Douglas Nightingale
- 2 years ago
- 36
- 0
Late afternoon Douglas Dodd drove slowly into the tree studded town, recognizing it well, a town that appeared to be sited amid a town park, which was what the town fathers at the time had intended.
It was beautiful and peaceful and Douglas, who had not an ounce a goodwill around his heart, frowned. He had come here to do harm to Ida Goldsmith. Thirty years ago she’d accused Douglas of making her pregnant. Her father and two brothers had beaten him savagely and ran him out of town, ignoring his protests he’d never touched Ida carnally, though to be honest he knew the thought had never been far from his mind although she was almost ten years older.
He pulled into a pleasant looking motel and booked in. A woman half his age said, ‘Welcome to my establishment.’
He noted she’d said ‘my’, not ours.
‘We are full apart from the honeymoon suite.’
Douglas yawned and rubbed tired eyes. ‘That would be fine. I take it you are itching to share it with me?’
She looked at him with tired eyes. ‘I buried my husband not two months ago tomorrow.’
‘Christ, I’m sorry. That was intended as a flippant remark.’
She pushed the register across for signing in. ‘I’m sure it was and please excuse me for failing to lift to enjoy a jest but I feel ready to come out of this.’
‘Sure and I’m sorry.’
‘You may have the suite at ordinary suite rate.’
‘Thank you. I’ve driven 590 miles today so won’t appreciate the quality of my surroundings till morning. I’ll stay five nights but shift me to an ordinary room whenever you wish.’
‘Thank you. Sleep well traveler.’
Douglas was walking out when she called, ‘Mr Dodd, would you like me to bring up soup and coffee?’
‘Yeah, that would be great Mrs ah….?’
‘I’m intending to revert to my maiden name, tomorrow perhaps. Call me Irma Goldsmith.’
‘Okay Irma, great old fashion name,’ Douglas said, too tired to react to the name Goldsmith. Besides he was aware other families of Goldsmiths existed, including in this town.
Douglas heard the light knock and called come in. Irma used her passkey.
He sat up in bed thinking despite the t-shirt she’d be impressed how well his upper body in such good shape for a guy of his age.
Irma said something surprising, not quite what he’d expected.
‘How old are you?’
‘Are you the Douglas Dodd my late father thought was my father?’
‘What a strange thing to put to me,’ Douglas said, mind reeling.
‘Do you know my mother, Ida Goldsmith?’
Douglas proceeded carefully. ‘May I start the soup while it’s still warm?’
‘Oh of course.’ Irma handed across the tray and sat on the bed without asking, her green eyes watching him intently.
‘Yes I knew an Ida Goldsmith. She was my baby sitter and we formed an attachment until I left town when I has nineteen. But that was thirty years ago and Ida would have married. He looked more closely at the pretty brunette. Christ, she’d be no older than thirty. Oh god, he thought. Irma was Ida’s daughter.
Through the mind-fog he heard Irma say, ‘My mother never married. She was unmarried without a boyfriend when she became pregnant. Thereafter no one would marry her. You know what it’s like, small towns talk.
When I was five Athol Stokes confessed to my grandfather he was the father and my grandfather shook my mother until she confessed. Then something terrible happened. My grandfather went inside and came out with a rifle and shot Athol Stokes. A guy who’d driven Athol to our ranch drove off and called the Sheriff. Deputies arrived and granddad began shooting at them and they shot and killed him.’
‘Oh I’m sorry. What a tragedy. If only your mom and Athol had owned up instead of allowing the blame for the pregnancy to fall on me. Your mother knew who the father was but allowed her father and uncle to beat me mercilessly.
She stood and watched.
The men then gave me one hour to leave town or the alternative was to stay and fight for my life.’
‘So it’s true that you weren’t my father?’
‘Absolutely. It may interest you to know you I never had sex with her.’
‘Well I believe you, absolutely. So she helped to ruin your life in this town.’
