A Girl Borrows Her Brother’s Wind-up Sex Toy free porn video

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I stole my brother Simon’s Tangerine. His security
wasn’t exactly bomb-proof; he’d been using the same
password since he was thirteen. Father was away at the
wars; Mother was out doing her Good Work, Simon was
courting; and the servants had all been sent home for
the night. If ever the coast was going to be clear, it
was now.

I punched it into the alpha-numeric tumblers he’d
installed on his closet door about the same time he’d
started sprouting body hair and his voice had cracked.
T-r-i-X-X-X-i-e was the name of the main character in
his favorite pornographic serial. He’d had a manic
crush on her for the first year or so of his
adolescence, and I had followed her erotic adventures
with a mixture of horror, fascinated disgust, and
titillated lust.

I’d been breaking into Theo’s closet to snoop around
his pornographic picture-novels for about as long as
I’d know what pornography is, and what to do with it.
Trixxxie, with her impossible breasts and cartoonish,
generic features, wasn’t something I masturbated to,
but she had taught me all I’d ever wanted to know
and then some about the mechanical aspects of sex.
And there were plenty more picture-novels for me to

I had whiled away many hot and sticky hours locked in
Simon’s closet with a dirty picture-novel in one hand
and one finger busy between my legs. Eventually I’d
discovered that I preferred to get off to the written
word, and I had acquired some erotic novellas of my
own. I still came back to visit Simon’s closet now and
then. But I’d never actually removed anything. I told
myself I was just ‘borrowing’ it, even though I had
already downloaded an entire new (and pirated) ROM.

The Tangerine was a hand-held tubular little Turing
machine, designed with one purpose only: to serve as a
pleasure envelope for a lonely penis. I didn’t have a
penis myself, but my own parts were just as lonely as
could be. The ROM I’d illicitly downloaded was
supposed to modify the thing’s operating system to
suit my ‘more feminine needs’.

It sort of reminded me of an exotic weapon out of one
of Simon’s futurist graphic novels: it was black and
plastic, fit nicely in the palm of your hand, and the
backside had a small array of buttons above a keyhole
for winding and a USB slot. If it weren’t for the
anatomically-correct pussy in front, it would have
been the exact sort of thing a space-zeppelin officer
might wield, shooting energy beams at the enemy or
projecting a laser whip. The front part was a
different, softer material, sculpted to form a
realistic pink plastic vulva. It looked like something
straight out of an anatomy textbook, the kind of thing
that budding gynecologists might practice exams on. It
came with a large brass key.

Josephine had gotten a Schlong from one of her ‘secret
admirers’, and it was (in her words) “incredibly fan-
fucking-tastic!!” I wasn’t about to buy one of my own.
I didn’t have a well-heeled Admiration Society of my
own; neither did I have that kind of sterling in the
bank. Anyway, the Schlong was pretty intimidating: a
big black polymer cock, realistically molded, and
studded with knobs and sensors, packing nearly eight
pounds of gears and clockwork. I wasn’t ready for
that. I wasn’t sure I’d ever be ready for that.

He’d never miss it, I told myself. My heart rate shot
through the roof as I slinked back to my own room, the
stolen Tangerine clasped in my greedy, sweaty hands.
Simon had a real girlfriend now, prissy Miss Violet
Verne, and he wouldn’t be needing wind-up toys
anymore. He’d never even notice it was gone. Anyway,
he would be graduating soon, and beginning his
compulsory service, and I doubted they’d let him bring
that particular item along with him to the wars.

Back in the privacy of my own room, my jitters swiftly
transformed from ‘nervous’ into ‘horny’. I was dying
to try out my brand-new ill-gotten contraption. I’d
never masturbated with anything but my fingers before,
and if my friend Jo was telling anything like the
truth, this was going to be intense.

I plugged in the data stick with the pirated ROM into
the slot in the back of the Tangerine. A couple
million microswitches rearranged their configuration,
but nothing appeared to happen. The thing just sat
there on my dresser, a sullen pink-and-black lump. I
pulled out the key, and wound it up until the master
spring clicked. It took a surprising number of turns
to wind up. I counted 128 turns before it finally

I stripped out of my petticoats, garters, and
knickers, and sprawled across my bed. The pink polymer
vulva seemed to stare at me in my nakedness. It looked
disturbing from this angle, almost alien. Did my
private parts really look like that, when viewed head-
on and in the abstract?

