Elizabeth’s Grand Escape Ch. 02 free porn video

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Sorry it took so long to continue this story, I had several inquiries as to when I would finish it. Now with things settled in my personal life I can finish this story, I hope it meets with your approval, for those of you this is your first read, read part 1. Thank you for all the input I have received on all my stories I really do appreciate it.


As midnight arrived Elizabeth felt as if her heart would leap from her chest as hard as it was pounding. Etta had not yet arrived at the meeting place out side the castle. At once there was a noise behind her, she hid in fright but was relieved when she saw the familiar outline of Etta walking from the darkness.

‘Mi-lady, are you here,’ she said in a hushed shout.

Elizabeth walked from the behind the bush, ‘Yes Etta here.’

‘Mi-lady all is arranged, my cousin Theodore is waiting down the road with a carriage, he will take us to London, and there we will board a ship sailing to the America’s.’

‘The America’s Etta, so far, is it wise?’

‘Of course Mi-lady, they will never look for us there, they would not think that we have left the country.’

‘Your right of course Etta, I am just afraid. How long will it take us to reach the America’s and where will we go when we get there?’

‘We will land in Virginia, I have a cousin who left for Virginia several years ago, we will go to him, and I believe he will help us. We of course will no longer live as we do here Mi-lady, you need to make sure that this is truly what you want.’

Elizabeth look towards the castle of her father, she turned to Etta shook her head yes and they began to walk through the woods to meet the carriage. They arrived and the carriage was waiting as expected, Etta greeted her cousin with a kiss on the cheek, and he ushered us into the carriage.


Arriving in London very early that morning, the carriage stopped at the dock near a large ship called the Anne Marie, they alighted from the carriage. Elizabeth looked at the large ship with trepidation in her eyes. But she knew she had to do this she had no choice now after what Lyle had done to her. She had yet to tell Etta of what had happened to her after she had left her, she feared that if she spoke aloud what had happened to her she would fall apart and not be able to aid in their escape from them. (Meaning her father and Lyle)

She and Etta waited for her cousin Theodore to return, he had gone aboard the ship moments ago to secure our passage, and give an amply believable story for our hasty retreat from England.

At that moment he came into view, walked down the plank to the dock. He walked to where we stood, he greeted us with a smile which made her feel better.

‘All is well Mi-lady, as far as the captain knows you are a widow traveling to America to start over and leave memories behind. I told him that your family was trying to make you wed your husband’s brother so that they could keep the family business. That as far as you were concerned that they could have it but without your marrying again. So you had decided that you would leave England and not return.’

‘And he believed you?’

‘Yes Mi-lady, he was very sympathetic to your plight.’

‘Good, I thank you for all of your help. Here take this,’ and she handed him a gold coin.

‘No Mi-lady I couldn’t.’

‘Please Theodore, for all that you have done and will do. No one must know where Etta and I have gone.’

‘I am your servant Mi-lady,’ he said with a deep bow as he headed to get their things from the carriage and have it taken to there cabin on the ship.

Elizabeth walked to the ship with Etta at her side behind Theodore as he carried there meager belongings to their cabin. Stepping on to the ship that would take them to a new life Elizabeth could not believe how horribly scared but yet sure that this was the right decision.

As they entered the cabin it was sparsely furnished but had two beds and for now that is all that mattered to them. As Theodore placed their belongings on the beds he thanked the deck hand for his help in finding their way. . He stood still near the door for a short moment to make sure that no one was listening at the door. He then turned his attention to the two women. ‘Mi-lady are you quite sure that you both will be alright going alone on this journey?’

‘Yes Theodore, thank you for worrying about us, but think all will be well once we are away from here.’

‘Thank you Theodore for all of your help, I would not have been able to do this without your help,’ Etta said as she hugged her cousin tightly about the neck.

‘Before I should forget, I did not give the captain your real names I thought it best to not let anyone know whom you really were, so I had to make up and name quickly. Mi-lady I told him your name was Beth Williams and Etta yours is Millie. I hope they meet with your approval?’

‘Beth, I like that. Thank you Theodore, I believe they will work out quite well. What do you think Millie?’

