An Innocent Ch. 03 free porn video

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Dylan was tired and worried. It was past midnight, and dark enough outside that the search at basically been halted. He was continuing but only on the road and only because he knew the area so well. He had just entered a village and he went straight to the inn. He knew she wasn’t here, he’d already been by once, but he could definitely use a drink. He left his horse with the two footmen accompanying him and walked in. The taproom was noisy and full. He wasn’t too well known around here, and after spending the last several hours riding through the woods he didn’t look rich enough to gain much notice. He signaled the barkeep and bought a bottle of whiskey and three glasses. He was just settling down for some nice drunkenness, when one of the men he was with came running in.

‘Sir, Sir.’ The footman was excited and couldn’t stand still. ‘She’s here. At least her horse is.’

Dylan bolted to his feet. ‘You’re sure it’s her horse?’ He stared intently at the young man.

‘Of course, her tacks here too, has your coat of arms on it.’ The footman was grinning widely.

Dylan shoved the bottle of whiskey at the young servant and strode quickly to the owner, he cornered the slimy little man at the stairs and grabbed him but his collar. ‘Going somewhere?’ His voice was deceptively calm and quiet. The owner was turning white and stammered out an excuse, ‘Just checking on the guests.’ Dylan gave the man a hard shake. ‘You told me she wasn’t here, why did you lie?’

The owner was terrified and actually thought he might be in danger of dieing. ‘She wasn’t here yet, I swear. She only just got in.’ He fumbled around in one of his pockets. ‘Look here’s the key to her room, I was just going up to make sure she was okay.’

Up until this point, Dylan had been successfully holding in the urge to kill the innkeeper. ‘You were going to her room?’ His voice was a near whisper. He waited for the bastard to deny it and as soon as he did, Dylan balled his hand into a fist and took great pleasure in breaking the bastard’s nose. He scooped up the key and was taking the stairs two at a time before the man hit the floor. He’d stayed here a couple times, and he knew that she would have been put in the corner room as far away from the others as possible. He was right- the key turned easily in the lock.

Liana was woken from her sleep once again. Only this time it wasn’t the laughter and shouts from below that woke her. Someone was in the hall outside her door. When she heard the key in the lock she stuffed a fist in her mouth to stifle her scream. She prayed that her barricade would hold while she searched for her knife. It only took one great push and everything tumbled away from the door. There was man in the hallway, he was big, but with the light coming in from behind him all she could see was his silhouette.

Dylan stood there for a moment letting his eyes adjust to the darkened room. A fire was burning low in the hearth, giving off a soft glow. He scanned the room and nearly fell to his knees when he saw her huddled in the bed. In less than a second he was across the room pulling her into his arms. ‘Lia, sweetheart, you’re alright.’ It was half a statement and half a question. He felt her relax when he spoke, her recognition evident.

She had been so terrified when he grabbed her, until she heard his voice. Now she was shaking with relief and crying all over his shirt. He was squeezing her almost painfully tight whispering in her ear, ‘I’m so glad you’re alright, I was so worried.’ He was pressing kisses into her face and hair. He pulled her away from his chest so that he could see her. ‘You are okay, right?’ He was tilting her face towards the light looking for any bruises.

She nodded tearfully. ‘I was so scared tonight. I kept thinking someone was going to come up and then you…’

Dylan groaned and pulled her tight against his chest again. ‘I’m sorry I scared you, don’t cry baby.’ And then he was kissing her and trying to take off her dress and his shirt.

Liana pulled back, her eyes misty with passion and her full lips red and swollen. ‘Dylan shouldn’t we close the door?’ She grinned at his thoughtlessness.

Dylan made a sound somewhere between a groan and a growl. He put his arms around her waist and held her up so that their faces were level. His mouth captured hers again as he kicked the door shut and walked to the bed. They were both frantic for completion. He pulled the neckline of her dress down enough to bare her breasts and immediately caressed and squeezed her creamy flesh. Liana was trying to unbutton his shirt and she succeeded in ripping it open. She groaned into Dylan’s mouth as she felt his hard chest and taut stomach. Feeling bold, she lowered her hands and unbuttoned his trousers.

