Kyles conversion
- 2 years ago
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These are not ‘Stand alone’ Chapters. I suggest reading from the beginning.
Part eight of eight: A family is born
This story is the product of a diseased and febrile mind. As such, it is fiction. Having said that, All my stories are true, even the ones I make up.
Copyright 2007 L_D_Darrow
I wish to thank Wolv_Project for taking the time to edit my offering. All mistakes are mine solely, whether planed or not.
‘Bonnie? Seriously now. Are you going to be around a while?’
She thought a moment and deliberately turned toward me spreading her legs a little and letting the shirt up. I could easily see the curly blond patch of hair.
‘Kyle, look at me. No not my eyes. Do you like what you see?’
‘Yes, I’ve liked looking at you, even from the first. I have liked every thing I’ve seen so far.’
‘Do you want to keep seeing me, although I’m really not ready for sex with you unless I’m drinking?’
‘Sure. Here’s proof of sorts.’
I handed her a small key ring with two keys. ‘Gate and house, come and go as you need. Even if I’m gone.’
She lay down in my arms then. ‘Kyle, I need to heal, this is a good place to do that, can you be patient with me?’
‘I’ve waited many years for you. I can wait more, as long as I know you are still interested.’
‘I am. And I will be. I just need to get that creep out of my mind first.’
‘My work schedule is on the calendar inside the door. I leave before dawn and am back in early afternoon. Set here and heal. You don’t have to stay or leave for when I come home. If you really need time alone here, I can stay home, at my parents. Let me know, and let me know you are still interested.’
‘And then will you poke me?’ She said with a wicked smile.
‘I might just do that. It’s your call.’
She said we could go in her car, it would use less gas then my truck. She put her slacks on and went home. I took a shower and dressed. When she came back she had a summer short top and shorts on with a bra. ‘You look good to me, let’s go.’
As predicted thirty seconds after mom and her met they were friends, I went to find dad, he was in his den. He didn’t look as good as I had hoped. ‘Dad is there something you haven’t told me?’
‘Well… Yes son, my heart isn’t good. I’ve been having some problems, the Doctor, mother and I have been working on it. It’s one of the reasons we took the long trip when we did. I wanted to see and be remembered as a well person. I will not be able to keep it from you though.’
‘Ok dad, just keep me informed.’
‘Mother will be ok if I go, financially at least. You will have to take over the long view for her. She can’t see beyond tomorrow. Now, tell me about the lovely creature you brought with you. Is she the one?’
‘I can’t tell yet dad, I only found her Friday in front of my place with a flat and a bad lug wrench. I have hopes, I’m tired of looking.’
‘So you brought her for mother to pry open?’
‘She’s good at that.’
‘We didn’t do so good on Kate. What does she do?’
‘She says she’s a substitute teacher. I’m going to try to talk her into moving her work down this way. She was in TUSD.’
‘She is a pretty thing. Time will tell and mother won’t be so blind to this one.’
Dinner was about two hours late, so mom really had taken the time to talk to Bonnie. They were working together in the kitchen, a good sign. Mother caught me as we were getting ready to leave. ‘Kyle I like this one. I really like this one. Don’t let her get away from you.’
The sun was really low on the horizon when she got us back to the house. We left the gate closed but not locked. She would get that when she left tonight.
We settled on the porch with just tea. I offered her a beer and she shuddered ‘No, Kyle I don’t like beer all that much right now. I think you burned me out on that.’ She did take my hand to hold.
‘Good. Did you and mom come to terms then?’
‘Oh God!, I blabbed my whole life’s story to her. Even the things I never told my parents or friends. She just kept saying ‘Oh yes dear, go on’ and I did. When I was done she told me about you, all the things that you probably didn’t want me to know. She came right out and said. ‘Kyle will want to marry you sometime soon I think. Be sure it’s what you want too.’ Kyle, is that how you feel after knowing me just two days?’
‘Mom is usually right about these things, and yes it is the way I feel. I don’t want to scare you away though, I’ll wait for you to know yourself. One way or the other.’
‘Thank you Kyle. I know how I want to feel, but it’s got to come around so I’m in complete agreement with myself. If that makes sense.’
‘Oh yes. It makes good sense.’
‘What time are you going to bed?’
‘I’ll have to boot your pretty little curly blond bottom out of her by 9, maybe 9:30. Certainly by midnight or so.’
She laughed. ‘I’ll leave at 10 then. No later. Your mother said I should move my RV here at the end of the month.’
