- 2 years ago
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Chapter 05 — The lull
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Author’s note: This chapter contains a lot less out right sex then the previous chapters, and some very important plot. There is a bit of sexiness though and I hope you enjoy it despite the lack of outright sex. I’ve also put this chapter into the ‘romance’ category instead of the usual ‘group sex’ that the story has been mostly in so far. This is because this chapter deals a lot more with romantic emotions and teenage feelings than outright sex. If you’re just picking up this story, I highly suggest you go back and start with chapter 1.
All characters are 18 or older.
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My wife Ann was a little snarky with me for a few days following the last story I told her. At first I just thought it was work bothering her and maybe her mood was just black. But after several days of coolness from her, and more importantly no sex, I decided it was time to say something. ‘Are you mad at me about something?’ I finally asked as I cornered her in the kitchen?
‘No,’ she lied obviously.
‘Just tell me what it is and I’ll fix it,’ I said with a sigh.
I wasn’t expecting an honest response, but she turned and pointed a finger at me, ‘You cheated on Jen!’
I was flabbergasted for a moment. I had told Ann the story about my night with Keri, who I had nicknamed Lions, almost a week ago at this point. I’d completely forgotten about it but apparently she hadn’t. In my confusion I tried to think of who I knew named Jen, and could only think about a student of mine. But ‘cheated on’ what could my wife mean? My confusion must have been written all over my face because Ann glared at me and put her hands on her hips. ‘When you were a teenager, you were dating Jen but fucked some other girl because Jen lied to you! Does that mean you’d cheat on me if you found out I ever wasn’t honest?’
Suddenly the realization kicked in of what she was talking about. ‘Sit down,’ I commanded in a rather firm tone, ‘I need to tell you something.’ We settled down to the chairs of the dining room table and Ann crossed her arms on her chest, obviously angry. ‘First of all, you’re my wife and I love you. I wouldn’t ever cheat on you. Secondly I’m in my thirties now, not eighteen.’ I laughed and added, ‘I don’t have the hormones I did back then. In the last month you’ve nearly killed me by sex overload.’
Her arms uncrossed and she smiled at my comment, but I could tell she was still angry. She said, ‘Well, you did cheat on Jen, that’s reprehensible.’
I nodded, ‘I know, but someone told me once that no one ever cheats on a relationship they want to keep. I think that somehow I knew that my relationship with Jen was circling the drain. But yes, I was eighteen and it was stupid.’
My wife sighed and said, ‘Did Jen ever find out?’
I nodded my head, ‘I suppose I better tell you about the fallout from that night at Lion’s house, huh?’
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I ended up staying the night with Lions and we had sex into the early hours of the morning. Finally she could take no more and said she was too sore to continue. She fell asleep in my arms and I slept like the dead.
It was no doubt a surprise as I woke some time later from a knock on the door and an old woman’s voice calling through the wooden barrier, ‘Keri, better get up and shower or you’ll be late for church.’
The petite blonde laying on me raised her head and bellowed at the top of her lungs, ‘Okay Nana!’ Then looked down at me, ‘Oh shit,’ she said with a grin, ‘I think we overslept. You’re going to have to wait till Nana and I leave, then just head out the side door, okay?’
I smiled and kissed her briefly on the lips. The whole bedroom smelled of sex, and I felt slightly sore . I almost didn’t want to talk, knowing that Lion’s grandmother was outside of the bedroom somewhere. But I whispered to her, ‘pack a lunch on tomorrow, we’ll eat in my car, okay?’
She nodded at me with a smile and then almost as if it was an impulse, threw her arms around my chest and squeezed me tightly. Then she slid from the sheets and blankets and stood stretching. I couldn’t resist and I reached out and pinched her butt. It was thin and slight, something I was unused too from my previous lovers, who tended to athletic or curvy. She spun with a grin and tried to slap at my hand.
I could see her pussy through her sparse blonde pubic hair and it was pink and slightly swollen, we’d had too much sex for her. As if confirming my thought she walked slightly funny as she crossed the room, as if she were sore. I had a moment of guilt before she turned around and while shrugging on a silk robe said quietly, ‘God, I feel so good right now. Remember, stay quiet ok?’
