ASMTD Ch. 06 free porn video

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June 14

Leo and I have something in our genetic makeup that attracts us to bars. Bars and hotel rooms. I’ve got four more days in Dublin and so far I think I’ve seen every bar in the city and could draw a photograph-worthy picture of Leo’s hotel room. That is why we decided to hit the Guinness Factory today, something different and fun. Too bad Dublin’s weather is predictable while my clothing options continue to remain unacceptable. It’s been raining for the last week, the kind of rain that makes rain jackets useless and umbrellas a joke.

‘Are you okay?’ Leo asks as he shakes out his coat and hangs it on the hook beside the pub booth. ‘You look like death.’

‘Pretty sure I only feel slightly better than I look.’ Slouching in a pub booth, I’m beyond tired, soaked to the bone, and the thought of stepping even a foot outside to take a cab back to Leo’s hotel makes me want to cry. My jeans are plastered against my thighs, t-shirt a second skin. Numbness spreads to my fingertips, calluses on my toes, and curves up and around my bare neck.

‘Can you order me something hot?’ I ask as I drip a puddle on the table and suppress the urge to wring out my hair in a glass just to see how much water its retaining.


‘Have I ever drunk tea in front of you?’

His lips lift in a smirk. ‘Hot Toddy. Two lemons.’

‘Mind reader.’

He turns and leaves. I groan low. It’s been two days since I started sleeping in Leo’s bed, and I doubt the pattern is going to change anytime soon. My only concern—and really, it’s nothing major—is that I still have no fucking clue what I’m doing. Less than no fucking clue. We call, we text, we have sex, and when we’re not having sex, he works and I write or we watch TV or drink. It’s a weird, comfortable pattern that I would be fine with if it had a label.

Dating, Booty Call, Boyfriend and Girlfriend just don’t fit what we’re doing. Because, again, I have no clue what the fuck we’re doing. I run between ‘I’m young. Live and be free. #nolabels’ and ‘What if he’s the one? What if I get pregnant? What if I change my last name to Pananan? Raiqah Pananan.’ My emotions are even worse, swaying from extremes: insanely, stupidly happy to rocking in a corner terrified.

Leo puts up with my crazy only because the sex is so good. We always come, or he’s just good at faking it. Of course, the steady stream of dick means epsom salt baths and freezer cold panties. My mind can keep up with his sex drive, my body cannot. My clothes are a little looser and my body’s becoming very limber.

But there’s more.

This feeling that we’ve only scratched the surface of whatever we are. Our sex is as physical as it is mental. He speaks to me in code, actual code, and I recite Arabic poetry my father forced me to memorize as I run my hands over his body.


There are bad times too, though. Life can’t be all mind blowing orgasms and sexy conversation. We’ve fought twice now. An argument about my penpal, Ji-hoon, because he scrolled through the messages and found the sexts. An issue of privacy and fidelity early this morning that felt more suited to a two month relationship than two week. Or the other, about how he leaves the toilet seat up all the time after I nearly fell into it in the middle of the night. Stupid, silly arguments that Em and Kate tell me are milestones in a relationship.

Leo’s ex-wife and daughter don’t even factor into what we have, just like my leaving and going back to school in Michigan doesn’t. We have formed a bubble that covers Dublin and nothing outside it. It makes it a little easier for me to retire into fantasy, where Leo is my age mate and the only thing we really need to worry about are the condoms running out and the drug stores being closed.

The horror.

‘Here we are,’ Leo says as he slides a steaming cup of tea with a strong aroma of whisky across to me. ‘Please cross your arms, Rai. I can see your nipples through your top.’

I choke on the first sip and slam my arms across my chest. ‘Couldn’t have said something sooner?’

‘I didn’t notice until now.’ He slides into the booth with me, careful of the pint in his hand. Thighs brushing together, his arm moves past my shoulders as his fingers find a tight curl near my ear and twist around it, tug, release.

Rain pelts the colored glass panes as the front door swings open, bangs shut, swings open, bangs shut, again and again. ‘Are you doing anything with your friends later today?’

‘Em and Kate want to do karaoke tonight. Pretty sure Zora is SexTiming Nick.’

‘What time are we meeting them for karaoke?’

‘Did I say you were invited?’ I raise a brow and take another sip.

‘Almost two weeks and we’re still playing this?’ He leans closer and licks my neck. ‘I thought we established that I go wherever you go.’

