Beetlesmith’s Ch. 09 free porn video

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I must thank Miss Bella Mariposa for the inspiration for this chapter of ‘Beetlesmith,’ and for those subsequent. This new narrative tone I’m beginning to exploit struck me as lighting after reading her two wonderful stories, ‘A Letter to Sir,’ and ‘Enslaving Rachel.’ The themes of both worked so well with my own plot direction that I found it almost natural I should incorporate their atmosphere to the present tale of ‘Beetlesmith.’ I wasn’t surprised by this, good writers always have this effect on me. They always open up new avenues to places I hadn’t seriously considered before, or even knew existed. I only hope I can do her imagery, ingenuity, and creativity some justice with my own ham-handed prose, and if I can capture just a small part of the eroticism conveyed by her stories, then these next chapters will be a success.

Bella, it’s said that imitation is the highest form of flattery. I hope so, because you deserve as much adulation as I can dish out. Thanks so much!


Once again, it was the small hours of the morning and insomnia griped me. Karen and Denise were lying on either side of me, their peaceful slumbers mocking me as my mind continued to whirl around the events of the past couple of days.

As planned, Denise arrived at our house the next evening around eight. I got us all a glass of wine before we got comfortable in the living room. We chatted for a while. The two women sat together on the couch while I sat across from them on our overstuffed lounger.

It’s funny how we can all slip back into the mundane so quickly. Less than twenty-four hours ago, we were in this very room doing the most indecent things with each other. Where Denise sat, she gave me the best blowjob I ever had during Jackie’s wild fellatio game, all while taunting her husband in the process. Where Karen sat, she was getting fucked in both holes and between moans of delight was begging me to stick my cock in her mouth—trying to make it the perfect trifecta in her, ‘fill all my holes at once’ fantasy. Christ, just this morning I gave each of them a patented, Karen ‘twofer’ right on that very couch. Now, as I stared across the room at the two of them, they were talking about the latest fashions as if all that, and more, hadn’t occurred between us.

I was half listening to their conversation and half day-dreaming about last night’s events, when that feeling of overwhelming power and invulnerability swept over me. Karen was in the middle of saying something innocuous about our friend Gloria, when I broke in, ‘That was particularly naughty of you two to slip off like you did, away from me, to enjoy yourselves alone.’

Usually a statement like that, interrupting her as it did in the middle of an unrelated topic, would have elicited a scornful glance, followed by a not too subtle condemnation from Karen. Instead, she stammered as if I had caught her in an egregiously deceptive lie.

‘You did all those wonderfully, wicked things away from me, and out of my sight. How many times did you make each other come, and I wasn’t there to enjoy them with you?’

Karen stammered some more. Lowering her eyes she finally squeaked out, ‘I’m sorry. You were having so much fun with Cecilia I didn’t think you…’

‘And you,’ I said, looking at Denise, ‘Did you put Karen up to it, to deceive me like she did?’

It was Denise’s turn to stammer while turning a lovely shade of scarlet.

‘I’m so displeased with the both of you…’

Denise blurted out, ‘It wasn’t my idea!’ Karen continued to hang her head, not daring to look at me.

‘I’m still displeased at you both, no matter whose idea it was. All those orgasms I gave to you. All of those naughty, pussy-soaked fantasies you each had that I fulfilled for you, over and over again. And you repay me by secreting yourselves away from my sight so that you could pleasure each other, alone.’

Both of their lower lips trembled as they continued to stare down at the floor in shame.

‘Look at me,’ and when they did, I asked rhetorically, ‘What am I to do with you?’

Neither said a word as I stared back at them. For a moment, I thought I saw tears beginning to drop from their eyes. ‘Take your clothes off,’ I said gently, but sternly.

They hesitated for a moment, the briefest of moments before complying with my demand. Once disrobed, they sat back down on the couch, naked and ridged. The looks of shame and nervousness on their faces were as if I had just exposed them to all the leers and jeers from all the lechers they had ever known. Then, an amazing transformation occurred as I continued to stare silently at their beauty. They saw my leering and embraced it, and as if reading my mind, they opened up to my thoughts. Lying back on the couch, they spread themselves wide for me. Their hands danced about their bodies, caressing themselves gently, seductively. One leg, intertwined with the other’s, as they fondled their pussies for my pleasure. They wanted me to join them. I could see it in their eyes, beckoning me to the couch as they ran their fingers through their pubic hair. The signs of their arousal were stark, as their juices flowed unabated between the plump globes of their ass, onto the couch.

