Anthony Ch. 01 free porn video

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There had to be a way to describe him in words, she thought as she watched him from the other side of the room.

She had gone to her friend’s birthday party, knowing full well that she would probably hate every second of mingling with their rather pompous, hideously rich associates. She didn’t fit into that world despite her parents’ best efforts.

He looked different though. He was dressed more casually, he looked more comfortable, scanning the people around him – not judging but giving off a sense of ease, of confidence.

He was several inches taller than any other man around. He was big, obviously extremely well toned. Every now and then he would smile widely at one of the loud jokes and the laugh lines around his eyes would crinkle. As she drank her wine and watched him undisturbed, she really wished she had the guts to simply go up to him and shamelessly flirt like most of the other single women around him. They really were simply flocking to him, but he didn’t look overwhelmed – obviously he was not new to the attention.

‘Julie! You can’t simply sit here all alone.’ Jade put her arm around her and kissed her cheek. ‘It’s my birthday party and you’re sitting here moping. It’s terribly antisocial.’

‘How could I mope, one of my best friends just turned thirty.’ Julie grinned and turned to her. Jade was a spree of colors. Her flaming red hair, her dark green eyes and her very colorful dress almost made you dizzy. Somehow though, she managed to pull it off. She was constantly friendly and bubbly, occasionally a little snobbish – but no one really held that against her.

Jade was Julie’s parents’ best friends’ daughter. The two had grown up together and remained good friends despite Jade being a couple of years older than her. It was hard not being friends with someone like Jade but Julie on the other hand had lost contact with almost every other childhood friend.

After refusing to follow in her parents’ footsteps, as in – go to Cambridge to study law and live the life they had planned out for her – at seventeen she promptly told them that she was going to be a musician and study at the Royal Academy. Both her parents had been furious – after successfully managing to convince their other four sons to join their firm, it was inconceivable that their youngest and only daughter would be the only one to truly stand up to them.

She didn’t really care, she knew she had made the right choice. Though terribly shy during her everyday life, she was an exceptional performer and was now considered one of the top classical pianists in the country. After playing her way through university in a small jazz club under her flat and winning practically every competition she entered, she was content. She could have never succeeded as a lawyer.

‘God, you’re right – thirty.’ Jade said, in a tone that said ‘God help me’. ‘Why don’t you play me something for my birthday Julie, you know how I love hearing you play.’ She grinned at her with all her perfect teeth. ‘Please?’

Julie laughed and kissed her cheek. ‘Maybe later.’

‘No, no, now.’ Jade started to pull her across her enormous apartment towards the piano that had been bought almost exclusively for when she would come over and feel like playing. ‘You know the song I love.’ Jade ignored her protests and swiftly pushed her down on the bench.

Julie watched her with affection as her seemingly quite drunk friend sat next to her and waited. She gave up quite quickly and started playing, for she never truly minded performing – even in front of a not-so-interested crowd.

It was the song from Casablanca, As Time Goes By. Jade had heard her play it once many years ago and it became her favorite song. And though she didn’t have the best voice, it didn’t keep her from muttering the words and humming the melody as she listened.

Jade left her at the piano after a few minutes. She didn’t stop playing though, it was the only way she felt comfortable. She went through a few soft jazz songs when she finally noticed him staring at her. When their eyes met it was his intensity that made her both smile and blush. It was only a second before she looked away, quickly finishing the song. She couldn’t believe how nervous he was making her.

Seconds later she said a quick goodbye to Jade and left.

‘Happy birthday honey.’ Anthony kissed Jade’s cheek and put his arm around her. A lot of the people had already left but he was waiting to catch her alone for just a second.

He had noticed that girl all night. She had been staring at him, though he was pretty sure she hadn’t noticed that his eyes were on her just as much. She didn’t seem to realize the affect she had on the people around her. Half the men kept staring though she had eyes for no one. It was when she played though that even the trickle of women who kept appearing at his side, couldn’t get his attention averted from her. She was incredible.

‘Tony I’m so happy you came!’ Jade grinned. She was getting very drunk. ‘Did you enjoy yourself?’

