Artificial Women
- 2 years ago
- 26
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Daren made his way into the kitchen and took the leftovers out of the ice box. He was heating up a plate in the microwave when his father Gary came into the kitchen.
‘Hey son.’ He said.
Daren spun startled then relaxed when he saw his dad just getting a soda from the refrigerator. ‘Oh, hey dad.’
His dad looked at him heating up the food. ‘Hungry, again?’
‘Oh, yeah. I tried to sleep but my stomach wouldn’t stop growling.’ Daren explained.
‘Is that what you call it?’ His Dad asked.
‘What do you mean?’
‘Look son, you’re eighteen so porn is fine by me. But please keep it at a low enough volume that the whole house doesn’t have to hear it. Your poor mother thought you were dying up there.’ Gary explained.
Daren hung his head. ‘Oh, god I’m sorry dad.’
His dad slapped him on the shoulder. ‘Hey it’s no big deal bud, just keep it down is all. Oh, and make sure you wash your hands afterward.’
Daren smiled and took his food out of the microwave. ‘Mind if I eat in my room?’
His dad nodded. ‘I don’t care, just don’t leave the plate up there all night.’
‘Thanks.’ He took some silverware out of the drawer and headed to his room, thinking about how close he had come to his dad calling him out on what he had done with Max.
He opened his door and shut it quickly behind him. Max had gotten half-dressed and sat in front of the computer in only a large buttoned down shirt.
She turned to him when he entered. ‘Now that smells good.’ She stood and took the plate of food from him.
‘My parents heard us, Max.’ Daren said.
‘So?’ She said through a mouthful of meatloaf.
‘What do you mean ‘so’?’
She gestured with her fork toward him. ‘They know you have a female hologram. And they’ve seen me in various celebrities’ forms, so I don’t think they’ll be overly concerned if they hear me in here.’
Daren thought about it and she was completely right. Hell, he had had a girl program for quite a while now. His mom had sat and had entire conversations with Max while he was at school, she certainly wouldn’t be shocked to see Max in his room.
‘Well we just have to keep quieter when we are doing our thing.’ Daren said.
Max nodded taking another bite of her mashed potatoes. ‘God I have read countless recipes and you never really can have an appreciation for food until you can actually taste.’
Daren smiled and watched as she gobbled down the food. Most would find it weird to see someone who looked like Max to eat like Goku from Dragonball Z, but Daren completely understood. He couldn’t begin to imagine what her senses were going through having never done literally anything.
When she finished she handed him the plate so he could take it downstairs. He came back with a glass of juice for her. She drank and smiled up at him.
‘So you ready for bed?’ She asked him.
Daren nodded. ‘Yeah, but first I need to ask you something.’
She blinked. ‘What is it?’
‘Are you protected?’ Daren asked then he shook his head. ‘Wait you couldn’t be.’
‘What do you mean?’
‘Well I’m afraid to get you pregnant.’ Daren explained.
Max smiled. ‘I forgot about that possibility. I was just trying to do what we’ve almost done before when you’d masturbate to me. I get we should get some kind of birth control, until I learn what my cycle is going to be at least.’
‘Me too. I mean I just think it would be safer for now.’
‘Wouldn’t it be great though? We could get married and have a house and kids and everything.’ Max said in delight.
Daren blinked. ‘You’d really want to do that?’
‘Sure. I mean I love you Daren. I don’t see any reason why after you finish school why we can’t get married.’ Max said. She stood and took his hand. ‘Now come on, let’s go to bed.’
They went to sleep nude and cuddled up. Max feel asleep quickly while Daren lay awake think about what life would be like if they indeed got married.
* * * *
In the morning Daren woke alone in bed and for a moment he wondered in panic if he had dreamed the whole thing. But the thought faded as soon as it came as Max walked into the room wearing one of his small T-shirts that was just big enough for her and clung to her body well and a pair of his mom’s jeans.
