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PETRA Peter entered his sister's bedroom and headed immediately to the dresser. Opening the top drawer he began to sort through their underwear until he finally selected a pair of white nylon knickers. He loved this particular pair with the frills about the bottoms and the cute bow at the front. He had tried them on several times and once had even gone to the pub wearing them. As he held them in his hands he recalled what a buzz he got that evening. Today he was not going out; today he was just going to dress up. He had been rained-off at the building site where he worked as a carpenter and was sure he had the house to himself. He quickly undressed and in no time was putting on "his" knickers, then fastening on a white bra, which although was not part of a matching set, but it did have a lace front which he liked. Then over to the wardrobe and again he grabbed his favourite dress, a pink summer dress covered in red roses which he knew belonged to Sarah. He slipped into it and adjusted his bra straps to ensure that were visible. This was always a turn on for him. He then turned to the full length mirror over in the corner and began swaying as if he was dancing and began to sing. In as much of a girly voice possible out came "I feel pretty, oh so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and gay. And I pity any girl who isn't me tonight." He did not feel one bit ridiculous as he swished the hem of the dress and continued to sway as he sang. He stopped dead as he thought he heard a cough or a suppressed laugh coming from one of the beds. In alarm he looked around and yes maybe there was someone in it. His sisters were never very tidy, seldom made up their beds and the covers were always in a heap. He was not game enough to go closer and check if it was occupied instead just as quickly as he had undressed and dressed up he repeated the operation but the other way around. Shaking, he put everything back in its place and rushed out of his sister's bedroom. Peter was twenty and had just finished a carpentry apprenticeship. He was two years older than his twin sisters, Sarah and June. It was not difficult to pick them as sisters but they were definitely not identical twins. Sarah was working as a hairdresser and was considered the wild one, whereas June worked for a law firm and was thought of as the sensible one. They shared everything, clothes, jewellery and sometimes even boyfriends. When they were out together in company they had an amusing habit of finishing off each other's sentences. The fact that they shared clothes made it possible for Peter to cross-dress when no-one was about. If an item of clothing was not where it was left it had been moved by one or other of the girls. But right now Sarah stuck her head out from underneath the covers and was smiling to herself as she thought about what she had just witnessed. She could not help herself from laughing as she repeated the words of Peter's song. "So he feels pretty, does he now? I just can't wait until June gets home." She recalled years earlier when their father had walked out and money was so tight that they often depended on charity to get by. The well intentioned ladies of the parish charity were regular visitors. The food parcels were always welcome, but when it came to second hand clothing she recalled Peter was not a huge fan. He hated heading off to school in someone else's clothing. The girls loved getting the clothes. It was like Christmas to them, new dresses, shoes with the soles intact and of course new underwear and new pyjamas. Unfortunately for Peter there was the time that the underwear they gave was a couple of sizes too big for them but not for him. He found he soon had in his drawer six pairs of girl's school knickers, three in pink and three in powder blue. They were that old fashioned style with elastic about the waist and the legs. He had long ago run out of boy's underpants and undies were undies, boys or girls; it did not matter according to her mother. So for one horrible year Peter had worn girl's school knickers. Peter may have been able to boss his smaller sisters around but they soon found a way of getting back by teasing him about what he was wearing underneath his pants. Creeping up behind him to ping the elastic of his knickers was an opportunity never lost. But today Sarah had also come home from the hair salon early, pretending to be ill, when in fact she had a hangover from over indulging the night before when she had been out on the town. All she wanted to do was sleep; she did not want to remember last night. Just how far had she allowed Colin to go? She pushed it from her mind and thought once more about Peter and humming his song she drifted off to sleep. Through his early teens Peter never had any urge to cross dress, but somewhere around the age of 17 it started and since