women at the table, Lois would rag on me because I danced too close with this one or seemed to chummy with that one. I would come back from the dance floor and sit down and she would kick my leg under the table and glare at me.

Once when I was dancing with the wife of the CEO she maneuvered me under the mistletoe and said:

"I told my husband I was going after a younger man tonight and he laughed at me" and then she kissed me.

I glanced over at our table and saw her husband grinning and Lois fuming. When I got back to the table Lois said she would like a breath of fresh air and so I walked her outside. As soon as the door closed behind us she turned and slapped my face and called me every name in the book for "What you did with that tramp."

At home an argument would usually end up with something thrown at me, usually not heavy, and she almost never hit me with the item. I never knew if it was because her aim was bad or if maybe it was exceptionally good.

The next to worst spot in our marriage was when she decided that I was having an affair with my secretary. Granted, Molly and I did spend a lot of time together, but it was because of the job. And yes, we did have lunch together a lot, but for the most part they were working lunches. Twice Molly went on overnight out of town business trips with me and both times we had separate rooms on different floors, but Lois was convinced I was bedding Molly.

I wouldn't have minded — Molly was a fox — but I just wasn't the type of guy who played around on his wife. Lois made snide remarks about Molly all the time and I got the third degree every time I came home from work late, which was a lot. Being a vice president was not a nine to five job. Many mornings I would be out of the house at six and a lot of evenings I didn't get home until eight or nine and I would be greeted with:

"You've been out with that bitch again, haven't you!"

She went through my pockets, I caught her going through my briefcase, and once I even saw her sniffing my clothes. It came to a head one day when I told Lois I would be working late that night.

"Yeah, and I bet I know just who you will be working on."

I just shook my head and said, "Grow up Lois, you need to get a grip on yourself."

At ten that morning one of the managers I know pretty well came into my office:

"Rob, you old dog you, where do you have your mistress stashed?"

"What the hell are you talking about John? That doesn't make any sense."

"Well it must be something like that. Why else would your wife be following you?"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Lois is sitting across the street in the department store parking lot and she's watching this building. Obviously she plans on following you to your lunch time tryst."

I got up and went across the seventh floor to John's office and looked out the window and sure enough, there was Lois sitting in her sister's car watching our building.

"What are you going to do?" John asked.

"What I ought to do is go down there, pull her out of that car and put her across my knee and spank her, but I think what I will do is tweak her nose a little."

At eleven forty-five a man in an apron and wearing a shirt that had Aaron's Deli embroidered over the pocket walked up to the car and knocked on the window of the car Lois was sitting in. She rolled the window down and he handed her the bagged lunch that I had ordered. She said something and he pointed up at the window where I and several of my coworkers were watching. When Lois looked up I waved at her and then I went back to my office and got back to work. What I didn't know until later was that John had clued in a bunch of people and they were all standing in front of the building watching. After Lois had looked up at me and I had waved she had thrown the lunch to the ground, started up the car and began to pull out of the lot. She saw the crowd of people standing there waving at her and laughing and she burned rubber tearing off down the street.

That night when I got home I was greeted by a wine bottle being thrown at me that missed and smashed into the wall followed by:

"You bastard! How could you do that to me? Do you have any idea how much you embarrassed me?"

"Probably not nearly as much as I was when the people I work with came to me and told me you were spying on me."

Things were a bit cold around the house for several days after that. The question could be asked:

"Why do you put up with that shit?"

It all goes back to what my dad had said to me about having to take the bad with the good. Lois was a great cook, she kept a clean house, she did a fantastic job raising our kids and she was marvelous — absolutely marvelous — in bed. So, hands down, the good far outweighed the bad.

The worse thing to happen to our marriage occurred about six months after the spying incident. XYZ became the target of a hostile takeover and when the dust settled we were owned by Titan, a large conglomerate. Everybody knows what happens after a hostile takeover and almost all of us at XYZ were sweating our jobs. The big question on everyone's mind was who would they keep and who would they let go. First to go of course was the president and CEO and he was replaced by a woman who quickly gained the nickname, "Harriet, the Hatchet Lady." Empty desks began to appear all over the place as one by one people were called into Harriet's office only to leave looking dejected.

My turn to be summoned came two weeks after Harriet arrived. I came into her office and she motioned me toward a chair while she continued reading from a folder that I assumed was my personnel file. She put the folder down, looked at me and said:

"You have been with the company fifteen years?"

I nodded a yes.

