One Night In San Francisco free porn video

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“Hear now the sentence of the Federation Council,” the President of that Council said in a powerful voice, pausing for a moment to clear his throat. “Because of certain mitigating circumstances, all charges but one are summarily dismissed.”

A loud buzz filled the chamber as the eyes of a hundred Federation representatives centered on the seven Starfleet Officers standing before the President’s podium. The delegates had come to know their names well during their deliberations, at least those few who didn’t know them before. In days past, these seven had been considered among the pride of Starfleet. Some would even say legends. Yet, as it was once said, only legends live forever. Not the flesh and blood that made them.

“The remaining charge, disobeying orders of a superior officer is directed only at Admiral Kirk,” the white bearded President said as he looked up and centered his gaze on the chestnut haired Flag Officer to his right. “I’m sure the Admiral will recognize the necessity of keeping discipline in any chain of command.”

“I do, sir,” the veteran Starfleet Officer simply said, the expression on his face giving no inkling of the relief he felt.

It had been James Kirk’s greatest fear that his fellow shipmates would pay the price of his actions. They had stood accused of the theft of the Starship Enterprise, the very ship Kirk had commanded for almost two decades, as well as the sabotage of the USS Excelsior. Also having aided in the destruction of the Enterprise and disobeying direct Starfleet orders. Kirk could personally bear any punishment, save that of having his friends lose all simply because they chose to stand by his side. That he alone would now shoulder the burden gave him the strength to endure what would come next.

“James T. Kirk,” the Council President continued as a deafening hush took hold across the room. “It is the judgment of this Council that you be reduced in rank to Captain.”

An uncertain murmur issued from the audience. Captain Spock, standing with his longtime friend, turned his head to look at the impassive expression still on Kirk’s face. To any other, Kirk’s face seemed to be still set in stone, but the Vulcan could see beyond the obvious and studied the reaction in his eyes.

“ ... and as a consequence of your new rank,” the President continued, “you be given the duties for which you have repeatedly demonstrated unswerving ability ... the command of a Starship”

It took a few moments for the crowd to react, seconds that the other crewmen of the late Starship Enterprise didn’t need to understand what had just been said. Rather than punishing their Commander, the Federation had just granted him his heart’s deepest desire. Kirk himself still seemed almost afraid to react to the news. It was as if he hadn’t heard the President’s words.

But he had heard them, and a heartbeat later the implications of what had been said caught up with the crowd as well. A few scattered reactions began to quickly grow into loud applause.

“Silence!” the President thundered with such force that order was quickly restored.

“Captain Kirk, your new command awaits you,” the President concluded, the smile that was reflected on most of the assemblage now apparent on his face as well. “You and your crew have saved this planet from its own short-sightedness ... and we are forever in your debt.”

This time, no words from the President could hold the crowd in check. Almost as one, the delegates rose to their feet to give Kirk and his crew a standing ovation. It was only then that James T. Kirk finally allowed himself to react and let the wave of adulation wash over him.

Two weeks had passed since that morning in the Federation Council Chambers. Fifteen days during which Jim Kirk had waited for some word of the command that the President had promised.

At first, the President had made it sound as if they were going to walk out of the hall and transport right to the bridge of his new ship. It was only after the proceedings that Kirk learned that it was up to Starfleet Command to decided when and where his new command would be.

Despite the praises that the President and the Federation Council had heaped upon him, James Kirk still had his share of detractors in Starfleet. Officers who had been disappointed that the “boy wonder” had managed to once again change the rules. Even now, in his late 50’s, his critics still hung that appellation on him. A holdover from the day he had become the youngest officer ever to command a Constitution Class Starship. In both the years before and since, Kirk had been a hero, reaping a hero’s rewards. And that was something that constantly rankled those who owed their slow advancement to playing the game by the rules.

In the last two weeks, Fleet Command had taken full advantage of the Captain’s hero status and had him represent Starfleet at numerous functions. None of which, in Kirk’s opinion, mattered a damn. The worse part was that he had to endure it without any of his friends. They were all too busy tying up some of the loose ends of the lives they’d so casually tossed aside to help him save Spock and McCoy. They had done so without the slightest hesitation, so Jim could hardly ask them to do more, just to keep him company.

Even Spock and McCoy, his two closest friends in the galaxy were unavailable. Despite what the healers back on Vulcan had said, Starfleet Medical was determined to decide on their own if a man, even a Vulcan, was medically fit to return to duty after having come back from the dead.

McCoy hadn’t left Spock’s side during the two weeks of tests they had put him through. Unwilling to even now admit how much he cared for the Vulcan whose consciousness he had shared after the death of his body, the former Chief Medical Officer of the Enterprise insisted that he was just there to make sure that the resurrected Vulcan didn’t become some desk bound researcher’s science project.

