Getting There Ch. 04 free porn video

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The sound of lounge music filled the air, accompanied by the deep murmur of voices, and the occasional boom of laughter. Sam’s promotion party was well under way, and the wine was flowing. Phoebe was running around doing her best to fulfill all her duties as hostess, meanwhile Gemma was basking in the attention of all Sam’s single lawyer friends. And a few of the married ones. She looked stunning in a fuschia dress that framed her body perfectly it was fitted around her waist and then opened out into a full skirt. Her hair was straightened and she was wearing it over one shoulder. As she spoke, she was twirling her hair around a perfectly manicured fingertip.

At the other end of the room, Sam was telling some of his other colleagues and friends and their respective spouses about how he got his first job, a story that Phoebe had heard a million times before. She looked over at her husband, brimming with pride. He’d really earned this promotion. She went over to speak with Rachel and Chris, who was flying solo tonight.

Gemma distractedly looked around the room. She hated herself for doing so, but she wanted to see Ryan. They hadn’t spoken all week and she missed him terribly. She hoped that they could have a serious conversation about what was happening between them so that they didn’t put their friendship in jeopardy. She’d planned what she was going to say and she wanted some space to go over her rehearsed speech. She gestured towards the empty glasses held by the men around her, and excused herself under the pretense of getting more wine. Phoebe and Rachel swiftly followed Gemma into the kitchen, and the three ladies prepared some more canapes to replenish the platters that Phoebe had prepared earlier. As they rejoined the party, they could hear Ryan’s voice echoing through the house.

‘There’s the man of the moment! Get over here, Sammy boy.’ Ryan called across the room. They shared a hug and then Ryan insisted on hearing how the good news had been delivered, what the new job entailed and all the other details. While Sam was midway through explaining, they were interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat.

A slender, willowy woman in a black dress stood there with her hands on her boyish hips.

‘Aren’t you going to introduce me?’

Chris, Sam, Phoebe and Rachel watched as Rose clung desperately to Ryan’s side for half an hour. Her laugh was so obnoxious that even Ryan flinched whenever she cackled at her own jokes. Her mousy brown hair was cut into a long, limp bob and while she was usually an attractive lady, she didn’t look it tonight. Ryan had had half a mind to ditch her when he first saw her that evening. She was wearing red lipstick that looked harsh and mean on her thin lips. Her eye make up was a touch too heavy, and her dress was ill-fitting and did nothing to emphasise her femininity. Ryan deeply regretted bringing her along.

While Rose was narrating another sinfully boring tale, Ryan craned his neck, searching for Gemma and her mystery date. He thought he caught a glimpse of her caramel coloured skin and dark hair, surrounded by men in suits. He looked down at himself in jeans and a shirt and cursed himself for his laid-back attitude. She was clearly looking for someone more polished than he was. He scrutinised her admirers, trying to decipher their body language, trying to determine who her date was. He was disgruntled to see all these men trying to stake their territory. He grabbed Rose by the elbow and led her towards Gemma.

‘Ryan!’ Gemma called out to him as she saw him making his way to her. She jumped out of her seat and gave him a hug. She’d planned on being cool, calm and collected, but seeing him made her realise that she’d really missed him. She looked him up and down and smiled in approval. He looked great. It was refreshing to see his casual style amidst all the men in their drab suits. The men all dispersed when Gemma left their little huddle. Suddenly, Ryan’s face dropped as he realised she hadn’t brought a date. He wanted the world to open up and swallow him whole. Or even better, for it to take Rose.

‘Gem… hey.’ Ryan held her close to him. When she looked up into his eyes he felt his heart melt.

‘Can we go somewhere more quiet? I want to talk to you’ Gemma struggled to remember how to begin her speech. Just then, one of Sam’s rather drunk co-workers bounded towards her.

Seeing his opportunity, Ryan took Rose aside and asked her to get him another drink. She looked at the half glass of red wine in his hand and refused. Gemma had almost successfully rid herself of the man pestering her, and Ryan saw no other option. He took a step backwards so that he was jostled by the person behind him, and he watched as the contents of his glass spilled onto Rose. He shrugged apologetically.

Gemma looked flustered. ‘Where was I?’

