Electives Ch. 02 free porn video

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Chapter 2: Turning the Corner

We talked about everything on the way to and from class. During that third week of classes, I often felt Ginny’s arm rub against mine as we walked. She seemed relaxed and comfortable to be with me, and I know I was with her. I was not inclined to crack a book on Friday night, but when she suggested that we study for an upcoming quiz for our American History class, I jumped at the chance to sit across the dining room table from her, and review dates of events from the seventeen hundreds. At the end of the fourth week of classes, we expanded our joint-study time to include Saturday nights.

The fifth week of classes marked the mid-point of our summer session. By meeting five days per week, except for the Fourth of July, we were covering a lot of territory in a short amount of time. I was enjoying every minute of the time I spent with Ginny.

Two things happened that weekend that sent me from the heights of euphoria, right back into a tailspin.

It was midnight on Saturday night, and the car I was driving wouldn’t start. Ginny heard me grinding the starter and came outside to see what the trouble was. She offered to take me home, and I accepted.

As we drove, I told her about my work experience at the service station. ‘After a year of doing repair work, my granddad saw that I’d never be a mechanic, so he had moved me into sales.’

‘I failed at every job I tried, too. That’s why I became a teacher,’ she laughed.

‘Do you like being a teacher?’

‘Yes, I enjoy the kids, but I didn’t intend to make teaching a career. It looks like I’ll have to take some time off and go back to school for a master’s degree.’

I didn’t know what to read into those two sentences. I was thinking of a discreet way to put my question when we arrived at my house.

‘This is it. I hope you’ll be all right driving home at this hour.’

Ginny looked at me, her eyes glistening. ‘I’ll be fine,’ she said, leaning over to kiss me on the lips.

The kiss was brief, and she was back in her seat before my mind grasped what had just happened. I thanked her for the ride, and got out of the car, wanting to remember the softness of her lips forever.

My granddad took me to Ginny’s house the next morning, and he didn’t even need to look under the hood. The car started on the first try. I was embarrassed, especially when I saw Ginny at the door. She and my granddad exchanged a look, followed by a shake of their heads. He drove off, and I went inside.

We’d had five weeks of classes and this was our third week of studying together so our movement from the dining room table, to the patio, to the kitchen, my using the bathroom, back to the patio, and ordering a pizza had become routine. We finished the assignment early that day.

‘Let’s go to the circus,’ I said, making it sound like an order, not a suggestion. Ginny was dubious. I reminded her that it was the last night the circus was going to be in town. She relented, saying to give her a few minutes to get ready.

‘Are you sure this car will make it?’ she asked, teasingly as we got into the car.

I laughed. I guess we were both in a good mood. We were doing something other than studying. Should I tell her that she looked nice? She’s married. This is not a date.

Our seats were not in the best location. I took her hand as we climbed to the uppermost section of the stands.

‘This is fun. I can’t remember the last time I went to the circus,’ she said.

She had to crane her neck in order to see what was happening in the center ring. I didn’t mind having her head next to mine. Her perfume was very appealing. I felt her hand squeeze my thigh when a high-wire walker nearly tumbled to the net below. I was sure it was intentional, and I believe Ginny knew it was too. I turned to see her eyes on me, looking solemn for a second, before she burst into a smile.

Ginny laughed at the clowns, cheered throughout the elephants’ act, and joked with the people around us. I enjoyed the closeness of her body as she leaned in to direct my attention to something she wanted to share with me. I’d never seen her so relaxed before. She was genuinely having a good time.

At the end of the show I took her hand to guide her down to ground level. She held on to my hand all the way to the car, possible so we wouldn’t get separated in the crowd. This wasn’t a date, she was a married woman.

Ginny talked excitedly about the circus all the way to her house. I walked her to her door, and waited until she found her front door key. ‘Thank you, Randy. I had a good time,’ she said, turning to me as she opened the door.

But when I leaned forward for a kiss she pulled back, saying, ‘I can’t.’

I walked away in embarrassment. I’m not sure if I heard her call out to me or not.

The next morning was like any other, almost. We discussed the novel we’d read and the history assignment. Except for a strained feeling, it was all quite normal. She walked with me to our first class, to our next class, and to the car afterward.