‘Of course.’ He smiled and the two of them sat down. He was planning on just easing in to asking her about the girl but he suspected that Jade wouldn’t really notice either way. ‘That pianist was amazing.’

‘Oh I know.’ Jade smiled. ‘We were best friends growing up. Juliette has been declared many times as the most talented person alive.’

He could believe that. ‘Do the two of you work together?’

‘What?’ Jade stayed blank for a second then said quickly. ‘Oh no, no, I told you, she’s a pianist. She’s in the philharmonic or the symphonic or something. She also plays at this club. She’s not like us.’

After getting the address of the bar she worked at he left, thinking about nothing but her.

It was Friday night and the pub was packed. Though probably not the most successful pub around, Friday nights were full until 4am. She had been playing for hours with the small house band – there hadn’t been many Fridays since she was 16 that she hadn’t played there. She loved Louis’.

At two she finally left the piano and went to get a drink and there, right at the bar was the man from the party last week. He was watching her, beer in hand and too long limbs spread out. God, he looked better than she remembered.

It had to be a coincidence. Despite the way he was looking at her now, he couldn’t possibly remember that he had seen her before.

She blinked, looked away and found her regular glass of wine in front of her. Joey, the bartender leaned over the bar and said in her ear, ‘He’s been here since 11 and has been watching you ever since.’ He grinned. Joey had become like a distant, rather odd uncle, whose sole purpose was to see her in a healthy relationship.

Though she had had quite a few boyfriends since she was 16, not one had been approved by Joey. So to have him point someone out to her like this was definitely a first.

‘Hi.’ He had come up to her. She raised her head to meet his eyes and didn’t really know what to do with herself. There he was, the most obscenely attractive man and out of all the half dressed women in the pub, it was her he was interested in.

‘Hi.’ She answered. She was usually so much better at this. Though maybe not the best, she never felt so tongue-tied and nervous.

‘You probably don’t remember me,’ he said with a smile. ‘I was at Jade’s birthday party last weekend.’ He held out his hand. ‘We didn’t get a chance to meet, you left quite quickly. I’m Anthony.’

She stared at his outstretched arm for a second. ‘Juliette.’ She finally said and took his hand. He had a very big hand, her slender one was completely engulfed by his as he slowly shook it, not letting go or looking away from her for quite a few seconds.

She blinked. ‘Hi.’ There hadn’t been too many men who had looked at her with that expression so clearly on their faces. He was looking at her as though he could see
her bare, as though there were no other people around them.

In seconds her cheeks felt like they were burning, she had to stop touching him, she had to stop looking at him!

He let her hand go and sat down next to her. ‘Jade told me you play here every week, I’ve been coming here every day hoping to see you.’ that made her look back up at him. Really? ‘Joey there finally told me that you only come in on Fridays.’ He grinned. ‘You are exceptional, I must say.’

She studied him for a few seconds. ‘You came here looking for me?’

‘I had to hear you again.’ He smiled. ‘I hope you don’t mind.’

‘No, no.’ she said quickly. ‘Just… A little surprised I suppose.’


She opened her mouth with the intention of saying ‘well look at you’, but stopped herself. That was probably not the smartest thing to say. ‘No reason.’

He laughed. He laughed as though she was the most amusing thing he had ever encountered. The two of them looked at each other for a few seconds then he leaned closer to her, ‘I would kiss you right now,’ he said, his mouth close to her ear, ‘But Joe is watching me like a hawk.’

He looked at her, his gaze more intense, if possible, than before. She swallowed, instant desire washing through her. God, was it really possible to feel like this so quickly?

‘I would like to ask you to dinner first though.’ He leaned a little away from her, still smiling, still terribly confident.

She wanted to say she was hungry now, just so that she could feel his lips on her.

Her own lips parted a little, her breath shallow as she tried to think straight. Men could not really be so… straightforward, could they? After less than a five-minute conversation, people didn’t really feel so excruciatingly turned on, did they?

Trying to regain just a little bit of control, she took a napkin, leaned over the bar where she knew there were plenty of pens and jotted down her number. She gave him the napkin and smiled. Without saying another word, without letting him say anything else, she gave him one last quick look, grinned and walked out.

