A Beautiful Weekend Part II
- 3 years ago
- 22
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Written just for Gwendolyn by JD ‘PurpleHazeFL69’
’24 Gwendolyn’
1~~ Sweet Arrival
2~~ The Appetizer
3~~ The Main Course
4~~ A Full Second Plate
5~~ Finishing Breakfast
1~~ Sweet Arrival
Typically an early Autumn Wednesday in Florida like any other… clear blue skies and toasty heat during the morning, with short but powerful thunderstorms at 5PM like clockwork. Working from home through my internet connection has it’s rewards where I can get a lot done and not be bothered, however today carried a special perk.
I was expecting a guest from out of state. She’d driven down to attend a large horror movie convention where the who’s who of horror and makeup were scheduled to appear. Her name is Gwen, a delicious Georgia Peach, party girl and sensuously evil temptress.
We’d interacted online for several months before she became curious enough to give me her phone number. Her voice was neither high nor low toned, a middle-of-the-road-sexy-as-hell-hint-of-a-Southern-drawl spiced by quite an infectious laugh.
Although I’d not yet met her in person, I had seen photos of her online and some she’d sent to me via email. An all natural beauty with no surgery-enhanced features (as can be the norm ’round here in the Sunshine State). No balloon boobs, no padded bubble booty… Just the prettiest eyes and smile, surrounded by the cutest bobbed auburn hairdo, connected to two perky mouthfuls of naturals, a lovely thick waist and hiney connected to some very lucious legs. The camera loved her, and she worked it with her sexy eyes, and for that I love the camera.
But these long distance adorations would soon be demystified as she’d announced she was coming into town and would like to finally meet. I’m certainly no fool, and had given her specific directions and prepared for her arrival for quite some time. I had just finished coding new logic into a software project for work when I heard padded footsteps near the front door, a bit of a screamed expletive followed by the lazy bing-bong of the front doorbell. My eyes widened, heart raced and smiled to myself ‘She’s HERE!’
My home office is in the master bedroom at the back of the house. As I made my way through the living room layout, her playful attitude induced repeated fist-pounding on the door mixed with a constant press of the doorbell…BOOM BOOM BOOM BING BONG BING BONG ‘JIIIIIM! IT’S THE POLICE, OPEN THIS DOOR GOD DAMMIT!’ BOOM BOOM BOOM… My pulse made me feel rather giddy in anticipation. I decided to take a breath and see what I was in for.
I peered through the mirror coated door glass. Oh, my God. I was SO in trouuuuuble! MmmmDamn! She’d been driving for several hours and was dressed in a purple, white and blue striped spaghetti strap tank and jean shorts. Very nice Gwen stems flowed down from each leg opening, each tipped with elevated flip flops drawn through cute popsicle toes.
She shifted her shades from her eyes to a resting place atop her hair. Her head turned to the side as if to listen for any sign of me opening the door while raising her hand to knock yet again. She raised her legs alternately to stretch them now that her long drive had come to an end. She’d apparently gotten some rays on the drive down and her skin glowed with the slightest sunburn. Her breasts were softly cradled in a silky fleshtone bra with straps that paralleled with those of the tank. Giving her such an intense once over made me quite… ferociously emotionally erect to say the least.
A cloudburst was rolling in overhead as she knocked again, a little softer and less confident that I might answer. As the thunder rumbled and heralded in the hissing rain, the bolt lock popped open and her head snapped towards the direction of the door.
I turned the knob and the door creaked slightly as the threshold yawned open in front of her. Once the door was fully ajar, I stepped from behind it with a shit-eating grin. Gwen’s face went from semi-grin to a nearly ear-to-ear pearly white teeth bearing smile as she shrieked then trumpetted ‘YEEEAAAAAH BABY!’
She held out her raised arms and with playful baby steps walked unabatedly forward as my hands raised and open to catch her. With the last few skittering steps, she slowed and with her head slightly cocked looked up to me with her lips in full pout.
