My Online Affair
- 2 years ago
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She sat there, listening to the waves of the lake, sipping on her wine. It was all so quiet and peaceful, but her mind was racing. How could he know she was there, but not come and see her? Where was he, what was he doing? Or worse, did she even matter to him in the first place?
She had to get out of there, go on a walk or something, clear her head in the northshore breeze. She grabbed her sweater, checked to make sure her sister was sleeping, and slowly closed the door behind her. Outside the hotel, she started to walk the boardwalk, trying to run all of their conversations through her head. Six weeks of constant talking and laughing. So many things in common. Did she miss something? There were a few red flags, but nothing that his explanations didn’t make sense for. Damn he was good! A very good liar. A player. She opened up so many doors to him, doors she swore she would keep closed and locked forever, she told him everything. He promised it would always be between them only, but was that just another lie? God, who else knows her secrets now?! Of course the worst of it was that she genuinely cared for him. Almost even loved him. She had told him she did, but she never really felt it until he was gone. She was no horrible person, would never hurt anyone intentionally, she didn’t deserve to be treated like this, betrayed like this. But she had been.
She noticed she had taken the turn to the lighthouse, and suddenly stopped. This is where they first met. Where all those butterflies came that she hadn’t felt in years. They had hugged, and she didn’t want to let him go. Finally, maybe a piece of happiness! He was taller than she had imagined, skinnier too. He was sexy as hell. She turned back the other way though now, because the lighthouse brought back too many memories, too many feelings. She shuffled along, hitting the sand and pebbles beneath her feet. There were just a few other people walking the boardwalk, couples mostly. Some you could tell were rushing up to their rooms to be alone, others were just simply holding hands, enjoying their time together. She imagined walking with him like that. Once they passed, she found a tear rolling down her cheek. Then another, and another. She stopped to sit on some rocks that made a wall in front of the lake, and it all came pouring out of her. All the sadness, the anger, the hurt, the lonely nights she now lives with. She missed his voice, the way he would pretend not to be looking at her when he really was, the way his eyes smiled, the way he held her, his kisses. Oh, enough of this! Does he deserve any more of your tears after what he’s put you through? She wiped her eyes and her face and angrily got off the rock. Asshole.
Now, instead of the sadness, she had to walk off her anger, so she kept going the opposite way of the hotel. She remembered there was a small beach on the other end of the park. She’ll just walk there and back, before her sister wakes up and starts to worry. Her mind wandered to him again…his laugh was contagious, he made her smile every day, even in her dreams. They sent pictures to each other, nothing intimate, just their smiling faces, each knowing the other was missed. He gave her songs to express his feelings (God, did THOSE even mean anything?), songs she couldn’t bring herself to listen to now. ‘You don’t have to throw back your pretty pink lemonade shooter and lean a little closer..hmmmmmm…You don’t have to keep me falling like this But it’d sure be cool of you did’. She never should have confessed her feelings for him.
‘Hey there.’ A voice coming from the side of her in the distance. She knew that deep, sultry voice. He came out of the darkness with his hands in his shorts pockets. She couldn’t find anything to say, let alone her own voice, so she stared at him, confused. Where did he come from?
‘Figured you’d be down here somewhere.’ How? Was he following her? No, because she never told him what hotel, or even what part of the city.
‘How…?’ She couldn’t even ask him.
‘Cuz I know you, remember?’ he giggled. God she missed him.
‘What are you doing out here?’ she finally asked, somewhat with an attitude.
‘I told you, I knew I’d find you.’
‘What do you want? Why you lookin for me?’
‘Cuz I wanna talk to you.’ Well good for him. She’d been trying to talk to him for a few weeks getting nowhere, now HE’S ready?
‘Well what do you want? I gotta get back.’
‘No you don’t.’ He was right. ‘We both know your sister is up there sleeping, and IF she wakes up, she’ll just think you’re out looking for me.’
‘Well aren’t you cocky?’ He grinned, and it almost made her smile too.
‘Listen,’ he said, ‘I know I…ahh…hurt you and all, and I just wanted you to hear it from me that…I’m sorry.’
‘Could’ve wrote that in an email or something.’ she replied.
‘Ya,’ he sighed, still with his hands in his pockets, ‘But then I wouldn’t have been able to see that sexy ass of yours, and you know how I like that sexy ass of yours.’