The two of them had been sitting at the restaurant for the last two hours. Time simply flew by with her. She was so deliciously shy, and yet so completely willing to share everything he wanted to know. And he wanted to know everything about her.

She had told him a little about her parents, saying that their relationship was terribly strained being as she didn’t follow the path they wanted her to. She spoke even less about her brothers, what she did talk about though were her students. Apart from performing with the orchestra, she taught piano to both kids and adults. Apparently the level to which she managed to get them was astonishing.

He sat most of the night listening to her, speaking little, enjoying her in every way possible. Few women had ever caught his attention like this.

‘The best part about performing, though is the traveling.’ She smiled. ‘I get to go everywhere when we tour. I think that might be my favorite thing, travelling.’

He nodded in agreement. ‘After uni I spent a year travelling South America then Asia, I never really got to see Europe properly though.’

‘I was in Africa last year, I volunteered there for three months. I taught the children there English and music and honestly, seeing their country was even more interesting than touring France.’ She said simply, as though volunteering in Africa was something all the people around her did. He was quickly understanding that she was incredibly unique.

‘That sounds rather incredible.’ He said and leaned closer to her. ‘I don’t know many people who have done that.’ He had noticed that when he looked at her for a little longer than a few seconds at a time, her cheeks would flush and she would lose her train of thought. It was difficult to forbid himself from doing it all the time.

Though ten years younger than him, she seemed to already have done so much more. She was fascinating.

She watched him for a few seconds before asking self consciously, ‘What?’

She had not let him do more than kiss her cheek when she arrived at the restaurant, he hadn’t even touched her hand and he desperately wanted to touch her.

He said nothing, but smiled at her calmly as she yet again blushed.

‘I’m really enjoying this.’ He said, his eyes momentarily dropping to her beautiful cleavage then straight back to her eyes. ‘Its better than I expected and I had quite high hopes.’ He grinned.

She was smiling, her hands on the table, far enough away so he wouldn’t be able to touch her. She continued to look at him for another few seconds before he asked an amused, ‘What?’

‘Well I was just wondering.’ She said in a nervous voice. ‘What in the world made you first of all ask about me and then go to Louis’. Not that I’m complaining,’ she added quickly, ‘Its just… unexpected.’


‘Well, I hardly fit in with…’ she seemed to struggle to find the right word, ‘The elite of Jade’s friends.’ She finally said with a hint of sarcasm and he smiled. ‘They usually keep quite far away from me, as though my insane life choices might rub off on them.’

He laughed and shook his head. ‘You mean, if you were one of the women who was dressed in a designer dress and who worked in the fancy law firm your friend does, then me wanting to go out with you would make more sense? How so? Did I seem particularly interested in them during the party?’

She laughed, ‘No I suppose you didn’t… but still.’ She took a deep breath. ‘You run your own architecture company, you are… well you, and then here you are with me. My parents, my relatives, my friends have always believed in one thing and that is what you do counts. Music isn’t a respectable job.’ She said, now not even attempting to hide the sarcasm.

He studied her for a few seconds but still did not answer. She carried on instead. ‘I suppose I’ve battled against their snobbery for years, it’s rather new when someone doesn’t actually feel that way.’

‘I bet.’ He said, then added. ‘Growing up I didn’t have an extravagant life, my mother worked in a flower shop and my dad was in advertising. They lived a modest life. And in my opinion, when someone is as talented as you are, not being a musician would be criminal.’

She smiled, obviously pleased with his answer. How stupid, he thought, could parents be to want their child to give up on such a gift.

‘How about we go for a walk?’ he motioned for the bill.

They had been on four dates already. It had been a little over a week since their first and it was on that night that he had kissed her for the first time. She had melted against him, the two of them had fit so effortlessly together that she could not believe that she had spent 27 years of her life not being kissed just like that. Each time he would stop when he could feel her get just a little too excited. If it weren’t for her shyness, she would have begged him to keep his hands on her… his lips on her.

It was now two in the morning, she had just come back from a concert. It was only a second after she came in and kicked off her shoes that there was a knock on the door.