Dylan moved down to suck her nipple into his mouth. She was arching up, allowing him greater access. He slid one hand down her leg. Finding the hem of her skirt he pulled it up to her waist and settled between her legs. Liana was restless beneath him, she was trying to pull him closer and kiss him. Dylan caressed her sex through her underclothes. When she began rubbing herself against his hand he easily ripped the cloth and slid into her. She gasped when he entered her. She was still slightly sore from the previous morning and her body tightened against him.

It took Dylan several thrusts to make it fully into her silky passage. He slid one hand between their bodies to caress the little nub of flesh that he knew would push her over the edge. It worked and her body opened to him. When he felt the contractions of her muscles, signaling her release, he lost control thrusting deep and hard until he was empty.

Dylan pushed himself up with both hands and smiled. Liana was exhausted and she had fallen asleep immediately after their lovemaking. He slowly pulled out of her and stood up. He shook his head ruefully, they hadn’t even paused long enough to disrobe. He eased her clothes off while she slept and then, after removing his own, climbed into bed with her. They might as well spend the night here.

Liana awoke slowly and realized that it was already late in the morning. Dylan had awoken her twice more with his passion and she was still tired. She pushed the covers off and sat up in the rumpled bed. She was alone. Some one had left a plate of pastries and fruit on the table and a fresh change of clothing on the end of the bed. She hurriedly dressed before Dylan could come back in. She wondered if he was angry at her. Last night he had only shown his concern, well, and his lust but surely he was mad about her leaving him. She didn’t know what to do. She had never met a man like him before. Just thinking about him made her stomach quiver. But she couldn’t return to him. She had a reputation to salvage. Marriage was no longer an option, except maybe to someone as desperate as she. But there were good jobs as companions or governesses that she could find.

The door opened with a bang. The object of her thoughts stood in the doorway. With his legs braced apart and his arms crossed over his chest, he completely filled the space. Liana gulped. The look on his face confirmed her fears, he was furious.

‘Your things have already been sent home, we leave now.’ His words were short and clipped. He crossed the distance in two long strides and grabbed her by the wrist. He dragged her along after him at such a pace that she had to run to keep up. When they reached the courtyard only his horse was standing there.

‘Dy…’ Her mouth was dry and she cleared her throat before continuing. ‘Dylan where is my horse? I am really quite competent.’ She spoke in the most ladylike voice that she could manage.

Dylan turned to answer her, his expression enough to scare the daylights out of her. ‘You have already proven yourself irresponsible with your own horse. You ride with me.’ It was all he was willing to say on the matter. He easily lifted her into the saddle and swung up behind her. One
of his strong arms anchored her to him while the other lifted the reins and took off.

The trip home took less time than it had taken her to get to the village. Dylan apparently knew a shortcut. But Dylan refused to talk to her, so the ride seemed to take much longer. When they reached the house Dylan halted the horse next to the front entry. He dismounted with her still in his grip and marched into the house, leaving the horse in the care of a waiting footman. None of the staff greeted them on the trip to her bedroom, they all seemed a little wary of their master. Dylan deposited on her bed and stormed out with out speaking a word. The click of the lock seemed unusually loud in the quiet.

Dylan angry demeanor dropped as soon as the door shut behind him. Yes, he was angry with her for putting herself in danger, but he was incredibly happy that she was back, safe and sound. He met the housekeeper, Mrs. McInnes, on the stairs and paused to leave directions. ‘Send up a bath and some food, but she is not leave.’ He smiled before walking on.

Mrs. McInnes was stunned at his jovial expression. She stood staring after him for nearly a full minute before smiling herself. It was obvious, the Laird was falling in love.

Dylan slept for nearly the rest of the day. When he awoke the sun was setting and he was in a much better mood. He dressed and rang for some food. When his valet entered he inquired about Liana.

‘Milord, I believe she is still where you left her. Both a bath and dinner have been sent up.’ The man bowed low and left.

After eating Dylan decided that it was probably time to deal with his errant fiancé. He walked to her room and turned the key in the lock with out knocking. When he entered she was just climbing into bed. Her hair was loose and free around her shoulders and she was dressed in a virginal white nightgown. He firmly closed the door and leaned against it.

Liana wasn’t surprised when her door opened. She’d been expecting him to visit all day. She quickly climbed out of bed, it was no good giving him any ideas. He hadn’t spoken a word yet and she felt a little uneasy. She hadn’t really seen him angry before now, but she had heard the most terrible things about his temper. After a few more minutes of him just standing there, her voice broke the silence. ‘Did you need something?’