‘I promised myself that I would honor Danny’s life for a year after his death. That’s the reason I couldn’t kiss you goodnight,’ she said when we were under way.

How was I supposed to answer that? Should I tell her that I was sorry about Danny’s death? Should I tell her that the circus was not a date? I had no business trying to kiss her. As far as I’d known, she was still married. She had done nothing wrong. ‘I understand,’ I said.

‘Thank you for understanding,’ she responded, and those were the only words spoken about the subject. We drove to school together, talked about the two classes, and even laughed a few times, until Friday when we stopped in front of her house.

‘I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to study together this weekend, Randy.’

.She was out of the car and headed toward her front door before I could think of anything to say. ‘Okay,’ I said to myself.

My grandmother was the first to notice that I was in a fog. She urged me get ready for work, declaring that I was going to be late. Millie was the second. She offered to watch the lot while I ran across the highway to get something to eat. I told her to leave, that I wasn’t hungry.

‘Is it the lady in the Honda that stopped by to see you a few weeks ago?’ she asked.

I stared at her, and Millie got the message. She’d crossed the line. It was not our custom to talk about anything personal. She did, however, make me smile when she swung her ass as she walked to her car. She looked back and grinned when she saw that her ass had done the trick.

The afternoon and evening dragged on, as if it would never end. The lull periods without customers were the worst. It was not my style to show exuberance. I preferred to let the customer notice a unique feature, and then to expand on it, matter-of-factly. But I found myself pointing out minor details about vehicles in an effort to make them stay for another minute or two.

When I was alone during these lull periods I went over what I knew about Ginny. Danny was her husband, the soldier I’d seen in the bedside picture. He’d been killed in action, probably in Iraq, and Ginny had vowed to honor his life for a year after his death. Did that mean that she would not date? Did she feel guilty about having a good time at the circus? Should I have told her it was not a date? Or was it the kiss the night she’d driven me home?

My attempt to kiss her goodnight was a mistake. We would have four more weeks of class, twenty trips to and from class. Somehow, I would conduct myself as a gentleman, treating her with the respect a war widow deserved. We would get through this, and then it would be different. I wouldn’t see her, ride with her, walk to class with her, and laugh with her, ever again.

But Damn it! I didn’t want it to end. It was a noble thing she was doing, honoring her dead husband
‘s life. I had to find a way to make her feel good about herself.

When I closed up that night, I hadn’t gotten a nibble. I tried to study, but found it impossible to concentrate.

Saturday was different. I credited my success to something Millie said when she left. ‘You’ve got to lose that up-tight disposition you’re carrying around. I know it’s not easy, I’ve been there. You have a natural laid-back knack for sales, Randy. If I had it I wouldn’t have to wiggle my ass and show so much leg, but I don’t. I want to see some of these heaps gone when I open the lot on Monday morning.’

I watched her walk to her car. I cracked up when she wiggled her ass, once, and looked back at me, grinning.

I didn’t take no for an answer that day. I kept my grandfather busy giving estimates of trade-ins and approving sales contracts. When we closed up that night there were six empty spaces on the lot. I even sold the car I’d planned to drive to school on Monday.

Millie’s pep talk stayed with me that night. I was able to read most of Hemingway’s Old Man and the Sea, and finish it on Sunday morning. I was in my room that afternoon, trying to make some sense of the symbolism when my grandmother said the phone was for me.


‘Hi,’ I said, recognizing her voice, thinking, this is the first time we’ve spoken on the phone. She called me…SHE CALLED ME!

‘I just wanted to say…I mean…I’m sorry…I’d like to see you if…I mean…if you would like to.’



‘Is Ginny short for Jennifer?’

‘You always have a way of making me smile. Do you hear me smiling?’

‘I hear you smiling. It sounds lovely, you have a beautiful smile.’

‘I would like for you to watch me smile.’

‘I’ll be there in thirty minutes.’

I stepped into her house at three-thirty, not knowing what to expect. Ginny sat me down on the couch, and stood in front of me.

‘Yesterday marked a year since Danny was killed. I cried all day, knowing that I hadn’t lived up to my word of keeping his memory for an entire year. This morning, I woke up…’

‘The circus was not a date,’ I interrupted her, hating the way she was beating herself up for enjoying herself one day out of three hundred and sixty-five.