‘You wanted to talk to me?’ Ryan prompted, eager to know what she had to say. She seemed nervous, and for someone who naturally exuded confidence, this was rare.

‘Yeah, why didn’t you call me this week? You know, after… everything…’ She slid her arm into Ryan’s.

‘I…’ Ryan began.

He saw Rose stomping towards them, and he hoped that she would exercise some restraint. He needed to have this conversation with Gemma, more than anything. She tapped her foot expectantly, unhappy that her date was ignoring her to talk to another woman.

‘Don’t tell me I have to introduce myself yet again. Ryan, you really are useless.’

‘Sorry, I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Gemma.’ she spoke cautiously, unsure of what was unfolding.

‘I’m Rose’

‘Rose?’ Gemma asked, confused.

‘Yes, Rose. Ryan’s girlfriend.’ Rose giggled. Ryan’s eyebrows shot up. He was gobsmacked. His girlfriend? Hardly. He was about to offer a clarification when he saw Gemma spin around on her heels and dash for the door. He made to follow her, but by the time he got to the front door she was nowhere in sight. He looked to his side and saw Rose standing there, with a victorious smirk on her face. He was seething.

The hot tears stung Gemma’s eyes as she sat on the pavement a few roads away from Sam and Phoebe’s house. She had left her bag in their guest bedroom and knew she’d have to go back eventually. She silently berated herself for being such an idiot. He wasn’t interested in her. He had a fucking girlfriend! She tried to gather her composure, but she could still hear Rose’s voice mocking her.

‘Can I sit here?’ Chris asked. She smiled up at him as he passed over his wine glass.

‘What are you doing out here?’

‘I overheard what happened, thought you might want some company.’

Gemma put her head on his shoulder and let the tears roll down her face. Chris wanted nothing more than to bang Gemma and Ryan’s heads together and put them on the right track, but he knew as well as anyone that they needed to realise for themselves what everyone else had always known. Gemma wondered if Chris knew why she was upset. And when she gave him a questioning look he just chuckled in response.

‘Maybe I should get going. Do you think you could get my bag for me?’ Gemma pleaded.

‘You can’t avoid him forever.’ Chris reasoned, instead offering his arm for her to lean on as they slowly walked back to the party.

Back inside, things were starting to wind down, and the crowd had thinned somewhat. Those who remained looked ready to call it a night. Gemma half-heartedly laughed at yet more lawyer jokes, and Ryan was relieved to see that she was back. She looked so vunerable, and suddenly he felt ashamed for playing games. He wondered whether her reaction to Rose had been good news for him, whether it meant he had a chance with her. He just needed to know.

‘I’m going to help clean up here, so why don’t you get a lift with one of your new friends.’ Ryan told Rose, thrusting her jacket into her arms as he ushered her out of the fro
nt door. ‘I’ll call you sometime.’

Soon it was just Sam, Phoebe, Ryan and Gemma. And while Gemma did her best to avoid being left alone with Ryan, she didn’t want to cause a fuss. ‘Where did you disappear to earlier? Are you alright?’ Ryan spoke gently.

‘Oh, sorry. I was just…’ Gemma bit her lip pensively. ‘…Taken aback that you didn’t tell me that you and Rose were, you know, official.’ She hoped she had lied convincingly.

‘We aren’t actually together. I only brought her along because…’

Gemma listened intently as his voice trailed off, he’d bought her lie but now she could tell he was hiding something from her. ‘Because?’

‘She basically invited herself.’


‘What was it you wanted to tell me before she interrupted us?’ Ryan asked.

‘It’s irrelevant now, don’t worry.’ Gemma walked away.

Sam and Phoebe were gathering the last of the glasses from around the room and Gemma announced that she was heading home. ‘Thanks for tonight, guys. And congratulations again, Sammy!’ She grabbed her bag and began to leave when Ryan held the door open for her.

‘Yeah, thanks guys! Top night.’

Gemma sighed. She had wanted to be as far from Ryan as possible. Though she was relieved that there was nothing serious between him and Rose, she was still upset with him. Ryan unlocked his car and held the passenger door open for her. She stood with her arms crossed. ‘Aren’t you going to sit?’

‘I was going to take a taxi.’ Gemma felt like a petulant child. She didn’t want to give in to his charm. She need him to acknowledge the shift in their relationship.