Hikaru Sulu had gone off on a short trip with his teenage daughter, Demora, trying to make up for yet another of his growing and too frequent absences. Pavel Chekhov, adopted Uncle and Godfather to the young girl had gone along as well. When she heard the plans of the helmsman and navigator, Nyota Uhura, former Communications Officer, had decided to tag along with the group, if only to balance out the male/female ratio.

The final member of the Enterprise Seven, as the media had referred to them, was Montgomery Scott, Chief Engineer on the late Enterprise and for a short time Captain of Engineering on the Excelsior. He had spent the last two weeks supervising the recovery of the Klingon Bird of Prey that Kirk and company had crashed into San Francisco Bay.

Even Gillian Taylor, the woman from the 20th Century that Kirk had brought forward to his own time had already left Earth on a Science Vessel bound for Mer. The plan was to recruit some water breathing species to help in the project to repopulate Earth’s oceans with the humpback whales that Kirk had brought back as well. As much as he would’ve like the chance to get to know her better, he could hardly fault her for being in a rush to explore this strange new world.

Yet even with all the small disappointments, Jim Kirk wasn’t about to complain. He’d lived the life he wanted and if for some reason it ended here and now, well he would deal with that as well. They had saved the Earth, once again, and more important to him on a personal level, he had saved Spock. Years before, at the time of Spock’s Pon Farr, Kirk had told McCoy that Spock’s life was at least worth a career. Today, at what he thought of as the twilight of his career, the newly demoted Admiral felt no different.

Kirk turned from the large bay window through which he’d been watching the sun set and poured himself a glass of what was still colloquially called Romulan Ale. It was the bottle that McCoy had given him for his birthday a few months before. His eyes focused on a small collection of photos resting on the mantle above the fireplace. Images of people he had loved in the past.

His parents, George and Winona, taken at their Iowa farm when Jim and his older brother, George Jr. had been children. A second picture showed an older Jim Kirk in a Starfleet Cadet’s uniform, arm in arm with another student. Gary Mitchell had been the best friend of his early career and Jim still thought of him as a lost brother. That last photo was that of David Marcus, the son he had not seen grow to manhood, and had too little time to know before he was killed.

Raising his glass to the mantle, Jim drank a toast to all of them, as well as all those others he had lost along the way. In the almost four decades that he’d been a Starfleet Officer, Kirk had lost his share of crewmen under his command. If asked, he could recite the name of every one of them.

A glance at the antique clock on the wall told him that it was almost time for Starfleet’s daily delivery of his schedule for the morning. For some reason, they were being hand delivered each night. Someone’s idea of keeping him on a short least he supposed. Still, if nothing else, it gave him a chance to meet some of the new blood in Starfleet that he might otherwise never encounter. He had to smile as he remembered how some of the newly commissioned Ensigns had been intimidated by his presence. It brought back memories of the first time he had met Robert April and Kimitake Noguchi. Some things never changed. Hopefully the one who showed up tonight would be made of sterner stuff. He could use a little conversation.

Almost as if on clue, the door to his apartment chimed softly. Jim put down the glass of ale and slid both it and the distinctive bottle out of sight. Technically, the Rihannsu beverage was still considered contraband and he wouldn’t want to have some junior officer spreading the story that Captain Kirk went around breaking the rules. At least not without a good reason.

Picking up his burgundy uniform jacket from the chair he had left it, Jim slid it on over his white turtleneck. He might as well give the messenger the full treatment since no doubt he’d be telling his friends all about meeting the legendary James T. Kirk.

“Enter,” Jim called out as he approached the door, triggering the computer-controlled response as the door slid open.

Kirk put on what he thought of as his friendly commander smile to greet the Ensign, only to have it vanish and be replaced by one of pleasant surprise. The blond haired woman standing in the now open door was hardly a green Ensign, nor was she a stranger. Twenty years before, she had been his Yeoman when he’d first taken command of the Enterprise. Now, she wore the gold insignia of a Lieutenant Commander. Her uniform was almost identical to Kirk’s own, with the exception of a skirt in place of slacks and a light gray turtleneck in place of a Captain’s white.

“Janice!” Jim Kirk said in surprise as the blond returned his smile.

“Good evening, Captain,” Janice Rand said she stepped into the room. “It’s good to see you again.”

“It’s good to see you too,” Jim replied as he stepped aside to let her pass. “To what do I owe this unexpected pleasure.”

“I happened to be in the Communications Center when your orders came down,” Janice said as she held up a small gold colored disk. “So I decided to take the opportunity to say hello and bring them over myself.”

