Keeper Ch. 04 free porn video

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January 1

~5:23 AM~

John rolled over in his bed, onto his stomach. The moment his erection was sandwiched between his belly and the sheeted mattress, he woke.

Groaning face first into his pillow, he shifted his hips back and forth just enough to raise his frustration another notch- because that’s the kind of masochistic bastard he was, he thought sarcastically- while he fought to keep the images of the wet dream he’d roused out of from fading.

Images of Blue. With him. In the truck. She’d been straddling his lap and, oh hell yes, she hadn’t had a stitch of clothing on. She had been doing an amazingly sinuous lap dance, and stretching her arms up and over her head so that her back was arched and her breasts were swaying back and forth and… so what if there wasn’t actually enough head room in the truck to both sit on his lap and raise her arms as high as that, this was his dream, damn it… and all he had to do was lean forward a little bit and he’d have his face nestled against Blue’s generous breasts, his mouth over one of those pink, tight nipples, and…

‘Oh, hell.’ John mumbled as he nearly suffocated himself. Shoving the pillow onto the floor, he rolled over and stared at the ceiling, completely awake now. Probably too early to get up, but that’s what he always told himself, nearly every morning. He’d always been an early riser. Raising his head to glance downward, he barked out a laugh at the tented blanket halfway down his body. Yup. Early riser.

‘God bless morning wood.’ he muttered, with only half the sarcasm as before, as he shuffled to the bathroom.


Blue pulled the covers over her head, drawing her knees up and pressing her thighs tightly together. Nope. It didn’t help any more this morning than it did last night in John’s truck.

In his truck, with John kissing the bejeezus out of her, better than she ever thought any man could kiss. Like he really really liked kissing. Somehow, Blue had come to think that most men weren’t all that into kissing. That they only really did it because that’s what they thought they were supposed to do. That they thought they probably wouldn’t get any farther if they didn’t do it. But not John. Oh no, he kissed like he meant it.

In his truck… kissing… and then his hand had slid beneath her thigh, the tips of his fingers mere inches away from…

Flipping the covers off her face so she could breathe, Blue glared at the glowing numbers on the clock radio. 5:26?? She had hoped to sleep in this morning. She had slept very well, tiredly climbing the stairs up to her third floor and falling asleep almost upon getting into bed. But now she was awake. And horny.

She was never horny in the mornings. Of course, she had been ‘wanting’ when she’d come to bed, and had been too tired to do anything about it, so maybe it shouldn’t be a big surprise that she was now. It wasn’t unpleasant or a problem, it was just different.

Giving in and letting her knees fall to opposite sides, Blue slid her palm down to the waistband of her sleep pants and let herself wonder what it would be like to wake up with John in the mornings. What did he wear to bed? Anything?

If she woke him with kisses and soft touches, if she was careful not to startle him as she slid under the covers with him and whispered her needs into his ear, would he wake slowly? He would be growing fully under her hand as she boldly caressed him… sleepily murmuring his surprise… pulling her down for more of those amazing kisses.

Blue sighed and let her fingers travel down past her waistband and beyond to play adeptly in the damp curls between her thighs… until the jingle of her cell phone broke the silence.


‘I bet she wears a slinky negligee to bed.’ John’s inner voice piped up as he stood in the bathroom, seeing something other than his reflection in the mirror above the sink.

‘I didn’t think you knew the word negligee, let alone what one looks like.’

‘Okay then, how about a tight, white, tank top- you know, the things rednecks named Bubba wear, except it would look a hell of a lot better on her than it would on Bubba-‘

John laughed out loud. ‘Shut up.’

‘Fuck yeah, a really close fitting tank like that, one that hugs her tits like it was painted on and you can see the shadow of her nipples through the material… ooh, and little white panties- no… no, a g-string, because it would show off that amazing ass that you were drooling over last night-‘

‘Oh… hell…’ John leaned a palm on the sink top, gripping the edge as he fisted his cock with the other hand. Closing his eyes, his imagination deciding on white cotton panties instead of a g-string because that seemed more like what Blue would wear and damn but that’s what would be sexy on her, he didn’t bother with telling his inner voice to shut up.


Blue stared out the little window into the darkness toward John’s house. Through the trees she could see light emanating from one window while the rest remained dark. His bedroom?

