Complicated Ch. 05 free porn video

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Chapter 5

A week had passed since the incident at Max’s place. The more I gave the whole thing a thought the more ashamed I felt. I had jumped into bed with a guy without bothering to find out anything about him. I’ve always been rather opinionated on the topic of cheating and think of people who cheat as nothing more than low life scum. So, it was particularly hard for me to wrap my head around the notion that I had been party to someone else’s cheating.

The sole consolation for me was that my boss had dropped an unexpected project in my lap that ended up consuming most of my time thinking up strategies, which meant that my brain was too occupied to dwell on the recent embarrassing turn of events.

It was Friday evening and I was returning home later from work than usual. I was exhausted mentally more than physically thanks to work and I was really looking forward to getting home and having a nice hot shower before heading out to meet up with Saira for dinner.

Saira had recently started dating someone and she asked me to join them for dinner- knowing Saira that most likely meant that the guy had an Indian friend, who she was trying to set me up with.

It was endearing how all my friends thought I needed help with my love life. And to be fair they usually set me up with some pretty nice guys, things just didn’t work out that’s all.

No chemistry.

That was it, really. But I never thought about it in those terms before.

I entered my building foyer and noticed someone sitting on the floor in one corner- my building doesn’t have any seating in the foyer like some of the nicer buildings do. When I saw who it was I tried to duck out the door before he noticed me. But, it was too late.

‘Nayana, please don’t go.’ Max called out. ‘I can understand you’re mad at me and …’

‘Mad? You think I’m mad,’ I cut him off. ‘I’m not mad. I’m horrified, I’m humiliated, I’m also disappointed with myself but I’m not mad… and certainly not at you.’ I spat the words out.

‘I can explain. I didn’t want to do this over the phone, which is why I came here in person. I thought that if I gave you some days to cool off…’

‘What? That I’d be okay with…’I waved my hands about, ‘whatever the hell you have going on and that I would help you cheat on your girlfriend?’

‘Look, can we please just sit down and talk. I’d like to explain.’ I was struck by the sincerity in the tone of his voice. I looked at the clock on my phone and noticed that I’d be late if I didn’t rush upstairs and shower immediately.

‘I can’t.’ I closed my eyes, doing my best to shut him out.

‘Nayana, please,’ he urged.

‘No. I seriously can’t. I’m supposed to be meeting a friend and I’m going to be late.’ I said looking at my phone.

‘Can I meet you later then?’

‘I don’t know when I’ll be back.’

‘That’s okay,’ was all Max said before he left.


After Max left I rushed to my apartment to quickly shower and change before heading out to meet Saira at the restaurant. I didn’t know the name of the place as Saira had only forwarded me directions on how to get there. As the cab approached the location I saw her standing with a couple of guys- one of whom looked oddly familiar.

I jumped out of the cab and walked to greet Saira but even before she could introduce me my brain had finally managed to make the connection.

‘You’re Shrini, from Legal!’ I said, excitedly.

The man looked at me and smiled warmly.

‘Yes, but I’m afraid I haven’t had the pleasure of learning your name.’

‘Nayana,’ I said as I stretched out my hand in a handshake.

‘That name is familiar. Don’t tell me, wait… Aren’t you the one who send that memo to HR notifying them that if the company didn’t offer reparation to Ella Demille we could have a potential lawsuit on our hands?’

‘Yes. That’s me.’ I answered with pride. I was amazed that Shrini had heard about me. Shrini was short for Shriniwas and he was the head of the legal department in the company I worked for.

Saira grabbed my arm as she walked me into the restaurant, ‘Isn’t this nice, we all seem to already know each other.’

‘That’s almost true,’ said the other guy in our party as he held out a chair for Saira.

We all laughed at Saira for having forgotten about Christopher. I may have been meeting him for the first time but I had already had enough phone conversations with Saira to know that he was the current love of her life. I admired the way Saira could wear her heart on her sleeve and was unafraid to put herself out there. The best part about her being ‘her’ was that she lived with no regrets. She introduced me to Christopher who seemed pleasant enough.

Dinner finished went by quickly as the conversation was light and the company engaging. I could see that Christopher was a lot like Saira and appeared to dote on her. They were already at the stage in their relationship where they were comfortable saying they loved each other in public and yet three weeks ago, they hadn’t even met. I was happy to see my friend happy but I knew that could never be me, I could never risk my feelings in that manner.

