Douglas Dodd free porn video

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Late afternoon Douglas Dodd drove slowly into the tree studded town, recognizing it well, a town that appeared to be sited amid a town park, which was what the town fathers at the time had intended.

It was beautiful and peaceful and Douglas, who had not an ounce a goodwill around his heart, frowned. He had come here to do harm to Ida Goldsmith. Thirty years ago she’d accused Douglas of making her pregnant. Her father and two brothers had beaten him savagely and ran him out of town, ignoring his protests he’d never touched Ida carnally, though to be honest he knew the thought had never been far from his mind although she was almost ten years older.

He pulled into a pleasant looking motel and booked in. A woman half his age said, ‘Welcome to my establishment.’

He noted she’d said ‘my’, not ours.

‘We are full apart from the honeymoon suite.’

Douglas yawned and rubbed tired eyes. ‘That would be fine. I take it you are itching to share it with me?’

She looked at him with tired eyes. ‘I buried my husband not two months ago tomorrow.’

‘Christ, I’m sorry. That was intended as a flippant remark.’

She pushed the register across for signing in. ‘I’m sure it was and please excuse me for failing to lift to enjoy a jest but I feel ready to come out of this.’

‘Sure and I’m sorry.’

‘You may have the suite at ordinary suite rate.’

‘Thank you. I’ve driven 590 miles today so won’t appreciate the quality of my surroundings till morning. I’ll stay five nights but shift me to an ordinary room whenever you wish.’

‘Thank you. Sleep well traveler.’

Douglas was walking out when she called, ‘Mr Dodd, would you like me to bring up soup and coffee?’

‘Yeah, that would be great Mrs ah….?’

‘I’m intending to revert to my maiden name, tomorrow perhaps. Call me Irma Goldsmith.’

‘Okay Irma, great old fashion name,’ Douglas said, too tired to react to the name Goldsmith. Besides he was aware other families of Goldsmiths existed, including in this town.

Douglas heard the light knock and called come in. Irma used her passkey.

He sat up in bed thinking despite the t-shirt she’d be impressed how well his upper body in such good shape for a guy of his age.

Irma said something surprising, not quite what he’d expected.

‘How old are you?’


‘Are you the Douglas Dodd my late father thought was my father?’

‘What a strange thing to put to me,’ Douglas said, mind reeling.

‘Do you know my mother, Ida Goldsmith?’

Douglas proceeded carefully. ‘May I start the soup while it’s still warm?’

‘Oh of course.’ Irma handed across the tray and sat on the bed without asking, her green eyes watching him intently.

‘Yes I knew an Ida Goldsmith. She was my baby sitter and we formed an attachment until I left town when I has nineteen. But that was thirty years ago and Ida would have married. He looked more closely at the pretty brunette. Christ, she’d be no older than thirty. Oh god, he thought. Irma was Ida’s daughter.

Through the mind-fog he heard Irma say, ‘My mother never married. She was unmarried without a boyfriend when she became pregnant. Thereafter no one would marry her. You know what it’s like, small towns talk.

When I was five Athol Stokes confessed to my grandfather he was the father and my grandfather shook my mother until she confessed. Then something terrible happened. My grandfather went inside and came out with a rifle and shot Athol Stokes. A guy who’d driven Athol to our ranch drove off and called the Sheriff. Deputies arrived and granddad began shooting at them and they shot and killed him.’

‘Oh I’m sorry. What a tragedy. If only your mom and Athol had owned up instead of allowing the blame for the pregnancy to fall on me. Your mother knew who the father was but allowed her father and uncle to beat me mercilessly.

She stood and watched.

The men then gave me one hour to leave town or the alternative was to stay and fight for my life.’

‘So it’s true that you weren’t my father?’

‘Absolutely. It may interest you to know you I never had sex with her.’

‘Well I believe you, absolutely. So she helped to ruin your life in this town.’


‘And you’ve arrived back to kill her?’

‘Wouldn’t I have arrived back years ago to do that if that had been on my mind?’

Irma yawned and scratched under an armpit. ‘I have no idea how the minds of aggrieved people work.’

‘Here take the tray and come back a lay beside me on the blankets and pull the top cover over you and nap in my arms. You look exhausted.’

