Priscilla's Predicament free porn video

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Not sure where I’ll take this from here, but the idea came to me from some of the Japanese artwork I’ve seen depicting “pillow girls.”


As always, feedback of all kinds is welcome. I suck at proofreading (at least my own stuff), so I present this with all the usual caveats regarding typos and errors of syntax. For some reason I was moved to use both present and past tense. Not sure why. I actually started writing this two years ago, so who knows what I was thinking then. I decided to keep it this way. It might be annoying to some. I apolgize for that in advance.

“Hmmm ... this looks interesting,” Michael murmured as he read the message on his smart phone’s screen. “I don’t think we’ve done one of these before. I wonder...”

And, you, too, dear reader, may wonder as well. You may wonder who this “Michael” person is and what the contents of the intriguing message were. Patience, my friends. All will be revealed in due course.

Michael got up from the comfortable wingback leather chair in his study and stepped through a door, disappearing down a short hallway and into another room. Muted sounds of conversation drift back to our vantage point and after a few moments, footsteps, two sets this time, can be heard approaching. Our vantage point? For the moment, the eyes and ears of a female human slave, complete with welded collar and a slave-flower brand high on her left thigh mere inches from her pubic mound. Her name is Priscilla. She has been commanded to hold the position known as “nadu,” among certain sub groups of the D/s world. She is owned, utterly and completely by Michael – one of many such slaves although a recent acquisition. Slaves may be bought, sold, or slaughtered for food. Every slave knows that she (or occasionally he) is the absolute property of the owner with no rights whatsoever. This isn’t some BDSM game with a “safe word.” There are no safe words. If the Master wants to fuck you, you’re fucked. If the Master wants to sell you, you’re sold. If the Master wants to eat you, you’re dinner. If the master wants to ... Well, you get the idea.

“Can it be done?” Michael asks the older bearded man who follows him back into the room.

“Theoretically, yes, but why?”

“I have a buyer who wants a slave configured in just that way. And, we can use the spare parts for this year’s company picnic,” Michael says, calmly, as if discussing the weather or a stock purchase he is considering.

Priscilla, who is not encouraged to think independent thoughts, or for that matter, thoughts of any kind that do not directly apply to perfect obedience to her Master’s every whim, remains silent, passive, and perfectly positioned. She is a beautiful specimen of the female form. Thick auburn hair, braided in a single, long, braid so as not to cover her (welded) slave collar, fair skin with a few freckles here and there, full breasts with marvelously shaped teats, a slave belly with just a hint of softness, well shaped legs and arms, dainty feet and hands with skillful fingers, and a beautiful face with a sensuous mouth and bright green eyes. Rightfully, her name should be Kathleen, or Maureen, or Coleen – something to acknowledge her Celtic heritage. But she is Priscilla and Priscilla she will remain. For now. Unless her Master decides to call her something else.

“What’s the time frame? How long would I have to get her ready?”

“How long would it take to make the changes and deliver her in decent shape? She must still be fully functional and mentally capable of doing what is required.”

“A month. Maybe longer depending on how she tolerates things. The surgery itself will take several days – we can’t just do it all in one go. And it will take a month or more for her to heal.”

“That is satisfactory. How soon can you start?”

“Tomorrow morning. Are you going to explain? This will be a shock. She may go a little crazy.”

“She is a slave. She has no will in these matters and no feelings about which I need concern myself. She is property to be modified and disposed of at my whim. She will make me a tidy profit and that should make her proud. She is giving the service she was born to give and that is all the explanation required.”

“You are a cold bastard,” the other man said, chuckling, “but you are right of course. Have her at the clinic by 8 in the morning and all will be done as you have ordered, sir.”

“Good. See you tomorrow then Dr. Mengele. Your fee will appear in the usual way when she is ready for shipment.”

“Thank you,” the doctor said, shaking Michael’s hand before disappearing through the doorway.