During dinner I found out that Shrini and Christopher had been friends since college and had even lived together for some time as roommates. I also discovered why Shrini was so popular even outside his department at work- he was smart and charming. It didn’t hurt that he was a silver haired fox who had one of the warmest smiles I have ever seen. So much more pleasant that a smirk.

Where did that come from?

I ignored the stupid voice in my head and focused instead on my conversation with Shrini. And while I may have not have admitted to it, the truth was that I was making comparisons.

After dinner Shrini offered to drop me home. Saira looked super pleased with herself to see that we had hit it off so well. She mouthed that I owed her one and I nodded in acquiescence.

Shrini was a gentleman the entire way home, unlike a certain someone who had pulled the car over to finger fuck me only to leave me unsatisfied.

Stop that! I scolded myself.

We were soon walking into the foyer of my building. I turned to thank Shrini for the wonderful evening and drive home.

‘Nayana, aren’t you going to invite me up for a drink?’

I was a little taken aback by the forwardness of his request, quite a contrast to his behaviour till then. He sensed my misgivings and explained, ‘I just enjoyed talking to you and I thought perhaps we could spend some more time talking before I went home.’

He flashed me a reassuring smile that made me reconsider. I didn’t see any harm in inviting him upstairs. Shrini had behaved like a gentleman so far and I had no reason to doubt his intentions.

‘Okay. But I’m not much of a drinker so I don’t have anything stronger than wine to offer.’

We entered the lift and pressed the button for my floor. The closed space of the elevator alerted me to Shrini’s eyes appraising my body. I looked at him and smiled and tried to act casual.

The automatic doors slid open on my floor and I exited the elevator fishing for the door keys in my purse. Shrini was walking right behind me. I looked at my door ready to slip the key into the keyhole when I saw him.


‘I didn’t think you’d have company.’ Max said sounding annoyed.

‘Is this a friend of yours Nayana?’ Shrini politely enquired while slipping his hand casually around my waist. I flinched visibly at the gesture but didn’t step away.

‘No. I mean, yes. This is Max.’

‘Hello.’ Shrini held out his hand.

‘Max, this is Shrini.’

Max just stood still while Shrini stupidly held out his hand. I knew that I couldn’t deal with Max in front of Shrini.

‘I’m sorry, Shrini but we’ll just have to have that drink another

‘No problem,’ he said and leaned in from across to kiss my cheek. ‘I’ll see you at work, okay?’

‘Yes, at work. Thank you again for a lovely evening.’ I smiled at him.

‘Well the pleasure was mine and I hope we can do this again soon.’

I waited till he entered the elevator before I turned my attention to Max.

‘I thought you said you were meeting a friend. I wouldn’t have bothered waiting if I knew you were out on a date.’ He was angry.

‘Wait, you show up unannounced at my doorstep and then somehow you’re angry that I was out on a date?’ I looked at him amazed.

‘You’re really incredible you know.’ I said while turning the key in the lock. I entered the apartment and turned to face him.

‘I mean, you’re the one with the girlfriend and you show up here at this hour of the night and… ‘

‘She’s not my girlfriend. Not anymore.’ He gritted his teeth.

‘I don’t blame her. I’d dump a guy who did that to me too.’

My statement seemed to anger him further. He stepped inside the apartment, past me and slammed the door shut.

‘Look, I came here earlier to explain. You said you were gonna go out with friends so I decided to wait for you. Now I’ve been sitting there outside your door for the last two hours just waiting. So, excuse me if I didn’t seem too thrilled when you finally showed up with some guy with his hands all over you.’

I couldn’t believe the gall of this man. He was the cheater and here he was talking to me like I’d done something wrong. I was so mad at him but I couldn’t articulate my thoughts well enough to convey all the reasons.

‘Argh! ‘ Was the most coherent thought I was able to vocally reproduce as I stomped my foot in frustration. I placed my hands on Max’s chest to shove him outside my apartment. He didn’t budge but instead started shaking with laughter which only served to anger me further still.

‘What the hell is wrong with you? Are you crazy? Why are you laughing?’

‘It’s just cute that you think you can physically force me out.’

The man was downright infuriating.

‘I could call the cops.’

‘Will you?’

I considered the option and realised that I didn’t need to make my drama a public affair by dragging the cops into it.