I nodded my head and she grabbed a few things off her dresser and then slid out of her bedroom, shutting the door firmly behind her. I lay there for awhile enjoying the smell of a woman’s bed. I let my hands roam across her sheets, cotton and simple, but pink with little white flowers on them. My hand hit a wet spot and I couldn’t help but chuckle to myself quietly.
I rolled out of bed and looked around for my clothing, dressing as quietly as I could. Unable to resist, I snooped around her room. Lions wasn’t a typical girl, she was kinda tomboyish, so I’ll admit I was amazed when I opened a drawer and found a small lavender colored book laying face down. Curious I turned it over and found a blank cover. I flipped it open and found girlish looping script inside. It only took me half a second to realize that I was looking at her diary. But in that short space of time I saw my name written five or six times on just those two pages.
I knew I shouldn’t read this, but I couldn’t resist myself. I scanned the pages quickly as I flipped towards the end of the writing. The word ‘love’ popped up too many times for my taste along with my name. Then I got to the last page of writing and I felt my chest get very tight. My eyes focused on a single part of the writing.
‘…then if I can get him alone, Leah’s going to get the dorks out of the house. If I can get him up to my bedroom, maybe I can finally lose my virginity….’
I slapped the book shut and quickly put it back in the drawer, making sure to put it face down the way I saw it. My neck felt hot and my heart started pounding. She’d always told me that she lost her virginity a few years ago and that she’d had a couple boyfriends since. I wondered if she was just trying to play it cool?
I stood up from her desk and looked at the door, half expecting to see her there, having caught me in the act. But I was still alone in her room. I went to the bedroom door and cracked it. Across the hall I could just barely make out movement in a bedroom across the hall. I could also hear the shower going and could just make out the sounds of Lions singing while bathing.
I shut the door silently and figured now was my chance. I went to her desk where I’d seen one of her notebooks. Quickly flipping it open to a blank page I wrote on the page, ‘Nana was in her bedroom so I snuck out.’ I was determined to get out of this house quickly. I knew there was a porch outside of her bedroom window I could always go onto the roof of the porch then drop down to the ground from there. But I risked the door again.
Nana was still in her room, and it looked like she had her back turned to me. So I quickly and as quietly as my six foot four frame allowed, zipped to the stairs. I went down them quickly, putting my feet as close to each wall as I could. I’d learned that trick sneaking out of my parents house when I was younger. If you put your feet in the middle of the stairs, they creaked, but if you kept your feet at the outside edges, you’d make less noise. Of course as I hit the first floor of Lion’s house, I remembered Nana was practically deaf.
So it was with a bit of speed and trepidation that I opened her side door and closed it behind me as quickly as possible. I drove home that morning amid
a cloud of guilt, confusion, and worry. Had I just cheated on Jen with a nutcase? Was Lions stalking me? Had I just thrown away my relationship with Jen?
I slammed my hand into the steering wheel. Jen was a tall, dark, smoky beauty, and a total pervert. She would beg for anal sex, fuck me in public, and had forced me into a relationship with another woman. How many men, no matter how long they lived, could say they had two hot girlfriends that both loved fucking me as well as each other?
‘Fucking shit!’ I cursed as the realization of what last night may have cost me began to sink in. I could still smell Lion’s sweet sex lingering on my body and I was confused suddenly. I hadn’t been tricked into fucking her. She didn’t do anything wrong, she offered, I accepted. Plus, I had to admit, it was very good. For our first time ever having sex, apparently her first time having sex with anyone, it was really good. Especially the third and fourth rounds. I decided there was nothing to do but relax and see what happened the next time I spoke with Jen. Which of course meant that I thought of nothing else for the next several days.
Jen wasn’t home when I called her house, and her father told me he went out with one of her classmates for the day. Probably Nina I figured. I left a message for her to call me back, then I tried to get some school work done and not think about it.
A few hours later she called me back and said she didn’t have time to talk, but that she had a big surprise for me, and that I shouldn’t make any plans for the coming Friday. I looked at my calendar and swore softly. This coming Friday was only the 19th? It felt like a lifetime since I’d had my very first orgy, but in reality it had been less then three weeks. I chickened out and didn’t tell her what happened last night. I couldn’t bring myself to tell her that I’d flat out cheated on her. I told myself that it wasn’t right to tell her on the phone, but maybe that was just rationalization, or fear. In any regards, I hung up the phone feeling worse then I had before.