"There isn't a bad report in the file on you. Nothing but "excellent" and "superior" on your performance reviews, and you have worked almost all the positions in the production department. You know it inside and out. How much trouble would it be for someone else to come in here and take your place?"

"They would have a rough go of it for three or four months. I'm not irreplaceable if that is what you are getting at."

She looked at me for several seconds and then said, "I expected you to try and tell me that the production department would quickly go to hell without you to run it."

"Why would I say that? You don't get to be in the position that you are in if you are stupid. You know the place ran find before I was made VP and it would have run fine after I left. Assuming of course that I broke in my replacement the way I was broken in. But as I said, throw an experienced production man in the job and give him three or four months and he'll be okay. I won't lie to you; in those three or four months production will go to hell, but it will eventually straighten out."

"So you are saying the place would go to hell without you."

"No, not at all. Unless I had the time to train my replacement and teach him what I know there would be disruptions. He, or she for that matter, would have no idea of what special relationships exist between us and our suppliers and customers. They would have no idea of who needs to be stroked or how. Not knowing those things could cause you to lose customers or have a supplier cut out his discounts to you. Every new man comes in thinking he can change things for the better, and maybe he can, but not knowing the men, the machinery or the process can cause him to make major blunders. Eventually you would recover, but for a while things would not go right and when production is off sales are impacted and it just snow balls from there."

She studied me for a moment and then picked up the folder again. While she was looking at it I was looking at her. She was in her late thirties I guessed and had a very attractive face. In fact, I thought, it could be a very beautiful face if she wanted it to be. It looked to me like she went out of her way to make herself look severe. Was she afraid she wouldn't be taken seriously if she were seen as good looking? I wondered what kind of body her severely tailored business attire hid. She put the file down.

"Do you have any idea how hard it would be for you to ever get back up to the level where you are now if we were to let you go? Most companies wouldn't hire a man your age for a position like yours. They prefer young men with fresh ideas who can grow with the company. Oh I've no doubt you could get on somewhere as a supervisor or a manager, but by the time you worked your way back up to where you would be promotable to a VP slot you would be too old and they would be looking for someone younger. You do understand that, right?"

All I could do was nod a yes.

"Two kids in college and a mortgage take a pretty hefty chunk of your income, right?"

Again all I could do was nod a yes.

"I'll give it to you straight. My gut feeling is to let you go and I called you in here to do just that, but now I'm not sure that I want to. Doesn't mean that I won't, but I'm reconsidering. Want to know why?"

"Yes, I believe I would."

"I'm a pretty good judge of people and I read them well. You are a dedicated family man who loves his family and wants the best for them. But a minute ago while I was reading your file I saw you looking at me and wondering what I look like under this business suit. That is what is making me reconsider. I'm not married, but that doesn't mean that I don't like men or that I just haven't found the right one yet. Early on I decided that I wanted to be where I am right now and I knew that to get here I couldn't allow myself to be distracted by a husband or children. But I am a woman with a woman's needs. Can you understand that?"

I had no idea what she was getting at so all I could do was nod another yes and hope that was what she was looking for.

"What I am going to say next is between you and me and if you try to go public with it I will deny it and say it is just sour grapes from some one I let go. It will be a he said/she said situation and it would gain you nothing. In fact all it will do is make it harder for you to find another job. No one is going to want a whistle blower working for them. I'm going to make you an offer and I need a decision before you leave this office. I need someone discrete that I can have uncomplicated sex with. Sex with no emotional involvement. You would be ideal. Your position in the company is such that no one will think twice about the amount of time we spend together and because of your wife and family you would want to keep it quiet and well hidden. Here's the deal — you become my lover and you keep your job, you don't and you don't."

To say I was stunned would be a major understatement. Never in my wildest imagination could I have ever conceived of that. To keep my job I had to fuck my boss! My mind was in a whirl. In over twenty years of marriage to Lois I had never been unfaithful and I had always considered that I was not the kind of man who ever could or would. If I lost the job I wouldn't be able to keep the kids in school, I probably wouldn't be able to keep the house and I knew she was dead on about my job prospects at my age.

What the hell do you do? You have all those thoughts bouncing around in your head and you have to make a decision in just minutes. She sat across the desk from me and looked at me:

"Well? What is it going to be?"