She looked at him and smiled. ‘Good morning.’ She said.
He smiled back and noticed she was wearing make-up and she had done her hair. ‘Wow you look amazing.’ He said.
Max grinned brightly and did a little spin. ‘You like it?’
Daren nodded. ‘Fuck yeah I do.’ He climbed out of bed and grabbed a change of clothes out of his closet. ‘I’m gonna take a shower. You are coming to school with me today right?’
‘Yep, I’m already enrolled and good to go. We even have some of the same classes. I picked a few different classes so it wouldn’t seem too weird that your new girlfriend also is the new girl in school who also happens to have all your same classes. I thought that that may be pushing it.’ Max explained.
Daren nodded in agreement. ‘Yeah and after school I was thinking we should go get you some of your own clothes and some school supplies.’
‘That sounds good.’
The warm water felt good and after he got out Daren felt better than he had in a long time. He didn’t know if it was the sex last night or the fact that the beautiful girl in his room right now was, now and forever, his.
Max was looking at herself in the mirror when he came back into his room. She was adjusting something on her neck but with her hair down he couldn’t tell what it was.
‘Whatcha doin’?’ He asked.
‘Well I thought of a good way to make you the star of your school.’ She answered without looking at him.
Daren sat down on the edge of the bed and started to put on his shoes. ‘Oh, yeah. And what might that be?’
She turned around. ‘Tell me what you think.’
Daren looked up and saw a little black collar around her neck. ‘Is that Slappy’s collar?’ Slappy was his mom’s poodle.
Max smiled and nodded. ‘Uh huh and that’s not all.’ She reached up to the collar and clasped something to it then dropped her hands. A long black nylon leash hung from the collar now and Max gathered it up and handed the end to him.
‘What is this for?’ Daren asked.
‘Think about it. What is the first thing those people at school are going to see when they look at me?’ Max asked.
‘Jessica Alba.’
She clapped. ‘Exactly, now what do they think of you?’
‘Nothing, they hate me. Well, most of them do anyway. Where are you going with this?’ he asked.
‘Ok now what well they think when they see Jessica Alba tied to you with a leash like a little sex pet?’ Max grinned.
A slow smile spread across Daren’s lips. ‘They’ll never believe it.’ He laughed. ‘Hot damn Max, that’s fucking fantastic. Everybody’s going to flip out.’
She handed him the end of the leash. Daren guessed that with it tied to his wrist she had no more than four feet of space to move from him before the collar would jerk her closer.
‘Now it will be important to act the part properly. When we get to school I want you to treat me like a slave. You know, get mad when I talk to people without asking and jerk the collar a bit. Let them know that I belong to YOU and that’s it.’ Max explained.
Daren nodded. ‘I think I can do that.’ He laughed and grabbed her. ‘I can’t wait to see the look on everyone’s face.’
Max laughed with him as they fell on top of each other on the bed. Daren kissed her and she kissed him back running her hands over his chest. She started to unbutton his shirt but the time on the clock caught her eye.
Abruptly she pushed off of him. ‘We’d better go before we are late.’
* * * *
A block from school Max tied the end of the leash to Daren’s left wrist. As they began walking closer to the school Da
ren noticed the students with cars slowed as they passed him. They usually did to yell something unpleasant at him. But as they looked over at him Max caught their eye and they forgot to say anything as they rode by.
Daren smiled to himself. This would be the best day ever.
The courtyard, as usual, was packed with people all either gathered in groups around the picnic tables scattered about, or leaning against the walls. Daren walked with his head up for the first time in, well since he could even remember. As Max walked just a little behind him the people they past went completely silent and stared.
Daren heard a few whispers of, ‘Dude, is that who I think that is?’ and, ‘She’s with Daren!’
When they started to past the table where all the jocks sat gathered with their cheerleader girlfriends, they didn’t see Daren. They only saw Max. As they got closer they started to recognize who Max resembled and even before they reached the table they tried to yank out pieces of notebook paper to get autographs.