‘Yes, it was a date,’ she said as she approached me. ‘The circus was a date, and every time you came to my house was a date. I had fun. We even held hands.’

She sat down next to me.

‘I had fun too, but the hand holding was to make sure we didn’t get separated in the crowd.’

She grinned, skeptically, as she slid onto my lap. Her eyes met mine before she continued. ‘That time I came to your grandfather’s business was a date, although it was not as long as I would have liked. Every time I rode to and from class with you was a date, and the night I took you home was a date. That’s the only time I kissed you.’

My arms were around her, wanting to console her. ‘That kiss was the highlight of my life. Your lips are incredibly soft.’

‘I’m sorry that I turned away when you tried to kiss me after we had a fantastic time at the circus. It would have been a perfect ending to our date. You left, and I cried as soon as I was on the other side of the door. Telling you that it would be better if we didn’t see each other this weekend was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I should have explained the reason.’

‘It’s okay, I understand your reasons now.’

‘I woke up this morning with a clear conscience, wanting to see you. It took me until three o’clock to get up the nerve to call you.’

‘I’m glad you did. Having you sit on my lap now makes up for the way I felt when I left here on Friday.’

‘If you would like to kiss me now, I promise not to turn away,’ she offered.

I tried to duplicate the soft kiss she had given me the night she took me home, but it didn’t turn out that way. Ginny’s mouth was open from the beginning, her hand on my cheek to hold it steady, as she ground her lips into mine in a display of passion that I will never forget.

When we had to stop kissing to regain our breath she had more to say. I let her do the talking.

‘Being with an older woman seems to agree with you,’ she said in a cautious whisper, like it was more of a question that a statement.

‘I love being with you. Having you sit on my lap is like a dream come true.’

‘I knew that you didn’t mind that I am four years and two days older than you. I’ve seen the way you look at me.’

I pulled her down for a kiss. ‘I think about your soft lips every time I look at you.’

‘Can you tell how I feel about you from the way I look at you?’

‘I enjoy having you look at me. Did you know you had feelings for me that day you were filling your gas tank?’

Ginny looked away, and then back, into my eyes. ‘Randy, I don’t like to think about that day. I knew I was betraying Danny’s memory, and yet, yes, if you must know, I had feelings for you. It’s been difficult these last few weeks. I hope you will be patient with me. I don’t want to be hurt, and I would never forgive myself if I hurt you. It would be a mistake to rush in to anything.’

‘I’ll be patient.’

The words were no sooner out of my mouth when I felt her lips pressed to mine, and then she jumped off of my lap. ‘Ahgggg, I promised myself that I wouldn’t do that, being the older woman, leading the young man astray.’

I laughed and watched her jump around, obviously angry at herself for being impulsive. She caught me looking at her, and became solemn, gazing down at me, her eyes softened, contented to share the moment.

It was time for me to take charge of the situation, to prove something to her. I jumped off the couch, picked her up, tossed her on the couch, and stood over her. She lay there, passively looking up at me.

I eased down until my knees were on the floor, and I was hovering above her. ‘Ginny, you’re not leading me astray. I know you’re in a tug-of-war with your emotions. I’ll be patient. I won’t rush you. We’ll take it slow.’

Her eyes were fixed to mine. It was like I was the grown up, and she was a child, questioning. ‘How slow?’ she asked.

‘It’s up to you. You set the pace.’

‘You’re too good to be true. You make me feel…young, carefree, and happy, all at once. Would you like to set a date?’

I wasn’t sure what she was getting at. Did she mean what I thought? ‘As I said, it’s up to you.’

‘How about the night we celebrate my twenty-fourth birthday, and you’ll still be the tender age of nineteen?’

. ‘Okay,’ I said, still not sure if we were talking about the same thing.

‘In the meantime, I want to learn everything about you. We’ll have real dates, I’ll ask you questions, and you’ll keep me from acting mushy when we’re together.’

‘I’ll ask you questions, too,’ I said, and watched her smile as she pulled my head down for a soft, tender kiss.

‘Of course, but you promised to take it slow. There are some things that I’m not ready to talk about.’

‘I’ll treat you like a fragile piece of china. You’re nice to look at, but too rare to damage.’

I was expecting to hear a comment, such as, ‘I’m an antique,’ but she didn’t use the opening to comment about our age difference.

