Helen… Ch. 08 free porn video

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Harry was becoming increasingly attracted to his new-found-friend. Saskia was cold towards him still, only offering her companionship to protect him from the gang he was hiding from. Her flat was becoming more and more his domain as the week passed by and Saskia did not mind either. She had someone around to break the loneliness, the solitude of hiding away from danger. Harry was very conscious of the danger he too was bringing to Saskia just by being there.

For Helen, life continued as normal. She attended her lectures as if nothing happened between her and the professor. He too showed no obvious signs that he and she had played around. Although Helen could not forget that day. David was someone, to her, that seemed to have shown her a new horizon when it came to relationships and sex. She had realised how strong her submissive side was and enjoyed it. In the past she would hide it, thinking that it was a weakness. She had now realised it was also a powerful position to have when it came to such things.

Jack was becoming more depressed and work was being disrupted by his concerns over Helen’s safety, and his too. His lady friends began to notice how much he had changed since Helen moved in to his apartment and they had stopped visiting him there. Helen had not yet told him about the morning that David fucked her.

They sat down to dinner as usual, a wall of silence between them, with only the sound of smooth classical jazz playing in the background. It was Friday night and neither of them had any plans for that weekend.

‘David told me everything.’ Helen broke the silence. Jack looked back at her. He was shocked slightly, not expecting to even hear David’s name being uttered.

‘What did he tell you?’

‘What you and he had planned and discussed. The other night when you forced me to have sex. He admitted his part in it and how he thought you should do it and not him.’

‘I would rather forget it if you don’t mind. It was not easy for me.’

‘He has a certain power over you doesn’t he?’ Helen asked. Jack wondered exactly what she was hinting. She seemed calm and matter-of-fact, showing very little emotion. He felt as if he was being interrogated. ‘He made you do it. Forced you. Convinced you.’

‘Wait. What are you talking about?’

‘You know what I’m talking about. David is that kind of person. He controls people very skilfully. The nice persona he has also hides something deep inside. He can convince you of anything he wants.’

‘I was not manipulated. He merely suggested I carry out what you and he had planned originally.’

‘Even though you hated doing it. I understand, no need to explain that.’

Jack remained quiet as his mind thought it through. She was correct, David had convinced him that it was his duty and that was what she wanted. He knew too that if he was the one to carry out her fantasy then it was best he did it rather than her professor. He objected to both at first and then resigned to it, knowing that was what David wanted, even if Jack did not himself agree with the act. Afterall, it was just a game, but Jack wanted to get back at Helen for running out on him that evening and it seemed appropriate to carry it through at the time, as punishment.

‘I don’t normally do those kinds of things.’ Jack replied. ‘Ok, I admit it. And you know how it hurt me to do it. I’m not the cruel dominating man. I love you because I feel that way about you, above all of the other women I know. You to me are… you are like my younger sister who needs protecting. And at the same time our love is much different.’

‘He fucked me.’ Helen let her words go freely, breaking his explanations which she did not care too much to hear. She knew what kind of love they shared. Jack lifted his glass and drank, then slowly rested it back onto the table.

‘He did what?’

‘I let him fuck me.’ She stared at him, watching how he was reacting. It was something he did not want to hear. Yet, he agreed at the beginning that she could see and have sex with anyone she wished, as long as he too could enjoy such privileges. He had to be careful now. If he reacted badly, then it would obviously show a change in how he thought.

‘That’s fine. Did you enjoy it? Was he what you expected?’

‘Infact, he was a lot better than I had expected. It was quite gentle. Probably the first time anyone had fucked me in such a caring way.’ She could see him struggling and fighting with his inner emotions. It was what she wanted to see, not through malice, but through curiosity. Jack held on to his feelings. The whole conversation was becoming a cold-war situation. A mind game. A human game of chess without the pieces, to see which one would break first. She wanted him to admit that he cared for her. He did not want to show how much he had changed his mind about her.