‘Well then, I’ll take a taxi with you.’ He smiled. His boyish grin flickered across his face and Gemma conceded victory. ‘How was your meeting this week?’

The twenty minute journey passed with relatively superficial conversation. As Ryan pulled up outside Gemma’s flat he once more took in the vision next to him. His eyes lingered on her legs, disappearing beneath the bright dress. He turned to her and tilted her chin up with his fingers. She took a sharp breath as she felt her body respond to his touch. He leaned in, looking at her lips, seeing how kissable they were. She closed her eyes and willed herself not to breathe. She didn’t want to scare him. Seconds passed and she opened her eyes to see Ryan watching her intently. He hadn’t kissed her, but he hadn’t moved away. He was in limbo. The voices in Gemma’s head were telling her, no, screaming at her to do something. To say something.

A hushed whisper passed her lips. ‘Do you want to come upstairs?’ Her eyes never left his and he wordlessly shut off the engine and opened his door. He passed the car keys to the night porter who offered to park Ryan’s car in the visitor’s bay and then followed Gemma into the small lift. He smiled as he watched her lips move as she counted ‘5…4…3…2…1…’ until the doors opened. It had been her ritual since childhood.

Ryan lay on his back on the soft carpet in Gemma’s bedroom. She kicked her shoes off and collapsed on her bed. She lay on her stomach, propping herself up on her elbows as she peered over the foot of the bed. The tension between them vanished and was replaced with friendly teasing.

‘I should get going.’ Ryan said, pushing the hair away from Gemma’s face. She pouted in response.

‘What’s the point? We’re having breakfast together in a few hours anyway. You might as well just stay here and we’ll drive over to your place to use the gym after we’ve eaten.’ She batted her eyelids and Ryan laughed.

‘I won’t argue with that. I’m fucking knackered.’

As Gemma went to get ready for bed, Ryan mulled over his new role as her sleep-over partner. Gemma sat perched on the end of the bed, moisturising her legs. She was wearing little boy shorts and a tight vest top. And no bra. Ryan’s eyes widened as he noticed the outline of her nipples poking through the white cotton. He felt his cock twitch and was thankful he was already under the covers. Gemma put the moisturiser away and made sure it was all rubbed in, sliding her elegant fingers up and down her supple skin. Ryan leaned over to rub in a little patch that she’d forgotten, on her inner thigh. She closed her eyes as his strong hands stroked her. Her nipples grew harder and Ryan groaned as he observed them protruding further. Gemma’s eyes flickered open and she crawled under the covers. Ryan pulled her towards him and they lay together, until they both fell asleep.

Ryan woke with a start. The landline was ringing and he leaned across Gemma to reach the phone, which sat on her bedside table.


‘Ryan? Sorry, I meant to call Gemma. Didn’t mean to wake you.’

‘No worries mate. Talk later.’

Chris hung up. He looked at his phone and a wide grin swept over his face. ‘I DID CALL GEMMA!’ he exclaimed to Joanna. She peered over her newspaper.

‘Do you want a medal?’

‘No, you don’t understand. Ryan just picked up Gemma’s phone!’

An uncharacteristic smile escaped Joanna’s lips. ‘That is something.’

Chris kissed his wife, for what must have been the first time in weeks. Today was going to be a good day for them, and he knew better than to waste it. He sent a group message to his friends telling them to exclude him from whatever plans they made for later. Joanna put down the newspaper.

Gemma nestled against Ryan’s chest and kissed his neck sleepily. He sighed appreciatively and stroked the small of her back. ‘Good morning, darling.’

Ryan kissed her forehead in response, and Gemma threw back the covers while she leapt off the bed, the sunlight that bathed her room adding to the wonderful mood she had woken up in. In her haste, she had pulled the blanket off Ryan, and was confronted by his morning erection. Her jaw dropped a little, and Ryan realised what she’d seen. ‘I’ll take care of breakfast. And you, you can take care of that.’ Gemma teased.

Ryan reached for Gemma’s pillow and closed his eyes as he stroked his cock. He inhaled deeply, luxuriating in her lingering perfume, before eventually moving to the shower to finish off.