As Denise teased herself with an enticing finger, I saw moisture, thick and heavy, glistening off the nail, and off her folds.

‘I see that the juices are flowing freely now, and you didn’t need a good fuck or two to get them that way.’ She blushed at bit, but did not reply. ‘How many wonderful orgasms did you have together? Well that can’t be helped, I suppose, but I want to see at least one from each of you, now.’

Without hesitation, they started laying their hands on the other, but I reprimanded them, ‘No! You’re not to touch each other, just yourself.’

As I watched my little nymphs, I was struck by how unique everyone was in how they pleasured themselves. Jackie, with her characteristic ‘slap’ being one such example. Karen likes to spread her labia wide while applying only a finger or two to her clitoris. Occasionally, she will drop her hand down to dip her finger into her pussy, gathering moisture, before shifting back to her clit. Denise, it seems, likes to use all her fingers and palm, massaging the upper half of her vulva with the flat of her hand in a vigorous, side-to-side motion, without parting her labia directly.

Men are the same way, I guess, but one thing is for sure, women are far more ‘touchy’ with themselves than we men. I guess because women have far more wonderful things to touch.

So it was with Karen and Denise. As one hand stayed centered on the direct pleasuring, the other hand wandered about their bodies producing a more indirect arousal, and adding fuel to their fire. Karen liked to hold her free arm over her breasts for long stretches of time, squeezing them and kneading them with her whole limb. Occasionally she would wet a finger, with either her mouth or dipping it into her pussy, then roll her erect nipple between her moistened thumb and index finger. Denise’s circumnavigation of her body was freer flowing and gentler. Her hand shifted continuously between caressing her thigh, to massaging her mons or tight stomach, or touching a breast before ending up near her neck and cheek. I got the impression she was mimicking a lover’s touch, seductively exploring her body while another lover was busy between her legs.

As their arousal heightened, both leaned against the other’s shoulder. Mostly, I think, out of some womanly camaraderie. Their lips parted but their eyes remained closed. Closed, I suspect, against my leers. They giggled sweetly when they felt the other’s caress, usually when their legs inadvertently touched as their limbs and lower torso were in continual motion, squirming, twitching, and shifting as their arousal continued to build. I could hear their breathing, coming hard and forced, and when one moaned in particular delight, the other would
giggle before adding her own loud moans to that of her lover’s.

I was entranced by their soft, Sapphic caresses to each other. It was always a gentle brush of their shoulders, or a soft rub of their thighs or knees, or a sensual foot running up the other’s calf—all done cunningly, as if I wouldn’t have seen or noticed. They wanted so much to kiss each other, caress the other more directly with their hands. Mostly, they wanted to dip their tongues into the other’s dripping arousal, and make each moan in ecstasy. That, I forbade—and it drove them mad with imbued arousal.

As they neared their final crescendo, both stopped their leg twitching and hand wandering. Their bodies became eerily still, save for that pleasuring hand that continued to rub, flick, and massage with ever increasing fervor. They leaned harder against each other’s shoulder. Their heads joined as well in a romantic gesture of companionship and want.

The one and only time either of them spoke was when Denise turned her head, putting her lips close to Karen’s ear, and saying almost as a whisper, ‘I’m so very close.’

Hearing that from her friend, Karen did her technique that usually made her quicken to climax. Sitting up on her heels with knees far apart, she wet a finger with her own arousal and touched her asshole. She never inserted it, only pressed, and rubbed her anus gently with the tip. Within moments, her body trembled in climax as she clamped her thighs closed against her still massaging hands.

It wasn’t long after that Denise followed suite. Arching her back, I heard her distinctive staccato breathing—three quick draughts through her mouth. Her body trembled ever so subtly before slumping back into the couch.

