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I am wondering if a few of my readers are Anime fans. If so, they might see a nod & a wink towards the names of some popular characters from a few series. It is purely intentional and a great big ‘Chi’ to all of you who enjoy this work. For those who aren’t fans, don’t worry – you’re not missing anything that will detract from your enjoyment of the story. ~~BrettJ
For the first time in 2 years, Hideki Motosuwa woke up in a room that was not his private room in ‘the facility’ or a room he shared with 4 others or even his room at his small apartment. The sun was streaming in the window and he could hear the noises from the street below. They were happy, joy-filled noises and for the first time in a long time, Hideki felt an emotion he had not enjoyed in some time – calm.
He liked San Francisco. He had only been there two days and its comfortable charms were winning him over. There was no pressure to conform, like there had been back in Japan. Here, Hideki could be himself. Now, all he had to do is figure out exactly who that someone was.
In Japan, he had been an ‘everyman’, hiding in his cubicle, a one-time NEET with little hope for a bright future. Even Hideki himself had no sense of how that had been eroding away at his soul until they were carting him out of the office in a straight jacket. He was told lately that he had been dancing on his desk, singing the songs of a local Tokyo Pop artist with rather suggestive new words added. He didn’t remember that, even now that was still a blank.
His parents came to see him and the shame in their faces was evident. It made his recovery all the harder, because he wasn’t motivated to. Why should he return to a job he despised and continue to disappoint his family? Hideki stayed in his room at the facility, rarely interacted with the other patients and progress seemed haltingly slow. His parents despaired the he might not get well for some time to come because he wasn’t trying to get well.
It was his twin sister who proved to be Hideki’s salvation. She heard of his predicament and her heart went out to him. Hisako knew that her brother would never be happy living in a restrictive culture like Japan, so she picked up the phone and spoke with her brother for a number of hours, listening to his woes in a way that no one had before. ‘As soon as you are well,’ She told her brother ‘I want you to come and live with me in San Francisco. Perhaps away from our parent’s watchful eyes, you can become the person that you are meant to be.’
Hideki’s mood brightened and his attitude began to change that very day. He knew his sister’s words had the ring of truth, for she herself had moved to San Francisco 5 years earlier after revealing her lesbianism to their disapproving parents. Every phone call he got from Hisako was bright and cheerful, she was not the glum, dour girl that had left Japan almost 5 years prior.
To further assure her brother’s progress, Hisako called every other day. The doctors were amazed at his quick progress. He was interacting with others, he attended all of his therapy sessions, he was working hard to achieve a goal. His parents were pleased, happy that he would soon be able to re-enter society. Hideko had no intention of telling them the society he planned to enter was not in Japan.
When Hideki was released, he went home to his apartment. He didn’t want to stay there a day longer than he had to, it was so tiny, so depressing, so … practical. He settled things with his landlord and began packing up his things, doing most of it in secret. He had some vacation time coming so he didn’t return to work, he had no intention of going back to that repressive environment. He kept his intentions a secret from the few friends that he had, knowing that many of them would try to talk him out of it. He had to do this thing. He needed to give this new life a chance. When all the arrangements were done, he sent a letter to his parents and the very next day, boarded a flight to San Francisco. Hisako told him she was looking forward to their reunion, they had not seen each other since she left years earlier. It was far too long for siblings who had once been so close.
Hideki enjoyed the experience of the airplane ride. He had been saving his money for years, anxious to take a vacation to somewhere – to anywhere – that would get him out of Japan. In the eyes of his countrymen, Hideki was just another one of millions. In another country, he would be interesting, exotic, a stranger in a strange land! He knew he was being silly, but for once in his life, he wanted to stand out from the crowd and not be just one of the throng.
The young woman who met Hideko at San Francisco International Airport was not someone he would have recognized at first. Gone were her perennial page boy hair cut, dark clothing and Doc Martens. This Hisako had long, dark flowing hair and was wearing a dress that hugged her shape nicely. She was wearing attractive makeup and high heels and looked very feminine. It was a welcome change and provided Hideki with the first of many smiles that would cross his face while living in America.
‘I am so glad that you will be living with me,’ Hisako said to him in Japanese.