‘No.’ I said sulking.

‘Good, if it can be avoided, I would rather not have any more people watch us fuck.’ He said, in a matter fact of manner.


‘Does that surprise you?’

‘You must think highly of yourself for you to imagine we’ll ever hook up again.’

‘I do, but that’s not the reason why I know we will.’

I raised an eyebrow at him.

Max dropped his voice, made it huskier somehow before he continued. ‘It’s because I understand your body better than you do.’ He gave me a knowing look that made me quiver.

I channelled my rage and screamed, ‘Fuck off,’ before racing towards my bedroom. If I got there before him I could shut him and everything he was saying out.

He followed me slowly and wedged his foot in the doorway before I could slam the door shut.

‘Just leave me alone!’ I shouted.

Max stood where he was and began undressing. I watched him in total awe. How could he imagine that I’d even let him touch me let alone fuck me with his cheating dick.

‘You know I really came to talk. I wanted to explain first. But, I feel like I need to remind you of who you are first.’ He spoke in a slow and deliberate manner as he cast aside his clothes and began working on taking off his shoes and socks.

‘I know who I am. You on the other hand seem to have taken leave of your senses.’

I began to feel certain that he was some sort of lunatic and that I needed to get out of my apartment if I was to escape from his clutches. I bolted to the door, but Max deftly grabbed me and unceremoniously dropped me in the middle of my bed.

‘Strip,’ he ordered me.

‘Fuck you!’ I yelled defiantly.

‘You will shortly. Now strip.’ He dictated.

I reached for whatever object I could grab to hurl at him- a couple of pillows which he expertly deflected only to be finally hit squarely in the head by the television remote control. I saw the skin on his forehead break and a trickle of blood appear, but he didn’t stop moving toward me.

‘Oh my god!’ I covered my mouth with my hands. I hadn’t planned on letting things get this out of hand. But apparently a little blood wasn’t going to stop Max. He reached me, yanked my legs apart, pulled my dress up and pulled off my panties. I remained frozen as I was caught up between my desire to escape and my desire for Max.

He opened my legs and dragged my body down the bed closer to him.

‘Your place,’ he roared, ‘is as my fuckin’ slut.’

Max shoved his cock against my pussy lips and started to push himself into me. I felt torn between the urge to fling him off of me and the need to pull him in closer.

‘Ungh, ungh, ungh.’ Max fucked me in that spirited manner that made me take leave of my senses. He reached out and pinched my nipple through my dress and bra. My pussy helplessly gripped his flesh harder in response. He smiled in acknowledgement and picked his pace.

I closed my eyes, refusing to watch him derive pleasure from the fact that he could predict my body’s responses so accurately. He slapped my tits a few more times. They were aching now, aching to be free of their clothing and to be fondled and suckled by Max. Unconsciously I was pushing my chest up off the bed in offering to Max, just like I was my hips.

Max’s strong hands grabbed the neckline of my dress and ripped it open. Later, I noted that I had lost several pieces of clothing to that man’s passion. Fortunately my bra had a clasp in front so it was spared.

Now that my tits were exposed he swooped down to suckle on my tender flesh. I had given up all pretence of resistance and drew his head closer to my chest. I raised my hips and dug my heels into his butt to draw his deeper into me.

‘See,’ he said smiling smugly and pointing to the motion of my hips, ‘my fuckin’ slut.’

I promised myself that I would slap the smirk off his face after I came. Fortunately that happened sooner than expected as Max started teasing my clit with his fingers even as he continued to fuck me.

‘Max!’ Unintentionally, I called out his name as I came.

He withdrew but he hadn’t come, only I had. I could see his swollen member as proof that he had yet to climax. It looked red and angry.

‘You haven’t come.’

‘I know.’

‘Why did you stop?’

‘Would you like me to come?’

I realised what he was doing. I could say no and pretend like he had no claim on me. Or I could say yes and prove just how correct he was about me.

I looked him in the eye and grabbed a hold of his raging hardon. Looking at Max’s red cock with the bulging veins and the fat mushroom head, I understood why anyone would describe an erection as raging. I gentle wrapped my lips around his cock and began to suck.

Max wound his hands in my hair and began pulling my head on to his cock. He must’ve been very close earlier before he stopped within a couple of minutes and spurting his jizz into my mouth and over my face. I didn’t swallow, instead I let it run down the side of my mouth and drip down to my breasts.