She smiled. Either he really WAS full of himself, or he could still make her laugh. Like magic. She looked up at him, and almost started crying. She wanted to ask him so many questions. When, why, how many others?
He walked closer to her, but she took a few steps back. ‘Now you know better than that,’ he said, as he came up to her and pulled her face up with his hands so she was looking right at him.
‘I do love you,’ he shrugged, ‘Guess it just wasn’t our time.’
‘Well you made sure of that, didn’t you?’ she almost barked at him. She stepped away again and wiped one single tear from her cheek. ‘I’m sorry, I don’t wanna fight.’ she said.
‘We never did, and we’re not gonna start now,’ he told her. Holding her face in his hands again, he repeated himself, ‘I do love you, my sweet rose, and I am sorry.’ She knew this was it. All the closure she would ever get, had come down to this single moment. No questions asked, no questions answered. She hung her head and grabbed the waistline of his denim shorts. Don’t leave, she whispered to herself. They stood there like that only for a second, until he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tight. ‘My rose,’ he kept saying it over again. She realized now she was crying.
She let go first and quickly took the sleeves of her sweater to her face. By damn, the last thing he saw of her was gonna be her smiling face. With his hands still on her shoulders, he looked at her. Oh no, she thought to herself, don’t you do it. Don’t make this worse. He did. He kissed her. Ever so softly, their lips barely touching, but she could feel it, she could feel his lips brush hers. Damn it! Ok, that was just a goodbye kiss. Everything’s fine, just stay on your feet. You can collapse when he leaves.
He looked at her, pierced his lips like he was gonna say something else, but didn’t. She tried to give him a fake smile, like she would be alright now, but knew it would still take time getting over him. He turned to walk away. Again that whisper in her head, please don’t leave.
He stopped and turned around to look at her again. What now, she thought, we were doin so good with this goodbye thing, I can’t do it again, now you HAVE to go. She felt like her heart was being tortured. As if something were wrong, confusing her, he marched back towards her and kissed her. Kissed her good. She could feel the butterflies all come back to her stomach, her legs getting weak once again. He stopped and simply said, ‘I can’t let you go.’ He kissed her passionately, their lips pierced together so hard, then his tongue, ever so gently circling her mouth. She wrapped her arms around him, and he lifted her up into his.
‘Don’t start…,’ was all she could say.
‘Too late,’ he stated. Gees, just like him to say that!
They kept kissing, as if they were next to a nuclear bomb and the world was about to end. Then he gently laid her down on the sand, and started kissing her neck. She wanted to s
ay his name, tell him to stop, but she couldn’t. She wanted this. She wanted him. Even if it was only once. Even for a goodbye. She wiggled out of her sweater, and he slowed down. HE wanted to remember every minute of making love to her. He slowly pulled her tank top away and kissed her breast, licked her nipple, before going to the other and doing the same. He went back up her neck with his tongue and placed it in her mouth. He was such a good kisser. Not too hard with his lips everywhere, like a high schooler getting some for the first time.
They sat up briefly as she reached to take his shirt off. He started to only lift hers, before she took it off herself. He stared at her for a second, and in that second, she thought this was a joke, like she was getting punked or something, and he was gonna laugh and take off running. ‘God, you’re beautiful,’ he said, as he kissed her some more, before going down to her chest. He touched her and caressed her like no one before him. His hair was long, and it felt good, in some sort of weird way, to finally run her fingers through it. He licked her stomach and her back arched, so he slid his hand up her breasts, to softly touch her cheek, and she relaxed back down.
They kissed and enjoyed each other like this for quite some time. She could hear footsteps in the distance every once in a while, but for once, she didn’t care. She wasn’t scared.
He gazed in her eyes at some point, as if to ask her if she was ready. She was. He slowly undid the button on her jeans. Her heart took a leap, knowing he was going to see every part of her now, yet excitement lurked over her. He kissed her belly button, which made her smile, then with one lick, went from her stomach, as far down as to the top of her panties. He took each side of her pants and pulled them off of her, panties included. He stood up, and took off his shorts, and threw both pairs off to the side of them. He seemed to lay on her at first, hugging her, then commenced to kissing her, and her body, from mouth and down.
