Have A Nice Day, Beautiful free porn video

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A very heartfelt Thank You to Erik Thread for his fabulous editing. His skills make your reading pleasure better.


There was an unusual stillness to the day that Gail had not expected. The bay in front of her was glassy-smooth with barely a ripple moving across the water. Occasionally a fish jumped from the water, no more than a sudden burst of energy and so quickly gone back under the surface you didn’t notice except for the sound of the splash, unless you were looking at that exact spot in the water when it happened. The sun was warm on her back, but not uncomfortably so. It was still early enough in the day that the heat had not had time to build.

She stood and picked up the trash around the table where she sat — the empty paper sack, the clear plastic container with several chunks of fruit which had not looked as fresh as those she did eat, paper napkins, unusual-shaped half spoon — half fork plastic spork, and a nearly empty bottle of water. Gail drank the rest of the water, added the empty bottle to the other trash, and took everything to the trash barrel at the corner of the small park. She looked across the concrete edge of the small park at a few early morning cars driving down the street, their tires almost at eye level. She was in a small combination parking lot and city park, several steps lower than the nearby sidewalk and the surface of the street.

Tossing her trash in the barrel, she did some stretching exercises to make sure her muscles had not tightened while she ate her breakfast then knelt to untie and retie the laces of her shoes. When she took the first step up to the sidewalk, the dark-haired man at one of the other tables she had passed on the way to the trash barrel spoke, barely loud enough for Gail to hear.

‘Have a nice day, beautiful.’

Gail turned and smiled at the man, whom she had seen in the park on several other occasions. As she responded to him, she noticed he was looking at his watch, ‘You too.’

As she turned to take the fifth and final step up to the sidewalk, her foot landed on the outside edge of the concrete step. With a squeal of surprise, she tumbled backward. Missing the step behind her, her other foot barely missed the middle step. Her ankle turned on the bottom step and she bit her tongue as she landed hard on her hip, several feet below.

Strong hands were lifting her shoulders. ‘Hey, beautiful, are you okay?’

Looking up, Gail could not see who was speaking — the sun was directly in her eyes and the man speaking was behind her. ‘Yeah, I think so.’

Shifting off her burning hip, she reached forward with a shaking hand to touch her stinging knee and stuck her numb tongue out, using her other hand to feel if she might have actually bitten off the end. The fingers of both hands came away with smears of blood, but when she looked at her knee it was only a scrape, just an abrasion. She swallowed blood and turned to spit out the rest. The man was helping her stand, but the moment she put weight on the hip, she flinched and groaned. However, when she shifted her weight to her other side, her ankle caused her to squeal with pain.

The man leaned over, put his arm behind her knees, and with a grunt, lifted her into his arms, saying, ‘Put your arm around my neck.’ He walked a few steps and sat at the table Gail had used for her breakfast.

With Gail settled on his lap, he asked, ‘Do you need an ambulance?’

‘No, no, just give me a minute to quit shaking.’

The man slid his hand down the calf of her leg and lifted her leg. There was already some swelling around her ankle, just above the edge of her shoe. ‘You can’t walk on that.’

‘Oh darn. No, I guess not.’ Gail tried to feel around under her hip, but couldn’t get her hand between his lap and herself, and she didn’t want to lean over too far for fear he might drop her.

For the second time, the man looked at his watch. ‘I’ve got a few minutes. If you live near here I can take you home.’

‘Yes, it’s … I live about two miles down this street. Yes, if you could do that, I’d appreciate it.’

Despite her mild protests, the man insisted he could carry Gail to the car, make her comfortable lying down on the back seat, and carry her into her apartment building. Gail was so busy telling him what to look for on the street ahead, she did not remember to introduce herself, nor did she ask him for his name.

As the man carried Gail down the hallway to her front door, she asked him to stop for a moment so she could push her neighbor’s doorbell.

The older woman who opened the door across from Gail’s apartment gasped, ‘Gail? Are you alright?’

‘Yes Mrs. Hamilton. Can you…’

Just like the charge nurse she had been before she retired, the older woman took over, getting Gail into the apartment, lying on the couch to take pressure off her hip, an ice pack on Gail’s elevated ankle, and a glass of ice for her tongue. During that time, the man apologized quickly, but said he needed to get back to the park or he would miss his ride to work.

In all the rush to get Gail home, the confusion of getting her into her apartment, plus the examination of her various injuries, neither Mrs. Hamilton nor Gail remembered to ask the man for his name. Nor could she remember the make, model, or even the color of the car he was driving.