‘You need friends, Leo.’

‘I have you.’

For how long? bites at my tongue, but I swallow it. Don’t talk about the future.

My phone dings, and I don’t have to look to know who it is. Leo’s acquainted with the text tone too, and I feel him coil tight beside me. I still don’t get why he doesn’t like Ji-hoon. It’s not like I’ve ever fucked him—physically I mean.

‘Don’t answer it, kultaseni.’

‘Hadn’t planned to,’ I say, taking a longer sip of my drink to avoid the inevitable conversation. Leo’s territorial. If he could piss on me and that be okay he would. Instead, he just keeps me in his bed, smelling of him. God, I can’t even remember what my natural fragrance is, though I know for a fact it’s not lemon and sandalwood.

My phone dings again and again and again. We usually sends a few texts in a row because we never know when the other person will have time to talk. Five years, and we’re still chasing each other around. That’s probably one of the reasons I haven’t bought a ticket to Seoul and he hasn’t bought a ticket to Ann Arbour. We like the fantasy of each other, of knowing everything about another person and telling them everything about ourselves because it’s one dimensional and won’t live outside of a computer or telephone screen if we don’t want it to. Despite how attractive Ji-hoon seems, Leo is flesh and blood, man with cock making me come all night. Ignoring my penpal isn’t that hard.

The dinging eventually stops, but Leo remains tense beside me, letting his pint sit on the table full. Sipping at my drink, I warm my hands around the mug and turn out to the sleeting rain. Quiet. Content.

Sometime later, Leo’s phone rings and he answers it. I’ve switched my position and ordered another hot toddy and a basket of french fries that I munch on while leaning against Leo.

His words are in Finnish though the tone is soft and happy. It’s his daughter. I know without having to lift my head. The 14 year-old usually calls during the day when I’m at class and Leo’s doing whatever he does. Knowing the man, it’s working.

In a second his tone changes, going from happy to reassuring to suppressed anger. I move from him, giving him as much space as I can. But I’m stuck in the booth, Leo blocking the exit. The man doesn’t move, just balances his elbows on the table and goes from relaxed to livid. There’s a lull in the conversation before he’s suddenly speaking in English, and I can’t grab my phone fast enough. Notifications flare to life as Leo addresses his ex-wife.

Ji-hoon: Hey my Rai of sunshine 1:43PM

‘You let him hit her?’ Leo grits out. ‘Have you lost your fucking mind, Antonia?’

I’ve never heard his wife’s name and the sudden utterance makes her presence all the more real. As if I can feel his Spanish ex-wife sitting at the table, looking at me, touching Leo, telling me how he fucked her harder and said he loved her and married her. How they have a kid and she will always come before me.

Crazy. I am officially going insane over some guy. This is totally why men d
on’t want to have sex with virgins. I get my first dick and I think it’s my only dick. Dickmatized.

Ji-hoon: How you been? How is Ireland? Amazing 1:43PM

Ji-hoon: Got over writers block or no 1:44PM

Ji-hoon:? 1:44PM

‘I don’t give a damn what Helmi did. You get him away from my daughter or I swear I’ll come over there and kill him.’

Ji-hoon: Classes good? Thanks for your words 1:44PM

Ji-hoon: My grandmother died. It is why I have not contact you. But she is old. It was time. 1:44PM

‘Well, you fucked another asshole, didn’t you? At least I don’t beat children.’

Ji-hoon: You would like her. She was very funny and smart like you 1:45PM

Ji-hoon: But she only speak Korean. That why you need to learn it baby. You still practicing what I show to you?1:45PM

‘Put my daughter back on the phone. And if I find out he even came within two meters of her again, I’m suing for full custody and I promise you’ll never see her again. Now I want to talk to Helmi.’

Ji-hoon: Text me when you have time 1:45PM

My fingers shake as I re-read his messages and try to form my own. Leo’s never sounded like that before, angry and menacing. But even as he threatens his ex-wife one minute, his voice is soft and cajoling the next. The words lilting and soothing as he speaks to her in Finnish.

Rai: Sorry to hear about your grandmother. I know you loved her 3:02PM

Rai: Getting over writers block. And yes, I’m practicing the Korean you taught me. It’s hard :/ 3:02PM

Rai: Everything is good with me, though. did I tell you? I met a guy? His names Leo 3:05PM

My phone vibrates in my hand, and I look at the top of the screen to see the notification before refreshing our conversation.

