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PETRA Peter entered his sister's bedroom and headed immediately to the dresser. Opening the top drawer he began to sort through their underwear until he finally selected a pair of white nylon knickers. He loved this particular pair with the frills about the bottoms and the cute bow at the front. He had tried them on several times and once had even gone to the pub wearing them. As he held them in his hands he recalled what a buzz he got that evening. Today he was not going out; today he was just going to dress up. He had been rained-off at the building site where he worked as a carpenter and was sure he had the house to himself. He quickly undressed and in no time was putting on "his" knickers, then fastening on a white bra, which although was not part of a matching set, but it did have a lace front which he liked. Then over to the wardrobe and again he grabbed his favourite dress, a pink summer dress covered in red roses which he knew belonged to Sarah. He slipped into it and adjusted his bra straps to ensure that were visible. This was always a turn on for him. He then turned to the full length mirror over in the corner and began swaying as if he was dancing and began to sing. In as much of a girly voice possible out came "I feel pretty, oh so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and gay. And I pity any girl who isn't me tonight." He did not feel one bit ridiculous as he swished the hem of the dress and continued to sway as he sang. He stopped dead as he thought he heard a cough or a suppressed laugh coming from one of the beds. In alarm he looked around and yes maybe there was someone in it. His sisters were never very tidy, seldom made up their beds and the covers were always in a heap. He was not game enough to go closer and check if it was occupied instead just as quickly as he had undressed and dressed up he repeated the operation but the other way around. Shaking, he put everything back in its place and rushed out of his sister's bedroom. Peter was twenty and had just finished a carpentry apprenticeship. He was two years older than his twin sisters, Sarah and June. It was not difficult to pick them as sisters but they were definitely not identical twins. Sarah was working as a hairdresser and was considered the wild one, whereas June worked for a law firm and was thought of as the sensible one. They shared everything, clothes, jewellery and sometimes even boyfriends. When they were out together in company they had an amusing habit of finishing off each other's sentences. The fact that they shared clothes made it possible for Peter to cross-dress when no-one was about. If an item of clothing was not where it was left it had been moved by one or other of the girls. But right now Sarah stuck her head out from underneath the covers and was smiling to herself as she thought about what she had just witnessed. She could not help herself from laughing as she repeated the words of Peter's song. "So he feels pretty, does he now? I just can't wait until June gets home." She recalled years earlier when their father had walked out and money was so tight that they often depended on charity to get by. The well intentioned ladies of the parish charity were regular visitors. The food parcels were always welcome, but when it came to second hand clothing she recalled Peter was not a huge fan. He hated heading off to school in someone else's clothing. The girls loved getting the clothes. It was like Christmas to them, new dresses, shoes with the soles intact and of course new underwear and new pyjamas. Unfortunately for Peter there was the time that the underwear they gave was a couple of sizes too big for them but not for him. He found he soon had in his drawer six pairs of girl's school knickers, three in pink and three in powder blue. They were that old fashioned style with elastic about the waist and the legs. He had long ago run out of boy's underpants and undies were undies, boys or girls; it did not matter according to her mother. So for one horrible year Peter had worn girl's school knickers. Peter may have been able to boss his smaller sisters around but they soon found a way of getting back by teasing him about what he was wearing underneath his pants. Creeping up behind him to ping the elastic of his knickers was an opportunity never lost. But today Sarah had also come home from the hair salon early, pretending to be ill, when in fact she had a hangover from over indulging the night before when she had been out on the town. All she wanted to do was sleep; she did not want to remember last night. Just how far had she allowed Colin to go? She pushed it from her mind and thought once more about Peter and humming his song she drifted off to sleep. Through his early teens Peter never had any urge to cross dress, but somewhere around the age of 17 it started and since then it became an urge he found difficulty suppressing. Up till now he was sure no-one knew. But now he had a hole in his stomach from worry. Peter did not stay at home, he needed to think, and it scared him to think there was someone in Sarah's bed. And he also needed a drink. Supping a few pints with an acquaintance and playing a few games of pool took his mind off the incident. When he finally did get back home he was slightly drunk. June had arrived home before him and she had immediately begun preparing dinner. Their mother was doing the middle shift on the checkout at the local supermarket and would not be home until six. She was halfway through making dinner when Peter arrived in. She could smell the drink and found out that he had been rained off work. She could not help herself getting angry. "The least you could have done was peel a few potatoes instead of spending the afternoon drinking. You do nothing around here, expect to be waited on hand and foot. We all contribute to this family and it would be a great idea if you were to do something around the place. I blame Mam, she does nothing but spoil you" Peter who had heard it all before slinked out of the kitchen and headed for his bedroom saying, "Call me when dinner is ready." He was sure he heard June swearing as he headed up the stairs. As he was passing his sister's bedroom on his way to his own Sarah came out on to the landing. The smirk on her face brought it all back to Peter and he was now convinced that she had been in the bed while he was dressed in her clothes dancing in front of the mirror. He could hear them from the kitchen laughing