I reached over and grabbed my novella, flipping to a
dog-eared corner that marked a particularly steamy
bit. I read the words, but I was having trouble
concentrating on them. Even so, the pornographic text
did the trick; I felt my pussy getting wet and swollen
with excitement. I put the book down, and pressed the
central button on the back of Simon’s Tangerine.

The clockwork clicked and hummed almost inaudibly as
the gears inside came to life. When I held it in my
hand, it seemed to tremble, as if it were alive. The
thing generated its own heat. The artificial pussy
pouted open, like a blooming flower, and clear
lubricant started to seep out. I jammed it between my
legs, mashing the polymer pussy against my own flesh-
and-blood, and the thing vibrated with a fierce

Jo was right. It was absolutely fan-fucking-tastic. I
almost couldn’t stand it, but I rode the wave,
squeezing the humming Tangerine between my thighs. I
came almost immediately, hard, curling up into a fetal
ball and hiccupping with pleasure. I had to take a
break then, my parts were suddenly way too sensitive.
I paused the machinery and read some more of my smutty
book, until I was ready to go again. And go again I
did, until I was spent and limp. Each orgasm seemed to
me the best one I’d ever had, and it seemed like
they’d never stop. Already, I was asking myself how
I’d ever gotten by without a Tangerine of my own.

The only distraction was that it kept calling out his
name. “Oh Simon, fuck me!” “Oh Simon you’re so big and
hard!” “Oh Simon yes, do it now!” Whatever programming
my sketchy ROM had overwritten, apparently my
brother’s name was hard-written into its BIOS. I
didn’t mind so much. It was easy enough to ignore.

When I was really and truly done, I wiped the pink
polymer clean and wound it up again before I went to
sleep, leaving the thing safe in my top dresser drawer
buried under my dainties, the big brass key lying
beside it. I slept restlessly, and had murky, sexy,
confusing dreams.

I didn’t get to play with the Tangerine again for a
few days. We all had to go to the capitol to watch
Father march in another victory parade. With all the
victory parades, I wondered, when were we going to win
the war? Then I was swept along to Aunt Veronica’s
under-heated and under-lit mansion to knit socks with
Mother and all the ladies for the men at the front for
two interminable chilly and joyless days. Anyone under
the age of about sixty (which included Mother and me,
but not Aunt Veronica) was expected to be seen and not
heard. Before we got home, I felt like I was going to
die of claustrophobia, annoyance, and pent-up sexual

First chance I got, I locked myself in my bedroom. The
Tangerine had grown in my absence, and it had changed.
Now it barely fit inside my unmentionables drawer. It
was more pink than black now, and resembled a giant,
malignant tadpole. It had a suggestion of arms, and
stubby vestigial legs to either side of the vulva. It
had grown a head; a small almond-shaped head fused
with no neck to the body, devoid of features except
for a mouth with delicate, pouting pink lips. The
thing kind of gave me the creeps.

It did give me the creeps, but that didn’t stop me. I
wound it up � the master spring had come unwound while
I was gone � and let it rip. The vulva parted and
drooled, and a long pink tongue lolled out of the
mouth-opening and probed lasciviously out and around.

I squatted over the thing’s head, straddling it. The
Tangerine’s tongue stretched up toward my vagina like
a charmed snake. Gingerly, I lowered myself down onto
it. It was pure heaven.

The tongue was soft and warm and wet and squirmy, and
constantly in motion. It seemed to be driven by an
onboard intelligence, some kind of cunnilingus
algorithm cooked up by a roomful of horny
mathematicians. Unlike my first experience with the
wind-up toy, it didn’t drive me straight over the
cliff. I discovered that by manipulating the buttons
in its black panel, I could control the speed and
intensity of the artificial licking it was giving me.
I found a setting that made the thing’s tongue zig-zag
all over my slit like an automatronic coal-fired
sewing machine.

I dialed both speed and intensity down to their lowest
level, picked up my filthy novella, and read almost an
entire chapter while the Tangerine chug-chugged up and
down my pussy. It was exquisite. I ignored the muffled
cries of, “Oh Simon you’re so big and hard!” “Yes
Simon, yes you big stud!” and so forth.

By the time I was ready to get off, I was sopping wet,
absolutely soaked and dripping. I could stand no more
torment. I set down the book, reached down, and turned
up the controls as high as I could stand them. I bore
down against the suddenly racing, humming tongue, and
came, hard and fast. It was probably the biggest,
longest, most intense orgasm I had ever experienced,
and when I rolled off the Tangerine, I was shaking. My
thighs were absolutely coated in wetness, both mine
and the machine’s. The hair between my legs was wet
and matted. My clitoris was throbbing like a collapsed
star, a pulsar. I realized that I had probably been

I wound the Tangerine up again, and stashed it in the
back of my closet, behind all the off-season
pinafores. I figured it would be safe from the
snooping eyes of the chambermaid back there.