I teased at her, ‘You’re still the ‘quiet fuck,’ aren’t you? We’ll change that tonight.’ Denise only smiled a response.

They both lay back relaxed. Their eyes, half-lidded and dreamy, stared back at me.

‘That was very nice, but it still doesn’t soothe my spirit at your betrayal. Now, I want you to go into the bathroom and shave yourselves like Jackie. Take your time. I’ll wait. Afterwards, I don’t want to see any hair on your cute little pussies. Don’t even leave a little tuft of hair at the top. When you finish, wait for me on the bed, but you’re not to play with yourselves. Not until I join you. Is that understood?’

They both nodded before running off to the bedroom like a couple of schoolgirls heading to recess.

I heard continuous laughter and mirth coming from our master bath. It took about twenty minutes before I heard Denise’s clear, sweet voice say, ‘We’re ready.’

When I entered the bedroom, the vision imparted stopped me in my tracks, and I stared at them, breathless. They were both kneeling, sitting on their heels, knees spread far apart. Their heads were bowed in a mock display of subservience, and they held each other’s outstretched hand as if giving womanly comfort and courage against their newfound male controller—their Master.

I saw no hair between their legs, just a slight redness from the irritation of shaving. Their large outer labia protruded, mound-like, away from their groins. The stark, pale flesh of their mons and pussy, now exposed from their former, pubic covering, appeared as ripe apples with the thin outer skin delicately peeled away, exposing the white, sweet, fleshy interior to all my appetites.

I took a moment to kneel in front of them, slipping a hand between their legs. I felt the warm wetness of their arousal almost dripping from each. They remained stationary with heads bowed. Their breath came shallow and quick as I ran a finger between their swollen labia. One long, slow swipe of my finger starting at their opening and ending on their clit. They trembled slightly at my touch, as I briefly rubbed their naked mons with my palms while pushing ever so gently on their buttons. I held up my fingers, covered as they were with their arousal, to each of their mouths.

‘Taste,’ was all I said. With heads still lowered and without comment, they sucked their arousal from my fingers. Kissing each on the cheek, I sat in Karen’s vanity chair, and continued to stare at them.

‘You have such pretty, little pussies now, but you owe me another orgasm. Stay in the position you’re in, but turn and face each other. This time I want each of you to make the other come using only your fingers.’

Their legs spread wide with knees touching. Each placed a hand on her lover’s shoulder, while slipping their other hand between her legs. As they plied fingers to the other, their eyes were wide and bright as they stared into each other’s face. A small smile touched their lips as they leaned in to kiss.

They stayed that way for the longest time, lips and tongue attached, while their hands continued to fondle their lover’s vulva. The free hand would drop on occasion to caress a breast, pinch a nipple, stroke her buttocks, or add another helping hand to the other one that was doing all the work—doubling her pleasure, you might say. The wandering hand never stayed in the same place for very long, except maybe at the nape of the neck, which they caressed gently while pulling the other’s lips tighter against each other.

It was funny how each woman applied her own personal masturbatory technique to the other. Karen gently spread Denise’s labia with two fingers as she rubbed her clitoris with her middle one. Denise, of course, was feverishly rubbing Karen’s pussy with the flat of her hand, and only occasionally would run a finger or three down, along Karen’s labia and clitoris, directly. I think because neither was used to the other’s technique, the fingering session was taking much longer than I had anticipated.

As each climbed closer to climax, they stopped their kissing, putting their foreheads together to look down at their bodies. Karen laid her arm across Denise’s breasts, cupping one in her hand, while massaging both. Denise’s breathing became more rapid at this touch. Her wandering arm didn’t wander anymore, staying fixed on Karen’s shoulder as if to give herself support. I thought, then, that Karen had her, and it would be only a matter of a few more moments before Denise would come.

‘Denise, a hint, my little slut. Karen, the delectable slut that she is, loves it when you just rub her little button with a finger.’

I saw Denise smile devilishly before applying my helpful hint to Karen. Karen’s breathing quickened thereafter, and she closed her eyes to the waves of pleasure that were rapidly building. However, like the talented little slut that she was, she kept much of her focus on her companion, and increased her finger massaging of Denise’s clit.