Could I do it? If I did could I hide it from Lois? As jealous as she was she was always looking for signs that I was straying. Shit! I needed the job. I probably wasn't thinking all that clearly, but I couldn't any way to take care of my family if I didn't do what Harriet wanted. I didn't want to; I swear to God I didn't want to, but I guess my character wasn't as strong as I had always thought it was.

"Well? I need an answer. In or out?"

I took a deep breath and said, "In."

She got up from behind her desk and walked over and locked her office door. She walked back to the front of her desk, lifted her skirt to show me she had no panties covering her bald cunt and then she sat down on the edge of the desk and spread her legs wide.

"To seal our bargain why don't you come over here and show me how good you are at eating pussy."

I sat there in my chair and stared at her pussy and she said, "Come on baby, it won't bite. It just wants to meet you."

I got up from my chair and went over to her and got down on my knees, took a deep breath and leaned forward to save my job. She only kept me at it for a minute or so, just long enough to show me who was in charge and then she pushed me away:

"That's enough for now."

As she straightened her skirt she said, "We will be flying to Chicago next Tuesday to meet with McPhearson to discuss contract renewal. I'll arrange adjoining rooms. Save some energy, you will need it."

I felt guilty as hell when I went home that night and Lois sensed it and asked me what was wrong.

"Nothing I can do anything about. I'm worried about keeping my job now that we have been taken over and the new owners are reorganizing and eliminating duplication."

"Is there any chance you will be let go?"

"A pretty good one."

"Oh Jesus Rob, what will we do?"

"Start looking for ways to cut back on expenses for a start."

"Will we have to sell the house?"

"Let's not worry about that now. Let's wait and see what happens."

"When will you know?"

I'll never know until the day they cut me loose."

Tuesday we flew to Chicago, checked in at our hotel and went up to our rooms.

"Unlock the connecting door" Harriet said as we put our keys in the doors. Once inside I put my suitcase on the bed and unlocked the door. I started to unpack and five minutes later the door opened and a very naked Harriet walked into my room.

"I expected you to be undressed."

"I thought we had to go see McPhearson."

"Not for another two hours. Come on, you're wasting time."

Once I was undressed she said, "I don't need foreplay. What I do need right now is an energetic fuck."

She got on my bed, spread her legs and waited for me. She was a bitch, but she was a goddamned good-looking bitch. She was the first naked woman I'd seen since Lois and I got married and as much as I despised her my cock still reacted.

"Well come on" she said impatiently and I moved onto the bed with her. I moved between her legs and she took hold of my cock and lined it up with her pussy and I pushed hard. I had hoped that with no foreplay I could at least make her flinch and thereby get some satisfaction at fucking over her, but she was wet, extremely wet, and I slid right in.

"Oh yeah, oh shit yeah" she moaned as I started humping. "Fast baby, fast and hard, I need this one. Put my legs up on your shoulders baby, I want you in deep."

I did what she told me and then I fucked her as hard and as fast as I could. She was tight and she knew how to work her cunt muscles so it felt like her pussy was clutching at my cock and I knew that I wasn't going to last long. A chance to fuck over her I thought. I'll come and leave the bitch hanging, but even as I had that thought she screamed:

"I'm cumming, oh god oh god oh god, oh yes I'm cummingggggg..." and I felt her body tense up and a sudden warmth surround my cock as she came. Damn! The bitch was a squirter. I'd known one in college. If my cock hadn't acted like a plug her cum would have flooded out of her cunt like she was pissing. I felt her cunt squeeze my cock and I ejaculated into her. When I pulled out she looked at her watch:

"We have time" and she moved into position for sixty-nining. Her cunt was dripping on my face as she pushed her pussy down toward my mouth and as I felt her mouth surround my cock I wondered how in the hell I was ever going to keep Lois from finding out.

The negotiations with McPhearson went well and he said he would have the contracts ready for signature the next day. In the cab on the way back to the hotel Harriet patted my knee and said:

"Steak tonight lover, you are going to need the energy. I'm planning on an all nighter. You can sleep on the airplane going home."

At seven she walked through the connecting door and I took one look at her and shook my head. She saw it and asked:

"What was that for?"

"It just boggles my mind that you are blackmailing me into having sex with you when you could obviously go downstairs to the cocktail lounge and have men fighting over you as soon as you walk in the door. Look at you. Little black dress, heels, single strand of pearls around your neck and you manage to look classy and incredibly sexy at the same time. You could have your pick."

