Saving Annie Part 1 free porn video

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"So what's your choice? Your 10 minutes is nearly up Mr. Ivey." The words rang through Peter Ivey's head, bouncing back and forth like a hyperactive ping pong ball. It all felt surrealistic and he had a brief moment where he felt oddly out of body. He wasn't sure what to do. His flight or fight response was tripping strongly towards flight but intellectually he knew he could no more flee than abandon his best friend here. He was furious and scared. His heart was beating a trip hammer beat in his chest. He looked across the softly lit room. Annie Bauer lay back in a futuristic chair reclining like a Lazy Boy from the Star Wars. Unconscious and strapped down with a metallic half helmet over her head. A thick arm sprouted from the front of the helmet and curved up and back to the top of the chair on a pivot. A bundle of wrapped wires sprouted out the back of the helmet like ponytail and snaked over to a console next to the chair. Her white blouse was unbuttoned and other wires ran from the console to white pads on her chest, neck and wrists. An IV stand dripped fluid into a line taped to the top of her right wrist. The chair, and her, were highlighted by a bright light above, harsh on her soft pretty features. About 5 foot 4 and 115 lb, Annie was a pretty, but not gorgeous, though her Asian features and nice figure always had heads swiveling her way. She must have been abducted at work or going home from work - she was dressed in a smart blue skirt that ended just above her knees and jacket over a white blouse that was now unbuttoned down to her waist. Her belly swelled a bit - she'd complained how difficult it was to lose that last bit of fat after child birth. His mind ran through the events of the past hour. He was on his way home on a Friday afternoon, looking forward to the weekend, when Annie called him. Nothing unusual there, they still talked a lot and hung out even after she'd gotten married and had a baby. They were best friends and always swore to keep it that way. She was 34 and they'd been best friends for 10 years now. She had sounded nervous and asked if he could come meet her. The meeting place was unusual - the offices and research center for Micro Dynamics, a minor competitor to her employer, Greene Computing. Both were software and hardware companies but the similarity ended there - Greene was established, a fortune 100 company with revenue in the billions while Micro Dynamics was a much smaller company, as much renowned for their innovative products as for their cutthroat, some would even say underhanded reputation. Was Annie considering change of employment to MD? He thought it highly unlikely but why else would she be at the research facility of a direct competitor? He'd arrived at MD's campus 15 minutes later - it was on his way home from work so he left early. At the front gates he'd been let in when he told them his name and was directed to one of the several buildings in a cluster near the center of the complex. He'd been met immediately in the lobby by two security men, both armed and big as Volkswagens. He was escorted with barely a word down to a sub basement level and a maze of corridors in what was obviously a research facility. He didn't know precisely - he was a marketing consultant while it was Annie who was the computer geek. That's how they met - she fixed his laptop all the time when he was at Greene. They kept in touch after he'd left for a better paying position, and she was now one of the desktop support people for executives at Greene. He was ushered into this softly lit room where several men waited for him, two in tailored suits that screamed money and several men in white lab coats busying themselves at a console and around two padded reclining chairs. His attention was drawn immediately to the chair just left of the center of the room where Annie lay unconscious. A twin of the chair was next to it, 2 meters apart and empty of any occupant. A console was located at the foot of the two chairs facing them. A large LCD screen displayed digital gauges, bar graphs and numbers that were too small and numerous for him to decipher their exact purpose, a purpose that would soon be made clear enough to him. One of the men was working in front of the console. He took in the scene, too shocked for words. "What the hell is this?" he demanded. "What have you done to Annie?" He was outraged at this violation. He was at a loss for words. He started towards Annie to check on her. Before he could go more than a step or two a couple of men he hadn't noticed appeared next to him and grabbed his arms with iron grips that spoke of hours in the gym and steroids - both wore cheap suits that couldn't hide the bulge of biceps and pecs beneath them. He stopped dead in his tracks and any thought of pulling free of their grips were banished instantly when he looked at their hard set faces. "Mr. Ivey, we have no time for useless theatrics," one of the two suits he'd initially noticed addressed him. "What do you want?" he asked. "Why is Annie...unconscious? What have you done to her?" he demanded. "What we want is simple. Annie, as you know, supports the executives in her company, Greene Computing. We are in need of information regarding their latest technology projects." "So what do I have to do with that?" "Mrs. Bauer has not been cooperative but her assistance is vital to our plans. She is absolutely loyal to her Greene Computing and her ethics. Unfortunate for us, and for her as well. This is where you come in. She is supporting Gary Dolan and other execs at conference and is ideally placed to gather the information we need." "What can I do?" he asked. "Surely you don't expect me to be able to convince her to betray her employer do you?" He knew she would not. One of the things he loved about Annie was her absolute loyalty, to her friends, to her family, to her employer. There was no way he would be able to sway her from that. "I have no access to the information you need." "We don't need you to sway her at all. We just need *you* to get the information for us." "How the hell can I do that? What, waltz into the conference and steal the information for you?" he shot back with sarcasm. "Not precisely but very close Mr. Ivey. You will *be* Annie Bauer." He smiled at him. "What?" He was confused. "What the hell are you talking about?" At this point he was getting the certainty that these people were not playing with a full deck. "This machine you see in front of you is one of our latest experimental projects. It's a mind transference device that, as the name implies, allows us to transfer the minds of two individuals. We need someone who is intimately familiar with Annie and how she would act and what she would know to transfer into her body and complete this mission for us." Now he knew they were crazy. "What?" he was starting to sound like a broken record. "That's impossible. No one can do that." This was the stuff of science fiction. He wasn't the most technical guy out there but even he knew this wasn't possible. They had to either be putting him on or smoking some wacky stuff here. "Did Annie put you up to this? Hey Annie, great joke but it's getting old now." No answer. "Annie?" he tried again but without any conviction. A cold chill was starting down his back. "It is possible. You will find out shortly if you agree." "If it were possible, which it isn't, I won't do this. I won't do this to Annie, and I won't help you with your scheme." "That is unfortunate Mr. Ivey. There are several reasons we asked you to do this but we have contingency plans if we cannot secure your cooperation." "What contingency plans?" He had a bad feeling about this. These men and their methods were ruthless. There was little question that they had no compunction or morals standing between them and their objectives. "We will have to recruit someone else to do this task. We have candidates lined up so we have few concerns here, it would just be simpler if you cooperated with us." "What do you mean? Isn't it simpler if one of your employees did this instead of me? Someone who will be on board with you?" "Not exactly. Your one advantage is that you know Annie well enough to be able to take her place for a short period of time. Without that advantage anyone