Both of them were rapidly nearing nirvana at the same pace, and it looked as if both would get there at about the same time. However, I had one last hint for Denise.

‘Now, Denise, wet a finger and gently rub her tight, little asshole.’

It was such a lovely sight to see Denise, the prim lady, spit on her finger, reach around, and push it between Karen’s cheeks, all while laughing like a young girl. She had to shift her finger about some to find her target, but when she did, the results were instantaneous.

Karen fell to the side in violent, jerking spasms, and for each spasm, cried, ‘That’s not fair…That’s not fair…That’s not fair.’

I laughed, ‘No it wasn’t, but neither was your sneaking away from me last night. I know it was you who instigated that selfish bit of betrayal. Now Denise, lie back and spread your long legs for Karen. Spread them wider…That’s so nice. As a last punishment my love, eat our friend’s delectable pussy. And I had better hear her moan, loudly and often.’

Karen dived in with a mouth and both hands, but before she could get started, I added something special. ‘You can only use your mouth on our friend, and I want to see at least one of your hands playing with yourself at all times. Sluts like you can’t just give pleasure to someone. They al
ways need to be pleasured at the same time.’

It was another lovely sight for my sexual amusement. I had the women positioned such that I stared straight into Karen’s well-shaped behind. Positioned so, I couldn’t get a good look at Denise’s face because Karen was up on her knees and her ass was blocking my view. I could tell by Karen’s head bob and slides to the left and right that she was really going to town on Denise’s pussy. However, what I found most erotic was watching Karen’s hand as she played with herself. Usually, it stayed within the dark confines of the ‘cave’ she had created, that triangular opening outlined between her two legs that formed the apex, and the bed, which formed the base. I could she her hand moving in the shadows as she concentrated most of her finger attention to her clitoris. Yet, every now and again, she pushed that hand backwards, out into the light of the room, so that she could give a little attention to her opening. Taking a finger or three and work them into her pussy for a while, before retracting her hand back under her ‘cave’ to continue massaging her button. Every time she pushed her hand in and out of its sheltered ‘cave,’ it looked like a cute, little animal, popping itself out of its burrow to scurry around in the search for food—and finding sweet treasure in the next burrow over.

Still the ‘quiet fuck,’ as she is wont to say of herself, I could barely hear Denise above the din of Karen’s noisy passion. I knew she must be close. I decided to add a bit more fuel to the fire. ‘Denise, I don’t think you’re treating our little slut with the proper attitude she deserves and, I suspect, wants. Karen’s such a naughty, dirty, little slut, you know. She would love to have you smear your pussy all over her face.’

The two giggled. I saw Denise’s hands take a hold of both sides of Karen’s head, and holding her lover steady, proceeded to buck her hips up and down, racking her pussy across Karen’s face and extended tongue. The visual was so breathtakingly erotic that I had to stand up to get a better view.

Denise was slightly reclined onto a few pillows. Her feet and heels were under her ass, giving her support and increased leverage against the bed with her legs. She was staring into Karen’s eyes with a wild light as she held her head tight against her groin, all the while grinding her hips in a circular pattern. It was as if Denise were using Karen’s head as an impersonal object, like some great and bulbous masturbatory toy whose only function was to give her pleasure.

‘Come on Denise. Tell that naughty slut what you want. We have to teach her a lesson never to have orgasms on her own.’

I thought that I might be talking too much and spoiling the spontaneity of the moment, but each time I commanded them into greater subservience, and into performing an even more extreme lascivious act, their arousal was pushed to an even higher plateau. I suspect that, in the end, their one, true desire throughout the evening was to drift along on the erotic currents I was fomenting with my demands. This was most evident in Denise, who was exhibiting a sexual aggression that I had not seen in her before.

‘Stick your tongue out,’ Denise grunted.

‘Don’t be so coy, Denise. Call her what she is.’

‘Slut!’ she barked. ‘Stick your slutty tongue out!’

With Karen’s tongue extended, Denise centered her clit directly on her tongue while rapidly shifting her pelvis up and down. Denise let out a loud, throaty moan, and then another. Then, shifting her hips up so that Karen’s tongue was centered on her opening, she pulled Karen hard into her.