He watched me for a few minutes before he pulled me into his embrace. There was something oddly comforting about the gesture. I remembered that I was supposed to slap him after my climax, but, I was too comfortable to move. He mumbled something into the crown of my head, but, I was too overcome with sleep to pay attention to that now. I curled up within his arms and fell asleep.


It was 2 AM, I noted the time on the bedside clock. I was naked and clean. I was sure that I hadn’t showered before I nodded off. Who had cleaned me?

Max was also asleep, naked beside me. I couldn’t believe that I had let this man have his way with me again.

At least this time didn’t count as cheating, the annoying voice in my head said sarcastically.

I wanted to wake him up and talk, figure things out. But I was afraid that I would just end up bending over and begging for his cock to fuck me once more. I convinced myself that it would be better to just go to sleep and deal with the matter in the light of day. But, I’d need to get dressed first if I planned to climb back into bed with him, sleeping naked next to him was far more tempting than I knew I possessed the strength to resist.


I tossed about restlessly till 3 AM, fighting the urge to strip and fuck myself on Max’s cock. I finally gave up on falling asleep in the bed and went to the living room to sleep on my sofa. My sofa, though cushy and comfortable wasn’t meant to be used as a substitute for a bed so it took me some time before I could finally settle into a position that was comfortable enough for sleep.

When I woke up in the morning my body felt stiff and sore. It also felt like I was being blinded by the bright lights that someone had turned on all around my apartment. I had to blink a few times before I realised that it was just the sunlight streaming through the open window.

I headed to the kitchen to put the coffee pot on and was taken aback to watch Max in the midst of raiding my kitchen.

‘What do you think you’re doing?’

He looked up and noticed me for the first time.

‘Good morning! I was just making us some breakfast.’

‘Okay, but does that require you to destroy my kitchen?’ I pointed at the mess all round- ingredients scattered, cabinets and drawers lay tossed open, and several dirty dishes in the sink. How had I managed to sleep through all of this? I wondered. Had I been roofied? That would have explained my behaviour last night.

‘It took me some time trying to figure out your kitchen set-up.’ He must’ve realised that I wasn’t happy with the mess because he quickly added, ‘Don’t worry, I’ll clean it all up. In the meanwhile, why don’t you hit the shower and freshen up?’

I turned to walk towards the shower. This was a different side of Max I was seeing. It made me smile.


I returned to the kitchen after my shower feeling a little disappointed that Max had chosen not to jump me in the shower. I was surprised to find that everything in the kitchen had been tidied just as he said it would be, with the exception of the dirty dishes in the sink. He handed me a plate piled with scrambled eggs, cheese and toast and grabbed one for himself.

‘I only made coffee as you didn’t have any oranges for fresh OJ.’ Max stated apologetically.

‘That’s okay. Coffee’s good.’

We took our plates and coffee mugs and sat at the table. I looked at my plate and admired the way he had taken the trouble to present the simple fare. I scooped up a forkful of the eggs and was impressed by how soft and fluffy they tasted. So much so that I ended up wolfing them down a little faster than would be considered proper etiquette. Max watched me and smiled.

‘What?’ I glared at him.

‘I was really hungry and these are really good.’ I said between mouthfuls.

‘Well then, you’re welcome.’ Max said jovially.

‘Umm? Yeah. Thanks.’ I uttered while I nibbled on the cheese and toast. I had almost cleaned up my plate when it struck me that I was out of excuses to delay talking to him. I was trying to figure out where I ought to begin when it suddenly came to me.

I set my plate aside, took a sip of the coffee and cleared my throat to draw his attention.

Max understood that I was finally ready to talk. He took the napkin, wiped his mouth and pushed aside his plate as well.


‘Yes?’ He asked patiently.

‘You said last night that you came to explain something.’

‘Does it still matter?’

If anything, the events of the previous night had helped prove that all pertinent facts were irrelevant to the chemistry we shared.

‘I loathe cheaters.’ I blurted.

‘I feel the same way.’

My eyebrow shot up and I gave him a look.

‘I know you think certain events have taken place in a particular order which isn’t accurate. Jenna, my ex-girlfriend was cheating on me… with Diego, my ex-best friend.’