‘Well the night manager has taken over. I suppose I could do that but it seems a little strange. Have you returned to kill me?’

‘Good god no. However could you think that?’

‘It’s not illogical.’

‘Perhaps to a mad man but I’m not mad, still a little bitter, yes, but not deranged. My divorce became absolute last week. My wife said she still loved me but could no longer bear to live with me and says my moodiness depresses our two children. She’d found someone else so we divorced, I being the initiator because I really couldn’t blame her.’

‘Mood swings. God I can’t risk staying beside you.’

‘That’s fine, go.’

Irma stood silent for half a minute and then said, ‘I feel responsible for your misery.’

‘Christ no, never think that Irma. It just isn’t true. The truth is I hadn’t known who your father was until you told me just a few minutes ago. That came as a shock as Athol was a pal, although three years older. It’s ironic he was shot to death because he taught me to shoot and I became quite a marksman but never as good as Athol, he was the sharpest shooter in the county. As for what I have in store for your mother, I have no idea. A good kick in the butt could be appropriate. I had decided to look at her in the distance and then decide.’

‘She won’t be like the hot little goodtime girl with big breasts and tight skirts you remember. She’s gone to fat and limps because of a hip injury from a fall from her horse years ago. I’ll be she’d get a shock seeing you looking all lean and muscular like this.’

‘Perhaps. Well off you go and let me get some shuteye. We can talk later.’

‘I’ll do what you say and stay here for a while. It would be lovely to have someone’s arms around me.’

They fell asleep, he the former villain of the Goldsmith family Douglas Dodd, and she the-29-year beauty of the extended Goldsmith family who Douglas was still to learn married an international marathon runner who’d died in a hunting accident, shot by his best buddy.

Douglas awoke at daylight looking forward to chatting with her but Irma had gone. Douglas was disappointed but only partly so. She’d awoken him during the night when she went to the bathroom but she returned and although he was half asleep he remembered Irma pulling his arm around her and kissed his cheek.

At 8:00 he heard a knock and called ‘Come in’ hearing a knock. He hadn’t remembered to order breakfast and Irma hadn’t asked. She walked in smiling brightly as said ‘Hi, you look quite good even shortly after waking up.’

She placed on to his lap a tray containing a pot of coffee and two sliced bagels covered with Spanish omelet and went over and pulled the drapes open.

‘Thanks. What no kiss? I cleaned my teeth before reading the newspaper.’

She walked over confidently and kissed him on the lips and pulled his head against her breast. ‘My heart cries for what my mother did to you.’

He pulled away and smiled, saying breakfast looked great. She revealed no disappointment at his indifference.

As Irma walked away he thought a great ass sway, inherited from her mother and then grinned bashfully knowing he had no memory of how her mom had walked. His expression turned sober and as she turned a
t the doorway he said, ‘I have no intention of harming your mother.’

‘I know that,’ she said and left.

Douglas ate thinking of Irma’s body. Thinking that and good food made him smile and realize he was interested in women again. Er interested sexually. There was a chance she could be interested in him because she accepted her mother had ended up treating him terribly.

At that point his feelings for Irma crumbled. She was being lovely to him because she felt sorry for him and guilty about her mother’s treatment of him. No way did he want any woman feeling the reason for kissing and cuddling him was she felt sorry for him. Christ what did she think he was! The stupid bitch.

Later and calm again he tried to think of Irma’s position in all this. The reality was she was entitled to feel a little guilty herself, knowing it was Ida being pregnant with her that had ignited the banishment of Douglas from his hometown. Besides the poor darling was in mourning and had her own loss knifing into her.

He drove off and when he returned Irma ran out to greet him.

‘Oh thank heavens you’re back. I was worried you might have gone for good.’

‘No, why would I do that?’

‘Oh I may have said something that upset you. Then I thought perhaps you can understand I’m still not thinking straight because my late husband was buried two months ago today.’

‘Irma, please don’t upset yourself over me. You have more important things to focus on.’

Reaching into the trunk of his Mercedes Douglas grinned, ‘I was so grateful of the warmth of your hospitality and you coping so bravely with your grief I bought these for you as an expression of appreciation.’

He pulled out a huge bouquet of flowers and placed them in Irma’s arms. She looked up at him kindly, her eyes awash with tears.

