Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 14 Conspiracy Of Dreams Defined
- 4 years ago
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Dear readers, this is another long segment in the Barry and Carol story. If you are looking for a quick ‘kiss and fuck’ story, this is not it. As this is Part III of a continuing story, it would be advantageous for the reader to have read ‘A Conspiracy to Commit…’ and ‘A Conspiracy to Deceive…’ before tackling this section.
Also, there will be a Part IV segment where I hope to be able to conclude the Barry and Carol story. I don’t want to ‘milk this story’ any longer than it already is. Although Barry and Carol keep after me to tell more about their most interesting lifestyle.
Happy reading, and I would appreciate any and all comments that you might have about my writing and character development.
Chapter 1
Life is Good.
Steven Chase had gone on his extended European vacation two weeks ago.
Barry had slipped into his role as acting CEO as if it were a tailor made suit. The fit was perfect.
Initially, there had been some negative reaction within the executive staff to Barry’s appointment and his hands-on management style as opposed to Steven Chase’s delegation style of management.
Barry started one-on-one meetings with each of the staff members. He told them that it was not going to be a ‘love-in’ arrangement. In those meetings he told each of them, both the male and females members of the staff, what he expected of them. He wasn’t one to select favorites or build an inner circle of confidants. It was to be a full team organization, or else. The grumbling ceased soon afterwards. Everyone was too busy making sure their areas of responsibility were being properly taken care of.
One of the many duties of the CEO position was presenting a human face of GeoTex to the outside world. There was also the public relations exposure that was required. Meetings with civic and political groups. Charity events and corporate sponsorships were now placed on Barry’s shoulders. At first he was hesitant to move into those events with his usual vigor. Most of those events required that his spouse accompany him. Having Carol by his side gave him greater confidence as they both gained acceptance from the other high profile attendees.
Carol was thrilled with this new social status. Barry encouraged her to enhance her wardrobe and accessories. Carol needed very little encouragement to do that. Her female shopping gene got a full work out for the next several weeks as she performed the shopping chore for the both of them.
For the gown and black tie events, Carol would be one of the most stunning dressed females at the event. Although, never pushing past the sex-dress boundaries, she did dress in a manner that accentuated all of her feminine features. Barry was a proud escort for her.
Even though he had a demanding work schedule, Barry would not let an evening or a weekend go by where he and Carol did not sit down and talk about their feelings and desires. Life was good and seemed in all respects to be getting better for both of them. The Les / Carol affair was still tucked away in the back of their minds. But, it was no longer a damaging factor in rebuilding their ‘new’ marriage.
Another one of Barry’s management traits, was conducting on-site visits at the various GeoTex operations. In his previous role as the chief troubleshooter for the company, his visit to a GeoTex operation was not always received with ‘open arms’. Still, he wanted to visit most of the GeoTex operations in his new role as acting CEO. He wondered if his visits would be better received this time? Somehow, there was no doubt in his mind that they would be. So it is, when you have the ‘power’.
‘Rita, what time does the plane leave for my trip to Houston?’ Barry asked as Rita brought in a stack of papers he requested to take on his trip to the Houston facility.
Rita had a surprised look on her face as his question seemed to be out of place.
‘The plane will leave whenever you get there, Mr. Knoll.’ She replied.
Barry looked back up at her with a smile on his face. ‘I guess I’ll just have to get used to traveling on the corporate jet, won’t I?’
After years of worrying about airline schedules and planning his day around their departure times, the idea that he would leave ‘whenever he got there’ was a new and exciting concept for him.
The company car moved through the airport security gate after just a brief stop. It drove over to the private aircraft section of the airport and came to a stop next to a gleaming white, red and gold Hawker aircraft with the GeoTex logo painted on the tail.
‘Hello Mr. Knoll. I’m Gerald Finch, the pilot. This is Bob Lewis, the co-pilot and this young lady is Ms. Cassandra Gallo, she’s the cabin assistant.’ The pilot extended his hand and the two men exchanged greetings. ‘We’ll be ready to take off any time you want.’
‘That’s great Captain Finch. Now is as good a time as any to get this bird in the air.’ Barry felt a surge of ego status build up inside himself as he walked up the stairs into the plane. The interior furnishings and decor were tastefully done. Something, he was sure, that Steven Chase had personally specified. Barry took a seat mid-cabin and placed his briefcase in the compartment next to the seat.