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June 28, 1983 John F. Kennedy Airport New York City, New York The limousine stopped as close to the Nationwide Airlines terminal as possible. The driver had been instructed not to open the door for them. That would only attract attention. The hope was to get through the airport lobby and security checkpoint as anonymously and unobtrusively as possible. It was a slim hope at best, but a hope nonetheless. Jake opened the door and stepped out. He was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a button...

1 year ago
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Too Late To Turn BackChapter 4

"So how do we do this?" Jen asked. She and her husband Mike were in the middle of a long conversation about Steve. Jen had finally agreed to take the next step in their Game, and go to bed with Steve. "It's easy," Mike said excitedly, so happy that his wife had finally agreed. "Steve and I already talked about it. He'll call you up in the next few days and ask you out." Jen's head was spinning. They had talked about it? But she decided it wasn't worth getting into. She had agreed...

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72 avril lets jon live his fantasy

72 avril lets jon live his fantasyJon said you wanted to hear about another time I was bloodied. While he's busy, I'll pass this on to you. We have a small cabin that we stay at during the off season (usually Sept) and one year we were just lying around in bed when I asked Jon if he had an outdoor fantasy. I could tell by the small smile on his face he had and was about to tell me of it. There was a small island near us that was only divided by a narrow canal, accessible by one stone bridge...

1 year ago
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Hank Wakes Up The Neighbors Part Four

The next time Guy Gilbertson showed up at Mina's house, sure enough, there were several men present. Among them was the parishioner who had originally disclosed the affair to Hank. His name was Seth, and he was an open homosexual, which was why Pastor Gilbertson had him expelled from the church. "Now, Seth, Murray, Roger, Jim, and Lewis will all fuck you as they please for a couple of hours, while I tape it, slave! How does that sound, slave?", Mina asked him. Guy did not much desire the new...

2 years ago
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Sex Du JourChapter 18

I don't know what else I have to do right this very moment. To be truthful and honest with you, I don't know where exactly this is taking me to. Where precisely? I mean: this man here has just helped me out and I can't believe that I have to repay him for what he has done by sleeping with him and ending his life in the very conclusion. Is this it or what exactly? I am confused right now and I don't even know what to really and literally do. I am being truthful and veracious here; I mean...

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Clarrisa Becomes a Slut

Chapter 1 Mike just moved into the little town of Clarkston. No one knew of him or of his power to control the minds and thoughts of others. Mike was just getting to know the area and get his plans in place for his new group of mind controlled sex slaves. Mike decided to stop at a pizza place in town for a late dinner. He went into the quiet little place and grabbed a table. There were only two other tables with people eating at them. It was close to closing time. A quite skinny girl about...

2 years ago
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The Computer Lady

My name’s Monique Yates, and I teach programming at a local computer store. What follows is a little personal story about me. It’s very private, and definitely X-rated! If that bothers you, don’t go any further. Erase this file and forget you ever saw it, and no harm is done. Some how, women in the computer field have acquired the reputation of being terribly straight laced and boring. I’ve never understood why, and I’ve always thought it was my duty to...

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A Worthless Filthy Fucking Smoking Trash Cunt Whore chapter 3

Charlie had had a productive day, by his standards. He had finished sequencing another song, and was now sitting at his desk in his study sorting out some sundry paperwork. He was surprised Tracy was wasn’t back yet – it was nearly five o’clock. And after all she had been fired from her last job, hadn’t she? And it was just a job interview this morning, wasn’t it? Oh yes, she’d been in a bad mood first thing, hadn’t she, about her smoking? (Charlie had almost forgotten.) “Girls,” muttered...

1 year ago
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New Years

New Years fun We had a small party New Year’s Eve with a few people, 3 cpls and 4-5 singles, nothing big. I had a alternate plan for late that night and this was a great way to get it rolling. My wife gets a little wild when she drinks, so my plan was to feed her drinks all night and as the night went on I started adding some Molly to her shots. So by the time everyone was leaving (12:30ish) she was d***k and a little high too. I told her she and I needed to do a shot for the new year, just us...

1 year ago
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Family Fun revisited 3

As Johnny, followed Lisa and Jenny down the hallway to his room, listening to records suddenly became the last thing on the young boy's mind. The sight of their tight, little butts bouncing invitingly along in front of him, made Johnny's cock swell alarmingly in his pants. He couldn't make up his mind which of his two cute little cousins had the nicest ass. A sudden impulse seized him, and unable to resist, Johnny reached out and playfully squeezed Jenny's jiggling backside, feeling the...