The next day was even worse as I saw Lions for the first time in the halls between classes. She literally skipped up to me and planted a kiss on my lips in a crowded hallway, ‘Looking forwards to our lunch date.’ She said cheerfully.
‘Fuck,’ I thought to myself, I had forgotten about that. After seeing her diary my brain had sort of blanked out. But I put on a smile and said, ‘I’ll just meet you at my truck at lunch time. Don’t worry my heater kicks ass, should be hot in no time.’
She danced around me and started down the hall smiling and waving goodbye. No less then six of our classmates who knew both of us were staring at the two of us. Most of them knew I had a girlfriend too. I’m sure the rumor mill started the second I began walking down the hallway.
Sure enough, by the time the lunch period hit, I’d already been approached by three friends asking if I was dating Keri now. I managed to avoid their questions somehow. But I knew that once my friend Melly, who had a not so secret crush on me, found out there would be no dodging the question anymore. Melly was a sweet and cute girl, but very clingy and not exactly my type. I’m sad to say this, but she was kinda fat. Id like to think that I’m not shallow, but I just wasn’t attracted to Melly, but I did flirt back with her. It always seemed harmless, because she knew I was dating Jen. But if she thought I was on the market, I was afraid Melly might turn up the flirting and I’d have to outright reject her.
There was one point however that made my morning even more interesting though. In my class right before lunch, one of the prettiest girls in our grade stopped me after our class and started talking to me. We were friendly enough, actually I was friends with almost everyone in my grade and a good number of underclassmen as well. I was just that guy that was friendly to everyone and didn’t follow the whole clique thing.
So this cheerleader, Staci, caught me near the door of our classroom and started talking to me. I can barely remember what she was asking me about because she was standing so close her perfect breasts were pressing against my arm. Only the fabric of her sweater and likely her bra was the only thing separating our skin. I could feel the heat from her body on the bare skin of my arm beneath my t-shirt. I could smell the flowery perfume she wore. I remember answering dimly, and then making an excuse to get out of there. I went straight to the bathroom and splashed a little cold water on my face and then adjusted the sudden erection I had in my jeans. Luckily it was pointing down my leg, so it wasn’t tenting out or anything. Secretly I hoped that Staci hadn’t noticed, I don’t know if I could stand the embarrassment of two rumors floating around the halls about me.
I was so distracted by the encounter with Staci that I practically ran out of the school to the lot and hopped in my car. I was glad of the freezing temperatures because I felt like it cooled me off. I started my SUV up and put my head back while I waited for the heater to get cranking. The vehicle was just warming up when I heard a knock at my side window. I turned my head and smiled as I saw Lions waving. Ooops, I had forgotten to unlock the passenger door.
As I unlocked it she slid in, holding a paper sack. ‘Right, lunch, duh,’ I said lamely as the petite blonde with the oh so cute face laughed at me.
‘We can split mine if you forgot yours,’ she offered. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that I’d forgotten about our little lunch date, and my lunch plans were going to just be whatever the cafeteria was serving that day. I nodded my head and she opened her sandwich and offered me half.
We started eating in a somewhat uncomfortable silence. I wasn’t sure where to start and apparently neither did she. ‘This is good,’ I said lamely holding out the sandwich half she’d given me. ‘Cucumber and cream cheese?’
She nodded, smiling brightly, ‘with sprouts.’
I made a noncommittal noise then refused her carrot sticks as she held them out. ‘I’m good, thanks, I had a big breakfast.’ I don’t know if she could see my lie, but I hoped not. This would be very uncomfortable if she could tell when I was lying like Jen could.
I was just about to draw in breath to start talking when she beat me to the punch, ‘So, I really enjoyed Saturday.’ She said quietly, almost shyly, which was something I was unused too from the normally boisterous woman.
I looked at her and noticed a tint of red on her cheeks that I think had little to do with the cold weather. I recognized her embarrassment and reached out to put a hand on her knee. My mind noticed she was wearing a skirt, something she never did. She was like me, a jeans and a tshirt kinda girl. Actually she tended to prefer polo shirts to t shirts. I think it was because she could wear a push up bra and leave the three buttons at the top of a polo shirt undone to make it look like she had bigger cleavage then she really did. But today in place of skin tight jeans she was wearing a skirt that went down past her knees.