Dylan slowly nodded and she took a step back. He crossed his arms and gave her a look that suggested he meant business. ‘I’ve waited all day until my temper cooled down before coming in here.’ He started out quietly. ‘Were you out of your bloody mind? How could you have done anything so stupid? Did you even think before you rode off across the countryside by yourself? Do you have any idea what could have happened to you?’ He was anything but quiet when he finished.

His last comment angered Liana and she took a step closer. ‘How about what happened here? Or what happened last night at the inn? And you’re supposed to be my guardian.’ She finished with a yell of her own.

That infuriated Dylan and he stomped towards her. ‘Lassie, do you think that some bandit on the road would be considerate of your comfort? I should turn you over my knee for your stupidity!’

Liana gasped, it was an exaggerated sound that would have made Dylan laugh if wasn’t so mad. ‘You wouldn’t dare!’

Dylan gave her an evil little smile. ‘Oh, yes I would.’ Faster than she could even react he grabbed her wrists and held them together in one hand. For the first time Liana noticed that he was holding a small unrecognizable jar, but before she could identify it he had placed it on her night table and had her pulled down over his lap with her nightgown pulled up to her waist.

Liana was shrieking with outrage when his hand landed heavily on her bare bottom. She tried to pull up but he kept on hand on her back holding her down. His hand landed again and she jumped. It wasn’t as painful as it was humiliating, but it still hurt.

‘Next time you better think before you act, in fact there better not be a next time.’ He yelled as his hand smacked her warm flesh a few more times. He didn’t want to hurt her and spanking hadn’t even been the punishment he’d had in mind but she goaded him into it. He stopped when her skin turned a slight pink. She was still shrieking and crying but he knew that she wasn’t hurt. He reached for the little jar he’d brought with him. He’d bought during his last trip to Paris. It was a cream that produced a pleasant tingling on flesh. The women he’d been with since had always particularly enjoyed it. He dipped his fingers in the cream and began to rub it on the outside of her nether lips, concentrating on her clit.

When his fingers touched her sex, Liana realized just what kind of precarious position she was in and starting shrieking again. She guessed she should have been glad that he didn’t really beat her. In fact her bottom barely stung, but she was still outraged. But by the time his thick finger slid easily into her she was moaning and no longer trying to get up.

Dylan was thoroughly enjoying himself and noticed the second that she relaxed against him. He gathered more cream onto his fingers and eased two of them into her tight sheath. He slowly pulled them out before thrusting them back in. In her arousal she had spread her legs as far apart as she could, giving him full access to her body. Dylan knew that she was quickly approaching an orgasm and slowed his movement. With her new position he could see her small back hole. He looked at his fingers, slick with cream and her juices and then looked at the tight rosebud. He shrugged as if to say ‘why not’, many women really liked stimulation there. He eased his thumb up, with two fingers still in her sex and pressed lightly against her back hole. When she didn’t offer any resistance, he pressed harder until the tip of his finger was just inside her.

Between his skillful fingers and the wonderful heat produced by the cream, Liana at first didn’t notice his thumb. However when he pressed down and actually began to penetrate her, she squealed and reared up.

Dylan knew as soon as she realized what he was doing. Her whole body tensed, squeezing his thumb almost painfully tight, and she jerked up plunging his finger in farther causing her to scream again. She dropped back down and slid off his lap. She looked up at him in shock. ‘What were you doing? You can’t do that!’ She said, in a more than slightly embarrassed manner.

Dylan scooped her up tenderly and laid her on the bed. He stretched out next to her and cradled her face tenderly in his hand. So much for that experiment. ‘If you didn’t like it, we don’t have to do again. But a lot of people really like it.’

‘Other people do it?’ She spoke so quietly that he had to lean in to hear her.

Dylan nodded while he ran his hand down to her breasts. He caressed them through the fabric of her nightgown and couldn’t help but notice that she was still aroused. Good old French cream. He smiled as he leaned in to kiss her.

Liana was glad when the subject turned and he started to kiss her again. She felt hot and restless and wanted release. She pressed against him, willing him with her mind to put his fingers back between her legs. She gasped when she felt two fingers slid into her. She was almost there, she could feel her climax building. Her eyes flew open when she suddenly felt empty. Dylan had pulled away. He was standing next to the bed picking up that jar of lotion. She looked at his face curiously. ‘Why’d you stop?’

