Liar Ch. 03 free porn video

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The hours following the kiss, Gabe found himself staring up at the ceiling thinking of all the reasons he should stay the hell away from Sloane. In case he should forget, Dean’s loud snoring provided him with reason number one.

Growing up with the Bennett brothers, he knew how overprotective they were with their only sister. With the drama she saw from all the girls her brothers brought through the house, it didn’t surprise him that she didn’t date much. He knew all too well that it wasn’t due to lack of offers either. Sloane had been an enigma in high school. She was completely unaware of her beauty and the fact that she was untouchable because of her brothers only furthered the temptation she had on the all the guys. He remembered doing his fair share of threatening when any asshole got the idea that they’d be the first to ‘Bed the Bennett Princess’.

He saw how kind and caring she was to everyone around him, but always seemed annoyed by him and fought him at every given opportunity. Not that he didn’t give her a reason to. He always looked at Sloane from a brotherly stand, he’d never once thought of Sloane as his type or any type for the matter. She was Sloane, and he liked his women with no-strings attached. It wasn’t a secret, he knew his reputation and so did all the girls he messed with.

He drifted off to sleep with the promise that first thing in the morning he’d tell her she was right, the kiss had been a mistake.


Sloane had managed to successfully avoid Gabe by spending the better part of the morning barricaded in her room. However, the unrelenting growl coming from her stomach made her realize that she was going to have to leave the safe sanctuary of her bedroom.

She put her ear against the door straining to hear any movement in the house. When she didn’t hear anything, she quietly opened her door and headed downstairs. Sloane was almost to the kitchen when she was startled by someone coming out. Her first instinct was to swing her fist in self-defense. When she felt her fist come in contact with flesh, she turned around and ran.

She took a few steps into the living room before she tripped over her own footing. Silently swearing as she pushed herself up, she only made it a few more steps before she felt an iron grip on her ankle. She fell hard, hitting her chin on the floor. She used her free leg to wildly kick out until she felt it connect with something followed by angry cursing. Angry male cursing. Angry Gabe cursing.

‘Gabe?!’ Sloane said struggling to catch her breath, ‘You scared the life out of me. I thought you were an attacker or something.’

‘What is it with you and attackers? Last night with the bat and now this.’ Gabe breathed out standing on his knees in front of her, he winced as he lifted his shirt to survey the damage, ‘Shit, Sloane, you got some kick on you. That’s gonna bruise.’ he said while gently prodding his ribs.

‘Well maybe…shouldn’t…have jumped…like that.’ Sloane said distracted by the sight of his tanned, washboard abs. She fought the overwhelming sensation to rub her hands all over them. By the time she was aware she was about to drool, she tore her eyes away to see him already looking at her amused.

Busted, she thought as she hurriedly thought of something to say before he called her out on it.

‘Where’s Dean?’ Sloane blurted it out so quickly she practically shrieked it.

‘He left.’ Gabe said matter-of-factly.

‘Huh?’ Sloane said dumbly, ‘How are you supposed to get back?’

‘Jackson and Jude are still in town. I’m going to catch a ride back with them.’

‘So we’re alone?’ Sloane said looking up at Gabe who was still kneeling in front of her.

‘I guess we are, aren’t we?’

‘Oh well…I’m just going to…’ Sloane said moving to get up.

‘Oh no, you don’t.’ Gabe said grabbing her wrist and turning her back to face him, ‘We need to talk about what happened last night.’

‘What’s there to talk about?’ Sloane said.

‘I don’t want there to be any awkwardness between us.’ Gabe groaned remembering part of the reason he preferred ‘no-stings attached’ was because he sucked at breaking things off. ‘We both know it was mistake…and…uh, I think we should just be friends.’

Sloane didn’t know if she should laugh at Gabe’s obvious discomfort or slap him. She was the one that said the kiss was a mistake so she wasn’t sure why Gabe was telling her what she already knew. She fought her natural instinct to argue with him, but realized that the sooner he ‘broke the news’ to her the faster he’d leave.