"My pick of what? Lounge lizards haunting the bar hoping to get lucky? Who knows where they have been, what their sexual practices are, who they have been with and what marvelous presents they have been given by who they've been with. I don't want a bunch of one-night stands. I want what you have to offer. A continuing, but discrete, affair with a man I know is clean and who will keep his mouth shut about it because he has too much to lose if he doesn't. Come on lover, dinner, drinks, dancing and then a long and exhausting night."

She turned and headed for the door and I grabbed my suit coat and followed. We had dinner in the restaurant and then went into the lounge and had a few drinks. They had a fairly decent band and Harriet pulled me out onto the dance floor and then moved in close. I hated myself for it, but as she moved against me my cock sprang to life and she smiled when she felt it.

"Not all of you hates me I see."

"I don't hate you. I hate me for being so weak that I didn't say, "fuck you" and walk out of your office. I don't like you for what you are making me do to myself, but I don't hate you."

"I don't mind baby. A girl in my position learns to accept being hated or disliked. It comes with doing the job right. You think I don't know that I'm called "Harriet The Hatchet Lady"? That's my job baby, it guarantees that I'll be hated and disliked. I take no pleasure in disrupting or yes, even ruining lives, but that is what they pay me to do. I'm paid to put the company first and that is just what I do. Enough of that baby, just relax and enjoy the ride. You aren't losing a thing. I'm a great fuck and you are keeping a great job and the little woman will never know unless you tell her" and she pushed her body hard into my erection.

She knew what she was talking about — it was an exhausting night. Harriet was insatiable. I couldn't have stayed with her had there been two of me. She had her hand inside my fly as soon as we were on the elevator to go up to our rooms. Once in the door to my room she had my cock out and holding it she led me to the bed, sat down and then pulled me to her mouth. One hand cupped and caressed my balls as I stood there looking down on the head sliding back and forth on my rod I wondered if I could stand doing it until retirement.

Suddenly I realized two things: yes I could, but I wouldn't last until retirement. She had made her position clear up front — no man was going to tie her down as she tried to climb as high up the corporate ladder as she could. Not that I could tie her down what with already being married, but I would be baggage none the less. I was her current fuck toy and nothing more. The operative word there was 'current.' At that moment I knew that I was on my way out the door anyway and the only question was, "How long did I have?"

I felt her mouth leave my dick and she said, "Get naked lover, I need a cock in me."

The first one was urgent with her telling me to fuck harder, faster, deeper and to make her cum. I did my best, but there was no way to end it quick. I had already gone once that afternoon and I didn't have the recuperative powers of a teenager and each coupling was going to last longer and longer until I couldn't get it up any more. Harriet came three times before I did and then she immediately moved into a sixty-nine so I could keep her going while she worked on getting my cock hard again. Once again all the juices that my cock had held in flowed out of her coating my face. I actually began to look forward to eating Harriet's pussy sometime before we fucked just to see what it would be like to have a squirter cum in my mouth.

I hadn't eaten the pussy of the squirter that I had known in college because back then I thought I was some kind of macho dude and real men didn't eat pussy, right? That was one of the first things Lois had set me straight on and thinking of Lois just got me to feeling guilty again. I felt my cock start to lose some of its stiffness and Harriet felt it too and she redoubled her efforts and got it started back up again. Once she had me hard she climbed on top, eased herself down on me and began to ride.

"Like it lover? Like momma riding your pole? Get used to it lover, I like being on top, I like being in control."

She bounced up and down on me and I looked up at her face and saw that she had her eyes closed. Her head was leaning back and it looked like she was imagining something, like she was seeing something that only she could see. Whatever it was it drove her and she pounded down on me until she was on the edge and then she got off me and pulled me on top of her:

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Saving Caitlin Ch 04

SAVING CAITLIN by MaddieKim Again I want to thank everyone who took the time to read this story. I appreciate the comments and the votes. I thought if one person likes this tale then I’ll have done a good thing by submitting it. It seems more than one of you liked it, so again I say thank you to each and every one of you. Maddie Part IV Back to the cabin When she saw the car coming up the drive, Ginny bolted out of the cabin and flew into Jon’s arms the moment he was out of the car. He...

2 years ago
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Saving My Sis

Through out my whole life till I left, my parents told both Carol and I that we were stupid and would never amount to anything. Now I don’t consider myself good looking, at 17 I was 5’10” and a skinny 145, but I knew that I didn’t have to take that kind of abuse, especially from my parents. So I took up both boxing and karate to vent my anger. When I walked out I stayed at my boxing coach’s house till I graduated from high school and enlisted in the Marines. For some reason, after I...

