From Across A Crowded Room Ch. 02 free porn video

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******** CHAPTER TWO

The years passed. While in college, I found a girl named Miranda that I was fond of and was 98% in love with, married her, produced a lovely daughter named Clara, and then we drifted off into divorce after a few years. I was already making pretty good money right out of school, but my ex couldn’t resist the urge to have an affair and attempt to trade up to a slightly better model. It was ‘my fault’, she said, for working all of those long hours and not giving her enough attention.

I was bitter about it for about ten or fifteen years, but I got over it and we’re reasonably friendly these days, for our daughter’s sake if nothing else. Miranda is on husband number five now, but I think this one might last. She traded down for a man with half the income of her latest ex, but chose a good man who treats her like a queen instead. Money isn’t everything.

Another old saying is that it is true that you never forget your first love. I never did.


Naturally, I didn’t quite give my entirely too smart and precocious daughter Clara the full play by play of our only sexual experience. I just insinuated that we had been intimate, but left the details for her very fertile imagination. She’s totally shameless and would at the drop of a hat tell me all of the details of her couplings, as if I were one of her university girlfriends. I have to be firm with her and say ‘too much information’ and hold my hands over my ears a lot, but despite this fault she is still a delight to be around.

Still, it took four or five direct orders to her to stop her from making a full-frontal direct approach to Candice upon my behalf. Grudgingly, I did allow her to use her own personal account to make an end-run into find out more information.

Back up in Austin for the semester at the University of Texas, my daughter successfully tunneled her way into Candice’s life via every electronic backdoor she could find. The big break in the case was finding that Candice apparently had a daughter at UT also, and my scheming but adorable daughter had ferreted her out and made personal contact with her. Quite quickly the two of them met for a drink after classes and quickly hit it off, becoming close friends. There was a hint that the two of them had rumpled a few blankets or bed sheets together themselves, but I invoked my ‘Way too much information’ clause, and held the phone away from my ear until she changed the subject away from the juicy gynecological details. I gathered that Aurora, Candice’s daughter was very beautiful (and cuddly) in a girl next door sort of way.

I don’t mind the concept of ‘Lesbian until Graduation’ (LUG), or that my tall and curvy daughter prefers this method of birth control and to prevent other male related ‘relationship’ distractions from her studies, but I just don’t need to hear the juicy details… it makes my pants too tight in the front.

In her triumphant phone call home a few weeks later, Clara gave me the lowdown on what she had learned about Candice. It actually wasn’t a whole lot, as her daughter Aurora was a bit estranged from her mother at the moment. She didn’t even know who her natural father was and there had been no recent step-fathers. Aurora was smart, pretty and extremely independent, having earned two different scholarships to fund her university education — and she was more than a bit of a free spirit. Reading between the lines I could tell that Clara was very smitten, maybe even in real love for the first time.

‘Good for you!’ I assured her. I couldn’t blame her one little bit. Even if our daughters each had only inherited half of Candice’s and my magnetic connection to each other, they’d be lucky to ever separate either, once joined together.

About Candice, Clara could find out relatively little. She apparently lived in a tiny run down efficiency apartment, didn’t own a car, and worked for near minimum wage doing something at some local shopping mall. Getting by somehow in life, but not really doing too very well.

It was also unclear as to exactly what the disagreement was between mother and daughter, but it probably involved Aurora’s disapproval over a recent boyfriend of her mother’s, and now that he was gone their relationship was slowly mending again. Apparently, Candice had been divorced at least once and had trouble maintaining any sort of romantic relationship since. Candice did love her daughter, regularly sending her any money that she could spare, but she was apparently living on the knife edge of utter poverty.

All very interesting, but none of this helped me to locate her very much. Assuming that I was willing to throw myself out the door and drive for four hours to track down a girl I’d once had sex with over twenty years ago. Darn tooting I was!