uproariously. He sensed that Sarah was telling June what had gone on in their bedroom earlier. He sat on his bed with his head in his hands wondering what he would say, was there a way out. Nothing came to mind. He heard his mother arrive home and a few minutes later she called him to the table. The first thing he noticed was that Sarah was sitting at the head of the table in what had become his place since his father had left. She completely ignored him and he noticed she had an open bottle of beer in front of her, his beer. He hesitated and finally thought it best to say nothing and sat in Sarah's place. June put the food on the table and the two girls helped themselves then the dish was passed on to their Mother and then finally to Peter. The food had always been placed before him first and he had always served himself first. So now with Sarah at the top of the table and June and her mother facing each other, Peter was happy to be left out of the conversation, which cantered around their day. By now the alcohol Peter had drunk earlier had completely worn off and he was feeling very vulnerable. Clothes, always a popular subject for the women, was the only topic Sarah and June wanted discussed at the table. "Bloom's are having a sale tomorrow," said June. "Oh, they have the most sexy underwear, we should go," beamed Sarah. "And it's buy two and the third one is free," continued June. "I've had my eye on a pair of pink lace knickers that I looked at the last time I was there, but they were so expensive." Said Sarah now smiling, "Perhaps Peter could contribute something as it sounds like a real bargain getting three pairs for the price of two. That way we could all have a pair. Ha, ha" "What do you say Peter?" June asked. Peter whose face had turned pink during this exchange and had been keeping out of the conversation was now forced to reply. Between a cough and a sputter an "OK" was heard. His Mother looked across at him and asked if he was all right. "Don't wolf down your food dear, here let me get you a glass of water," and off she went to the sink. She felt something was going on between her children but after eight hours at the checkout she was too tired to let it concern her. They fought all the time. With his mother's back to them, that twin trick happened with both girls pouting their lips as they made an identical face at him. "Do you think Peter," Sarah began as his mother handed him a glass of water. "is handsome?" continued June. "Very," his mother smiled at him. "Well I think he is," from Sarah. "really pretty," June finished. This was all too much for Peter and his face went from pink to purple in seconds. He got up and was about to get out of the room as quickly as possible, but Sarah was not finished. "Now where on earth do you think you are skiving off to Peter? I'm sure you promised me you would do the washing up, in fact I know you promised," she smiled sweetly at him. So Peter sat back down thinking, "I never do the dishes, that is your job," but saying nothing. The conversation returned to tomorrow's visit to Blooms. Every second word from the girls was "pretty." Pretty dresses, pretty shorts, pretty shoes, pretty nighties and of course pretty frilly knickers. Finally Peter was allowed to clear the table and begin the washing up. His mother went into the living room and they could now hear the TV. The two girls stayed at the table and supervised Peter doing the dishes, telling him what went where and how they would do things. He felt he had no choice but do exactly as he was told. "Better put on the rubber gloves, sweetie," Sarah leered, "can't have you getting washerwoman's hands." He slipped his hands into a pair of pink rubber gloves that were lying by the sink. There was just no way he stay at home so once again set out for the pub, wondering if he should just walk past and never come back again. But he was not brave enough to do that. Friday night and the bar was packed. He joined a few friends and although they all seemed to be having a great night he just could not free himself of the happenings of the day. When he felt it was late enough for everyone at home to be in bed he decided to make his way back. Sure enough he managed to get to his room without disturbing anyone. The light in his sister's room was out, but his Mother was most likely reading as her light was on. "Is that you, son," his Mother called. "Yes, good night Mam," he whispered back. He turned on his light and there lying on his bed was a pink nightie and the pair of knickers with the lace on the legs and the pretty bow on the front that he had worn earlier. There was also a hand written note in capitals "PUT THESE ON BEFORE YOU CLIMB BETWEEN THE SHEETS, PETRA. BE A GOOD GIRL, PETRA. WE WANT YOU TO FEEL PRETTY. IT REALLY IS IN YOUR INTERESTS TO PUT ON YOUR NEW NIGHTIE. BE WARNED." He heard his Mother's light being switched off as he began to undress. He did not know what to do. What would happen if he ignored them. They could make his life hell. After what he suffered tonight at the dinner table he knew what they were capable of. He did not want everyone to know what he gets up to. He especially did not want his Mother to find out. They might even tell his girlfriend. Gail would be so angry she would make sure everybody knew. He thought back to when he was a child and remembered when his mother had him wear knickers because she said she could not afford boys underpants. He remembered how his sisters had laughed at him. All three of them off to bed wearing knickers. But in his case he was wearing old fashioned school knickers. Now 11 years later he was haunted by the memories. Naked he put on the knickers and despite everything that had happened felt himself getting aroused. He then picked up the nightie and finally recognised it as one of his Mother's old ones. He wondered where his sisters had dug it up. He remembered night in his Mother's bed as a child when she was wearing it. He had loved it; it was mainly pink with white lace around the neck and hem, with puffy short sleeves which also had a white lace trim. He put it on and was further aroused with the feel of it on his body and climbed into bed. Somehow he did not think he was going to get much sleep. He was right. About 30 minutes passed when he heard his door being opened, he blinked as the light went on and there were his two sisters wearing matching white silk pyjamas and both holding a finger up to their lips telling him to be quite. "Shush," said Sarah. "We don't want to wake