‘Was that a question? Keep in mind I never argue with my mother.’
‘I’ll ask you again at the end of the month. It was the way she said it though that got my attention. She said ‘You might as well move it there, you won’t be staying in it anyway.”
‘I’d say she has accepted you in to the family, if that doesn’t scare you.’
‘No. That’s the funny thing, I’m not scared at all. I keep thinking I should be. Kyle I’m going to be here everyday this week, but I’m going to go home before you come home. I’ll leave you a note every day to tell you I care. Your mother told me how dangerous your work is. You need to keep focused for that. Friday I’ll be here waiting for you. Your mother said she’d call me here during the week to talk. She gave me her number too… Kyle what’s wrong with your dad?’
‘He wasn’t too specific, but he went over the long range plans for mother if he suddenly isn’t here any more.’
She looked at her watch, and jumped up. ‘It’s after 10 I’d better go. Will you walk me to my car?’
‘I’ll walk you to the screen door, I don’t have on my shoes.’
‘Oh, ok.’
We kissed for a while, actually, it was our first real kiss. She broke away and ran to her car, but waved before she got in.
Her notes that week were short and to the point. ‘I miss you.’, ‘I wish you were here.’, ‘Why did I promise to stay away?’ That type of thing.
Wednesday I there was a letter from Olive and Candy in the mail. It was a carefully neutral letter. Saying they had joined an expedition to the southern tip of South America with a French team. Writing might be a problem because everything went first to Europe, and only every other month. That’s why I hadn’t heard from them as much.
So, it was ending. I left the letter out for Bonnie, I pulled all of their letters to me out of the closet also. I left her a note saying. ‘Read these if you want to, I don’t want secrets to become an issue. My letters to them are on the laptop.’
Her note to me was,
Kyle, I read them all in chronological order, it took some doing. The end result, was to make me miss you so much I lay in your bed and cried. I do agree that you won’t be seeing them in the near future. And that’s not a green biased feeling. One more day to go. Bonnie.
I went into my bed and I could still smell her fragrance on the sheets. One more day.
My hands were sweating and my mouth was dry as I pulled in next to the garage. Her car was parked inside it. I tried to calm myself as I walked to the porch. A cold front had moved in over night and it was too chilled to be on the porch. I opened the door to the house and she was standing there, one of my t-shirts on, only. She held one hand to her throat, the other over her mouth. I closed the door softly behind me. Then she practically leaped into my arms, in fact she wrapped her legs around me, I had
one arm behind her back, hand on her head as we kissed. The other hand was supporting her butt.
When we came up for air I asked. ‘Did you forget something?’ I was lightly playing with one bare cheek.
She shuddered and said. ‘Oh. God… No, you need a shower. I’m going to help.’
I called mom Saturday. ‘Hi mom, how’s dad?’
‘He’s fine Kyle, you’re calling to say you won’t be over tomorrow. I suspect Bonnie doesn’t feel comfortable enough to see us just now.’
‘Right as always mom.’
‘When are you going to ask her to marry you?’
I think she thought she was kidding me. ‘Gotcha mom, already did. Two Sundays from tomorrow. I invited her parents to stay in my room. They will be down the Friday before from Flagstaff.’
‘Mom, you there?’
She was crying! ‘Kyle, I’m so happy. I don’t care how she feels, you both be here tomorrow. No excuses. Now, I’ve got to break this to your dad, slowly. Goodbye my son and my daughter.’
Bonnie said. ‘She knew I was listening in?’
‘I’m sure, and we have to go tomorrow.’
‘I know, and it doesn’t bother me now, Hey, you’re kind of cute, want to poke me?’
I found that her previous sexual education had missed several key points. Female orgasm was one.
Dad not only survived the announcement, he looked better then he had in weeks. He stole Bonnie from mom and I and they were seen walking around the farm, arm in arm.
The Friday before our wedding I met her parents for the first time. I was put at ease immediately, her mother was crying and hugged me hard, her dad shook my hand and slapped my back. Bonnie had told them all about her fall and my rescuing her. By Saturday night my parents and her’s were as thick as thieves. Mom kept Bonnie over night and kicked me out quite early. I had my orders not to reappear until the wedding time. Dad wasn’t supposed to drive so her father and dad came over to see my place in the morning and to keep me from running. We spent some time setting on the porch of course. Talking about little. I was having trouble keeping my mind on the conversation, causing grins from both my dads.