And there he was, leaning against the doorframe, grinning. ‘I waited for you.’

She laughed. ‘It’s two in the morning.’ He walked in nonetheless and closed the door, still smiling.

‘I know, I couldn’t stop thinking about you.’ he put his arms around her waist, bringing her close to his body. He loved having her barefoot in front of him. She was so small, she barely reached his shoulder. He could not believe how badly he needed her.

Her body responded to him instantly. Her lips, open, moaning for him, her arms going around his neck bringing him even closer. But he needed more.

His hands started gently pulling up her dress. She moaned into his mouth and took a slight step back, raising her hands, watching him.

He smiled and slipped it off her. God her body, she was small and curvy, her skin a few shades darker than the typical British girl, her dark hair falling around her shoulders, her blue eyes expectant, waiting. His arms again closed around her, kneading her, needing her.

He lifted her with her legs around his waist and his lips on her neck. Her breathing had quickened, as had his. He could feel himself stiffen, his body burning.

‘The bedroom is to the left.’ She panted then gasped as he bit her ear.

He walked them to her bed then sat her down on the edge, taking a second to pull off his shirt, he took another few to simply look at her. For a change she wasn’t looking at his face, her eyes instead roamed his chest. When he noticed her slightly biting her bottom lip, he grinned and slowly started opening his jeans.

Their eyes met as he slowly opened one button at a time. He was so turned on by her he refused to take this quickly.

‘Tell me Jule,’ he said, his voice low. ‘What’s making you bite your lip like that?’

She said nothing but her shallow breathing came in short gasps and he noticed her hands clutch the sheets.

‘Go on.’ He said with a smile and threaded his fingers through her hair, lifting her eyes to him. ‘Tell me how turned on you are now.’

A small moan escaped her as he kissed her, but she still didn’t answer. He pulled off her panties, leaving her bare except for her bra.

‘Open your legs… Are you wet for me baby?’ he whispered hotly as his fingers pushed their way inside her hot, very wet pussy. He groaned and looked at her. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was parted.

He desperately wanted to taste her, he wanted to touch, bite, lick and relieve ever cell in her tense body. He did none of that. Instead he pulled his fingers out of her and stepped back.

‘No…’ she gasped and looked up at him, her eyes glazed over, her body already quivering.

‘Yes.’ He smiled and motioned for her to come to him. She did, though hesitantly. He snapped open her bra and left her naked in front of him. He could see she was having trouble keeping herself from shielding her breasts, he loved that she wasn’t. They were too perfect to ever be covered.

‘Keep your legs spread for me Jule.’ He whispered to her. He moved behind her and traced his finger down her back. She shuddered and again he noticed her hands clench. He closed the space between them, letting his hands come around her, touching her stomach, then her breasts, her neck… he couldn’t believe that he had managed to wait this long to touch her.

She was moaning as he sucked on her neck, letting one hand find it’s way down to her clit.

‘Anthony…’ she gasped as he once again entered her. ‘I can’t… I can’t stand up.’

‘Shh…’ he whispered and carried on touching her clit with one hand and her nipple with the other. He was gentle at first, but her body was responding quickly.

‘Tell me baby… what do you want me to do?’ he whispered to her. She groaned, her legs hardy holding her up anymore.

‘Anything…’ she panted. ‘Everything…’

He made a sound deep in his throat and pulled his hands away. It was then that he finally freed his rock hard cock. He pushed up against her, her back still to him. When she felt his nakedness behind her she moaned and tried to touch him but he gave her a light slap on her clit, causing her to bend over in agonizing pleasure.

‘You can only touch when I tell you to.’ He said in a low tone and he thought he heard her whisper a chocked yes.

‘Now turn to me.’ He said.

She did, her eyes instantly on his cock. He loved women’s expressions when they first saw him. Like his body, he was bigger than most men. Standing at about nine inches, and being incredibly thick, her face did not disappoint.

‘Get on your knees Jule.’ He said, his composure cracking only a little at the thought of her perfect mouth on him. She got on her knees instantly, her mouth in front of his cock, her lips parted.

He could feel her hot breath on him, he could see the desire etched on her face.