‘I really did too,’ I said honestly and I squeezed her knee. ‘Can I ask what’s up with the skirt?’
She blushed again, and this time it was for sure that it was a blush of slight embarrassment. ‘Well,’ she said slowly, ‘Let’s just say that next time, we need to use some lube. You’re freaking huge and I’m still a little sore.’ I started to apologize but she waved her hands, ‘No no no no, don’t you dare apologize. It was amazing, it was fantastic. Maybe the first time hurt,’ My mind quickly supplied the word ‘virgin’ as she spoke. ‘and maybe the last time hurt. But the few rounds in between. Oh my god Pete. I’ve never felt that full, and I’ve never cum so hard from any of my toys.’
I shook my head, there was so much I wanted to talk about, so many things I wanted to say. The fact that I saw her diary, that I knew she had much deeper feelings about me then she was letting on,
that she was a virgin until this weekend… so many things. But like a coward I decided to try to trick it out of her instead of admitting to my snooping, ‘So, you’re saying I’m better than the other four or five lovers you’ve had?’
She looked at me and began nodding her head. ‘Only three others,’ she said. She hadn’t fallen for my trap. In the past she’d told me that she’d been with three other guys, two boyfriends at her old high school and one random dude at a party. So I tried to trick her into saying more, but she didn’t bite. She continued, ‘Honestly Pete, with anyone else I never… well…’ She trailed off. I didn’t need her to answer.
‘No guy has ever made you cum before?’ I offered.
‘Yeah,’ she answered before biting on a carrot stick nervously. I chuckled when I thought that she wasn’t lying. If she had been a virgin on saturday night, then no guy had ever made her cum before.
We sat in silence for a little while as she finished her lunch. Then she said, ‘So I guess we should talk about it huh?’ Her voice was soft, so unlike her. She was usually a ball of energy and feisty, but it seemed like now, all of her bravado was gone and she was just a little scared.
No matter what else, I felt a little sorry for her then. Any other emotions I had went away and I wanted to make my friend feel better. ‘Lions, look, don’t be like that,’ I said turning to her with a smile on my face.
But I noticed that she wasn’t smiling, she was frowning and it looked like she was on the verge of tears in fact. When she spoke her voice was even quieter, ‘Can you please call me Keri now? I feel like we’re past buddies with nicknames.’
I swallowed around the lump in my throat and whispered, ‘Of course Keri, just don’t be mad if I slip and forget, okay?’
She turned and smiled at me, ‘Thanks Pete. You’re one of the good ones you know. I’ve known it from the first day I met you. Do you remember that day?’
I did actually, but I wanted to hear where she was going, ‘Refresh my memory.’
She reached out and put her hand on top of mine, still resting on her skirt covered knee. Then she pulled it away and just put a finger down on the back of my hand. The finger began to trace idle circles as she spoke, ‘It was the third day of junior year for both of us. We didn’t have any classes together, but I went to chess club because I’ve always gotten along with dorky people. Well, I saw you coming down the hallway and I thought ‘oh great, here comes some jerky jock asshole.’ But you walked right up to me and said, ‘going to chess?’
Keri laughed then, ‘Just like that, like it was the most natural thing in the world. ‘Going to chess?’ You probably didn’t realize how fucking huge you are compared to a little girl like me, but you’re like a foot and a half taller and probably twice my weight. So when a big guy like you comes rolling right up, I’m used to trouble, at the very least maybe a leering look or something. Hell, I’m used to big guys being dismissive at my scrawniness, but you weren’t like that. You came rolling up to me and greeted me as a friend even though we’d never met.’
I chuckled, ‘We were friends that hadn’t met yet.’
She smiled and gave my hand a squeeze, then moved it up onto her thigh from her knee before continuing. ‘You introduced yourself and then asked me about myself. Where did I transfer from, what did I like, did I have any family? Right away, just launched into conversation with a total stranger, and it was like… I don’t know Pete, it was like the most comfortable conversation I ever had with a total stranger. It was like in three minutes we weren’t strangers anymore.’