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Saving Leslie Pt 03

This has been a long time coming, and I apologize for the delay. Real life gets in the way of my other projects way too often. I do hope you enjoy this next chapter of Saving Leslie. Still no sex, but comments and feedback are always appreciated. ** ‘Rise and shine.’ A long groan erupted from a vaguely human lump in the bed. The doctor, completely unbothered by guttural response, pulled open the blinds, letting in a cascade on sunlight into the room. In turn, the lump groaned again and...

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Saving my college Career

Saving my College CareerI was the first person in my family that ever attended a college and/or university. It was a very daunting experience for a naïve girl with no idea what college is suppose to be like. My parents who were self-made millionaires who came to the States with nothing but their clothes on their back never finished school. They couldn’t give me the moral support that I really needed to succeed in college but helped financially They thought college is for the high and...

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Saving Amy

SAVING AMY As Eric came awake, he realised several things almost simultaneously - and none of them good. He was naked. He was chained upright, against a cold stone wall in what seemed to be some kind of cell. There was something stuck in his bottom. And he had not the faintest idea of how he'd got here, or where he'd been before this. A groan of terror and incomprehension forced its way out of his throat. The answering moan from away to his right told him something else. He was not...

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Saving Amy Part 5 Showtime

SAVING AMY PART 5: SHOWTIME "So you will tell me if she does anything stupid, right?" Even through the tinny speaker, there were clear overtones of concern in the question. Alyssa glanced down at the phone on the dressing table, then resumed brushing her lustrous hair. "Sure," she replied, but then sighed. "Only..." "Only what?" Alyssa hesitated. "Only, by 'stupid', I assume you mean something other than letting herself get fucked by fifteen horny old dudes and swallowing so...

2 years ago
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Saving Alfie A Fans Sequel to the InCase Original

To all Alfie fans, this sequel begins during the ending of chapter 15. I am making this because while I am waiting for the last pages to be published, I realized that I want more Alfie. The story connects to me on a personal level, so while I’ve been waiting my mind has exploded with possibilities as to how it could end. To those of you who have never read Alfie, it is a surprisingly sweet story for a NSFW web comic. I do advise you take the time to read the original work from the original...

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Saving Savannah

Okay, What are we giving you this week? Well this one is a little odd. There are so many elements in this story that it could go into a lot of different categories. There's of course some cheating both real and imagined. There's some action and adventure. There are alligators, incest, abuse and a whole lot more but mostly it's a romance, though an odd one. Of course since it's one of my stories there will be a Mustang or two thrown in for good measure.Thanks as always to Mikothebaby for...

1 year ago
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AEBN Handjobs

Without answering that dumb question, what else can you fap to, hombre? I have come to learn that it's the small and simple that make life lively. With online porn being flooded with all manners of sex – wild orgies and extreme fetishes – it's the simple, intense handjobs that make you erupt exceedingly. Handjobs feature the art of stroking! Horny lusty babes can't wait to get their hands around a dick and choke it mercilessly until a hot load spews on their fingers. Watching her hand move up...

Premium Handjob Porn Sites
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red hot footjob

I had a quick look around, Lisa was sat next to her dad, herbrother was on the other chair. The only space for me to sit was nextto Judy, Lisa’s mom. They’d just had a family barbecue and as Lisa’sboyfriend, I had been invited along. We’d all had a bit to drink andnow we were inside continuing the party, having polished off the food.I had been with Lisa for just over three years and was considered verymuch as part of her family. Lisa was a year younger than me attwenty-one with blonde hair, and...

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Saving the Starlight Ch 02

The day arrived for the late morning Wainui District Council planning and building control sub-committee hearing for consideration of the objection to the demolition permit for the old cinema. Liberty swept into the hearing room leading the executive of the Save the Starlight Cinema Campaign. Expressionless, hiding her shock, Liberty saw sitting beside The Enemy was daddy. They were chatting and hadn’t bothered to look up at the new arrivals. She fumed, thinking that disinterest must be...

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Saving The Prince

William was tired of it all. He felt trapped going from table to table and talking to boring, uptight people who only wanted to speak with him since he was a prince. Pretty rich girls dressed in beautiful designer dresses gathered around him giggling and batting their eyelashes trying to catch his attention. It wasn't unusual for him to be around classy rich people day after day. Although he appreciated his luxurious lifestyle, he wished he could runaway for just one day, to where someone...