She raised her eyes to him, waiting for him to tell her she was allowed to touch him.

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The Deckhand Thursday Cruise Part 3

Sam slid his hands around to my ass and began kneading my cheeks.  As one of his fingers meandered toward my needy hole, I again asked, "What did you have in mind?"Sam finally spoke, "How about we head below and see what develops?"I leaned into his ear and whispered, "I need you inside me now."As I backed away, I pulled him toward the steps, and we headed down below.  Once we were inside, I tore off his clothes and pushed him down onto the bed.  With him watching intently, I did a slow...

Gay Male
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Writing Competition edited

“Hey, Mom? We’re having a writing contest in ELA for an hour after school Thursday and Friday. It’s for our class only. Can I compete?” “Sure, Drew. Just remember you have laundry that Friday.” “Kay thanks!” . . . After school Friday… “Okay,” said Mrs. McD. “We are not having a writing competition. We are going to have an in-school orgy.” A collective gasp arose from the class. Mrs. McD continued. “I know that this may come as a shock, but I have always had a thing for young adults...

2 years ago
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The Slow QuickstepChapter 1

The piano duet came to a triumphant end. Eleanor and Toby Roberts smiled happily at each other. “Well done, Nell!” said Toby. “I was pushing you.” “Dead right, little brother. You didn’t half take it at a lick.” “It is presto agitato.” “More like prestissimo agitato the way you went at it.” “Very well done then.” “Thank you, kind sir, and now let’s go and see where Mum’s got to with supper. I’m getting a bit peckish.” Their mother, Vanessa, greeted them. “Hi, you two! Would you both...

2 years ago
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Pirates of Caledonia I a Journey Into the UnknownChapter 13 Making amends

I was ready to wake the Captain up at dawn and hesitantly knocked sharply on her door. There was no answer, so I tried again and again. When I opened the door, the Captain was not there and so I walked up onto the Main Deck and then the Upper Deck. 'Ahh ... Cabin Boy ... I have no need for you this morning', she told me from the other end of the Upper Deck. 'Yes Captain', I told her and went to leave. 'Go and help the crew in the galley', she bellowed and I went off to help Hannah...

1 year ago
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That guy

I was sitting on my swing at my backyard until Chad, my neighbour came over and said 'You look weird' I smiled and asked 'what's weird? I'm alright!' He giggled and said you dont look so good. You always look sexy but what happened?' I paused and asked 'excuse me? What?' He looked embarrassed abit and said ' i really like you! Your beautiful!' I smiled and whispered ' i also had a crush on you. Your hot ' He invited me over for dinner. I wore a velvet dress n walked to his home. He smiled and...

3 years ago
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Guided On A Sexual Journey By My Senior

Hi, this is Luffy, back with a story, or rather a series of stories, after a long time. Let’s begin without wasting any more time. We have all looked to our seniors to guide us through our college lives. I joined college with the same expectation. Little did I know that I would be guided on a whole new sexual journey by my senior – a journey that is unfolding to this day. In the winter of 2012, when I was in my first year of college, I participated in an event. My team was responsible for the...

1 year ago
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Weekend away with mom and aunt

It had only been a couple of months since my aunt Tina had moved in, for her gratitude she invited me and mom away for the weekend, we decided on a cottage by a Lake about 4 hour drive away, I knew from the minute of getting in the car what sort of weekend this was. from my previous stories you'll know I duck my mom cathy and aunt Tina. My mom cathy was going to drive down there, I hopped in the back wearing only shorts and vest, mom had a white top and these tight denim hot pants on which...

3 years ago
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Navel Oranges

She cut into the firm skin of the fruit, piercing the deep orange of the outside, then slowly sinking into the pith and the sweet, juicy flesh. She chose the largest of the segments she had just cut and took a generous bite, the juice from the orange spilling out and running around her mouth and down her chin. She giggled at the mess she had made; her chin quickly becoming sticky as the orange juice started to dry. He watched as she attempted to clean up the mess, but quickly stopped her when...

