Court Record Chapter Six free porn video

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Introduction: Life on the farm take strange twists. WORK DAY

Every day was like magic even a work day. Forty five minutes later they had finished breakfast and were in the barn getting the tractor hooked to the trim wagon.
Sarah was wearing her work clothes, dark grey shorts, white T-shirt, and tennis shoes. The new thing today was the cute addition of a red bandana she tied around her head from under her pony tail. It was cute but it made her look older and a little more like a farm girl, Clem thought.
After a couple hours trimming and loading they drove a load over to the compost area in the valley back by the stream. It was a warm day and the valley and stream offered a lot of cool shady places to rest.
Years ago Clem had rented a skip loader for some work up at the house and while he had it, he came down here and built a dam. The result was a small pond under the trees, eight feet deep at the deepest with more than enough flow to keep it crystal clean, fresh and cool. Stream water in Michigan, even in midsummer never gets too warm and this pond was no exception.
Once the clippings were unloaded Clem took Sarah by the hand and started walking down stream to show her the pool. As he walked he was thinking back, this was a first, no one had ever been here with him. He had built the pond alone with the machine. Anyone who knew he had the Bob Cat would have assumed it was only for the grading work up at the house.
It was a very remote place, back behind a two hundred acre grove of Northern Spy apples, and down through a wooded area on a steep trail. This lovely stream ran completely across his property, he picked this location because it was the most serene, beautiful and remote, a place to walk to on occasion and really get way.
When they arrived they sat down together on a large log up on the bank under an old maple tree. Clem had put the log under the tree with the skip loader for just such purpose. Sarahs arm went behind him to the log so she could slide closer. It was almost automatic. He could feel her young breast against his arm. She felt so good.
The bond of love was so strong, they often would just sit in silence and now was such a time. It was so calm, so pretty, and so serene. Together they sat looking out over the water and into the dense mature forest on the far bank. Clem was chewing a long hay straw he had found walking down.
There was such a need for one another. It went way beyond sex and the erotic excitement of their situation. Without one another both of their lives were filled with such loneliness, but together life was such an adventure. But, their love went way beyond that. It was a genuine appreciation for the very best in the other. It was fun doing even the most mundane things together.
Without a word, Sarah removed her shoes and socks sitting on the log beside him. Finished, she stood up, turned in front of Clem, and slowly deliberately undressed. T-shirt, shorts, panties, bra, all were taken off, neatly folded and piled on the log beside him. As each piece of clothing was removed with a little seductive move and a captivating smile.
Without a word she turned and walked down the sandy slope to the pond and into the water. It quickly got deep. Once the water was up to her waist she lowered herself and with six beautiful strokes she was standing waist deep on the far side. Her bandana and hair had remained dry. Clem could tell she could not only swim, she could swim well.
What the hell, girl, I thought you said something at the restaurant about not liking to swim. You swim great!
Sarah returned to his side of the pond just as gracefully. Now standing knee deep in the water,
Yes&hellip,sorry if I miss lead you&hellip,I swim fine&hellip,I just said something because I could tell you were jealous of Bills invitation to go swimming at the lake and your chubby friend Jane trying to move me out there. Maybe I should have just told them I like trimming apple trees and hauling clippings so much more than swimming and boating!
She laughed.
Clem chuckled at the term Chubby Jane. Jane actually would be more accurately described as voluminous. Sarah was communicating a bit of unjustified jealousy.
Sarah came walking up the sandy bank straight at him. It made his heart stop. The sunlight slanting down through the tree leaves decorated her nude body with an indescribable glow. She looked so healthy, like she belonged right here in the forest. The summer sun played with the natural surroundings amplifying everything. It highlighted the many natural colors in her hair and turned her smooth skin to gold.
Love welled up in Clem from the very tip of his toes. He was the luckiest man in the world to have her with him if even for a short time, and even under these tense circumstances.
His responsibility for this young lady and trying to determine the right things to do, were the most important things he ever faced.
When Sarah got to him she did what she always did, she came up onto her toes, put one hand on either side of his neck to pull him down such that she could kiss him. His arms found her waist as usual and they embraced. Finished, she backed away leaving a clear wet imprint of her wet body on his clothing.
She laughed,
That is what you get for not coming in with me. Were you too modest? Do you not like swimming? Do you not like swimming with me?
She went on&hellip,teasing him.
Clem finally had to comment,
I love to skinny dip, chick. That is why I came all the way down here with my skip loader and built this pond. I come here often, even when it is too cold to swim. Its a great place to just eat a sandwich and think.
A serious look came over Sarah,
Has Jane ever been here? Scotty.
Please get Jane out of your head little girl. She has never been here, she has never been to my house, and she has never set foot on the Apple Valley Orchards as far as I know.
You and I have such a complicated thing to deal with, we do not need the interference of false jealousies. Understand?
Sarah was straightening out her T-top on the grass in a square of sunlight where she could sit to dry off. Clem took off his shirt and put it down as well so she had more area.
She was down on her knees working away when she stopped and looked up with the coy smile. He knew a zinger was coming.
Would you have let me go to the lake to swim with Bill?
Clem looked away. His throat choked such that he doubted he could speak. He could feel emotion flooding his face. He waited to compose himself. Was it a serious question? He could not just let it hang in the air. He looked down at her sitting there&hellip,nude, vulnerable, young,
Yes! Yes Sarah I would.
That was all he could muster. Another word would have failed to pass his lips. He turned away and walked over to the log.
As he sat down she was already standing in front of him with her arms reaching for him. She sat in his lap, their nude upper bodies came together,
Scotty, I am sorry.
She kissed him.
I cant imagine why I asked that. It was so unkind of me. I was testing and I have no right to. I have no interest in going there. I have no interest in being away from you anywhere. You know that, dont you?
Clem looked down,
Yes! But Sarah, remember I meant everything I said last night. You are a beautiful young bird and you were kept in a cage far too long. I opened the cage door and let you out. With me you learned to fly, but you are young and I am a lot farther along the path. You have your life all ahead of you. Now that you have found the joys of flying you will want to soar to many new places where I cannot be with you. That is just the way it is. I love you so much I can let you go and you need to go with innocence.
Sarah sat in his lap. Her dampness felt good. It was cool. It gave him a diversion from the deep, complicated confusion in his heart.
Scotty, remember I meant everything I said as well. I will go away when you make me, but not a moment before you do, and I will never play the innocent role. I am not innocent. I am a woman. I love a man more than he will ever know and that is all there is to say. We are in this together.
In the army Clem had been a ranger. He was given the very best combat training any fighting man ever received. A big part of that training was mental preparedness and a big part of mental preparedness was learning to face you fears. Fears only grow if they are not addressed. In combat he had always been able to go straight at his fear. He learned the satisfaction of facing his fears undaunted and coming out the victor. He was a leader. He received high honors.
Now he faced the greatest, most complicated fear of his life, the fear of the unknown with Sarah. Every facet of their relationship was filled with overwhelming fear. Keeping her here with him was impossible, every moment the constant fear of discovery. Forcing her to leave and returning to his lonely reclusive living was so frightening. How would he ever live without her?
There was nothing but grave punishment for both of them. For Sarah, it was the punishment of life in that family, with isolation and the condemnation of anyone who ever learned she had lived with him. For Clem, his punishment would be determined by the law.
They dressed and started walking back to the orchard where the trimming rack, and endless trees needing trimming, waited.
Clem loved his trees. He loved everything about the apple business. He anxiously waited for the fall and the arrival of professional pickers. His business was good now. He owned all this land and all his money problems were gone for sure. He even enjoyed trimming trees, he thought they looked so neat and healthy when he had finished. It was hard work, but he had built a life that he really enjoyed, and one that really suited him.
But, there was no way a young attractive woman like Sarah was going to enjoy the same thing in the long haul. This was hard work and a rather mundane boring life style. As soon as the novelty of living in the country wore off it would become hard work and nothing more. There was little out here for a young woman. He had to keep the reality of the situation in mind. Sooner or later he was going to be in for a real let down. He had to get rid of her now.