Mam," whispered June. "And I'm sure you do not want Mam to catch you looking so pretty in her nighty, do you Petra?" smiled Sarah. He went to sit up but they both bushed him back gently. June was holding something in her hand which he recognised as her makeup bag. "Now Petra, we can call you Petra now and Petra has such a sexy sound to it, sounds foreign and mysterious don't you think? Big spoiled Peter no longer lives here, that man with the big ego and sense of entitlement that he was so sure of has disappeared. From now on it's silly frilly Petra who if she does not do as she's told the whole world will find out what a sissy she is." June opened her makeup bag. "Let's start with a bit of lippy." Ten minutes later he was completely made up and Sarah was finishing up thinning out his eyebrows. He was like a rabbit in a spotlight. He was afraid to make a sound. He was surprised how he looked when June produced her little makeup mirror. Was he pleased or horrified by what could have been a woman staring back at him. He didn't know if he liked of hated the perfume they had splashed on him. Happy with the effect of seeing himself made up they both climbed into bed either side of him. This was not right, he thought, they were no longer children and he was their brother. As if reading his mind June said, "Don't you worry about a thing, big sis, cause that is what we are now, three sisters and there is nothing wrong with sisters in bed together." "Besides we have so much to tell you about being a girl. And never mind being in bed with two other girls, it's when you're in bed with a boy that you need some instruction on." "I think we should do this with the light off," said Sarah and she got up and switched it off before climbing back in and snuggled up to him. "Om," she cooed, "who smells divine and looks so pretty." Peter felt their hands running over his nightie and simultaneous felt their hands creeping up his legs underneath his nightie. Each now had a hand on the inside of his thigh where subconsciously he had opened his legs to allow them to do it. "Do you know that the inside of a woman's thigh is the softest, silkiest thing on this whole planet, and you Petra sweetie are even softer and silkier than anyone else. When a boy does this to a girl it just overcomes her." June continued, "It makes her all wet and makes her feel so famine and helpless ready and ever so willing to do whatever her man wants." "And then his fingers slip under the elastic of her knickers and a girl just can't help herself as she moans with pleasure, just like you did right now Petra." Peter was beside himself and realised he was moaning like a girl. June carried on, "Then Petra the big strong forceful man finds the girl's pussy and slowly inserts a finger, then two and searches for that pleasure button that only us girls possess." "We need you to lie on your stomach Petra, there's a good girl turn over sweetie. That's it," Sarah ordered. June opened her makeup bag again and took out a tube of jell. Out of the corner of his eye he was sure he saw Sarah put on one of the rubber gloves he had worn doing the washing up in. One of them pulled his knickers down and then he felt the cold jell being applied to his bottom. His knickers were pulled back up again and then they began lifting up the elastic of the legs and gently let it snap a few times. This brought back a memory he did not want. Slowly two hands were inside his knickers and each was massaging a bum cheek. "Now, Petra comes the fun part. That big strong man has you where he wants you. And you're just a helpless girl. His fingers find your pussy and slowly rubs jell all around, just like this." Peter is completely helpless as he feels a finger entering his bottom. And it's not long before there are two fingers. He could not help himself as he began to push back against Sarah's fingers. How he knew it was Sarah he did not know or question. He was too wrapped up in the moment. In no time he was about to shot his load. "Is Petra liking it?" asked Sarah. "I think she is, I can feel little Petra bushing back against my fingers, listen to her moan June, I think Petra has wet het knickers." Peter then lay still. "Turn back around sweetie; we need to check that you enjoyed yourself. Sure looks as if she did," June confirmed. "Our little Peter likes being Petra." "Petra can't sleep in wet knickers; I'll just slip into our room and find her a clean pair." One minute later Sarah was back with a plain pink cotton pair. Meanwhile June had Peter out of bed and holding up his nightie as she peeled off the soiled knickers and was cleaning him off with them. When satisfied she tossed his knickers into a corner. "Wash day tomorrow, Petra," she whispered, "I think that from now on little Petra is going to be a very busy girl. There's going to be so much housework for her to do" Sarah held out the clean knickers and Peter dutifully stepped into them. They ushered him back into bed and as they made a show of tucking him in, he said, "I don't want Mam to know about this," with what looked like tears in his eyes continued, "Gail must never find out." June answered, "It's just as well Mam's not a light sleeper cause if she was she would already know and please don't cry sweetie it will make your mascara run." "But really that's up to you Petra, do as you are told and things will be fine. Disobey us and there will be trouble, but is it fair on Gail, she thinks she dates a real stud, she would be so disappointed to find out she dates a sissy," Sarah said with a pretend look of disappointment on her face. "Maybe I could fix you up with one of the boys who work at the salon, I'm sure you would like Michael, he's so cute. Or maybe I could even put your name down for a job at the salon, building is a much too manly for our Petra, and styling hair might suit you better." "Now, it's off to sleep as you will have a busy morning doing housework and you can also dream about the fun we are going to have shopping tomorrow, just imagine this time tomorrow night you will be going to bed in your very own frillies," said June They whispered a good night to their new sister then turned off the light and crept back to their own bedroom leaving Peter alone wide awake. Lying in bed in his Mother's nightie and wearing a pair of his sister's knickers he still harboured thoughts that he was not going to take this treatment from his younger sisters, after all he was still the man of the house. It was several hours before he could finally fall asleep.