It is now 72 hours later and Michael is standing in a large walk in cooler. Hooks are attached to a track built into the ceiling. A pair of perfectly formed human legs hangs from hooks, which pierce the flesh just behind the heel. The skin has been removed from all but the dainty feet. Red polish still decorates the nails capping perfectly formed toes. It matches the raw red flesh exposed by the removal of the skin. At the other ends of these legs, a drop of blood occasionally appears and falls to the floor with a plop.

From two other, smaller, hooks a pair of arms dangles from the track pierced through the palms. Like the legs, the skin has been removed but not from the hands. Like the toes, the nails on the ends of the long graceful fingers are painted red. These are the fingers of a concert pianist, and indeed, at one time the original owner of those fingers aspired to be such. She often entertained her masters, later in life, with her musical gifts. These fingers would not be playing the piano again.

Some miles away, in a specially designed bed in a very secret clinic, a figure lies unconscious, motionless except for the respiratory rise and fall of the chest. Tubes connect the figure to various bags of fluids. Sensors monitor bodily functions. Like a waterfall, auburn hair spreads across a pillow illuminated by a dim light just above and to the left of the bed. The illumination is indirect. The whirring and beeping of various pieces of monitoring and pumping equipment mask the susurration of the air handling system and the sound of the woman’s breathing. For it is a woman – or rather what’s left of a woman.

This is Priscilla. She’s had some life altering surgery. Her new owner, for she is in the process of being sold, wants a very special kind of woman for his very special fetish. The price was enormous and the man didn’t haggle. He paid immediately; in advance. And, so, the lovely Priscilla who once dreamed of playing piano at Carnegie Hall is instead lying in this hospital bed knowing that she will never play the piano again. Her arms have been removed from the shoulders. Her legs just about six inches from the apex of her thighs. Her buttocks remain. Bandages cover the stumps at her shoulders and hips. The amputations were done in such a way that her own skin covers the stumps. The circular ends of eye bolts protrude from the bandages at her hips and shoulders. She will never walk or feed herself again. She will also never speak. Her vocal chords have been disabled. Her teeth have been replaced by a full set of dentures, upper and lower, which serve to maintain the shape of her face. She can only imagine why her teeth have been removed – rumors of such modifications have reached her before. But she has no choice in the matter. Such is the will of her new owner, Pierre Le Cochon. Monsieur le Cochon has a very specific set of fetishes. Priscilla has been altered to accommodate them.

Drugs mask her pain but do nothing for her grief. She knows that as a slave her body belongs to her owner to do with as he or she pleases. Her life was forfeit, she knew, at the whim of any owner, but never in her wildest imagination had she envisioned this. What use would she be now? A single tear leaked from the corner of one eye and made its way down her cheek eventually landing on her pillow before drugs took her consciousness away providing a temporary relief from the horror that her life had become.

“How is she, Doc?”

“Physically she is fine. She’s young and strong and her healing is right on schedule. The bandages come off tomorrow and she should be ready for transport in a few days.”

“Good. The buyer is not a patient man, nor is he particularly pleasant to deal with. I wish this transaction completed as soon as it can be done.”

“Like I said, she’ll be ready to transport in a few days.”

“You said physically she’s all right. Does that mean that she’s not all right in other ways?”

“I warned you that this type of trauma can have mental and emotional consequences, even for a well-conditioned slave like this one.”

“Will she snap out of it?”

“Given time and the right sort of support, yes.”

“She’ll have neither. Drugs?”

“Well, there are some things we could try, but the effects would be temporary at best.”

“Well, give her something to ease the transition. She’s property, after all, and once the sale is complete she is no longer my responsibility.”

“As you wish,” the doctor replied, frowning. He did not feel good about this case. Not good at all, but, Michael was right, as usual.

A few days later, Michael was back at the clinic. Two of his other slaves wheeled a box into the room where Priscilla waited. Her face was expressionless – like a doll face. She was still beautiful, but it was like she wasn’t there anymore. Her vital signs indicated that she was alive and reasonably healthy – as healthy as a quadruple amputee could be of course.

“What’s this?” Dr. Mengele asked.