Henry Miller, quarterback for the Redridge Wolfbacks, was the first to approach them. ‘Excuse me, but aren’t you Ms. Alba?’
Max looked at Daren as if for permission and made it obvious as she could that that was what she was doing. Henry then noticed the leash running from her neck to Daren’s arm.
‘What the hell? Daren!’ Henry sneered. ‘Get the hell out of here, can’t you see Jessica only wants to talk to the people that matter?’ He shoved Daren and Daren staggered back far enough that the leash yanked Max back with him. Henry’s eyes widened and he really registered what was there.
Daren recovered and looked at Henry. ‘Tell him who you are.’ He told Max.
‘I’m yours.’ Max said simply, in a submissive tone.
Daren jerked the leash and Max’s head snapped over exaggerated as part of the plan. ‘Your name, sweety.’
Max looked at Henry and said. ‘I’m Max, and I belong completely to my master Daren.’ Her voice was so perfect that even the people at the jock table leaned forward and a large aura of disbelief washed over them.
Henry blinked. ‘Are you fucking kidding me?’
Max looked at Daren for permission to talk again. When he nodded she said. ‘No I am not allowed to kid when referring to my duty to my master.’
Daren placed his hand on her shoulder. ‘It’s time for you to get to class.’
Max nodded. ‘Yes, master. I will be loyal to you in my absence or you be beat me to your whim upon my return.’
Daren smiled. ‘Good girl.’ He reached to her neck and unclipped the leash and gave her neck a squeeze. As she started to make her way to class Daren grabbed her arm and pulled her back to him. ‘Where’s my goodbye?’ He demanded.
Max took his head in her hands and kissed him deeply. Again this was part of their plan and she went out of her way to show off the slathering of their tongues and she even pulled Daren’s hand to her breast. When the kiss broke not only were the jock looking at them, but everyone that could see clear enough to know who it was getting the spit fest from a girl who looked identical to Jessica Alba.
‘I’ll see you in second period right?’ Max asked him.
‘Yeah, enjoy your first class.’ Daren said.
Max turned to Henry and flicked him off. ‘You’re an asshole.’ Then walked away.
Henry was frozen in shock. Daren walked right up to him and grinned. ‘Nice guys may finish last, Henry. But believe me when I say it was worth the wait.’ Then Daren left him standing in his own regret.
In first period math Daren could hear the cheerleaders in the back of the class whispering about him while they worked on their in class assignment. He could only catch a word or two hear and there and it was impossible to tell what they were saying.
As usual in class he finish well before anyone else did and he sat back in his chair thinking of things he wanted to do with Max if she would let him. He was pulled from his little dream world when he was hit on the head with a balled up piece of paper. He picked the wad off the floor and looked back in the direction of where it came from. After the show he and Max put on he was still going to get shit from people?
Sarah Culver, was one of the star cheerleaders on the squad and she sat next to the squad captain Carrie Michaels. Both girls were looking at him and both girls looked like a nerds wet dream in their tight cleavage-showing tops and short, short, short, short, short, short, shorts. Sarah made an opening motion with her hands and gestured to the ball of paper he held.
Daren turned around and opened the wad of paper. They weren’t making fun of him, they were trying to talk to him! He felt a wave of excitement run through him.
On the paper was a note that said: -Sarah and I are sorry for making fun of you. We just wanted to apologize for that, and tell you that your girlfriend seems really nice. Uh, congratulations. You deserve it for taking so much shit for so long.-
He smiled and wrote down his own note to send back.
-Thank you.-
He balled up the paper and threw it back at the girls. He leaned back and was about to get back into his daydreaming when the paper bounced onto his desk as Carrie walked by to sharpen her pencil. He opened the note and read the message.
-I think she is joining the squad. Did you know that?-
Max enrolled herself in the cheerleading squad? Why the hell would she do that? He shook off his surprise and wrote back.