“I’ll glad you did,” Jim said as he took the disk from her and led her into the living room. “It’s always good to see an old friend.”

Jim slid the small disk into a slot on the desktop computer. The computer beeped softly as a small icon with the insignia of Starfleet Command appeared on the left corner of the screen. He tapped the icon and it expanded into a written communique. That it was a written communication rather than a verbal one told Kirk that it was probably another in what had become a seemingly endless string of invitations to appear at some function or other.

Given the choice, Jim would’ve turned them all down. But until Starfleet Command finally decided what to do with him, he really couldn’t afford to get on the wrong side of any of those desk bound bureaucrats that came up with these ideas.

As he expected, the missive opened to reveal a set of instructions for him to appear at such and such time and place. In this case, Spacedock at zero five hundred hours tomorrow. The time and place didn’t seem all that strange since a number of functions were held on Spacedock and as for the hour, well an orbital station didn’t always keep time with Earth schedules. What was curious was that the orders didn’t say what sort of function was being held.

“Anything interesting?” Janice Rand asked as she looked over his shoulder.

“Not really,” Jim replied as he cleared the screen. “Just another chance for them to put the trained monkey on display.” he laughed.

“You’re hardly that,” Janice smiled.

“Well be that as it may, that’s what these orders sometimes make me feel like,” Jim replied as he looked at his former aide. As he did, he noticed something new. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t congratulations in order?”

“Actually, the promotion orders just came down the other day,” Janice smiled as she shifted her attention away from the Captain’s large collection of antiques to the new insignia that adored her uniform. “I’m still getting used to it myself.”

“Well it’s a promotion well deserved,” Jim said as he moved behind the small bar, pleased that yet another of the people he’d once commanded has succeeded. “I knew you’d make it someday.”

“Well I wasn’t so sure,” Janice said, remembering for a moment how far she’d come in her career. “If it wasn’t for Nyota, I don’t think I would’ve passed the promotion board. She was so sure that I would that she gave me her old rank pin to wear when the orders came down.”

The comment make Kirk recall that back during his first five-year mission on the Enterprise, Janice and Uhura had been almost inseparable friends. It was obvious that despite the distances over the years, they’d managed to remain close. He wished he’d been able to do as well with some of his old friends that had gone on to other ships.

“Well old bars or new, they deserve to be wetted down,” Jim said as he lifted the bottle of Rihannsu Ale he had hidden a few minutes earlier and produced a second glass. “And I have just the thing to do it with.”

Janice had been in Starfleet long enough to recognize the illegal blue liquor in the bottle the Captain held. She nodded an agreement and he poured her a glass, refilling his own in the process.

While he did, she picked up a large book that had been sitting on the table. It wasn’t an antique like some of the books in Kirk’s collection but it was a well-know idiosyncrasy of the Captain that he had a passion for the feel of a real book in his hand over a computer disk and when possible, he would request a replicate of a book rather than a digital version.

Flipping through the large book, Janice saw that it was a pictorial of Twentieth Century San Francisco. It was amazing to think that only a few weeks before, Kirk had walked these very streets. Yet, when she thought about it, no more amazing than other aspects of James Kirk’s life. Putting the book down, Janice accepted the blue filled glass and joined Kirk in the traditional first toast to absent friends.

“You might want to take a small bit at first,” Jim started to warn her as she lifted the glass to her mouth, “it’s pretty stro...”

Before he could finish, Janice had taken a large enough swallow of the potent intoxicant to knock an Ensign off their feet. With a satisfied look on her face, she brought the glass back down, almost half empty.

“You were saying something, Captain?” she asked with a broad smile.

“Nothing really,” Jim said with a “who me” look on his face. Things certainly had changed since Scotty had given Janice her first glass of scotch at a party. Not realizing how strong it was, the Captain’s Yeoman had downed it in one shot, much to her regret.

“Christine gets part of the same shipment, Doctor McCoy does,” the newly promoted Lieutenant Commander said in way of explanation.

Refilling both of their glasses, Jim remembered Bones telling him that Janice and Christine Chapel, once Nurse and now Doctor, shared an apartment in the city. It made sense since both were now assigned to Starfleet Command.

“Why don’t we have a seat and you can bring me up to speed on what you’ve been doing at Starfleet Command,” Jim said as he motioned to the large double couch.

“Only if you tell me what it was like to walk the streets of San Francisco in the 1980’s,” she countered, indicating the book on the table.

“It’s a deal,” Jim said as they both sat down, taking off their dress jackets as they did to be more comfortable. He was immensely happy at the way the night was turning out. Old friends were definitely preferable to new Ensigns.