He placed his hands on her waist, and kissed her hips, down her legs a little, and then to her inner thigh. He rolled her over and repeated this act, including kissing and nuzzling his face in her bottom. He rolled her back over, and she sat up on him, and they sat there, just like that, holding each other. She looked up at the moon, gave a little thank you, an extra hug, and she laid him down. As to her, she kissed his body from top to bottom. Finally, she got to run her hands over his chest, got to place her hands on his small, tight butt, and finally, simply, saw all of him. She ran her fingers slowly up and down his thighs, then, in surprise to both of them, placed her mouth over his penis. It felt as good to her as it did to him. She moved her tongue all around, and then would take it fully for a minute, him never knowing what she’d do next. Through his moans, she figured out what he liked best, and sometimes would make him wait for it. She could feel his big hands run all across her back, and she tried to focus there, because she didn’t want to forget what it felt like to be touched by him.
As his moans became more often, she stopped and slowly kissed up his body, especially his chest and shoulders. She ran her fingers up and down as far as she could reach on him before he grabbed her and put her on her back. He smiled at her, and went right down to her inner thighs again, though he didn’t stay there long. She felt his tongue in between her legs, and she immediately groaned in pleasure. His tongue went all over her. On top of her, on her sides, and even inside her. He licked her clit slowly, and when she thought she was gonna cum, stopped him. ‘Not yet,’ she whispered. He smiled at her again, and continued eating her out. Oh, she was gonna cum, she knew it, but she didn’t want it to be over. She tried to hold it in, but when he softly told her not to, she let go. Her juices flowed, and she let out this exasperating, almost sigh of relief. Though to her astonishment, he didn’t stop. He buried his tongue and his mouth inside her already incredibly wet pussy, and continued the act, even lifting her legs higher. She tried to hit him on the shoulder to get him to stop, because she knew from experience she would soon start to laugh out loud. He must have gotten the point, because he slowed down fast, but didn’t stop completely.
‘I wanna make you cum again,’ he said.
She kind of laughed and replied, ‘Good luck with that. Can’t get me twice.’
‘Challenge accepted,’ he said. Oh, now she remembered all those so-called challenges he would try to take her up on. She laughed.
‘No,’ she said, ‘I want you to.’ Seemed only fair. So she climbed on top of his lap, and gently put his hard cock inside her. They slowly began to move, her hips this way, his hips that way. They found their rhythm, and put their arms around each other. She buried her head in his neck, she was so comfortable with him, it felt so good, and everything seemed to go exactly right. Nothing wrong with placements, movements, does this, does that, do you like…nothing. It was perfect. Even the romantics of being lakeside under the moon was perfect.
Not done yet, he laid her down, and did her missionary style. She just saw the simplicity of holding him in her arms, while his cock moved in and out of her. Sure, it felt amazing, but she just wanted to remember his eyes, his touch, and the sound of his breathing. As she was drifting into these thoughts, he flipped her onto her knees, got underneath her, and started to lick her again. ‘Seemed a little dry,’ he told her. She could see his head just moving, and felt every feeling she could down there. She moved her knees down to the sand and sat on his face. Oh, what a feeling! She was holding him down now, almost powerful, not letting him go until she was ready.
‘Come on baby, do it again,’ he breathed.
‘No, I can’t again. It’s your turn,’ He stopped, and she could picture the look on his face. Alright, she thought to herself, it’s not about fair. Just enjoy! ‘Ok ok,’ she said. He started again, and she relaxed. She got off her knees and went into a splits move on his face. They both groaned at the excitement. She let him go for another minute, then slowly sat up, looking at him as if to ask what was next.
He smiled in a sly way, and took her hand, leading her out to the water. It was so cold as her feet and legs hit! She couldn’t believe she was doing this, thinking about the steaming hot shower she’d have to take upstairs just to warm up. As he grabbed her and held her body close to his though, she got warm. It was like being wrapped in a warm comforter, and he just held her for a while, occasionally swirling around in a circle. He kissed her neck, then her lips again. She loved kissing him. He was gentle, yet passionate. She wrapped her legs tighter around him in the water, even feeling him slip his dick into her from time to time, and again, said a little thank you to the One above. She was completely in sin, but for some little reason, or maybe excuse, it was worth it.
