Halo Ch. 03 free porn video

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Ren stood on the front veranda looking out at the heavy storm clouds that had massed in the west. He turned his head as he heard footsteps beside him and he saw Brad stop and look out at the sky as well.

‘I’m glad we insisted Janey take Nicky home when we saw the storm clouds building up. It’s blowing a gale out there now,’ Ren said indicating the trees that were tossing wildly in the strong wind.

‘Yes, I’m glad they’re both back home safe and sound,’ Brad agreed.

‘So you get to see your son on your birthday,’ Ren said with a grin.

‘I’m really looking forward to it – a real first for me.’ Brad said happily, he paused for a moment before asking ‘So what’s going on between you and Janey? I thought you were just about to kiss her when you put her seatbelt on for her when she was leaving.’

Ren smiled as he remembered how Janey had watched his mouth as he had lent over her to fasten her seatbelt when she had struggled with it. He had watched her eyes darken and her lips part softly before he had pressed a quick kiss to her forehead and then straightened out of the car. He could still hear her soft gasp of shock from when he had shut the driver’s side door for her.

‘She thought I was about to kiss her as well,’ Ren said sounding pleased with himself.

‘Well tell all,’ Brad encouraged him.

‘Janey asked me to back off, that she’s with the boyfriend. I told her I wouldn’t do anything she didn’t want,’ Ren said with a tight expression.

‘So you have to wait for her to want you to do something?’ Brad asked.

‘Something like that,’ Ren said sounding more than slightly strained.

‘ ‘Tanaya has got supper nearly cooked. You’d better come inside if you’re hungry,’ Brad said before turning and heading inside.

Ren hesitated for several more moments looking out towards the heavy storm clouds before heading inside to wash up for the meal.

‘Does it still look like we might get a storm?’ ‘Tanaya asked as Ren sat down at the table.

‘I’d say definitely, and I’d guess a nasty one at that by the colour of the clouds,’ Ren said as he reached for the plate of food ‘Tanaya was holding out towards him. ‘Thanks for that, it looks good.’

‘I do like to be able to cook once in a while in my own kitchen,’ ‘Tanaya said in reference to the fact that Ren had taken to doing a lot of the cooking when ‘Tanaya had to work.

‘Just doing what I can to help out,’ Ren said before tasting the mashed potato covered in gravy.

There was silence around the table while the three of them took the edge off their hunger, the only noises the clinking of cutlery on plates and the occasional rattle of cups in saucers as they took a drink.

By the time they had finished their meal, thunder could be heard rumbling in the not far distance and the bright flashes of lightening illuminated the late evening gloom. The sound of the wind told them it had picked up strength and speed.

Brad got out of his chair and turned the radio on to the local station, as they sat enjoying leisurely cups of coffee they listened to the latest popular songs playing. As the clock pointed to the hour the radio station started the news with a severe storm warning for several areas.

‘Sounds like I’d better do a quick check that everything is secure outside,’ Brad said getting to his feet.

‘I’ll give you a hand,’ Ren said putting his nearly empty cup aside as he too got to his feet.

‘Check to see if Mr Brinkley needs a hand next door. He might appreciate the help,’ ‘Tanaya said as she began stacking dirty dishes in the sink.

‘Will do, ‘ Ren said and paused to look back at ‘Tanaya. ‘Just stack the dishes in the sink, I’ll do ’em later.’

‘Tanaya watched as both men disappeared out the back way before hurriedly finishing what she was doing. With the table cleared she made her way around the house checking that all the windows were shut and secured properly.

Pausing on the western side of the house ‘Tanaya peered out a window at the storm clouds and flinched as several vicious streaks of lightening flashed from the clouds to the ground some distance from town. She was relieved when she heard the two men return to the house and when to the lounge room to meet them as they came in from the backyard.

‘Gerald said it’ll be a bad storm for sure. We put some heavy timbers on a pile of iron for him so he didn’t have to strain himself.’ Brad said as he shook dust and leaves from his hair and shoulders.

They stood and watched through a window in one of the front rooms as the storm raced towards them. Vivid streaks of lightening danced between clouds before cascading to the ground in breathtaking displays of power.

Rain soon appeared as a grey haze that quickly approached the town swept before the strong winds that snapped small branches from trees and shrubs in its path. The rain sounded loud on the roof overhead and drummed incessantly against the western side of the house.