Stars had filled the sky by the time Janice had filled Jim in on the path her life had taken. Parts of it were familiar to him already. He himself had signed the orders that had relieved the then Chief Petty Officer Rand from her duties as Transporter Chief aboard the Enterprise and sent her back to Earth as an Officer Candidate. After graduation from the program, Janice had show an aptitude for communications, not surprising in light of all the time she and Uhura spent together. That ability had led to a coveted posting at Starfleet Command and a quick promotion to Lieutenant.

“I’m really hoping to get a deep space assignment again,” Janice said as she finished both her story and her third glass of ale. Somewhere in the middle of their exchange, they had opened a second bottle.

“Well if that’s what you really want,” Jim said, feeling the respect he had for anyone who wanted to give up a prestigious posting at Fleet Command to explore space instead. “I’m sure I could find a place for you on my staff once they finally find a ship for me.” The impatience Kirk felt at the wait for Starfleet to tell him something was evident in his tone.

Janice seemed about to say something, but then hesitated. At least that was the impression Jim got from the look on her face. Before he could ask, she changed to, what he was sure was a different topic.

“I appreciate the offer, Captain, I really do,” Janice said. “but you know as well as I do that when you reform your command staff that Nyota is going to be Chief of Communications. As much as I would really love to serve on the same ship with her again, I really want my own department more. I hope you understand?”

“Of course, Janice, I just wanted you to know that the position was there if you wanted it,” Jim said as he again refilled their glasses, waiting for a nod from her that she wanted more. “And when it’s just us you can call me, Jim. That’s a privilege I extend to all old friends over the rank of Lieutenant.” he added with a grin.

“Thank you, Jim,” Janice smiled back.

“Well if not with me then,” Jim said as he took another taste of the ale, “then I’m sure another Starship Commander will snap you up in no time. If you ever need a recommendation...”

“I appreciate that too,” Janice cut him off. “But I’d rather do it on my own.”

“That’s understandable as well,” Jim said, thinking at the same time that any prospective Commanding Officer would surely see his name in her personnel file and ask his opinion. Then he would get to give her a glowing recommendation.

It then occurred to him that once Fleet got it’s act together, it might not be long before Hikaru or Pavel got there own Commands as well. Before the Genesis Incident, Chekhov had been First Officer on the Reliant, and Sulu had been one of the top runners to be the Captain who put Excelsior through her trials.

Unfortunately, Commander Starfleet had decided that he couldn’t delay the Excelsior tests until the inquiry into Genesis was done. So the appointment had gone to that popinjay Stiles instead. Kirk had enjoyed a certain satisfaction over the ridicule Stiles had suffered after Scotty had disabled the Excelsior’s trans-warp engines and they had been left dead in space when they attempted to stop Kirk from taking Enterprise from Spacedock.

Thinking of Hikaru and Janice, Jim remembered a rumor from back during their first five-year mission that there was something between the two of them. As Captain, Kirk had tried not to pry in the personal lives of the people under his command and had never tried to find out if there was any truth to it. Still, if there had been, well it can’t have ended badly since they were obviously still friends. Kirk wished more of his own relationships had ended that well.


“What?” a startled Captain replied.

“Nothing really,” Janice laughed softly. “You just seemed to be somewhere else for a moment.”

“I guess I was just reminded of something, that’s all” he explained.

“Speaking of which,” Janice countered, “Do you know what this reminds me of?” she asked as she lifted her half empty glass. “The first time we faced the Rihannsu, or as we still called them back then, Romulans. Do you remember that?”

“It’s not something that I’m likely to forget,” Jim said.

“I remember being on the bridge with you during the Bird of Prey’s attack,” she said. “They had fired on us with that plasma weapon of theirs and we were trying to outrun it. It was all so new and terrifying to me, I was so young. Then, even as a hundred details called for your attention, you took a moment to pay attention to me and calm my fears. I don’t even really remember what it was that you said to me, but it was as if you were giving me a chance to share in your strength. After that, I wasn’t afraid anymore.”

Jim remembered the incident well, if not the exchange between the two of them. How many times in his career had someone said something similar to him. That, at a moment of crisis, he had seemed to project a strength that enabled them to get through it. He could never really explain it to people, because he wasn’t aware that he was doing it.

“Do you know what I remember most about that,” he said jovially, not wanting to dwell on her observation too long. “The look on Spock’s face when we first saw the face of the Rihannsu Commander. I thought at the time that it was just the revelation that they were a Vulcan offshoot. It wasn’t until years later when I met Sarek that I saw how much the Commander resembled Spock’s father. They could almost have been brothers.”