‘We’ll have dates, and learn everything about each other.’

‘May I hold your hand as we walk to class?’

‘You better,’ she smiled, and that is when I noticed the absence of the wide wedding band.

‘I’ll introduce you to my grandparents.’

‘I’ll introduce you to my sister-in-law…hum…that may be a problem. Danny was her brother, and she may not take kindly to someone taking his place. I’ll need to prepare her.’

And thus began the courtship of Jennifer Driver Stapleton. By the time Barbara Stapleton, her sister-in-law returned, I’d heard how Danny had swept her off her feet. She told me, laughing, about admitting to him tha
t she was not a virgin. He had graduated first, and they married before he left for training.

She was half way though her senior year when her brother’s wife died suddenly. She went to visit Brian, and met his adopted daughter, Amanda, and his son, Phillip, for the first time. Ginny was the only family member to go to the funeral. Her parents and brother condemned Brian for never having married Phillip’s mother, but Brian maintained that although he and Peggy had not gone before an official, they were man and wife. He even inscribed her tombstone Margaret Driver, using his surname.

Ginny said that the three of them, Brian, Amanda and Phillip were so broken up over the death of Peggy that she didn’t get to know her nephew very well. She said that she came away with a premonition that Danny would also die young.

Danny was sent to Afghanistan and had only been in combat a few months when she received the news of his death. She vowed to honor Danny’s death for an entire year. She and her brother talked often, commiserating with the other’s loss. She also exchanged e-mails with Brian’s adopted daughter, nine-year-old Amanda.

Our real dates were limited to Sunday nights, although I went to her house after work on Fridays and Saturdays, and we called each other often.

When Ginny wanted to see a movie, I was forced to tell her that my former girlfriend worked at the only theatre in town.

I told her about Edie, and how she’d broken up with me when she learned that I’d lost my virginity to Edna, the bookkeeper’s daughter. Ginny wanted to hear all about my nearly three years of dating the same girl. I explained that all we had done was kiss. ‘She didn’t want to do more until she was eighteen.’

Ginny often returned to the subject of Edie when we talked on the phone. She kept me talking for hours about my brief affair with Edna. She wanted to know every detail.

My grandparents welcomed Ginny to their home. My grandmother commented that the older woman was just what I needed. ‘She has a positive influence on you. Your grooming has improved.’

I knew Ginny was good for me. She kept me focused on the classes we were taking. We finished strong, she aced both courses, I was happy to receive an A for American Authors and a B for the American History class.

My grandfather added that my sales record was also improving.

It was her second visit to our house when Ginny told us about her family. In addition to Brian, she had another brother, Glenn, who was a dentist. Glenn was the apple of his mother’s eye, Brian having lost favor when he took a widow and her daughter into his house. Ginny tried to explain Peggy’s reluctance to marry Brian, but her parents’ minds were made up. They sent gifts to their grandson, but always referred to Phillip as ‘the little bastard.’

It may have been my grandmother’s influence, but I guess even Tom Jansen knew that my schoolwork was going to be very time consuming. Anyway, he hired another sales person, and cut my hours back significantly. Herman was an experienced salesman, accommodating, and worked well with Millie. I still had to close the lot on Fridays, but left early on Saturdays. Millie even got some extra time off.

Barbara returned at the end of August and took a dislike towards me from the moment we met. She resented my existence, and the place I’d secured in Ginny’s life. I could tell that our being at odds with each other bothered Ginny. She blamed herself for not preparing Barbara as well as she should have.

Barbara was trying to drive a wedge between us. She put up roadblocks, saying that Ginny didn’t have time for three dates each weekend. I had to admit that she was right. With school and work, I didn’t have time for three dates a week either. We cut back to two nights, but we talked on the phone almost every night we weren’t together.

‘Amanda has written to me every day this week. I think she’s reaching out to me,’ Ginny said.

I knew who Amanda was. I also knew that Ginny exchanged e-mail with her niece. ‘Is she upset about something?’

‘It’s her dad. He means everything to her, and my parents sent him away to collect their fortune from the estate of my dad’s aunt. I wish you were here. I would show you her e-mails. Amanda writes very well for a nine-year-old.’