The afternoon moved along. One tree after another got its annual haircut. Sarah did her part with a seeming joy. The clippings all got loaded soon after they hit the ground and every time, without exception, when Clem looked down from the rack Sarah was smiling up at him. It was a look he had come to know, to understand, and to love so very much. He worked with vigor. No two people had ever formed a better apple tree trimming crew.
These days with the summer sun and the activity had a wonderful affect on Sarah. Her hair had turned lighter, and was now accented with golden highlights. Her skin had tanned not brown, but golden as well. Her arm and leg muscles showed newly accentuated tone, from her activities. There was no question, Apple Valley Orchards had been a good thing for Sarah.
Something about loving her as he did made this hero complex well up inside him. It is a man thing for sure, sort of the Man of LaMancha thing. He had his way of fighting windmills, in his case he trimmed apple trees with renewed vigor. He had to impress her somehow.
Late in the afternoon Clem turned the tractor home to the barn from the compost. It had been a good day. They had trimmed more trees than scheduled, even with the unexpected swim break at the pond.
Once at the house, as was now the custom, they undressed together and headed for the bathroom. The shower felt good. They spent longer than normal in the warm water assuring that every inch was appropriately washed and rinsed.
Dinner was appreciated as well. As was now the custom it was out on the picnic table. Sarah sat straddling the bench facing Clem as usual. She was wearing another of his T-shirts as usual. Their conversation was loving, gentle, and filled with the hidden mysteries of two people who love one another so much they have lost contact with the entire world, except what immediately surrounds them.
It was later than most evenings, they had worked longer than usual. It was getting dark. The night sounds had started. It was a calm warm ending to a beautiful day.
Clem had finished and was sitting leaning toward Sarah talking softly as she finished the last part of her cookie.
Out of the corner of his eye he became aware of intermittent headlights coming through the trees way up the road. A car was coming down the gravel road some distance away. He sat frozen. There were fewer than three cars a day that came down the road and rarely ever one this late.
Absolute panic passed through Clem. For the first time, even considering years in combat, he did not know what to do. He did not know what to say to Sarah, but his face told the story. She turned to look where he was looking, and Clem watched the blood drain from her young beautiful face as the car turned into the drive way and started right on up past the garage to the house.
Sarah, was first to speak,
Listen Scotty, you head around the house and find out who it is. I will run inside and get some real clothes on. Stop them on the porch. Dont let them come back here and dont let them go into the living room. I will wait inside and try to listen to what you are saying and act accordingly. I will either come out to talk or hide!
Her response has been quick, she had a game plan, who knew if it were the best one&hellip,who even knew if it was a good one&hellip,it was all they had!
Sarah headed in the back door as Clem went swiftly around to the front of the house and actually got onto the porch before the car stopped in the gathering darkness.
Clem quickly sat on the glider and they arose to head down toward the car. He hope, to the visitor it looked as if he had come down to greet them from where he had been resting for some time.
As Clem walked toward the car he first recognized it was a county government car, just before he recognized, Henry Jacks the county sheriff. This was a rural area, only two men served the law in the entire county. Henry was the older, far longer employed in the area, and the one that new Clem best. He had been the sheriff during the entire time Clem had been here operating Apple Valley. He knew the complete file on Clem. He had been required to file several reports years ago to the parole board in Rosedale California as part of Clems final parole and release.
Tonight he was wearing a suit not his uniform, signaling it might just be a friendly call, but Clem shook from head to toe as he walked toward him. Jacks had never really become a friend. At best it could be said they had mutual respect, but Clem always thought Jacks mistrusted him and was waiting for a screw up on his part.
Hello sheriff.
He somehow managed to get out
Hey Clem Warren sorry to bother you this late, but I need to talk to you, unofficial like. Couldnt get out earlier, I had to work till nine.
They were now about three feet apart. Clem sort of stuttered,
Sheriff Do you want to come up on my porch? Glider is comfortable.
The sheriff nodded and together they turned and moved up toward the porch.
Once seated and after a cup of coffee had been turned down, Henry got right to the subject,
Clem I dont want to beat around the bush. I like you, and I like what you have done with Apple Valley. And, Clem you know I feel a pride in what you have accomplished as a former inmate. You have worked hard, kept your nose clean and I am proud of you. Thus when I hear something, even a rumor that things in your life are not as they should be, I want to do something about it. And, if I find something wrong, I want to step on it quickly.
The gathering darkness made his features even more serious as he turned directly toward Clem,
Clem, I have been told you have a young woman staying out here with you. Frankly, if you do, it is none of my business or the counties business if everything checks out proper and she isnt some runaway or something.
Rumor true, Clem?
Do you have a young girl out here?
If so…who is she?
Is everything above board?
Clem sat stunned. Words failed him as they had when he was unable to testify on his own behalf in court so many years ago. He had choked.
He moved to get up to walk a step or two, to think
But as he stood up he heard the screen door slam behind him. It was Sarah.
She looked so different. Her hair was up on her head and covered with the red bandana. She was wearing a sloppy dark shirt, (He later learned it was his. She had just grabbed it from the closet and tucked it all in the back to make it look like it fit her. It showed nothing.) And loose fitting jeans she had packed for night events at camp. In the dark she looked like she could be any age.
Sarah offered in a calm voice as she sat down on the rattan chair just outside the door facing the couch.
Im Sarah, Mr. Warrens niece from New York. I was in there reading. You startled me. There has not been one car come down that road after dark since I got here last week. I keep telling Uncle Clem he needs more company out her, day or night. This place can give you the creeps.
Who are you?
She asked in her forthright fashion,
The Sheriff hesitated just a bit, a little overwhelmed.
Hi, I am Henry Jacks, a friend of your uncle. I came out to check on a couple things. It is nice to meet you young lady. How long have you been visiting here?
Sarah looked at him with one of her smiles and then turned,
Uncle Clem, why is it everyone thinks it is weird for me to be out here working in the orchards. Why is it that everyone including you wants to get rid of me? Remember I didnt volunteer to come to this apple farm and work my butt off. Mom and dad sent me out to this forsaken place so they could have their big trip out of the country. They told me right up front it was going to be hard work. You kept telling them it was just not the place for me, and I would just get in the way. And everyone I have met since I got here is surprised I am working here and ask right away&hellip,when are you leaving?
I must be weird. I have grown to like your apple trees and I like trimming them with you and I like the money for school.
The Sheriff was taken aback by Sarah. She had stepped right in and answered a lot of his concerns. She had done a good bit to put his mind at ease, all he needed now was some verification.
Sarah, I am your uncles friend, but I am also the county Sheriff. In that capacity I need to keep track of things as you can well imagine. Your uncle is a bit of a loner out here. I like that and I like him and I dont want to stick my nose into his business anymore than necessary. I am always concerned about runaway kids. Would you just write down your mom and dads name address and telephone number for me?
I know you said they were out of the country, so we cant call them tonight, but I will run an official records review in the morning and see what references we can find. I am sure my people can locate someone in New York that can give us the verification we need.
Sarah said sure and disappeared into the house to come out just moments later with a piece of paper. Henry took a glance at it and nodded.
Great thanks, Miss.
The sheriff glanced at the paper, clearly he could see nothing in the darkness, but it satisfied him.
Goodbyes were said and Henrys sedan disappeared up the road in the dark.
Clem and Sarah sat stunned, side by side on the glider.
Much later this visit to the farm played a key role in Sheriff Jacks grand jury testimony. Jacks testified in his deposition that he had never completely trusted Clem Warren beginning years ago when he returned to the county following his incarceration in California. He had come out to Apple Valley Orchard to investigate as the result of input from a one, Jane Bar, who told his department she was worried about the well being of a young person being kept by Clem Warren. Jane had detailed several suspicions and with Clem Warrens criminal record they deserved to be vetted thoroughly.
Jack testified he smelled a rotten fish right from beginning that evening, but he was stunned at the good relationship between Clem and Sarah. He had been very suspicious that she might be a runaway as Jane had intimated, until her answers to his questions were so concise and her references played out as valid. On his report following the visit he noted that Sarah appeared to be well fed, clean and happy.