‘Do you still see your girl friends? You haven’t mentioned them in a while.’

‘You know I can’t bring them back here. It would not be right since you moved in.’

‘What happened to those thoughts you had about having threesome trysts? I was quite looking forwards to being part of them. Who knows, I might have liked them. I am quite capable of making love to another woman if I think she would satisfy my needs.’

‘I don’t think we should talk about that.’ Jack replied.

‘Why not? Does it bother you? I might even let Jayne show me a thing or two.’

‘Stop it. You are going too far. This conversation is leading us both nowhere.’

‘I know for a fact that you wanted to see Jayne and I get it on. That is your fantasy, to watch me have sex with another woman, and perhaps jump in yourself. But Jayne is a lesbian…’

‘I said stop it!’ Jack left the table, his meal hardly touched and no longer required. Helen was winning her battle and yet she did not see that Jack was depressed and the whole game was unfair on his behalf. ‘I don’t want to hear anymore about David or Jayne,’ he explained. ‘That day we had together was about making new friends. It was not about having sex or an orgy…’

‘You wanted to fuck her. Admit it.’

‘I fancied her, ok? I like lots of attractive women. But it doesn’t mean I want to fuck them. Like you said, she isn’t interested in me. She wanted you.’

‘You noticed? Or should I say, you knew and David planned it? It’s ok, he told me all about it.’

‘What did he tell you?’ Jack realised there and then that David has revealed everything to her. But, he had not. He returned to the table and looked at her. ‘It was just fun. Yes, we planned it all that evening, but you turned cold towards her. David and I thought it might be interesting to see what happened between you and Jayne. The whole thing would have been a terrible mistake.’

‘It was then you knew how much you cared about me?’

‘To be honest, yes it was.’

‘Are you and David still friends?’

‘Weirdly enough, we are. I find him intriguing. He is the expert in these things. It is what he studies and teaches, and you know that. And yes, he makes suggestions that I find intriguing. He is a man who knows how I think and what I like, and I find it hard to resist him.’

Helen had squeezed out the answers she wanted. David had a certain control over Jack and it confirmed everything she thought. If David told him to experiment then Jack would do it, even if he did not want to. In a way, the professor was the Dom in both their cases. That led her to a final question she had to know the answer to.

‘Do you fancy him? I mean sexually?’ she asked. Jack looked at her, this time not surprised at her question because it was seeking out a truth. Jack did find David sexually attractive. For a long time now he had been hiding from what he had regarded as being unusual. He was bi and thought that admitting to such things would harm his status and career, even his relationships with other women.

‘Whatever you do, you must never tell a soul beyond these
walls.’ Jack pleaded for her confidence. ‘I could never live with people knowing that.’

‘Surely David knows that?’

‘No. I have restraint for my sexual feelings. I just enjoy him for his solid guidance and advice. I like to follow his instructions, carry them through, no matter how much I regret doing them afterwards.’

Helen could identify with that. She did not think that David was a person she could fall in love with, but she too enjoyed his dominance, no matter who else she loved. David’s love seemed different somehow, power and control over her sexual weaknesses, which she accepted.

That evening was a time for revelation. The game was now over. They looked at each other across the table, their meal hardly eaten. She felt the urge to make love and equally, so did he. She wanted to tell him how much she wanted him to take her, rough and demanding with submissive resignation. The fantasy of playing out the act of rape without the unknowns of being violated by a stranger.

‘I want you to fuck me, like you did the last time.’ She requested. Jack however was not prepared to do that. He could never hurt her in that way again. ‘It’s ok, I want you to do it.’ He saw her request as an order. But this time it was from the person he respected in a different way to David.

‘I can’t do it. Not again.’

‘Why not?’

He explained his feelings towards her. The love he had which was not motivated by violence, only caring for her safety, the gentle satisfaction of her needs. Helen thought about it and accepted his answer, setting her limits that seemed convenient for both of them, the way it was before and how it was since their first time together.