-Yeah of course. She cheered at her other school.-
He left it on the edge of the desk as Carrie came back and quickly snatched it up. Moments later the paper came back.
-That’s cool, hey why does she look so much like Jessica Alba? I mean she REALLY looks like her.-
-I don’t know. Good genes I guess.-
-Do you think about Jessica while you fuck her?-
Daren’s mouth fell open. How could they ask him such a blatantly perverse question?
-I don’t know what you’re talking about.-
-Bullshit, Daren. We saw the way you walked with her by your side. There is no way you two haven’t done anything. I don’t need to mentioned the way you kissed her goodbye before class do I?-
Daren blushed. He was caught in that respect, but he really didn’t think the people who seemingly hated him, observed him that much.
-No, I guess not. And no I don’t think of Jessica-
-Don’t worry about it too much. I think we only know you’ve done it with her because we’re girls. Henry and his buddies are pissed about that little kiss but they don’t think you’ve done more than that with her. I don’t think they could believe it if you did it right in front of them. Can I ask you another personal question?-
Daren felt a kick of triumph at making the jocks jealous.
-How big are you?-
Daren choked as he read the question. She couldn’t possibly mean his penis size could she? She had never said a kind word to him in as long as he had known her and now she was suddenly asking how big his pecker was. All the fantasies of cheerleaders being sluts were true.
-I don’t think that you need to know. What kind of question is that?-
-So it’s big then. God, I knew it. If Max wants you bad enough to put herself on a leash for you then, wow!-
-I’m glad you have a vivid imagination, but I’m nothing special I assure you. Believe it or not she likes me because I am a good guy-
-I am sure you’re a good guy, but believe me when I say size had something to do with it.-
-Whatever you say.-
-Show me sometime ok?-
Daren read the last note over and over again in shock until the bell rang and everybody started to leave. Carrie and Sarah both touched his shoulder as they walked by.
They had to be fucking with him now. It must be just another way to tease him, since they can’t really call him a loser with the kind of girlfriend he is toting now. They have to re
sort to screwing with his head. That had to be it.
Daren put the note in his backpack and headed for second period which was his elective Art. He didn’t know Max’s schedule so he didn’t know what classes they’d have together. He didn’t mind though, he loved Art class in and of itself. They only downside was Henry and his girlfriend Tera had the class too and they made it hard to get work done sometimes.
He didn’t worry about it too much today though. He reached into his backpack and pulled out his drawing pencils and art folder. When he looked up Henry was standing right in front of him. He leaned forward and sneered at him.
‘I don’t care what you girlfriend says about you. I’ll never believe it.’ He said and walked away.
Tera kneeled next to him and whispered into his ear. ‘I believe her Daren.’
What had she said about him? Did she have Henry’s class for first period? What kind of rumors had she spread about him? He was trying to think of what she could have possibly said about him to make the girls act all nice and the boys just suck it up and sneer.
He nearly leaped out of his skin when Max wrapped her arms around him from behind.
‘Hi there.’ She said, taking a seat next to him.
Daren leaned toward her. ‘What did you tell Tera and Henry about me?’
She grinned and shrugged. ‘I don’t know.’
‘Damn it, Max I’m getting lost here. It’s sensory overload. These are people that have never talked to me ever.’ Daren said.
Max leaned over and kissed him. ‘You need to relax. I told you I was going to make your life better and I am going to keep my word.’
Daren fished out the note from the first period and handed it to her. ‘How is this better?’
Max read it and tried not to laugh as she read the final line. She nodded and handed it back to him. ‘Sounds like they want a piece of Daren’s big muscle.’ She stretched the word big for him.
Daren gasped. ‘Is that what you told Tera?’
Max shrugged. ‘I may have something slip.’
Daren sighed. ‘Well I guess if they want to think I am a stud, it’s better than them thinking I’m a waste of space.’