I send Clara back to work to at least pry the name of the shopping mall that Candice worked at out of Aurora’s tight and secretive (but apparently very kissable lips). It took another three weeks, but a week before the Thanksgiving holiday I was armed with the name of the mall and some vague map instructions on how to find the place and off I went. The driving weather was lovely, it was bright but a little cool, ideally suited for a long road trip, but the miles seemed to stretch endlessly.


Would she even remember me? I doubted it. It had been over twety years, nearly exactly.

Could I even recognize her today? Once my eyes had captured her from far across a crowded room, but now I wasn’t nearly so keen of sight. I needed glasses now. Well at least I still had all my original hair, and mostly the same color. Just a little silver in with the golden red. I wish I could say the same thing about my waistline. No one is the same weight they were at seventeen… but I began to wish I hadn’t added quite as much extra stomach padding.

Even if she remembers me and recognizes me, would she even care? I’d probably be some pimply teen who had banged her decades ago. There would first be the look of shock, then embarrassment. She’d exchange pleasantries and talk in general terms about the past, but in the end she’d hugged me goodbye as though my body were wrapped in electric barbed wire. She’d leave without even a hint of a look back.

Besides, there’s an unpleasant term for men who do what I’ve just done. It’s called stalking. Most women don’t seem to find this sort of attention appealing.

During my drive I must have thought of a hundred reasons why this trip was a really stupid and bad idea. Many of the reasons were even good ones. On the other hand, I had just one reason on the plus column — I just needed to see her again. I just felt that I’d never be complete in my heart until I had found her once again, just one more time, even briefly if necessary. Somehow, one bad reason seemed far more compelling to me than a hundred good ones.

So onward I went to face my doom.


It was early afternoon when I parked my car at the shopping mall. Just about perfect I figured for catching my old lover working at her job, wherever it was. Aurora hadn’t confessed up that particular part. I did get the impression that she worked somewhere inside the main mall area and not in one of the big box retail stories. That ought to cut down my searching area considerably. Still, I walked the mall for nearly two hours before I found her.

Once again, from across the crowded area of the food court, I saw Candice, hard at work behind the counter of a small burger and ice cream joint, in the process of serving up some hand-scooped ice cream to an impatient mother and her pair of unappreciative toddlers. Somewhere in the back grill area, a loud unpleasant female voice was bellowing at her to hurry up and attend to the burgers on the grill.

Ouch. Déjà vu all over again. For me, this was exactly like being back at the amusement park once again, and I hadn’t much enjoyed it the first time around.

Candice looked older
and heavier. Didn’t we all? Her hair was much the same color as it had been but maybe with just a hint of gray in the roots. Her breasts were compacted into a tight white restaurant serving dress, but hinted that her cup size was now at least a size or two larger, quite appropriate for a still lovely mature woman. The face looked tired and worn out nearly to the bone, but the eyes… the eyes were still an electric blue that stabbed me all the way across the foot court. Beyond all doubt, this was my Candice — the girl, now a woman, that I had once loved and pined for.

Sometimes history repeats itself in oddly peculiar ways, as if the Gods of Love, Fate or Chance just can’t resist meddling with an already perfect thing. I hadn’t made it halfway across the tables and chairs of the food court as I walked to her food stand, when she suddenly lifted up her head and instantly made eye contact with me.

She dropped the cone she was dipping, I stumbled smack into a table – and our eyes became affixed together. When I made it finally over to the counter I could see that she was smiling and had tears flowing in her eyes.

‘I’d love to!’ She said, much as an echo of our first greeting. ‘But first, since you’ve got the superior training and expertise, could you scoop out these two vanilla cones for me? I swear they keep the stuff here frozen even harder than they did at ‘DisasterWorld’, but at least you’ve still got the wrist muscles to deal with it!’

How could I resist? I started to head behind the counter to scoop the cones but the fickle customer was having none of it and rushed her maniacal younglings off to McDonalds for some soft-serve instead. Good riddance. That just left one final obstacle in our path, the harridan owner of the food booth that had been making Candice’s life miserable since she started working there six months ago.