‘And you’ve arrived back to kill her?’
‘Wouldn’t I have arrived back years ago to do that if that had been on my mind?’
Irma yawned and scratched under an armpit. ‘I have no idea how the minds of aggrieved people work.’
‘Here take the tray and come back a lay beside me on the blankets and pull the top cover over you and nap in my arms. You look exhausted.’
‘Well the night manager has taken over. I suppose I could do that but it seems a little strange. Have you returned to kill me?’
‘Good god no. However could you think that?’
‘It’s not illogical.’
‘Perhaps to a mad man but I’m not mad, still a little bitter, yes, but not deranged. My divorce became absolute last week. My wife said she still loved me but could no longer bear to live with me and says my moodiness depresses our two children. She’d found someone else so we divorced, I being the initiator because I really couldn’t blame her.’
‘Mood swings. God I can’t risk staying beside you.’
‘That’s fine, go.’
Irma stood silent for half a minute and then said, ‘I feel responsible for your misery.’
‘Christ no, never think that Irma. It just isn’t true. The truth is I hadn’t known who your father was until you told me just a few minutes ago. That came as a shock as Athol was a pal, although three years older. It’s ironic he was shot to death because he taught me to shoot and I became quite a marksman but never as good as Athol, he was the sharpest shooter in the county. As for what I have in store for your mother, I have no idea. A good kick in the butt could be appropriate. I had decided to look at her in the distance and then decide.’
‘She won’t be like the hot little goodtime girl with big breasts and tight skirts you remember. She’s gone to fat and limps because of a hip injury from a fall from her horse years ago. I’ll be she’d get a shock seeing you looking all lean and muscular like this.’
‘Perhaps. Well off you go and let me get some shuteye. We can talk later.’
‘I’ll do what you say and stay here for a while. It would be lovely to have someone’s arms around me.’
They fell asleep, he the former villain of the Goldsmith family Douglas Dodd, and she the-29-year beauty of the extended Goldsmith family who Douglas was still to learn married an international marathon runner who’d died in a hunting accident, shot by his best buddy.
Douglas awoke at daylight looking forward to chatting with her but Irma had gone. Douglas was disappointed but only partly so. She’d awoken him during the night when she went to the bathroom but she returned and although he was half asleep he remembered Irma pulling his arm around her and kissed his cheek.
At 8:00 he heard a knock and called ‘Come in’ hearing a knock. He hadn’t remembered to order breakfast and Irma hadn’t asked. She walked in smiling brightly as said ‘Hi, you look quite good even shortly after waking up.’
She placed on to his lap a tray containing a pot of coffee and two sliced bagels covered with Spanish omelet and went over and pulled the drapes open.
‘Thanks. What no kiss? I cleaned my teeth before reading the newspaper.’
She walked over confidently and kissed him on the lips and pulled his head against her breast. ‘My heart cries for what my mother did to you.’
He pulled away and smiled, saying breakfast looked great. She revealed no disappointment at his indifference.
As Irma walked away he thought a great ass sway, inherited from her mother and then grinned bashfully knowing he had no memory of how her mom had walked. His expression turned sober and as she turned a
t the doorway he said, ‘I have no intention of harming your mother.’
‘I know that,’ she said and left.
Douglas ate thinking of Irma’s body. Thinking that and good food made him smile and realize he was interested in women again. Er interested sexually. There was a chance she could be interested in him because she accepted her mother had ended up treating him terribly.
At that point his feelings for Irma crumbled. She was being lovely to him because she felt sorry for him and guilty about her mother’s treatment of him. No way did he want any woman feeling the reason for kissing and cuddling him was she felt sorry for him. Christ what did she think he was! The stupid bitch.
Later and calm again he tried to think of Irma’s position in all this. The reality was she was entitled to feel a little guilty herself, knowing it was Ida being pregnant with her that had ignited the banishment of Douglas from his hometown. Besides the poor darling was in mourning and had her own loss knifing into her.