Oral Sex
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didi ka sasural

hello everybody mera naam RANI KAUR hai aur kolkata dumdum airport ke kareeb rehti hoon main ek punjabi ladki hoon. yeh baat pichle saal ki hai jab meri didi pregnant thi aur apne mayake aai hui thi. aur jiju kahin kaam se bahar gaye hue the aur jiju ke ghar par sirf unka chota bhai reh gaya tha. aur hamare bich maen 4yrs. se chakkar chal raha tha aur maine shaam ko bahana banaya ke saheli ka birthday party hai barrackpur maen. aur main wahan jaa rahi hoon aur kal subah aaungi gharwalo ne bhi...

1 year ago
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Anything For Ernie

ANYTHING FOR ERNIE ? by: 'The Present' I sat at my make-up mirror, fixing my hair and my face. I wanted to look perfect for my lover and I knew that he would be home at any minute. After I finished my foundation and blush, I worked on my eyes. I was too young to wear a lot of makeup and had to be careful to accentuate my strengths and not overdo it. 'A little bit goes a long way,' as my mom always said. I used mascara and liner and smudged on some color above and on the...

4 years ago
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Wolf 2 Dyson SphereChapter 4

AI reported, "Andy, it is now safe for your gang to approach Ceefour. The voltage regulator modules we borrowed from Ceethree are doing the proper job, so the gravity should hold within its nominal limits." That was great news, and we poured on the speed to get to Ceefour as quickly as possible. As we approached the border of Ceethree, the trees grew closer to the ground and leaned more and more toward the horizontal in the direction of Ceefour. We did see a number of animals with multiple...

2 years ago
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Adventures of Carrie Office

Carrie squeezed her legs together and tried again to concentrate on the report she was reading. It had been a difficult morning to be at work. Her thoughts were off in a fantasy world and she didnt particularly want them to get back to reality. She had dreamed during the night of running naked on a beach, of wild stallions with massive erections and an assortment of unknown men getting pleasure from her. When she had awakened this morning, she had found herself gently rubbing her swollen clit...

2 years ago
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Ultimate Sex Experience Of My Life

Hello readers. My name is Soumesh Das from BBSR.. This is my first story in ISS which tells how i fucked my gf in her home and the ultimate love making experience.. Dis is a recent experience which just happened a month ago.. Now let me tell about myself, i am like Mishra doing M.B.A., height 5’9 and having an average health and normal cock size.. Now let’s go to the story.. It is a bit lengthy but hope u will enjoy the story.. It was august when i enrolled into M.B.A.  programme in one of the...

2 years ago
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SpiralsChapter 28

"So, what brought this on, honey?" I asked as I unlocked the front door. Missy didn't reply, simply sweeping past me. She dropped her books on the kitchen counter, took off her coat and set it on the back of one of the counter stools. She had a nervous smile on her face as she walked toward me. Something was different. I wasn't sure what it was, but it was just a flitting thought that disappeared as soon as she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled my face toward hers. There was no...

1 year ago
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The revenge of Piggy Jamez

After weeks apon weeks of torment harasshing an mistreatment of micke james by mcsheel mccool an layla it was time for mickie james to finally get a messure of revenge as she would get her shot at mickie james tite at the 2010 royal rumble Upon coming to SmackDown in late 2009 by way of the tri-brand Divas trade, Women’s Champion Michelle McCool has made Mickie James’ life miserable • Michelle and Layla viciously cut Mickie’s ring attire with a pair of scissors. • In Michelle’s personalized...

3 years ago
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Husband Cheats Wife Gets Even GayMakers

Peter knew how to do things discreetly. On a warm Sunday afternoon, he took a young woman out to lunch and spent a little time on the beach, all the while giving her the most suitable signals to arouse her spirits. They kissed and took a long walk on the sand, enjoying the vivacious activity among hundreds of beach-goers. And once they finished with their personal time, Peter dropped her off at her home in the suburbs. They shared their last kiss for the day before she got out of her car and...

2 years ago
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Online Chat Ended Up In Bed

Hello, my name is John and I am married. I am from Chennai, but kind of single.I wouldn’t want to be more specific as to why. This is my real sex story. Please send me your feedback or suggestions to that should help me with better narration in future. This is a real incident that happened to me a few years back during my bachelor days. This is one of the few incidents in the chat room that are yet to come. Those days we had yahoo chat one of the best chat media to interact with people...