She wasn’t happy to see me at all, and she gave Candice a bunch of marching orders in much of the same manner as she would have spoken to a dog. I looked at Candice and she look probingly at me, with tears still flowing in her eyes.

‘Yes, darling, I’m here to take you away from all of this, unless your father is waiting for you outside once again. Better late than never I guess. Go tell the dried up fart behind the counter that she can kiss your magnificent ass goodbye, because you’re coming with me… NOW!’ Candice always did like it went I took firm control over her and from the smile growing on her face I could see that this assertiveness was far from unwelcome.

The uptight bitch behind the counter started to rant something about Candice voiding her final paycheck by walking out, but I nipped that one in the bud.

‘You. Shut up and take this business card. This is where you will mail Candice’s final check, and I expect to see it no later than next Saturday in my mailbox. Otherwise, you will receive another business card from me containing the name of my lawyer, who specializes in employment based legal cases. Pay the fucking final paycheck or lose your entire business… the choice is up to you, I couldn’t give the slightest shit!’

Her boss blustered and fussed while Candice collected up her purse and a few remaining personal items and came to me with an outstretched hand. Together, arm in arm, we walked out from the food court without the slightest glimpse at the mayhem we had caused behind us, as her old boss loudly cursed us both at the top of her lungs and using language quite unsuited for the ears of children. To preserve the last shreds of her dignity, I waited to grab and kiss her well after we were out of sight of the food court.

‘You smell gently of popcorn.’ I said as I pulled her closer to me fearing that at last she would retreat from my embrace. Instead she cried more tears of happiness and pushed herself as tight against me as she could force herself.

Somewhere in the background the mall sound system was playing a Muzak easy listening version of ‘Staying Alive’ and the Gods of Love were undoubtedly laughing themselves silly.

It was a very long kiss as each of us was afraid to be the first one to let go.


Packing Candice’s pitifully few belonging at her tiny apartment didn’t take very long. The furniture was old and well-worn, third hand stuff at least. There was just one chair that she was fond of and it fit nicely in the back seat of my car. The rest of the furniture she set outside on the small bit of lawn in front of the sidewalk for anyone to take.

She was equally frugal about packing her clothing. Her work uniforms and shoes she added to the give-away pile outdoors, as did many of her older and more worn out clothes. The end result was one suitcase of her better clothes and another smaller one containing her favorite bric-a-brac, family photos and mementos.

‘Not much to show for over twenty years.’ She muttered.

‘I don’t know about that,’ I replied. ‘It seems that you’ve saved the most important thing that I’ve been looking for those same years, yourself.’

That got us distracted while we reacquainted ourselves with each others tongues and tonsils. I briefly looked over towards her small bed which hadn’t made it outside to the curb yet, but she shook her head.

‘Not here. I’ve always wanted our reunion to be special, to be magical somehow, and this dump just won’t do it. Too many bad memories here too. I want our first time back together again to be nicer and far more memorable.’ I didn’t disagree.

Once the house was stripped clean, she put her bags into the trunk of my car and we drove over to her landlords to give notice that she’d moved out and to turn in her keys. She was a little concerned that due to the extreme short notice that she’d lose her security deposit, but I assured her that losing the three hundred dollars was not going to be any sort of problem for me.

Unspoken, the issue of money was starting to churn in the back of her head, conflicting with her ‘charge ahead at full stream’ efforts towards rekindling our long past, but still smoldering relationship. I decided it was time to nip this one in the bud.

I called up Clara on her cell phone and she was delighted to find out that I was in town, complete with my past lady-love under my arm. I asked her to track down Aurora, if she could, and for the four of us to meet at the Town Lake Holiday Inn in about two hours for dinner. From the nibbling and cooing sounds I was hearing, I guessed that Aurora was indeed right there, albeit very distracted, and they both agreed to come.