Dylan almost gave in when he heard her breathless question. The innocence of it was incredibly seductive. Instead he leaned down and kissed her on the brow. ‘Good night.’

Liana stared in shock and then anger as Dylan turned around and walked out the door. He whistled. He actually whistled as he walked away. What was wrong with him? —————————————————————————————————– Dylan colla
psed on his bed as soon as he entered his room. He was so hard that it hurt and every instinct in his body told him to go back to her room and make love to her. His plan sounded great at first. Since she wanted to run away from him why not make her run to him? The perfect punishment. The French cream was really a great idea. In a few minutes it would really kick in, providing enough stimulation to keep her highly aroused but not enough to push her over that edge. By the time a half hour had passed she would be desperate for the climax that he didn’t think she’d be adventurous enough to give herself. But now he waited, and this was his punishment

Liana lay gasping in her bed. She was so aroused that the mere feel of the satin sheets on her body was too much for her to bear. There was a constant throbbing between her legs, a good throbbing. Or, rather it would be if Dylan was here to finish it. She needed him. But there was no way in hell she was going crawling to him. About fifteen minutes ago she’d decided that this torture was intentional and there was no way she was going to let him win. A sudden thought popped into her head. Maybe she could do the same things he did. She slowly snaked one hand down to her sex. She experimented, swirling her fingertips over her hot flesh. After a few minutes, she decided that she could never settle for anything less than his skillful fingers. Besides, she felt ready to burst. The swirling heat was all she could think about.

Dylan smiled to himself as the door to his bedroom opened. The door closed quietly and he heard soft footsteps walk to his bed. He continued to fake sleep. A slender hand reached out and touched his shoulder.

‘Dylan?’ It was a mere whisper, but Dylan responded. He opened his eyes and slowly rolled to face her. She didn’t look like she could say anything else. He took pity on her and lifted the covers so that she could join him. Liana quickly pulled her nightgown over her head and tossed it away. She tried to lie next to him, but he wouldn’t let her. Instead he pulled her down on top of him. He looked at her expectantly.

It took a few minutes for Liana to get enough courage to talk. She swallowed nervously a few times and stared down at his patient face. She had hoped that once she appeared in his room, he would take control like again. Quietly, in barely a whisper, she finally spoke. ‘Help me.’

Dylan slowly began to smile


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“I can see her lyin’ back in her satin dress In a room where you do what you don’t confess. Sundown, you better take care if I find you been creepin’ round my back stairs. Sundown, you better take care if I find you been creepin’ round my back stairs. -Gordon Lightfoot, “Sundown” The strobes turned off, leaving the stage lit by the spinning disco ball in the center of the room. The stage lights came up as the DJ walked out to center stage, mic in hand; slipping a little on some of the...

3 years ago
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Our perfect scenario of a good night

We meet in the hotel bar, for an introduction to each other and for that first drink of alcohol to relax our minds. We decide to eat in the hotel restaurant. After a great meal, lots of great discussion and drinks, Kevin said, "Well, why don't we go up to our room and have another drink?" You agree nervously giggled and we all went up to our hotel room. We had some champagne delivered and continued to talk. After a few more drinks, I excused myself and went to the bathroom to 'freshen up'. I...

1 year ago
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Pussy Spice

Marlon pulled out of me his thick cock dragging slowly free, his glans glistening with the creamy white slime of his ejaculate. From the side he took up the little tub of pussy spice cream. I knew what it was. Once it was rubbed into my sex, once Peter licked it, the addiction of cum licking, black cock worship would be irreversible. He dipped a finger in the goo smiled and worked it into me. Tonight, Peter would become my slave. There came a night, on our own marriage bed, when Marlon had once...

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The incredibly true story of my relationship with my stepmom

Beth was a knockout, as trophy wives usually are. She had an hourglass figure with curves in all the right places, IE, big boobs. I know now that she is a D cup, although that is getting a little ahead of myself. She also had a very pretty face and beautiful blonde hair. Even though I was only a child, and completely unaware of the sexual side of life, I instinctively wanted to please her and craved her attention. This I got in spades. Although I care for my father a great deal, he can...

4 years ago
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Janice WhiteChapter 2

Janice and Pam made their way to the lobby of the motel and then to the shuttle that took them to their cruise ship. They boarded easily enough and found their room. After unpacking the things that they needed and hanging up or the things that they were going to need soon, they sat down and relaxed for a few moments. "Want to go explore the ship?" Pam asked. "Maybe in a little while, I just want to sit down and enjoy not having to go to work." Janice replied. They were both thinking of...