She bit her lip and I waited for her to continue, ‘Did you know that day, on my third day, you were the second student to speak to me? I went two full days without anyone saying even ‘Hi’ to me. Not even ‘Hi.’ Then at lunch on that third day someone asked if the seat next to me was taken. I thought I was about to make friends with someone, but they sat down and turned their back to me immediately so they could talk to their friend who was sitting at the same table.’
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Kira Perez is going to enjoy a hot summer day by laying out by the pool. Little does she know, her pervert step grandpa is watching her. He can’t stop staring at her amazing tits and ass. She catches him watching her and he tries to play it off that HE’S the angry one.. He takes her inside for a spanking, but when Kira feels his rock hard boner, she decides to help him out. She gives the old man an amazing blowjob and he lets her pound her like she’s never been fucked before....
xmoviesforyouBy : Malayalamwriter എല്ലാം കഴിഞ്ഞു കിടന്നു ഉറങ്ങി എണീറ്റത് എപ്പോള് ആണെന്ന് ഓര്ക്കുന്നില്ല . ഞാന് നോക്കുമ്പോള് ജനലുകളില് മഞ്ഞു തുള്ളികള് കൊണ്ട് നിറഞ്ഞിരിക്കുന്നു . എല്ലാവരും ഇപ്പോഴും പാതി മയക്കത്തില് . ഞാന് എന്റെ ചുരി ഷാള് ശരിയാക്കി സൗമ്യയെ നോക്കിയപ്പോള് അവള് ഒരു പൂച്ച കുഞ്ഞിനെ പോലെ കിടന്നു ഉറങ്ങുന്നു . ചുണ്ടില് ഒരു കുഞ്ഞു പുഞ്ചിരി . കള്ളി ഉറങ്ങുന്നത് കണ്ടില്ലേ എന്തൊക്കെ ആയിരുന്നു ഇന്നലെ ഇവള് കാണിച്ചു കൂട്ടിയത് . . എന്നിട്ട് ഒന്നും അറിയാത്ത പോലെ ഉറങ്ങുന്നു . എനിക്കവളുടെ...
Lauren Johnstone shook more and more as each second ticked by. She was looking out her window from Baldwin Hall at Howard University, watching her parents drive away. Never in her eighteen years of life had she been so alone. When her family found out that Lauren had been accepted to Howard, they were filled with joy. Both of her parents, and everyone on both sides of her family had graduated from there. Lauren was a third generation student. All freshmen, regardless if they lived in state or...
InterracialImagine ……..The soft silky touch of her skin as you run your fingers across the valley of where her breasts meet. Nice ample “real” breasts, no silicon false jobs on her – in your arms you have a ohhh god damn gorgeous BBW. You always liked the way the cuddly ladies moved .. the wiggle in their butts and the way their hips sway and their tits bounce…… and you’ve found one .. your own goddess and you want to have her everywhere , taste her feel her and hear her moaning your name when...
MatureMike was 18 years old, too old to be eating cold breakfast cereal, he thought, but his mother didn’t feel like cooking him oatmeal this morning. Instead, she was lazing in bed, putting off getting up until she absolutely had to. He was just drinking down the last of the milk when both of his twin sisters walked in, still in their robes. “Good morning, Mike.” they said, in unison. They did that often, speaking the same words, dressing alike, and generally synchronizing everything they did. He...
IncestHi all, this is Adesh(name changed) 24 years old boy working in a renounced telecoms company in Kolkata, wb. I love to read debonair blog regularly. I find it really arousing. So I decide to post my own story at last. I hope u all will enjoy it. The incident which I am going to narrate started at the very age of 18. My sexual urge is very high from then. I began to masturbate from 10 years of my age watching figure of sexy actresses. Now back the topic. I think you all will find this incident...
IncestWe like to play games. We like to play secret games. We are the only ones who know we are playing the games. The rest of world, the people around us are oblivious to the hidden meanings, the looks, the gestures the illusions. False bravado, saying things that have double meanings, just enough for a stranger or a friend to look askance and wonder. We love making people wonder. 'Are they for real?' 'Did I just hear that?' It started when we discovered BDSM and formed a Master/slave...