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Years ago, before I met my true love and soul mate, I was deeply involved with a redheaded Texas girl. She was absolutely beautiful, with a body built for sex, and totally unaware of her beauty. She was raised in West Texas in a redneck family, and had never even been given flowers before I met her. She moved to Virginia when she was nineteen to go to school, and to escape her rather hard life in Texas.We met at school, and were instantly attracted to each. Our relationship was great until she...

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The House Call

Preston.It was my fiftieth birthday, and I would typically take the day off to celebrate with a round of golf. Instead, I had to go in to work and found myself at my desk with a backlog of case files. The boss naturally gave me until the end of the day to have it finished. By mid-afternoon, there were only two caseloads to complete. The ringtone on my phone sounded, it was a text message from my wife. She wrote that she had found another doctor for me after my insurance company had dropped my...

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Humilatrons Anthology Redone

Everyone loves a good humiliation story, at least I assume you do if you're on this site. But some stories are simply too short to stand on their own, but still deserve to be told. This story is dedicated to sharing all of those stories from me. This will have a collection of characters with different scenarios some longer than others. All of these will be written by me, so the story will be Private. The stories may change perspectives although will mostly be either first person or third...

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Lusty Saturday Morning

I wake as the sun is rising, with a throbbing between my legs. I was having a sexy dream and my pussy is swollen and aching and wet. I roll over to look at my best friend sleeping beside me and smile. It’s so nice having him here. We don’t get to see each other as often as we used to, but this weekend I have him all to myself. He turns over in his sleep and his arm falls across my belly. The heat between my legs flares more strongly. I take his hand and guide his fingers down to my swollen...