“This is how she’s to be transported,” Michael replied, opening the box to reveal its padded interior with fasteners and tubes in strategic locations. His two slave assistants lifted Priscilla from the bed and placed her in the box. Tie down straps were secured to the hooks at her hips and shoulders. A mask connected to an oxygen tube was fastened to her face. Other tubes were forced into her urethra and anus. The doctor injected Priscilla and within seconds her eyes glazed over and shut. Her body shuddered once as consciousness fled and she was still except for the gentle rise and fall of her chest.

“Seal it,” Michael ordered. His orders were always obeyed quickly. Neither of his assistants wanted to end up like Priscilla. They were shocked that he had sold her. Everyone thought Priscilla was his favorite, “the one.” In truth, it was as they suspected and that, in turn, became the main reason that she was being sold. Michael felt that he might be falling for Priscilla and the last thing he needed was to fall in love with one of the livestock. No good would come of it. So, instead, he sold her to the brutal Frenchman, Monsieur le Cochon, and he would probably have her turning over the coals within two weeks, having first used her most brutally. A shame, but, what is one to do, eh?

When Priscilla regained consciousness she couldn’t see. All was dark. The oxygen mask still covered the lower half of her face and she felt cool vapors against her nostrils. She was as comfortable as could be expected under the circumstances. She had the sense of motion but did not feel like her box was moving which suggested to her that whatever the box was in was, in fact, in motion. Her ears popped suggesting a change in pressure such as might be expected of an aircraft takeoff or landing. Then a loud thumb and a series of sharp jerks seemed to suggest a landing. She felt the sensation of slowing down as inertia provided a sense of pressure in the direction of her head. Then it stopped. Time, she had no idea how much, passed before she felt her box being moved. Whoever was doing the moving had not been told that the cargo was fragile and she felt the jolt as the box was dropped on a hard surface.

“Careful, Claude, you imbecile!” she heard someone shout, “M. le Cochon does not want his merchandise damaged!”

More jolts, but gentler, as the box is transferred from what Priscilla assumed was an airplane to some other conveyance. More motion and the faint sounds of traffic. She falls asleep and wakes when the lid is removed from her box; the bright light after so many hours of darkness hurts her eyes and makes her squint. Where is she?

“Magnifique! Parfait! Exquisite! Marie, please call Monsieur Michael and tell him the package has arrived and that he has outdone himself.”

The voice is rough and loud. As her eyes adjust she sees a face leering down at her and knows powerlessness in an entirely new and profound way. She has no possible means to resist anything that might be done to her. And that face! Pierre le Cochon really is a pig of a man. She can see it in his little piggy eyes, the upturned snout of a nose, the fat jowls covered with a day’s worth of stubble, the thick lips. And the smell – clearly M. le Cochon does not believe in regular bathing. Priscilla hopes he will end her life quickly but she fears that he intends to keep her alive to satisfy his perverted lusts.

“Have her washed and brought to my chambers at once, Marie,” he says and the face disappears.

Another face appears this one is female and beautiful. Long blond hair frames a lovely face with fair skin and blue eyes. Only the mouth is cruel. A thin silver circlet is the only outward symbol of this woman’s status.

“I am Marie,” she announced in heavily accented English. “I am M. le Cochon’s Chief of Slaves. I make sure that he has everything he wants whenever he wants it. In this case, what he wanted was you, mon cher. I would pity you but it would be wasted. If I were you I would hope that the Master grows bored with his new toy quickly and has it served for dinner. I wonder what you did to make your former Master hate you so?”

Priscilla wondered the same thing. What had she done to make Michael subject her to this fate? She had sensed that he had feelings for her and wanted to keep her. And, then, suddenly, she had found herself trussed up and taken to the clinic where she had been mutilated for the pleasure of this French pervert to whom she now belonged.

“Let’s get you unhooked from this box, eh?”