But Janice wasn’t going to be deterred from what she wanted to say. Maybe it was the strong drink they had been sharing, or maybe it was just that she had waited so long to say what she wanted to say that she couldn’t hold it in anymore.

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Back when I was a single sailor in San Diego, down the street from the Plaza where the underground restroom and four-corner bus stop is located, is a sleazy movie theater, one of dozens. But this straight movie theater hadan upstairs bathroom with a communal urinal trough and two toilets with a glory hole. And showed really lousy movies. I spent many hours in there after I got drunk on base (still not old enough to drink out in town). A short, fat white boy with a moon face and close-cropped...

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The San Diego Affair Part One

We grabbed a cab from the airport.  Back in San Diego, again. Vacation.  We both needed the getaway from work and life's daily grind.  I was born and raised in San Diego and we look forward to coming back to visit family and friends every year or two.  We tend to stay at the same hotel each time.  The Moonset Palms, just a short three or four miles west from San Diego's airport.  It was October.  A good time to visit.  Kids were back in school and the weather is still warm and sunny. Although...

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From Japan to San Fran

I am wondering if a few of my readers are Anime fans. If so, they might see a nod & a wink towards the names of some popular characters from a few series. It is purely intentional and a great big ‘Chi’ to all of you who enjoy this work. For those who aren’t fans, don’t worry – you’re not missing anything that will detract from your enjoyment of the story. ~~BrettJ For the first time in 2 years, Hideki Motosuwa woke up in a room that was not his private room in ‘the facility’ or a room he...

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Weekend in San Antonio

Weekend in San AntonioDwayne sent Heather a message on xHamster letting her know he was going to be in San Antonio and would love to meet her but there were some rules she had to follow if they were going to move forward in their relationship which until then had just been an online relationship.Heather read the xHamster message from Dwayne. A chill ran thru her, she didnt know what to think. Sure they had talked about them possibly meeting if Dwayne came to Texas in November but the trip was...

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Return to San Diego

Return to San Diego This is a follow up to the story San Diego. In that story, Mark, a 15 year old, went to San Diego with his mother to visit his aunt and cousins. His 17 year old cousin, Suzy, found Mark trying on some of her clothes. She thought it would be fun to get him dressed up for the rest of the week. The week ended with Suzy and Mark going to an all-girls party. This story takes place 15 years later. ----- Mark was a 30 year old man that had began trying on his...

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The Gathering Book 1Chapter 29 San Francisco Weekend

As they rode in the cab after leaving the airport, Dutch explained to Rosa who had never been to the city before, that no matter how convenient it may seem, they wouldn't even consider driving. "It's not that driving is difficult," he said, "it's just that parking is nonexistent, well not really, but it's premium prices everywhere for the privilege of parking in the city." Rosa's eyes widened at that, for she was accustomed to driving everywhere around the L. A. area. "Uh uh, not...

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Joan 7 part 1 San Diego

My next business trip was to San Diego. Naturally Joan came along. We stayed at the hotel Del Coronado, just across the San Diego Bay. The Del is the largest wooden beach resort in the United States. It was built in 1888 and has remained one of the most prestigious resorts in the country. It's had many famous guests from Charlie Chaplin to Oprah Winfrey, from President Benjamin Harrison to Barack Obama. It is set on a beautiful beach. Picture a grand white wooden structure with flags flying...

Wife Lovers
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It was nobody’s fault; we married way too young. If Chris hadn’t gotten pregnant, we probably wouldn’t have lasted ten months together. We had very different ideas about what was important. As it is, we spent ten years together, most of them unhappy. Finally, one day, she took the cat and left us. The divorce was amicable, quick, and relatively cheap. She didn’t want any of the stuff, and didn’t fleece me too badly. She probably felt guilty about leaving a nine year old daughter without a...

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To San Francisco with Dulce and Ida

.Dulce found the elastic of my panties. My heart did about three quick ballet poses, my hips and ass popped up. I prayed to the goddesses of love that she would just push them to my ankles. That always reminded me of my sexy dance with Miguel, when we danced naked with his big boner tight against my belly. My panties were in a bunch around my ankles. I didn't take them off, I opened my legs and stretched them out. She couldn't possibly know how erotic this act was for me. Her face was in my...

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Julie Mc Adams leaned against her kitchen table and sipped aglass of iced tea as she flipped through her mail. Between theT.V. Guide and the electric bill was an envelope that had areturn address from Phoenix, Arizona. Tossing the other mailaside, Julie took the letter into her bedroom where she sat downon the edge of the bed to read it. The letter was in reply toa personal ad she'd placed in a magazine called, "Hands On"two months earlier. Her ad read:"Got a hand that's just itching to spank a...