Ji-hoon: Thank you Rai. Your words make me happy 3:05PM

Ji-hoon: You are amazing. You will write again i know it! 3:05PM

Ji-hoon: Leo? No. Who is he? Friend 3:06PM

Rai: More like boyfriend 3:07PM

Ji-hoon: You like him 3:07PM

Rai: I think so. I met him here, in Ireland. 3:07PM

Ji-hoon: When 3:08PM

Rai: A couple weeks ago 3:08PM

Ji-hoon: Well I think I am hapy for you. If you like him then I like him 3:10PM

Rai: Thanks ???? But I am sorry about your grandmother. You talked about her a lot and she seemed very nice. 3:10PM

Ji-hoon: That is life 3:09PM

I’m so caught up in texting Ji-hoon that I don’t realize Leo is finished until he slams his phone on the table, making me jump. My eyes flash to his, and he’s staring at the phone in my hands intensely. Fingers twitch around the device and he finally raises his eyes to mine. Leo’s calm, eyes flat, face emotionless. It sets me on edge immediately.

‘Who’re you texting?’ His voice is the same as his face, and I slowly slide the device around my body and into my back pocket.

‘Who were you talking to?’ Stupid question. Real stupid. What can I say? That I went deaf when his phone rang and I didn’t hear him curse out and threaten his wife—ex-wife—in English?

‘My ex-wife and daughter.’

He waits, and I know it’s for me. ‘A friend.’

‘Which one?’

I think it’s easier to get a starving dog away from a juicy steak than Leo from this conversation. My lips seal over my teeth, thinning into a straight line. There’s an energy at the table, taut as a bow string. He’s looking for a fight, but fuck if I’m going to give it to him.

‘It’s stopped raining,’ he comments blandly, looking over my head to the window.


‘We should go back to the hotel.’

Alone with him? Right now? Yeah, and tomorrow I’d put my head in a crocodile’s mouth because they’re such nice, cuddly creatures. ‘No.’


‘I’m not going anywhere with you when you’re like this.’

‘Because you think I’ll hit you?’ he growls, bland expression giving way to the fury beneath.

‘No. Never.’

‘Then why?’

‘Because I’m not your soundboard. I don’t know what’s happened with your daughter and your ex-wife, and the second you tell me is the second we go from fun, friends with benefit to something else. I’m not ready to cross that line.’

‘Well maybe I am.’

‘No, Leo,’ I shake my head and tentatively place a hand on his arm. When he doesn’t pull away, I keep it there. ‘I leave in four days. We have nothing to build a relationship on. You have an established life while I’m still trying to establish myself. I can’t be whatever it is you want. I’ll give you sex, I’ll make you smile, but I can’t help with your shit, Leo. I’m sorry.’

And I feel like the world’s biggest bitch after I say that, but I’m not sure what else there is. None of my friends are divorced, in fact, some of them are just getting married. None have children over two years old, and no one runs a company. Leo needs someone with at least a little experience to talk to, not a girl who drinks more alcohol than water or worries about getting an A in a course because a B is the end of her world.

Shock. It’s written all over Leo’s face, pulling at the corners of his eyes, lips, across his forehead and cheeks, bending his neck, sending his pulse thundering. Why?

Because I affirm the future does in fact exist.

Because I pull my head from the sand and take a look around at my environment.

Because I speak a truth neither of us is ready to hear.

‘What’s my middle name?’ Leo asks quietly.

‘Aksu,’ I answer slowly, wondering where he is going with this.

‘If I want to close out a line of code, do I use brackets or greater-than, less-than signs?’

‘Greater-than, less-than signs. Why the weird questions?’

‘Antonia doesn’t know my middle name and neither does anyone at work. She doesn’t even know what I do, but when I speak you listen.’ He leans closer and smooths my hair away from my face, letting his palm linger on my cheek. ‘You think we have nothing to build a relationship on? Rai, we’re already in a relationship. Don’t feed me bullshit lines about how different we are, or about how you’re leaving and everything will suddenly drop. You’re what I want, you already deal with my shit. Just because it isn’t about my ex-wife or kid doesn’t mean it isn’t personal.’ Pulling me close, Leo rests his forehead against mine, closes his eyes. ‘I need you right now. Put down your fucking walls and need me too.’