While waiting, I phoned my secretary to have her make the dinner and hotel reservations for the night. I’ve got tons of loyalty bonus points with Holiday Inn, but only my secretary knows the account number by heart. Besides she gets crabby if I make any of my own travel arrangements.

Seated in the restaurant quite early for our dinner, still hand in hand, we started on a bottle of wine and began our outpouring of confessions to each.

I told her of my divorce and of my favorite (and only) daughter, and of how instead of remarrying I had focused my energies on starting my own engineering firm and of how it had done rather well over the last dozen years. We weren’t quite a Top Texas 100 company yet, but we’re getting close. Money wasn’t going to be any sort of issue for us. My house wasn’t large, but it was nice and suited for a bachelor. If we needed more room? I let that query die, not elaborated upon. Even a much bigger house wouldn’t scratch my savings, let alone my salary I earned as the owner and top boss. I knew in my heart that Candice was no gold-digger, but on the other hand after her life of poverty I didn’t want to rub her nose, or any other cute part of her, into my apparent wealth.

As I suspected, Candice’s post amusement park career had been less stellar. Late in her senior year of high school she had gotten pregnant (forgot to take the damn pills again) and her conservative father would not permit her to
either abort the child or offer it for adoption. Despite good grades, Candice wasn’t able to go straight into college due to having to care for Aurora and soon she began to revolt against living in her father’s house and still keeping to his rules.

In the years that followed she started to keep bad company and soon found herself repeatedly pregnant by different men, but arranged early abortions for those other babies. She married once and while she liked and preferred men to dominate her in bed, she had little taste for domestic abuse otherwise. She seemed to need a strong man in her life, but kept finding ‘mean bastards’ instead.

It seemed that no man she ever met, fulfilled the standards set by a certain red-haired boy she met late one summer while working at a theme park. The sort of guy who was kind and considerate on dates, but was masterfully firm, yet loving in bed.

I agreed those were very tough standards to match, as was a certain young kind-hearted and affectionate girl of my early acquaintance. It was only the imminent arrival of our children that kept our fingers and mouths from wandering and quite possibly causing a scandal in the restaurant.

We were grilled remorselessly by our stern, but otherwise fully approving children for the better part of the next two hours. It was quite clearly established, that for now at least, Candice was coming home with me… preferably to stay. Forever if possible, but even longer would be nicer still. We in turn pretended not to notice that our daughters were playing wandering fingers under the tablecloth and both of their lipsticks were rather smudged.

We agreed that all of the sleeping arrangements in our family were currently a bit peculiar.


Upstairs alone at last in our hotel room (we had to both firmly scold our daughters telling them that ‘No, they could most certainly not come upstairs to watch us’), it was my turn to put out the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign. Instead of blankets on a wooden floor we had a very nice king sized bed that seemed to offer quite a lot of opportunity for a proper sexual frenzy.

Candice was the first to shed her clothes and quickly appeared before me as a mature vision of loveliness. Of course it wasn’t the same body I had so enjoyed caressing and fondling two decades ago, but for a thirty-nine year old woman of very limited means, she had done a pretty good job of keeping age and gravity at bay. I made a note to myself to get off of my well cushioned ass and start getting some regular serious exercise.

Standing nude once again before me, she once again began her trail of kisses all over my body as she slowly undressed me before kneeling at supplication before unzipping and releasing my erect cock. Her oral skills had certainly not declined in any way and I had to warn her sooner than I would have wished that I was getting close to orgasm.

‘Not yet!’ She softly warned me. ‘I have plans for you. I want you to fuck my mouth, just like you did that time before. Hold me hard and firm and make me drink your cum, drive it deep into my throat. Don’t worry, I’ll get you rock hard again!’

And she did!

While she sucked me hard again, I amused myself by twiddling her clit and I was rewarded by a small orgasm that triggered her need for us to make some firmer, more physical contact. At first I thought she wanted me to fuck her ass again, to completely replay our original tryst those many years ago, but she had a different idea.