They sat stunned. Nothing was said for over half an hour. Finally Clam got up in silence and Sarah followed him inside. They were in a complete state of shock.
Clem collapsed in his easy chair. Sarah fell to the floor at his feet.
I love you Scotty. I am so sorry. I know I did all this to you. I should have gone back when you first told me to. That sheriff knows something. I could tell and I dont know what it is. Something has broken loose, somewhere.
She looked up, tears welling up in her eyes.
Sarah, what did you put on that paper?
I gave him my mothers name and the address, and telephone number of a condo my dad keeps in the city. I thought it might confuse things enough to give us some time.
Clem was coming apart, his hands shaking. Tears stained his face.
Time for what, sweetheart? We have no time. Out time is over. Somebody somewhere wants to steal our time and killed our dream.
Scotty, we have time to run away. We have at least a day or two to figure out some good place to go&hellip,maybe Canada. I just want to be with you anywhere!
She began crying harder. She was beginning to face the reality of things. She knew they could not run&hellip,a teenage girl and a middle aged convicted felon.
Clem looked down at her. His face conveyed all the love that filled his heart. All of his fears were now directly in front of him. He had to face them bravely. He had to have all his priorities right, and the highest priority was Sarahs young life. She could not suffer from this in any way.
The Army captain took over. It was reality time, the novel was over. Sarahs story with him was finished. It was finished when the sheriff pulled into the yard. Clem was the adult here and had to take charge and face things head on for both of them,
Sarah, There is only one answer&hellip,only one way out of this for us. Listen to me. Go upstairs NOW and pack everything you have into those pull bags. We will load the car tonight and leave here as soon as we can.
We must conclude that Sheriff Jacks may get more suspicious and come back with a warrant tonight. HE may be able to get feedback from New York yet tonight. There is no way to predict how fast the law will move, believe me.
As soon as we get our stuff together we will go out to the camp grounds at Spring Lake and spend the night. No one will know we are there. It is late enough we wont even have to check in with the ranger until morning.
Tomorrow morning early, music camp ends for you&hellip,you just got fed up with it&hellip,I will act as your councilor again and take you home. We will end this book right there. Jayson will believe you and give a good report to your dad when he gets home. Your life can return to normal. No one will suspect a thing. All you have to do is just start living a normal life and make sure you never say a word about this.
Sarah looked up at him through tearing eyes,
Yah! Shithead and what about you? They come out here with a warrant. I am gone. I am missing. No one can find me. No one knows a thing about me. No one knows I am alive. You are a felon and a fucked up recluse. They will arrest you in a minute and search for my body on every square foot of this farm. They will convict you of who knows what. They dont need a body to put you away for the rest of your life. No fucking way I am going to leave you. I will stay and face the music. I love you so much&hellip,you have done nothing wrong&hellip,only given me the dreams of a lifetime. Surely, someone will understand. If I am here you have a chance. If I am gone you have no chance.
Sarah began crying&hellip,all out crying.
Clem sits silently,
He knows the truth and he must convince her&hellip,only one of them can come out of this whole and that has to be this girl he loves so much.
He breaks his silence sternly,
Sarah go pack your things hurry. There is some chance the Sheriff will be back tonight if he finds something out with the NYPD. This book has no good ending with us together&hellip,think&hellip, there is no place we cannot be found. I am going out to bring the car up here and lock the barn so no one can tell it is gone! When I get back her&hellip,if you love me as I know you do&hellip,you will have two packed bags at the top of the stairs for me to bring down. Wear what you have on. We will have to sleep in the car. We are a team, right!
No more than fifteen minutes later Sarah and Clem drove down the gravel road toward town and on to Spring Lake. Not a word was spoken between them. Sarah sat as close as she could and frequently just touched his arm. The twenty miles went quickly. No one was at the check in point and empty camp sites were everywhere.
Together they spent a long sad night dozing now and then, but mostly waiting for the dawn.
Morning came early. The night had been spent fully clothed together in the back seat of the sedan. Clem was worried about how he looked. When he delivered Sarah he had to look the part of a camp councilor and he was, at best, rumpled for a music camp councilor.