‘I can stow that briefcase if you would like, Mr. Knoll.’ The voice was sweet and charming. The smile was gracious and inviting.
‘No thanks, Ms. Gallo. I have some reading I want to do during the flight.’
‘Oh please, Mr. Knoll. You don’t have to be that formal with me. I really do prefer if you would call me Cassie. It makes me feel more comfortable.’ She smiled at him.
‘Fine Cassie. I have no problem with that.’ Barry smiled back as the cabin notification light went on indicating that the plane was about to taxi for take-off. Cassie went to the rear of the cabin and buckled herself in for take off.
The plane was much quieter than the commercial airliners that Barry was used to flying. It moved smoothly and quickly down the runway and was airborne in a matter of a few seconds. Smooth and quiet…words that popped into Barry’s mind as the plane left the runway and angled upwards toward its cruising altitude. Chicago Midway airport quickly faded away as the plane banked southward and pointed its nose toward Texas.
Barry’s mind was focused on the folder in his hands. It was an executive summary of the Houston operation. Names and numbers that he wanted to commit to memory before the plane touched down at William P. Hobby airport.
‘Is there anything I can get you, Mr. Knoll?’ The sweet voice asked. ‘Anything you want?’ He thought that she had stressed the word ‘anything’.
‘Not at this moment, Cassie. Maybe in a few minutes.’ Barry responded as he smiled back at her.
‘Fine. Just remember that I’m here to be of service during the flight. To make the flight as enjoyable as possible for you.’ Now he was sure of it! Her voice definitely had a heavy sexy tone to it. It couldn’t be what he thought she was hinting at…..could it?
This would only be a one day, over night visit to Houston.
Yet, it would be the first time that Barry was not going to be home in the evening since the infamous Boise trip. Carol would be home alone tonight. She would go to sleep in their large bed all alone. He would spend the night in a hotel room wondering how she was coping without him there beside her. Their first ‘trust separation’ since they began rebuilding their marriage.
Barry had thought about bringing Carol along on this trip. He knew that she would enjoy shopping the upscale stores in Houston while he was busy at the GeoTex operation. But, he decided that it was time to add some stress into the mix. He would leave her at home, placing time and distance between them. How would Carol react to the separation, even though it was just for one night? Good question.
As he was being driven to the GeoTex offices, he called Carol. The phone rang twi
ce before she answered it.
‘Hello, Barry. I know this is you calling.’ She said immediately even though Barry didn’t say a word to her. ‘I love you and miss you already.’
‘Wow. My wife is now a psychic.’ Barry said laughing into the phone. ‘Great trip down here. I’m on my way to the offices. I just wanted to call and tell you that I love you too.’
‘Promise me that you won’t make a week long trip out of this, lover. I know how you can get involved in things. Promise me.’ There was a pleading in her voice as she envisioned those long lonely weeks when he was away on past business trips.
‘That’s an easy promise for me to make, my dear.’ Barry replied. ‘I’m not down here on a troubleshooting mission. Just a friendly face-to-face meeting with the people in charge of the operation. Nothing more.’
‘Just one night away, darling?’ She asked as to reinforce his promise.
‘Yes. We are having a dinner and reception tonight at the hotel. I suspect that it will be late night before it ends. I’ll crash down here for the night and then after a quick morning meeting at the offices, I’ll fly back to Chicago. I should be home before eight o’clock.’
‘Why is it that I feel so lonely already, lover? I never felt this way before when you left for a trip.’ Carol was trying to keep him on the phone a little while longer.
A nasty thought jumped into Barry’s brain. ‘You weren’t lonely before, because after I left on my trip, Les came over and took my place!’ The thought exploded inside his brain like a land mine. He had to shake his head to get rid of that ugly thought.
‘I have to hang up now, my dear. We’re at the office building. If I can, I’ll call you tonight. No promise there. I don’t know how busy it will get for me.’ Barry’s voice had a different ring to it.
‘Please, Barry. Call me before you go to bed. I don’t care what time it is. I don’t care if you wake me up. Just please call me.’ He could hear the tightness in her throat.
‘Ok, I’ll call you when I slip into bed. I gotta go. Bye, love.’
The remainder of the day was filled with meetings and facility tours. Lunch was brought into the large conference room as the top executives were trying to score points with the new man at the top. It was another ego boost for Barry, but he kept it well hidden and under control.