‘Oh, okay.’ Sloane said suppressing a laugh and managing to put on a serious face, ‘I guess I can settle on being friends.’

Gabe was a little taken back about how well she was taking it. He wasn’t expecting her to be so compliant. He was expecting her to scream, yell, hit him or all of the above, ‘So you’re okay?’

‘Of course I am. With your reputation I wouldn’t expect anything different.’ Sloane said in tone that was so sincere he almost believed it.

Almost. He could see from where he stood that her eyes were glittering with either laughter or passion, his pride lied and told him it was the latter.

He dumbly started back at her and watch her plaster on a smile that was almost too sweet as she rose up to pass him, heading back into the kitchen. He had a feeling that he had just been insulted, he wasn’t sure since she had smiled while she did it.

‘I’ll be too busy crying about your rejection in the kitchen, so please lock the door on your way out. I don’t want anyone to see me like this.’ She called out pissing him off further.

‘I don’t understand what the hell your problem is. I just wanted to make sure you understood where we stood after last night.’ Gabe said from the doorway of the kitchen.

‘Oh c’mon Gabriel,’ she said shutting the refrigerator door to stare at him comically. She knew her last comment was pushing it, but she couldn’t help herself. ‘Did you forget that you’re talking to me? Don’t pretend that your skin doesn’t itch to leave once the sun comes up. The only reason you stuck around today was out of respect for Dean. So you can save your self-righteous speech for someone that hasn’t bore witness to your whoring ways.’

The sane side of him knew he shouldn’t push her, but that side wasn’t ruling him right now, ‘Oh, my whoring ways? Is that why I had you squirming like a bitch in heat?’

‘Oh please,’ Sloane retorted rolling her eyes fighting the urge to smack the cocky look off his face, but knew that’s exactly what he wanted her to do – piss her off, ‘You can’t kiss that good.’

As she locked eyes with him, she watched his beautiful features change from anger to predatory. She would’ve shuddered if she wasn’t too busy trying to stand her ground.

‘Is that right?’ Gabe said, his lips pulling back over his teeth to grin at her seductively, slowly approaching her, ‘Come over here and let’s see.’

What? Sloane’s head snapped back so hard she almost gave herself whiplash, she sure as hell wasn’t expecting that. Hadn’t they just agreed that the kiss was a mistake and that it’d never happen again? She was starting to realize that maybe pushing Gabe was a bad idea, a very bad idea. She was playing with fire, but couldn’t figure out why the thought of getting burned was turning her on so much.

‘What? Nothing to say? Don’t tell me you’re afraid.’ Gabe provoked still moving closer to her. She didn’t realize she was retreating away from him until she bumped into the counter.

‘I’m not afraid of you.’ She gulped as he brought his arms down on each side of her locking her in, his blue eyes blazing down into hers.

‘Liar.’ Gabe whispered. He was so close she could feel his breath on her lips as she looked up at him.

‘This is insane…’ she whispered his lips were so close, ‘…depraved…’ she breathed , she knew she shouldn’t but she coul
dn’t pull herself back, ‘…crazy…’

‘Satisfying.’ He finished as he closed the rest of the distance between them to claim her lips.

Gabe wasn’t sure why he was kissing Sloane again, but could think of any reason why not. She kissed him back with a passion that he never knew she had, he never knew existed.

The man could kiss, she’d give him that. She pushed into his hard body feeling his desire for her press back against her belly. He licked around her full pouty lips. She sucked in a breath and let him take control of her mouth completely. He massaged his tongue against hers, drawing it out, and sucking on it. She ran her fingers through his short black hair, pulling his head down and pushing her tongue as far as she could into his mouth.

They both fought to control, to dominate the other. It was as if they were both trying to punish the other for trying to deny what they had between them. It was too late to try and call this a mistake.

He lifted her up, sitting her on the counter. He could feel her heat through the thin material of her shorts when she parted her legs to allow room for his body bringing his hardness against where he ached to bury it the most.