‘Oh thank you,’ she said gravely and managed a weak smile.

Douglas said, ‘I also stopped for coffee and called my parents. They were thrilled to know I was back in town and for once didn’t have to go on to me about returning. Over the years they’ve visited me, usually twice a year. My sister Kathy is home on a flying visit and I’m joining them for dinner tonight. Would you like to accompany me?’

‘Oh no let it be a big family reunion.’

‘None of us is really big into family and Kathy will be missing her family who are back in Dublin.’

‘Well your father knows me because his company built this motel because my husband Donny, who was a design engineer in commercial construction, wanted me to be occupied while he was darting off around the globe running. He thought a business that tied me down would be the answer and I agreed. I’m also on the Mayor’s social welfare advisory committee with your mother, she being the oldest member and I being the youngest to achieve what the Mayor calls ‘across the board representation’. I could go comfortably but, um, what if they read something into me accompanying you?’

‘What could they possibly think other than you are a new friend?’

For the first time Douglas saw Irma blush and thought it made her look wildly attractive, his term that avoided the often misused word of beautiful. In his book beautiful meant flawless beauty and in his mind very, very few women achieved that grade and that’s how it should be.

‘They could think we were lovers.’

‘Would that worry you?’

‘But it’s not true.’

He pursued relentlessly. ‘Would you like that to become a possibility, er, in time?’

The big blush returned. ‘I have to confess the idea more than crossed my mind this morning.’

‘Well there is an age…’

‘Don’t quote age Douglas, please don’t. Age difference is not in my equation. Besides, what has age to do with the subject of becoming lovers?’

Douglas considered that and shrugged, ‘You’ve got me there.’

‘I thought I had,’ she giggled. ‘Yes I will be honored to go with you tonight providing you call your mom right now. And I’m happy for them to think what they like.’

Douglas looked at his feet. ‘I regret this subject of sexual assessment has cropped up. You are still in mourning.’

‘It’s okay Douglas. I’m completely relaxed about it. I’d like you to know my love for Donny took a permanent hit when I found out there were other women in this town who currently knew him sexually and six of them stood together at the funeral weeping. Have you any idea how that made me feel, turning in the knife?’


‘Thank you. I couldn’t have expressed my reaction better myself had I been in your shoes. Call your mom now and let’s see how the cookie crumbles. It may interest you to know there is no arbitrary time limit in my mind how long must it be before I resume sexual activity. I may also interest you to know I adore great sex. I’ll be in the office.’

Douglas looked at the retreating young woman, thinking her ass appeared to be swinging rather erotically but perhaps that was his imagination. He was sure women could control ass sway but was aware many didn’t exhibit any noticeable sway. Ass sway did something to him. He grinned and felt good.

* * *

Irma smoothed down her skirt after sitting down at her desk and called, ‘How are the bookings Gertrude?’

‘One double cancellation offset by three doubles phoned in this morning and another double by email so another almost full night tonight and tomorrow we are full again. We are the hottest motel in town thanks to your staffing policy and the standards you set… by self example I must say.’

‘Thank you Gertrude. You really are settling in as a prime member of my team.’

‘Irma please call me Gert. My father and my best friends call me that.’

‘Why thank you Gert. Much appreciated. Please note on the day-night schedule I’m out of here at 6:30.’

Irma had decided to eat out whether or not she went out with Douglas. Her phone went. It was Douglas saying his mom was expecting them around 7:00.

‘Um, is this a date?’

Irma colored. He sounded just like a young guy filled with uncertainties and yet wanting to score. She smiled, wanting that smile to ‘sound’ in her voice. ‘Yes, if you’d like me to acknowledge this is a date. In fact I’d very much like that.’

‘God you are great,’ he said, cutting the call.

Irma wriggled her toes in her tight shoes and felt her smile grow fat. She decided to allow Douglas to do it that night, if that’s what he wanted. She certainly felt in the right mood. God her mom would feel like killing her, screaming Douglas Dodd of all people. Well Ida of all people knew her mom could exhibit signs of being emotionally unstable at times.

At that Irma lost her smile but her chin jutted, just a little.