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MOONSTONE By LJ "Pretty," he said absently as he picked up the blue rock he found as the source of the dull gleam of light that had teased his sight for the past few minutes. Overhead, the moon seemed to reflect off the smooth, round stone as if it were a mirror, and yet it was just a small rock. Sir James Marcus smiled as he put the stone in his pocket. His younger sister still enjoyed collecting such pebbles and stones despite being near sixteen this year. It was to her he was...

1 year ago
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HindsightChapter 7

Saturday evening was pleasant enough but Mary Ellen was very nervous. The four of them went to their favorite restaurant downtown. Mary Ellen could hardly eat. She was excited and worried. Excited about initiating sex with Richard and worried that he would reject her. In all their years of marriage she had never been the aggressive one. Her eyes constantly met Dana's, looking for support. In the ladies room, Dana said, "It seems to be going okay huh?" "I don't know. I'm so nervous, I...

4 years ago
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Wife fulfilled fantasy times 3

Well my wife and I have been married for about 5 years. Sex is still good but I was beginning to think my fantasy of seeing her with a black stud would never happen. That is until last weekend. First let me tell you a little about us. We are a middle aged white couple living in Maryland. I’m 5 10. 200 lbs and she I’d 5 5 130 with great tits. She says they are c but I think they are bigger. And her nipples stick way out when she is turned on. Well even even before we got married I told her about...

1 year ago
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My Husbands Best Friend

So I am tall, long blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes, and a sexy smile. I wear a 36 D bra size, and have a lot of sexual desires. You see my husband (James) doesn't really enjoy sex, he is pretty much a germaphobe. And come on, every girl has those sexual needs. My husband has this amazingly sexy friend (Paul). Man he is a babe. He has perfect dark brown hair, amazing big brown puppy eyes, and he is super buff. A six pack and all. He is strong and fast. But, fir some odd reason, he's not...

Cheating Wifes
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Celebrity Trainers Kristen Stewart

Celebrity Trainers: Kristen StewartSynopsis: After Kristen Stewart cheats on him, Robert Pattison gets revenge with the help of a mysterious agency. Disclaimer: This is fiction, it did NOT happen. Fantasy is legal. This story does not advocate violence against women. If you have any suggestions for this or any other future story, please email me. Don’t forget to spay and neuter your pets. Hope you enjoy the story.Story:Robert Pattison was still recovering from the breakup.  Kristen’s affair...

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South of Bikini 2 Good from Despair

With her primary mission complete, Alex takes care of some 'housekeeping' while in Federal Period Washington City. Copyright 2008 R.G.Beyer South of Bikini: Onward Episode 4 "Good from Despair" 0013hrs, The Presidential Mansion, Washington DC, January 12th, 1865 "Why are you in your whites, sis?" "I just needed to do something, Emily. We need to...

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Sexy Indian Girl Ramya Drunk Fucked By Interviewer 8211 Pt 2

After the interview, Mr. Alwat asked me to join after a week. He gave me a joining bonus and asked me to get myself all clean and buy new office clothes. He asked me to make sure, I come to the office each day dressed in the sexiest way. Anything less will mean a violation of the contract and I will be fired with financial implications. I really wanted to continue with the job, so I made sure I followed everything. I went to a beauty salon and asked them to wax my body and do facial and stuff...

3 years ago
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Jakes Journal The Philippines JoyfullyChapter 13

There is a problem that happens once you start fucking young girls. It is not that older women don't get to you any more. They sure do. No, you do not lose interest in older girls, it is just that you no longer see innocence. You see untapped sexuality. Normally, the young girl doesn't share that view and if you try anything you will be explaining yourself to a cop. But when you are in a culture that permits or winks at it in some circumstances, and where the girls are in real need, it...

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A Little Tail Part 13

A little Tail - Part 13 By Lexi Lee The Arrangement Micki is furious with me. She says I am a fool letting a silly thing like love get in the way of life. She also says she will take care of it. She tells me to get some sleep as we have a busy day tomorrow. I figure it will be just what I need. I feel great this morning. Birds are singing, bells are ringing. Lexi is in love and Frank (Oh Baby) loves me. Sure I have to give him half my money (he is worth...