There was a massive explosion downtown. We were let
out of Academy early. The authorities couldn’t seem to
make up their minds whether it was a cowardly act of
terrorism, or an innocent industrial accident. My
clothes reeked of coal smoke. Dirigibles prowled back
and forth through the filthy grey skies like hunting
sharks. I got home, disrobed, and showered. The water
was only luke-warm, and smelled like sulfur.

The Tangerine had grown again, and changed even more.
It was now almost my size, a recognizably human female
figure, with the bland, inoffensive features of a
dress mannequin. The black control panel was still
there, now located on the back of the thing’s neck,
but the rest of it was eerie flesh-soft pink polymer.
Its pussy, though still prominent between its meaty
thighs, was no longer its sole defining feature. The
thing had buttocks, breasts, ears, lips, and a nose.
Two glassy dead eyes, like camera lenses, had appeared
in its face.

It definitely gave me the creeps, but I wound it up
anyway. At this point, I could accurately be described
as an addict. Winding the master spring took longer
than ever. I counted 256 turns before it clicked.

Despite its bulk, the thing was still relatively
light. I manhandled the Tangerine up onto my red
velvet fainting couch, and straddled it, still pink
and damp from my unsatisfying shower. My intention had
been to read another chapter of my smutty novella
while it percolated away on its lowest settings.

The Tangerine had ideas of its own, however. An
impossibly strong, iron grip pried my legs wide apart
and gripped my buttocks. It lowered its head into my
crotch, and that inhumanely long tongue went to work:
licking, lapping, dancing up and down, in and out,
vibrating the whole time. I was powerless to get away,
even if I had tried, and frankly I didn’t try very
hard. After a brief moment of panic, I surrendered to
it, arching my back and drowning in the sensations.

It kept calling out Simon’s name, lavishing praise on
his manly body and his big hard cock, all the while
bringing me to orgasm after orgasm. I lost track of
how many times I came. Dexterous, artificial fingers
caressed my clitoris, stroked and toyed with my
vagina, and even probed my anus, making me squirm. I
pinched and pulled at my own nipples, crooning
wordlessly as I came over and over, again and again.

Just as I was starting to think that I couldn’t take
any more, that I was physically spent, it disengaged.
Clockwork humming inside, it lifted its head from my
quivering pussy and slid up my body until its polymer
lips were pressed against mine in a parody of a kiss.
I could tasty my own salty, tangy juice on the thing’s
squishy artificial flesh. Its breasts were squashed up
against mine.

“Oh Simon, you big stud,” it whispered, and slid one
mechanical hand between my thighs. Long fingers pried
their way inexorably inside my pussy, plucking my
virginity dispassionately away. I yelped as my flesh
was torn asunder. The clockwork inside the Tangerine
clicked and hummed and ran down, and the thing went
limp on top of me, leaving me almost catatonic; still
atremble from the multiple orgasms, wounded and
bleeding, sweaty and sticky and leaking and still
oddly turned on. I needed another shower, in a bad

I was sore for days, and not just from being summarily
deflowered. It may or may not have been my
imagination, but I thought the servants were giving me
strange sidelong looks. The government changed again.
A new Prime Minister was appointed; as usual no-one
said what had become of the last one.

My friend Jo disbanded her Admiration Society. She
told me she wanted to join the Air Forces, and asked
if Father would give her a recommendation. When I
asked her why she would do that, she turned her head
so I couldn’t see her eyes and said “Cute airmen and
sex on a blimp.” I told her I’d see what I could do.

Something was deeply fishy about that ROM I’d
downloaded; this was not the way a Tangerine was
supposed to behave. A Tangerine is not supposed to
grow and change and mutate and start acting out on its
own; it’s supposed to be a passive toy, a warm wet
vibrating place for a horny guy to stick his penis. I
wondered if Josephine had had any such issues with her

Despite my misgivings, and my still tender pussy, I
came back for more, like a dog worrying at an old soup

The thing in the back of my closet was me. Or my
identical twin. It had gotten all the details right;
every freckle, every hair, the crooked toe; the only
the wrong was the eyes, which were dark and glassy and

I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t go there. Horny or not, I
couldn’t bring myself to wind up that spring. I left
it where it lay, folded into a Z in the back of my
closet; and I walked away, feeling edgy and
unfulfilled. I went downstairs to the library and
tried to lose myself in a long, dusty book.

