I Wish! Ch. 2 free porn video

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Thank you to the people who gave me feedback and advice for this story, you know who you are. It was only my third submission yet it seemed to have generated the best response. To the person who wanted more, here it comes.

* * * * *

I have never had so much fun (and sex) since a bump on the head gave me the power to be able to wish people to do what I want without argument. Obviously, I have exploited this new found power but I’m mindful of a responsibility not to abuse it. I am not going to use it to rob a bank for instance!

It was Friday, the day after I had Melanie and Samantha give me one of the best, and dirtiest, sex sessions in my life and I had to travel up to Leeds to visit a supplier. I arrived at Euston with plenty of time to spare to catch the 11.15 am train and decided to grab myself a coffee. I am a smoker (I know, it’s a disgusting habit that will eventually kill me but I’m weak) so I walked down to the solitary smoking carriage at the front of the train. You may be surprised but even though there is only one smoking carriage, more often than not, it’s one of the emptiest. This day was no different.

I managed to grab one of the tables which would allow me to prepare for my meeting. Bang on 11.15 the hydraulic doors swooshed shut and the diesel engine revved up and glided slowly away from platform 12. I had already settled down to check a contract that I was to finalise when a couple of late- comers entered the carriage. One of the passengers, a stunning redhead in a smart business suit, settled herself in one of a pair of seats on the other side of the aisle from me. Taking a paperback from her shoulder bag, she started to read.

We were about 20 minutes out of Euston when I decided to have a cigarette. The wisps of smoke curled their way to her and must have had a subliminal effect on her as she fumbled in her bag for her own cigarettes. Unfortunately her lighter was out of gas.

‘I’m sorry, but could I trouble you for a light,’ she asked,

‘Sure, no problem,’ I said and pulled my lighter from my pocket.

Lighting it, I proffered the yellow flame towards her, and she scuttled forward in her seat to light her cigarette. As she did so her skirt rode up her thighs and exposed her stocking tops. Oh boy, my favourites! Normally I would have looked away out of courtesy, but now I looked on this as another opportunity for a bit of fun.

I stood up and glanced up and down the carriage, I wish that everyone in here would leave my brief case and papers be, (can’t be too careful, someone might have it on their toes with my belongings!). I looked the redhead in the eyes, I wish that you would come to the toilet with me and have sex.

‘Sorry to be forward, but can I ask your name?,’ I said.

‘I’m Nicola, what’s yours?,’ she replied.

‘My name’s Mike. Would you like to come to the toilet and give me a blow job?,’ I asked.

‘I’d be delighted to but only if you fuck me afterwards,’ she negotiated.

Can’t say fairer than that, so we got up and walked down the carriage and found a cubicle that was vacant. Locking the door behind us, Nicola pushed me back against the door and sank to her knees in front of me and started to rub my crotch with her well manicured fingers. Never slow to perform, my cock hardened instantly and Nicola undid my belt, then the button on my trouser waist band. The sound of my zip being lowered very slowly was almost pornographic and was followed by my trousers falling in a heap around my ankles.

‘Mmm, your a big boy aren’t you,’ Nicola said as she rubbed me on the outside of my pants. Slotting two fingers inside the waistband on either side she pulled down my pants exposing a very stiff cock which bounced out almost hitting her on the nose. Once my pants had joined my trousers, Nicola grasped my solid shaft and pulled back the foreskin to expose a vermilion cock head. Licking her lips she leant forward and breathed warm air on to it and then engulfed it with her wet mouth.

‘Nngh,’ she certainly knows how to suck cock this girl. Swirling her tongue under the ridge of my penis she made me jump and squirm with pleasure. Jeez I thought, she’ll have me going off like a fire cracker.

Licking up and down my shaft with broad strokes and then sinking my length down her throat, Nicola demonstrated what a consummate felatress she was.

Remembering my promise to fuck her, I decided I had to be careful not to shoot my bolt. Gently placing my hands on her face, she looked up and I indicated to her to stand up. Although she was shorter than I, she was able to look me straight in the eye due to her high heels. I tenderly kissed her on the lips, she responded more aggressively and thrust her tongue in my mouth. I ran my hands down her thighs feeling the hard bumps of her suspenders through the material of her skirt.