‘You can speak English, you know,’ He smiled. ‘I was at the top of our class.’
‘I had forgotten that,’ Hisako smiled, hugging him again. ‘I’m going to do everything I can to make your stay here a happy one, I promise.’
‘I hope I can be as happy as you, you look wonderful and a lot more feminine than the last time I saw you,’ Hideki complimented her.
‘That would be Yuri’s doing,’ Hisako smiled again.
‘Who is Yuri?’
‘That would be me.’
A very lovely young woman appeared as if out of nowhere. She stood a bit taller than his sister, around 5’8′, Hideki would have estimated. She was wearing a snug pair of blue jeans and her hair was a lovely shade of auburn. She was also in heels and smiling. Hideki looked at Yuri and smiled.
‘I’m Yuri Ito, Hisako’s roommate,’ The young woman grinned as she held out her hand. ‘It’s a pleasure to meet you. Hisako has been waiting a long time to see her twin brother again.’
Hideki wondered if ‘roommate’ might also mean ‘girlfriend’ but Yuri abused him of that notion as they went to the parking area to get Yuri’s car. ‘We tried being girlfriends, but decided that we worked better as friends,’ Yuri explained. ‘Your sister says that I’m too high-maintenance.’
Hideki still possessed some Japanese reserve, so he didn’t ask a lot of questions, however, Yuri continued to volunteer answers. ‘I’m Japanese-American, although my mother was born in Kyoto, my father was born here and so was I. I’ve lived in Hawaii, Los Angeles and now here,’ Yuri told Hideki. ‘I’m going to continue to live here, I find as a bohemian, bi-sexual sculptor, I can be free to be myself in San Francisco,’ She giggled sweetly.
Hideki liked this girl and he was ready to learn more about her as they made their way to his new home. As before, he didn’t have to ask Yuri anything, his new roommate-to-be was a bit of a chatterbox.
‘I met your sister in art class, we were both in figure studies,’ Yuri told him. ‘We were sitting side-by-side and I commented that I thought the model was really hot. Hisako laughed and said she had been thinking the same thing. We kept whispering all throughout the class, I think we annoyed the teacher. After, we went for coffee and I found out that she was living in a dingy little place. As my girlfriend and I had broken up and I had a 3-bedroom loft all to myself, I invited her to move in with me. Like I said, we tried the girlfriend thing, but it didn’t work out – no biggie. She’s still my best friend, even if she does keep stealing all my lingerie.’
‘Nyah,’ Hisako said, sticking out her tongue. ‘It’s all your fault, I blame you. Who was the one that told me I was very pretty and should be wearing feminine clothes? Who was the one that took me to Victo
ria’s Secret and turned me on to all those pretty clothes? It’s totally your fault Yuri, I can’t help it if your sculptures outsell my paintings so you have more money to buy those things,’ Hisako teased.
The three roommates rode the old-style freight elevator up to their apartment. Hideki gasped when he saw his new residence, he had never seen so much free space in all his life. Everything was beautifully decorated, there was art everywhere and living plants, even a skylight. Already he felt his mood lightening and his spirits becoming freer.
‘About those art classes you mentioned,’ Hideki asked the girls ‘Would it be possible for me to take them as well?’
‘Are you an artist too?’ Yuri asked him.
Hisako answered for her brother. ‘Oh yes, we have that in common. He’s much better than I am, he used to do the most beautiful portraits until our parents insisted he pursue his studies in business. I’ll make some inquiries and I’m sure we can get you in.’
‘That would be wonderful and once I settle in, I’ll start looking for a job,’ Hideki said. It was then that he noticed the large grins on the faces of both his new roommates.
‘You didn’t tell him?’ Yuri asked.
Hisako shook her head. ‘I thought I’d wait until we both could tell him.’ She faced her brother. ‘Yuri’s family has a lot of money, in fact, they own this building. She’s also becoming rather successful as a sculptor and my paintings are starting to sell, too. We have the same agent and we both have a fair bit of money in the bank. You won’t need to work for a little while if you don’t want to, you need to rest and enjoy life for a bit. If you want to help, you can do some laundry and cook and things like that – we’re both sick to death of take out,’ Hisako laughed.