A few minutes before 6:00 Irma ended her 12-hour day and slipped into a bubble bath and thought how she could assist to ensure a seduction occurred. She then thought about clothes and decided it could upset Kate, Douglas’s mom if she dressed colorfully and so she decided everything black with the only color being cherry shoes. They had to be colored shoes otherwise there’d by no hint to Douglas that she wasn’t in mourning.

As the fragrances of the burning candles became apparent Irma slipped into romantic mode. She knew she’d be all over Douglas’s body… god he was like a guy in his thirties. His bald patch at the back was only just apparent but the rich brown hair still abundantly covered his temples. He’d probably be fit, with that great looking body and probably could go for hours. Circling a breast lightly Irma felt quite dizzy at the thought of being caressed and pounded for an hour or two. But she suddenly thought she really didn’t know much about him. She couldn’t allow a guy to fuck her if she didn’t know him!

‘Stop it, you silly bitch. What you know is enough. Stop being silly.

But it was no use. All deep-breathing thinking about romance had evaporated.

* * *

As arranged Douglas had stopped
his car at the laundry exit at the rear of the central administration and facilities block. Irma slipped out and into the vehicle, not wishing to be observed by staff. Once out on the street she asked, ‘That was a very sweet kiss, I really do feel I’m on a date. May I ask what is your occupation?’

Douglas squirmed in his seat.

‘What’s wrong, you look embarrassed?’

‘I-I was waiting for the right moment to tell you.’

There was an awkward silence and then Irma stiffened. ‘Ohmigod, it’s you. But you are not due till Monday.’

‘My loan approval came through earlier than expected so I came early.’

Irma smiled. ‘Talk about coincidences. You are the only initial inquirer still interested in buying my late-husband’s consultancy.’

‘Coincidences yes.’

‘The two other engineers decided not to make a joint bid.’

‘Yes I know. I was advised one is female and pregnant so she decided not to take on the responsibility and the other guy is only recently qualified and couldn’t raise the finance because he had no proven track record.’

Irma said yes quite right.

‘I’d have to check him out. Perhaps if all goes well I might finance him into taking up a minority partnership interest. People who are paid out of profits are more committed because they know profitability payout can really boost salary.’

‘Well don’t be too eager to organize that Douglas. Jack is my cousin, the younger son of my uncle who bashed you and helped run you out of town.’

Douglas shot her a disapproving glance. ‘A son can’t be held responsible for his father’s crime.’

Irma leant over and kissed his shoulder. ‘Of course not and I should know that better than most people because you hold no grudge against me for what my mother did to you.’

‘Trust me Irma because that’s my attitude one hundred per cent.’

Douglas pulled over under some overhanging trees and stopped.

‘Your parent’s home is fifty yards away.’

‘I know. I just wanted some kisses.’

‘Oooh,’ Irma said, unclipped her seat belt and pulled sideways over Douglas and began kissing him, saying he’d have to excuse her forwardness but she’d been waiting for such an opportunity. ‘I have been thinking about kissing you.’

As the long kissed continued Irma unzipped the back of her dress and pausing in the kiss said, ‘Dig in if you wish and grab a handful, there’s plenty there. I need to know you have something exciting in store for me later.’

‘We can do it now,’ Douglas said smoothly, squeezing an already erect nipple. But he then pushed down over her fairly flat tummy, under her belt and rolled over her pubic bone to pat pussy.

‘Ohmigod, how did you get down there,’ she practically panted. ‘No not now, we’ll be late and my hair and make-up will be messed up.’

‘Aw,’ Douglas pretended to complain, withdrawing his aggressive hand.

Presumably because he was such a good boy Irma eased her tongue into his mouth and met his, to do a little tonguing ‘howdy-do’ before withdrawing and attending to her hair and make-up. Douglas drove off slowly to give her time to finish before turning into the driveway of his parents’ home.

They drove away three hours later, pleased the evening had been so successful although his dad Desmond had given everyone an embarrassing moment when saying to Irma, ‘I can’t understand why a gorgeous young beauty like you is giving your time socially to someone as old as my son?’

But Irma was up to it. She’d replied, ‘Desmond I’d think you’d see it my way if you regarded age differential as not being all that important. Dare I say you’d have even greater insight if you understood your son’s and my histories as being perversely and irrevocably linked due to tragically misrepresented circumstances.’