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Space Age Footjob

- Carmela and her boyfriend has been in bad terms the past couple of weeks.Nonstop arguments, Authorities being called because of alot noise and yelling Alot of suspicious movements her husband was doing like coming home late,always being defensive everytime she said something, finding bits and pieces of things that's evidence of him cheating or creeping around and she sick and tired of being sick and tired so she took some of her clothes and shoes and left. Now shes currently staying at her...

4 years ago
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Saving Annie Part 1

"So what's your choice? Your 10 minutes is nearly up Mr. Ivey." The words rang through Peter Ivey's head, bouncing back and forth like a hyperactive ping pong ball. It all felt surrealistic and he had a brief moment where he felt oddly out of body. He wasn't sure what to do. His flight or fight response was tripping strongly towards flight but intellectually he knew he could no more flee than abandon his best friend here. He was furious and scared. His heart was beating a trip...

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Saving Eowyn

The Fog Of Battle Eowyn walked slowly through dark swirling mists. A cold fire burned within her, though it was no longer the fire of battle. Her legs and arms were cold and leaden; they seemed empty of their strength. Somewhere, somehow she had lost her helm, her sword and her shield. Her heavy armor, designed for fighting on horseback, made every movement an effort. Around her, unseen, the sounds of battle continued. Yet no matter which direction she walked the battle came no nearer. She...

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Saving Sister SusanChapter 2 Priestly Penetration

Father Murphy fought temptation, but not very hard. His rationalization in the afternoon was reinforced by the knowledge that the lovely Novice had already let herself be seduced by a woman. Shortly before she was due to arrive he went into the little bathroom that adjoined his office and injected his limp penis with a substance usually prescribed for men with erectile problems. He didn't have Brother John's huge dimensions but the stamina he derived from the injections had ensured that...

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Saving Gina Ch 06

The next morning I showered alone and took breakfast on the patio. I could hear the old lady rousting her charges and getting them out of my room. An army of maids had the room perfect and free of sex smells before I finished my morning coffee. I rang for the ‘madam.’ ‘Your choices were superb last night. I have never been more pleased with someone else’s choices. Will you take a small gift from me.’ She nodded and I gave her five hundred dollar bills. She started to hand them back. ‘It is...

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Saving Elite Magazine

-1- I can’t get enough. I never want it to end – sex with a black man. But it does, in time. Fatigue sets in and our bodies give out. There’s always a nice nap, or a good night’s sleep, or simply a walk on the beach to take a break before getting naked and going at it again. My life’s work, my destiny, has been pleasing black men. I give my body, all of it, for them to take, to use, to gather pleasure from. It’s one reason I was so sad to learn my old place of employment – Elite...

2 years ago
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Saving Leslie

Author’s note: I’m branching out as it were and writing this as an experiment with all OCs. Yes, it is a dark tale, and reader feedback is of course appreciated. No sex in this chapter, but that’ll come later. Note: Leslie is a former child star that hit a rough patch, based on every former child star. ***** ‘One long cut. That’s all it’ll take.’ Leslie thought to herself as she stared down at the straight razor held in her hand. She blinked back tears and moved her shaking hand down to her...

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Saving Annie Part 2

"Ready Mrs. Bauer?" he asked. She was about to tell him that wasn't her name but decided not to. If she didn't get into the habit of being addressed to as Annie Ming Bauer she wasn't going to pull off this ruse and save Annie's life. "Yes, I'm ready." "This way to your car," he continued, "please follow me." She followed him as she turned and walked down the hall. They went through some turns and short corridors then up the elevator to the basement level before arriving at a...

4 years ago
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Saving AmandaChapter 4

It’s a full, two day trip down the steep, winding mountain trail to the first paved county road, and I wanted us to arrive at, or just after dark. I was hoping we’d not meet any search parties along the way. I was trying to cover all the bases in my mind. I was sure that if we were spotted from the air during the day, we’d surely be considered members of a search party. We started at daylight the next morning. I saddled both my horses as Amanda put the bridles on them. She told me that she’s...

1 year ago
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iXXX Handjob

Sometimes, you don’t want to see a group of dudes doubling down on some hot piece of ass. Nor do you want to watch lesbians making out like the world is about to end. You want to stick to the simple shit, like a handjob. If you’re in the mood for handjob videos and enjoy a huge as fuck resource, you need to check out precisely a tube site; it’s a place you can go to see handjob videos from other sites and sources. Think of it like an index pointing to handjob videos from...