‘Although to be honest, San Francisco has wonderful takeout,’ Yuri snickered.
‘Yes, it does,’ Hisako laughed as she hugged her astonished brother. Hideki could barely manage to tell the girls how grateful he was and promised to do his share. Over the next several months, he began settling in. He loved the neighborhood and was making new friends. He felt as if he had come home and was certain that he would never return to Japan again to live. He had found his sanctuary in the United States with his sister and their friend.
Hideki took his new life to heart. Yuri and his sister took him shopping and bought him a new wardrobe. They insisted, telling him that he still looked too Japanese. ‘Arigato,’ Hideki smiled as he put on his first-ever pair of blue jeans. He started running and exercising and gained a bit of weight, a good percentage of it being muscle. He laughed a lot more and began using American idioms, although he liked the evenings at home where he and Hisako would still occasionally speak Japanese. Yuri was constantly asking them to do that more, hers was rusty.
They did manage to get him in to the art classes and he sped through them. The teacher praised his technique and his use of color and his fine eye for detail. The other students flirted with him, yet he didn’t flirt back. He didn’t understand why, some of the American girls were very pretty and he wasn’t totally shy by nature. There was something holding him back and he didn’t know what it was. Until he knew, he didn’t think it would be right to date someone he wasn’t that interested in.
One evening, Hisako and Yuri invited their agent over to dinner. Hideki was quite taken with Anne Williams, a tall, boisterous 30-year old redhead with an infectious laugh. Hisako and Yuri teased Hideki by flaunting their checks in his face. He nearly choked on his Sake. He had barely made that much money the entire previous year and this was for only a few pieces of art!
‘These girls are very talented,’ Anne smiled as she looked around the apartment. She spotted a large, half-finished canvass in the corner of the room and went over to inspect it closely. It was a beautiful nude portrait of a young, attractive black woman. ‘This is a stunning piece of work Hisako, although it looks nothing like your usual work,’ Anne told her client.
‘That’s because it isn’t mine, it’s Hideki’s,’ Hisako smiled as she indicated her brother. ‘He’s far more skilled at portraiture than I am, he’s been taking classes almost since he got here.’
Anne was surprised and she turned to Hisako’s twin. ‘If you finish this, I can sell it, I guarantee it,’ She told him. ‘You’ve got talent, real talent and you just saw the money I made for the girls and that is after I’ve taken my commission. Would you be interested?’
Hideki took a good drink and looked up at her with an astonished face. ‘You really think I’m good enough to be a professional?’
‘Absolutely,’ Anne told him. ‘I have a feeling your roommates think so too, I’ll bet you that’s why I got invited to dinner instead of them coming to pick up their checks. Let’s have some dessert and talk, ladies, you’re both very naughty women.’
‘Since when has that bothered you?’ Hisako smiled, kissing Anne full on the mouth. When she saw her brother looking at them, she laughed uproariously. ‘Oh that’s right, I’ve never told you. Anne is also my girlfriend, I met her about two months after Yuri and I ended it.’
Hideki couldn’t believe all of this, but he kept in good spirits and laughed.
‘We’d be keeping it in the family if you allowed me to represent you,’ Anne smiled. ‘Hideki, how long would it take you to finish that painting and allow me to exhibit it in my gallery?’
‘About 2 weeks,’ He said. ‘You can exhibit it Miss Williams …’
‘Anne … you can exhibit it, I’m sure that will be alright, but you can’t sell it. The young woman in the painting is one of the models for our class and she saw the work and asked if she could buy it from me as a gift to her husband for their 1st wedding anniversary. Of course, I was honored by her request and told her I would make a gift of it to her,’ He explained.
‘That’s a lovely gesture Hideki, let me just say that a painting of that size would sell for a lot of money … a lot,’ Anne told him. ‘Can you paint another one quickly? I have a show in about 6 weeks,’ She asked.
Hideki sighed. ‘I’m sure I could under normal circumstances, but the classes have ended for the next little while and don’t resume until the fall,’ He told Anne. ‘I don’t have a model.’