Her parents were going to stay at my place, Bonnie and I were going to her parents for our honeymoon. We would be back the next Saturday.
As we got in her car after the wedding, she said. ‘There, that wasn’t too bad was it?’
‘As long as I only have to do it once in my life, it will be fine.’
‘Once is usually enough.’
‘How far is it to your parents?’
‘Seven hours or so.’ She sighed.
‘I can’t wait that long. This car’s a bit small.’
‘There are bound to be motels along the way, silly.’
It’s been four months now. From the first, I told her to toss the BC pills, and we would take our chances, no counting days either. She had no problem with that. She transferred to the local school system and started working, usually a few days every week. I haven’t caught her just yet, but we both enjoy the practice.
Bonnie handed me a letter from the South American French team when I got home. I opened it and she sat on my lap to help me read it. Much of it was in French. Bonnie remembered enough of it to translate.
Dear Kyle Brown, It is with a deep hurting heart that I must write to you. I have to tell you of the disappearance of the supply plane that Olive and Candy were passengers on. We have had no sign of the plane since it became overdue. The earth at this location is much broken land and sea. If they managed to land, the supplies on board will keep them alive for many months. My government along with the local authorities are supporting an extensive search for them. I will not give up hope. I write you because of the stories they have always been free with, involving you, and their stay with you near their blind where they studied the birds of your land. The standards they set as an example of your friendship causes despair for the males in our camp. I have only dared to operate Olive’s computer to obtain your address and that of their parents. I know you will join in our wishes to find them before the snow storms set in. With prayers, Jon Paul.
As we were translating our way through the letter I had time to get used to what it said, without really having it slapped in my face all at once. Dear Bonnie wrapped her self around me, and let me cry it all out, not trying to soothe me. But being there for me.
At my request, by boss allowed me to go back on hardware until I could think clearly again.
Bonnie and I talked it over that weekend. She had been confused about Jon’s reference to the snow storms, but figured it out on her own. Jon’s reference to the ‘near by blind they had studied from’ showed the respect they had for me. Bonnie said there must have been no sexual references made by them in their stories.
We crafted a letter to Jon in both English and ‘sort of’, French, thanking him and pleading for any further information. We signed it Kyle and Bonnie Brown.
The end of April Bonnie missed the start of her menses, the next week the Doctor confirmed, and set the target date as January 18. She called her mother, and I called mine.
In May we got another letter from Jon. Candy was alive, though in bad shape. The pilot and Olive had been killed on impact. Candy would be back in the states in late June to her parents in Phoenix.
Bonnie spent several nights hand writing a letter. She said I could see a copy, after she had sent it. She scanned it in to the computer and took me to bed. As soon as I got home the next day she let me read the scanned letter. It was a very long letter, explaining our meeting at my gate, and many private details. She told of reading the framed ‘Dear John’ letter and how she felt after reading it. There was much more. Then she pleaded for Candy to come here to heal, to be with friends.
There were several more letters that Bonnie sent, I wrote several also. Candy finally agreed in part because her parents wanted to hide her from life. Candy was going through reconstructive surgery for her face. They had to reset her arm. A misleading term for rebreaking her arm, then traction and braces.
She came in on an Amtrak train. We were there to pick her up.
‘I’m not very pretty now Kyle.’ She said, her jaw still stiff.
‘Where can Bonnie and I kiss you Candy? It’s you that we love, not just your roughed up face.’
It must have hit home that we weren’t kidding. She broke down and cried.
Still it wasn’t easy for her, it was hot. The cast on her arm itched terribly. The couch although comfortable, wasn’t private. Bonnie took care of that one night by literally dragging Candy to our bed and striping the clothes off her. I offered to help, but Bonnie said calmly. ‘No Kyle, she needs to know I want her here too. We already can see you want her here with us.’
As the time went by Candy became a part of our family. None of us looked back, other than to remember Olive.
Mom. How could I ever explain? Bonnie said. ‘Leave that to me.’ We had taken Candy with us to visit mom and dad the first weekend. We didn’t explain anything then, we just introduced Candy as an old friend of ours, one that needed time to heal. Mom and dad took to her and more significantly, never asked any questions. Bonnie went over on a Saturday and told mom the whole story. While Bonnie was coming home mom called me and said. ‘Kyle I’m okay with your arrangement. And I’m proud of you. Now let me talk to my new daughter.’