He drove off and when he returned Irma ran out to greet him.
‘Oh thank heavens you’re back. I was worried you might have gone for good.’
‘No, why would I do that?’
‘Oh I may have said something that upset you. Then I thought perhaps you can understand I’m still not thinking straight because my late husband was buried two months ago today.’
‘Irma, please don’t upset yourself over me. You have more important things to focus on.’
Reaching into the trunk of his Mercedes Douglas grinned, ‘I was so grateful of the warmth of your hospitality and you coping so bravely with your grief I bought these for you as an expression of appreciation.’
He pulled out a huge bouquet of flowers and placed them in Irma’s arms. She looked up at him kindly, her eyes awash with tears.
‘Oh thank you,’ she said gravely and managed a weak smile.
Douglas said, ‘I also stopped for coffee and called my parents. They were thrilled to know I was back in town and for once didn’t have to go on to me about returning. Over the years they’ve visited me, usually twice a year. My sister Kathy is home on a flying visit and I’m joining them for dinner tonight. Would you like to accompany me?’
‘Oh no let it be a big family reunion.’
‘None of us is really big into family and Kathy will be missing her family who are back in Dublin.’
‘Well your father knows me because his company built this motel because my husband Donny, who was a design engineer in commercial construction, wanted me to be occupied while he was darting off around the globe running. He thought a business that tied me down would be the answer and I agreed. I’m also on the Mayor’s social welfare advisory committee with your mother, she being the oldest member and I being the youngest to achieve what the Mayor calls ‘across the board representation’. I could go comfortably but, um, what if they read something into me accompanying you?’
‘What could they possibly think other than you are a new friend?’
For the first time Douglas saw Irma blush and thought it made her look wildly attractive, his term that avoided the often misused word of beautiful. In his book beautiful meant flawless beauty and in his mind very, very few women achieved that grade and that’s how it should be.
‘They could think we were lovers.’
‘Would that worry you?’
‘But it’s not true.’
He pursued relentlessly. ‘Would you like that to become a possibility, er, in time?’
The big blush returned. ‘I have to confess the idea more than crossed my mind this morning.’
‘Well there is an age…’
‘Don’t quote age Douglas, please don’t. Age difference is not in my equation. Besides, what has age to do with the subject of becoming lovers?’
Douglas considered that and shrugged, ‘You’ve got me there.’
‘I thought I had,’ she giggled. ‘Yes I will be honored to go with you tonight providing you call your mom right now. And I’m happy for them to think what they like.’
Douglas looked at his feet. ‘I regret this subject of sexual assessment has cropped up. You are still in mourning.’
‘It’s okay Douglas. I’m completely relaxed about it. I’d like you to know my love for Donny took a permanent hit when I found out there were other women in this town who currently knew him sexually and six of them stood together at the funeral weeping. Have you any idea how that made me feel, turning in the knife?’
‘Thank you. I couldn’t have expressed my reaction better myself had I been in your shoes. Call your mom now and let’s see how the cookie crumbles. It may interest you to know there is no arbitrary time limit in my mind how long must it be before I resume sexual activity. I may also interest you to know I adore great sex. I’ll be in the office.’
Douglas looked at the retreating young woman, thinking her ass appeared to be swinging rather erotically but perhaps that was his imagination. He was sure women could control ass sway but was aware many didn’t exhibit any noticeable sway. Ass sway did something to him. He grinned and felt good.
* * *
Irma smoothed down her skirt after sitting down at her desk and called, ‘How are the bookings Gertrude?’
‘One double cancellation offset by three doubles phoned in this morning and another double by email so another almost full night tonight and tomorrow we are full again. We are the hottest motel in town thanks to your staffing policy and the standards you set… by self example I must say.’
‘Thank you Gertrude. You really are settling in as a prime member of my team.’
‘Irma please call me Gert. My father and my best friends call me that.’