Priscilla felt the tubes removed from her urethra and rectum and the oxygen mask was likewise taken off. She felt her body move as it was disconnected from the tie down straps. She could smell Marie’s perfume, a very pleasant contrast to her new Master’s body odor. Then Marie’s hands were under what was left of her shoulders and buttocks and she felt herself lifted from her padded prison and held more or less upright the way someone might hold a baby. Her face was at the level of Marie’s breasts and she noted that those breasts were lovely. She took the time to inspect her surroundings. She seemed to be at some country estate or chateau judging by the lack of city noises and the foliage. It didn’t smell like a city either. She heard birds chirping and felt the sun warm against her skin.

Marie walked up several steps and through a large set of wooden doors and into a cool dark entrance hall. Then more stairs, up again, and down a thickly carpeted hallway dimly lit from sconces along the walls. Through another open door and now she appeared to be in a huge bathroom of some type. Marie lay her down on thick towels spread on a counter top. She heard water running. Marie was singing softly to herself – a tune Priscilla didn’t recognize. She could hear chains rattling. Then, Marie came back into her field of vision. She picked Priscilla up and hung her from her shoulder hooks to a set of chains hanging from the ceiling. A shower came on, cold at first and then pleasantly warm, and Marie directed its spray over Priscilla’s flesh, turning her around to get her wet all over. Marie put a washcloth into the basin and picked up a bar of soap. Applying the soap to the cloth she proceeded to wash Priscilla’s body, paying particular attention to her nether regions. Then, Priscilla was moved into the shower spray so that her head was under the shower nozzle and Marie washed her hair. The water was turned off and Marie used towels to dry Priscilla’s skin and a blow dryer on her hair. Finally, Marie put her fingers in Priscilla’s mouth and removed her dentures. She propped Priscilla on her hip stumps and gave her some mouthwash, which she was ordered to spit into a cup. Her teeth were replaced after being cleaned. The whole thing was so surreal that Priscilla almost started laughing.

Marie carefully brushed Priscilla’s hair and applied some makeup showing great skill with both. When she was done she held a mirror up to Priscilla’s face.

“What think you, eh? Not bad?”

Priscilla smiled and nodded her head.

“Alas, the fun part of your day is now over. I bring you to the Master’s chambers and then things might not seem so good, eh? But what will you? We are slaves, non? What choices do we have, eh?”

Marie made a last check of Priscilla’s toilet and picked her up once more. She was taken further down the hallway and through another set of double doors into what must have been M. le Cochon’s private chambers.

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Priscilla the Anal Whore

I am here is to expose Priscilla, a recent ass slave of mine, as the vile piece of trash that he/she/or what the fuck ever sex turning your asshole into a pussy makes you. He calls it his "Manpussy" and he is ever so proud of its giant size.Priscilla is really Rob…….. who chased me for years and got used like the bitch he is. He has already told all my sex history to everyone and spent years jerking off in my food, conditioner and God knows where. Beware, this freak will fuck your dogs and...

3 years ago
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Sarahs Snowy Predicament

The car weaved its way along the remote country road, slowing almost to a crawl at every bend because of the thick covering of snow and ice. It was mid-January, and the whole landscape was blanketed in white from horizon to horizon. A low evening sun cast long shadows from the trees bordering each side the road and ice crystals sparkled in the still, sharp air as the roar of the car’s engine dislodged powder snow mini-avalanches from the laden branches.Rick smiled to himself as he drove...

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What a Predicament

I look at the paper in my hands as I read the conditions. There is a place to sign to say I understand the competition's physical, mental, and/or mental risks. There is a section that explains the medic is on the scene for an emergency, the safe word is red, and there will never be a time our mouths are gagged. A part of me understands that I should feel scared or nervous. However, all I can feel is excitement. I remember applying to the competition months ago, and after weeks, I thought I...

4 years ago
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Cals predicament

My name is Cal, I am an 18 year old boy that recently have finished high school and I live at home with my mother, Angela. We live alone in a house, with a reasonably large garden at the end of a road in a small town in Missouri. The area is quiet, the whole town is quiet and relaxed. My mother works as a manager for the local hotel, it is of fair size so it really keeps her busy especially during the summer time when it as its busiest. This means that she is away from home during this time...