Words with meaning. Leo is the master of them. And not for the first time I feel us crossing a line as I draw him close to my breast and feel his arms wrap around me.

June 17

We seem to always end up in bed with me trying not to scream and Leo hoping I do. It’s raining, unsurprisingly, and the water pelting the glass panes perfectly masks the slap of our bodies and the muffled groans.

He’s never gentle.

It’s not like he doesn’t know the word or practice—in bed gentle is a barrier he doesn’t use. When he fucks, it’s with the thought that any second a bomb will drop, the world will explode, and while that’s happening he wants to be balls deep having the time of his life.

I can’t argue because I’m the same.

We don’t move in sync with a rhythm. We find our aggression and fight for dominance. Me on top. No, me on top. Until we’re on the hardwood floor, me braced against the bed.

I bite through the sheets to the mattress as he freezes, fingers brushing the tops of my thighs, and expands minutely inside me. It only lasts a second before he’s coming, reaching around, rubbing my clit so hard it sends me into another orgasm.

I’m going to miss this—him. Desperately.

‘You’re going to take a chunk out of that mattress,’ he laughs hoarsely.

I open my mouth only to groan as he moves behind me, sending all my frayed and sensitive nerves into a panic. He leaves me with an audible pop, and I colapse into the tangled sheet. ‘What t
ime is it?’

‘Five,’ Leo answers from the bathroom.

‘Shit. Everyone’s going to be back in an hour.’


The bed dips with his weight and I roll onto my side and prop my head on my fist. ‘Well, the room smells like sex, the sheets are basically ruined, I’ve gotten all of nothing done for my writing, and I have to pack.’

‘Crack a window, order new sheets, start writing, and forego sleep for packing time.’

He makes it sound so simple. I don’t say that ordering new sheets in a hostel is weird, or the smell of the type of sex we had doesn’t just go away with a breeze, writing something solid would take all day, or I need sleep to function. But apparently my expression says enough.

‘This is why I said we should go to my room.’

‘How would that make it any easier?’ No doubt I’d fall asleep in his arms and sleep right through my flight.

‘No sheets to order.’

I laugh as he climbs over me, pins my wrists to the bed, and settles between my legs. ‘Rai, I’ve been thinking—’

‘Uh-oh. Stop right there. You and thinking is never good for me.’ But even as I laugh and try to lighten the mood, I can feel a weight settle around us. This is the moment. We part ways here. I know it, and I’ve prepared myself for it. He’s visiting Ireland, I’m visiting Ireland, and our bodies were just briefly visiting each other. Hello. Bang (x100). Goodbye. Leo might say different, might feel different, but no matter how far our ‘relationship’ gets, traversing an ocean is hard, especially when the people across it have an eight year age gap.

‘What time do you leave?’

‘Why? Thinking about running through an airport trying to catch me at the last minute?’

‘Coming with you.’

I snort. ‘Doubtful.’

‘I’m serious,’ and his tone adds weight to the words. ‘I’m still on holiday since I’ve been working all through it. And it’s been awhile since I traveled through the EU.’

‘You’re not going with me.’


‘Because I’m still not entirely certain you won’t kill me.’

His lips quirked. ‘Yes, because I’ve given every indication I’m a psychopathic murderer.’

‘Every single one.’



He pushes himself up, either tired of balancing on his forearms or the conversation. I can’t tell. ‘What time do you leave?’

These are movie conversations, promises delivered on a screen but never followed through in reality. I am too fucking pragmatic to deal. ‘It’s time we say goodbye, Leo.’

His jaw tenses. ‘Because I’m asking what fucking time you leave?’

‘No. You’re making promises you can’t follow through on and ruining my last day in Ireland.’


His words will pierce me, I know it. So I don’t let him talk, say anything that will change my mind. I’m right. I know I am. Mess with Leo anymore and my heart strings will get all tied up. It will be a bitch to untangle them further down the road. ‘Don’t be this guy. You won’t call me and we’ll never see eachother again. Just kiss me and leave.’

His mouth hangs open like he can’t believe what I said. Like he doesn’t know this is my personality and I never half-ass anything or say something I can’t follow through.

‘I am never that guy. You know that.’ With angry, jerky movements, he dresses, grabs his wallet and phone, and bangs out of the room. No kiss.


‘It smell weird in here to you?’ Kate asks as she walks into the room, sniffing at the air.