Desmond’s eyes appeared to be spinning in their sockets as he attempted to get his mind around Irma’s intensity. ‘Um yeah, that is ah understandable.’

Then Kate gave Irma what she wanted. ‘Although you and I have not discussed that matter Irma, I understand what you are saying. You see Desmond and I knew because Douglas insisted he’d never had been involved in that manner with your mother that could only be the truth.’

The women kissed and a very ordinary and predicable dinner evening eventuated except for Desmond declining his mother’s invitation to return home to stay. He’d laughed saying he’d figured if he shifted back in he’d be too reluctant to leave. That was when Douglas’s sister Kathy said her piece.

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Mark docked the shuttle as fast as he could. He'd been taking readings all the way back to King Rufus's planet. It had only been 5 days since he'd talked and given the plans to the leader of the Imperial Space fleet. If he'd listened to Mark, then the first ships should be there soon. Mark was just praying that the Styrox delayed a little longer. From everything that Mark had seen and read after talking to the fleet leader it wouldn't be much longer now before they attacked. Going over...

2 years ago
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Friendly Summons

Emily gasped, and used her arms and hands to cover herself as best as she could. She tightened her crossed legs even more, but she could only do so much. “Wh-what are you doing? Put that away!” Hannah glanced at phone screen, and back up at Emily. “Look,” Hannah said. “You don’t show up on the screen.” Hannah aimed the phone camera at Emily, who winced and wound herself a little more tightly together. Hannah pressed the screen with her thumb, and the shutter sound played across the suddenly...

4 years ago
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I must say that the people of Oregon were some of the nicest people I've met in all of my travels. However, during my stay in the capital of Oregon, Salem, I met perhaps the most friendly girl in the state, Stephanie Wilson. Stephanie was reserved but at the same time a bit playful which made her very intriguing to me.It stated when I checked into my hotel downtown for a weekend of visiting with friends. Stephanie was working as a housekeeper and was hanging out at the front desk when I...

3 years ago
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A Girls Night Out

My name is Holly Andrews and I’m a 24-year-old woman living in Los Angeles. I may be single, but my sex life is amazing, thanks to the female relationship I have with my two girlfriends. They are more than just friends though, we are lovers, the three of us. Yeah it still sounds a little strange to me too! If you had asked me a year ago if I would think of having sex with another woman I would have laughed right in your face. But today I couldn’t imagine my life any other way. It all began...

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I STOOD IN THE DOORWAY, staring again at the little twin bed in the room I’d grown up in—Allison’s picture no longer draped. I’d been ‘home’ for more than a month and I wasn’t sure how I could bear to go into this room again. I had to talk to Mom and Dad today about going back to Seattle. And somehow I had to get Melody there with us. Mom and Dad had come in to see the painting when I told them about the unusual night I had with Beth. Dad had given me a hug. Not just a squeeze or a man-hug,...

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Red riding cloak

Her sweet pink lips were curved into a smile, her face glowing with innocence as Mary glided- for that was the only word for it- over the fallen branches and leaves of the fall, her sweet hips swaying unconsciously with every movement. She had just turned 18, but her mind was that of a young girl, not because of any dissability, but because she had lived her life with only her mother, and visiting her grandmama, therefore only knew of things like skipping, singing, and such peaceful...

2 years ago
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Counseling Helps Occasionally

I’d married a year out of high school. He’d been in school with me and was a big guy. I’m big, too. He’d asked me out and I might have been the only one that said yes, but I was flattered. I’d seen him playing football and he could run over most of the other guys in school. He was a jock and into jock things. He liked watching sports, fishing and going out with the guys. He also made good money. He was the first guy I’d ever made love with and that first time he’d really hurt me. He was rough...

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Awakening on Titwhistle Lane CH 03

The sound of teenagers squealing and laughing shattered the tranquility that normally resided at 524 Titwhistle Lane. No less than 12 hormone-fulled high school graduates were in and out of the pool; chasing one another, belly-flopping, dunking the less fortunate, and cannon-balling into the deep end. Most of the girls wore bikinis, with a few choosing a more modest one piece tankini. The young men scampered about, bare-chested in knee length suits emblazoned with their favorite team logo or...