Somehow, thinking that he was awake at this early hour, the same as she, gave her a comfort. Like there was a connection between them. Of course it didn’t mean anything of the sort, she reminded herself, but if she wanted to feel comforted by such a thought then she darn well would.

Glancing down at the cell phone in her hand, she wondered if perhaps it was time to contact the police. This morning’s text- ‘Are you home?’- had given her more of a jolt than the previous mysterious messages. Or maybe it was the build-up of all of them put together.

Resisting the urge to run around turning on every single light in the house, she had instead left them off and had calmly gone from room to room, pausing every few moments to just listen, wishing that Abe was there with her, knowing that he would be able to detect any sounds that she couldn’t.

Even that was overkill, she thought now. Probably. As would calling the police be. What could the police do? The messages weren’t threatening nor obscene. The feeling they gave her was upsetting, but she would bet the authorities would only pat her on the head and send her on her way, ‘feelings’ or no.

She could call Jackson and read him the riot act. Again. Maybe he would finally stop.

So what if it’s not him?

Blue frowned and leaned her forehead against the cold pane of glass. The thing was, she wanted it to be Jackson. If it was Jackson, then she would know, and this whole thing could be relegated to a minor annoyance from someone thousands of miles away. But if it wasn’t?

A shiver traveled up Blue’s spine.


John’s head shot up as the ringing of a cell phone brought him back to reality.

‘Ah… shit…’ he grimaced, taken off guard. Any kind of solution to morning wood, and fantasies about Blue’s nightwear choices would have to wait, because it wasn’t his everyday phone that was demanding his attention.

It was his INDIGO line.

‘Yeah.’ he nearly barked into the cell, not bothering with ‘hello’, or ‘John here.’. Anyone who called on this phone would know who would be answering, or they had no business calling.

‘It is Dimitri.’ the heavily accented voice answered. ‘I have need to speak. Is of importance.’

‘Dimitri.’ John was somewhat surprised, though he knew the Russian had this number and was to use it whenever needed. ‘What can I do for you?’

‘I am afraid I must change plans. Udre has called me, to ask me to return home, to St. Petersburg, as soon as is possibility’

‘Why?’ John snapped, quickly shaking off the sexual buzz of moments ago.

‘Is… I am not completely sure the reason, only to say that it is personal matter that I am to look into.’

John frowned. ‘Dimitri, that is not good enough.’

‘I can-‘ Dimitri added quickly, ‘give you my assurance that this is not-‘ There was a muffled mumb
le as the man on the other end of the line attempted to find the proper English wording. ‘This will not be interfering with our agreement. You are wishing that I make things to look as same… everyday… yes? If I refuse Udre’s request, this would be raising suspicions. I-‘

‘Dimitri.’ John interrupted. ‘It’s all right. I agree. We do need to keep matters as normal as possible, just as we have discussed. And since this only has you heading home a day or two earlier than planned, I see no problems that would arise. What I do ask of you, however, is that you keep me apprised of everything that is happening, personal or not. We have discussed this also, have we not?’

Dimitri Belicoff murmured an agreement to that, but John could not help but think, as he had all along since meeting this Russian who was to be an important piece of this mission, that Dimitri was holding some things close to the vest. Going by his gut feeling that trusting this man wasn’t going to be a bad judgment call, John had decided to let it slide for now, but had vowed to keep an extra close eye on things.

‘This is for Sophia’s safety.’ John continued, pacing as he talked, the movement natural and familiar for him when he was in working mode. ‘Sophia’s safety has top priority. You know this.’

‘Da. This is agreed. I will not let you down.’

‘I will hold you to that promise. Now…’ The gears in John’s brain turned, busily working out any kinks this small change in plans might bring about. ‘Do you have a flight yet?’

‘Nyet. You were my first call.’

‘I will have one for you. The details will be sent via a text message to your phone.’ John would have Abby find the first flight possible. As good as she was at that kind of thing, she probably had been a travel agent in another life. ‘Sophia and I will take the planned flight, no need for us to be there early along with you. Expect notification of our arrival, and we will take things from there. Have a good flight and I will see you soon.’