Handjob Porn Sites
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Saving Maria

I didn’t plan on leaving the country on the run. I mean, it’s not the kind of thing that most people have as a life’s ambition. But sometimes, you just don’t have a choice in the matter. Not if you are going to be able to look at yourself in the mirror each morning. I had just gotten off work and was heading home to my place just west of Cheyenne. It was almost 90 degrees outside. Not unusual for an early fall day in this part of the state. I had my windows rolled down to let a breeze flow...

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Saving My Marriage part 8

******************************** I slowly slipped into consciousness. Bright sunlight shone in my face and I raised my hand to block it out until my eyes adjusted. Looking around me, I realized that I was back in my own hotel room. Cuddled up in front of me being the little spoon, Steph slept soundly. She was wearing a pair of pink silk pajama bottoms and a light purple sports bra. An arm draped over my waist, I turned my head to see Amy snuggled behind me as the biggest spoon. She...

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Saving the Best for Last

Introduction: My fantasy about to members meeting Recently, two members from this site met in person for the first time. This is my fantasy of that meeting, however the final result was the real-life ending. Their names and locations have been change to keep their identities safe. In the Sex Stories Forum, there is a Calling All Writers challenge. This is my entry. Please take the time to go there, read all of the wonderful stories and vote for your favorite. For reasons of my own, I can no...

5 years ago
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Saving Rebecca Black FemdomInterracial Lesbian

Julie was a white woman, she had short blonde hair and was 5’5. Her ravishing blue eyes was making everybody blush when speaking to her. She had medium firm tits and medium bubble firm bubble butt. She trained all the time at home or outside. Julie hasn’t seen Rebecca for almost two years. Rebecca had a private instagram with not many followers but Julie was one of them. The reason of Rebecca absence in Julie life was her new girlfriend. At first, Rebecca and Julie never were lesbian. Rebecca...

2 years ago
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Saving our friends marriage

Hi guys and galsJust wanted to take a few minutes to share an experience from a few months back. We hope you'll enjoy.....We were traveling to New Jersey to see some old friends that we hadn't seen in over a decade.Their names are Rex and Rayna.Rex is a fireman, and Rayna is a chef, both still looked great. Rex and I were having a beer, and discussing plans for our stay. When he mentioned that he wanted to take us to the drive-in for a movie I thought he was joking, a drive-in in this day and...

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Saving our friends marriage

Hi guys and galsJust wanted to take a few minutes to share an experience from a few months back. We hope you'll enjoy.....We were traveling to New Jersey to see some old friends that we hadn't seen in over a decade.Their names are Rex and Rayna.Rex is a fireman, and Rayna is a chef, both still looked great. Rex and I were having a beer, and discussing plans for our stay. When he mentioned that he wanted to take us to the drive-in for a movie I thought he was joking, a drive-in in this day and...

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Saving the Best for Last

Introduction:My fantasy about to members meetingRecently, two members from this site met in person for the first time. This is my fantasy of that meeting, however the final result was the real-life ending. Their names and locations have been change to keep their identities safe. In the Sex Stories Forum, there is a Calling All Writers challenge. This is my entry. Please take the time to go there, read all of the wonderful stories and vote for your favorite.For reasons of my own, I can no longer...

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Saving Arvil Lavigne

Saturday. The one day of the week when I had any real free time to spend on myself. Monday through Friday I spent working and on Sunday I usually spent the day helping my elderly aunt and uncle around their house with grocery shopping, yard work, whatever that needed to be done that week.This particular Saturday I found myself sitting in Jim's a local mom and pop diner that had been around for some twenty or thirty years. I had big plate of fries and one of the greasiest hamburgers I've ever...

3 years ago
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Saving Rebecca

Julie was a white woman, she had short blonde hair and was 5'5. Her ravishing blue eyes was making everybody blush when speaking to her. She had medium firm tits and medium bubble firm bubble butt. She trained all the time at home or outside. Julie hasn't seen Rebecca for almost two years. Rebecca had a private instagram with not many followers but Julie was one of them. The reason of Rebecca absence in Julie life was her new girlfriend. At first, Rebecca and Julie never were lesbian. Rebecca...