Candy’s face no longer scared people, in fact I thought she looked fine. She was a great help for as Bonnie got heavier. She wasn’t as heavy as she should be. The doctor, mom, Candy and I all tried to keep her on track.
Candy appeared in a school ‘Futures’ presentation to talk to the kids about all the opportunities available for both boys and girls. Bonnie and I were her loudest applause.
Candy switched to teaching at the local high-school,
in the fall semester Bonnie would start as a full time teacher there too.
The girls sat me down one night and announced that we had another baby on the way. Due in June. I broke down and cried with joy.
The next weekend I started the five room expansion to the house on the garage side.
‘Why five rooms?’ The girls wanted to know.
‘Because that’s all that will fit on that side, the rest will have to go on the other side.’ I said.
Dad lived long enough to change the diapers on his grandson a few times. We named him Jason, my dad’s name. One morning getting out of bed he said. ‘Honey, I’m sorry.’ He lay down, gone.
The girls, my son Jason, and I moved in with mom for a while, I know it helped her. Finally after almost a month she told us. ‘I love all of you. Thank you. Now go home… Stay in touch.’
Candy delivered my daughter Alicia, my mother’s name, in June. The following year in May, Bonnie delivered Olive.
Both girls and mom were ecstatic every time a missed period was discovered. Mom loved all the grand kids. I moved her in to the far wing of our house. A room of her own. The farm house was just too much for her to keep up. We sold it soon after mom passed away quietly one morning, surrounded by the babies on the porch.
There have been rough nights for each of us throughout the years, periods of self doubt, and such, but each time, the other two, and the older kids, would surround the person and vanquish all silly such feelings away.
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Lyle sat on the wooden chair outside the bedroom door, only a simple white shirt allowed him for comfort in the cool of the evening, his toes furrowing restlessly in the carpet of the hallway. But he did not notice a chill to the air, for his brow glistened with the sweat of passion and tension seethed inside him. His toes flexed and churned, torn between flight and fight. He listened to the muffled sounds just beyond the thin hollow paneled door of their modest home, his mind racing as it...
Kyle is my 40 year old neighbor. He's quite a hunk. He's about 6 feet tall and 200 pounds of muscle. He has blonde curly hair and is a handsome bugger. He lifts weights at the Y and jogs regularly.One day we are chatting over the back fence and he says "come on over, we can yack while I get some puttering done in the garage." He has a double car garage. It is empty at the moment as his car is on the street and his wife has her car at work. It is a cool windy day and he has the double door...
After meeting Kyle at the bar, the night continued, as I took him to my apartment...Since my apartment was just a few blocks from the bar, Kyle agreed to take the short walk with me, leaving his car in the all-night lot a block away from the bar. At least it left our options open for the night. I lived in one of the nicer high rent apartments with a view not far from the city center. Yeah, the rent was high, but the view from my living room and bedroom were worth every penny. As we walked...
Kyle woke up slowly, groaning slightly as he stretched his aching muscles, then rose slowly from his little round bed on the floor. He looked around the room for a moment before quietly padding out into the hallway and down to the kitchen where he peeled and sliced fruit, a large bowl of cold strawberries, pineapple, raisens, melons. He prepared a fresh pot of heavenly dark coffee and spread a warm toasty bagel with heavy sweetened cream cheese before cutting it too into small wedges. He then...
FetishKyle, at age 14, was about 5'7" and weighed around 125 pounds. He had a slightly athletic body, because he spent his weekends playing sports with his friends. During the week he was home all day. He was homeschooled. Every tuesday, he had a guitar lesson. He was a skilled bassist, but had plenty of room to improve. Kaitlin, nicknamed Kat, was beautiful. At 15, she stood 5'4", and weighed about 125, same as Kyle. Her bra was size 34C, and she wore size 16 jeans. Her virginity had been...
A couple of nights ago, I meandered on down to the local gay bar in town to have a few beers and just relax after a hectic day at work. Since the bar is more of a quiet neighborhood bar as opposed to a night club, I had no expectations of meeting anyone interesting, let alone take someone home. Boy I was in a for a surprise.I had just finished my first beer, a local lager that’s only brewed this time of year. It’s excellent on tap, and I was looking forward to having more than just one or...
Kyle's parents and mine went to Las Vegas over Easter weekend, so Kyle stayed with me, he's too young to be on his own and I was more then happy to watch over him for his folks. We spent the better part of Saturday discussing personal stuff he's been wanting to ask me, questions about sex that he's too embarrassed to ask his parents, at first I was reluctant, telling him it was best he talked to his parents about such matters, but he explained his embarrassment, so I answered most of his...