She mindlessly grinded on him, kissing him. He slid his hands up the inside of her smooth thighs, stopping at the hem of her shorts. He pulled back searching her eyes for a sign that he should stop. All he saw was fire as he felt her hand on top of his bringing it to where they both wanted. Needed.

Sloane gasped when Gabe massaged her slit through her shorts before pulling them aside to move his finger up and down her wet pussy. When she felt his finger slip into her heat, she threw her had back at the sudden pleasure. His finger felt so large inside of her. She leaned back, placing her hands on the counter behind her, as she watched Gabe pleasure her. She watched in a trance state, releasing short moans as she watched his finger move in and out of her. When he thumbed her clit, she squeezed her eyes closed, throwing her head back in ecstasy.

She was so wet. So hot. So tight. He wanted to spread her legs and thrust his aching cock into her, but he had the overwhelming desire to bring her to pleasure first. Her cries were turning into low moans and he knew she was getting close. He added another finger as he increased his pace. He continued to fuck her with his fingers, curving his fingers to hit her g-spot. She started panting and thrashing, moaning louder. He quickly used his other hand to take her shirt off, kissing his way down the column of her throat.

When he got to her breasts he ran his tongue across her nipple and she pulled his hair to keep him in place. He sucked the nipple into his mouth. Licking and gently sucking the turgid flesh before switching and giving the other the same treatment. When he gently rolled her nipple between his teeth, he felt her tense around his fingers before her hips came off the counter top as she came.

When she came back down to earth after her release, she blushed when she focused on Gabe watching her intently. She was surprised how much she still wanted, especially after her release. She felt wild and she wanted to please him. She wanted Gabe and she wanted him bad. She knew he would do his best to resist his desire for her so she knew she had to push him past the point of no return.

She felt him watching her as she took a hold of his hand, bringing it to her mouth. She jutted her tongue out tasting his fingers that were just in her, looking him in the eye as she took the fingers completely into her mouth. She licked his fingers so there was no mistake as to what she would rather be licking. She hummed in satisfaction when she heard him let out a strained breath. He pulled his hand away and wove it in her hair, pulling down so she was forced to look up at him.

Time suspended for what seemed like an eternity as the world around them fell away leaving just them and their eyes. His fierce and strong, hers fiery and beautiful.

‘If we start this, I don’t think I’ll be able stop.’ Gabe said, it coming out more as a plea rather than the warning he had intended it to.

‘I’m not planning on stopping you.’ Sloane said meeting his gaze as she reached down to unbutton his jeans.

When he felt her hand touch his cock, Gabe let out a hiss at the contrast. Her hand was cool against his hot flesh. He didn’t mean for it to get so far out of control, but he couldn’t stop it now. He could only try to control the repercussions. He let out a ragged breath when she started to lightly jerk him, squeezing him at the base of his cock, twisting as she pumped up and down his shaft. The pleasure was building too fast and when he felt her cup his balls, his control snapped.

He grabbed her hand and placed it on his shoulders. Running his hand down her body, he parted her legs. Grabbing a hold of his cock, he ran it up and down her slit coating it in her juices before placing it at the entrance of her pussy. He saw the hesitant look in her eyes as he ran his hands up the outside of her thighs. He gripped mid way and pulled her onto him as he thrust his entire cock into her, ripping through the thin wall protecting her virginity. Her cry was drowned out by Gabe’s loud moan.

Mine. He thought again, the same thought that had occurred when he kissed her last night.

By the time the stars dissipated from Gabe’s eyes, he realized that he hadn’t moved. Sloane’s nails were still digging into his shoulders, her pussy squeezing his cock. He knew he was larger than normal, but she was tight, real tight. She had been so forward before that he figured…

‘I’m sorry, babe…I didn’t know…I’m sorry.’ He said between the encouraging kisses he placed on her temple, ‘I need to…we can stop if you want.’ Gabe said pulling out slightly.

‘No…’ She pleaded and grabbed his hips to stop his action, ‘Don’t move. Just…make it feel…good.’ Sloane heard herself say through her teeth. He was so big inside of her, she didn’t realize that it would hurt so much.