The sun shone through the windows of the flat, waking Harry from his sleep on the couch. That always annoyed him in the mornings. He looked at the clock on the shelf, which told him it was almost noon. Everything was as it had been before he fell asleep, after the friendly game of cards he and Saskia played until late into the that morning. He realised that Saskia was still sleeping in her bedroom and he had decided to surprise her with a cup of fresh coffee, which may help to break the wall a little more between them. He wanted sex badly and she was his chosen partner.

Slowly he opened the bedroom door holding her favourite mug of coffee, not wanting to wake her until he had set up the surprise. Saskia lay on her bed, the duvet in a heap on the floor. She was naked, still fast asleep on her back. He did not expect to find her that way, but he too was pleasantly surprised. Now he could glimpse the flattened roundness of her breasts and the thick tuft of pubic hair that covered her mound. He hesitated, wondering if he should just admire the beauty she portrayed or gently cover her before waking her up. His desire to make love to her was now in his mind more than ever before. He was becoming hard, spurred on by the erotic sight. However, he was also a gentleman in nature, to take her there and them would be obtrusive, it would most definitely spoil his chances, and the security she provided him with.

He set the mug of coffee on the pink bedside cabinet and sat beside her. ‘Saskia,’ he whispered, then again louder. She opened her eyes slowly. ‘It’s only me. I brought you some coffee.’ She suddenly realised her predicament of being totally exposed and screamed out, sitting up and covering her breasts with her arm. One hand conveniently covering her sex. Harry jumped up and stepped away. ‘Wait, I only brought you coffee.’ He held up his hands in resignation and forgiveness.

‘Oh my god, tell me you didn’t touch me?’ she asked with self-consciousness. ‘Please tell me you didn’t try anything?’ Harry was stunned, watching her panic and he wondered why she would react to him in that way. Her eyes noticed his hardness inside of his shorts and that sight had only filled her with more dread. ‘Why are you hard? You tried to touch me didn’t you?’

‘Look, there was no way I would do that. I brought you some coffee, hoping to surprise you. That was all I intended to do.’ She feared the fact that he would touch her and take advantage, that was not what she wanted. Her past experiences made it more fearful, to be touched by a man whilst being so vulnerable.

Gradually, she came to terms with her nakedness in front of him, his hardness had lapsed which signalled to her that he was no longer a threat, sexually. She pulled the duvet over her and began to drink the coffee, thanking him for his gesture, and now trusted politeness. Once again he sat beside her, calmly explaining his intentions with more clarity.

‘You’re a bit of a dark horse,’ he told her. ‘You are like a safe that is hard to crack. I wish you would tell me more about you, so I can understand you better.’ He was sincere. ‘You can trust me you know.’

‘No. The less you know about me the better I feel. You forget why I live here far from home. I’m only following orders from the cops. Besides, you also have many spiders lurking in your corners too. I only want to help you, as long as you tell me I’m safe now and then.’

‘So, we can’t get closer than we are? Maybe a little fun now and then?’

‘No chance. I don’t even fancy you that much.’

‘Oh thanks a lot. Now I feel much better myself.’ His confidence to lay every single female he made contact with was suddenly dented. He had never failed until he had met her. Yet, still there was one woman that did impress him so far, and that was Helen.

‘Anyhow, fro what I’ve seen of you so far, you are quite impressive, physically that is,’ she began to explained to him with a churlish grin. ‘You have a nice cock. Well, from what I’ve seen of it in your shorts.’

‘I take it then you like cock?’

‘Well… the look of them anyway.’ Now Harry was curious about her even more. Saskia had never felt the pleasure of a man inside of her. It was still a teenage virgin desire to want to. The times she had searched the internet to find pornography, which opened up her mind and curiosity has to what they looked like and what could be done with them. She found the male erect phallus erotic, the variant shapes and sizes and more intriguing to her was the sight of seeing it come. She had only briefly felt one, a daring act of playing with a boy friend so long ago.