It was just five thirty in the morning when Clem and Sarah slipped by the ranger station and out onto the state route leading back across town and on out to the Wanewrite estate. The world was still asleep. Clem noted three police cars and two sheriff vans parked in front of the Hall of Justice. He said nothing to Sarah, but it sent a horrible message to a convicted felon. It looked like they had amassed a little army for something, most likely him. He drove on down the street in silence with tears streaming down his face. His eyes were locked straight ahead, he did not dare even glance at Sarah. He feared this young woman he loved so very much could eliminate his resolve with one glance. She had demonstrated that power over him so many times before.
It was still way early when they arrived at the estate. A quick game plan was formulated as they drove up the long tree lined drive. No need to wake Jayson and risk getting trapped into some unbelievable story about her activities at music camp. Clem would simply unload the bags at the carriage entry and be on his way back to the orchard. Sarah would use her key and go in and up to her room. She would catch up with Jayson and the staff later.
When they arrived at the side entrance, there were no tears&hellip,no embrace&hellip,no words&hellip,Clem set the bags down on the cobble stone and walked past Sarah to the drivers door. One last look was all they had.
Sarah stood alone with her bags as Clems Ford turn out of the carriage way and disappear down the drive. Tears welled up in her eyes but she refused to wipe them away.
Once the car had turned onto the highway and disappeared she unlocked the big old oak door and quietly went in.
She stood for a moment just inside the door overwhelmed with loneliness&hellip,it came over her like a dark blanket. One step at a time she proceeded up the marble staircase and down the hall to her bedroom. She shut the door, bolted it, and collapsed on the bed. Silently she cried into a pillow. Her grief was inconsolable.
Over a half hour passed before she heard movements somewhere in the estate, enough to bring her to the reality. The only thing she had left of Scotty was the game plan they had developed together. She owed him so much and right now she owed him her maturity. She had to buck up, get dressed properly and get about finishing the plan.
Among everything else, now she had to be the actor she knew she could be. She was not going to spoil their game plan with bad dialog. She had to protect Scotty and the life he had built at Apple Valley.
She had to move back into her former life in this forsaken place seamlessly. It had to go like clockwork.
She went down and appeared for breakfast as normal. The kitchen staff treated her like nothing had happened. They undoubtedly thought she had just come home from camp on schedule last night while they were off work. She was politely served what she asked for and when finished eating, she got up, thanked the server and left the dining room. She had met the first test. She had acted the part. Nothing was suspicious. She was over the first hurdle.
She returned down the long marble hall and up the spiral staircase to her bedroom, as she moved along loneliness swept over her, a haunting, unending emptiness.
Thoughts of breakfast on the picnic table with Scotty, the smell of the apple trees, the warm smile of someone who really knew her and loved her, his soft, gentle words. She was filled with deep seated self pity.
There was nothing but bad memories here. She was haunted by this enormous place and the sad, boring, lonely years she had spent here. She was alone again.
She could not bring herself to even wonder about Jaysons whereabouts or for that matter any other member of the staff. As she moved along the marble corridor and up the spiral staircase to the music room, she was absolutely alone. Scotty was alone. The world was a very lonely place.
She sat down at the piano bench and played a few arpeggios which were familiar and friendly. Beside her on the bench was a tall stack of sheet music most of which she had pretty much committed to memory. The Steinway began to get a real workout. It seemed the more violent the selection the better Sarah played it, and the better she felt.
For nearly an hour she played without pausing until she was interrupted by the large oak door swinging open behind her and Jayson entering. He was very formal as usual. He politely questioned why she had come back from camp. She sensed from his demeanor he had slept in&hellip,certain that was going to again be quiet around here in the morning with her gone. She sure could take advantage of that later if she needed to.
Jayson, I just got enough of music camp&hellip,the snooty councilors&hellip,the snooty student&hellip,the forced practice and mostly the performances. I am not a performer. I want to write music someday I guess, but they think everyone should be a performer. Composition classes were good, but there were not many of those. Every day it was one performance class followed by another. So I went to the office yesterday and packed it in for a bit.
Anyhow, that councilor you met last week brought me home this morning early. He needed to be back there for his first master class at ten. My bags are out on the side entryway, could you have someone take them to my room?
With that Sarah played a few cords signaling the conversation was over. Jayson made a couple friendly comment of welcome, agreed he would have her bags unpacked and was on his way.
You play lovely Miss Sarah,
Came floating back as he shut the door.
Sarah was alone with her piano and her books, just like always before, but now unlike before she had all the memories of her time with Scotty. It gave her a momentary joy, like finishing a really good long novel. A feeling that she had a very precious gift no one could ever take away.
As she moved back from the library to her bedroom she was again filled with sadness. What a terrible emotional rollercoaster. She walked into the room, shut the door, locked it behind her, and collapsed on the bed. Tiredness had just caught up with her. All night she and Scott had been very uncomfortably wrapped together in the back seat of his car. Neither had slept more than just a couple very little cat naps as they worried and waited for the sunrise.
Sleep came instantly now, deep, dark exhausted sleep.
A good long time later she was awakened by knocking at her bedroom door. It was Jayson delivering the message that it was eight in the evening, the staff had gone for the day, but they had put together a dinner for her when she got up.
It took twenty minutes for Sarah to clear the cobwebs with splashes of cold water and get down to the dining room where Jayson had heated her food and set everything in order.
Once she was eating he took his leave. Jayson was done for the day. His duty hours were very sanctimonious. She would probably not hear anything more from him until eight tomorrow morning.
Sarah finished, placed her dishes on a tray for the help to clean up, and proceeded back down the marble hall and up the steps to her bedroom. Loneliness moved with her like Linuss cloud of dirt. She could not escape it.
Jaysons living quarters were on the lowest level. He had one final duty at eleven, it was to check building security and set alarms for the night. Other than that, he was done and would only be available in an emergency.