When he slid back in, they both let out a breath. He clenched his jaw as he tried to control his movements in and out of her tight, slick heat, fighting the desire to start slamming into her. He withdrew again a little more then pushed back in slowly, he repeated the slow, torturous motion until he felt Sloane start to move her hips experimentally meeting his thrust. He slowly pulled his cock almost entirely out of her feeling her warm slick walls clench around his hard cock almost begging him not to go. He felt the sweat bead on his forehead at the forced patience. He breathed out raggedly before taking her mouth in a punishing kiss. He slammed back in, bottoming out. They both broke the kiss and moaned in unison. He repeated the motion again testing his own willpower, searching her face for any hint of discomfort.

‘Just fuck me already.’ Sloane said suddenly looking right at Gabe.

He looked at her and realized that he was gone. She was a vision of sex with tousled hair and lips swollen from kissing. He moved her to the edge of the counter, wrapped her legs around his waist and started slamming into her with frenzy. He was already close, he had been ever since the night before. The sound of slapping flesh filled the kitchen. Her breasts were bouncing up and down, taunting him. He took one into his mouth, sucking ferociously on the nipple while he started to piston in and out of her pussy. He felt her clamp down as she threw her head back, crying out his name with her release. Her spasming pussy around his cock was more than Gabe could handle. He thrusted twice before he found his own release, roaring her name as he shot his seed inside of her.

It seemed like eternity when Sloane realized that she should probably move. However, her body felt too lethargic and she couldn’t trust that her knees wouldn’t give out once she stood up. When she finally opened her eyes, she locked with Gabe’s. Gabe opened his mouth to say something
, but they both stilled when she heard the front door slam.

‘Gabe! Bro, where you at?’ she heard the voice call right outside the doorway. Gabe quickly buttoned his jeans, but it was too late for her to try and get dressed. She just buried her face in Gabe’s shirt as he used his body to shield her nudity.

‘I’ll be right…out.’ Gabe started to say in hopes to delay the inevitable. He looked over his shoulder to see a very shocked Jude standing in the doorway, ‘Hi.’

‘Uh…hi. My apologies…I knocked but no one answered. The door was unlocked. I’ll be in the car.’ Jude stuttered out before darting back behind the doorway. They heard his footsteps retreat before they heard the front door open then slam.

Jude’s interruption served as a bucket of cold water to Sloane, bringing her back to Earth, ‘Please tell me that this is a nightmare and I am going to wake up,’ Sloane said her face still buried into his chest, ‘I can’t believe two of Dean’s best friends saw me naked.’

‘Nope, just me.’ Gabe grinned handing her shirt back to her.

When she didn’t meet his gaze, he realized that she had just switched back into defense mode. He felt a little disappointed as he turned to leave the kitchen.

‘Listen, I’m not sure what to say right now. I mean this sort of thing is your thing.’ Sloane said redressing herself and following him towards the door. She groaned inwardly as she heard the words come out of her mouth, ‘That came out wrong.’

‘I know what you meant.’ Gabe said.

‘Gabe…I-‘ Sloane said hesitantly.

‘Uh, listen. I don’t want you to think I’m running out, but Jude’s waiting and if I don’t get out soon he’s going to be back in here dragging me out.’ Gabe said.

‘Uh…yeah, of course. Right.’ Sloane responded awkwardly opening the front door for him.

‘I’ll call you later.’ Gabe said as he passed her.

‘Yeah, okay.’ Sloane said before she closed the door.

As Gabe walked down the steps smiling, he missed the dejected look on Sloane’s face as she closed the door. He thought of how horribly his plan from last night had failed, and was a little happy that it did. Sloane was full of surprises and he sure was shocked to find out she was a virgin. He had no idea that Sloane would be so responsive. He felt a strange feeling of pride knowing that he was her first, followed by a slight feeling of terror of what that would imply. He felt like an ass for leaving so abruptly, but the thought of commitment scared the shit out of him. He had never been a one woman kind of guy, or that’s how it was until now. So when kissing Sloane felt a lot like coming home, he knew he should run like hell.