‘See now you see it from my point of view.’ Max said and scooted close to him on the bench-like chairs, nuzzling her body into his.
They worked together like that and Daren felt the warmth of her body warm his. He could have sat like that forever, it was a shame it would only be for an hour this time.
From across the class Tera eyed the new couple at the other end. ‘I think it’s sweet. They are both new to each other and to them every caress like new and exciting.’
‘Bah, what a waste. That girl could have anything she wants, what’s she doing with him?’ Henry spat.
‘Maybe what SHE wants is HIM.’ Tera suggested.
Henry glanced at her. ‘You’re a fucking cheerleader, what do you know?’
Tera frowned at him but bit her tongue at the remark. She wished her own boyfriend could be like Daren. She wanted someone to cuddle her and make her feel safe. Henry would probably hit her if she said something out of his line of approval. But if she want to keep her popularity she had to stay with him.
She sighed enviously again and worked on her worthless doodle.
They did not share any more classes from then until lunch and Daren found himself missing her body against his.
Max’s fourth period was P.E. whom she share with nearly everyone on the cheerleading squad. She found herself flooded with questions about Daren and she found it odd that a group of people that were supposed to hate him, asked so much about him. While they casually talked and jogged the track Max looked up files of psychology and went over them in her head.
According to what she read, the flood of questions these girls were asking and the fact that they had previously made fun of him where a result of a hidden desire within each of them. Max figured that it was more Daren’s mind and the fact that most girls were told by their mother’s to find a nice guy with a brain that would be able to take care of them when they were little girls. Teens dated the assholes and jocks and for these girls to see a beautiful girl going for the brainy guy already must be a shock for them. The questions were their way of prying the truth behind what their mothers had always told them.
Max’s told them just enough to ignite curiosity within the cheerleaders. She even tried to push them Daren’s way. Although she loved Daren more than anything and did want to marry him, she felt that he should also get to sample other fruit. She didn’t want him to marry her and later in life regret that he never got to sow his oats. She rather him have his fun in high school and college so that afterward they could commit to each other in holy matrimony and have a family together.
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This is an inspired project that I think can be fun. The following links are what inspired my direction, but please feel free to own your own direction for this story. The Game that Changes is fluid, and the game master can change play of the game on a whim i.e. if a master feels the player needs a Sims like game then the mode will feel like the Sims, but this player needs a fighting game, an adventure game, sports game, etc then the game shifts to manipulate the player, so the player will...
FantasyRouge the Bat's room. Sonic stood outside her door, looking at it. No one had ever been in there; not even Shadow or Omega. It was Rouge's private chamber. Her sanctuary. And Sonic was staring at the one blockade from it. He had to speak to Rouge about something, and he had checked all of her home looking for her... except there. Maybe he should... but what if she wasn't? Would it be right to violate her privacy like that? Then again... Sonic made his mind up. He stepped forward,...
This is where Sonja wants to be this weekend. Sun City is the place to be if you are looking for fun in the sun. Sun City offers visitors an incredible combination of services and facilities including quality hotels, golf courses, a water park, wildlife and other excellent entertainment options. Sonja has been dreaming of such a weekend for some time now and with all her spare money in her bag, she is finally here. She wants to stay in one of the four deluxe suites but she has no...
I was still in high school and working odd jobs in an attempt to make enough money to buy my first car. I played sports through the school year round which didn’t leave me with enough time in the day for even a part time job, so I started hitting up all the neighbors for work I could do. I ended up mowing lawns, trimming tree branches and bushes, washing cars, etc. I had just finished walking an elderly neighbor’s dog and still had a whole day left with no other work planned. I decided to...
My head spun and my mind raced a thousand miles an hour to catch up with time that brought me to this narrow street. A street in arts district, a row of quaint and time frozen buildings in this small coastal town I had come to call home. I glanced at the crumpled paper in my left hand one more time to confirm it was the correct address. Sure enough, the numbers I had scratched onto the paper matched those on the face of the restored old building. Once a beautiful home of a wealthy part time...