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Teresa Scalia Poolside Pandemonium

Inspired by the athletes they had watched in the Olympic Games, Dominic Scalia Jr. and Chad Anderson went out for their middle school swim team. Both boys proved to be adept swimmers that specialized in the freestyle stroke. Of course there was friendly competition between the boys. Both families faithfully attended swim meets and the competitions were duly preserved for posterity on videotape. "Dominic, look at this new camcorder I bought." Teresa Scalia said. Dominic looked at the rather...

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The Ad

The following story is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and events in it are products of the author’s imagination and are used as fantasy. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. ‘Dom searching for a Sub’ was the headline in the ad. Nothing really spectacular or eye catching about it. The content of the ad was no more attention getting either: ‘If you think you are interested in learning more or applying for a position, email me...

3 years ago
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Wanna Swap with Kelly

Kelly and I were seniors. It was the fall of 1977. The summer before, the parents of Kelly’s best friend, Yvonne, moved to the west coast as her mom had a major promotion with a pretty big company. Yvonne threw a fit about moving and the settlement was since she had turned eighteen, her folks rented her an apartment so she could complete her senior year and stay in town.Shortly afterward Yvonne began dating my friend Patrick, who was a year behind her in school. They quickly set up house in the...

Group Sex
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The Prom III Pre prom Prom IIIPre prom.We talked on the phone a few times and had one short date on Thursday afternoon. Saturday was upon us fast. My 2 pals M. & I. called me that week and said they wanted to dance with me at the Prom. “Only if you call me Danielle?” I left them each hanging. I tried on my prom dress 4 times on Friday and once Saturday morning. I shaved all over and no Mom did not assist me. I wore ...

4 years ago
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ResurrectionChapter 2

Patterson and his driver and two other cars with two officers each headed northeast. SG was unconscious in the back seat of the chief's car. They were well beyond their department's jurisdiction, but the city owned 22 acres of land in the country that officers were supposed to use for training. An abandoned limestone quarry had been turned into a lake, and there was a firing range, a lodge and three cabins. Superman and the Defense Department officials weren't due to arrive at the county...

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MylfXTinaLeeComet Kendra James Lesbian Robbery Trickery

Kendra is a frustrated housewife who’s sick of her misogynist pig of a husband. She’s going to get him really good though-Kendra and her side piece, Dixie, are stealing all his money and making it look like they were robbed while he was out playing golf. And after the dust settles, she’s escaping to Cuba to live with her lesbian lover. But first they need to stage a robbery to make it look like Kendra had nothing to do with it, which includes Kendra being tied and gagged. While...

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Brother in law

Introduction: Brother in law comes to town, and has his way with his brothers young new wife. He swiftly grabbed me up and threw me over his shoulder. Jeremy put me down!!! I screamed, beating my fists into his solid back. Although he called me fat quite frequently, he seemed to have no problem throwing my 135 pounds around with ease. At 22 years old, and 250 pounds of solid muscle I would think no different. Shut up fatty. He mocked me calmly, continuing to walk down the hall towards the...

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Shejarchya Auntyne Mansokta Zavun Ghetale

Hi indian sex story friends, me dev from ahmednagar, 30 years, mazi hi dusri sex katha ghevun aaloy. Tar aata direct mazya story kade yeto. Ya kathetil aunty che nav kavita aahe (name changed) kavita aunty disayla khup sundar, 38 36 38 size chi, age 45 years pan watate 38 varshachi, bhargaccha sharir, kelichya gabhyasarkhya bhargaccha mandya, manala ved lavtil aase blouse madhye na mavnare bhargachh stan asleli, ticha te uphadyacha saundara pahun kunalahi tila lavnyachi echha vhavi ashi goripan...

2 years ago
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The Millionaire Next DoorChapter 39

It was a few minutes before noon on Wednesday, when Dan looked up at the door. Surprised, he saw there was a rather large crowd of people gathering in front of the pizzeria. He estimated that there were fifteen people, and that more were coming. The average age of the crowd was looked to be around seventy. He recalled that the landlord had mentioned that there was a retirement community nearby. For the next twenty minutes, he was extremely busy cooking pizzas and spaghetti. The two...

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Adam Comes to VisitChapter 5

Adam: Can a dick wear out? I hope not. I've had non-stop sex all day and, now, I'm on call for a good fucking later tonight. And, good fucking it will be, too. My Aunt Kristen would be the dream of any guy and I'm slipping into her room shortly and she'll be naked waiting for me. Jealous, aren't you? I looked at Amy's door and it seemed like her lights were out so I went to the end of the hall, rapped lightly, and entered, pulling off my shirt as I went. Beautifully naked, Kristen sat...