‘Do you even know how incredibly stupid that was?’ Jude said once he got into the car.

‘I’m pretty sure I do.’ Gabe said solemnly, fighting the feeling that he was making a huge mistake.

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When I got home it was still only four in the afternoon. Had all that happened in just two hours, my fucking Dan and then getting fucked by him as I fucked his wife? Had it happened at all?I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. Was it really possible that I, a pretty ordinary 18-year-old kid about to head off to college, having what I thought was a pretty ordinary sex life, had become sexually involved with my girlfriend’s father and then, through him, her mother as well?How does such a...

Gay Male
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bloody BBWs

Warning! This story contains extreme depictions of brutality. If you aren't into violent fighting/sex fantasies, then don't comment on how you didn't like it. With out further adeau:It had only been a month since the bitter argument that ended their friendship took place. Donna and Ashleigh had been lifelong friends growing up, with their families’ farms right near each other. Ashleigh had always been the headstrong one, always the leader in their clique of friends, the dominant...

4 years ago
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finding moms toy

Me voila je m'appelle John j'avais 18 ans au moment des fait j'avais déjà eu des rapprochement avec ma mère mais jamais je n'aurais pensé un jour pouvoir me glisser aussi profondément dans sont intimité. Ma mère est une femme qui a su ce conserver assez bien car elle a aujourd'hui une quarantaine d'année et elle a toujours de jolie formes, elle s'habille bien et prend soins d'elle pour rester... attirante ou du moins jolie je pense. Elle n'a pas de gros seins mais ses fesses elle sont un...

2 years ago
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Jungles of AwanilChapter 7

"Lieutenant Dalakis, reporting as ordered," Gavril said with a salute. He was thoroughly unsure of himself at the moment. His fatigues were still warm from the cleaning mech and all of his cuts, scrapes, scratches and punctures had been patched or plugged. Usually small luxuries such as these made him happy, but not today. The colonel was dressed in battle fatigues that had definitely seen service. They showed wear and had been repaired in several strategic places. He hadn't expected to...

3 years ago
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My Friend Rahool

MY FRIEND RAHOOL An medium handsome guy had fucked and enjoyed 9 girls one day he shared his experience… While Rahool was in his schooling in Chennai he was very much attracted by girl in his class, being a shy guy he never face a girl to talk… days changed there where many girls looking at him and staring at his physics and admiring which he get shy and never face them. One day a girl name Jagadeswari came to him and said she loves him he was blushed and couldn’t hold his shyness and moved...

1 year ago
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Take a seat on Santas lap

‘HO HO HO, MERRY CHRISTMAS’ I cheerfully yell, waiving to the kids as I walk out of the reception hall. It’s been a long night but I’m finally done and I can get out of this hot Santa suit. I’ve been doing the Santa gig for about 10 years now. Its something that I love doing and it provides me with a little extra cash for the holiday season. The smiles on the faces of the kids are absolutely priceless and there are always hot mommies to check out at every outing. I used to do the mall thing,...

3 years ago
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Sex with my besties sister Part One

I never thought something like this would happen. Something so simple, but something with a life changing effect. ‘Hey! Hurry up! We’re gonna be late!’ My best friend Maria screams at us. As fast as we can, Jasmine and I run to the car, carrying many bags to go on our summer camping trip. Jasmine is Maria’s little sister. She barely turned 16 a few months ago, and it’s already showing on her body. Perfect C-cup breasts ,amazing facial features, big blue eyes, and a perfect beach body ass to go...

2 years ago
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Making Clouds and Rain

It was hot hell August. Bruce lay awake on his bed in his room. sleep had long gone past. Somewhere a radio played ‘Cocksucker Blues’. He could hear fragments of the lyrics coming thru: “I’m a lonesome schoolboy and I just came into town. I heard so much about London, I decided to check it out. (…) Oh, where can I get my cock sucked? Where can I get my ass f*cked? (…) Well, I asked a young policeman if he'd only lock me up for the night. I've had pigs in the farmyard, some of them they're...