‘Shit – hail!’ Brad exclaimed as he saw the first of the marble sized white balls hit the window and bounce off.

Ren moved to where he could look out over the rear yard and winced as the hailstones became the size of tennis balls.

The combined sound of the rain and hail was nearly deafening as it pelted down mercilessly. Lightening illuminated the rooms with windows as the full fury of the storm passed overhead, thunder rumbled and the vibrations of the sound could be felt throughout the house.

Within twenty minutes the storm had passed the town leaving only heavy rain bucketing down.

Brad started with surprise as his mobile phone gave its shrill call and he picked it up off the kitchen cupboard where he had placed it. He answered it curtly and listened with a frown as his boss spoke quickly. He answered affirmatively before hanging up and looking at ‘Tanaya.

‘That was Hank. He’s a member of the State Emergency Service. The SES is getting a lot of calls and expects more. Houses have lost their roofs, trees down across roads. I’ll check everything is okay outside and then I’m going to lend a hand to the SES volunteers,’ Brad told her seriously.

‘I’ll lend a hand as well,’ Ren said as he headed towards his room for a waterproof jacket.

‘Tanaya stood on the front veranda looking out into the hail covered street as both men walked around the exterior of the house checking for damage before heading over next door to check for damage then knock on the Brinkley’s door.

‘Tanaya’s attention was diverted when Brent and Matty hurried across the street looking wet and ragged. They hurried up onto the veranda out of the rain.

‘The flats have lost the roof all along the building,’ Brent said without preamble. ‘Wall has poured in through the ceiling, everything’s wet.’

‘Go get your good clothes and a couple of changes of work clothes, I’ll put them through a wash and dry some in the dryer and hang some on the back veranda. Has Hank called you?’ ‘Tanaya asked.

‘Yes, he’s bringing tarps for the flats and then we go on to other buildings,’ Matty supplied.

‘How’d you guys go over there?’ Brad asked as he climbed the front steps to the veranda with Ren close behind him.

* * * * *

Janey put the phone receiver back on the phone and frowned as she headed for the kitchen picking her son up out of the doorway as she went.

The morning had dawned cold and damp with misty rain in the aftermath of the storms, there had been two separate storms that had left unroofed houses in their wake before uniting to leave a trail of roofless houses and uprooted trees.

Only her mother and sister were in the kitchen as Janey let Nicky down to play with his pots and pans.

‘Any luck getting through?’ Marina asked.

‘I got through on the landline eventually but he’s is out helping with the SES clearing the fallen trees off roads and his friends are doing tarpaulin duty o
n houses,’ Janey said as she tried to control the irritation she felt.

She had been looking forward to spending the day with Brad even if it meant having to put up with ‘Tanaya being around. Janey smothered the thought that she also wouldn’t be seeing Ren.

Silly really, she told herself. He might have had other plans for the day that didn’t include staying around the house.

‘An extra pair of hands making lunch for volunteers from our area is always appreciated,’ Marina said with a gentle smile.

Janey looked out the kitchen window at the drizzling rain and shuddered as she thought about the people working in this weather to put to rights the storm damage.

‘Make a big pot of thick stew?’ Janey asked as she looked at the vegetables her mother and sister had collected and were peeling and dicing.

‘You can start the meat cooking for the stew. We’re making thick vegetable soup as well,’ Marina said as she paused work to glance at her younger daughter.

Janey nodded and quickly got the largest stew pot out of the cupboard and placed it on the stove before adding water and stock powder. As she worked she kept an eye on Nicky but he was content to play with his assortment of pots and pans.

It was mid morning when the three women sat down for a quick cup of coffee and Janey paused to give Nicky a plate of cut up fruit. The phone rang and Marina answered it. She returned to the kitchen shortly carrying the cordless handset and passed it to Janey.

‘It’s Adam,’ Marina said as Janey took the handset.

‘Hi Adam, ‘ Janey said happily as she got to her feet and walked from the room for some privacy knowing that her mother would keep an eye on Nicky while he ate his fruit.

‘Hallo Beautiful. How are you today?’ Adam asked fondly.

‘Better now I’ve heard your voice,’ Janey said as she smiled with pleasure.

‘Glad I brightened your day for you,’ Adam said sounding pleased. ‘Can I ask what you’re doing Tuesday?’