‘Hello Beautiful, how ya doin’?’ I replied as my hands slid around her waist and my head lowered and turned to meet her pout. Her arms slid around my neck in a full-on love hug as our eyes locked and lips met. She felt like heaven and smelled so nice, a hint of coconut, and her lovely pearlescent lips tasted sweet.
Locked in the very welcome hug, we swayed from side to side and both said in unison ‘I’m so glad to see you!’ For a moment we stopped and gave each others eyes a glance as if to find the other’s intensions, wisdom or soul inside.
‘You look incredibly edible, Gwen’ I said in all honesty. She lifted one foot behind her and lowered the flipflop to it’s tip, pivoting it playfully as her hand slid across my chest and grasped the bottom of my grey goatee.
‘You’re looking mighty sharp yourself, darlin”, she said, her cheeks rounding her warm smile. Still grasping my beard, she guided my lips back to hers for another kiss, lingering a bit longer before our lips parted this time.
Stepping to the side and raising my hand in an ushering gesture, ‘So come on in, stretch out and relax, no worries here Sugarpuss!’ I said.
She raised to her tip-toes and arched her back with arms over her head giving a bit of a gasp while she stretched, then suddenly her taut stance released as she laughed and took a stumbling step forward, gave me a playful punch in the belly and exclaimed ‘Sugarpuss?!? I drive all the way down here and one of the first things out of your mouth is Sugarpuss?’
I laughed and one of her eyebrows lifted as the other lowered, indicating I was a nut. ‘Sssssshuuuuuu gaaaaaah puuuussssssy, tha’s riyat ma’am!’ I quipped in a heavy southern accent. ‘And that’s a sincere assumption it is!’ I concluded with a smile.
Her expression went to one of amazement and her mouth rounded in a loud gasp and laugh as I gave her hiney a slight smack with my fingers as she passed by me into the living room.
‘Wow, VERY nice place you got here, Jim, VERY nice! You’re not into horror and movies are you?’ She said and chuckled looking around at the layout.
I have a split level home with a staircase that winds around the living room to the second floor guest rooms and bath. The ceiling in the living room is vaulted and the thirty foot walls sport some full sized theatrical banners from various horror and science fiction movies. Mixed in are theater-sized posters, framed celebrity autographed photos and various bits of movie memorabilia. The center of the back wall is home to a 50 inch TV and stereo system and two wrap-around sectional sofas make for choice seating.
‘I have friends out at Universal who give me first pick on certain things that arrive’ I explained. ‘I do things for them during the year, like portray Santa at the Cineplex at Christmas and do mystery shopping, and they do things for me, ha ha.’
‘You’ve got some cool shit! Ooooh, look at that, and how did you manage to get those?’ she replied, her eyes scanning the wide open wallspace coated with hard to acquire items as an outstretched finger followed her glances over each item. She had turned around several times, even scanning the second floor walls and she was now with her back to me looking up and around.
‘Glad you approve!’ I said, and placed my hands on her shoulders.
My thumbs began massaging the tightness in her shoulders. ‘So should you ever decide to move down here or visit, there’s plenty of room and you’re more than welcome’ I s
aid in a lower voice close to her dainty pierced and bejeweled ear.
The vibration of my voice must have tickled her as she kind of lowered that side of her head and giggled and gasped. ‘What? Is my voice turning you on?’ I said lower and more breathy closer to her ear, continuing the massage.
She shrieked ‘Yes! My ears are VERY sensitive!’
‘Ooooooo well don’t stop then, eh mate?’ I said, my hands lowering to rest on her waist and hold her to me.
‘Perhaps a movie quote then?’ my voice now lowered to full vibe mode, heh…
‘Yippee kiyay, amuddafuk’ I said and she laughed out loud.
‘…Is it safe? Vee haff weys off mekkeeng yoo tok!’ I whispered and she giggled trying, but not very hard, to wriggle from my grasp.
Her twisting motion as she bent slightly forward accidentally grinded her butt into the bulge in the front of my jeans. She stopped and straightened her stance without pulling away and just said slowly ‘Oh… my…’.