1 year ago
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Fucking Mr Scone

Forced down to her knees, the blindfold was suddenly pulled off of Sharon’s face. The frightened witch looked up into the hard black eyes of her former employer, Arcutus Scone. “Surprise,” he purred. “Mr. Scone,” the witch breathed, her heart in her throat. Sharon looked around. They were in a small stone room with no apparent exit. There was a huge four-poster bed draped in black bedding and nothing else. She looked up at the wizard. “No need to ask why you are here, Miss...

2 years ago
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The circumstances of this story I'm about to tell you happened the way it actually did. I know you'd probably find that hard to believe, and perhaps if I were the one in your shoes, I too would consider all of what I'm about to tell you a big, stupendous lie. Someone's concocted fantasy put down on paper for everyone to read. Too frivolous and utterly ridiculous to ever be taken seriously. But it happened and it's all through... because I saw it happen to my girlfriend, Sarah.Sarah and I had...

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Morgan Trents Curse

Morgan Trent walked down the hall of Mistwood High, with confidence, when you were the queen of the school it just came naturally, her entire life she had been popular, the right people always naturally gravitated toward her and she knew exactly how to use them to her advantage, she never truly considered them her friends merely stepping stones to her success "Suzy my drink," she said with a snap of her finger, Suzy Jones, Morgan's self-proclaimed BFF quickly handed the girl her drink, and...

Mind Control
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Beautiful Brunette - Sexy Start - Fast ForwardOne night, completly unexpected, cute Kristina wrote me a message: "Do you like tee girls?"T-girls? ... "If it's teen girls you mean, yes please dear! Why do you ask me here, now?How did you fish my profile out of this ocean of weirdos? You know, you make me curious!"We started to talk a lot, like a hundred hot lines in two hours time. I like her honesty.As always with all girlfriends, I do most of the messaging. She reacts fast. I like that.In...

1 year ago
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When Secrets Come Out 3

Introduction: This part starts with Nates point of view. It gives some background. Please rate and/or comment. I need to criticism to get better. It all started when I was 7. I was hanging out with my best friend, who happened to be a girl. We were inseparable. We did everything together. I thought we might have ended up together. We played dress up sometimes and other times we played sports and video games. We did what the other wanted to. I guess my dad didnt like it. One day when I came...

3 years ago
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Marathi kaku

Namaskar ! Me iss cha regular reader ahe.. Pan ek sangu ? Je maja apalya marathi bhashet ahe n ate ya hindi windi madhye nahiye baraka.. Mhanun me tharawal ki marathi madhye story lihayachi.. Tar eika.. Me rahul. Mumbai. 20 age, 5.9 height. Ata pehele he sanagato ki je loka mhanatat na ki tyancha dick 9 inch lam ani 4 inch jadjud ahe.. Tyana mhanav adhi patti gheun 4 inch kiti asatat te bagha.. Ya jaga madhala sarwat jadjud dick ha maximum 1.5 inch asu shakato.. Khara.. Hav tar bagha patti war...

2 years ago
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Jerking with Karen Part II

Karen and I wound up going to different colleges, but in the same town so only 10 minutes away. This arrangement gave us freedom but also we were close enough to see each other regularly. Our masturbation sessions continued all the way through h.s. but we also added oral sex and masturbating each other. We had intercourse once, but we both felt best not having to worry about getting pregnant. Karen’s college roommate Lisa was a real free spirit and all into sex. Karen told me that in the first...

1 year ago
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The Hot Summer Day With My Friends Hot Mum

Great fantasy Story I read and though I had to share!It was a hot summer day and I knew my friend had gotten a pool a few weeks before. I helped him setit up. It was only one of those 4 foot deep, 12 feet around blow up pools, so we had no trouble exceptthat his hot mom kept coming out to make sure we were OK. My name is Rob. My friend's name isJack. His mom's name is Joan. I am about 6' 3" tall and Jack is about the same (give or take a fewinches). His mom is 5'5" tall with a great ass and 36C...

2 years ago
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Pam and Nancy

I met Pam in my junior year at college. She had taken the seat next to me on the first day of Managerial Economics. As far as meetings go it was not an auspicious one. I glanced over at her when she sat down and that glance turned into a long appreciative look. She was a sexy looking ash blond, but what caught my attention were the long legs sticking out from under the short skirt and the pair of four inch 'come fuck me' heels on her feet. I have always been a leg man and high heels have...