It’s ten past six, and I sit on the bed with my laptop balanced on my thighs, trying to look like I haven’t just spent the past few hours screwing some dude’s brains out and angry cleaning.

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One wild night for a sweet little southern girl

This is a story of my first real sexual miss-adventure and while almost all is true I did take some poetic license here and there. I still cannot believe it really happened, but that’s life. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did living it and then writing in down!! I am a 41 year old house wife with 2 kids and a loving husband. I’m very stable now and have no real worries about money or love. Gary, my husband, is the kind of man who makes my life easy. We have sex regularly and I love it....

3 years ago
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Lack of Communication

Thanks go out to 'Techsan' for his editing and suggestions. Damn authors! Always playing head games. I don't even know what I believe anymore. It all started a few years ago when I started reading erotic stories. After twenty plus years of marriage the sex wasn't happening as often as I liked. So after fifteen thousand arguments with the little woman I just said, "Hell with it." If she didn't want to do it that often, then I would at least read about it. I always thought I knew what...

1 year ago
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Life After Cassie

I thought my life was over when Cassie passed away six years ago. We'd been married for just a little over 54 years when the doctors found the cancer that had literally invaded her body. They didn't even attempt to do surgery, as the cancer had spread throughout her body, infecting almost all of her vital organs. Her kidneys were the first to completely shut down and, for the last eight months, daily dialysis was the only thing that kept her going. She had long decided against chemotherapy,...

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The garbage black guy

When living in L.A. I used to be at the front garden every time the garbage truck passed along our door. There was one guy in particular I always wanted to see; his name was Jimmy, a huge muscled black guy in his early thirties. I loved to watch him as his T-shirt was plastered against his sweaty body and his muscles were visible as he moved to pick up the trash cans... One morning my loving Victor had flown out of town and I was too horny.When the garbage truck came in, I shouted to Jimmy that...

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Lennies First DateChapter 2 Version 2 2000

As excited as I was to think about using the condoms that night or over the weekend, well it just did not happen. When Lennie came back from the gas station bathroom, she had a worried look on her face. I asked her what was the matter, but she just seemed to be far away and hardly paid any attention to me. I drove home in silence, when we got there Lennie hurried off to bed, not even giving me a hug. The rest of the weekend we just stayed away from each other. She spent the biggest part of...

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Best Laid PlansChapter 16

On Saturday afternoon preparations began for that night. Jan stood on the patio while Bob and Stan used the TV camera, installed for security, to find the exact spot and range that would show up the best. One TV screen monitor was in the kitchen on the counter next to the refrigerator and the other was in their bedroom. The same locations applied at Bob's house. They zoomed in on Jan until the whole screen covered her from head to toe. Stan went outside and marked the spot with a piece of...

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The Pot Chapter 1

Prologue.I was getting frustrated now. “No, it has to be a double amputee.” I repeated.“We’ve nothing like that,” Lady Lydia said, “I can do a midget if that’s any good?” She asked.“A midget, eh?” I thought aloud.“Yes, a midget. She’s in her twenties, and very pretty” She said, “for a midget” she nonchalantly added.“err, hang on” I instructed her. With that I put her on hold and fast dialled my best friend, Martin.“Rich?” he answered.“Hi Mate, just a quick one, the list says a double amputee....

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Regina shows me how

My name is Randy. I’m sixteen, 5’11, green eyes, dirty blonde shoulder length hair, scrawny but have a good layer of muscle. I play soccer in high school, and want to go to college to be an attorney, who specializes in domestically abused women and families. This story is completely true, and happened about a year ago. Here we go. I was walking home from school, kicking the newly fallen piles of leaf’s on the sidewalk, just happy it was Friday. I had no plans, just to hang out and study law...

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Mom Got HotChapter 6

Jodie hoped that the hard hike back to the car would cool her lust, but no such luck. It had been a pretty arousing day, after all. Two sexy men had come on to her. Two handsome studs had made it obvious that they wanted to fuck her. Yet she hadn't fucked either of them. It was enough to drive a woman crazy. It was frustrating enough to have gone eight long months with Craig and not go to bed with him, but now that Dane was in the picture, her horniness was on overload. Something had to...