It was after six o’clock that the last meeting ended. Barry was driven over to the Westin hotel where he was booked for the night, and where the dinner meeting was going to be held later. He wanted to take a shower and change into a fresh shirt before going down for the dinner.
As he walked into the hotel lobby, he saw the three crew members of the GeoTex jet sitting in the open lounge area with drinks in their hands. He waved and nodded toward them as he moved toward the check-in desk. The desk clerk had everything already entered into the computer.
Signing the register, he took the key and then turned around quickly. He almost bumped into Cassie standing behind him. She smiled at him.
‘How did the day go for you, Mr. Knoll?’ She asked with a most friendly tone to her voice.
‘Just fine, Cassie. Nothing more than a lot of sit down meetings.’ He replied with a smile on his face.
‘Is there anything I can do for you this evening? There’s not much to keep me busy. Although I did bring along a mystery novel to read.’ No doubt about, he thought to himself, this young lady is coming on to me!
Barry was speechless for a couple of long seconds. Their eyes locked and a shiver raced up his back. ‘Nothing required tonight, Cassie. I have a dinner engagement that I have to attend in less than an hour.’
She made a small pouting face which then changed into a hopeful smile. ‘Call me later if you need anything, Mr. Knoll.’ She turned and walked back to where the pilot and co-pilot were sitting.
The elevator was empty as it ascended to the tenth floor. All Barry could think of were the sexual innuendoes that Cassie was spilling out all over him. Were her actions and words just an fluke? Or was this some sort of initiation into the corporate jet-set flying club?
All of these thoughts banged around inside his head. Some of the thoughts even excited him. They aroused him and he could feel a response in the crotch of his pants. Other thoughts were not so pleasant. Was this some sort of set-up? Was someone trying to get him into a compromising position and then black-mail him. He had read about situations like that.
Pushing all those thought our of his mind, he quickly showered, shaved and got dressed for the evening. He was the top dog in the company now, and he needed to keep that in prospective. Steven would not approve of any sexual misconduct by his senior executives. And no lovely young pussy or a one night stand was worth jeopardizing his career at GeoTex.
The dinner was top notch and all the table talk was upbeat. No paranoid frightened executives in this crowd. He was pleased with the team spirit and the take-charge attitude of the General Manager and his staff. Just what Barry had hoped to find down here. The dinner and after-dinner speeches lasted till almost midnight.
As Barry entered his room, visions of sweet Cassie flashed in his mind. Smiling to himself, he placed the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the outside door handle. It took only a few minutes for him to get ready for bed. He picked up the telephone and called his home. The phone rang about six times before he heard his wife’s sleepy voice.
‘Sorry, darling. I didn’t want to wake you, but you made me promise to call when I was going to bed.’ Barry sounded apologetic.
‘You’re phone call interrupted a most pleasant dream I had of you and I making passionate love.’ Her voice was slow and sounded very sleepy. ‘But, hearing your voice is much more thrilling than any old dream, my love.’
‘I will let you get back to your wonderful dream, darling. Everything is fine down here. Great dinner and a great bunch of people running this operation. I still plan to fly out of here in the afternoon and be home around eight o’clock.’ He paused for a moment. ‘You can decide if you want to go out for a late supper or if we just stay at home.’
‘Once you get home, lover, we’re not going any place but this bedroom.’ Carol’s voice was dripping with sex.
‘I look forward to that, darling. Now I’m going to hang up. You can get back to your wonderful dream.’
‘Do you want me waiting with my leather straps and standing in The Position when you come home, master?’ Barry’s cock went rigid instantly. Carol’s naked form flashed in his mind.
‘Surprise me, fuck-slut!’ He responded.
‘Yes, master.’
‘Bye now…….’ Was all Barry could say as he hung up.
He called down to the front desk. Placed a wake up call for seven thirty. Then an order for room service breakfast to be delivered at seven forty-five in the morning. He also told the clerk not to pass any phone calls through to his room for the rest of the night.
Sleep came quickly as he started dreaming about his lovely wife and the fabulous sex session they would have when he arrived home tomorrow night. Sometime in the middle of his sleep session, Cassie walked into his dream.
The telephone rang at seven thirty. It was his wake up call. As he got out of bed, he noticed a big wet spot where he was sleeping. ‘A wet dream?’ He thought to himself as he stepped into the shower.