Disconnecting from the call, John paced to the window as he punched the speed dial button for Abby. It didn’t matter what time it was, everyone who was worth a damn at INDIGO answered their phones, and Abby was worth a damn.


John smiled to himself as Abigail True answered her line the same way he had.

‘Did I wake you?’ he asked with just a touch of apology.

‘Um… no.’ There was a soft sound, a background rustling of sheets and a quiet creaking of bed-springs. ‘I’m awake. What’s up?’

‘I need an ASAP flight to St. Petersburg for Dimitri Belicoff.’ No need for anything but straight and to the point.

As John and Abby efficiently polished off the details of his request, he peered out the window into the predawn darkness, his eyes automatically homing in on what he could see of Jean’s house… no, Blue’s house now, he reminded himself with what could only be described as an odd sort of happy anxiousness… he noticed the faint light glowing from the third floor window. Her window. She was awake too?

As he set his work phone on the bedside table, John’s hand moved the two inches toward his ‘every day’ phone. The urge to call Blue was automatic. Shaking his head, he left the cell untouched. Way too early to call her. She would definitely not appreciate it, even if she was awake.

Although he wasn’t really sure yet where this thing with Blue was going-

‘Don’t be an idiot. You know exactly where it’s going.’

-he didn’t want to scare her away. He thought maybe he’d done just that, last night when he’d called her Sweet Baby. Shit, it had just slipped out before he knew it, and she’d gotten all stiff and pulled away in more than a physical way. But he had a feeling that all was not lost, which was a relief, because… because…

‘Because you KNOW. You know EXACTLY where this is going.’


‘Yeah yeah, I know. Shut up. You don’t really want me to shut up, do you? Hell no, you don’t. Because I’ve got a PLAN. Except I don’t think you’re ready to hear it yet. Because you won’t admit to yourself… yet… that you know where you want this to go.’

‘Her bed. That’s where I’d like it to go.’ John padded on bare feet back to the bathroom, raising his eyebrows at himself in the mirror. ‘Or mine. I’m not picky.’

His inner voice snorted rudely.’Well fuck yeah. That’s a given. We already knew that was a goal, didn’t we? But that’s not what I’m talking about.’

John was quiet, reaching for his shaving gear, now avoiding his own eyes in the mirror.

‘Johnny, Johnny, Johnny.’ his inner voice sighed. ‘All right. I won’t say another word about it. For now. You just let me know when you stop denying and want to hear my plan. I’ll be here.’

Scraping off the dark, heavy growth of beard that had accumulated in the past twenty four hours, John continued to avoid his own gaze, working out the day’s schedule as he shaved. He’d go get Abe from Orley’s first. The early hour was no problem, even though it was likely the old man would still be sleeping. He had a key to Orley’s house, just as he had one to Jean’s… they all had keys to each other’s houses. It had worked out well for each of them, looking after each other the way they did. So, he’d get Abe, do his normal workout that he did to keep in shape, grab some breakfast, and maybe by then it would be an acceptable hour to go get Blue and give her a ride to Cuddy’s Shed to get her car.

Tonight was his poker game with Orley, something that had become a tradition with he and Orley and Jean, but he was also feeling the need to spend as much time as possible with Blue, especially since he was leaving again the next day. Leaving for quite a bit longer than usual this time.

It was odd, this feeling of almost… almost… not looking forward to starting a new mission. John reminded himself that Blue would also be leaving, to go back to California and get things settled there before she came back here. She would most likely get back before he did, according to the plans he’d heard her tell about last night, but he couldn’t let that feeling that he would be missing something worm it’s way into the pure enjoyment he had for his work.

Just recently met Blue, not even gone yet, and he was already missing her.

Oh hell, he was just horny, he lied to himself, the words ‘shut up’ on the tip of his tongue, fully expecting his inner voice to pop in with an opinion. But the voice was silent, as promised. Probably lurking in there somewhere, ready to break it’s promise and pouncing in with something totally unexpected, irreverent, inappropriate.

A good run will help, he thought to himself as he wiped the remaining dampness from his face. Didn’t matter that it was probably cold out there. He had no problem with it, and he knew that Abe loved it.

John dressed, his mind slipping from running to when he could go over to Blue’s without it being too early. He didn’t even realize he was humming the song that had been on the radio hours earlier, in his truck, when Blue had slid over the seat towards him.