‘I haven’t got anything planned,’ Janey said with a glance back towards the kitchen.

‘I have to travel to Sydney Tuesday evening and I was hoping that if I rented a motel room in Lismore tomorrow night we could spend the night and Tuesday morning together. You, me and Nicky,’ Adam said sounding hopeful.

‘I would love that,’ Janey said. It was hard to find any privacy for her and Adam when he came and visited at her parents’ place.

‘I could drive to your parents’ place tomorrow afternoon, then we could take your car to Lismore so you can drive home the next afternoon after I go to the airport,’ Adam explained calmly.

‘That sounds really good.’ Janey agreed.

They talked for several more minutes before they hung up and Janey returned to the kitchen. Her mother and sister were nearly finished their coffee when Janey sat down once again.

‘How is Adam?’ Marina asked as Janey sat down.

‘He’s good. We’re going to spend tomorrow night and Tuesday morning with him,’ Janey said before finishing her coffee.

‘I don’t know why you take Nicky to see … that guy in Lennox when you have Adam ready and willing to play happy families,’ Caro said as she got to her feet and put her empty cup in the sink.

‘Because he is his biological father and they have a right to know each other,’ Janey said tightly.

Caro shrugged as she checked on the soup cooking on the stove, ‘Whatever.’

When the soup and stew were cooked Marina called Jim on the phone to find out where the team was working so she could deliver the food to them for lunch.

While her mother was on the phone Janey changed Nicky’s nappy and packed his lunch ready to take with them so that she could go with her mother to deliver the food to the volunteer workers, Nicky would enjoy the ride and it would get her out of the house.

* * * * *

Janey settled Nicky down for his morning nap and walked from the room knowing he would fall asleep quickly. With a quick glance at the clock she decided to try ringing Brad to check and see if his birthday party was still on Wednesday afternoon.

When there was no answer on his mobile phone she tried the house number and was just about to give up when the phone was answered.

‘Hallo.’ The deep rich voice sent tendrils of pleasure through Janey’s body as she instantly recognised Ren’s voice even though it sounded as if he had just been woken up.

‘Hi Ren, this is Janey. I was ummm ringing to see if Brad’s party is still on Wednesday evening,’ Janey said softly.

‘Hey there Blondie, good to hear your voice. Yes the party will be on. Did the storm hit where you are?’ Ren asked, his voice quickening with interest.

‘We only got heavy rain and some wind but a mile down the road there’s some big trees blown over alongside the road,’ Janey said unconsciously smiling with the pleasure of hearing his voice.

‘There are a few branches down around the house here and the block of flats where Brent and Matty rent lost their roof so they’re bunking on the lounge room floor at the moment.’ Ren told her.

Janey heard faint sounds as if he was sitting on something that creaked.

‘I didn’t disturb you or anything did I?’ Janey asked hesitantly.

‘I was asleep when you rang but it’s about time I woke up. I was out until nearly five am putting tarps over the last of the damaged roofs. Brad is out working with a chainsaw at present. Matty and Brent are sprawled around the lounge room,’ Ren explained.

‘I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.’ Janey rushed to say as she was filled with remorse for waking him up.

‘Hey, no problem. Feel free to disturb me any time you like Blondie,’ Ren said with a slightly husky tone to his voice.

Janey blushed as a warm feeling flooded her body at his words.

Surely he didn’t mean it the way my body is taking it! Janey thought as her breasts suddenly felt full and heavy, her nipples tingling and puckering into hard buds.

‘So you still bringing Nicky to his Dad’s birthday party?’ Ren asked in the silence that followed.

‘Yes, he, umm… he hasn’t stopped going Daddad,’ Janey admitted with a soft laugh.

‘Brad was really wrapped to see him as well,’ Ren said softly.

Janey sighed faintly and closed her eyes briefly as his voice washed over her.

‘I guess I should let you go. You probably got stuff you need to do,’ Janey said almost reluctantly.

‘Yeah I got stuff I should do. I’ll see you Wednesday then,’ Ren said.

‘I’ll be there. Bye.’ Janey said and hung up before she found a reason to keep talking to him.

She turned back towards her room feeling strangely lost and looked in at Nicky where he lay asleep in his cot. She watched him sleeping for several minutes before turning away with a shrug. She had a few things she wanted to do before Adam turned up later in the day so she headed for the lounge room with a determined step.