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Lara a Weekend to Remember

Lara was 28 and it had been four years since her life was changed forever. She had just finished her master's degree at the young age of 24 when the most dramatic thing happened to her. Even four years later, the event was still in her everyday thinking. Lara was brought up very protected and in a family that loved her dearly. She was a very beautiful young woman who was lucky enough to possess a body that left a permanent impression in every man's head. She was sexy by all standards and two...

2 years ago
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African customs Part II

African customs Part IIThe Official Makes a DealAfter several minutes with them just out of earshot, apparently gazing out the window, Anne turned and stood looking at me with a strange expression on her face.Before I had chance to consider the implications of this, The Official moved directly behind my wife, snaked an arm over her shoulder, and plunged a hand down the front of her blouse to blatantly fondle her breast. My head exploded, without thinking, I launched myself at him only to be...

1 year ago
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Catering for a Stag Do Chapter 11

As they walked towards the bungalow, in the balmy night air, Jacques lifted Trish’s dress up above her waist. Although there was no one around, the thrill of someone maybe walking around the corner, had Trish blushing and excited.  It was almost a full moon, the light and the shadows this cast, really accentuated the curve of her hips and butt.Dave followed suit, lifting Jacquelyn‘s dress. She gave a gasp of embarrassment but didn’t attempt to pull it down. He pulled back and walked slightly...

Wife Lovers
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Later that night

"That was insane," my wife stated, as we walked to the car, "but so incredibly erotic. I am so horny still. I really need to cum again.""Ok, let's get you home," I replied getting into the driver's seat. "I'm not waiting till then," she said. "Take a slow drive, I want to play."I watched her get into the car. She pulled her dress up and then I saw why it was so easy to touch her earlier. Under the dress, she was wearing a lace bodysuit, one that did up with poppers at the crotch. I...

Wife Lovers
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Letting Loose With The Boss

I love my job and I love the work I do. I think that's helped by the fact that I have one of the biggest crushes on my boss. I feel the need to please him in everything I do and so in the last couple of months, I've really delved into my work and became insanely focused on that. I often work late at night and all weekend, just so I had could give my boss some positive news.My boss could see how hard I was working and would often comment, saying that whilst it's always great for progress in the...

Office Sex
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The Reluctant Papa

One for the Nude Day contest. Here we have Daniel, Craig’s father, struggling with his son’s recent arrival at the London apartment. Daniel is also having difficulty in coping with Craig’s Ukrainian girlfriend parading around in just her underwear. I hope you enjoy the following effort. Feedback is welcome. I had a beta-reader with this, so any errors that remain aren’t my fault. …Okay, a joke, of course any glitches in the text are down to me. Thank you for reading. GA — Koh Samui,...

3 years ago
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The Ring of Fate

The Ring of Fate - by Acid Dreams CHAPTER 1: The Ring of Fate Tommy looked at the ring one more time, not sure if he could accept such an expensive looking artifact. The lawyer looked at him sternly and told him that if he was not available to accept it, it was to be destroyed. Tommy wondered what his uncle was thinking when writing his will, but decided that the ring would do better with him than with no one. "I'll take it," Tommy told his uncle's lawyer. The lawyer smiled...

2 years ago
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She was too young

A few years ago, I met my girlfriend on an online meeting site. She wasn't physically my type, but she had an attitude that made me horny anyway. She was kinky and I made a few first experience with her. But the story isn't about her, but about her daughter: Anna.When I first met Anna, she was 8. Cute little girl, but arent they all. Boys were "Heeewww..." for her. The first problem came in when she was 10. By that time, we were at ease in a new appartment. Walking around in underwear was...

3 years ago
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My Vanilla Mistress

Switch   Cindy and I had first met on the internet and had chatted for some time.   Finally the topic changed to sex and eventually to bondage.   Over the years, I had some experience with binding my dates but it had always been pretty simple – handcuffs and using my necktie to tie their hands behind them.   And that was about it.   But, Cindy and I began talking about stricter bondage.   She told me that she had never been tied and didn’t think she would like to be involved in that sort...