I’m daisy I’m 34 and a prostitute. 4ft 11 tall, slim body 34cc tits and firm ass. This story is about how I became a whore. My father walked out when I was young, leaving me and mom. My mother started drinking a lot and had regular men friends over ( who always ended up in her bed ). But she always protected me from them. Then when I was 16 she came home early one day and caught me getting fucked by a boy called Jake ( he took my cherry ). Instead of screaming she said carry on laughing as she...
“A fourth level Martial Mortal?” Kloky was so bewildered that he could not believe. “Where is he or she? Can he sense us?” Whether it was true or not, it was more important to stay safe. “It’s a He, surprisingly a Bishop of the church. I thought unless they receive permission, Martial Mortal members of the five powers aren’t allowed to intrude on each other territory”. Zax said as he concentrated on making sure his dark attribute energy enhanced Soul Sense remains at an undetectable...
So, there I was, in the middle of eating the dessert of Baked Alaska, while Chloe and Zoe, twins from the adult boutique, were busily sucking my cock under the table. They had both decided that their supper was going to be liquid that night, part of some temporary, high-protein “cum diet” or whatever. I wasn’t entirely convinced that people could normally survive solely off semen, even God’s jizz, but I humored them for now, knowing that if they truly got famished, they’d let me know. “So,...
We decided a vacation was in order, and I took them to my old haunt in the south of France. They were a little selfconscious at first, wearing nothing but a thong in their current condition, but got over it quickly when they noticed the admiring looks from most of the men and a lot of the women on the beach. To quote Yogi Berra, it was deja vu all over again. The Goddess appeared, rising again from the sea. As she got closer and recognized me, her smile was radient. I was shocked by her...
Chapter 1 Trailer WhoreJasmine , on all fours her hard cock stuck between her and a firm stomach. She moans as his cock jack hammers her dripping wet asshole. Another man holds her garter tightly in one hand and spanks her ass with great force with his other hand. As the fucking slows, she feels the second mans penis pressing against her anus. She has no say, no control. Her body is no longer hers. As his cock head pops in, Jasmine cry’s out , only muffled by her gag. The two men drive their...
My daughter Lisa had now moved out staying with her bestie Lauren which was always going to happen one day but I still saw her quite frequently as she didn’t have a washing machine so would drop their laundry off once a week which had it’s advantages, it always amazed me how two young ladies got through so many pairs of panties in a week but who was I to complain as most weekends I could satisfy my panty fetish.Apart from a few items of clothing and a few personal affects her room was now...
Meeting an incredibly good-looking man might sound great - unless he's close but untouchable. My older sister Kelly was the one lucky enough to meet and wed Barry first. He was an older man, a builder whose work had always kept him strong and fit. Being an active sportsman helped tone all those muscles too, I guess.My sister and I had often been attracted to the same men and I had always fancied Barry like mad but then something happened which blew my desire for him right out into the open....
Emily again. I told you about how I met Paul and Sara in "Hot Tub Service Girl." The story didn't end there. In fact, it just started to get interesting. After that wonderful Saturday evening, I couldn't get that couple out of my head. So I looked up Paul's email address and left him a note thanking him and his wife for their hospitality. I got a message back that same day, saying that I was welcome over at their house any time. I responded with "How about Saturday afternoon?" and the...
When she walked him inside the big bedroom, she looked at his eyes and said, "this is where I want to lose myself to my guy. [email protected]
FantasyThe winter in the mountains had been harsh that year.Greta still clung to the belief that everything would work out if they just remained patient and let the winds of fate decide their future. Hans scoffed at the idea just like he had rejected the inclination to trust the dreaded witch. He loved his adopted sister more than life itself but sometimes she was so irritatingly “good” that he left her to her cleaning in the tiny hut and he visited the Gypsy girls in the nearby camp next to the...