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A Second Chance Chapter 50

SUNDAY, June 12, 2016 Sunday Bobby came down to his breakfast wearing his hockey helmet. Was he still charged up over 'the best birthday ever'? More than a little. After his French toast, Rachael made him wash up before getting into his church clothes (which, to his dismay could not include either hockey helmet or cowboy hat). The family kissed Grandpa and then headed off to the little church. It was a beautiful spring day, and as they got near they saw that the Hobo Army was out in full...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 21

These are compliments of joevsr‎ Santa Claus’ 11 Reindeer. You have the first eight Donner, Bliztzon, Comet, Cupid, etc etc. 8 Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer 9 Bruno, the Brown Nose Reindeer, (He is 2nd in line behind Rudolf, He is just as fast, but he is not good at stopping as quick) 10 Then you have Olive, the other Reindeer. (in the song, Olive the other reindeer) How the Angel got on top of the Christmas Tree. It was a few days before Christmas and Santa was having a bad...

2 years ago
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Meena 8211 The Hottest

Hi this is Sunny and this is my story on this site and m going to share my sex experience with Meena. So without wasting any time I will move on with encounter. I am sunny and I am 27 years old and this story was at that time when I was 18years old. Meena staying near to my place, she was 26 years old at that time. She already married. Her husband is in merchant navy. We have very good family relation with them. Aur mere man bhi aisa kuch nahi tha meena ke baare mai but. Pehle mina ke sath uske...

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Behan ka gangbang fir se

Dear Frinds Umeed hai ki app sabko meri behan ki chudai ki pehli story pasand aayi hogi jo ki ( Sis ki 4 ghanto ki zabardast Chudai) title se thi. Aaj mein apko apni behan ki age ki kahani batata hun. Meri behan ko ek bazaru ladki banaya gaya aur buri tarah se usko har position mein ghanto choda gaya. Meri behan ka gang rape huye kuch hi din huye the aur ab who college ke union room mein roz jitu se milne jaati thi jahan uski roz chudaai ho rahi thi. Jitu ki girl friend alka bhi uski...

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Invisible finger the hand of fate Finds you and lingers to agitate From without to within that whispered smile Caressing your soul… at least for a while. Passion building so hard to control An aphrodisiac for your soul Skin is tingling… a feathery touch Yearning, wanting, needing so much. Waking your body with carnal desire Playing your mind, stoking the fire Incredible feeling… swallowed by lust Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. To rise again, hunger anew She is calling… calling to you Sugary...

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Aunty Ko Khush Kiya

Hi dosto mey ek baar phir se aaya hu ek story le kar aap sabi logo ko thanku kiaap sabne meri story ki tarif ki muje mail karke dost aaj jo meri story sunna ne nja raha hui wo bhaut hi intersting h jomaine first story likhi thi first sex with bhabhi wo story pard ke ek aunty ka message aaya unhone phele to meri story ki tarrif ki aur phir unhone mujese sex karne ki icha jahir ki unhone mail mey apne wht up no likhe aur kha ki messge me when u see your mail phir maine uhe mail kiya to unka bi...

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His Sweet Slave Pt 2

Two days laterThe anticipation of serving Laurence continues for two more days until he finally receives the results of our exams, which turn out to be negative across the board for both of us. The message is short and simple, but the wink that he places at the end of the message makes my womb immediately ache. When I hear the knock on my door, I quickly get up to answer and smile so widely, thinking that it’s my sexy boss who is now my master. When I see Robert’s handsome face looking back at...

Office Sex
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I had three male horses and when I began to have trouble with them

I heard a knock at the door and found my friend Tommy on my doorstep. “Hey Tom what’s up?” I queried about his unexpected appearance. “Nuthin, I was driving by and thought I would stop for a minute. See what you were getting into.” he responded. “Cool, There’s sodas in the fridge if you want.” I said as I sat on the couch. I was shocked when he came out of the kitchen sniffing at a glass of what looked like thick chocolate milk....

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Freshman Year Part 2

I admit a part of me was nervous about how things between me and Cam would be after our hormones had receded and we got back, but everything turned out fine. We both enjoyed our time at the pond and are eager to explore more as the year goes on.That’s not to say we’re exclusive or anything like that. It’s more of a friend with benefits arrangement. If either one of us gets lucky and finds a date for the evening, then more power to them. If on the other hand, the mood strikes and we’re the only...