As the warm water began to revive him, his mind flipped back to his dream. It was then that he realized that it was Cassie in his dream who was responsible for the wet spot in bed. He turned the water on cold, just to reduce the swelling in his groin area.
Fully dressed, breakfast completed, Barry left his hotel room and rode the elevator to the lobby. The company car and driver were waiting for him as he walked out of the hotel. As the driver maneuvered into the rush hour traffic, Barry took out his cell phone and
dialed his home.
Carol answered on the second ring.
‘Hello, lover. I knew that you would call. I was standing here anticipating the sound of your wonderful voice.’
‘Sorry madam.’ Barry said trying to disguise his voice. ‘This is your cable company calling to ask about your cable TV service.’
‘Like hell it is, Barry! And if this is the cable company….go to hell!’ Carol said laughing at Barry’s poorly conceived prank.
‘Morning, darling. Did you get back to sleep after I called?’ He asked.
‘Not right away. I must confess that it took a little bit of finger persuasion and a small orgasm to finally let me get back to sleep.’ She paused, sucked in a deep breath and then said. ‘You’re not mad at me for being a naughty girl are you, master?’
‘Yes, I am. You didn’t ask my permission to for that orgasm. You know I will have to punish you when I get home.’ Barry’s voice was now stern and had a hard bite to it.
‘Oh yes, master. I have been naughty and I disobeyed you by not asking if I could masturbate myself. I do need to be punished in order to mend my disrespectful ways.’ Carol’s voice had a distinct submissive tone to it. Was it just role playing?
‘I will be thinking of an appropriate punishment for you, fuck-slut. Now hang up.’ Barry said to her as he pressed the ‘end call’ button on his cell phone.
There was a definite straining in the crotch of his pants as he exited the car and walked into the office building. He went straight to the men’s room before he went to meet with the general manager.
The morning meetings went by quickly. Barry complimented each of the six senior executives for their performance over the past year. As the meeting was nearing an end, Barry opened his briefcase and took out six boxes. He handed each of the executives a Mont Blanc pen and pencil set. A small token gift for their excellent performance.
During a break in the meeting, the administrative assistant called Gerald Finch to tell him that Mr. Knoll would be leaving earlier than originally planned.
It was just after one o’clock that the company car pulled up to the waiting Hawker jet. The pilot was already in the cockpit, Bob Lewis was waiting at the bottom of the stairs. Cassie Gallo was nowhere to be seen.
Barry boarded the plane and as he entered the cabin, he noticed Cassie already seated with her seat belt buckled. He nodded toward her as he took his seat and buckled up for the take off.
The click-clack sounds of typing on a lap top computer were the only sounds that filled the cabin as the plane reached cruising altitude. Then in a very solemn and serious voice, Cassie asked. ‘Is there anything that I can get for you, Mr. Knoll.’ Gone from her voice were the sexy subtle tones and the warm inviting smile.
‘Nothing now, Cassie. Thank you.’ He said never looking up from his computer screen. The young woman returned to her seat, there was a very disappointed look on her face.
Barry made a mental note to do a personnel check on each member of the flight crew. He also would check with a few of the other senior VP’s to see if there was any special ‘protocol’ that went along with flying on the corporate jet.
It was five fifteen when the Hawker pulled up to the hanger. Cassie had not come around to see if Barry needed anything for the remainder of the trip. She stayed in the rear of the cabin reading her novel.
As the plane came to a halt, Barry was quickly out of his seat. An old habit he had gotten into when flying commercial airlines. First up and first out, was his motto.
The co-pilot came out of the cockpit and released the door and the steps.
‘Thank you. It was a great flight.’ He said to the pilot and co-pilot as he walked down the steps and into the waiting car. He didn’t see Cassie as the car drove away.
The trip had been very successful for him. He had imprinted his management style and set the goals for the Houston team. They would be pumped up and anxious to continue performing at a very high standard. Buoyed by the success of this first trip, Barry would now set up similar meetings with the rest of the operations. Even though his was just the acting CEO, eventually he hoped the ‘acting’ title would be removed. When that happened, he wanted a well motivated staff running each of the GeoTex operations for him.
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Kelly and Nancy guided Amanda to the edge of the stage in Silver Orb's Great Hall. Amanda's face looked blank as a last-minute make-up touch-up was done for the lights and cameras. "Amanda," Ned pushed his way through the crowd. Ned stood out because he was one of the few clothed people in the Great Hall. "Amanda, it's almost time." "Amanda, one more thing before you go on stage," Kelly extended a velvet-covered jewelry box, a rectangle that was 40 centimeters long and narrow....