‘Sweetie, I love having my ass fucked, and you’re going to enjoy fucking it a lot, and the harder the better… but not tonight or even tomorrow. Your cum is going right into my cunt, just as it should have done all those many years ago. I should have let you do me there, right then that first time… I should have made you! Then we could have maybe found a way to be together later, and my daughter could have been ‘our’ daughter together. I’m not in menopause yet, and maybe I’ve still got a few good eggs left… and I want to find out if I can still give you ‘our’ baby, twenty-two years later… but hopefully still not quite too late.

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Shifa Khan 8211 My Wife In A Crowded Bus

Hello people…how are you guys doing?This is shiraz again with another incident about my wife Shifa who is turning into a naughty housewife. I hope you guys have gone through my first story titled-“My wife shifa is a slut.” I got a terrific response from horny readers which is why i’m happy to share another experience i had.This story may seem long but i am sure you’ll love it! About me?My name is shiraz,28,working in a MNC in Bangalore.My native is Mangalore and i got married 3 years ago to...

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It had only been a couple days since my wild photo session with Bob and his beautiful wife Krystal. It had started out as a glamour photo session (even though I've mostly only done nature stuff as a hobby) and ended up with a three-way. Krystal, shy as I've always known her, really let loose when she had her husband in front of her and me behind, servicing her at both ends, so to speak. Anyway, my phone rang, and I went to answer it. I was surprised to hear her voice on the line since she...

3 years ago
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locked up roomate

''fuck you ill do the dishes when i want''i said clapping my door to my roomate. that ficker keeps playing vasketball and thinks he can come home and critics meI had to rent m room for only 4 month and god it was going to be a long tie with hi always telling me how to do stuff, that haitian perfect student grade and good at sport was getting on my nerves''you better do it by tomorrow this is your last chance nerd''''yeah yeah whatever''i spent the night playing pc games and i didnt do it, going...

4 years ago
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Exposed and fondled in crowded train

I had to travel in a train daily while going to College. The trains in Bomaby are always crowded in peak hours. Always getting in the Ladys' compartment is not possible and sometimes I had to get in a mens' compartment. When travelling in the jam packed compartment many times I was surrounded by men young and old. Most of the times the young boys used to take opportunity of the crowd and press against my body. Their hands used to go at different parts of my body and especially my boobs. I had...

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A Trip to a crowded bar

I was told to meet Paul at a specific time and location but as I was walking toward the place I saw Mistress Ginger's sub approaching from the opposite direction. She is a very nice looking woman about my age or maybe a little younger. We've never had a conversation of any significance so when our eyes met we simply smiled and entered the restaurant together. When we entered the restaurant we saw them at a table so we approached slowly and asked permission to sit. They told us to sit but...

4 years ago
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My Girlfriend Enjoying Stranger8217s Cock In Front Of Me In A Crowded Train

Hi everybody my name is Ajith and would love to know everybody’s opinion to the below story and orientation towards sex with strangers in strange place, mail me at .I work with an MNC, my job requires extensive travelling and on an official travel towards north India I took my girlfriend also along with me, she used to work for an IT company in Chennai, it was a long journey on our Indian railways, we had reserved seats in 2 tier ac compartment, from Chennai onwards we have been discussing...

3 years ago
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The Darkroom

Mr. Harrington was my favorite teacher in high school. He was twenty-three and in just his second year of teaching. He was only six years older than me when I was in his English class. He was the most handsome man, with the most incredible sparkling blue eyes, I had ever seen. I still clearly remember how I used to fantasize about running my fingers through his sandy-blonde hair while I sat in his classroom, staring at him for the entire period. In this fantasy I would kiss his lips as my hands...