1 year ago
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E086 Out on a sailboat

The next morning Emma awakes around eight in the morning.  Donald is not there.  She is a little hazy about where she is until she remembers she is in Donald’s bedroom on Cape Cod.  But where is he?She gets up a bit groggy and fumbles to the bathroom to shower.  It is different not having Donald in it with her.  The first time is so long.  She dries and styles her hair, and then wonders what to wear.  It is a little strange to her that in just over four months, she is so used to Donald taking...

Love Stories
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Homeless guy and the black seeded slut

This story is about my newly loaned beautiful, sexy Hotsubwife, forty something year-old submissive slut, I had decided I wanted to fuck anywhere, but especially in public, and preferably in broad daylight, I told her that it was going to be either, all-night super-markets, drive-in theaters, shopping center parking lots, in hallways and on balconies of hotels and in parks.Anyway, I decided to go downtown at noon, to an alley behind some businesses near Nottingham city centre. There was an area...

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Candice 1

She met Max at a play she and her husband Greg had attended. It had been a dumb play where people act as dogs. Max was an interesting man. Bigger than her husband, mustached and far more assertive. He must have spotted her looking at him because he walked right over and introduced himself. “Hello, I’m Max. How are you?” he opened. Candice replied that her name was Candice and her husband’s name was Greg. Greg said hello but Max glanced at him and talked only to her. They talked about the...

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BlackAmbush Raven Wright 02202021

Fresh off her debut over at Backroom Casting Couch we have 19 year-old Raven Wright who thinks she’s here to work with Jake the director, and boy he can’t wait to get this girl naked. Yes Raven has talent representation now and is a full-blown porn star, but this scene was shot back on 5/20/2020 when she was just trying her hand at sex-work and fresh off the farm so to speak. So Jake picks up Raven at the airport and wastes little time getting her naked and sets the trap with some roadhead....

1 year ago
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Lost Her Pussy

Bangbus Refugee Clara, the older woman across the street, was not only using me as a sexual trainer for her female relatives, but also as her errand boy. One day, she sent me to a single family home where I was to purchase a specific cream. "I'll tell you all about its properties when you get back." The house was at the edge of town in a pretty seedy area, but not far from a small college annex. The woman who answered the door was Jamaican, with a gargantuan body under a flower print...

2 years ago
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Empath Telempath Leader GodChapter 18

Zoe was stretched out on the bed, stark naked, her skin flush with desire. She had one hand slowly diddling her clit and the other was tweaking her nipples, pulling and twisting first one, then the other. Sally was laying there on her side, her head propped up on one arm, her shirt nowhere to be seen and her panties pulled partially down, one hand snaked between her legs and obviously busy with her own pussy. Except where Sally had one leg crossed over and resting on Zoe's ankle, they...

4 years ago
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College Pennai Toiletil Vaithu Veritheera Seithen

Hi friends, indru kathaiyil en nanbanai kathal seithu emathiriya pennai ootha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. En tamil kathaiyai inaiya thalathil pathivu seithatharku nandri, en peyar pradeep vayathu 21 aagugirathu. En nanbanai oru pen kathal seithu matter mudinthathum kayati vitu vitaal, athanaal naan avalai usar seithu hardcore seiyanum endru mudithu seithen. En nanban enaku nanban endru kanbithukolamal aval idam muthal muthalil pesi pazhaga aarambithen. Aval pathini pola en idam nadika...

1 year ago
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Boarding School Introduction

All characters in this series are fictitious, as are the encounters between characters. The boarding school is at the high-school level, and all characters involved in the stories are over the age of 18. A disclaimer will be placed at the beginning of each part, with categories that the story fits into — so that, if it’s something you’re not into, you know beforehand, pun intended. This introduction is strictly for setting and character-introduction: it is not necessary, per se, to read this...

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Sucking Cock in Saudi

First of all this is not my story and I quoted it from "edlangston". I am a petroleum engineer working for a major oil company headquartered in the Houston area, and at the time of this story I was forty years old and preparing for a one-year consulting assignment at one of our affiliates near Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. My wife Joan and our two c***dren weren’t happy that I would be away from home for that long, but they also understood that this was a great opportunity for me to enhance my work...