I stayed down there a long time. The house got quiet
and dark around me. I thought about masturbating,
doing it the good old fashioned way, right there
amongst the books, but then I thought better of it.
Mother would be back from doing her Good Works soon,
and Simon could get home at any moment. I closed the
big dry book of history I had been struggling though,
and traipsed my long way upstairs toward my bedroom.

I heard them from the bottom of the stairwell. It was
my voice, but her words: “Simon, you big stud, fuck
me, fuck me all night with your long hard cock!” I
hurried up the stairs, thankful that the servants had
all gone home for the night.

My bedroom door, of course, was locked against me. I
could hear the bed squeaking all the way out in the
hall. I knelt down and peered through the keyhole,
like a skulking scullery maid.

Simon was facing away from me, standing in front of
the bed, with his back to the door. He was still
wearing his grey Academy tunic, but he was naked from
the waist down. He had, and it bothered me obscurely
to admit it, a pretty cute little white butt.

The Tangerine was on all fours on the bed. Even as I
watched, Simon turned, removing his penis from her
mouth. It was hard and wet, and it jutted erectly up,
waggling as he moved. It was the first penis I had
seen, outside of pornography, and academically
speaking anyway, I liked the look of it. It seemed a
nice size; neither too big nor yet too small, crowned
with a bulbous scarlet cap, and two ripe, full-looking
balls down at the base. If it hadn’t belonged to my
brother, I could have wasted a lot of time thinking of
interesting things to do with that cock.

“Fuck me with the big hard dick!” the thing that
looked just like me cooed, “Fuck my cunt and then fuck
my asshole. Fuck me deep and hard!”

Simon readily complied, picking the Tangerine and
depositing her on my fainting couch, flat on her back
with her legs splayed wide, and driving his erect
penis straight up her pussy, penetrating her with an
audible squelch. I watched, eye pressed to the
keyhole, as his tight little butt humped urgently in
time with her clich�d moans and coos, her legs � my
legs! � wrapped around his back and kicking wildly in
the air.

He pulled out of her, his dick shiny and slick with
wetness, and flipped her over once again, so that she
was bent over the arm of the couch, pale pink flesh
against the red velvet. He carefully parted her ass-
cheeks, sliding his dick up and down between them
before carefully taking aim and penetrating her with a
throaty sigh. I couldn’t see much in the way of
details, but I knew where he must be slipping that wet
penis of his. I wondered if I would take that
particular intrusion so placidly. My own hand found
its way inside my knickers where I discovered that my
own pussy was not just moist, but completely soaking

I masturbated shamelessly, kneeling on the hall
carpet, watching my brother sodomize my mirror image.
And when he started humping wildly, grunting and
groaning and calling my name out loud, I found myself
coming too, a long deep orgasm that left me shaking
and spent.

I left them then, and went up to the widow’s walk,
where I paced back and forth for a long time under a
dark sky that in another age might have been sparkling
with bright shining stars.

At breakfast, Mother was, as always, absorbed in her
newspaper. More mixed messages from the front lines:
another victory to celebrate, a plea for used clothing
and blood donations. Simon nodded and smiled absently
in my direction from across the table, giving nothing
away. The maid may have leered as she brought my
breakfast plate, but it may have been my imagination.

That afternoon we got the news that father had been
wounded. The telegram was terse, there were no
details. Later, Mother was summoned to attend to him
in the capital. She blanched at the news, delivered by
a rigid, expressionless officer, and warned us that
she might not be home until late, or not at all. The
house was oddly tense and quiet, as if it were holding
its breath.

I don’t know what woke me up, but I startled instantly
awake. It was the middle of the night, and the noise
of the city had reached its low ebb. My closet door
gaped wide open, and door out into the hall was ajar.

Wearing only my nightdress, I got up and padded out
into the hall.

Father’s study, where he keeps all his confidential
papers, was just down the hall from my room. I had
never been inside it, and the door was always locked.
Now the door was standing open, and a light was on

There was an explosion, like a clap of thunder
directly overhead, and I think I screamed. My scream
dragged on and on, and then I realized it wasn’t me
screaming. The scream changed pitch, metal grinding on
metal, high-tensile steel coming unhinged and unwound
with a noise that I thought would shatter the glass in
the windowpanes. Suddenly, it was cut off, and there
was a silence that echoed in my ears.

Simon stepped out of the study, carrying a smoking
blunderbuss in one hand, dragging the wreckage of the
Tangerine in the other. He was wearing his Academy
grey uniform.