‘Well mi-lady Beth, I think it will take some getting used to but I believe you are correct cousin, it is best that we not let anyone know our true identities.’

Theodore went to the door, ‘It is time for me to go, safe journey to you both and GOD speed.’

Alone in the cabin the two set about putting things away for the long journey, GOD only knew what lay in store for them on this trip and in the new world. They heard lots of commotion on the deck and knew that they were readying to sail, they heard the captain’s voice shouting orders to his men and the first officer passing them along. Moments later they felt the ship begin to pitch from side to side and knew they were under way. They walked up the stairs to the deck not wanting to miss seeing England for the last time, sadly they stood at each others side as they watched their home disappear from view.

Tears rolled from Elizabeth’s eyes as she worried about what laid in store for them, would they be able to make alone. She felt sure as long as her trusted friend was by her side she would be able to withstand any thing.

Day 3

On day three of the voyage, Etta became very ill from the rolling of the seas. Elizabeth seemed to be able withstand it’s pitching and rolling. In a big role reversal she now was taking care of her.

In the evenings Elizabeth would walk to the upper deck to get some fresh are after taking care of Etta all day. Elizabeth loved the feel of the sea breeze whipping through her hair which she let down in the evenings, she wrapped her cloak tightly about her as the winds were chilling this evening. She stood at the railing looking out to the moonlit waters below, the occasional spray of water hitting her face was indeed refreshing.

As she stood there for awhile Mr. Phips came to stand beside her, ‘Good Evening Mrs. Williams, the weathers getting a little rough you should really go back below decks, it’s not safe for you here, and we are coming into some bad weather.’

‘Thank you Mr. Phips, I assure you am fine, I thank you for thinking of me.’

‘Tis nothing Mrs., it’s my job to insure the well being of our passengers. How is your friend feeling, the rolling from the storm will surely cause her more misery?’

‘At the moment she is fine, I feel you are quite correct that her misery will surely be just be beginning. It’s my hope that the storm will not last for too long. I just want a few moments more in the cool fresh air.’

‘Alright Mrs. as you wish, but have a care if the winds should pick up anymore.’

‘I will, thank you,’ she said as he tipped his hat and began to walk towards the bow of the ship.

The ship pitched to and fro horribly all through the night, poor Etta was up half the night her face hung over the chamber pot. It hard to believe that she had anything left to bring up since she hadn’t had anything to eat other than the tea that Mr. Phips brought to them.

In the morning of the 4th day the storm seemed to have blown it’s self out, fierce winds still remained and the ship cut quickly through the water. Etta felt much better as well, although she was extremely pale from her ordeal.

There was a knock at the door she knew it must be Mr. Phips with their morning tea and cakes, she went to the door opening it to him. It was indeed Mr. Phips but he didn’t have a tray with him, he hastily walked into the room.

‘Good morning Mrs. Williams, we are being followed by a ship of unknown origin, the captain has asked that all passengers remain in their cabins until it is determined what their intentions are. There are marauders here abouts and they attack ships steal their cargos and other valuables. Please stay here inside where you both will be safe, I will keep you informed as to what is happening.’

‘Thank you Mr. Phips, we will be fine here.’

As Mr. Phips left she turned to Etta, how could they be fine. They were alone in the middle of the ocean no family nor friends about and their ship that was to be taking them to a new life was about to come under siege. How much worse could it be, she thought it might have been better if they had stayed at Charwood Hall.

Above decks the men were scurrying about try to rig more sail to add speed, the captain was sure that they would come under fire but was making at least a good effort to try and save his cargo and passengers.

The more time that passed Elizabeth and Etta began to feel more relief sure that if there hadn’t been an attack by now they sure must have gotten away. Just then there was a loud boom from not too far away and then a splash. They had missed, but that was just the first volley. Then they heard the rush of running feet on the deck and with that an answer to their first shot. The cannons from the deck shot loudly as they returned fire towards the approaching ship. Again they heard a splash, their hearts sunk as they knew it had missed. Again the following ship fired, this time the ship lurched roughly, the two fell to the floor.

‘Oh Mi-lady, she’s been hit,’ she said as she huddled closely to Elizabeth.