would suffice to do this task for sufficient compensation. No men in our department have a desire to transfer to Mrs. Bauer's body. But a few women have volunteered. For suitable compensation." "So your problem is solved. Why even bring me into this?" "Because we wanted to do as little harm to Mrs. Bauer as possible. We are not without compassion. Annie Bauer will have done us a great favor with the loan of her body and it would be remiss of us if we did not minimize any harm to her or her body. But we have our priorities and we will not compromise them." "Harm? What harm? I thought you transferred their minds, and when it was done you reverse the transfer. Besides the violation of her rights, what harm are you talking about?" "Mr. Ivey, the only women who are willing to do the transfer are, to put it simply, more mature women. These women know the risks if caught and have negotiated handsome compensation. They want Mrs. Bauer's body permanently if they succeed. They will in essence become young again for getting us the information we want. Mrs. Bauer will live out the life of one of these older women." Shocking. These men were talking about Annie's life. They would rob her of her youth and beauty as casually as placing bets on the roulette wheel or changing . But it wasn't possible...was it? Could he take that chance with her life? Could he forgive herself in the end? And if it wasn't possible, what did he have to lose? "You can't do that! You'd be taking away her life!" he railed at them. "You sick f..." he lunged at them but was stopped instantly as one of the goon's fists buried itself in his stomach. He doubled over to the ground, all the wind knocked out of him, holding down the remains of his lunch, but just barely. "It is not we who are doing this. It is in your power to save Mrs. Bauer's life. But I'll give you this. I am not without compassion. Before we commit to this path, we will give you five minutes to reconsider. After that it will be too late. We do have a timetable to keep." He looked up at him from his kneeling position. The suit was smiling with the smug air of someone who knows he has won and all the posturing and whatnot were mere formalities before he was accorded the prize for winning. Ivey would have loved to wipe that smile off his face with a good right cross but he was backed into a corner. There was also the matter of the two security men who outweighed him by more than 200 pounds. He wasn't going to concede an answer right away - at least he'd make him wait 5 minutes. It was the only small victory he could gain here. "So once this is done Annie will be okay? You won't be asking her to do anything again?" "Yes Mr. Ivey, we will no longer need Mrs. Bauer's services or yours. Both of you will be free to go and live your lives as if nothing ever happened." "I have your word on that?" he asked. "Yes Mr. Ivey, you have our word on that." He got up slowly, nursing his stomach. He glared at the men in front of him but there was nothing he could do. He was never a fighter; far from it. His 5 minutes went by far too fast. He thought furiously trying to find a way out of this but it was useless. He had no choice if he wanted to save Annie. He had to save his friend Annie and there was only one way to do it. "Okay, you have a deal. I'll do it." "Very good Mr. Ivey." He turned to one of the men in the lab coats. "Prep Mr. Ivey for the transfer process." The thin, pale complexioned man came over to him and led him to the empty chair. "Please unbutton your shirt and lie down here." He complied and they strapped him down, snugging down the nylon straps enough to hold him securely but not so tight as to be painful. The technician pulled open Ivey's shirt and pulled over some wires that connected to circular pads. He applied some clear gel to the pads and applied them to his chest, six in all. He got the same helmet treatment as Annie a moment later as they lowered the helmet over his head. Another technician came over and rolled up Ivey's sleeve, preparing to insert a needle in his arm. He saw the technician in his periphery turn to the display and review it, hands moving over a number of touch screens and he assumed making adjustments. He felt a tickling over his scalp then tingling over his entire body. "Mapping neural responses and brain activity," the man announced. "Thirty minutes to completion." Two men in white uniforms rolled up an IV stand up to the side of his couch. "Wait, what are you doing?" he asked, a bit alarmed. "I don't like needles." He knew he was a wimp and made no apologies for it. As much as wanted to be a macho guy like the action heroes portrayed by Schwarnegger, Stallone, etc, he knew he never would be, not even close. He was closer to Mr. Mom than Mr. Rambo. The man at the console turned to him and said with the impatient air of someone who's had to explain these things over and over again to a student who just doesn't seem to catch on, "Mr. Ivey, the process takes over 10 hours to accomplish. It is far more effective and safe for you to be sedated during those 10 plus hours. This does not include fine tuning you to Mrs Bauer's body for another 5 hours afterwards. Do you really think you can lie still in that chair for 15 hours or more with a catheter in you?" "I guess not then," he reluctantly agreed. With his agreement, the technician grasped his right wrist and swabbed it with alcohol and tied a tourniquet of surgical rubber tubing below his elbow. The evaporating alcohol was cool on his wrist as he closed his eyes and braced in anticipation as the IV needle appeared in the tech's latex gloved hand. He closed his eys as the needle approached and averted his head to the side. "Ouch," he said as he felt the needle go in. It hurt and he didn't care if they knew it or not. "Please count backwards from 10, Mr. Ivey," the tech told him. "10...9...8...7..." and that was all he could get to as everything faded into blackness. The Transfer "Go ahead Dr. Rimes," one of the men instructed. "Mapping out cerebral cortex completed. Commencing regional mappings." A status bar on the touch screen filled up from left to right over the course of the next few minutes until a digital indicator stated 100 per cent. "Mappings done." Dr. Rimes looked at the two men in charge. "Which behavior profile modification have you decided on?" Dolby thought for a minute. "What were the specifications for the LeAnne profile again?" he asked. Dr. Rimes flipped a few sheets of paper on a clipboard and pulled up another window on the touch screen in front of him. "LeAnne profile has sexual drive +32%, sociability +23%, overall the most balanced of the aggressive profiles in testing. If a more aggressive profile is desired we have the Misty-Ann profile which adds an additional 25% to those values but I would not recommend it based on the specifications you gave us." "Do we have the preconditioning modules completed as well?" "We prepared two separate modules, but yes, we have the module for the preconditioned attraction to the executives at Greene Computing as an option to the profile. I also worked on a preconditioning module for you and Mr. Taylor." "What are the parameters of that module?" Taylor asked, curiosity in his voice. "Authority figure, Mr. Taylor," Dr. Rimes answered. "We've configured you and Mr. Dolby as authority figures for the profile. No overt tendencies but enough that her first instincts would be to respect the both of you and tend to accede to your authority." "Very good work Dr. Rimes. I agree that the Misty-Ann profile is too aggressive sexually and will compromise Ivey's work for us. Please use the LeAnne profile with both conditioning modules." "Good choice Mr. Dolby." He turned to the touch screen again, selected the profile from a drop down menu, and added it to the process list. He touched a few more options. "Transfer sequence started." Dr. Rain touched several areas on the screen of the workstation. "Transfer started Mr. Dolby. Initiating neural download. Transfer rate 10 gigabyte per second. Give me a minute and we'll have the estimated completion time." A few minutes passed and he reported the numbers. "Estimated total is 185 Terabytes. Transfer rate is now stable, ranging from 9.85 to 10.65 GB per second. Estimated time to completion is 5 hours 8 minutes. Download to Mrs Bauer's body should