‘Trust me it’s quite nice. My cock has pleased lots of girls in the past. I regard it has my best friend and it could be your friend too,’ he explained. ‘Let me show you what it’s like. Nothing intended.’ Saskia felt the dirty talk making her excited. Maybe a look at it would not be so bad afterall, she thought. She shyly nodded her reply, holding onto her mug tightly.

Harry took out his half erect penis and stroked it gently. She liked the size of it, it’s perfect form and even more, how he manipulated it with his fingers. She had the desire to want to feel it, it was visible this time and not just a brief feel in the dark. It became harder until it stood upright by itself. ‘You can touch it. Trust me it, it won’t bite.’ Slowly she reached for it and felt it’s smooth head with her fingertips, the whole act of feeling it made her even more excited. It was hard and proud as she detected the slight pulsing of blood in its veins, and even more the way Harry reacted to her touching. She felt powerful, as if she had that certain control seen clearly in the pornography she had watched and enjoyed. She felt herself becoming moist, the way she did whilst masturbating, stimulating her clitoris that gave her a satisfying orgasms, one after another until she could take no more of the pleasure. Suddenly there was a knock on the front door.

Harry ran to answer it, taking every precaution to check who it was. He peered through the spy hole and noticed the last person he thought he would ever see, the burly stance of Gerry Hoffman. He had also intruded on a moment that was working in favour of Harry’s deepest wishes and he opened the door with anger. ‘What the fuck do you want?’
‘Calm down lad,’ Hoffman smiled, pushing his way in gently. ‘I thought I’d pay you a visit. Something told me you need my help, and don’t deny it, I don’t like people being defensive beyond need. You are in trouble, and I am just the person you want.’

‘Look mate, I don’t even know you, let alone need your help. This is my girl friends flat and I think you should leave.’ This made Hoffman more determined. He closed the door behind him and made his way into the lounge. Harry wanted to force him out, but then, Hoffman was much bigger in size and weight than he was. Such a thought would be a bad idea.

‘Well, make us a brew. Tea would be nice.’

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I soon as i got my Dl (16)i would always leave on the weekends my house. I got out of a late movie and i started to drive to a friends house. I was waiting at the corner light when see two sexy ladies standing outside. they saw me stairing at them and one of them winked at me and waved. I parked my car across the street, and i crossed over. We said Hi and we all talk for like2 min, when they invited me to come inside. As we steped in and they closed the door, one of the ladies started making...

2 years ago
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Mondays Child

I know you are there at your window, watching me as I pour myself a glass of very cold white wine. I slowly slip off all of my clothes except for my thigh high stockings and heels and walk… no, strut... out onto my deck. It’s Monday and almost midnight - time for me to perform and for you to observe and appreciate. I get comfortable in a soft patio chair. I enjoy the feeling of the nice breeze on my body, which is also bathed in moonlight. .We are close to a full moon. I know I look very good...

3 years ago
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SRU The Big Mall

SRU: The Big Mall Edmonton isnt the first place you think of when you think "tourist destination" But there is one site that brings people from all over the world to see it - The Big Mall. Its real name is West Edmonton Mall, but nobody calls it that. Its always just been - The Big Mall. At one time, it was the biggest in the world, and I think its still in the top three. I'm not sure if words do it justice, but the place is ... HUGE. It has a rollercoaster, an enormous wave pool, ...

3 years ago
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The Sundering of Alari

Her journey began with the War in the Marsh. Alari F'latri's homeland, a proud nation of Elves, had waged conquest from the Great Forest Pumiknod, clasping the world in their slender, deadly hands. Unfortunately, they underestimated their opponents. As their armies swept westward, into the mountains and the hills beyond, a small collective of the tribes of Man swept forth from the southern swamp, Atekisa. Surprised, the Elves were forced into retreat, and from there, the bloody conquest gave...