‘Naw coffer yore eyez, mein fraulien!’ her commandant commanded as she was thankful the auditory torture session earned her a temporary reprieve.
Gwen’s hands covered her eyes as I guided her through the dining room. The smell of warm melted chocolate and brandy filled the senses.
‘Chocolat? I know your favorite!’ I said, guiding her to the kitchen bar.
Her eyes popped open ‘Jim, you’re kidding me! You did this for me? Look at this, it’s awesome!’
A fondue pot full of a mixture of milk chocolate, white chocolate and brandy was simmering. A large serving tray was prepared with neatly sliced mandarin oranges, marshmellows, brownies, buttercake, bananas and strawberries. The fondue forks awaited.
‘Thank you, I’m so hungry, I haven’t eaten in hours…’ Gwen said while spinning out a barstool near the tray of treats. I sat next to her, open legged on another barstool, not nearly as hungy as I’d had several tastes already in preparing it. She picked at the tray with her fork. Each treat was a burst of flavor in her mouth as the warm chocolate complimented each bite of coated delicacy. At times she picked chocolate coated items off the fork with her fingers once they’d been dipped and laid them upon her tongue.
‘What, you’re not going to eat?’ she asked.
‘No, I’m fine, I might try some in a little bit’ I returned.
‘Bullshit!’ she said. As she licked off her sticky digits, she gave me a glance as her index finger slid into her mouth and emerged clean of chocolate. She then took the same finger and gently ran it around the inside rim of the fondue crock.
A generous dab of melted chocolate coated her finger as she turned her barstool and leaned forward to me saying ‘Jim, I’m going to eat…AND you’re going to eat!’ She held her dripping chocolate finger for a moment in front of my mouth and looked at me straight in the eyes with a slight smirk.
‘If that’s what you like’ I said quickly and opened my mouth smiling at the edges.
She gave a slight single breath snicker as she pushed the chocolate into my mouth. My eyes never leaving hers, I cradled her finger with my tongue around as it went in, sucked until i felt her flesh and then brought up the hardened the tip of my tongue to run along the bottom of her finger. I then opened my lips and sucked her finger back in, running my tongue again hard along the bottom as she hesitantly withdrew it from my lips.
Perhaps I’d telegraphed the sentiment strongly enough as she was speechless for just a moment. I looked down and noticed a drip of the chocolate had escaped her finger and landed right on the side of the bulge in my pants.
‘God dammit Gwen!’ I said playfully, ‘look what you’ve done! I’ve had a premature eCHOCulation!’
She turned in her seat which put her legs between mine. She steadied herself by placing her small yet warm hand on my thigh then glanced at my fabric-and-chocolate-covered cock and just laughed. She gave my leg a slight squeeze as she laughed. My cock responded and it wasn’t shy. The head pushed hard against the inside of my pants as it inched forward.
‘Jim, you must REALLY like chocolate’ said Gwen glancing at the shameless tent.
‘Lets see how much you like it Sweetheart!’ I said, rounding my finger along the inside of the crock. I placed my hand on her arm so she would not spin away, then brought my chocolate treat towards her face. She pursed up her lips as if she was going to resist.
‘MMmmph MMMPH GDDMMT’ she muttered through closed lips as my finger followed her mouth from side to side as she turned her head to avoid it. I poked a finger just below her arm into her rib cage and she laughed out loud.
‘Uh huh, that’s it baby…’ I said positioning my finger to her mouth.
She opened her lips as if to take it in, leaned forward then stopped. She looked into my eyes and gave an ear to ear smile then grabbed my wrist with both hands. She guided my finger to just in front of her open lips and I felt her breath on my hand. She turned her head to the side avoiding my finger and lowered her lips to my palm, closing her eyes as she went. She stopped at the bottom of my palm and I felt the tip of her tongue slowly glide back up along the outside of it as she breathed through her mouth to add to the sensation.