4 years ago
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Fucked by A Stranger

I was on my way home one evening from the burger joint, where I was working after school. It was almost ten-thirty, as I stopped at the corner I heard a car horn, thinking that it was Joliet, Tiffany or Bambi, I turned and automatically reached for the passenger door handle. I was already setting ion the passenger seat and buckling the seat belt, when I noticed that I did not know the guy behind the wheel. I quickly said 'I'm so sorry, I thought that you =were some one I knew,' his reply was...

3 years ago
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Saras Succubus Sister

"Good Morning," her shiny jet-black-haired sister Tegan said after pulling her sticky snake tongue out of the wet rectum. "Did you sleep well?" "You know every night is just a blur for me," replied the short-hair human dirty blonde. "Well, wait ‘til you see what I have in store for you today, then." “What time is it?" Sara said. "I don't want to be late for school; there’s an English quiz 1st period.” Tegan’s red eyes flared. "Ugh, school. How about I fuck you so hard you...

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The ex files Emmas first time on film

Mrs O and I often share stories of past sexual experiences and she loves to hear tales from my first marriage which was to a lady named Emma. Emma was very much into sex and loved porn, especially the old glamour mags like escort and Razzle or anything else that had a readers wives section as these used to get her very turned on. She'd admitted that one of her fantasies was to appear in one of these magazines and that when she was at home alone she would often spread them out on the floor and...

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Pokeacutemon CatcherGets caught

The recent Pokémon craze has taken our planet by storm but this little story will make you all go checking your gardens at night time..It was really humid last night and I was out in my garden as per usual smoking a big fat joint. Relaxing after the nightmarish day I’d had at work. There was this young girl who lived a few blocks away that I’d seen nearly everyday for the last 3 weeks and she was addicted to searching for Pokémon. She was tall with red short hair and a wonderful thick psychic....

2 years ago
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How Did You Like Me

I never questioned why you wanted me there. I just knew it would be for something I would also want, or at least I thought it would be. I was only partially correct.As instructed when I arrived, I went directly to your bedroom, undressed and sat on the floor. When you came in, my heart skipped a beat. You wore my favorite black lace bra with your breasts pushing the limits of the fabric, and nothing else. My cock stirred easily.When you approached and leaned over, I expected you to kiss me but...

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Cousin Ki Khatarnak Chudai

Hi friends I m Pathan ye meri iss pe 1st story he koi galti hoto maf karna. Mera intro. Me handsom fair and kasila badan vala ladka hu meri age 18 he. And mere lnd ki size 6 inch he. Chalo me direct story pe aata hu . Ye story bilkul sach he and mu j fake chijo se nafrat he koi b bhabhi ya girl mujse chudna chahti hoto mu j mail jarur kare This was happen with me just b 4 last week. Pi6le hafte me vacation me apne nani ke vaha gaya tha bombay or vaha mere unty unki ladki wo b aaye the.vctin k...

1 year ago
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My Sweet See Aunty

Here I am writing my experience of having sex with a woman (Mrs.Kalsoom) of around 28.Before we go further into my story, I would like to tell u that I like the beautiful sexy women with good inviting figures like 36-28-36 and above sizes, having strong urge for sex. I have a special fascination for well shaped, well developed, opulent, protruding, pointed, fleshy, spongy, firm and bouncing breasts of women. And I should again mention here that I get hot and excited to see woman with big,...

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Dear VickieChapter 4

We touched down at Patrick and taxied up to the Ops building. I wearily got off and carried my half filled duffle bag down the ramp. There was a civilian van with the name of 'Melbourne Courier Service' on the side. Beside the van stood a man of about twenty-five, six foot and built similar to me, but with a head of bushy black hair. He was dressed in jeans and a polo shirt, and had a gun on his hip. He looked more like an off duty cop than a process server or courier. Well the sign said...

2 years ago
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How I Stole Someonersquos GF At Office And Fucked Her

Hi I am Hunter ( Name Changed ) from Navi Mumbai. This Story Is From The Time When I Have Gone For Interview At Reputed Vehicle Showroom For Back Office executive In 2013. I Met A Girl Name Janvi At Reception, She Was Well Maintained Girl In Perfect Shape Of Body.( Inside my mind shouting that I want to fuck her) Interview Done I Have Got Selected For The Job. Now I was looking for a chance to talk with her, somehow she called me on office phone if I have required something, I have replied that...