Introduction: The title is a joke…so is the man Good evening young ladies, I greeted the two of them as I came in the front door. My twelve-year-old daughter Martha and her best buddy Jamie James. Jamie was staying the night, her mother had a date and expected to be coming in late. That was fine with me, I liked Jamie, she and Marti had been friends since first grade, she was a good kid. Hi Daddy, from Marti. Hello Hank, from Jamie. Yes the adults, the kids, the garbage men, heck everybody...
Part IV: College Capers I settled into my college life with an overwhelming work load, both day and night. I was so thankful when all options for college residence were exhausted and my parents were left with the only choice of a one bedroomed furnished apartment, across the road from the college. When Cathy (my younger sister) heard this her eyes began to sparkle again and her mischievous little mind started racing! It did not take her long to persuade mother to allow her to spend a week-end...
IncestAs Jessie’s mother was getting ready to indulge in her naked housework romp Jessie was heading off down the road in the back seat of Mr Erikson’s car with Mr Erikson’s son, Bjorn, sitting next to him in the passenger seat. Nobody said much for the the first few minutes of the ride then Jessie learned forward between the two men in front of her and asked, “So come on guys, what’s the go with all the secret squirrel stuff about this Music Retreat? It is just a Music Retreat, right?” Bjorn and...
Filene wanted us to go back to advanced ‘Seeing Ahead’ but a serial abuser had just escalated to murder. That gave all of us at The Grotto the ability to read his thoughts. We could only read his thoughts. We could not change his thoughts except by presenting willing targets ripe for his perversions. Little Joann’s killer would face a nasty demise. Filene sent us and another trainer sent her two to listen to the thoughts of the recent murderer, Peter Jelson. We gathered in his home cloaked...
Partie 1Il est une heure de l’après-midi quand Caroline me rejoint dans la chambre que nous partageons depuis six mois. Sans un mot, elle déboutonne son jean, qu’elle tire à ses chevilles, dévoilant une culotte fuchsia qui prend le même chemin. Le tout atterrit sur le sol. Elle se glisse souplement sur le lit, dispose ses jambes à l’équerre. Provocatrice, comme à l’accoutumée, elle me jette :— Allez, salope, viens entre mes jambes, je sais que tu n’attends que ça.Et c’est vrai. C’est notre...
"Your father, Joe and I married two sisters, Joe married Mary your mother and I married Alice. Mary and Alice came from a wealthy family, their parents were early settlers and they bought up a lot of property locally. Joe and I came from similar although not so wealthy backgrounds. Alice was unable to bear children due to childhood illness that left her barren, Joe and Mary tried for several years to have children but without success, Joe had a low sperm count. Mary and Alice decided that I...
New Year's Eve was always something I looked forward to with mixed feelings, as I felt obligated to be social while everyone else got increasingly drunk. Neither the former, nor the latter appealed to me very much, and so I had turned the end of the year into something relaxed and quiet for me and my loved ones, ever since I was living alone.2016 was no exception. Novella and myself had a nice evening, watching a little bit of TV and she enjoyed a few glasses of wine while I ravaged the orange...
LesbianWhile I lay there, grappling with my emotions, Steve gradually recovered and unfolded to lie on his back on the sweat-stained mat. "Oh. My. God." He said, with equal heavy emphasis on each word. "Did you like that?" I asked, begging for compliments. "That was awesome! I've never really just 'let go' like that before. Are you all right? I didn't hurt you?" "No, Steve. I'm fine. It takes a lot more than that to hurt me." I immediately regretted blurting out the truth, but he...
My wife Amber and I just got back from our two day vacation in Toronto. We don't get out together a lot because of work and other reasons so we decided that we finally needed a getaway. What a getaway it turned out to be too. I'll start by saying that Amber and I have been together for 10 years and married for over 3 years now. Amber is 29 years old, 5'9", blond hair that comes down past her shoulders to her mid back, sexy green eyes and big pouty lips that make me hard just looking at them....
Yes we all know it's a taboo subject. The Victorians fathered their c***dren in the dark with their pants on, and we talk about men's penises, as little boys 'Willy's', why, because we are all embarrassed to call our 'Naughty Bits', by their correct terminology.I'm a tad different, I was brought up seeing my father ejaculate into a toilet basin, taught to touch and give my brother a wank, and my brother likewise with me.My parents might be considered a danger to society by those who suppress...