Grasping the peachy cheeks of her bottom, I gently inched up her skirt to her waist and was rewarded with a site that made my cock jump. Her pussy was covered by a lacy red thong which in turn was framed by the straps of her suspenders. Precum leaked from my knob. I turned her around so that she was bent forward over the tiny sink. The narrow strip of material fitted snugly in the crack of her arse.

I peeled the scrap of damp material down Nicola’s thighs and allowed her to step out of them. leaning forward I cold see that her pussy was devoid of all hair and smelt delightful. I burrowed my tongue in her slick gash causing her to moan out loud. Her pussy lips had already opened like a flower and little droplets of pussy juice had formed on them like drops of morning dew. I hungrily lapped them up and then let the tip of my tongue swizzle over the starfish of her arsehole.

Standing up, I positioned my engorged cock at the entrance of her cunt and pushed in about two inches.

‘Aaahh, that feels good, put it all in…. please,’ she pleaded. I leant forward slowly driving my full length into her until my pubic hair tickled her anus, then pulled back making her cunt slurp as I did so. I fucked her slowly to begin with so that she could get used to the girth of my prick then quickened the pace.

I started to hump her faster, her arsehole winking at me on every in-stroke.

‘Uh, uh, uh, uh,’ she moaned as I fucked her pussy. Finally giving into temptation, I licked my middle digit and stuck it in her anus causing her to shriek. Getting into a rhythm that would put a disco dancer to shame, I rogered her relentlessly until her Uh, Uh, Uh’s turned to Ee, Ee, Ee’s. She was close and I buried my finger into her arse as far as it would go, which sent her over the top.

‘Oh, fuuuuuck, I’m cuuuuuuuuummming you bastaaaard,’ she screamed as her orgasm hit her like a freight train. I continued to ram her cunt which had turned into a pulpy mess but she could take no more and pushed me off leaving my pussy juice covered cock twitching in the cold air. Taking deep breaths to fill her lungs, she once more sank to her knees and took my sticky shaft in her mouth and sucked and licked hard. The end of my cock felt like a million nerve endings and the roughness of her tongue was almost painful. Just one more swirl of her tongue did it and I spurted one, then two, then three gobs of creamy come into her waiting mouth. The aftershock jerks subsided as my knees went week with the pleasure and I had to lean on her shoulders to prevent myself from toppling over.

I too was now gasping for breath as she stood up and opened her mouth which was coated with my sticky come. I saw her throat contract as she swallowed and then she leant forward and French kissed me, allowing me to taste our combined juices. We tidied ourselves up and she gave me her thong as a souvenir of ‘a great fuck’ as she eloquently put it and returned to our seats.

The train arrived in Leeds a few minutes early and I bade her goodbye and walked through the station to look for the driver who was to pick me up and take me to my meetin

The meeting was a great success and I got my contract signed with a few minor changes. I was delighted as the order was worth £56,000 which meant that I had surpassed my monthly target with nine days of the month left. I was very happy indeed. Unfortunately it had got a little late so I was unable to stay for a drink to celebrate with my clients. Oh well maybe next time.

On the Saturday I had been invited to a party. A fancy dress party. Now I don’t normally go in for things like that as I feel a bit of a twat dressing up, but the party was being held by a very old friend of mine Angelo who knows loads of people and when I accepted I was hoping to meet a likely lass. Now the thought of going to a fancy dress party was very exciting now that I had my special powers. I did still feel a bit of a fool getting into the cab dressed as a Policeman, but my eyes lit up when I saw the ratio of women to men was slightly over 50:50 which meant that there would be plenty of opportunity for fun.

I have already told you that smoking is a weakness of mine. So is ‘girls dressed in uniform’, and they too could be considered bad for my health! Walking into the vast lounge of Angelo’s house, I was confronted by an obscene amount of women dressed like slutty schoolgirls, there was a nurse, a traffic warden (sad), a cave woman (not quite Raquel Welch but cute all the same), a Policewoman (I wonder if she’d like to see my truncheon or night stick as the Americans call it), a Victorian lady, a soldier, the list went on. The guys were quite predictable too, with a few Tarzan’s and Gorilla’s but all in all everyone had made a great effort. This could be fun!

Angelo greeted me happily and dragged me into the kitchen and planted a drink in my hand.

‘So how’s things Mike?’ Angelo asked ‘You still single?’

‘Yeah, ‘fraid so mate, I was hoping that I might meet someone here tonight’ I replied.