During the following days, Gail or Mrs. Hamilton would mention the good looking man, with both of them commenting how lucky Gail was that he was there in the park at such an early hour, and so willing to help. Those same days saw the bruises on Gail’s hip grow darker and finally begin to fade and the abrasion on her knee healed. The swelling in her ankle, likewise, lessened and the soreness of her tongue faded. Gail finally started to look forward to resuming her morning run to the park and slower walk back home.

After a few weeks of recuperation and six weeks of resumed exercise, although she varied the times she arrived and left the park, the man she wanted to thank was never there. Once when Gail and Mrs. Hamilton went to a Saturday afternoon movie matinee both of them thought they recognized the man they had jokingly called Mister X. However, when Gail approached the man in the ticket line, she knew she had been mistaken. The man buying a ticket for himself and his companion wasn’t tall enough, nor did he look strong enough to pick up a 130 pound woman with so little effort. There was also something she remembered about the color or look in his eyes that told her she had not found Mister X. Yet, the memory of the way he had said, ‘Have a nice day, beautiful,’ rang inside her head.

One other time, as Gail left a downtown office tower, she thought she recognized Mister X, dressed in a business suit rather than as she remembered him, in a casual shirt and jeans. He was going through the revolving entrance door across a plaza as she passed through the revolving exit door. By the time she left the revolving door, was able to get back through the other door, and into the lobby of the building, he had disappeared.

One set of elevator doors was just closing on a car full of people. She stood for a few minutes watching the numbers above the doors, for the different floors where the elevator stopped. When the elevator reached the top floor, it had stopped seven times.

Gail looked at the directory on the wall opposite the elevator doors but the number of offices and the size of the building made her laugh at herself. It was foolish to consider trying to find one person, whose name she did not know, in all the possible office spaces on those seven floors. Nor could she imagine how to find him in the large restaurant, with several different dining rooms, or one of the conference rooms, on the top floor.

Several weeks later, in the middle of the night, Gail sat straight up in bed, awakened from a dream where a man leaned over to whisper in her ear, ‘Have a nice day, beautiful.’ It
was a dream she’d had on several other nights for the previous six months. It wasn’t something that haunted her, but it did send chills up her spine as a pleasant memory. Yet there was something about the look in the man’s eyes when she looked up at him that caused Gail to think about him for the remainder of the day.

It was difficult to have her day continually interrupted by memories of the strange man she did not even know. Gail didn’t have time for such thoughts. She had too much to prepare for the day and evening. Her boss was leading an afternoon discussion group for a day-long international conference and he was the primary speaker at the evening banquet. She had to manage all the printed handouts he would give to the afternoon participants.

Gail had teasingly warned him that if he tried to change anything in the handout, she would shred his speech and delete the file from her computer. It was a threat she would not follow through with, but he understood he caused her additional work when he made late changes to even one page. He had kept his promise to deliver the corrections when she returned from lunch the previous day. She had managed to update his handouts and printed all the required copies by seven the previous evening. That left all morning to make last-minute corrections to his speech, print the pages in the large type he preferred, and put it in the folio he customarily used for such things.

After the afternoon’s program was over, Gail went home to dress for the evening. With a little trepidation rumbling through her, she took a deep breath and pulled the dark red dress up her hips. After she fastened the halter top at the back of her neck, she was reminded that the draped front of the dress showed a little more cleavage than she would have preferred. She pulled her long, light brown hair into a handful at the back of her head, held it on top of her head, and then let it fall around her shoulders. She decided on the last look as the one best suited for the bare-shouldered dress. She looked in the full-length mirror, turning to see more of the dress and groaned aloud. The bra, which the sales clerk had assured her would work, was showing several inches above the low back of the dress.

Almost wailing in frustration, Gail opened her front door and stepped across the hall to ring Mrs. Hamilton’s doorbell.

‘Oh wow, Gail,’ the older woman laughed lightly and teased. ‘No one is going to be looking at Gerald Gordon when he speaks. They’ll be waiting for you to bend over.’

Turning around to show the back of the dress, Gail complained, ‘Help me.’

The two women walked into Gail’s apartment, discussing the simplest solution to go braless. ‘Just take the bra off and let’s see if you can get by with it,’ Mrs. Hamilton advised.

After doing so, they both agreed that the draped front would help. However Mrs. Hamilton seemed to have another problem. ‘Those panty hose have to go, too.’

‘What!’ Gail twirled around, the slit that went halfway up her left thigh separated as she did so.

Mrs. Hamilton ran her finger across the front panel of the clinging material, ‘The waistband is too thick, and the seam shows. It’s the same way in the back, too.’

Although there was no need to do so, Gail whispered when she said, ‘I can’t go naked under this dress.’