"Kandi," a voice said. "Time to go to work." "Yes, Mommy," Kandi opened her dark brown eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry." "That's okay, hon," the other woman said. "Give my nips a suck. I want to do you for your coffee break. It makes you more productive. Besides, it's fun." "I like it, too, Dot." "Good news. Hank's coming to Tampa and he has a new girl that he's bringing from Silver Orb." Dorothy was a petite blonde tanned by the Florida with blue eyes and small breasts, but...
Amanda was silent as she knelt beside Hank's chair. Hank was sitting in the center of a long dining table. "Are you uncomfortable Amanda?" Hank asked. "No, Master," Amanda responded. "You are going to be fed sitting on my lap today, Amanda. Just lean against me when Lucy serves me." Hank smiled at the nude girl when Lucy slid a bowl of broth in front of him. "Do they have to do that now?" Corporal Culp asked. "What are you looking at?" Hank asked. "Isn't she a bit old to...
Hank had just closed communications with the Florida girls when his Palm Slave beeped again. "There goes the lakeside picnic," a horse named Tornado groaned. "Go, Monty." Hank said into the mike. "Two unidentified humans are walking down our road." The speaker had a distinct upper class British accent. "Descriptions: one point three meters tall, estimated 25 kilograms, female, wearing shorts, tee-shirts and tennis shoes and carrying a shoulder bag and a canvas shopping bag. They are...
Hank lifted off in the pre-dawn sky. Hank wore a tan flight suit and his slave girl Amanda was naked except for her slave collar. Amanda struggled to remain awake, failed. Sometime later the bright sky woke Amanda. She blinked, shielding her eyes. "I can turn the screen down," Hank offered. "The canopy is clear only when all power is shut off. It can opaque, darken, even show cartoons." "Where are we?" "About 30 minutes from Colorado Springs. I'm going to refuel there. Too bad we...
His name was Diego Norte when he was in Florida. At the moment Diego was in a secret clinic after having a gunshot wound sewn shut. An 8mm bullet from a caseless-cartridge machine gun had imbedded itself in Diego's derriere sideways- -obviously after the misshapen slug had punched through something hard and bounced of another hard object. It was barely recognizable. The old 20th Century forensics would not have been able to positively match bullets from those 8mm folding machine guns to...
Colonel Mary Chamberlain was waiting in the small interview room when Second Lieutenant Gordon Brian Venters the Third, also known as Trey, was escorted in by the guards. "Lieutenant, I need to show you something," Colonel Chamberlain stood as she spoke. "I intend to scare you senseless. Follow me soldier." "With all due respect--" Trey began. "Your objection is noted, Lieutenant," the colonel snarled, "now MARCH!" Trey's objection was cut short by the colonel's finger on a...
Hank kept it quiet; an unidentified cruise missile had been launched from a ship on Gulf Coast of Florida at Pensacola. It wasn't a big deal--the Pensacola Amazon Militia detected it, took control, diverted the missile to land in the Gulf Coast away from the city and near a yacht named the Wacky Wench. Colonel Charles Jackson leaned over the rail and dry heaved into the Gulf of Mexico. After gagging, Jackson raised his bloodshot eyes and stared at the American ship standing off a mere 500...
Kelly Dalton was not one of the community leaders of Silver Orb, Nevada, so when Lieutenant Lester Boron of the Capitallian Marshal Service requested a visit with her, Kelly turned to a slave for advice. Nancy was Hank Dalton's personal assistant and better-educated in the laws of Capitallia. Kelly was the citizen, though, and the decision had to be hers. Nancy could advise when her advice was requested--nothing more. Nancy recommended that Hank be notified and that Kelly ask Lieutenant...
A Rat Line is slang for an underground escape route for criminals. After World War Two Nazi war criminals fled using the Rat Line. Fredrick Herman Manning was following his own rat line out of Florida. He very carefully employed counter-surveillance techniques and was sure that nobody was tailing him. "Manny" was right--no human was following him. Nor was Herman being followed by a robot. A fisher eagle named Binky flew from perch to perch, keeping Manny in sight as the fugative walked...