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Cheating Nadias Predicament

Nadia smiled at the brawny door guard who let her in the back entrance to Miss Kitty's Place. She had 'worked' at the club several times before and the guard recognized her. A friend of a friend of a friend had gone to Miss Kitty's as a way to help her marriage and, although she had initially been repelled by the idea, it had gotten Nadia thinking. She and Steve had been having serious problems in their own marriage for some time, especially their love life, problems that had finally...

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Mrs Claus8217s Predicament

It was Christmas time again, and everyone was very joyful at the North Pole. Toys were being made on every table, hot chocolate was brewing and smiles abound. It was a beautiful holiday scene, with the exception of Dear old St. Nick being mysteriously absent. Which made one person very unhappy. Mrs. Claus… Mrs. Claus stomped through the warehouse watching the Christmas elves toil over completing the toy orders for Santa’s ride this year. She had been completely on edge the last...

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Nikyms Predicament

Author’s Notes: Thanks to my lady love for turning a simple stroker into one of my usual rambling epics. Also, a heartfelt shout-out to my beta readers Chris P. and Thornfoote for timely and helpful input. Finally, thanks to alphadachs for providing a tight editing job on short notice. All participants in sexual acts are adults. **** Stoneridge was the oldest of the Four Cities, a settlement even before Orran united humanity and formed what is now known as the Old Kingdom. It was the closest...

4 years ago
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Janets Predicament

© Copyright 2002 A double flash of lightning sets an eerie glow from behind the trees, at the edge of the marshland and Janet feels alarm at the sudden change in the day's temperament. A scant half-hour earlier, the day had been hot and sunny with a light breeze. Then it became hazy and muggy. Now, as thunder grumbles in the distance, she decides that paddling her canoe to shore may be the wisest option. Although the grasses grow very tall on the bog, trees are scarce and this tends to...

2 years ago
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Stiffkey BluesChapter 6 Pennys Predicament

Penny was wondering what on earth was going on. She and Krysta had been chatting. Krysta had been admiring her dress — a candy-striped, seersucker, shirtwaister with a stand-up collar. Then they'd been discussing her latest story. Penny had described how her heroine was going to be enslaved by a man she had long admired. She was particularly pleased with a scene that she had just finished where her heroine found herself handcuffed and forced to wait on her captor and then, when she protested...

4 years ago
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PRISCILLA’S FIRST CANING. PART VIFurther instructions by Dr. Stanton himself THE ADMINISTRATION OF AN ACTUAL CANING: INTERACTION WITH THE MISCREANTThe considerable detail in which we have discussed the management of the cane so far will prove, I hope, sufficient to ensure that when it comes to the actual event you will manage it smoothly and effectively. There remain, however, some additional points to be made.As you proceed with a caning, however, additional problems may arise and we will...

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PRISCILLA’S FIRST CANING. PART VIIFurther instructions by Dr. Stanton himself Some Subtle Considerations A word of reassurance on two related matters may be in order here. The first is somewhat private and, one might consider, embarrassing. However, as I have made it clear, I hope, I am striving to be both franks and comprehensive in my advice. In addition, I would note that I have even discussed this with ladies of my acquaintance, who have all...

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PRISCILLA'S FIRST CANING (Part V)Note: Dr. Stanton himself provided an adequate introduction to this part of his manuscript. There is a strong element of missionary zeal to his writing that suggests he genuinely thought that there might be a receptive, if slightly limited, audience. We cannot tell whether he exercised any effective influence over other school principals, male or female; but there are odd items in the collection of documents indicating that he did in fact discuss such matters...

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PRISCILLA’S FIRST CANINGFurther remarks by Dr. Stanton SECTION IV: THE CANENote: Just as a fascination in the female posterior (or bottom, as Dr. Stanton specifies it should be called in this context) was perhaps inevitable in light of his weekly engagements with this aspect of his students, it is no surprise to find that the features and use of the cane held an equal fascination for him. Nevertheless still remarkable is the almost scientific degree of observation...