Mrs. Hamilton shrugged her shoulders, ‘Who’s going to know. Take ’em off, let’s see,’ she instructed, and finally nodded that it was the only way to wear the dress.

‘Oh God,’ Gail moaned. ‘I don’t have another dress to wear and I don’t have time to change anyway.’

Mrs. Hamilton stood back and looked at Gail, ‘You walk around the banquet hall in that dress, and you’ll have half the men in the room sitting up on their haunches, panting — and every woman asking where you bought the dress.’

Gail walked across her bedroom and stood before the full length mirror, knowing both what Mrs. Hamilton had suggested was correct and concerned that her predictions were correct, too.

Less than a minute later — it was too late to make changes anyway — her co-worker, Robert Trujillo, who was an administrative assistant from another department was ringing her doorbell.

‘You two young people have a good evening,’ Mrs. Hamilton said, chuckling as she walked back across the hall to her own apartment.

Gail’s smile was slightly superficial as she picked up her handbag and Mr. Gordon’s leather folio, containing the well-practiced and researched speech. Not only was she uncomfortable with her clothing, she especially did not like being escorted by Robert Trujillo. She had rebuffed his advances for several months and mentioned the problem to Mr. Gordon on more than one occasion. She raised her most recent complaint when Robert backed her into a corner of the supply room and suggested that she might want to be a little friendlier to preserve her job when he was promoted to one of the executive positions.

Robert’s threat was dumb and both of them knew it. Gerald Gordon might be talking about reducing his work load, but there was no way he would name Robert Trujillo to be a vice-president of anything. Robert was not an engineer, nor did he have the field experience necessary to do that job.

Although she kept her distance from Robert, it was a little difficult in the elevator. It was even harder when he put his arm around her as they walked to the car. She moved stiffly, pressing her elbow against him to prevent him from pulling her any closer.

‘Relax, Gail, I’ll behave myself,’ Robert paused for a moment then leaned over to whisper in her ear, ‘At least until we get home from the banquet.’

Gail stopped in the middle of the circular drive in front of her apartment building and turned to the man, ‘Robert, don’t push me. My job is not so important to me that I will tolerate sexual harassment to preserve it.’

She may have said the words, but her job was important to her. It was important enough that she had tolerated his advances until she knew if she didn’t say something one or both of them could be prevented from advancement. Gail liked her job, she was looking forward to a better position than the one she had, maybe even an executive position, rather than a high level secretary.

The man’s syrupy sweet comment did not cause Gail to relax, ‘I can assure you there are no employment standards regarding sexual harassment for employees on their personal time.’

Although she might not have needed to do so, it gave her satisfaction to continue walking to the company vehicle Robert was driving to the banquet. When she was comfortably seated in the vehicle and Robert was in the driver’s seat, Gail buckled her seat belt and turned her head toward him.

‘Mr. Trujillo, we are in a company vehicle where those employee rules do apply.’ She paused for a moment and added, ‘I am on salary this evening. I tell you that so you will understand I can report your conduct if you step over that line.’ She took a deep calming breath before speaking again, ‘I will also suggest that you read the company policies about fraternization and sexual harassment again. What you said a moment ago is not correct.’


As Gail placed the leather folio on the head table, she watched Mr. Gordon put his hand on top of the folder holding his speech. ‘I just checked to make sure the pages are in order. Would you do that for me, too, please?’

‘Over cautions are you? By the way, you look lovely Gail.’

‘Thank you, sir. No, I’m not being over cautious. I just know how important this evening is to you.’

Mr. Gordon picked up and opened the folio, checked the pages to make sure he could read each one, and that the page numbers were in order. ‘This is just right, Gail. Thank you. I have one more chore for you and then you are relieved of your duties.’ He winked, something he often did, when he indicated it was something he wanted her to do but it was not necessarily within her scope of duties.
‘There should be a gentleman here tonight who was in the afternoon session, but he escaped before I could speak to him privately. I wanted to get his business card and ask him to call me for a meeting. His name is Harmon Bayer, just like the aspirin, Harmon Bayer. See if you can find him, tell him who you are and get his card for me.’

Gail had worked with Gerald Gordon long enough to detect certain information from the way he said things and the tone of voice he used. ‘I’m getting the impression this man is important.’

‘Yes, very. Harmon Bayer, don’t forget it.’

‘Yes, sir. Can you … can you give me a clue to what he looks like, it will make it easier for me to find him.’

‘Oh, yes, dumb me, six two or three, muscular, 250 or so, and dark hair. That should rule out three-fourths of the others. Is our Roberto behaving himself?’

‘The usual, sir, I can handle him.’

