Abby Ch. 07 free porn video

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Passion In James County XI: Abby

Chapter seven

At the end of his shift, Greg Atkinson signed off with the dispatcher and put his patrol vehicle in the garage, then went into his house. He took off his uniform, took a shower, and put on his sweat suit. He planned to finish up some reports, then spend the rest of the evening watching TV.

After he poured himself a cup of coffee, Greg went into his office, sat down at his computer, turned on the power, and booted it. Once he had his word processor going he began finishing a report on a series of summer home burglaries he’d been investigating.

‘Well,’ Greg told himself as he worked, ‘once they read this in the prosecutor’s office, I bet they’ll let me arrest old Hiram and his kids.’

He was just about finished when the phone rang. Greg picked it up. ‘Greg Atkinson,’ he said.

‘Greg?’ a feminine voice said, ‘I’m glad I found you at home.’

Greg recognized the caller. The voice massaging his ear belonged to Susan Darden, a deputy prosecutor in neighboring Lincoln County. He’d been working with deputies from the Lincoln County Sheriff’s department on a homicide case Susan was prosecuting.

‘You got lucky,’ Greg replied, ‘I just got in.’

‘I have some questions about your report on the Williams case,’ she said, ‘Do you think we could get together so I can get some answers?’

‘Any time,’ Greg told her.

‘There’s a discovery hearing scheduled for tomorrow,’ Susan said. ‘Do you think we could get together this afternoon?’

‘Sure,’ Greg said, ‘I just got off duty, so I’m free until tomorrow morning. You want me to run over to your office?’

‘You don’t have to,’ Susan said. ‘I just got out of court and I’m headed home. Would you mind if I stopped by your house?’

‘No, not at all,’ Greg replied, ‘I’ve got my reports in my computer, anyhow.’

‘Great,’ Susan said. ‘I’ll be over in a little bit.’

Greg put the phone down and finished the report he was working on. Having Susan visit his home wasn’t unusual. She lived not far from where he did and since they did work together on a lot of cases, Susan stopped by his house quite often.

Greg considered Susan a good friend, and he always enjoyed flirting with her because she flirted back. She was happily married and he had long ago decided that her flirtatiousness toward him was really playfulness. Although he found her attractive, the fact that she was married had kept him from seeing if their relationship could go beyond flirting.

Greg sat at his computer, continuing to think about Susan. She really was a very attractive woman. She had dark brown hair cut very, very short, in a style that looked quite becoming on her. She also had generous breasts, nice legs and a very good shape. In addition, she possessed one of the most intriguing smiles he’d ever seen and her sultry voice occasionally caused a reaction in his body when he talked with her on the phone.

A knock sounded on Greg’s door about a half-hour after Susan’s call. He opened the door and found the deputy prosecutor standing on his back porch, wearing a pink shirt that hung almost to her knees and black stirrup pants. It was a striking outfit.

‘Hi, Greg,’ Susan said, smiling at him.

Once more Greg wondered about the hint of invitation in her smile and in her gaze. ‘Come in, Susan,’ he said and stepped back so she could enter his home.

They went into his office and Greg sat back down at his computer.

Susan sat down in a chair next to him. She was close enough so Greg the enticing scent of her perfume drifted into his nose. He found it very alluring and realized he was far more aware of her nearness, and the effect it was having on him, than he had been when she’d visited in the past.

‘So what questions do you have about the Williams case that you need to have answered?’ he asked.

Susan told him.

‘No problem,’ Greg replied, ‘I’ll bring up the file. I think I know exactly where the information you need is.’

‘Great,’ Susan said. ‘This is an important case, and I know the defense thinks they have some motions they can get the judge to accept. If you’ve got what I think you do, I’ll be able to get their motions denied.’

Greg pulled up the file he was looking for and scrolled to the point in the report where he believed the answers were. ‘I think what you’re looking for is right there,’ he said and leaned back in his chair.

Susan stood up and leaned over him so she could see the screen. ‘I see,’ she said, ‘Yes, that’s exactly what I was looking for. You think you could print me a copy of this?’