Kyle Describes Himself. Hi, its sissy kylie, Today, Mistress Kyren found something Kyle wrote, on his computer and she ordered this sissy to write an introduction to it and post it. Kyle wrote this description of himself dressed as a girl and Mistress Kyren found it going through his computer. Kyle was a crossdresser for many years before college and this is how he saw himself. Hi, my name is Kyle and I am a 19-year-old sophomore, this semester in college. My favorite past time...
The next night after work I did not go to the bar. My balls were aching from the passionate night with Kyle, and then the next night spent fucking Skylar. Despite really enjoying breeding Skylar, the total bottom boy I met at the bar, I couldn’t stop thinking about Kyle. What really bothered me the most is that I thought we had a connection that was more sensual than just sexual based. Yeah, I had three intense orgasms while fucking Skylar, but with the slow love making Kyle and I...
After falling asleep instantly after hours of passionate, hot, memorable sex with Kyle, I woke up to the bright sunshine pouring into my room from south window of my room. Stretching my muscles, still feeling euphoric but a little hungover from the beers and lovemaking with Kyle the night before, I turned expecting to find him sleeping next to me. An empty bed was all I found. “Fuck no, you have to be k**ding me” was the first words out of my mouth, spoken only to my ears in an empty...
After telling Kyle about my first time with best friend Zack, Kyle promised to make me forget about that first time.Standing up to face me, Kyle wrapped his arms around me and gave me one of the most affectionate hugs I’d had in quite some time. The mixture of the scent of Polo Black and his leather jacket already had my senses alive, but as he put his arms around me, my senses became aroused and were well on the way to what promised to be an unforgettable euphoric journey. Because he was...
We were f******n and Kyle was my friend and lived down the street from me. His mom, Kay, was in her 40's about 5ft 6inches tall. Blond hair, boobs not too big or small, 130lbs and a really great shape. I had spent the night several times and was able to catch her semi clothed more than once. I was going to spend the night over at Kyle's along with Ben,Jerry and Fred. We were going to drink and watch some pornos. Kyle's dad had gone hunting several nights ago and would not return for several...
My name is Kyle Eliott. My friends call me “strummer” because I have been known to strum a mean guitar. More about that later but for now these pages will tell the story of my sex life over the last 2 years. Believe me when I tell you, ever since my divorce two years ago, it has been a wild wild ride. I married young (20) and we stayed together for 19 years. One night she said she had enough and left me for another WOMAN!!! Imagine that!!! That moment I turned my life around. I started working...
So Kyle popped up at his window yesterday morning, you see his upstairs bedroom faces my downstairs bedroom, while babysitting him in his house I've explored the view he has of my bedroom, when he stands directly in front of his window he can see me at my desk, and when he looks through the lower left portion of his window he can actually get a pretty good view of my bed, for this reason I've been very careful not to roam around my room nude with my blinds are open. So he called down to me as I...
kyle was an 19 year old collage student in Maine and is sometimes bored about almost everything in his life and most of the time he's often lazy, he had some great hobbies like swimming, exploring, traveling, fishing and camping. today we see him wandering the woods carrying his camping supplies looking for a nice spot for him to camp out, that was until a really strange lake caught his eye and went over to investigate it. he layed down his supplies and walked over at the edge of the lake and...
_______________________________________________________________________ I stopped in the Hotel bar, as I always do after work, to find it pretty empty. Beside the bartender there may have been 4 other people in the joint. I like to have a few beers before I go out for dinner. This particular night the bar in downtown Gainesville, they were going to have a Comedy Show. “So what can I get you… My name is Sue.” “Well Sue a Bud would work well… and can you tell me about the show later?...
After losing my anal virginity to the stud Evan and the sexy little twink Skylar who d**gged me the night before, I went back to bed after taking some pain killers only to have the most intense, sexual dream of my life.... Three hours later my alarm went off; I shut it off, called in sick to work, and went back to bed. I ached all over from the brutal fucking I took the night before from Evan and Skylar. The pain killers I had left over from my broken finger a year ago would certainly help to...
Liam and his crew were in full body armor, so I stood back and let them take the room. I just watched them overpower him and put him in the back of an SUV. I stayed behind to check the motel parking lot for his truck with the Kayaks. It was parked in a far corner of the parking lot. I hadn't know where it would be, but I did know it would be there. Coincidence time was past. When I got back to the compound, I was met by Colonel Martin. "Well Sylvia you did good. I expected no less. The sun...