‘Why thank you Gert. Much appreciated. Please note on the day-night schedule I’m out of here at 6:30.’
Irma had decided to eat out whether or not she went out with Douglas. Her phone went. It was Douglas saying his mom was expecting them around 7:00.
‘Um, is this a date?’
Irma colored. He sounded just like a young guy filled with uncertainties and yet wanting to score. She smiled, wanting that smile to ‘sound’ in her voice. ‘Yes, if you’d like me to acknowledge this is a date. In fact I’d very much like that.’
‘God you are great,’ he said, cutting the call.
Irma wriggled her toes in her tight shoes and felt her smile grow fat. She decided to allow Douglas to do it that night, if that’s what he wanted. She certainly felt in the right mood. God her mom would feel like killing her, screaming Douglas Dodd of all people. Well Ida of all people knew her mom could exhibit signs of being emotionally unstable at times.
At that Irma lost her smile but her chin jutted, just a little.
A few minutes before 6:00 Irma ended her 12-hour day and slipped into a bubble bath and thought how she could assist to ensure a seduction occurred. She then thought about clothes and decided it could upset Kate, Douglas’s mom if she dressed colorfully and so she decided everything black with the only color being cherry shoes. They had to be colored shoes otherwise there’d by no hint to Douglas that she wasn’t in mourning.
As the fragrances of the burning candles became apparent Irma slipped into romantic mode. She knew she’d be all over Douglas’s body… god he was like a guy in his thirties. His bald patch at the back was only just apparent but the rich brown hair still abundantly covered his temples. He’d probably be fit, with that great looking body and probably could go for hours. Circling a breast lightly Irma felt quite dizzy at the thought of being caressed and pounded for an hour or two. But she suddenly thought she really didn’t know much about him. She couldn’t allow a guy to fuck her if she didn’t know him!
‘Stop it, you silly bitch. What you know is enough. Stop being silly.
But it was no use. All deep-breathing thinking about romance had evaporated.
* * *
As arranged Douglas had stopped
his car at the laundry exit at the rear of the central administration and facilities block. Irma slipped out and into the vehicle, not wishing to be observed by staff. Once out on the street she asked, ‘That was a very sweet kiss, I really do feel I’m on a date. May I ask what is your occupation?’
Douglas squirmed in his seat.
‘What’s wrong, you look embarrassed?’
‘I-I was waiting for the right moment to tell you.’
There was an awkward silence and then Irma stiffened. ‘Ohmigod, it’s you. But you are not due till Monday.’
‘My loan approval came through earlier than expected so I came early.’
Irma smiled. ‘Talk about coincidences. You are the only initial inquirer still interested in buying my late-husband’s consultancy.’
‘Coincidences yes.’
‘The two other engineers decided not to make a joint bid.’
‘Yes I know. I was advised one is female and pregnant so she decided not to take on the responsibility and the other guy is only recently qualified and couldn’t raise the finance because he had no proven track record.’
Irma said yes quite right.
‘I’d have to check him out. Perhaps if all goes well I might finance him into taking up a minority partnership interest. People who are paid out of profits are more committed because they know profitability payout can really boost salary.’
‘Well don’t be too eager to organize that Douglas. Jack is my cousin, the younger son of my uncle who bashed you and helped run you out of town.’
Douglas shot her a disapproving glance. ‘A son can’t be held responsible for his father’s crime.’
Irma leant over and kissed his shoulder. ‘Of course not and I should know that better than most people because you hold no grudge against me for what my mother did to you.’
‘Trust me Irma because that’s my attitude one hundred per cent.’
Douglas pulled over under some overhanging trees and stopped.
‘Your parent’s home is fifty yards away.’
‘I know. I just wanted some kisses.’
‘Oooh,’ Irma said, unclipped her seat belt and pulled sideways over Douglas and began kissing him, saying he’d have to excuse her forwardness but she’d been waiting for such an opportunity. ‘I have been thinking about kissing you.’