then it became an urge he found difficulty suppressing. Up till now he was sure no-one knew. But now he had a hole in his stomach from worry. Peter did not stay at home, he needed to think, and it scared him to think there was someone in Sarah's bed. And he also needed a drink. Supping a few pints with an acquaintance and playing a few games of pool took his mind off the incident. When he finally did get back home he was slightly drunk. June had arrived home before him and she had immediately begun preparing dinner. Their mother was doing the middle shift on the checkout at the local supermarket and would not be home until six. She was halfway through making dinner when Peter arrived in. She could smell the drink and found out that he had been rained off work. She could not help herself getting angry. "The least you could have done was peel a few potatoes instead of spending the afternoon drinking. You do nothing around here, expect to be waited on hand and foot. We all contribute to this family and it would be a great idea if you were to do something around the place. I blame Mam, she does nothing but spoil you" Peter who had heard it all before slinked out of the kitchen and headed for his bedroom saying, "Call me when dinner is ready." He was sure he heard June swearing as he headed up the stairs. As he was passing his sister's bedroom on his way to his own Sarah came out on to the landing. The smirk on her face brought it all back to Peter and he was now convinced that she had been in the bed while he was dressed in her clothes dancing in front of the mirror. He could hear them from the kitchen laughing uproariously. He sensed that Sarah was telling June what had gone on in their bedroom earlier. He sat on his bed with his head in his hands wondering what he would say, was there a way out. Nothing came to mind. He heard his mother arrive home and a few minutes later she called him to the table. The first thing he noticed was that Sarah was sitting at the head of the table in what had become his place since his father had left. She completely ignored him and he noticed she had an open bottle of beer in front of her, his beer. He hesitated and finally thought it best to say nothing and sat in Sarah's place. June put the food on the table and the two girls helped themselves then the dish was passed on to their Mother and then finally to Peter. The food had always been placed before him first and he had always served himself first. So now with Sarah at the top of the table and June and her mother facing each other, Peter was happy to be left out of the conversation, which cantered around their day. By now the alcohol Peter had drunk earlier had completely worn off and he was feeling very vulnerable. Clothes, always a popular subject for the women, was the only topic Sarah and June wanted discussed at the table. "Bloom's are having a sale tomorrow," said June. "Oh, they have the most sexy underwear, we should go," beamed Sarah. "And it's buy two and the third one is free," continued June. "I've had my eye on a pair of pink lace knickers that I looked at the last time I was there, but they were so expensive." Said Sarah now smiling, "Perhaps Peter could contribute something as it sounds like a real bargain getting three pairs for the price of two. That way we could all have a pair. Ha, ha" "What do you say Peter?" June asked. Peter whose face had turned pink during this exchange and had been keeping out of the conversation was now forced to reply. Between a cough and a sputter an "OK" was heard. His Mother looked across at him and asked if he was all right. "Don't wolf down your food dear, here let me get you a glass of water," and off she went to the sink. She felt something was going on between her children but after eight hours at the checkout she was too tired to let it concern her. They fought all the time. With his mother's back to them, that twin trick happened with both girls pouting their lips as they made an identical face at him. "Do you think Peter," Sarah began as his mother handed him a glass of water. "is handsome?" continued June. "Very," his mother smiled at him. "Well I think he is," from Sarah. "really pretty," June finished. This was all too much for Peter and his face went from pink to purple in seconds. He got up and was about to get out of the room as quickly as possible, but Sarah was not finished. "Now where on earth do you think you are skiving off to Peter? I'm sure you promised me you would do the washing up, in fact I know you promised," she smiled sweetly at him. So Peter sat back down thinking, "I never do the dishes, that is your job," but saying nothing. The conversation returned to tomorrow's visit to Blooms. Every second word from the girls was "pretty." Pretty dresses, pretty shorts, pretty shoes, pretty nighties and of course pretty frilly knickers. Finally Peter was allowed to clear the