With Nicky asleep Janey was able to iron the clothes she planned to wear that evening when Adam took her and Nicky out for tea as he had promised. She had chosen a very becoming top and trousers set a few days after the christening and had decided to wear them tonight.

A few hours later Janey was busy with Nicky who had woken up fretful from his nap when Adam arrived. He parked his car out of the way and knocked before walking into the house.

Janey recognised his voice and walked out of her room carrying Nicky who was cuddled miserably against her shoulder.

‘Hallo,’ Adam said as he walked over to kiss Janey softly before lifting Nicky out of her arms and holding him.

‘Dadam,’ Nicky murmured and went back to chewing at his fist.

‘I think Nicky is teething,’ Janey said with a rueful grin.

‘So that’s what’s wrong with our boy,’ Adam said fondly as he bounced Nicky gently in his arms. Nicky grinned his appreciation at Adam around his fist and glanced at his mother.

‘I got
everything ready to go whenever you’re ready,’ Janey told Adam with a smile. The chance of an outing with the three of them had her excited.

‘If you take Nicky and give me the keys to your car I’ll put my bags in the car, put your bags in the car and we can be off.’ Adam told her with a smile.

‘That sounds simple,’ Janey agreed with a nod and pulled her car keys from her jeans pocket before taking Nicky from Adam.

‘We’ll just go say bye to Grandma and Grandpa,’ Janey said as Adam turned towards the door.

‘Okay,’ He acknowledged before leaving.

Janey headed towards her Parents room. She knew they would want to say goodbye to Nicky before they left. She knocked on their door and waited for an answer before opening it and walking in.

‘We came to say byes, Nicky and Mummy are going with Dadam,’ Janey said using Nicky’s name for Adam.

‘Will you be very late tonight?’ Jim asked as he gave his grandson a cuddle.

‘We won’t be home until tomorrow evening,’ Janey said calmly.

‘Well have fun,’ Marina said and gave both Janey and Nicky a kiss on the cheek.

‘We will,’ Janey said with a smile. She missed the frown on her father’s face as she turned and headed for the lounge room.

Adam was picking up the last of the bags she had placed in the lounge room and she fell into step with him as he headed outside. Janey buckled Nicky into his child-seat as Adam put the last of the bags in the boot and then she got into the passenger seat.

‘Don’t you want to drive?’ Adam asked as he stood outside the car door and looked in at her.

‘You drive. I always feel much better when you drive.’ Janey said softly.

Adam didn’t say anything as he walked around the car and got into the drivers seat.

The drive was uneventful and it was still mid-afternoon when Adam parked the car outside the caravan-park cabin where they would be staying.

Janey waited in the car slightly uneasy as Adam went to the office and paid for the cabin he had booked. When he returned he opened the front door with the key he had been given and stepped inside for a look.

Janey got out of the car and took Nicky out of his child-seat before walking into the cabin behind Adam, she looked around the surprisingly spacious room that contained a double bed, a single bed and a cot as well as a small kitchen alcove.

The shower and toilet was at the far end of the cabin separated by a sliding door.

‘Cosy isn’t it?’ Adam remarked with a smile as he looked at Janey.

Janey looked around. The place was spotless and smelled slightly of disinfectant.

‘It’s not bad,’ Janey agreed with the slightest of reluctance.

Adam turned his head to look at her with a frown. He had picked up on something bothering her.

‘What’s the matter Sweetheart?’ he asked gently.

‘I don’t know, it’s just not…home,’ Janey said with a forced smile.

‘I’ll be right here with you. I won’t let anything bad happen to you,’ Adam said in soothing tones.

Janey sent a pained smile his way before carrying Nicky to the double bed and placing him on it, she checked his nappy finding it wet and quickly removed the soiled garment while Adam hurried to get the nappy bag for her.

With Nicky changed into a dry nappy and the bags inside the cabin Adam, Janey and Nicky got back into the car and set out for a drive around town.

Adam found a park with play sets for small children and parked close by. The three of them spent the last of the afternoon there with Nicky playing happily on the swings.

Adam couldn’t help noticing that Janey seemed slightly nervous at first and he continually tried to reassure her that he was there and would take care of her, but it didn’t seem to help and as the time passed she only got more nervous.