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The Beth Chronicles

It had been the longest week for Beth. When Friday came she decided to use a little vacation time and cut out early to shop for her trip. By tomorrow, she would be in Hawaii with her man and she needed to make it unforgettable. After picking up the odds and ends she needed, Beth took the T to Copley Square where she needed to make one last stop. She felt that familiar tingle as she opened the door to the lingerie shop because she knew this purchase would really get Jeff going. I know he loves...

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Cheerleader at the mall pt2

Oh yeah. Look at her, she wants a good fucking," the guard said.Tati squirmed under the guard as her body was overwhelmed by the sensations it felt. She had never had sex before -- contrary to the talk at school -- she was a virgin. She had masturbated many times and had even made herself cum, but nothing as intense as she was feeling now.The sight of what was going on was intensely erotic. The slender, pretty girl, rapidly becoming filthy from the dirty floor, being pumped by the older,...

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The Landlords ProtgChapter 9

For Victor and Angela the week passed in a blur. They walked locally, drove to Skye, saw great waterfalls, impressive mountains, and walked round some and up some others – the mountains not the waterfalls. They drove through the wild wilderness that is the west coast. Above all they walked in all weathers, enjoying the sun and the driving rain equally. Much of the time they walked in silence: such walks are strenuous. They chatted over those wonderful packed lunches, and on the car journeys....

4 years ago
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Slut Wife

Our sex life used to be so raunchy but in recent years it had began to wane.I was scheduled to take an overseas assignment and discussed in detail with Becky what this would do to our relationship. Could we endure a long distant relationship? Would we be able to remain faithful? Becky surprised me by saying if we were unfaithful as long as the other partner knew about it and it remained only a sexual relationship then we could endure and possibly grow. This intrigued me and I began to enquire...

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A NIGHT IN MANCHESTEROut for a nice meal and then on to an adult sex clubThere are a few but we will go to Cupids after we have wined and dinedYou are wearing seamed nylons and suspenders with slutty fuck me now high heels and tight short skirt barely covering your stocking topsThe fun begins in the restaurant when you inadvertently but knowingly give senior gentlemen a glimpse of what they might be You pull your skirt up higher and display your little thong which you have pulled to one side to...

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Sexyseemapapa ne mujhe chod diyaa

Hi ye bilkul sachhi kahani nahi hai. Mera naam seema hai main shadi shuda hoo. Mere pati Ludhiana mein apni shop karte they lekin kaam mein nuksaan ki wajah se ab who naukri karte hai. Who ek private firm mein achhi post par hain aur annually achhi salary aur perks lete hai.. Meri figure hai 36DD_27_34 hai. Mere mummey gol gol aur gore hai. Pehle mein 34 size ki bra dalti thee jab mere mumme ka size 36D tha ab mere mummey ki9 motai zyada hone ke wajah se main 36 size ki tight bra dalti hoo....

1 year ago
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This is an excerpt from a book I have been writing, Feedback would be appreciated. Rinsing her hand’s, she turned to face him, staring up wondering what was next. His hand’s caressing the bare flesh of her sides beneath his T-shirt. Picking her up beneath the arms, she instinctively wrapped her legs around his hips as he supported her full weight. As he walked her to his bed she stared up at him wanting desperately to know what was he thinking? He bent over steeply preventing her legs from...

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Yes, my dream would have been more satisfying if it had gone along the lines of…a voluptuous red-headed noblewoman who lusted after one of her servants. She frequently sent him subtle hints of her desire, brushing up against him as she passed by, bending forward to show off her cleavage, and complimenting him on his strong build (when what she meant was his powerful legs and tight ass). She was sure that he felt the same way about her, as evidenced by his obvious erection during her latest...

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the things i would do to you x

the things I would do to youOur tongues dance in each others mouths sending charges of energy throughout our bodies the soft moans from each other I slowly kiss your neck and take your earlobe gently in my mouth, at the same time I am running my hands up and down your sides and back and tracing the outlines of your ass. your hand explore and trace the outline of my semi hard cock and with a smirk and a raise of your eyebrow, without hesitation you start unzipping my pants and start to...

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Keichi Tales Forgotten Bet 2

DING-DONG! Oh! The pizza must be here! I ran downstairs and was greeted by an older teenager with black and white hair, he had a handsome smile and held out the pizza box. "I heard you ordered a meat supreme with extra sausage." I could not help but giggle at how he worded that and will be saying that to Yoichi when I see him later. I paid the delivery man and sat down, tummy growling at the smell, but I knew I needed to hold off. I went back upstairs to finish packing when- DING-DONG. I...