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Stephanies night out in San Antonio

I was on business in San Antonio Texas a few years ago. I saw the opportunity for me to be Stephanie in the evenings and nights while away. There was a LBGT club down town that was a known place that shemales, transsexuals, and cross dressers frequented along with the gay and bisexual population. I packed my bras, panties, hose, make up, and dresses under my male clothing in my checked bags. Being the panty slut I am I had to wear my red silky panties under my slacks. Luckily I didn’t need to...

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Stephanies night out in San Antonio

I was on business in San Antonio Texas a few years ago. I saw the opportunity for me to be Stephanie in the evenings and nights while away. There was a LBGT club down town that was a known place that shemales, transsexuals, and cross dressers frequented along with the gay and bisexual population. I packed my bras, panties, hose, make up, and dresses under my male clothing in my checked bags. Being the panty slut I am I had to wear my red silky panties under my slacks. Luckily I didn’t need to...

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San Diego Vacation Part 1

That's exactly what was happening. I just heard the door shut to the front door and the heard the sound of my Dad's truck pull out of the driveway and down the street. He and my mom were leaving to take Craig to the airport. I had no problems with Craig, he was a little bit older than me, he was the youngest of my four older brothers. We were very similar in many ways, but my parents always had a little bit of a different relationship with me. With my older siblings, it was understood that...

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Sleepwalking in San Diego

San Diego is a wonderful place, even in the winter. Thanksgiving and Christmas have a different kind of feel when you are surrounded by palm trees, beaches and beautiful women. The lack of snow, and cold weather is fine with me, after all, I live on a boat and have good reason to avoid miserable winters. The first time I was there was in the winter of 1975. My reason for being in San Diego that winter was simple. Eight weeks of fun and sun in the U.S. Navy recruit training station awaited me....

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San Fermn

The festival of San Fermín in Pamplona was like nothing Holly had ever seen before. Yesterday, she had stood in an ocean of white shirts and red scarves, crushed by stranger’s bodies, jabbed at by their elbows, breathing in their smell of their skin. She had been one of half a million people packed together against the old stone walls, jostling and pushing, singing and shouting and happy. She had been drunk. They had all been drunk, and most of them had been throwing wine over each other. The...

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San Diego Vacation Part 1

(Disclaimer: this is a fictional story, none of the characters are real, the son was adopted at birth)I love time to myself. It's the universal truth for 18-year-old dudes like myself. If I hear my parents leave the house, my mind instantly starts planning where, when, and how I will play with myself. After years of experience, my mind eagerly anticipates these times alone. Do I have time to edge? What kind of perverted things do I want to fill my mind with? I love time alone. That's exactly...

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My San Francisco Treat Chapter 1

I have always had a penchant for Asian women; I find the exotic creatures so hot and attractive. However in my hometown of Dubuque Iowa, finding a dateable, attractive, Asian woman is almost impossible. Fortunately for me, my job as a trucker takes me all over the country and on one particularly lucky day, I went into the office to see what there was for loads. I saw there was one load headed for San Francisco and since I'd never been out there before, I went to the dispatch office and took...

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My InheritanceChapter 10 San Francisco Here I Cum

We took a 747 from New York to San Francisco, went directly to the Mark Hopkins hotel to rest and overcome jet lag. All right, we checked in early to fuck, if you must know everything. Andy was asleep on the bed, prettier than a centerfold, as I sat in the arm chair watching her, sipping on a Coke and thinking about my situation. While I certainly was enjoying the two women and all the plans and activities Uncle Bert (as I continued to call my natural father) laid out for me, I was...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book1 Chapter 7 The Knights Sacrifice

Book One: The Quest Chapter Seven: The Knight's Sacrifice By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Acolyte Sophia – Western Deorc Forest, The Federation of Deoraciynae The two other elf hunters appeared silently out of the woods. Like Xera, they were gorgeous, tall and lithe, their bodies painted in greens and browns to let them blend into the woods. Their keen eyes flickered at Angela and me, their ears twitching in obvious curiosity at the sight...

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Showing Sanne CFNM and FemDom

Before we were married my wife (Dee) and I rented a nice 4 bedroom house outside of Brighton that we initially shared with 5 other people from University. Gradually people moved on and eventually we were left to just just the two of us. This meant that our rent was quite steep but having been there so long prices elsewhere had rocketed so it made sense to stay where we were. Our student contract meant that the landlord couldn't raise the price for 5 years and there were still 2 years to run....

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Daddy and Saniya

Note : This story is completely fictional! Sameer’s will finally crumbled, and he grabbed his daughter to him. An absurd voice in the back of his mind tried to justify what he was about to do. He would show her how awful she’d feel is she let her own father fuck her. Saniya groaned with pleasure. Finally, it was going to happen, she thought, her handsome father wanted her as much as she wanted him. Her father's hands caressed her aching flesh, and his mouth covered her heaving breasts with hot...