take approximately the 5 hours." "And the necessary modifications of files and analysis?" He noted a few more numbers on the touch screen display, made notes on a clipboard, then spoke up, "All processes running at optimum speed. Analysis of patient download to begin in 60 minutes. Analysis will continue as in-line processing and finish approximately 1 hour after download of Mr. Ivey's data. Modification should take another 15 minutes." "Very good Dr. Rimes. Please continue monitoring the process and let him know if anything changes." "His assistant will continue monitoring and page him if there are any changes." Dr. Rimes instructed the techs, "Finish the body prep. Catheter for Mrs Bauer and Mr Ivey." One of techs near Annie hurried to get one over to Annie and proceeded to lift up her skirt and unceremoniously pull her silk panties down. He hooked one arm under her knees and lifted up as he tugged the pink lace thong under her buttocks, then used both hands to scoop them from her legs as he lifted them at the same time. The panties pulled free of her ankle strap D'Orsay pumps and the legs fell back, lewdly splayed with her skirt pulled up over her waist, her thatch of neatly trimmed black curly pubic hair and dark pink lips exposed for the world to see as the technician leaned over her and inserted the catheter. Another technician started pulling Peter Ivey's trousers down to attach a catheter to him as well. Five minutes later both Peter and Annie were done. "Mr. Taylor and he will be attending to other matters. Please notify us when the procedure is done," Dolby said. Dolby and Taylor walked out of the room, leaving behind their muscle and the technicians to watch over things. 11-1/2 hours later Dolby and Taylor came in through the doors. "What is the status of the transfer, Dr. Rimes?" Taylor asked. "The read finished on time. Same for analysis and modification. The overwrite to Mrs. Bauer's body finished without any issues," Dr. Rimes reported. "We are ready to awaken the subject." "Please commenced," Taylor instructed. Waking Up "Wake up Mr. Ivey," the voice commanded him over the fog of his anesthesia. The voice came in muffled, like listening to voices on the other side of a closed door. He struggled to get up. "Do not try to get up yet." The voice was a little clearer now. He tried to speak but his throat felt dry and rasp and he could only manage a grunt as he opened his eyes. Everything was blurry and subdued, like seeing underwater. It seemed as if he'd just started the countdown from ten as the doctor instructed. Did something go wrong? A spark of hope leaped in his chest - maybe their damned procedure did not work. He was sure of it! They would have to find some other way to get their dirty work done without involving him or Annie. He blinked away the out-of-focus scene above him, a pale flesh oval against some lighting that resolved into Dr. Rimes face in soft focus. He grinned triumphantly. "Sip this, it'll soothe your throat," the voice came out of another soft outline in front of him that resolved to one of the men in lab coats he'd seen earlier. Lab tech man bent over him and tipped a straw to his lips. He sipped it down and instantly his throat and mouth felt better. "You've been out for nearly 15 hours and your throat gets dry during that time," he explained. "It didn't work, did it?" he said with, the sarcasm smoking on his voice...but that died mid sentence. His throat was working now and the roughness had smoothed out. The voice that came out of his mouth was unfamiliar to his ears, higher pitched and softer than what he expected. He paused, his mind stumbling over the threshold of his disbelief. He lifted his head to get a better view of himself, feeling an unfamiliar pull of long hair on his scalp and looked down, felt his eyes involuntarily widen at his numbing sense of incredulity and horror. His blouse was open to the top of the skirt, exposing the smooth, light olive toned Asian skin and wires leading to the pads at the top of her breasts. But he could no longer be called a he anymore except in mind only. For clearly he was now in a woman's body - Annie's body. She didn't notice that she thought of them as *his* breasts (her breasts?). Her skirt was flung up and a tube ran out from between her legs. She observed with an almost detached air that her pubic hair was shaved neatly in a short landing strip, answering his occasional curious thoughts as to whether or not Annie shaved or not. She stared, for the moment so shocked at her new anatomy and the impossibility of the situation that she wasn't mortified at being exposed to all the watching eyes around her. She stared at the shapely thighs and calves, the small feet in the size 6 Christian Loboutin 4 inch heels that were her favorite of all her shoes. Wait!!! How did she know that? Why did she think that? She reeled from memories flooding her mind. She knew they weren't hers but they felt like they were. As she looked at Annie's gorgeous legs spread wide in front of her a memory played through her mind of the first time, Annie...spread them for a 15 year old Brad in the tenth grade for the first time, the awkward fumbling in his bedroom the weekend his parents were away... What the fuck?!?! How did she know that? And it wasn't that she *knew* was as if she'd lived it, yet she knew she had not lived these memories. She wasn't Annie Bauer, she was Peter Ivey. She looked again and realized that she was giving everyone a peep show at his privates. Even though this was Annie's body and not hers, she felt a sudden flush of embarrassment. She reached to push the skirt down and failed, her arms coming up hard against the wrist cuffs restraining him. She squeezed his legs together to hide Annie's womanhood from them. She looked up at his captors. "What the hell did you do to me? I...I can remember..Annie's memories. that possible?" She stopped, not sure of what to say. "Mr. Ivey, or we should really refer to you as Mrs Bauer at this point, as part of the process, we allowed Mrs Bauer's brain to retain her memories to facilitate your mission objectives. It will not harm you, and you have direct access to most of her knowledge and memories on at least a superficial level so that you can pass any scrutiny and not raise suspicion. It also ensures you will have her mannerisms to enable you to fool anyone." She instructed the assistants. "Please release her restraints." He turned back to her. "During our testing we found that if we were careful, the neuromuscular programming and pathways, the muscle memory and hand eye coordination to put it in layman terms, is preserved. So do not expect to have your old mannerisms, walk, etcetera unless you concentrate on it. And it is unlikely you will be good at anything involving hand eye coordination you gained in your original body as that does not transfer over with our process." Two techs came to her side of her and loosened the wrist restraints, then the torso strap. She pushed down the skirt to cover herself, and then looked at her arms and hands. Amazing. This was her body now. Holy Shit. So thin. She held up her hands in front of her face, the delicate fingers splayed out. She noticed the wedding and engagement ring set on her left ring finger, the 2 carat diamond gleaming in the room lights. She felt a flush as it triggered another Annie standing at the altar as Adam, her, Annie's husband...slipped a ring onto her ring finger, a smile caressing her face. She felt every inch the beautiful bride in her white wedding dress, the center of attention. The magical moment in every woman's life, this was her day and she shined in front of 225 wedding guests. She felt the tightening in her chest, the emotion welling through him, the love she felt as she leaned into Adam and kissed...NO!!! She snapped out of the reverie and was back in the present again. But the warmth of those emotions stayed with him and she found it hard to shake them. The purity and strength of the motions crashed against his mind and heart, threatening to throw him off the his feet into the oceans of Annie's memories. They were Annie's memories but they felt so real, as if part of her had lived them before. No, not part of her, but all of her. She knew it wasn't her that had lived those events but what she knew and what she felt were two different