‘Tongue my pussy, slut. Stick it deep,’ Denise said, in that same throaty tenor.

‘That’s right Denise, tell that little slut to tongue fuck your delectable cunt. Naughty sluts need to be compliant. Most of all, they want to feel used.’

‘Oh, yes, fuck my cunt with your tongue you little slut,’ Denise croaked, all while pushing her groin harder into Karen.

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Naughty Neighbours Part 3

My cock was so hard and there was pe cum dripping off the end. The taste of Ninas Juices on Macs hard cock was driving me wild . She climbed off of his enormous erect dick leaving it stand like a glistening beacon. I took it in my right hand and gegan to jerk it up and down , licking her cunt juice from the swollen bell end down to his smoothly shaven sack.Nina turned around and I moved aside as she now lowered her self down on him again , this time facing him with her ass toward me." Please...

2 years ago
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on the beach

As I walked down the quiet Spanish beach in the hot sun, the cool sea breeze blowing across my oiled mostly naked body, just three triangles of thin cotton covering very little of my bronzing body. I was half way through my 2 week holiday with a friend and had decided to walk the beach as she was tired from the late nights we spent in the night clubs for the past 3 nights and gone back to bed. As I walked slowly through the soft sand my mind drifted back to the guys we had met in the clubs so...

1 year ago
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Craigslist Chronicles Ch 05 SUV

A few weeks had passed from my night with Alex. God was that a night to remember. Fuck did he had the stamina of a God, ridiculous. Here I was, sitting back in the break room, horny as I'll get out. I was ready for some more fun. Looking through some of the craigslist ads, I came across a few people that wanted to hook up in a car. That could be fun, I thought to myself. One ad really caught my eye; it was a young black dude wanting to fuck. In his ad, he said he wouldn't be available...

3 years ago
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Little Red Journal 6 First Boyfriend Flirtations

So you probably missed, buried among the musings on my crush EK, this line:Day after birthday/---CWhy do I want him I spent the evening socializing with other choir people. I thought of a new way to do what? I lost my train of thought.It seems innocuous enough nestled among the hormone-driven sexual cravings of a teenage mind. An evening with choir people could mean one of two things.  Either I was on a bus trip to watch an opera or I was at a collaborative retreat with some choirs from...

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Classic Adventure

You wake up in your room, having a pleasant dream last night. Looking around your room, you see a silver platter by your bedside with a lid over it. You sit up and leaned over carefully to grab the platter, removing the lid. Your favorite breakfast! How wonderful! You eat your breakfast, thinking about how both your parents went away to do business, a whole week to yourself with your servants. While drinking down your glass of orange juice (no pulp), you wonder what kind of business they are...

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Confusion By Julie O Edited By Itinerant Features characters from The Julieverse Chapter 1 Rob Parker slowly opened his eyes and blinked. At the same time, he reached up and rubbed his temples, as he wondered what the hell had happened. The last thing he...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 18

The last trip through I bought an Airbus AJC319, medium sized jet, for the family. It cost a little over fifty million when you add in all the other costs of buying, beyond just the jet itself. A brand new Boeing 737 runs between fifty-one million and seventy-eight million, depending on length and accessories. A dealer had the Airbus all ready to go, and it had very few hours on the engines, which made it a good buy for me. The advantage in a 737 comes with buying the most common commercial...

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A Threesome In The Woods

Lesley drove through the beautiful countryside in her new red convertible, with the top down and her short blonde hair tousled by the wind. She reflected on herself, her job as head of year at the local school, her goals and her new outlook on life. She was well-educated, professional woman in her 40's. She felt more than satisfied with most aspects of her life. Except one. For the past few years she felt the ever-increasing urge to treat herself better in one particular area. She felt...

3 years ago
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Slowly Moving On Chapter 8

Chapter 8: The Day AfterTossing and turning for hours after such a vivid dream, I eventually fell back asleep and slept late into the next morning.  When I finally lumbered out of bed, I started some coffee and stepped in to survey my office.  Did all that really happen?  Sure enough, there were Justine’s black panties on the floor with my cum stains on them along with her sports bra that was wedged in the side of the chair cushion.  I grabbed the camera and laptop and set them on the desk. ...