He deposited the still-twitching remains of the
Tangerine into the incinerator chute. Then I followed
him dumbly downstairs into the kitchen.

He poured us each a tall glass of brandy.

“That wasn’t me in my bedroom the other night.” I told
him. The liquor burned the back of my throat.

“I know,” he said, “The eyes were all wrong.”

“What about Violet?” I asked.

He shrugged. “She jilted me.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s alright.” He shrugged again, “She’s a cow.
Believes everything the government tells her is true.
Bit of a prude, too.”

He took a big swallow of brandy.

“You downloaded a corrupt ROM for that thing, didn’t
you?” He stated it as a fact, not a question.

“Yeah.” I said.

“It was a virus,” he said, “An enemy espionage tool.
If the government found out about this, we’d probably
all be arrested.”

“Good gracious.” I blew out a long breath. “What a
mess I’ve made of things. I’m sorry I stole your
Tangerine. I’ll give you money to help buy a new one.
I don’t have much sterling saved up though”

Simon laughed harshly. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll
make do somehow.”

If I’d been another girl, maybe Josephine, I would
have gotten down on my knees and crawled under the
table and fished his cock out of his crisply ironed
uniform pants, and given my brother a blowjob right
then and there. But I didn’t, and we finished out
drinks in a moody, morose, silence that was loaded
with words unsaid.

The boys in Simon’s Academy class were mobilized six
weeks ahead of schedule. We all lined up by the front
door to see Simon off in his dress greys. Father,
rigidly erect and wearing his full military regalia,
but still swathed in bandages, shook his hand. I
couldn’t see the expression on his face: the flesh
that wasn’t covered in cotton gauze was a livid salmon
pink and slimy with salve. A different Air Forces
officer might have landed his son a purely symbolic
post, or made sure he was given a clerkship, and would
spend his two-year mandatory service safely shuffling
paperwork. Not Simon. He would be piloting a Zeppelin
over the trenches of the Eastern Front. We all wept as
he walked down the hall, looking crisp and manly and
invulnerable in his full dress uniform. Mother, me,
the maids, were weeping shamelessly. Even stoic Cook
had tears streaming down her fat pink cheeks. He
kissed each one of us in turn.

I was the last before the door. “Don’t worry Sis,” he
whispered in my ear, “I’ll be back.”

I hoped, hoped so hard that it hurt, that he was

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Nearly twenty-seven years ago, a baby girl was born with a full head of flaming red hair. Her parents took one look at the color of that hair and decided the baby's name would be Cherrie. Originally her parents planned on calling her Amy since up to then, they had no idea she would be a redhead. Her mother was blonde and her father had dark hair. But her maternal grandmother was a redhead as was Cherrie's aunt. I met Cherrie about ten years ago and right from the very start, I found she had a...

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Cherri was a sixteen year-old school girl. The loveliest and hottest looking young girl in school. Since she reached puberty folks have been saying that she was a very beautiful girl. Recently they have described her as being exceptionally gorgeous and voluptuously sexy. She had a baby face with sparkling eyes and rosy cheeks and luscious lips. Her blond hair cascaded in lovely curls down to her shoulders. Her face alone, together with its captivating smile, could arouse even an impotent man,...

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Harry Potter the Sexaholic Part 1 Hermione Grange

Harry awoke abruptly. He was covered in sweat and was all wet. This was the second night in a row had these dreams and he knew he had to start acting on them or he’d go insane. These new dreams were wonderful and even stronger then his nightmares had every been but they also left him in frustrated mood. He carefully put his hand down his pants; it was a mess and his cock was still throbbing slightly.He smiled as he remembered the dream it had been nice and he could only imagine what it would be...

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Sex Panthers

Maggie could tell by the way the music producer was looking at her that he wanted nothing more than to bend her over and bang her like a door in a hurricane. And who could blame him!? What, with Maggie’s long amber hair, misty blue eyes and lush lips? Her face alone was enough to make any man beg. ‘So, you ladies want to make a demo tape, huh?’ asked the producer as he starred at Maggie’s ample breasts. Maggie took the man’s chin in her soft hand and gentle lifted his eyes up to meet hers. ...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 18 Preacher and Preach

For those following the stories, we are at the point Jaimine, the preachers daughter is six months along carrying my baby. She lived with my wife and I, my hot wife Charlotte clueless about Jaimie.Jaimie 24 birthday was yesterday! So, what we did was I had my wife set up a nice surprise party for her at our house where she lives when she got home from her college classes before Christmas break. My wife had no idea, when she left for work and our k**s left for school, Jaimie, who lives with...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 18 Preacher and Preach

For those following the stories, we are at the point Jaimine, the preachers daughter is six months along carrying my baby. She lived with my wife and I, my hot wife Charlotte clueless about Jaimie.Jaimie 24 birthday was yesterday! So, what we did was I had my wife set up a nice surprise party for her at our house where she lives when she got home from her college classes before Christmas break. My wife had no idea, when she left for work and our k**s left for school, Jaimie, who lives with...