He stopped and dipped under the cold water. She was confused again until she felt his hands spread her legs and his tongue go in her. Oh my good God, she thought, how phenomenal! She knew she’d have an orgasm faster than before, but she didn’t care, almost because she knew well enough now he wasn’t going to stop. She was right. She came so hard, she almost screamed. She hit him on the shoulder, as to tell him, but of course he already knew. His head bobbed up and he was smiling so big. ‘Now I’m gonna make you squirt,’ he told her. Before she could reply, he was in the cold again. His tongue moved all around inside her, and then to her clit. The waves coming in somehow made it even better, until he put his finger in her pussy. This had to be the most incredible feeling she had ever felt. Nothing, and no one, had ever made her feel like this. She wanted to enjoy it for as long as she could, so she laid back on top of the blue blanket of th
e lake. His head came up as she did, and she watched everything he was doing. She was extremely turned on watching his tongue move across her clit and his finger moving inside her. He looked at her a time or two, but she was determined not to lose these feelings of pure pleasure and weakness.
He started to move a little faster though, and she could feel the orgasm creeping up on her. ‘Come on baby,’ he whispered. After just a few more seconds, she did. The art of squirting though, was a mystery to her. Only one other person in her life had been able to accomplish it, so the uncertainty of did she or didn’t she crossed her mind. Apparently she hadn’t. He kept eating her out, licking her pussy, and finger fucking her, and she was squirming so much, she thought she was the one making waves. Then it happened. The biggest, hardest orgasm of her life, she felt every fluid flow out of her, she thought she had peed. A couple little more licks, and he came up for air. He whipped his long hair back and wiped his face to get the water, and probably her, off. He was so sexy. He sort of laughed, as he noticed she wasn’t moving.
‘You ok?’ he asked.
‘Yeah,’ she was so out of breath and she couldn’t feel any part of her body.
He picked her up and held her again, hugging her tightly. She had a feeling this was it, it was over, and the goodbye would commence. Wait though, she thought, he never came. As if to read her mind, he kissed her softly, then slowly inserted himself into her. He was big, and still hard, she thought with a smile. He started slowly to see how she would react, but after not being turned away, he went a little faster. There they were, in the cold nights lake, both sweating, as he thrusted her. Slow, fast, gentle, or hard, it didn’t matter, she loved fucking him. She wished on a star it go on all night. He starts to throw his head back, moaning a little louder now. As he faces her again, he’s biting his lip, and she knows he is about to cum. He does, but without a sound, he looks like he might bite his lip off. Instead, he kisses her. Hard. Lips, tongue, everywhere in her mouth. He finally seems to settle down, as do his kisses. He smiles as he looks at her. That smile she fell in love with. The one, not only with his mouth, but with his eyes.
He picks her naked body up and out of the water, running back to shore with her. He almost falls, plopping her down on her sweater they used before as a make-shift blanket. He wraps her up and rubs her arms and tries to get her warm.
‘Too bad there’s no fire out here,’ he seemed to be looking around for one.
‘It’s ok,’ she shivered.
He put his clothes back on, and sat down next to her, putting his arm around her, pulling her head down towards his shoulder. She wondered how long he’d stay. Should she start a conversation? Maybe the one she’d been trying to have with him for weeks? Probably a worthless one now, better just let all that go. Part of her even wanted to start crying because she knew he wouldn’t stay long. She knew him too. She was right on the latter. He raised her head, ran his hand down the back of her head, smiled, and simply said, ‘My rose.’
She knew that was his goodbye. That they must never speak of this wonderful night that finally had happened between them. He took his arm down and held her hand for a minute, continuing to stare at her. Her mouth started to quiver. He just shook his head no, as to tell her not to cry. She nodded in agreement. She didn’t want his last memory of her to be a blubbering idiot. He stood up, still holding her hand. Then slowly he slipped to just her fingers, and then just standing next to her. He smiled at her as he slowly started to walk away. She wanted to yell at him not to go, please don’t leave her, she loved him too, but nothing came out. Before he turned to go up towards the street to go home, he stopped and looked at her one last time. She thought for a moment, just under what light there was, she saw a tear in his eye. That can’t be though, she thought, he doesn’t cry, Mr. Macho. She decided what she saw was his love for her. No lies, no games, just them, and love.
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A secret online love is always fun, spontaneous and enticing. Jennifer, a 19-year-old girl, has had bad luck with love in her life, always having her boyfriends cheat on her. She got tired of the immature males from around her area being interested in nothing but sex, so she turns to the Internet. She quickly learns how to turn a guy on without being able to touch them, a talent she already had. She found many, many guys online to play with when she felt aroused. She even found a few that...