‘Good, good. You don’t know this, but early next week Robert is going to spend a little time in the personnel department where he will be reminded of the company rules regarding his behavior. Don’t forget to find Harmon Bayer for me.’

As Gail walked away from the head table, she thought to herself, ‘Whew, Harmon Bayer must be ‘very’ important. Gerald Gordon said his name four times.’ Before she had moved ten steps, Robert Trujillo was at her side, slyly slipping his arm around her waist and attempting to move his hand up her side, between her arm and her ribs.

Gail tightened her arm against her side, to prevent his hand from going any higher, lifted her other arm as she waved to an acquaintance across the room, and turned her head to Robert. She smiled, disguising her words, and said, ‘Take you hand off me, Robert, and don’t touch me again.’

She backed up two steps, watching Robert lean forward and growl at her, ‘Frigid bitch, I’ll have your job after this.’

Shocked at the man’s vehemence, she took two more steps backward as he walked away. Her foot landed on the foot of the person behind her and her weak ankle turned. Gail gasped as someone’s hands grabbed her upper arms.

‘Hello, beautiful.’

Gail whirled and grimaced when she put weight on her foot, her mouth opened from hearing the voice from her memory and her dreams. ‘You …’

‘I have you. Put your arm around my neck.’ When she had done so, he said, ‘I shouldn’t pick you up. Can you stand?’

Gail nodded, not taking her eyes off him. ‘Who … where … oh, please. I need to sit down.’

A hard-faced woman put her arm through the man’s arm and spoke sharply, ‘Harmon.’

‘Just a moment, Jean. She tripped over me. Let me get her to a chair.’

Gail looked from the woman to the man, ‘Harmon? Harmon, are you Harmon Bayer?’

He nodded and put his arm around her, while Gail limped to a chair against the wall then gratefully sank down to the seat. ‘I have a …’

‘Harmon,’ the blonde woman he had called Jean interrupted, speaking harshly, as Gail grabbed his hand.

‘Wait,’ Gail said. ‘I have a message for you.’

‘A message?’

Speaking quickly, ignoring Jean’s possessive hold on the Harmon’s arm, Gail introduced herself, ‘I’m Gail Sutton, Special Assistant to Gerald Gordon. He … he was unable to speak to you after this afternoon’s session.’ The look on Harmon’s face, his quick look at the woman he had called Jean, and the slight shake of his head, puzzled Gail. She stopped speaking and opened her hand bag, offering him one of her business cards. She made her voice as pleasant as possible, glancing quickly at the woman still holding Harmon’s arm. ‘Thank you for helping me. Please call my office when you have time for a short conversation.’

‘Are you alright, here?’

‘Yes, I’m fine. It was just a simple turned ankle. I have some weakness in that ankle.’ She pointed to the table near them, ‘This is our company’s table.’ She nodded across the room at Robert, although this man might not have known whom she was indicating, ‘My escort will see me in a few minutes. Thank you again for helping me.’

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Let's start with some details. Bernice is a tall girl, mid thirties with tumbling brunette hair. I guess she has what you might describe as a fuller figure and has lovely big tits. Her pussy is partially shaved and always wet - seriously, all the time! I am six foot with a medium athletic build, brown hair and a 7 inch, uncut, thick cock. A week or so earlier we had agreed to split up. I was ready to move on and had started seeing someone else. I think Bernice was still hoping for a...

1 year ago
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Fred and Bernice A Love Story

63-year-old Fred Edmonds stood outside his farmhouse looking at the impending storm clouds with concern. He was a slender but muscular man from years of hard labor of tending to the soil. 60-year-old Bernice standing on the steps of the cellar said, "Fred, I know you are worried but I don't want to lose you in this storm." Fred looked at Bernice with a haggard look and went down into the cellar with Bernice. Inside the cellar, Fred stood there in his faded Wranglers and Wranglers...

4 years ago
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Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashma Pt 1 Daya Ke Photos

Hello guys my name is Rahul and I am 18 years old studying in college. Please puri story padiye jise ek acha sa mahol banee aur imagine karte jayie jis characters ki baat hoti hai jisse jyada maja ayega. ALL THE CHARACTERS IN THE STORY ARE 18+ ADULTS. Iss serial ko introduction ki koi jarurat nahi hai yeh meri aapki aur sabki favourite serials mein se ek hai ‘Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah.’ Toh iss story ki characters toh aapko pata hee hai toh sidha story pe aata hun! Toh start karte hai...