Gemma watched Ryan bench press, while the TV blared in the background. She was doing some stretches at the end of her workout. ‘Babe, I’m gonna run back home now. I have an appointment to get to.’

Ryan panted as he finished with the weights. ‘If you wait I can run back with you.’

‘Don’t worry, I’m a big girl, I’ll be okay alone. Thanks though.’

He looked at her lithe figure in her tiny running shorts and sports bra. Her abs were incredibly toned, but her curves still managed to remain soft and lady like. He was hypnotised by the sway of her hips as she left.

Gemma enjoyed her run back. There was a slight breeze which made it the perfect temperature to work out in. When she got home she felt fantastic and virtuous. She sat on the kitchen counter with a bottle of water and caught her breath. She checked her phone and saw that no one had taken the initiative to make any plans for that night. Since Chris was busy and Sam and Phoebe would no doubt want to have their own private celebration, that would leave the three singletons. She texted Rachel to ask her what she was up to, and then showered and got ready for her appointment at her favourite waxing place on South Molton Street.

‘You’re sure about this?’ Rachel squealed down the phone.

‘Yes, I’m sure. Do you promise to make other plans for tonight?’ Chris asked her.

‘OH MY GOD!’ He took Rachel’s excitement as confirmation and hung up when he saw Joanna had come inside from the garden.

‘Darling, I promised that I’d help my mother do her shopping this afternoon.’ Joanna lamented, genuinely enjoying the time she was spending with her husband.

‘I can come with you, it’ll be faster that way.’ Chris offered. Joanna kissed his cheek and told him not t
o bother, that she’d be back in about an hour. Once she’d left, Chris rang Ryan.

‘So what’s new?’

‘Um.. nothing. Pub?’ Ryan asked, as he buttoned up his shirt.

‘Sorry, mate. Can’t. So there reallllly isn’t anything new?’ Chris probed.

‘Am I missing something?’

‘Don’t give me that. You picked up Gemma’s phone!’

‘Well, it was ringing…’

‘That’s not what I meant.’

‘What did you mean?’

Are you guys sleeping together?!’ Chris was done with subtlety, and opted for the direct approach.

‘Well, um. Yes.’

‘Yes? Just like that? Not like it’s a huge deal or anything…’ Chris was disappointed by how underwhelmed Ryan sounded.

‘Well it’s not. When I say we’re sleeping together I mean we’re actually sleeping together. As in, falling asleep. Together.’

Rachel responded to Gemma’s text claiming she was spending the weekend catching up on some work. ‘Looks like it’s just you and me tonight, kiddo.’

Ryan’s phone buzzed as he sat down at his desk. He was feeling bold. ‘Your place or mine?’

‘How about dinner out?’

‘Dinner out sounds fine, I was talking about afterwards.’

Gemma bit her lip. She had a good feeling about tonight. To play it coy or not? She pondered over how she should respond while she opened up her cupboard to choose what to wear. Ryan started working, frequently glancing at his phone to see how she’d respond. Twenty minutes passed.


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Forgetting Liesel Day 01

So I haven’t felt much like writing lately — depression can do that to a woman, I guess. But my therapist (yeah, you smirk, but you know you have one, too)… anyway, my therapist said it’d be good for me to ‘process my feelings,’ so here I am. How’s that for an introduction? I don’t know, it just feels weird to be introducing myself to my own fucking journal… Hah. I like that. Fucking journal. What would that be like? My own fucking journal? I’d probably have to start with Mark, even though I...

3 years ago
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Forgetting You

I will not cry, I will not cry, I chant to myself, trying in vain to keep the tears from flowing. I am glad I insisted on being seated in the back away from most of the other guests. Even this small comfort doesn’t bring relief as I once again berate myself for coming here in the first place. If I would have known how many couples would be here, I would have given my reservations to a friend and stayed home. Sighing, I admit the real reason I took this vacation was to get away and for a little...

1 year ago
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Forgetting the keys

Note : This story is completely fictional! My aunt is 45 years old and she is a bit curvy with nice tits to go with her plump ass, she has long blond hair and she usually wears glasses She isn’t the type to wear high heel shoes; at least I’ve never seen her do it She has 2 sons; the older is in the army and the younger one usually goes out to play with friends One day I slept over because I forgot my keys, apparently she was supposed to be alone the day after and didn’t know id be there. She...