‘Ah…yeah,’ Greg replied. Because of the way she was leaning over him to see the computer screen, Susan’s firm breasts were pressing against his shoulder and back. A file may have come up on his computer, but other things were coming up, too. He was glad he was wearing loose sweat pants.

Susan, finished looking at the information on the computer, went to straighten up and lost her balance. She tried to steady herself and, in doing so, she reached out and put her hand on Greg’s desk. Her temporary loss of balance temporarily caused her breasts to press even tighter against him.

Greg looked up at Susan, who looked down and saw him looking at her. For the first time since he’d known her, the attractive lawyer lost the self-assured look she always had. She looked confused, and maybe even a little frightened. Her face began to flush, her eyes widened, and he felt her inhale deeply.

‘I can’t believe this is happening!’ Greg thought. He laid a hand gently on Susan’s head and urged her face toward his. Their lips met and when they did, excitement surged through him.

Susan moaned softly into his mouth, then her tongue caressed his lips and stabbed between them. The rush of ecstasy Greg was experiencing grew in intensity as their tongues lashed.

Suddenly, Susan’s lips were gone from Greg’s. He watched as, red-faced and gasping, she straightened, shook her head, then turned and bolted from the office.

Greg’s raging hard-on made it difficult, but he managed to get to his feet and follow Susan. He found her standing in his living room, her back to him, looking out of his large picture window at the lake in front of his home. She was hunched over, hugging herself, her shoulders shaking. He walked over and stood behind her.

‘Susan, I…I’m sorry,’ Greg whispered. ‘I…’ He laid his hands gently on her shoulders.

‘Greg…don’…’ Susan gasped.

Greg pulled his hands away.

‘Don’t…talk,’ Susan whispered. ‘I don’t want to talk, I…’ She stepped back and leaned against him.

Greg’s arms went around her and his hands cupped and lifted her full breasts.

‘Please!!! Please, Greg, make…love…to me!’ Susan murmured. Her voice was so soft Greg, who was still trying to comprehend why this was happening, barely heard her request. ‘Now…Greg…before…before I…I…come to my senses!’

Greg guided her to the sofa, then he kissed her again. He heard her soft moans of delight and felt her body pressing against his. His hands clutched her bottom, pulling her against his tumescence. The muscles in her bottom tightened in his hands as she pressed herself against his middle.

Their kiss ended, but Susan continued pressing against him. Greg stepped back and began undoing the buttons on her shirt. One it was open, he slid it off and laid it on the coffee table. His hands slid gently up and down Susan’s bare arms and goose-bumps rose on her supple flesh.

‘Uhhhhhhhhh!!!!!’ she murmured softly.

Susan’s slacks had an elastic waist, which facilitated removing them. That garment was soon a puddle of cloth at her feet. She now wore nothing but a lacy bra and equally lacy panties.

Greg caressed her legs lightly with his fingers and, as gently as he could, he teased her swollen nipples through her bra.

h!!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!’ Susan moaned, leaning forward, pressing against his hands.

He slid his hands down the side of her breasts, to her back, then undid the clasps holding her bra closed. With the garment released, Susan’s lovely breasts sprang free. Greg discovered Susan’s breasts were even nicer than he thought they’d be. They were firm, finely formed, and tipped with tasty-looking distended nipples. He gazed at them avidly, then he bent and took a turgid nipple between his lips.

‘Uhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!’ Susan groaned.

Greg could feel her trembling.

‘Don’t…don’t let me…think,’ she groaned. ‘Please, Greg, don’t…don’t give me time to think!! Please!!’

Greg, who was feeling a bit out-of-control, laid Susan on the sofa, with one leg dangling over the side. Wild with need, he fished his erection out of his pants, knelt between her legs, hooked her panties aside, and plunged into her.

‘Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!! Ohhhhhhhhhh!!!!’ Susan groaned, her middle surging up to meet his invasion.

Warmth engulfed Greg’s cock and pleasure rippled through him as he sank into her.