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Playing a game with Sanne and Robert

Sanne was home alone. Robert was back to work after the holiday trip. They had some e-mail contact with a Master before their trip but didn't find any response when they got home. Sanne got wet when she thought about the insinuations he had given in His last e-mail.Somebody was at the door. Sanne was startled. She huried over to the door. She noticed her fingers were wet. Absentminded she must have played with herself. She put the fingers in her mouth as she opened the door. A rather handsome...

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Postcard from San Juan

Copyright, 2001, NCmVoyeur * * * * * ‘I think we’ve already been down this street,’ Rosa said, holding gently onto Mike’s arm. Mike looked down the narrow cobblestone lane, another of the slow rivulets of humanity that coursed through Old San Juan. Beyond, the street curved down toward the darkness of the evening and the cool Atlantic waters. They had been window-shopping, slowly walking off the dinner which they had finished more than an hour earlier. A very filling array of simple, but...

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San Francisco Cuckold

It was the first time we had ever been to San Francisco. My girlfriend, Haley, and I were excited to get away for the weekend from work. Haley has an amazing body with huge F-cup boobs and a big perky ass. Her body shape reminds me of the porn star, Ava Addams. She has long blonde hair and beautiful green eyes. She is very social in public, but a bit of a prude in the bedroom. I have an interest in exploring, but she has some strict rules when it comes to sex. She makes me wash my hands and...

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San Diego Summer

I grew up a poor Mexican kid living in the ghetto section of San Diego. My father split when my mother told him she was pregnant with me. She ended up being a single mother working her ass off to give me a life much better than the one she had. She obtained permission from the school board to enroll me in Kindergarten in the Rancho Santa Fe school district (the rich neighborhood). Wanting nothing but the best education she could afford, I attended school in the Rancho Santa Fe district all the...

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Lust and Money in San Diego

Living in San Diego has it's draw backs, but there also a whole lot of good things going for it, and for me, it's about getting really excellent Mexican cocks to suck! So, you might rightly imagine that I'm no big fan of Donald Trump and his patiently racist rhetoric regarding Mexico and Mexican's in general! I absolutely LOVE sucking cocks, and for me, there's nothing quite so nice as sucking some very macho Mexican guys cock (and taking that load of cum that I crave so very much)! The very...

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Trip to San Diego

My wife and I were spending a winter down at Yuma, AZ at our friends' place. They had their motor home parked in their front yard and we stayed in it. It was very comfortable and saved us lots of money not having to rent a place. Even though we were getting older my wife had taken care of herself and had a great body; a nice set of 36 D breasts and a cute little ass, compared to my friend's wife who had put on lots of weight, and wasn't interested in having sex any more. My wife Maggie still...

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Remembering San Francisco Fleet Week 1973

[ For Michael, an xhamster member, who asked me to write something in remembrance of that time (in 1973) during Fleet Week when coming into the San Francisco bay he was so eager to get off the ship and find some serious sexual indulgence after tossing about on the South China Sea! This is for you, Michael! Hope it does justice to what you've told me about it! ]I'd been stuck on the South China Sea for months. During that time everything around me seemed one, uniform, drab grey. The ship was...

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The Reluctant SultanChapter 9 San Antonio

The general sales meeting was held at the Alamo Heritage Suites, a boutique style hotel that was far from the most expensive in town, but perfectly situated for some sightseeing. It was also just the right size for our thirty-two participants. The meetings were scheduled for Monday through Wednesday and we left Seattle Saturday midday. We had two rooms booked and with two bedrooms in each suite, we had more than enough room for the three of us. We had requested adjoining suites and we were...

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A Better World IIChapter 16 San Jose State University

MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 2008 Back to School Spring division was all Aeronautic core courses. We chose the Avionics option. We weren't going to run an airport or an airline. Avionics was mega heavy on technical classes. We had another 51 units to complete. Most of the classes had a lab. CS 49 and CMPE 46 were computer science and we blew the labs away in one night. We set a new schedule for ourselves. We studied two classes on Monday, challenged the classes on Tuesday, then did the lab on...

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The Shiny LadiesChapter 28 The Last Church in San Antonio

When the charter plane from Indianapolis arrived, Kay thought she knew what to expect. Three homesick priestesses and a spoiled goddess named Corrine. There were also some samples of a new steamless method of transformation. What surprised her, though, was the hundreds of boxes containing transformation serum. It filled the cargo hold and most of the passenger compartment, leaving just two rows of seats open for passengers. A note from Alice was attached to a box at the front. Dear...