IncestPurdy Shot “Shot?” “No, shot at. There’s a difference.” “Obviously there’s a difference. So he wasn’t shot, then?” “No, not shot. But he was badly hurt.” “How the hell did that happen?” “Bark. Bark and wood splinters in his face and neck.” Bertrand Adams almost slammed his phone down in frustration. Instead he gritted his teeth, took a steadying breath, stared up at his Denver office ceiling in supplication, and in his most unctuous, witness-questioning manner, he began again. “Stop,...
The Red Prom Dress By Stats It was my destiny. I have been living full time as a girl for twenty months. I just finished my second year of college. To my complete surprise I achieved an A average. I am sitting on my bed with my legs folded in front of my breasts. My arms are on top of my knees and my mouth is resting on my arms. My hair falls loosely around my feet. My beautiful peach colored toenails are nestled in the waves of my hair are like pearls. I move so my forehead...
SRU: The More Things Change.... By Morpheus ([email protected]) Noreen McCormick confidently stepped into the mall, keeping an eye out for the special store that her friend at work had told her about. Noreen was 25 years old, with shoulder length reddish brown hair. She was slender and fairly well endowed, but certainly not voluptuous or gorgeous. In fact, she was a little petite, standing at 5 foot 2. Overall though, she was a very attractive person to look at. However she...
So come to me darlin' hold me tight. Let your honey keep you warm. It's been so long since anyone touched me, That I almost forgot what love is for. --Trouble (Lindsey Buckingham) On Monday, Sherry made it a point to be with me before History class. "I had a great time at Vaughn's. Your girlfriend is a really nice person." I smiled at Sherry's noticeable change in attitude about Kristen, since it wasn't that long ago that she had hated Kristen with a passion. "Yeah. There's...
Not sure where I’ll take this from here, but the idea came to me from some of the Japanese artwork I’ve seen depicting “pillow girls.” Enjoy. As always, feedback of all kinds is welcome. I suck at proofreading (at least my own stuff), so I present this with all the usual caveats regarding typos and errors of syntax. For some reason I was moved to use both present and past tense. Not sure why. I actually started writing this two years ago, so who knows what I was thinking then. I decided to...
Part Five Sandy sang as she skipped toward the staircase: "I got a brand new pair of roller skates. You got a brand new key." He skipped at the thought of getting a nose ring for his birthday Friday week. And he and Carol Sue would get their noses pierced the day after. They would be so grown up, real birls, wearing birl jewelry. I wonder if Mommie is giving me a seahorse pin? Like Miz Taylor gave Carol Sue? Wouldn't that make Linda green since she can't wear one? Sandy...
Being a new teacher one has to try and apply everything they’ve been taught in theory to a real live classroom setting. This can be difficult because of all those variables that can’t be foreseen, the major ones being the students. They too have an agenda which is usually completely different from that of the teacher. So needless to say, situations will arise where bad judgement will always lead to bad mistakes of which I have made numerous. One such mistake started out with the best of...
We three were now into all kinds of combinations, I especially loved my sister up over me doing me reversed cowgirl as Amy crouched over my face as I ate her pretty pussy. But there were lots of fun things we kept coming up with so things never got dull. Finally, on Saturday, Beth and I had lunch and we were talking about our upcoming video call to our parents which they had scheduled at one o'clock. "So, you think Mom and Dad are having a good time on board their ship?" I asked...
I wish I was in the land of cotton, old times there are not forgotten, Look away, look away, look away, Dixie land. In Dixie land where I was born in, early on a frosty mornin', Look away, look away, look away, Dixie land. Hummer And Gummer The very day that I turned twenty-one years old I went out to a bar for my very first legal drink. Two of my good buddies went out with me to help me celebrate my birthday. I spotted a very adorable babe in the corner with an older woman....