4 years ago
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Filling in the wife for the master

“My name is Swapna and I am a 35 year old widow(in this story) I live as a live in maid for a young couple called Ravi and Chitra. Ravi works as a builder and Chitra is his loving housewife.Chitra knows me since I used to work for her parents and thus calls me “didi” even though I am her naukrani. After one year Chitra got pregnent and was to go to her mother’s place for her delivery.Just before living she confided in me that Ravi was very hungry for sex and she was scared that in her absence...

1 year ago
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Jacks Taxi

It's Friday night and your driving around in your taxi cab searching for customers. Your name is jack and you have been a taxi driver for many years. You are 32 years old and single. You like being a taxi driver, the pay isn't great but you get to meet lots of people which you enjoy and now and again you meet a sexy and horny woman and fuck the hell out of her in the back seat with your 12 inch cock. You are well know for this and are some what famous amongst the local women. Sometimes it's a...

3 years ago
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The Amish Incursion

xo Ash The Amish Incursion, Part 1 She woke with a start. The morning sun sending beaming through the half open vertical blinds and across her face. Startled for only a few seconds. Her memories flooding back. Not only for the levels of comfort and Love Philip has shown her from first meeting several days earlier. To thoughts of Rachael, her first naturally voluntary girls only sexual encounter; and the visit yesterday evening After having dropped Rachael off. She used the Tablet...

2 years ago
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Secret of the Wood Part One of Two

Dan’s eyes popped open when he heard the hiss of something running through the dry leaves and grass, the sound drawing closer by the second.“Hey,” he protested when the two young squirrels used him as a convenient ramp to reach the tree behind him. They ran straight up his leg, jumped to his shoulder, and then scampered upward into the branches.Dan looked up while rubbing his nose to stave off a sneeze brought on by bushy tails tickling it, and saw the mother of the two rambunctious youngsters....

1 year ago
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Halloween Treat

My parents split when I was 11. The divorce was wickedly acrimonious and I ended up moving away with my father. Since he’d been fucking around on mama she became the victim and got the house, alimony and my sister who was 7 at the time. My sister and I were too young to understand the grounds for the split; we just know it hurt like hell not to be a family any more. Dad and I moved back to his hometown to be near his family, 300 miles from mom and Sis. For the first couple of years my sister...

1 year ago
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A Fall to GraceChapter 5

Despite everything Mr Walker had said and despite his teasing about her learning to drive an artic Grace was a bit concerned that she might have overstepped the mark. She decided to talk to Greg and did so the next morning after the initial rush of despatching trucks was over. “Greg,” she asked slightly shyly, “I mentioned learning to drive artics to you. Do you really think it’s on?” “You drove the Leyland Dafs in the army, didn’t you?” “Yes.” “How did you find them?” “Fine once I got...

3 years ago
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Feeling Adventurous Part Two

I obeyed his wishes and got up from my bed, switched off the light, and then walked to my dresser. On top of it I kept three candles for such an occasion as this; I had just bought them recently and had yet to try them out. I took my lighter and lit each one, setting them in a line on the dresser top so they cast a soft, romantic glow over the room.I then turned to him, then blushed when I saw the look on his face; it was a look of pure arousal."Come here." he said gently, tenderly.I...

Love Stories
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The Body Guard Book 1Chapter 4

Kay watched Luca outside for a while. But he was always on the move, so she gave up. She went and locked all the windows and doors. ‘He can sleep out there, call me darlin’ now,’ she thought to herself. Kay was exhausted. She needed a shower. She knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep. So, she put on a pot of coffee. She went to her room, grabbed some clothes and then went to take a shower. Luca walked up to the door, it was locked. He shook his head and grinned. He checked all the doors and...