As the long kissed continued Irma unzipped the back of her dress and pausing in the kiss said, ‘Dig in if you wish and grab a handful, there’s plenty there. I need to know you have something exciting in store for me later.’
‘We can do it now,’ Douglas said smoothly, squeezing an already erect nipple. But he then pushed down over her fairly flat tummy, under her belt and rolled over her pubic bone to pat pussy.
‘Ohmigod, how did you get down there,’ she practically panted. ‘No not now, we’ll be late and my hair and make-up will be messed up.’
‘Aw,’ Douglas pretended to complain, withdrawing his aggressive hand.
Presumably because he was such a good boy Irma eased her tongue into his mouth and met his, to do a little tonguing ‘howdy-do’ before withdrawing and attending to her hair and make-up. Douglas drove off slowly to give her time to finish before turning into the driveway of his parents’ home.
They drove away three hours later, pleased the evening had been so successful although his dad Desmond had given everyone an embarrassing moment when saying to Irma, ‘I can’t understand why a gorgeous young beauty like you is giving your time socially to someone as old as my son?’
But Irma was up to it. She’d replied, ‘Desmond I’d think you’d see it my way if you regarded age differential as not being all that important. Dare I say you’d have even greater insight if you understood your son’s and my histories as being perversely and irrevocably linked due to tragically misrepresented circumstances.’
Desmond’s eyes appeared to be spinning in their sockets as he attempted to get his mind around Irma’s intensity. ‘Um yeah, that is ah understandable.’
Then Kate gave Irma what she wanted. ‘Although you and I have not discussed that matter Irma, I understand what you are saying. You see Desmond and I knew because Douglas insisted he’d never had been involved in that manner with your mother that could only be the truth.’
The women kissed and a very ordinary and predicable dinner evening eventuated except for Desmond declining his mother’s invitation to return home to stay. He’d laughed saying he’d figured if he shifted back in he’d be too reluctant to leave. That was when Douglas’s sister Kathy said her piece.
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The drive to Trenton was filled with various conversations including Dan’s son Brad and step-son Jake attending tonight’s Top Prospects Game in Oshawa. Dan explained the top forty ranked junior players in the Canadian Hockey League are invited to participate in the one-game match. Scouts from all thirty teams will attend and they are all pretty much guaranteed of being drafted into the NHL in June. The game is usually coached by hockey personality, Hockey Night in Canada, Coaches Corner, Don...
I slowly opened my eyes and quickly closed them. The bright light of morning piercing into the room burned my eyes, well it felt that way. I rubbed my eyes and again slowly opened them, trying to accustom my self to the morning sun, well at least I thought it was morning. I lay in my bed and tried to pull myself together. My head was pounding and all I could taste in my mouth was alcohol. "What happened last night?!" Coming to my senses and finally back to reality, I ran over in my...
Christy had showered by the time that I got out of bed the following morning. She had just put her sexy white bra and thong on and was stepping into her cotton dress when I told her to keep her dress off for a while.“Eat breakfast in your lingerie,” I suggested, “Let him see you eat breakfast in just your bra and thong.“Okay I will,” Christy smiled, “You know that I love being undressed in front of him.”We went to the kitchen and, James was already up, he had made coffee and his eyes popped...
SeductionAlexis Tae has been a bad girl. This naughty little slut has been thrown into the cage as punishment. But it’s time she cums out to be fed. She lives on a diet of cock and cum and today she will get her nourishment. She opens her throat and gets her face fucked rough and hard before being thrown around and having her wet, pink cunt pounded into. This whore loves every second then takes a load on her face and in her mouth. This beautiful ebony slut is punished in her mouth and pussy with a...
xmoviesforyouSarah’s First Spanking Sarah Blackwood is 20 years old and is coming to her final term in collage in Manchester and is ready to embark on a career as a chief. She is in her student digs a few miles away from the main campus packing up her stuff knowing that in final few weeks will be full of parties and heavy drinking. She is also single, as her boyfriend of 2 years David had dumped her for another woman in America so she was looking forward to go to a few collage parties as a...