Hi dosto Rohan here, back again with yet another story. First of all I would like to thank all those who have commented and sent an positive feeback on my earlier stories which are and . And also some of them had asked me to write my one story in Hindi so here I am writing in Hindi. Jinko mere bare mein nahi pata unke liye. Maine graduation complete ke hai Pune University se aur abhi private company mein job kar rahha hu. Meri height 5.10 athletic body hai aur mera lund 6 inch bada hai jo kisi...
By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 Before Dakota came down from the office, Amy came scuffling out of her bedroom. Apparently, she was up late watching movies. The one I saw before going to bed was only one of three that the gang watched. I sat her down and gave her the update about what had happened. She looked like a lost puppy because this was not something that we had discussed as a means of security. She asked if she could go take a quick shower and then help on the phones. I...
Who doesn't know The Pirate Bay, aka TPB? But, do you remember Napster? How about Bear Share? Kazaa? Lime Wire? Back in the early aughts, programs such as these are what introduced me to a whole lot of fun. I remember the feeling of excitement that came with downloading an album or a movie from one of these programs back in the day. I was young, too, so it was a little tinged with nervousness. That nervous excitement led to a fuck ton of burned CDs (full albums and customized mixtapes) that...
Porn Torrent SitesIntroduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...
The Life and Love of Sut the Jen by SuppositionLife An unemotional good guy finds a magic lamp on a beach and gets in trouble for wishing the Jen free. ( Thanks you Nikie77, nitewatchman, and CJ for your advice. It really helped me start this second story) In the dark misty limitless confines of the of his prison the Jin was roused by someone in third dimension touching his lamp. As energy flowed from the hands of the mortal to the lamp, Sut came back from a deep dreamless sleep...
We made an appointment with an older black male at a nearby hotel recently. When we entered our booked room and my wife went straight to the bed.She stripped the street clothes and put them onto the floor, she started to kneel on top of the bed.She was proud to show off her new lingerie that she just bought for the meeting.A moment later our guest knocked against the door and my wife put her apple-shaped butt point-blank up in the air in the direction of the door. I opened the door and let...
He laughed when he was told where he was to be sent, Mummy and Daddy would get him out of this,but what Chase did not know was that his parents had met with the Abbot at The Monastery of Repentance,and in their despair had begged the Abbot to take their son and chastise him.Chase had been out of control for a few years now,but each time he had done something wrong his parents were there to sort everything out ,but now that was going to change,Chase was finally going to get what he...
(Narrator) In this edition of our program the boys try to cum to grips with that old porn movie query "How much cum is too much?" Hopefully they can get their hands on the correct data to shoot some holes in this movie cliché. Who are the Cockbusters? Jay-me "The Heinie-man" who is always ready to answer the "call of booty." "Slam-it-in" Savage whose motto is "If it's a tight fit, slam it in." Between them over 20 years special sex-effects for the porn movie industry. Joining...
He had known he would get to fuck Jane's mum without her putting up more than a token resistance, she was so sexually frustrated he could smell her cunt as soon as she opened the front door. She was desperate to be fucked good and hard, even if she couldn't admit it to herself. It was hard to believe she had got to thirty nine years of age without anyone pressing the right sexual buttons that released the Lyndi Loo hidden inside her. Sandra turning up was just too good an opportunity to...
Romance: Another country heard from:16. Jack called for his box ... ok ... he stuck his ID finger in the hole. The box whooshed in and Jack started passing out weapons, saddles and tack. He left some Conchs for a rainy day. The lid closed with a snap ... air molecules rushing and colliding with other air molecules. A small thunderclap. Seven said, "Jack? I don't think we should go out there right this minute. Somebody is robbing ... or trying to rob the bank." "How do you know?" "I...
I look alike a bimbo Barbie doll. Thin waist, toned legs with thigh gaps, almond eyes, plump lips but my boobs are large. Well! My GD (67) is really fit; he works out every day, dusky complexion, tall and in my words sexy old man. He was working as a chef in CA for ages so since my birth I didn’t meet him. Suddenly he came to my home for a long holiday, first he was like a stranger. Later on I was interested with him because I loved listening to his American Life. Then he grew closer with me,...