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Alexas Sluff Day

Jenna has always been Alexa's confidante and partner in crime. She was the one who explained the facts of life to Alexa and instructed her in the fine art of hand jobs and blow jobs. Alexa loved the power she had over the high school boys. Today was the unofficial “Junior Sluff Day” and everyone knew that meant you just didn't go to school. You stayed at home and fooled around. Since no one else was at home, Alexa would begin the day like any other, masturbating her hot young pussy....

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Queen Yavara Chapter 56

YAVARA I was in the midst of a great silence. It was deafening. The world around me seemed to pulse with it, fading in and out like the cadence of waves. Blood ran from my sister’s nose and mouth, and pooled onto the hollow of her throat. Her eyes were bloodshot and dull, staring at the ceiling. She was dead, and I didn’t feel anything. There was no catharsis, nor release, nor even a settling of peace. There was just emptiness. It was then that I realized how much of me was actually her. The...

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Reader Became Complete BDSM Slave

Hello, This is Vicky again. I am a dominant male who loves to pleasure ladies in many ways. Regular readers must be familiar with my username and would know many of . I write very frequently and publish the stories on here. I get many responses to these stories, which make me happy. A wide range of adult readers reaches out to express their feelings. I like to communicate about it. I even helped a few guys to satisfy their wives by actually giving some tips. The story I am writing today...

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Shannon Filthy Chav Slut

Shannon was only 18 but she already had a reputation of being a bit of slapper around the estate, It had started when she was suspended from school for sucking a lad of in the school car park. and she didn't help her reputation by the skimpy, tight-fitting clothes she wore down pub on a friday and saturday night. Shannon had been with her boyfriend Nick for nearly a year now, he was nice enough and had his own car but he was fucking boring and Shannon craved a bit of excitement. It was Friday...

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Aunt Sue Part 21

Part 2 It was late when Sue and David returned from their day-trip. They both had focused on the scenic areas and the various tourist attractions. But now, back in the house, Sue immediately thought of putting on another show for her nephew. David was hoping for a another good look at her. He had behaved all day, but often had an erection when his mind focused on her sexy form. The tight flimsy top and denim skirt, made her seem much younger. Now he wanted to see her naked. Sue did...

1 year ago
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Girl Smell

Ever since I learned to make myself cum I have loved sex. I mean sex, sex with myself, sex with boys and I have flirted with the idea of trying it with other chicks. I think all girls, at some point in their life’s find themselves thinking how hot it would be to do it with another chick. Most of the girls I know would deny it of course, but I bet they have. With guys it is different. When a guy is attracted to other guys it makes him something different than he was before and that is kind of a...

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Cruisin Cousins

I'd married young and divorced young, and I'd never learned the trick of travelling alone. I felt as if I must be the only woman ever who actually dreaded her annual two weeks' vacation from the big corporation where I work. It probably sounded pitifully tedious to my co-workers, but I jumped at the chance to share my vacation with my cousin Jenny, who wanted to take a Caribbean cruise. "If both of us share a cabin, Lisa, it'll be almost as cheap for two people as it would be for just...

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Further adventures

Having made the acquaintance of the lady who runs my favorite boutique, stopping by to say hello has become a new fascination. Business is shitty these days, so I arrive with coffee and sweetbread from starstrucks to help smooth over the prospect of another hour with no customers obsessed with lingerie.We've covered all the ills that beset society, politics and business, so it was only a matter of time until we started to converse about sex. Lightly into it at first; I assured her that my taste...

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Me And My Love Affair

Hi to ever one this is Uma Saha for all of you I was 32 years old a married woman with having a sexy finger 34 32 36 now I want to share my experience to all after from last tow year I realized that my husband’s interest in me getting down we are not doing sex 2-3 weak whenever I ask him about sex he just doing it and got sleep he does not take any interests in me. I am getting in a depressed mode soon and in between these days and I get attracted towards a young boy which I meet me in a my...

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10 Book2Chapter 8

Ellen and I took Kim upstairs. I could levitate myself but it was difficult to pick something else up. I wasn't like Brandon. Ellen put us into her bed and said, "You two will be more comfortable together. I'll sleep in the guest room." She was being polite as she wanted desperately to sleep with us. Kim said as she held Ellen's hand, "Stay with us. I'll feel so much safer." "But the bed isn't that big." "We can fit if we're friendly." Ellen smiled and kissed us both. She...