He hummed it all the way out the door.


~8:25 AM~

Blue laughed as Abe leaned into her, pushing the weight of his big furry body against her arm until she gave in and hugged him to her side. Looking over the dog’s head, she caught John’s smile as he drove them back to Cuddy’s Shed to pick up her car.

John had sent her a text fairly early, with a message saying he hoped he hadn’t woken her, but wondering if she was up yet and willing to go. She’d seen the message just after she’d left the shower, relieved that it was from him, and so she had called him right back and invited him over for coffee and cinnamon rolls. He had appeared at her door so fast she’d burst out laughing.

She’d been a little bit nervous as she’d opened the door and let him into the house, not really knowing what to expect after that kiss in his truck. But Abe had come bounding in, all
flapping tongue and flying snow, and when John had casually leaned in and given her a peck on the cheek, it had all felt so natural and comfortable.

In fact, in the moments before he had arrived, she had worried enough to nibble at her nails, thinking about how she was going to tell him that she wasn’t looking for a relationship. Not right now. Not right after Jackson. And they had already established that she wasn’t ‘that’ kind of woman, one who was interested in just falling into bed with a man right off. So what did that leave? It left friends, which she was hoping to be.

Except… when he had kissed her cheek and run his hand down her braid with a quick, playful tug on the end, smiling and looking so glad to see her… well, the words about no relationship hadn’t come. So, a relationship may have found her whether she was looking for one or not. As they had chatted over breakfast, and now watching him as he was focusing on driving, she began to wish that the kiss on the cheek had been more.

But for now, she was comfortable. Comfortable chatting over cinnamon rolls and coffee. Comfortable in his big black truck with his big, sweet dog. Comfortable with him. Something that she realized now she had never really been with Jackson.

Maybe even… comfortable with the thought of falling into bed with him…

‘What?’ John broke into her thoughts, giving her a quizzical half-grin. ‘You’re smiling…’ he pointed out when she returned his curiosity.

‘Oh. Just…’ Blue laughed lightly. ‘Nothing.’ She turned her attention to petting Abe’s neck, not missing that John’s grin got wider, creasing his cleanly shaved cheeks.

Turning into the Shed’s parking lot, John passed by two other vehicles that looked to be abandoned and stopped next to the little, dented hatchback that hadn’t started for Blue several hours earlier.

Abe jumped down out of the truck behind Blue to sniff around, changing his course to remain close by when John gave a brief command.

‘Try starting it.’ John told her as he stood near the front and she unlocked the door and slid behind the wheel. ‘I doubt it will do anything, but you never know.’

Still the car wouldn’t start.

‘All right.’ John slapped and rubbed his hands together when no engine noise broke the quiet of the morning. ‘Pop the hood and let’s take a look.’

Blue sat in the open doorway and scratched Abe’s head when he came looking for attention, while John tinkered under the opened hood. Only a few silent moments had passed when she heard John’s muttered curse. Getting out of the car, she walked around to the front to find John standing with his hands in his pockets, scowling at the engine, his lips tightened into a grim slash.

His eyes flicking to her when she approached, he nodded his chin to the revealed engine. ‘There’s your problem.’ He looked angry and concerned, and she moved curiously to look under the hood.

It took a moment, but she found what he was wanting her to see. ‘Oh! But…’ It took her another moment to realize the implications of the car battery being completely unhooked. Taking a step back, she glanced around the quiet parking lot as if whoever had pulled the clips from her battery was waiting to jump out at them.

John leaned under the hood, gaining her attention back, flicking a finger at another area. ‘Distributor cap too. Gone.’ He straightened, his expression serious and downright scary. ‘Someone didn’t want you to drive away from here last night, Blue.’

She took another step back, almost falling over Abe, who had been sitting patiently behind her. ‘But I…’ Blue stopped herself before asking if there was any chance that the distributor cap could have just ‘fallen off’. Yeah, sure. And the battery cables had shaken loose… at the same time. Ha. She really didn’t want to sound as stupid as she was feeling right now. ‘How did they get the hood open? I had the doors locked last night, I know I did. I remember.’