things. Her brain was now a woman's brain, hardwired completely differently than a man's brain. Emotions ran strong through her, and she was ill equipped to deal with it. Her heart warred with her mind and the battle was evident on her face. She put her face in her hands and took deep breaths. Finally she was able to get her emotions in check...just. She took a deep shuddering breath, let it out in a soft "whhhhhh." The suits and the techs stood their and observed with great interest. They seemed to know what to expect but at the same time it still fascinated them. She put her hands down and swung her legs to the side and stood up. It didn't occur to him that she easily stood in 4 inch heels, nor did she even think about it. She felt small, tiny and frail. She looked over to where her old body had been strapped down. "Where's Annie? Where's her body, where's *my* body?" she asked as she noticed that the chair next to him was empty of her old body. "Annie is in another room recovering. You had a stronger dose of anesthesia and it will take longer for her to wake." "Let him see her," she demanded. "I want to make sure she is okay." "I can assure you she is alright and is aware of what happened," Dolby told him. "We briefed her before you came here. We have no time for this. It's been more than 24 hours since you came here and time is short. You have a flight to catch to San Diego for the conference with your boss, Mr. Dolan. Everything has been arranged and we don't have time to waste." A thought occurred to him..."What about Randy?" she asked. Another memory rose unbidden into her mind. Little Randy, Annie's 2 year old boy, playing in the family room of her house, no, not *her* house, Annie's house. His cute, Eurasian smiling face looking up at him as she cooed at him and picked him up, hugging him. She shook her head, breaking again out of the memory. "Who's taking care of my boy?" she realized she'd slipped again..."I mean, who's taking care of Annie's boy?" She knew the answer almost as soon as she'd verbalized her thoughts, then realized that she could not take anything for granted with these men. "That's all been taken care of; Annie's mother-in-law is watching him while you and Adam are out of town on business. Your bags have been packed and in your car. We will brief you and prepare you for your mission and then will go to Newark airport for an 8 PM flight." Taylor and Dolby led her out of the room and down the hallway to a small conference room with a table in the center. She followed them, getting used to this strange new body. Strange yet familiar as only years of close friendship, late evening talks about life and love, platonic dates, shared birthday celebrations, mutual friends could make them. A briefcase was set in front of the chair at the head of the solid rectangular oak table, satiny smooth under the hard lights, with another chair at the opposite end of the table, and three on each side. Taylor sat at the head of the table, Dolby at the other end of the table. One of the techs surprised her and pulled out a chair, tilting his head to indicate she should sit. She sat and let him push the chair in for him. "We will make this short as there is not a lot of time," Taylor started. "You are attending the Info Tech conference in San Diego for a week, supporting the executives of Green Computing." She knew this without thinking about it - Annie's memories seemed to have been integrated into her knowledge and she had a hold, albeit a fragile one, on her emotions now. For now it was enough control and the memory recall did not send her into a day dream like trance this time. She knew, and felt, that her hold on her control was thin, standing on the imminent collapse of a lake's spring thawing ice to hold her up. "One of the executives, Gary Dolan, is Executive VP in charge of special projects. We know that Greene Computing has a groundbreaking project under development for the last 18 months and he has all the specs and details on it in her laptop. You can get access to it." "How?" she asked. "Annie has the administrator passwords to the executives' laptops but she doesn't have access to the encrypted drives on them. I'm sure information like that would be on the encrypted drive." she continued. How he knew that didn't occur to him nor how easily the knowledge came to her. "That's where you come in." Taylor reached into the suitcase and handed a small USB dongle to her. She held it in her hand - it looked like the world's shortest USB thumb drive. The case of it was barely half the length of the male connector. "This is a special USB device with over 10 Terabytes of storage capacity. It has a miniature 1.2 GHz CPU and a sophisticated program on it that will pull all the data on the laptop." She looked at it - it was absolutely tiny - she found it hard to believe that the CPU and memory could fit in that 4 mm aluminum body. "It can also hack into the encrypted drive. But it needs time and access to the laptop." "I can get to the laptop for a little while but how long would this take?" she asked, a bit concerned as to how she would accomplish this. She was still getting used to the soft feminine voice coming out of her him. "At least 6 hours, probably more like 8 hours," she replied. "There's no way she can get the laptop from him for that long!" she exclaimed. "There is no way one of the execs will let me have the laptop out of their sight for that long. How do you expect me to get the laptop away from Dolan for that long?" "The answer is we don't." She felt a rush of relief go through her that was to be short lived. "We chose Annie Bauer for a specific reason. Gary Dolan is strongly attracted to Annie." She knew of Gary's many advances towards Annie both from her telling him and the memories she had now. She was being cornered again and she had a bad feeling about this. "This is an ideal opportunity for Gary to make advances towards Annie again. You simply have to respond. There is no better opportunity for him." It was one of the reasons why Annie had turned down the request to accompany the executives to San Diego. A decision that was now vetoed by Micro Dynamics. You will be able to spend hours in the hotel room with him which is more than enough time to get access to her laptop." In the back of her mind she had an inkling, the blossoming of an idea of what they were asking. The rational part of her mind fought it, didn't want to even contemplate it. She responded anyway, ignoring the implication like a child who believes that pulling the covers over their head will make the boogeyman disappear. Out of sight out of mind, the primitive reptile brain ignoring the real threat by averting its gaze. "How am I going to spend hours in his hotel room without raising suspicion?" "Come on Annie," he responded with a condescending voice. "We're adults here. There is only one way you will be able to spend that amount of time in Gary Dolan's room. You will sleep with Gary Dolan," and looked with a predatory gaze that she recognized instantly - Annie had spent enough time at clubs and bars from the time she was a 16 year old waving fake ID at bouncers through her adult years to know the look men directed at her when they desired her and found her attractive. A level above that, or perhaps below that, were the ones who had the power and rarely took no for an answer. The ones that gave you a predatory look that said "you are mine and you are going to give me your phone number and accept my drink no questions asked," the ones who had power and knew it. The look chilled her to the core of her soul. "No." she said but with little resolve - the look he gave her, the intimidation was too much. If her emotions were waves crashing against the shore of her resolve, this was a noreaster, a powerful cocktail of her emotions and the programming of her personality. She had no way of knowing the subtle surgery they'd performed on her personality, the insidious manipulation of her emotions, her artificial attraction to Gary Dolan, her subservience to the authority of the man ordering her to sleep with Gary Dolan...if she knew this she might have had a fighting chance to resist them. But she didn't and she couldn't. She was being blindsided on 3 sides without a way to avoid the gang tackle. "No way, I'm not sleeping with him. I'm not gay. I'm a guy for