‘Damn, what a shame,’ Anne said. ‘I know I could sell a painting of this quality, I’m certain of it.’
‘I can model for you,’ Yuri said as she came in from the kitchen with their dessert. ‘I’ve done it before, that’s what I did before I became interested in sculpting. I’d be willing, that is, if you wouldn’t be uncomfortable, Hideki,’ Yuri said, sitting down beside him.
Hideki looked at her pretty face and her dark eyes, the sweet smile and her legs that were tucked up under her. He looked at his friend and knew that she would make a wonderful model and like a bolt of lightning, another revelation hit him. He knew why he hadn’t responded to any of the other women that were flirting with him.
He had fallen in love with Yuri.
Somehow, over the past few months, without his even knowing it, Yuri had wormed her way into his heart. It was ridiculous because she was his sister’s ex and his dear friend, yet there it was – he was crazy about her. She was everything he needed and wanted in a woman and she was so sexy. He was sometimes driven crazy by the fact that both she and Hisako would wander around in scanty bits of lingerie and bedroom slippers. He didn’t pay attention to his twin, but when Yuri did it, he always found himself looking.
He wondered how he was going to control himself if he was supposed to paint a nude portrait of this stunning young woman.
‘Well Hideki – what do you think?’ Anne asked. ‘You have your model, do you think you could finish the two paintings in time for a showing?’
He looked over at Yuri, who was smiling sweetly, oblivious to the
temptation she was placing in front of him. It was a lot of money … a LOT … which would enable him to contribute to the household at last.
‘Yes,’ He nodded, pushing his fears down. ‘I believe I can accomplish that and thank you for the opportunity.’
‘Thank you as well,’ Anne smiled at him. ‘It’s always nice to have an opportunity to make more money. Oops, look at the time – I have to be getting home.’
‘You’re not staying?’ Hisako looked at her girlfriend plaintively.
‘Don’t give me that look, you naughty girl,’ Anne laughed. ‘I have meetings in the morning and the next day after. We can spend all of Saturday at my place, it’ll give Hideki and Yuri some privacy, maybe he can work up some sketches,’ She suggested.
Hideki had simply sketched and then painted Donna, the model in the portrait. He hadn’t put a lot of thought into the work because it was just an assignment for his class, although he had taken it a step further. For his debut painting, he knew he wanted to do something unique and as he looked at Yuri, an inspiration came to him. He would paint her in a pin-up style, something like Vargas or Elvgren. He would dress her in vintage lingerie and give her exotic beauty the showcase it truly deserved. He felt his pulse racing and Hideki dearly hoped he could rein in his passion and put it on the canvass, where it belonged. He said his goodbyes to Anne and sat on the couch across from his sister and Yuri.
‘Wow, he’s here just a few months and already, he’s upstaging us,’ Yuri commented.
Hideki started to say something but his sister laughed and swatted her friend on the arm. ‘Relax Hideki,’ She told her twin. ‘Yuri’s just busting your chops, you should know that by now.’
‘You really have become an American,’ Hideki smiled at her usage of the idiom.
‘You betcha!’ Hisako laughed as she and Yuri put the dishes away. Hideki hoped he could make all of this work out, it was important to him to make the girls proud of him and it was a matter of honor. He promised himself that he would do whatever it took to make his portrait of Yuri as beautiful as the woman herself – even thought the greatest of painters might have fallen short on that task.
That night, he found he couldn’t sleep, so he got out his pads and some charcoal and sketched her lovely face from memory. With every line he put on paper, even at this early point, Hideki put a piece of his soul into the work. This was the most passionate he had been about anything in his entire life and he owed it to Hisako and to Yuri to make his debut devastating.
When Yuri saw the bleary-eyed artist in the morning, she was about to scold him for not getting enough sleep until she saw his drawings. She couldn’t find the words. ‘These are wonderful, you’ve made me look so – so beautiful!’ Yuri gushed as Hisako walked into the kitchen and started preparing coffee.
‘They’re not as beautiful as you,’ Hideki said and then he caught himself. ‘I meant to say – I haven’t done you justice, they’re just some preliminary drawings, I can do better.’