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Garages arent only for parking cars

Real quick: this is my 1st story, and yes it is true. Enjoy.A couple of days ago, I was horny as fuck. My fiance was at work, so I had to make due with rubbing my pussy on the edges of dressers and sinks. He always likes to call and check in on me so when he finally did, I made the mistake of telling him that I had made myself cum 4 times that day. He chuckled and told me I would pay for it later that night. I couldn't understand why he'd want to punish me. I told him that I had been a good...

3 years ago
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All I Need Pt 04

Part Four.I hate waiting in airports. And I really hated them this particular morning. It was just after five in the morning and I was stuck sitting in an uncomfortable chair, sipping mediocre coffee and trying to wake up. I'd managed to sleep about an hour and a half the night before and was feeling it. Amy was sitting in the seat across from me, dozing off with her head leaning on our mother's shoulder. Our father was reading the paper, about as cheerfully as he ever appeared, while waiting...

4 years ago
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The neighborhood sex slaves Part 4

Read these first if you haven't: had just filled Jack's boi pussy with her cum, pushed him down to the ground, pulled her cock out and came over to me. I was being fucked by Mary with one of the biggest strap-ons I had ever seen in person let alone felt in my boi pussy.While Mary was fucking me, she was fucking herself, it was a...

2 years ago
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Two encounters of Christen and her rich cousin

I had a lunch date with my cousin Christen. Well, I almost forgot the meeting – sure, I had written it down, but it seemed so inconclusive with the large events that now occupied my head. So when I finally arrived downtown at Sherlock Holmes, I was out of breath and worried that I had missed her. I was almost thirty minutes late! But as soon as I turned the corner into the restaurant, I saw her sitting there. When I came up she stood and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I...

3 years ago
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Rush Hour Rigamortis

As anyone who commutes too, from and within a large city will tell you rush hour is somethig everyone wishes they could avoid. Whether it be the long drive home where the only thing touching medal is the brake pedal or weathering the upstream effect as you walk the crowded sidewalks to and from the office. As a new yorker I take the subway to and from work so you can imagine my pain. The situation in question happened a few months ago on a Thursday evening. It had been a long day and grimaced...

4 years ago
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Stranger in the CabinChapter 2

My mind was still buzzing after finding out my sister had orchestrated the break-in to our cabin so she could give me a blow job. The fact that it ended in sex is almost overwhelming! I slowly walked up the moonlit path back to our cabin with a plan to have her fulfill her blowjob fantasy again when I heard some talking coming from the road. As I rounded the back of the house I saw my parents walking up the road. To top it off, they didn’t seem very drunk. I guess my plans would have to...

2 years ago
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Neeta Ke Sath Pahela Sex

Hello to all friend and this my first stories in this site and I hope you all enjoy it and if you like it than send me your feedback please do it at my id Es kahani me 2 log he ek me or ek mere padosh me rehne vali ladki Neeta. Neeta ek sidi sadhi ladki he uska figure 34 30 28 he vo khash koi beutiful nahi fir bhi ek bar samne se nikle to najar fer ne ko dil nai krta. vo mere home ke pash me hi rehti thi hamre family me relation a6e the me hmeshe try krta tha ki me ushe bat kr saku vo bhi muj...

1 year ago
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Nena and the GringosChapter 16

Nena abruptly awoke to the sound of her father screaming. She opened her eyes to see him standing next to her with a look of incredibility. Drunk and angry, spittle coming out of his mouth as he spoke. "My god," he said disbelievingly "What have you done! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" The shock of seeing her father woke Nena up, she jumped up from the coach, adrenaline shooting into her stomach, throwing the still drowsy Carlos from her lithe body. Her father grabbed Carlos by the hair, pulling...

3 years ago
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Bear Bare Shopping

Purely a whim inspired by the usual source of viewing videos ... of a certain subject. “Darling, come on hurry up, you’ve got no panties on,” shouted Derrick, grabbing a bag and a small box, before rushing out of the lounge leaving one of his two daughters leisurely finishing her breakfast. “Don’t care!” sulked Nicola Winette, enjoying the extra glass of orange juice he’d put there for her. “Grandma isn’t going to be pleased if she’s late,” added Emma, Nicola’s mum wrapping a fresh nappy on...