Gay Male
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The Cabin by the Lake

My husband Abe had been gone for six weeks when Jake came to live with me. Abe had gone hunting on a cold December morning to add to our supply of meat for the winter. We lived in our remote cabin by the lake for our entire marriage struggling to return to nature like our forefathers endured for generations. We were surviving the brutal winter of 2014 – 2015 at our one-bedroom Lake Indian cabin nestled in the Adirondacks, about 25 feet from the water. We had stored plenty of food to survive the...

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Marriage Is A Compromise Part 1

Marriage is a Compromise, Part 1 "Hello?" Parker spoke into his phone as he sat at his kitchen table, bills and bank statement spread in front of him. "Yes. Yes. I understand, but I spoke to someone there earlier in the week and I explained my situation. You see, my company has been on strike for going on seven months and..." Olivia put down her dish cloth and pulled out a chair to sit near her husband. She couldn't hear what was being said on the other end of the conversation,...

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My CL Hookup True

One summer day the weather was horrible when I woke up. Pouring down rain and thunder and lightning. I made some food and hopped on the couch. Turned on the TV to some movie I had seen a million times. I reached for my laptop and started browsing porn. I browsed for hours not paying attention to the time. I was actually surprised I did not decide to play with myself. I had heard of people getting casual hook ups on CL so I decided to check it out. Most of the adds did not interest me in...

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The Christmas Gift Part 1

Christmas Eve had always been a very special time for Jeff and me. After the kids were in bed and asleep, I would shower and slip into my Mrs. Claus garb. Every year I would buy a new sexy outfit to wear on Christmas Eve. While I was in the shower, Jeff would build a roaring fir in the fireplace and then hang Mistletoe all over the house. By the time I had finished showering and dressing, Jeff would have already started on wrapping the presents for the kids. It always took us most of the night...

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The Passenger Seat Chapter 1 Wood

WOOD THE MOVING TRUCK was a welcome surprise.For months, Tara watched prospective buyers come and go from the house next door. Couples, singles and families. Some older than her. Some younger. And for months, she hoped for new neighbors.It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy the privacy of their remote home. In fact, part of the appeal when they bought the house was its secluded lot, and the fact that it was entirely wooded on one side.It was simply that Tara sometimes felt alone.Her husband’s job...

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One for the BooksOn the Job Training

It was yet another day at the bookstore, my life was actually going pretty well, my new Camaro was lookin sharp, I had just had the windows tinted and bought some hot looking new rims, all was going well.....or so it seemed.I entered work and the girls were all giggling and jabbering excitedly....I stopped Lisa ,“ Whats all the commotion? Whats up?”“ Nick hired some new guy, starts tomorrow”“ What are you talking about , there arent any positions open?”“ Well I guess he made one, hes over...

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Chacha Chachi ke Sath

In fact this storie is not mine,this is a storie of sonya in her own words. Mera naam soniya sehgal hai aur ye meri kahani hai. Pehle mein aap Sabko apne bare mien batati hun. Mein 18 saal ki hun aur apne chacha Chachi ke sath is chote se gaon mein rehti hun. Mere mata pita ek Car accident mein mare gaye jab mein 12 sall kit hi. Hamare parivar Mere chacha chachi ke alawa aur koi kareeb ka rishtedar nahi tha. Shuru mein mujhe gaon ke mahol mein adjust hone mein takleef hui par Samay ke sath...

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Erica Olafson Adventures of the Tigershark Vol 7Chapter 12 Kermac Spy

UPWARD The NAVINT commander had her Avatar established in the secure conference room underneath the surface of Richter 4. Also present were Cherubim, Algear Moansti, Admiral McElligott and now the Avatar of Admiral Stahl blinked into existence. The little group was made complete by a massive alien. The large alien, the Nul All Leader was here the first time by invitation. I was the Commandant of NAVINT that opened this top-level meeting and after she acknowledged the ones present she went...

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St Lucia Surprise

After that night with Marcia and Marilyn, life just got busier and busier. It was great but I had started to feel a bit drained. I tried to slow them down, unsuccessfully, so felt that the only way was to take a short holiday. It seemed the only way of getting a little peace and quiet. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the attention I was getting and the sex was mind-blowing. I just needed a short break to recharge my batteries. This time of year was when I always took a break, to get a bit of warmth...