4 years ago
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Sex Hunger Of Married Lady

Dear Reader i am back again with a new incident story of mine ,this is my second time i am writing my second story.The incident is between me and a very distant relative who was in Kashmir since her birth and recently shifted to delhi.Though she was a relative but have met twice or thrice only before the actual meeting.About myself after starting my career in interior designing firm, i shifted my stream from that to garment’s trade and also doing very well for myself.I was unmarried at that...

4 years ago
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Love Aint Nothin but TroubleChapter 4

“Oh, fucking God, this meal is outstanding, Mrs. Lewis!” Jeff exclaimed as he dug into the bangers and mash, an English specialty that he fell in love with in a hurry. “Well, I’m Rhodesian, which is basically transplanted British, darling. I’m very pleased that you enjoy my cooking, love,” Carolyn smiled at him, “but do call me ‘Mum,’ will you? Especially since I’m going to ride your cock like a fucking thoroughbred.” “Please do that, Mum. Hubby deserves the best and that’s definitely you,...

3 years ago
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A Naughty Neighbourly AgreementChapter 5

I crossed the road to Alison's house with a mixture of excitement and sadness. It was day four of our little pact and it was to be the last. I knew I would be left wanting more after it was all over. She didn't keep me waiting long at the door this time, which was good because by now I was feeling distinctly self-conscious about being seen calling at her house for the last 4 consecutive days. It was 9.45 am, as arranged, therefore, I safely presumed it was mutually understood we were going...

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Masishen EvolutionChapter 36 Born of Frustration

A few months passed. Quickly! Too damned fast for Michael's liking. He had too little time with Dee'rah. Too little of the languid, relaxing, laid-back leisure time they both craved. He was putting in fourteen and sixteen hour days, supervising training, reviewing flight exercise results, and approving an increasing level of operational orders and deployments. Dee'rah and Lyn'na-ra were leading their volunteer people all across Canada and into Indonesia, reviewing site applications and...

2 years ago
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Jessicas Story Part 8

Jessica's Story - Part 8 September was soon over and October had arrived. The weather was noticeably colder and signs of two months to go were already about. "Some shops had this lot ready at the end of August!" said Anne, as they were walking round the shops one weekend. She was referring to the Christmas decorations that the shops were now selling. Halloween items were also being pushed at customers too, but at least that was mere weeks away. "And before Christmas is over,...

1 year ago
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Sweet Surrender Ch 04

It was a draw on who was more shocked at Emily-Jane’s comment: Barbara, Emmie, or Luke. Luke wasn’t sure if he should leave the two women to fight it out or if he should be there just in case he had to pull Emmie off of her sister. Barbara was the smaller of the two and Luke already knew that Emmie had the tendency to fight dirty. He didn’t want to have to continue their relationship in jail, but if looks could kill Blaine would be looking for a new fiancé soon. ‘You’ve been putting up with...

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CT98-33760HM was looking astonished through the observation deck, his augmented eyes picking up the ultraviolet and x-ray emissions of a nearby planetary nebula, to him, regardless of the calculations his brain was doing, this was a beautiful sight. CT98-33760HM wanted to wake his clone-brother CT98-33761HD to show him this fascinating view, although he knew his clone-brother couldn't see it the same as CT98-33760HM could, since CT98-33760HM had a Heavy-Marksman designation and his brother was...

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DDFBusty Honey Demon Cum Facial Leaves Her Glowing

We know you always enjoy watching Romanian glamour model Honey Demon in hardcore action, and today DDFBusty presents the all-natural Milf be pounded by Yanick Shaft’s massive member. The voluptuous big assed brunette with the big lips has an appetite for sex that’s rarely seen, and we just love giving a woman what she wants. Watch as she’s bent over for a pussy fucking from the back in doggy and spoon style but turns around just in time to titty fuck the Frenchman, causing him...