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Court Record Chapter Three

Introduction: She had stumbled into his life and now it had gone where neither of them anticipated. MORNING Early light and early sounds of the woods started to make their way into the bedroom. Sarah and Clem were still tightly together, covered by just the sheet. It would seem during the night she had gotten too warm and moved the blanket down to the foot of the bed. Clem looked down at the sleeping young girl cradled beside him. She was remarkably pretty. Her head shared his pillow, her...

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Sarah Carerra Chapter 7 Like a Record Baby Right Round Round Round

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: November 9, 2009) Chapter 7 - Like a Record, Baby Right Round Round Round Tuesday morning presented the conundrum I didn't want to face. Leaving my hair down made it pretty obvious that I had gotten a girl's haircut. But putting it...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 135 WorldRecord Marathon

Wednesday, April 27, 2005 (Continued) Ava was waiting for us at home, so all I had to do was run in, change into somewhat more suitable attire than my school clothes, and then run out again. Donna was already in the car, eager to get my run started. I directed Ava to the road Julia and I had decided on. Once we arrived there, I got Ava to measure the length of the segment that I would run back and forth on. It was 6.4 miles, so a marathon would require two "backs", two "forths" and an...

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Court Ordered Spankings

Growing up in a small town you know everyone and everyone knows you. I started a summer job at the local diner as a waitress to earn a little extra money between school terms. The local Sheriff, John Stone and my good friend Judge Bob Mahoney eat breakfast every morning at the diner and were pleased to see me serving them. Mrs. Martins that owns the restaurant supplies us girls with a simple uniform dress. The dress fits me real tight around my hips since my measurements are 35-22-37, a fact...

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Going for the Record

1Going for the Record By The TechnicianBDSM, S/M, Clothpins, Public Nudity, Public Bondage, Public Orgasm = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = A pain slut is taken to the club to "go for the record." = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =WARNING!  All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY.  Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content.  All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental....

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Court is Dismissed

“Court is dismissed” the deputy sheriff called out. The judge stood and left as the crowd of onlookers slowly exited too. The younger woman sat and watched him leave as the people walked out. She did not move. She had a “thing” for the slightly older statesman. In truth, she’d had a thing for him for a long, long time. No, she wasn’t warped in any way. She has known the man for a long while now. At one time, he was a partner with her daddy. The judge was a number of years younger then her daddy...

First Time
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Breaking My Record

Breaking My Record By: Breanne and Michael Alexander I guess I should probably introduce myself.  Some of you know me.  Some of you don’t.  If you’ve ever read Michael Alexander’s ?Silver Locke?, ?Heart of Ice?, or ?The Museum of Inquisition?, you’ve probably met the character that’s based on me.  If you’ve ever read Michael’s Blog, (, or his website (, then you’ve probably read most of my previous daily assignments.  Hope...

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These Girls Can PlayChapter 9 Billy and the Recordings

Everyone was up by 8am, was coffee'd out, had eaten breakfast and introduced themselves to the gym for a good morning workout. This would actually be the routine they'd follow while they were at "The Ranch", as they had now begun to refer to it. The girls have always been early risers. Bob's time was dependent on the night before. The girls would soon learn that sometimes the music took them into the next morning -- after the sun had come up. Billy arrived fairly early the morning after...

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Wife becomes gangbang record breaker

Continuation of the Fantasy -- Please Note This is a FANTASYMy wife had really gotten into the cuckold lifestyle and was looking for the more bizarre challenges. She ordered me to find stuff on the internet for her to try. This was a hard request for me as I was not sure what I would be happy for her to do but knowing that it wasn’t my choice. I therefore came up with what I thought was a cunning plan. If I found some really bizarre ones it might shock her out of the lifestyle. I started to...

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Beg for Mercy 2nd Attempt at Record

If you have followed my blog you probably read about a game I played called Beg for Mercy. The rules are simple, anything goes and the way you win is to be the girl that can go the longest without begging for mercy!The record was 26 minutes. My first attempt at the game about 10 months ago was 24 minutes. I came close but just couldn't hold out for the remaining 3 minutes needed to beat the record.I was excited when my girlfriend called me up last night and said she was going to another bfm...

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The Freaking Record

Ben walked into the squad room and straight up to Anderson’s desk. ‘Hey, Trigger Happy, could you run the camera and tape recorder in the observation room? I got a talker. You’re not going to believe this shit.’ ‘Yeah, sure, Ben. Let me grab a cup of coffee.’ Anderson sighed. He didn’t mind the Trigger Happy thing, really. It was standard for anyone on temporary suspension for shooting a perpetrator. He’d be a desk jockey for at least another week. He walked over, got his coffee, then followed...

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Record Breaking Vacation

Record Breaking VacationAs a writer, it’s hard to find just the right opening line that will pull the reader in long enough to entice them to continue reading. I’m really not a writer, but have an amazingly erotic story to tell that happened a few years back, while on vacation in the Cancun area of Mexico. At the time my wife Carmen and I had embarked on our annual winter escape to the warm shores of the Mayan Riviera on the Caribbean.This trip was a little different than our previous...