As the sun sank lower in the sky and the air began to loose its warmth Adam packed Janey and Nicky into the car and headed back to the cabin. Once inside he noticed Janey seemed to calm down as she set about giving Nicky his wash for the night.

Adam ordered Chinese take-away from a restaurant with a good reputation and helped Janey when she carried a wet and clean Nicky from the small shower room.

‘I ordered a meal for us and some long noodle soup for Nicky,’ Adam said with a smile at the boy.

‘He’s nearly ready to go to sleep, playing on the swings really tired him out,’ Janey said as she put warm pyjamas on her son.

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All characters are 18 or over. This is the sixth and final part of this series. Warning: This story includes sexual activity between siblings as well as non-monogamous sexual activity among single persons. If you find either of these offensive, you should not read this story. Thanks to Linda62953 who assisted with the editing. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= There was a burly guy at the door checking proof and collecting covers. He taped wristbands on George and Ashley with bold letters that said,...

3 years ago
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The GiftedChapter 21 Eviction Devastation And Shopping

Davy and the girls crossed the lobby to the elevator, where Samantha pressed the call button. Waiting for the elevator to arrive, they each took turns kissing Davy, while everyone nearby watched in shock. One elderly woman sat at her machine and was feeding the quarters to it as Amber and Cindy traded kisses. Rubbing her neck to relieve the strain, she looked around and noticed the four people at the elevator. Tossing her money into the bucket in disgust, she hit the cash out button. The...

1 year ago
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Golf At Itrsquos Finest

Buckle in folks, this one is going to take a while. But I promise you, it’s worth the read.A vendor in my industry sponsors a golf tournament every year at a private country club. I happen to be quite an accomplished golfer, so the owners want me on their team every year. I drive it long down the middle most of the time, and my iron game rivals most of the guys that get to play on tv. Putting, well, not my strong suit. But that has little to do with the story.So the tournament ends, our team...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Cristina Miller Natural Wonders

Busty Colombian Cristina Miller returns home from her date with Max Dior with just one goal in mind: to have as many orgasms as possible. Happy to oblige, Max locks lips with his hot date and slides his hands around to caress her big all naturals. Cristina’s moans are music to Max’s ears as he peels the top of her dress down to really enjoy licking and stroking her titties. Suitably warmed up, the exotic coed sends Max to the other side of the room so she can give him a show! She...

2 years ago
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The Best Tits Ever

Hi, This is my first story here. Hope you like it. I am xx, 25, from Goa, working for a MNC. I was very desperate for the past 1 year for a woman elder to me. I had many past relationships but they didn’t appeal me much. I was always looking for a opportunity whenever I saw chubby woman seating next to me in a bus. I used to try and touch my elbow to their waist. But I would be afraid if they did make a noise. My desperation was increasing to get a married woman. I was trying different ideas...

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Tales of Culverin HillChapter 18 Razor

“Do your parents let you use this place? Do they know about us?” asked Tamara. Razor laughed. “Oh my God, no! They’d kill me if they knew. You too, probably. Don’t worry, we’re safe.” “What? How? You’ve never really explained that,” she replied. He parked behind the bungalow and opened the door. “Let’s go inside and we can talk.” She grinned. “We go inside, and we are going to do more than talk.” Razor grinned back. “Maybe so. Okay, let’s sit down by the creek and hope the bugs don’t eat...

3 years ago
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The DiaryChapter 3

Ben's dream of that night with Dillon ended, when he heard a crash and someone laughing. "I think my little drunk is home." Ben said and sat up to go see what Kelly was doing. It sounded like she was tearing up the house. He walked downstairs and saw her lying in the middle of the floor, laughing as hard as she could. "Hey Daddy-o, what's up!" she giggled at him and loved his undies. She could see his big, long dick and Kelly loved it. "Remember that lamp you hated so much?" she...

1 year ago
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Lady Janice of SterlingChapter 2 The Mind Control Session

"Janice?" I touched Janice lightly on the arm. It was Friday night and we were both sitting at the dinner table. I had mixed the drug into a small glass of ice tea which Janice had just drunk. "Yes, Paul?" she asked, sleepily. The drug was taking hold. Janice closed her eyes and leaned back against the dining room chair. It was time to execute Step One of the plan. Jack had explained everything in great detail the night before. "STEP ONE:" he had said. "Under the influence of the...