So there was my dilemma; give up the exquisite multi orgasms that I experienced while screwing with the drug or, do the right thing and flush all the drug in to the waste solvent container. I could easily persuade Ian to part with his supply with the dirt I had on him. But then how could I go through life never experiencing the sheer heaven of my 'special' orgasms? Yet, to continue on and drug innocent people and use them for my own ends was too low and underhand to contemplate. This was a...
Amy just graduated college and got a great job and moved into her new home. She is sexy and loves sex. In college she fucked two professors and did many three-somes with her room mate and her boyfriend. Today Amy was laying in the back yard in a skimpy bikini looking very sexy as her neighbor stared at her from his kitchen window. Amy has huge firm tits and a great thick ass. Her top showed most of her tits and the bottom half barely covered her pussy. Matt got a hard cock just watching...
This story just jumped into my brain from another dimension. It does tie in to the existing Dots and Dashes series - kind of - but later, not right now. Feeling lucky? My sexual adventures don't always start with a phone call. Sometimes, they cross my path in person at full speed. I was exiting a revolving door at a drug store after replenishing my supply of brown and red licorice twists. A husky woman burdened with five shopping bags plowed into me. I staggered backwards, saved from the...
Hi I am Ravi Kumar from Bangalore, today I am going to share top secret of my life of romance with mom of mine.I am 23 year old graduate from reputed college in Bangalore. Presently I am working in small software company. I am basically from rural place in Karnataka. Till my 10th Standard I studied in my rural place then I shifted to Bangalore for my PU and Degree studies.Till my 10th class I don’t have any bad intentions towards my mom. My mom is typical Indian lady always wears sarees. She is...
I lay sleeping in bed, dreaming. Dreaming of the girl that hated my guts - Natalie Harvey, who thought she was god's gift to men. I could see her in my dream vividly - long, glossy, black hair, perfectly round bosoms, slender figure with a silver dress on. She was winking at me and showing her leg. I felt myself begin to breathe heavily as I saw in my dream Natalie was touching herself and then lifting her fingers to her mouth. Suddenly my eyes burst open when I felt something strain against my...
TransI arrived at her apartment door and before I could knock, she opened it."Hi.""Hi. Good to see you," I said. And it was. She had her usual coy smile and was wearing a green cardigan sweater and blue jeans. She was sprightly, barely 5' but was pretty, had a cute smile, and very Vietnamese features.I walked in and took off my jacket."Want anything?" she asked.I just looked at her knowingly."I meant something to drink," she said as she blushed."I'm ok," I said.By the hall mirror, there was a...
The vampire slowly leans in, his cold lips pressing against your neck, his long fangs scraping against your sweet virgin skin. He bites down, two sharp teeth cutting through your flesh as he pierces through.You cry out in pain and then, strangely, pleasure. Heat fills your veins and you find yourself writhing against him like a common whore. A rush of energy floods through you and you feel like you could take on an entire army."Now then," he whispers, "We've bonded."He stands up and offers you...
SupernaturalA lot of you might remember me from my previous sexstory on ISS. I have shared few stories here and have received quite good feedback from my readers. Many of those readers have become good friends over these years. For those who don’t know me, my name is Paul (email: ), I’m a single guy aged 29 and after my MBA I found employment with one of the top MNCs in Bangalore. I’m 5’7″, athletic and an award-winning endurance cyclist. If you’re a cyclist, chances are we know each other. This story is...