‘Gahhhhhhh!!! Yesssssss!!! Oh, yessssss!!!’ Susan groaned. Her fingers dug into Greg’s arms as he hammered against her, driving his cock deep into her. He felt her stiffen and her grip got even tighter.

‘Ohhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!’ Susan groaned, her body beginning to spasm. ‘Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Uhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Take me, Greg!!! Take meeeeeeee!!! Nowwwwwwwwww!!!! Oh, Godddddd!!! Nowwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!’

Greg couldn’t believe how quickly she’d come. Her tight channel gripped his cock, and I felt it ripple, drawing him with her into an explosion of joy.

‘Yeahhhhhhh!!!!!’ Greg cried. His insides convulsed and he spewed his hot juices into her. ‘Oh, God, Susan!!! Oh, Godddddddd!!!!’

Finished, they lay on the sofa, still coupled, as gentle after-shocks of bliss rippled through them.

Greg looked down at Susan. Her eyes were closed and he couldn’t read the expression on her face.

After a few moments, Susan opened her eyes and looked up at him. ‘I…I need to go to the…the bathroom,’ she whispered.

Greg got off her, his softening cock sliding reluctantly from her her still-quivering opening. ‘My bathroom’s down the hall, there,’ he said. He sat on the sofa and watched as Susan got up and headed in that direction. He wondered what would happen next. Susan had been hotter than hell, but now that they had made love, how did she feel? Greg had no idea whether she’d cheated on her husband before. He wondered what she felt like if this had been the first time she’d done something like this.

He also felt guilty. Making love with Susan had been wonderful, but she was a married woman, and things he’d learned when he was growing up had taught him that doing what he’d just done was wrong.

Greg finally stood up, pulled up his sweat-pants, and headed for the other bathroom in the house to get himself cleaned up.

When he returned to the living room, Susan, dressed only in the long pink shirt, was again standing at the picture window looking out at the lake.

Encouraged by the fact Susan hadn’t gotten completely dressed, Greg walked over behind her, put his arms around her and was a pleasantly surprised when she leaned back against him. The nagging feelings of guilt were still there, but he did manage to brush them aside temporarily.

‘Greg…I…I’ve never slept with anyone other than my husband before,’ she whispered. ‘I…I don’t know…why…’

‘Susan, are…are you all right?’ Greg asked. ‘I…I’m really sorry I…’ He realized almost immediately that the pressure of her body against his was once more rousing him.

‘I’m fine, Greg,’ Susan said. A soft shudder went through her. ‘God! I don’t know what came over me! I…I haven’t been that excited in ages!’

Greg’s cock was stiffening again and, pressed together the way they were, he was sure there was no way Susan could have missed knowing that.

He was positive she did know he was getting turned on again when she moved her bottom, pushing it even harder against him. Once more, he slid his hands around her sides and cupped her breasts.

Susan moaned softly. ‘Are…are we going to…to make love again?’ she whispered.

‘Yes, if that’s what you want to do,’ Greg replied.

‘Yes, Greg!’ Susan exclaimed. ‘It is what I want!’

Greg took Susan’s hand and led her to his bedroom. Seconds after they arrived there, their clothes were on the floor and they were naked and entangled on his bed.

Greg began exploring her with his lips, tongue, and hands and Susan responded fervently. Their second session of love-making was not as frantic as the first had been, but was no less wonderful or electrifying. Greg was delighted to have an opportunity to explore Susan’s body mor thoroughly. Her breasts were wonderful! Although her breasts were large, her nipples were small. Greg licked one of the tiny, erecting buds.

‘Ohhhhhhh!!! Gregggg!!!’ Susan groaned. Her hand went to his head, forcing him against her. ‘Yesssss!!! Suck them!!! Please, Greg!!! Please!!!’

Greg realized quickly that Susan’s nipples were incredibly sensitive. While his lips worked on one of the turgid buds, his fingers twirled the other. Susan’s body twisted, turned, and strained as joy wracked her.

‘Oh, Godddddd!!! Oh, Goddddddd!!! Yesssssss!!!!!Yesssssss!!!! Oh, yesssssss!!!!’ she groaned, her grip on Greg’s head tightening. ‘Oh, Gregggg!!! That feels so wonderful!!!!’