Hisako went into the living area and winked at her brother. As twins, they had often been able to anticipate each other’s thoughts and emotions. Did she know how he felt about her best friend? Would she care that every waking thought he now had was consumed by Yuri and likely would be over the next few weeks?
In class later that day and the following, he was able to add a lot more to the portrait of Donna. With the advent of Saturday, he put it aside. Hisako left early for her weekend with Anne, leaving him and Yuri alone. Hideki had everything all set up, a chair for her to pose in and the skylight left them lots of natural light. He was about to call for Yuri when she emerged from her bedroom. She was wearing a red silk kimono that was loosely draped around her. Her hair was perfect, not a strand out of place. She wore heels that were in keeping with the theme Hideki intended to portray, a mysterious lady of the East. She walked to the chair with a simple grace and let the kimono fall partially open. He gasped at her exquisite beauty and began sketching. She held the pose and over 2 hours passed without a word exchanged. Hideki felt as if he was on fire, but he drew like a madman before declaring he needed a break for some coffee.
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This is my first story. I tried it as a test story and hope you all like it. I'll read the reviews to see comments to improve this story and the future stories I intend to write. Keep in mind that English is not my first language. I may have made grammar and spelling mistakes. Thanks, J.C. Arby, email comments to [email protected] Holidays in San Francisco By J.C. Arby Finally, we got to the long deserved holiday in The States. As our plane landed in San Francisco we were...
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DESTINATION JAPAN Chapter 1 Travel is something that everyone should do at least once, but to get a real sense about a place, you have to live with the people and work as well. that's what I decided when I went on my own travels. I worked in camp USA in America for 3 months, I got to meet the people there and learn a lot. After that, I worked in Whistler, Canada for 3 months on the ski fields, that was more fun than I realised. I did have to actually work at times, but when I...
I'd like to start with a quick warning and apology: This chapter is much more episodic than normal, especially the section in Tokyo. Sorry, but there was just so much to do in Japan that we were often just going from one thing to the next completely unrelated thing and so on. Let me give a little bit of background for this next bit. You know me, I love me some background. Way back before we grew our first synthetic woman, Kasumi, when Alpha was first exploring how the human brain worked, I...
Leave your comments and opinions in Hi friends funrajrathode again I hope you enjoyed my last story, you already know all my stories are fiction but now I am going to say a real incest story so tune up. It’s a real experience of my colleague (my team leader),when I joined to IT field my team leader became very close to me, now after spending one years working together I revealed myself that I am posting sex stories so he wants me to post one of his experience, he is 38 year old now the story...
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No, this isn't about the seminal DiMeola-McLaughlin-DeLucia performance. This is the true story of how I was simply destroyed last night by a perfectly amazing woman. Unlike most of my longer stories, this one is almost just a bit of an aside. It's nothing more than an e-mail I sent to a friend of mine here at SOS who calls himself Eldridge. He's the author of "Conflicted," one of this site's most popular series. I simply had to write down my thoughts on what happened last night,...
I glanced around me, marvelling at the hustle and bustle. The two kilometres Avenue des Champs-Élysées was one of the most famous streets in the world and after a long day’s shopping, Luciana and I were enjoying a martini and a slice of cake outside of the Restaurant Le Fouquet’s Parisian brasserie. Each of our shopping bags was tucked away under our table. There was hardly room for them all. Had we really spent that much? We’d flown to Paris in Orochi’s private jet, although Luciana’s...
I only had six months left on my assignment in Japan when my orders came. Eielson, Alaska. Somebody hates me. Not that I was all that social anyway. I had a, uhm, rich private life. My day job was an admin assistant, shuffling files from one place to another in dusty archives. After work, in the privacy of my off-base apartment, I became Jess. And maybe I should start there. My real name is Jesse, or I should say, one of my real names. I have always had very vivid, and often lucid...
DESTINATION JAPAN CHAPTER 4 Nara was founded in 710, it was known back then as Heijo-kyo, Citadel of Peace, and for 74 years it was Japan's first capital. It was one of my favourite places to go and it was there I found myself. The hunt for the third embezzler had been going on for a week and still no luck. Miyoshi and I were staying at his estate on the Ise Penninsula, that overlooked Ago Bay. He had sent me to Nara to collect a packet of information on a potential corporate...