God's sake! I can't do this." She crossed her arms, averting her gaze to the table. But even as soon as she said that, the image of Gary Dolan popped into her head and she had a desire with him. She felt a chill go down her spine at the prospect of him touching him. What the HELL!!! What was this body doing to her? Why was it betraying her like this? "You can, and you will," he replied, his voice oozing the confidence of a man who knew he would get his way. "First, you are in the body of a young, attractive woman. That body has 34 years of maturation in its sexual orientation, its at the peak of its hormone production. Annie's body has the equivalent sex drive of a 16 year old teenager overdosing on clandestine sessions with Hustler magazines. You are going to be fighting a losing battle to that body. Eventually your body's needs would override your mind's resistance to its sexual orientation. You can fight it and risk your emotional sanity and possibly Annie's retun to her body, or you can cooperate and get out of this intact. Trust us, it will be far easier than you think and you may as well enjoy the ride." "Would you have preferred someone take Annie's body permanently?" he asked. "It's not too late - we could always get a later flight for Annie to make it out to San Diego." He let that threat hang in the air, heavy and ominous. That sobered her up. This sucked but she had to save Annie. It royally sucked. She could do this. She could. She screwed up her courage. Again she felt a surge of desire for Gary Dolan as she thought of what she had to do. It disgusted her but what could she do at this point? "Okay, she'll do it then." She was going to be a party to Annie having an affair now. She felt dirty. It wasn't Annie doing it but it was - it was her body betraying her marriage vows and her husband. Annie loved her husband of 5 years and was faithful as the day was long. She consoled herself with the fact that it wasn't Annie cheating on her husband, it was just her body. But that didn't make it a lot better. Annie and Adam had sworn to love each other, mind body and soul. She was going to be taking another man in her body. She felt like crap. Would the end justify the means? Would Annie forgive her when she had obviously refused to cooperate with Micro Dynamics? She put her head in her hands in defeat. A moment passed and she looked up, resignation and acquiescence on her face and posture. "How do I work this dongle? And what do I do after I get the information?" "You simply have to insert it into any open USB port on the lap top. We'd recommend one at the back of the laptop where it will be unobtrusive. When it's finished it will pop up a message that the laptop needing a virus scan. Click ok and remove the device. We will have someone contact you each day to check on your progress." "Is there anything else I need to know?" she asked. "As we said, your bags are packed. We've packed appropriate clothing for your mission as well as all necessary toiletries and miscellaneous items. Here is your purse," he reached behind her chair and retrieved a Dolce and Gabana bag, placing it in front of her. "Your plane tickets are inside as well as your ID, car keys, your cell phone and a Nokia cell phone to contact us. There will be one phone number in the Nokia's address book that you will use if needed." "You have a rental car in your name at the National car rental counter. You have a room reservation at the Hilton on 333 O'Farrel Street, across the hall from Gary Dolan's room. Since the conference starts Monday, you have Sunday free to gain Mr. Dolan's confidence." "There is a change of clothes in the next room for you as well as a shower for you to get cleaned up. Richard," he indicated the assistant who'd pulled out the chair for her, "will show you to the room. Your plane leaves in 4 hours." Richard gestured towards the door and pulled her chair out as she got up. She picked up the handbag and placed the micro USB device inside an inner zip pocket. She followed Richard down the hallway a short distance to a comfortable room with couch along one side, a small coffee table, and flat panel television recessed into the wall across from the couch. A change of clothes was laid out on the couch - a halter top white print dress, lacy, frilly bra and thong panties, and a pair of sling back peep toe 4 inch heels. A door to the right opened into a large bathroom. "I'll be outside if you need anything," Richard told her and went out the door, closing it behind him as he left. She was alone for the first time since this ordeal started. She debated if she should call someone and get help. She took her... Damn it she kept referring to Annie's things, even her body, as hers! But she guessed for the time being she may as well refer to this has her body - until she got her body back and Annie back in this body. Less confusing. She took her cell phone out of her purse and flipped it open. She could call one of her friends, or call the police. But what would she tell them? Would they even believe her? And then it struck her...they had Annie and they had the technology to put us back in our old bodies. What would they do if she called someone? What would be the consequences? She didn't know. Think. Consider the situation. They have my body. They have Annie's mind in my old body. She was, for the time being, stuck in Annie's body. Would they kill her? Would they kill my old body? Woul I be stuck in Annie's body for the rest of my life? Would they even let me live? These questions begged for answers but she had none. But she did and none were good. Men as ruthless as this wouldn't let Annie live and they wouldn't let me live. They would kill Annie in her old body and regardless of what the authorities could do, they could not bring her old body and Annie back. She closed the cell phone and put it back in the purse, sombered and quiet. She walked into the bathroom, reconciled to her role and fate. It was large, about 12 ft square, with a long granite countertop to the left and a mirror that ran the length of the counter. There was a full length mirror at the opposite wall of the room. To the far right corner was a walk in shower and a toilet at the right wall snuggled in between the shower and a linen closet. In front of the counter, which was lined with cosmetics, was a chair with two neatly folded plush white towels on it. She looked at herself for the first time in the mirror. Annie's face and body looked back at her. I'm hot. No, Annie wasn't gorgeous, not in the purest sense of the word, not model gorgeous with perfect face and skin. But even most models did not look very special without makeup and photoshopped images. Most women though didn't have to be model gorgeous or picture perfect to be hot. Annie was very pretty, with long black glossy hair, exotic Asian features, very nice body that barely showed evidence from carrying a child, and only if you knew she had a 2 year old. You'd never see the bit of belly bulge otherwise. Her face was a bit wide when you really looked at her long and hard but her long hair helped narrow it up a lot. The overall effect was very attractive. Very hot. Annie was a real head turner, a tasty piece of eye candy. Ivey didn't know any red blooded male who would not want to bed her. And now Ivey *was* her. She thought about the times she'd masturbated while fantasizing of hot women. No one was off limits and Annie certainly wasn't either. No matter how platonic a relationship was, it was almost impossible to have a relationship with an attractive woman that didn't have an element of sexuality to it. Even if it was frequently one way and invariably from the man and not the woman. Annie, always perfectly attired and made up and put together, yet so conservative in many ways, was the star of many a fantasy during lonely nights when he was in a dry spell. Ivey imagined she was very conservative in bed, quiet, always on the bottom in the missionary position, and how he would force her to take it doggy style...she would resist him, beg him not to and after throwing her violently on the bed and forcing him on her, she would see her conservatism melt away as she begged for more, begged him to fuck her...and almost without conscious thought her right hand traveled up to feel her vagina. Her crotch was wet and she felt warmth from