1 year ago
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Getting There

I figured it was about a four hour drive, most of it on the Interstate, to Camp Hoyle, where my son is stationed. Kevin had a weekend pass and invited us up to see the place and maybe do some fishing. I had our gear in the big chest back in the bed of my pickup. The day was warm and sunny, but not too hot. Good for driving. We had the windows cranked down—no AC in my old Dodge—and a nice breeze blew through the cab. "Are we almost there yet?" Jill said. She smiled impishly and tossed her...

2 years ago
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Legion of LightChapter 1 Light Gathered

"Dave! C'mon, get with the program man!" I heard Mike say from the doorway behind me. I stood up from where I'd been sitting on the porch steps and flashed him a grin. "Sorry. I just got to thinking about something. Is everything ready?" "Oh Yeah!" Mike answered back with enthusiasm. Inside my parent's house a blur of organization and activity through the course of the day had produced a sea of blue and gold balloons, streamers, and a huge banner that stretched the entire living...

2 years ago
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Behind Enemy LinesChapter 2 The Puppets Are Gathered

After weeks of probing Sa'arm defenses on Tulak, Delta Company was ordered back to Truman for R&R. After two weeks of relaxation on Truman Delta Company was ordered to the training facility at Demeter to not only train replacements for the company's casualties, but to also train elements of other units with their firsthand experience of what works and what doesn't work when confronting Sa'arm units in force. Delta Company had gotten the training program organized on Demeter and was...

1 year ago
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Getting Nailed

Getting Nailed, By J. Birdman This story is not intended for children and if you are not old enough to read sexually explicit material, go away. This story features some elements of female domination (femdom), cross-dressing (CD), mild bondage, Trangender (TG) and a few other fantasies of mine. I hope you find it entertaining, but if you might be offended, stop reading and do something else. The author retains all rights to this story. You may re- post the story unchanged,...

1 year ago
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Getting her mom into bbc

I left the car at the repair shop; the check engine light came on while driving to work that morning. Since the shop is only a mile away I walked home. I figured that since I couldn’t go to work I’d stay home and do a little cleaning. The house would be quiet with my daughter at school and I could finally clean out my closet in peace. After calling work and telling them I wouldn’t be in today I changed into some old clothes and began to clean out the closet. I hauled out boxes of old clothes...

3 years ago
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Getting There

I took the leftover cheese, crackers, and wine back to the kitchen. There wasn’t much wine left, so I poured the remainder into my glass, then put the bottle in with the recyclables. I hummed a folk tune while I put the cheese in a baggie into the fridge and the crackers in a baggie in the pantry. I had done what I could to get and keep Steve’s attention. If I could get him to lead for the rest of the day, I could make this a delightful afternoon for both of us.After putting the dishes, forks,...

3 years ago
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Getting There

Study, come on Nika study, she kept telling herself that, but the information wouldn’t stay in her mine. Her hands were over her face, all she could think about was that she had to pass. It was her last exam and if she got it, she would be able to start working and earn money. To start being independent and not rely on her parents, but why? She asked herself. Why the fuck won’t this information just stay in my head. Nika was young, hot and sexy. At 21 years old she was only getting more...

1 year ago
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Getting Mom Interested CH01

It was my freshman year in college when my life changed with my Mother, and I was twenty years old at the time. What I meant by a change is that's when I first discovered I actually craved for my Mother in a sexual way.I know, right. I was amazed at first myself to have these unthinkable ideas swimming around in my brain about my Mother, but in my defense, it was really her fault it happened - at least that's what I told myself.I guess I should take you back to when it all started.  It was a...

3 years ago
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Getting Revenge On Charlotte

"Hey, Charlotte, let me get Mike's number," I giggled."Like hell, you're getting my brother's number, Vera," she whined, coming into her bedroom with me. "I'm not having him date a woman like you, and don't you have some other guy to screw?""First of all, he'd go for me. And no, Tom and I broke up. He left me for someone else, but I have no idea who, though. He just told me it wasn't working out, and he'd met someone else. He told me it was nothing I did, but bullshit. We're in our freshmen...