Greg had never encountered a woman who responded this wildly to having her nipples played with. The fact that Susan was responding this wildly re-ignited his own need. His cock again grew stiff.

‘I…I…Ohhhhhhhhhh, Greg!!!!!!! Oh, God!!!’ Susan moaned. She continued to press his head against her breasts and her body trembled wildly. ‘I don’t believe itttttttt!!! Oh, Godddddd!!! Oh, Godddddd!!!!! I’m…I’m commmmminnnnnggggggg!!!!! I’m commmminnnngggggggg!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!’

When he realized what was happening, Greg was dumbfounded. He’d never encountered anything like this before. He kept teasing Susan’s nipples and breasts until, at last, she lay still on the bed. Greg lay on his side, gazing at the woman lying next to him with amazement.

When she finally was able, Susan turned her head to the side and looked at him. Her eyes were wide. ‘I…I don’t believe what just happened to me!’ she gasped. ‘I…I…my…my nipples are sensitive…I’ve always loved having them sucked, but…’ She closed her eyes and shuddered as she remembered what Greg had just done for her.

Her hand slid over Greg’s belly, wrapped around his swollen cock, and began moving up and down on it. ‘My God!’ she exclaimed. ‘I can’t believe you’re hard again so soon! Ben he…’ She turned her face away from Greg, but her hand continued to glide up and down on his cock.

‘Susan, I want you again,’ Greg said softly. ‘I need you again!’

Susan turned her face back to him and their eyes met again. ‘Then take me, Greg!’ she whispered urgently, ‘Now! Please! I…I want you, too!!’

Greg rolled on top of her and as he did, his cock slid between her legs and against her vagina as if drawn by a magnet. Thrills swept through him as his turgid shaft caressed the lust-slick lips of Susan’s gash.

‘Please, Greg!’ she groaned, her hips twisting, ‘Please!!!’

Greg raised his hips then, when lowered them, he felt his tumescence begin invading Susan’s willing body and once again he experienced a rush of rapture.

Susan’s fingers dug into the flesh of his back. ‘Yessssss!!!!’ she groaned. ‘Oh, God, Greg, yessssss!!!!’ She pressed her hips upward, absorbing him all the way into her, until their pubic bones were mashed together and their damp pubic hair was entangled. ‘Oh, Goddddd, Greg!!!’ she groaned. ‘That feels so wonderful!!!’

‘Then this should feel even better,’ Greg said. He began to rais
e and lower his hips.

‘Yesssss!!! Oh, yessssss!!!! It does feel better!!! Oh, God, does it!!!!’ his partner whimpered. Her grip on him tightened and her body began moving in counterpoint to his.

The walls of Susan’s tight channel gripped Greg, rippling along the shaft of his cock, propelling him toward his imminent explosion.

‘Take meeee!!! Please, Greg!!!!!!’ Susan cried. ‘Please, Greg, take meeeee now!!! Oh, Goddddddd!!! Oh, Godddddd!!! Nowwwwwwwww!!! Take me nowwwwww!!!! Uhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Goddddddddddd!!!!! Nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!’

When he experienced the frantic motions of Susan’s body, heard her impassioned plea, and felt the quavering clutch of her pussy on his shaft, Greg plunged into a whirlpool of delight. ‘Yessssssss!!! Yessssss!!! Oh, yessssss!!!!’ he cried, exploding into her.

Afterward, they snuggled on the bed, letting their bodies calm.

‘I…I’ve never done anything like this before,’ Susan said, reddening. ‘I…I don’t know what came over me.’

‘I…I’m sorry,’ Greg said, kissing her softly on the tip of her nose. ‘I shouldn’t have made a pass at you.’

Susan stroked his face gently. ‘It isn’t your fault, Greg,’ she said. ‘I…I’m an adult. I could have told you to stop.’