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A hot trip on a crowded elevator

The elevator was going to the last floor, where I worked. It was really crowded that morning. And I was being squished among a lot of people. A wonderful start to that long day, I thought to myself. Suddenly, I felt it. There, again… definitely more than just a quick accidental contact. A pair of hands was stroking my round ass cheeks through my tight skirt. I should normally be offended, but that soft contact felt so good…It was not an aggressive groping. Those hands were exploring the...

4 years ago
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Crowded Bar

Crowded Bar ----------This Story is fictional although it might have occurred with embellishments added.----------The first time I stopped at this bar, drawn in strictly because of 'Live Music' sign posted in the window. Dirty would not come close to describing the place. The smell of stale beer hit my nose as I entered. There were maybe a dozen people, a few couples sitting down, and a few old men at the bar, sipping tall beers. Each table had an ashtray and under that, posters for the band...

2 years ago
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Watching my horny wife in a crowded club

This is a true story. Me and my wife Sara have been Married for ten years now. She is conservative but likes to have a good time if the situation is perfect. She is a 37 year old, thick, light-skinned, women with huge tits and stand about 5-11. She has been in the the military for 5 years so she is round and firm in all the right places. She loves to show off her beautiful long legs when ever she gets a chance. We were in Las Vegas for our tenth anniversary. The first thing we did was go to...

2 years ago
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Chennai Crowded Bus

Hi ISS! This is Rahul from Chennai age 21, with a reasonable size of 6.5”. This is a real story happened in Chennai city bus. This is my first story. Please give your feedback to Critics please give your feedback. People from Chennai will know about the rush in crowed buses like 29C, 21G etc. This is the story in 21G Happened 3 weeks back. U believe it or not it’s true. Now come to the story. That evening I completed my office and I am waiting for 21G bus in Adayar Gate Hotel. The stop was...

3 years ago
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In the Darkroom

Mellissa was a freshman and was taking the photography class because it was a requirement for her major. Her boyfriend was also in the class and I always saw them smooching in the hall before class and they always walked in with his hand on her ass. I was jealous of her boyfriend. I wanted Mellissa. Mellissa was a little plump but she was not fat. She was about 5’5”, and I would say about a 150 pounds. She had a beautiful round ass. She had long curly red hair, blue eyes, and few...

3 years ago
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In Crowded Bus

i was then about 18 and moving from school to college in Delhi. Had a long summer break and went down to my grandparents in rural Tamilnadu. I was a star attraction and curiosity as most of the people had not seen anyone walking around in skirts and short tops. I was by 18 quite busty and most men stared at my tits before they even looked at my face.I was getting bored after a week. There was a boy of my age next door who offered to take me around to nearby places of interest. We used to take...

2 years ago
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How to orgasm in a crowded environment updated

I was working in a town called Leicester. My girlfriend Christina had just finished a degree in French and Italian so went I decided to go off on an adventure and teach English abroad, I only looked in France and Italy and when I found a job in Sicily she came with me. She was fearless in the bedroom, very sensual, completely at ease with her sexuality and moaned and screamed uncontrollably when she came which was frequently, intensely, repeatedly (we’d even got complaints from our neighbours)...

1 year ago
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Pleasure In A Crowded Bus

Hi guys, I am Ladesh (name changed) good-looking 21 years of age with good physique. Let me come to the story. This is a small incident happened in the bus three years back in first year of college. As we know that buses are usually crowded especially in the evening time where everyone goes home after work. I was standing in stop guduvancherry(Chennai) and waiting for the bus.A lady in burqa was standing front of me with her son of 8-10 years old. when the bus arrived everybody rushed into...

2 years ago
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Night in a Crowded Train

This is Kamesh from Chennai. The train was crowded than usual and I had to stand for sometime. I was on my way to Chennai by Trivandrum mail. Three ladies were sitting on one side.. A guy was sitting at the end with a bag on his lap. He was looking out into the darkness from time to time. I knew he was going to get down. Beside him was a lady in her late thirties. She was fair with medium built and wore a dark saree. The train was beginning to slow down. The guy got up and was ready to leave. I...