1 year ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess6e13 Caterina Ireland 42 bug heaven

from Southall, London We fade in on the familiar scene of Charley sitting at her editing station, watching something that we can’t quite see on the monitors behind her. There’s a naked a woman on screen, on her back, legs spread, and she’s letting out a high-pitched squeal. It’s all out of focus because we’re actually looking at Charley... She turns to face us – blocking the view of the screens on her desk. Smiling broadly, her expensive dental is almost bright enough to distract us from...

2 years ago
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BethChapter 70

October 4, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, “You might look at yesterday’s scores,” Dad said as we girls arrived in the kitchen for breakfast. The task was easy, as Dad had left the sports page open for us. Rhee sat and picked up the paper. A few seconds later, she exclaimed. “Whoa! Petaluma drew with Boynton, 3-3! That left wing, Tanaka, had a hat trick!” “Wow,” Gracey responded. “That’s good for the team, not so good for Rhee.” Sandy asked, “Why would that be?” Rhee answered, “The team is now...

2 years ago
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I Am the Exhibit Chapter 6

I left to the now familiar sounds of two women exploring each other’s bodies and enjoying the discoveries.I, however, was taxed.  So taxed that I didn’t think I’d get an erection for at least a month.  I'd fucked two girls at the same time.  I’d listened to them fuck each other.  I’d seen the two girls go down on each other, even.  And still, I was spent.  It happens.  Sometimes it happens early, sometimes late, but I was physically spent.  My cock couldn’t handle much more, if any.I walked...

2 years ago
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In Miriams bed again

I was wishing about a meeting with Miriam again, since I had not seen her during the last three months.The bitch just had sent me some pictures and even videos, always showing her sexy body totally wasted after been fucked by her good husband…I could see love bites on her neck and hard nipples; bruises on her inner thighs and some red marks on her perfect firm buttocks, as she loved to be flogged and spanked hard by her loving man…But I wanted to fuck her. I needed it so badly…Miriam was...

2 years ago
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My best friend and my girl

My girlfriend, Alyssa, and I have been together for years now, and we’re in our early-ish twenties. We met while working together at a local hardware store, and it was great because it was us two, my best friend Matt, and another good friend, Eddie, that typically worked all on the same shift. We all lived generally close so work wasn’t the only place I got to see them all.Since a couple months after we began dating, we started having sex, and it was the best I’ve ever had! Although, I never...

2 years ago
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Meinem Mann eine Lehre erteilt

Meinem Mann eine Lehre erteielt.Es war schon Abend und Männe immer noch nicht zu Hause, ein kurzes Telefonat bestättigte meine Vermutung das er mal wieder in der Eckkneipe sahs und Karten spielte.Nur mit Turnschuhen, Leggins und T-Shirt bekleidet ging ich schnell rüber um Ihn zu holen.Er sahs mit 2 Typen am Ecktisch spielte 17+4 und auf dem Tisch lag eine ziemliche Menge Geld.Er fragte mich nur ob ich etwas Geld dabei hätte,da er den Einsatz nicht mehr bringen könnte, aber gerne weiterspielen...

3 years ago
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The Doll of the Master

The Doll of the MasterPart 1Hello my name is yvonne, and i wanted to write down my life story for You - my Master of my everlasting dreams!i was born as a boy in the late 60s and had a really happy c***dhood up to the age of my 10th birthday. Then my Mother died in an accident and my father was really sad about the loss of my mother. But after a while he was screwing around to forget his mourning. He learned to know a really beautiful but very demanding woman. She was at the age of 25 years and...

1 year ago
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Oh mommy is going to be so upset with me when I get home from school Part 3

Oh, mommy is going to be so upset when I get home from school Part 3 (All I added a couple of the last paragraph's from Part 2 so the reading goes a little smoother. Hope you enjoy! Hugs Princess) I watch as Miley puts her hand over her mouth giggling as she stares at me smiling from ear-to-ear. "Okay sweetie you are done just like your big sister." Oh that is good as I smile knowing I am done too at the same time as Miley. "Oh that is great I am done at the same time as Miley...