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Dianes New Lover

Diane walked through the house passing by the den as she did. A quick glance told her that Glen was absorbed in the football game as usual and would be for at least a couple more hours. They had hardly spoken since their big fight last week which was not that out of the normal anymore. They just didn't make up overnight like they had back in the old days. Now in their 50's the fights could sometimes lead to 2 or 3 weeks of just cordial conversation and no affection at all. She decided tonight...

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One Big Horny Weasley Family chapter 13 reformatted

Chapter 13- Breakfast of Champions Ron was a little surprised by the state of his room when he walked into it. It was a mess, not by his standards, but in his wife’s opinion this room was a pigsty. The bed was unmade, the comforter balled up on the floor, and clothes, lingerie, and various girly things were strewn across it. Her robe lay on the floor in front of her dresser and her nightstand was open. He smiled wryly to himself bent to pick up the robe. It didn’t bother him that it...

1 year ago
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B5 Chapter 21 The Vectrans Arrive

Chapter 21: The Vectrans Arrive (I Knew We Should've Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque)The starship Delphi 4 pulled into orbit around the earth. Long before the starship had come within range of any detection devices on earth, the Vectrans had activated a cloaking device for the ship. "Cloaking device activated, Commander," said Rayleena. "We're now in orbit about the planet. They'll never know that we're up here, unless something should happen to hit us, and our sensors are too...

2 years ago
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Crushing Cousins

They say early experiences shape our psyche and in my case it is certainly true. My fetish for being pinned down and sat on by larger ladies was started during my mid teens in the 60's and influenced me enough to lead to my marrying to a much larger lady and subsequently becoming her "Squashtoy". As the smaller, subservient one, I and spent many hours of being, squashed, facesat and performing long arse worshipping on her and latterly her best friend.As I said in an earlier story I was always a...

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Castaway Vons HavenChapter 57

Webster Mission Log: Summary Von Solon's resolve, determination and courage would make any parent proud. As his co-father, I see him as an efficient user of resources. His creative nature is a credit to his species. I respect preparation to anticipated challenges. My ward's production of imaginative solutions and inventiveness warrants accolades from his peers (see file 90345: message number 25,099: Gallantry in Action- Star Medal submission for Von Solon Wolfenstein) for distinguished...

1 year ago
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I’ve always wanted to be a Thai Swinger, but kind of assumed my status as an American disqualified me from making the team. After spending some time perusing the Thai Swinger Network, I’m starting to consider the dream even more seriously. Their shelves are stocked full with some of the finest Thai poon ever captured on video, and it looks like a bunch of white tourist dudes are the ones doing the smashing. Fuck, now I’m really wondering what the COVID quarantine rules are if I book a flight...

Premium Asian Porn Sites
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Remote Control Mom

Kathy Quinn was a beautiful, attractive woman, she was 5'10, long brunette hair, light hazel eyes, She was also loving, giving, kind, caring person, She worked as a registered nurse at a local hospital, She was also a loving mother to her Teenage son named Brandon Quinn, Her Husband, He was Brandon's father, had divorced when Brandon was 2-years-old, They hadn't seen or heard from him since, they lived in a house in a shaded, gated, tree-line neighborhood, Brandon went to High School, He was...

Mind Control
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Dont Shoot the Messenger Chapter 7

Laura closed her eyes, sat back into her chair, opened her eyes, looked at the ceiling, back to Julie and then to the floor."You’ve never thought about it before?" said Julie."No," Laura said. "No I haven’t. I kind of always thought I’d meet someone and it would be obvious and until then I’d try everything. How did you decide?""To marry Anthony?""Well yes, both actually, Anthony, and fucking people for money?""I like your style," Julie said. "You put me on the spot as fast as I put you. I don't...

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Back home after December hols

Back home after December hols. After a wonder December holiday at the coast, enjoying plenty of sexual experiences I found myself back home and a bit bore after all the fun. My girlfriend Amanda was due back in a few days time, just after new years and I couldnt wait to see her. Thankfully the days went by rather quickly and before I knew it it was new years eve. My mate Mike was gonna sleep over as well as my sister's friend Carry, and our we were more just gonna chill with my parents and...