table and begin the washing up. His mother went into the living room and they could now hear the TV. The two girls stayed at the table and supervised Peter doing the dishes, telling him what went where and how they would do things. He felt he had no choice but do exactly as he was told. "Better put on the rubber gloves, sweetie," Sarah leered, "can't have you getting washerwoman's hands." He slipped his hands into a pair of pink rubber gloves that were lying by the sink. There was just no way he stay at home so once again set out for the pub, wondering if he should just walk past and never come back again. But he was not brave enough to do that. Friday night and the bar was packed. He joined a few friends and although they all seemed to be having a great night he just could not free himself of the happenings of the day. When he felt it was late enough for everyone at home to be in bed he decided to make his way back. Sure enough he managed to get to his room without disturbing anyone. The light in his sister's room was out, but his Mother was most likely reading as her light was on. "Is that you, son," his Mother called. "Yes, good night Mam," he whispered back. He turned on his light and there lying on his bed was a pink nightie and the pair of knickers with the lace on the legs and the pretty bow on the front that he had worn earlier. There was also a hand written note in capitals "PUT THESE ON BEFORE YOU CLIMB BETWEEN THE SHEETS, PETRA. BE A GOOD GIRL, PETRA. WE WANT YOU TO FEEL PRETTY. IT REALLY IS IN YOUR INTERESTS TO PUT ON YOUR NEW NIGHTIE. BE WARNED." He heard his Mother's light being switched off as he began to undress. He did not know what to do. What would happen if he ignored them. They could make his life hell. After what he suffered tonight at the dinner table he knew what they were capable of. He did not want everyone to know what he gets up to. He especially did not want his Mother to find out. They might even tell his girlfriend. Gail would be so angry she would make sure everybody knew. He thought back to when he was a child and remembered when his mother had him wear knickers because she said she could not afford boys underpants. He remembered how his sisters had laughed at him. All three of them off to bed wearing knickers. But in his case he was wearing old fashioned school knickers. Now 11 years later he was haunted by the memories. Naked he put on the knickers and despite everything that had happened felt himself getting aroused. He then picked up the nightie and finally recognised it as one of his Mother's old ones. He wondered where his sisters had dug it up. He remembered night in his Mother's bed as a child when she was wearing it. He had loved it; it was mainly pink with white lace around the neck and hem, with puffy short sleeves which also had a white lace trim. He put it on and was further aroused with the feel of it on his body and climbed into bed. Somehow he did not think he was going to get much sleep. He was right. About 30 minutes passed when he heard his door being opened, he blinked as the light went on and there were his two sisters wearing matching white silk pyjamas and both holding a finger up to their lips telling him to be quite. "Shush," said Sarah. "We don't want to wake Mam," whispered June. "And I'm sure you do not want Mam to catch you looking so pretty in her nighty, do you Petra?" smiled Sarah. He went to sit up but they both bushed him back gently. June was holding something in her hand which he recognised as her makeup bag. "Now Petra, we can call you Petra now and Petra has such a sexy sound to it, sounds foreign and mysterious don't you think? Big spoiled Peter no longer lives here, that man with the big ego and sense of entitlement that he was so sure of has disappeared. From now on it's silly frilly Petra who if she does not do as she's told the whole world will find out what a sissy she is." June opened her makeup bag. "Let's start with a bit of lippy." Ten minutes later he was completely made up and Sarah was finishing up thinning out his eyebrows. He was like a rabbit in a spotlight. He was afraid to make a sound. He was surprised how he looked when June produced her little makeup mirror. Was he pleased or horrified by what could have been a woman staring back at him. He didn't know if he liked of hated the perfume they had splashed on him. Happy with the effect of seeing himself made up they both climbed into bed either side of him. This was not right, he thought, they were no longer children and he was their brother. As if reading his mind June said, "Don't you worry about a thing, big sis, cause that is what we are now, three sisters and there is nothing wrong with sisters in bed together." "Besides we have so much to tell you about being a girl. And never mind being in bed with two other girls, it's when you're in bed with a boy that you need some instruction