‘Yes I believe your right, don’t worry I believe the Captain and his crew with do their best to keep us from harm.’

‘I hope your right mi-lady, I heard tell of what pirates do to their women captives.’

‘Don’t be worry Etta I doubt it will come to that, it may not even be pirates.’

The walls of the ship vibrated from the return fire, the men were obviously giving it a valiant effort to keep from being boarded. Elizabeth prayed that they would be successful, but knew it might be unreasonable to think that they could get away now after being struck several times now by cannon balls.

As she thought this she set in motion hiding her stash of jewels that she had taken, Etta quickly sewed the pouch into the lining of Elizabeth skirt.

‘What will happen to us mi-lady?’

‘I don’t know Etta, but what ever may happen keep to our story is that understood. You are Millie, and I am Beth don’t forget it.’

‘Of course, I shall not forget, but what will happen to us?’

‘I don’t know, perhaps they will steal all that they need and we will be left to continue our voyage.’

Just then they noticed that the noise on the deck had quieted. Elizabeth began to walk toward the door. Just then there was a hard knocking upon it.

‘Open this door now,’ was said from the other side.

Elizabeth apprehensively walked to the door moved the bolt and opened the door. As the door opened she came face to face with the most beautiful pair of blue eyes she had ever seen on a man. She stumbled backward as he burst into the room, brushing by her. She stood there staring at his broad back and shoulders, really she should feel ashamed of herself for thinking these thoughts of someone who was in a sense her captor. But she could not for some reason help herself, his obviously long blonde hair was tied at the back of his neck with a piece of brown leather, his black breeches did little to hid muscular legs, his white linen shirt was open to the waist and a red sash was tied about it. Elizabeth thought to herself, this is not how she had envisioned a pirate looking.

Just then his voice brought her back to reality, ‘Who may I ask are you and what is the purpose of your journey?’

‘I sir am Beth Williams, widow of John who passed only weeks ago and this is my maid and friend Millie. We are travelling to Virginia to make a new start to life after my husband’s death. Who may I ask are you and what are your intentions, regarding us and our ship?’

‘I madam am the Captain of the Sea Serpent, my name is Jaime White. I am sorry for the loss of your husband, as for this ship. This ship and all on it now belong to me and my crew. Now, if you will excuse me I must inspect the rest of the ship so that we can make way with out much more delay.’

‘Underway, where are we going I must arrive in Virginia as planned?’

‘Yes we sail for my island, there we will unload the cargo place it aboard another ship and send it off to be sold. The passengers as well as crew, if they so wish will be dispersed to other vessels to be returned to England.’

‘England, I cannot return to England, I must get to Virginia,’ Elizabeth could not hide the alarm in her voice at the prospect of having to return to England.

‘Not to worry you can always board another ship sailing to Virginia, can you not?’

‘I’m sorry you just don’t understand.’

‘Explain it to me and I might.’

‘I’ll not explain anything to you.’

‘As you wish my dear,’ he said as he walked to the door.

After he left Elizabeth broke into tears, Etta wrapped her arms about her, ‘It will be alright mi-lady, and we will find another way. I’m sure of it.’

That evening there was a knock on the door, as Etta answered it a man entered the room, ‘The Captain begs you pardon, which of you be Mrs. Williams?’

Elizabeth took a step forward, ‘I am Mrs. Williams.’

‘Come with me, the Captain wishes a word with you.’

Etta rushed to her side, ‘It’s alright, I shall return soon.’

She was escorted to the Captain’s cabin, the man opened the door and she walked inside. The cabin was dimly lit, she could hardly see across the room. But she could tell that they had gone through the room searching for anything of value as things were thrown about the room and tousled.

His voice startled her, ‘Welcome Mrs. Williams, I thought perhaps you won’t mind joining me for dinner. Please sit,’ he said as he held a chair for her at the table laden with an array of different foods and wine.

‘Did I have much of a choice considering that I am your prisoner?’

‘Prisoner, that is such a harsh word don’t you think?’

‘Well Mr. White considering the situation, until you let us go we are your prisoners. I felt it only wise to comply with your orders.’

Jaime smiled to himself, ‘Jaime please.’

‘Mr. White I think it unwise to become too familiar with my abductor don’t you think?’