I fidgetted slightly and hunched once in my seat as she traced her tongue on the outside of my palm, then up the side of the chocolate coated finger. She leaned a bit more forward, transfering more weight onto her hand on my thigh. It tugged the fabric of my pants a bit more taut across my growing pleasant ache. She then started licks from the bottom of my finger to the top, each time stopping to savor the taste and lick her lips, then start a new lick from the bottom again.
With the last two licks, she looked up at me and my expression. She regained that ear to ear grin and laughed through her mouth during each slow agonizing lick.
‘Why Jim, you taste pretty damn good! Mmmmm’ she purred and finished off the last lick then gave the palm of my hand a breathy sucking kiss.
‘I was just thinking the same about you, Sugarpuss…’ I replied. The brandy in the fondue had a mellowing effect, a slight ringing in the ears but an overall smooth buzz, enhancing our flirtatious torture of one another.
Gwen glanced down to see the more pronounced outline of the swelling head of my penis trying to push it’s way through the fabric of my pants. Her eyes then followed down a bit further and she noticed a huge splatter of chocolate had dripped down her chin, into her cleavage and along the outside of her left breast.
‘Crap!’ she said while running a finger to catch the drop running down the front of her tank. She raised the finger to her lips and sucked the candy off, but her eyes returned to my stiffness. She had swivelled between my legs and just the feeling of her lovely presence having it’s way within that space felt like heaven.
She opened her fingers and gently placed them over the bulge and gave a single squeeze. I heard her whisper something to herself, could have been a ‘damn’ but I didn’t quite hear it. She then opened her left hand and placed the bottom of her palm under the bulge and started to slowly push it down the length of the swelling.
My hand went softly to her chin and guided her gaze from below up to my face to kiss her candy coated lips. She leaned up into the kiss more forcefully, a bit more tongue than I had expected, but it was most welcome indeed. Her palm slid from the front of the head of my cock down to the bottom of the shaft where she gently squeezed my balls through my pants. The motion had pushed my cock into a more comfortable position and promoted further growth with less constriction.
As we finished our kiss, our eyes slowly blinked back open. I whispered ‘You know what, Gwendolyn?’
She rested her head gently on my chest then looked back up at me and whispered ‘Whats that Jim?’ as she squeezed
near the base of my bulge and ran her fingers back up the length.
I smiled a shit-eating grin and said ‘I’m really, REALLY happy you’re here!’
Her eyes squinted as she laughed and shook her head ‘You dumbass…’ her grasp a little more firm to the flesh beneath the clothes ‘Are you happy Jim?’ Pushing her palm down again ‘Yep, you’re really happy to see me alright…heh heh’
As I raised up in my seat she was hitting an excellent spot and my leg twitched. Putting my hands under her arms, I led hear up on her barstool.
I tugged at the bottom of her tank and said ‘I need to get this in the washer real quick for you.’ She gave me a bit of an ‘Are you kidding’ type look then conceded, winked and raised her arms. I lifted the tank halfway up until it just cleared her mouth then pulled it back so her arms were trapped while her eyes were covered and I kissed her, very passionately.
She gave a quick ‘Hey!’ and a gasp, then her tongue entered my lips as she welcomed me. I leaned forward, holding her around the waist, and licked the chocolate that had run between her cleavage. Pausing to suck an area here, an area there beneath her satin bra covered breasts. I felt her tense stature ease as my tongue made little circles where spots of chocolate had spattered. My breath on her skin made her arch her back and her nipples hardened through the silky bra as my tongue slid along her sternum.
She finished removing her tank as i let go of it and she ran her fingers through my hair as my mouth glided upon her. She definately was wearing something coconut as my tongue slid over chocolate then coconut and back. Gently running my teeth over a hardened silk covered nipple, my lips ran softly over the material. She gasped and turned her torso, placing the other nipple front and center for attention. I placed it between my lips and hummed. She giggled surprisedly as it tickled her senses.
‘I’ll be right back, Gwen…’ I said, grabbing her tank from the counter.