1 year ago
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Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 2 Chos Jealousy

Chapter 2 A fortnight had passed since Harry and Hermione’s session and Harry had thought of nothing else since. With the pressure of losing his virginity lifted, Harry felt a lot more confident around the girls and a lot happier then he’d ever been. Both Harry and Hermione were desperate for an opportunity for round 2 to happen but with the immense work-load that was piled on the 6th years, both were too busy to hook up again. Harry’s cock was aching for some more action and little did he...

3 years ago
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My Teaching Days Part 3

“Miss Taylor, what’s he doing?” Ashley asked, some alarm inher voice. She pointed out the window. “He’s a little goofy,” I replied. “He often takes off his clothes without closing his drapes. I can close mine or we can just ignore him.” We were talking about the man in the apartment across the street from my own. I didn’t add that he and I had watched each other masturbate as recently as last week. In some ways, this had become the most regular part of my sex life, if that’s what you’d call...

2 years ago
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It all started in 1938, when the first superhero, the Gladiator, appeared. He claimed to be from the distant future where Earth had exploded. Due to experiments his father had performed on him, Gladiator possessed superhuman strength and bulletproof skin. He used his powers to fight crime in Cleveland. Then another vigilante, the Shadow emerged in 1939, operating in New York. He could not have been more different from the Gladiator, sticking to the shadows. Not much was known about him, many...

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Getting off the Seesaw Book 2 Chapter 5

The three women slept in the same bed. Diane woke first, called room service and arranged for breakfast. Whether they went ahead with their games or not, Diane knew that by the end of the day Barry would know everything. That made it a day that required proper nutrition. Would the girls be upset, or was last night’s play sufficient?Breakfast was brought to the second room. Diane showered there and strolled around the room naked afterwards, trying to imagine what Barry might think while she was...

3 years ago
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Papasan chapter 3

With the end of the school year, Christie hosted a sleepover several times a week. It seemed like every time I walked in the door, there were five or six naked girls begging “papa-san” to take his clothes off. Some of the girls I had never met before. Robin had pimples on her face and a very petite body with no curves whatsoever; flat chest, flat butt, flat stomach. She was extremely shy, painfully so. Whenever the girls came around me, she always stood behind them, hiding her nudity, and...

2 years ago
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Old friends at a wedding party

Anita was excited that day when I came home from my office. Her girlfriend Laura was getting married again and my wife was very happy for her. Two weeks later the wedding date finally arrived and my sweet wife was that evening even hornier than usual. She brushed her fingers over my cock every chance she got and told me this would be a night I would never forget. She added, that she might be got knocked up that night…Ana had shaved her pussy for the occasion; she looked better than ever.The...

4 years ago
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Pity Sex

You are Gerard the loser, due to genetics you have gained the worst of the worst features, at the age of 18 you started to lose hair and it doesn’t help that your lifestyle involves inhaling junk food and sleeping all day. The fact that you are gross has made the girls steer away from you, heck even the guys stay away from you. You have no friends, life is overall very miserable. Until one day all that changed when your guardian angel or whatever the fuck does magic and shit idk sees your...

Mind Control
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My First Experience With Deepa

Na peru surya age 23 height 5.4 average boy.Nenu iss telugu sex stories stories ki pedda fan.Indulo maa pakkintlo unde deepatho naa first sex experience chebuthanu. Madi oka marumula gramam . Ma inti pakkane oka family undedi , andulo husband naku varusaku thatha avuthadu, wife rajitha and oka ammayi deepa. Inka kathaloki velithe naaku 8th class nundi sex mida interest perigindi.Nenu inter 2nd year lo unnapudu okaroju nenu college nundi madhyahnam (afternoon) intiki vaccha. Maa intiki kontha...

4 years ago
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Sunny CornerChapter 7

Mitchell’s Creek, Sunny Corner, New South Wales, Australia:7 The first thing we did was get out; that rock had to go somewhere. We played embarrassed cat ... you know ... the cat does something particularly stupid and immediately checks the area to see if anybody noticed ... and then starts grooming... I meant to do that. We both walked ... not the action we took getting out of the crack ... down to the high banker to check our spoils. Jim even videoed it ... twice. The first go-round he...

1 year ago
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Pickup Loop HoleChapter 20 Teach Is a Dirty Word

The Events Area was 200 meters by 200 meters—four hectares. It was used for sports, for plays, for drill and ceremonies and for simulated combat. The Events Area could morph into whatever we needed. At the moment there was a raised stage and seating for all the station's concubines in one area, with sections for most of the station's sponsors. The DECO CMC detachment was in a three-rank formation with Ensign Williams, the detachment commander, in front. The governor, Lilith, was in a box...