‘I’m sorry you think of it that way, I thought perhaps you would like to join me for a fine meal and some company during this trying time. I know I upset you with the prospect of returning you back to England, so I thought perhaps you could tell me why it is that you do not want to return?’

Elizabeth felt uneasy in this mans presence, her attraction for him made her confused. She should not be feeling this way about any man, after what she went through only a few short weeks ago. She was ensure of his motives and more unsure of herself and her reactions to him.

‘Why I do not wish to return to England is my business Mr. White, I do not wish to speak of it.’

‘As you wish, I thought perhaps I could help you in some way,’ he said as he poured wine into her glass.

Jaime knew his could potentially be a bad idea to be attracted to a
woman whom for one was his prisoner and two a new widow, but he found he could not help himself. He knew it would not be easy to win her trust, he was sure. He wondered about her rush to be in Virginia and her fear of returning to England.

The Island

In the morning there was a buzz of activity happening on the deck. Jaime rose from the desk and walked towards the door. Walking down the corridor he passed her door, before he knew what he was doing he had knocked.

She opened the door to him, ‘Would you ladies wish to get some fresh air, we are coming into the port of my island.’

‘I think that would be lovely,’ she said as she turned back to Etta.

‘Come Millie it would do you some good to get some fresh air.’

‘As you wish mi-lady,’ she said as she grabbed a shawl draped over the back of high backed chair.

They followed him up the stairway that led to the deck, arriving on deck the men taking in sails. Walking to the rail she could already she the outline of the island growing nearer. It looked so beautiful with long leaved trees, white sands, and the water it was so blue. So blue, just like his eyes. She looked up just then to see them looking down at her with a smile on his face.

He called orders to the men, the men rushed to obey.

He smiled down at her, ‘It’s beautiful isn’t it?’

‘It is that, what is its name?’

‘They call it Mayaquana, it’s a basically deserted island in the islands of the Bahamas. There is a small village there, but otherwise there is no one else on island. I hire them to help with the loading and unloading of ships, I pay them in food, fabrics, crop seeds and anything else that they could use. It really is a fantastic arrangement. The group of islands is used by most pirates or privateers as a port of call and a place to sell their wares. I have called Maya my home for many years, and I have a house there on a inlet near the shoals.’

‘How long will it be before you send us back to England?’

‘I am not sure, are you that eager to leave my company Mrs. Williams?’

‘Mr. White it is not as if we are traveling companions and we haven’t been expecting to part company.’

He walked away just then as a deck hand came to tell him they were ready to drop anchor. As he did a flurry of activity began to happen on deck and on shore, boats from the shore began to row out to the ship. Colored men and women adorned in beads, colorful fabrics and not much else.

‘Mrs. Williams if you please return to your cabin and gather your things together, I will send a hand to help you if you need it, then after the cargo has been taken off the ship we will go to the island.’

She began to protest, but a hand on her arm begging her to follow him stopped her. Jaime left them and returned to his duties.

A few hours later she and Etta along with their small amount of luggage were helped into a small boat, the men rowed the boat fluidly through the current towards the beach.

Standing on the beach as they neared was Jaime, in her mind she had no problems using his given name. Her heart pounded harder at the site of him with out his linen shirt, his skin glistening with sweat from hard work, his breeches rolled to the knees, and his boots cast aside his bare muscular legs showing. She couldn’t take her eyes off of him, even though she knew she must.

The boat landed on the sand, he came to the boat lifted her from the boat and carried her to the sand, placing her on her feet on the white sand. He walked over to the men near the water gave them orders, and returned to them.

‘Follow me,’ he said as he picked up the satchels.

We followed him through the trees, a small path had been cut to make walking much easier. As we topped a small hill, we could see in the distance a small house made of bamboo, thatch for a roof, a small walk around porch added to the charm of this hut. To the left of the house was another path that leads to a village, to the right a path leads to a waterfall with a large pool of water beneath it. Elizabeth could not believe the beauty that was surrounding her, she had seen nothing like it.

Arriving at the house, walking into the door they could see it wasn’t lavish as he had said, but it was well done. It was basically one room, a cook stove and make shift wash basin in one corner, a sitting area to the other side, a large table and chairs in the center of the room. Two curtains on the other side of the room were obviously bedrooms.