2 years ago
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A Simpleton Becomes Business Women 26 Visit to crowded place

Woman around 27 years old. Married childless after 6 years of marriage. She and her husband were trying their best for a child with their full force But still she has not been able to become a mother . Then she tried with her old boy friend and then with Mr Vijay Kumar to have a child but all her efforts were fruitless as ever. Then she went to Her sister who was blessed with a baby girl to assist her in raising her baby. In her quest to have her own child she visits a ashram to take a...

3 years ago
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It had been the strangest and yet the most exhilarating time in Sandy’s life, these last two weeks. She looked at her naked body and was pleased with her tall, slender body with her small breasts. It was a good body. She could hardly believe she had been a repressed, inhibited librarian just two weeks ago, afraid of sex and feeling dirty whenever her own strong urges overcame her and she rented pornographic videos and played with her pussy until she came, often eight or ten times in an evening....

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It had been the strangest and yet the most exhilarating time in Sandy's life, these last two weeks. She looked at her naked body and was pleased with her tall, slender body with her small breasts. It was a good body. She could hardly believe she had been a repressed, inhibited librarian just two weeks ago, afraid of sex and feeling dirty whenever her own strong urges overcame her and she rented pornographic videos and played with her pussy until she came, often eight or ten times in an...

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Navy LarksChapter 3 Tony Stands in for the Bridegroom

Next morning Tony awoke to a sort of orderly confusion. Debbie had left his bed sometime earlier, he showered and dressed and went down to the kitchen for Breakfast, but Debbie looking quite bleary eyed after her late night with him sent him back to his room to change into civvies. She followed him, to help him select suitable clothes, which was a bad move because it took quite a long time to complete the task. She was amazed at his stamina and he at her enthusiasm, and it was with great...

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57From cheating housewife to who knows what last

57 From cheating housewife to who knows what? Pt4 Jack appeared at his normal getting home time, he seemed a bit on edge, so after the meal when he went to feed the fish, his pride and joy, I went out and we sat on the bench that only an hour or two before Eddy and I had shared. He said he had been told he was nominated to go to Berlin for a month`s course, however he wanted to talk to me before he agreed to go. We discussed the options and agreed to him going and he brightened up a...

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"Listen to me. No, no, listen", I paused, sighing as the man across the desk opened his mouth to speak. "Larry, for fuck's sake listen to me. You know me, alright? The studio knows me. The people know me. Have I ever let you down? In the ten years I've been with you, in the...nine movies I've been in? No, I haven't, have I? And you know my speciality, my talent, my...mimicry, right? So come on, just tell me what you think" "I don't know, Bob, it's a hell of a risk. What if you get...

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So, what is it about the hentai on this website that makes it "hentai from hell" exactly? I don't see any hellish ghosts on the page haunting it and terrorizing the cute babes that can be seen here. In fact, I do see a few, but those aren't anomalous, the animators put them in the purposely. All kinds of demons are found in here, damn. Some are tall, some are short, but they all have massive dicks that are just too much to take for these typically submissive girls.Do all men really want to...

Hentai Porn Sites
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After the darkroom

The days that followed the party, Sara seemed to be almost flirtatious with me. I was sure she knew it was me in the darkroom. I would catch her walking around in her night shirt or bikini. She would have a little extra sway in her hips as she passed by, as if to say “Look at my ass.” I swear she would find things to suck on in front of me jus to tease me with that big smile across her face. Still she didn’t mention anything about it directly. As the days passed her flirtation...

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Phone Sex The Courtroom

Judge John Evans was leaving his Chambers and making his way to the courtroom for the trial of Jonathan Williams, a self-confessed burglar who had been up before the bench more times than the judge had had hot dinners. But this case was different. Soon after raiding a house, he was caught having sex in the back of his car with the loot still in the trunk. It was a fair cop and the police were in two minds whether to charge him for burglary or charge both of them for indecent exposure. With the...