4 years ago
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Luck Happens Part II

Over the next couple of weeks, Leez and I saw quite a bit of each other. We adapted our schedules to conform to her nursing shifts. For me, this worked out fine giving me lots of quality writing time. As our relationship progressed and we began to understand each other, we appreciated each other more, and our intimacy blossomed. We liked similar things and explored all the restaurants, movies, concerts and museums. Simply stated, we just liked being with each other.I noticed the change in her...

1 year ago
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GingerPatch Amber Addis Pristine Ginger Pussy

Pale and pretty Amber Addis is trying to get a job, but she just cannot seem to show up on time. Her prospective employer is not impressed by the sweet gingers tardiness, so he dismisses her on the spot. But Amber does not give up that easily. The freckled freak offers her body to make up for her lateness. She lets the guy rip off her clothes and expose her perfect titties. Then, she works his cock with her luscious lips before he slips his dick inside her fluff muffin, filling her up with man...

3 years ago
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The New Begining

Jason was a normal everyday guy, except for one thing he had a huge sexual appitite and was willing to try and do anything at least once. His only problem was that he would start dating a girl and when one of his fetishes came out she was gone. It seemed to him that he'd never find a girl that was perfect for him until the day came that he joined a website online. Orginally he had done it simply for the porn on there thinking he'd find some videos of his said fetishes until he went online to...

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Let The Fires Burn with Natalie Dormer

urnWith Natalie DormerWritten by: DarkTemplarCodes: MF, Oraldisclaimer: The following story is completely fictional and would obviously never happen in real life. This story is entirely fictional and is in no way connected with the subject. This story contains adult material and is only suitable for people over the age of 18. If you are under 18 please stop reading now. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living, dead, or undead, is purely...

3 years ago
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Servant Boy

I was working on a project work in warangal and stayed alone for a year. My company provided me quarters, car and a servant boy to look after the house hold work. His name was chakri and he was about 18 years boy. Chakri was a medium height well built brown coloured youngster. He was having a big family to look after and he was the earning member along with his mother who was a attender in our office. He used to wear a knicker[loose half pant]which covered upto his thighs and a tee shirt. I...

3 years ago
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Sissy ghetto bitch

4 ghetto guys was surfing on porn sites, looking at random sissy babe pictures when they accidently found a picture of someone they know. Like every album they clicked that specific one with a tranny dressed so girly with mouth open and showing legs. The guys had such a stone hard erection after watching all the pictures, they even said "I Would bang that sissy pussy 4 sure!" and everybody agreed. It was that guy from elementary school named C****. They started to chat with him, pretending to...

2 years ago
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My Aunt Became My Wife

I couldn’t but soon entered into the bed sheet and Kalpana aunty hugged me with her body. Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many...

1 year ago
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The Celebration A Fantasy

The women are waiting when I reach the bedroom. My wife Theresa is laying on the bed in a lacy white camisole and thong. Her garments are sheer, hiding little. Theresa’s teaching assistant and lover Elise sits on the side of the bed. The petite Korean graduate student is wearing a pink satin nightshirt with only a couple buttons done up in the middle, just enough to keep it closed over her breasts. She, too, wears only a thong down below, pink satin like her shirt.The bed, like the women, is...

2 years ago
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Michaels cove

Like many people over the years, Michael had moved here to the beach after a nasty divorce. The whole process, the fucking lawyers always with their hands in his pockets, a judge that was interested in her re-election campaign and then there was the cheating, fucking slut of a wife left him drained. He had gone through months of hell as they disected every part of his life over the last 18 years. All he wanted now was to lay back, relax in his little, private beach house and enjoy some time...

4 years ago
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Paradox InteractiveChapter 7

My future son is trying to change the past! Every time he changes something, the new memory pops into her head. Rory climbs out of the bed and grabs her keys. She has to stop him. Andromache lied about when she could travel. All she has to do is go to the lab, go back and stop him from doing what it he is doing. She runs out the front door and hops into her speeder, but before she can start the engine, another memory hits. She stares up at the stranger. “Nice to meet you, Far,” she says...

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