‘Well you must have noticed that there are plenty of girls here tonight and quite a few of them are single. Go on do your worst’ He challenged.

‘Let me sink a drink or two and I’ll do just that’ I said. Our conversation was interrupted by the door bell ringing.

‘Sorry mate, duty calls. I’ll catch up with you later.’ said Angelo apologetically.

‘Hey don’t worry about me, go and do your host bit. See you later’

With that Angelo disappeared and I walked into his lounge and scanned the room. There certainly were plenty of attractive women, but one pretty little brown haired girl dressed in a rude schoolgirls uniform, caught my eye. I’m not sure whether it was because she was pretty or whether it was that her panty clad bottom was showing cheekily under a ridiculously short skirt. She must have been 21 or 22, her hair was tied in bunches and she had dotted freckles over her face. Her blouse was two sizes too small for her which meant that her pert breasts strained the buttons. It had also been tied at the waist which showed a flat, tanned tummy. I felt my cock harden in my trousers. I had to have her.

Looking at her. I wish you would come over and talk to me. The schoolgirl looked over at me and smiled and walked towards me.

‘Hi, are you a friend of Angelo’s’ She asked.

‘Yes, my name’s Mike and I’ve known Angelo for. oh it must be about 15 or 16 years. I’m pleased to meet you.’ I said.

‘I’m Cheryl, I work with Angelo at DataMatics.’

‘Well young lady, I’m going to have to take you in for questioning’ I said putting on a deep voice pretending to be a policeman.

Quick on the uptake Cheryl played along.

‘But Officer, what have I done, I’m a good girl’ she replied then stuck he thumb in her mouth and looked coyly at me.

‘I do believe that you are to young to be drinking alcohol. I said sternly.

I wish that she would let me fuck her.

‘I must take down some particulars I said, come with me’ I ordered.

‘Okay Officer’ she complied and followed me out of the room.

‘Upstairs’ I said pointing up to the stairs.

I followed her up the stairs enjoying the view of her beautiful arse hanging out from under the short, grey, pleated skirt.

I tried one of the bedrooms but the bed was covered in coats, I had better luck with the second room.

I closed the door behind me and turned on the light. Cheryl looked up at me expectantly.

‘Young Miss, I’m sorry but I’m going to search you now’ I said, staying in character. ‘Lift your arms’

Without argument she lifted her arms and I patted her down making sure that I got a good feel of her breasts that were straining at the buttons of her blouse.

‘Turn around and kneel on the bed’ I ordered.

Once again, Cheryl did my bidding.

In this position she expose more of her gym knickers, which were a little more high cut than a real school girls pants. I moved behind her and flipped her skirt up and was presented with the cutest bottom. Slipping my fingers into the waistband of her pants I pulled them down to her knees and she helpfully lifted each leg in turn so that I could remove them totally.

‘Oh what a sight, a tight little furry slit peeped from between her thighs. I knelt behind her and leant forward and gave a lick of her cunt with my tongue.

‘Oh, ah, wha.. what are you doing Officer’

‘I’m making in depth enquiries’ I said and started to feast on her minge. She tasted good and I ran my tongue over her gash from top to bottom, every so often dipping it into her anus, which bought a little squeal. Her cunt began to gape and drip as I reamed her. I presented my middle finger to her arsehole and pressed gently. It yielded easily, she was no anal virgin, that was for sure!

I stood up and dropped my trousers and pants and rested my own flesh truncheon at the entrance to her pussy. exerting a little pressure my cock head popped between the lips of her cunt and I slid slowly into her sticky depths. She felt like velvet and started to grip my shaft and massage it with her vaginal muscles. Oh what a great cunt she had. I worked back and forth and we got into rhythm. soon my balls were slap, slap, slapping against her, as I fucked her hard. Looking back at me she smiled.

‘Officer, can you fuck my arse please.’

Sticking one, then two fingers into her arsehole, I loosened her up a little, then withdrew my cock from her velvet cunt and offered it up to her arse. A little push and the head was in, drawing a low guttural moan from deep within her. I pushed further and sank my dick deep into her rectum. Whilst tight to begin with, she soon relaxed and her practised arse accepted my thrusts with ease. We recommenced our rhythm. Pumping her tighter hole was a little more difficult but the sensations were too much for my cock. Just a few more thrusts and I let loose with gouts of hot sticky cum into her anal cavity causing my body to jerk with each spurt.