4 years ago
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getting caught in my wifes panties in the gym lead

Part 1 - The GymI got my stuff together and headed out to the gym. I was feeling incredibly horny this morning, id been chatting online with a few guys and looking at some pretty dirty porn on my phone pretty much most of the morning since I woke up. Its a huge turn on of mine to dress and act like a girly slut when I get a chance to be alone, and a lot of the time I like to wear panties under my everyday male clothes. Today was one of those days. I decided to wear a little thong under my tight...

3 years ago
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Getting caught wearing panties at the gym leads to

Part 1 - The GymI got my stuff together and headed out to the gym. I was feeling incredibly horny this morning, id been chatting online with a few guys and looking at some pretty dirty porn on my phone pretty much most of the morning since I woke up.Its a huge turn on of mine to dress and act like a girly slut when I get a chance to be alone, and a lot of the time I like to wear panties under my everyday male clothes. Today was one of those days. I decided to wear a little thong under my tight...

2 years ago
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Getting my hands on English schoolgirl

Checking her profile, Kate was a cute yet somewhat reserved school girl, probably around 16 tops. She didn't have any slutty pics, or posing like a stupid bimbo and trying to look 10 years older. But I could tell from a couple of photos that she had a fuckable body. There was that photo of her in a swimsuit and a couple in gym leggings. Not much in the tits department, but there was a hint of a decent peach and pair of legs there. Without thinking about it much, I messaged her that I had a...

2 years ago
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Getting to know the new Family

Getting to know the new "family" This is a continuing saga of Anastasia and her adventures. To be sure you can follow the story you should probably read the other stories. It starts with Anastasia's Life and then goes from there. The first story is absolutely autobiographical after that it has some truth and some fiction. As the stories progress they will probably start to become more fantasies of mine or my wife's. Enjoy. As I watched my lovely wife walk into the study with this...

3 years ago
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Getting away with murder Part 1

Getting away with murder Part 1 George goes on the run after killing the man who tormented him though high school and who eventually raped him. George looked down at his hands they were covered in blood, the blood of the man he had just killed, stabbed in the chest! The man was called Simon and had tormented George for year and had eventually raped him when they were both 16, Because of this when george turn 18 he left his small hometown and moved to the city. He lived...

4 years ago
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Getting Serious

GETTING SERIOUS It was my birthday (I won't say which one), and I felt like celebrating by doing something really fun. I took off from work, and after my wife left for her job, I checked to see that the doors were locked and the blinds closed, and went down to the computer and spent a couple of hours surfing through some of my favorite dress-up sites. I found a few girls who were absolutely breathtaking in their beauty and had whacked off while eyeing the stocking-clad legs of one....

4 years ago
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Getting Caught by his Older Stepbrother

GETTING CAUGHT, MARK QUICKLY LEARNED HIS NEW BROTHER'S COULD TEACH HIM A THING OR TWO.Mark's family never felt like the warm family blanket that he had heard his friends talk about. At least not to him. To Mark, his father always seemed to look for something else. And Mark did not get along with his mother at all, either. Perhaps that was his father's influence over him.Todd, Mark's father, was his best friend. And the only time the young lad felt truly comfortable was when he and his dad were...

1 year ago
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Getting Even with a Bad Twist

I have been married to Deb for the past three years. Deb is blonde, twenty five years old and college educated. She's cute and very sexy at the same time but I'm still very unhappy in our marriage. Now don't get me wrong, she's great and I love her very much. I just have to tell you the story of how my marriage changed. She was a great wife cooking and cleaning without complaint. I only had one problem. She just wouldn't get on the birth control pill. The only way she would let me have sex with...

1 year ago
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Getting Caught On Purpose

The realization that you are fucking your little cousin on a regular basis is empowering. Stephanie knew this too and as our sexual escapades increased in intensity and frequency we talked about breaking some more barriers. We would often include these fantasies in our dirty talk while we fucked. Stephanie was turned on at the idea of getting caught, and we had a couple impromptu public sex romps but we never actually got busted. The whole thing was liberating. We knew we were never going to...