When it was six in the morning in Silver Orb, Nevada, it was nine in Pensacola, Florida. Hank in Pensacola was going over the latest spreadsheets from Operation Goldfish Bowl and the intersection points with the investigation on the recent senator assassinations when his virtual desk signaled an incoming priority call from Nancy in Silver Orb. "What's the bad news?" Hank said when Nancy's face appeared on the wall opposite the desk. "It's Charles and his wife," Nancy choked up, put...
Hank Dalton walked into the banquet room with four naked women surrounding him. Even in Florida, all naked women look alike. If someone had bothered looking at the "slave bodyguards" they would have noticed that all of them were identical except for their scalp hair--all four had different hairstyles and haircuts. They wore slave collars and were barefoot. Hank was professionally dressed for a presentation in a dark pinstripe suit, contrasting striped shirt and a print tie. One would have...
Muffin and Timothy were a pair of ponies. Muffin was white with brown patches and Timothy was brown with white patches. The two ponies were working with a pair of dogs--a poodle named Britches and a boxer named Buttons. They had a comedy act and then they'd mingle with the audience with a pair of human handlers, Jane and Larry. The act and audience interaction took 20 minutes, the cast would rest for 10 while the audience changed out, and the next show would begin. From 9 AM to 5 PM the team...
The small flying robot circled the Gulf Snow Birds Flying Club at an altitude of 1000 meters, virtually invisible to the naked eye. No sound reached the ground from that altitude as the robot looked through several electronic eyes. The on-board radar was able to peer through some abandoned buildings but unable to see through the roofs of others--that was a significant bit of data for an intelligence analyst, though most people wouldn't understand the importance of that information. Also...
Trey had cried himself out. He sat naked in his cell, numbly staring at the wall. Trey was under a suicide watch, but he wasn't wearing a control harness. The door to his cell slid open and two women entered. One wore a military uniform with a nameplate that said 'Chamberlain.' The other wore a simple slave shift, a steel slave collar and sandals. "Second Lieutenant Gordon Brian Venters III," Colonel Mary Chamberlain of the Massachussets State Militia said, "you are required to come...
Chief Master Sergeant Luther Masterson had time to think on the drive back to Eglin Air Base. Masterson mulled over the list of people who knew that Trey was being enslaved. He kept coming up with the same name: Captain Sonny Bower, the commander of the Air Force Security Squadron guarding Eglin Air Base. Bare suspicion wasn't enough. Masterson planned a trap. "Colonel, I need your help," the chief master sergeant said as the base's front gate came into view. "I need two things from...
Davy Baker was watching the naked people at breakfast. Most were athletic young women--or so they appeared. School children of both genders from the boarding school filled trays from the serving line and clustered around tables. Males were in the minority--many of the adult males present were slaves. Normally the talking animals didn't eat with the humans, but a red fox named Copper was at a large round table beside Hank. There were almost 20 people sitting at the table and six naked slaves...
Peter was confused and frightened. As he regained consciousness he recalled his last waking moments. Peter had taken the bus from the Governor Grimes Indentured Servant Dormitories to his workplace as he did every morning from Monday to Saturday. He got off the bus, checked through Security, and collected his office key card. Upstairs, Peter made coffee and started the daily office routine by booting up his data system and scanning reports. Lieutenant Lester Boron was was more agitated than...
EVENTS SEVEN MONTHS EARLIER Secretary of Defense George Zently had a concern that high technology inventions having military applications were being stolen from Capitallian inventors and patented by USR scientists and engineers. His preliminary information suggested that the USR was intercepting Capitallian communications and tapping into the private data bases of Capitallian firms, learning the details of Capitallian inventions as the Capitallian corporations and individual Capitallian...
Seven months after the inception of Project Goldfish matters had come to a head. The project had yielded a rich dividend of actionable intelligence that was now in the hands of the President. The official residence of the President of the Capitallian Republic (POTCR) was a large sprawling estate situated on high ground in the Borough of Queens and commanding a fine view across the East River to Manhattan's skyscrapers. The Capitallian Federal Government Complex was located in what used to...
Who was Glory Rose Morganstern? Until her enslavement for copyright infringement three years ago, Slave Rose had been the premier theorist in learning techniques. Her fall from the highest circles of Capitallian academia was held up as proof that 'it can happen to anybody.' Rose protested her innocence--but at her trial she pled guilty and had become the property of the man who had privately prosecuted her, one Neville Pugh. Neville Pugh was also the owner of record of three dozen of the...