3 years ago
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One more for today

I was driving in New Hampshire for work one day around ten years ago, a simple summer day trip but that meant about five hours of driving. After work was done for the day around 2pm I started my drive home and was in not hurry taking back roads thru mostly small towns and woods. I stopped for some caffeine and I bought a soda. I sat in the car going thru my emails and making a business call when I noticed a guy in a Snapple truck unloading crates. I had parked along a curb and I could see him...

2 years ago
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First Sex with my first Nepali Ex GF

Hello everyone, today I am going to share with you all my sex experience with my ex GF. I met my ex GF through Instagram. She is a dental student studying in Jaipur. One day I was scrolling through my Instagram page and came across her profile. She looked cute in her DP, but she had kept her account private. So I sent her a request hoping she would accept it. And by the end of the night, she had accepted my request and requested to follow me back. I was happy and sent her a DM to which she...

3 years ago
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I Dream of DemieChapter 27 The Mystery of the Neighbor is Solved

“Tom!” I started awake. I was lying diagonally across my bed where I had collapsed after having sex with my ex-girlfriend Laura, randomly somehow my next-door neighbor. I still felt incredibly tired. Kate was there, holding the baby. “It’s your turn. I have to get some sleep.” She handed me Amy and then took a second look at me. “You feeling okay?” “Just really tired,” I replied. She continued to scan my face. “You look like you need to eat more. I’m sorry Demie and I have been...

2 years ago
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My Father In Law ndash Part Two

Well it has been almost a week I’ve been at Doug’s house and every day & night has been pure bliss. I have been one very well fucked daughter in law. If it hasn’t been Doug it has been one of his friends. My second night there he took me to a party. Most of the men were older but the women were mostly all younger. I guess it’s true that experience counts. After a couple of hours at the party and a few drinks later the host invited Doug & I to join him in one of the rooms. When we...

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My first fuck by Susan Shelton

I was 18 the first time I had sex and it was with a married man twice my age. He had been giving me lifts home from work where we both worked for a few weeks. There was a long leafy road we drove down every day and that's where my sex life started.I had a couple of boyfriends from leaving school and we had kissed and I had my tits touched over my bra but nothing more, maybe that's why they never lasted. I wasn't going to give my virginity away so easily.The guy from work used to joke and flirt...

3 years ago
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Franc 1 No Geek Policy

“The Federal Reserve?” “Uh huh. I specialize in currency exchange policy.” “Is that a fact?” I’m going to need a whole lot more beer if I’m going to have to listen to this for the rest of the night. She drones on like I could actually care about what she does for a living. Like anybody gives a shit about coin collecting or whatever. I look out at the dance floor. My buddy and her sister are practically doing it in public. ‘Oh, he so owes me for this,’ I think. I admit it; I’m taking one for...

1 year ago
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Seminal InfluencesChapter 4

Bethany and Fred Sacks trusted Cyrus with the knowledge of their relationship, and Fred started meeting with Cyrus regularly, guiding the boy at the formation of his company. He had to get him at least a little familiar with the grubby grown-up details of intellectual property, venture capital, and corporations. To his credit, Fred took for his trouble only a 20% stake of the initial shares of the company (secretly assigning 1/3 of that to Bethany), leaving the remaining 80% to Cyrus. Cyrus...

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I now own this slut Part 6

I allowed the gravity of the previous two events to sink-in for a week. In summary, she had allowed herself to give in to her primal need and invite a total stranger back to her home, sucked, fucked and allowed her anal virginity to be taken, then, on the second tryst, been 'taken' in the 'Marriage bed" and then told to lick off this stranger's cum from her wedding ring. The humiliation both sickened her and excited her at the same time. I figured that it was time to push a bit harder so I sent...

1 year ago
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Las Vegas BBC part 2

Up on to the bed I straddled his face and took him back into my mouth. Taking in his sent was driving me wild, I cupped his balls and started to suck him with all I had. I was hungry for him and he knew it. His hips were thrusting up to meet my mouth and his tongue was thrusting in and out of my hole. I could feel it curling and lapping inside me and useing it like he would his cock. My husband had come back now with some well needed drinks and handed me mind. I sliped my body off James for a...

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