4 years ago
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So Keri, did you and Mark ever hook up?" I looked over at Laurie, and tried to focus on her words. I was pretty sure I understood what she was saying, but couldn't quite get answer out. Instead, I shrugged and giggled at her. I'd been doing a lot of giggling tonight as had Laurie and Krissy. Giggling would be a normal occurrence anytime eighteen and nineteen year old girls had a sl**p over, but tonight there was a lot more than usual. The fact that the bottle of southern comfort Laurie had...

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Oil of Roses Snakes Among the VinesChapter 14

January 21st, 2007, Saturday Dommi “So, were you planning on pulling me away for the night, or did Kendry make a deal with you?” Sebastien smiled, and Dommi understood once again just how strong his personal charisma could be. “Planned. Honey, Kendry couldn’t have offered me anything, including the throne of Dallas, to stop me from trying to drag you off for mad kinky adventures.” “And if I’d said ‘no’?” “I would have been disappointed ... and had to make do with the two other guys and...

1 year ago
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A Brother and Sister incest accident Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! When we entered the hotelmy father took a big room with a 2 king size bed but the hotel management says "im very soory sir, but we dont have that kind of room"my father laugh a little after hearing the indian speak english..."so what kind of room do you have? we are alll reallly tirednow,we reaaly need a place to rest" mom speak to the hotel guy.."on the third floor ma'am we have a lot of vacancy however one room is only enough for 2 people but the...

2 years ago
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Hot Sex With Sister In Goa

Hi everybody John here with another hot and sexy story “Hot sex with sis in Goa”. Guys I’m 22, fair complexion and I hve a great body because I do gym regularly. I’m doing B. Tech from Delhi and my family lives in Jalandhar. Mai delhi me hostel me rehta tha papers k baad mere frnds ne kahi ghumne k plan banaya, december ka month tha to unhone Goa jaane ka plan banaya. Maine b kha chalo thik hai or hum sabne 2 weeks k liya goa jaane k plan banaya. Mere frnds ne kha k sab apni gf k sath...

1 year ago
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Next door neighbors son

A young guy from our neighborhood stumbled upon our profile and recognized Suzi. He knew where we live because we know his parents.He wrote a very nice letter and put it in our mailbox.He very politely asked us if Suzi wouldn't be interested in taking his virginity. He wrote that he read our profile description and he knows that Suzi likes being watched so if nothing else would she allow him to come by and watch her being fucked. He left his phone number. Suzi called him and invited him.I...

4 years ago
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SOSChapter 8

Jacob. I sat watching as the old woman went digging through her things, she would grab something look at it and toss it aside, eventually she found what she was looking for, She walked to me handing me two scrolls, one was an ancient map, the other was some kind of binary code, I tried to make sense of it but I couldn't, I went back to looking at the map, if I was reading it right it led no where near the signal, I frowned at that, I only had so much time, I couldn't waste it on fools...

1 year ago
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The Black Banana

It was a Saturday night. For some reason, we were together, the three of us. Any way...I come along in a new pickup truck with a bench seat. I pick up the two of you at Di’s house. You are wearing a short wrap mini skirt with a mesh blouse, no bra. (I find out later that you are not wearing panties) Di is wearing a pareo with a triangle bikini top...the triangles are not very big. I also notice that Di has a navel ring. Seeing the navel ring I wonder if any thing else is pierced. Anyway, you...

4 years ago
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Nicolette 2

Chapter OneI did accept Mrs. Boroughs’s offer to stay with her and her husband, at least until I’m able to get a place of my own. The more I think about it, she is only trying to help me out. The first night there, everything was pretty normal. I was introduced formally to her husband, Mark. He certainly looked different with his clothes on, but I couldn’t help but think about seeing his big hard cock the other night. After a late dinner, I went up to my room and started unpacking my things. I...

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Earning Points

I was sitting on the couch watching my favorite day time program when I hear a tapping on my apartment door. I looked out the peep hole. I was always suspicious of day time knocks on the door, and all I could see was top of a young female’s head.I cracked the door open and she smiled. She immediately launched into a speech that she was an engineering student at a local college and was selling magazine subscriptions to help finance her way through school. She said that for each subscription she...