on." "I think we should do this with the light off," said Sarah and she got up and switched it off before climbing back in and snuggled up to him. "Om," she cooed, "who smells divine and looks so pretty." Peter felt their hands running over his nightie and simultaneous felt their hands creeping up his legs underneath his nightie. Each now had a hand on the inside of his thigh where subconsciously he had opened his legs to allow them to do it. "Do you know that the inside of a woman's thigh is the softest, silkiest thing on this whole planet, and you Petra sweetie are even softer and silkier than anyone else. When a boy does this to a girl it just overcomes her." June continued, "It makes her all wet and makes her feel so famine and helpless ready and ever so willing to do whatever her man wants." "And then his fingers slip under the elastic of her knickers and a girl just can't help herself as she moans with pleasure, just like you did right now Petra." Peter was beside himself and realised he was moaning like a girl. June carried on, "Then Petra the big strong forceful man finds the girl's pussy and slowly inserts a finger, then two and searches for that pleasure button that only us girls possess." "We need you to lie on your stomach Petra, there's a good girl turn over sweetie. That's it," Sarah ordered. June opened her makeup bag again and took out a tube of jell. Out of the corner of his eye he was sure he saw Sarah put on one of the rubber gloves he had worn doing the washing up in. One of them pulled his knickers down and then he felt the cold jell being applied to his bottom. His knickers were pulled back up again and then they began lifting up the elastic of the legs and gently let it snap a few times. This brought back a memory he did not want. Slowly two hands were inside his knickers and each was massaging a bum cheek. "Now, Petra comes the fun part. That big strong man has you where he wants you. And you're just a helpless girl. His fingers find your pussy and slowly rubs jell all around, just like this." Peter is completely helpless as he feels a finger entering his bottom. And it's not long before there are two fingers. He could not help himself as he began to push back against Sarah's fingers. How he knew it was Sarah he did not know or question. He was too wrapped up in the moment. In no time he was about to shot his load. "Is Petra liking it?" asked Sarah. "I think she is, I can feel little Petra bushing back against my fingers, listen to her moan June, I think Petra has wet het knickers." Peter then lay still. "Turn back around sweetie; we need to check that you enjoyed yourself. Sure looks as if she did," June confirmed. "Our little Peter likes being Petra." "Petra can't sleep in wet knickers; I'll just slip into our room and find her a clean pair." One minute later Sarah was back with a plain pink cotton pair. Meanwhile June had Peter out of bed and holding up his nightie as she peeled off the soiled knickers and was cleaning him off with them. When satisfied she tossed his knickers into a corner. "Wash day tomorrow, Petra," she whispered, "I think that from now on little Petra is going to be a very busy girl. There's going to be so much housework for her to do" Sarah held out the clean knickers and Peter dutifully stepped into them. They ushered him back into bed and as they made a show of tucking him in, he said, "I don't want Mam to know about this," with what looked like tears in his eyes continued, "Gail must never find out." June answered, "It's just as well Mam's not a light sleeper cause if she was she would already know and please don't cry sweetie it will make your mascara run." "But really that's up to you Petra, do as you are told and things will be fine. Disobey us and there will be trouble, but is it fair on Gail, she thinks she dates a real stud, she would be so disappointed to find out she dates a sissy," Sarah said with a pretend look of disappointment on her face. "Maybe I could fix you up with one of the boys who work at the salon, I'm sure you would like Michael, he's so cute. Or maybe I could even put your name down for a job at the salon, building is a much too manly for our Petra, and styling hair might suit you better." "Now, it's off to sleep as you will have a busy morning doing housework and you can also dream about the fun we are going to have shopping tomorrow, just imagine this time tomorrow night you will be going to bed in your very own frillies," said June They whispered a good night to their new sister then turned off the light and crept back to their own bedroom leaving Peter alone wide awake. Lying in bed in his Mother's nightie and wearing a pair of his sister's knickers he still harboured thoughts that he was not going to take this treatment from his younger sisters, after all he was still the man of the house. It was several hours before he could finally fall asleep.