The rescue operations ended before noon. Hank commanded that full communications be restored to the USR and Aztlan from the bridge of the Wacky Wench, Jim Mackerel's yacht. Within minutes all the USR communications channels cleared, but that served only to increase the chaos as frustrated bureaucrats jammed all channels with demands for information, for action, for revenge. The other 276 Capitallian captives were taken to pre designated zones and turned over to Capitallian federal marshals....
Real or imagined, conspiracies have been around for about as long as people have been gathering. I know. I've put a lot of thought into this, and lately I've done a tremendous amount of reading on the subject. It seems that every generation has had their conspiracy theories, most of which involved the government (people's favorite entity to blame conspiracies on). For instance, did you know that President Lincoln conspired to place himself as king over the United States? Oh yes. And it was...
Caveat... this story is quite long, and mostly sensual with very little sex. Holiday for Two 1 Scott and is daughter, Candace, were always close. Her mother passed away when she was 10 from a long illness. The events of that trauma brought us close, and we remained that way until she went away to college out of state. It was harder on him, than her. She had college and friends to keep her busy. He didn’t even want to think of what else kept his little angel busy. He spent most...
They dressed slowly and got something to drink. Both Mark and Gail were strangely quiet. For Mark, he couldn't stop thinking about one major thing. He wished he wouldn't have come so quickly. Perhaps he shouldn't worry; after all, she DID come. Unbeknownst to Mark, Gail had a glaring fault. It was that she never appreciated what she had. She was always looking for something or someone better. Her mom was right in her assessment of Gail. Gail found herself wishing that Mark was as good a...
My appetite was incredible. It had been in days and only then did I realize just how murderous I felt inside, more than ready to submit to my cravings, to release the beast within. When had I last fed? Four days? Or was it six? And why hadn't I? Was it caution? Fear? Sheer repulsion? I can answer yes to all three, but I'd be lying to you. Let's just say, I was saving myself, starving myself to be exact, for a wondrous meal, dessert possibly included. But let me tell you honestly, that my will...
SupernaturalAndy left Candice while he asked the management about their facilities and how he could use them. For five minutes after he’d gone, she stood at the bar and watched the room. Client number two was still talking avidly to his companions. Was he telling them?Candice nodded to the barman to top up her wine with sparkling water and drifted over to a vacant table, hoping it was close enough to catch a few words. What she would do with anything she heard, she had no idea, but there was a strange...
NovelsDollyPart TwoBy theduck1930This story is true. It really happened and was one of the best times of my life. The names and places have been changed to protect the innocent if there are any.Dolly had two sisters. They were as different as could be. No one that did not know them would never connect them as being family. Dorothy was rather large framed and stable, she had married a nice man and a true outdoorsman. He had leased public land that had lots of Salal Brush and harvested it selling it to...
I was once at home, eating dinner, alone-the usual (sigh) while watching T.V, i was thinking about myfrieldfriend, and why she wssnt here with me, but then it came back to mind that she was on holiday in spain, i quickly thought that she would be with other men! but the thought slowly left my mind as i remembers the love between us. I didnt know wjat to do that nite as i was so bored and noone to make love with, i soon stoped feeling pity formyself and drank all the vodka i could find!! i...
Author: Auatinthomas ഞാനും എന്റെ ഭാര്യയും ചെമ്പൂരിലും കുര്*ളയിലും ആണു ജോലി ചെയ്യുത്*. ചെമ്പൂര്* എന്നു പറയാന്* കാരണം എന്തെങ്ക്കറിയില്ല. അവിടെ ഉള്ള പൂറുകള്* എല്ലാം ചെമതാണോ അതോ പട്ടത്തികള്* ധാരാളം ഉള്ള സ്ഥലം ആയതിനാലാണോ?ചെമ്പൂര്* ഒരു കേരളമോ തമിള്* നാടോ ആണെന്നു പറയാം. തമിഴാണൂ കൂടുതല്*പ്രയോജനം. കാരണം തമിഴന്മര്* തമിഴന്മാരെ കണ്ടാല്* തമിഴെ പറയു. എന്നാല്* മലയാളി മലയാളിയെ കണ്ടാല്* മറാട്ടി ആയിരിക്കും സംസാരിക്കുത്*. ചെമ്പൂരിലെ ഭിക്ഷക്കാരികള്* പോലും നമ്മുടെ മലയാള സിനിമ അടക്കിവാഴു കാവ്യാ മാധവ്ന്* പദ്മപ്രിയ...