Greg started to respond, but Susan silenced him with a soft kiss. ‘Nothing would have happened if I hadn’t wanted it to,’ she said. She closed her eyes and shuddered. ‘I…I don’t really want to talk about it any more, OK?’

‘OK,’ Greg said.

They laid in his bed a little longer, enjoying the way it felt to have their bodies pressed against each other. They didn’t discuss what they’d done or what would come next.

Finally, Susan said she had to get home. Greg watched, with delight as she put her clothes back on. Then he got up, slipped into a robe, and walked her to the door.

Susan stood by the door, smiling at him. ‘See you in court, copper,’ she said. She kissed him, then left.

After Susan was gone, Greg went into his living room, sat down, and turned on the TV. He tried to watch, but he kept thinking about what had happened with Susan. Sex with her had been fantastic, even better than it was with Donna. If that was true, why didn’t he feel better about the fact that he’d made love to her?

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Loosening Up Book 9 Fantasies Among the WeedsChapter 2 Phi Theta Rho Party Again

Late on Saturday afternoon Dave shifted into his job as one of the bartenders for the Circle. Just as he was ready for a first customer, Emma came racing up to the bar. She was alone and only wearing a monokini, unlike a few hours earlier when her parents and younger sister had visited and she was dressed conservatively. She extended her body over the bar and kissed Dave. “Thank you for being so nice to my parents and sister.” “Of course. They’re nice people. I take it they don’t know a...

2 years ago
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Voyeur Wife On VacationChapter 10

The party room looked like a disaster area. Clothes were strewn everywhere and bodies were all over, writhing about in sexual bliss. The only sounds were the grunts of the lovers mixed with the obscene slaps of cocks pounding into pussies, mouths and assholes. "Oh, this is terrific!" Kim was crying as another cock spewed its load into her clean-shaven cunt and she squirmed through yet another incredible orgasm. She'd lost count of how many times she had cum and how many guys had...

4 years ago
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She looked across the room with sad longing at the man she had been truly deeply in love with for over ten years. She was old enough and wise enough, to recognise that the two years before that had been mere lust. But it had been good lust. For the first three years they had fucked and sucked, hard and fast and as often as circumstances had allowed, then for the next six they had made love. Slow, gentle passionate, loving, love. Oh they had fucked and sucked, but predominantly they had made...

1 year ago
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Camerons Coming of Age Part I

Author's Note: This is my first story and blah-blah-blah. Next Sunday should be when I do Part 2. Sorry if it's a bit too long, but it's sort of part of the style. Don't worry, it does get to the juicy stuff, eventually. Hope you like it! Cameron and Liz had been friends for about 5 months now. They had met in a Spanish class at the local community college. Liz had caught his eye from the moment she opened the door. She had long, brown hair and brown eyes, a sporty build, softball-sized...

2 years ago
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Sex World

BIG FAT NOTE: This is a work in progress that has recently been heavily updated. As such, most of the linked chapters are obsolete. I will get around to fixing that eventually. Sex World is intended to be a mixture of game and writing exercise heavily informed by the tropes of porn movies. It's also inspired by Slut World by SwampThing and the Powered by the Apocalypse family of roleplaying games. You will create a character and set them up in a situation, but how that situation develops...

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Death of the Hero

A Hero's death need not always be literally. As the old saying goes, you either die the hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villian. But in doing so a Hero is dead anyways. Gone are the morals and the justice. No longer are they a role model for the youngsters. Often they don't even maintain the same appearance or name. So in essence they are dead regardless. And this is one such story. Our Hero doesn't meet her life's end, but her no beginning as something not quite what she used...

3 years ago
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On Vacation

Hi Folks,Another true story.Wife and I went to Florida on a little get away. We decided to do the Para-Sailing tour. When the boat came we swam out got in the boat and noticed 2 - 30 something black guys operating the boat and hooking us up for our tour.We really didn't think anything of it until 1 of the guys jumped in to the water beside the boat to untangle a rope. When he climbed back in, we couldn't help but notice the huge cock hanging down underneath his now wet bathing suit. I looked...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Kristy Black Kira Thorn Gaping Anal Threesome

Athletic cuties Kristy Black and Kira Thorn strip from matching pink outfits, shaking their booties and spreading their hungry holes. A kinky lesbian intro delivers lewd, girl-girl rimming and huge, sphincter-stretching toys. Kristy gives hung stud Angelo Godshack a sloppy blowjob and then hops on his massive meat for an intense anal romp. The wild threesome features vast rectal gaping and raunchy, ass-to-mouth fellatio. Angelo subjects both babes to rampant buttfucking, wrecking their rectums...