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PRISCILLA'S FIRST CANING PART IIIThe Headmaster SpeaksNotes: These sections reconstruct what we referred to at the end of Part II, in a slightly edited version, Dr. Stanton’s text, The Philosophy and Practice of Caning Young Women. Readers, of course, may not be interested in Dr. Stanton’s curiously – perhaps bizarrely -- practical approach to his subject. The editors, however, feel that the variety of material to follow will make better sense if they can be viewed through the very...

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PRISCILLA’S FIRST CANINGDr. Stanton’s Philosophy and Practice of CaningEdited by AlexDear Reader:Some interest has been expressed in the recovery of documents surviving from what on might call the regime of Dr. Stanton, a Principle of St. Swithin’s School for Girls who pursued with remarkable enthusiasm a disciplinary policy of corporal punishment. So we will proceed to post Section II here. However, and precisely because of the interest aroused, we will take the opportunity to review the...

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Priscilla Elegancia In catalan

Priscil?la -Eleg?ncia 2 Preliminars 2 La Festa 4 Reinhold 5 Nit 6 Esmorzar 7 TimiJeff 8 Primera escena 10 Segona escena 10 Tercera Escena 10 Ep?leg 11 Priscil?la -Eleg?ncia 21 Juny 2001 Preliminars Avui, com filla de l?ambaixador d?Austr?lia, va a una recepci? en que el seu pa?s ha estat convidat a la commemoraci? del 125? aniversari de la fundaci? de l?empresa de la fam?lia de X. A aquesta celebraci? han estat convidats altre personal diplom?tic com alguns dels personatges importats de l?economia i l?art del pa?s. Totho...

4 years ago
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Priscilla a lIlla in Catalan

Priscil?la a l'Illa 2 El Viatge 2 L?Illa 4 La Tarda 5 Priscil?la 6 Aurora i Patr?cia 7 Priscil?la i Aurora 11 Dia2 12 Dia3 15 Dia4 17 Dia5 18 Dia6 19 Dia7 21 Dia8 22 Dia 9 (tornada) 23 Priscil?la a l'Illa El Viatge 11 Agost 2000 9:00 De manera similar a fa dos anys, les tancaren per dur-les nues. Rentades i netejades de bon mat?, i vestides nom?s amb els habituals collarets a coll turmells i canells i amb els ulls embenats les condueixen el garatge. All? hi ha el mateix contenidor que l?altre cop, f...

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A Second Chance

A Second Chance By Mister Double-U Howard Elton sat in his prison cell as he had for the past 30 years. The face of the young girl he brutally murdered stared from his mind's eye. Her delicate features; bright blue eyes, short brown hair, and angelic face. Then the look as he sliced her throat; those blue eyes filling with tears, her short brown hair covered in blood and her angelic face frozen in a mask of horror. Howard Elton cried at this thought from 30 years ago. He cried often...

3 years ago
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Aunt Madges Fetish Persuasion

"Aunt Madge's Fetish Persuasion" Tommy and three of his friends stood on the front steps at Madge's front door, Tommy scuffing the concrete step with his tennis shoes. "Can Timmy come out to play? We need another guy for a game," he said while another young man tossed a football up and down while he waited. "I'm sorry boys. Timmy can't come out and play today. He's been misbehaving and has been grounded and sent to his room for a few days," Madge said sternly as Timmy's friends...

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I See You

It was six o 'clock in the evening, and the sun was setting slowly out of the sky leaving the town in a premature darkness. I had logged on to a chat site to cure my boredom while my mom was downstairs curing her depression by drinking. I was looking through the list of people who were online when a pop up appeared on my screen. Derek26: Hey XxEmoHeartxX: Hey Derek26: A/S/L? XxEmoHeartxX: 16/f/usa I didn't even think twice about giving some random person my information. Derek26: Wow!...

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Michelles New Boyfriend Ch 1

Tuesday evening after dinner, Michelle and I sat down in our living room to discuss her relationship with Shaun. “How are you feeling about Shaun? Are you going to fall in love with him?” “I think I already have. He has something about him that’s pretty irresistible.” I have to admit, just the tiny bit I saw of him I could certainly understand what she meant. It was pretty scary to me, especially as close as I’d come to losing Michelle a few months ago. I had to ask her, “Enough that you’d ever...