her groin and an electric surge shot out from her groin that shocked her. She gasped, heart pounding. She quickly slipped out of her skirt and took off the white blouse. She turned to the right and saw her reflection in the full length mirror - a beautiful Asian woman, naked except for a pair of stiletto heels, looked back at him. Wow. She was a every pimply high school adolescents dream. Her mind was now stimulated, and she found her vagina again. Her left hand slid over her right breast and massaged it firmly and her back arched with the two surges of heat coming from her groin and her chest. Her hips started to buck , and she became weak kneed. She was almost lost her balance - she grabbed the chair and sat in before she collapsed on the floor. Her hands found her vagina and breasts again and she splayed her legs apart with no sense of shame or embarrassment. She was lost, the roaring in her ears blanking her mind, her hips bucking for a something to fill her as her index and middle finger plunged into her vagina. Her thumb rubbed her clitoris as she mauled her breasts. In the back of her consciousness memories of Annie masturbating echoed. How many times had she, no, Annie, had done this since she was a teenager, found that secret pleasure when a man was not available. She increased the temp of her urgings. It was over too soon as a thunderous orgasm ripped through her body and her back arched deeply off the chair and her loud moans sounded in the bathroom. She lay there for a few minutes, sweat on her brow and she realized that her juices were thick and dripping down over her anus and onto the chair. She got up, feeling weak and near helpless and grabbed a handful of tissue from a dispenser on the counter to wipe herself off. She dumped the sticky mass of tissue into the basket under the counter and walked, wobbly as a newborn doe, to the shower where she kicked off her shoes and got herself showered up. The shower had the potential to be a new erotic experience for him but she breathed deeply and kept her cool. It helped that shed' already spent a lot of this body's sexual energies but it would recharge fast, she knew that from her memories. She had no idea Annie was this sexual beneath her conservative nature although the two did not preclude each other. She didn't have much time and she did not want someone coming to see why she was taking so long to get ready. It wasn't easy - this new body and its sensations threatened to overwhelm her. She took one of the towels from the chair over to the shower and left it on the hanger, then turned on the shower and waited for it to get warmed up. Once it was hot enough she stepped in and felt the tension flush out of him with the massage of strong hot water that struck her body. She closed her eyes and ducked under the stream of water, feeling the heat all over her body. She pulled the hair back from her face and grabbed the bottle of shampoo in the corner. She poured a generous quantity into her hand and lathered it up in her now long glossy black hair. God it was a lot of hair to wash. She rinsed it out and put in some conditioner. She did all this almost on autopilot. While the conditioner did its work, she picked up a bar of soap from the shelf in the corner and lathered herself up. She had to control herself...the sensation of her hands running over her sensitive body was almost more than she could take. Her breasts were unbelievably sensitive and when she got to her groin area...oh man. She knew, and didn't question how she knew, what to clean down there. She felt her two lips as she parted them and cleaned herself and her knees buckled when she cleaned the little hood that housed her clitoris. She grabbed she shelf and leaned herself against the cool ceramic tile of the shower, breathing hard, and calmed herself. She straightened up and carefully continued the cleaning of her nether regions before finishing up with her legs and rinsing out her hair. She grabbed the towel and toweled off her hair then the rest of her body. Even that was a near erotic experience for him. This body would take some getting used to. She walked out of the shower and wrapped the towel around her midsection. Her reflection in the mirror stopped her...she looked at herself and saw a wide eyed Asian woman wrapped in a plush terry cloth towel, wet hair hanging down around her shoulders, looking absolutely adorable and sexy. She reached up and touched her face, the realization that this was her body, the reality really hitting home. She wasn't the rightful owner of this amazing body (and Annie was amazing, every inch of her Ivey thought) but she was the owner for the time being. She looked at Annie, looked at herself, and felt amazement (it occurred to her that she was over using that word but she couldn't think of any word more appropriate) that somehow these men had switched him into Annie's body. She shook herself out of her stupor and went about getting ready in the next room. She found some body lotions and applied them, carefully keeping her cool this time. She picked up the panties and slid them over her legs, then put on the bra backwards, fixed the clasp and rotated it around and put her shoulders through it. She slipped on the print dress, then stepped into the four inch heels and walked over to the makeup table. She stopped, and there it was again, amazement. She'd just done things she had no idea how to do yet she knew how to do it. How the hell did she know to put on the bra backwards first to put the clasps together? If she'd had to guess as a male, she'd have tried to put it on the "correct" way and struggled with it trying to fasten the clasp behind her back. And how the hell did she manage to walk in those high heels? She walked back and forth and to her astonishment it felt as natural as walking in sneakers for him. Of course she wasn't going to run a 5k race in these but she knew without thinking about it she could do a short sprint in them and that she could wear these all day long, albeit her feet would be sore afterwards...and the thought came unbidden to him that it was worth the discomfiture to wear them. It had to the preserved neuromuscular pathways they told him when she'd woken up. That was a small blessing but if it was as engraved into Annie's body as they said, he knew it would be a curse soon enough. She sat down with this new revelation and thought about it. She dried her hair with the drier hanging from the hook by the mirror. It took a while to dry all that glossy black hair but finally it was done. Then without thought her hands picked up mascara brushes, blush, foundation, eyeliner, lipstick and applied them swiftly and expertly. In 15 minutes a beautiful Asian girl looked back at him from the mirror, dressed up and made up to kill. "Wow," she said, stunned at who looked back at him. It was hard to believe she was this beauty in the mirror but here was the evidence that could not be denied. If she was in her real body she knew she'd have an instant hard on for this woman. She knew this for a fact - she'd stopped at the local library after work a few months ago to meet Annie. As a guy she was always scoping out the scene, looking for good looking women. Never knew when one might turn up. Not that she could get them but it was nice to do some "bird watching" as her friends used to day. She didn't expect much but when she walked in, after all this was the public library - full of kids of all ages, soccer moms, and some dads. She spotted a hot looking bod from behind...medium length dress, stiletto heels, great legs and glossy black hair. Ivey could feel her erection rising as she walked around to get a glimpse of this woman browsing the new fiction section. She was startled to see it was Annie. She'd been friends with her for so long sometimes she forgot how hot she was. She had that indefinable combination of prettiness, great body and sexiness that screamed hotness. She got up and picked up the purse. She noticed that her clothes, shoes and all, were gone. Someone must have come in during her shower and removed them. She walked out the door to find Richard waiting patiently to the side. He looked at her and his eyes widened imperceptibly in appreciation of what he saw. He subtly glanced at her from head to foot with silent male approval. "Ready Mrs. Bauer?" she asked.