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grandpa grandma and me

same as other story just titled for better search results!please comment and provide feedback!The story sounds better in first person and in a perspective of past tense. I have changed it a few times to make up for tense problems and fluency, so please do not criticize the verb and tense agreements as I am sure that I have missed more than a few mistakes. this is my first story and it is fiction Character description I am a twenty-one year old male living in Oregon. I am 5’8” and have muscle...

2 years ago
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GAIAs Granddod GALIA GreatGranddad 2


4 years ago
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Wife With Grand Father

By : Sultana1999 Dear Readers, I got inspired to write this story after reading the story “My Wife was Gang Banged on a Boat”. If you like the story mails me on and the writer of the above story “My Wife was Gang Banged on a Boat or Hope you have read it. If not then you send request I will send you the url. Oh Great”, I exclaimed in reaction to my horny wife’s candid confession. And I was quite thrilled about it also.  “Everything is all right. It will be great if dadu comes forward to...

1 year ago
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Grandpa Teaches Young Granddaughter

Tom was in a deep sleep when his phone rudely woke him up. He glanced at his clock as he reached for the phone and wondered who in their right mind was calling him at 2:13 am. Lifting the phone to his ear, he heard the voice of his youngest daughter, Renee. As his sleepy mind began to function, he asked her what was wrong. She told him that she was at the emergency room and they were getting ready to admit her. He continued to listen as she said they were going to do surgery to remove her gall...

3 years ago
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A Roed Trip with My Grand DaughterPart IV

This is the second day of our trip to the Grand Teton National Park in my motor coach. We had driven from her parent’s home, just outside of Kansas City and were going to be gone a week, just Kristy and me. She was my, soon to be, 14 year-old grand daughter, so pure and innocent as we started our trip anyway, that she didn’t even realize that I had molested her. It wasn’t planned, but I guess, most molestations usually aren’t. It was that damn storm that frightened her into my bed, and...

4 years ago
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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 4 Sex CampChapter 19 Pamelas Grand Opening Celebration

On the day of their birthday Pamela and Jeffrey were awakened by mouths on and in every special, now legal, inch of them. Charley had his tongue deep in Pam's pussy while Mark had it in her ass and Larry pumped his cock in her mouth. Cathy in the meantime had Jeff in a 69 and joyously sucked his barely legal cock. After Pam and Jeff had their first official cums as legal adults Pam said, "Is everyone ready for my grand opening celebration on the sun deck, I want you all up there." Cathy...

1 year ago
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Grandma and grandson

100% fiction! I am a 66 year old grandma with a great body for my age. I work out five days a week I am a 121 lbs 5'7" tall nice firm set of tits and ass thanks to working out five days a week to keeping in great shape, long legs and a nice shave cunt between my legs. My husband was very good at satisfying me sexual until about six months ago when he had a hard time keeping a hard on with his nice 7 inch uncut cock, in the middle of him fucking my cunt his cock would go soft before I had and...

3 years ago
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A Road Trip with My Grand DaughterPart II

There was a steady rain, not hard, but just enough to make a drumming noise on the motor coach’s roof. That noise was adding to my insomnia, as I watched the clock turn 4:00 in the morning; so much for going to bed early and getting a good night’s sleep. If only Kristy hadn’t got frightened the storm, then I wouldn’t be having these conflicting feelings. If only she had allowed me to put some cloths on before she jumped into my bed. If only she hadn’t scooted back into my cock. If only...

4 years ago
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Never Get Drunk With Your Grand Dad

Well hello again and let me give you a brief description about myself. I’m 26 smart looking guy from a place called Malad in Mumbai. The following incident took place a few weeks back, when my mom’s father – my Grandad came visiting home. It was a friday and my dad just informed me that my Grand dad would be coming over from Kochi for the weekend. Usually I wouldn’t mind such a visit, but I knew my dad was going to be out of town for the weekend and it would be upon me to take care of my Grand...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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A Night at the Grand Hotel

Joe and Brian walked into the Grand Hotel on an autumn day. They had just eaten an early lunch, and they were eager to check into the hotel. Since they only booked a one night stay, they wanted to check in right away. They strolled up to a desk in the middle of the lobby. The woman behind the counter looked up at them and smiled. "Welcome to the Grand Hotel," the woman said before she took their reservation. "Have a nice stay. Everyone always does," she said to them as she...