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An Innocent Affair By Elrod W. Tom Haskin was all smiles as he stepped off the elevator. And why not? His older son Bobby had done pretty well in T-ball last night, and his wife had helped celebrate - especially after the boys went to bed. Tom had every reason to feel good. The presence of Miranda Barajas in his office dampened his enthusiasm a bit. She was seated across the desk from his chair, her short skirt riding up her thighs seductively. Miranda smiled when Tom walked...
Another day of heavy rain in London. I listened from my bed as the latest storm drove rain into the window. Outside I could hear the wind howling. Without even opening the shutters I knew it was going to be grim.My mood was not improved by the radio news. Coronavirus, Trump and the latest post-Brexit fuck-up from our incompetent government.If all that wasn’t enough I had just been dumped again, by WhatsApp this time, a first for me. I was done with online dating, it was a disaster for me....
MatureI was still single. I had just broke up with a girl at the beginning of school. She caught with her Mom having sex. She walked in her Mom bedroom to see me fucking her Mom in the ass. Damn her Mom could fuck. After that she started some rumors around school I was a bad guy. No harm. I was not looking to get tied down. I was over skinny high school girls. I was more into curvier ladies. The bodacious hottie with the voluptuous curves. The wider the ass and the bigger the boobs was my new...
I first met her about 8 years ago. I met her online in a video chat room. I had met other women in chat rooms, but none that I ever really connected with. You see I’ve always felt a tad bit silly visiting those sites. I even assumed that I wouldn’t meet anyone that I would like, although I realized that that view was indeed a bit hypocritical. Rather, I would lurk and read the dialogue, but it quickly bored me. However, this woman was different. She was quick-witted, she was bright and she...
Introduction: She wanted to earn extra money after class I had to stay after school. I was beating the erasers on the chalk board in detention. I looked up to see the male teacher was falling asleep. It was close to 4pm. I only had a few more minutes before the last bell to go home. I had just moved in my Grand Mothers basement about a week ago. She was always out playing Bingo or at church. It was a good thing. My parents were no longer in the picture. I was going to drive my old clunker home....
At the time I had just turned forty. That milestone, for some reason, had me beginning to wonder whether, as good as my sex life was with my husband, Tom, there was more to sex than I had experienced.Certainly the massage in Phuket was the first time a woman’s touch had aroused me. And, how I came and came again! Even in my late teens, I had not, as many girls do, experimented sexually with girls. I didn’t mind if they did but, for me, sex was something you did with boys. Not that I was that...
BisexualHello this is prasad from Mangalore. I am MBA and working in MNC in Mangalore. I am only son to my parents and dad is working in Nationalized bank as chief manager. Currently my dad working in Gujarat and mom and myself stay in Mangalore. we stay in our own house. since i am only son i got all the privileges at home and can i say happy family. My age is 27 and my mom is 49 and dad age is 5 5. My Mom is graduate and she is housewife and she is kind of innocent. She got 36 B- 36- 38 figure, fair...
IncestHello People this is Luvbunny once again here to share my story with you guys. This happened with me in 2010 December and I met this beautiful South Indian Kerala lady or should say girl online via website chatting and her name is Sonia 29 years of age when we met. She is about 5 feet tall typical south Indian skin colour black hair till shoulders black eyes soft lips, bust size 32 C flat tummy and cute little ass but married lady. I use to surf a lot online to meet girls online but never got...
The Affair Myles phone gave a beep which announced an incoming ext. He hurriedly grabbed it and with growing excitement read the new message. 'Excelsior hotel 12.30, don't be late' He quickly cleared his desk and went out into the reception area. "Stephanie I'm just off to that meeting with Mr. Walters," said Myles Rogers as he headed towards the door, "I think I'll be at least 2 hours." "Okay Myles, hope it goes well," said Stephanie Morton. "He seems awfully jumpy, I hope...
Hi to ever one this is Uma Saha for all of you I was 32 years old a married woman with having a sexy finger 34 32 36 now I want to share my experience to all after from last tow year I realized that my husband’s interest in me getting down we are not doing sex 2-3 weak whenever I ask him about sex he just doing it and got sleep he does not take any interests in me. I am getting in a depressed mode soon and in between these days and I get attracted towards a young boy which I meet me in a my...
They met in an online, sex chat room. It was Andrea’s first visit and she almost left thirty seconds after she created her profile. Six private messages popped up on her screen.Hey beautiful. Want 2 fuck?I’m 9 inches and ready to go.Hard and hot 4 u. Hi, Baby. A/S/L?Do u cbr?Gonna cum all over you. “What am I doing?” Andrea said aloud in her empty apartment. This was sleazy. Maybe not as bad as going to bar and picking up a random stranger, but close. Nonetheless, she was here because she would...