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Come The Recorders

Ah, ha!—Come, some music! Come, the recorders!—Hamlet, Act III, Scene 2 * I used to work around the corner from that church, and I remembered the day the fire tore through the building. There was a lot of snow. It was in December, about ten days before Christmas. The fire trucks had a tough time getting through. It took years to rebuild the church, and by the time they were done I was long gone from that part of town. So when my wife suggested going there for a concert, my reaction was...

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Courtin the Devils DaughterChapter 3

I pulled off the freeway at the next reststop, to allow Eliza to put on her chaps- as much for protection from the hot muffler and potential road rash as for warmth. Good leathers are as an important safety feature as a helmet. Thick palmed gloves are also good to have. While Eliza was in the lady's room getting suited up, Trouble arrived. I heard the multiple rumble of an approaching pack, and started to center myself. reaching down for my conflict resolution skills. I made sure that my...

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The Last Bookshop Chapter ThirtySix

“So what do you think?” Laura fumbled with a morsel on her plate, trying to skewer it with a fork.Her dexterity, or lack of it, amused Harry, “I think I need my head looked at.”That might have been closer to the truth last week than now. As the morsel submitted, Harry watched her place the fork into her mouth. Those beautiful full lips were somewhere else only a few days ago. His intuition, that inner voice, remained quiet for now yet Harry had plans for Laura.Looking upon her, he took some...

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Mom's New Year's Recordbyzipadofan©First of all, let me say that I fucking hate my cousin Shawn. I fucking hate him. But I guess if it weren't for him I wouldn't be writing this story. My name is Chris. I just turned 18 and I live with my mom (Lana) and dad (Eddie) and my older sister (Sarah). So anyway, my parents have a New Year's Eve party at our house every year. We have a lot of bedrooms so my parents usually get a pretty big crowd since people can drink as much as they want and not have...

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Courting Lydia

I had just mowed my lawn and was dragging a plastic trash can half-filled with grass clippings to the curb when I saw her. She was walking breezily on the sidewalk, approaching my yard, and looking every which way. I stood there and stared at her without really meaning to. I think it was just unusual to see a young woman dressed like she was in the middle of a weekday afternoon. I, on the other hand, was wearing an old pair of shorts and a torn sleeveless shirt. I had taken the day off from...

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Courtneys ConversionChapter 5 Coercion ndash Black sex continues

A week ago my wife had non-consensual sex with six black guys and one of their sluts. We had been recovering OK from that incident and even getting turned on by parts of it. She would tease me about how could my one white dick possibly compare to six black ones. And wouldn't I like to see how that black meat looked sliding between her pale pussy lips. Abruptly the hot talk stopped. She still fucked when I instigated it but didn't seem as excited. What was going on? My questions went...

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TearsOf A Vamp Chapters Five and Six

Chapter FiveI-64…It took me two nights to get back to Lexington. That included one very long day buried in a barn's hay pile. I did learn some lessons though. Never trust that bitch, Tiffany!, was right at the top. But, seriously, I discovered that I could see in near darkness just as well as I could in a brightly lit room. And the sky! I'd read somewhere that there is something like 6,000 stars visible to the naked human eye from the surface of Earth. On a dark stretch of Interstate 64,...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 34 Touring and Recording

The New Year’s Eve concert in Victoria Park was much like the previous years; this year we shared the stage with Mental as Anything and the Cockroaches. It was great to be on stage with the Mentals again, Greedy Smith, Martin Plaza, Reg Mombassa, and the others, they were all great guys, and lots of fun to perform with. The guys from the Cockroaches were new to me; I had heard them around, but never had a chance to see them live. But they were all great, fun-loving guys, we had lots of fun...

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Martinas Story Chapter Six

Martina's Story - By: Beverly Taff Chapter Six Myself: Martina, A sexually dysphoric child whose sexuality has not yet been ascertained but who chooses to present as a girl. Beverly: My adoptive 'aunt' who is a mature shemale and my most supportive adult friend. Chenille: My older half sister. Jennifer: Aunt Beverly's adopted daughter. Beatrice: Aunt Beverly's second adopted daughter...

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Court Date

Aubrey James Phillips sat quietly in the municipal courtroom as he waited for his destiny to be decided. He had hired a lawyer to help get him off the charges he was facing. Court was slated to begin at 2:00 p.m. so he made sure he was in place at 1:15 p.m. Twenty minutes after he arrived wearing black slacks, a light blue button down shirt, a red tie, and black Stacy Adams, in walked an extremely attractive light-skinned woman. He stared at her, but not too hard. Typically, he liked...

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Full Circle Chapter Six

To those cowards that give me a negative vote yet lack the courage to say who you are or even leave a comment I say Fuck You and that’s the last you’ll hear from me on the subject. To my fans enjoy as this is a very long story with a couple of twists – THX Fix’m Full Circle – Chapter Six I turned the Suburban right and then swung it to the left and we had arrived at the Hilton. The look on the doorman’s face and that of the parking valet were absolutely, without a doubt,...

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Sissy to Be Chapter Six

Sissy To Be, Chapter Six - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters: Me: Robert, now Rosie; Wendy: My twin sister; Angela: Our younger half-sister from mother's second boyfriend; Doris: My drippy mother who lets everybody walk all over her; Aunty Janet: My mother's pushy domineering sister; Harriet: Our friend from the next farm; Aunty Margaret: Harriet's Mother; Jessica: Harriet's older sister. Sissy To Be...

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Dawn Visits Kansas Chapters One Six

Prologue:In an earlier story, Dan Becomes Dawn, Dan had stopped in Denver, coming out as Dawn, a crossdresser, to former neighbors.  At a swinging party the next night, Dawn had met, and connected with, Patti. She accompanied Dawn to Steamboat Springs on a business trip for two nights.  Dawn worked three more days, then returned to the former neighbors’ home for a second weekend before returning to Florida. Meanwhile, Patti visited her daughter in Aspen, then returned to her parents’ farm in...

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The First CommandChapter 20 Excerpts from CourtMartial Records

The following transcripts are taken from the Court-Martial of Roger William Edelmann, Captain, United States Navy, Retired, serving on detached duty as Commanding Officer, CNS Allington Castle, with collateral duty as Commodore, Trumanat Scout and Defense Force, concerning his actions on Truman Base on April 13 of the current year, as verified by interviews with witnesses and the Truman Base and CNS Allington Castle surveillance records, Vice-Admiral Eldon Andrews, presiding officer for...