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The Untamed Shrew

This wasn’t her, she thought to herself as she allowed this handsome, rugged stranger to drag her through the back door of the bar. She wasn’t a slut, she wasn’t easy and she certainly wasn’t one to fuck in a back alley. She was classy, she was sophisticated and she was moralistic. Oh fuck it, she thought to herself. She was horny, she was desperate and she was definitely too far along now. Her petite frame was seized in his large, calloused hands the second the door slammed to. With an...

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First kiss0

You may say that being 19 and not ever been kissed by a girl is bullshit. But I did get a lot of girls running after me, begging me to date them and what not. However I wasn't like the rest of the guys. I'm hella tall 6ft3 to be exact, athletic body, dark hair; undercut with a naturally styled quiff (like David Beckhams hair), Jaw bone defined and hipster styled glasses. I was inbetween a nerd and a jock. I studied Engineering, my grades were nearly all A's & B's, and was in the...

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How I Won Back My Wife Chapter Six

"Noel, get yourself together," Bella spoke with concern.“Please! Just leave me alone. Just… Just…” I shouted as I stormed out of the room.I got in my car and switched on the ignition. The engine roared to life. From my peripheral vision, I could see Bella and Cathy rushing towards me. I managed to shift the gear and pressed the accelerator. The car gave a jerk and stopped.“Noel! Listen to me. Be rational,” Bella shouted, as she approached the car. Without wasting a moment I repeated the...

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Son to Mom

Son to Mom Jose sighed to himself as he sat in traffic. Life was really getting him down lately. He worked a boring job with no opportunities for growth. He was single and hadn't even gone on a date in over a year and a half. He lived with his Mom still. He was 29, soon to be the big 3-Oh. On top of all that he was fundamentally unhappy with who he was. He didn't like what he saw in the mirror. He had tried all kinds of things to boost his self esteem and self confidence, but at the...

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Dear Diary Ch 03

I skipped a few entries and I reached the one that read: PBXK – July 1988 SEAN – July 1989 I swallowed hard. This one I still felt guilty about. Sean is Janie’s dad. I have returned home for the first time in four years. My parents were delighted to see me, but I could sense that neither of them, especially my dad has forgiven me for breaking my word and not coming home after a year in Europe. How could I explain it to them, though? They would never understand. Their honeymoon in Mexico and...

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The Airplane Ride HomeChapter 12

People packed the area in front of the dorm as Sam made his way to the RV. He thought of Keith and Angela and their unique relationship. They hinted that they wanted to include him. The thought made his dick plump. He reached the van, mounted the steps, threw open the door. Sam froze. His father sat on the convertible couch with his eyes closed, a look of intense pleasure on his face. His mother knelt in front of him, his cock in her hand. Her head bobbed up and down on his dick. Sam stood...

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Getting caught can be fun Pt 3

Meena asked us if we would like to eat or drink something, I told her coffee would be perfect, she got up dug out a t-shirt from her closet put it on and went to the kitchen. Asiya snuggled up closer to me and put her head on my chest. I was still naked and didn’t feel like putting my clothes on. ‘ Meena has such lovely breasts’ Asiya whispered, I looked down at her and smiled, ‘Yup soft and delicious’ I said. ‘ Do you want to feel them too?’ I asked Asiya with a wink, she looked at me...

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Little sister not so Innocent

Ok so my name is Ian, I'm 20 years old, and I'm in pretty good shape, I play varsity basketball at my college, and I work out every day. I'm about 6’3 and I probably weigh about 195 lbs. I take after my dad in the way that I got his olive colouring, and black hair, which I keep very short, but not quite a buzz cut. I also got my dads bright green eyes; girls are suckers for a man with black hair and green eyes. I have had my fair share of girlfriends, I always go for the blonde ditsy type...