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My Brothers Toy

It was around 2pm when l re-joined the world and decided to take a shower as l walked across the landing to the bathroom l heard music coming from my brother Dave’s room, once in the bathroom l vainly stood in front of the mirror took off my bra then wriggled out of my knickers turned on the shower then glanced back at my reflection and saw bruising in the shape of finger as if l had been held very tightly on the back of my legs l put it down to more than likely falling over, l stepped into...

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Therapy for Cheri

Therapy, Part 1It was my medical doctor who suggested that I should speak to a counsellor, or ther****t about my sexual fantasies, and how they had started to overwhelm my life.  At first, I was not particularly interested in talking to anyone about this, but obviously my doctor felt that a counsellor could help me, and that not seeing one could eventually harm me.I booked an appointment for two weeks ahead, thinking that this would give me some time to get my shit together, and I could call...

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My Sex Toy

My Sex Toy “But Mom it hurts.” “Too bad young lady. You were the one to start it. No daughter of mine is going to be a cock-teaser. I would rather you become a sex toy.” “But I don’t want to become HIS sex toy.” “But you liked teasing him, don’t you?” “Yes.” “Well when I opened the door you only kissed his cock but you sure as hell let him lick your clit until you got off. In my book you owe him.” “Okay, okay, I owe him, but not now, not like this, and not in front of...

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Preachers Wife Chapter 3 from Preadhers Daughter

Pam, the MILF preachers wife did as I ordered her. She did give me those panties from her cunt at church as ordered and when I called the Preacher's house the week after I first fucked her, I asked if her husband was home. Yes she said, very well, tell him you are going shopping at the mall and Christian book store. Go buy things at the book store first, then meet me at the pet store in the mall. You are to go into the bathroom at the Christian bookstore and remove your panties, and have them...

4 years ago
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Our Stories Sheris Wild Lesbian NightThe Recap

After our encounter with Tara and Charlene, I had a feeling Sheri was going to keep exploring. We were getting on the bus to go home the following morning. I was up early, so I went down to the beach one last time. Sheri saw me from her balcony and blew me a kiss. I did the same and headed back to my room to get my stuff. I got on the bus and found my seat near the back. I watched out the window as Sheri, Charlene, Tara, and a junior named Heather were headed to the bus together. That was odd...

Wife Lovers
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Bisexual Black Fatherhood

There is much to be said about one’s origins, that’s for sure. My name is Solomon Rashid Joseph. I was born in the City of Detroit, Michigan, to a Haitian-American mother and Lebanese immigrant father. My father, Rashid Ahmed, met my mother, Nicolette Joseph, while attending Wayne State University in the 1980s. Unfortunately, as luck would have it, he died while visiting his parents in Beirut, three months before my birth. My mother married a guy named Harold Jacobson three years later, and...

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Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine

Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...

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My InheritanceChapter 42 The Hermit

The truck crawled across the hard packed dirt path toward the foothills on this high plateau. All three women had been quiet since we left the motel. It was an uneasy silence. Perhaps I should have missed the enjoyable banter or sweet sounds they normally emitted, but my mind had only one focus: the formula. They had dressed that morning to please me, as they always should. Each wore a thin, plain white T-shirt with a scoop neck. It was more sexy than if they were naked with their breasts...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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My New Sex Toy

Well here it was, a present from Sprite. She did say it was unusual but I never thought for one moment she would buy it and send it to me. To be fair, the postage must have cost a fortune; it was a big box.I was looking at the box for ages, rolling it around in my hands and admiring the thin brown paper wrapping and wondered how it never got ripped in the post thereby revealing its contents. Then I opened it.It was a clear cut case of thank fuck for that.I was so glad the wrapping held. The...