DESTINATION JAPAN CHAPTER 5 Paris, sweet Paris, one of the main cities in Europe and a place where a lot of people dream of coming. I had travelled a lot of miles since flying out of Japan, now I found myself in Paris. I was used to looking my best, but to look the part of an american backpacker, I had to look the part. Upon my arrival in Paris two nights ago, I had found an apartment to stay in for a while, I had seen it advertised in one of the many papers and had seen to it...
Us society ka naam Aman Society tha aur real mai wahan se sab dharam ke log aman shanti se rehte thay. Sab log ekdusre ke kaam aate thay,sab festivals milke dhum dham ke saath manate thay. Jab koi bhi dispute hoti to sab log ek saath milke solution dhoondte aur problem ka faisla karte. Isse koi bhi baat haath se jyada bahar nahi jati. Society ke 3rd floor pe apni biwi aur beti ke saath rehte thay Mr Pramod Bhosale. Woh sushil swabhav ke pati patni job karte thay. Unki beti Sangita,ab HSC pass...
100% fiction! I watched as the two women got dressed in the dimly lit room. Not because I was some sicko or something, there was just nothing to look at in the room. One window to my right a door going to the hall on my left. A bathroom in front of me to the right and a closet beside me. There was a small table in the corner with a lamp on it, that provided the only light in this room. There was a cabinet next to the closet where a microwave was and a fridge looked like it was under the...
EroticIt's winter here in Korea. If you look out the big picture window in the loft area you see a blanket of snow covering the ground. The smell of hot chocolate and pine fill the house. My daughter loves Christmas. We celebrate it every year together. It doesn't snow much here and she's excited. But this year i have to go to japan on a business trip. She's upset that she has to spend Christmas with the elderly women who lives downtown. A women who was very kind to me through my harsh...
You have loved Japan since a teenager like most the culture the anime the movies you name it if it was Japanese. You even tried sushi though you never really enjoyed fish. You had resigned that you was not ever likely to go to japan unless you saved like crazy and even it would be very doubtful. It was not that you was poor more that you had enough to live a reasonably comfortable life. Most of all you loved Japanese women especially the Dominatrices. You had spent countless nights on porn...
BDSMThis story is of an adult nature and contains, female domination, bondage, and other deviant pastimes. If you are under age, or shocked by material of this nature, do not read the story. This story can only be published with my express permission, which has only been given to date to If you do read the story, I hope you enjoy it. It is my first story so please pass any comments back to me at [email protected]. More importantly, if there are any real Mistresses...
I lived in Japan for many years as a teacher instructing high school and university students for the Japanese government. For much of the time I was the only foreigner in my area. It was not an uncomfortable living. On the contrary, I was set up in an nicely furnished apartment overlooking the university and surrounded by friendly people. In my second week there, I met a young Japanese woman who would later become my girlfriend for the duration of my stay.My apartment block was brand new when I...
MasturbationStacey wiggled her ass in the face of the half drunk Japanese businessman, he reached out and slipped his hand between her legs and ran a finger along her g-string covered crack. After the quick feel, he stuck a thousand yen into her waist band and called out to the waitress for another drink. It was almost ten o'clock in the evening, and still the company men, as they are called in Japan, were drinking and carousing with there business associates. It was said that sake and geisha girls was...
Alessandra is the shyest and sexiest nice noviceAlessandra is a blonde beauty with boyish bottomAlessandra is up for confession at Professor PeterAlessandra is pleading in her prayer for a favourAlessandra is asking for a special audience at PeteAlessandra is loving to be watched, while watering!Alessandra is very fond of big BOOBs as Mother hasAlessandra is secretly in love with Mother SuperiorAlessandra is longing sexy Sasha will watch herAlessandra is longing for nice Natalia as...
100% fiction! I came to Japan for a vacation really. I had always wanted to go and now that I was single again it seemed the perfect time. So far I had been just the regular tourist. I saw the sites all around Kyoto and to tell you the true I was bored as hell. I never pay for sex so that was out. Now it was 9:30PM and I was wide awake. I needed to either get drunk, get in a fight or fuck my brains out! So I got dressed in more appropriate clothes and left my suite at the Hotel Kanra Kyoto. As...