2 years ago
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My Best Friend 12 The Surprise Pt 2

The bell rang. I noticed that time had flown seeing how I did all my homework in my last class. I grabbed my bag and stuffed my stuff in it. I walked out of the classroom and headed to leave the school. I walked by where Amanda’s last class was so we could walk home together. The time had really flown by because I was so excited that Amanda could spend the night at my place without having to sneak around so she could spend the night. As I reached her last classroom, I heard her familiar voice....

Love Stories
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Lindsey An Unlikely Romance Part 11

Lindsey stood in the doorway of my office. She was dressed in business attire but looking just as I remembered. I swear my heart stopped. “Hello Dale, how have you been?” She said softly looking down at her feet. I got up it was all I could do not to run over and take her in my arms. But at my first step towards her she seemed to step back. This wasn’t how I imagined this moment. Lindsey was shy and quiet like the first time I met her. “How are you Lindsey?” I asked trying to hide my...

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Almost Cumming Over

For those of you who have read two of my previous stories entitled, 'CAUGHT IN THE ACT' and 'ALMOST TOO LATE', you will know the background of the tale I am about to recount to you. It was some fourteen months ago that Paul, Antoinette and Calen {pronounced K-Len} left for Ireland. Apart from the occasional phone call requesting help for his PC, I hardly heard from Paul or his family, until four weeks ago. Out of the blue I got an email from him which rather intriguingly read. "Hi...

3 years ago
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Anna Loses Her Virginity To Her Grandpa

Anna Smith was introverted.  She had no friends and often was by herself.  She was very awkward around people.  Anna had just turned eighteen and was in her last year of high school.She never was invited to parties and didn’t really have anybody she could say was her friend.  She was a virgin and had no experience with boys.  She had crushes on many boys in her class and a man crush on her male teachers.  She was too shy to make conversation with anyone.She spent a lot of time at home and did a...

1 year ago
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No FutureChapter 67 Give Unto Others

Odile 2110 The remuneration for a day's work was meagre. It amounted to nothing more than the use of a second-hand blanket and a meal that was double the size of what Odile normally had to eat. That was all. But it was something. Edith was helping to boil a pot of stew on a stove, while Odile doled it out into wooden bowls that were greedily snatched from her by desperate supplicants in the long queue that stretched ahead of her. This queue had started to form well before dawn and many of...

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The Strippers Secret Ch 03

My life has changed considerably since changing my career from boring 9-5 job to spy like stripper. I’ll skip all the small details, but the good stuff, sex, info selling and escorting, that I’ll definitely tell you all about. Antonio, my guy, I call him that cause I don’t like saying boyfriend. I suspected him of being in porn, but it turns out that he’s just a really sweet guy with a body to die for and a penis that can kill. He has been really supportive of me and my career choices. More...

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Tamil Aunty And Her Friend

Hi guys enoda per jai na erode pakathula oru village la irukaran enoda age 26 na college mudichutu thaniya business panitu irukan intha oru 4 years minadi nan enoda athai ah othan atha enoda 1st story ah potan ithu enoda 2nd story enoda athai and avaloda frnd oruthi kuda onah group sex panunathu oru 4 months achu ithu nadanthu ithu unmai enala nambavea mudila epdi ithu nadanthuchunu but english porn la vara matiri antha nall irunduchu athu epdinu intha story la na solara Erode pakathula any...

2 years ago
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A Second Trip to See Miss Cynthia

Using the Bluetooth feature on his car, Evan had called his office and asked to be connected to his assistant, Laura. “This is Laura,” he heard her pleasant voice. “May I help you?” “Hi darlin’, it’s Evan.” “I’ve been waiting for you to call,” she said with an exasperated voice. “What happened?” “It’s all good news,” he replied. Laura could see the smile on his face from the tone of his voice. “You got them to sign?” “Of course I did,” he answered. “Did you ever have any doubt about it?” “Not...

1 year ago
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The Dominant Wife

I love to be sexually dominated, and I am married to a very beautiful young woman who utilizes my obedience to the maximum. She knows that when I am sexually aroused there is nothing I won't do for her. She often makes me go a few days without coming, knowing that I will be that much more aroused and submissive. The other night I arrived home and found her laying on the couch wearing a short satin robe. As soon as I saw her I developed an immediate erection, thus becoming a slave to her...