2 years ago
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An AllAmerican Teenage Sex LifeChapter 10

While it was true that Sundays were my own, for the most part, my Saturdays belonged to someone else. Since the racecar was in pieces and not back from the body shop, I belonged to dad for the day. Grandpa Parker was running the disc. Dad was planting, but he still had plans for me. “I’m going to have you field cultivate about 50 acres of last year’s sorghum,” dad said as he attached the old 4440 to the implement he was talking about. “Start with the end rows, then just try not to miss...

2 years ago
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What Feats He Did That DayChapter 11

I spent the first half hour at work on Monday dreading Rachel's arrival. I was going to have to explain to her that I didn't have a story for her. But first I had to deal with Shawn. She came in after Allie and Dan, as usual. She always put in an appearance on Monday before she dashed off to the statehouse for the Monday morning briefing. She didn't say anything, also just like usual. "G'morning, Shawn," I said. The high heels stopped clicking. "How do you always know it's me?"...

3 years ago
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My Affair Part 9

In the bedroom Bill first attached a collar, wrist, ankle, and knee cuffs, followed by nipple clamps to each of my nipples and tightened them as I looked in his eyes which were intently staring at what he was doing. He could tell from my face how tight they were and told me there was a reason as he attached weights to the rings on each nipples and told me there would be more from the other guys as the morning went on. Then he attached labia clamps on each side. We did this many times in...

1 year ago
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Paradise Chapter 3

She had also told him to get used to it, because, despite his protestations to the opposite, he would be the new leader of their village. He had insisted that he was going to find a way home, back to his old life, but she just laughed and directed the other women in where to set each dish. Finally, Alex had no choice but to relax and watch the parade of naked women who were finishing up the preparations and taking their seats. As soon as all of the seats had been filled, one of the women at...

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white girl rebecca with her black father inlaw

im Rebecca and this is my storyone summer night me and my husband fell on hard times and had to move it with his dad my husband works night from 10pm to 10am!!! I sleep with T-shirt on thongs and socks I woke up one morning with and socks off my shirt pulled past my tits and my thongs pulled to the side I thought it was the way I slept! so a few night went by and it happened again my socks was off my shirt was pulled past my tits and my thongs was pulled to the side!!! so I got to thinking...

1 year ago
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Teen BOY learns in the WOODS

When you are very young, in high school and love sucking cock, it's really HARD to find guys that like their big cocks sucked and if you ask people you don't know, you just might get your ass beat! Believe me, it's tough to find them and I tried for months to find a few boys that were like me!I enjoyed looking at naked men and women in magazines for a long time and I knew I was bi since I can remember! I had to just satisfy myself by jerking off after my parents went to sleep or when I got home...

2 years ago
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Teacher a Short Novel Under ConstructionChapter 14

On Thursday after lunch the teacher was in the main office getting ready run off some history quizzes when two booming shots rang out, heavy thumps that came from the nearby front hall and shook the pictures on the wall. He jumped and the windows rattled. They were so loud that they sounded like nearby explosions. He ran out into the hall with a half-open ream of copy paper in his hands. And there was one of his former English students, a skinny junior, standing in the middle of the hall...

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SamChapter 12E

My tormentor returned with yet another collection of gadgets, but this time I had no interest in them. He took in my slack expression and the line of spit running down my chin. He followed my fixed gaze to the place between my legs that held me entranced and he gasped with surprise and delight. This time I felt a rush of pleasure at having impressed him. "My goodness! My goodness!" He said in his peculiar, almost squeaky, voice. "That's it! That's what I told you about. I've freed you....

3 years ago
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Animal GirlChapter 5

Gloria was waiting impatiently at the door of her silver-colored trailer when Hawkins returned from his camper. She was wearing a man's shirt tied to make a kind of halter and a pair of ragged jeans and boots, her usual around-camp wear. "Well, how'd it go, Henry? Hurry up, tell me!" she urged eagerly. Nearly an hour had passed since he came over here through the wooded thicket to dump that powerful aphrodisiac into the new blonde's drink, and she was beside herself with expectant...