‘You’ll need to wash those too’ she said licking a finger and pointing to the spot of chocolate on my pants which had now been rubbed into the fabric.
I stepped into the garage and started the small batch of laundry. She grabbed a strawberry off the tray and dipped it into the chocolate melt, then savored the mixture of flavors as it disappeared in her mouth.
2~~ The Appetizer
‘Would you like to wash your hands?’ I asked as the garage door closed behind me.
‘Yes darlin’, if you don’t mind’ She stood from her barstool, with hands crossed in front of her.
I had emerged from the garage without my jeans and my boner was standing out like a front porch flagpole, loosely covered by my briefs. She laughed and pointed at it, not making matters much better.
I held out my hand ‘Well come on then, follow me’.
She took my hand and got behind me, as if to keep herself warm from the cool breeze of air conditioning flowing from the vents in the rooms, her other hand rested on my hip. I led her through the house to closed wooden double doors at the far end of the living room. I opened them both inward at the same time.
‘Oh wow, Jim, that’s a nice bed!’ she said, eyeing the kingsize brass bed before her. Covered in leopard print sheets and cases it beckoned to any weary or horny soul.
‘This is the master bedroom and my home office, this is where I was when you came to the door’ I explained. My office desk wraps around in one corner, forming a letter ‘J’. The walls are covered with yet more autographed pics and banners and posters.
A huge Jessica Alba Sin City poster on the wall behind the bed, a standee of Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft in one corner, posters for Underworld and Gothika, signed autographs from Tiffany Shepis, Marilyn Chambers, Sid Haig, Robert Englund and others. Lots of computer and video equipment abound.
‘Jim if you were locked up in this room, you’d be set for a few days, ya think?’ Gwen commented.
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Cheating WifesSo, I am a cross dresser, a submissive cross dresser, and my BF knows how to really use me! We had talked about how I got turned on when he was rough with me, when he took me anyway he wanted to during the weekends we spent together. How I fantasized about being a slut for one or two more of his friends at the same time. How just talking about being the group slut, being at their mercy was such a HUGH turn on for me!I knew he was going on vacation in a couple weeks, and would be gone for...
When 59-year-old Maya Luna comes home from work, she finds her step-son, Jack, and his friend, Gio, sitting on the couch, playing video games. Maya is dressed in a sexy business suit: white blouse, short skirt that shows off her nice legs, heels. She’s happy to see her step-son, but she seems even happier to see his friend. In fact, she’s a bit touchy-feely with him. Maya talks to the boys for a bit, and when she walks away, Gio asks, “Is your step-mom flirting with...
xmoviesforyouHi everyone my name is April Jones.I`m born and raised in New York City,New York.Let me tell you all about my past love life.I think everyone knows Adams my ex.He was an amazing person.He was the first person i had sex with.We were going to the movies for our first date.He was 21 and I was 20.We walked into the movies which was half full.We sat all the way to the bottom.Right when the movie started he took his dick out.It was 8 inches and really thick.He told me to get on my knees and suck his...
The pressure was becoming intense. The feeling in my cock was an indication that I would soon explode. Looking around I could see nothing. It was then I realized I had been asleep and my eyes were still glued closed. Slowly I opened them. There, rising above me like a monument was a goddess, my goddess. Connie was well into her orgasm and her pussy was clenching my cock rhythmically as she rose and fell. When she had me full within her, she'd rock her pelvis, extending my rigidity deeper, to...
Growing up in a small town was actually not to bad. It had its ups and downs. The worst of it was the fact that is was so boring. As a result I got into my fair share of trouble from time to time. Just before I graduated high school is when things began to change a bit. It all changed when my uncle his wife and my cousin, whom i had never met, moved to our small town. The moment I saw my 12 year old cousin I was in shock as to how gorgeous she was. She absolutely had to be the most beautiful...