She buried her head into the mattress as she too came, her cunt spurting and her anus gripping my cock vicelike as she spent.

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Reddit 5050 Challenge

Reddit 50 50 Challenge, aka r/FiftyFifty! One of the defining features of pornography is the fact that it ain’t necessarily safe for public consumption. Naked ladies getting boned were Not Safe For Work before anybody coined the acronym, NSFW. It’s that taboo element that has gotten fuck flicks classified among just about anything you wouldn’t show to good company: tasteless skin disease photos, fight videos, and security cam footage of fatal accidents come to mind. You’ll find both the naked...

Reddit NSFW List
4 years ago
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Starting an escort service 8211 2

I do not know if I was dreaming. I was in deep slumber and was not knowing if I was dreaming. There was an immense feeling as if my cock was being sucked. Wet slurping engulfing my cock, and my cock was being bathed in warm saliva in a hot mouth. Sometimes, the cock-head was being sucked hard and sometimes, my cock was being deep-throated. My balls were being tickled. If it is a dream I do not want to wake up – I was thinking to myself. Let me sleep …… The pressure on my cock was increasing...

4 years ago
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Arab girl Huda fondled kissed tweakedhellip

Shopping trips can be filled with the unknown as you walk through the store selecting your items, but when you go to a place all the time and the employee’s greet you by name you know your in a special crowed. The wife and I go to a popular department store that sells electronics as well as towels and fresh food and humor the employee’s to give them a distraction so there day is more enjoyable, there are times you check out your items and end up going to the same cashier just because they...

1 year ago
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” This ain’t funny,” She pleaded “ Leave please.” She shouted, she was begging me to open the door, everything was happening too fast, she couldn’t stop it. Why couldn’t I stop this? I grabbed her by the arms and threw her to the floor. She is crying and shaking begging me to stop but I wouldn’t. I'm pulling my trousers down. She tried to get up. She is petrified this couldn’t be happening. Please stop she begged me time and time again, I just laughed at her. I pinned her down, telling her I...

3 years ago
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The Liquor Store Part II Hooked

One night during casual conservation, I asked Michelle how she felt about inviting Mike over for dinner. I explained it would be a great way to show our appreciation for all the new business and be a treat for him to have a home cooked meal. She thought about it and said it would be a great idea, but didn’t want me to feel uncomfortable. Especially with what had happened before. She asked me to think about it. Secretly, I had been thinking about it. Even though during sex we had been watching...

2 years ago
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The birth of a slut

Lucy woke up that morning feeling groggy. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes she took in the sunlight just peeping through the curtains. Rolling over to look at the empty pillow next to her showed that Josh must have already left for work, meaning she had the house completely to herself. She slid out from between the sheets, adjusting the straps on her pyjama top as it had slipped down her arm again. ‘Stupid top,’ she thought, as she also adjusted her baby pink shorts so that they sat more...

3 years ago
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wife and her best friend

So, we have been having a three way relationship with my wifes best friend for a while now, this is the first bi experience for both of them and they have not been shy about it. However they would never want to fuck each other alone even though I have egged them on repeatedly. So I am at work the other day and get a text from the wife saying that my girlfriend wants some.....I respond saying, give her some. No response for 50 minutes.......I guess they got over their anxiety and the girlfriend...

3 years ago
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StonefingersChapter 12

We left Atlanta and resumed our confrontations with our fellow AL East contenders. The Orioles were still not out of it, but Boston and New York both had slight leads on us within the Division, and at the moment, we were a game and a half out of making even the second wild card position. The way the wild card playoff system operated, one of the two also-rans who wedged their way into the post-season was heading for an ignominious quick exit by losing a single post-season matchup. It felt...

2 years ago
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Bread Love

I was complaining to my friends that I just wasn’t able to find the right sort of woman and they told me that I just wasn’t looking in the right places. If you want a classy lady to have to be a bit more classy yourself they told me. One of the things they said would look good would be if I could cook and bake. To this end they clubbed together and booked me on a bread making course. I have to be honest, I didn’t think this would get me anywhere but as it was already paid for I thought it...

3 years ago
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Exposing Cindy my sessions with Sawyer

I spend time with my friend’s son! Introduction: I love young men. I love their innocence, energy, their lust for life. I love how excited they get and how hard they stay. I love the embarrassment they experience if and when they cum to quickly and how with the slightest encouragement, they are hard and ready to go again after they cum. But most of all, I love knowing that they will never forget the intimacy of their encounters with me and that they will be better, more considerate lovers after...