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Mother fucked hard

Hi. I am sagar. I am 20. My mom is 45,dad is 48 and my big bro(vijay) is 21. My mom is ft with big ass and boobs. I always wanted to fuck her.once dad cught me peeping in bedroom when mom was changing,but he didnt say anything.this happened 3 months ago. My mom is very short tempered woman. She always shouts on us. Even our dad is not spared. We were irritated by her shouting. One day mom came home from office already angry, as she had an argument in train. As soon as she came home, she started...

2 years ago
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A river of surprises chapter 2

I awoke to the sun streaming through the gap in my bedroom curtains. It was Sunday, the terrors of yesterday over, I shuddered with horror just recalling it. I wondered what I should do, should I report him, report it, after all it was rape wasn't it? Thinking of him I started to fret at the thought of going to the refuelling pontoon and seeing him again, finally deciding that I wouldn't, I would have to bring my fuel down in cans instead, better that I stayed well clear of it and him. As...

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Alabama Nan Behind A Closed Doors

"How's chinese?" I asked Karen. "That's fine Nan. Is this a real fancy place or what?" responded Karen from the bathroom. "It's your regular mom and Pop, type restaurant. I'm going to dress casual." "Sounds fine by me?" said Karen. My stomach growled, so I quickly put on black low cut bra and matching bikini panties. "Karen, I hope you don't take long - I'm starving." "Little sisters are such pains. Don't rush me Nancy." I shrugged my shoulders. I pulled my jeans on and slipped into my pumps. I...

She Males
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Bithday Gift From My Mother

Hello guys and girls. My name is Raj and I’m 23 years old today since it’s my birthday. So let me give you an idea about myself first. I’m 6’2 with a very good built body and attractive biceps and triceps. I have a fair complexion with black hairs and brown hazel nut eyes. I’m a sophomore in my college doing my bachelors in business administration. Life has been full of excitement and surprises for me and as we live our lives, we experience alot of things. Some are good while others are not so...

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Cant Escape Your Nature Pt 2

“I know, lad. I know. There’s no escape any more. Kage found out it was me who told you where to run to. He… did things to me. Tried to make me tell. In the end he used the tracker magae and found you in no time. He didn’t choose to use her in the first place because he wanted to hurt me. But now I see that there’s no escape. We just have to bear the pain.” Kage entered the common room at that point, fully dressed and perfect looking as per. Dante tensed suddenly in anticipation of his...

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Helen Ch 15

Harry looked across the table at the woman. She was checking through a file, her dark brown hair tied back into a bun, concentrating on the information thoroughly. Harry assumed she was in her forties, a very seasoned detective inspector by all accounts. Probably quite a bit of a stunner in the days she was just a constable. He was there for enquiries only. The last person to see Hoffman before his throat was cut. Again, he thought, a honourable death for a contract killer. What you give, one...

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DevilsFilm Sarah Lace Ebony Anal Queens

Sarah Lace is relaxing in her bedroom when she calls Donny Sins. She bites her lip, inviting Donny over and telling him that she’s feeling kind of adventurous today…the ANAL kind of adventurous! When Donny comes over later, he walks into Sarah’s bedroom, only to find it empty. But there’s a note on the bed telling him to take his clothes off. Donny smiles with anticipation as he gets naked, lying down on the bed to wait for Sarah. But he doesn’t have to wait for...

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The Bitches got me

Hi im Gemma and im 17 years of age,im 5ft 2 with a small frame, shoulder length hair and my best asset is my large breasts which are 36 DD, i get lewd comments all the time from boys and some girls especially at college but i brush them off as best i can and try to carry on, this was proving to be somewhat harder this term as want to become a P.E teacher when i graduate but the constant jibes about my large breasts mainly within my class were starting to get me down, and i was starting to...