4 years ago
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My grand dad

I do not feel ashamed in the least to say that this did in fact happen. It took place this past June. Allow me to describe myself. I’m now 20, I weigh 125 lbs, I have no tan anymore, and I keep my pussy trimmed to a neat yet natural look. My hair is still long and brown, but a little straighter than it was a few years ago. My Grandfather is now 68, in good health but age is definitely taking it’s toll on him. He’s 5’7″, about 160 lbs, and balding with a little hair left. Ever since I was a...

2 years ago
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The Grand Rapids Blues

Graciously edited by Barney R. Tweaked by me; all mistakes are on me. I will admit it. When I found out I was so angry that if she said anything else, I would have punched her in the mouth. My day started out great. It was a Monday, and I had a meeting with my division manager and the company president to discuss a possible promotion. I had applied for an open position to take over our Grand Rapids, Michigan division. If I got it the promotion would be to division manager. I had heard...

2 years ago
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Grand dadChapter 7

Sunday night Kate met the plane when Pop and Peggy's flight returned. She had left Paul and Polly home intentionally expecting it would be hard for Peggy to contain herself after her first weekend off with Pop. And truthfully Kate was dying to hear all about their Vegas visit. In fact her excitement was obvious as she drove. When they came off the plane Kate was amazed at how her oldest daughter glowed and how mature she looked. She could easily have passed for an adult the way she was...

3 years ago
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Horny lonely grandmother seduces grandson

For Addie, it all began simply enough–a comment overheard when her grandson Jimmy and his friend Joey were staying over at her house three years earlier. They had come to San Francisco to see a rock concert, but stayed at her house the night before; going upstairs to check on them, Addie blushed when she overheard their conversation. “Jimmy, I’m sorry, but your grandma is hot!” “What do you mean?” “What do you mean, ‘what do I mean?’ Have...

2 years ago
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As a young boy I visited my grand parents a lotMy grand mother was a petite slim brunette with saggy titsnice pert bum cheeksShe always dressed like a young girl short skirt and stockingsWhen staying there I searched the linen box and found her soiled panty's and bra'sI loved sniffing them like I did with my sisters at homeMy cock got erect all the time and I loved rubbing the silky panty's on mythrobbing prick until I shot my load of hot semen into her panty'sGran started to look at me...

3 years ago
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Greek Greatgranddod Galia Goes Granddad 1

GREAT-GRANDDAUGHTER GALIA GETS ''GYMNASIUM": TEN TIMES 'TEN'S (= 'TRIPLE-AAA')GALIA gets a university study -'stipendium' for four further formative yummy Gaia yearned for For four years - funded from E.U.'s 'ERASMUS' enumerations of five-hundred Euri each month Every university in the EU is now open for her: she solicits forms from Göttingen & GroningenDecision is not simply taken so she trusts her intelligently informed intuïtion: - Go North & seeCandidate 1 Lovely looking historical...

1 year ago
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Les grandes vacances dArnaud

------------------------------------------------------------------------ Les grandes vacances d'Arnaud ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapitre 1 : la rancune de Maria Dans l'avion qui volait en direction d'Alicante, en Espagne, Arnaud ?tait sur son ordinateur. Il r?digeait un rapport pour son patron. - Arnaud, tu ne peux pas d?compresser un peu? Je te rappelle que nous sommes en vacances! Alex pous...

3 years ago
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Black Grandpa black grandson

Two days after letting his grandson take me in the ass, my black neighbor Samuel called me again; saying he missed my sexy body.I told him my body was still aching after so many sessions of wild sex with him; but he insisted, saying he wanted to fuck me again and he would be gentle with me… The bastard convinced me.I had been home alone during the entire week end; so, I had no problem about telling Victor where I would spend the evening…I went upstairs again to Samuel’s flat.The old man smiled...