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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 9 The total four chapters

We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...

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Daisy and Felicia have a humiliating day at Bob8217s record store

A lone snowflake fell from the December Vermont sky. In just two weeks time, Santa would be making his rounds to little boys and girls everywhere. If the fable were true, Daisy and Felicia (the Johnson girls,) as they were known, would be getting coal in their stockings this year. Their mother Beth had seemingly had enough of her daughters’ floundering ways. It had been nearly six months since they graduated high school and they still didn’t have jobs, nor were they seriously...

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Eternal Darkness Chapter Six

________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sidenote: I finished my rewriting of chapter six, and was going to post it. Per usual I checked into what my fans had said and noticed one talking about ED6 being called EA6. While I already knew this, the date I was using in the way back machine kept saying it did not have that page recorded. After some messing around I was able to find the date where ED6 was able to be accessed from. I apologize...

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Right from the Start Chapter Six

Right from the Start, Chapter Six - By: Beverly Taff Simon(Simone): The main character; Dorie Lou: The girl next Door; Mrs Benson: Dorie Lou's mother. Mary and Sandra: Simon's other classmates in school; Miss Webster: Their form teacher; Doctor Wendy: Simone's endocrinologist; Doctor Julie: Simone's psychiatrist. Chapter Six After Simone and Dorie Lou finished reminiscing in the garage Dorie Lou's mother called the pair for lunch. "Got anything planned for the...

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Sissy Farm Chapter TwentySix

Sissy Farm - Chapter Twenty Six - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me, Michelle: A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Doctor Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine, AKA Uncle Penny: My transvestite uncle. (Aunty...

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Jenny Becomes a Porn Star Chapter Six

Jenny Becomes A Porn Star Chapter Six After the morning alarm went off I got up and went into Steven’s room to wake him up and found him sleeping nude with his beautiful cock completely within my view. It took everything I had within me to leave him alone so he would still be enthusiastic during our shoot today. Then for the longest time after he had gotten out of bed he walked around the apartment with that meat of his swinging in my view till just before we left to go to work. My mind was...

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Detectives Blues Chapter Six

Chapter Six I stared through the small window with shocked fascination at the surreal scene that unfolded before me. Jim Arlington was sitting on a stool with his hands cuffed behind his back and a sullen expression on his face as he was held in his seat by two of Rocco's muscle bound thugs. Rocco went through his wallet, emptied it out and held the driver's license up to Jim's bruised face. He nodded to a third hood who grabbed hold of him, shook him by his shirt collar and began...

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Betrayed Chapter Six

Betrayed Chapter 06 By Cherysse St. Claire (c) Chapter Six: The Seven Levels of Hell Monday was the most vile, loathsome day of my life - for no earthly reason other than having to be me. The first thing I had to come to grips with was who 'me' was that particular morning. 'Lance' had to put in an appearance at the office. Back to the old routine, go out there and make the big bucks. F Troop back to normal, Sir! Simple, right? After the most mind-blowing weekend of my life - as...

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Courtesan versus escort

Courtesan versus Escort Yes, it is important to know the difference to determine which best fits your desire, needs and style. Alternatively it is important to know which type of client you would be. Then and only then we can create the best possible outcome of our randez-vous for an unforgettable peak experience that you perhaps are seeking whether for a day or a lifetime.Different men are looking for different things and there is much confusion around about many terms improperly used in the...

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Courtin the Devils DaughterChapter 2

Ring ... Ring ... Ring ... Ring... >click< "umm, ... h-Hello? Her warm clear deep contralto voice didn't sound groggy, but more breathless- had I interupted anything? I mentaly slapped myself- She was a Nun, for Christ's Sake! "Yes, this is Samual the Dishwasher, we grokked today, and you dropped your hankerchief." I said, saying the first thing that popped into my head- well, the second or third thing, actualy- my internal editor wasn't totaly out of commission. "Oh! Sam is...

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Courtin the Devils DaughterChapter 4

DD4 I led the way to the grassy area, making certain that there were no trashcans, picnic tables, or trees behind me for thirty feet or so. I wasn't putting it past the man mountain to be able to knock me flying that far. Each of his thighs was as thick as my waist, he put all of professional wrestlers to shame, with one exception- and he didn't have the sweet temperment of Andre the Giant. I swear I must have been insane, I looked like a seven year old child next to him. However, I had...

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Courtin the Devils DaughterChapter 5

I sat up, and looked behind me to see Eliza standing there, in chaps, leather jacket and purple hot pants, hands on her hips, glaring angrly at the grovling minions of Satan. I was certainly glad her anger wasn't directed at me, as she tore into LongArms with a razor sharp tongue lashing. "Andreloch Mutu Sabrultoz, just what in the hell are you doing messing with what is mine? You are not even suposed to be in this plane! The rules are very clear, and this one is not one of yours! I have...

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Courtin the Devils DaughterChapter 6

I sat holding my cup of coffee in the otherwise deserted cafe, waiting for Eliza to get back from the restroom, and thought about this and that. It was taking a little getting used to, to get used to Andre's Monster Bike- The extended front fork, and dual backrest, and swept handlebar invited, nay, insisted on a reclined, and very comfortable posture. I could stay in the saddle in this position for hours! The one drawback, was due to Andre's longer arms- I was actualy unable to ride the...

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Courtin the Devils DaughterChapter 7

Somewhere in Heaven "Did you hear what she said!? if anything happens to that Sam Stocker, we get such a coup! But this has to remain a secret, from Him, of course, but expecialy from Her, and her Daddy! This could all backfire, and blow up in our faces, if we don't use the utmost caution. Only work through deniable cut-outs, with plausable motives! The Gains are worth the Risk, this is too big to pass up! It is unfortunate that our Plan requires Mr. Stocker to become martyred, but we will...

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Courtin the Devils DaughterChapter 8

It was early morning as we rumbled into the small coastal town. We pulled into a workingman's cafe, and were there before most of the Regulars. I kept a close look at the waitresses face, and managed to choose a booth that didn't make her feel uncomfortable, trying to not claim anyones usual spot. We ordered coffee, and when she returned with the refill and to take our order, we decided to split an omlette and extra side of toast. I had sourcream on my half, and she used the rest of the...