4 years ago
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Too Damn Obedient

The sun hung lazily in the afternoon sky, surrounded by pitiful wisps of clouds, drifting in a similarly lazy manner. I was sitting at the bus stop, minding my damn business; just me, myself, and my cloud envy. I suddenly heard footsteps emanating from my left as a stranger approached the bench and sat uncomfortably close to me. I have my own boundaries, so I very politely asked, " Excuse me,

3 years ago
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Sail The Seven SeasChapter 2

Washington DC, Congressional Office Building Spring in Washington, DC can be as strange as the city's major business. One day is hot. The next is not. As Will Rogers once said about Oklahoma, "If you don't like the weather, stick around a while. It'll change." This particular day was rain soaked and cold. The wind off the Potomac cut through the light spring coats that had come out after everyone thought winter was gone. The congressional office building, hidden by the various floras,...

5 years ago
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Forward to the Stars Ch 11

Any and all comments are wanted! ******** ‘ENOUGH Brian! Where are you taking us THIS time? You ask if Brie can remember that piece of shit Trevor, she says yes and now we’re down in the dungeon levels. Is THAT what your so called mexicons did, kidnap Trevor?’ Tina asked as they approached a solid door that was guarded by six battle droids. ‘FINALLY you shut up! God you’ve been bitching for nearly three miles, did you even shut up in the chutes when we came down?’ Brian asked as two of the...

4 years ago
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Two Happy Families With One Mom ndash Part I

Now I am 20 years old college student . Coming to my family back ground . I belongs to a middle class Bengali family that consists of 6 members now , means me , my parents , my little sister and grandfather (Dad’s Uncle ) and grandmother . My father runs his own small business , and he always keep himself busy with that. He has a strict routine of his work . And my grandfather Ananda was a retired service man . Now his age is 65 .Though he has maintained his body very well , and looks healthy...

3 years ago
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A Happily Married Man

Here are the facts. I am a happily married man with a wonderful loving wife. We have good sex, (afterward she often says, “That was good.”). We have two great kids who give us no headaches. I love my job. So in total, I am satisfied with my life. But there is one other thing – I like to get fucked. Let me make that clear. I like a man to ram his big cock up my ass.I don’t want to suck a cock, or even to get my cock sucked. I don’t want to kiss and make love. I don’t want to fuck some guy’s ass....

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victorian maid

The master of the house was interviewing staff, as this was his job he had seen plenty but none took his fancy. This young dark haired girl walked in plesent stood infront of his and his eyes was drawn to her huge breasts. He asked her many quetions and as they spoke he was more ingrossed in her, he said what her duties would be and stood up, the young girl noticed the master of the house had a massive hard on.He told her she had the job, the girl was delited and asked if there was anything she...

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Looking for a Dry Spot a Day of Destruction Aftermath StoryChapter 6

We made it to the barn and inside. I was erect. She let her body rub against mine gently but thoroughly all the way over. Once inside, she removed the umbrella and gently tossed it to one side. She pulled me into her arms and mine went around her. She kissed me hard rubbing her body against mine and leaving no doubt in my mind that I had an erection and that she knew it. We came up for air. "Wendy, I, uh, I mean, uh, we haven't." She didn't give me time to form a rational thought. She...

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Taz Part 2

I tell Taz to come to see me at 5 o'clock on the dot. He is to be freshly showered and dressed to turn any woman on. He's to bring a piece of rope about 18" in length with a small loop on one end (the loop needs to be large enough to slip the other end of the rope through easily, but without too much extra room). When he arrives I am dressed in a red satin robe, my hard nipples poking against the material. I ask him if he brought what I asked and he produces the piece of rope. He is wearing...