1 year ago
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Michaels MansionChapter 06

In the lead up to the prom Pat found Marsha, Jasmine, and Robert suitable period clothing for the prom without telling them why they’re to wear the fancy dress. The girls think the old style gowns are nice and are happy to have them so Rob just accepts his fancy period clothes to fit in with the rest of the group. On the day of the prom Eve is letting everyone know they should see the couples off so the main lounge room is full with all of the tenants in it when Pat walks in to collect...

4 years ago
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Not Like Loving You Mitch

Not Like Loving You! By Denham Forrest, The Wanderer Now and again a particular song will suddenly grab my attention and just will not let go again. One morning recently I heard Nell Bryden’s ‘Not Like Loving You’ on the radio. I had heard the song before, but that day it just got to me. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to do anything until I’d tried to write a short story around it. I hope I’ve done it, although I have had to take a few small liberties with the lyrics. However, anyone who...

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Tingles Seven

TINGLES SEVEN By Katharine Sexkitten I had come full-circle. As Brad waved goodbye to his wife driving away to her lesbian date, I stepped inside the front door to the foyer. This was where Jessica was born. This house, this altar of love, where I learned my true feelings, my true desires, my true nature. In high heels now, I stood on the exact same spot I had stood just barely six nights ago, saying goodbye to Brad, with his wife's thigh-high stockings on my legs under my...

2 years ago
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ChallengeChapter 6

I did the morning chores while Josey prepared breakfast for the others. Monique took a long time to get ready and helped too. Josey finally said, "Okay, we'll take the Suburban, but we won't do this every day. We pay taxes for the bus and should ride it. Finish and get ready so that we're not late for school." The kids could tell Josey was pissed and were trying to look busy and ready to leave. They could have made the bus, but Josey had already said they would drive. She told me,...

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My son the bully

I spend a lot of time in the mirror concentrating on my looks and wearing fancy clothes as often as possible. Recently my son got sent home after finding out he was bullying a class mate, an Indian boy the same age as him where he would constantly hit him, throw things at him and steal from him. At one occasion he hit on the head with a text book and that drew the final straw. The Indian boy looked younger in appearance and he was a very shy as a person which made him an easy target. I will...

4 years ago
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A Mexican weekend getaway turns into a gangbang w

In August fifteen years ago, Maya (my wife), 38 and I took a three day weekend to Baja in our camper and at night parked at different secluded areas. Our three day holiday was extremely relaxing with plenty of sunny hot weather. After the first day Maya was very relaxed, spending days sunning herself on secluded beach in very skimpy bikinis. Maya has a medium length brown hair which falls nicely her back and a decent figure, with larger hips and full 34D breasts which still have milk in them,...

2 years ago
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The field of desire

‘The field that you have described to me, I want you to go there, lie down and think of me as you pleasure yourself. Oh and don’t forget the pictures to prove it!’ Jessica read the text message once again, a wicked grin spread across her angelic face. She was going to do this, just for him. She lay relaxed, undisturbed, upon the freshly cut grass. The intense heat of the sun’s rays, filtered through the large oak trees, beat down onto her pale skin. She closed her eyes, soaking in the natural...

3 years ago
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Before It Was Popular

Between 1985 and 1989, I dated a man named Paul. I was in my late thirties at the time, and Paul was eleven years younger than I was. Without planning it, I was a ‘Cougar’ before anyone really knew what the term meant. It happened by accident, and as I look back, was the best time, from a sexual stand point, of my life. Paul and I were very different people. I owned a real estate agency at the time, owned my own house, and drove a sports car. Paul worked for his dad in the family owned jewelry...

3 years ago
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VengeanceChapter 10

The night Elijah and family went on vacation, I visited their farm with a security team. Because of the planted cameras, we knew where the entrance to the dungeon was. We headed straight there. In one of the horse stalls, there was a trap door leading to a basement. The basement was all one big room with blood-stained meat hooks dangling from the ceiling. One wall was a shelving unit filled with recordings. The VHS and Beta tapes indicated that he had been doing this for a long time. There...

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