Hi ISS readers this i my first story.i m raj from Chandigarh.Jo bhi likh raha hoon sach hai naam change kiya hai only Main 30 saal ka unmarried hoon. Main ek private compny main job karta hoon. Meri height 5.6 feet hai.mere lund ka size 6 inch aur motai 2.3 inch hai .Meri ek friend hai usks naam reena hai jo chandigarh main hi rahti hai .uski fig 34-28-38 hai hum dono bahut acche dost hain .baat 1 mahine pahle ki thee… Baise hum dono aaps main baut frnk hain har type ke baaten share karte they...
We had dinner at a local cafe before I went to bed early. Other members of the contest stayed up and while it was great comparing notes, and enjoying the company of the people I have played games with for years, I had walked a long way and just wanted to rest. My lie-in almost cost me my breakfast but I managed to just wander down in my pyjama shorts, without my top and eat the awful meal before the end of service. Angelina's mansion was big and imposing. Her sister claimed it had cost her...
Having fulfilled his purpose, James retreated to his Forge in the Lab. He had so much he was trying to focus on recently and decided to distract his scattered thoughts for a short while to work on a project he’d been putting off for a while. In the forging room, James stood at a bench looking at an assortment of dark stones. These were his space stones. After some careful investigation, he discovered that the pocket space inside a stone was not relative to the size of a stone, but rather to...
Mum 1I suppose a little background would be good my mum was widowed at 40 when dad was killed in a industrial accident that was 10 years ago I had done well for myself in I.T securities with my own very successful business based in London Mum lived in the west country so I didn't get down as often as I should but my sister Pam who was 2 years older than me worked only 40 miles from mum's she would see her more often than I, Mum was turning 50 in a months time so I booked a weekend out to spend...
Over the next six weeks, I barely get to see Louise outside of sixth-form, with her being busy on an art project. Unfortunately, that meant I also didn't get to see her during my four-week exclusion resulting from Elaine retaliating by making complaints about me fucking others in the lab room during the summer. Subsequently, with the gossip going around the school, at Louise's request, we've been discrete about our relationship, although it isn't entirely clear what we are to each other.I spend...
Straight SexHi reader me again for your pleasure. This is my 2nd story on this site. Hope you like my first story because I did not get any comment from any of my busy reader. I am not a story writer. It is my own real experience. It is not fake. As I told in my first story that I am a ass worshiper. I like anal sex. Both giving and receiving. Thanks god my wife also like my kinky sexual act. So reader pl read, save some time from your busy life and send your valuable comment for me. My E-Mail id is Dear...
Oh god, here she comes again. I don’t think I can take much more of this.I used to be a treat… a naughty little 'get her in the mood' thing. Maybe once or twice a week, she’d open the dressing table drawer and run her fingers gently along my length. She’d hold me in one hand and lie on the bed, flicking my switch and as I buzzed into life, she’d slowly slide me along her slit. My tip would trace her folds and slowly begin to circle her clit.Sometimes, she’d push my head inside her, feeling...
HumorHello mai meenu umar 18 saal ek dum gori chitti ubhrate hue chuchia , gol chuttad is ummar mai hum ladkiyo ki chut jyada machlti hai,mai aapko apni chudai ka kissa batati hu,ghar mai mummy papa bhayia pinki bhabi aur didi hai, mai aur bhabhi kai baar baar ek sath chud chuki hai to hum khul kar baat karti hai mai aur bhabhi aapas mai baat kar rahi thi mai boli bhbi naye saal mai kuch nahi kiya babhi boli yaar kya kare koi moka hi nahi lag raha hum aise hi batte karti bhayia ke dost ki behan ki...
"This is so unfair!" "Life is unfair Mikey, live with it and stop acting like Kevin the teenager from the Harry Enfield sketches, it's only one night." My Dad said firmly. "But I was going out with Angie to Jenny's party tonight!" I said loudly, not quite daring to yell. "Well you'll have to cancel, your Mum and I are going out for the first time in over a year and we need you to look after your Gran while she's here on respite from your Mum's sister." Dad said. "But ... but...