2 years ago
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Grandpa and the Gang Bang Grandson

Grandpa comes to me one night after a hot and steamy love making session and asks me if I would be interested in having sex with multiple guys. He said he had joined a private club a few years back where he and a few other older gentleman,some still married but most widowed or divorced,get together and have sex or sometimes just hang out and drink. He said he had already spoken to the other members and told them about his crossdressing grandson and they were very excited to meet me. He said...

2 years ago
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Grand Panorama

To stand at the top of a mountain and look out across the vast plain is a moment one never forgets. As far as the eye can see, the beauty of Nature is presented in an uncompromised display, the glorious sunrise beyond the distant mountain range adding yet another level to the grand panorama. To share such a spectacle with a much-trusted, much-loved person makes the view even more special. That is why I had brought her here. That is why we had flown across the country, then rented a car,...

3 years ago
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A Road Trip with My Grand DaughterPart III

We were in my motor home, camping at a National Campgrounds in the Grand Teton National Park. I had pulled my 45’ diesel pusher in yesterday late afternoon, making the two day drive from Kristy’s parent’s house just outside of Kansas City. I had orally made love with my 14 year old grand daughter last night and I no longer had any remorse about it. I loved her and she loved me. There was no looking back now. I had come to terms with what I was doing to her and what she was doing to...

4 years ago
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A guy wins the grand prize on a radio call in show it8217s an expensive sate of the art Fembot

“You’re the sixty-ninth caller!” the voice on the other end of the phone yelled into Justin’s ear. “Yeah? Wow! Did I win the new Eminem CD?” “You sure did! And…” Justin had never won one of these silly radio contests before. Though it was just a silly CD, he was thrilled to have finally won something. His radio played a Honda ad in the background followed by a crazed deejay shouting, “You’re the sixty-ninth caller!” and...

4 years ago
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Granny FUCKED by her Grand son and Friends

My name is Priscilla and I am a friend of Felicia. This is a true story and Feliciasaid you folks might like to read about it.I was almost 63 and still in good shape and very active sexually. I love sex and Iam also a member of several swinger sites. I'm also a nudist and I stay nakedwhenever I can.One weekend I was leaving to go spend a few day at a local nudist resort herein Florida called Paradise Lakes. I have been going there for years and I knowabout every body there that fucks..LOL. This...

2 years ago
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The Grand Halloween Ball Ch 2

Candice went to work as usual and did the normal things she did when she got home. She still had no reflection in mirrors, but she was starting to adjust to her new life. She soon discovered her senses were more acute and her sexuality heightened. She could smell a wet pussy or hot cock a mile away; this part of her new life she loved.Ever since her tryst in the woods she started going to bed earlier in the day and was always naked. Candice soon fell asleep and was dreaming of the pleasant...

2 years ago
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Rudy Wins The Grand Prize

Reaching carefully from his stool at the bar, Rudy pulled the Hawaiian Sunrise up in front of him, stirring it gently with the little green umbrella. Holding the glass up to the sun he squinted through the bright colors now disbursing from the layers into which they had been poured. He tried to remember how many kinds of rum were there but gave up. Blearily staring at the collection of bar glasses in front of him, he wondered who the joker was that had been putting their empty glasses down in...

3 years ago
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Grandma Granddaughter

Grandma Granddaughter I was visiting a friend of mine in Boston. Sue is a little older than I am at sixty-six while I am sixty. She has a beautiful daughter named Alyssa that is now thirty-six and has a daughter of her own Jamie that is only five. Then of course there is Grandma Grace that is ninety-four years old and suffering from Alzheimer. So to recap the four generations of women living in the house there is Grandma Grace, her daughter Sue, her daughter Alyssa, and then her...

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Grandma Grandpa and me Begining

When I was 7-8 years, I was given to my grandparents for summer holidays. Nothing much, living in really small village, mostly old people, just few younger then me. Same as me left for summer.Shortly about me and my family. My mom is very nice woman, small tits very wide hips, fat lips, nice big mouth. My father, he passed away when I was 16, average guy, short, small cock, seen him when he was naked. But let's talk later about them.My grandparents. Granny, old woman, fat, huge tits, unshaven,...