2 years ago
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A Sentimental HeartChapter 8

Marcus stretched out beside Miranda and watched her as she slept. The sun wasn't even up yet, and he could hear the wind howling outside. That wasn't the reason that he wanted to stay right where he was though ... Why he wanted to stay here in Miranda's bed... She was lying on her stomach, her head turned so that she was facing him. Her dark hair was sprawled across her white pillow, looking like the wing of some large bird. Her lids covered her incredible blue eyes, but her lips...

3 years ago
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My First Date Part Two

After a while we got pretty tired of just lying in the sun so we took a little dip in the ocean, it was cold, but fun. We went back to our blanket after drying off and lotioned back up again. It wasn't long before Jimmy wanted to make out some more and since this was my really first date without supervision, I felt like going crazy. We started kissing and feeling each other all over, still dressed. Jimmy had his hand down inside my bottoms and I really wanted him to do more, so I did what...

2 years ago
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If Only In My Dreams

Second Lieutenant Dan Miller paused for a moment as the distant rumble of gunfire caught his ear. After nearly a year spent patrolling the streets of Baghdad, he recognized it as a mixture of M16 and AK fire. Some other patrol was engaged this Christmas Eve. Not his concern, he reminded himself. Not that he didn't hope the distant firefight wouldn't turn out to be a win for the good guys, but his attention needed to be focused right here on the two dismounted infantry squads he was leading...

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Mike and I were enjoying a quiet evening at home, with no kids and no work. We were trying to figure out what to do as it had been months since we were home alone. We decided to have a romantic dinner and watch a movie. Mike picks a movie that has a lot of sex scenes and, of course, it makes me want sex bad. Mike, on the other hand, said he wants to stay up and watch some more TV.I was upset and just about to go to bed when he came in. He told me to put on my sexiest nighty, he had some...

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my sisters my slave

"Mom! That's not fair!" Robbie protested. "I told you that if you forgot to take out the garbage for pickup one more time that you'd be grounded for a week. Well, you forgot. What will we do until next week?" "But Mom, Dani was supposed to wake me," he protested. "She deliberately didn't wake me up." "Oh, right, asshole," sneered Robbie's sister, Dani. "Dani, I've told you about your language," Ellen admonished her daughter. "Robbie, you're still grounded and...

4 years ago
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Chosen Frozen IIChapter 18 Winter Wonderland

"We need to borrow the Clarke's mess for the afternoon," Lieutenant Payne had advised Toddy about halfway through the forenoon watch. He didn't really ask, but merely clapped the hapless ship's captain on the shoulder and nodded, "Thanks." He had then disappeared down the corridor. Which explained why the entire Sciences Division, sponsors and concubines both, were now assembled in the ship's mess, sipping on coffee and tea and, in one concubine's case, a bottle of orange Nehi. On...

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A Just RewardChapter 8

The day of the first dancing class dawned and again Becca was very excited. After the monotony of the home, every day was exciting but she had discovered dancing and she loved it: the music, the rhythm and the dreams it conjured up. She was held in the arms of a man and she felt, as he had put it, confident. That still was not the right word. Secure. That was it; plus a warm tingly feeling. That afternoon, long before it was necessary she had a bath. The water had not heated up and so it was...

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Night Seeing

It was a hot summer night and I was alone. My parents were out and I was a typical 16year old…horny. I took the most recent Playboy from its hiding place and began to read it. OK, I wasn’t really reading, I was looking at the pictures. This was many years ago when Playboy was the only place to see naked breasts and airbrushed pubic areas. I was wearing just my Jockey shorts and lying on my bed looking at the unobtainable women in the glossy pages. I had never seen women with bodies and faces...

1 year ago
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Aishas Exercise pt3

"Sit here... yes that's right. Now let me place my thigh on your shoulder."Her father stood in front of her. Encased in mesh sheath, his huge erect manhood was pointing towards her face, the head clearly visible. When he placed his left thigh on her shoulder, Aisha just sank downwards because his thick solid thigh was too heavy for the young girl."Oh Aisha, I'm sorry.""Your thigh is too heavy for my shoulder, dad... and for this exercise." Aisha thought she could avoid doing this exercise with...

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