SeductionI met Mark online. I'd joined a gay chat room. I had been fantasizing about being with a man for a while and this was a harmless, anonymous way to explore my interest.To begin with, I was very shy and didn't know how to respond to the occasional message that came my way. Then I got into a conversation with a guy who made all the running. I only had to go along with his messages.I've discovered that the best cybersex is to be had by going along with the person you are playing with. Unless it...
We first started chatting online and both of us had fantasies of having sex with someone we met online. We are both married and were both going though a pretty dead period in our married lives. I was about 55 and she was in her early 40's. We were both looking for fun online but during our long chats we came to the conclusion we should meet and test the waters. So this was an adventure. The first time we met we arranged to meet outside a major bookstore in T*****o. After a delay, in which I...
HELLENIC-AFRIQUE LOVE AFFAIR. By Blackinhiheels My name is Palya, a 30 year old CD from somewhere in darkest Africa. I am 5 ft 8 and 154 pounds all pure medium complexioned black undiluted soul. I don't know whether to be excited or scared as I was driving to the airport my rented car all dolled up to welcome and finally meet my Greek lover Meletios whom I have dating online and swapping emails, photos, text and phone calls for the last one year. How did we meet? He found sexy...
I'm divorced now. My ex-wife had an affair which ended our marriage. She doesn't know that I had my own affair, seven years earlier. We were great fuck mates. I fucked her constantly and I fucked her one day before we split up. But after she had our baby, she changed in many ways, including sexually. She didn't want to fuck nearly as often as she used to and her pussy was dry almost every time we fucked, before she changed, her pussy got wet just from thinking about sex! I'm patient by nature...
Straight SexWeek 1 I never set out to have an affair. Maybe if I write it all down, it will help me figure out what is going on. I am not one of those housewives who volunteered because they were bored and lonely, or just vaguely unsatisfied. He was just someone I had forged a friendship with at work and started flirting with. Yes, I enjoyed his attentions. It felt good and right, just different enough, and I felt powerless to resist. Oh, who am I kidding? When your hormones are raging and someone is...
Introduction: Every office affair is the same… or is it? Yet another office affair… Its all about her cumming for me you know… Dont get me wrong, I love cumming, i love filling a girls pussy with my cock and feel her walls stretching as I enter her and fill her with my seed… But for me, its nothing unless I can feel her shake, writhe and moan uncontrollably until she explodes… Only then I know for a fact that I have made a woman mine. Now you all know about office affairs… When a marriage is...
This is written by me, and can be reproduced for your enjoyment, however not if it is reproduced on an Internet pay site, or any other medium, without compensation for me — the writer. Summary: Kathy and Ted become subjects of an online hypnotist – with some submissive feelings toward serving him and his sexual urges. My girlfriend Kathy and I were together the for past year. I took her for granted. Then I started noticing a change in her attitude, her demeanor and her dress. She and I were...
Author’s Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was written as part of a series. For full enjoyment, please read “The Barbie Lez Fantasies: Week 1-93”. *** Have you ever had one of those fantasies? You know, the ones that feel so real you begin to wonder if you are actually imagining them. Well, I do… because I have them all the time! Sometimes, they turn into a story, but mostly they remain trapped inside my brain. That is, until now… I’m a workaholic. Most...
Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...
Hello, everyone. This is Yash from Punjab. I am a regular reader of ISS. Today, let me share my sex chat and video call experience with a hot cam girl I met online. Well, to tell about myself, I am a businessman (small time) and I live alone. So, I have no commitments. Sometimes, if I have enough time, I would visit my favorite call girl and have a good time with her. But I am not getting the mood nowadays. I don’t want to spend too much time with the girl. Too hectic. It may sound like fun at...
Hotel ki online receptionist ko asli sex ka maja dia hun Hi iss readers, am basa here am a big fan of iss, regular reader and all most read all the story here, i hope ill do more sex experience through iss in future, i like and believe most story and little was fake also, ok leave it come to point, i want to submit my story in Hindi because Hindi is sexy compare to English. Mai iss may 2nd story submit karta hun aur first story ka first part submit kiya hun aur 2nd part be bahut jald submit...