Ephus - the godling man with an unusual power. Dr. Quinn - human wife of Ephus Egyption Goddesses and wives to Ephus _____________________________________ Bast - Goddess of cats, protection, joy, dance, music, family, and love Sekhmet - Goddess of fire, war, and dance Hathor - Goddess of the sky, dance, love, beauty, joy, motherhood, foreign lands, mining, music and fertility. Serket - Goddess of scorpions, medicine, magic, and healing venomous stings and bites Maat - Goddess of Truth...
The Silent Girl "Sure, I can handle it," I said accepting the challenge. *** School went as usual. Mary had her interpreter with her everywhere on the school grounds. After school, she would tutor me on my subjects, so I wouldn't fail them. I couldn't tell whether she was just being friendly or trying to groom me into being a proper partner for her. Bullies would mess with Mary every so often. I would kick their ass. Finally, softball season began. I had always thought it...
I've always had a natural curiosity, and I'd be the first to admit that isn't necessarily a good thing to have. It took me until Wednesday afternoon to convince myself that I really should contact Earle Towns myself to find out what he wanted with me. Nancy and I were nearly living together, ever since I told her that night that I loved her. Our only remaining obstacle to achieving complete togetherness was my continued insistence on moving away from the area. So far, we had kept this...
Hi friends, indru kathaiyil auntyai eppadi sex seithen endra kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Praveen, vayathu 28 aagugirathu, naan ithu naal varai entha auntyaiyum oothathu ilai. En kathali udan naan matter pani irukiren, aanal avaluku ippozhuthu thirumanam aagi vitathu. Thirumanam aagiyathaal ippozhuthu yaraiyum ooka mudiyaamal veri pidithu thaan irukiren. Naan niraiya kama padangal paarpen aanal ippozhuthu thai vida kickaana kama kathai padika aarambithen. Eppozhuthu kama kathai...
A gentle early morning breeze blew in the half-open window of Betty and Kent Howard's bedroom. The brilliant sun streamed through the opened curtains, casting a wide shaft of light on the thick carpet. It flooded over the bed where the couple still lay in deep slumber. Betty awoke slowly. She squinted her eyes and raised her arm over her forehead as a shield, then turned to her side on the bed in an attempt to escape the glittering yellow light. Her arm curled around her husband's naked...
Desi Daddy DedicationI guess I will have to start at the beginning so I don’t lose anyone along the way. My path in the gay scene has been a long one. If you have kept up with my writings you have a feel for my beginnings and some of the bumps and curves along the way. I try to detail some of my quirks for you so you get a sense of where I have been and what led me to my current life. So in the beginning, in high school, my oral and anal cherries were taken by two older boys. You know that from...
My hand slowly creeps down from the top of the pillow, down my neck, and stops at my breast. I cup it in my warm hand then squeeze and pull at my nipple. My movement caused you to turn over onto your back. 'All the better' I think to myself. My fingertips glide down the center of my gently heaving chest and circle my belly button. I can hear you breathing, even though you're sleeping, it's turning me on that you are right there as I'm touching myself. My fingers slowly start to rub my...
Chapter Eleven: Futa Shares Her Family's Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sasha Ford Who was Dad fucking? When had he gotten a girlfriend? All my plans to reunite my family would be ruined by this new woman in Dad's life save for one fact: my mind-controlling panties. I held the sodden pair of flannel boy shorts in my hand and marched down the hallway to confront my father and his new girlfriend, leaving my mom and little sister...
Hi friends….With my last story I got some responses but non of them were that much interesting…. Main aaj ek graduation time ka experience share karna chahta hoon…..Agar aap log slow sex pasand karte hain to aapko is story me bahut maza aayega…. Ye us time ki baat hai jub mai apne course fashion designing 2nd year me tha aur humare annual competition sar pe the…..Humne ek group study karne ka plan kiya jis se hum ek dusre ki submission me help kar sake….Maine aur meri friend (reena) ne sath me...