2 years ago
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Sex In Puri With My Gf

Hi, Dis iz Mahi, frm BBSR, Odisha. Studied at MITM College, Bhubaneswar, ma B-tech 2nd year mechanical student of this college.. Main apna ek story share karna chahta hun jo ki mere sath ek bar hua tha.Ye ek real story hai.Ye ghatna 3 year pehle ki bat hai.Ye mera or mera gf ke andar hua ek real incident hai. Mere gf ke bare mein bolta hun uska naam Mama hai or mere sath padhti thi. Bahut hi sexy hai uska figure kuch30-28-30 hai…Usko main bahut pyar karta tha…Ek din college me MD ko pata chal...

2 years ago
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Home Movies With Patsy

"I'm ALWAYS listening. Flattery will get you EVERYwhere." I'm so whipped! And I don't get any tail from you. "Don't you wish? Get on with the story I gave you." Yes, my idol. Grrrrrrrrrrr "So, hun, have you thought about what you'd like to do for Valentine Day tomorrow? Let's avoid the candy/flowers/chocolate and dinner cliche. Maybe find something we can both revel in? How about we dress you up sexy and turn some heads? You have so many teasing outfits that easily blow open...

4 years ago
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DanicaPart 1A

Those passing through the entrance hall all gave knowing looks to the young apprentice as he entered and walked toward the corridor where his chambers were. On his arm was an auburn haired woman in a nightblue dress that did little to hide her attributes — and in truth accentuated them. The sensual, aroused smile on her face sent blood surging rapidly to the nether regions of the men who saw it, though she reserved that smile — and the mesmerizing gaze of her deep brown eyes — for her...

1 year ago
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Michaels MansionChapter 06

In the lead up to the prom Pat found Marsha, Jasmine, and Robert suitable period clothing for the prom without telling them why they’re to wear the fancy dress. The girls think the old style gowns are nice and are happy to have them so Rob just accepts his fancy period clothes to fit in with the rest of the group. On the day of the prom Eve is letting everyone know they should see the couples off so the main lounge room is full with all of the tenants in it when Pat walks in to collect...

1 year ago
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Backside Foremost

In a single moment, overnight, the world changed, men are now cuntboys and women are now dickgirls. Within an instant, gender roles have been completely revamped and it is difficult to see just how the world will adjust. In the morning everyone will wake up confused and in a panic. The whole world has been turned inside-out, topsy-turvy, inverse to how it once was, backside foremost. Now which world has been changed?

3 years ago
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Vamp Manor

You're have been invited along with anybody that wants to come. to a party at Mansion De Florance. the family throwing a huge party through the whole Manor. The Florance family are mysterious people that has only been seen around town at night. They consist of Mary and Gen Florance. their count and countess of the mansion.they have a daughter named Amber, and a son named Jake. the reason for this party no one knows, but your invited thou. So suit up and prepare to have a timeyou'll never forget.

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Dont ShoutChapter 9

Cole drove Jared home on Sunday, after lunch, after chores and riding. Jared was a fast learner, and having watch Cole skip out the stables once he was the first to grab a fork and get to work. Cole loved watching Jared work, that tight compact little body moved so neatly and every time Jared caught him looking he smiled. Cole had to fight the urge to repeat their night time activities in the empty stables. He tossed hay down from the loft, got new shaving for all the stalls and checked on...