Lena Paul is over the moon when her best friend, Sofi Ryan, sends her a gift from afar. Her heart flutters as she opens the gift, revealing an ornate lamp. When she rubs the lamp with a cloth to give it a shine, a genie, Angela White, suddenly appears! Lena is stunned by the catty and busty beauty as Angela gets down to business, saying that she can grant three wishes. Although Lena is in disbelief, she runs with it, wishing to be a millionaire. Of course, this is something Angela can do, but...
xmoviesforyouThat same night in the neighboring room of the hotel, Sophie and Sarah also talked a lot and made love, though the words and the deeds existed separately. Conversations remained mostly in the world of the pragmatic. Yet within these discussions lay desire and the tension caused by the possibility of separation from it. Mostly they discussed work and school and the conflicts involved. They even brought Carrie, Sarah's contact at the agency, into the discussion via Sophie's cell phone on...
All characters and places in this story are fictional and in no way reperesent any person or places. My name is Dereck Williams and I work as a lab instructor at a local community college. I am 40 and about 6’ tall with brown hair and a nice build, but I wouldn’t say that I’m every girls dream. I’m shy and therefore stay pretty much to myself without doing much dating. Recently, I walked into lab to teach a class and was stunned by what I saw. There in the front row was an angel....
First PhotosI am a lucky, lucky man. I met Brenda when she was just a young woman. I really didn't pay any attention because I thought she was really a couple years younger than she looked. I thought she was still too young, but that soon changed.Brenda had just starting dating a friend of mine, a guy on my softball team. We kind have run the same social circles. I was just one of the older members of the group and she was one of the younger. As time past, she and my friend had some bumps in...
I was not looking for a fight, but I found one. It was late in the day when I came to the roadside tavern, a small place as they go. I took care of my horse, used the privy and once inside found a circle of men in one corner, spectators to some sort of event. I got a beer and joined them, elbowing a few aside to see what was going on. Rape was what was going on. A big man with his white britches hanging loose at his knees along with his black galluses was buggering a good-sized young woman...
The story of Chloe and Ellen continues. I am Chloe, I am 5 ft 8 inches tall and have shoulder long brown curly hair and brown eyes. Ellen is a 6 ft brunette with dark brown eyes and shoulder long black hair. I am sitting in the waiting room of my physician to get a monthly check up, absently reading the magazines lying around. My mind wandered off in a daydream about what happened a couple of weeks ago at my office. I couldn’t get around the fact that one minute I was talking to Ellen and the...
LesbianThe next day was my nephews wedding everyone was getting ready. Hubby had just arrived so did my nephew and Greg. I was in the basement ironing my outfit for the day when Greg came down. I was nervous as hell as I had my husband and a guy who fucked the shit out of me just last night all of us in the same house. Greg kept trying to grab me and play with my tits. He finally got hold of me and pulled my shirt up and my shorts down. I said we might get caught Greg said he didn't care as he...
My name is Cheryl. I am a 28 year old Black woman from Dallas who's usedto having the best of things. I work for a well respected lawyer inDallas and from time to time I tutor his 16 year old daughter, Sarah.Sarah was a sophomore at St. Penelope's Catholic School for girls andwell developed for her age. She could easily pass for 20 if she wantedbut stuck to her ponytails, pleated skirts and knee high socks.One afternoon, while sitting at my desk outside of Mr. Duncan's office,Sarah called up to...
vve had a party last vveekend vvith fevv of my vvife vvas dressed up in red micro mini & lovv cut tight mini black top, serving food n drinks to my friends.suddenly she splet a drink on dave's pants.I m so sorry..she said,let me help u clean it up in vvashroom, she pulled him to vvashroom,herry joined them,I vvas talking to fevv fevv minuts herry returned & james moved out for a smoke.vvhile talk,I observed dropps of sperm on the pants of herry,I vvas shocked as my...
Helen the neighbour part two:Over the coming weeks I saw Helen (with the wife) at various places and we laughed about what happened. Then one day my wife said she’d seen Helen and she had invited us at the weekend for a meal and drinks at her place, so she’d accepted. On the Saturday night we made our way to Helen’s and as expected Helen was a great host, marvelous cook and good fun all evening. I must admit I was surprised that the evening was just the three of us? Not that this bothered me,...