2 years ago
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Saving Maria

I didn't plan on leaving the country on the run. I mean, it's not the kind of thing that most people have as a life's ambition. But sometimes, you just don't have a choice in the matter. Not if you are going to be able to look at yourself in the mirror each morning. I had just gotten off work and was heading home to my place just west of Cheyenne. It was almost 90 degrees outside. Not unusual for an early fall day in this part of the state. I had my windows rolled down to let a breeze...

4 years ago
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Saving SisterChapter 5

Bud was sitting on a secluded bench on campus, talking with Kevin Chapman. "I'm sorry, Bud," Kevin said sadly. "You know how I loved Kim, but she's ... she's hardly Kim any more." "I know, Kev," Bud agreed sadly. "I can't say I blame you, but I'm asking you to hold off giving up on her while I try something desperate." "Hold off for how long?" "I would say three months at the most," Bud told his friend and erstwhile future brother-in-law. Bud shared Kevin's anguish....

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Saving SisterChapter 11

Sunday had been set for Meghan's day to move in. Friday night brought one more completely unforeseen event for Bud. Mark was back in town, and it was time for the women's massages. Mark would do his wife. Chet would do Julie for the first time, and Ed would do Kim. Shaking his head at the scene, Bud retreated to his bedroom, but he was barely in the door before Carol joined him and started to undress. "Grandma! What would Grandpa think?" "He told me to do this. Now, give me a good...

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Saving the Coven Royals Book 4Chapter 10 Family in Danger

“Don ‘t wait for the perfect moment to strike, strike in the current moment and make it perfect. Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking. “ – William Butler Yeats Jason returned home to find Julia and Razza waiting for him, but chatting to Gamma, Sheila and Jonathan. “Hi, you guys what’s going on?” Jason asked. “Julia has arrived here with a number of concerns about tomorrow. She worries that if we rely on one computer that we leave behind, we are putting...

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Saving the Coven Royals Book 4Chapter 19 The Royal Rescue Attempt

“Where there is no peril in the fight, there is no glory in the triumph.” --Pierre Corneille Linda watched as the groups boarded shuttles and and left the ship accompanied by the assault frigates, gunships, assault shuttles, and Mech Warriors. She hoped fervently they would come back safely and Razza’s parents would be saved. She transported to Command Central. As Linda walked into the room, Andrea spoke. “Linda the Coven are attacking our ‘bait fleet’ near the planet. The new Porquenta...

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True Massage Parlor Story Chapter 1 Steph and My First Assjob

As with this first experience the girls are always nice and I get to do things that I don't get to do with my wife. The challenge in the past was sometimes girls are willing and not so hot or hot and not overly willing. When I first started going I thought all I could get was a hand job but over the years I learned that you can pretty much get whatever you are willing to pay for. So I’ve had blowjobs, assjobs (my favorite), tit fuck, hand jobs and even fucked girls. In case you’re...

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Tittyhawk The Wrath of Commander Titjob

in The Wrath of Commander Titjob Evolution. Selecting mates based on favorable characteristics. In the not too distant future, Humans have begun to evolve. The favorable characteristics? Sexual prowess. The next evolution of Mankind is here... ...and it wants to fuck your brains out. Willing or no... Book 1 The City. Bustling with activity... and crime. And the HAWK. 5'3” tall with raven black hair, large perky breasts and pale skin like marble, Tittyhawk is the Dark...

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A Summer Job

The summer before I left for college, I was trying to make extra money. Besides my full time job at a nearby Amusement Park (Action Park for those who care), I had put flyers in the mailboxes of my neighborhood offering my services for yard work, pet care, etc. As it was summer, a number of people had called me to care for their pets while they went on vacation. Around the middle of July, a couple that had recently moved into the neighborhood called to see if I was available to watch their...

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Training Jobbers

The Underground Women’s Fight League (UWFL) is a premium fight club for wealthy viewers. The use of the word “fight” is somewhat of a misnomer, as they mainly cater to what their fans like to see: one-sided brutal beatdowns. There are two stables of participants which clearly differentiate their roles - “fighters” and “jobbers”. Patrons can still bet on the matches, but never on the outcome. Instead, they make bets on how long the jobbers can last, how many blows the various parts of their...

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You were a pretty innocent guy before you became a porn addict but the transition was swift and dramatic. The first time your brother showed you porn it was a decidely homoerotic affair. He held his phone while you were both shoulder to shoulder in your shared bedroom, each sharing an earphone so your parents couldn't hear and sitting on the bed. You were both already hard as he scrolled through the videos and suddenly the tension in the air became too much to ignore - he stopped scrolling on a...


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