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Chiara and Annie Ch 04

This story is solely my property and may not be reproduced or published without my express permission. Names have been changed to protect the guilty and not-so-innocent. * ‘Bro? Sis? What the fuck is going on?’ I asked my roommate Annie and Marc her ‘brother’ who I’d just finished having sex with. Marc looked at me nervously and said, ‘I should’ve told you last night. God I’m such an idiot. I’m so sorry Chiara!’ I slapped Marc with all my strength and then got out of the bed and walked over...

3 years ago
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Annie and Julie

Annie watched the spread-tied girl's narrow hips thrash as the young victim tried futilely to kick her legs free. Her open-legged struggle caused her pussy to "dance" above the bed delightfully. Annie reached out and grabbed a thatch of the girl's pubic hair, pulling her upward by it until the girl tore her hips away. Meanwhile Julie pinned the girl's shoulders down and buried her face in the girl's left breast, sucking voraciously as if she could force milk from it. Her free hand plucked the...

1 year ago
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Annie and her Granny Chapter 8

Annie and her Granny By Susannah Donim Chapter 8 - My Wife's Mother-in-Law Steve's new normal - little sacrifices. Annie and I were married on the 29th June at the local Registry Office. It was a completely conventional wedding; i.e. Annie wore the dress, and she looked absolutely gorgeous. I asked Fred to be my Best Man, and he was brilliant. It was an opportunity for me to get to know Annie's family better. I had only met them a couple of times, as they lived up North and...

2 years ago
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Annie and Alex Ch 01

I met Annie 20 years ago. We were introduced by a friend, who worried that all work and no play would make me, Alex, a very dull boy. She thought the same about Annie, who was her university roommate. Annie and I came from different backgrounds, but we were both nerds. She was the only daughter of a wealthy businessman and his wife. Me, I was the son of a bus driver and a school teacher, ordinary people. Annie was posh, I was common. Both Annie and I concentrated on studies over social life...

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Anal Annie

Annie was not having a good day. It all began when her alarm clock didn't go off when it was supposed to. Luckily she woke up on her own, albeit 30 minutes late. So she had to hit the ground running and scramble to get ready for work. Running behind her already tight schedule, she quickly dressed in the first thing she could grab from her closet and threw it on. Then putting on her nylons, she got a run in one of them! Great! She took them off and put on another pair and then slipped on her...

4 years ago
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We All Wanted Annie

All of the engineers wanted to get into Annie's pants. I was the lucky one who did.Back in the late sixties, I was working for NASA at Kennedy Space Center and everyone was working on the Apollo missions. Every engineer was a guy wearing a white shirt with a pen holder in his shirt pocket.Then one day this gorgeous female electrical engineer was hired! Her name was Ann Brooks and she had blue eyes, short platinum blonde hair, and we all went gaga over her. Not only was she the first female...

4 years ago
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Scientific Experiments with Annie and Sex mf oral

"You Can Get Pregnant From Doing That!" Thursday: I woke up feeling rather nice. I wasn't mad, not even a bit annoyedat Maureen. I had been, though I'd resisted that feeling. I wasdisappointed by her restriction, but I loved her and it was OK. Iloved her even if we didn't fuck. I'd love her even if we didn't dosex at all. After all, I'd loved her before that, and I certainlyloved Sherry despite the fact that she wouldn't do it with me either.Fucking I mean, not all sex. I'd have been beyond...

2 years ago
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All About Annie

Hi guys. I lost control of this one. I wrote it, but it kind of isn’t what I wanted. You’ll see what I mean later. Anyway, it’s fall, it’s cold and all of our cars are put up for the winter. So this is the perfect time for a nice long story. Despite losing control over it, I was able to add something that has confused me, but a lot of you have been bugging me about it. A few months ago, I wrote a story called, “Much ado about Nathan.” I figured that I’d leave clues about where Nathan was and...

4 years ago
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Annie and the Exchange Student

Taking a sip of her herbal tea, Annie double-checks her things for school. Her berry-coloured lips twist as she goes through her mental checklist. Textbooks, notebooks, pens and her phone…yep, everything is in there. Slinging the satchel around her and settling it onto her shoulder, she adjusts her ponytail containing her thick brown curls and leaves her room, before knocking on the door next to hers. “David, are you ready?” she asks nervously. “Yep, two secs!” a deep, smooth yet muffled voice...

First Time
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The girls were in a man free zone in the large club room: men were not allowed in on hen nights. The crooner and the blue comedian had done their acts and now the male stripper held centre stage. he was blonde and muscular with a six pack and with a tanned body devoid of hair. Annie and her three companions where sat at a front table not sure if the huge bulge in his posing pouch was genuine. Annie was the bride-to-be, her companions her bride's maids. Annie was tipsy and enjoying herself...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Annie and I

To celebrate Annie's 16th birthday, we spent a week horseback riding and camping in the Ozark Mountains. It was then our plan to drive south to New Orleans for a few days of fine dining and civilized touring. Stealing a look at Annie in the passenger's seat, I couldn't help feeling a little sadness that her mother was no longer with us, to see what a fine young woman Annie had become. She had her mother's figure and the sort of plain honest face that wears so well. Annie and I enjoyed the...

4 years ago
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AnnieChapter 5

Mom had the chore of seeing that Annie was well taken care of during the day. Mary and Ginny did nearly as much. Annie was good and never asked for her mother. She and I lived in the house alone. I think I was lonelier than Annie for she had Tippy to cuddle with. I cooked at least half our meals. Mom worried that we weren't eating correctly. We did eat out, but I was very careful to make sure our meals were nutritious. I think what made Annie such a joy to care for was that she always...

4 years ago
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Lip and Annie Ch 10

Late Wednesday afternoon Robert made a phone call to Dr. Maier from his home in Thunder Bay. Although he was sure that Annie was completely past her emotional problems, he decided to seek confirmation from her doctor. ‘This is Dr. Maier.’ ‘Hello, this is Robert Porter calling. I know that Annie had an appointment earlier this afternoon, and I’m wondering if I could speak to you about her.’ He could hear a sharp intake of breath, even over the phone. ‘What is this about? Has this to do with...

3 years ago
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Lip and Annie Ch 08

‘You’re awake! I thought I could move away from you before you realized what I was doing. I’m more than happy to be here the way we are, if it’s okay by you.’ Robert tried to move forward a little bit to get them even closer than they already were. ‘I must have slipped my hand into your top during the night. I can’t say that I’m entirely unhappy with that, though.’ He gave her breast a little squeeze before moving his fingers to tweak her nipple. Her sigh of contentment let him know that she...