3 years ago
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Black Owners and the contract the made me sign

SERVITUDE SLAVE AGREEMENT:This Servitude Agreement is made between Tyrone and Keisha  ( collectively ?Owners? or in the alternative ?Master? and/or ?Mistress?) and Paul  (?slave?).Recitals:Whereas, Paul  , a 19 years of age 5' 7"152lb white male desires to be a complete and wholly owned, in every way, full time live in slave to a superior dominant male/female black couple. Whereas, Tyrone (former professional heavy weight boxer and now a music industry mogul 32 years of age 6'4" 275lbs of...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Jane Wilde Anal Threesome

Sexy anal queen Jane Wilde films herself on her phone as she stuffs her round ass with a big black dildo. Studs Markus Dupree and John Strong join the fun — Jane gives them drooling blowjobs. The threesome heats up as John fucks Jane’s tight asshole from behind as she sucks Markus’ dick. Jane mounts Markus, riding his rod while John shoves his prick in her pussy for some amazing double penetration. Jane squirts like a fountain and her anus blooms like a rosebud! See messy,...

3 years ago
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An Office Fantasy Part 1

 I burst into the office. "Where is that slut, Neil?"Startled, my husband looks up to see me. We have been happily married for twenty-five years. Our sex life has only gotten better over the years. I am wearing a very short red skirt with a slit on the left side. My matching blouse is buttoned to just below my full breasts. As I enter, slamming the door, I catch a glimpse of nude nylon attached to a red garter."W-W-Who, sweetie?""Do not give me that crap, Neil. You know who."I walk around his...

Office Sex
2 years ago
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Inocent Girl Fucked By Me

Hi friends pahele main app logon ko ye batana chata hoon ki agar app ki life main kisi ke saat bi sex kiya ho to us lad ki ho aunty ho ya bhabi kisika b naam kharab mat karo uska ijjat mat kharab karo its my request app logon bore na karte huwe story pe ata hoon. agar app ko mera story accha laga to jarur mail kijiye. Hi mera naam Sandeep hain main Bangalore ke near main rehnewala hoon mera age hain 24 main ek mobile network company may TSM kam karta hoon mera hight 5.9 hain aur slim hoon mera...

2 years ago
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My friend and I fuck my girlfriend

I used to know a woman named Sue who I met on a plane trip back from the west coast. Sue lived in Pennsylvania and I lived about 100 miles away in New Jersey. After the trip, I visited her at her apartment and we hit it off. Needless to say, we had sex on that first visit and I continued to visit Sue and have sex with her whenever I could. Sue was a somewhat plain woman, heavy, but with thin legs and no ass. But she was a good sport and we enjoyed a wide variety of sexual activities. ...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 5

Abby clung to me as we kissed. Our bodies touched from lips to pelvis and I could feel the wetness around her opening. Eventually we stopped kissing to breathe deeply, allowing the sexual tension in the room to return to a more controllable level. Mr. Johnson wanted something far more than controllable, but I kept that to myself. When we finally caught our breath, we laughed at our antics and settled into the hot water. It was heavenly. The hot and swirling bubbles massaged us all over at...

3 years ago
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Whats love without stupidity

Kevin kicked back the reclining chair, raising the footrest, and grabbed the remote to turn on the TV. He thought about watching something that might actually interest him, but he had been having trouble sleeping and settled on a football game. As someone who was not very interested in sports, he knew the game would act as a tranquilizer. As he began to drift off, he started thinking about her again, his mind wandering back to the first day they had met. Kevin and Casey had met on the...

1 year ago
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In The Sun Chapter 3 Day 5 8

Day 5Jane and John were tired from the conversation which had proven to be both enlightening and quite emotional. They had also partaken in perhaps a couple too many beverages of the alcoholic variety, added a little sun and some good sex. As they closed the villa door behind them, they burst into a fit of giggles, which carried on as they dropped their clothes once again. Each time they caught the other’s eye while getting ready for bed, they started afresh. Though, as soon as they cuddled up...