4 years ago
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Getting Caught With Mum

Mark was a typical teenage boy. Ever since his hormones took over, most of the time, all he could think about was sex. In the last year, he had found that he was growing like a beanstalk and was rapidly approaching the six-foot mark. Though still thin, he was starting to fill out but not just his body. His cock had somehow turned from a small worm into a fat slug overnight. And that was when it was soft. Fully erect, it stuck out like some curved pole. He was quite proud that when he had a...

3 years ago
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Getting Even 3 The Final Chapter Part 1

Zane stormed into his hotel room. The meeting with his biggest client yet wasn’t going well and he was pissed. This was the deal he had to close to finally lock in his promotion he was promised three months earlier, and had been working on for the last year. He had put more energy into earning this promotion since he met Bella and her two children. Though he didn’t want to admit it to himself, they were the reason he was working so hard. Part of the delay for his promotion was due to the bad...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Getting Married

My name's Tommy and I'm getting married. Sounds like an AA introduction,doesn't it? It probably should because right now I'm viewing getting marriedlike a curse. You know, getting married is just something that most peopleassume they're going to do. Your parents talk about grandc***dren, your sistermight mention about what kind of aunt she'll be, and of course - eventually -your girlfriend will make little comments about getting married and havingbabies. So, I just kinda assumed that I...

2 years ago
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Getting Even Closer To Alan Greg

I sat down on the bed, and they each took a side of me.I took a cock in each hand. "Which one of you would like to let your wood feel my pussy walls first?" I pondered, turning my head multiple times. "I'm only your mom, so don't be shy."Neither of them immediately spoke, but according to their faces, they loved the idea. I couldn't even decide which one to take a ride with first, but as I put the question out there, I waited for one of them to step up to the plate."You really want to have...

3 years ago
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Getting Even Closer To Alan Greg

I sat down on the bed, and they each took a side of me.I took a cock in each hand. "Which one of you would like to let your wood feel my pussy walls first?" I pondered, turning my head multiple times. "I'm only your mom, so don't be shy."Neither of them immediately spoke, but according to their faces, they loved the idea. I couldn't even decide which one to take a ride with first, but as I put the question out there, I waited for one of them to step up to the plate."You really want to have...

2 years ago
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Getting Spanked by Mom part 1

I forgot to mention that when she spanks me, I must be completely nude. I didn't care about it when I was young; except for a few times we had company. Yes, even in front of company. But when I started puberty, it freaked me out. I went through almost a year without being spanked because I thought I was too old for that. Then a couple of months ago, I did something really stupid (which is another story). I remember my Mom yelling for me. "Bill, get your ass over here right now!" she...

3 years ago
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I lay in bed half exhausted after another sweaty, athletic workout with her. Our sex is always like that, incredible, hot and nasty, the best I’ve ever had. After her third orgasm she had gotten up and gone into the bathroom. I heard the toilet flush and then the water running in the sink. Then the bathroom door reopened and my sister sauntered over and got back into bed beside me. She rested her head on my shoulder and caressed my chest with her nimble fingers. I kissed her on her...

3 years ago
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Getting Blacked

It was two years into our relationship when my boyfriend got a promotion, which meant a lot more money, and that was nice. But it also meant that he had to put in a lot more hours at the office and travel to business meetings and conferences in other cities. Due to his workload, my boyfriend didn’t have enough time for me, and the sex between us nearly dried up.I thought about the last time he was between my legs and he fell asleep while he was fucking me. During this latest time, we hadn’t...

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getting them knocked up pt 2

It was obvious that I had just tried to pull of an impossible lie. She looked at me like she couldn’t believe I had even bothered to try and pull out. She said you fucking came in me but I insisted that I had only came on her. I then looked down and all I could see was gobs and gobs of thick white goo covering her entire gash. I looked down a little further in disbelief and watched as a steady stream of sperm spilled out of her hole as it ran down the crack of her ass where it pooled on the...

2 years ago
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Getting Married Tomorrow Chapter 3

Introduction: Continuing Joys last night on the town Getting Married Tomorrow – Chapter 3. There were a couple of people gawking, as we left the lounge. They had obviously gotten a good eyeful. As we entered the room, Ivan pushed the massage table up against the wall, and indicated to me to help him get the mattress off the bed and onto the floor, as there was no way we were all going to fit on the bed. Marcia was full on, kissing Joy again, while Ivan dropped his towel and lay back on the...

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