Eddie and Jasmine met at the COMDEX Conference in Las Vegas. Their courtship was quick and Eddie fell head over heels in love with the mocha-colored, African-American, busty beauty from California. There was something special about her that reminded him of his now deceased wife. Perhaps it was her intelligence, grace or charm? It certainly didn’t hurt that she was self-assured, poised, and a rising star in the technology industry. He watched her as she stood at the Oracle Booth speaking about...
Wife LoversCarter Moss had spent decades in denial about his true self. He was trying hard to fight his feelings but the battle was lost. He couldn't take it anymore, he had to be true to himself. He was a woman inside. He was Carly Moss. His whole life was a sham, one desperately covered up in a false veneer of masculinity and dangerous actions. The feelings started when he was young. At first it was just a few odd sensations, urges to play with the girls and even out the numbers. As school...
The next morning, they played another game of Daddy/Daughter that Megan started when she told her new lover that good little girls are supposed to suck off their Daddies and eat their cum whenever Daddy wakes up with a hard cock. After she swallowed his creamy emission, she suggested a nice stroll through the city park just two blocks over. "My parents live just on the other side of the park, and since it is Saturday, my brother is probably visiting. You could meet the whole family, if you...
When Kate and Brad had seen the house, the cellar had been the selling point. When looking around the house they had opened a heavy door and gone down a flight of stairs into a typical looking basement, apart from the fact that just behind the stairs there was a heavy barred door and a few steps behind this door what could only be described as a jail cell. The cell was about 10 foot square, solid stonewalls on three sides and bars at the front, and the ceiling was an old heavy brick arch. Kate...
Chapter 1 Drenched running towards the house we nearly crash into the door before opening it. Her scalloped t-shirt reveals flesh glistening with sweat and rain. Golden hair clings tightly like wet lips to the delicate creases of her mouth. Water strokes and caresses her face before dripping to the floor. Soaked, she looks the part of an awakening flower. Her lips part slightly as she blows off more of the dewy water from her face. We drop our wet footwear at the foyer It occurs to me that...
“Follow me”, she says as she walks into the bathroom. “Lay on your back on the floor.” I do as she says and she squats over my face and spreads her cheeks. “Lick my ass gig and do a good job.” I start to lick her ass with broad strokes up her crack as she lowers her ass onto my face and nose. I open my mouth wide and start to stick my tongue up her ass. I can smell and taste her in my mouth as she groans with pleasure. She has a mild burning taste like a mild...
The story is by one of his friend Montu Kumar starts around the year-2011-12, around 7-8 years back from the present time. He become friend with me during a fashion show in Delhi.. Where he was the Event Planner for the company which has organised this fashion show.. He has narrated his story to me during our several meetings. This is a story about how he become a Sugar Daddy of Two families In part 1-18 you have read Maanvi and Rupali started to give him food every alternate month...
I had agonized about it for weeks, should I open the envelope or not? Six months ago I discovered that my wife of 9 years Sara had been having a long term affair with a man named Steve. I had been able to determine that their relationship had been going on for at least five years and perhaps even longer. When I realized that my son and two daughters might not really be mine it broke my heart. I took the three children ages 5, 3, and 1 to a doctor out of town and after giving him $1,000 for...
To any casual observer, or passerby, the humble and unassuming monastery nestled in the gentle foothills of the Brood’s Cradle Mountains, in the southeastern regions of the vast land mass known as the Heartland Kingdoms, would appear as nothing more than the simple home of a small order of cloistered monks. Honest, hard working and pious. It was within those walls however, where the eyes of the casual observer could not penetrate, that something far more sinister made its home. Beneath the...
First and foremost, lemme give my thumbs up to Indian sex stories for a site like this. I have been a regular visitor of this site and has enjoyed the stories a lot. Now, I would like to give my true life experience which took place 8 years back in calicut itself. My name is Sameer and I am doing business here. It was exam time and I was busy with my studies. I had a two storey house where the upper section was occupied by my family and the lower section was to be given for rent. One day my dad...