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Didi Ka Sex Toy

Hi Friends.. I am Tejal from Nagpur. Aaj maine socha ki aap ko meri sachhi kahani likh hi doo. Meri age 20 saal hai aur main unmarried hoo. Meri badi bahan jiska naam ankita hai, ek baar maine use aise dekh liya tha ki main woh din kabhi bhul nahi sakti. 6 march 2008 ki baat hai. Us din jab main college se Jaldi vapas Ghar aayi, samne ka door khoola hi tha, main apne kamre mein gayi aur bag rakh diya. Tabhi mujhe ankita didi ke dhire dhire karahne ki aawaz aayi. Main dhire dhire bina aawaz kiye...

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Fallgirlsherms Ultimate Knockout Sextravaganza

A new game has come to the multiverse Fall Girls/Herms Ultimate Knockout Sextravaganza the ultimate game show in platforming, skill, teamwork, timing jumping, and competitiveness. Watch as these massively busty and clumsy bean people play and compete for crowns. However, an unfortunate oversight by the game-masters, what was that oversight you may ask well they do not have any players well that simply won't do fortunately the multiverse is filled with potential contestants. Who are more than...

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Fallgirlsherms Ultimate Knockout Sextravaganza

A new game has come to the multiverse Fall Girls/Herms Ultimate Knockout Sextravaganza the ultimate game show in platforming, skill, teamwork, timing jumping, and competitiveness. Watch as these massively busty and clumsy bean people play and compete for crowns. However, an unfortunate oversight by the game-masters, what was that oversight you may ask well they do not have any players well that simply won't do fortunately the multiverse is filled with potential contestants. Who are more than...

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UK Uni Freshers Week Popping my Cherry

They always say that new experiences happen on Freshers week. When I left my rural town to go to Manchester Uni I knew I was in for a life changing experience, just not the path it took me.My names Ashleigh and I went off to Manchester to study Maths. It was daunting going in on the first day not really knowing anyone. Plucking up the courage I chatted to a few people on the bus in, in the halls and in my first lecture. I really began to settle. I settled so much that in my first week I...

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Present For CheriseChapter 2

Cherise let out a squeal of surprise and jumped from the bed. "A dog!" she shouted. "You brought a dog for me to fuck? Oh James, you're the best brother in the whole wide world." She jumped up into her brother's arms and kissed him then turned and knelt on the floor next to Tobie. She wrapped her arms around him and stroked his fur. "Oh he's beautiful," she exclaimed hugging the dog to her naked body. Toby whined softly in his throat and responded to Cherise's caresses by licking...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Sherris black sex instructor part 2

After several months of incredible sex with Richard, Sherri accepted a date to go with him to a friends bar on the outskirts of town. She wore a tight, stretchable, body hugging black dress that clung to her body and showed everything she had. Richard insisted she wear no panties or bra and she happily obliged as she said she felt so alive and very sexy. Not to mention horny and wet!They drove for a short while to a house in the hills just outside of the city limits. It was an older house...

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Sherrys Coming OutChapter 4 Sherry begins to wonder

When I arrived back home from Chicago things with Cliff had gotten worse between us. He had moved all of his things into the guest bedroom. When I tried to get him to talk about what was going on, he just glared at me and went into his room shutting the door. I stood by the door, "Cliff please talk to me, we can't keep going on like this, it's driving both of us crazy, can't you see that?" "Why don't you go move in with Mullins. I know he's had that big cock of his in you by this...

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Cheryl8217s First Sexparty

The evening was not going well and Cheryl knew it. Only 18, she had almost passed out when a college junior had asked her here. Telling her mother and father that she was going to a girlfriends house for the night, she met her date, Billy, at a convenience store near her home. Just getting in the car made her feel much older than her years. Now, several hours later, sitting on a couch in a crowded fraternity house, she was feeling like fifteen again. A bunch of guys had made a...

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Northern Winds

The cool wind blew in through the open window slowly, gently caressing her bare back till she awoke with a shudder. The nights had gotten crisper in this Northern region than what she was used to. She jumped up out of bed to close the window and couldn’t help but lovingly admired the moonlight that was splashing over the view of his nakedness. His breathing was even and rhythmic as he lay in a deep sleep. Her heart fluttered as the memories from earlier that evening flooded her mind. She took...

Straight Sex
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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site Motherless.com? You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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Another from the GurlTown Files Sherrie 3

Sherrie & Baby Face BBI was doing great. The downside was that Gabe and Nick were in and out leaving Sherrie too much time. While out shopping she saw a rowdy group of k**s beating one. By the time she turned her car around to investigate, one small k** crawled from the ditch. He was bruised, dirty and his little glasses were broke. She scooped him up and he said, “not a k** Lady” and passed out. She rambled through his back pack and discovered he was actually a “little person”, a dwarf....