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Disaster ReliefChapter 16

The TV network reporters came. Even some newspaper people were outside; five or six of them. Jennifer looked composed and quite pretty in a blue dress. She looked like a woman someone would want to come home to. The TV reporter said, "We're here in Albany, Georgia to talk to the girl friend of Charles Wallace, the American hostage being held in Annistan. Jennifer Allen was with Wallace in Annistan for a period in the fall. "Jennifer, what can you tell us about your time in Annistan and...

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Seduction of AmyChapter 12

Amy awoke the following morning with a start. At first, she was confused; there was a black man lying next to her. Suddenly, it all came back to her and she almost jumped out of bed. As she stood on shaking legs, she felt the remains of three loads of Thomas's cum pouring out of her. She rushed to the bathroom and into the shower. Guilt began to pour over her like the warm water of the shower. God, what have I done? she thought. I've just cheated on my husband with his best friend,...

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making a threesome with strangers

My wife had travelled to Buenos Aires to visit parents and friends.I had to stay at Savannah, since I had a lot of job on those days and it was really impossible for me to run away from my office.After a long stressing day at work, I got home on Friday, ready to get a god shower, a good glass of scotch and a good time in bed.But while I was sipping the whisky, I received a mail.I was one of my mates from the office. He wrote there that he had a couple who were looking for a third guy for a...

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Caught not my work but i though id share it

Hi there. I don't know how many of the stories on here are real. I doubt some of them that result in perfect strangers having sex. Anyway, this story is completely true, and though it might not be as 'Gripping' as some of the other stories here, it is none the less true.I have masturbated my entire life it seems. When I lived at home, I was terrified (and a little excited) at the thought of being caught. I was very careful about when and where I did it, and managed to never get caught right up...

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Golden Evening Pee

I told you a couple months ago about the gorgeous 30 year old girl I live with. We have pet names for each other, I call her Kitten and she calls me daddy? We've done so many nasty things over the past few months. But there was always one thing that kept running through my mind, something really nasty, really dirty. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to experience it with my little girl, my Kitten. Well, one night we had gone out for dinner. We decided that we'd make a night of it...

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Marions Greek cumfest gangbang

Hi my name is Andy & my wife's name is Marion we are a couple both late 40s we are from Scotland my wife is a right prude who for the last 20 years only gave me vanilla sex about 4 times a year .That all changed last year on holiday in Greece we stayed at a sll quiet isolated villa .On our 2nd day I went a walk to the shops about a mile away to buy some vodka .When I returned i found Marion sitting at the pool talking to four lads from the next villa . They were all about 25ish from Liverpool...

Group Sex
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Warsaw Encounter

Traveling around the world for my work, spending endless nights in hotels, from the absolutely beautiful and impressive to low-end shit holes, I have encountered many people. One of my encounters went like this. I had been in Warsaw a number of times. I had set up a company there and as I always do, had changed hotels on each trip. I want to get the feel of a city, especially important in a city like Warsaw as there is no real city center. The Old City, or Stare Miasto in Polish, was totally...

Straight Sex
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Just One Hour Tale 3

She was about to dial again. Then the phone rang. "Hello," she said her head confused. "Hi Debbie; it's nice to speak with you again." She almost dropped the phone. It was him; the filthy black thug. It was the same one who had sent her the note. He didn't wait for her to begin a volley of abuse, instead began to talk about her parents. He knew they were out, he knew all sorts of details about them. His manner was as calm and as menacing as ever. The note he explain wasn't...

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When Jerry came home from work that evening he was surprised to find his wife, Loren, seated, cross legged on the couch, shoes off, in her stocking feet. The surprise was simply due to the fact that she rarely got home before him, and when she had, she was in the habit of remaining fully dressed. Now, she was in a new pink slip he had never seen before."What do you think of these sexy flats," she said, putting one of the black ballet flats on, extending her leg."Very nice," said a blushing...

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Hell Knight Rampage 1

He followed the scent further, turning a corner into what a flickering sign stated was a residential block. When he turned the corner, he felt an imp, a lesser demon, attempt to move past him. He grabbed the arm of the imp before it ran past and yanked it back, the strength of the act tearing the imps thin arm from its body. It let out a primal groan of pain before the Hell Knight brought down its foot onto the head of the wretched thing. The blood stained the leathery skin of the Hell...

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