The four of us trooped out of the building to the company car. We ended up at a local steak house where we met Myron and Christine Thomas, another lawyer at the firm that we had on retainer. The six of us sat down at a round table, Maureen on one side of me, Christine on the other. Christine was quite attractive if you could get past the severe makeup, hairdo and generally unflattering clothing and glasses she wore. She stood about five foot six with her heels on and I gauged them at two...
Janet and I have been married three years now. We get along great and the sex is even better than great. Janet is rather a free spirit in the bedroom, even more than I am, I love it. We've never talked much about our sex lives before we met each other but I suspect that my wife would get a blue ribbon. Janet is very close with her mother, Jean, who lost her husband nearly five years ago, not long before we first met. She is a very attractive widow, forty-two, nice figure, an older version of...
TabooHello, it's me again, Ozzie Hanswatter. If you've been following my story, you know I've inherited what appeared to be an ordinary transistor radio. It turned out to be anything but ordinary. I discovered that it broadcast the future. In fact it broadcast several time points in the future, from a few days ahead to several years ahead. My uncle left this radio to me, telling me it was a puzzle that he thought I could solve. I'm not so sure. Oh yes, I've been able to document each of the...
The ropes chafed at the soft skin of her wrists, as he looped them around and behind her knuckles. His touch gentle as he bound her. He leaned forward to kiss her lips tenderly whispering endearments against her mouth as he continued to bind her hands. Ordering her to raise her arms above her head, she felt the tricep muscles stretch as he fed the end of the rope through rings suspended from the ceiling of the room. Her arms were spread above her head and her body took on a Y shape. Tugging on...
Part three Anya’s Desire It had been a month since the faithful day Anya had been ‘raped’ by James, since then she felt like she had been in a great big bubble of happiness. Each day James drove her to school and kissed her goodbye, if she closed her eyes Anya could almost feel his tongue on hers. But then she opened them again and the math’s work in her book was right where she left it, and James was back at college. Sighing Anya did her work the best she could until the bell rang,...
My wife Nisha had just turned thirty-three. At this point in time, we had been married for almost eight years. Nisha’s sexual appetite had increased in recent times and we were enjoying each other in the bedroom most nights. This was an improvement over the last two-three years where at some stages intimacy had almost died. Nisha was peaking physiologically in a sexual sense and her curiosity and her need for sexual gratification had recently escalated. She would often cum incessantly and after...
Wife LoversThis is a series of true experiences I have had with my wife of twelve years. Let’s start off by saying I have been a cuckold for the past ten years. I have watched my wife suck and fuck hundreds of men. I enjoy watching and participating in these sexual encounters.I will obey anything my beautiful wife tells me to do, in return I have had a wild sexual adventure that never stops. I can remember the first time my wife Amy took control of are sex lives. She told me that my cock belonged to her...
Miriam and her husband had rented a pretty and spacious bungalow with a private pool near the dunes, so this was a great opportunity to catch some sun and relaxation. So I was delighted to drive to Zeeland on a Friday afternoon, where they had already spent a few days. After an hour or so I drove into the bungalow’s driveway and honked to let them know I arrived. Mirjam and her husband came out, together with their 16-year old son, Erik. Wow, he had grown since I last saw him! I remembered a...
I was stunned as everyone turned and looked toward me for my answer. I almost stuttered as I asked, "Who made me the boss?" The answer was either — "I did!" or "ME!" depending on who you were listening too. Everyone started to laugh and giggle as they realized just how quickly and finally they had spoken. They did this without even having a discussion about it. Roberta stood up and calmly said that it was obvious that I was a natural leader, since everyone felt the same way without...
Debbie smiled wryly, "Yes, if you're sure you don't mind. My feet and back are killing me tonight." "I'm not surprised. You've pulled a double shift for how many nights in a row now, 4? 5? You're going to burn yourself out if you don't stop soon." "I know, but with Dave not working, I've got to make sure we keep some money coming in. I can never re-pay you for letting me catch these little naps, Gayle." "Don't worry about it, Debbie. I'm sure that you'll be...