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Sarita8217s Sexescapades With Her Bisexual Hubby And Brother

Hi friends, I am Abhishek and i am back with another bisexual story after my story- My Bisexual Orgy.I am 29 & from Gurgaon often travel Lucknow . So any couples from these NCR & Lucknow who have a bisexual dream can ping me for real encounters.Single teen girls,aunties and bhabhis are most welcome.Kindly you guys can leave your comments on This story is shared by my reader Sarita and she has asked me to share the story as it is.I met her through ISS. She is an avid reader of sex stories on...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on motherless.com likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Preachers Sex Toy

Each testicle was the size of a kiwi fruit. His ball sack was beautiful and hairless. I spent a lot of time sucking and licking his gonads after I finished my wine. I stood and turned away from him while standing between his legs and began to sit down on his cock-head. As it touched my sphincter, I reached under and grabbed balls again. As he arched himself upwards, I moved away slightly. "If your cock doesn't slide right in.." I said, "Then that means you're going to have to tongue my ass a...

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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the Motherless.com homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Another from the GurlTown Files Sherrie

Shelton aka Sherrie Gabe and Nick had worked various home construction companies. Both were not “team” workers and had been fired by all the major builders. An accidental meeting at a bar brought them together to form their own company “Boonie Builders”. If it was “in the sticks, off the grid, in no man's land”, they would build it. They were barely surviving for a year, until they built a cabin for Shelton aka “Shell”. Shelton was a architectural designer. He had come out of the closet and...

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Another from the GurlTown Files Sherrie 2

Boonie Builders #2 One down, one to go, Shell thought. She remembered Gabe's “Hit him between the eyes” and decided she would. As they worked, Shell came out stretched a blue print out on a saw horse table, then moved around them taking measurements. Beneath her shirt, her tits hung free. She climbed a ladder near Nick making sure that her ass cheeks were in his view. Reaching, she flexed her cheeks, tightened them and slacked them. She knew her pantie lines were cutting into each cheek as she...

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German Von der Herrin abgemolken

by Feinschmecker© Als meine Herrin vor kurzem in Urlaub geflogen ist, habe ich zuvor, kurz vor ihrem Abflug eine Mail von ihr erhalten. Sie schrieb: „Sklave, du bist mir in der letzten Zeit etwas zu frech geworden! Hemmungslos lässt du dir von deiner Herrin den Schwanz blasen und spritzt auch noch auf mein Gesicht ab. Ich glaube, ich werde dich einmal wieder etwas härter anfassen müssen, damit dir bewusst wird wer von uns beiden die Herrin ist und wer der Sklave! Wie du weißt, werde ich...

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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did Motherless.com get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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My Maid Is My Sex Toy

Hey guys! I’m a regular reader of this website. I was very excited after reading all the stories here, so I thought of sharing my experience with my maid servant! This is my first story if any mistakes please bear with me! This happened to me during this vacation! Well, I’m a 18 year old guy and very desperate to have sex and so my maid happen to be my sex toy! My maid might be in her late 20’s and she has two children, a boy and a girl and her husband is a lazy ass who never goes to work but...

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Panther Girl of Gor an alternative ending by Archer

Panther Girl of Gor: an alternative ending by 'Archer' Cordellian: So, I've always felt that the most flattering thing a writer can possibly hope for with her work is to find that some of her readers are inspired enough by the stories to try their own hand at adding to the existing body of work, either through art (my wonderful collaborator, ChloeK) or, as in this case, Archer's fan-fic writing. I'm obviously someone who is very much in favour of fan-fic. One of the very first...

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Island of Hernando Rodriguez

He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...

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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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Cheryl and her brother satisfy each others needs

While I sit here expecting my own expose video to be posted soon, I am reminded of how many teen girls are fucking and are on the internet, the mixture of wild hormones, and the deepest need for good sex, are driving them into uncharted, sexual exploits.Cheryl, was not long into her teens, when her slightly older brother walked into the kitchen, where she sat having breakfast.Both parents worked so they were alone for that early part of the morning. One look at him and it was obvious he had an...

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Preachers Wife Chapter 4 from Peachers Daughter Se

Pam pulled into the doughnut shop as ordered and went in, she looked at my car. I followed her and stood behind her in line, I pressed against her and she tensed. What is someone saw? I told her to buy doughnuts and coffee. Buy enough for the Sunday school class. I told her to put them in her car then drive across the street to the parking lot of a closed store and wait. Unlock your car doors and wait for me.I ordered coffee and drove across the street parking nest to her.I wondered if...

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