2 years ago
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Interview With the BimboChapter 17 Discovering the Motive

"What did you discover?" asked Annabelle. "I've told you about Fifi." "Yes." "Well up until 2004, she was the only bimbo I had been with during my time at Venus. Then over the next couple of years I starred in productions alongside a multitude of female co-stars. Now the pretence of 'research' was over, Venus was free to have me fuck just as many different girls as I did guys." "I don't get the difference. Why put you with a different guy every It was a day yet the same...

3 years ago
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The Invisible Man

Introduction: What girl or girls today…… Ladies…If you liked the story let me know which woman you would be in he story please. And guys what girl would you have done? Thanks–Jen The invisible man walked down the beach. There were girls everywhere. Thin ones, yummy mommies, middle age cougars. Which one or two or three he thought to himself would be getting his gigantic 12 inch cock today&hellip,. Andrew was a scientist. At the extremely young age of 18 he had concocted a formula to make...

1 year ago
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DickDrainers Helena Price My Girlfriend8217s Mom Needed A Lil Help8230

Helena has had a very, very long week at work. Everything that could go wrong DID go wrong…TWICE! So with the weekend here, Helena really needs to relax. And relax she shall…in her own special way. Some people like to relax with things to drink, massages, music…Helena likes to do something different. She likes to treat herself. Treat herself with sexy, expensive clothes….and something nice and thick to fill her holes. With the house all to herself, Helena has ample time...

4 years ago
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Full Moon Syndrome final edit

"a bully took my backpack" he said through his tears. I smiled secretly I had faced a similar problem when I was his age. "Well I don't see why would do that" I told him. "You seem to be a very nice kid" he looked up. I smiled at him. He smiled back. I held out my hand to help him up. He took it, his soft skin felt amazing. I pulled him up. "What's your name?" I asked him. He hastily wiped away his tears "Cedric" he told me I let go of his hand "Well Cedric" I said still...

2 years ago
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Community TooChapter 12

Susan's turn: I am an engineer. Mom and Dad both have college degrees, both in business, but I have an engineering degree. They were proud of me. They were proud of my husband who was in the receiving line ahead of me to get HIS degree. Getting a degree is not the news that made their decade, though. That would be my positive pregnancy test. Mine? No, OURS! I stopped taking the Pill a couple of cycles ago. It was NOT a unilateral decision. I know all sorts of stories about accidental...

1 year ago
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Wife Trains Me Creampie

"I meant what I said," Joanie sternly said to her new husband. She looked stunning lying on the bed in her wedding dress, the hem pulled up above her bare knees, her hands on her hips. Her dark brown eyes gleamed with excitement, teasing arousal, and a touch of dominance.The groom was naked, on his knees between her feet. His member jutted out impatiently. He had waited months for this moment. Although Joanie had not let him penetrate her yet, she had come to appreciate the skill he developed...

3 years ago
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Never Disrespect a Mistress

As I was driving my Mistress home, I knew I was in big trouble. When I have a couple of beers, it naturally removes the protective filters and I’ll let my guard down. The woman who waited on us was absolutely stunning, and I guess I was flirting with her a little bit which Mistress picked up on immediately. I am not allowed to make eye contact with other women let alone stare at a woman’s breast, but the waitress was wearing a provocative outfit which enhanced her shapely figure. When she...

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Anu enjoying brotherly love

My name is Anu and my brother’s name is Raju. We’ve been together roughly 15 years as we are in our late 20s/early 30s. This is how it all began between us. If incest offends you, I suggest you look elsewhere. My parents were both recovering alcoholics when I was born and fortunately never relapsed when I was growing up. I really had a simple childhood; I was quiet and people liked me because I didn’t bother anyone. My world changed when my grandfather died in a bad accident – my father’s...

4 years ago
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A Good ManChapter 14 The Halloween Ball

Micester High wasn’t just a school, it was the town’s leisure and community centre—funded by Liddington-Phipps, of course. Every year there were five charity Balls held in the school’s massive sports hall. The Halloween, Christmas and Valentine’s Balls were all themed. The Late Spring and Late Summer balls didn’t have themes but were the largest and most lavish. The Balls themselves were supposed to be for over-eighteens only, but in reality, most of the kids from years eleven, twelve and...