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Chemical Brilliance

Kate was a little scared. This was her night of initiation to Delta Gamma sorority. It was the best sorority on campus, only the hottest girls got to join. She was thrilled to be given a chance. Not that she doubted she belonged, she had always been able to wrap the most popular boys around her fingers. She had been an instant hit even at the big state school of 10,000. Now she was going to be sworn in as one of the hottest girls in school. It was what this ceremony would be that had her antsy....

2 years ago
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Thicker Than Water

Peter Roberts: Husband and Father of 6 Adult Aged Children Sarah slipped into bed, snuggling her naked and still amazing body up close to me. She whispered, "Ellie says she's ready." My wife didn't need to clarify. I knew what it meant: my youngest daughter, having recently reached age 18, was ready to "become a woman". Of course, living out here in the Wilderness meant that she could either wait until the Autumn trip "down hill" to Bakers Bend, which was still four months away; or she could do...

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Masishen EvolutionChapter 5 Discoveries

Michael sat with Jon'a-ren and another masi'na (male) in a private chamber, a rather large one that he would expect to serve as an exercise or workout area if he were in an Earth building. "Michael, I wish to introduce a good friend and a shipmate, one of us that you rescued with the T'shu-niach. May I introduce Berl'ahan. During your time with us on Earth, he was a masi'mem, a swimmer. He bore a form resembling a penguin, which suited him quite well for sea-harvesting and other work....

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Favorite Aunt Revised

I would like to say first that I appreciate your comments on my first version of this story. They helped me focus on a few things that needed attention which encouraged me to write this revised edition. If you have read the previous version, please read this one. I would like to know your take in a sort of "before and after" snapshot on whether the story flows better or not. By all means, keep the comments coming. Also, if you’d like, please send me a private message to discuss the...

4 years ago
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The Day With My Friend

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers About myself, I am semi-built gym built with 5.6ft height, fair and good looking.I don’t brag about my penis as it is 5.5-inch size enough to satisfy any woman.The story is about a lady I met in a company and how I satisfied her.The lady I met is 33 years old (I came to know later) who is fair about my height with good body, I don’t know the measurements but she looks exactly like tv actress mouni Roy. She came to Vizag to handle a situation as the required...

1 year ago
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Park ThisChapter 9

Lee continues: Sherry was right again. With Lane, if I wanted to be kissed, I was going to have to initiate it. We started out one day talking about how Gramma might be sort of hinting that since I was eighteen I should be out of her house. Talked with Lane about getting a job and getting my own place. "Would make it hard to do college, though," I said. "You belong in college, Lee." Little more talk. Bombshell. He said, "You could move in here with me." He saw my face. Must've...

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Fucking Your Wife Epilogue

So, where does this story leave the five players? Jeff and his lovely wife Audrey have decided to recommit to their marriage but each realizes that they have kinks that are fundamental to their sexual selves. Audrey knows, and within more reasonable bounds, Jeff agrees that she and Donald may continue seeing each other. Their couplings are private but Audrey now delights in teasing her husband to a heightened state of arousal by telling him exactly what she is doing with and for Donald. As...

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Scared Stiff

"Aaaaaaahhhhh!" The screaming drew nearer and nearer, the elevator closing all too slowly to drown out the shriek. The sound of several feet rapped against the cold hard floor, advancing against the dull steel door. Suddenly a hook is thrust into the narrow opening; there was a chill clank within the walls, stopping the breach from being sealed. Christopher drew back against the back wall of the small elevator, startled by the sudden stoppage, his eyes drawn to the invading...

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The Last Hunter

Growing up, my grandfather raised me after my parents died in a head on collision with a truck. He would tell stories about Blood Rose Mansion up on Snow Mountain that actually had the hairs on the back of my neck stand. Those nights were sleepless ones as I lay in my bed, waiting and listening. Nothing ever happened as best as I could recall, until one fateful hot summer day, a day that would change me forever.It was my eighteenth birthday and Gramps took me to Martha’s Cafe for some...

Monster Sex
4 years ago
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Girls Just Want to Have FunChapter 14

“Let’s go to the bedroom,” Riley says, pushing Justin off of her. He is up off the floor, leading the girls to the bedroom. They climb onto the bed and lie there for a bit, kissing before Riley slips away with the vibrator in her hand. “Fuck her, Justin, while I watch,” she says, plopping down in the reading chair and turning on the toy. Sola rolls over toward him and they embrace. They fit together with his pale flesh against her blue skin in perfect contrast. Their tongues quickly slip...