3 years ago
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Bhaiya Ke Dost Ki Bahan Ko Choda

Hi friends mera naam Rahul hai mai MBA podt graduate hu mai pahli baar apni real story aap se shear kar rah hu mai apne bare me pahle bata deta hau mai Varansi up ka rahne wala hu mai ek hust pust ladfka hu mai ab tak Bahut sari ladkiyon ko chod chuka hu kyo ko bhagwan me mujhe aisa banaya hi hai ki mai ladkiya bahut jald pata eta hu ab mai apni story pe aata hu jo ki mere bade bhaiya ke dost ki bahn ko kaise choda Mai apni mba ki padhai mumbai se puri ki meri age abhi 23 year hai so mujhe job...

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A Cloak Of LiesChapter 1

Niko Pavli pulled his nondescript Chevy Impala to a stop, a safe distance down the street from what used to be his home. His first inclination was to pull into the drive, tear open the front door and announce that he was home. That was a foolhardy notion, at best, and suicide at worst. He had managed to keep tabs on her, to a certain extent, through his contacts in the Company, and other sources; but all he really knew was that Camille had refused to accept the police report, presuming her...

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Five Years of Black and White

Five Year of Black and White Five Year of Black and White   Author?s notes The important parts Thestorytelling swaps perspective between the two main characters. When thishappens, a stylized ?A? for Ayanti or ?J? for Jessie/Jocelyn is includedin the text. Stay sharp. This is pretty experimental and may turn out tobe a horrible idea, but I couldn?t really decide on follow just one of thecharacters :>This is myfirst erotic story ever, more may come depending on my mood and feedback.This...

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My first love

I had just reached the office and was checking my mails when I got a call from my ex-girlfriend. She was back in city after many days. After normal talks, she asked me to meet today. I said that I had lots of meetings today so it will be difficult to meet today. But after talking to her I decided that we will meet at 12:30 at a mall near her place. Then after one hour, she again called up confirming the program. I managed to convince her to go to my home and talk comfortably. Meanwhile, I...

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Garden Fairies

The castle garden was intricately built with the finest fauna. Every patch of roses and trinket of bushes was carefully pruned to sculpt a beautiful alleyway and a labyrinth of fragrant flowers for the season. Birds merrily chirped as they shared the blessings of this afternoon. In the center of this maze, a small but lovely pavilion lay to give shelter. And in it, the images of 2 maidens could be spotted a couple who shared their teas and cakes as they enjoy their sanctuary from the outside ...

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A Lodi ChristmasChapter 16

It’s the wrong time and the wrong place Though your face is charming, it’s the wrong face It’s not her face, but such a charming face That it’s all right with me Cole Porter Anastasia approached the open door to Case’s office. Laughing? Yes, that’s Case’s laugh. I’m so glad to hear him. Thankfully, over the last six months, those times have become more frequent. I know he still grieves for Juliet, but more and more I see the old Case Reynolds – smiling, telling a joke, hanging out with...

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How I Got the Name Posh Slut and Into K9Chapter 1

“Hi Laura. It’s Dave. Can you get away Saturday afternoon for a few hours?” It took only a few seconds for me to answer the caller at the other end of the phone in the affirmative. Dave was my sex partner who arranged my meetings.” “How long and at what time?” I also asked. “Can you make 1 until say 6? It will be on a boat and include lunch. There will be four of us and you.” I agreed and made arrangements where to meet Dave. My car was never parked in the same place and never visible...

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My Sex Doll

I met with Ezinne on Thursday morning after her husband Chike has gone to work. We both took permission of our working place citing ill health. I told her to wait for me at her home and dress like a slut. She did as I told her, heavy makeup; tight white shirt with a slutty black push up bra underneath it; tiny pleated black skirt; lace panties; knee high socks and heels. She stood, back against the wall and waiting for me to come and inspect her. Her arms are loosely at her sides and her gaze...