3 years ago
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Haircut the Hand Behind the Scissors

After I posted 'Hair Cut' I had numerous mails asking me if my ex wife did anything more with her brother. Well to be honest I don't know but that doesn't stop me speculating. For me, my dad leaving was devastating and I don't think I'll ever got over it. I was twelve at the time and suddenly my whole world collapsed. My brother who was a year younger than me took over the male roll within the family but it was never the same. Shortly after he had left I remember lots of things...

1 year ago
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Taped My Wife Fucking My Friend

A couple weeks ago my friend Clay came over after the bar and fucked my wife with me in the bed next to her. He nailed her again the next morning much to her liking. He was extremely hung and my wife hasn't stopped talking about his dick since that night/morning. We will be fucking and she'll tell me to do her like clay or whisper in my ear about how many times she came with him. I've been so turned on I decided to arrange for Clay to come over and do Kristen again, but I wanted to surprise...

1 year ago
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Straight Rugged Daddy Bear

Some two years ago I was working away some sixty miles or so from where I live, I didn't fancy a drive home every night so booked a mid-ranged hotel. Didn't really expect to pick anyone up, then again it happens when you least expect it. This is a pretty short story due to the sex session being a quickie in a hotel room.As a usually do when I'm staying at hotels I become a creature of habit, back from work at 4ish, shower and a hour or so of sleep before I go down to the bar for a few drinks...

3 years ago
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The White Phoenix The Honeymoon Chapter

Introduction: This is the first piece of my story that I ever wrote out. Ive been working on the idea for years but have finally taken the first steps to actually writing it. I hope to get some helpful critiques from my readers. As a little background info, Koeda and Jaeda have just been married after years of being in a relationship without sex. He is a shape-shifter who turns into a wolf and she is a Ravian, a race of angel-like creatures who exist to keep peace between vampires and...

2 years ago
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A Mothers DilemmaChapter 3

Sitting at the kitchen table Monday morning, Tiffany picked at her scrambled eggs. Her fork scraped the plate as it brushed the remainder of the eggs toward the edge and then back into a small mound in the middle. She wondered why her mother always gave her so much to eat in the morning, preferring cold cereal or a slice of toast and jam. Putting as little egg as possible on the tip of the fork, Tiffany raised it to her mouth and scrunched her nose, begrudgingly locking her lips around the...

2 years ago
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Tales of the East Indies

A real life adventure - or maybe it was all a fantasy - you will have to make up your own mind. They say confession is good for the soul, so here, for what it's worth, is one. It covers a recent visit to one of the more civilised parts of South East Asia - and, no, it wasn't Thailand or the Philippines. Whether I am proud of what happened or not is not something I wish to examine. Who can ever fully explain their actions? I guess only a shrink might be able to tell me, and I have never been...

1 year ago
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With Startling Insight

You are enjoying this.The night air cools the blood that rises to the surface of you, but only so much. The evening is still warm, but as the sun descends further below the mountains, the temperature quickly falls with it. The beach remains well lit by a handful of bonfires, but the atmosphere is quieting. All activity is collecting around you, as though it was a cloud of excited molecules beginning to condense.Everything you are feeling begins to change as well. You are calm, and strangely...

1 year ago
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Hotel room fun

Her name was Mel. She was from Croatia and we met in an online chat room about Shakespeare. This was a totally strange attraction as we lived in oppositte countries and we were both happily married. Yet there was something electric in our chats online. There was no moment which was left without sexual innuendos and no Shakespeare pun that did not have to do with sex. And us. She sent me her picture, and it was one of a 30year old stunning woman, tall slim, with longish blond hair and the most...

Cheating Wifes
2 years ago
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Inexplicable Stud

I had called her at her office and gave her and her secretary very specific instructions. This was going to be one of my experiments. I do them every once in a while. I was going to see how far I could push a woman in an attempt to get her to stop being passionately attracted to me.You see, several years earlier, I one day awoke to find myself irresistible to any and every woman. It started with my step-sister, but it quickly moved on to every girl at my school, then every woman I ever spoke...

1 year ago
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My Wifes Lover the African Lion

Walking home from a neighborhood tavern after too many drinks, and too late at night I became aware of myself lying on the ground as a large, young black man hit me in the face yelling, "Where's the money?" I tried to push him away, so I could get to the pepper foam I carry in my front pocket. He was immovable, and hit me harder, yelling again, "Where's the money?" and feeling my pockets for a wallet. Before he could tear my wallet out of my pants a larger black man appeared. He...

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