_____________________________________________________________________________________ " OH MY GOD" Amber screamed, " I feel so full!" And she should have felt full, seeing as how she had my 8" cock up her ass, Stephens 7 1/2" cock in her pussy, and was shoving josh's 8" cock back in her mouth. She had asked for it and she was getting it. I was shoving up into her ass, and Stephen was pushing down into her pussy, josh was still shocked just standing there letting this beautiful whore...
nigeblueHello My Worthless Whore Deedraa glad that you have been a anal slut for those Nasty Italians hope that your arse was filled with nice cum and that your arse gaped nice afterwards just like a Worthless Whore's arse should your Nigel would enjoy being nasty with your arse so much would open it up and cum and piss into it hope that makes you feel so Worthless and a Used Whore as well. Glad that you want to be a Bitch as well for your Turkish friends tell your Nigel all about hope that you...
I’m down the car wash for the usual wash and beach. In front of me I see a lady between 45 and 50, in a summer dress that looks like all that’s holding it together is a belt around the middle. The attendant takes her request, and while she’s getting a bag out the boot, the attendant sees to me. We more or less end up leaving our cars at the same time and surprisingly both headed towards the direction of the beaches. I’m normally shy but it seemed we were both heading for the nudist beach, so I...
Hi guys, this is Rakesh again. After my last story, some people contacted me and asked me to write their stories but most of them just wanna abuse their moms and sisters and most of them are fake, but a girl from Chennai seems legit so here’s her story and is narrated by her. Hello friends this is Radhika. Studying in a deemed university in Chennai. To describe me I am 19 years old, 5.2ft tall and have assets of 30-28-34. I agree I don’t have big boobs but got a nice ass. I hail from a...
If there is one thing a Social Government Agency responsible for the welfare of children hates ... and yes ... a Governmental Agency can hate ... after all ... they are the sum of their human parts ... it is opposition. Those parts firmly believe that what they do is RIGHT and GOOD and since they are RIGHT and GOOD and in the BEST INTERESTS OF THE CHILD, therefore any opposition whatsoever is EVIL and WRONG and NOT IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CHILD. The ACFCSS suddenly realized that, given...
As I wake, or at least my eyes and brain began to focus on the same things, I can see from the blurry image that I am inside. It is a small hut or shack, I can only see the room I'm in and from the floor at that. I can not move my body, shifting my eyes is all I can manage. Having no idea where I am, my mind starts to try to put together the events that I can still remember. The last that I can bring up is the patrol, we were on the way back from a small intelligence sweep of the sectors...
MasturbationI was raised by my slut mom. She was single and a whore and many men came and went at night at our house. I was f******n almost fifteen. I even peeked and watched the men fuck my mom. I loved seeing them naked and licking each other between the legs. She even had sex with two men at a time and a man and a woman. I liked to watch when she had a woman in her room with her. It was fascinating to see the two women lick pussy and suck tits. My mom had DDD tits and every one seemed to love sucking...
Hey guys.. Kese hain ap sab . I hope theek ho or theek rahey hamesha or sex k mazey lootey rahy.. Mera naam rizwan hai main karachi yani pakistan ka rehne wala hoon ye bat aj se 4 saal phele ki hai jab main 12 standard main tha meri height 5.8 hai or look normal yani smart keh saktey hain mere ghar main total 3 afraad hain main, ami or abu humara chota a bussiness hai jo ami or abu mil kar operate karta hain us waqt ye bussiness new new strt hua tha jis ki waja se aksar ami or abu ko bhar sher...
I can remember perfectly that school year, it was always the same. Whenever I saw him, I felt really happy, just to know the fact that he was there, near me. Some of my girl classmates constantly asked me “don’t you like any boy from the group?” and my answer was always negative. It seemed to be weird to know that with 16 years I didn’t like any guy, but for being true, there was one, the only and the best and he…he was my teacher. Since the very first day I saw him in the classroom, by the...
First Time