1 year ago
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BurrChapter 63 Two Baldwin Sisters and a Plan

Ned was not in favor of letting me drive the older Volvo to the hotel because I had never driven after dark before. But I was persistent, arguing that Cindy would keep me focused, which I knew immediately, was a mistake. One look at her and Ned knew she would not keep me focused. In fact, she would be a distraction. Cindy was wearing a skimpy little dress that moved with her as she walked. It was short and sleeveless, showing off her shapely legs and long lean arms. She was carrying a light...

2 years ago
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Helping a Black Friend BJ Gay

I posted an article on some Yahoo sites, asking questions about the apparent disparity between our fantasies and the realities that I observed, and I got responses from quite a few black men who gave me some good advice, especially about my interest in the topic of white men sucking mature, black men's cocks.They said one problem was that black men did not like being objectified in that way, and would be very unlikely to respond to blatant requests for sex. That made sense to me, because...

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Hi, I’m Sarah, married to Ted who has posted several Tales of our exploits, with my permission of course, however with me having lots of time on my hands, due to the current situation, I thought I would start telling a few of my own and compile a “Sarah’s Stories” series. Obviously these will be written with Ted’s permission and a little help. Enjoy!!xThis story isn’t related to our swinging exploits it is based on pure fantasy which I have had a lot of time to think about during recent...

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Part 48 Foreshadowing

I awoke, a blanket hastily draped over us, struggling to cover our naked bodies still wet from the night before. “Breakfast,” I heard Anne say behind me. I sat up somewhat and looked at the doorway. Anne was looking right at us, easily seeing our naked bodies. “Fun night?” She asked. “Sure was,” Holly said, waking up. “We’ll have to shower first,” I said. “I’ll keep it warm,” She said, walking off. “I’ll go first,” Holly said, extricating herself from our entangled mess. She...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 134 Good Golly My Molly

Molly has that look in her eyes that I know way to well now. It must be tied to why her brain energy looks normal for most people instead of what it normally looks like for Molly. As I moved in front of her she reached to pull my shorts off and play with my dick until I was hard. Then she scooted back on the bed, pulled the covers back, and patted the bed next to her. When I got in she pushed me on my back, moved her naturally hairless mons over my face, and then moved down on me to start...

4 years ago
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Playing Horsey With My Mom And Dad

It’s only now, many years on that I realise what an odd and peculiar up bringing I had with mom and dad. You see we lived in a one bedroom flat above mom’s workplace and some of my earliest memories that I can remember is hearing my mom being fucked by dad, although I did not know what they were doing at the time or anything I did at the time either. It all came about with getting my last feed in their bed on a night, I can vaguely remember my dad sucking on moms tits too, sharing my supper....

1 year ago
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The LibrarianChapter 9 Dinner at Lesas Part Two

Lesa arrived home well ahead of the others. She asked Sara to listen for the doorbell as she headed upstairs to change out of her business suit. In the hope that the crowd would be delayed long enough at the pizza parlor, she took a quick shower and reapplied some light makeup. She was coming down the staircase in a sleeveless white tunic top, matching drawstring pants and straw sandals when she heard the front door open. Everyone had arrived together. Susan looked around the foyer and...

3 years ago
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Me And My Friend Share My Cousin

Hello iss readers, this is my third story. This story is about me my friend and my cousin. We were staying in Singapore then and my cousin had come to visit us. She was 21 and hot and looked like a sex goddess. She had a body of 32-36-34. She had just graduated from college and in the vacation had come to stay with us. I always had a fantasy of having hardcore sex with her. When she used to sit or bend down one could clearly see her tight cleavage. She was fair and hot and anyone would fuck...

2 years ago
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A Cloud Over BrenhamChapter 9 Saul Searching

I wasn't sure where I was. I had concentrated on Saul as I started the spell and so he should be here, where-ever here was? I looked around. This had been a village, but now it was burnt out. There were no bodies, but splashes of blood could still be seen as dark brown stains on the grounds. Just what had happened here? "Who's there? Why have you come here?" A voice called out from the remains of a house. "My name is John. I'm a ... traveller. What happened here?" I answered,...

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