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Morning Tug

Note : This story is completely fictional! Ever since I can remember my mother has burst in the room to wake me up in the morning. As long as I can remember it has pissed me off and led to a tug of war with the covers. So why should the morning I turned 18 be any different? The door flug open and there I was in bed trying my harest to snap one off before she came in. She wished me a happy birthday and grabbed the covers. I fought the best i could and as the covers rubbed across my head i came....

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What happens when the grass is finished0

I scanned the room through half opened eyes trying to see if I could register anything, but nothing,I hadn't a clue where I was or who's bed I was in or why I was even in bed. I came here to do a job to raise money for a trip with the school and now I am just ..... "Fuck! what will I tell my teacher when she asks how did it go with Mr Byrne and his over grown lawn, " I don't know, fuck I can't remember. My last memory is coming in from the garden after cutting the grass for Mr Byrne. I...

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My Best Friend the abandoned stall Part 2

It had been 2 month’s since Blake left to UCLA when I was just getting settled in to my dorm. I was exited to be at college with a new roommate and a new chapter in my life. The only thing I was upset over was that Blake and I had not spoken two words to each other since he left. I was in my room writing a paper for my biology class when Ryan my roommate walked in with his friend Mike. “your still working on that paper?” Ryan asked me.“I’m just about done I just need to rewrite it” I said to...

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Jessies Fantasy Chapter 1 Losing a Bet

Nearly everyone has a sexual fantasy that they would love to act on sometime in their life. Unfortunately for some, it never becomes reality. There are many different reasons, ranging from having fear or hesitation, to fantasizing about someone they can’t have, or the situation just never presents itself. This is a story of one such fantasy. Hope you enjoy! It was a Friday evening and I was on my way to meet my usual group of friends. The eight of us had been friends since high school, and we...

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Alan Ch 19

Chapter 19: Kate’s (new) first, reports from the field. ‘You’re such a coward,’ he said in between bites of his pizza. He, Kate, Scarlet, and Soren were splitting a pie at V&T, a college favorite across the street from the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. Soren had stepped away to chat with some people he knew at another table, and Scarlet was in the lady’s room. Kate had just admitted that she hadn’t acted upon her attraction to her roommate, despite the fact that she had resolved over...

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Dream or NightmareChapter 3

I had the evidence on tape. Well not on tape, on a digital recording. I sent an email to myself containing the video, to my non-FBI email account. I wanted to preserve the evidence, just in case. My FBI training, I suppose. I had to confront her. Maybe this was some sort of aberration? Caused by the girls leaving? I didn't know. I was grasping at straws. Probably not, but I wasn't a good enough actor to fake it while I did something else. Half an hour I sat in the car and still couldn't...

4 years ago
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Guardian AwakeningChapter 2 Aesia

At first light, Tristan awoke. The quiet whispering in his mind invading his thoughts like the gentle touch of butterfly wings. As he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, realisation returned, and a chill shivered down his spine, entering his stomach in a twisted knot. A crashed ship in his back yard and an alien in his bed upstairs. He had to get the ship covered quickly. If anything got reported to the authorities they would be all over his secluded patch of England like ants. He quickly washed...

3 years ago
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The Slutting of Sally James

 Rick’s story…I recently returned to Australia after four years of living in South-East Asia, mostly in Thailand where I had been completely corrupted by the exotic Thai bar girls of that country’s red-light districts. During that period, they taught me a variety of kinky games and sex tricks that I had never ever experienced before. Over a period of time, I lived with several gorgeous young Thai babes who willingly introduced me to all the sexual tricks and games they played to satisfy the men...

2 years ago
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Rachna Ki Pyasi Chut

By : Karan Hi, all iss read’s mera naam karan hai or mai aksar yahoo or orkut per chat krta hu meri hight 5ft7inch hai looking smart or mai law kar kha hu. or muje apnse so badi age ki bahiyo k sath sex karna acha lagta hai ab time waste naa karte hue mai story pe aata hu ye khani real hai or 3 mahine pehle ki hai mai ek sham ko chat kr rha tha tab mai ek ladki se chat krne lga jiska naam rachna tha uski age 28 thi vo Delhi se thi hum dono me pehle din dosti hui. pur jab maine use cam on karne...