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Meri Hot Bhabhi Saniya 8211 Part 2

Hi friends, I am starting the second phase of my story. Jaiseki maine apni pichli story mein bataya ki kaise maine apni bhabhi ki chudai ki aur unki pyas bujhayi. Par abhi unka sab se bada masla (problem) baki thi. Woh tha bacha, jo ki main dena nahi chahta tha. Jab maine unke saath pehli baar sex kiya, bina condom ke, to maine turant medical se I-pill la kar dedi, aur kaha ki agli bar see hum condom use karenge. Maine unhe pehle hi bataya tha ki baccha paida karne ke liye unhe mera dost help...

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Ruksana Ki Chudai 8211 Part 4

Hello dosnton thanks a lot intne sare msg wats app k liye really meri ek duniya hi ban gai hai mere or mere sex story reader k bich ap log mujhe behad pyare ho chahe ap pure india Me kahin rahte ho ap se itna pyar mila or ache dost mile really thanks jo door hain unse main wats app or skype pe milta hi hun or jo pass hain ap to mile hi hain ap sab jante hain mere bare me jo mere reader naye hain mera name rakesh hai main delhi ka hun 3 sal se kahaniyon or ap logon se juda hua hun sex or body...

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Karina and Saniya

Hi friends I have been introduced to this site only recently. I have found this site very interesting, though there are many stories I feel that only some are real experiences the remaining are fantasies. I felt an urge to share with you an incident that happened to me. It’s a real story. I have a close friend; we were together from our college days. After fishing my college I got a job in Cochin, Kerala. My friend was also a native of Cochin. He had his own business which he took over from his...

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Meri Hot Bhabhi Saniya

Hi guys, I am sharing you my experience of mine with my cousin’s wife. This happened very recently when I had been to my hometown on a long leave. My hot bhabhi is a bit close to me because I helped her a lot for her love marriage.. And all this happened after a year of her marriage, from last 2-3 month she had been in a constant touch with me about her sexual problems. Like her in-laws are expecting a baby but she is not able to convince. So all these started something like this To baat...

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Ruksana Ki Chudai 8211 Part 3

Hello doston kaise hain main rakesh ap k sab k samne fir hajir hun.Ab tak to ap sab mujhko pahchanne lage hi honge fir bhi jo meri kahani pahli bar padh rahe unko main bata dun main ek jigolo hun or delhi me rahta hun pichle 2 sal se iss or dsk se juda hun or sex story reader ki har iccha ko puri karte aya hun mujhe pata hai hum mard kahin bhi ja k apni pyas bhuja sakte hain par humari bhabhiyan auntiyan kahan jaye or ladkiyan bhifirst time karwane se darti hain unhe lagta hai dard ho ga To ap...

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Solace Rosanna Ch 15

1999: Rosanna was certain that she had thought of the perfect gift for Solace. The only challenge would be finding such a specialized item. She had accompanied Solace to a meeting of an advocacy group for the blind and had seen the device. She had been so preoccupied gawking at it that she hadn’t thought to get the information on where it was manufactured. Thankfully, she had overheard the owner discussing the merits and at least she knew the name. Now, one month before Christmas, Rosanna...

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Solace Rosanna Ch 12

1999: Solace and Rosanna had known each other for a year. In that time they learned a great deal because they spent hours talking, mostly in person as they lived in such close proximity. Solace discovered that Rosanna had a real thing for neatness and order. This subject was the source of several heated discussions and activities. “Sol, why don’t you put your stuff where you’re going to find it. If you would put your cane, your bag, your shoes, your watch, your brush…everything in a special...

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Solace Rosanna Ch 16

2000: “Aren’t you ready yet, Sol?” called Rosanna impatiently from Solace’s living room. She glanced again at her watch, noting they had less than an hour to get to the rehearsal in time. They would have to take a taxi. Katrina would give them the evil eye. Rosanna could not understand why Solace found it so difficult to get herself together each time. She seemed to be organized only half the time and the other she spent in a hopeless state of confusion. Rosanna huffed in agitation. Suddenly,...

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Oh Susana 1

"Fuck meee!" Susana pressed her feet hard against the roof of the car, bracing herself as Peter pounded away at her pulsating pussy. "Yes! Yesss! Fuck me. Harder. HARDER. Fuck me, fuck me, FUCK me, get it in, push it, push it in, push, push, yes, yesss, YESSS . . . Ohhh, fuuuck YESSS!"She arched her back on the laid-back seat and whinnied as his plunging cock drove her once again to the point of climax and beyond. She flung her arms over her head, jammed her hands under the squab of the...


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