Angie lay quietly on the deserted beach listening to the waves gently lapping at the shore while the sun beat down on her firm young naked body!!! She had been saving for this vacation for two years now, and finally here she was on a beach in Brazil enjoying the fruits of her labors!!! After reading about the fanaticism that the Brazillian people had for keeping their bodies in tip top shape, she had even joined a health club to make sure that she wasn't too embarrassed by the locals, and even...
EroticBut, it’s only when the plane begins streaking in its final descent passing over leaping dolphins making an arc of the thrown brilliant clear water that the realization hits that we are finally on a week’s vacation in paradise. And, without warning, as you’re looking toward the ocean side, you feel the warm, moist touch of my lips to yours, lingering only slightly to suggest what is to come as you also feel the gentle squeeze from my hand on your right leg through your sundress. You look...
The effects of her orgasm had subsided when he moved over her body. He straddled her, his hard cock resting between her breasts. She reached up and pushed them together engulfing his cock in soft skin. He began rocking his hips sliding his cock between her breasts. Each time his cock made an up thrust she let it enter her mouth using her tongue to add to his pleasure. She looked up at him, his eyes were closed his face showing signs of pleasure and desire. He continued to slide his cock...
The kisses reached a paroxysm of passion. I asked her if I was going at it too hard, but she was just grumbling and pulling me inside of her, obviously eager for yet more pounding. Like a great athlete nearing the finish, I reached my full pace and felt our entwined bodies as one in the vibrations of the mattress. Smoke Signals The smoke from her cigarette seemed to take forever to reach the ceiling. Standing behind her chair, hungrily sniffing her hair, I knew what was going to happen when...
StraightSharon began to entertain high hopes when she learned that only Adam was coming to visit that evening. If her hopes were realized, she would part with her virginity that evening. When Mary refused to admit that there was anything special about her lover's visit, Sharon's hopes dimmed, but only a little. When the bell rang, Mary admitted her lover, and Sharon watched as they kissed passionately and Adam fondled her butt. "Gee," Sharon said as they moved apart, "some women get all the...
I had experiences with two girl friends that mentioned how they would love to pee while we were fucking and when I told them to go ahead they could not do it. I thought it was a little odd but soon forgot all abut it. Then along comes Mary. She was 5 foot 90 lbs or sexual energy and experience. What ever fantasy I had she was sure willing to try it. She ventured with me to Adult book stores to have sex where others could see us cause she loved showing off her naked body. She had very...
Here I am sitting in a small airport at 1 o’clock in themorning. I’m 55 yrs old and I’m wearing tan slacks, a white shirt and blue suit jacket. I have been told I look very good for my age. I am 6’ 190 pounds with salt and pepper hair. I work out and play basketball daily and I enjoy it. My wife passed away about 2 years ago and I haven’t had anyone since. Mainly because I have been putting in a lot of hours to boost my retirement. I got off work a few hours ago after working a double shift and...
IncestIt was a Saturday night and Alan Ayre was sitting on the sofa with his friends, Kevin and Sarah Bishop, in their home. "But it's a Bank Holiday on Monday week and I don't want to spend it indoors, again: I want to do something exciting! Alan, you must have some ideas, you're the creative one," Sarah said. After a few minutes thought: "I can maybe think of a couple of things. Are you in, Kev?" "Well, actually—West Ham are playing at home that day and I was thinking of going...
September 5, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio “Now that you’ve had time to sleep on it, have you had any new thoughts?” Clarissa asked as we walked along the road from my house towards ‘downtown’ West Monroe on Monday morning. “Should I have new thoughts?” I asked. “Let me put it this way — if you’re going to change your mind, do it NOW, today. If she shows up in McKinley expecting two passion-filled nights and you back out, it’s going to be VERY ugly.” “Why would I back out? You and Liz made very...
“I gather that Margret is not the sort to let her prey go until she’s devoured him,” Rosa laughed as we showered, her hands caressing me as she washed my body. “Having been said prey more than once, I can assure you that you’re quite right about that, and that Ollie will be utterly drained by the time that she finishes with him. He will also know for certain that he wants to come back for more of the same. Her appetite for the male of the species is the stuff of legend. I’m eager to see how...