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Deadly Domme Judges Courtroom

Each of the five big lucious female judges is sitting on the face of and smothering a male even while presiding over these cases. "Lets see our first case then" announced one, who's ass was pressing down heavily on a man underneath her - he was being crushed, suffocated and humilated to death all at the same time. A young woman aged 21 entered the courtroom, and a man in his 40s with a pair of worn girl's panties, probably hers and fresh, stuffed in his mouth. "The young woman is named Jenifer....

Adult Humor
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Exposed and enjoyed in crowded train

One hand was slowly touching my boobs.It was rush hour in Mumbai local train. I could not do much as it was jam packed and the hand was slowly gauging my boobs and trying to locate my nipples below the blouse. As it was successful in locating one nipple, it started pinching it slowly. I could feel the nipple getting stiff.As I was busy enjoying the sensation, another hand caught hold of my other boob and was caressing it softly.Some of the other young boys surrounding me could see the two boys...

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Sex With Girlfriend8217s Roomie

Hi all lusty readers. Myself Raaz from Ranchi (Jharkhand) and any horny female from Ranchi looking for hot sex or chat pls mail me on “”. Coming to the story, She was one of an average horny girl always looking for a cock to fuck her glory hole and ass. How Hot and steamy sex with girlfriends lusty Roomie in theater. KAISE MAINE USKI CHUT KA KACAHMOOR NIKALA AUR USKI GAAND KA gURGAON BANAYA. yE STORY EK THEATRE ME HUI FAST SEX AUR LUST KI KAHANI HAI. Kaise hum dono ne theatre me khule aam sex...

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My Wet Spot in the Boardroom

A buzz came from the secretary's desk, and Kara motioned for Kathy to go into the room, giving her a thumb's up as she passed the desk. Kathy winked back at her, giving her an all-knowing look. Kathy gave her suit one last check for lint or wrinkles, checked her reflection in the glass by the door, and went into the boardroom. Kathy took a look around the room. A huge mahogany table dominated the room. Five men sat around one end of the table designed for 12. In the corner was a fully...

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What happened in the Storeroom

This is a story i found on a page that's been inactive for a few years. This is such a hot story and it needs to posted again for people to view and enjoy. I am only copy pasting this story. Please read and enjoy. Have any problem tell me and it shall be removed. Thank you.Storeroom with Father-in-lawMy name is Suganya, a house-wife aged 30. I reside with my husband and our four c***dren, at Chennai in India. We are a middle-class South Indian family. My husband is a nice man and takes good...

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A fully crowded rock concert

Victor and I have always enjoyed rock concerts, specially outside in an open space; but sometimes I hate to be pushed amongst the crowd, as always been…When we were engaged, my loving boyfriend invited me to listen his favorite band. The concert was for free, so there was many, many people. The yard was close to a river and there was a nice wood at one side.The show started by night time; Victor and I were surrounded by the whole crowd and it was almost impossible to move an inch.It was summer...

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A Horny Housewife Enjoyed In A Crowded Market Part 8211 2

Hi, this is Arjun. I want to thank those of you who have mailed me and shared how much you enjoyed the first part. In this part, I will continue on how Sindhu enjoyed a couple of days while I was in Hyderabad, a few years ago. I will try to recollect the details to the extent possible. It was 5 in the evening when we reached her home, after a good fuck in the forest. By the time I went upstairs, she is in tracks and a top. Her ass curves were clearly visible in those tight tracks. It turned me...

2 years ago
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A Visit to a Darkroom

One night after my wife and I had a bit of a spat, I went to a gay bar in town. I was pissed off and did not want to be around any women. Of course the wife thought I just went to the “a bar” but I wanted a bit more than a ‘cooling off’ beer. Being new to town I was just learning the scene and had passed this small bar with a rainbow flag a number of times on my commute. I decided to check it out. The windows were all coated as to let a little light in, but no one could see inside. I opened the...

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