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The Seashell

Author's note: This is a short introductory chapter/story that I wrote for fun one night. If you like my work, please tell me. If I get positive feedback, I have a lot of unfinished stories that I've written over the years that I'd like to clean up and finish. I'm also considering adding illustration. ======================================================================== It was just another day at the beach... or so I thought. My friends and I had already spent a good deal of the...

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The Picard ManoeuvreChapter 5

Poor Anya had to keep waking through the night and, in all honesty, just wouldn’t have got much pleasure from sex. But she did appreciate being cuddled. I wasn’t deprived – I still had Romy, though we limited that to when we wouldn’t disturb my wife. Anya was happy with that situation and reassured me I wasn’t ‘cheating’. “Darling, you were hers before you were mine, and I love her just as much as you do. I’m glad we have her.” At the time, I didn’t know how Gladys and Scott had got along....

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An it Story

Chapter One:"Walter!"Patty brushed her long, wavy blonde hair out of her eyes andglowered angrily at her son's bedroom door."Walter, I know what you're doing in there! I am absolutelysick of listening to you jacking off in your room every day! Walter,are you listening?"Her teenage son didn't answer. The rhythmic thumping continuedlouder than ever, the sound of the headboard banging against the wallas Walter eagerly beat his prick, flailing his fist up and down hisstiff, aching...

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Free Surgery

Jan looked in the mirror at her naked body. She needed some work done if she was ever going to get into porn movies. The studio told her she needed bigger tits that her size C. Also that puffy pussy lips were what the men liked to see now days. She knew she needed some work but had no money. She decided to talk to Dr. Ron Smith to see if they could work out something. She called his office and made an appointment for the next day. She was hoping this would work and she could get some plastic...

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Letter To My Lover Part One

Sometimes I sit here, late at night, reading so many sexual thoughts. People share so many things. There are threesomes, blowjobs, first time anals, rapes, and so much more. As I read, I can picture you and I doing these things together, over and over. I can feel myself getting wet just telling you about it. I love you so much, and there are so many things we could do together. I feel so inspired by these things that I read. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to watch me...

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My First Gay Experience

This is a true account of my first gay experience at 50.A little background first. Ever since I was 19 and single I have been attracted to cock. I would buy the usual girly mags and leave them in my bedroom but most of the time I would go across town to buy gay ones. I spent many hours masturbating to the photos and stories. I would then hide them in my secret spot to enjoy again. Other than that I never did anything to quench my lust for cock.Fast forward 25 years , married with c***dren and a...

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PROMOTE.TXT by Cindy V - femdom, TV, humiliation "So it's settled, George," Louise said triumphantly to me. Denise starts working in Sales for me in two weeks. "Yes," I replied reluctantly. "I guess it's a better long term career opportunity. I cursed under my breath. I had only been with the company for four months as head of the two-person Marketing Research department (Denise and me), and now Louise was taking my entire staff. Louise smiled at me sweetly. She was one of the...

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Angel Becky Gangbanged in Reno part 15

Then we grabbed our things & went back out to the car. The girls got in asCarl & me put the bags in the trunk this time Carl also put Beckys blouse intheir bag while I put Angels skirt & blouse in ours. All the girls had in thecar to wear was their coats.As we were getting close to the freeway I handed each girl a vibrator & toldthem to put them in their cunts. I then instructed them that they had to leavethese in their cunts for the whole ride to Reno & whenever a trucker...

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Meri Teen Mastani Betia 8211 Part 8 Ugly Turn In The Story

  Mai Raghav hazir hun apni bibi aur teen Mastani betio kee aage kee kahani lekar. Aapne padha kee Vikram meri wife Manju ko 15 dino ke liye foreign tour par le gaya. Unke jaane ke 2 din baad Vikram kaa baap Lalaji meri badi beti Mamta ko chudai trip par le gaya. Surekha ne mere liye Vikram kee dono bahan aur Vikram ke ek chacha kee virgin beti Jyoti ko mere paas bheja chudai ke liye. Lala meri beti Mamta ko 4-5 din ke liye kahkar le gaya thaa aur mujhe uski kimat bhee dee thee. Lekin Lalaji...

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