EroticWe grabbed a cab from the airport. Back in San Diego, again. Vacation. We both needed the getaway from work and life's daily grind. I was born and raised in San Diego and we look forward to coming back to visit family and friends every year or two. We tend to stay at the same hotel each time. The Moonset Palms, just a short three or four miles west from San Diego's airport. It was October. A good time to visit. Kids were back in school and the weather is still warm and sunny. Although...
CuckoldI had a boyfriend who lived in San Francisco, and would frequently fly-up to be with him. While there are a lot of attractive Asian women up there, he always expressed how special I was. I’m sure it had to do with my exhibitionism and my accomplished art of cock teasing. But really, I’m an attractive Asian women in my early 30’s, divorced with no children. I work-out regularly and maintain a sexy figure and like to dress as sexy as I can get away with for the given occasion. For all you...
When i was "18", i met a man at a rave.he asked me if i wanted to go party at his house.when we got to his house, he revealed he was gay.he was in his 40's and he was gonna be my first master.and i was gonna be his prefect Fuck doll.He owned an adult arcade in San Francisco and had a whole room full of extra merch,and seeing that i was curious he didn't push, instead he suggested we party a lil bit. When i use stimulants,i.e. coke,crystal meth,extacy,molly, i get really horny for man on man...
"Anne, take a look at this." "Say, Heather, you look good even with clothes on," Saul gibed. "You do look terrific, Heather. Try to ignore this brute," Anne said. "This is what I plan to wear to San Francisco tomorrow." Heather wore her favorite kind of outfit, a mid-thigh dress of heavy, well-fitted knit with push-up sleeves and a zipper front. It was a rich red that picked up the lights in her long chestnut hair. She wore no jewelry. "You're wearing stockings? I've never...
I'm a married mother of one son, in the fourth grade, am the president of the PTA and leaving to attend a huge four day PTA conference in San Francisco, without my vice prez. who was to be my roommate. Like I said, this was big deal, so much so, that you had to send in a photo, so a badge could be made for you, along with the appropriate signed paper work from the school principle, so I called to tell the committee my roommates problem. As everything at the hotel was based on two to a room and...
LesbianIntroduction: Ashes flicked off the end of his cigarette, the embers glowing briefly then silenced in the sand as the wind picked up. Ashes flicked off the end of his cigarette, the embers glowing briefly then silenced in the sand as the wind picked up. Satos eyes narrowed, the deep creases in his leathery skin flexing slightly as he sought out the glowing disk of light sinking quickly on the horizon. Sayonara, he thought. It no longer hurt his eyes when he looked at the sun setting over the...
Chapter 1 James Thursten was sitting peacefully in the large, padded throne-like chair sipping a cup of hot morning tea, enjoying the morning serenity of the shaded, Japanese rock garden. At his side was Chiaru, the beautiful native handmaiden that Mr. Omaka-san had assigned him last night upon his arrival to the exotic mansion. She was there to do his bidding as needed. Thursten lit a cigarette and took a sip of the wonderful, exotic green tea. It had taken Chiaru almost fifteen minutes to...
It had been my first time on a plane, and I was extremely tired. I guess thats what they call "jet lag" as I felt like it was early morning, but the sun told me its late afternoon. "Yokoso! Yokoso!" rang out in chorus as my group left baggage claim and proceeded to the exit. I didnt have a bag as I opted to ship my luggage via UPS ahead to my hotel. There was a shuttle bus waiting for our group, but I wanted to experience the Japanese train system, so my friend Dave and I headed to the...
I shouldn't have been surprised that Vonda would switch to a top. She had always been a willful girl, and most tops started out as bottoms. I am an exception. "So, where are you going to live now? Going to live with Maiku?" She nodded. "His wife was the only child from a very wealthy family. Now, it's all Maiku's." "But getting a permanent resident status in Japan can be difficult. You need to have a skill that natives don't." "That's where Maiku being a high school vice...