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Harley Screwed0

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I stretched my five foot, eight inch body as I walked out the back door of the building I was working in. Groaning as my back made a few popping sounds. Shaking my head I cleared the brown hair that had fallen out of place in my face. Walking to my car I sighed, consigning myself to the fact that I would be alone for another weekend. Maybe I thought, I ought to try out the bar...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotMom Sydney Hail 24375

The eternal question of man: Is it too small? Tyler’s doing some laundry over at his buddy’s house when he asks his friend’s mom some some help. He tells her that he’s been striking out with the ladies of late, and that they seem to run away every time he drops his pants. He has no idea if his cock is too small, too ugly or what, but since her son is off at the beach with his girlfriend, Ms. Hail offers to take a look and tell him the truth. As awkward as it is, Tyler goes along with it so he...

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WildOnCam Gabi Gold German Hottie Gabi Gold Getting Frisky

Gabi Gold is ready to show you her panties or maybe its a lacy bodysuit hiding under that tight little outfit of hers! you better stick around and see what this naughty girl has in store for you! She loves to masturbate but loves to suck cock more and be one hot tease with those large natural tits! Jay Smooth will have no trouble keeping that cock hard as it is already throbbing and still in his pants! She gets sloppy on her knees making him just want to feel how tight that shaved little pussy...

1 year ago
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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 6

I left to find Sally and found her looking for me. “C’mon, stud, Dana’s waiting for you to plant a little one in her womb,” she said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me towards my room. “What?” she asked when I stopped. “I need to show you something first. It should only take a minute,” I said and pulled her into Don’s study. She smiled sheepishly at Don and then noticed the case I turned towards her. “What’s that?” she gasped, seeing the coins. “That’s part of what we collected from the...

4 years ago
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Weekend with Katy Part 1

Since we've been empty nesters, our relationship has improved. I think Cindy would say our sex life is good, or better than most folks who've been together this long. Perhaps it's not that unusual, but I really want more variety in our love making. She likes a straightforward fuck every once in a while, but mostly we just masturbate each other, maybe every week or so. She doesn't like oral sex and doesn't like me to touch her bottom and anal sex in out of the question. That causes...

3 years ago
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Cabin from the InLaws

‘No. Go, go. I’ll be fine.’ Rachel said. Her friend Stacy was insisting on walking her home all the way, but she also knew Stacy had to wake up early morning. And besides, what would be the difference? Either Rachel walked home alone the three blocks from the subway station to her apartment, or Stacy walked with her to her apartment and then had to walk back to the subway station alone. ‘I swear, I’ll be fine.’ Rachel said again. Her friend squinted for a moment and then they said...

3 years ago
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My stunning sexy cousin sister

Dear Readers, I am Kumar here writing this story. I am from Bangalore This happened with my neighbor who is a distant relative for me. And she is also my cousin sister. Her name is Priya. I am 18 years at that time and she is elder to me she is 21+ at that time. And she had a very nice figure, which everyone will look for it. Her size is 34-28-36. It all happened when everyone in my house went for a marriage. I never attend due to some reason. Then my parents told my neighbor to take care of Me...

4 years ago
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Late Night Surprise

I’ve been loving the new HIIT class at my gym. The workouts are hard but fun and there are lots of hottie moms in yoga pants to keep me distracted while doing burpees. I’m sure the ladies fill this class because of the new trainer, Eddie.He’s a physical specimen - six-feet-two-inches with bulging muscles, a few tats, and chiseled face. He’s also a great guy and not a tool like some muscle heads can be. He’s cool to the guys but you can tell he’s got a way with the ladies as well.I’ve gotten to...

Gay Male
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Kissing Him

Kissing him so passionately, moaning onto his mouth.What the hell is someone who looks like him doing with someone like me? But I am not complaining.I lift his top off and his hands are all up mine. Feeling my breasts, caressing them, but I have the Devil in me tonight, I want to make him cum and cum hard.I pull away from him, lift my top off, then put my hand behind my back and unclip my bra. God I love how he wants me and his lustful look, like I’m all that exists for him. It’s crazy how he...

2 years ago
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A night of passion takes a new turn

"There, I think that will work," I said to myself as I looked in the mirror.  The lacy burgundy baby doll nightie and matching g-string contrasted well with my light tan.  The six inch black patent leather stillettos finished off the outfit. My long black hair cascaded over my shoulders and down my bare back.  My make up was perfect and my long burgundy colored nails had just been done. I was smooth shaven and clean inside and out.  I had smoothed on some Victoria's Secret lotion so I smelled...