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Pressure Relief

Juan had been hired to be a personal assistant for George. It was in the middle of negotiations of the contract and the older man had not been sleeping well. He was in a state of constant exhaustion and the board thought it would be a good idea to get him a driver, who would also act as a go for if the occasion were to arise.After a few weeks of watching the aged man come and go from meetings and seeing him becoming more and more stressed out, Juan decided he would help destress his new...

Gay Male
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Seashells Ch 03

Copyright @ calibeachgirl Thanks to estragon and deepblue * Chapter 8 ‘What is this?’ he demanded, finding his voice at last. ‘You say you’re leaving? But that’s impossible, totally unacceptable! I just arrived here a few days ago and I am depending on you to help me. Surely it’s not necessary for you to leave now, before breakfast? How will you even reach Carmel? You can’t walk it.’ ‘I’m afraid it is. It’s not possible for me to stay. I have to leave.’ Georgia spoke quietly… her eyes...

3 years ago
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I Dipped My Whole Fucking Foot in the Lady Pond

"Insanity is doing the same things over and over again but expecting different results." - Albert Einstein (maybe)The above quote really smacked me on my stubborn bum. Many like to argue as to who really said it - doesn't matter to me. All that matters is I need to take it to heart.  So here I am staring at the sign, "Women Only. Men not allowed beyond this point."  I need to make some changes and this seems like a good place to start.I had always thought I needed a man in my life. There...

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I had received an email from a lady that had been sharing her fantasies with me for over a year. They were interestin to say the least, but they were just fantasies. One evening I got an email that said she would be in the back row at a certain theater watching a specified movie & she would like to try one of her fantasies. Intrigued I went to the theater, paid for my ticket and went to the back row where there was a lady sitting all alone. I sat down next to her and whispered the password...

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Changing room playtime

It was mid summer and the heat outside was unbearable. We were due to go on holiday in a weeks time and my wife decided that she want to go and get a new swimsuit. So off we went to the local shopping centre and started to browse the shops. After about an hour or so and numerous shops checked out I was feeling bored. I told my wife to carry on and I will ring her in a bit and meet back up. Off she went and I relaxed and had a drink. I was miles a way playing on my phone when I felt a tap on my...

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Erica Olafson Journeys of the Tigershark Vol 9Chapter 20 Resignation

The Narth representative almost begged the detective to observe more and then asked Alegar and Egiull to tag along. The human detective had agreed with a friendly nod, and now all of them were sitting in an unmarked Sunblazer patrol flier that was just descending from its high altitude and approached Ms. Baldwin Town. A residential township on the North West region of the Government Continent. Egill who was no longer a newcomer to Pluribus actually knew next to nothing about the planet and...

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Alice Upside Down

Alice Upside DownAlice sits in her study behind her wooden desk. It's winter and the small fireplace glows with a roaring fire. The crackling flames make good background noise for the rooms only other sound is the tick of a large grandfather clock. The beat seems to be getting slower and slower as time swings by. "Oh I'm so board." Alice declares to herself as she lays the fountain pen she got for her eighteenth birthday down on the desk. She starts to fiddle with the hem about the neck of her...

3 years ago
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Will And Tess Excellent AdventureChapter 9

By the time I got the door open and all three of us, plus beach equipment, piled into the RV, we were all giggling uncontrollably. "You knew that suit couldn't be worn in the water!" I said. "What are you talking about?" Tess said. "I wore it in the water, and it was fine!" "I've seen windows that hid more than that thing!" I told her. "I could tell that you had a partial shave," Kim said. "That's pretty transparent." "It's kind-of a novelty item," Tess admitted. "I...

1 year ago
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It was a different Judy I held in my arms. She was not the loving, sweet, and cuddly Judy tonight. She had changed to a voracious female animal that demanded to be possessed. There was a wildness about her that I had never experienced. I had felt it as she walked in the door. She didn’t close it, she slammed it shut. She did not wait for me to embrace her and welcome her back from her sightseeing tour, instead she crushed me to her, practically ripped my clothes off me. She wouldn’t let me...

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