I was obsessed, I had to get one of the 10,000 copies of Sword Art Online. I hadn't gotten into the beta and it really disappointed me. First off let me introduce myself. My name is Dai, I'm 24 years old and I've been a bit of a gamer my whole life. Somehow I've been extremely lucky and was recently left with billions from my grandfather who had an international company that sold a lot of kettle corn (weird I know). I live comfortably now thanks to him but unfortunately alone. Even...
I had always been a Bhabhi boy and will always remain the same.After all being bhabhi boy helps in more ways than one.As a starter I always had the pleasure of dozing off with bhabhi cuddling me after collage and whenever i woke up I had a hard on, I had the liberty of moving my hands inside bhabhi shirt and innocently caressing her and I had the pleasure of having my first jerking off with my bhabhi as the tool of my hard on.So all in all you can say I had always a deep desire of getting my...
IncestOnlineFreeChat has one of the most generic names I’ve seen slapped on an adult site lately, but sometimes those bland keyword search titles make for internet gold. The fact that these guys have been around since 2007 says something, but does it speak to the strength of their platform or did they just pick a good name? They get half a million visitors a month, so I was hoping it was the former, but I wouldn’t know for sure until I lubed up and tried it out for myself.Despite the SFW domain name...
Sex Chat SitesNote : This story is completely fictional! I had always been a momma's boy and will always remain the same.Afterall being momma's boy helps in more ways than one.As a starter I always had the pleasure of dozing off with mom cuddling me after school and whenever i woke up I had a hard on, I had the liberty of moving my hands inside moms shirt and innocently carresing her and I had the pleasure of having my first jerking off with my mom as the tool of my hard on.So all in all you can say I had...
IncestThis story is about my first real life experience, how I met the first female of my life in an online chat room, which paved way into real meetings and my first sexual experience Hello. I am Deepak and these are my experiences in life. I thought of narrating the same for our mutual pleasure. I will be talking of my real life sex experiences. I will not take the real names of any of my partners and will neither reveal the same. So please don't ask me the same. But, I am looking forward to hear...
IndianCHAPTER 1 Sitting on a stool at the bar in a rowdy group who’d been to dinner at the Comedy House restaurant-theatre, Charmaine Ross noticed the curly-haired guy about her age studying her, thankfully appearing very casual about it. The heart of the bored woman fluttered. She hadn’t committed adultery for a couple of years. Unless she did it soon she’d forget how good it was. Douglas was losing fitness and these days puffed and even dribbled over her and he performed his beloved bang. Like...
Introduction: Gaynor is a 49 year old mature married woman with two full grown daughters who has gone to the coast for a relaxing few days, a chance meeting with a familiar younger man leads to so much more……… Lust On The Beach (The Start of the Affair) Gaynor Day Out Gaynor Day was in her 40s and had blonde bronze like hair with a slim athletic body which for her age of 49 was impressive. At this present time the office secretary was laying down on the beach reading a book entitled...
Altered Fates: A Complicated Affair By Theunknownauthor Everything you are about to read is true! Every person, place or thing that is mentioned in this account is real, although I am changing the names and not giving any exact locations. I am doing this so that readers won't try to verify the validity of this story on their own. This isn't an easy story for me to tell, but I feel that I need to get it off my chest. For almost a year now I have been reading various accounts...
The Affair By Margaret Jeanette Tammy Scott was having lunch at a local spot when a handsome young man came over to her. He introduced himself as Dr. William Henderson and said he just had to tell her that she looked beautiful in the outfit she was wearing. When he asked her to join him for lunch she accepted. She didn't know why she had accepted but for some reason she was attracted to this man. They enjoyed a good lunch and she found herself laughing at many of the jokes he...
Let me give you a background first of all. I’ve been married 12 years and for the past seven, sexual activity between me and my wife (Ritu oviously name changed) has stopped completely. I love her dearly, but she has lost all interest in sex and as time went by, I got tired of being alone. When we had sex, I would make sure she would always climax, most times multiples. She admitted that she enjoyed it, but I found out, if she never had sex again it would be all right with her. Since our...
I am Amit, residing in Dubai for last 13 years along with my wife (Sujata) and parents. I am a businessman, having diversified company herein Dubai, dealing in some 150 items. We usually source material from Mumbai, which in turn sold to GCC countries and also exported to African countries. I have to travel a lot to Mumbai for this reason. Prior to my marriage, I used to stay with my mother’s relatives in Vasai when I was in Mumbai for purchasing. But. Now I always live with my sister-in-law...