2 years ago
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PansiThursday and Thursdays past

Thursday (and Thursdays past)--Pansi "emasculated" It's the rare word so special to allow it inked on my blemishless skin--twice actually. The script is delicate cursive (timidly uncapitalised) written across a spray of darling little pink and yellow stars. It's on the sensitive inside of my right wrist. It's tiny with muted colors, so more of a personal thing than to be noticed; something to give me a lift if I'm feeling too much like a boring girl. The other is the same but...

3 years ago
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Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashma Pt 2 Daya Aur Tapu

Namaste aap sabko yeh 2nd part hai puri story samaj ne ke liye hamara 1st part padhiye. All the characters in the story are 18+. Toh jaise ki aap logo ne pehle part mein padha ki kaise Tapu ne apni mummy Daya ko ek hot nighty mein photoshoot ke liye manaya. Aur Tapu TV pe photos dikhane baithta hai. Aab aage Tapu aur Daya dono sath mein sofe pe baithe hote hai. Tapu ki nazar sirf uski maa pe hoti hai aur dono photos dekhte hai. Daya: He maa mataji Tapu yeh tunee kaise photos kiche hai? Mujhe...

2 years ago
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TMKOC Daya aur Roshan ka sonswap

Gogi ko ek school project ke liya kuch important file aur document internet se download karna tha. Lekin uske pass apna computer nahi tha. Gokuldham mein Gogi ke sirf do doston ke pass hi computer tha. Tapu aur Sonu. Gogi ne socha ki kyun na Tapu ke pass jaya jaye? Udhar aacha khane ko bhi milega aur Tapu se project bhi karwa lunga. Gogi Tapu ke ghar jane bahar nikalta hai. Udhar dekhta hai Tapu aur Bapuji kahan bahar ja rahe hai auto mein. Gogi- Oye, Tapu kahan ja raha hai? Tapu- Aare Gogi,...

4 years ago
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Faraday Serum II Best Laid Plans

The Best Laid Plans By: Light Clark and Meridian Synopsis: Almost two years have passed since the Protean serum capable of changing men into women was brought to Aurora in an effort to save the people of the world from extinction. The Aurorans have since organized the Faraday Initiative, a program calling for volunteers to undergo the treatment and begin bringing women back to the planet. Two lowlifes from the streets of the opulent city's underground volunteer in the hopes of...

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Daya Bhabhi Ne Babu Ji Aur Kamwali Ki Chudai Dekhi

Tarak Mehta ka oolta chashma ke stories ke fans ke liye ek aur kahani pesh hai aaj.  Fantasy hai ye jisme Babu ji apni kamwali ki le rahe hai. Unhe Daya bhabhi ne  dekh liya aur chut mein ungli ki. To chaliye ab time waste na karte hue khani par  chale. Daya bhabhi kamre mein ayi to usne dekha ki Babu ji kamre mein nahi hai. Chai ki pyali ko table par rakhi. Woh jhaadu padi hui thi kamre mein use side mein rakh ke kitchen ki taraf chal padi. Tabhi ek sath uske dimag mein do sawal aaye, “Babu ji...

3 years ago
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Mayday Mayday Mayday

It was one of those balmy early Fall days, the leaves on the trees overhung the river dressed in Magenta and Gold. I could see them from the huge deck I had built on the West side of our house overlooking the water, just a half mile away. I knew the Fall Chinook would be arriving, it was early for them but still, such a pretty day, worth a shot. I asked my wife Kay if she wanted to go fishing, she knows I love days out on the river. But her fear of water shows in her reluctance, often she...

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Living In Dayton Town chapter 11

The women. The women in Dayton county were some of the hottest ladies you could hope to see, let alone talk to. This wasn't bragging. From the 18 year old girls at the local high school to the mature married milfs who lived in the neighbourhood to even our very own police force which had at least 25 female members were as hot as hell. Secretaries, 2 judges, the 70+ married women still in their twenties, the 90+ single women still in their twenties, the 100+ mature Milfs, the High...

2 years ago
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Doomsday Cruise Delight

John hadn’t caught her age as things had just moved too fast. She was no teenager, but she couldn’t be more than twenty-five he figured? My god what a body, what a flat stomach and look at her firm tight ass. As her plump raspberry tinged lips enveloped John’s hard cock he groaned again and she giggled at his reaction. She looked more vulnerable and sexy than John thought a woman could be capable of looking. Their wild bedroom antics had tousled her hair and her make-up was streaked and smudged...

Love Stories
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Middle School Mischief at DorsetChapter 31 Bernice Blows It

"Did you bring the pictures, Mrs. Bartlett?" "Yes, Reverend." Bernice placed the envelope on the desk and stood nervously before the seated minister. "Becky looked wonderful after her visit with you this afternoon. So happy." "She's a wonderful girl, Sister Bartlett. You and Mr. Bartlett have brought her up well." Wilson's balls were not as swollen and painful now as they were two hours ago after his preparatory session with the woman's ripe-fourteen-year-old daughter and having...