Hi to all. This is Prem. Whatever I am narrating is just an imaginary but not real as I am still virgin. Coming to my details, am with age 22 and pursuing my M.B.A. in Vizag in a college near to Sontyam n very good at my studies n I had very nice friends who cares n loves me so much. But they don’t know that I am this much naughty n hot. Coming to the point; I am considering the name that’s Priya as my girlfriend. As she was an angel of my love and desires, I was feeling the happiness of a real...
Here I sit in a straight backed chair, my arms tied behind it. My knees are tied to the chair so that I cannot close them. My top unbuttoned so that my bra covered breasts are bare; my skirt hiked up to my thighs. I am blindfolded and totally unable to see the slightest hint of light. I turn my head at a sound to my left. It sounds like the scuffling of feet but I can’t tell for sure. I wonder what is going to happen to me and the anticipation is making me wet. I hear a door open, voices...
BDSMThis is part 6 of an on going true story. If you have not read parts 1-5 I suggest you do so by viewing my profile--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Graduation had come and gone and it was now the summer after my senior year. Things would be different now. I wouldn't be able to see the Coach as often as I had been on a daily basis in school. We couldn't give each other passing glances in the locker room. Nothing. I wondered if he'd even care...
Ana and I had chosen to spend some vacation days at a resort.After a couple days, we heard about a very nice bar downtown.My sweet Ana agreed to go there for some drinks.She told me she would wear a sexy black dress matching with a pair of stiletto heels and a red tiny thong. Ana said that outfit might make her look a bit slutty; but then I told her that her black dress looked classy and sexy…We entered the bar and went back to one of the quieter areas. Anita suggested we sit up on some stools...
Prof. Angelina Williams was popular, since she made her way from the university into politics. But she was more then popular, she was already feared and hated by her enemies. She stepped on many toes, and many men didn't like her feminist attitudes, while women, especially the white ones, attributed her success only to her looks. Angelina wasn't looking bad, for sure. She was 41, but everybody said she looked younger, and she really did. The professor was very slim with a fantastic waist, but...
The two girls eagerly bobbed their heads in agreement that they were hungry. We went to the kitchen naked, and nuked the hotdogs while I dished up the baked beans and potato salad. The girls both wanted Mountain Dew, while I wanted a Coke. We went back into the family room to sit on the floor and eat. I used the remote and flipped the TV on and saw that Saturday Night Live was coming on which made me turn to look at the clock over the piano. I exclaimed, "Holy smokes, we played around for...
All I have to do is to sign and drive. What? That is what I’m doing? Looking at the four kids, I said, “Now that you have signed yourselves over to me, as your temporary guardian, you have to do what I tell you. There is a catch.” “Told you,” Tate, the fourth girl that rubbed her pussy subconsciously when agitated. “Nobody. Nobody rides for free.” “Hey, I’m not some monster, or the state wouldn’t have allowed a seventeen-year-old to take custody of kids his age and under,” I told her as I...
October 2006 "FUCK YOU you stupid, ungrateful MOTHERFUCKER!" I stood in the doorway between my bedroom and the living room, yelling at the top of my lungs. Over by the door, my boyfriend crouched down, one knee on the floor as he cowered in abject fear of further damage. The picture frame that had just recently bounced off his arm now lay in two pieces on the floor a few feet away from him. The miniature wooden dutch shoes I'd picked up in Amsterdam had hit him square in the back and...
Our lives have always been hot and sexy we use to do some hot strange things from instant pictures to tying up each other ! I loved being tied up and it was funny when we would be somewhat alone we could play and make some noise so the k**s did not know . In my earlier story I told of our exciting adventure on the washing machine that one horny return for patrol so now it will get hot from now as I tell you about when we would make love 4 or more times a day after I was back cause I always...
Girls Getaway Vacation Friday. I climbed out of the shower and toweled off. "See any stray hairs I might have missed?" I asked. Geena looked over my naked body and then ran her fingers down my chest to my waist. "Looks god to me. Aren't you glad we had you shave all that hair off?" "Absolutely," I agreed. I looked her over, she was putting on makeup standing there in just a bra and panties. "I also like that you are wearing sexier underwear." I traced along the lace front of...
Day Seventy-four - Thursday The phone was ringing. Why would the phone be ringing? I raised up and reached for the phone on the headboard shelf. "This is Steve." "Mr. Sharp, this is your security company. Both pair of my guards at your locations has called in that there are suspicious vehicles parked in front of your buildings. So far no one has gotten out of the vehicles but I am calling you to let you know we have alerted the sheriff's department." "I'll be there right away....