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Courtin the Devils DaughterChapter 9

I woke up later, I guess I was tired after all... wink. Eliza was snuggled to my side, tracing gentle patterns in my chest hair languidly with one fingertip. Of course, she knew exactly when I was awake... "Yes, I can see your dreams, but I prefer not to. Dreams are like hallucinations, they don't make much sense. I prefer just to gather the emotional content of the sleeping thoughts. Would you like me to wake you up if you start to have a nightmare?" I pondered the question a moment, and...

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Courtin the Devils DaughterChapter 10

I didn't answer her out loud, but instead stopped her relieved babbling with kisses. Luckly she didn't take offence. We managed to get out on the road again before the checkout deadline, and it was much nicer to travel knowing that someone wasn't trying to kill us, or me, rather! Suddenly Eliza gripped my arm, and indicated I should pull over. What Now? I thought. "I felt something, picked up some thoughts- Someone needs our help! Are you up to playing Hero, again?" For my Eliza, I was...

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Courtin the Devils DaughterChapter 11

I had found a shop who could put just enough bend in the yoke of the handlebars that I could sit comfortably, my feet in the right place for easy shifting, and it was quite comfortable to fly down the road, with two lovely ladys at my back. Eliza gave me a thankful squeeze at the thought, and Marygold4, or Mary Goldfour, as she had taken to pronouncing it, purred into my wireless earpiece. It had taken very little work to arrange her laptop home so that she was always on even with the top...

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Courtin the Devils DaughterChapter 12

Come Tax-time, Eliza unbent enough to accept help from the Devil's Accountant in filing with the IRS. She acknowledged that they both fell under the same umbrella organization anyway, so fighting fire with fire only made sense. Mary Goldfour was incorporated as Lustease, and started trading on the stock market, opening at a prestigious $44. a share. Her classy and seamless customized "live" interactive video encounters, tens of thousands per day, had garnered Name Recognition as well as...

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Courtin the Devils DaughterChapter 13

When Mary said "Sailing Yacht" emphasis was on "Sailing". While Eliza and I were furnishing the Mansion, Mary somehow found a ship for sale. It was a schooner of just under two hundred feet in length, with a narrow beam in the Bermuda Sloop configuration, with raked masts, three of them. Triangular sails adorned them, with a for'ard staysail in front of the foremast, and a spinnaker ballooning out ahead of that as well, when all sail was set. The Bermuda Sloop is arguably the precursor...

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Eternal Awakening Chapter Six

__________________________________________________________________________________ As always don't forget to rate and comment. And thanks to whoever commented on the last chapter that this was better than defiance. That made Mishikail insufferable and nearly impossible to deal with haha. No, but really, you made her whole year so far (even thought we're a couple of weeks into it). Chapter Six: Retribution and Engagement Over the course of the next four weeks things went...

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CHAPTER SIX: Several weeks later we awaken in the morning and are surprised by an early dumping of snow. Mitch assures me this is not a precursor to a hard, long winter. I have to admit, I am relieved. I am probably more of a warm-weather-girl, but I made the decision easily that Mitch was worth the effort of learning to live in and, hopefully, enjoy all the seasons. The overnight snow is only (he says, only) about six inches of new, fresh, snow; but to me it feels like so much more.I have to...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter Six

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Six Darla Does Mother Proud By Suzie Q Haff I was awakened before dawn by Jana sliding in to my bed and cuddling up to me. I glanced at the clock on my stereo and it said 4:30 AM. She held me close but gently. She kissed my shoulder several times and drifted off to sleep. I fell asleep again listening to that woodpecker. Mom came in at eight AM and woke us. Alexis was in her robe shaking us: "Well what do we have here, sisters at arms?" Jana yawns: "I...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Six

The Sissy Farm - By: Beverly Taff. List of Characters. Me: Michelle, A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr. Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist;. Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: My transvestite uncle. Sissy Farm - Chapter Six Undressing for...

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AN INDECENT AGREEMENTA DEVIANT EBOOK MINI-NOVELLA BY THE MARQUIS FAÇADECHAPTER SIX Eddie awoke to the sound of shuffling feet across carpet. It wasn’t the sound itself that startled him…but amount of it. When he opened his eyes and sat up on his bed. What he saw took him by surprise. At the end of his bed stood two women. One was his mother and the other was Miss Hogan from down the street, a woman whom his mother was very good friends with, but her son annoyed the ever-loving shit out of...

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DIRTY LITTLE SECRETSBy The Marquis Facade CHAPTER SIX Angie awoke suddenly and sat up on the bed. Mark was already gone to work apparently, as she was alone in the single apartment bedroom. She tossed the sheets and blanket back and twisted to hang her legs off over the side, but she didn’t quite have the energy to get up yet, so she sat, unmoving for a while, rolling thoughts of previous events around in her mind. In the last twenty four hours, she’d discovered that her husband had a...

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Skipper Chapter Six

Skipper Chapter 6. Thursday dawned bright but chilly. October is always an unpredictable month. One can sometimes enjoy a late warm 'Indian Summer' but alternatively one can catch an early frost. This morning was frosty. I studied the sky through my hotel window as Sissy arrived with a tray of breakfasts. I protested at her unnecessary effort. "There's no need to have done that. I was just coming down." "Don't worry. You're the only resident here. It's midweek in...

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Courtneys ConversionChapter 2

Hi. I'm Mike. Courtney is my wife of 24 years. Until recently she's been a one man woman. That line recently got crossed on a vacation trip but this story is about something that happened not long after. We are in our early forties and married with three boys. I'm 6'4,250 lbs. brown hair, pretty average sized dick. Courtney is just over five foot with a nicely curvy shape. Her buns and boobs are well filled out and her crowning glory is long red hair. Full and red down below...

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Courtneys ConversionChapter 6 Courtneys ConversionPart 6 Caravanning

Our three boys were at various camps so we could take a vacation where WE wanted to go. I's always wanted to try "caravanning", which is what traveling in an RV is called in Britain, so I rented a nice sized rig. Not a monster but big enough to be comfortable and yet easy to handle in traffic. Courtney wouldn't help drive it and our destination was fairly far away so I asked the eighteen-year-old son of my older sister to come along. I did warn him that there would be times he'd have to...

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