4 years ago
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WWT The Vineyard

The sphere slid inside of me, gyrating and whirring, pounding against my pussy as Kent spoke, oblivious to what had happened. “So first there’s a tasting…”I couldn’t concentrate. That purple imitation, just a little larger than a real grape, had traveled down my thumb, following down my skin as though attached magnetically. It tickled, ridged, yet glass-like, astonishing me with how easily it traversed my body. It spun around my sundress until it found my thigh, swirling around the inside and...

Monster Sex
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Educating Mary Part 5

Mary was standing on a small dais in the middle of the dimly lit room. She was wearing a pair of tight leather shorts, spiked heels, and a black leather collar around her neck, and nothing else. The nipples of her small firm tits were rock hard and stood straight out, her lips were moist and slightly parted as she breathed in and out through her mouth in short, excited breaths. Her long, black hair hung straight down her back, and her skin glowed with a golden undertone in the light of several...

1 year ago
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Met a man at public toilet

One day i was jogging and i needed to pee. There was a public toilet nearby, i went there. It was totally empty and no one was there. I usually am shy so if i want to pee i go inside the stalls but since no one was there i decided to pee in the urinals. I went to a urinal and pulled down my shorts. I held my tiny penis and started peeing, just as i started someone came inside. He was a tall rugged man, with a long moustache. There were alot of urinals free but he stood next to me. He unzipped...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 882

This compliments of J & B One morning a blind bunny was hopping down the bunny trail and tripped over a large snake and fell, kerplop right on his twitchy little nose. ‘Oh please excuse me, ‘ said the bunny. ‘I didn’t mean to trip over you, but I’m blind and can’t see.’ ‘That’s perfectly all right, ‘ replied the snake. ‘To be sure, it was my fault. I didn’t mean to trip you, but I’m blind too, and I didn’t see you coming. By the way, what kind of animal are you?’ ‘Well, I really don’t...

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Controlling Sara

My name is Joe, I am 50 years old and have a wife Sara the same age. A few months ago my life changed like you wouldn’t believe. Here goes. I am a builder, and I was in town one day looking to call into the Architects office to discuss the drawings for the extension I had won the contract to build. As I walked down the street, there was a small child playing excitedly on the pavement. I didn’t pay much attention to her, but I should have, because she was just about to change my life. As I...

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The Book of May Ch5

“We need to clean you up a little before you go inside, I don't want you tracking horse cum through the house. Now on your knees little one” Daddy instructed May. May did as she was told and kneeled down on the concrete pad next to the steps that would lead into the house. “Close your eyes while I hose you off” Daddy told her. A wave of warmth started to flow over may, at first she was confused by the temperature of the water. “No one has a heated hose” She thought to herself. May had...

2 years ago
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Answers for Michael 01

“Dammit, Michael!” Her husband’s voice shot back toward the slant of light emitting from the hallway through the bedroom door, revealing the silouette of their son who had taken just a step inside. “It’s…it’s almost two in the morning and I have to get up in three hours – I have a Tee-time. What is it, son?” “I don’t need your help, dad. I need mom.” Michael replied, as if his request were nothing, if not perfectly reasonable, even at this hour of the morning. David laid his hand on...

1 year ago
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Warrior WoesChapter 34

And I once again had a girlfriend. For a guy with no legs, and also no big money, I was doing pretty good. Now, if I could just get one of them to not run off with some other guy. She wasn’t actually snoring but she was breathing kind a loudly. But that was okay, she wasn’t wearing any clothes so that kind of made up for the not quite snoring noise she was making. It had been kind of a marathon evening, and I had slept after our third and final; attempt—two of which had been successful. I...

3 years ago
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Small blonde surrenders ass for a bet

"A deal is a deal, and I lost", she said, turning around. He looked at her from the back. She looked fantastic. She had small, rounded ass cheeks, with a narrow waist and widened ribcage, just right for a thinly-set hourglass shape. Shortish, neck-length blonde hair completed the ensemble, and he found himself getting hard thinking about what was coming. He touched her shoulder and she flinched. "Let's do this", she said, and reached for the waistband of her workout pants. Usually he didn't...

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