Wife Lovers
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Wives and Daughters Swap ClubChapter 12

After the resounding success of the first test, it was time to move onto the next. Frank put Elisabeth in her altered state and took her to one of the sleaziest bars he knew of. She normally would never have allowed him to take her to such a disgusting place. He had her wear a tight, slim dress that showed off all of her curves. Her long, thick, wavy brown hair was hanging loose down her back. Frank had to admit, standing there in the sexy dress and high heels, she looked sexy as hell. Frank...

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The Heartbreak Diaries Taryn Bailey

March 13th, Dear Diary,  Well, today was shit. Nothing new there.  My work day was overloaded - like usual, I dropped my coffee and stained my shirt, ripped a stocking and the guy I've been trying to be semi-serious with is only interested in having a lay. Now, after being unable to decompress on my own, I'm sitting here on my couch with a bottle of Chardonnay and my largest - and favorite of late - wine glass while I try to write away my sorrows and frustrations. So, here goes:  My life feels...

Love Stories
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Reemavum Nalinium Car Driverum Othargal 8211 Part 2

Nangal oru vitha athirvilee irunthom, nangal window kanadiyai mudivaithu irunthom athu karupaga irupathaal ulle yarirukirargal endru theriyathu. Vibathu erpatya irathil kuutam kuudiyathu naan avalidam pine poi vandiku enna anathu enru paarkalam. Nangal carin veliye vanthu pinpuramai paarethom. Perithaga adi ethum illai pin dicki light haga odungi irunthathu, engalai mothiyavargal china caril mothiyathaal athu konjam pazhuthagi irunthathu. Car ootunar oru kallori manavi aval thaniyaga vanthu...

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The Park Chapter 2

I could not sleep. The images of what happened earlier in the day with Adam would flood my mind every time I closed my eyes. It wasn't that it didn't feel good, it did. I even enjoyed it. I don't honestly know what my hang up with the experience is. I thought on it late into the night, trying to figure out why I was so uncomfortable with the whole thing. I don't think Adam wanted a relationship or anything, it was just a good time. I'm not gay, I kept telling myself. That made me feel better,...

Gay Male
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Trudi Travel

As a freelance journalist on a small Caribbean island I’m always looking for ideas. Things to write about in a human-interest, non-investigative way. I don’t dig the dirt, don’t look for trouble, just try to find people and things that readers of local magazines will find interesting.That’s why I was at this press conference at a trade show in a fancy hotel (or resort, as they like to call them here). It was a showcase for the island’s travel industry and a networking opportunity for local...

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Jaq And The Waiter

We were on holiday in Jamaica, and we had become friendly with Jim, the waiter after a couple of days. Jaq as ever had been keen to have a gang bang with some Jamaican guys. Jim had arranged this for us in the local town, and Jaq wanted to thank him.We found out that Jim had his evening off on Friday. Jaq had invited him to our room for drinks. On the Thursday evening, we were in the restaurant with Jaq looking her usual sexy self. Jaq was taking every opportunity to flash her titties at Jim as...

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Kathys First Striptease Show

Well, two years of college was enough for me so at the sweet age of nineteen, I took my degree and headed home. I landed a dream job right out of college with a big advertising firm. I seemed to have the looks and sex appeal the company wanted. A very petite brunette, 5' 2" tall, 94 pounds with measurements of 36C - 20 - 32. My breasts were big, my tummy flat, a hard little ass, and thin shapely legs. Since advertising was my major, I loved the job. Just two weeks into it I got assigned to...

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Sissy Mistress

"Did you finish that report fag!" "Yes." I handed the report that I had spent all night and into the early hours this morning completing to Jonathan. He snatched it from my hand and headed straight to the boardroom. Jonathan was the spoiled son of the owner of the company I worked for. He was in fact my manager and a complete prick! No doubt he would be passing the report off as his own to the board and getting all the praise for a job well done. His father was a traditional man and...

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