It took 2 years and 3 months, but I finally saw my wife with another man. This wasn’t your everyday run of a mill situation. It took enormous planning and the perfect guy to pull this all off. I had thought this day would never come. Mt wife was still very beautiful for being in her late forties. At 5’5 and 140 pounds her body still had the same curves when she was younger. She looked much young than her age and could easily pass herself off for being in her thirties. She was a great mom and...
ReluctanceMe and my mum both have open sex relationships and both enjoy watching porn together, we share our profile on here and regularly flick through pics and watch videos. We have touched each other and watched each other but we never do full sex. One weekend mum was feeling horny and I said you should go to town and get yourself a young guy to have some fun with.The following night mum got dressed up and hit the town by herself and I went to the pub, a coupe of hours later I got a text telling me to...
I was 18. The legal age to be fucked by someone. Though I had a boyfriend last year that popped my cherry. I didn't care if I lost my virginity to a jock, he wasn't the big high school star or anything but he was something and I just wanted to get it over with. He was the same age as me, so it wasn't illegal. But I came to find out, it didn't stop one person. My history teacher. She was smoking hot. She was a blonde with piercing blue eyes. Huge tits, firm ass and a huge lesbian and...
Hi everyone, My name is Vikrant. I am new to ISS and found this site more interesting than watching porn. Everyone is sharing their experience so I thought I should share mine. Please be patient, my sex story is lengthy.Boys start stroking your dick and girls start fingering because my sex story will make you come. I am an instrumentation engineer and my age is 24.Recently I have joined new job in Mumbai. My company does not provide accommodation so I have searched few rooms on rent add on...
When the boy came into view, she didn’t think anything of it. Kids came to the church building often, usually to play basketball or to skateboard in the parking lot. She and her husband taught Sunday School to a few of them every week. Melinda would never admit it to anyone, especially not her husband, but one of the things she enjoyed most about teaching was the attention the boys in class showed her. At 27, she wasn’t THAT much older than them, after all, and their raging hormones couldn’t...
Sunday 5 February 2015, 1525hrs After parking the Rolls-Royce at the farm, I had only been back at the cottage for about half an hour and had only managed to light the wood burner in the parlour and put the electric kettle on for a mug of tea. I was sitting out on my back veranda, really well wrapped up against the cold, looking at the sunset gleaming off the iced-over canal, warming my hands on the tea and thinking about what to have for supper. At my age, 84 and approaching 85 by the...
Es ist kurz vor sieben, du hast gerade die letzten Sachen beiseite geräumt und einige Getränke bereit gestellt, als es an der Tür klingelt. Lisa scheint ein wenig früher da zu sein, als verabredet. Ihr habt die Wohnung noch nicht ganz fertig aufgeräumt, aber das macht nichts. Lisa hatte mit Laura in einer WG gewohnt, bevor diese mit dir zusammengekommen und -gezogen war und so kennt man das Chaos des jeweils anderen bereits. Laura geht gerade zur Tür und du hörst, wie sich die Mädchen freudig...
I want you to experience what it might be like if I ever was to embrace your fantasies and become a true hotwife. Before we begin I want you to take out your cock for me. Lie back with it in your hand while I read this to you. The more turned on you get the harder I want you to stroke your cock until you can’t hold any more and give me your cum. I know you love to give me your hot cum so I want to be able to see it when it happens. I want to see if I can turn you on so much that it explodes...
For the rest of that week they all enjoyed each other repeatedly. Getting ready for school was a lot easier when they could shower two at a time. And nighttime was an orgy shifting from one room to another until everyone was completely done in. Each experience together was like falling in love for the two involved. They tried menage-a-trois a few times but found that they preferred one on one so they could concentrate on loving and pleasing whomever they were with. They grew closer and closer...
Sitting in my car daydreaming, listening to the music and waiting for my Daughter to come out of school, there is a tap at the window. It startles me and I jump, looking out I see the Headmaster, Mike Johnson so I put down the window and he apologizes for surprising me. He informs me that Sarah will be a little late because she has some project she wants to finish up and then asks if I would like to join him in his office for tea while we wait. I accept his invitation and he opens the door to...