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Outward BoundChapter 32

The bridge was crowded. Everyone that could come up with an excuse, and some that couldn’t, were standing around. I was in the command chair. April stood to my left, and Agnes stood to my right. There had been some discussion that she be seated in the command chair. Until I pointed out that the bridge was my command, and I should be the person sitting in that chair. I did suggest that another chair be brought in for Agnes. But she laughed and informed everyone that she wasn’t so old or...

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Legacy of a LegendChapter 22

It was two days later before we entered High Hrothgar again. Arngeir was in mediation near the entrance. “Arngeir, we need to stop the war. And while I am Dragonborn, the Nords respect you.” “You misunderstand our authority. The Greybeards have never involved themselves in political affairs.” “Ah, but you you misunderstand why we need to stop the war. Jarl Balgruuf won’t assist me while the war rages.” “I see. The dragon will lead you to Alduin, but without the Jarl’s help...” “Exactly....

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Fucking Boss8217s Wife

Hi guys how ru. I m rahul. here once again at ur service for ur entertainment aaj main apko ek vakya sunane jar aha hun. jo aaj se 6 months purani baat hai. Main ek tution class clerk ka kaam karta tha subah 6.00 baje class kholna padta tha. Puja karke mere boss class me padhane chale jate then main unke ghar pani lene jata. Ye mera roz ka kaam tha. Boss ki biwi nirmala bhabhi ko main bhabhi kaheker bulata tha. Wo badi sunder thi. 5’2” hight thi gora rang lambe baal 36 ki size ke ball the unke...

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Me And My Friend8217s Wife Anita

By : Aditya_arora Hello friends, this is Aditya from Delhi a well built smart guy with hairy chest 31 year old married. I got married about three years back. I am having great sex life and love my life. This is my first story, so please do not mind if I make any mistake. If you like the story please mail me at Let us come to the story now. After one years of marriage to keep ourselves fit, me and my wife Anjali joined aerobics classes at the most high class gym near my home. I used to do...

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The Courier Ch 27

Chapter 27 – Epilogue Just one week after the Day of the Dead festival, heavy rainstorms swept across central Europe. The rain continued unabated throughout October and the early part of November. In December the rain turned into snow in the higher elevations. By New Years Eve a snowstorm hit and soon all of Danubia was buried under a solid white veil of ice. A major cold snap hit the Danubian Republic and the neighboring countries, a grip of cold that did not let up for three months. As the...

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Breaking In Ch 1

“Seven out of ten,” the man behind her said, “Not bad for a virgin,” Carrie wanted to recoil in disgust. What had she just done? Her purity, her salvation, she gave it all away to a handsome stranger that she just met?! Sure his crooked smile made her knees weak and his shining green eyes were mesmerizing... his tousled dark hair and his pale skin was almost god like…and they way his soft hands ran all over her bare skin, allowing her reach achieve pure bliss… “Thank you master,” she...

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Lizs Birthday Treat

Liz’s Birthday TreatMandy was sat at home just thinking about how her life had changed over the last year.She’d ditched her longtime boyfriend after she had been introduced to the joys of her own sex. Her oldest friends, Lisa and Sarah had taken her in the back of a car after a girly night out, she’d had too much to drink and they just took advantage of her.Her eyes had certainly been opened that night, along with her legs, she still remembered her orgasm, the two of them had taken her and...

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The Last 24 HoursChapter 3

I stood on the sidewalk outside of the courthouse, watching my best friend, who I had thought for the last fifteen years was gay; chase her brother around with the apparent intent of reducing any future plans of procreation to the realm of wishful thinking. The only reason I could think of for her to be this mad at him was if it was true. In the fifteen years I'd know her, Beth had never given any indication that she was interested in men. I knew for a fact that she had had several...

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My Virgin Sister 3

For the next two minute sucking session, you're going to lick your pussy juice off my cock," I whisper to Lisa. "Here's a sample taste," I say, pushing my pussy-soaked tongue deep inside her mouth. It is taking everything I have to hold still and not pump my cock in and out of her tight, over-heated pussy as she sucks on my tongue. Ever since the day she first licked my fingers, after I finger-fucked her, Lisa has loved the taste of her own juices. She likes kissing me after I've eaten her, and...

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