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Furnished RoomChapter 5

Unaccustomed to being treated like a lady Stacy Moore felt more special than she had ever felt before. So much of her culture from the time she was a small child had revolved around pleasing a male, then pleasing males, sometimes many of them at one time. Though she had always been extremely popular she couldn’t remember a time when a male wanted to be with her just because she had been Stacy Moore, the girl. It was always because she was more than willing, even eager to give him sex. The...

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Married SisterChapter 2

She had no chance. She was drugged, she had no idea of how much she had drunk. Lee was telling her lurid details about his night in bed with the two girls, describing their bodies and what they did to him in lewd detail, and his hands were all over her body. Lee had said she was too tense. How had he put it? "You're uptight. Relax." Thinking of his exact words, she went back to the night, determined to relive the whole thing. He had suggested a massage and she had stretched out on the...

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Extreme Pleasure Through Extreme Cuckolding 8211 Part 9

Dear All, those who haven’t read the earlier parts yet, please read those before reading this one. With that being said, let’s begin this part. Sameer went down on the carpet, and Nisha came near me and laid on my lap. She looked up towards me. I kissed her forehead, and she held my hand tight. Sameer came closer and started kissing on her legs above her knees and then upwards on her thighs. Nisha’s legs were closed, and Sameer was not able to reach her inner thighs. Naturally, he wanted to...

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Its Not the Size That CountsChapter 11

"Okay. You said, earlier, that some positions are better for this sort of thing. Right?" "Sarah, we don't have to do this right now." "Yes, we do. Not only do I want to try before I lose my courage again, but, well, it would be a shame to waste this." I rubbed my leg against his still-present erection. "I'm serious. We can wait. You've been through enough today, don't you think?" "Steven. Stop being sensitive for one second. Are you still ... I feel ridiculous saying this. I...

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A Unique Relationship Ch 02

I woke up and looked around for my phone. I found it on Lori's side of the bed. It was 10:00 am. I already had 10 texts from Lori and 3 missed calls. Let me fill in the blanks of why I awoke in Lori's bed. After the first night we made love Lori offered me the position as a "full-time nanny," which is why I am living at her house. I really don't work though. I have basically been her fuck buddy for the last 6 weeks since our first night together. She cooks dinner, cleans the house (whatever the...

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New situation with my neighbors

If you've read my other blog or stories you know I have an ongoing relationship with a woman from my neighborhood, who is married, and her husband is ok with it, however up until now it was just her and I. I think she would just tell him about it afterwards and she took a couple pictures on one occasion, but other than that it's just been her and I. Well this weekend my wife was out of town and she invited me over, only this time Mike (husband) was home, they are both in their late 40's, Mike...

2 years ago
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A Dream or Not

Last night I woke up after having been asleep about an hour. I often do this on business trips. The first night in a hotel is hard to sleep. I was laying there when I realized I could hear a woman in the next room making sexual sounds. She was making the kind of noises that a lover makes when totally enraptured by the moment. She sighed heavily each time she was apparently being entered by her lover’s dick. Her voice was soft but strong as she said “OOOHHHH” and “YYYYESSS”as she was being...

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The Madness Within

20 June White walls. White curtains. White bed sheets. No patterns. No life. No ordinary sounds. Just the infuriating ‘beep beep’ of the impersonal machine monitoring my life signs. Shades of Monty Python and the ‘machine that goes Ping!’. The thought brings a laugh to my throat and finally you notice I am awake. Stupid, flat expression. You’re trying for professional and sympathetic but from this angle you’re more the devil in a white uniform. More white. You are the face to my pain and God...

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Amazing Grace Part One Chapters 14

Chapter OneGrace Stewart felt her body trembling nervously as the man she was about to give herself to slowly unzipped her dress. She stepped out of it as he unhooked her bra and slid her blue panties down over her hips, letting everything fall to the floor.An erotic shiver ran down her spine when he kissed the back of her neck and said, “Mine.”Her eyes fluttered as she moaned softly in agreement, “Yours.”Strong hands picked up her now naked body and carried her to the bed. “Spread your legs...


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