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Venice had car trouble

Venice was having one of those days, she had a tough day at work and as soon as the clock hit 5:00pm she hurriedly got to her car and pulled away just as the rain started. Venice’s commute was very long. It took her an hour each way. She knew that it would take longer in the downpour she was in. As she pulled onto the highway she looked down and noticed that the her already too short denim skirt had ridden all the way up to hip and she is soaked. She sighed heavily thinking that her day...

1 year ago
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Nicoles MayDay Party

Nicole's MayDay Party Nicole has some friends over and Larry gets out of hand again. Nicole and her friends give Larry some lessons on behavior. May had arrived in Salem. May is the time for planting and for people to start looking for things to do in the warm weather. Nicole always had a MayDay party. She planned it for the first Saturday in May. She did that so her and friends didn't have to worry about getting the time off from their jobs. When she was younger, school. This year...

3 years ago
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The Vampire of Venice

-Charles Perrault, "The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood" *** 1796 Elena woke. It was dark. She pushed on the lid of the coffin and it opened. A single candle glowed on the table, and she saw that the crypt was empty except for herself and her casket. It was made of beautiful polished wood, and she spent a few minutes admiring its lines and running her fingers over it smooth surface. It was good to be buried in such a thing if one is dead, she decided. Was she dead? She didn’t...

2 years ago
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Janices Unexpected Threesome

The eleven o’clock news had started about fifteen minutes earlier when I heard a key entering the lock to our door. Moments later the door opened and Janice entered the room, closing and locking the door behind her. Janice stood by the door for a few moments before saying “You’ll never guess what happened tonight.” I looked at her, waiting for her to continue her story, as I had absolutely no idea as too what she about to tell me. Janice looked at me with a grin on her face and said “I got...

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Janices Way

JANICE'S WAY By Jasmine Lee It all started in early December. Janice, the woman across the street, called after Terry as he walked up his front steps. "Scuse me, Terry? Could you do me a favor?" "Sure, Janice, what do you need?" "Could you carry my Xmas tree up the steps for me?" "Be glad to," Terry replied, wondering why she couldn't ask her husband to do it. Terry hated getting involved with the neighbors. He preferred to keep to himself and felt very ill at ease...

2 years ago
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Daytona Day 1 of 5

Daytona Day 1 of 5 I am only going to set this up once so… Master had 5 of his buddies over last Sunday (2/21/16) to watch the Daytona 500. It was in the mid 40’s so my naked ass was outside grilling some food and the guys were just sitting around shooting the shit. For those that don’t know, I am a 24/7 sub/slave for my husband/Master so at home I am always nude. Anyway, eventually the talk turned to the race and who they thought was going to do what. I am and always have been a big Dale Jr....

3 years ago
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Bday Gift Ani Chepi Nanu Lanja Laga Vadukunadu

Hi Indian sex story readers, andaru bagunara nenu mi Vinisha Ni, nenu share cheskuna na first story ki response Baga adirindi thankyou all. Chala mails vachayi kani konitki reply ichanu time saripoka. Nenu hyderabad lo untanu nadi recent ga graduation complete aiendi. Naku sex ante chala istam and na structure gurinchi chepkovali ante nenu chamanchaya colour lo unta height 5’7 inka 36-30-38. Nanu contact avali anukunte na mail address Eedi na bday roju aiendi. Nanu lanja Laga marchina Vishal...

2 years ago
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Janices Italian Job Part 2

As they continued riding in the gondola, Natalie took Janice's hand and placed it on her breast, placing her hand on top of Janice's and squeezing. When Janice squeezed on her own, Natalie let out a soft moan. The gondola had circled back to where it had picked them up, and they exited the boat. They made the walk back to the car holding hands and drove back to the villa. Once there, they went to Natalie's room and sat on the bed."Can I ask you something, Natalie?""Of course.""I have...

First Time
4 years ago
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GT the Niceville PT finds out it aint so NICE Part 5

Tracey wanted to seek new pastures, so she looked for somewhere to move to – she found a place called “Niceville”. Well that sounded just great, she thought, so she moved there to make new friends and a new life. She got a job as a receptionist at the local used car lot so came into contact with a lot of people – not always the best type though! One guy, named Buck, bought an old Chevvy from the lot; he eyed her up as she bent over in her black leather miniskirt to file the papers....