3 years ago
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Alice fucking with priestess of the Seven ndash GoT

PROLOGUE -It was a gift the first book, I got it on my birthday, everybody knows, I love that kind of story. I'm more than a nerd, a cosplay, it's been a long time. I fell in love with stories like: fantastic realities, magic, parallel dimensions. Other worlds, lands... Other lives. I travel in that kind of story. I invent, I create narratives too, many based on these virtual worlds created by other authors. Using and abusing the characters they invent.Anyway, I like the mixture of fiction with...

4 years ago
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Peter Masters found his reserved seat on the train, hoisted his old green bergen rucksack up onto the luggage rack, and sat down with a sigh of relief. It had been another long and tedious week in the City, and he was really looking forward to spending the weekend with his best friend Mark and Claire, his wife. He'd quickly changed out of his work suit into cords and a pullover before leaving the office dead on four o'clock, earning the odd curious or envious look on the way out. The pay...

2 years ago
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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 15

Peter didn’t have to tell Jennifer the drive from the hospital to his apartment tired him. She watched him creep from the car to the elevator holding his body stiffly, fighting the pain in his chest. In the third bedroom, Jennifer dragged the twin beds together. ‘A shower will make you feel better. Then, get into bed,’ she reassured him. Gently, she tugged him to the bathroom. ‘Do you need help?’ Peter was too tired and too sore to make a comment. After showering, he studied his face in the...

2 years ago
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Another Welcome GuestChapter 9

Greek Gods Zeus - King of the Greek gods Hera - Queen of the Greek gods, sister, and wife of Zeus Hades - god of the underworld, brother of Zeus Poseidon - god of the sea, brother of Zeus Demeter - goddess of harvest and fertility of the earth, sister of Zeus Aphrodite - Daughter of Zeus and Dione, Goddess of love, beauty, and sexuality Artemis - Daughter of Zeus and Leto, goddess of the hunt, the moon, and chastity Athena - Daughter of Zeus and Metis, goddess of wisdom, courage,...

2 years ago
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Anal Week

Anal WeekKathryn could feel her period was approaching. She tingled with excitement because she knew what that meant. It meant her man would have no choice in the matter he would have to fuck her arse. She cheekily rang Brad and declared her "friend" had arrived and with feigned sadness said her cunt was out of action for a few days. Brad's sadness was equally insincere. "You know what that means? You can only fuck me me up my arse!" she intoned. Brad grinned as he said "well you know I can't...

1 year ago
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Lady in Red Ch 16

School was scheduled to reopen Wednesday morning, one week after the attack. Steve had managed to cut off his bandages by himself that morning and limped to the shower to prepare for the day. He was doing his best to soap up his upper body when he felt hands stroking his back! He swung around in surprise to find a naked Gwen standing behind him. Trying to remain cool, he slowly ran his gaze over Gwen’s body. His eyes lingered on the Y created where her long legs came together. Then he moved on...

2 years ago
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My cousin and I

I'm 19 and my cousin is 18. She comes to visit and I haven't seen her inabout 10 years. She arrives in a short jean skirt and cute yellow tank top, but we don't talk much as we're both nervous seeing each other in a long time. As the day goes by, I find her smoking a cigarette outside and, since I smoke, I join her, protecting her from getting in trouble if her mom finds out. We talk about the last time we saw each other and then after dinner, we decide to watch a movie "Club Dred" in my room....

2 years ago
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Dont Deliver Me From Evil

"Jesus fucking Christ. Everything is going wrong," Lore growled as she began sweeping up pieces of her favourite now completely shattered coffee mug."That's because you need to get laid," Hannah said as she sipped her own coffee smugly."I get laid all the time... more than you," she added. It was a proven fact.Hannah looked thoughtful for a moment before answering, "Yeah, but is it quality? Because some sex is like not even having sex at all if you know what I mean."Lore glowered at this. Her...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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NubileFilms Mary Rock Stacy Cruz Two Pussies One Cock

Enjoying a shower together, Mary Rock and Stacy Cruz get both playful and intimate. Between flinging water at each other and helping one another soap up their breasts and pussies, the girls are clearly ready to enjoy themselves. They continue their flirtation as they get dressed in just the skimpiest of outfits, donning bras and panties as they go to the bedroom where Ricky Rascal awaits them. Climbing into bed with Ricky, Mary and Stacy flank him with kisses. He lets his hands roam freely,...