Has she ever gotten off before? The girl in my arms was still unconscious when the master swordsmith ordered the others in the shop to put away what they had used against me, once they were able to get up off the floor where I had left them. “As told to me, you are the boy with the skills surpassing many grandmasters. Possessing those skills and speed show you can defend oneself. None with so few years have learned to defeat their enemies with honor. You possess a mastery of arts rumored...
Reddit NSFW Japan, aka r/NSFW_JAPAN! Is there anything hotter than a Japanese slut that seems to do anything when a camera is on her? If you can name it, I want to fucking hear it! The notion that a bitch from Japan will do anything and everything to you makes me nearly cum in my pants right where I sit. So when I discovered that is essentially a curated subreddit featuring Japanese girls naked, I had to take a fucking look.And my fucking God, am I glad that I did! The...
Reddit NSFW ListWeekend in San AntonioDwayne sent Heather a message on xHamster letting her know he was going to be in San Antonio and would love to meet her but there were some rules she had to follow if they were going to move forward in their relationship which until then had just been an online relationship.Heather read the xHamster message from Dwayne. A chill ran thru her, she didnt know what to think. Sure they had talked about them possibly meeting if Dwayne came to Texas in November but the trip was...
Return to San Diego This is a follow up to the story San Diego. In that story, Mark, a 15 year old, went to San Diego with his mother to visit his aunt and cousins. His 17 year old cousin, Suzy, found Mark trying on some of her clothes. She thought it would be fun to get him dressed up for the rest of the week. The week ended with Suzy and Mark going to an all-girls party. This story takes place 15 years later. ----- Mark was a 30 year old man that had began trying on his...
As they rode in the cab after leaving the airport, Dutch explained to Rosa who had never been to the city before, that no matter how convenient it may seem, they wouldn't even consider driving. "It's not that driving is difficult," he said, "it's just that parking is nonexistent, well not really, but it's premium prices everywhere for the privilege of parking in the city." Rosa's eyes widened at that, for she was accustomed to driving everywhere around the L. A. area. "Uh uh, not...
My next business trip was to San Diego. Naturally Joan came along. We stayed at the hotel Del Coronado, just across the San Diego Bay. The Del is the largest wooden beach resort in the United States. It was built in 1888 and has remained one of the most prestigious resorts in the country. It's had many famous guests from Charlie Chaplin to Oprah Winfrey, from President Benjamin Harrison to Barack Obama. It is set on a beautiful beach. Picture a grand white wooden structure with flags flying...
Wife LoversIt was nobody’s fault; we married way too young. If Chris hadn’t gotten pregnant, we probably wouldn’t have lasted ten months together. We had very different ideas about what was important. As it is, we spent ten years together, most of them unhappy. Finally, one day, she took the cat and left us. The divorce was amicable, quick, and relatively cheap. She didn’t want any of the stuff, and didn’t fleece me too badly. She probably felt guilty about leaving a nine year old daughter without a...
Incest.Dulce found the elastic of my panties. My heart did about three quick ballet poses, my hips and ass popped up. I prayed to the goddesses of love that she would just push them to my ankles. That always reminded me of my sexy dance with Miguel, when we danced naked with his big boner tight against my belly. My panties were in a bunch around my ankles. I didn't take them off, I opened my legs and stretched them out. She couldn't possibly know how erotic this act was for me. Her face was in my...
Julie Mc Adams leaned against her kitchen table and sipped aglass of iced tea as she flipped through her mail. Between theT.V. Guide and the electric bill was an envelope that had areturn address from Phoenix, Arizona. Tossing the other mailaside, Julie took the letter into her bedroom where she sat downon the edge of the bed to read it. The letter was in reply toa personal ad she'd placed in a magazine called, "Hands On"two months earlier. Her ad read:"Got a hand that's just itching to spank a...
That's exactly what was happening. I just heard the door shut to the front door and the heard the sound of my Dad's truck pull out of the driveway and down the street. He and my mom were leaving to take Craig to the airport. I had no problems with Craig, he was a little bit older than me, he was the youngest of my four older brothers. We were very similar in many ways, but my parents always had a little bit of a different relationship with me. With my older siblings, it was understood that...