2 years ago
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Venice in August

Venice in August By Denham Forrest, The Wanderer My thanks go to PapaGus and Deryk for assisting me in preparing this story for posting. Venice in August I’d wandered away from the cathedral entrance, wondering what the hell I was doing there anyway. It was the third day of our holiday, and my two daughters had taken their spouses inside to enjoy the splendour of the old building. And the coolness of the air, I should imagine. I didn’t want to go inside the building myself. I’d seen...

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A guy and his 55 Doomsday

Gen - Jakes first Jinn                                                                Tina - Rita's daughter Jinn - What the genies are called                                             Trully -  second Jinn doc Rasmir's little sister Tommy Sinclair - Friend of Jake's and fellow worker           Nyrae - Juno's powerful Jinn   Mary - Boss's daughter                                                              Nuha - Leader of Deadly Trio     Juno - Jakes big Boss and Mary's...

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on my 19th bday i was tookn out to the strip club now my bday is christmas eve but celeabrate it one boxing day bars are closed on boxing day here but got lucky with finding this strip club open they were haven a vip party that night i just said it was my 19th n was lucky to be lett in with my entourage now after a few drinks n tossing money at some sexy strippers n seeing some fine asses n pussies i took a break to walk ard the club checking out the fine females came across a table of 6...

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on my 19th bday i was tookn out to the strip club now my bday is christmas eve but celeabrate it one boxing day bars are closed on boxing day here but got lucky with finding this strip club open they were haven a vip party that night i just said it was my 19th n was lucky to be lett in with my entourage now after a few drinks n tossing money at some sexy strippers n seeing some fine asses n pussies i took a break to walk ard the club checking out the fine females came across a table of 6...

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Bighairyharleybike Daytona Rich Bitch used as a Sl

Another true biker story.If you are a biker and live where it snows there is only one thought that gets you through the long winter:Daytona Bike Week!I been going to Daytona Bike Week since the 1970’s and damn has it changes over those years. Gone are the days of rampant nudity, fights, Outlaws vs. Hells Angels, and general tearing up the town. From the days of 50 guys wearing colors walking down Main Street to moms and k**s every where, One way or another it’s a homecoming to find old friends...

1 year ago
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Venice in August

My thanks go to PapaGus and Deryk for assisting me in preparing this story for posting. I'd wandered away from the cathedral entrance, wondering what the hell I was doing there anyway. It was the third day of our holiday, and my two daughters had taken their spouses inside to enjoy the splendour of the old building. And the coolness of the air, I should imagine. I didn't want to go inside the building myself. I'd seen it all too many times before and like most of the city, it held too many...

4 years ago
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Lena Goes to Venice Again

It had all seemed so long ago and far away. Lena’s first trip to Venice was almost twenty years ago. That fact stunned her as she sat on the passenger jet airliner over the Mediterranean Sea and circled for an approach to the airport near Venice. Her first trip to Venice was all by ship and train. This time, she had to take two pills to overcome her fear of flying to get onboard this miracle of science that put humans into the air like soaring birds. The impossibility of such a heavy piece...

2 years ago
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Chudayi ke Din Chudayi ki Raaten II

Main Sudha, ek bar fir se aoni chudayi ki kahani jari rakhti hoon. Mera raat ko Papa ke saath mausi ki chudayi dekh kar utejna se bura haal ho gaya tha aur fir meri behan Namita ne mujhe jo maza diya, maine kabhi sapne mein bhi nahin socha tha. Meri behan beshak mujh se chhoti hai, par chudayi mein meri guru hai. Usske bheege huye chumban essey thay ki meri chut se ras ki nadiya behne lagi thee aur jo maza mujeh apni behan ke mukh se aur haathon se mila, kabhi nahin mehsoos hua tha. Usske baad...

2 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 8 Wednesday Dana

I was crammed into a corner of the booth with Toni, Ned and Fran, when Toni asked, "What do you do for them?" She meant at work. "I'm International Sales Manager. We have a lot of retail customers overseas, mostly in Europe. They're my job. There's not much travel, but some." "You study Marketing in college?" she asked. "What I do is really logistics — distribution, not really Sales. No, I was good old English Lit. When I went to work for them, I was just an assistant in Sales....

1 year ago
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Lady Janice of SterlingChapter 24 The Next Day

"Aaaaugh!" I woke up with a start, sitting bolt upright. I was in bed, the sun was shining, and I could hear Janice showering in the master bathroom. What had happened last night? I wondered. Some things were clear. I went to talk to Jack upstairs in the guest bedroom. And then he told me that I had been programmed with a dose of the mind control drug that he had saved in his refrigerator. But he had only done it because ... I had asked for it? That I had wanted to become submissive and...