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Lost With Nothing to LoseEpilogue

Adulla: War widow. Adulla (Addy): War widow, Etta and Theo’s new bond-mate. Al Collins: 20-year-old Precognitive Intuit, leader of the humans. Albrechzkl: The Blissful Destruction‘s 2nd Intuit. Betty (Be) Collins: Al’s 18-year-old partner and bond-mate, a Locator. Bisectl: War widow. Bisectl: War widow. TES Blissful Destruction: The Tandorian combat ship the humans are assigned to. Bisectl (Bi): War widow pair-bonded with Eli and Zita. Chich’k: Engineer, pair-bonded with Kaci and...

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White mans wife black mans toy Telli

For the next few hours of that day I did nothing but fuck myself with my dildo just imaging what Marlon had planned for me in the morning. I also looked through so much porn and discovered alot about cuckolding and bbc worship and there was alot of things I liked the look of. Just before Mike was due home I straightened myself up, redoing my hair and make up making sure I looked good enough to get Mike in my control again.As soon as he walked through the door I started passionately kissing him...

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Brandy and the Exchange Student Chapter Three

It had been two weeks since Brandy Arianna and I had visited the cave, each day bringing forth the memories of such a sweet adventure. Again it was Saturday, my day to play and write tales of erotica and pleasures. Little did I know what lay in store for me as a car pulled up in the driveway, Brandy’s car at that? I could tell by the sound that my granddaughter had come to visit her G-pa and her lover. I kind of hoped she had come alone, but when I had shut off the screen of my desktop and...

1 year ago
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ModernDaySins Kimmy Kimm Idle Fantasies The Nanny Cam Part 1

Seth Gamble lets the new nanny, Kimmy Kimm, into the household. He and his wife have been so busy lately that they need the extra help to make sure things run smoothly for the family. Luckily for them, Kimmy seems like the perfect fit… especially for Seth, who can’t seem to keep his eyes off her. After a brief introduction, Seth lets Kimmy know that he’ll be working from home for the day and will be in his home office. He then takes his leave, having peace of mind that...

2 years ago
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Straight Roommate No Inhibitions

Most people don’t have good experiences with their roommates in college. Not me. In fact, I can still remember my freshman year vividly…It had been a chaotic day of last minute shopping at Target. My parents and I had spent the better half of the day trying to get everything an eighteen year old would need for his first year. After piling everything into the car, we trudged into the entrance of Marks Hall, where I would be spending the next eight months of my life.203…. 204…. 205…206… I...

Gay Male
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Pick Your Lover Visored

'Oy, is that green haired chick supposed to be an Espada?' Glancing down from the sandy ridge at the woman you shrug. Atrum, your Zanpakutō, has a habit of shooting his mouth off in the middle of thoughts. 'What kinda--' You tap the large blade against your shoulder. "You talk too much, Atrum..." 'You're my Master. Who do you think I get it from, eh, Jack?' "Tsk..." Without a second thought you've already covered the distance between yourself and the woman. Body, close to the ground and Atrum...

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BrownBunnies Zoey Sinn Reverse Doggy For Zoey

Zoey Sinn was showing off her beautiful brown body. She was a dancer and she knew how to move. Jonathan Jordan came with a nice bulge in his pants. Surprise! It was a giant dick! Zoey took it straight to her mouth. She sucked it and blew it. Then they fucked. First she was riding him so she could control the amount of dick in her pussy. Then he fucked her well. When they were in doggy in switched into reverse doggy. You have to be hung for that position. Then they fucked some more and he s**t...

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From Lonely Unfilled Housewife to Perverted Slut Chapter 14 reposted

Introduction: Coninuing adventures of Joan From Lonely Unfilled Housewife to Perverted Chapter 14 re-posted Edited by a friend True Story, Anal, Authoritarian, Blowjob, Cheating, Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, Erotica, Group Sex, Male Domination, Oral Sex, Wife, Written by women Authors infos Gender: female Age: N/A Location: N/A Originally Posted Sun 30th of June 2013 No persons involved in sexual acts or even witnessing the same are included in this series under the age of consent. A...

2 years ago
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Pacts Gods and FamilyChapter 10

While we all enjoyed the movie, with its various twists and turns, the focus was heavily on the food, as we were all rather famished by then. We had burned up considerable calories, as had been noted before, and were likely to do so again before the night was through. Even so, Blanca made a special point of turning supper into something sexual for her and therefore for us as well. She slid several banana peppers down between her breasts, sticking them on my pizza right afterward with a...