2 years ago
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Life as a Rich k Ariana Grande 2

So here I am watching my favorite show on tv Entourage. I love it because it is basically my life. The only difference is I have not fucked Sasha Gray. I would like to one day though. Maybe teach the bitch a lesson and do stuff to her she would never dream of doing in porn.“RING!! RING!!” the door bell ringsI sigh and pause the television. I go to the door and open to see the bitch Ariana Grande staring daggers at me.Last time we met she was being bitchy to me and I was fed up with it so I...

3 years ago
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Rio Grande Games Part 2

Rio Grande Part 2 In Part 1, I was fucked by a couple of bisexual students and left with just a pair of boxers and my shoes after a rather intense session. My friend Jim and I plot to play a trick on them in return. Unlike some of the first part, this really is wishful thinking! The idea that Jim had planted about playing a trick in return on Jo and Pat had been at the back of my mind for a couple of days now. Part of the planning was to try to find where they were in a wilderness of over...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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The Grand Halloween Ball

Meet Candice, a 35 year old single woman with shoulder length black hair and sapphire blue eyes. Her perky breasts are 38C with large nipples and her pussy is always smoothly shaved. She has never had sex with a woman at all as she prefers men with long hard cocks. She had come to the costume shop in search of that perfect Halloween costume. She stood there looking at a variety of costumes; Dancing girls, Witches, Hookers, Policewoman, Queens, Tarzan and Jane matching outfits and...

3 years ago
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Well Executed Plan To Fuck Charmi part 4 The Grand Climax

Hi thanks to all for all the support which you have shown to my all previous indian sex stories, here I am narrating the 4th and final part of well executed plan to fuck charmi- Part 4 I am regular to kiran and Charmie’s home and we all 3 knows about the thing only kiran don’t know, what is happing in-between three of us, that is with Charmie’s knowledge only everything is happening, one day Kiran Planed and told me will go for an outing and we planned for Masinagudi and we have booked a Jungle...

4 years ago
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Honeymoon With Grand fatherIn law

Hi this is Archana.This is incest story between …. Guess… Strangely me and my grand-father-in-law. I was newly married and just after our honeymoon it was month of Ashadh when newly married girl does not stay at her in laws. So our in laws started thinking where to stay me and then they concluded to stay me with my grand-father-in-law. He was called Bandumama and then aged around 65. He was practically living in small village around 30 kms from my Sasural. I had seen him only once in marriage....

2 years ago
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Grand Canyon Adventure

We had finished loading the rented motorhome for our trip, and settled back to relax before going to bed. I pulled you close to me and kissed you, tasting the perspiration on your lips. We were both hot and sweaty from hauling out and checking all of our camping gear, running in and out of the house and doing last minute arguing over whether or not we needed this item or that. Now, crawling into bed beside you, I was too tired to start something that I couldn't finish. I looked forward to this...

4 years ago
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A Grand TourThe Revelation

Sometime during the afternoon, after a short break for some food, Joe and I were in my room, in bed together again and he was fucking me as hard as he could. I was responding eagerly and urging him to fuck me harder when his blond companion suddenly entered catching us in flagrante delicto. I thought she would be angry. Instead she smiled at me sweetly and calmly began to take off her clothes. Still smiling devilishly, she said, “Don’t be upset Babe. It’s okay, I’m not upset with you. I...

3 years ago
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Wonders of American BackroadsChapter 5 Grand Ole Opry

I stayed in Florida a month too long. It was great fun to sit on the beach and watch the butts of cute college girls all through March and it was great when Maddie came down to join me for beach time. Of course, the second week of spring break was nothing like the first. The entire population changed over. No one knew me and they weren’t interested in the old guy who sat in the shade. The real problem was writing. By the end of the first week of April, I’d simply trashed the entire first...

3 years ago
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A Grand Plan 2

A Grand Plan By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Part Two Claudette gave both of them hugs goodbye as Kenny struggled in his heels as he followed Trisha outside. Instantly they were both freezing in their skimpy bodysuits, until thankfully it was pretty easy hailing a cab dressed as they were. "Next time we better remember jackets dressed like this," giggled Trisha as she snuggled, rubbing against him as they drove. "They'll definitely be no next time, Trish!" cried...

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