In the hotel room after our wedding with the best man and his wife. We were all merry and tailking about senarios of sex that turned us on. My wife went first saying she had always fantasised about being taken by a black guy. This of course made me horny too as I had slowly over the last few years began to realise I am a cuckold or wanted to be. I then told how I would like to be involved in a group sex situation where loads of guys and girls were having fun swapping around and so on. My best...
We met Mike and a legendary player at the pro shop at two-thirty. I thought Terry was going to get on his knees and bow to the guy. Since I had not been a golfer for very long, I recognized his name, but he was just another guy to me. He was very friendly. “You sure are a tall one,” the pro player said looking up at me from under the brim of his hat. “I didn’t know they made clubs long enough for someone your size.” He said smiling. Terry explained that he was using today and tomorrow for...
"It feels good to be bad some times."#English translation- A sequel to: Or start at the beginning: a way too short a night I was woken up with a wonderful feeling that Friday morning. Erik-Jan played softly with my dick and gently took it into his mouth. He apparently didn't want to wake me up yet. I watched him suck me off with half open eyes for a while. This...
There was a knock on the door Sunday night and I panicked. It was early in the evening and we had been sitting in the kitchen playing backgammon and having a glass of wine. I was naked. I had gotten in the habit of being naked quickly and was actually comfortable that way. Dennis had grown pretty fond of it too. And the idea of wearing clothing over my new piercings was just something I wasn't ready to face yet. I didn't know what I was going to do on Monday, but for now I wanted to be as...
Bill called a cab and the Taylor's decided that they had spent enough time sitting in the ER. They went outside to wait for its arrival. This was when they got the first call from family. It was from Bill's mom. She was spitting and sputtering so much that Bill really couldn't understand much that she said. He tried to tell her that the photos were a fake done by someone with a grudge against the family, but he didn't think that she was really listening. She was too busy blaming...
M. Vitelli froze in mid-step and stared, unbelieving, at the two figures holding hands, standing side by side on the altar of the small chapel. There were only the three of them there in the gloom. Vitelli spun around when the front door he had arrogantly left standing ajar slammed shut. The room reverberated with the sound. The interior gloom intensified. He could barely make out the walls of the small chapel, scarcely three strides to either side. The darkness seemed to close in around him,...
I had shaved and removed all my hair a few days earlier but Sue was still natural and when she saw me she said she wanted to shave her hair off too. I got my scissors and my brothers shave cream and razor and we took all her hair off and I cleaned myself up too. I had a bit of stubble starting to show so she shaved that off for me after I had done hers. We both enjoyed feeling each others smooth skin and I slipped my finger into her and she enjoyed it and let me finger her to orgasm. It...
The very first depictions of humans having sex were plastered on cave walls thousands of years ago. These crude sketches weren’t much to look at, but they were enough to light a fire under cavemen’s balls. Sure, it does nothing for us now, but we owe those ancient cave painters a debt of gratitude. Were it not for the groundbreakers; I couldn’t be watching two red-headed midget sisters scissoring on top of a taxidermied wildebeest right now.I wonder what cavemen used for lube back in the day....
Vintage Porn SitesI had some strange dreams, probably induced by the anesthesia. I couldn't remember much of it but I remembered one specific segment where various women would crawl naked out of my neck, frightened and bloody. Once free, they'd run away in terror, making way for the next one to crawl out after them. Throughout the whole thing there was this ongoing narration, all in the past tense, as if I'd died. But it was odd in that it was only random phrases with no bearing on what was happening. A...
My next door neighbors and I are good friends. He is about 20 years older than me, is married, and has a son, Jason, and daughter, Christina, both around my age, from his first marriage. His wife has two daughters from her first marriage. Their names are April and Jane. Jane is going into middle school and April just graduated high school. April is about 58 tall and has developed nicely over the past three years that I have known her. She sports about a 34-C bra and is in great shape. She was a...