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BBs Nursery and Daycare Chapter 2

BB's Nursery and Day Care Chapter 2 Sunday morning came with the sun shining and the birds chirping. Edna was already up. She had a lot to do to this morning. She was fully dressed in a typical navy blue business jacket, matching skirt, white silk blouse and low heeled shoes. She always felt high heels were for the young and the vain, and she was no longer either having celebrated a 55th birthday a few months ago. This was what she usually wore back when she was working every day at...

4 years ago
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Sarah Carerra 228 A Staple for the Holliday

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: March 21, 2011) Chapter 28 - A Staple for the Holliday There were already a number of people standing around when the limo pulled up to a door at the Staples Center. For a moment I worried that things would become complicated...

1 year ago
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CarleyChapter 6 Venice and Marja Again

On Wednesday morning, we checked out of the hotel and took a taxi to the train station. I had pre-paid tickets on the high-speed train to Venice. We had a private compartment, but the door was clear glass, so we couldn’t do any serious fooling around. The countryside zipped by and, as usual, I was amazed at the amount of farmland and just plain wilderness that covers large parts of northern Italy. We pulled into the Santa Lucia train station on the Grand Canal in Venice. A water taxi took us...

3 years ago
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Randi Ki Chudayi Pahli Baar Jungle Me

Mai pratik c.G. Se ye meri pahli story hai . Tou time waste na karte huye sidhe kahani pe aata hu. Mai 25 saal ka ek ladka hu ye tab ki baat hai jab mai chudayi k liye tadap rha tha . Girl friend se v brekup ho chuka tha , maine suna tha hmare city se 20 km. Dur ek jungle hai wahaa randiya bahut milti hai gao ki . Tou ek din mai aur mera ek friend udhar he ghumne chle gye randi ki talaash me par koi nai mili, aise he 5-6 din tak hum roz jaate par koi naimilti .Mai thak chuka tha aur chudayi k...

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Marathon Chudayi

Aaaahhhh…. Ye kya kar rahe ho sanjuuu… ufff.. Chus chus kar hi mujhe jhada doge.. Kya… ohh tumhari jeebh…haaiiiii…. Mar gayiiiiiii.. Haann.. Aur andar.. Uffff… ye kyaaa… ummmm.. Ohh… meriii choooooot.. Ohh… itnaa…paaniiiiii… bahut achcha ..lag..rahaaaa.. Pehali..baar.. Choot me jeebh..ohh maaa… maa…. Sanju..aaj marr..daloge kyaa..” Prabha bhabhi ki choot mere unh ke upar thi.. Dono pair mere sar ke dono taraf aur choot se paani bina ruke tapak raha tha.. Aur bhabhi apne chootad kabhi mere munh...

1 year ago
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BBs Nursery and Daycare Chapter 3

BB's Nursery and Day Care Chapter 3 Mrs. Nelson, Head Mistress Rose Valentine, Judge Marion Sanderson and Mr. Gray were on a group call in the BB's conference room. Edna and Rose were in person, Marion's screen showed her home office and as always Mr. Grays screen was blank. Mrs. Nelson was wrapping up the discussion "So we are agreed with how we handle Janice's wife?" There were nods and a sigh from Judge Marion. Mr. Gray was, as always, just an observer. He almost never spoke up...

3 years ago
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Meri Behen Ki Chudayi 8211 Part 2

Hi dosto, aap ko meri paheli kahani pasand aayi hogi. Ab aage meri bahan veena ki mast chudayi ki kahani aap ka land khada kar degi.Ek lambi chudayi ke baad shayam aur veena bed pe aaram kar rahe the. Tabhi mera phone baja aur mere dost ne bataya ki aaj raat woo nahi aayega. Office me party he me bhi bahut khush ho gaya aur socha koy na ye baat me veena ko bata du ur dekhu ye dono aage kya gul khilate he. Mene veena ko phone kar ke ye bataki me nahi aa unga. Veena ne bhi ye baat shayam ko bata...

3 years ago
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Bhabhi Ka Bday Gift Meri Viginity

Hello Sab log, Kaise hai aap log,Umeed hai khush hi honge ya khushi(pleasure) dhundh rahe honge iss story k madhyam se apna apna hatyar leke hath main… Yeh story hai mere aur mere pados wali bhabhi k beech ki,k kaise unhone mjh main ek pleasure partner dhundha aur kaise mjhe viginity ek pari k dwara khone ka mauka mila To story pe aate hai,Main jaise ki pichli story main bataya maine ki main college jata hua ek mast maula ladka hu 6 se lamba hu aur hai dono jaise aap samjhe, Ab aate hai...

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