3 years ago
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Teaching a little sex kitten

There's nothing quite like looking down on a girl on her hands and knees while trying to get your big cock into her little slit only to realize it bottoms out about 1/3 of the way in. So now you have this tiny pink butthole winking up at you, a little pussy stretched to its limits trying to manage this fat meat pipe of yours and the sounds of her whimpering with her face buried in a pillow. Grab her hips and try to impale a little more of your veiny throbbing cock into her super tight pussy...

1 year ago
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Angel Slut Chapter One

ANGEL SLUT Chapter One Sisyphus I knew what I wanted and I was going to get it. That’s why I moved to Boston. I had to get away from my small red-neck hometown in Maine where everyone knew me as the good girl who always did what was expected. Now I was going to let loose, dress the way I fantasized and let the sex-starved woman I was hiding inside of me out. There was no turning back. In school I hated my shyness and wished I had the courage to be like the girls who wore tight jeans or short...

1 year ago
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Steve and Chuck Go SailingChapter 2

Chuck Sheena woke me about one forty-five with a kiss on the cheek. She said, "Time to get up so you can relieve Dewey at two." I smiled and said, "I'll be right up. Would you put some coffee on before you go to bed?" "Already put it on, Chuck. Are you going to take anyone up with you? Dewey said all of the night people should have someone up there with them. It will make the watch easier to have some company." Lisa turned and said, "I'm getting up with Chuck. I'll keep him...

2 years ago
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Good girls dont wear panties Part 04

Joan told me she that she loved me and that she loved how strong our relationship was she told me that us having sex every day was great but she needed cock more and more, because the more cocks she got the more she had to have. She was very frank about it and admitted that sex was her d**g and that she was addicted and she needed a fix more and more. She told me that she knew that at some point I would no longer be able to keep up with her addiction and that the four days she had to go without...

1 year ago
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If Only Pt 03

The Morning After It had been a long night for both fuck toy and master. Being kept on the edge all night had fuck toy not being able to really sleep and out of concern for her safety, master had only dozed while remaining close by in case she needed to be released in a hurry. But after 8 hours in the box, and a couple of cups of coffee for master, he and his cock were ready to release their toy and play with her some more before she had to go home in about 6 hours. But before he released...

1 year ago
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Patricias Daring Anniversary Experiment Part 4

At 12:45, we opened the door, surprised to find the lights on and two beautiful naked women lying on their sides, facing the door! They were each in their late thirties, one a gorgeous, well-endowed and tanned blonde, the other a striking redhead with the tell-tale enlarged breasts of a nursing mother. The redhead greeted us shocked men, “Good evening, you hot studs! I’m Diane’s friend, Lori, and this is my best friend, Rachel! Diane called me and invited me to come up here with a...

1 year ago
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PornHub BBW

I am pretty sure that there is no need for me to explain what PornHub is all about. Everyone has heard about this free website, and if you have not… are you living under a rock? This website was launched in 2007, and it has been one of the most popular free porn websites ever since. However, it has definitely improved a lot compared to the past, and I am sure you’ll love it.Now, I am not here to talk about PornHub.com in general; I am here to tell you more about their incredible selection of...

BBW Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Have A Good Feel She Loves It Part Three

After half an hour I was ready to go again. I looked back to the days before I got onto the scene whilst I prepared to rejoin the party. I would watch the likes of Bukkake porn and say to myself “I’d love to do that” thinking that in reality I would never even get the opportunity to try it. And there I was washing my cum covered face after having two guys wank over it in the middle of a hotel bar with people watching, and boy, did it feel good. I felt like one of those porn stars that I used to...


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