3 years ago
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Mutiny on the Bunte KuhChapter 1 Boats

It had to be done, and there was no delegating this one. Captain Tweedledee had to die. Who the hell knew what Bossie would do, but it had to be done and screw the med-tubes. That was another thing. Boats had once heard a tech claim that with a head and a short enough time after death, a med-tube could re-grow a body and save just about anyone. So, no head. Tweedledee was no coward. Certainly not. He was a narcissistic, brutal, power-mad, sadistic, Caligula. He was a worse than unfit...

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Intimate Moments With A Married Woman Part1

Hello readers, what’s up, this is Rahul and I am back with another story of mine. But first of all, I want to thank all the people who replied to me and gave me generous feedback regarding my stories. I am Rahul, 26 years old, fair and athletic and an adventure loving guy. I am working for a good organization in Vizag, Andhra Pradesh. Any woman or housewife who wants sexual satisfaction, and is interested in me, can email me without any worries. My email id is All my stories are not real...

3 years ago
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Haunted Necklace

A woman is walking out of an antique store holding a black box in a bag. Inside the box was a beautiful diamond necklace. Honestly, it’s no wonder she bought it, it was dirt-cheap compared to other diamonds of its size. What she doesn’t know is that you, a powerful spirit named Ethane, were silently slumbering within. You were killed by a witch in a bygone era, your soul used to curse a necklace that could control someone. She planned to use it to make a slave or a test subject of some kind but...

Mind Control
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Kept hard all day

Hi, my name is Steve. I am 20 years old and have one of the hottest girlfriend. Her name is Kristen and she is 18. She has an incredible body and loves to show it off. When her mother isn,t home she like to sunbathe in the backyard topless. I have layed out with her many times and always wind up getting turned on by seeing her lay out wearing only a tiny thong. Afraid her mother might come home, I never sunbathed nude with her. The best Kristen could get me to do was wear a mens bikini bottom....

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My First Anal

I was laid in my bed one Saturday morning feeling really horny, i was hard as a rock with morning glory and decided to have a wank. I was really in the mood for it and wanted to have a really good one. Im circumcised and really like to use lube, for long and slow wanks.I had been working it for a good ten minutes slowly, twisting at the top and gripping it strong when i hear my bedroom door opening and shocked i spun my head round to see who it was because i knew that my mum was at work so i...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 245 Hiten Mitsurugiryuu Sealed

Yahiko: A contest of height, against Kenshin? Against the Hiten Mitsurugi School? Enishi: Well? Do you accept, or not? Kenshin: I've already accepted this fight. Whatever your challenge, I'm here to meet it. Enishi: Excellent. (He takes off his earring and holds it up.) Enishi: The signal. Let's go! (He throws the earring in the air; as it hits the ground, they both leap.) Misao: I knew it! Himura's higher! Hiten Mitsurugi-ryuu-- (Enishi seems to rise even higher in the...

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Dog and His BoyChapter 1 Mentally Yours

Two Weeks Before: Vickie Storm felt IT again, the fast sliding down from great heights feeling in the middle of her body. The sixteen year old was certain she knew what caused that feeling. "I'm too young!" she exclaimed aloud. "Of course you're too young, dear." Her mother looked up at her six feet tall daughter and smiled. Then she felt a chill run up and down her back. "Too young for what?" she asked in a concerned voice. "I just got that slithery feeling. I've heard older...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 42 Talkin About My Generation

April 17, 1994, Chicago, Illinois “Stop!” Mitsuko commanded. “What?” I asked, turning to face her. “I did the steps correctly.” “Technically. But you’re too mechanical. It’s like ... like watching a robot try to do martial arts.” “In Shōtōkan, the point of kata is to learn the steps of the stylized fight.” “And would you really fight that way? Pausing between each movement? Making snap movements that do not flow together?” “No, but...” “You’ve raised technical form over beauty. That’s...

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