2 years ago
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Annie Goes Skiing

Annie glanced in the mirror one last time as she exited out the door with her boyfriend Jeff. She secretly wondered how badly this woolen head wrap thing was messing with her new hair cut. Annie was a firm believer in that old adage ‘It’s not what you do, it’s how you look doing it’ and once had those very words displayed rather unapologetically on a small plaque in her office. “You’ll look fine Annie,” Jeff assured her. “What are you a mind reader? “You’re not that hard to figure out...

Group Sex
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NOTE: This one is light on sex, more about relationships. ———- MOM A police patrol picked up Annie French well after midnight drunk, smoking some sort of ‘weed’ that didn’t appear to be cannabis and took her into custody for her own safety. The holding charge was vagrancy because she couldn’t remember where she lived but the charge would not stick in court because she had almost $400 bucks in her wallet in the back pocket of her jeans. Annie was released early next morning and told to go...

2 years ago
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Annie Goes Skiing

“You’ll look fine Annie,” Jeff assured her. “What are you a mind reader? “You’re not that hard to figure out sometimes,” he replied. Annie pondered those words for a moment after they got in the car and started off. She wondered to herself how she let Jeff talk her into this ski trip anyway. Annie, ice and cold weather did not mix. It was not a big secret that the only time Annie liked ice was if it was crushed and blended with liberal doses of tequila, and perhaps, a lime wedge...

2 years ago
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Lip and Annie Ch 09

Their first week back they were both very anxious to hear each other’s voices on a daily basis, so their phone calls back and forth became routine. Annie was working a lot of night shifts and trying to sleep in the day, and they usually talked in the late afternoon. Robert was busy too, but he was fortunate that his business didn’t run on set hours, and he could usually make time for Annie whenever she was available. She had told him that the first available appointment with Dr. Maier would be...

3 years ago
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I was just getting ready to close up the shop for the day when this gal came in. Oh who am I k**ding, this was no gal, this was a lady. She was my height as I looked straight into her eyes, but she was also wearing heels, so she was probably more like 5’5” to my 5’9”. No more than 25.Black straight hair that flowed to the small of her back, and a gray dress that fit her slender body perfectly. As I saw her walk to my desk I could see her hips swaying and moving back and forth, and found myself...

3 years ago
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My little sister Nina sounded so excited to hear that I was finally about to come home, and even though it was late she said she would wait up for me. I was using the phone in the Pastor's office to let her know that we had driven into the night, and the bus had just pulled into the church parking lot.And just before I hung up, I whispered her that "IT" had finally happened, and she literally squealed with excitement.She gasped, "Annie, are you serious? You mean you really 'IT' really...

2 years ago
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Annie A Noblewoman in lust

Annie, or to give her her full name, the honourable Annabel Eizabeth Mary Weatherby-Hanines, strode across the meadow in the afternoon sun. The village lay before her in deep shadow as the sun began its slow descent to the western horizon. She barely considered that everything she could see she owned. She just felt lonely and persecuted. A woman alone in a man’s world. She knew everyone on her estate were taking advantage of her. It was pure luck that she had inherited the estate as back...

3 years ago
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Annie A Noblewoman in Lust

She saw the village forge at the village edge. No smoke issued from the chimney, the idle blacksmith had obviously gone home early. Annie decided he needed a lesson. She had known Tom for years, why she even had a crush on him as a young girl, nearly lost her virginity to him in an apple orchard one summers day many years ago, but that was then and this was now. She was the boss and he a labourer. She never married, with no living father and an idiotic mother she had had to fend off...

3 years ago
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Annie in Atlanta

Annie Bradford, a highly respected College Dean from Minneapolis, Minnesota, was visiting some colleagues at Emory University in Atlanta, in hope of enticing one of them to accept a position at her university. Annie was a very young forty and divorced with no children. Her husband had left her for a younger woman four years before and, heartbroken, she'd thrown herself into her work.We meet her as she’s just finished watching a porno movie in her hotel room. She’s horny, almost desperate for...

Quickie Sex
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Lip and Annie Ch 07

Angus managed to maintain a straight face for several seconds while he watched Robert’s face turn white. That mission accomplished, he quickly added, laughing as he did so, ‘I’m just having fun with you, Robert. Annie is a big girl now, and she makes those decisions on her own.’ ‘She has told us a lot about you, and just how good you have been to her. She also explained that the room will have two double beds.’ Robert was immediately put at ease by the older man’s words, and he quickly said,...

4 years ago
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Pam and Annie

This is an excerpt from an unposted story, 'Windfall' Pam learns early Pam went on to describe to me, in detail, her childhood awareness of sex and her early fascination with it. She was fortunate that she grew up in a close-knit household with a great extended family and parents that were stern but doted on her. But she had discovered when she was about six that playing with herself brought on the greatest pleasures she had ever experienced, and she was masturbating from that time...

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Introduction: Two preteen girls learn about sex When I (Alice!) was twelve, I was in the sixth grade and had a friend named Annie I had known since I was first grade. She lived in the next block and we spent more time together than we did with anyone else. We used to play jacks, tag, hide and go seek, dolls, and all the other things. We were also both readers and sometimes just sat together and read for hours. We would spend the night frequently at each others houses. I was average size and...

2 years ago
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Annie Says Maybe Ch 4 Professional Help

One Month After the Anniversary"I have the pussy. I make the rules," Annie muttered to herself with half of the humming shaft inside her."Oh god." She panted. The shaft of the vibrating dildo painted her insides with a deep purple shade of lust. But it was her mind, her new mantra that was allowing it, coaching her to stretch and take more inside her. "I have the pussy..." The toyed hummed steadily. She pushed it in another half-inch. Such good advice.The toy wasn't something she could've ever...

Wife Lovers
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We used to play jacks, tag, hide and go seek, dolls, and all the other things. We were also both readers and sometimes just sat together and read for hours. We would spend the night frequently at each other’s houses. I was average size and she was average for her age, 11. She was in the 5th grade. Neither of us had boobs yet, but I was just noticing little bumps, more than used to be. I hadn’t started my periods either or gotten more than two long hairs over my slit. I did have a little...

2 years ago
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Lip and Annie Ch 06

After stopping at the condo for enough time to freshen up and change their clothes, Robert and Annie timed their arrival perfectly, and met Fred and Sherry at the entrance to the restaurant. They were soon seated at a table where formal introductions were made. From the first few minutes of their time together it was obvious that Annie fit in with Fred and Sherry as easily as Robert did. The two women could have been cousins, as at least in height and hair color they were very similar. Sherry...

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