3 years ago
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Fuck of Century

Hi friends this is Felix again to complete my sexual expedition with Aarthi. As I told you before, Aarthi is a 34-23-32 figure working in the same office as I do and just split from her boyfriend. I know she is still a virgin because she never got a chance with her boyfriend. Ok back to the encounter that I had; 15 days after Aarthi and I had a small spree of exploring each other’s body, Aarthi’s friend Archana called me to invite for her birthday party at her house. I quickly agreed and...

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Daze in the ValleyChapter 136

The three women were chatting amiably and smiling widely when Adam exited the shower. Ekaterina had almost asked him to join her while she cleaned up – and he might have – but she decided the scene had ended and it was time to go back to being friends. The smiles continued until Mira Nagy arrived in a van to pick up Anya for the drive to Las Vegas. Anya gave Katya a warm hug and spoke some sisterly advice into her ear. Then she pulled Adam down for a long embrace and a kiss on the...

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Werewolves ReturnChapter 6

Dinner that night was canned stew that Linda warmed up. She would soon start making her own to freeze. She also had a salad that had fresh wild greens and such. It was easy to add to her salad 'fixins', as she walked out to where her mother used to put in her garden. She found a lot of wild carrots, onions and some other goodies. For Trap, it was a large T-bone steak that gave him a good feeding, and something to gnaw on afterwards. With everything gone, Linda and Trap sat out on the...

4 years ago
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TNWS02 A Summer to RememberChapter 25 Undressing Brandi

As Keith mulled over this problem he found himself relishing that wonderful moment when everyone had gotten naked together in those little groups just a few days ago. He had found himself surrounded by five lovely girls all of whom were just so keen for him to slowly strip them of all their clothes in as sexually a provocative manner as possible. The first thing Keith found himself doing, and to Portia’s great surprise, was to plunge his hand down under her short skirt and into her panties....

1 year ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 609

...”I think what rattled us as much as anything was the discrepancy in our time spent in the chamber or whatever the hell we should call that place. Morales says that we were in there...” “A couple of minutes,” he volunteered. “And to us, it was more than an hour and a half. Maybe even closer to two hours, I think, and Selina thinks that she spent more time after Diana and I were... ejected, I suppose you could say. One minute we were ... talking with the entity, and the next Diana and I...

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Wild ChildChapter 9

“OH FUCK YES! What a big cock you have, Mr. Frank. I’m so happy you wanted to be my mentor and show me all about sex and being nasty and saying dirty words.” “I’m so happy you ran into my store too, Juli. You could have run into Pete’s store next door and I’d have never known you were so hot to get naked and suck cocks.” “How do you want me, Mr. Frank? The story I read, told about the young girl and the older man sucking each other at the same time. When you told me you wanted to shoot cum...

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Morgans First Time with Her Brother Part 2

I was supposed to be babysitting her, not fucking her brains out. Now I couldn't stop thinking about it. I had a raging hard on as I replayed the scene in my mind again and again; my right hand stroking my rock hard cock as I pictured what had happened. All I knew at the moment, was that I wanted my sister’s tight pussy again, and to feel her move against me until I flooded her with cum. A few minutes passed and I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep the way I was. Quickly but quietly,...

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Horny Voyeur SchoolgirlsChapter 5

Mike started to crawl over the seat to join in the action in the back. His cock came towering up and, for a moment, Linda thought that another observer had come upon the scene. Then she saw Mike's prick--and that it was available. Mike's cock was hard and hot. It was coated with the juice of Tina's cunt, as well--but that only made the idea of sucking it more attractive, for Linda was far too horny to have any reservations now. Mike knelt behind Tina. Tina was on her knees, leaning...

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After the Pantomime Part 7

After the Pantomime By Susannah Donim Chapter 7 - The Secretary Ruth makes Nick pay for keeping secrets from her. His 'transformation' becomes more permanent. Ruth stood with her hands on her hips and demanded an explanation. "I don't know why you're so angry," I said, wearily. "This is nothing to get upset about. I had a lot of jokes that only worked from the viewpoint of a woman. Before Christmas Josie persuaded me to do a stand-up in drag. It was just for fun, but I...

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